#yay placemat town!
calavir-fr · 6 years
Bored Night or Insight? by ShadeOfChaos
When the target was ten minutes late, they didn’t fret. After all, anything could happen to slow someone down for ten minutes. It could have been traffic, or a minor emergency, or even a herd of familiar critters clogging the streets. Anything could happen in ten minutes. When the target was thirty minutes late, they didn’t fidget. After all, anything could happen to slow down someone for thirty minutes. Maybe they got out of work late, or needed to eat dinner with their family to keep up their alibi, or had to gather rare ingredients for their next experiment. Anything could happen in thirty minutes. When the target was an hour late… “Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaymioooooooooooooooooooon, I’m boooooooooooooored!” The purple Skydancer huffed quietly, but didn’t turn his gaze away from the lookout he was keeping. They needed to know the second the target was there, after all, and it couldn’t be too much longer. They had this set up perfectly, everything was accounted for, the target just was running late. “Don’t call me that when we’re working. Don’t call me that ever.” “But Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaymieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…” “Or that. There’s a computer in the corner. Amuse yourself with that.” The green Skydancer perked up a bit, skittering over to the computer with a grin. Computers were a dragon’s best friend, after all, and there was plenty of stuff he could do now. With a wild snicker and a happy purr, he started typing and searching. When the target was two hours late… “Okay Daymie, blue butterflies or green flowers?” The dragon pulled himself out of his inner ranting, turning his head enough to fix his companion with an angry glower. “What are you babbling about now?” The other male huffed and pouted, sticking out his lower lip a bit. “Come on, pay attention. Do you think I like blue butterflies or green flowers better when it comes to placemats?” Daymion blinked once, twice, trying to wrap his mind around the question, but it just didn’t make sense. With a growl, he stalked for the computer. “What are you even looking at, Hero? ‘Tell us your placemat preferences and we’ll tell you if you’ve found your soulmate’? What is this crap?” Hero grinned, choosing the blue butterflies and almost bouncing out of his chair as the quiz told him he had indeed found his soulmate. “Look! I found out what BeastClan I am, and if I found my soul mate, and what deity my heart belongs to even if my eyes do not! You should take some!” “No. Absolutely not. These are a waste of time and energy, and never give the right answers. I mean, this is ridiculous.” “But DaymierVillain, it’s more fun than staring out the window.” With a grumble, Villain returned to his window lookout, grumbling under his breath. When the target was three hours late… “Woot! The celebrity I’m most suited to date is Villain! Woo hoo!” Villain sighed, rolling his eyes and padding back over. “What are you yammering about now?” On the screen was a picture of multiple different celebrities, from Dewayne The Rock Snapperson to Hero and Villain themselves. Villain’s picture was front and center, and the quiz boldly claimed, “You’re most suited with Villain! Not only would he find you incredibly attractive, but you both have similar ideas about key subjects! A date with Villain is sure to end up with the two of you ending up mated in no time! Want to take this quiz again?” Alfie beamed a smile, squirming with excitement. “Isn’t that amazing??” “Hardly,” grumbled Villain, glaring at the quiz now. “You go keep an eye out. I want time here now.” Alfie pouted, but still bounded up and over to the window. After all, he had been sitting for far too long, and was more than willing to take his turn keeping watch. Villain sat down and glared at the screen. The button saying “Take This Quiz Again” was flashing repeatedly, and out of anger he clicked it. “Question One: The perfect date starts with dinner and a movie, and ends with… 1. A Night on the Town, after all how else do you end a perfect date? 2. Cuddling at My Place, but don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for more 3. A Midnight Jog, because you have to work off those carbs somehow! 4. A Kiss Goodnight, because at least something good had better come from all that money I spent” Villain snorted, rereading the options. He didn’t care about carbs, and definitely didn’t care about money, so the last one was out. And he didn’t exactly have a place to call his own, so Night on the Town it was. With a grumble, he clicked on that answer and waited for the next question. “Question Twenty: Imagine you’re a hatchling. You and your best friend get to go somewhere new to play. Where do you go? 1. The Molten Scar, maybe that would warm their frigid heart 2. The Behemoth, climbing trees is the best way to keep in shape 3. The Sea of A Thousand Currents, because who can resist waterslides? 4. The Southern Icefields, survival of the fittest was always your favorite game” Villain’s mouse hovered over the third answer. He knew it was the truth, but at the same time he didn’t want to click it. What if he got Hero? What if he didn’t get Hero? ….what if he didn’t get Hero. Angry at himself for even thinking about that, he clicked the button. “Yay!! Daymie, you’re best suited to date Hero! Not only would he be immensely attracted to you, but you’re the type of person to get him out to enjoy life and play like he deserves! Woo!!” Even with all the commotion that Hero was making, and the breath knocked out of him from the hug he got, Villain could hear the exclamation from behind the closed door, and feet running away from them. Lucky for him, Hero heard it too. The pair was out the door and chasing their quarry, determined to make sure he didn’t make it out alive. And if anyone thought it was weird that the company’s work computer was left up with random BuzzardFeed quizzes about BeastClans and dating Hero, no one asked. After all, the boss’s daughter was about that age. It was just a stage, right?
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