#yandere yixing
mymoodwriting · 1 year
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Request for Anon (Werewolf Baekhyun) 3.3k, A/B/O, fighting, verbal abuse, drinking, intoxication, tipsy behavior, kidnapping, drugs, restraints, pheromones, smut, non-con, dub-con, biting, blood, marking, intimidation, implied pregnancy, yandere (@starillusion13)
“You’re an omega, and you’re mine.”
     You wanted to slap Baekhyun, you tried, but he grabbed your hand. When you tried to pull away he held on tighter, and you threw a sharp glare his way. You two had been friends for as long as you could remember, basically growing up together, but as of late he had changed. He always seemed to have an attitude around you, especially when others were around. You chalked it up to the fact he finally presented, and turned out to be an alpha. You were happy for him, but you also understood that came with its own burden. So you let some things slide, but this was where you drew the line. You were out with friends, and as the night dragged on he started getting handsy with you. Throughout all those years you had never seen him as anything more than a friend, so you stopped him, which only pissed him off.
“What is wrong with you!”
“I am telling you the truth!”
“My birthday is still months away, and I haven’t presented yet! I’m not an omega, let alone yours.”
“You are! I can tell.”
“No, you can’t.”
“Yes, I can. I don’t know how to explain it, but I know. You’re an omega.”
“I am not! My family mostly consists of alphas and betas. There hasn’t been an omega in generations and it’s not gonna be me!”
“Shut up!” You pulled your arm free. “I have had enough of your attitude, and this stupid idea in your head finally puts it into perspective. I’m not some lowly omega that needs protection from an alpha! And I don’t belong to you either!”
“Listen to me, I-”
“No! I’m not tolerating your bullshit anymore.” You took a breath. “I’m sure being an alpha has its own things to figure out, so you do that, and let me know when you stop being a dick.”
     You walked off without a word, swearing you’d hit him if he tried anything, but he knew better this time. You never thought you’d fight with him, he was always a good friend to you, but this was something else. You wanted to be understanding, but you needed to do what was best for you as well. You didn’t hear from him for weeks, which really worried you, but you weren’t going to reach out to check on him. This was something he needed to figure out on his own. You weren’t sure when you’d hear from him, but a week leading up to your birthday you got a call from him. You were nervous to answer, but you owed him that much.
“Hey… how’ve you been?”
“Fine for the most part, and you?”
“Me too. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I owe you an apology.”
“Yeah, and?”
“I should do it in person. Are you free anytime soon?”
“I have some time tomorrow.”
“After your classes?”
“I’ll see you then.”
     All this time you felt like you had been holding your breath, that after all these years you had lost a close friend. Hearing his voice again was a relief, especially since it seemed he had gotten his senses back. Still, you’d have to wait and see if anything had really become of him. So the next day you kinda dreaded your last class, dreaded seeing him for fear things couldn’t go back to the way they were. You had to see him eventually though, so it was better to do it now and rip off the band aid. After class you found Baekhyun waiting for you. He offered you a quick smile but saw your expressionless face and dropped it. He followed you as you went off somewhere so you two could talk in private.
“Did your classes go well today?”
“Same old, same old. How have you been?”
“Good. I’ve done a lot of thinking lately… I can’t excuse my actions, only apologize for them.”
“I was a dick, I don’t even know what was going on in my own head. A lot changed for me, and I couldn’t keep myself in check. I’m really sorry you had to witness such a part of me, and I’ll do better to make sure you never do.”
“Is that it?”
“I mean, no amount of words can change what I did, but I’m hoping we can get over this hurdle together, or at least start over.”
“You were such an asshole.”
“I know…”
“And you’re done with that shit?”
“Yes. I never should have treated you that way. I don’t know what was going on with me.”
“Neither do I. Now if you ever pull that shit again, I will not forgive you.”
“I understand.”
“Good.” You took a breath. “Have you seriously been okay?”
“I’ve been doing my best, but there’s a lot going on with me.”
“How’s the family then? You being an alpha and all that. I mean, that’s most of your family anyway.”
“I’ve talked with them a lot. They’re happy I’m an alpha, but there are definitely things I need to be aware of.”
“No shit. Maybe if I’m an alpha too you can let me know.”
     Things couldn’t go back to how they used to be, but he was still your friend. Sometimes you could see him slipping back into that possessive behavior, but he composed himself well enough. He was doing better, which was the important thing. So when your birthday party rolled around you trust him to behave himself. Besides, it was your day of celebration, and you were going to enjoy yourself. So a night out at the club, endless drinks and a VIP room full of dancers, best birthday for sure.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough.”
     You were dancing around, clearly already gone for the night. Some of your friends had already gone home, so only a few were left hanging on. Although at this point it was safe to say someone had to end things before you all passed out. That someone was Baekhyun, having remained mostly sober to keep an eye on himself and everyone else. Now he was getting people in cars and sending them on their way. In the end it was just the two of you out on the streets.
“Taxi!” You danced off the curb. “Taxi!”
“No, no, come here.” Baekhyun grabbed you and pulled you back onto the sidewalk. “I’m taking you home, okay?”
“Nuh-uh, you can’t drive.”
“Yes, I can. I didn’t really drink.”
“Prove it.”
“I don’t think I can with you in this state. Come on now.”
     Baekhyun carefully led you over to his car, getting you into the passenger seat and getting your seat belt on. You leaned your head against the glass, Baekhyun getting into the car and driving off.
“Did you have fun?”
“The best…” You giggled. “And you?”
“It was a good night. Get some rest, I’ll wake you when we arrive, and please don’t throw up in my car.”
“No promises…”
     You shut your eyes and let the soft rumble of the car lull you to sleep. You figured you’d be out for a little bit and get some help going inside the house, but when you woke up you felt way more hungover than you thought. You got up, needing a second to realize you were in bed, and needing another to realize this wasn’t your room. The panic sobered you up real quick, but then you recognized the room as Baekhyun’s and calmed down. Although now that made you question why you were at his place. The hangover was starting to hit again, but you managed to get on your feet and go looking for Baekhyun.
“Ya! Baekhyun.” You mumbled. “Baekhyun… why am I here…”
     You managed to find the boy in the kitchen, sat down at the counter eating breakfast. Once he saw you stumbling around he got up and helped you take a seat.
“How’d you manage to get up?”
“Panic… why am I at your place? You said you were going to take me home.”
“I did take you home, to mine that is.”
“I was tired and my place was closer anyway. I’ll take you home now, after you have breakfast and recover from the hangover.”
“You better.”
     Baekhyun made you a quick breakfast. He was a pretty decent cook, and it was nice to try his food. It had been a while since you last spent time together like that.
“Here. A hangover cure.” Baekhyun handed you a glass. “You’ll feel better.”
“Already do, so thanks.”
     You chugged down the contents of the drink, knowing it was better to get it over with quickly. It didn’t taste bad thankfully, but still made you shiver.
“I’ll get my things and we can go.”
     You got up, stretching for a moment and then heading back over to the bedroom to grab your belongings. When you returned Baekhyun was exactly where you had left him.
“Alright, we can-”
    You suddenly felt dizzy, grabbing your head and stumbling back a few steps. Baekhyun watched you for a moment and then got up, taking you into his arms so you wouldn’t fall.
“Baekhyun… what’s going on…”
“Just a little something to help.”
    He led you back down the hall towards the bedroom, although when your legs have out he had no problem picking you up and carrying. Your vision kept fading in and out, and you were feeling hot all over. Words were becoming difficult as well, but you still tried. Baekhyun just found you cute, laying you down on the bed. Then you realized he was tying your arms down.
“… what… what are you…”
“I know you still don’t believe me, and that’s fine, but I’m still worried about you. Since you’ve come of age you can present any day now, and I didn’t like the idea of me not being there for it. So I thought I should speed up the process, and this way I’ll be here to look after you.”
“It should only take a couple hours, so don’t worry.”
“Let… me… go…”
“Definitely can’t do that now. Someone else might want to claim you if they find you in such a state.”
“Why… why…”
“I told you. You’re mine, and I’m not letting anyone else have you. Just try to relax.”
    You tugged on the ropes, but you barely had any strength left. Your head was spinning and you could barely make out Baekhyun sitting at the edge of the bed, watching you. It hurt, not just your body, but your heart. You had been worried about Baekhyun, and you desperately wanted things to go back to normal that you let him back into your life without being cautious, without letting others know what he had been saying lately. It was getting harder and harder to think, and you could feel your body shutting down to deal with the changes being forced on you. If you could fight it you would, but you didn't even know what was happening. So in the end the darkness swallowed you, and your feelings of fear with it.
     When you opened your eyes you felt so out of it, barely managing to stay conscious. Your body was shaking, and you felt very hot. You soon found out you were still tied up, and once again tried to free yourself, but it was useless.
     You didn’t feel so good, you felt sick, and in the moment you didn’t want to be alone. It wasn’t long before you made out Baekhyun in your field of vision. He was sitting by the edge of the bed, his palm against your head.
“You have a fever.” You whined which made him chuckle. “It’s normal to be sick when you present.”
“I told you that you’re an omega, and it’s all the more obvious now.”
“No… no what… what did you… do…”
“Just helped you awaken your true nature.”
“I’m not… an omega…”
“You can’t deny that now.”
“… home… I wanna…”
“I can’t take you home like this, besides what would your family think? There hasn’t been an omega in generations.” You whimpered. “It’s okay, I’m going to take care of you. I’m sure they’ll be relieved to know that.”
“No… no… I’m not…”
“The fever will pass on its own, but I’m not sure about the other things. They say omegas are pretty delicate, which is why it’s so important to claim one.”
“… go… away…”
“But you called for your alpha earlier.”
“… you’re not…”
“I am. I’ll go get you something for the fever.”
      Once he was gone you began tossing about, wanting to get free. You focused your energy on the rope, trying to untie it, but Baekhyun soon came back and stopped you.
“Is it bothering you?”
“I suppose you don’t need that right now.”
     Baekhyun untied you and helped you sit up, trying to give you some medicine. You refused though, not wanting to take anything from him anymore. He pet your head softly, finding your rebellious acts cute.
“This will make the fever go down and help things settle.”
“I’m not… an omega…”
“You know that’s not true. You can feel it, can’t you?”
“No… you did something…”
“You know there’s no way to change what you are. You can hide it or suppress it, but you can’t change it.”
     You knew all that was true, but you didn’t want to believe him. It wasn’t just about his betrayal, or what he had done, but what this all meant for you. Baekhyun seemed to know what you were thinking, pulling you into his arms despite your protests. He held the back of your head, rocking you softly to the sides, trying to sooth you.
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. I’m here, I’m not gonna look at you differently or anything like that. You’re still y/n to me.”
“It’s not… I can’t…”
“We don’t choose these things.”
    You didn’t know how you were gonna face your family. You weren’t sure you wanted to. This all felt more like a nightmare and you desperately wanted to wake up. If that was the case you felt you would have already woken up, but all this felt way too real. You don’t know when you started crying, but the tears weren’t going to stop easily. So you sobbed into Baekhyun’s chest, letting all your thoughts overwhelm you. That is until something else caught your attention. As you were coming down from the tears you began to notice something. 
    Baekhyun smelled very different. You carefully moved your head up into the crook of his neck, taking in a breath. You never really paid attention to the scents of your friends. You could tell them apart but you never really took them in to know them better. Although you could tell that Baekhyun’s had changed, again. When he had become an alpha you noticed the change, but this was something else entirely. He smelled sweeter, and you couldn’t help yourself, wanting to take in more. Of course Baekhyun noticed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“What is it?”
“You… you smell…”
“They say the scent of an alpha is sweeter to an omega, and vice versa. I certainly know that’s the case.”
“… why…”
“Cause alphas and omegas get along better. We’ve always gotten along so well, even before all this. I guess we were meant to be.”
“That’s not fair…”
“I’d call it destiny.” Baekhyun took a moment. “You’re still burning up.”
“I’m fine.”
“You should still take something to make it easier… or I could help.”
“I told you it’s important for an omega to get claimed. I have no problem doing that now.”
     Baekhyun pulled you back a bit, pressing a kiss to your cheek. From there his lips trailed down your neck. Despite the heat and uncomfortableness, his mouth was a sweet relief against your skin. You didn’t want him to stop, and he had no intention of doing so. He knew you were already so high off his scent alone, and in this state you were all the more sensitive. Of course you weren’t the only one being affected. Baekhyun had been holding himself together, but now that he had you so close he couldn’t help himself either. Without asking permission he began to tear up your clothes.
     At that point it was hard to keep anything straight in your head. One minute Baekhyun was kissing down your chest, the next thing you knew you were lying beneath him with less clothing. Your vision was a bit hazy but you could see Baekhyun clearly. He had always been a friend in your mind, but now you thought of something else, of something more. Everything about him was different in your eyes. Your mind taking in the little things and feeling your heart flutter. The feeling only grew more and more as your body was accepting all his attention. 
    Even if you went out clubbing with friends you had never gone home with someone, or showed interest in hookups, so this would be your first. Baekhyun would be the one to take it all, and you knew at that moment you would never give it to anyone else. Your mind was so lost in his everything you didn’t realize the fangs, not until you felt a sharp pain in the crook of your neck. Your eyes went wide and you screamed, the smell of blood hitting your nose soon after. When Baekhyun pulled away you could see his bloody mouth.
“Couldn’t help myself…”
“No one else can have you.”
     There was a sharpness to his tone, almost like a warning. His one and only time saying this to you, and if you ever forgot it, there would be consequences. You couldn’t comprehend on the surface, but deep down you got the message. He wasn’t done here though, far from it. Baekhyun took off his own shirt, getting rid of the rest of your clothing and his in the process. You made a move to cover yourself, feeling exposed, but he stopped you, holding your hands above your head.
“Don’t hide from me. You’re perfect just like this, and I’ll make you even better.”
     If anyone asked you to recount that night, your first, the day you were mated, you probably couldn’t tell them anything about it. There was just a mix of heat and blood and pleasure. Your body would never forget, and neither would your soul, even if your mind was completely blank. Baekhyun wouldn’t say anything either, loving to have this secret to himself and to a degree you. All you did know was waking up in his arms, feeling safe, feeling loved. Your future was still uncertain, but you were alright there and then.
“How are you feeling?”
“Well the fever’s down, so I think the worst of it is over.”
“I guess…”
“Sh, take it easy.”
“I feel tingly…”
“That might be the bite.”
“Bite… yeah… you bit me…”
“You still need to bite me back.”
“Better now before you find out you’re pregnant.”
“What? You don’t remember how much we did it? If I didn’t put a baby in you we’re gonna have to try again.”
“Baekhyun, I can’t-”
     You jumped up and away from Baekhyun, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you back down. He pet your head softly, immediately soothing your worries.
“It’s much easier for an omega to get pregnant, especially when they just presented. It’s only natural for you, for us.”
“Us… you really planned this all out, didn’t you?”
“Can you blame me? I’ve always looked after you, I wasn’t gonna let anyone else do that.”
“There were better ways…”
“You wouldn’t listen.”
“You were a prick.”
“No you were.”
“Sh, sh, you should go back to sleep. We can talk more later, and finish things up properly too.”
“Don’t worry. I got you, and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“Thanks… I suppose…”
“It’s always been you and me. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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hydroyaksha · 2 years
Soleil’s fic recs
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Yixing- king! “The Lotus king and his jade” @sweetjekyll
Kyungsoo- hogwarts! “Spellbound” @whimsical-ness
Sehun- X-EXO! “GREED” @/quokkacore
Sehun -(X-EXO) “LIBERALITY” @quokkacore
Baekhyun - idols! “The rumors were true” @eomayas
Kyungsoo - yandere! “I love you, I love you, I love you.” (Made by me!)
STRAYKIDS - [separate link]
Chan/ Felix - polyamory! Hogwarts! “Detention” @dreamescapeswriting
Felix - demon slayer! “If you tell me about myself” @skazoo
Felix - enemies to lovers! “Strawberry kisses” @softsan
Felix - dick joke centered! CEO! “Penis heart” @staysuki
Felix - Agent! Scientist! “A normal Thursday” @abiaswreck
Hyunjin - mafia! “Ice” @healinghyunjin
Hyunjin - mafia! “Not a stranger” @straywrds
OT8 - ABO! “No control” @cherryeol04
Hyunjin - Hanahaki! (With a good ending) “forget me not” @hhjs
Bangchan - Indian performer! Idol! “Butterfly wings” @straykidshoe
Lee know - siren! “Call of the siren” @tasteleeknow
Lee know - hogwarts! “Green flames” @streetlight11
Jeongin - android! “Alive” @rainy-bangbeom
Felix - royalty! Best friends! “Fairy flowers” @hyunsvngs
Felix - bodyguard! “Your bodyguard, Felix” @skzdarlings
Jisung - ghostface! “It’s a scream baby!” @tyunphoria
Felix - dating show! “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” @seospicybin
Felix - prince! “Forgive me for what I haven’t done” @rachalixie
OT23 - yandere! Cult! “Connect” @mymoodwriting
OT7 - yandere! “Awaken” @/mymoodwriting
TEN - vampire!Hunter! “Blood wars” @things-we-cant-say
LUCAS - hybrid! “Please don’t bite me” @/quokkacore
NCT127 - yandere! Aliens! “Who is sticker?” @/mymoodwriting
Taeyong/ Yuta - Angels! Devils! Yandere! “Watching over you” @whiteteadreams
Jaehyun - Dog hybrid! “Competitive spirit” @flowerboykun
OT9 - vampires! Witches! “Black magic” @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
Jaehyun - hogwarts! “Head over brooms” @sehunniepotwrites
Mark - supernatural! “grit your f*ckin’ teeth” @irtza
Haechan - yandere! “Inseparable” @mint-yoongi
Jaemin - athlete! “on the rebound” @lunena
Jaemin - “Crazy in love” @mayaflowerxs
Renjun - classmates! “Blondes are done with fun” @rrxnjun
00’ line + Mark - arcana! “Arcane” @neonacity
Haechan - hockey player! “Ice ice baby” @cozyjae
Haechan - uni! “Learning languages” @tonicandjins
Sungchan - superhero! “Through the webs” @yutafrita
ENHYPHEN - scenario! “How they’re protective over you” @foresdxw
NI-KI - scenario! Idols! “Cookies - shattered glass” @ilovehimyourhonor
JAY - bad boy! Good girl! Dancer! “Opposites attract” @dazed-hee
NI-KI spiderman! “Spider-Man loves you” @misoxhappy
Beomgyu- hybrid! “Until it hurts a little less” @horanghoe
Beomgyu - fae! “Dasies” @thru-the-grapevine
Soobin - AI! “Artificial love” @bb-eilish
Beomgyu- Spider-Man! “Not your average boyfriend” @slytherinshua
Yeonjun- fox hybrid! “Silly fox baby” @seowhorebin
Taehyung - Android! “A human touch” @snackhobi
KEY - A/B/O! “Out of love” @mymoodwriting
OT11 - android! “The boyz become human” @tbznewberry
261 notes · View notes
iridescentxstars · 9 months
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ೃ⁀➷ 𝐊𝐞𝐲: [M] — Mature content/warnings | 🌹 — NSFW | ✨ — Rewritten | ✅ — complete | ❌ — unfinished/discontinued/missing links
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫-𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐲. 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞.
This masterlist contains all fics that have been archived for various reasons. This does not mean that they are not good enough to read, you are welcome to read and enjoy them. Some of these have been rewritten and the old stories can be found here.
ೃ⁀➷ Kim Jongin | BangChan | On-Going Series | Completed Series | Drabbles | Misc
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
[ ✧.* ] Something New [part one] [part two] — camboy!jongin x reader x camboy!sehun [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹✅ [ ✧.* ][M] A Dangerous Game — vampire!chanyeol x human!jennifer x vampire!minseok 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Soulmates [jongin] [chanyeol] — soulmate!idols x soulmate!readers ❌ [ ✧.* ] Love By CPR — doctor!jongin x reader 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Living Arrangements — boss!jungkook x reader 🌹❌
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
[ ✧.* ][M] Rule Breakers — stripper!jongin x parent!ayla [spin off to unwind by @oh-beyond] 🌹✅
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬
[ ✧.* ] His First Love — idol!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Warm Caramel And Honey Blonde — professor!jongin x barista!alice [ ✧.* ] Under The Mistletoe — actor!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Catch Me If You Can — detective!jongin x gang!reader [ ✧.* ] If Only — ceo!jongin x reader | ceo!jongin x yoona [side] [ ✧.* ][M] Behind Closed Doors — bodyguard!jongin x ceo!reader x ceo!ravi 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Play Pretend — vampire hunter!jongin x vampire!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Wrong Move — detective!yoongi x detective!shai x criminal!jongin [ ✧.* ] Jealous — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] She's A Fighter — student!jongin x student!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Gentle — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Aim To Please — idol!jongin x dom!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Ice, Ice Baby — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Obsession — yandere!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Confession — devil!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] In The Club — devil!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Game Of Possession — idol!jongin x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Petty Jealousy — idol!minseok x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] As The Thunder Rolls In — ambiguous!junmyeon x reader [ @x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Mirror — idol!yixing x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Take Care Of Me — sub!baekhyun x mummy!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Come On Over — idol!jongin x reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Cruel Queen — mafia!chanyeol x mafia!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] A Point To Prove — idol!yuto x poc!reader [@x-ratedkpop] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Never Love Again — fuckboy!lucas x reader [due to be rewritten][@danseurehonte]
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[ ✧.* ][M] A Life With You — yandere!prince!taemin x reader x prince!jongin [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] The Gift That Keeps On Giving — ambiguous!taemin x reader x boyfriend!hakyeon [present] 🌹 [ ✧.* ] You're Hired — ceo!taemin x reader x ceo!jongin 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Delusional Fantasy — hades!leo x persephone!reader [ ✧.* ] Warmth — idol!jongin x reader 🌹❌ [ ✧.* ] Long Drive — ambiguous!minseok x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Little Wolf — werewolf!junmyeon & werewolf!reader [ ✧.* ] My Darling, You Are Perfect — idol!yixing x alice [ ✧.* ] Happy Birthday, Yixing — idol!yixing x reader [ ✧.* ] Mutual Agreement — idol!yixing x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Ritual Gone Wrong — demon!yixing x reader [ ✧.* ] Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? — best friend!baekhyun & anais [present] [ ✧.* ] Fucking Fortnite — brother!baekhyun & reader [ ✧.* ] His Awakening — dragon!jongdae [ ✧.* ] Best Of Both Worlds — idol!jongin x reader x idol!jungkook 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Secret Santa — college!namjoon x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] The Competition — idol!sehun x reader [ ✧.* ] Cookie Time — idol!sehun x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] Late Night Coffee — model!sehun x photographer!alice [ ✧.* ] Sweet Like Chocolate — idol!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] I Promise You — idol!jongin x alice [ ✧.* ] First Date — idol!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Crayons — ambiguous!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Stone Cold — ex!jongin x reader | soulmate!jongin x soulmate!oc [side] [ ✧.* ][M] God Sent An Angel — angel!jongin x reader | baekhyun x reader [side] [ ✧.* ] Tender Love — idol!jongin x alice [ ✧.* ] Study Break — ambiguous!jongin x reader [present] [ ✧.* ] Christmas Crush — friend!jongin x reader [ ✧.* ] Jongin's Christmas Miracle — idol!jongin x ayla [ ✧.* ][M] New Life — boss!jongin x barista!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Drunk Mind, Sober Heart — best friend!jongin x alice 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Say Yes — fallen angel!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ][M] Jongin The Ripper — killer!jongin x ??? 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Break Me — vampire!jongin x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Consequences — prince!kyungsoo x reader [ ✧.* ] World's Best Dad — best friend!kyungsoo x parent!reader [ ✧.* ] Love Confessions — college!kyungsoo x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Fill Me Up — hybrid!chanyeol x hybrid!reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Naughty Kitty — hybrid!jongdae x reader 🌹 [ ✧.* ] Oh, You Tease — idol!minseok x reader 🌹
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amoc94 · 2 years
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Pairing : Park Jimin x female OC (From reader's POV).
Genre : Yandere.
Warning : Implied public sex (not with Jimin nor MC).
Wordcount : 3.2K
Full Masterlist and elaborate warning please read here.
Summary :
What's forbidden is the most tempting.
Jimin was always good at restraining himself. Only this time, she was too alluring for him.
"Sleeping with me was your biggest mistake."
Part 11 - Weep
"Do you like it? Sorry, it's probably not much, but ... once I saw this, it just reminded me of you."
You almost changed your mind about giving the watch to him, a thank you gesture as well as belated birthday gift. You knew well he was rich, you had no idea what thing he possibly didn't have yet.
You just hoped the present wouldn't be too personal nor mundane.
He must have owned several from the mid and high range, you saw him alternating between different brands, -which out of your budget, so you just decided on the lower range.
He seemed like observing the watch with unreadable expression, touching the stainless chain with a kind of soft look before looked up and smiled to you.
"I like it. Not my usual dial color, I wouldn't think I like red, until now. Thank you. You don't have to give anything actually, but ..."
He clasped it and and put the watch back in the leather box.
"It will be one of my favorite."
He just picked you up from your apartment to go for dinner in a restaurant owned by his friend. It was his birthday, and since Yixing was busy with work, you practically had nothing to do. Besides, you wanted to thank him for his help to get the venue for your wedding.
"I'm glad you like it. And before I forgot, this is invitation for two people."
You took the card and handed to him.
Your wedding would be in a week, and you were hoping he could bring his fiancee to the party. All this time, the woman was still a mistery to you, he rarely talked about her.
His expression changed fast, his smile faltered once he saw the card.
The changing mood confused you and you almost thought he probably wouldn't be able to attend.
"Is there anything wrong? You can't ... come?"
He took the envelope and pulled out the silver and gold card. It was a totally different face from when he opened your gift.
There was a short quietness when he read it, before he answered.
"I'll come, but unfortunately, I will be alone."
"It's okay. You can come with your friend, more than two is okay."
"I broke up with her."
It took you by surprise, you looked at his face, which almost impassive. The break up must be recent, he never said anything about it.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, it's just that ... it's been only a week. I'm still making some adjustment of back to singlehood."
"Why did you break up with her?"
Your unintentional question got him looked at you with obvious surprise, you hastily changed the subject.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if uncomfortable."
"No, it's allright."
He started the engine with eyes trained at the front, stalling for a few seconds before answering,
"I fall in love with another woman."
It was your turn to stare at him in surprise. Fell in love with another girl?
You had never met with his fiancee, and he already found someone else. Who was the girl?
You wanted to question again, but felt like it wasn't the right time to ask. He probably hasn't even recovered from the heartache.
"I ... I see. Well ... maybe you can ask her to be your partner to my wedding?"
He clicked on his seat belt before wore a dark sunglasses, you couldn't catch the emotion in his eyes.
"We will see later. Let's get going, I'm starving."
The restaurant was located downtown near red light district. Prostitution was ilegal in South Korea, but it wasn't a secret that it was very much alive in Hooker Hill, a deserted area inside Itaewon.
It was four in the afternoon, and the sun was still up over the sky when you stepped inside the luxury Japanese underground restaurant, hidden from the main street. You wouldn't even know this place if it wasn't for Jimin.
You passed a big wooden double door with two burly men guarding the perimeter, reminded you of bouncer in nightclub.
The place was lavish, dark wooden blocks with intricate oriental bamboo carving around the wall, black marbled floor and deep red upholsteries. There were row of chinoiserie fans decorating the ceiling with warm mellow lighting around the space. The common seating area wasn't that big, but it has several of private rooms at the back.
He ushered you through mazelike hallway until you reached a big enclosed room. There was horigotatsu table at the center, of where guest would seat on tatami mats on the floor.
Jimin introduced you to his friends, two men who brought their female friend.
Seokjin was older than Jimin, and with the way he greeted the elder, you could feel his respect on the man.
The quiet girl sat next to him was Aerin, which was introduced as Seokjin's girlfriend.
The other guy was Taehyung, his dongsaeng, who looked almost the same age with Jimin. The woman with him was dressed in a red and white kimono, if you didn't know you would think she was one of the waitresses.
"Naomi! You are even more beautiful in person."
Taehyung smiled at you with teasing manner, blatantly staring at you. The girl next to him poured another shot on his shortglass while giggling.
"Don't mind him." Jimin spoke lowly on your ear. "He never thinks when talking."
Seokjin nodded his head to you, gesturing with his hand for you to take a seat.
There were two empty bottles of sake on the table, and you wondered how long they had been there.
The food were good, variation was mostly sashimi and rice roll, with small portion for each kind, but they ordered almost all from the menu.
"So, are you an item now?"
Taehyung dipped one sushi in the shoyu while looking at Jimin.
You stared at Taehyung perplexed. An item? Surely that was not what you thought it was.
Jimin cleared his throat while shot a glare on Taehyung.
"I told you she has a fiancee. Can't a man and woman just be friends without any romantic shit?"
"I'm sorry. Yes, of course they can."
Taehyung winked at you before put another sushi in his mouth.
"Can but rare, like maybe one in ten?"
"That will be your case, obviously."
Jimin gave him another warning look. He was pretty uptight and you wondered if it was because of the breakup.
"You know ... I was about to order nyotaimori, but I guess it's too early for some aphrodisiac."
Taehyung changed the subject with ease, his hand stroking the girl's thigh.
It was Seokjin's turn to glare at Taehyung, who took another sushi like he didn't have any care in the world.
But you could see he turned somewhat sober after reproving glare from the older man.
"What is nyotaimori?" You never heard that kind of food and you tried a lot of kind of japanese cuisines before.
Jimin looked hesitant for a moment before answering in small voice.
"It's body sushi. They serve the food on top of naked woman. But it's only available by reservation and member only privilege."
You heard that before, but never stumbled upon any establishment that was bold enough to serve it.
The general vibe of the restaurant was somewhat criptic, and you started to wonder if the place was legal. It seemed like a spot where rich men wasted their money for mediocre food and illicit entertainment.
It was kind of weird too that Jimin brought you here.
But the food was indeed delicious like he said.
Seokjin waved to another server near the door for additional sake, and you shifted your attention to Aerin instead.
"Are you in college?"
"No." She gave you a small smile.
"I'm twenty two. But people often think I'm much younger."
"Lucky you. A lot of women want to be like you definitely."
She laughed while her tail of eyes aimed at Seokjin who talked with Jimin and Taehyung.
"The grass is always greener on the other side."
"Are you talking about life or romantic relationship?"
You lowered your voice this time, stealing a glance at Seokjin.
The man was very handsome. Sculpted face with flawless skin, toned body in designer suit, and his manner shouted extravagance and wealth in general.
In fact, the three of them looked like they came from money, and with that kind of look, you wondered if they would settle down anytime soon. Hard to imagine.
"Happiness is relative. But I guess ... I should be."
She downed another shot of sake with one swig, then looked at you.
"You are very beautiful. Jimin once told Seokjin that he had never met a woman as beautiful as you, and I agree with him."
You never thought you would blush when a girl complimented you, but here you were.
Aerin herself was pretty too. Her skin looked very radiant, like porcelain with pinky hue on her cheeks.
"I guess his fiancee must be pretty too."
"Yes, so I heard. I've never met her til now. And I heard he broke up with her last week."
You turned to look at her with surprise.
"You've never seen her? Me neither. I'm really curious to know what she looks like."
Aerin took another piece of sliced tuna, while her eyes gazed at the men.
"It's only my second month being with Seokjin. Jimin is not the type to settle down with one girl."
"A player, you mean."
She shook her head and spoke in whispering tone.
"I heard that he likes to share his girl with Jungkook, another member of their group. You won't share someone you want to settle down with, right? But, he's not exactly a player. They are always blunt about their kink and taste."
"I see."
It was hard to resist temptation when you had that kind of look and money, obviously.
"So, Naomi ... you are getting married in a week. How do you feel?"
Taehyung spoke again, this time he was more serious.
You were a bit awkward to hear his question. What should you feel exactly?
"I'm happy of course."
"But do you love him? Your fiancee?"
"I'm sorry?"
"A lot of couple enter marriage just because they think they love each other. While in reality, everything end up on sex or money."
You felt uneasy with the way Taehyung boldly stated the fact.
While you wouldn't deny it, but ... how dare he. It wasn't even his business.
"I love my fiancee, and so does he. We won't get married if we don't love each other."
"Believe me, I hope that too."
You got up from your seat and threw the man a furious glare.
"What's your problem, really? You don't know me, you have no idea about us! It's not my fault if you have bitterness on your perception of love and marriage."
"Oh baby, I know more than you think I do."
"Can you just fucking cut it, Taehyung?"
Jimin chimed in, but Taehyung seemed unfazed.
"I think you should make sure about your fiancee before you proceed with the wedding. You still have time to change your mind."
It was so infuriating.
You were glad you only had two shots of the liquor, or else you might say something you would regret.
The nerve of that man.
You walked to the door, half pushed the sliding door with loud noise, didn't bother to excuse yourself.
Staring at your reflection in the restroom, you started to regret your emotional outburst earlier. You were never a short-tempered person, eventhough you knew you had all the reason to be upset.
Whatever he said shouldn't affect how you felt about Yixing, you knew better than him. No one knew better than the both of you.
But it couldn't be helped that somehow his words left an ugly thought in your mind, no matter how hard you tried to avoid.
Only a week before your wedding, you had those nagging feeling and fear of something that wasn't right.
That everything seemed to good to be true to you.
A handsome and rich fiancee, loving in laws, blessing from both families, a perfect couple in the eyes of outsiders.
You've been beautiful since you were a child. Having lots of men to pay attention to you was not unusual for you, but Yixing stood out above the rest.
You had nothing to complain about him so far. Just a few glitch was normal.
There was nothing to worry about surely.
Must be wedding jitters.
You took your phone from your bag and dialed Yixing's number.
The last time you talked to him was this morning, but he seemed in a rush, so you didn't have the chance to ask about his plan for the day. He usually finished working by sunset, if there was no meeting afterwards.
Meeting with his clients could extend until past midnight because he often treated them for some nightlife entertainment to score the deal.
It was a necessity, he always said to you everytime you tried to voice your objection. You didn't like to have to wait for hours until he called you to let you know he was finally home.
Call was connected, but Yixing didn't pick up. Huffing in annoyance, you made another two attempts that were also failed.
Where was he anyway?
You didn't want to imagine how your life would be after marrying him later, with the way he often went out at night and untraceable.
Granted business was important, but you wouldn't want to sacrifice your marriage as the consequence.
It was something you needed to sort out with him later. Nothing serius.
You walked out from the restroom fifteen minutes later, after finally gathered yourself. You would ignore whatever Taehyung would say to you.
There was a girl with uniform plain white kimono outside, who smiled and nodded to you.
"Mr. Park asked me to accompany you, in case you got lost. Rooms directory can be a bit confusing. Let me help you to your room."
Walking past several other rooms, you realized the place was very big. There were at least ten rooms separated by thick walls.
When you finally arrived at Jimin's room, the girl opened the door for you.
And you were instantly welcomed by the view of a group of men.
They circled a table, on which a naked woman was laying down with pieces of sushi and sashimi arranged over her body.
They laughed, poured some soju to each other, while using the chopsticks to take the sushi.
The woman didn't wear a single fabric.
You entered the wrong room.
The view in front of you was so bizarre that it was hard for you to look away.
Never in your lifetime you saw something so unsettling yet so real like this.
And the more strange was, no one seemed to realize your presence. Like this thing was very normal to them, not something to be hidden or shame about.
You almost turned and walked away before you noticed a familiar face sitting at the sofa.
A man had a girl stradling him with her body half exposed from her red blood kimono sagged on her shoulder, he was sucking her left nipple. Right inside the room, where the other guys seemed didn't mind nor care about the girl moaning incoherent 'ah ah ah'.
You could swear he actually fucked the girl, because his pants was down on the floor, the girl bounced her hips on his lap.
And you recognized the guy.
Along with your breath hitched in your throat.
The japanese instrumental music played around the room masking your voice calling his name, but the chatter died down a little, all of them finally looked into your direction in curiosity.
Except for your fiancee.
The girl was still moaning, the man didn't seem to realize you were there. Both of them seemed intoxicated that they didn't realize their surrounding.
"You ... you bastard!"
There was a haze clouded your mind that came from the coldness started to engulf your whole body.
You walked to them, ready to pounce him back on his senses.
To give him the ultimate slap he deserved.
You didn't care if you had the audience to watch the commotion.
Before you felt an arm caught you on your waist.
"Don't go there. You will only embarass yourself. They are ..."
Jimin pulled you to the door while spoke to you in a stern manner.
"They are fucking. Can you imagine how awkward that would be?"
You lost your voice.
And your sanity, apparently.
Part of you wanted to ignore Jimin and just go there and give that asshole the lesson he deserved.
The cheater.
The one that hurt you more than anyone in your lifetime.
Your groom to be.
The man that ruined your dream wedding.
Your fiancee that had his cock buried inside a girl, a week before your wedding.
Did you really want to go there and watch them separated themself from that position?
You wouldn't survive the shame and humiliation surely, didn't matter that they didn't know you personally.
You still had dignity after all.
When Jimin led you out to the parking lot, you thought about what Taehyung said earlier. You never guessed his words would be proven right.
"Wait! Please ... Jimin .."
You halted on your spot, your head was spinning so bad.
Your eyes were hot from tears threatened to spill, you really didn't want to cry for that man.
You saw your bag on Jimin's hand, as well as the card. Your wedding invitation you gave him earlier.
You snatched it from him, tried to tear the thick papercard apart. The thing that you so wanted to do to Yixing.
But Jimin took it from you, held it in his left hand, and lit it with a lighter, before threw the card to the ground.
You looked at the amber fire started to scorch the paper, the part that turned to ashes flew away by the wind, along with your hope on your future with your ex fiancee.
Your tears were finally dripping, your vision turned blurry looking at him.
"Why? ... Why did he do that?"
There was a look of pity from him. He closed the distance, extended his fingers to wipe your tears.
"Some men were just born assholes."
Your cry was louder along with twisting pain in your heart.
Your dream was shattered to pieces in just one night, and your stupid ass never saw this coming your way despite all the telltale signs and your gut trying to tell you.
You thought you were better and smarter. But turned out, you were so damn naive.
"What does she have that ... I don't? Is she ... prettier than me?"
Your sob was worsened, pitiful and uncontrollable, you just needed to let out the painful pressure from your chest.
Jimin carresed your cheek with a soft look in his eyes, before his stare shifted into one that was so intense, and for a moment there you were stunned by the words that he said.
Words that even your fiancee had never said to you.
"You are everything I would ever want and wish in a woman."
Part 12 - Pitfall
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an-annyeoing-writer · 11 months
B, F & Y for vampy Lay if that's okay, please? 🥺
Of course, luv ❤️
B - Bite - how do they bite? Sensually, aggressively? Do they make it hurt or try to be gentle?
Lay considers biting anyone the last resort. He doesn't like to be forced to do that. He definitely prefers blood bags, when the circumstances allow (a bit more about the reason for that in the last point-).
When given no other choice, he will be incredibly mindful and careful, making sure you know he's just very thankful that you allowed him to drink from you. He will make sure to "behave well" and not cause you any discomfort.
However, it may change a bit if you appear to enjoy it. Although he will still avoid it when unnecessary, he won't be so against anymore, and he'll make the whole experience about making you feel nice. Even though he won't admit how nice it is to see you in pleasure from something like that.
F - First bite - on what occasion would they bite you for the first time?
As mentioned above, Lay doesn't really want to do it for a long time, to the point where you get used to him drinking from blood bags and don't even imagine he would be able to do that.
However, sometimes emergencies arise. Vampires do have enemies, and those enemies will try to hunt them down. So when the two of you aren't at home, and he gets injured, he'll know it's necessary for him to gain the strength so that he can keep the two of you safe.
Y - Yandere - would they become dangerous to you (their lover)?
Generally, no. Yixing is probably the most human and civilized vampire you could come across. On a daily basis. Even if the two of you argue, he'll actually be the one resolving things in the most peaceful ways possible. And even if he loses his patience, he'll try to solve it like adults would. On a daily basis.
One big reason why Lay keeps his instincts at bay, is because he knows he may become dangerous if he doesn't. You may never experience that, however, if he does give into his hunger, he may completely lose his mind over it, and it'll be very difficult to ground him back. Friend or enemy, no difference - he will be after blood. Getting back to his normal self after such a phase will be a completely heartbreaking experience, and it will take a long time before he stops fearing his inner beast that can cause a massacre if he doesn't restrain it.
But let's hope that never happens.
Vampire!AU Alphabet
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trashlord-007 · 2 years
For the ask game words from your WIPs:
Try secret, kaleidoscope, hidden and beautiful!
I feel personally attacked by this - you know I overuse kaleidoscope... so I've tried not using it lately ahhhhaha.
Somehow none of these (including insanity from my last ask??) are in my current WIP like okay, time to branch out I guess.
"I forgot my secret ingredient," you teased, throwing a coat on.
-- Taehyung angst fic I don't want to write because it's too much effort
I haven't used it in any WIPs but here it is from Bloodlust:
Bodies meshed into a kaleidoscope of flesh as you slid back toward the despicable, vile trash heap of a vampire.
Hidden within shadow, you recognise his figure.
-- Junmyeon drabble I wrote awhile back but didn't finish
"Through the tears, he can see remnants of his darling in those big eyes of yours: scared, vulnerable, beautiful."
-- Part of Yixing's section of an EXO Yandere Reaction
and that's that!
thanks bb, ily <3
Fanfic WIP Guessing Game
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
excuse me, pardon me, who is lambs and where is the yixing smut :D
lamb is @nanamimizz (my shawty bae btw)
and the fic is here!!!! tw for yandere and other dc
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yan-purgatory · 4 years
You telling them you miss them
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admin: ☕️ / cory
request: yandere!exo reaction when you tell them you miss them? thank you ❤️
note: i don’t know if we have ever discussed it on this blog before, but because jongdae is now in a relationship (and has a kid), we, or at least i, don’t feel comfortable writing for him anymore, so that’s why he will be excluded from this request and the rest moving forward. sorry, but it’s just how it’s gonna be <3.
p.s. i haven’t really written in a bit, so if it’s bad i’m sorry :/.
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You’d quickly regret saying those three little words to Minseok. The only time he didn’t spend on you was spent on tormenting others that made the mistake of interacting with you. So the solution to this little dilemma would be such an easy fix. He’d simply start bringing you more and more with him on his endeavors. What used to be just special occasions would now become routine for the both of you. The look of absolute horror on your face as he tortured whatever victim ended up in his hold filled him with rapture. He’d never get tired of your expressions, especially when he was the reason behind them.
“You know I’m doing this because of how much I love you right? So just sit back and enjoy the show Cupcake.”
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Junmyeon would outwardly smile and apologize. But in all actuality he’d be upset with himself if you told him you missed him. He’d always try and be quick about the stuff he had to do that would take time away from being by your side. He just couldn’t have you become suspicious of his “little hobby”. But it was evident from your words that he clearly wasn’t being as efficient with his killings as he ought to be. He’d make sure he’d fix that problem.
“I’m so sorry Baby. You shouldn’t have to miss me, I’ll try my best to spend more time with you.”
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You miss him? He’d be absolutely ecstatic. He’s only ever wanted to be a big and important role in your life, and the fact that you’d actually missed his presence showed that he was accomplishing just that. He’d comfort you and assure you that he was only busy because he was helping you out.
“Aw Honey I miss you too! I’ve just been a little preoccupied with helping you out. If it makes you happy I’ll take some time off for you.”
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Baekyhun would honestly be a little shocked. I mean he’d always loved you and showed you his affection, in his own unique way of course, but you were never one to really to do the same. Whether it was because you were scared of him or some other nonsensical reason, he didn’t know, but it would feel good having his partner finally open up to him. Even if it was in such a small way, because it was like you were finally realizing that you were met for each other.
“Miss me? Of course you do Y/n, I mean we’re meant to be together. I missed you too.”
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Chanyeol wouldn’t really be all that affected by it if we’re being honest here. He’d made it so he’d be the only person you’d ever interact with, so it just made sense that if you weren’t spending a lot of time with him you’d start to miss him. But it did ensure that everything was going according to his plans, which was always a good thing.
“I missed you too Darling, I always do.”
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Kyungsoo would be amused at first, seeing as you’re rarely ever apart, but then realized he could use what you’d just said to his advantage. The next time you’d suggest going out into the unpredictable and chaotic world, he would just simply remind you of this moment. Anything to keep you to himself, where you’d be safe at all times.
“I thought you missed me Baby? If you really feel that way maybe we should just stay inside and spend time together.”
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You’d honestly probably be better off not telling him this, because he might just completely disregard your intent behind what you said and get upset at you instead. I mean, if you missed him so much as you say you do why do you always feel the need to try and leave him for other men? It might even end up in one of his punishments if he got angry enough.
“Oh of course you do, right after you just flirted with that guy at the store the other day. You know if you really miss me maybe you shouldn’t be such a slut. I’m the only man you’ll ever be with so what’s the point in trying to talk to anyone else?”
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He’d definitely laugh at your words. Miss him? How? He’s never left your side since you’d become his. Though just like Kyungsoo, Sehun would make sure to keep that in mind for whenever you decide he’s becoming too much for you to deal with. You really should be more careful with what you say, especially with something like this. You’ll just make his toxic behaviors intensify.
“You want me to leave you alone? Weren’t you the one who just told me that they missed me? Make up your mind Y/n.”
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yandere-reacts · 6 years
Yandere!Exo-M Reaction - You Being Hit On
As the work day was coming to a close a coworker of your approaches your desk. Striking a conversation, the time starts to drag on, soon the topic verges into more personal territory. Your coworker explains that, while very aware of your current relationship, he thinks you and him would be a good match. Slightly embarrassed and a bit worried as your boyfriend is supposed to be here to pick you up, you try to lightly laugh off the heavy discourse. As you you turn to leave, hoping to wait outside for your boyfriend to arrive, your coworker grab you by the waist, pointedly asking you to dinner tonight. Unbeknownst to you your boyfriend has arrived, in time to see your coworkers advances.When he saw you in another man's arms was already enough to set him off but to see that he was also making you so obviously uncomfortable infuriated him.
Having not realised his presence, you come out of your shock, pushing your coworker away, slightly stumbling. Minseok, having already started towards you, quickly steadies, causing you to gasp before realizing who it was. Minseok gently strokes your cheek with one thumb before returning his attention to your coworker. Stalking up to him, Minseok leaves no reservations as he strikes your coworker directly in the nose with his full body weight. As he’s doubled over Minseok ushers you outside.
“Don’t worry he won’t be able to bother after tonight”
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While closing in towards you Yixing couldn't help but lightly chuckle imagining the begging your coworker would be doing tonight. After all he couldn't allow the man to go unpunished, and he certainly couldn't allow for the limb just previously wrapped around you to continue in its original state. His chuckle ends, becoming visibly serious, once he is next to you again. Lightly pulling you, he hold you close, you’re hands naturally resting on his chest. Yixing focuses on you coworker, staring at him intensely before breaking the deathly silence that had encompassed the office space.
“Do you own a blender?”
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Jondae immediately barrels into your coworker, tackling him to the ground. As he does so he begins his onslaught, continuing to beat him even as your trying to pull Jongdae up and away from the now barely conscious coworker. Soon enough your tears become audible, immediately stopping Jongdae. Turning he holds you closely, your tears unheard by the unconscious man behind the both of you.
“Im sorry darling but i can't let these disgusting people touch you like you're not mine”
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 2 years
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a Flavour of Intimacy || Baekhyun x Reader || Fluff! (1.3k)
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Decorations || Sehun x Reader || Fluff [w/ Toben && Vivi] (1.1k)
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atiny-exol · 3 years
!X-Exo as yandere!
Genre: yandere au
Warning(s): obsession(idk found this one quite funny), possessive behavior, cursing, degrading, stalking, not really much consent, manipulation, suggestive stuff here and there
A/N: as before I excluded Chen from this but included xiumin, Yixing and Kyungsoo! Hope you like it!
Very very very sweet to you, but ruthless to others.
We all know how twisted the x-Exo personalities are, so it shouldn't surprise that he a man who would do anything just to get you and keep you by his side
You are his most priced possession, not capable of doing anything on your own or without him
His manipulation isn't noticed by you, so it was easy for him to make you rely on him and him only.
Would never harm you, or let's say he doesn't want to harm you. If you okay around too much, get in his nerves and keep asking things he told you to let go of.
He gets angry. The most hurtful thing he would do is spanking you over his knee like a child. Most of his "punishments" are more mentally or sexually. Letting you locked inside of a dark room till you apologise, having you stand in the corner repeating the same phrase over and over or his favorite: spanking you.
If you want to behave like a child one, he treats you like one.
"Just shut the fuck up y/n" He finally lost it, he tried to stay calm,tried to ignore your pleads of going outside but you just wouldn't shut up and throw a tantrum like a little child. "I..I'm sorry" scared because you never saw him like that you backed up from him, just to get pulled back with a tight grip on your wrist again. "So now you are sorry? Why can't you just do what I say huh? You can't can't behave like a fucking child y/n. Then I'm gonna punish you like one." Your eyes grew wide when he forced you to lay down over his lap, your struggles and cries for help getting shut down by a harsh slap on your butt. "Don't you dare to do anything funny. You don't want me to get even more angry right now darling."
Is very possessive and protective over you. You are his everything, his cute little doll he can always come back to just to be greeted with a warm hug and a big smile.
But that's nothing you do because you want to do it. No. It's more of a thing Lāy trained you to do
And as cute and cuddly he is with you, he has this dark side that comes out if you do something he doesn't like.
He locks you up in his house, making sure that you won't leave. If he has to go outside he can always watch you with cameras, you don't know about.
You didn't answer his text for a few minutes or ignored his call? You definetly get punished for that as soon as he is home.
Mentally abuses you as a punishment. I don't see him being very physical about anything.
But he is scary, threatening you to kill you if you do something like that again. This kind of behaviour doesn't show him that you love him and you should always love him.
Once he even threaded to cut your pinky off for lying to him and if you wouldn't have gone on your knees and apologised to him like you really meant it..maybe he would have actually done it
You never know if he is just bark but no bite or actually capable of harming you
The door opened just like it always does at this time of the day. You knew his schedule, knew his routines and that's very important for you. The last time you didn't wait for him at the door, he went really mad and nearly pierced a knife in your hand. You don't want that again. "You are finally back!" You said with your sweetest words and walked up to him, ready to take his cost of but when he didn't look up at you like he would normally do, you knew something was off. "L..lāy? Is everything-" "Do you think I'm dumb dollface?" He asked you, his voice neither soft nor caring. "I know what you did today. You tried to pick the lock." With closed eyes your heard how his heavy footsteps came closer to your trempling body. "You really think I'm dumb dollface?" With his cold hand he chokes you, pressing your body against the nearest wall. "I hate to do that doll. You know how much I hate that. But I don't let this slide again." This time you really fucked up.
Isn't that into being all sweet with him, but he is not abusive either. He is just making sure that you are safe.
He locks you up into a room specifically designed for you. He put all the things he knows about you into making this room. He used to stalk you before he basically kidnapped you to stay with him.
Makes sure that you eat properly everyday. You are dressed in the nicest clothes just for him to admire you, but yet you don't really talk much with him.
You didn't dare to, because everytime you said something before he would shoot you this glare. The glare that made shivers run down your spine and your body freezing.
He is just so terrifying just with his presence. And he knows that.
If you sare to do something wrong, he will just look at you and leave. Everything goes on as normal, but it will make you crazy.
Because he has to do something, he planned something to punish you. You were sure about it. You couldn't sleep and you felt uneasy to eat or drink anything he brought you.
All of that makes you crazy, till you break down and beg him to finally punish you so you can sleep and eat in peace again.
And to be honest, that's a sight he will never get enough off. He loves your vulnerable state, to bend and break you. To get you to this exact point.
It amuses his sadistic heart, but also breaks it because he loves you so much.
Sobs over sobs filled the room as you kneeled infront of the clone, your head hanging low and the new clothes he just put on you stained with tears already. "I..I'm sorry please! Just punish me, don't torture me like that. I can't do it anymore." You begged under your crying, not seeing the small smile forming on D.Ø.s face. "What brought you to the conclusion I would punish you darling." He said slowly and calm. Still crying you looked up to him, watching how he crouched right next to your broken figure. "Who said I'm going to hurt you?" Carefully he brushed his thump over your lips, making your mind going blank. "I never planned to." He mumbled, his face coming closer to yours, till you felt his breath against your lips. You shut your eyes tightly, waiting for the kiss that never came. Instead of that he laughed softly against your lips. "But after I saw yiu crying like that, I want to see more of it."
Very very sweet but also very very controlling. You can't particularly tell when he started with that, but now he is not going back. You can't even leave the house anymore
You have a set schedule you have to follow everyday, that includes doing something for your health (mentally and physically), eating at a set time and going to bed at a certain time.
If he isn't home you have to text him at least every hour and tell him what you did
And if you misbehave in anyway he takes the privileges he gave you away.
No running around in the house anymore, just one meal per day and you will be completely restricted the whole time.
It's not like he likes doing these things, but you gave him no other choice than showing ant teaching you that actions have consequences.
So yeah if you don't appreciate the things he does for you he just takes all of it away until you do.
And he makes sure you will beg properly for that.
Right now your arms are tightly cuffed behind your back and you sat on a chair right infront of you a plate with food. You didn't have proper food for days and you were starving, but Minseøk just left you behind like this. Cuffed and hungry with a plate of your favourite meal on it right there. You bit down on the gag in your mouth. Without knowing how much time passed, you finally heard some footsteps coming closer. And just a few seconds later the door opene, showing a smiling Minseøk. His smile was not sweet as usual, it was so much more twisted than you are used to. "I see you didn't eat anything." He said, a fake sigh leaving his mouth while he shakes his head. "Why can't you appreciate the things I do for you baby. I even cooked your favorite meal. You are unbelievable."
Listen this man is going to own you in every way possible, but at the same time you don't have any control over him. He is your owner and you are just a mere pet for him to use.
He is going to tease you, build you up and make you love him just so he can break you down again
He hates the way you make him feel, how obsessed he is over you. So he compensates that with breaking you.
You think you have control over him just because you love him? You are so wrong. (He doesn't care if you never thought that, in his mind you are just as manipulative as he is)
Teases you just to give you nothing. He can do everything while you are at his side to look pretty and do what he wants.
Won't hesitate to punish you (either sexually or physically)
At some point you would be so attached to him, that yimou can't live without him
Mocks you for that, teases you about that. But you both know that is exactly what he wanted
Your cheek turned red as Baëk leaned closer to your neck, his breath tingling just the right spot on it. Another choked moan left your mouth. "You were such a bad pet. You know that." He mumbled against your skin, his teeth sinking into your flawless skin, making you yelp in pain. As a reaction of that his hand was out over your mouth and he growled into your ear. "Don't you dare to make any sounds right now pet. You don't deserve any of this so be thankful I'm even touching you." Right after that you felt his hand covering your mouth wandering down to your neck, choking you harshly. "Look at how pathetic you are." While his grip gets tighter, the smirk on his face also becomes bigger. "How can I even love someone as pathetic as you, huh?"
Don't slap me for that, but while he is one if the most sweetest men in this world, I think he would be one of the most physically abusive yandere.
He does care about you a lot, but putting you back into your place is just a way of showing you how much he cares
Once he even beat someone up infront of you (because he talked to you earlier) and threatened to do the same to you if you don't stop talking to strangers
He will let you go out, don't get me wrong he comes with you, so not on your own. But in the end you don't want to go outside anymore, because you would always make something that would end up making Chanyeøl mad.
So for the sake of your own health and the health of others you stayed inside
But Chanyeøl of course is not only cold and abusive, he is quiete a softy from time to time. He will just not show you that often
At least at the beginning, because he didn't think you deserve this kind of treatment right away.
You have to ear that with good behaviour.
He is also so possessive over you that you need to wear at least one of piece of his clothing everyday
Till he decides that you should have his name craved into your pretty skin
Blood drips down your abused body as you helpless and powerless tried to escape your ropes again. "Don't struggle like that babydoll. You end up getting hurt." Chanyeøl is standing right behind you, his head resting on your shoulder and his voice as deep and cold as always. It made you sick and you felt like throwing up when he playfully brushed the knife over your exposed stomach. You yelled against the gag, but your pleading fell on deaf ears. Once again he chuckled at the incomprehensible yells leaving your mouth. "You know this is just your fault babydoll. You obviously thought it would be a good idea to flirt with him." Again a cut is made on your stomach, making you scream in pain. "You are so stupid y/n. So stupid. You are mine." He growled in your ear. "What do you think about letting me carve my initials into your skin? Wouldn't you like that idea? Everyone would know you are mine and-" He stopped for a second, a sick laugh leaving his mouth. "You would let out more of these beautiful screams."
Treats you basically like you are royalty the one day and like a dirty slut the other day
Mood swings! (Idk why I see that for Kāi but here we go)
One day he will buy you everything you want, treat you like you are the most fragile object he possesses and the other day he would throw you around and use you like you are nothing.
But his mood can also change from one second to another, there isn't really a big reason behind it (of course you trigger it when you misbehave )
No but to be honest if he is in his "bad" mood he uses you and just leaves you behind crying and shaking, not caring about you at all
But once he is back into his "good" mood he would apologise to you and make properly love to you (if you want it or not) slow and careful. He spoils you when he was rough to you afterwards, but that doesn't take the fact away that you are scared of him.
The first months were really rough because you couldn't different between Kāi and..yeah the other Kāi but after month being stucked with him you learned how to behave with both of them to not get hurt all too much
Show the good version a lot of love, cuddle with him and just behave like a good little girl/boy and he will spoil you
For the bad version, try to behave as good as possible, don't question anything, do everything he orders you to do immediately..doesn't matter how humiliating it is.
In the end you just can't escape him, so you have to learn how to get out if a situation without much harm
"Yes Sir." Without anything else to say you went off the bed to the ground, not daring to look up at Kāi. Currently he was in a bad mood and you didn't want to make it worse with misbehaving know. "Look at me." He spat out, sitting on the edge of the bed now. Immediately you looked up, right into his eyes. "Hm. Good girl/boy. Finally doing something right for once." Roughly he grapoed your hair and pulled you closer. "Come in you don't want to be a bad slut now, do you?" You shook your head in response, not daring to speak up. "That's what I thought. So why don't you use your mouth for the only thing that it is really good for hm?."
Spoils you endless. You want something? He buys it immediately.
Dresses you up in fancy clothes and takes you to the most popular restaurants.
Spent so much money on you, that we don't want to talk about it here.
But there is a thing he wants from you in return. And that's obedience.
He hates nothing more than you being bad, a brat or just anything else than a good girl/boy
You have to give him the respect he deserves, or else you won't get anything from him. And would learned that in a hard way.
For Sehūn it is easy to let just any family member of yours disappear one after one.
So you better start following the rules he set for your dynamic. He isn't abusive, yes here and there he would punish you sexually but it is more fun for him to see you break down.
Breaking down because he will always have the upper hand and that you will never escape him
Not if he doesn't want it.
"No. I already told you we are going out tonight. Change your clothes, I bought you new ones." Sehūn said not even trying to hide the anger in his voice. "B..but I don't really feel like going out." You tried to explain yourself, but got interrupted by your boyfriend slowly approaching you while talking. "Baby. I think you don't understand one important thing." Every step he made towards you, made you take two steps back in response, till your back hit the wall. Sehūns fist hitting right next to your head at the wall. "I'm in charge, I make the decisions here. And if you don't want that your oh so loved family has one member less, I would suggest you to go into your room, pick up the fucking outfit and change. Now." You didn't know how to response to this treat with more than a quick "Y..yes" and a nod. "Then go." Not even a second later you were on your way into your room, not seeing Sehūns arrogant and satisfied smile.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
X-EXO!Lay (EXO) | Yandere angst | 0.5k
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Breathing heavily, you realized how exhausted your body and mind was. How utterly and deeply exhausted you were on all levels possible. You wanted to sleep, or better yet, to lose consciousness just to get a raise out of him. Even if you couldn’t see it, just knowing you threw him into hysterical panic would be enough for you. That would not happen, though. He was too cautious for that, playing with you just enough to keep you awake.
His fingers danced along your bare shoulders, your skin on fire under his touch. He made your body deteriorate, only to then boost its healing abilities, which lead to the state you were in now - tethering on the verge of consciousness and insanity and rage. Your head lolled forward as you were unable to hold it up anymore. He tutted softly, one of his hands sliding up your neck to cup your cheek and help you.
“Oh no, Little one, are you tired?” he cooed, as if he wasn’t the reason for that. His thumb caressed your smooth skin, glowing with health under the effect of his ability. “Would you like to sleep? I could take you to bed.”
Your eyes blazing with hatred met his. They were like two pits of bottomless black abyss, so unlike the warm brown eyes of the man you loved. If only he didn’t look so much like him, you could be terrified of him and your mind wouldn’t be so confused. But that’s the thing with clones, isn’t it...
“Dream on,” you bit back through gritted teeth.
“Still hoping he’ll come save you I see,” he mused, unfazed by your hostility. After all this time you still wondered whether it was his constant eerie calmness or the uncanny valley level of perfection that unnerved you more about him. 
“He will,” you responded simply, watching anger flash across his face before amusement settled back.
“Good, I hope so,” he smiled with one last caress to your cheek. You felt your body begin to wilt, muscles grow weak and useless. Horror took over you, but he paid it no mind and picked you up in his arms.
“When he comes, I’ll kill him and then you’ll be all mine.” he purred into your ear as he pulled you closer to his chest. You couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. You were too weak, left completely at his mercy. He must have sensed your fear because he shushed you gently.
“Don’t worry, Little one, I’m just gonna let you rest for a bit. Maybe your knight in shining armor is going to show up,” he said as he carefully laid you in bed and pulled covers over you. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your forehead and you felt his powers work their magic again. You groaned as your body healed. You were exhausted, you tried to fight it, but your eyelids closed and refused to open.
“Sleep, I’ll be here,” he reassured, and his honeyed voice sounded almost like Yixing's.
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eternalnostos · 2 years
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OMG YIXING ????????????
he said this to li ronghao btw i'm jcjsnskx
the context to this is that in back to field, yx and li ronghao were working together in the henhouse, yx got scared when the chicken tried to approach them and run away. so li ronghao assured him but he was also surprised to see him so scared and yixing literally came up with a YOU LIKE ME LIKE THIS ???
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kxmssblog · 2 years
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Il consulente
Featuring: Minseok x Reader
EXO Ensemble
Your family has worked as the mafia group go-to financial advisors and consultants. When a hit is sent out, by a rogue mafia group, your entire family s wiped out. You are left with only your brother. The EXO take you under their protection, regardless of your protests to want to leave the mafia world behind, along with your troubled memories.
Warning: Blood and Injury
You smell lavenders, and you know there's a bunch of those fresh flowers, somewhere in the room. Kai and Kyungsoo.
During your sleep, you were abruptly drifted back  to consciousness when your hooded eyes made sight of the two brothers at the foot of your bed. Both huddled into each other's shoulders. One of them softly sobs while the other murmurs some inaudible words to the other.
"Not again... not so soon."
"She's strong... she'll fight her way back to us-"
But both looked and sounded rather upset with you. The ventilation pipe's discomfort pulls you back into unconsciousness.
When you drift awake again, it's to the familiar face of your doctor, back when you were Europe.
"D- Doc... Zh- Zhang?" You try to say through the oxygen mask, you now wore. Thank goodness, the horrible pipe down your throat is gone. Although the feeding tube was the lesser of the evils.
The dimpled, soft face looks up from flushing your drip and changing out the empty blood bag for a full one.
'Blood... no... too much of it... on that night... on my dress... arm and leg... the side of my face.'  Your mind races.
"Easy, sweetheart. You need to slow down your thoughts and calm your racing heart." The doctor coos. His hands flying over the beeping machines, while monitoring your radial pulse on your trembling arm.
'My hair slick with blood splatters... Appa!... more blood splatters... more brain matter this time... Mama!...'
"Myeon hyung, get the boys in here to suppress or haul out Minseok hyung. I can't get her to calm down if she sees him in that state."
I'm sorry I got hurt on your watch, Minseok. You hope to convey to your bodyguard, as soon as you can speak your lengthy apology.
The doctor leans in, to have his entire frame within all my view of the room. A calm stare down.
So does your heart rate, feels the effects of the gaze, apparently. Despite the scuffle in background.
Your head finally seems to clear and pinned firm on your neck. Not just your head, but your body, was not as weighted as it felt, the other few times you had jostled awake.
You can't however fight the urge, when you bolt upright and shoot out of your bed, to the nearest door you find. Not without causing a commotion and mess around your bed.
Your brother's voice screams at your muddled brain.
A phantom ache at the back of your head, makes you wince, while crawling and stumbling to your feet.
Your legs nearly fail you, but your will to set off and run is spurred on. Three or four paces on, you are jerked back, with a clatter behind you. You ignore the noise that sets off a colourful series of curses, from a figure you did not see.
You yank your arm, hard, to your chest and tubes rip out of your arm to saline and blood splatters on the sheets, machines and floor.
'Blood on the floor again...' your chest constrict in sheer horror.
"Fuck... damnit... what the fuck-" A man runs across the room. First you panic, not recognising him through your blind panic and dark spots clouding your vision.
"YN, you'll further injure yourself..." The bright voice cut through the fog of anxiety. He leaps over the bed, and he too slips over the mess you had just made.
Your bodyguard.
Your heart leaps and its rate beats faster, if that could be possible without encouraging an arrhythmia.
"YN, you lost a lot of blood. You're probably lighthead-" he all but collides with you, turning you away from the bloody mess.
Your legs gave way from under you, triggering your own collapse to the whirlwind of emotions going through a series of rollercoasters in your head.
"Fuck..." Minseok's vocabulary continues to be just as colourful as you remember when you were on the floor, in the stairwell, begging your eyes not to close and the your bodyguard made it beyond the muscled goons of Taemin and Key.
"I'm o-okay." You mumble.
"Like fuck you are!" He whisper-shouts, his eye roaming over your body, doing his check, while you pant in his arms trying to catch your breath.
You sit there in silence, off to his side, while he cradles your shoulders and head to his chest. Your arm, where the IV lines ripped from, trickled blood that soaked your top. It stung too, but your hands also clung to Minseok's shirt, memories rushing through you.
All that you know, and had come to know moments before that bullets ripped through your stomach. Then Taemin reminding you to choose wisely like how you had not, in the past.
Now your family is gone, because of your choice then.
Yunho, was threatened because of your choice now.
The man holding you, startles when you suddenly kick and thrash, shouting incoherently, in tears that had been running down your face the moment you woke up.
"I refused their proposal to their nephew, then they killed my family!" To thrash and claw at the front of Minseok's jacket, "I remember that much!"
The shirt stains with blotches of your blood as you weakly try to wrestle the arms surrounding you. Refusing to let you go.
"I came back... refused their accounts and they may have hurt Yunho hyung, too." Your wails climb higher and more raw, the longer you kick and thrash on the floor.
You vaguely realise that the substance that you're slipping and sliding on is your own blood.
All Minseok does is cling onto you, and that makes you want to cry harder, and fight harder away from him. Against him. Although your hands dig into his soaked shirt and scrape at the flesh under the material.
"What will happen next, Minseok hyung? What will happen next, when I say 'No' to the men in this world?"
"Some.... something tells me, YN you will know. You will remember what to do." The man's voice rasps out.
Drained of your cries, what was left were the small wounded whimpers.
A door opens, above your head, and you're too weak to give it physical attention, but Minseok does. He lets go of your head he cradled and your head surprises both him, and the upside down figures you make out standing by the door, when it falls back.
Suho and Chanyeol look horrified? Worried? Disturbed? Your blurry eyes can't make out properly, when Minseok gently but firmly shoos them out, to come back later.
Clearly the doctor had disappeared again. Or was a figment of your delirious state of wellbeing before. Just like old times in hospital.
"You will know just what you need to do next, so you can get ahead," he murmurs very low over your head, "and when that time comes, EXO and I will be there, ready to help you with whatever you need."
Then his eyes finally leave your face, to nuzzle the top, he does not react to what you can both feel and now smell, pungent in the room.
You were bleeding out, profusely and cannot be ignored.
"Aish... YN.  You ripped your stitching and made worse your injury site." You are gently shifted away from the warm chest, in your full daze.
He mutters about how the doctor has already left, and this happens.
Blurrily you make out the large red stain on his denim pants and the pajamas you were wearing.
Not a care of what happened next.
"Mmm..." You hum noncommittally, and pass, out?
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an-annyeoing-writer · 5 years
saw you bemoaning the lack of yixing yandere asks, so why do we do: a,h,j for our lil sheep~
Now I’m feeling terrible for ruining his Pure Sheep image ;-;
On a side note, my IRL name is taken from latin’s word for a sheep. Just to let u know. I’m Yixingized from the birth.
A- Attribute: What brought on this side of them? What made them suddenly click?
Yixing sees you as an angel since the very beginning, perceiving you as the best that could ever happen to him or to the world itself. You’re perfect and all he could ever dream of. It looks innocent and pure at first, and so does your relationship. But Lay sees the world as a potential source of corruption, and he’s ensured only he can protect you from it. Although at first he sees you as a blessing, praying so that you’d never leave him, the trust you put in him is a proof that only he can keep you safe.
H- Hell: What would be your worst experience with them?
Yixing is scared of anything bad ever happening to you. The world is evil. What’s the best way to protect you from the world? To keep you away from it, obviously.
In his obsession, Yixing would lock you up in some place that he considers safe. Kind of like BTS’ Jin, he’d want to keep you locked up so that there’s absolutely nothing to stain your body or soul. But the consequences are obvious; he’ll pretty much avoid seeing you either, in fear of being the reason of your harm. Unlike Jin though, he won’t fall into the maniacal state. He’s very patient and he knows that what he’s doing is the best for you. 
He’ll also make sure you’re safe and well in wherever he keeps you, even if lack of windows may be a tad confusing to your organism.
J- Jet- How fast would it happen for them to go yandere?
I think the process would last quite a while and only follow when you don’t do anything to stop it once the first symptoms start to appear. Yixin’g beliefs are strong and - well - more of actual beliefs than simply tendencies. It’s his sight on the world what brings up his obsession. So with a good guide, it’s possible to avoid it.
As long as you notice these symptoms fast enough, of course. Because after all, isn’t he the most loving boyfriend?
Yandere Alphabet
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emokpopgal · 4 years
Entanglement - PART 1
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Yandere! Ghost! Kyungsoo (D.O.) x Fem! Reader
Warning/s: Mention of suicide, violence, and guilt-tripping. Read at your own risk...
Part 1
It's all what Kyungsoo can describe the world before him.  He weakly stands on his bathroom floors, eyes staring at his reflection in the mirror. His swollen eyes have developed bags underneath his eyelids accompanied by his build that obviously decreased in weight. He hadn't eaten properly ever since she left.  He hadn't felt alive too
. What he only feels are the turmoil of sadness, guilt, and betrayal inside him. These feelings are what weighs heavily on his chest and he had cried so much that no more tears made its way out of his eyes; it's like he has evolved to be numbed to the effects. He feels like an empty husk of his former self.  It's all my fault. He says to himself.  He felt like he was the one to blame in putting such a relationship to waste. The 10 years of memories and hardships, gone. Their marriage, forgotten. If only he had changed sooner. But he couldn't figure out why. He did give her everything— a roof over her head, his undying love, and a lavish lifestyle. What more could she want? All he wanted was for her to stay, but how could she betray him like this? She promised him that she will stay by his side for all eternity and this was evidenced by her accepting the ring at the time of his proposal. He also promised to change his ways, and he did. But she still left.  It has been a week since she abandoned him and the memory continues to play on his head like a broken record.  "I want to break up." "What...?" "I said I want to break up, Kyungsoo. I can't handle this anymore!" "Jagi," Kyungsoo he says to her. He attempts to grab her hands in which she immediately swats away.  "Is there something I did again? surely we can sort this out—" " I don't think I would want to sort this out again, Soo." "And why is that?" He questions. "I want to END this..." Y/N answers. He couldn't believe what she was saying. Is she really trying to do this now?  He thought.  "End... " He repeats, inquisitively. "A-are you serious?" Y/N, in response, just lowers her head and diverts her gaze on the floor. She's not the type to joke around on these type of situations. Her silence is enough to send him the sign that she is indeed serious on what she's saying. Anger is slowly building up to him. He can't fathom her intentions on abandoning a long term relationship and the marriage that is drawing near. "END?!" He shouts. "What is this bullshit, Y/N?! You want to END all we've been through?" He then plunges his fist into the wall, leaving light cracks on its surface. He's slowly loosing himself and is beginning to give in to the intensity of his emotions. Y/N flinches from the noise. His manner of speaking is starting to frighten her, but she promised herself that she won't back down. Even in the midst of fear, she forced open her mouth. "I-I don't care anymore, Soo! I don't want the marriage, and I...I—!!!" "YOU what Y/N?!" He threatens. "You don't wanna be with me anymore?" "Yes, Soo. And this is not—" "Oh please!" He interjects, kicking the furniture next to him. "This again?! Oh come on Y/N, you're really breaking it off when IT'S 6 MONTHS BEFORE OUR WEDDING?!" He's doing it again. Instead of reasoning out, he reverts to guilt-tripping. It's all because he's blinded by the emerging feelings inside of him and the rising fear of her leaving. He can't stop, he doesn't know how to and this is the only thing he knows on how to respond to these kind of situations. Deep inside, he wants her to take back all what she's saying. Anger is his weapon, but this time it wont affect her as much. "FUCKING YES, I AM!!!" She finally snaps, angered by his reaction and childish choice of actions.Now, she's using the same tricks as his. "Why? 'Cause you don't love me anymore? You don't LOVE me, who gave you everything for the past 10 fuckin' years?!" Yes, keep going. Tell her everything you did and throw it in her face, she is nothing without you. Let's see if she still has the guts to leave... "You really want me to answer that, Soo?" Y/N challenges him. "FINE!" Kyungsoo's eyes widens, fearing the possibilities of what she might say. "Soo, I can't love you anymore, you kept on HITTING me. And for the past 10 god-forsaken years, you still haven't learned to control your goddamn jealousy! I've endured all of this, because I LOVED you! But now I just can't take this anymore!" It's true. All of this is true. But he just simply cannot control himself, and again, he doesn't know how. And he just loves her too much to the point that he must do things in order to make her stay, even if it means that she will answer to his hands.  But he changed didn't he? He even got some help like she always asked him to do. Was that not enough for her? "B-But I've changed Y/N!" He says, with tears starting to form around his eyes. "Tell me... When's the last time? It was like, months ago remember?" She remained quiet again, this time staring at him with mixture of sadness and contempt in her expression. "...Remember?" "Soo..." She says. "After the last time, my love for you started to fade away..." It puzzles him even more. What does she mean it started to fade away? Was he living with the mirage of her loving him all this time? "What?" He says. This is now his breaking point."What do you mean...?"  "I don't love you as much anymore." She bluntly replies. "I thought I would love you again after you proposed. But I did not, especially the time you did it again..."  Reminiscing those painful memories brought tears to Y/N as well. She can remember the pain of his broken promise that he will change for the better. The pain of his fists landing to her body and his insults towards her left a mark that she definitely won't forget.  Then it hit him. The words that came from Y/N became a knife that pierced through his chest that sliced and cut his heart into a million pieces. He felt his body go numb as his tears made its way out if his eyes, trailing down his face. This can't be true — she couldn't possibly mean what she says, right? They have fought like this before and still managed to be together. Surely this will all pass and she will come back again. Or so he thought. "Y/N, y-you can't possibly m-mean that, r-right?" Kyungsoo pleads in between his sobs. "Please t-tell me you don't mean that!" "I meant what I said." Y/N hisses out. She rolls of the sleeves of her blouse, revealing her arms filled scars and cuts that came from Kyungsoo's beating.  "All of this was from you, Soo! And I think this is  alone is enough for me to end this." She covers her arms again and fixes the sleeves of her blouse. She takes an item from her purse, and brings it in front of Kyungsoo's face. The item was their engagement ring. It's silver luster and reflectious diamond stone mimic the light of the sunset rays coming from the window. "We're through." She says, then she proceeds to throw the ring across the room.  The ring bounces off of the opposite wall and falls in the red, mahogany floors of Kyungsoo's house. It's impact on the floor emits a sharp tinging sound. He didn't attempt to look at where the ring has landed off to for he was still frozen of the events happening before him. She then takes one last glance at Kyungsoo, with the sharpest gaze she could muster. "This talk is done, goodbye Doh Kyungsoo. Don't contact me ever again." Y/N turns around and walks towards the door, but before she can reach the handle, Kyungsoo reaches to her, wrapping his arms on her waist with his face resting on her shoulder. She could feel his tears dampening her shirt. Why is she feeling bad? "Please," He says, sobbing. "P-please don't leave me! I will make things right, I'm sorry! I know I can't control myself sometimes but I swear I'll work on myself! Just don't—" Y/N sees the hysteric state the he's in. She is starting to feel guilty about what she is currently doing, but it has been decided that she would leave their toxic relationship. What is the essence of lavish living if she would just constantly live under his fists everyday? It's time that she should think about her own wellbeing rather than their both. She tries pry off his hold to her, but he won't budge. He is stronger than he looks.  "Kyungsoo please..." She pleads as she squirms in his arms. "It's going to be the same again! Just let me go." He then lets go of her. It became clear to him that she no longer wants to do anything with him. He watches her make her way outside his house as she slams the door in front of him. Y/N is his whole world, and always will be. She was his savior from his own darkness, but the down side to that is, in certain times she takes all of it. The outcome of this is their frequent fights, leaves Y/N as always the loser, evidenced by the painful marks left on her skin. He did gave her everything, as he said. But...She still chose to leave Going back to reality, he stares at the object sitting at his sink. He's been contemplating of doing it, since he lost everything the day he lost her. However, he sets this plan aside for the moment, because he is yet to bring her back to him. He'll even beg in his knees if he has to. -----  SM Telecoms is the company that Y/N works for. On the foot of the building is a café, where he and Y/N would usually meet. This is where he often picks her up— he even knows her favorites from their menu.   The café's exterior was made up of windows huge enough to see it inside, which is usually filled with customers from or outside the company. This is Y/N's hang out place after her work hours. Kyungsoo's car was parked parallel to the café, granting him a clear view of the place, even when he's on the other side of the road. He patiently anticipates the time she goes to the café. After a few hours of waiting, he spots her on the building's lobby, with her peers around her, seemingly chatting about some stuff he doesn't care about. She looks so normal, as if nothing has happened to her. He makes his way outside his car and crosses the road to meet her, which in turn just ends up him standing outside the building's entrance. There he can see her better, as she and her friends enter the café on the entrance on the building's lobby.  He decides to observe them some more before barging in. Two of her female friends went to get their orders while she and a particular male friend sits on a spot together.  They are sitting in the same side and appears to be chatting. Y/N seems to be enjoying it as she laughs along with him.  She doesn't laugh like that around me... He thought. He took one step towards the entrance, then stopped again to take another glance at her. She looks so happy with them. This made him hesitant to continue on his intentions because he also thought that it would do nothing. It's pointless coming in here... I should just leave her alone. That's what she wants. It might be his excessive jealousy, but seeing her with another guy sent an overbearing amount of anger and hurt in his nerves. He can't continue on his plan anymore, for it appears that she had found someone else to lean on, therefore there is no point of him pursuing her. He confirmed it— she doesn't love him. He went back to his car, and drove away with such speed. The car ride back to his house was absolute hell -- he drove carrying the feeling of heartbreak and loneliness with small tears clouding his vision. He almost got caught for over speeding and even thought of crashing it to the traffic in front of him. He blames himself, yet he's pins all of this at her. He loves her, yet he loathes her.  Days have passed, but he still feels the same. He even sent her hundreds of messages and missed calls, to which she didn't even bother to answer. His mind is slowly succumbing into madness. He abandoned everything — his family, his work, and his life is coming next. His family and coworkers are wondering where he is, because he's not even responding to their messages. He's closed himself off to everyone.  He thinks that there is no more point in living, especially if she's not in there. The one who gave him purpose has thrown him away. Everything reminds him of her, and it's driving him insane. He wants her so bad but he can't have her anymore. All of his irrational thinking is clouding the clarity of his judgements and its spiraling him out of control. Drowning within the emotion of anger, sadness, and betrayal, he grabs the object that has been waiting for him for so long.  His handgun. He begins loading it, and switches it off to safety.  He takes one final breath, and then proceeds to point it on his head. The index finger of the hand that holds the gun brushes on its trigger, and in a split second. He fires. He brought his insanity in his grave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Man commits suicide — Cause unknown; no letter found. Calling...
Mrs. Doh "Y/N! Y/N!!!" The voice calls to her in the midst of crying. "My dear Soo! *sob* H-He's gone! My S-s-soo's gone!!!" Y/N can only stare at the tv, wide eyed, with regret slowly creeping up to her. It's all my fault.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love is like wine as many would say; the longer it gets, the sweeter it tastes. But in the case of Y/n and Kyungsoo's relationship, the 'wine' in their 10 year relationship has grown moldy that it leaves a very strong, unpleasant taste. This only signifies that the love that binds them together has not been nurtured well, therefore creating a very sickening and pungent flavor. A flavor that only Y/N tastes between the two of them.  In the beginning, she thought that he was the one. Others would say that she is lucky in having him in her life— very hardworking, mature, and has a future planned ahead of him. Y/N, on the other hand, compliments him. She is known to be steadfast yet loving and soft; a kind that every man needs. If one were to only view the tip of the iceberg, their relationship would be described as a "dream" relationship.  But plunging further to its depths is where things goes in a much darker turn. Their relationship became toxic as she began to feel trapped under his spell. It's very suffocating, knowing that someone is slowly gaining control of your life.  For her sake, she decided to end it all. But where did it land her? Did she get any satisfaction from what she's done?  The sky is painted gray as countless of droplets plunge into the earth from the skies. It seems to mourn with them for the loss of their beloved Soo. People dressed in black has their tears mixed with rain as their wails adds to the sound of thunder that ravages the clouds. She stands in front of him, yet she couldn't take a look on where he's at. She's at pain too, and its because of the mixture of sorrow and guilt that she feels. She does cherish a handful of good memories with him, and she did love him nonethless. But she never expected that he would go like this. She also knows herself that she has something to do with this "Y/N," his mother calls to her. "I think this belongs to you. We found this at his house... I think you'll need this." In his mother's hand was a shiny, silver ring decorated with a big diamond gem — their engagement ring. It still shines despite the gloomy weather.  She doesn't know why, but something's compelling her to not take the ring. It radiates a certain negative force, causing her fear that screams in the back of her psyche. She's afraid of the item, because it reminds her of him. Noticing that Y/N was not taking the ring, she grabs her left hand and proceeds to insert the ring on Y/N's ring finger. "Please don't loose this," she says to her. "This is the only thing that binds you to him..." They say that emotions get left behind on certain places or items. An example of this is the feeling of happiness, or nostalgia, upon seeing an item or a place that has made a special connection to you. This is also like looking at a photo, wherein as you look into the pictured world presented before you, you either feel the sensation of joy, longing, sadness, or any emotion you think attributed to the picture.  This is the case for the ring he left for her. The memory of betrayal and anger has marked the object, thus Y/N sees this as something dreadful. These certain emotions harnesses energy emitted by the mind, thus attracts certain entities or beings beyond human comprehension. However, If these emotions are strong and lingered long enough, the entity it attracted will find it difficult to leave, because it has already made a strong connection to the emotions. What she thought she has left can never and WILL NEVER leave her at this point. The ring was still in her hand as she made her way back into her own home. Night came and enveloped her room in moderate darkness, with the moonlight shining on her. Her eyes can barely figure anything in the dark, yet it is still open. The longer she sees the ring, the more powerful the guilt grows inside of her, eating away what's left of her sanity. She is alone in her current house with no housemates or relatives to keep her company.   She closes her eyes, yet she can still see his tear-stained face, begging for her. Finally, she delves into sleep  but unbeknownst her, a pair of watchful eyes observe her in the darkness. It feeds off her strong emotions that is caused by the memories that haunts the ring. He promised to take her back, and he will. Even if he's in the afterlife. 
A/N: I finally did it! My first post!!! More coming soon though, please be patient with me. Also, I do apologize if I took too long, did a lot of last-minute changes. Feel free to DM me to help me improve my work. Criticism is accepted, just as long as you are nice about it. See you again on the next part! ^____^
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