kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Love Forever Young (2023)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “Love Forever Young”
ESPSUB [Amor entre dos sectas] | EP01 | Traje Antiguo / Romance / Wuxia | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1bPA2yEDYw
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Jasmine Paolini (2024 China Open Player Reception - September 25, 2024) 📷 Yanshan Zhang
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feathers-little-nest · 9 months
Btw I was making a list of my favorite moments while reading Thousand Autumns. So. Here it is (under the cut bc spoilers)
- Yu Shengyan as a silly poet
- Yan Wushi threatening Shen Qiao with lip cup (ch 24) AND THEN SHEN QIAO FEEDING HIM THAY WAY IN CH 57
- Bian Yanmei vs Huo Xijing in a tea shop (ch 27)
- Yan Wushi introduces unconscious Shen Qiao to Bian Yanmei (ch 29)
- Yan Wushi: this is my husband, Shen Qiao, Shen Qiao: sect leader Yan, you need to stop call that lowly one your husband. we met yesterday
- chapter 34. just. chapter 34 (Zhan Ziqian is my second fav now)
- chapter 35, Yan Wushi pulling "was your name on it???" as an argument for stealing
- chapter 44, Yan Wushi asking Shen Qiao if they could be friemds
- chapter 46, abbot saying that Shen Qiao finally lost his mind
- chapter 49, Ruan Hailou suicide speech (+thinking about their next incarnations ok)
- chapter 50, Shen Qiao's epic entrance
- chapter 55, Dou Yanshan laughing his ass off bc Shen Qiao put “Yan Wushi” and “greater good” in one sentence
- chapter 55, Guang Lingsan pulling “u manwhore we're not gay, we won't do anything for u” on Shen Qiao
- chapter 55, Guang Lingsan has a sword hidden in his cither!! he tossed a cither and took the sword from inside of it!!! how cool is that!!!!
- chapter 55, Dou Yanshan's “Sayonara weeboos!”. yes chapter 55 IS a work of art
- chapter 58, Yu Ai finally understanding that he lost Shen Qiao forever and there's no going back, saying “Good, good, good...”
- chapter 67, Yan Wushi asked about his traveling goal responds “I'm following you [Shen Qiao]" CUTE
- chapter 70, Yan Wushi in drag refusing to leave the restaurant without Shen Qiao
- chapter 75, Yan Wushi making dinner for Shen Qiao, this is so cute, I fucking can't, the whole chapter is so wholesome, I love it
- chapters 79-80, Shen Qiao crying because Yan Wushi decided to save him and trying to run after him,
- chapter 84, Murong Qin saying “If your dao had any use whatsoever, why hasn’t that wonderful man you love so much shown himself yet?” to Shen Qiao and Shen Qiao not denying anything,
- and generally the fight with Murong Qin, it's so beautifully described...
- chapter 84, describing Yan Ying as “he was an expert at risking his life on the battlefield” (and generally Yan Ying I love that man gender neutral, he wants to die for someone SO BADLY)
- chapter 85, Yan Shou scared as fuck
- chapter 85, Shen Qiao vs Chen Gong & Baoyun would look AMAZING in animation
- chapter 86, Shen Qiao saying he's Shan Qiaozi... giving Finrod vibes. Sweetheart, you're not best in disguises are you,
- chapter 90, Yan Wushi's internal monologue about Shen Qiao
- chapter 94, Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao's spoon fight,
- chapter 94, Shen Qiao finally loosing it,
- chapter 97, “This venerable one's weakness now is you!”... what a way to confess...
- chapter 101, Gu Hengbo has major lesbian vibes oh my god
- chapter 103, Yuan Xiuxiu standing on a flag, this is kinda cool and girlboss
- chapter 103, Yuan Xiuxiu dominated by ocean-like power of Shen Qiao
- chapter 106, Yan Wushi literally saying that Shen Qiao isn't like the other girls
- chapter 107, Yan Wushi confessing his love, saying that his heart is Shen Qiao's, talking about marriage and right after that being like "taki żarcik kosmonaucik" yeah sure thing bro
- chapter 110, “grandmasters were not cabbage” yeah can't argue with that
- chapter 110, Bian Yanmei genderfuckery and absolutely loving to dress and act like a woman, what a legend
- chapter 115, Yuan Ying... poor baby... how did they not notice that you were gone for a week...
- chapter 117, Yan Wushi fighting basically all the most powerful people in the world for Shen Qiao dkddskkd
- chapter 118, Shen Qiao waiting for the most dramatic moment to enter the elders' meeting lol + Bian Yanmei living for the applause
- chapter 120, Yu Ai's death, that was so damn sad how am I supposed to not cry??
- chapter 121, Shen Qiao and Bian Yanmei as besties so cute, exactly what I needed after that Yu Ai trauma
- aaand we're back with trama, this time it's Tan Yuanchun. Poor Shen Qiao, took him long enough to understand that he lives in an imperfect world, convoluted in thousands small matters that pile up to hatreage and cruelty
- chapter 122, Shen Qiao's “I know, but if I can’t see him, how can I be at peace?” T^T
- it might be one of my fav chapters, so causally wholesome
- chapter 123, how differently Shen Qiao treats Yan Wushi and Bai Rong. Yan Wushi is in the end the only person who can make Shen Qiao so explicitly emotional
- chapter 124, A SMALL DEAR A-QIAO THIS IS
- Yan Wushi saying "Thank you for returning my badness with kindness", my heart is melting
- chapter 126, Shen Qiao gambling. and unknowingly cheating. it is just. too percect. I love this novel
- this is just autism x ADHD and I'm living for this
- god their declaration of love being “thank you for returning my evilness with kindness” and “I would cry only if you died, not anyone else”
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nemainofthewater · 5 months
Best character surnamed: Dou
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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Self-healing of synthetic diamonds observed at room temperature
A team of chemists, materials scientists and aeronautical engineers at Beihang University, working with one colleague from Yanshan University and another from the University of Chicago, reports evidence of self-healing in a sample of synthetic diamond at room temperature. In their study, reported in the journal Nature Materials, the group created samples of microwire diamonds, caused them to crack and then used an electron microscope to watch them heal. The editors at Nature have also published a Research briefing in the same journal issue outlining the work by the team in China. Ever since scientists discovered that diamonds could be made not only in the lab but also in industrial settings, work has been ongoing to find ways to make them less prone to cracking, which limits their use in a wide variety of applications. Prior research has shown that if diamonds are made using a hierarchical internal structure, they become less prone to cracking—but not enough to allow their use in desired applications.
Read more.
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kneedeepincynade · 11 months
The CPC future looks bright, with many rising stars among its ranks. Today, we talk about a particularly interesting star, Ding Xuexiang
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
😍 Una figura di cui si parla poco, e che meriterebbe più attenzione, è quella del Compagno Ding Xuexiang, Primo Vice-Premier della Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🇨🇳
🚩 Membro del 20° Comitato Permanente dell'Ufficio Politico del Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista Cinese, Ding Xuexiang incarna lo Spirito dell'Espressione 后起之秀 - Stella Nascente ⭐️
🎒 Laureatosi in Ingegneria presso 东北重型机械研究所, che oggi prende il nome di Università di Yanshan, Ding Xuexiang ha iniziato a lavorare presso l'Istituto di Ricerca sui Materiali di Shanghai e - parallelamente, ha avviato la sua carriera politica nel Partito Comunista Cinese 🚩
🔬 Fortemente competente in tutto ciò che riguarda l'Innovazione Tecnico-Scientifica e la Finanza, ha ottenuto, a Marzo del 2023, l'incarico di Primo Vice-Premier della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, con un portfolio da gestire che include lo Sviluppo Tecnico-Scientifico, l'Istruzione, la Gestione degli Affari delle Regioni Amministrative Speciali di Hong Kong e Macao, la Finanza e la Statistica, e 促进人与自然和谐共生 - la Coesistenza Armoniosa tra Uomo e Natura 😍
🇨🇳 La Repubblica Popolare Cinese, tramite il 14° Piano Quinquennale, punta al raggiungimento dell'Autosufficienza in ambito tecnico-scientifico, tramite il Principio 自力更生 - Fiducia in se stessi 💕
⭐️ Il 15 ottobre, il Compagno Ding Xuexiang si è recato nella splendida Shenzhen, il Cuore dell'Innovazione della Cina, per promuovere lo Spirito del 20° Congresso Nazionale del Partito Comunista Cinese, legato al Principio 自力更生 e all'Innovazione Tecnico-Scientifica come forza trainante dello Sviluppo delle Forze Produttive 📈
😍 Il Compagno Ding Xuexiang si è recato al Centro Espositivo della Zona di Cooperazione l'Innovazione Tecnico-Scientifica Shenzhen-Hong Kong, che coniuga la Zona Economica Speciale e la Regione Amministrativa Speciale 💕
💬 Dialogando con dirigenti e ricercatori, Ding Xuexiang ha posto l'accento sulla Promozione dell'Innovazione Tecnico-Scientifica, per la costruzione di una Strategia di Sviluppo di Alta Qualità 📈
🔍Approfondimento: "Lo Sviluppo di Alta Qualità è il compito principale", di Qiu Ping, su 求是 ⭐️
🤔 Il Progetto non si ferma solo a Shenzhen e Hong Kong, ma intende congiungere anche l'intera Provincia del Guangdong e la Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Macao 😍 - 粤港澳大湾区 ❤️
😍 Attirare nuovi talenti, con studi di Matematica, Ingegneria, Fisica e altre discipline tecnico-scientifiche è un obiettivo concreto del Progetto, e l'Innovazione Tecnico-Scientifica dovrebbe essere promossa a tutti i settori dell'Economia, in modo da ottimizzare le catene industriali 🥰
🇨🇳 Nel 2022, la Spesa della Cina nel Settore R&D - Ricerca e Sviluppo, ha superato i 3.000 Miliardi RMB, con una crescita su base annua del 10,1% 📊
🇨🇳 Perché la Cina è un Paese così tecnologicamente avanzato? Perché promuove l'Educazione Tecnico-Scientifica di Alto Livello, focalizzandosi sulla Matematica e sull'Ingegneria 🧠
🐲 L'importanza dell'Educazione in Cina poggia le basi sullo Spirito di Auto-Coltivazione Confuciano (修养) e sulla prima Linea Guida del Compagno Zhou Enlai («Studia diligentemente») 📖
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
😍 A figure who is little talked about, and who deserves more attention, is that of Comrade Ding Xuexiang, First Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China 🇨🇳
🚩 Member of the 20th Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ding Xuexiang embodies the Spirit of Expression 后起之秀 - Rising Star ⭐️
🎒 Having graduated in Engineering from 东北重型机械研究所, which today is called Yanshan University, Ding Xuexiang began working at the Shanghai Materials Research Institute and - in parallel, started his political career in the Communist Party Chinese 🚩
🔬 Strongly competent in everything related to Technical-Scientific Innovation and Finance, in March 2023 he obtained the position of First Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China, with a portfolio to manage that includes Technical Development Scientific, Education, Business Management of the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao, Finance and Statistics, and 促进人与自然和谐共生 - the Harmonious Coexistence of Man and Nature 😍
🇨🇳 The People's Republic of China, through the 14th Five-Year Plan, aims to achieve self-sufficiency in the technical-scientific field, through the Principle 自力更生 - Self-confidence 💕
⭐️ On October 15, Comrade Ding Xuexiang went to beautiful Shenzhen, the Heart of China's Innovation, to promote the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, linked to the 自力更生 Principle and Technical-Scientific Innovation as driving force of the Development of Productive Forces 📈
😍 Comrade Ding Xuexiang went to the Exhibition Center of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Scientific-Technical Innovation Cooperation Zone, which combines the Special Economic Zone and the Special Administrative Region 💕
💬 Dialoguing with managers and researchers, Ding Xuexiang placed the emphasis on the Promotion of Technical-Scientific Innovation, for the construction of a High Quality Development Strategy 📈
🔍In-depth analysis: "High-Quality Development is the main task", by Qiu Ping, on 求是 ⭐️
🤔 The Project does not only stop at Shenzhen and Hong Kong, but also intends to connect the entire Guangdong Province and the Macao Special Administrative Region 😍 - 粤港澳大湾区 ❤️
😍 Attracting new talents, with studies of Mathematics, Engineering, Physics and other technical-scientific disciplines is a concrete objective of the Project, and Technical-Scientific Innovation should be promoted in all sectors of the Economy, in order to optimize the chains industrial 🥰
🇨🇳 In 2022, China's spending in the R&D - Research and Development sector exceeded 3,000 billion RMB, with an annual growth of 10.1% 📊
🇨🇳 Why is China such a technologically advanced country? Because it promotes high-level technical-scientific education, focusing on mathematics and engineering 🧠
🐲 The importance of Education in China is based on the Confucian Spirit of Self-Cultivation (修养) and the first Guideline of Comrade Zhou Enlai ("Study diligently") 📖
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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degibema · 5 days
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beijingwatches · 6 months
Beijing Watch Factory
Established on June 19, 1958, Beijing Watch Factory is located in Changping, Beijing's backyard, nestled at the foot of the Jun Du Mountain and overlooking the Wenyu River. Over the past half century, the factory has been steeped in the culture of the ancient capital, nurturing talents and exploring the art of horology while challenging the limits of craftsmanship. It has cultivated a corporate culture of "people-oriented, collaboration, pragmatism, and innovation."
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Beijing Watch Factory, after over three months of strenuous effort, successfully developed its first batch of 17 watches in September of the same year, filling a gap in Beijing's watch industry. These watches were branded as "Beijing" and classified as Type 1 watches. Featuring a large three-hand design, they were equipped with 17 jewels and possessed water-resistant, shock-resistant, and anti-magnetic properties. The movement thickness was 4.62mm, with a diameter of 42.6mm, housed in a stainless steel case. By 1961, Beijing Watch Factory had produced a total of 3,726 Type 1 watches, which, even by today's standards, remain elegant and of excellent craftsmanship. In the same year, factory leaders sent a delegation to Shanghai to study and learn advanced watchmaking techniques, laying a solid foundation for future research and development as well as production.
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As Beijing Watch Factory continued to develop, it began to manufacture Type 2 watches. In 1963, it completed the first product upgrade and transformation, producing Type 2 watches. These watches featured full steel shock resistance and, based on the design of the 17-jewel movement, added an additional jewel bearing on the center bridge, bringing the total to 18 jewels. This series also included 18K gold watches and ladies' watches, reflecting contemporary preferences. From 1963 to 1969, a total of 166,861 Type 2 watches were produced. Currently, Type 2 watches are relatively rare and possess a unique historical charm. In 1967, Beijing Watch Factory began production of Type 5 watches. In terms of movement design, these watches combined the upper and center bridges of the Type 2 watches into one, while also increasing the frequency from 18,000 vibrations per hour to 21,600 vibrations per hour. With a cumulative production of 1.5 million units, the Type 5 watches had a significant impact and made important contributions to China's watch industry, which faced a shortage of production capacity at the time.
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In March 1970, the Ministry of Light Industry organized workers, cadres, and technical personnel from major watch factories, clock research institutes, and relevant colleges nationwide to form a joint design group to develop a unified movement. While the introduction of this movement somewhat sacrificed individual aesthetics, it greatly promoted the development of the entire domestic watch industry given the historical conditions at the time. Beijing Watch Factory, as the leading enterprise in the unified movement project, successfully developed and produced the unified movement, which went into mass production in 1974 and continued for 11 years, producing a total of 10.65 million units.
Starting from 1975, Beijing Watch Factory began producing subsidiary brand watches such as Shuangling, Changcheng, Shuangcheng, and Yanshan. Among these, Shuangling had the highest production volume and relatively high visibility. Shuangling was translated into "Double Rhomb" in overseas markets, and these watches were available in many places in East Asia. Some were even exported to Britain between 1978 and 1979.
In the early 1980s, Beijing Watch Factory took the lead in developing the Kun watch, a small-sized mechanical watch with significant craftsmanship challenges. They also developed the SB10 thin women's watch with a diameter of 24 millimeters. In 1983, the SB10 thin women's watch was awarded the Excellent Product Certificate by the State Economic Commission. In 1988, it received the Beijing Excellent Product Award.
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As one of the few state-owned watch brands at the time, Beijing Watch Factory benefited from strong support for the development of the handicraft industry. Leveraging this environment, it learned and absorbed exquisite watchmaking techniques from abroad, continuously innovating and developing, shaping a positive brand image, and creating several renowned timepieces. Driven by a passion for state-owned watch brands, many young people who had just graduated from school joined Beijing Watch Factory. Most of them dedicated their youth to the factory, day after day of hard work contributing to the success of Beijing Watch Factory today. This represents a profound commitment and pursuit of excellence.
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Since ancient times, Chinese people have possessed a spirit of self-improvement and perseverance. With the continuous innovation and efforts of the workers in the watch factory, today's Beijing Watch Factory has become more advanced. It has mastered the design and manufacturing techniques of high-complexity watches such as tourbillons, double tourbillons, tourbillon minute repeaters, double-axis tourbillons, and double-barrel long power reserve movements. Additionally, it has acquired expertise in advanced watchmaking crafts such as micro-carving, skeletonization, enameling, precious metal processing, and gemstone setting. As a result, it has emerged as a watch manufacturer with complete independent intellectual property rights and core technology in high-end watchmaking.
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As a state-owned watch brand, the Beijing Watch Factory has played a significant role in driving domestic economic development and has received attention from the central leadership of the Communist Party and the country. On October 16, 1963, Peng Zhen, then Mayor of Beijing and one of the main planners of the establishment of the Beijing Watch Factory, visited the factory and praised the accuracy of the watches produced by the factory. He issued an important directive, stating, "All watches must meet Swiss standards, not Shanghai standards, national standards, or Soviet standards. They must adhere to high standards... Watches that do not meet Swiss standards are not allowed to leave the factory." On June 9, 1965, Marshal Zhu De visited the Beijing Watch Factory, providing great encouragement and praise. He listened to a work report from the factory director Jiang Zaiyu and instructed the factory to "produce more watches, make them cheaper, and support Asia, Africa, and Latin America." According to the leadership of the Beijing Watch Factory, Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai, and other national leaders were wearers and enthusiasts of Beijing watches during their lifetimes. This indicates that the Beijing Watch Factory was a highly influential state-owned watchmaker at that time.
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businessinfinity · 2 years
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Love Forever Young (2023)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama “Love Forever Young”
ESPSUB [Amor entre dos sectas] | EP01 | Traje Antiguo / Romance / Wuxia | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1bPA2yEDYw
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Aryna Sabalenka (2024 China Open Player Reception - September 25, 2024) 📷 Yanshan Zhang
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mysowa · 2 years
Яньшаньский древний карьер в Китае. Самые большие мегалиты в мире
Starożytny kamieniołom Yanshan w Chinach. Największe megality na świecie Niewiele informacji o tym interesującym miejscu. Jak również ogólnie o starożytności Chin. Proponuję przyjrzeć się i zadać pytania: kto i jak mógł wyjąć skałę i dlaczego pozostawili dokładnie takie ślady swojej działalności w postaci ogromnych megalitów.
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Starożytny kamieniołom znajduje się w pobliżu Nanjing. Ostatnie wyrobiska kamieniarskie w tym kamieniołomie, według oficjalnej historii, pochodzą z XV wieku. Dlaczego wstrzymano wydobycie kamienia i dlaczego pozostawiono te ogromne megality - nie ma odpowiedzi. W kamieniołomie w dwóch miejscach znajdują się trzy ogromne megality. Podano ich przybliżoną charakterystykę i porównanie z blokiem w Baalbek.
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Kamieniołom znajduje się na górze Yanshan, która ma wysokość 140 m. Masy to tysiące ton każda. Widok z wysokości megality w kamieniołomie. Skała tego kamieniołomu to wapień. Dość łatwy w obróbce. Prawdopodobnie tworzą wychodnie podziemnych wód mineralnych z zanieczyszczeniami innych minerałów. Jak Pamukkale w Turcji. Na ścianach w kamieniołomie widoczne są ślady „rysowania” skały. Ale „paski” nie są równoległe jak przy obróbce skrawaniem (od zębów frezu), ale chaotyczne. Dlatego historycy nie widzą tutaj zagadki: wszystko zostało wycięte ręcznie. Zaskakujące jest to, że na przestrzeni wieków ślady te nie zostały „zjedzone” przez erozję. W skałach wapiennych dzieje się to szybko. Masy kamienne zostały oddzielone od podstawy, ale prace nigdy nie zostały ukończone. Porzucili, ograniczyli pracę, bo. stało się jasne, że takich mas nie da się całkowicie poruszyć? A może coś przeszkodziło ci w ukończeniu pracy? Jeśli pierwszy, to po co podejmować się takiej pracy nie biorąc pod uwagę swoich możliwości? Jak widać na zdjęciu wykonanym z góry, w kamieniołomie wyselekcjonowano dużą ilość skały. Ale gdzie jest ta masa kamiennych konstrukcji w sąsiedztwie? Naukowcy z LAI obliczyli, że tylko jedna część kamieniołomu zmieści 13 w przybliżeniu wielkości megalitów (porównywalnych z jednym z tych, które się tam znajdują). W Mauzoleum Xiaolin można znaleźć posągi tej samej rasy. Ale w sumie ich objętość mają nieporównywalnie mniejszą objętość niż rasa wybrana kiedyś w kamieniołomie. Liczby wyraźnie się nie sumują. Można przypuszczać, że materiał budowlany został wywieziony z kamieniołomu oddalonego o setki kilometrów.
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Jeszcze kilka zdjęć, aby ocenić skalę rozwoju i idee starożytnych. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, nie ma logiki w ścinaniu ogromnych megalitów, nie jest jasne, jak je przenosić i używać dokładnie takich rozmiarów w budynkach. Konstrukcję można również zbudować z mniejszych bloków.
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Tak, w podstawie można umieścić większe klocki, takie jak nasze klocki FBS. A powyżej system mniejszego kawałka materiału. Z jednego megalitu w kamieniołomie Yangshan najwyraźniej chcieli zrobić stelę (o tym świadczy długość megalitu). A cel innych nie jest jasny. Film z grupy LAI z informacjami o tym miejscu. Jakie wnioski lub założenia mogę wyciągnąć?
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Zgodnie z jego hipotezą, że prawie wszystkie wyrobiska kamienne zostały wykonane w skałach plastycznych (nie mocnych), bloki można było ciąć w tym kamieniołomie jak z suchej gliny lub plasteliny. Jeśli na przykładach z Peru wielu badaczy dochodzi do takiego wniosku, to co stoi na przeszkodzie, aby taki wniosek został tutaj wyciągnięty? Wyloty geobetonowe z wnętrzności znajdowały się na całej planecie. Dowodem na to są również koleiny w wapiennych tufach mineralnych. Prawdopodobnie cała objętość bloków (budynków) lub skały znajduje się teraz pod warstwą gliny w pobliżu kamieniołomu. Być może jest to przedpotopowy kamieniołom. Został wyprodukowany przed kataklizmem (lub między jego etapami). Ale wielkość megalitów rodzi kolejne pytanie. Nie ma logiki, by ludzie angażowali się w cięcie tak dużych bloków. Albo przedstawiciele późniejszych chińskich dynastii próbowali przenieść pozostałości skały z bardziej starożytnych wyrobisk (w swoich ambitnych planach). Ale zdali sobie sprawę, że nic nie zadziała. Podobnie jak Groty Longue, kamieniołom na górze Yanshan jest wynikiem jakiejś starożytnej działalności na dużą skalę. Prawdopodobnie obszar ten był mniej dotknięty procesami geotektonicznymi i ślady takich wyrobisk pozostawiono do obejrzenia. Szkoda, że ​​historycy, a nie inżynierowie i technolodzy, nie widzą w takich kamieniołomach problemów technologicznych.
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renkaifeng · 3 years
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Vivi e lascia vivier🏜# 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸𝗲𝗻𝗱 / 玩乐周末 #guilin #yanshan #桂林 #hiking #hikingadventures @guilin_style @visitguangxi ► “释放”体内的#探险精神 ► 全方位入侵你的视野 # 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗘𝗥 Guilin #𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗠𝗘𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 与好友高扬打卡桂林奇峰镇东山 沿途农田雁山新农村美景,农家橘子树沐浴党和政府的阳光☀和雨露💧茁壮成长,羡慕在这里驻村的选调生。愿乡亲们年底有个好收成🍊,也愿高扬找个女朋友,感谢高扬热情招待。(在 Yanshan, Guangxi, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWQrNRepdwx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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travel-in-pictures · 7 years
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Guilin, Guangxi, China 
by Gonzalo N. Bendito from Taiwan 
Source | Google Maps
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dantadv · 5 years
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Глубоководный порт Яншань в Китае. Масштаб поражает. #порт #торговля #грузоперевозки #фрахт #yanshan #china #steelpipe #steelpile #metaltube (at Yanshan, Hebei, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzK74VkoK9R/?igshid=6zu1yd7qhtzz
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baek1nho · 3 years
ep 11 of you are my hero where both ka & kelei mutually like each other but haven’t acted on it!!!!! but they’re so cute!!
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