#yeah bestie but you have to get like 10 of those jars if you want to make your food airtight
bohemian-nights · 1 year
Alicent and Rhaenyra still holding on to their friendship after episode 7 is (you could even make an argument for anywhere past episode 5) is pathetic. By the time episode 10 roles around these are women who have both threatened harm to each others children (Rhaenyra calling for Aemond to be “sharply questioned” and Alicent calling for the eye of Lucerys). Book!Alicent (and Book!Rhaenyra) would never. And to be honest I’m not sure why any self-respecting person
would want to rekindle any sort of relationship with someone who has actively threatened harm to their respective children.
Next season I would like to see more Book!Alicent especially after after Blood&Cheese. I would also like some more agency. Alicent not knowing that they were planning on usurping Rhaenyra until after Viserys death was pathetic. While it’s true that in different parts of her life Alicent has been the victim it seems as if (progressively more with each time skip) that’s the only or rather major characterization trait the writers are focusing on.
When it comes to Rhaenyra I would like to solely see Book!Rhaenyra. One of the few things I like about Book!Rhaenyra is that at least she knew she had some sort of power. Oftentimes people like to compare Alicent to Cersei but I would compare Rhaenyra to Cersei. Cersei was a bad person who did a lot of bad things. Cersei knew what and who she was. She used her power and privilege to her benefit and her benefit alone. While Rhaenyra is her own person (just as Cersei is her own) I think it would be in the writers favor to lean into more of those traits for Rhaneyra that her book counterpart also already has.
I would like to see more characters (especially the female characters) besides Rhaenyra given at least some what consistent characterization.
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It literally makes no sense. Like after what went down on Driftmark happened I would want nothing to do with you. There would be no trying to rekindle a friendship or whatever it was. No playing nice. You mess with my kid? You’re my enemy now.
That scene was the peak of their respective characters(they seem the most like their book counterparts) because by the next episode whatever development they had gets thrown out the window which is pretty jarring.
I get they have a history, but they should rightfully hate each other. The characterization just isn’t making sense. The writers just won’t let them move forward and show that these women are actually powerful women which is the opposite of what they are claiming to do 🫠
I agree with you that they need to scale back on trying to make Alicent look like she doesn’t know what’s going on at every turn and yeah Rhaenyra is much more like Cersei than Alicent(just way less interesting to me, but still extremely delusional).
It’s pretty clear at this point the writers have a problem showing that while a woman can be abused or a “victim of the patriarchy” she can still have agency and exert a version of power especially over those who are beneath her.
Book!Alicent had to tow the line of Viserys wishes, but the moment he was on deaths doors she had everything in order. She wasted no time in taking control of the situation. She wasn’t clueless. She wasn’t shocked by what was happening. She was instrumental in crowning her son king. The show drops that in favor of how shes a lost puppy who’s shocked by what the men are doing and she just wants her bestie back.
Book!Rhaenyra knowns that she’s above it all, she can do whatever she wants cause she’s the exception, and she does exactly that. Adult show!Rhaenyra thinks she has 0 power(which is utterly stupid considering does whatever and daddy dearest covered her a** 24/7. If she truly had no power she wouldn’t do half the stuff she does). They are trying to make her a good girl who’s just been wronged, or at least Dany 2.0, when she’s not.
The book characterization needs to come out at this point because what’s happening now isn’t making any sense. Don’t hold back and white wash these characters to make them “likable” or “sympathetic.”Show who they really are. Let them have agency.
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ricoka · 2 years
YouTube can be fun but sometimes it also makes you want to throw your tv out the window
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 10 - Clean This Up
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, who is he really?, 2.9k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: abuse, mild violence
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Alex had said to check the diner, so Victoria opted to have dinner there and asked to see the owner. She was aware of the vigilante-style work she was doing, but with everything else going on in her life, this couldn’t possibly hurt any worse. Folding her hands, she breathed calmly as she peeked at the menu. It was important not to act as authoritative as she usually did, she reminded herself. A portly man with short gray hair and a mustache came over and took the seat across from her.
“Hi there,” the man said, shaking Victoria’s hand. “What can I do for you?”
“Hi, I’m Victoria Molina,” she introduced herself. “I was actually trying to find someone and I was told you could help me.”
The man raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Oh, alright. Who are you looking for?”
“I’m looking for a young man of about seventeen, he goes by Willie? I was told he works here. I just have some questions for him. Would he happen to be in at all today?”
“We don’t have anyone named Willie here anymore,” the man told her. “I actually just bought this establishment along with the hotel about two weeks ago and a few of the staff followed the previous owner to a different business. You might want to talk to him instead.”
“Oh,” Victoria sat back in slight disappointment. “I take it you’re not Caleb Covington?”
“No, he’s the guy I bought it from. I’m Frank Wolfe. I can give you his contact information, though.”
Nodding, she smiled politely.
“I would appreciate that. Sorry I had to come bother you, though.”
“Not at all,” he said. “I apologize that I can’t be any more useful. If you like, I can take your order.”
“Oh, thank you. I’ll actually have the carne asada.”
“Perfect,” he smiled as he took her menu away. “I’ll have that information for you in just a minute, too.”
Taking a gulp of water, Victoria sighed. It certainly felt just like any regular case. The fact the business had recently changed hands made her want to be suspicious, but she fought to remain level-headed. It was enough that she was going off the word of a teenage boy and an old poster. If it was a dud, if this trip led nowhere, she would buy Carlos a gift and head home safe and sound.
After finishing her meal, she returned to her hotel room and pulled out the business card Frank Wolfe had given her. Something about the dark purple design and the old-fashioned lettering he’d chosen made her feel like Caleb Covington was at least a little pretentious, if not flashy about his business. Picking up the phone and dialing the number, she held her breath waiting for an answer.
“Caleb Covington, who may I be speaking to?” a baritone voice chimed on the other end. The touch of sing-song in his tone was unexpected.
“Hi, my name is Victoria,” she introduced herself for the second time that night. “I was told you were the guardian of a young man named Willie?”
“Are you with social services?” he asked.
She furrowed her brow. “I’m sorry?”
“I usually only get a call when we have a hearing scheduled, but our last one was just a couple months ago.” His tone had gone from happy to serious at such a jarring speed it took Victoria a moment to process his words.
“No,” she said finally. “No, I’m not with them. I didn’t mean to confuse you. I’m actually reaching out on a personal favor. See another young man I know says they met a while back.”
“Oh, is it the band that came through a few weeks ago?” Caleb immediately picked the cheer back up.
“Yes, I’m glad you remember,” she responded, surprised.
“How are those boys doing?”
“Oh, they’re just fine. I think they’re gonna be a success.”
“Good to hear it,” he said. “Listen, no harm done. I own a swanky little club just in the south of town. I would be delighted if you gave me a visit, and I’d be happy to chat.”
“Sounds great, thank you,” Victoria smiled, unable to believe how easy that felt. “I can stop by tomorrow evening.”
“Wonderful. If it isn’t too much, I’ll make you a reservation.”
“Well, I can’t say no to such generosity!” It had been a long time since Victoria had gone on a night out. This was a much needed vacation, and if it killed two birds with one stone, all the better. She said goodbye and decided since she was practically getting everything she needed at the club, the rest of the day would be spent treating herself for once.
Willie skateboarded up the driveway and only just remembered Caleb’s rule about the pool in time to hop off before pulling off his helmet and going around the back. He took the back route into the house and dropped a number of grocery bags on the counter. One of these days he would age out of the foster system and not spend the morning being Caleb’s errand boy, but for now he just laid Caleb’s credit card on the table and went outside toward his shed.
Opening the door, he saw Caleb standing in the middle of the room, looking around at all of his drawings. Paper covered most of the walls now. Faces with no names to them, locations with no map to their destination - only snippets of a past life. Willie couldn’t stop drawing them. There still weren’t many memories returning to him, but any detail was an important one. He hadn’t drawn this much in ages, since before he found Sheldon. The backwards dream had become a recurring one by now, and there was still very little that he understood about it. Still, he had so many scenes made out of it that he could almost recreate the dream in a very rough animation.
“Hi C-Caleb,” Willie stammered. This never happened. It made him immediately nervous.
“What a collection, William,” Caleb said, not exactly sounding like an awed patron in a museum. “I mean, the sheer volume of work that went into these is absolutely mind-blowing.”
A small pebble of pride rose in Willie’s chest.
“Really?.... Um, thank you.” He couldn’t suppress his smile.
Caleb held up a hand and looked down at his well-manicured nails, and then back up.
“I just don’t understand why I look so hostile in this one,” he said, pointing to the picture in question. “And that one. And all of these in this corner.” His gaze returned to Willie with unprecedented menace.
Willie immediately shrank away, his mouth gaping open.
“Well...I..they’re from a dream.”
“A dream?” Caleb repeated, not liking what he was hearing.
“Yeah, I think it was a memory.”
Willie watched the man straighten his posture, a calculating expression on his face.
“Are these all memories?” Caleb asked after a tense moment, casting his eyes about the room.
“I think so,” Willie said hesitantly.
Caleb lifted a hand and grabbed the bottom of one. It was the first one WIllie had done of his dad sitting inside the truck and smiling at him.
“Hm,” was all that he said for a second.
And then he tore it in half.
Willie made toward the picture in alarm, feeling a part of him inside being torn just the same, but was stopped as Caleb held a hand out.
“Ah ah,” he said. “What have I told you about becoming your own person regardless of the past?” He took a handful of another drawing and ripped that one too.
Ignoring what Caleb said, Willie lunged forward to try stopping him anyway. Caleb was faster, grabbing his shirt and tossing him backward into the wall. He couldn’t help but begin crying.
“But these are my memories, why would you - ” he sputtered, lost for words.
“Because, William,” Caleb continued loudly, pulling as many as he could off the wall and shredding them into smaller pieces. “Your history? The one full of loss and being shuffled here and there? That is all that awaits you. You know it’s the truth; that’s how you ended up here. I offer you the opportunity to become a new person, and I can’t allow you to spoil yourself with reminders. And besides, those little friends you not-so-secretly made a few weeks ago have started snooping around in my business, and I can’t have that.”
He didn’t even pick anything up, he just left paper strewn all over the floor and walked all over it. As he made for the last wall, Willie made one more attempt to overpower him. He leapt onto Caleb’s shoulders and tried to pull him back with all his weight. A fist landed in his eye and he slacked his grip. Caleb wrestled him onto the bed and held him down, a crazed look in his eye that Willie swore he’d never seen no matter how familiar it felt.
“I don’t understand, what do they have to do with it? Why can’t I have friends?”
“I’m doing this for your own good,” Caleb hissed at him. “You” - he reached up and touched the scar on Willie’s head with his finger - “You got a reboot and you know how many people are lucky enough for that? You should thank me. Unfortunately, you can’t have friends when they send someone asking me questions about that little past of yours. That’s just asking for trouble.”
All Willie could do was hold his eye and lay back as Caleb tore up the last of the drawings. Once he finished, Caleb patted himself off and made his way out the door.
“Clean this up,” he told Willie. “And don’t bother doing any more art.”
As the door shut behind him, Willie scrambled onto the floor to search for just one of the drawings. Shuffling through smudged pieces of paper, he saw a few tears drop onto his ruined work. Eventually, he held the picture of his father in two pieces in his hands. Sobbing, he tried to hold them together evenly, but Caleb’s work had made that hard to do. His only hope was to try drawing it again, but he was already terrified of what Caleb’s reaction to that would be if his first one had been this.
A piece of another drawing caught Willie’s eye from underneath. He recognized Caleb’s snarling face from the dream and was surprised at how well it captured what he’d just witnessed. His mind went back to the way he knew the look in Caleb’s eyes. Suddenly, the awful realization dawned on him: he finally understood the dream.
Victoria walked into the club that evening, glad she had taken the time to look and feel fresh. This place was clearly up to snuff and then some. A live band played with dancers scattered throughout, all in bright, sparkly, feathery getup. A tall man with neatly styled dark hair was mesmerizing the crowd as he sang, keeping the energy high. As she was led to a table, Victoria simply sat and watched, greatly impressed with the talent.
Once the man’s solo finished, he bowed, gestured at the band to play on without him, and exited the stage. To Victoria’s surprise, he took the seat directly across from her.
“Ms. Victoria, you look so lovely, how are we this evening?” he asked with a charming smile. “I’m Caleb Covington.”
“Are you kidding me?” she started. “That was you up there? You’re a man of many talents; I’m already dazzled.”
“Oh, well, I hope that remains a constant while you’re here,” he said. "But you came to ask me about some other things, what were they?”
“Yes, I had some questions about Willie.”
Willie sat outside the bodega, unwilling to move for a while. He felt like everything inside of him was empty, as if Caleb had possessed claws and dug everything out until he was left hollow. The many ideas that had risen in his mind in the past few hours were all too much, all at once. If he dared, was he sure he could handle everything that might come his way? Every time he’d heard that ridiculous speech about starting over, becoming his own, yada-yada, he hadn’t considered any of the options he was now contemplating.
He’d already done some things. Already bought some things. Now he got up to collect Sheldon and held him tightly as he nodded to Escobar, who saluted him back. The man had said he didn’t want a dramatic thank you. Stuffing the items he purchased in his bag, he kept a hold of Sheldon as he skated off into the darkness.
“So, you see, Willie isn’t missing. He was abandoned,” Caleb was saying to Victoria. “Poor thing has struggled to adjust. I’ve dealt with some handfuls in the past, but I really have been doing the most for him, and he’s been with me for more than three years. I think it’s really sweet of those boys to raise a concern, and I hate to be a dead end, but that’s the truth of it.”
Victoria sat, nodding in acceptance.
“That makes a lot of sense, Mr. Covington, thank you for providing that for me.”
“Oh, call me Caleb. We’re all friends in here.”
“Okay, then, Caleb,” she corrected. “What got you into foster care?”
He put a hand over his heart and a fond look came over him.
“The youth are just full of so much magic, and I hate to see that their parents have chosen to lay it to waste. I’m the one who takes some of the tougher cases so I can bring out the best in them. You see that young man over there, Dante?” Caleb pointed at one of the dancers. “Classic rebel when he was young. You wouldn’t even know, he’s turned into such a gentleman. There’s a few more here and there in the club. I call them my graduates.”
“Well, I will tell you,” Victoria said. “When I first talked to you on the phone I wasn’t expecting you to be so generous. But now I can see that it’s just how you are.”
Caleb shot her a playful smile.
“Victoria, no need to butter me up. I do have some tight business practices to keep up.”
Fluid poured over every inch of the shed. Willie had made sure it was more than enough to get things going. He’d made sure to get the essentials: food for himself and Sheldon, a few changes of clothes, and a stash of money he’d taken from the safe in Caleb’s bedroom. The man shouldn’t have given him the combination in the first place.
Stepping out of the shed he looked at it one last time. What a sad, lousy existence. Living to perform for this man who shut him up inside this little thing and he had actually called it home? The further he was into his plan, the bolder he began to feel. He remembered when he had missed getting into the Pearl and that feeling of wrongness that had made him so frustrated. This feeling he had right now? It was so right. It was so right it drowned out anything scary about this whole idea.
He looked back at where he had put Sheldon on a small leash and tied him along the fence around Caleb’s backyard. It was definitely a safe distance. Then Willie pulled a box of matches out of his pocket, lit one, and looked at the flame for a minute. He held it just over the threshold of the doorway so it would land inside. It was so weak, like he had been ever since his accident. But he knew it was going to become so powerful, and he desperately hoped that he could retain some of that power for himself.
“Clean this up, Caleb,” he said, and he let his fingers go.
Victoria had stayed just a little longer to enjoy more food and music before standing up and heading toward the door. Caleb saw her on her way out and made her stop for a moment.
“It’s been a lovely night, and I’m grateful for everything you told me,” she said to him.
“Well I’m glad you took the opportunity to see what I have here,” he replied. “If you’re ever in the city again, please stop by. We’re always partying and putting on the best show.”
“Oh, I most certainly will,” she said, smiling as she made her way outside.
Someone tapped on Caleb’s shoulder from behind. Wordlessly, he turned to see who it was and why it was important.
“Sir,” one of his servers said. “You have a phone call. It’s the fire department.”
“What?” Caleb spat as he went to pick it up.
Willie sped along on his board the best that he could with Sheldon in his arms. He carefully made it down the ramp onto the freeway, controlling his speed as well as he could. He could picture Caleb now, just getting back to his home, eyes wide as he came upon the blaze. It was a very strange feeling, but right now Willie chose to focus on his newfound freedom. The cost wasn’t the matter right now. Freedom was all that was going to take him and his cat as far as they could go. The destination for now was Los Angeles.
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
The Getaway
Part Two
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A/N: This is obviously a continuation of a birthday fic I wrote for @ao719 that is now 2 weeks late 🙈 I was dealing with stuff, dont judge lol The writers block and doubts were for real yo! But thanks to my Tumblr bestie, who wouldnt let me quit, encouraged me, talked me through this thing and gave me ideas, it finally all came together.
Anitah, I apologize for being so late and the silliness of this fic and if it's terrible. I still hope you had a wonderful birthday and are blessed with so many more 💜
A/N/N: Thanks to @burnsoslow for beta reading and literally a thousand other things.
Warning: A lot of bad language, a miserable Drake Walker and violence involving tasers, fires, animals and car accidents ... No one dies people!
**Drake and Liam belong to Pixelberry, Nikolas belongs to me, the driver and mailroom guy belong to @burnsoslow​ and Liam's secretary belongs to @ao719​
Drake stepped out of the truck in a furor, cursing under his breath, to check on his damages. The front driver tire had fallen into a deep ditch, and it was evident by the thick mud it sunk into that it would be next to impossible to get unstuck without some assistance.
He shook his head, gritted his teeth, and the veins in his neck enlarged and throbbed. As he knelt down to assess the damages further, Nik hopped out of the truck and stood over Drake. With one glance, Nikolas clutched his belly and let out a loud continuous cackle that soon sent a storm of hot blood that seemed to collect in Drake's crimson-colored face.
And the laughter just got louder and louder.
And the laughter didn't stop.
In Drake's head, it sounded like a thousand Niks laughing simultaneously, each one with two horns, a pointy tail, and a pitchfork in hand. 
His anxiety took over.
He stood up, and in an attempt to let some of his anger out, he kicked the tire with an enraged shout that echoed beyond the heavily-forested valley and sent flocks of birds in a frenzy.
The tire's air must have been over-pressurized by the drop's force and popped as soon as Drake's foot made contact. He fell back onto his ass with a heavy thud causing Nikolas to screech out in more laughter. Drake sat up into time to see the front bumper and side panel fall to the ground.
"I think your truck is broken, Uncle Drake," the prince chortled.
Drake's head whipped around and glared at the boy. "No shit! What the fuck are you even doing here? You're supposed to be on a plane to Paris."
Nikolas shrugged. "This sounded more fun." 
"This isn't fun, you little asshole!" Drake jumped up and attempted to lunge at the boy, but slipped in the mud, caught his balance for a split second by grabbing onto a tree limb, then slipped again, before wiping out completely. "Son-of-a-monkey-fucker!"
Drake laid on his back, staring up at a large tree branch that hung overhead, praying to God the damn thing would just fall on him. 
Nikolas walked over to him and looked down on the face of fury. "Is it time for dinner yet? I'm staaaaaaaving!"
"Nikolas," Drake groaned then took a deep breath, his back mud-soaked and achy. "How? How in the hell did you pull this off?"
Nik plopped down on Drake's stomach, causing him to grunt loudly. "Easy. I told my dad you invited me, and he let me go. He was happy you wanted to spend time with me." The Prince smirked.
Drake gritted his teeth. "And he just believed you? Fucking Liam."
Nikolas shook his head. "No. I got Neal in the mailroom to pretend he was you on the phone."
Drake lifted his head and glared. "You mean that grease trap that lives in the ambulance down by the river?"
The young prince nodded. "Yeah. Except he doesn't live by the river anymore. He moved behind the elementary school .. said it had a better view."
There was dead silence for a moment as Drake grimaced at what he just heard before jerking his hips upward. "Get the fuck off me."
Nikolas stumbled to the ground with an uproarious laugh.
Drake reached into his front pocket and pulled out his cell as he rose to his feet. He was dead set on getting someone from the palace to retrieve this little menace to Drake Walker society before he found himself tied up to a cinder block at the bottom of Lake Boogaloo. The issue with his truck could wait.
Liam and Riley would already be on the plane with Bastien in tow, so calling them right now would be useless. He pressed the contact for the palace operator, hoping to be directed to the mailroom; if Neal was part of helping get Nik into this, his shady punk ass could come pick him up in the renovated ambulance that served as his home and part-time blood mobile. 
Pacing back and forth, Drake raised the phone to his ear, waiting impatiently for a ring. 
"Trish! Put me through to the mailroom." 
While he was distracted taking care of that, Nikolas was somewhat disappointed the trip was already over -- he had so many plans for his favorite uncle. With his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his lips, he leaned up against the truck in a huff. "This sucks!"
The sounds of leaves crunching and brush moving around nearby caught his attention. Nik's eyes widened in fear when the black furry coat of a creature with a white stripe down its middle could be seen scampering around searching for food. The boy gasped and pinched his nose as the animal's foul scent started to become thick in the air and made his eyes water. "Uncle Drake," he called out in a nasally voice, "there's a skunk."
With a scowl, Drake lowered the phone and scrunched up his own nose. He took one glance at the animal, who didn't appear to be a threat, then glanced back at the kid. "It's probably more scared of your evil ass than you are of it. Just keep your mouth shut and don't move." The call with Neal resumed.
"But, Drake ..." Nikolas whined, trying to plead for him to listen but could tell his uncle would have none of it.
Frantic to scare the smelly animal away, the young boy searched the ground for something to throw at it: a large stick, a rock, Drake's Air Bud soundtrack. Those things might scare the skunk off, but they posed a risk of it spraying before doing so. Memories of the smell of Madeleine's office when he had one shipped to her came flooding back. It took a month for the palace to lose that scent. The prank was hilarious until it affected his comfort.
 A devilish smirk took shape as an idea popped into his head. “I need my backpack.”
Nik grabbed the top of the truck bed and stepped up on the rear tire and swung one leg over, then the other. He found his backpack and quickly unzipped it, pulling out night-vision goggles and a rope, then placed them beside his feet. He proceeded to move aside a bottle of industrial-strength super glue and the glass jar holding his tarantula, Barf. Finally, at the bottom of the bag, was the taser he “borrowed” from Bastien’s desk, and he quickly took it out. Holding the electrical gun in front of his face and twisting it around menacingly, he said, “Okay, Mr. Skunk. Get ready for a shocking experience.”
“No!” Drake yelled into the phone at Neal, “You can’t borrow my binoculars. What the fuck are you gonna use those things for at a children’s museum anyway?”
“The … the …” the man scrambled for an answer, “those dinosaurs … yeah … the dinosaurs. They’re, like, really tall, ya know? I want to be able … to, uh … see their faces and stuff.”
“I call bullshit,” Drake bit back, “I won’t be an accomplice in your bone watching … dinosaur or small boy.” He resumed his pacing, wanting to get the conversation moving along. “Now listen, my sister and brother-in-law are in Texas, Lord Beaumont is on a book tour, and the guards are off duty until the royal family returns. You are going to come pick up this kid.”
“Oh! I would love to come pick him up. He’s under 10, correct?”
Drake could practically hear the creepy mirth oozing from the man's gruff voice and spat back, "I'll be with him the whole time, you oily ass, ambulance-driving …  è piccola cagna!"
"What does that mean?"
Drake knitted his brows; he didn't really know, just that Nikolas called him that from time to time, and the word just kind of stuck with him. "Just ... just get here now!"
"Okay, okay! I'm coming."
The call ended. "God, I hope he meant that literally, and I didn't just get that fucko off." He slipped the phone into his pocket and turned to Nik. "Alright, listen up, assh ..." Drake stopped dead in his tracks and stood, stunned, at the first glimpse of a taser-wielding Nikolas with the gun aimed almost directly at him, with a tiny finger wrapped around the trigger.
"Wwwhatcha got there, boy?" Drake's voice sounded calm and friendly. He even managed to fake a genuine-looking smile. Inside, however, he was close to shitting his pants.
Nikolas licked his lips and closed one eye to find the perfect aim. "I'm about to fry that skunk with extreme vengeance. One ..."
"Nikolas, no! Give me the taser." Drake cautiously approached him with his hand held out.
"Two," the small but menacing voice continued the count.
"Nik, don't do it! Give it to me now!"
The piercing sound of Drake's shout startled the skunk, and it scurried out from the thick brush.
Nik jumped up with the taser. "Hey! Get back here, asshole." He aimed at the fleeing creature and pressed the trigger.
The instant Drake's mocha-colored eyes fluttered open, an acrid mixture of what smelled like ass, sweat, rotten eggs, and his mother's hairy feet had bubbled up inside his nostrils. The aroma was slightly overshadowed by the 1200-volt prongs that had pierced just below the protruding vein in his neck, causing him to seize up and then drop like a rag doll to the dirt, and muck that littered the ground.
Close by, he could make out the discernible sound of footsteps crunching through foliage and bark and sloshing over wet earth.
Drake's cheek rested against the cold, soggy ground, even as the silhouette of the young prince crouched next to him with his little head tilted sideways and blinking owlishly. He saw the child's lips moving but blocked out the little shit until the feeling of electrocution and muscle spasms had waned.
Drake looked at the small face next to him that resembled his best friend at that age. Liam is a good man, Drake thought; he was a considerate child, too. We had fun together. We always had each other's backs and would do anything to protect the other, no matter the consequences.  Liam wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s just the best all around.  So …  how in the actual ass fuck did he produce the spawn of Satan? 
Is there any chance he’s ... Neal’s kid? 
Maybe Riley ... No, fuck, no. She wouldn’t.
The sky transformed from a brilliant blue to one streaked with gold and orange hues before Drake shook himself of the aftershocks that sparked through his body. 
The metal prongs left behind two bright red spots, resembling a large spider bite and stinging like hell when he pulled them out.  A thick layer of mud had dried and clung to his back, while a fresh layer adhered to his front. The numbness in his limbs had dissipated somewhat, but the pins-and-needles feeling remained. He was grateful the back spray from the skunk missed him, but the remnants it left on the nearby trees were stifling.
At this point, the only thing Drake wanted was a hot shower, a clean change of clothes, and to get stupidly drunk to the point he would pass out in bed and sleep for days. He scanned the perimeter and could make out the crystal-blue lake through a small clearing in the trees about 100 yards away.
Removing his filthy shirt and tossing it in the back of the truck, he eyed Nikolas, who was surprisingly quiet and subdued. The child was sitting on the lowered tailgate, swinging his legs, and trying to force his tarantula to eat a dead cricket. Drake rolled his eyes but was relieved the kid was staying out of his hair for now. He just needed to take a quick dip in the water, change his clothes, and hurry back in time for their ride home. Nik would be fine by himself for 10 minutes.
Drake let out a sharp tongue whistle that caught Nikolas' attention. "Listen up, kid. I'm going down to the lake real quick to clean up and change into some clean clothes." He opened the driver's side door and reached across the seat to toss his cell phone and wallet in the glove box while he continued, "You and your spider get in here and lock the door until I come back."
Nik dropped Barf in the jar and slapped the holed lid on it. "It's not a spider, Drake. It's a tarantula. A tarantula," he corrected with emphasis as he slid down from the tailgate.
"I don't care if it's your grandma's bladder control protection, get your ass in the truck, and don't move until I get back."
Stepping up in front of Drake, Nikolas sneered at an annoyed Drake towering above him. "I'm telling her you said that. And why can't I go with you? I wanna go to the lake, too," he whined.
Drake nearly doubled over in fake laughter. "There ain't no damn way I'm taking you. For one, you've ruined my entire trip. The one good thing I had in my life to look forward to, and you ruined it! And two, I don't know what the rules are about grownups, and nakedness, and with kids around, and all that shit. So the answer is no." 
Drake could tell by the beady little eyes glaring back at him that Nikolas would not give up on this. He let out a heavy sigh. "Look. Do what I tell you right now, and when I come back, I'll build a campfire, and we can make up some s’mores. How's that sound?"
“Really?” Drake shook his head in astonishment that he actually won that argument. Without another word, he watched as His Royal Highness happily climbed into the cab of the truck and gave a thumbs up.
Did that taser kill me? I’m dead, right? He did it. Do you smell that, Cordonia? No, not that fucking rank ass skunk. It’s the smell of victory! Drake Walker is a god! I have the power back.
Grabbing his duffle bag from the back, Drake hurriedly made his way toward the lake. He felt a little on edge, leaving Nik by himself for even just ten minutes, maybe even somewhat guilty. But he was caked in mud from head to toe, and the grime was starting to seep and burrow around certain parts of his anatomy. Nothing was worse than having monkey ass.
Within minutes, Nikolas sat on his haunches and looked out the back glass. He hadn’t wanted to show it, but he did feel a little bad for shooting Drake to the point it drew blood. Also for causing him to crash his truck. And even though it was funny as hell to watch, the second slip in the mud was kind of brutal. Perhaps a little remorse was starting to set in as the words of his Uncle Drake telling him that he ruined the one thing he was looking forward to repeated in his head. Tomorrow he would return to normal, but Nik was determined to do something nice for a change for the rest of the evening.
With the quick snap of his little fingers, an idea formed, and it would be the perfect thing to make Drake feel better. Nik unlocked the door, grabbed his spider, and jumped out of the truck. He headed to the back and rummaged through the bags of camping items laid in piles until he found what he was looking for: a lighter and lighter fluid.
“I’ll make the bestest s'mores ever for Uncle Drake. That’ll make him happy.”
Nikolas had never built a campfire before, but he’d seen it done in a movie once, and that was good enough in his mind to practically make him an expert.
Feeling clean and refreshed, Drake dried off from his dip in the lake and put fresh clothes on. Making his way back to the site, he caught a glimpse of thick, black smoke protruding above the trees and the smell of burning rubber that traveled with the approaching evening breeze.
“Nikolas,” he muttered as his heart crashed into his stomach. He raced back as fast as he could, fearing the absolute worst thing had happened to the Prince of Cordonia. “I knew I shouldn’t have left him alone. Liam and Riley are going to kill me, and I would deserve it. I just hope he’s not …” he trailed off when the site came into full view. It was worse than he imagined.
His eyes searched frantically until relief washed over him when he caught his first glimpse of Nikolas sitting under a tree, eating, and seemingly unconcerned by the inferno that had lit up the dusky sky.
Drake rushed over to him and lifted him into his arms and held onto him tightly.  “Are you okay, buddy?”  
Nikolas chuckled, “I’m fine, Uncle Drake.”
He lowered him back on the ground and started patting him down, looking for burns or injuries. 
Drake let out a sigh of relief. “How? How did this …” he turned to look at the fire, then raised his voice. “Wait! You caught my goddamn truck on fire?”
Nik followed his uncle's gaped-mouth stare to the truck engulfed in flames, then screwed up his face. "Yeah ... about that. I think I used too much of that lighter fluid stuff building a campfire. But I made you something." He reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a s'more, licked the melted chocolate off the side, then proudly held it up to Drake. "The marshmallow is exactly the way you like it, too: completely charred."
Drake dropped his head into his palms and repeated a slew of curse words and sounds that were not even human. As badly as he wanted to destroy everything around him at that moment, to release a fit of anger the likes of which no one had ever seen in him before, it appeared Nikolas had beat him to it: There was nothing left around there to destroy. 
He dropped his arms to his sides in defeat and looked to the heavens before surmising, “This is my punishment, isn’t it? I stole that taser from the guard as a kid and let Liam take the blame for it. I insisted Liam come with me in that boat during a storm, and he nearly drowned when it overturned. He got lost in the woods on my time. I pushed him too hard once during maze tag. I got stuck in that laundry chute all night, and Constantine took hide-and-seek away from him. This …” he motioned to Nikolas, who was smiling back at him with a big cheesy grin, “this is how he got me back for all of it. Well, you win, Liam! You win!  I hope you are having one hell of a time in Paris, schmoozing and laughing your ass off, because I have nothing left in this world but this …  hairy, lint-filled s’more with your son’s saliva all over it …  and it’s not even toasted right!”
“I didn’t make it right?” Nikolas asked thoughtfully. “Hang on. I can make you another one.” He bent down, pulled out a marshmallow from the bag and rammed a mud-covered stick entirely through its center. Drake watched as Nik skipped over and held it next to the flames shooting out the window of his truck.
For several seconds, Drake contemplated whether he should just leave the child there and let nature take its course. Glaring back to the star-filled sky, he groaned, “You owe me big for this.”
Tugging Nik by his jacket hood to pull him away from the hot blaze, he startled the boy who then whipped around with the burning marshmallow and accidentally got it stuck to Drake’s shirt. “The fuck is wrong with you?”
Ten minutes passed, and the two were on the dirt road heading back to the highway’s main stretch. After patting out the fire on his shirt, Drake planned to call the fire department to report the inferno taking place in the woods. He laughed wryly when he realized the phone was still in the glove box of his burning vehicle. And it appeared Neal’s skank ass wasn’t coming after all, so the pair would have to flag down someone and hope they actually stopped. Thankfully, Nikolas had his backpack on, and Drake used the night vision goggles to direct his way along the darkened path.
Hand in hand and approaching the main thoroughfare, Nik’s legs were starting to tire, and his droopy eyes looked up. “Uncle Drake, will you carry me?”
“Pleeeeeeease,” Nikolas begged in a high-pitched squeal that grated Drake’s teeth.
Drake stopped with a huff and crouched down. “Get the fuck on my back,” he commanded, “you’ve burned and shot the front part of me, so your ass is gonna have to hold onto the back. And I swear to God, Nik, if you so much as drool on me, you can sleep in the woods with the wolves and bears and poodles. Understood?”
With a tired nod, Nik wrapped his little arms around Drake’s neck and held on. As they proceeded ahead, the prince asked, “Would you tell me a bedtime story?”
Drake grunted, “You wanna bedtime story? I’ll tell you a bedtime story. It’s an ol’ Bianca Walker original that she used to tell me every night called ‘Go the fuck to sleep!’ The end.”
Nikolas sleepily chuckled. “I already have that book, Uncle Drake. My dad’s secretary, Charlotte, gave it to me and told me to put it in my room. She said if my mom or dad found it, just to tell them you gave it to me.”
“Of course she did,” Drake scoffed, thinking about the other person who found pure delight in annoying him.
Through the night-vision goggles, the headlights of a random car could be seen driving by, and Drake let out a relieved breath, knowing they were so close.
The night couldn’t end that easily, though. A sudden sense of unease enveloped Drake, telling him that everything was not as it seemed. His steps quickened, and his heart pounded away in his chest.
Feeling like he was being followed, he turned on his heels, then widened his eyes. 
A large brown bear let out a roar that echoed past them.
Drake shrugged his shoulders and muttered, “Yep. That’s about right.”
The survival training he’d learned from his Campers Anonymous group about bear encounters kicked in, and he completely stilled his body. That was until he heard, “BEEEEAAAR!” screamed over his shoulder and felt Nik’s body drop to the ground.
“Don’t move, Nikolas,” Drake ordered through a whisper.
It was too late; he was gone and headed toward the road.
Drake whirled around to see the bear on its hind legs, drumming its chest and licking its lips. “Shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Wait for me, Nik!” He took off running.
Alyssa was headed back to Cordonia earlier in the night than she expected. With her hands firmly gripped on the steering wheel, she complained to her friend through the car's Bluetooth, “The guy showed up one hour late to our meeting spot, then drove through a McDonalds, asked if I wanted anything, proceeded to park behind a church and tell me he has condoms before the cops picked him up on a warrant! Worst. Date. Ever.”
Driving around a bend in the road, Alyssa slammed on the brakes when her headlights reflected off a small child darting into the road. As her tires screeched, she let out a deafening scream when a man came out of nowhere, followed immediately by a bear. The frantic man shoved the kid out of the way.
Though  the brake pedal was pressed to the floor, the car collided with Drake, and his body flew onto the hood before falling feebly to the road.
The bear sniffed at Drake and batted him around a couple of times before taking off into the woods.
When Alyssa was sure it was safe to do so, she and a crying Nik both crouched around a moaning Drake.
The following morning, Drake's eyes fluttered open. His vision was a little fuzzy, but he could make out a doctor hovering over him and a worried Liam standing with Nikolas at the foot of his bed. He tried to speak, wanting to know what happened, but was unable to open his mouth.
"Don't try to speak, Mr. Walker. Your jaw was wired shut to protect the small fracture you suffered from the car accident. You also broke both legs and sprained your neck. You have a long recovery ahead of you, but shouldn't need to spend any more time in the hospital. You’re a very lucky man. Now if you’ll excuse me, I will get the discharge papers and check to see if the ambulance transporting you to the palace has arrived. His Majesty has offered to allow you to recover in his home." 
Drake took one look at a gleeful, bouncing Nikolas and shook his head as best as he could with a neck brace on and emphatically mumbled his indiscernible objections.
Liam chuckled, "Quit being so modest, Drake. I assure you it’s no trouble at all. Besides, it's the least I could do after you saved my son's life. And Nik here even offered to let you stay in his room to keep you company."
Nik nodded with a grin. “Yep. For the next eight to 12 weeks, it's just me and my Uncle Drake hanging out all day and night.”
Drake tried to escape from his bed but couldn’t move without use of his legs.
Liam walked around to the side of the bed and put his hand on Drake’s shoulder. “Look at you trying to protest. You never were one to accept charity. I told you, I’m more than happy to help. You deserve this and more.”
A knock at the door diverted their attention and a head popped in. “I’m here to transport Mr. Walker back to the palace, Your Majesty.”
“Perfect! And on such short notice too. So glad my secretary could arrange this ride,” Liam exclaimed. He glanced down at his injured friend in the bed and smiled. “You ready to go home, my friend?”
No! No! That’s fucking, Neal. He doesn’t even have a real ambulance. I’m not going. Somebody, anybody, heeeelp!
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itsalreadybroken · 6 years
Through Expectations Chapter 3.
Ben Hardy x Reader
Synopsis: You're the daughter of the famous Roger Taylor, okay that seemed alright the thing is, you're more of a geek than a rockstar's daughter. He's blonde, blue eyes and you're brunette, brown eyes. Your brother on the other hand was the younger version of your dad, certainly he preffered to play the guitar, but that only seemed to make him even more popular. But things change the day you get to meet the cast of your dad's movie, and a certain blonde guy makes you change your point of view.
Chapter 2: http://itsalreadybroken.tumblr.com/post/183270695519
A/N: Sorry for some grammar mistake that might exist (if seen please inform me so I can change it) I'm portuguese, and trying to write something that all of you can read and hopefully enjoy!
Words: 3256
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The next week was pretty much the same, but you were different, you were acting different. At lest, that was what your brother thought.
“Why aren't you studying something?” Jamie's voice came from your bedroom door while you were checking your phone for you don't know how many times.
“Hum?” you stop looking at your phone and looke at your brother.
“Hello, it's 3pm and you aren't studying or making some assignment due to next moth!” he mocked you and threw you a pillow “Maybe that Dean guy isn't so bad after all. Nice choice of a guy Rogerina” you ignored him and he simply left to his bedroom and after a few minutes he left your house. Maybe to attend some practice, drumming time, parties, who knew it was Jamie's full agenda life.
That wasn't the reason. The reason you spent the last week so into your phone and so eagerly to answer all of your texts so fast was because some guy had followed you back. Texted you and you couldn't help but smile at some idiots things that have been typed.
Ben followed you, Ben texted you. Was it normal? Of course it was you reminded. He made small talk and after that he surely made time to ask you little Roger details. So it was all stritcly professional you asked him and he assured you. All you could think about was, if that was merely professional how could you not stop checking your phone? Waiting for him to answer, tried to type something he always needed to answer back. He did, he never ever left you on mute.
Ben: So, what are you doing?
Me: Ben it's 3am, what do you think I'm doing?
Ben: So... Wanna grab some food?
Me: It's 3 am ahahaha
Ben: Yes or No?
Was this a way of invinting you out? Was this a date? It couldn't be a date, it was 3am. Probably his idea of a date at 3am would be something completely different. Some text poped-up on you phone and you grabbed it.
Ben: …
Ben: You did not fell asleep, answer me!
Ben: …. Y/N ….!!
Me: Okay, let's go.
Ben: Nice, I'll pick you up in 10.
After choosing some comfy and nice pants, you put on a warm black jacket. So, you only had a problem. You had to leave your house without waking up your dad or Jamie. Luckily father was always a hard sleeper, but your brother, like the brat he was, was not. Any small sound and he woke up.
After closing the door from the outside you sighed with relieve. A car was already waiting for you and you could see Ben smiling when he opened the car window.
“So, where are we exactly going?” you giggled after entering the car and he started driving.
“Well, we have those supermarkets that never close you knnow?” he mocked your question and you looked at him.
“Huuum, yeah I might have heard about it. You do realise it's fucking late and people might see you?” you pressed your lips together smiling.
“Yes I do. People will see me hanging with Y/N Taylor and thinking how the fuck did I got Roger Taylor's part” he laughed never taking his eyes from the road. The music in his car was not that loud and you looke through the window, not saying a word.
Was different talking on the internet and in person. You were nervous, but why?
“So, will you be on set tomorrow?” he asked you turning left and you could see the store he was talking about.
“You do know I go at university right? So I cannot always looking at your blond hair”
“Do you like my hair?” you remained quiet for a while.
“I did not say that!!!” you blushed and covered your cheeks with your hands while he parked the car laughing.
“Still made you think about it, so it's not that bad”.
You both entered the store, it was empty, but you did not got surprised, it was really late, you didn't know what you wanted to eat and Ben was simply grabbing chips and looking for something to go with it.
“Y/N, what do you want?” some blue eyes checked you out while you chose an ice cream. A large ice cream as in matter of fact.
“Just this” you smiled and he nodded. You went to the cashier you couldn't stop staring at him.
“I'll pay” you put yourself in front of him, not allowing him to pay and heard him complain.
“Yes yes, I'm with Y/N Taylor, don't mind trying to guess who I am” he laughed and you glred at him. “Ben!!”
The girl excused herself and after you payed you rolled your eyes containing a smile “What the hell did you just do?”
“Well, she was looking at me and not at you, so I had to make her!” he replied excusing himself. “You're nice to look at!”
“But you...!” the grip you felt to scold him soon lef after his word and you just got yourself in the car as he seem worried.
“Are you mad?” you heard him say while starting the car.
“No I'm not mad. You know, I don't like people to know who I am and even if I did, they never do know. I don't look like him. You look more like him that I do.”
“That's because I have a penis?” he asked making you laugh and taking some weight off of your shoulders.
“It's NOT because of your penis” you grabbed one of his chips.
“My penis felt betrayed right now... Hey that was mine!” he was looking at you opening your ice cream jar “If you wanted more, you should have buyed them”.
“I wanted one, since I bought them, they're yours, but mine!” you teased and tasted your ice cream.
“God this is so good!” you put a bit on the spoon and made him try it “isn't it?”
“It's alright” he srughed.
“Do you like to piss me off Hardy?” his eyes were teasing you, a lot.
“What do you think Taylor?”
You woke up to the sound of your dad calling you. You wish you didn't, the bed was so comfy and you were so sleepy. You came home at 5am and you belly hurt for the amout of laughing you two made.
“Y/N, come on moonpie, what's with you today? Are you sick?!” Roger knocked the door and then opened it to check in on you.
“I'm fine daddy, just insomnia last night, don't worry” he smiled and kissed your forehead.
Running down the stairs knowing you were more than fashionable late to your classes, made yoou even more stressed, only grabbed your car keys and waved a quick goodbye.
“Where the hell have you been?” Stevie grabbed you by one arm and dragged you to the nearest coffee shop.
“Aren't we supposed to attend class?” you raised one eyebrow looking at her face.
“We were if you were not super late and your bestie decided to wait for you” you both sit on a booth and ordered something. “What have you been up to?” she asked you once again.
“Me? What? How the hell am I up to something?” oh but you knew... You knew she knew you were hiding something. She grabbed her phone and gave it to you. “What's this?”
“Oh no” you murmured. Looking at it, there were pictures of you and Ben at the store Ben hardy and mistery gal was the title and you pressed your lips together. There was even one when you were paying and he was so close to you. His chest seeme to touch your back and you knew sooner or later people would find out who you were and even worse, dad would find out.
Thinking about it, Ben didn't text you this orning either.
And now a big smile came to Stevie's face “SOOOOOO what's his lips like?”
“I dont' know! And I don't want to know. Christ! We just went to get some food!”  you spoke a bit angrily.
“At 3am?!”
“What difference does ir make?!” but you knew the difference, you were just trying to convince yourself this wasn't a big deal. “No one knows who I am” you tried to sound neutral but knowing this could change the life you were used to. Papparazzi would approach you and ask you stuff, girls would be mean on social media. People would want to hang out with you so they could hang out with Ben.
Your phone started ringing, you declined the call so the person on the other line call you back again, and again and again... By the time Stevie went outside to smoke you answered it.
“Y/N I've just checked my phone, I'm so sorry!! I didn't know...!”
“No... No you didn't” you said grabbing one more bite of your croassaint. “Ben... I did not thought it through. I'm used to act and not having much prepercussions after it. No one knows who I am so I guess it's okay. No one recognized me yet”
“Yes but still... I don't know if Roger's going to be there on set today...” he was a bit nervous because your dad had told him you hated all of that attention, you liked being normal. Just hated when people did not believe you were Roger's daughter and needed confirmation.
“If my dad asks you, tell him, I'll explain. I really need to go now, bye” you hang up as soon as Stevie entered.
What if your dad had known the moment he woke you up? He had not said anything. But he never pressured you into talking, he had always given you time to explain yourself and to talk things through. Even if he did, you wouldn't know.
Unless... Unless you went to the studio and spent some time there. It wouldn't be that awkward, would it?
“Earth to Y/N! Are you still thinking about Ben? And Dean?”
You look right up to her “There's nothing going on with me and Ben!”
“But you wish there was” she used a fiercly expression and you pressed your lips together.
“Huum, I don't think so. Plus, I have been seeing Dean you know?!”
“So why don't you introduce him to your father?” she got a point, for the first fucking time, she did it. She got it.
“We haven't been together that long. Besides, it's not official and you know it.”
“Ok, you got me there. But it's official enough so you can take him to the movie studios isn't it?”
Your face lit up a big smile “Of course yes, and that's what I'm going to do today. Just to prove you are wrong”
“I might not be that wrong if you are always trying to prove me that!” Stevie said while you called Dean inviting him to got with you which he accpeted and you squint your eyes at her smiling right after ending your call.
“By the way, isn't your dad's dinner tomorrow night?”
“Yes, you can come to my place to choose what to wear” you both laughed finishg both of your meals.
You grabbed your wheel a little harder than you should, seeing your knuckles going a bit to white as Dean was changing the station on your car.
“So, this is a nice baby you got here” he spoke breaking the silence between the two of you and you felt your shoulders light up a bit.
“Yes, it was my birthday gift when I turned 18” you quickly took a look at his face. “I wanted an old car but my dad got me this one. Is not the one I really liked but it comes in handy sometimes” you giggled and he put his hand on your thigh.
“Taylor, are you okay?” The concern on his voice made you feel a bit warm, getting the grip that you might be overreacting “Is your dad killing me or something like that? Or is this because of the pictures that came out today?”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded.
“Taylor, I get you're not regular like me. I get a bunch of eyes are upon you and all the things you say and do need to have a filter, even though you don't have it. And most of it, we have only hanging out a couple of times. I'm not gonna get crazy jealous just because a guy want to go out with you” he winked at you “I mean, only blind guys wouldn't want it and that's for sure they never had been talking with you”.
A big exhale came out from your lips “I was just worried you might be thinking I'm some kind of skank or whatsoever” your voice was so low you hadn't been sure he'd heard you.
“I know you, I know you'r bounded to a lot od things that don't concern you and which you cannot alter. Dating or not, you'r allowed to go out with anyone you'd like. What two people need to have between them is respect. And at last but not least, you need to understand who you like”
“I'm not saying you don't like me” you cut you rapidly off “i know I'm your crush, I saw you blush a lot of times just for passing by” he laughed “But when you like someone, like really like, you grab it”
Was a guy really saying this? Why was he being so thoughtful to all of this? “My girlfriend left me, and for the first year I was in deep shit. I didn't care about anything, or anyone as a matter of fact”.
You just drove, in silence, listening to him “I saw the way he looked at you the time you kissed his cheek at the party, he fancies you”.
“So do you” you immediately reply.
“I do” he laughs “Did I ever told you that?”
You laughed and shook your head “You don't call the other girls by their last name, so I just assumed” a giggle came form you and the air was just so much lighter.
Arriving at the studio, you grabbed Dean by his arm and you both went in, girls working there stopped to look at him. He was a hunk, tall, good looking, the one you want to sweep you off of your feet. He had it all.
“Y/N!” you heard a voice calling you and you turned your head to see who it was.
“Joe, hi!” you smiled and greeted him with a hug. This Joe was dressed like a young John Deacon . “How are you? This is Dean. He was at the party too” they handshaked and you could see he was reluctant on talking “So... I've seen some pictures...”
“We just went for some food, nothing much...” you excused yourself and tried looking everywhere except his face “So, which part are you recording now?”
“The part where we try to Bohemian Rhapsody as our single”
When you three arrived the set, all faces turned around to see you.
“Moonpie!” Roger approached you and you introduced him to your Dean “Y/N has never ever introduced me to any guy”
“I'm not any guy” he laughed and you looked searching for blue eyes that didn't yet meet yours.
Ben wanted to talk to you, but at the same time, he didn't because he was looking at Roger and Dean and they both were laughing and talking about something that made you do an annoyed look followed by the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
The time your eyes met, you waved and taking the opportunity, you approached him.
“Hey, how are you?” both of you know how both of you were, but nevertheless you were trying to keep it hidden even though all of the people there had seen your pictures at the store.
“I'm fine, see you brought a friend” he added, souding neutral, non jealousy type.
“It's Dean from the party... No big deal” you added.
“I don't remember him” he lied and you both knew that.
“It's fine, we're friends and he is a fan of Queen” you sat next to him and all you could sense was the bitterness in him
“Aren't we all?”
“Well... Yes. He knows about the store and he told me to go after you if you'd care to know. Plus, that outfit looks really good on you” these were your last words and when he tried to chase after you to get acquiantance of what you just said the director entered the room telling the boys it was time to shoot the scenes, so you just left him there and went on backstage to see the scene beeing shot.
You and Dean stood there for a while but the guys where just not gettng focused on the scene so they are always remaking it.
You said goodbye to your dad and Brian who was across the studio and took Dean home.
The next night would be great, or not.
Ben was getting attached to you and he had seen you leave with Dean at the party, was hard for him to believe there was nothing going on.
The house was perfectly fine, dinner had been cooked according to some of your dad's favourite and it looked like a fancy dinner between friends. You wish it wouldn't be, because it should be more casual. But that's the thing with Roger Taylor you had to do casual and fancy all in one.
You had a little black dress, lots of bracelets, one necklace and flat shoes.
“I still can't figure out what to wear!” Stevie had already been trying more than a dozen dresses and she was so fashion concerned about the others. So you grabbed one of the pile and showed it to her.
“I think this was your best, and to impress Jamie... Nothing better” you made a devilish smile.
The guys had just arrived and so you excused yourself and left Stevie alone.
You went down the stairs and caught Ben alone at the hall.
“Ben!” his eyes laid upon you more than you expected. Good.
“Y/N, how are you?” he was acting casual like nothing had happened. Well... Nothing did happen but you wanted it. Oh god how you wanted it!
“So glad you're here” you were a little uncertain but you hugged him anyway “Listen, about the pictures...”
“I said I'm sorry” he spoke in a bit harsh voice “If I had known I'd never tell you anything, I know how much you hate attentions drawn to you. And all I do is catch other's attention”
“Hey... I did not say that! I said I didn't care, because for the first time I didn't care if anyone saw me, knew me or photographed me. I had such a nice time with you” you crossed your arms knowing you were getting sadder just by the thought of not being around that ray of sunshine. Not being able to speak, you turned yourself to the living room to greet the other guys, leaving him alone in the hall.
NOTE: So, what did you think about this chapter? What do you think it’s going to happen next?  i’m trying to write a bit everyday, and always thinking in ways to feel inspired and nice and fine ideas for the plot.
Tag-List: @killer-queen-ofrhye @cotton-candy-bubbles @applcrumblr@roseesirene @freddiewhistle @kurt-nightcrawler @works-of-fanfiction @but-legendsneverdie @jelly-snow-stark @strangemaximoff @marvel-rhapsody@blessthegulag @ur-gunna-h8-ths @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen@celebsimagines @queen-irl-af @rogerinasqueen  @jelly-snow-stark @whoianayesha @annas-unicorun @raythespastic @little1-1red @imlosingmyshit @blackparacosm @sheridans-dynamos @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @ixchel-9275
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ilonacamille · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Hello everyone! I’m so thankful I was born in the right decade to share my journey online. The fitblr community is a wonderful place filled with wonderful people. I think it’d be pretty cool to get to know each other a bit better so here’s an incredibly long get to know me tag. I tag @healthierhappier-me @justanotheruserjms @elenadoeslife and anyone who wants to do this tag :) 
1. What is your full name? Ilona Camille R. M.  (Already cheating this, but I’m literally the only person in the world with this name and not everyone has to find this blog)
2. What is your nickname? My family calls me Sis (as in sister) but like the Dutch version is Zus
3. What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius (Turned 21 on 02/16!)  
4. What is your favorite book series? I loved the Girls series by Jacqueline Wilson. I’m such an adult.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yes.
6. Who is your favorite author? Can I say John Green? I might sound like a basic B but I guess I am.
7. What is your favorite radio station? MNM (Belgian)
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Cheesy? haha
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Magical
10. What is your current favorite song? Moving Parts - Trixie Mattel or Wonderland - Taylor Swift
11. What is your favorite word? Fairylights
12. What was the last song you listened to? Want You Back - 5 Seconds of Summer
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? The Good Place
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Any Bridget Jones movie
15. Do you play video games? Does Sims 4 count? 
16. What is your biggest fear? Dying
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I am nice to everyone
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I trust too quickly but also lose trust very quickly
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? I have one cat and four dogs. So..
20. What is your favorite season? I always say Fall but since I’ve been craving strawberries and pool parties I’m going with Summer.
21. Are you in a relationship? Nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? My grandmothers.
23. Who is your best friend? My dog lol
24. What is your eye color? Grey
25. What is your hair color? Naturally: brown. Right now: dirty blonde 
26. Who is someone you love? Mom
27. Who is someone you trust? My brother
28. Who is someone you think about often? Probably my dog haha
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? I’m seeing Harry Styles live in a few weeks!
30. What is your biggest obsession? Rupaul’s Drag Race for sure!
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Hannah Montana
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My gay bestie
33. Are you superstitious? Incredibly
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Is it unusual to be scared of balloons? I’m really scared they will pop. 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Both
36. What is your favorite hobby? Pole dancing
37. What was the last book you read? Valley Of The Dolls (still reading)
38. What was the last movie you watched? Legally Blonde
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Guitar and Ukelele
40. What is your favorite animal? Alpaca
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? The ones I tagged for sure and honestly if I follow you, it means you have great content. I’m picky.
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Reading minds
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? We have a fairly big yard. In summer I love to go to our poolhouse and have breakfast whilst seeing the sun reflect on the pool, chickens running around and my dogs playing.
44. What makes you smile? My dogs
45. What sports do you play, if any? Zumba, poledancing
46. What is your favorite drink? Virgin Mojito
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Probably in class when we weren’t allowed to use our laptops. My friend and I were probably the only people to have passed a note in college.  
48. Are you afraid of heights? Yes
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? People talking over me or not listening
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Probably over 20 so far
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? I’m a vegan/vegetarian/pescotarian. Basically I try to aim for vegan BUT! I live in the middle of nowhere and most restaurants don’t even have a vegetarian option. I adapt but I always try to go for vegan. I did not eat meat for the last 11 years and maybe 5x fish? 
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A vet by day, superstar by night. My parents tried very hard to explain it didn’t work like that.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Sims 4. It’s so aesthetically pleasing.
54. What is something you worry about? School, weight, love, health,...
55. Are you scared of the dark? Yes
56. Do you like to sing? A lot
57. Have you ever skipped school? Lol yeah
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? I loved London so much the last 4 times 
59. Where would you like to live? Staying right here in Belgium
60. Do you have any pets? 4 dogs, 1 cat and 3 chickens
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? I can be very excited in the morning but staying up late is like a talent.
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunset
63. Do you know how to drive? I do, I still need to get my license though. 
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? Those demonic devices that go in your mouth? Yeah.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Pop
67. Who is your hero? Bruce Springsteen
68. Do you read comic books? When I was a kid I used to read them a lot (Belgian ones)
69. What makes you the most angry? Inequality 
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
71. What is your favorite subject in school? Social Media
72. Do you have any siblings? An older brother
73. What was the last thing you bought? A beautiful cocktaildress. It’s just above the knee, mintgreen, has sparkly details on the shoulders. And I think it’s a chiffon fabric? So adorable.
74. How tall are you? 5ft4
75. Can you cook? Yes! I’ve been looking up new recipes the last few weeks
76. What are three things that you love? * Makeup * Velvet clothes * Workout clothes
77. What are three things that you hate? * Racists * Homophobes, transphobes * Injustice
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? It’s kind of equal
79. What is your sexual orientation? Who even knows
80. Where do you currently live? Belgium
81. Who was the last person you texted? Mom
82. When was the last time you cried? When I fully breakdown under school stress 
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? Karuna Satori ASMR or Shane Dawson
84. Do you like to take selfies? Love 
85. What is your favorite app? MyFitnessPal/Fitbit
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Great
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? The stereotype British one and Australian
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? LITERALLY ANY PLACE IN THE US. Preferably LA/NY though haha.
89. What is your favorite number? 162
90. Can you juggle? Nope
91. Are you religious? I’ve been raised as a Catholic but I’m not really practicing any beliefs right now.
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No, I wish I was
94. Are you allergic to anything? Christmas trees. Oh yes. December is such a lovely time for me. 
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? No
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Not a lot (oops)
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach in summer, forest in fall
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Walk into the room and assume everyone likes you
100. Are you a good liar? Yes
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff
102. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Ambivert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? Does this tumblr count?
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Look at the ID, try to return it.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? I hope so
108. Are you ticklish? Incredibly. I’ve kicked many people who were careless about my warnings.
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Nope, very scared.
110. Do you have any piercings? Just earrings
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Wonder Woman (let’s pretend she is)
112. Do you have any tattoos? nope
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Buying my pomeranian and choosing Communication- social media as my degree
114. Do you believe in karma? Yes
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Nope
116. Do you want children? Yes
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My brother
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? You just made me have a cringe attack. I participated in a talent show at my school and was singing Jar Of Hearts. But my microphone didn’t work so I spend 3 minutes dramatically singing and everyone saw the weird kid doing a weird lip sync to an instrumental number.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Yes
120. What color are most of you clothes? Black, burgundy and blue
121. Do you like adventures? Yes
122. Have you ever been on TV? Yes, I used to be an extra for tv shows
123. How old are you? 21
124. What is your favorite quote? “If you can’t love yourself how the heeeelll are you gonna love somebody else, can I get an Amen?” - Rupaul
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Savory Oh if you’re tagged, pm me for the link to the questions so you can copy+paste :)
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The Great Adventure - Marmoset There’d Be Days Like This
September 15
It all started with a text from my bestie. “I’m here. We arrived safe and sound!” I never dreamed she would pack up her kids and cat and move literally across the country to New York City. I figured if she decided to move, it would be HOME. In other words, back to Georgia. But no, she decided to go with that pipe dream we had talked about, what I had assumed was a nice little fantasy for a couple of used-to-be dreamers. I thought what we talked about was a “what might have been” had we had the guts to follow our huge dreams right after high school, a dream I killed by getting married literally a year and a month after my graduation. 2 kids helped to shove that dream into the darkest corner of that hall closet that always holds the deflated balls, deconstructed musical instruments, too-small winter coats, and all those games missing just enough pieces to make it not worth the time to pull out and try playing. But it looks like she dug around in that proverbial closet and pulled it out, dusted it off, and put it into play.
Sunny and I have been friends for  longer than I care to admit, she’s known me since before I had my now-grown first born. We lost touch for about 10 years, like friends do occasionally, but for the past decade or so, it’s been best buds. She’s been there for me – well as much as someone who lives in the extreme northwest of the country – and I promised her I would always have her back. So I guess that’s why she moved to NYC. It’s hard enough to up and move three kids to an extremely different place, which she has done more than once on her own, so I promised her I would be there to help her next time she moved. Again, assuming that when she said she needed a change of environment, SHE MEANT HOME. But then that text.
I got the text last week of August, and yeah, I was aggravated. I may not have kids living at home, but I had a job, a cat, and a house full of stuff. I had to turn in my notice to a job that I usually liked even if it wasn’t the best paying job. I had to take my cat to the vet for vaccinations – he didn’t speak to me for a couple of days after that. I had to get my car checked out, a well-loved ’66 Plymouth Valiant convertible, pack it up, and break the news to my parents that I was moving to NYC. None of which went as well as I had hoped. The cat, like I said, didn’t talk to me for a couple of days and hid when I brought out the travel carrier. The people at work were cool, but they weren’t thrilled I was leaving them without a night time puller. And I couldn’t find all my stuff. I managed to get my winter clothes packed and in the car, supplies for the cat, and my linens. But everything else, well, that turned out to be a crap shoot. I was frantically packing everything I owned into boxes and totes. And I didn’t label anything, of course, because that would make sense! My shade tree mechanic uncle looked over my car and said it should make it the 800 or so miles fine so long as I was careful and didn’t push it too much. Yeah right.
The plan was to pretty much take 85 to Virginia, then switch to 395 and 295, and finally 895. I had plans to stop and stay the first night with a friend in North Carolina then a cousin the second night in Maryland. I was going to leave early on September 1, arrive at the new place by night on September 3. But you know what they say about the best laid plans. I didn’t get out of my driveway until noon, promising my parents and son that I was going to give it until Thanksgiving, then come back home if it wasn’t working out. They promised to have the pod with all the belongings I was leaving behind moved into storage for me, and waved me away with a cooler full of snacks. Spazzie settled down with a few pitiful angry muffled meows after an hour or so. I was concerned about driving so far by myself, but I was also excited to try something new.
I was just about to the GA-NC state line when my car began to smoke under the hood. I was able to stop at a little roadside fruit stand. I popped the hood to discover the radiator hose had a hole in it. Thankfully, my daddy had taught me how to deal with minor car troubles and had a roll of electrical tape. But first I had to let the engine cool a bit. The owner of the fruit stand was really nice, letting me and Spazzie come in out of the heat and rest a bit while the hose cooled. I called my friend and let her know I was going to be later arriving, watched some Dr. Oz with my host, then wrapped the split in the hose liberally with the electrical tape. I left the fruit stand with a peck of apples, a couple of jars of chow chow for Sunny, a gallon of cider, and a big cup of boiled peanuts. At the next town I bought a replacement hose and fixed my engine, to the delight and surprise of the guys in the auto parts store. A couple of hours later, almost to my friend’s house, I lost a fan belt. I was close enough that my friend came and picked me and Spaz up, and had my car towed to her cousin’s garage. She also bullied him into fixing the belt that night.
The next day I got going around 7:30 am, trying to make up some time. Right before Richmond, I hit some debris on the highway and lost 2 tires. Thank God for roadside assistance. It took 2 hours and about $150 for new tires. But I made it to my cousin’s houseboat only an hour past my anticipated time. After a filling dinner, I crashed. Next morning I thanked him, dug Spaz out from under a cabinet, and started off once more. The day was beautiful, so I put the top down. This turned out to be a bad idea, because the roof would not go up when I hit rain just before I hit New Jersey. The last 100 miles, Spaz complained about the wet, I kept having to wipe my glasses. And the turnpike was packed. It took 4 hours to finally pull up in front of my new apartment in Brooklyn. And of course that’s when the roof came back up and closed.
Sunny wanted to leave everything in the car until the next day, but I insisted on unpacking it that night, no matter how tired I was. It was a convertible in Brooklyn. I needed everything in that, I didn’t want to lose the things I had brought with me. Good thing I did. In the past 2 weeks, I have had my gas cap, side mirror, license plate, spark plug wires, and hub caps disappear. And I am thankful for the subway and that the community has pretty much everything within walking distance.
Spazzie and Aaron have finally decided they aren’t enemies. I’m sleeping on a futon in the living room. I’m really getting tired of pizza and ramen. And I’m really irritated that the box I thought was my lighter clothes turned out to be my mismatched dishes. I’m not mad at her like she thinks. I’m just in a strange, unfamiliar place with the closest family hundreds of miles away, and dealing with hormonal issues.
Is it Thanksgiving yet?
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