#yeah šŸ‘ crisis averted
haemosexuality Ā· 1 year
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marceline has the best drip in adventure time so i decided i want to, draw all her looks ig. or at least all the ones i like. im excited to see how many i do before giving up (part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
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nomaishuttle Ā· 1 year
i need 2 more interests.. guys what am j even interested in
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frogb Ā· 4 years
on my 2nd glass of milk tonight is Not Going Well šŸ˜¢
#AND I STILL HAVE A BUNCH OF HW AAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA YEAH#iā€™m the most useless friend ever itā€™s scientifically proven āœŒļø#literally canā€™t do shit#literally canā€™t help anyone even when they really need it#and like of course everyoneā€™s like ā€˜oh no itā€™s ok you helped me so much!!ā€™ but thatā€™s just cuz theyā€™re way too nice to me for no reason#like i know i didnā€™t help you donā€™t have to pretend like i did just to make me feel better#itā€™s really sweet of you but like it doesnā€™t help.. iā€™m sorry :((#feel like pure shit iā€™m the worst šŸ˜˜#POND IF U SEE THIS IM TOTALLY FINE DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ME EVERYTHINGS FINE THIS IS NOT BECAUSE OF OUR CONVO HAHAHAHAH#WHY WOULD I FEEL USELESS AFTER THAT THATD BE SILLY šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£#ok crisis averted šŸ˜¼#back to wallowing ā¤ļø#and BRUH i know i shouldnā€™t be making this post because my problems arenā€™t important at all theyā€™re SO trivial like#theyā€™re barely even problems and so i really donā€™t wanna bother people with them but like#i gotta vent sometimes yk??? but i cant put this in the vent channel because itā€™ll bother everyone and i donā€™t want that..#so yeah my chest feels heavy and maybe just this will help#and hopefully no one will see this/pay attention to this and everything will be fine šŸ‘#anyways sorry for making a vent post do u still think iā€™m hot šŸ˜³#pond i know i told you not to read this because i donā€™t want you to worry but if you are reading this#i want you to know that i love you so so much#i wish i could be a better friend for you#thank you for everything i love you ā¤ļøšŸ„ŗ#ok itā€™s time for me to stfu this is way too long sorry yā€™all#shut the fuck up gen
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jiminrings Ā· 3 years
DA DILF TAEHYUNG AGENDA EXACTLY šŸ‘ can be connected to this drabble!!!
ā€œthis feels like a trap.ā€
namjoon is the first one to say and his candid statement immediately gathers support from the other guys
he says it while heā€™s laying on the biggest beach towel heā€™s ever seen in his life, with an ice-cold four seasons-flavored drink in his hand with the little umbrella, rearranging the limited edition cap on his head even if heā€™s underneath the biggest and coziest beach canopy heā€™s seen in his lifetime
ā€œthis canā€™t not be a trap,ā€ jimin huffs with a mouthful of watermelon before setting his spoon down on a new plate that he surprisingly didnā€™t bring home from an aircraft, wiping his mouth as he feels the cool metal of his designer silver cuban chain link bracelet on his chin
ā€œfor sure. taehyung pretends like he doesnā€™t have a single thought nor intention behind those eyes.ā€
seokjin snickers, reapplying his spray-on sunscreen thatā€™s surprisingly not expired, adjusting his brand-new designer sunglasses on his nosebridge before sipping his margarita and not having to worry about mosquitoes because thereā€™s a zapper in the table nearby
ā€œjust makes you wonder whatā€™s going on with him.ā€
hoseok sighs, eating from a charcuterie board he swears up and down that he still finds overrated (there is truly no sense behind cheese and crackers and raw meat on a wooden board), fetching a towel from his newly gifted luxury duffel bag he decided to bring to the beach
all of this.,..
literally ALL of this,,, every single new piece that they all received from taehyung feels like a trap
like even the concept of taehyung just setting up a beach day for them and even giving gifts out of nOWHERE is very thought-provoking
ā€œi have no ulterior motive!!! canā€™t i just take out my closest friends in the world?ā€
tae exclaims, shaking his head to himself
nabi repeats with the giddiest tone anyone could ever attach to a single world, instantly getting coos from his dad and uncles
crisis averted <3
oh yeah that reminds them ://
the guys need to put world peace on their list!! anything for this cute chunky monkey!!
ā€œsounds disgusting and cheesy but i just want to treat you all since youā€™ve all been working very hard,ā€ tae tries to explain and he shudders at his sweetness, ā€œalso because youā€™ve been very patient that i havenā€™t found a job yet!!!ā€
ā€œweā€™re also patient with you being a former trustfund baby and therefore forgetting to close the fridges or you know, gagging when we tell you to wash the dishes,ā€ jin nonchalantly adds
ā€œand because you like randomly throwing nabi in the air and give us heart attacks in the process.ā€
ā€œor falling asleep in the living room couch, even when you have the biggest room in the house, and that means we canā€™t watch tv because we unfortunately respect your sleep.ā€
ā€œalso because we let you decorate the house in three separate occasions with our money but they each barely lasted a day because you hated it.ā€
okay okay jEEZ
this is not comedy central omg why is he being roasted!!! in his own trip that he planned and executed quite perfectly!!!
ā€œwhew okay alright!! ganging up on me now, huh? thank you, you all just reminded me to teach nabi about the importance in avoiding cliques.ā€
they collectively reacted in offense to tae, speaking over each other, the general theme being ā€œoHHHHH heā€™s really pulling that now huh???ā€
ā€œgo ahead, tell him that i ate his snacks! iā€™m sure nabiā€™s still on my side. right, monkey?ā€ taehyung cockily shakes his head, hand reaching to rub his sonā€™s fluffy hair
wait a second
taehyung shoots out from his chair and hurriedly walks out of the canopy, his four equally-as-panicked best friends darting out in search of the dumpling
heā€™s two now and heā€™s more adventurous, especially when it comes to using his quiet tiny little feet to walk by himself
taehyungā€™s heart is beating so fast but ir becomes even faster when he sees his curious dumpling near the water!!!
as in nEAR the water :O
alright :(( the waves arenā€™t cooperating :((
theyā€™re pretty tame and as much as you enjoy paddling, you were looking forward this morning to actually surf because you were expecting big waves!! even waxed your surfboard all thoroughly
your wetsuitā€™s tightly clinging to you and your chest would want to breathe pls and thank you <3 which is why you unzip it in your chest area until you could audibly hear your boobs sigh out loud
you prefer taking off your leash when youā€™re still in water, as long as itā€™s shallow just to be sure, because walking in hot sand while chained to your surfboard thatā€™s bigger than life is definitely not ideal
you sit on the part of the sand where the waves crash against and make quick work in removing the leash from your ankle, taking out your hairtie while at it because your hair drying up with saltwater wHILE itā€™s up </3 a nightmare actually
youā€™re catching a breather when you hear the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps beside you, an immediate coo leaving your lips
but at the same time itā€™s pANIC because the cutest child you just saw does not seem to stop walking into the water
ā€œuh-uh! pretty sure you canā€™t swim yet, nemo.ā€
you immediately stand up and hold him still by his shoulders, his wide and curious eyes looking up at you
his tiny blue crochet bucket hat is what captures your attention, the character of nemo sewed right in the middle
.... is it bad that you want his bucket hat for yourself
ā€œwater!!! :-)ā€
the toddler points excitedly at whatā€™s beneath his feet, giving you a feeling that heā€™s such a happy kid
ā€œthatā€™s correct!! itā€™s water!!!ā€ you coo back at him, ā€œbut letā€™s go back, alright? you canā€™t swim alone.ā€
you pick him up because he gives no sign of budging when you try to coax him out of the water by gently pulling on his shoulder
youā€™re pleasantly surprised when he doesnā€™t resist you carrying him, in fact, he even holds on to your arms and tilts his head curiously yet with no fear
taehyung has never ran faster in his life actually
within a second, thereā€™s a panting man in front of you, his hands on his knees and ever so often raising his finger to give him a second
alright lol youā€™re giving him a second
the guy in question finally straightens his posture and youā€™re positive that youā€™ve never seen a man thatā€™s this handsome in real life
taehyungā€™s equally as shocked to see such gorgeousness in front of him????
also his eyes immediately wandered and he pretends to have never seen your cleavage nor your curves in your wetsuit
he did not mean to sTARE!!!! maybe this is just a side effect of his lasik surgery <4
ā€œis he your kid?ā€
you ask him sincerely, puttting your hand over your eyes as shade to see him better
ā€œyeah, iā€™m his dad. sorry for troubling you, heā€™s at that age where he likes walking in stealth and forgets that heā€™s in a new environment!!!ā€
he outstretches his hands to take nabi from your arms but he tilts his head when you slightly angle your body farther from him
ā€œare you sure?ā€
you squint your eyes and thereā€™s an evidently playful and teasing smile on your face
taehyung actually laughs but decides to humor you, his heartbeat finally calming down
ā€œof course!! nabi, smile at the pretty lady for appa, will you?ā€
nabi, who you made the decision to call nemo on your mind officially starting thirty seconds ago, smiles
he grins so hard and it resembles the boxy smile that his dad is now sporting at the same time, their uncanny resemblance deepening even further
ā€œokay,ā€ you hum contently even if you already believed him from the start, ā€œpretty lady believes that youā€™re little nemoā€™s dad.ā€
well arenā€™t you a cute one
ā€œthat would be marlin, although it sounds pretty ancient.ā€
the two of you (excluding nabi) are cLUELESS to the mini audience aka taeā€™s friends who all had mini heart attacks when they didnā€™t see nabi in their canopy awhile ago
theyā€™re trying to OHHHHHHHH to themselves because wow that is smooth
jimin was about to pat taeā€™s back but heā€™s held back because they all forgot that they were not supposed to even be present at this situation
ā€œiā€™m taehyung, nabiā€™s dad.ā€
he holds out his hand ā€” his thick, veiny, muscular-looking hand for you to shake and he doesnā€™t miss the way you look at it a second longer
ā€œiā€™m y/n, pretty lady.ā€
you shake his hand and you donā€™t miss the way taehyung presses his tongue to his cheek, eyes not-so-smoothly looking at you from top to bottom
his son particularly doesnā€™t like being excluded which is why he puts his hand on top of the both of yours :-)
ā€œiā€™m nabi!!!!!!ā€
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punkscowardschampions Ā· 2 years
Janis & Casey
Janis: Alright
Janis: Jimmy said you might wanna walk some dogs for some extra cash?
Janis: Thought I better check he werenā€™t chatting shit
Casey: Did he, sounds like him
Casey: 1st Iā€™ve heard, but Iā€™ll do it if youā€™re asking
Janis: šŸ™„ He was meant to, mustā€™ve forgot
Janis: anyway, it wonā€™t be a long-term thing but Iā€™ve knackered my ankle so long enough itā€™ll be worth doing
Casey: be about right, yeah šŸ™„
Casey: heard about that anā€™ all šŸ˜ he mustā€™ve forgot how to catch a lass when sheā€™s falling while he were at it
Janis: šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø werenā€™t at all humiliatingĀ 
Janis: only our crap school would plan this trip in December, it was basically frosted over
Janis: anyway, cheers, yeah, Iā€™ll let him sort the cash out with ya, but let me know if he tries to shortchange you, likeĀ 
Casey: gutted for you itā€™ll be a bit before get chance to do owt to top it, if my yearā€™s even allowed back there now, that is šŸ’”
Casey: youā€™re alright, he ainā€™t THAT forgetful he donā€™t know whatā€™d happen if he tried that bollocks on with me šŸ’ŖšŸ˜‰šŸ„Š
Janis: šŸ˜ I wouldnā€™t count on it, Burke had one of her infamous mental breakdowns so theyā€™ll act like that was on us and not her mess of a life
Janis: but maybe theyā€™ll have sorted a slightly more decent trip by the time youā€™re meant to go, dedicated as they areā€¦
Janis: Ha, good stuff šŸ‘
Casey: Iā€™d have counted on that from her, like, sheā€™s never not the one šŸ„ƒ awayĀ 
Casey: did reckon it mightā€™ve just been the effect I had though šŸ‘Ž
Casey: steady on, it ainā€™t too impressive, our kid could probably knock him out if he were in the mood and you definitely could doĀ 
Janis: Soz, she can shout a big game about it being all our fault but reckon the cheating husband had her fucked before any kid forgetting their homeworkĀ 
Janis: šŸ˜‚ he did protect me and the gingerbread house pretty well so Iā€™ll take your word for it, yeah
Casey: Nowt to do with her being the dickhead whoā€™s gotta teach paddy lingo and us lot all being well rude about all the culture sheā€™s chucking in with it, got top craic, her, donā€™t we know
Casey: til he forgets your anniversary or whatever, wonā€™t be all talk then, will you, and Jimā€™ll have to watch himself šŸ˜‚
Janis: regretting all her life choices from the off
Janis: You have to do Irish? Thatā€™s a pisstake, like
Janis: but obviously, 1000% that bitch, howā€™d you know
Casey: would be and would have to if it werenā€™t piss easy to get her to send me out, but donā€™t reckon I really have to tell you owt on the subject of none of that, from what else Iā€™ve heard youā€™re like šŸ˜šŸ‘
Casey: thatā€™s how I know all sorts, never off peopleā€™s šŸ‘… your name, mate
Janis: Good to know people donā€™t chat shit 100% of the time then
Janis: you can probably disregard the rest though šŸ‘
Casey: Have to now youā€™ve gone and got yourself with that twat, rather catch deafness than šŸ‘‚ every other going about giving him the šŸ‘ for itĀ Ā 
Janis: šŸ˜¬ someone will get off with someone else soon and theyā€™ll move their šŸ‘… and šŸ‘ along
Casey: I dunno about that, but šŸ¤ž for you moving on to less of a knobhead
Janis: Iā€™m not gonna crash your gaff constantly or be all up in your face
Janis: fuck all I can do about the rumour mill though, or I wouldā€™ve ages ago for myself, like
Casey: what the last one said, but alright
Janis: Yeah, alright, you got no reason to believe meĀ 
Casey: and youā€™ve got no reason to give me one, only your šŸ’°
Janis: Fair
Janis: heā€™s got the schedule
Casey: Long as heā€™s not already lost it
Janis: If itā€™s got a load of other dickheadā€™s names on it, itā€™s his CG one
Casey: itā€™ll be what heā€™s drawn over both of ā€˜em I donā€™t wanna see
Janis: [send him what you sent Jimmy re. your schedule like there you go then lol crisis averted]
Casey: tah
Janis: BackatchaĀ 
Casey: Itā€™s nowt, got a dog no fucker but me walks anyway
Janis: Far as gifts go, one that keeps on giving šŸ’©šŸ’©
Casey: least we can breed off it with your connections, start a farm or something
Janis: šŸ˜† all the owners are rich dickheads, theyā€™d catch wind and want their cutĀ 
Casey: is probs how they stay rich, bit unfair to us butĀ 
Janis: guess I respect the hustle
Janis: they need some dickhead to walk their unloved dogs, I need their cash
Janis: when Iā€™m not out of commissionĀ 
Casey: too right you do, his tips ainā€™t gonna keep you nowt except šŸ¤ fuming he bothered spending ages making coffee for dickheads for it only to come to that, lucky if he can shout you a single šŸ„ƒ in this town
Janis: So nightmare golddigger is the new one? Interesting šŸ™„šŸ˜
Janis: reckon Iā€™d probably set my sights higher if I were but canā€™t ask ā€˜em for logic
Casey: up to you to work out he donā€™t got owt else to offer in your own time and how many drinks youā€™ll need to put up with him
Janis: I know better than to get involved with sibling shit, got too many of my own, unfortunatelyĀ 
Casey: Iā€™d šŸ‘ but nah, that has gotta do your head in
Janis: yeah but too late to sterilize her so I just do my best to avoid them
Casey: have a go speaking a language they canā€™t, works with getting Bob out my face
Janis: keep it in mind
Janis: failing that Iā€™ll deafen myself, block out their bullshit šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
Casey: if youā€™ve not proper pissed the bed with Burke, could get her doing both in one
Janis: didnā€™t piss in no oneā€™s bed, if thatā€™s going about
Janis: just tried to help her with her sobriety by relieving her of some of her stash, so yeah, if she can keep it together to work it out she might have some shit to spray at us
Casey: Ainā€™t what you call a good time, Iā€™ll let the chattiest dickheads know
Casey: too much of a šŸ˜‡ you, saving her falling off the wagon same time as having to yourself that assault course
Janis: Sure Jimmy will, not exactly the kinda thing heā€™ll want going about eitherĀ 
Janis: have time to work on my legal case now, I guess šŸ‘ŒĀ 
Casey: yeah, donā€™t worry, not like heā€™s known for šŸ¤ or owt
Janis: I have met him, like šŸ˜
Casey: He never did or said nowt for Hayley when they were having a go at her, there were loads of that before you met him heā€™ll be chuffed you donā€™t have no clue aboutĀ 
Janis: reckon Iā€™ll survive without the rescue, weā€™re alright
Janis: He can keep his secrets
Casey: you said it, youā€™ve met him, ainā€™t a lot else you can do
Janis: Tah for the concern
Janis: people said shit before yous got here and theyā€™ll say it after, nothing I ainā€™t used to or got a handle on
Casey: Youā€™re alright, I ainā€™t scared to show when Iā€™m bothered how he is, donā€™t need to shrug it off to look šŸ˜Ž now youā€™re chatting to me
Janis: youā€™re funny, give you that
Casey: itā€™s going about when they can get a word in that ainā€™t about you pair
Janis: worse reps to have, should be alright
Casey: I know, seen his before you did the saving
Janis: Not gonna be cringe and say itā€™s mutual or something
Casey: šŸ˜ both know why
Janis: dunno about that, likeĀ 
Casey: ask your ankle
Janis: nah that was my bad
Casey: What were it you said about having no reason to believe you
Casey: ā€˜cause weā€™re back there again, soz, like
Janis: šŸ˜ bit harsh you reckon he had reason to push meĀ 
Casey: had loads more to catch you and never, reckon itā€™s more than a bit rude, that
Janis: very chivalrous šŸ˜†
Casey: least you can do for a lass you like
Janis: Iā€™ll let him know
Casey: he should do already, dunno what heā€™s pissing about at if he donā€™tĀ 
Janis: maybe it ainā€™t that deep
Casey: maybe, he does have reason for it not to be
Janis: yeah, donā€™t worry, I know youā€™re probably moving soon
Casey: chuffed for you heā€™s bothered telling you that much
Janis: šŸ¤ž for you thereā€™s not another annoying bitch in the next town
Casey: ā€˜course there will be, canā€™t help himself, him
Casey: and youā€™re such an upgrade on her his next pick can only go back downhillĀ 
Janis: take the šŸ„‡ ā€˜fore you can tell me otherwise, cheers
Casey: go on, Iā€™ll let you have it now since you ainā€™t got the ages youā€™d need to change my mind to šŸ’­ youā€™re a nightmare
Janis: makes a change so not gonna try and šŸ”
Casey: I know what you mean
Janis: well youā€™re alright with me
Casey: have a word with the dogs for us then, put a good one in
Janis: ā€˜course šŸ˜…
Janis: Iā€™ll let you know which ones are bastards, so you keep ā€˜em on the leadĀ 
Casey: Wait til the rumour gets about Iā€™ve got loads of bitches well trained, Iā€™ll have my own šŸ„‡Ā 
Janis: yeah no lie šŸ˜‚
Casey: let me know who youā€™re related to so I donā€™t take the wrong lasses out when Iā€™m dead popular
Janis: šŸ˜ nothing like your brother, nah?
Janis: Iā€™ll find time to make that list, like, donā€™t go too ā†—ļø yet
Casey: my top qualities MIGHTā€™VE rubbed off on him, a bit, ā€˜cause heā€™s always hanging about šŸ  when he ainā€™t serving ā˜•ļø
Janis: you didnā€™t learn it all from him then? šŸ¤” alright
Casey: nah, already worked out myself putting a spoon of instant in a mugā€™ll do if youā€™re that knackered before school, donā€™t need his help
Janis: Iā€™m not a customer, have to have that argument with my sister
Casey: alright, Iā€™ll sort her out for you šŸ’ŖšŸ˜‰šŸ„Š
Janis: wouldnā€™t be a fair fight
Janis: on her part though so I ainā€™t led you astray here
Casey: I donā€™t mind if you donā€™t
Janis: Reckon Jimmy might have something to say about that
Casey: you sure youā€™ve met him
Janis: just a few times
Casey: be like him to get chatty in the PE cupboard
Janis: šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
Casey: yeah, does take the piss out of you and your šŸ„‡
Janis: you should probably be taking the piss out of him, not me
Janis: if thatā€™s how brothers go about it, not certain, like
Casey: I have
Janis: shouldā€™ve guessed that, actuallyĀ 
Casey: what, from him šŸ˜­
Casey: how would you, he donā€™t do nowt else, youā€™ve gotta be used to it
Janis: no šŸ˜
Janis: Iā€™d say itā€™s a fair shout from how you seem, you like a wind-up
Casey: So you have heard about me, shouldā€™ve said it were mutual, nowt cringe about thatĀ 
Janis: A bit, heā€™s not totally šŸ”‡
Casey: massive shame, ainā€™t it
Janis: šŸ¤«
Casey: As itā€™s you telling me to
Janis: that kinda shit will get you far, undoubtedlyĀ 
Casey: yeahĀ 
Janis: Not that Iā€™d recommend it, but if you wanna get bitches
Casey: go on, give me your recommendations, youā€™ve gotta now
Janis: well, I ainā€™t trying to get bitches, that rumour was not one of the legit ones
Janis: you should be alright without my help though
Casey: Canā€™t blame nobody for thinking it, Jim does act like a girl
Janis: he donā€™t look like one and thatā€™s what theyā€™re all šŸ‘€ so
Casey: if all youā€™re bothered about is he donā€™t wear a skirt to school, Iā€™ll tell my dad tah for you when he gets off work
Janis: Be a good first impression, tah so much šŸ˜
Casey: heā€™ll not let you come round and meet him, have to do a Hayley and invite yourself with suitcases if thatā€™s what youā€™re after
Janis: keep my luggage to myself and your sofa free, honest
Casey: More room for dadā€™s missus, sheā€™ll be chuffed to bits even if nobody else is
Janis: šŸ˜¬ been there
Janis: can give her the warm welcome you mightā€™ve reserved for me, yeah
Casey: steady on, she ainā€™t nowt like you
Janis: Iā€™d hope sheā€™s got at least a few years on me, cheek
Casey: years, chins, wrinkles
Janis: šŸ˜‚ a catch then
Casey: heā€™s done better, and worse, anā€™ all
Janis: get it, no oneā€™s getting attached, barely them
Casey: werenā€™t that attached to my mum, just how he is, not owt personal to [whatever the girlfriendā€™s actual name is because heā€™s not calling them all Sharon like his brother does]
Janis: my mumā€™s the same
Casey: mine werenā€™t, made her fuming
Janis: Probably fair, I dunno
Casey: not gonna get chance to meet her either
Janis: no
Janis: not a parent pleaser anyway
Casey: thatā€™ll be why he likes you, not got the balls to not be himself
Janis: have to ask him
Casey: be a right laugh for you, that
Janis: him more like
Janis: psychotic moves
Casey: he answered any question youā€™ve asked yet
Casey: ā€˜cause he donā€™t if he can help it, you mightā€™ve noticed
Janis: canā€™t blame him, donā€™t it do your head in how everyone šŸ’¬s
Casey: itā€™d wind me up more to be in my own head much as heā€™s in his
Janis: I see that, too
Casey: donā€™t the quiet do your head in
Janis: sometimes
Janis: I just piss off when something does me though
Casey: to where
Janis: wherever I can šŸƒšŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
Casey: I get that šŸš“
Casey: canā€™t get far right now though, need a new one for christmas, one Iā€™ve gotā€™s knackered
Janis: Nice
Janis: my sister is always doing shit to mine, if it ainā€™t in bits itā€™s always on the horizonĀ 
Casey: have to get her to have a look at mine
Janis: She would, sheā€™s an apprentice mechanic so worth a shout
Janis: even if santa brings you that new one, like
Casey: Oi, donā€™t be bringing that šŸŽ…šŸ» dickhead into this, had enough of him, me
Casey: Bob wonā€™t shut up about what heā€™s after
Janis: šŸ˜† bless him
Casey: wonā€™t listen to me that heā€™s not real, is he deaf or what, pisstake it is
Janis: Have to get you to talk to my nieceĀ 
Janis: still adding to her list like thereā€™s time to go get her moreĀ 
Casey: lasses know they can get away with being spoilt
Janis: She certainly does šŸ™„šŸ˜
Casey: she didnā€™t learn it off you, nah
Janis: Touche šŸ‘
Casey: Reckon Iā€™d keep up with you alright šŸƒ
Janis: With my dodgy ankle, perhaps šŸ˜‰
Casey: funny
Casey: I donā€™t šŸš¬ much as him
Janis: have a job to
Casey: Iā€™d have to have a job to afford to
Janis: Not really what the dog walking was for but I canā€™t tell you what to do with itĀ 
Casey: Can try if you fancy it, both my šŸ‘‚s work and you might have some top ideas
Janis: Awkward I canā€™t think of anything family-friendly and wholesome to suggest
Janis: what do you like doing?
Casey: never said it had to be
Casey: but Iā€™m a typical lad if you can remember what one of ā€˜em is
Janis: If Iā€™m turning you off from smoking, not gonna turn you onto something worse, be a bit of a dick moveĀ 
Janis: but Iā€™m familiarĀ 
Janis: šŸ‘ŸšŸ‘Ÿ?
Casey: Far as whatā€™s worse, depends who you ask, donā€™t it
Janis: wasnā€™t gonna be crack, any rate
Casey: gutted, Iā€™d heard it were dead good, probs those same dickheads who reckoned youā€™re a massive lesbian chatting more bollocks
Janis: Anyone reckoning I got those connections is behind on their current affairs, soz
Casey: ainā€™t they all, must be loads happening getting ā€˜em to lose track
Janis: some of ā€˜em surprisingly dedicated to keeping up to date, just not getting their facts straightĀ 
Casey: not that different here then, alright
Janis: sadly not
Janis: let you know if I ever find a place that is
Casey: can also be mutual, if you wantĀ 
Janis: Iā€™ll wait for the postcard when yous fuck off thenĀ 
Casey: Iā€™ll write it well neat, you can show it round, gonna miss Lucas that much when I do go
Janis: Who wouldnā€™t
Casey: his missus or mrs, whichever heā€™s got
Janis: šŸ˜‚ like that thereā€™s a distinction, missus under 16 or?
Casey: donā€™t have to be, except in his case
Casey: just less serious, like you and my brother right now vs him and his ex before
Janis: gotcha
Janis: very Northern
Casey: Wonā€™t have time to lose itĀ 
Janis: least youā€™re not posh English, be a really, really shit time otherwise
Casey: shit enough any road, but Iā€™d hate to sound same as him about it
Janis: youā€™d be weird if you werenā€™t having a shit time, I reckon
Casey: tah for reckoning Iā€™m not, very matey of you
Janis: my award-winning charm, obviously
Casey: a fair shout for how you are
Janis: alright, donā€™t come for my bit, kid
Casey: Donā€™t call me kid, love
Janis: āœ‹ okay, okay, no patronising languageĀ 
Casey: whatā€™s he call you šŸ¤”
Janis: He pretends he donā€™t know my name, thatā€™s his bitĀ 
Casey: a new one, must be at least pretending to like you
Janis: Tah! šŸ˜‚
Casey: if youā€™d rather he reused pet names of hers, just give him time
Janis: inevitable, ainā€™t it
Janis: only so many šŸ¤¢ ways we can cringe everyone out
Casey: I dunno, not had a go yet
Janis: wouldnā€™t rush
Casey: did try and warn you he werenā€™t worth it
Janis: oi
Janis: just avoiding calling you a kid again
Casey: yeah, ā€˜course you are
Janis: Iā€™m very friendly, tah
Casey: and he ainā€™t, exactly what Iā€™m going on about, mate
Janis: not let the šŸ˜’ fool me
Janis: heā€™s a good brother, ainā€™t he
Janis: much better than I am sister or anything
Casey: Top if youā€™re asking the other
Janis: soz, that ainā€™t my business, just ignore that
Casey: it ainā€™t a secret, theyā€™re bestest mates, weā€™re not
Janis: I just realised how much itā€™d do my head in to have a stranger telling me how great one of my sisters or brothers was if I didnā€™t wanna hear it
Janis: not that much of a dickhead, honestly
Casey: worse you could be telling me as far as what you reckon to him
Janis: never meant to keep you this long anyway, just checking you wanted to do it and saying thanks, you can tell me to piss off now
Casey: I get it, you donā€™t wanna tell me to, am actually that great, me
Janis: Youā€™d probably take offence to cocky little shit, yeah? šŸ˜œ
Janis: youā€™re doing me a favour, serious though
Casey: less of the little and itā€™s a compliment
Janis: ahh, dunno if I can bring myself to write that then
Casey: Jim never could take ā€˜em, youā€™ll have got out the habit, itā€™s alright
Casey: what did you say, no rush, yeah
Janis: funny, I remember saying
Casey: šŸ˜ itā€™ll doĀ Ā 
Janis: Youā€™ll have to take it ā€˜cos thatā€™s my goodwill for the day gone, I reckon
Casey: in a bit then, mardyĀ 
Janis: šŸ‘‹
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unyanizedcatboys Ā· 3 years
itā€™s fine, and yeah make sure you use their official site not those weird clone ones, i know bc iā€™m in their discord :3
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