#yandere human Alastor
Ok listen up, I'm bored and tired and have recently come to the realization that all time is fleeting and hazbin hotel has yet to release their first episode
So to cope, I've written more yandere alastor x reader cus I can
This one is romantic btw, set during alastor's life
Tw: Attempted Rape, murder, and gore
Part 2 here
His Darling Doe
Recently, a quaint little diner opened across the street from Alastor's radio station
It was quite convenient to him, not as out-of-the-way as his usual preferred spot
So he started going to the diner every morning for a cup of joe
You were rather new in town, and had been looking for a job after having just finished moving in
So you applied for a waitress position at the new diner, and got the job
Because you were new, you didn't recognize Alastor as a famous radio host
To you, he was just your average handsome fella
Rather coincidentally, Alastor would find himself at the same table every morning, which just so happened to be in your section
You introduced yourself to him, pencil hovering over your notebook as you prepared to take his order
Much to Alastor's surprise (and slight relief) you didn't fangirl over him immediately
In fact, you treated him like you did any other customer
It was refreshing
Alastor ordered his coffee, while also sizing you up
You came very close to being his next victim
Not because he didn't like you
On contrary you amused him
Always having a snarky reply to his sarcastic remarks
He'd compliment you, and you'd compliment him back
He ended up spending and hour longer at the diner then he should've chatting with you
Reluctantly he told you he had to go, but promised to see you again soon
He was sure to tip you on his way out
Later that night as Alastor was closing up the station he started thinking about you
You had perplexed him
You were one of the few humans that he found entertaining
At least, one of the few humans that didn't need to be brutally murdered in order to find entertaining
He had found himself entranced when speaking with you earlier, he just knew he needed more
So after that night he would always show up early at the diner, hours before his shift at the radio station, and simply talk with you
At first you had been weirded out by his constant presence each morning
But over time you grew to look forward to your meetings
You even developed a crush on him
Now, having lived in new Orleans long enough, you obviously new of it's infamous serial killer
Most of everything you knew came from Alastor's talk show
During one of your early morning meet ups with Alastor, you confessed your deep fear of the killer to him, while also expressing concern for both of y'all's safety
Alastor found this to be very endearing and somewhat amusing (though he didn't let the latter show)
He claimed immediately after you spoke that he would do everything in his power to keep you out of harms way
So after that Alastor would walk you home from your job every night
However one night Alastor got held up at the station, leaving you to walk home, alone
You had walked home by yourself plenty of times before, but tonight was different
As you left the diner you felt a strange sense of foreboding
While walking home you felt grimy old hand roughly grab you wrist and yank you into the alleyway
You opened you mouth to call for help, but before you could make a noise your assailant smashed his lips into yours
You thrashed in his grip and were able to get your mouth free of his
Before you could continue to fight back you heard a zipping sound and realized with dread what this man intended
However, before he could get any further something crashed into him and pinned him to the ground
Immediately you scrambled a few feet away, eyes wide as you realized just who had saved you
Alastor pinned the old man to the ground and ruthlessly stabbed the man over and over, until the walls were covered in scarlet
Quickly, you shuffled backwards, still on the ground, in an attempt to get away
Unfortunately for you, Alastor heard you and snapped his head in your direction, maniacal grin now etched in his face
He kept towards you and pinned you to the ground, similarly to how he had pinned your now dead assailant
You closed your eyes tightly, and flinched away when you felt his hot breath on your neck
You had gotten a glimpse of the body lying a few feet away from you, and had quickly realized that Alastor was the very killer you were so scared of
You were expecting the sharp and painful feeling of a knife being plunged in your chest
So when you instead felt soft kisses along you collar bone, you couldn't help but involuntarily flinch
You felt Alastor pause his gentle touched, as he climbed off of you and pulled you into his lap on the floor
"My darling Doe, are you alright?"
You heard him ask gently
To scared to talk, you managed only a stiff nod
You heard a soft chuckle come from him, as he stood up and carried you bridal style out of the alley, and towards the bayou
You felt the cool night air hit you, and shivered
You could feel your shock slowly wearing off, yet couldn't stop trembling, knowing that you were in the arms of a killer
Alastor felt you trembling in his arms, and pulled you closer to him, nuzzling his face into your soft hair
"I have you, you're safe now, my dear,"
You heard him whisper into your hair
Eventually you reached a cabin deep within the swamp
Alastor kicked the door open and carried you upstairs into his bedroom
He gently put you down on the bed, before kissing your forehead and leaving, being sure to lock the door behind him
Once you were alone you curled up on the corner of the bed, and cried
You don't know what exactly about, all you knew was that your head was to full of emotion and shock to think clearly
So you cried yourself to sleep
When you woke up you were in the same bed, but in a clean sleeping gown
With Alastor curled up around you
At first you simply nuzzled closer, feeling Alastor tighten his arms around you
Then you noticed the blood stain on his sleeve, and suddenly all your memories of the previous night came crashing back
You jumped out of the bed and ran to the door, yanking on the doorknob, only to find it locked
Suddenly, you felt a warm, broad chest press against your back, and strong arms around your waist
A few months ago you'd've been delighted to be in this situation
Now though, you were petrified
"Wherever do you think your going, my darling Doe?"
You heard Alastor say softly behind you
"You're home now, safe and sound with me. Where you belong~"
Love me some unhinged Alastor
Might do part two, idk yet
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theyanderespecialist · 2 months
Alastor's Childhood Friend P7🎙📻🦌Yandere Alastor X Childhood Friend Listener (Hazbin Hotel) 
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nmakii · 6 months
hello! it is me again
What do you think if Alastor had a breeding fetish? (Idk if that's how it's written, English is not my native language 😿) oops! It would be nice if you brought some of that to the second part of "no one's better than I am" __if you wanted to ;)
| thanks for your time|
— having you return to alastor, he was more than ecstatic. but, he has to make sure you don’t run off again.
— includes semi-nsfw n pregnancy… i dont condone alastors actions!!
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alastor does not want kids. he isn’t against them, but he is rather busy. if he were to be asked, he wouldn’t be the best father either. he doesn’t have much of an idea of how to discipline children, nor does he enjoy playing.
oh, but with his pretty wife home, alastor has to make sure she stays, shouldn’t he? we wouldn’t want another man sweeping you off your feet. neither would he want you running off to the newspapers knowing his little secret— alastor would rather raze the town than hurt his little doe more than necessary.
oh, and, not to mention how gorgeous you’d look; a motherly glow radiating from your skin as you grow a child inside you— a child that was the mixed blood of you and alastor. how you would look so pretty rocking your child to sleep, alastor standing behind you, holding your waist and keeping steady.
alastor gazed at you in awe as you wiped the kitchen counter clean. he took your face in the palm of his hands, kissing you deeply and lovingly, as if your little rebellious incident had never happened.
“alastor? what’s wrong..?” you looked to him confused. “nothing’s amiss at all, dear. just admiring the sights.” he hummed, holding you by the waist as he pushes you onto the now-clean kitchen counters.
as his hands trail further, undoing the knot of your apron— he placed kisses down your neck. “i love you so very much, darling.” he sighed. “say you’re mine, won’t you? say that you belong to me as i do to you.” he pleaded.
your breath hitched as you hesitated. “i… i’m yours, alastor.” you let out, heart stopping a beat as shivers were sent down your spine. did you truly fall in love with him? alastor groaned, smiling widely at your saccharinely sweet words. “ahaha! oh, my dear…” he laughed ecstatically, almost predatorily.
“may i?” he asked, holding the zipper of your dress between his fingers. as you nodded timidly, he noticed your chaste behavior. “what’s wrong, dear? nervous?” he mused. “no… it’s just… i didn’t expect you of all people to… have sexual relations.” you said, slowly as you pick the right words.
“hmph, i’m not particularly fond of them.” was all that alastor said. and though, for the most part, it was true; engaging such physical acts is… repulsive to say the very least. whatever was necessary to keep you in this house. even if he had to make you bear his child in order to do so.
because… this is love, isn’t it? alastor loves you so very much, he’s willing to give you his everything. even the things he wouldn’t want to give.
he pulled you off of the counter, bringing you to the bedroom and he lays you down. taking out a condom. after all, you still have to stay safe.
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fuck, how did this happen? you sat, shaken in your doctor’s office as she removed the gloves from her hands. so, it was true? you were… pregnant?
the very thought made you sick to your stomach. that last encounter 3 weeks ago… there was protection. alastor is always very attentive to important matters such as this, there’s no way that your contraceptive wouldn’t have worked unless… it was tampered with.
the thought of him doing such a thing behind your back brought you anger. simmering inside you as you waited for him to return home. “oh darling, i’m home! don’t you look absolutely magnificent?” he grinned.
“break it up, alastor!” you frowned. “oh? what ever have i done?” he asked, big eyes as looked so innocent— he wasn’t even hiding his guilt! “you… messed with the contraceptive, didn’t you?” you said, standing from your seat at the table.
“hmm… so you are with child after all?” he grinned ear to ear. “so, what if i did?” he shrugged. "it’s not as if you have another means to live, i’m the only one who will take care of you.”
“so you did..!” your face scrunched in anger, ready to rip this man to shreds. “ahaha… calm down, dear. all this stress isn’t well for our child.” he rested his hands on your shoulder and stomach, gentle, almost soothing— almost able to make you forget the ordeal he put you in.
“don’t you want this child to grow up with a father? i’ll take care of everything you could ever want for, my cute little doe. just stay here in this house, and we’ll be a happy family.” he said, sweet nothings falling out of his mouth. how foolish honestly.
did you truly think you could nurture that monster into a man?
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jyoongim · 6 months
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Human!Alastor x wife!Reader
Themes: 1930 based! Human!Alastor x wife!Reader, domestic life! fluff, smut, devotion, slight manipulation, mention of children, pregnancy,  blood, murder, secrets 
Chapter four chapter six
Chapter Five
Something smelled.
Every time you entered the kitchen, a putrid scent would assault your nose.
You didnt know where the smell was coming from, but you were determined to find it.
You had cleaned every inch of the kitchen, thinking it was some old food you had failed to dispose of.
But it still lingered.
You followed your nose, trying to locate the smell.
It led you to the cellar.
Did some animal get in and die from the heat? You mentally groaned at the thought at having to find some decomposed vermin and having to clean it up.
You held your reflex to gag as you descended the stairs. God it was rancid.
You didnt even bother to turn on the light as you traveled down to investigate. You looked around and from what you could see nothing was out of the ordinary.
But there was trash bags stuffed in a corner.
Alastor usually did well in making sure the trash didnt overflow, but you guess he had forgot.
Mustve been the deer you thought as you grabbed the bags and tried to move them.
But one bag was all too heavy for you to carry.
You huffed and grabbed at it again, thinking that carrying it at a different angle would help, but the contents of the bag shifted and must have not been sealed properly as something spilled out.
Cold, slimy liquid splashed your bare feet and you cringed.
This was definitely what was causing the smell.
Your stomach did flips as the smell assaulted your senses.
You figured you needed the light and made your way to find the switch.
Now seeing your surroundings clearly, you turned to see where you left the bag and froze.
That’s what your eyes registered first. 
Thick red liquid was leaking out of the bag and when you approached further to the dumped contents your blood ran cold.
Was that a hand?
You felt bile rush into your throat.
There must be some mistake…what was a…a body doing in your cellar?
You shook your head and waddled back up the stairs.
Your heart was pounding in your chest. You were frazzled.
You poured yourself a glass of water. Maybe there was an explanation for this. There had to be right?
You took a deep breath. There was a body in your cellar. There was a dead person in your cellar. Could you even consider them a person? The state they were in…
Your eyes drifted to the pot on the stove. You approached the pot and opened it. The beef stew Alastor made. You sniffed it.
It smelled normal.
You picked up a piece of meat and examined it.
It didnt look like any meat you knew.
Your stomach curled as realization dawned on you.
Your husband had fed you human meat…
Your head was in the trash can before you knew it. Throwing up the water you had just sipped.
You made your way to your pager, the line beeped and the deep brawl of your husband answered “Honey! Is everything ok? Im kind of busy”
You were panting, shock settling in you “I-I just wanted to know if you could come home straight from work today?”
The man chuckled “Of course dear. Why don’t you rest a bit you sound rattled” you bid him goodbye and sat on the couch.
Theres no way this was happening…
Alastor quirked a brow when you didn’t come to greet him home.
The house was dimly lite except for the kitchen.
He smiled and found you sitting at the table, rubbing your swollen belly.
”You’re not indulging in a late night drink are you my dear?” He nodded towards the bottle of whiskey and glass in front of you.
You jumped slightly, having not heard him come home.
You quickly gathered yourself and have a shaky smile “of c-course not. I thought after a long week you would like to whine down”
He let out a low hum and made himself a glass.
Alastor noticed how you seemed…nervous.
You didn’t met his gaze and fidgeted in your seat.
”What’s troubling you cherie?” He asked downing the drink.
You wanted to blurt out and question him about the thing in your cellar, but you didnt know how he would react.
You had to wait for the right moment.
So you shook your head with a smile “Baby been giving me trouble that’s all. Didn’t realize how much I missed doing simple things without being out of breathe”
He laughed and leaned to place a kiss on your temple, a large hand over your very big bump. “You should take it easy. I told you you ain’t have to do anything. Just sit pretty and grow our child”
Your heart buzzed. 
There was no way your husband, your Alastor was a killer.
Maybe the hormones was making you delirious.
Maybe it really WAS just a deer carcass.
But you were certain you saw right…
”Did you clean today? You know chemicals aren’t good for you to be around. You shouldn’t be putting unnecessary stress on yourself darlin”
You pouted, wrinkling your nose “Something was rotten. You know how I feel about my kitchen Al.”
If you didnt know your husband, you wouldnt have noticed when he tensed up, but as quickly as it happened, it passed.
”Rotten?” He asked, face frowning.
You nodded “I threw out the strew, I think it went bad”
Alastor’s fingers drummed on your stomach and then he shrugged.
”guess Ill have to do better next time” he pulled you up and lead you unstairs to rest for the night.
”Guess Ill have to do better next time” what did that mean?
You had got dressed for bed and settled beside Alastor who pulled you to snuggle into his side.
You let out a yawn, eyes getting heavy “Al?”
He hummed in acknowledgment as he looked over some scripts.
“You would tell me if something was troubling you right?”
He glanced down to see you looking at him.
”Of course dear why?”
You shook your head, closing your eyes 
“Nothing just wondering”
Your soft snores filled the room and Alastor let out a sigh as he set down the papers.
He slipped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.
He looked around. While he had made sure to thoroughly clean up his mess, your cleaning was another level.
He sniffed and nothing but chemicals greeted his senses.
Something was rotten
Could you have…
He made his way down into the cellar. Flicking the light on, his eyes scanned the room.
The black trash bags were still in place.
His eyes narrowed noticing the red liquid coming from th bag.
Oh that just wont do.
He hauled the bag over his shoulder and went into the backyard.
Alastor wouldnt let his clean reality be faltered by his sinful deeds.
After all…
you didn’t need to know your husband dirty little secret….
Hi Jyoongim here !
I am at the point of the story where everything is now about to shit and dont know how long this story will be. Im thinking at least five more chapters (They will be long) but who knows. Blood and Bliss WILL have a second series, but until then…i would like to address something…. The next few chapters will have heavy themes. As a black writer i feel it is important that I show the history of my people and what African Americans had to deal with in the early centuries in the South United States. With that being said; be mindful and open-minded about the themes that will appear in the next few chapters Thank you
@th3-st4r-gur1 @yourdoorisunlocked @popamolly @doggone-devil @rulesareshadesofgrey @zombiesnips-blog @boney-horse @ilikemyteawithmilk @alastor-simp @alastorsgirl48 @alastors666creampie @alastwhore666 @alastorssimp @alastorsaries @al1fers-haven @dasimp777 @thewinchestah @certifiedcrybabyyy @markster666 @okay-babe @catherine1206 @angelicorpses @hazelfoureyes @yunimimii @smoky000 @siiv3r @southern-bayou-beau @luzzbuzz @karolinda007-blog @catmunist @ivebeenthearchersstuff @evedenn @luluxx118 @vexendoe @preciousbabypeter @justtnat @willowshadenox @celestial-vomit @over-the-little-blue-house @impulsivethoughtsat2am @purplecatsandhearts @strawberrypimp666 @peachedtvs @peachedtv @altruisticalastor @chanty-loves-turtles @cxrsedwxrlds @nightshadelm @theangeliclibrarian @voxsmalewife
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circeyoru · 4 months
When You Don’t Know Love = Requested
[Yandere Human & Demon!Alastor x Victim Angelic!Reader]
The Request
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What is love? Alastor can’t really answer that question. He knows he loves his mother, the sweetest soul on Earth that cared for him. He knows he loves people’s attention on him, it proved that he was worth something unlike how his father would curse and split on him. He also knows he loves his job as a radio host, how people relied on him and his words for entertainment and serious matters or information. But above all, he knows he loves to kill
Apart from his lack of answer to this question, there was another point to his character. The want for control and knowledge. He knows he wanted things to be in his hands and for the things he owned to be in perfect and working condition. That was how he picked his new workstation and earned money, through aiming as the best host in the company and the most entertaining in the channel. That was how he could afford his mother and himself that new big house they were eying for a while
When it seemed like everything was in his grasp, he thought he had everything he ever needed. That was until his mother was on her deathbed and accepted it, not him though, he searched high and low for a cure. With his fame and wealth, he thought he could have it, he loves his mother, he loves this perfect time he was living in, he loves this ideal reality that was his
But it was taken from him. He felt rage, he felt hopeless, he felt dull
Every day, he found himself hunting more and avoiding things that reminded his mind of his mother. Those stupid memories, those stupid emotions that made his heart beat quicken. That was how he identified his twisted love. His heart had quick down once his mother was gone and he knew then, his life would be slow and dull 
Yet into his life walked in you. You were a simple traveller, going from town to town to help people and learn new things, small and big. You happened upon his hometown because of his radio. He never thought you’d be a new light in his life, at least, you started off as a small splash of paint
His boss brought you in for a special programme that Alastor was arranged to host as a podcast, a sort of interview for you to share your knowledge and stories to the listeners. The first one was heavily scripted so listeners would be introduced to the new programme and you in general, then the feedback was beyond good, the show went on with more freedom for both you and Alastor. That opened doors for you and Alastor to chat outside of work, to mingle for work
Like everyone else, you found Alastor charming and a gentleman that put other men to shame. He was perfect in every sense. Though Alastor flirted with you, as a way to test you, you never reciprocated nor did you give in. He admired that, he felt like he didn’t need to be his perfect masked self, almost in a way that was similar to when he was with his mother. There was just something about this feeling that he can’t put a finger on
What is it?
He put this on the fact that he couldn’t catch you in his web like the others were. You were attracted to him, but not to the point where you’d throw yourself at him. He tested it be letting one of his fangirls interrupt his business meeting with you in a cafe one afternoon, but you didn’t even have a hint of annoyance or anger, you merely looked over your notes and his, even asking if he needed you to leave
Peculiar indeed
It got to the point where the simple programme meeting with you at the cafe wasn’t enough. Soon, he found himself inviting you out, lunch, dinner, a stroll, a market shopping, anything to get you to spend more time with him. He loves listening to you telling him your stories of your travel, but then he came to hate having you on that programme where you also tell the world your stories. He loves that he was the first to hear it from your lips, but he hates that he need to share to all the other strangers
Your voice, he wants it for his ears. Your attention, he wants it on him. Your eyes, he wants it gazing only at him. Your mind, he wants it to only think of him. Your heart, he wants it to beat for him
This feeling. This suffocating feeling. It’s familiar, to the point he clutches his heart like it would stop its aching. He recognize this. He felt this way when he was hunting down someone in the forest in the dead of night. He felt this way when he was stalking down his next prey
Perhaps, that was it? You’re his next prey
So he got everything set up. It was naive and foolish of you not to suspect him when he invited you into the forest when the sun was setting. Surely, you heard his broadcast of the serial killer? Why aren’t you more careful? Ah, yes, Alastor was here to protect you. Yes yes, of course
When pain shot through your shoulder, your body fell to the ground. Your teary eyes stared up in horror at his sickly grin, his lips moved as he taunted, “Better start running, dear, else you might end up being one with his forest.” And ran you did. Alastor felt that ache in his heart, that rush in his body as he propped him to running after you
The game was on. You put up more of a fight, he’ll admit, maybe more so than some of his prey. Still, you were no match for him. In no time, he stopped and smiled at you when you had looked behind to see if you lost him. His hands raised his shotgun, one eye closed as he aimed. A beating heart, yours was beating wildly for survival, and his was beating wildly for…
His smile fell when your body fell limp on the forest grounds. His eyes widened before they blinked, his gun was dropped and his legs rushed him to your side. He kneeled to your side, drenching his pants in your blood. He stared at his shaking hands and his breath hitched. These feelings in him. What was this?
Usually, he’d be laughing or trying to contain his laughter so as not to alert others. Or he’d be looking around to make sure no one saw his evil deed. Now he was doing the complete opposite
A drop of water fell on your body. Was it raining? No, it’s coming from his face, more accurately, his eyes. Why was he crying? Wait, why did he bring his body so close to you. This all felt so familiar, he was also hugging his mother like this. He swallowed, his grip on your body growing tighter and tighter. Someone, anyone, tell him… Why was he feeling this way?
It felt like he was watching from an outsider’s perspective. His hands were pressing against the bloody wounds on your body to try and stop the bleeding, then he was clinging so close to you so you don’t get cold. He spoke to you so you wouldn’t be bored in the silence. He kissed you so you’d wake up like sleeping beauty from a long sleep
Nothing worked
Now he stared at the script as he read out your accidential death by some hunter in the forest. His tears fell once more but his smile was forced on. His mother loves his smile. You also love his smile. So he’ll smile
It was too late. He can answer that question now. The one about love. What is love? The feeling he felt towards you. The feeling that makes him at home. The feeling that makes him want nothing more than you and you alone
Yet what took that away? He did. He took away his happiness and love. He might as well kill himself right then and there when he took your life. He questioned himself, why, why didn’t he understand those feelings for you were love? Why did he understand and know when it was too late? WHY?
When he saw couples on the street, being so loving towards each other. The ghost memories and fantasy of what was and could be you and him clouded his mind and eyes. He always found himself turning the other way. Then he also found their death bodies not too long after
“I hate you, I hate you…” Alastor found himself stabbing into the male repeatedly for recognizing his emotions to and for his lover better than Alastor himself. “If only… If only I knew… My darling… My darling wouldn’t be… My love wouldn’t be six feet under!”
It took some time, but the Princess’ fantasy became reality in the end. So much happened and Heaven accepted the redeemed demon souls into their pearly gates. Unfortunately, Alastor found his Hell just beginning
No surprise when he couldn’t find you anywhere in Hell, you were such a pure soul. Back then, he knew he never liked it when your attention was elsewhere or seeked by others. He wanted to gudge out their eyes and tongue so no one would defile you with their eyes or taint your ears. So you belonged to Heaven
Try as he might, he would never be able to go to Heaven and join you. Yet it irked him when other demons and angels would surround your blinding light. He didn’t make peace with the thought, but he had to put on a smiling face when he congratulated the Princess on her hard work. If only it never worked
But news of Heaven sending down some talented angels to help with the redemption project brought the Princess and her lover into a panic to ready everything. On the appointed day, the heavenly portal opened at the lobby of the hotel while everyone stood at attention to welcome their newest staff or partners
Alastor thought he wouldn’t care less. He thought it meant he was going to be more annoyed with everything. Yet, this was a welcoming surprise
Your angelic form stood out, not because you were the first to step out of the portal, those two pairs of silver wings with golden highlight while the others only had white wings did you justice for your graceful appearance. Your halo hovered above your head as a symbol of your purity and goodness
You were just as beautiful as the day he killed you
While you went to talk with Charlie and introduct everyone and their duties, Alastor felt his claws clutching his heart once more. This suffocating feeling was back and even stronger than before. His smile widened. His legs moved and brought his form to you, like he forgot that he could travel through the shadows
“My dear,” Alastor stopped at your side and took your hand in his, holding onto it too tightly like he was trying to draw blood. He looked up at you, “I deeply, sincerely, apologize for killing you.” 
He ignored the gasps and shocked look he was given. Even your look of terror and fear as your mind replayed the memories of that night. The shadow rose around the two of you to encage and ward off the other. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll never hurt you again, my heart can’t bear it. I’ll make it up to you and show you all of my love.” Alastor kissed your hand ever so gently, “Now that you’re here, I can’t let this opportunity slip. I’ll have you. Now and forevermore.”
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Note: Another Yandere Alastor here. The ending's up for interpretation. I personally saw him kidnapping you to his shadow realm or something to keep you by his side. What's your ending?
Circe Y. 
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala
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fresanita · 1 month
Angel Dust Turns Human - Pg2
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Part 1
I'm so sorry about the quality, idk what size the canvas should be when it comes to comics, this is technically my 1st one☹️. I PRAY it doesn't look crappy on other people's end💔
Anyways, I had drawn these 2 pages (technically 4ish with how I spread them out) within 3-2 days bc I just rlly wanted the idea to get done already🤲 Sorry if the pacing wasn't that good when I introduced Alastor - again, I don't know how to convey that in 'comic form' (?) since this is my 1st, but I tried😔 (it probably needed more frames/pics but I was rlly lazy).
If you couldn't tell (☹️), Alastor & Angel Dust have some backstory (!!!) - Alastor didn't realize until he saw his human form, which looks very different from his Hell form. The majority of this is in Angel's pov, so this is kinda unreliable narrator, in a way. I need to mention, idk if anyone's written/drawn anything w a human in Hell, but my first thought was they'd definitely pass out from the heat usually portrayed - hence the heat exhaustion; Angel kinda passes out before he could fully react. Btw, I don't like how I drew Angel on pg6 so let's ignore it🙏
Also, Alastor pronounces his name as "Antoní", or An-tone-nee, with emphasis on the last sylabel, which is why it's spelled with an accented "i" - I just forgot to use that when I wrote the dialouge💔
My fav thing to draw was him holding Angel's face and carrying him, Parental Alastor fans RISE✊️!
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Rip Val, the 2012-2015 yuno gasai, killing stalking, yandere tumblr girlies would've loved ur ass
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yourdoorisunlocked · 4 months
Don't worry I'll write both of the headcanon-oneshots(??), but whichever one wins will be posted first!
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buryustogether · 8 months
yandere alastor x fem!reader hcs
sfw + nsfw below
i have this idea that, when you were both still human, alastor married you for a marriage of convenience (probably tax purposes). he's not one for love, but he does quite like to make things easier for himself, as well as a bit of reliable companionship from someone he can trust. he found it rather cute that you were head over heels in love with him.
he insists upon keeping you at his side almost 24/7. you accompany him everywhere; to his station while he's broadcasting, about town as he runs his errands, even to his overlord meetings, though you are forced to wait outside. he knows you won't up and disappear; even if you weren't such a good little pet, there isn't anywhere you could run that he couldn't find you.
the other overlords tease alastor about his little 'pet' he keeps on such a tight leash. he doesn't ever object to this title.
gives you dancing lessons and doesn't allow you to rest until you can copy his movements exactly. if you collapse from exhaustion before that, he'll coo and brush your hair out of the way, then haul you to your feet and start again from the beginning.
he won't have you doing much other than keeping your shared home clean and occasionally cooking a meal or two. you're his darling, he can't have you wearing yourself out taking care of him. he'll do most everything - he just wants you to sit there and look pretty for him.
won't allow you to leave the table until you finish the meals he makes for you.
loves to have you hanging on his arm. you're like a precious little trophy for him to show off - only his, and no one else's.
being alastor's beloved companion makes you a prime target for blackmail and kidnappers, but he doesn't want you to fret, dear - he has it covered. his shadows are on your trail in the extremely rare occasion he's not with you, and he's killed demons for less than even looking your way.
doesn't allow any kind of modern technology inside his home or upon your person, even if you died long after him. he considers cellphones to be the property of his enemies, and you wouldn't want him to catch you wearing the symbol of the v's, now, would you?
he picks out your outfits for each day, even has them custom made at the tailor's just for you. he knows best, darling, so don't fight him on this. he doesn't want you going out looking like some common harlot, not when you belong to the radio demon.
often takes out his frustrations of the day on you at night when you're alone in his bedroom. he bites and scratches and thrashes like a beast trapped in a snare, and he relishes in having you wear the marks when he's done.
his favorite position to have you in is plain old missionary; not only is it traditional, but he enjoys having complete control over you while he bucks up into your heat.
like most animal-based demons in hell, he enters a rut once a month and rarely emerges from his quarters; which means you don't, either. at least three times a day, and he only stops to give you rest and to whisper the filthiest things you've ever heard in your ear.
enjoys bondage to an extent, but only on you. he's not opposed to pretty little collars wrapped around your neck, either.
now, when you're in the mood and he's not, he's not totally cruel. while he won't fuck you when and wherever, he'll allow you to straddle his thigh and hump his leg like an animal while he continues whatever work he was doing before.
he may often be brutal, he knows aftercare is extremely important. he can't leave his darling bruised and broken for next time, can he? licks up any blood he may have drawn and ensures you drink when you're done, even if he has to hold your back against his chest and tip your chin up to force the water down your throat. he'll usually run you a bath and, surprisingly, will gently bathe you before dressing you in the finest bedroom silks in hell and putting you to bed.
he doesn't sleep much, but since meeting you, he's replaced many of his nighttime activities with sitting at the side of your bed and watching you sleep.
alastor doesn't love; but he knows he would tear hell apart at the seams if you were ever taken from him.
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chocopokkie · 6 months
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Bound by Shadows
Summary: You attempt to break up with Alastor but it doesn't go so well.
TW: Non-con, yandere-ish Alastor, forced relationship, smut (let me know if I missed any!)
"I'm really sorry, Al," you murmur softly, your gaze avoiding his once-adoring eyes, now fixed with a grin that cuts deeper than any blade. "I just don't think we should be together anymore..."
"We can still be friends!" you hastily add, your voice betraying the tremor of uncertainty, "I just don't think—"
But before you can finish, a dark laugh cuts through the air like a chilling gust of wind.
"Haha!" Alastor's laughter drips with disdain as he interrupts, his tone laced with judgment. "My dear, I truly don't think you know what you're talking about. You think after everything I've done for you, you can just leave me, little doe? I believe I need to give you a reminder of who you belong to," he growls, his words like a predator's low warning growl.
Suddenly, the room shifts and morphs around you, the comforting walls of your room replaced by the dark, dense canopy of a forest. Panic surges through you, but before you can even grasp the gravity of the situation, you're violently shoved to the forest floor. The earthy scent fills your senses as black tendrils snake around your limbs, rendering escape impossible.
"Alastor, please, what are you doing?" you plead, your voice shaking with a mixture of fear and confusion. You attempt to struggle against the oppressive grip of the tendrils, but they hold you firmly in place, like iron chains. "Please, you're really scaring me!" you beg, desperation seeping into your words as you realize the gravity of the situation.
"Oh, as you should be, dear~," Alastor purrs sinisterly, his voice dripping with malevolence. "Because I'm going to make sure this is a lesson you never forget." With a snap of his fingers, the tendrils forcefully flip you over, leaving you on your knees with your face pressed against the cold, hard forest floor. Dread washes over you as you realize what's about to happen.
"N-No... Please..." you whimper, your voice barely above a whisper, desperation tainting every syllable. "Okay, I'm sorry! Please, I'll never do anything like this again, I swear! I love you! Just please stop..." You plead, reaching out to him in a futile attempt to appeal to his humanity, to make him see reason. But all you receive in response is a dark chuckle that sends chills down your spine.
"Oh, I know, baby~," Alastor responds, his tone laced with a sickening mixture of affection and possessiveness. "But if you aren't punished, you might get that stupid idea of trying to leave me in that pretty little head of yours. And we can't have that again, now can we?"
Alastor moves quickly, his movements fluid yet unsettlingly precise. With a swift motion, he shoves your dress over your hips, the fabric bunching around your waist. You gasp in shock and protest, but before you can utter a word, his clawed finger slashes through your panties, cutting them away with a cruel efficiency.
His dark chuckle cuts through the air like a blade through silence. "Bad girls don't get any foreplay," he growls, his voice dripping with malice as he works at his pants, freeing his cock. With grace, he positions himself at your unprepared entrance.
"I'm sorry, Alastor! Please, just stop," you plead, desperation lacing your voice as tears stream down your face. You know there's nothing you can do to halt his actions, trapped and powerless against him.
Your scream rips through the air like a haunting melody as Alastor mercilessly shoves his entire length inside of you, setting a brutal pace that leaves you gasping for breath. Each thrust is accompanied by a symphony of pain and desperation, your pleas falling on deaf ears as he revels in your suffering. Alastor savors the sound of your cries, finding perverse pleasure in the symphony of agony echoing through the forest.
One of his hands snakes around to rub your clit, sending a jolt of unexpected pleasure coursing through your body. Your muscles tense and spasm in response to the new sensation, but the relentless grip of the tendrils keeps you firmly anchored to the forest floor, rendering you utterly helpless against Alastor's desires. He continues his assault, relishing in the control he exerts over your body and mind.
As the realization sinks in, a cold dread settles in the pit of your stomach. You understand now that there's no escape from his grasp, no reprieve from his twisted desires. In that moment, it becomes painfully clear: you belong to him, body and soul, for eternity. Alastor has ensured that you'll never forget your place, sealing your fate with every merciless thrust and cruel manipulation. You are his forever, and he delights in reminding you of that fact.
You can never escape.
He leans in close, his hot breath tickling your ear as he whispers with a cruel intimacy, "Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for me?" With renewed vigor, he increases the speed and pressure on your clit, driving you to the brink of ecstasy even as tears streak down your face, overwhelmed by the conflicting sensations coursing through your body.
As you came around Alastor's cock, he resumes his brutal pace. His claws dig into your hips, leaving marks of possession as he relentlessly chases his own release. With a guttural groan, you feel him twitch inside you, his hot seed spilling deep within, painting your walls white with his essence.
"Now then, have you learned your lesson, love?" Alastor's voice cuts through the haze of pain and confusion, his tone dripping with smug satisfaction. Gradually, you feel the tendrils loosen their grip around you, allowing you to collapse onto the forest floor, your body trembling with exhaustion and sobs wracking your frame.
"Y-yes," you manage to whisper weakly, your voice barely audible amidst the turmoil of emotions raging within you.
"Lovely~. Now get yourself cleaned up! We have reservations tonight!" His words, almost sickeningly cheerful, echo in your ears as he strides away, leaving you alone in the cold darkness of the forest. As you lay there, broken and defeated, you can't help but reconsider everything—your choices, your worth, and the twisted dynamic that binds you to him in ways you never imagined possible.
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nmakii · 6 months
[before you read this, check out the rest of the story!]
— running away from alastor wasn’t so hard the first time, who says you can’t do it again while pregnant?
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alastor; the monster you call husband. he was absolutely by all definitions, obsessed. he never left your side— cooking all your meals, escorting you everywhere, even watching you sleep.
he proudly announced your pregnancy on live radio, sealing that you are his. no man will want for you anymore, he has defiled your purity. he clung onto you like a leech, draining away what little happiness you had left.
you just had to get away from that monster. you couldn’t stand another second in this hellhole house, everything in it was a cruel reminder that you’re trapped with no way to escape.
well, you’re not gonna just fall into his trap. it was then that you had planned to run away. far into saint bernard, where no one knew who you were.
and with that plan in mind, you packed all you could and ran. running south with wild abandon, you needed to run far as far from alastor as possible.
you took shelter at a rundown motel while you got back on your feet, taking a singing gig at a club down the street.
you sang well, earning favorable tips from the drunk men who desired you, wanting to see what else was underneath your signature loose flowy dresses. and with that money, you were able to afford a small house with the basic necessities. well, enough for when your child was born.
being a single mother had been rough, when you went to work at night, you entrusted your son, noah with one of your neighbors who you had grown fond of. you sent noah off to a public school, it was not the best, but it was all you could afford.
soon enough, your hard work truly paid off, you were able to live much more comfortably, buying your son the things he could ever want for.
true, there were times that your son wondered where his father was… and to that, you decided to tell him the complete truth; of how alastor is an evil man, a sort of big bad wolf. and, how you ran away to protect him and keep him safe from that wolf.
and, to him, that was a reasonable explanation.
7 years passed by, your son grew into a handsome little boy. handsome, yet you couldn’t look him in the eye. everyday, as he grew up, he started looking more and more just like his father; the tuft of chestnut brown hair, those piercing eyes, and that smile— it was all resembling the monster you ran away from. it seems as if all that your son inherited from you was your heart.
as you walked over to the bar, you spotted your co-worker mimzy slacking off. it wasn’t often that your shifts had co-incided, but the two of you still remained aquaintances. she was apparently talking up some fellow, probably trying to milk some cash out of him.
and as you took a peek of the poor soul mimzy had decided to prey on, your frame froze. was that alastor? what was he doing so far out from new orleans? your breath hitched as you walked back, trying to move as far away from that wretched man.
maybe you shouldn’t buy heels from thrift stores anymore.
the heel on your right foot snapped as you fell onto your butt. this had caught the attention of alastor, excusing himself from the conversation as he walked towards you.
you shuffled back into the crowd as best as you could, crawling away before he could get his hands on you. and still, you weren’t fast enough. alastor bended down by his waist, a smile plastered on his face. “why, say it ain’t so! if it isn’t my darling wife.” he laughed. “ex-wife.” you corrected. “ah-ah” alastor tutted, wagging his finger. “wife. we never had a formal divorce. did we, dear?”
“whatever…” you scoffed, still moving back. “say, where is our child? the one you’ve hidden from me for 7 years? i’m sure they’ll be delighted to meet me after you’ve kept us apart for so long!” he rambled on. “get away from me, alastor. you’ll never meet my child.” you said, finally getting back up on your feet, albeit the broken heel. “won’t you at least tell me their name?” he pleaded, doe eyes begging you. the doe eyes that made you crawl back every time.
“…noah. his name is noah” you frowned, glaring up at alastor. “noah. what a beautiful name for our son.” he mused. “now, would you leave me alone?” you hissed, pushing him away.
despite his lanky frame, alastor had barely moved. “my love, do you think i of all people would let you off the hook so easily? all the scheming, forcing you into an affair, into running away, crawling back to me, even following you far into this club— i wouldn’t want it all to be for naught…” he frowned, explaining his plan as he backed you into a wall, a predatory shine in the way he stared at you.
alastor planned it all..? all the ‘hardships’ you faced— all of it was in some elaborate scheme. no word could’ve described the overwhelming betrayal that overcame you. you just wanted to get out of this club, run home to your son, and run farther away. to another city, a different state, or even a different country! anything to keep him far away from his father. “now that you’ve had your fun, dear… i think it’s time you and noah return home. you can’t keep my son away from me forever. plus, my mother has been dying to meet her grandchild!” he laughed, holding you by the waist.
alastor took note of how you submissively agreed, letting him take you back to your true home. it seems you finally learned your lesson; there’s no escaping alastor. no matter what you do, it’ll end with you back in his bed, back in his arms.
“come now, my doe. it’s not safe to leave noah alone at home.” he chided, opening your side of the car door. “he must be quite confused right now. after all, he’s in the room we had prepared for him all those years ago, he must have no idea where he is right now!”
there was no use keeping alastor away.
he’d always find his way back, even through drab methods.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
hey can I request a yandere alastor (platonic - friend or family) with another deer demon reader
I feel the idea that you're related would be interesting to mess around with. Especially since your similar demon types.
Yandere! Platonic! Alastor with Deer Demon! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Murder, Blood, Violence, Cannibalism, Gore, Possessive behavior, Dark/Mature themes, Forced companionship.
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Oh you bet I have a backstory for this one.
Alastor's demon form is no doubt based on folklore more than an actual deer.
So here's the thing, when I think of deer darling for his obsession... I think you'd be different from him.
I feel you'd take on more deer characteristics rather than folklore, a much more "innocent" take on a deer compared to Alastor.
For this concept I imagine when you were alive you were related.
You were either siblings or a kid he had, up to you, but you're most likely siblings based on his canon sexuality.
In terms of backstory, I imagine Alastor manipulated you into going along with what he does.
He taught you how to kill, he made you commit to cannibalism, he made you his accomplice.
Due to being manipulated into committing sin, your demon form is a much more innocent form compared to Alastor.
While Alastor takes the form of and acts like a hunter... you look like a fawn compared to him.
When you died, it was with Alastor.
In fact, imagine if he was always protective of you.
Always jealous... always possessive to the point his targets were often those of your friends.
By the end of your life he was insistent you die together.
You could barely react before your blood trickled onto the ground.
Truthfully, in a different environment, you could've gone to Heaven.
But sins never go unpunished, bringing you here with Alastor.
You're an accomplice, that's reflected in your appearance and behavior.
For example, perhaps you were still forced into compliance when Alastor began killing Overlords.
Despite the violent nature he displays, he's always been fond of you.
Poor you, younger than him yet still a young adult.
So easily threatened and manipulated, always kept isolated even now so the radio demon can keep you in his grasp.
Imagine when Alastor disappears for a bit he doesn't take you.
He wants to, in fact, he dreads you not being around him.
But... orders are orders, right?
That's how deals work....
Yet you know he's racing back to track you once he's summoned to help the Hotel.
Another idea could be Alastor already has your soul due to your past together.
Intimidated by him, you gave him your soul, binding you to him indefinitely.
The first soul under his belt.
If that's the case, you're just summoned to the Hotel instead of him searching for you.
Other Sinners and demons no doubt fear you by association.
Alastor keeps you dressed in similar attire to himself, yet with some differences that reflect how you used to dress.
People fear the radio demon and his fawn.
You're not as bad as Alastor, but demons know if they're too close... it pisses off the radio demon to put it in simple terms.
Alastor is affectionate with you due to your bond.
He has your soul and you're family.
He towers over you and never feels the need to pull your chain too tight.
After all, you're used to listening to him.
Always the adorable and obedient fawn for him....
Alastor is naturally fierce when it comes to his behavior.
You're barely able to make conversation with other demons and Sinners without Alastor lurking behind you.
He always acts so charming around those you talk to, just like how he did when you were both human.
The only people he doesn't monitor you too heavily with are those in the Hotel.
Charlie always seems so invested in you, you're one of the better candidates to be redeemed.
But as we all know, Alastor won't let you be redeemed.
Husk originally keeps his distance, but can't help but feel a sense of companionship due to you both being owned by Alastor.
Angel Dust no doubt is flirty with you, commenting how odd it is how someone so small and "cute" can be related to the radio demon.
In reality, you're not fully innocent, but no sadist either. You got to Hell somehow, after all.
Alastor really does hate it when Angel flirts with you.
Vaggie pities you for being dragged into Alastor's crimes.
Meanwhile Nifty is obsessive with the fact Alastor even has a relative down here.
Alastor is patient when it comes to the Hotel STAFF speaking with you.
You're definitely kept away from The Vees, not that you'd want to be near them anyways.
You are important to the radio demon, someone he can't lose.
You two have been beside one another since being alive.
Now you two are Sinners, even if you shouldn't belong.
Alastor no doubt still influences you, offering you more cannibalism as though he's showing the power he has over you.
The taste is still nauseating, the blood too familiar in your mind.
Yet Alastor only coos, speaking about what you two would do together as though it was nostalgic.
All while your lips are tainted in blood.
Alastor finds joy in killing other Sinners who get too close.
All so he can pick you up and drag you around.
You two have always been an infamous duo.
While you may want redemption... Alastor will always drag you back to him.
There's no saving you... ever since he made you commit your first crime, there was no chance of saving you...
You were always meant to be Alastor's darling little fawn....
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jyoongim · 6 months
I really love the outcome of the Prisoner Human Alastor and Police Reader the one i request and i really love the story of it🥹 Thank you so much for making it🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
I have another request :3 (Please do take a rest if you needed)
I would like to request another Human HusbandYander!Alastor x Wife!Reader
Belive it or not Human Form of Alastor is Making Giggle and kicking my feet
The story is about reader finding out that her husband being the killer of the town and try to run away from home but eventually Alastor caught her and fuck her in their bedroom and saying things like Obbsesive person would say.
Like for example "Mon cher, Are you trying to get away~?" "Didnt you said you love me no matter what am i my dear?"
So like i have a breeding kink :>
So alastor is breeding or making her pregnat his belove wife to carry his next geneartion and told the reader "You will never leave my side Cher,you will be taking care of our baby and stuck in this house forever with me~" and maybe some yandere stuff like saying he would cut off Reader feet if reader tries to run again. My english is bad but you can correct my words if anything is wrong with it :<
I also have other things in my mind but i will save it for another request 🫶🏻😊
Yandere!husband human Alastor x wife!reader
themes: yandere behavior,  possessiveness, breeding kink, noncon, threats, mentions of pregnancy
Note: I like yandere but have never written it before so I’m sorry if its not your typical crazy obsessive lovesick personality!
You whimpered as the bedroom door rattled. Loud banging made you curl into yourself, hoping the door held.
”Dearest open the door, we can talk about this” a muffled voice said behind the door. 
“N-No! Stay away! I don’t want to talk!” You shouted, frantically packing random clothes in a bag.
Several thuds sounded against the door before it went quiet.
You froze. Did he just…
”You think I’m gonna let you out this house to tell a soul? Haha my dear don’t be stupid” Alastor hissed as he hacked at the door, the wood splitting open.
You shuffled to the back of the closet, closing the door, listening as the door groaned at his assault.
You heard the lock click and the bedroom swing open.
Alastor huffed, throwing the axe down.
His eyes scanned the room, he knew you were in here.
He walked around slowly, footsteps making the floor creak.
He stopped when he heard something.
Shuffling. It was subtle but he heard it and it was coming from the closet.
You watched as his shadow flitted about the room from the crack at the bottom of the door.
A soft knock made you jolt
”Darlin we can do this the easy way or the hard way and I promise you wont like it. Your choice” his voice brawled, toying with the knob.
You whimpered and pressed yourself against the wall.
The door swung open and everything that followed happened in slow motion.
Alastor covered in scarlet blood, a sharp smile on his face as his eyes narrowed on your shivering form. He growled as he got a hand on you, grunting as your fight or flight kicked in. You tried to kick and claw at him, but your husband was stronger.
“No!No!No! I’m sorry Al! please!please!” You cried as he wrangled you onto your shared bed. He held your hands fast in his as he used his weight to pin you down.
Alastor huffed, finally pining your wrists and lowering his face to yours, his ragged breath fanning over you.
”You never chose the easy way out darlin. I thought I taught you better than that” he said, smiling down at you.
Fear radiated in your eyes as he kissed your plump cheeks, making you flinch when he went to kiss you on the lips.
”A-Al…!” You tried to turn your head away but your husband wasn’t thrown off by your action.
”You vowed to love me no matter what. Thick and thin, for better or worse. You said you’ll love me no matter what my dear. Did you lie before God?” 
You trembled as you watched with wide eyes as he nudged your legs apart, slotting his hips against yours, grinding into your clothed heat.
You tensed as he chuckled “But don’t worry baby you can’t lie to me”
Your lip wobbled “Y-You’re the liar. All those huntin trips, the late nights. You’ve been pickin people off and just coming home like nothin ever happened! You’re sick! A sick bastard with no love for no one” your eyes narrowed angrily as he smiled lovely at you.
”Oooh baby but I do love you, just like how you’ll always love me”
You didn’t grasp the meaning of his words in time as Alastor pulled your panties to the side.
”A-Al n-no don’t don’t please” you tried to close your legs, pushing a free arm against his chest.
Your husband cooed at you as he pushed your thighs apart and lined his cock up against your slit and face contorting as he pushed through the rim of tight muscle.
Your back arched involuntarily as he grinded his hips into yours.
Soft, strained moans left your throat as Alastor slammed his hips down into you. 
Tears rolled down your face as the man, you thought you knew, had his way with you.
Your cunt burned at each thrusts, trying to accommodate the brutal assault leashed upon it.
Thick, scarlet blood clung to you as Alastor covered your body with his, caging you against the bed.
”fuck you always take me so well baby” he whispered down to you, watching you try and squirm away from him. Your pretty big eyes focused on his; they were swollen from tears, fear, betrayal and mistrust swirled in them.
”Ill let you in on a little secret darlin”
His pace picked up as a wicked grin crossed his face
“You ain’t got nowhere to run. Where would you go? Who would you tell huh? You think anyone would believe that I’m the terror of this town? Nooooo baby they wont”  he licked a tear from your cheek as he angled his hips into that sweet spot that always made you melt.
Your toes curled as delicious tingles ran through your body.
”and they’re never gonna know you know why?” A sharp thrust had you biting your lip to contain your moans.
Alastor grabbed your face, mushing your cheeks as he pounded your poor pussy. He let out a soft grunt, nose scrunching “because you’re gonna be my good little housewife and be stuck taking care of house and babies.”
Your eyes widened.
Babies? You’d be damned if you give a murder a child.
You tried to hook your feet into his hips and push, but he wasn’t having it
You started to thrash but that only encouraged him too further bury himself within you, pushing deep as if he wanted to penetrate your very cervix.
”A-Al no! P-please anything but that please! I don’t-Ah! I don’t want a baby” you choked out as your pussy clenched around him
”You’ll look so sweet round with my child. What ya say darlin? Hehe its not like you have a choice anyway.” He snickered.
Harsh thrusts had you jolting as you cried, frantic as your husband forced your orgasm from you.
A loud squeal filled the room as your back arched.
You shook as you cummed around him, sobbing as he worked your sensitive walls.
”That’s a good girl, yeeeessss that right, fuck! Take my cum Take it take it baby” his hips slammed into yours and with a groan his cock twitched before you felt the warm feeling of his cum.
Alastor grinded his hips into yours, riding out both your orgasms.
You panted as you looked at him with glossy eyes.
He smiled softly as he wiped away at your tears.
You tensed as you felt his hips start to move again
He chuckled
”Ill never let you leave darlin, not when you gonna be having my baby”
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circeyoru · 4 months
How about a story about the human yandere Alastor... Alastor fell in love with the reader, but he still didn't know what those feelings were and why the reader caused this to him, so he decided to get rid of the problem. .. As? Killing the reader... Now imagine the reader with his last breaths of life, and with Alastor holding him desperately because he realized he didn't want to do that, him doing everything he could to prevent him from dying in his arms, but of course that Did not happen. it works... Maybe Alastor became more crazy and psychotic so he killed more people (he's human)... Meanwhile, the reader became an angel for being a good person...
Now years have passed... The reader has gone to hell, help Charlie because they are a kind soul, now imagine the reader meeting Alastor (his killer)... What would happen? And if after all these years Alastor's love/obsession for the reader has gotten worse (since he was the one who killed her while she was alive, and he maybe regrets it) Please create a fic about it... Please
Took a while, I was strolling through the older requests to see what peeks my writing interest~ As you guys can tell, I'm taking a break to plan out {Collection of Overlords}, namely the transitions and how it brings the story to the end I want. In the meantime, some other stories to read~
Out in half an hour~
When You Don’t Know Love = Requested
[Yandere Human & Demon!Alastor x Victim Angelic!Reader]
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fresanita · 2 months
Angel Dust Turns Human - Pg1
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I need to mention how insane it is that Angel Dust is like, around 8ft tall. I'm not good at drawing tall people, so his human form made him shorter since, if he was alive, he'd be at least around 6ft; that's as tall as he's gonna get!
Anyways, I like Angel Dust centered media bc he's my fav🫶👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 It upset me, when I finally watched the damn show, how little screen time he had (no, those 2 episodes were not enough for me). Personally, I don't think his character was that explored, so I'm just stretching him out a bit in this - even if it goes against Canon, sorry☹️
In fact, this whole comic goes against Canon😔. Since the whole point is Parental Alastor & Angel as a son figure. I don't see enough of that (obviously since it doesn't fit much but idc) so I made my own.
It's also possessive Alastor, since I really love 'yandere' parental/platonical relationships, there's not much media with that trope💔
NO ROMANCE! This whole thing is found family🙏
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campbell-rose · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel Redesign - Nifty
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My girl, my baby. I'll be honest, I had so much fun figuring out her colors and a backstory
Niffty died in a hoarder house that she desperately tried to keep clean. I’m trying to go for ‘charlie kelly but he does his job’.  
In the show, Niffty acts like a child. I’m not the only one who got that, right? I saw her and how she acted and thought she couldn’t be any older than 16. I’ve seen on some places (like the hazbin wiki) that she is 22 but like, idk. In my version she died as a teenager. I think making her young helps contextualize how dumb she is, because in the show she really isn’t that bright – in my version she isn’t stupid, she’s a child. Specifically, either 14 or 15 in junior high. She is Japanese and lived in Japan all her life. She’s also from the 1970s instead of 50s. 
I’m assigning sins to each human in hazbin, and Niffty’s sins were Wrath and either Sloth or Lust – subject to change. 
I’m basing what led her to sinning and going to hell off what the show presents, and making Niffty in her human life a, for lack of better term, yandere. She had a crush on lots of boys in her school, but one boy in particular caught her attention. She began to stalk him, collecting things of his like pencils and pens and notes, which escalated to chunks of his hair and pieces of his clothes. She would take photos of him and constantly followed him. Niffty eventually became so obsessed with him, she began plotting to kidnap him and keep him in her basement. She tried but hit a road bump when things didn’t go as planned. She tried to explain what she was doing to him, and confessed her ‘love’, revealing she’d been the one taking his things and stalking him. He is, of course, horrified. Niffty, perceiving this as rejection, attacks and kills him in a fit of rage and hysteria but also sustains multiple stabs in the fight, which she succumbed to. She died in her house, surrounded by trash and roaches. 
Her house was a hoarder house due to her mother’s deteriorating mental health. Niffty is constantly cleaning and hates the filth she lives in. I think if an episode was to show her backstory, the state of the house could reflect her mental decline as her obsession becomes deadly – the roaches and bugs become numerous as she becomes so obsessed with that boy she stops cleaning. 
Now for her design, the spots of what looks like blood make sense – in my version of hell the sinner’s wounds that killed them never heal so those blotches are Niffty’s actual blood from where she was stabbed and that are constantly bleeding. I’ve taken some inspo from oni in her design with the tusks. Her clothes beneath the apron are her school uniform, mainly because I want to show she is a child underneath the cleaning lady job she’s assigned to. In hell, she’s a bug, which she hated in life. 
I’m struggling to fit her and Alastor’s connection in this. She still is under a contract with him, and he basically owns her as he does Husk and – since he’s an overlord – torments her regularly. 
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