#yeah I'll prob tutn thid jnto a fic on ao3
brainyrot · 6 months
I said I would and so I did
Part one
Part two
"I just feel constantly watched, that's it. It's creeping me out!"
"Maybe it's just the anxiety."
"I mean, the mind can trick you in many ways, maybe no one is really here."
"But what about the footsteps you and Felix heard?"
"I.. don't know yet but this place looks more abandoned than anything. it's probable some homeless people are here."
if that was actually true.
and if this mug could stop dividing his food to share with the others, it would be great.
honestly, he doesn't care that much, there's easier ways to get food and fast, the problem is that he can't right now. There's a certain follower here, which is already unusual, these weird toons following him everywhere and there isn't a place Wilson hasn't placed his stupid technology to keep him stuck in this form.
it's just annoying, that's it. he could lead them around, sure, but it's more dangerous for him than anything right now, he really hates this stupid form.
and he has no idea how to respond, in general, to them.
One asks about why he's so quiet, he tries to explain but they think he's just tired or just had..an ink attack or.. whatever. "His clothes are all full of ink!"
"The whole place is full of ink."
"Yeah but he literally has ink dripping form his hair. And have you seen his eyebags?"
such a weird observation.
what even is an ink attack? Like when he turns into the ink demon?
He wouldn't call it an attack but, sure I guess. Everybody's creative in their own way.
He needs to start being more creative because if they keep up with the cans and the lunch break room, they'll be stuck here forever.
He could wait until they are asleep, but none of them seem to be wanting to sleep.
those two dishes keep mourning over a dead body they haven't truly met before.
The girl keeps analyzing everything, and she's way more close to the truth than anyone, but it'll only drive her mad, like everyone here.
and the cat, acting sweet and kind, acting fatherly towards this demon he doesn't even know.
Either he's dumb, or something else. nothing positive though.
"Are you okay?" Are you?
"Do you need to lay down? Food?"
"Look once you feel better we can start looking for Boris." We can look for Boris right now actually, wouldn't hurt to pay a visit to that silly anxious wolf. Maybe those two can stop crying, it's pathetic really.
they don't even say why, they don't even look for comfort through the rest of the group, truly some kind of masochists.
and since no one here is gonna do anything, unless he does anything, he just got up and left.
They'll follow him like if they are little ducklings anyway.
he is not here anyway, anymore. He left. he's probably thinking of some sacrifice.
it's useless and stupid, you're not gonna get saved or spared, you're just living in an illusion created by your own mind to have some sort of comfort in this place we're all stuck here day by day until the end of time.
but it's stupidly funny how big this place is, very amusing, especially the reactions.
They are all confused and wary, especially because he knows this place despite "being his first time here", the girl is intrigued too, her curiosity will get her killed, the cat is too but he keeps to himself. Not like her.
She asks questions. She analyzes, she talks. The thing no one does here.
she points things out, she tries to find logic and reasoning behind madness and Ink. That's why she's driving herself crazy.
You can't find logic behind something that has nothing but no sense at all.
but it's not much of a problem for him, the rule here is that you are either mute, to keep yourself safe mostly, or you go mad. No in-between.
sometimes you're both too. Depends.
the more they go down, the more they ask questions, which he could answer, but he can't.
"the pipes are broken, explains the ink."
"People were surely obsessed with this joey guy."
"And bendy."
"what is even the deal with the ink demon?"
"Maybe they are talking about the ink illness?"
"Whoever wrote all of this is probably mad."
"I mean, have you seen this place? Who wouldn't be?"
they are there just not quite.
"this is probably an old abandoned studio some crazy lunatics used for either protection or just to have a roof on their head. they probably had some experiences with the ink illness, it could explain why they keep talking about this "ink demon", they could have used the word demon as a substitute for illness."
"like, when people say you're possessed by a demon when you act crazy?"
"Kind of. They think the ink illness doing is because of a demon, or think the illness is a demon itself tormenting them."
If he could sigh loudly, he would.
"why are we even exploring this place. We should go." He's right. This tall smoking cup is right. You should go.
"Because bendy has no intention to stop, and frankly I'm not leaving him here with who knows who." this cat is going to die first.
"is he looking for Boris?"
"Obviously! he's the only one that we haven't found."
"What about the others? Like Alice or..black hat, I don't know." oh? They know Alice too?
well he could do her a favor then.
"Wasn't Alice in heaven? And what would hat even do here?"
"One of his weird stupid experiments?"
"You think this is one of his experiments to figure out the ink illness?"
"Probably. He had a guy with the ink illness caged up like some animal."
He can't even tell who is talking and who isn't, they all sound the same, say the same thing. and he isn't bothering to make a difference between all of them.
"Oh my Lord!" But for the life of him he can't tune out Sammy's annoying voice.
and those finger guns again. They aren't pointing at him so he's fine, they are pointing at Sammy.
"hey! Don't you dare get any closer, ya weirdo."
A man now made of ink, willingly turning himself into a monster to please a lord that didn't exist in the first place.
"Oh, I'm so pleased my Lord! A gift just for me! oh you flatter me." The man says, holding his axe like his newborn child. A faint laugh from his lips.
"I'll make sure this time the sacrifice will make you happy." Ready fo attack, ready to slice their heads off. But how can you go against toons who can bend reality? How can you against things that were built to not follow logic?
Sammy is only human, a man pretending to be ink, he can't compete. but neither can they, truly a show worth to watch if it wasn't for that grip on his shoulder from the older cup, holding him like if he was some fragile vase that was gonna break any time soon, a friend to protect, something defenseless.
Which he was, but he wasn't in danger at the moment, not when Sammy was here, not when hundreds of lost ones have heard the chaos. Not when so many souls floating and swimming in the dark, lurking and waiting to meet the new guests.
no one is going to hurt him though, no one is going to lay a finger on him.
They all worship him, they all love him, he doesn't get why, but in times like this, he's glad.
but he doesn't want to be at the center of attention. He needs a corner, a table, anything to hide and be ignored until he can make a run for it and be finally free from this cage of a body that he's stuck with.
"I said back off!" He hissed, he surely knows how to act brave. He is not. He is nervous, he is slightly shaking. He is scared of the unknown in front of him, on his head, on the floor, kind of everywhere but he doesn't know.
"If any of you get any closer imma start shootin' and it's all over for you." But it's not effective on people whose life matters no more.
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