#yeah I suppose Emmett getting that promotion was inevitable
victorluvsalice · 4 years
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Nikal ended her work day in good spirits -- once she finished up her meal, she headed back to the lab for a bit more experimenting, and ended up planting a few new things in the greenhouse! And fixing the toilet her coworkers busted with magic. Now that’s how you get levels in your spellcaster rank!
And then she got home and Emmett had accidentally upstaged her by getting an off-screen promotion. XD Whoops. Ah well, becoming Laboratory Leader is nothing to sneeze at -- and they could use the extra money with a kid on the way. New shower too! Didn’t really fit in their “public” bathroom, so I just stuck it downstairs in the lab for now. Really gonna have to spend some time upgrading their home now that there’s gonna be three people here. . .
Anyway, nothing much special to report after that -- they watched some politics on the TV, Nikal finished her shelf (which was NOT of excellent quality, annoyingly), and Emmett tuned up the mattress firmness on their bed, making it even better. All while it kept snowing away outside, harder and harder.
But that’s okay, because tomorrow’s a holiday and nobody has to go out! Next time -- the gang celebrates Winterfest!
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