#yandere kaz brekker x readwr
lady-ashfade · 1 year
She’s made from the finest cloth
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Yandere Crows x fem!reader.
Characters: Nina+Inej.
Notes: Just a fun little thing I wanted to make! Tell me if I should make more and introduce the others.
Warnings: Stalking, spying, future yandere tendencies, naive reader.
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Each morning you woke up, getting dressed in a finest dress to walk around the market with a umbrella. It was unusual for everyone how you seemed so happy, so out of it like you didn’t know you were in the slums. You’d smile at anyone passing by, always offering money to the beggars on the street.
Each time you’d walk pass a group of hunger filled eyes that followed you so carefully and never noticed the attention on you. The group were the most dangerous in the city, everyone knew of them but you. Could you not take your surroundings seriously? How naive you were.
The wraith was the first to notice you. She would often sit on the rooftops and watch the early routines of everyone below. If it was for information to bring to kaz, or just a sense of calmness for herself, she always did it. And each morning you shined through the streets from everyone else. A beautiful woman who was clearly wealthy, but it was confusing why you were so kind.
After awhile she liked to watch you, it was her favorite pass time. How’d you make the children smile and offer them kindness no one else did, the youngest beggars were always looked down the most. Or how you could get so happy at ripe fruit, or something shiny to catch your attention.
Nina was the next to meet you. She was in need of a few fabrics, and Inej knew just the best place for them. You had visited the cart so many times they had to be good, I mean you had amazing taste. She tagged along with Nina hoping to get a closer look at you. Nina held a few fabrics in her hand and looked at Inej who not once actually listened to a word she was saying.
“Who are you looking for?” Inej was caught by surprise and shook her head, saying she wasn’t looking for anybody. “I’ve been looking around since we left, your eyes look at everyone here. So do tell me, is he cute?” She asked with a wink and Inej got flustered for a second and then smiled.
“It’s not a him.” Nina gasped and looked at her, then linked her arms with hers. “Do tell, kaz will not be happy of any gender that has you this entranced.” She teased and Inej rolled her eyes. She was going to defend herself but she saw the pink color of a style dress you always wear, it was you walking this way. A lump caught in her throat and she froze, just enough time for Nina to take notice.
When Nina laid her eyes on you her heart stopped for a second…That smile looked so warm. The morning sun shined down and onto your umbrella that sparkled. It was as if you were walking on clouds because of how happy you looked. “She’s dashing.” Nina whispered and Inej nodded. Inej felt the feelings in her body grow, you were so close and only a few feet away. All she had to do was walk close and she could touch you- See you up close and personal.
She has been watching you for a few months now and she never got this close, and now realized her mistake. But she was so nervous and it wasn’t her style to feel such things. “I’m going to talk to her.” Nina said and let go off Inej and wakes your way, Inej a heart stopped and called after her.
You looked down at jewelry in the cases in front of you and smiled at each of them, how could you choose between them? “Excuse me.” A female voice said beside you. You looked up and saw a pretty girl with brown hair and fair skin, a dashing smile on her face. “My friend is in need of a pair of earrings, what do you think would suit her? I mean you’re so stylish, we need your help.”
Inej stared at you, you were looking at her- It felt amazing to have your attention. “I’d love to help, tell me what do you like.” You offered her a sweet smile and cheered. “Small of larger?” You asked and Inej had no clue what to say. “What ever you think.” She slightly stumbled on her words as the words got caught in her throat.
Nina smiled, “I’m Nina, and this Inej.” She hooked her arm with her friend once more. “I’m y/n” you beamed and turned around to look at the earrings for a pair you thought right. They watched you scan and think so carefully, like the world rested in this decision.
It was so cute.
It was as if the both of them snapped at the same time. How adorable you truly were, so worthy of the world and protection. They felt themselves get drawn to you, to have you just inches away at all times. “I found it.” You took two earrings into your fingers and held them up with a proud smile.
The small green gems shined in the light, they were in fact perfect but it was because you picked them. “They’d look beautiful on you.” You charmed and Inej felt herself blushing. She smiled and took them out of your hands and when she did she felt your skin on hers she couldn’t get enough. Her mind screams for more, more of you, more of your smile and attention.
“How much are they?” She asked and you giggled, a sound the saints had blessed them to hear. “Well to you they are free, I do hope you find a good use for them.” They both were taken aback at your words. Reaching into your coin purse you handed the men the money to pay for the jewelry. You had just met them and you had bought them something? Don’t you know how dangerous that could be?
Yes, it was kind and thoughtful of you but that’s what made it dangerous. You threw out money like it was nothing- Anyone else would take advantage of that. “There must be something we can do?” Nina asked and stepped closer to you. “I like to make people smile, so really this was my payment.” You smiled one again and grabbed your basket you had set on the table.
“If you ever see me again do say hello, but I must finish up and make my way home.” You bowed your head and walked away so gracefully to them. Nina felt her stomach twisted at the new feeling she felt. They both glanced at each other and it became clear to both of them, a understanding.
That you must be protected at all cost.
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