#yeah i guess i should have that evaluated then
britneyshakespeare · 9 months
I slipped in the backyard real bad last night and fucked up my knee. I think I should go to urgent care because there's a good chance I pulled or sprained or tore something important but I already. have. a doctor's appointment. today.
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thethingything · 4 months
we are now awake way too late because we dissociated for a while after realising yesterday was the anniversary of a specific traumatic event, and then we had to make some phone calls to try and get an appointment because the symptoms we've got are apparently a lot more concerning than we realised and I left the most concerning ones out of the last post because they're kinda gross but like, I'm almost certain it's an ear infection because I don't know what the fuck else it could be, and unfortunately it's also in both fucking ears instead of just one
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tpwrtrmnky · 3 months
alternative treatments
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[ID: Four panel pills that make you green comic.
Panel 1: A plain stick figure is on the left, while moss green is on the right.
Plain: "I'm just concerned, I mean you've heard about the conversion therapy laws, haven't you?"
Moss: "Hm?"
Plain: "I mean it's really ridiculous, they'd criminalize simply encouraging other alternatives to turning green!"
Panel 2: Zoom in on Moss' face, which reads "(having a flashback)". The plain stick figure continues talking from offscreen:
"I mean you need to be able to pursue a variety of options, these experimental drugs should really be a last resort. I sent my own child to a very nice therapist and they came back so much more well behaved and obedient and- Hello? I am talking to you."
Panel 3: Framed as a thought bubble from Moss' head in the preceding panel. A smaller stick figure is strapped to a chair wearing a helmet with wires coming out of it, connected to the chair. A larger stick figure has their hand on a lever.
Small: "It's been over a year, when are you actually helping me?"
Big: "Soon, honestly. We just need to rule out a few more possibilities."
Small: "Like what?"
Big: "Uh... Compulsive green ideation."
Small: "I was already evaluated for that."
Big: "Just sit back and let me zap you, you little shit."
Panel 4: The flashback ends and the plain stick figure is still talking, while Moss is putting on a bandana.
Plain: "I mean it would be ridiculous if I had to go to prison for that."
Moss: "Sure, yeah."
Plain: "Ah, I'm so glad you agree."
Moss: "Prison would be too merciful, yeah. It's good that I'm here I guess."
Start - Previous - Next
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 6 months
Hello, this is 🦈 anon ◉⁠‿⁠◉. Um.. if you still open request, please can i have TF 141 together x F! Reader who has high (possibly extreme) pain tolerance that whenever reader's injured, she almost doesn't react or show she's in pain. When TF 141 found this new information, they couldn't be not worried because what do you mean you don't feel anything while bleeding heavily, sweetheart?
TLDR: "Ayo yer bleeding?!", "Uh, um..yeah, should I scream?"
hello 🦈 anon!!! nice to see you again :D ty for the request!! I hope u would like this one since I think it was sweet :) have a nice day/night!
word count: 2.3k
ship: TF141*F!Reader
tw: pet names (love etc.)
The first time they found out was on a mission.
The explosion made you fly and hit hard on the wall, you could hear Soap yelling at you.
“Yer okay, lassie?!” You brushed away the dust, Soap running over and checking on you, blue eyes full of concern.
“Yeah, alright.” Standing up from the wreckage, you simply responded to him. Though Soap doubted if you were truly fine under that big impact, but your face didn’t express thoughts other than focusing on the mission, so he just nodded and signaled to keep going.
The rest of the mission succeeded without any incidents. Price, Ghost, and Gaz are already waiting at the exfil place. Through the smoke and deafening sound of the helo, they saw you and Soap walking towards them.
“Y’all okay?” Hadn’t gotten close to the helicopter, Gaz already run towards you two, relief was obvious on his face when he didn’t see any injuries by a quick scan, but then Ghost came over too.
“Wait, your shoulder.” He pointed at your shoulder, leading everyone’s gaze to land on it, including yourself.
“oh... looks like it’s dislocated.” You evaluated.
“What do you mean ‘oh’?! don’t you feel any pain?!” Soap yelled at your words. His hands try to inspect your shoulder, but afraid to trigger the pain.
“I don’t think it’s a big deal, just...”
You put your hand on the shoulder, and with a loud CRACK, which made Gaz jump and Soap gaped, even Ghost’s eyes widened at your sudden motion.
“I think it’s fixed now.” You looked around at your teammates, confusion clouded your mind “Ummm... is there any problem?”
“You...” Ghost stuttered, but he regained his composure fast. “doesn’t that hurt?”
“Well, I don’t know what you mean, LT.” You shrugged, “But actually, I feel a little bit dizzy...”
Just at the moment you finished your sentence, the dizziness became more severe, and your vision started growing blurry...
“Oi! Call the medic!” Catching your slumped body, Ghost yelled at the sergeants, but the last thing you hear is Soap reassuring you and Gaz calling for help.
So quiet... Where am I?
You thought as you slowly opened your eyes, what came in your eyes first was the stainless white ceiling, and a low voice coming from aside.
“you awake, sergeant?”
Turning your head, your eyes met with the man’s ocean-like ones, who sitting on the chair beside and holding some papers.
“Captain.” The whisper slipped out when you recognized him
“I guess you don’t know you were seriously injured, love.”
“What happened?”
“The explosion.” Price leaned closer to the bed now “The impact caused your bone fractured and slowly internal bleeding. We have no idea how you were able to walk to the exfil and looked like nothing happened.”
“I didn’t feel any pain, so I assumed I was okay.” you avoided his attention when Price raised his eyebrows. You knew he was worried and it kind of made you guilty.
“since I was young I rarely feel pain, so...” staring at the catheter of your IV drip, you mumbled quietly.
Price didn’t reply, he just stared at the paper written with your injuries and health state.
The room fell into silence for a while, before you open your mouth again.
“Sorry, Captain...” You murmured, still don’t dare to look at him.
The man let out a long sigh, you snapped your head up when you felt your hands were covered by Price’s.
It’s warm, soothing, calming down your still hazy but full of thoughts mind.
“You should be sorry, dear.” He rubbed your hand in a repeated rhythm. “You make us worried. Me, and the boys...” he pointed his chin at the bedside desk, and you finally notice the flowers and your favorite snacks are placed on it.
“We’ll keep an eye on you every time the mission is complete, since you can’t feel pain, this is not a request, it’ s a command, got it, soldier?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.” The composed grin eventually appeared on his face, and you smiled too when he ruffled your hair.
“Sleepy?” His comforting voice rings against your ears when you let out a big yawn.
“Then sleep, Gaz will be here when you wake up.”
Price watched your eyelids struggle to stay open but failed, little snores leaving you when you fell drifted into dreams again.
What you didn’t know is he brushed off the hair on your face and placed a tender kiss on your serene face.
Weeks after, to your happiness, you could go back to your own quarter and start hitting the training room for some simple practice.
Except there was someone who insisted on following you every time when you went to the training room, even if you tried to sneak into the room, he was always there as if he knew your plan.
“Soap.” You sighed at the man sitting on the bench spotting you.
“Aye, lassie?”
“I’m okay, really.”
“I don’t trust ye anymore. I should check it mahself.”
You understood why he was acting like this. Price told you Soap had been blaming himself for not finding that you were injured in that mission until your body gave up due to blood loss.
“I’m just doing some easy weightlifting now, I won’t pass out just because of this okay?”
You concentrated on his figure as he strode to your side. You chuckled when he still looked at you with doubtful eyes.
“How ‘bout you spar with me? Go easy on me though, the doctor said I still haven’t recovered fully.”
“You sure yer okay?”
“You’re like my mother now, Soapy.”
“Aye, 'cause we got a naughty kid in our team.” He laughed. “If I think you should stop, then ye stop, aye?”
“Yes, mama.”
You both burst into laughter and stepped on the training mat. Soap really went easy with his attack, unlike the usual training with the tension as if you two were about to devour each other.
“Oh!” When Soap swung out a punch, you abruptly lowered your body, and with a swipe of your leg, Soap fell onto the mat, followed by you sitting on him and securing his hands.
“Checkmate...? Soap.” You smirk at the man lying under you.
“Won’t complain if I was lost to you, but.” he huffed out a laugh, but your world spun the next second, and you met your gaze with the man now on top of you, his eyes glinting with mischievous.
“It’s a tie now, bonnie.” He flashed out a dazzling smile at you.
“Okay okay, it’s a tie now.”
A lazy grin spread along your lips when you poke at his chest.
“How about we go get some lunch together, handsome?
“Aye, ma'am.”
“The bones and the wound have healed very well, can say you are the most well-behaved patient in your team.”
The doctor smiled at you, and you turned to shoot a glimpse at Gaz, only to find his face written with embarrassment.
“What did he do last time you treat him, doctor?”
“oh, I forbid him to go training, but he still went and tore his knuckles, so he came back and stitched them again, making me call Captain Price to scold him.”
“Sorry, he’s a dumbass.”
“All of you guys are stubborn, sometimes I really want to tie you to the bed.” The doctor grinned “Well, since you’re fully recovered, you can go back to train and go on missions. Remember to be careful next time, don’t come back too soon, okay?”
“I will, Thank you, doc.”
Returning the smile, you and Gaz stepped out of the infirmary.
“I can’t wait to have you back next mission, need ya to bear Soap’s nonsense and Lt.’s bad jokes with me.” Walking beside you, Gaz sounded excited, and it’s hard not to be affected by his warmth.
“Need a helper to deal with those troublemakers?”
“That’s one reason.” He chuckled “Actually...”
“We all missed you.”
You halted to a stop when his words flowed into your ears with a bit of sadness.
Now face to face with him, you were able to see the concern on his face.
“You didn’t know when you just passed out without any warning, I felt like my heart almost shattered.”
It was close to midnight, so no one was nearby, and his words were gentle yet distinct, echoing softly in your mind.
“Not just, me, Ghost, Soap, Captain... we all are scared, you know?”
“We thought we lost you.”
You opened your mouth, mind still processing, managing to find a word, but nothing came out except an apology.
“Sorry, Kyle...”
The dusk light showered you two in an awkward peace, but it didn’t affect the sentiment Gaz conveyed to you.
“Just be careful, okay? You should tell us that you can barely feel pain, so we can help you check out, alright?”
Giving your hands a little squeeze, Gaz accompanied you back to your quarter.
“We’re more than a team, more than family, we’ll always watch your back, just like you always do.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Tilting your head, your lips curled mildly. “Goodnight, Gaz.”
The honey-like smile inched towards you until you felt his soft lips pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“Goodnight, lovie.”
Your first mission after months ended smoothly. You were glad that you didn’t become rusty after the long rest, seemed like the practice and training with Soap and Gaz were worth it.
Soap and Gaz were chatting loudly, while Price sat in front and was checking details regarding the mission. You listened to the boys bantering, sometimes quipped back when their target turned to you, but you could feel someone observing you, and you tried to ignore the chill sending through your spine.
Because you knew it was Ghost, sitting just across you and scanning you like a robot.
You silently wished to arrive at the base faster, so you could ask him what was wrong or if you had done something incorrectly.
Under his scrutinizing gaze, you let out a sigh of relief when you jump off the helo. Got rid of the gear and placing them back in their place, you straightly head back to your quarter, craving some hot shower to wash off the soreness and dirt.
On your way back to the quarter, you could hear footsteps following you, almost imperceptibly, but you noticed and immediately went to a stop.
Your LT. loomed just right behind you, seeming not surprised that you were aware of him, or maybe that was just what he was planning.
He hummed at your recognition but didn’t stop his steps, until he was side by side with you.
“I’m just about to ask you, did I do something wrong? You kept staring at me when we were heading back.”
“You did it pretty well.”
“Then why did you...?”
“You’ll know when you get into your room.”
He placed his right hand on the small of your back, ushering you to your room, and you just obliged, letting him lead you.
Closing the door behind you and Ghost, you turned around to face the man now with his balaclava on.
“So what’s the issue?”
“Clothes, off.” The command came out from him unexpectedly.
“I said clothes, off.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, what the fuck does he want? you thought while kicking off your cargo pants and tossing your shirt on the chair, leaving only the sports bra and underwear with you.
“What now?”
Ghost didn’t form a word as his eyes traveled from your head, slowly through every inch of your body, under his meticulous search, you felt heat rising to your cheeks.
“turn around.” You did as he told, and now you were unable to see him, anxiety crawling to your mind until he finally stood up.
His calloused hands touched your shoulder, circling you to face him.
“Can you tell me what you’re doing now?” You asked when he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“If I’m injured?”
“Oh god” You poke his pec with a frown “you all are overreacting. I’m okay, really. Don’t you guys trust me?”
“We trust your ability, but not your ability to tolerate pain.”
“I’m fi—“
“We can’t lose you.”
Your eyes widened at his words. Ghost was looking into your eyes. He might be good at concealing his emotions, but they said, a person’s eyes can’t lie.
and all you see is sorrow, love, consideration.
All the retorts were swallowed back when his eyes conveyed how important you were to him — to them. You studied the man towering over you, tracing his scars and wrinkles in your mind.
“Thank you, Ghost.” You pulled him into a hug, which he didn’t back off, instead melting in your arms, head burying in the crook of your neck. “I will be careful, okay? I will tell you if I got hit and not sure if I was injured.”
He nodded while staying in your embrace, and you just patted his head.
“Now, I need to shower” Pulling back, a smile bloomed on your face “See you tomorrow, LT.”
“Don’t oversleep again, sergeant.” He scoffed, but petted you before letting you go to shower.
When you came out, with relaxed muscles and fresh clothes, you jumped onto your bed, but something on your desk caught your attention.
Picking it up, you shook your head in disbelief.
“Fuck you, Ghost, I already brushed my teeth.”
grumbling to yourself, you still opened the snack—your favorite one— and gave it a huge bite, while snickering at the paper placed under the snack.
‘Goodnight, luv. (remember to brush your bloody teeth again.)’ — Ghost
next chapter
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
Please can I have a little crumblet of my hubby in therapy 😭🥰
You can have an entire snippet!! 💕💋
“Would you like to talk about these bad experiences?”
“Not really.”
He realizes he’s coming off as rude, and gruffly adds with a shrug: “There’s nothing to talk about. It was a bad experience.”
You look at him now, mirroring the up and down glance he just gave you, and he starts to shake his leg. An involuntary action that tells you he feels like this situation resembles an interrogation. When your gaze slowly drops to his boot bouncing in the air under that chair, it stops.
He doesn’t like it that he got caught being slightly nervous. He makes it clear that he knows what you just did, that you were evaluating him just with your stare, and that he doesn’t like it one bit.
You could almost swear from this little scenario alone that Simon Riley has a background that includes some form of torture.
You scribble another word on your notebook.
Hypervigilant. Suspicious?
“Do you have nightmares?”
“What kind of nightmares?”
He takes a longish pause, directs those vigilant eyes to the floor for a moment. The leg gives another shake, then another shake.
“The regular. Trapped inside a crashed vehicle or plane. Can’t get out and then I wake up feeling like I can’t get air.”
You put it up: regular nightmares about suffocating to death.
“Then there’s the occasional dream where I strangle women.”
You pause in the middle of writing, then quickly return to what you were doing.
Okay... Okay. Nothing too unusual, you can do this. You try to keep your breaths long and even as you raise your stare and your professional compassion to him.
“Would you like to elaborate more on that?”
He huffs a dark, short chuckle.
“No. But I guess I have to.”
He thinks he has to tell you about his nightmares about hurting women only because that’s far more concerning than the occasional dreams of being caught in a death trap. Or then he wants you to say it’s ok and that they are only dreams.
You draw a breath, but it's he who speaks first.
“I would never hurt a woman in real life.”
You tilt your head, this time with genuine compassion. It’s simply the human in you: the woman in you. One of your whimsical new age friends said you're a wounded healer and that you should be careful before you start mothering another emotionally unavailable, broken man. That you ought to date someone sensible for once.
You fight the urge to shake those thoughts off – you’re not planning to date this man. You can’t date your clients, it’s the first rule of being a therapist. Well, perhaps not the first, but still, you’re not here to save–
“Don’t know what to do with those dreams. It's just… Is wha’ it is.”
You take another deep breath. “How does it–”
“Make me feel?” He huffs. It’s not what you were going to ask, but you’re pleased to see he’s being co-operative. In his own way.
“Disgusting. Makes me feel disgusted with myself.”
“These are just dreams. As long as you don’t make them reality, they’re just dreams.”
“Yeah. I know.”
Your lips draw into a thin line, and you can’t help yourself from scribbling another thing down.
“What did I do now?” He asks, trying to direct the conversation elsewhere. Or then he’s genuinely curious. What was it in his Yeah, I know that was so telling, so monumental? You notice that you’re smiling softly as you draw him back to the session in hand.
“How have you dealt with these feelings of shame and disgust?”
He blinks.
“Guess I haven’t. What would doctor suggest?”
“I’m not a doctor. But I would suggest you introduce yourself to mercy every time you have these nightmares.”
“Mercy,” he repeats, a bit flabbergasted. His voice lacks the commanding, rough tone it usually has when he knows he’s one step ahead.
“Yes. How does that feel?” You could hit yourself on the forehead for using such a cliche line. You continue before he gets to return it all back to you with a jab. “Does the word mercy incite anything particular in you?”
“I dunno. Haven’t found it useful.”
His answer is typical for a soldier and a commander of his team. But you see that you’ve at least planted a seed. The word mercy will probably be on his mind even when he goes to sleep tonight.
“And why is that?”
“It’s a luxury I can’t afford,” he shrugs nonchalantly. A tough world view, as was expected, and you move on to the question everyone either hates or loves the most.
“How would you describe your childhood? Your relationship with your mother and father?”
He gives a short laugh. “That didn’t take long.”
“Some of these questions might seem unimportant right now but I hope you would answer them nonetheless. Could you do that for me?”
The last line is not your usual go, but with this client, you have a hunch that a little bit of charm might go a long way. And you just can’t help yourself. Of course, the results are immediate.
“Sure, miss,” he drags every syllable like he’s tasting champagne on his tongue. “Childhood… Not a very happy one. Father was a drinker. Cheated on my mum.”
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charmed [16]: 'cat, rat, dog, and dove' (remus lupin x reader)
a/n: WELCOME BACK TO CHARMED. WE ARE HERE. we have arrived to this moment. BUCKLE THE FUCKING FUCK UP.
brief summary: the year has culminated into this one fateful night at the shrieking shack. word count: 9k
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series summary: if you're here, u know what this series is abt im not gonna waste space and recopy it here THIS CHAPTER IS ALREADY TOO LOADED.
series masterlist here
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The sun was out. Its rays peeking through the leaves of trees, their heat was much stronger in this month of spring than it was in autumn, when Y/N and Remus took their first early morning walk to escape from the Castle. It became a habit they maintained all school year, and it was so hard to believe that they had already walked their way to final examinations season. Two terms had rolled by, laying down all the tiles needed to strengthen their relationship even more.
Y/N’s arm was around Remus’ bicep. It was warm enough now for them to abandon their jackets, and they strolled through the Castle grounds in simple button-ups.
Remus peeked down at Y/N, who by reflex caught his eye. He shut an eye tightly in an exaggerated wink. Y/N smiled, resting her head against his arm for a second.
“Can’t wait for our kid to experience all that is Hogwarts.” Remus said.
Y/N’s eyebrows knit together as she beamed up at him.
Their chests burned from elation as they continued in their stride.
“Thinking a bit ahead though, don’t you think, we’ve got more than 11 years before we get to that point.” Y/N chuckled.
“Oh, you’re right. Before that, it’ll be you n’ me teaching them.”
“I agree with you. Sending them to Muggle primary school seems way too risky for exposure.”
“I do worry about socialization though.”
“Hmm. Me too. We should probably get in touch with other wizard families that have children the same age as ours.”
They came to a small halt as they overlooked the train tracks.
“I can’t wait for our kid to get on the train for the first time.” Y/N sighed.
Remus patted her hand in his. “What did you feel your first time on it?”
“Terrified.” Y/N chortled. “I was anxious even as a child. You?”
“Me too. But I guess, something really deep inside me- I don’t know. I just felt like my life was going to change, I guess.”
Y/N smiled softly at the gentle man before her.
“And we have to take that train really soon again.”
They continued walking, the castle of Hogwarts standing tall against them, hovering and watching over them as it has done for so long.
As the year continued to draw to a close, the exam season proceeded on. Today were the Charms finals for the 3rd-years, as well as the 5th-years’ OWL’s. Even the Weasley twins had been spotted with their books open, working in a corner of the library.
Y/N downed the last of her tea, as she rifled through a pack of fresh grading sheets. She waved her wand, and yesterday’s 2nd-year evaluations floated upwards, inserted themselves neatly in a folder, and slid themselves into her briefcase.
She clapped her hands together and got up to the door, opening it to a crowd of her 3rd-years. 
She let them trickle in and take their seats at the individually separated desks. Walking through the aisles, she placed an exam sheet on each one facing down.
“Alright, everyone, please get your things straight and then leave your bags up here in the front. Remember, you’re only allowed your quills for the written part.”
“You guys have one hour. Don’t forget to check both sides of the paper. Time starts… now.”
A synchronized whoosh of 30 papers being flipped over echoed across the room, followed by the etching of quills.
Y/N hated the written exams. She had nothing to do but to count the tiles in the classroom and twiddle her thumbs.
She was on her 5th recount of how many tiles spanned from one wall to another when a figure flashed in her peripheral.
Remus had passed by and judging the complete silence, assumed Y/N was sitting an exam. He waved cheerily, happy he had opted for practical examinations. Y/N rolled her eyes when she spotted him. Remus turned back around and passed the classroom door again.
“STOP.” Y/N mouth silently, gesturing to her students.
A few of them looked up and laughed, leading to a few more turning their heads.
“Enough.” Y/N shook her head, waving her wand and the door slammed shut, Remus disappearing from their sights.
“Professor Lupin’s just gloating that all his finals are over.” Y/N hushed the group. “Now get on, I’m not giving you extra time.”
She winked at the end, and the students returned to their scrolls, the atmosphere in the classroom noticeably lighter.
Light filled the room as Y/N clicked the lamp open. She turned to her side to find Remus wide awake as well.
“Can’t sleep?” She muttered.
Y/N huffed, stacking her pillows and coming up to a seated position.
“It’s the full moon soon. How are you feeling?”
“The usual.” Remus yawned, turning on his side. He examined the grey circles under Y/N’s eyes through his wrinkle-decorated own. “I just feel a bit weird.”
“Hm.” Y/N responded. “Me too.”
“We’re probably just tired from so many back to back exams and all the grading.”
“Yeah. And my heart is kind of hurting. I just can’t really believe this year is ending. This has been the best job I’ve ever had in my whole life.”
Remus slid his hand under the covers to find hers.
“All good things must come to an end, my love.”
Y/N smiled sadly.
“What are the odds Flitwick needs another year off, eh?”
Remus chuckled.
Y/N clicked the lamp off and the two laid back in once again total darkness. Outside their window, roamed the creatures of the night. Centaurs, unicorns trudging across the Forbidden Forest, Dementors floating outside the Castle perimeter, and strolling stealthily in the Hogsmeade village; a ginger cat and its newfound friend, a big shaggy black dog.
Remus strolled along on his daily walk of the Castle grounds. Y/N had opted to stay in bed well into the afternoon that day, feeling more tired than usual.
He found a tree stump near Hagrid’s Hut and installed himself comfortably under it. He pulled a book from the pocket of his robes and opened it to the page he had last marked. About three quarters of an hour passed when he noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron come down and go into Hagrid’s. He returned to his book.
A small while later, he noticed more figures make their way to that direction.  One sported a bowler hat, which he recognized as the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, and two wizards followed him. One of them had a shiny axe attached to his belt, which glistened when it caught the sun.
Comprehension dawned upon Remus. He had heard of Hagrid’s Hippogriff case with Malfoy and the Ministry, and Y/N had told him in passing of the Harry and his friends’ interest in the outcome.
They emerged from the hut and crossed paths with the men. Remus closed his book. Those three better not involve themselves any further with the case, he thought. He didn’t want them to be exposed to the execution.
Harry dropped the crystal ball he was supposed to return to Professor Trelawney and ran.
Thus began a very fateful night.
Remus walked through the Castle that evening and felt a weird shift in the air. Exams were over sure, but there was a certain trio that seemed the opposite of celebratory. Making his way down to the Great Hall, he took a seat next to Professor Sprout.
“Evening, Lupin.” She said happily.
“Good evening, Professor.” He responded kindly.
“Y/N coming soon?”
“Hm? Oh, I’m not sure, she’s taking a nap now. She’s been awfully tired this past week.”
“That’s okay, classic end-of-year burnout” she replied, then proceeded to ask him how if he had finished all his grading.
Remus conversed with her a bit distractedly as he watched over the Gryffindor table, spotting Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were visibly pre-occupied and were huddled away from the other students, discussing seriously.
“Have you heard from Hagrid? Poor thing, his Hippogriff’s been sentenced to death today. It’s going to happen tonight, any minute now actually I think.”
Remus turned to face her. “Really? That’s horrible…”
Professor Sprout pursed her lips in agreement before taking another bite of chicken.
Remus looked over at the trio again. They were standing up hastily, walking out of the Hall with quick little steps. He frowned. What were they up to?
He took the time to finish his dinner calmly and bid the fellow staff goodbye. Making his way back into his office, he pulled out his things quietly as the bedroom door was still shut; Y/N was probably still asleep.
He took a seat at his desk and pulled out what looked like an old used piece of parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
The map opened and unfolded as traces of ink bled upon its pages, forming its intricate content. He scanned it quickly, before turning his attention to Hagrid’s Hut. Hagrid’s dot was there, along with Dumbledore’s and other names he assumed were Ministry officials.
Running along the path to his Hut, he stopped at the two dots moving right under the Whomping Willow. It was Harry and Hermione. Where was Ron? What were they doing by that tree?
A thought popped in his head and his stomach sank. He moved up the map, praying to God that his far-fetched conjecture wouldn’t be true. Landing on Hogsmeade Village, he looked for the Shrieking Shack. The weight in his stomach sank even further. Ron’s dot was there, accompanied by none other than… Sirius Black.
His hands shook. He had to go help him. But as he watched the dots move, a third one came into view.
It was labelled “Peter Pettigrew”.
At that second, the blood had left Remus’ face. His hands grew cold. He shook the paper. He rapped his wand at it. He blinked and blinked again. The dot was still there, labelled with that name as clear as day.
In that very moment, a 13 year-old puzzle just came together with this one final piece. The web wove itself to completion. He understood… Stuffing his wand in his pocket, he jumped out of his chair and sped out the door.
In the Shrieking Shack, blood pressures were high.
Ron lay in the corner, with his weight off his broken leg, clutching his rat Scabbers. Hermione stood in the corner, quiet and pale.
Harry was fuming, frozen with his wand lifted and pointed to a ghastly, ghost-like Sirius Black.
"Going to kill me, Harry?" he whispered. 
Harry stopped right above him, his wand still pointing at Black's chest, looking down at him. A livid bruise was rising around Black's left eye and his nose was bleeding. 
"You killed my parents," said Harry, his voice shaking slightly, but his wand hand quite steady. 
Black stared up at him out of those sunken eyes. 
"I don't deny it," he said very quietly. "But if you knew the whole story." 
"The whole story?" Harry repeated, a furious pounding in his ears. "You sold them to Voldemort. That's all I need to know." 
"You've got to listen to me," Black said, and there was a note of urgency in his voice now. "You'll regret it if you don't.... You don't understand...." 
"I understand a lot better than you think," said Harry, and his voice shook more than ever. "You never heard her, did you? My mum... trying to stop Voldemort killing me... and you did that... you did it...." 
Crookshanks jumped in between the two and sat itself at Black’s feet, looking back at Harry with deep yellow eyes.
The seconds lengthened. And still Harry stood frozen there, wand poised, Black staring up at him, Crookshanks on his chest. Ron's ragged breathing came from near the bed; Hermione was quite silent. 
And then came a new sound - 
Muffled footsteps were echoing up through the floor — someone was moving downstairs. 
"WE'RE UP HERE!" Hermione screamed suddenly. "WE'RE UP HERE -- SIRIUS BLACK - QUICK!" 
Professor Lupin came hurtling into the room, his face bloodless, his wand raised and ready. His eyes flickered over Ron, lying on the floor, over Hermione, cowering next to the door, to Harry, standing there with his wand covering Black, and then to Black himself, crumpled and bleeding at Harry's feet. 
"Expelliarmus!" Lupin shouted. 
Harry's wand flew once more out of his hand; so did the two Hermione was holding. Lupin caught them all deftly, then moved into the room, staring at Black, who still had Crookshanks lying protectively across his chest. 
Y/N woke up to a dark room. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. Her entire face felt scorching hot and her mouth was dry like she hadn’t drank in days. She rolled over in the bed. She had crawled under her blankets in the evening before dinner for a quick nap, but judging by the chill and dark air outside, she must have slept into early night.
She felt a tightness in her pelvic area, like cramps. She placed a hand on her abdomen.
Pulling herself out of bed lazily, she head to the bathroom. Her period was supposed to start a few days ago, so this must’ve been it. However, as she sat down on the toilet, there was nothing.
Suddenly, a realization jolted her mind awake.
She ran back to the bedroom, rummaging through her drawer for a pregnancy test. She went back to the bathroom and waited for the result.
She put down the test swiftly, looking away as she felt her heartbeat quicken. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Slowly, she picked up the stick and read the result once more.
Holy shit.
She looked around her and it occurred to her that Remus was nowhere to be found. She checked the clock. It was well past 10pm. 
Where the hell was he?
"Where is he, Sirius?" 
Remus spoke in a tense voice, cutting through the weighted silence that took over the Shrieking Shack.
Black's face was quite expressionless. For a few seconds, he didn't move at all. Then, very slowly, he raised his empty hand and pointed straight at Ron. 
Mystified, Harry glanced around at Ron, who looked bewildered. 
"But then..." Lupin muttered, staring at Black so intently it seemed he was trying to read his mind, "... why hasn't he shown himself before now? Unless" -- Lupin's eyes suddenly widened, as though he was seeing something beyond Black, something none of the rest could see, "-- unless he was the one... unless you switched... without telling me?" 
Very slowly, his sunken gaze never leaving Lupin's face, Black nodded. 
"Professor," Harry interrupted loudly, "what's going on --?" 
But Harry wasn’t able to finish his sentence, as what followed knocked the wind from his throat.
Remus lowered his wand. He walked to Sirius’ side, seized his hand confidently and pulled him to his feet. He gazed deeply into his eyes for a second, before the two men pulled each other into a deep embrace.
“I don’t believe it—“ Remus gasped, voice muffled.
“God, it’s been so long,” Sirius muttered back, “my friend.”
"DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Hermione screamed. 
Lupin let go of Black and turned to her. She had raised herself off the floor and was pointing at Lupin, wild-eyed. "You -- you --" 
"Hermione —"
“— you and him!" 
"Hermione, calm down —" 
"I didn't tell anyone!" Hermione shrieked. "I've been covering up for you —" 
"Hermione, listen to me, please'" Lupin shouted. "I can explain —" 
Harry could feel himself shaking, not with fear, but with a fresh wave of fury. 
"I trusted you," he shouted at Lupin, his voice wavering, out of control, "and all the time you've been his friend!" 
"You're wrong," said Lupin. "I haven't been Sirius's friend, but I am now — Let me explain...." 
"NO!" Hermione screamed. "Harry, don't trust him, he's been helping Black get into the castle, he wants you dead too -- he's a werewolf!" 
There was a ringing silence. Everyone's eyes were now on Lupin, who looked remarkably calm, though rather pale. 
Where the hell was he?
Y/N’s head was spinning as too much was happening at the same time. She glanced around hurriedly for signs of Remus, then remembered she was clutching the positive pregnancy test and looked back at the positive result, then saw the Marauder’s Map was splayed across the desk, still open.
She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She stuffed the test in her pocket then headed towards his desk. She’d be able to find where Remus was on the map, then would go back to sleep.
It took a while for her eyes to scan the entire Castle for his name, to no avail. Where the hell was he? Surely he was not outside… It then dawned on her that tonight was the full moon.
She looked over to the Shrieking Shack and nothing could have prepared her to see what she saw. Not one, but six dots. One was Remus, but he was accompanied by Harry, Ron and Hermione, as well as…
Y/N felt her heart freeze. Sirius Black? And… Peter… Pettigrew?
None of this felt possible. It couldn’t be. Grabbing her wand, she rushed out the office.
With this new information, the full moon had completely been replaced in her mind. Unfortunately, the only one who did seem to still remember was a certain Potions professor, on his way up to their office right now, where the map laid wide open.
"Not at all up to your usual standard, Hermione," Remus said. "Only one out of three, I'm afraid. I have not been helping Sirius get into the castle and I certainly don't want Harry dead.”  An odd shiver passed over his face. "But I won't deny that I am a werewolf." 
Ron made a valiant effort to get up again but fell back with a whimper of pain. Lupin made toward him, looking concerned, but Ron gasped, "Get away from me, werewolf!" 
Lupin stopped dead. Then, with an obvious effort, he turned to Hermione and said, "How long have you known?" 
"Ages," Hermione whispered. "Since I did Professor Snape's essay..." 
"He'll be delighted," said Lupin coolly. "He assigned that essay hoping someone would realize what my symptoms meant.... Did you check the lunar chart and realize that I was always ill at the full moon? Or did you realize that the boggart changed into the moon when it saw me?" 
"Both," Hermione said quietly. 
Lupin forced a laugh. 
"You're the cleverest witch of your age I've ever met, Hermione." 
"I'm not," Hermione whispered. "If I'd been a bit cleverer, I'd have told everyone what you are!" 
"But they already know," said Lupin. "At least, the staff do." 
“The staff? Does Professor Y/L/N know?” Ron gasped.
Sirius let out a howl of genuine laughter. “Professor Y/L/N!” He cackled. 
Remus scratched the back of his head, suddenly slightly bashful. “Professor Y/L/N and I… have been married for over 10 years.”
Harry, Ron and Hermione’s jaws dropped.
Silence fell over the room once again, as Remus stood there not knowing what to say next and Sirius standing by his side with his arms crossed, a slight smirk on his face.
“Well, we knew that!” Hermione exclaimed, finally. “That was more obvious than the werewolf thing! The whole school talks about it—“
She was interrupted as a new set of footsteps echoed from the staircase. The kids froze as Remus and Sirius turned to face the door, wands at the ready.
In burst Y/N, as if right on cue in a play. She was flushed and was panting, it appeared she had ran the whole way there. 
“Remus!” She cried out upon seeing him. “YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO—“ She took a step forward until she spotted his company, and slowly took the step back. “What…” She murmured shakily, “is happening here?”
“Professor Y/L/N.” Hermione gasped softly.
Her eyes hovered over Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were in shock to see their Charms Professor, before landing upon Sirius. Something unrecognizable flashed across her gaze. She couldn’t believe what, or whom, she was seeing. She had thought the map made a mistake.
Y/N didn’t hear her. “Siri…?” she whispered, fixated on the man in front of her.
That’s when Harry lost it.
Y/N jumped from the sudden outburst and Remus came by her side to put a soothing hand on her shoulder. “Remus, you better explain and you better explain quick.” She said tensely.
“We have not been helping Sirius," said Lupin. "If you'll give me a chance, I'll explain. Look —" 
He separated Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's wands and threw each back to its owner; Harry caught his, stunned. 
“There”, said Lupin, sticking his own wand back into his belt. "You're armed, we're not. Now will you listen?" 
"If you haven't been helping him," Harry said, with a furious glance at Black, "how did you know he was here?" 
"The map," said Lupin. "The Marauder's Map. I was in my office examining it —“
"You know how to work it?" Harry said suspiciously. 
"Of course I know how to work it," said Lupin, waving his hand impatiently. "I helped write it. I'm Moony — that was my friends' nickname for me at school." 
"You wrote —?" 
Y/N caught Harry’s eye and gave him a confirming nod.
"The important thing is, I was watching it carefully this evening, because I had an idea that you, Ron, and Hermione might try and sneak out of the castle to visit Hagrid before his hippogriff was executed. And I was right, wasn't I?” 
He had started to pace up and down, looking at them. Little patches of dust rose at his feet. 
"You might have been wearing your father's old cloak, Harry--" 
"How d'you know about the cloak?" 
"The number of times I saw James disappearing under it...," said Lupin, waving an impatient hand again. "The point is, even if you're wearing an Invisibility Cloak, you still show up on the Marauder's Map. I watched you cross the grounds and enter Hagrid's hut. Twenty minutes later, you left Hagrid, and set off back toward the castle. But you were now accompanied by somebody else." 
"What?" said Harry. "No, we weren't!" 
I couldn't believe my eyes," said Lupin, still pacing, and ignoring Harry's interruption. "I thought the map must be malfunctioning. How could he be with you?" 
"No one was with us!" said Harry. 
"And then I saw another dot, moving fast toward you, labeled Sirius Black.... I saw him collide with you; I watched as he pulled two of you into the Whomping Willow —"
"One of us!" Ron said angrily. 
"No, Ron," said Lupin. "Two of you.”
He had stopped his pacing, his eyes moving over Ron.
"Do you think I could have a look at the rat?" he said evenly.
"What?" said Ron. "What's Scabbers got to do with it?" 
"Everything," said Lupin. "Could I see him, please?" 
Ron hesitated, then put a hand inside his robes. Scabbers emerged, thrashing desperately; Ron had to seize his long bald tail to stop him escaping. Crookshanks stood up on Black's leg and made a soft hissing noise. 
Lupin moved closer to Ron. He seemed to be holding his breath as he gazed intently at Scabbers. 
"What?" Ron said again, holding Scabbers close to him, looking scared. 
"What's my rat got to do with anything?" 
"That's not a rat," croaked Sirius Black suddenly.
"What d'you mean — of course he's a rat —"
"No, he's not," said Lupin quietly. "He's a wizard.”
"An Animagus," said Black, "by the name of Peter Pettigrew." 
"You're both mental.”
"Ridiculous!" said Hermione faintly. 
"Peter Pettigrew's dead!" said Harry. "He killed him twelve years ago!" He pointed at Black, whose face twitched convulsively. 
"I meant to," he growled, his yellow teeth bared, "but little Peter got the better of me... not this time, though!" 
And Crookshanks was thrown to the floor as Black lunged at Scabbers; Ron yelled with pain as Black's weight fell on his broken leg. 
"Sirius, NO!" Lupin yelled, launching himself forwards and dragging Black away from Ron again, "WAIT! You can't do it just like that -- they need to understand -- we've got to explain --" 
"We can explain afterwards!" snarled Black, trying to throw Lupin off. 
Y/N joined and stepped in front of Sirius. “Sirius, please!” She put both hands on his shoulders, causing him to flinch. Her voice was shaking. “They deserve to know the full picture.”
Black stopped struggling, though his hollowed eyes were still fixed on Scabbers, who was clamped tightly under Ron's bitten, scratched, ad bleeding hands. “Fine. But make it quick. I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for.”
"You're nutters, all three of you," said Ron shakily, looking round at Harry and Hermione for support. "I've had enough of this. I'm off." 
“Ron.” Y/N said sternly. “Sit down. I’m not joking, you’re going to listen.”
Hermione spoke, in a trembling, would-be calm sort of voice, as though trying to will Professor Lupin to talk sensibly. 
"But Professor Lupin... Scabbers can't be Pettigrew... it just can't be true, you know it can't..." 
"Why can't it be true?" Lupin said calmly, as though they were in class, and Hermione had simply spotted a problem in an experiment with grindylows. 
"Because... because people would know if Peter Pettigrew had been an Animagus. We did Animagi in class with Professor McGonagall. And I looked them up when I did my homework -- the Ministry of Magic keeps tabs on witches and wizards who can become animals; there's a register showing what animal they become, and their markings and things... and I went and looked Professor McGonagall up on the register, and there have been only seven Animagi this century, and Pettigrew's name wasn't on the list." 
Lupin and Y/N laughed.
"Light again, Hermione!" he said. "But the Ministry never knew that here used to be three unregistered Animagi running around Hogwarts." 
Y/N cleared her throat.
“Sorry, four Animagi. Although we didn’t really know back then about you, my love.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Still, wanted to make sure you got the number right.”
Hermione’s eyes grew wider if it was even possible. “Professor Y/L/N, you’re an Animagus too?!”
Y/N nodded and gestured to Remus to proceed.
"All right... but you'll need to help me, Sirius," said Lupin, I only know how it began..." 
Lupin broke off. There had been a loud creak behind him. The bedroom door had opened of its own accord. All five of them stared at it. Then Lupin strode toward it and looked out into the landing. 
"No one there…"
"This place is haunted!" said Ron. 
"It's not," said Lupin, still looking at the door in a puzzled way. "The Shrieking Shack was never haunted.... The screams and howls the villagers used to hear were made by me." 
He pushed his graying hair out of his eyes, thought for a moment then said, "That's where all of this starts -- with my becoming a werewolf, None of this could have happened if I hadn't been bitter... and if I hadn't been so foolhardy..." 
He looked sober and tired. Ron started to interrupt, but Hermione, said, "Shh!" She was watching Lupin very intently. 
"I as a very small boy when I received the bite. My parents tried everything, but in those days there was no cure. The potion that Professor Snape has been making for me is a very recent discovery. It makes me safe, you see. As long as I take it in the week, preceding the full moon, I keep my mind when I transform.... I'm able to curl up in my office, a harmless wolf, and wait for the moon to wane again. Before the Wolfsbane Potion was discovered, however, I became a fully fledged monster once a month. It seemed impossible that I would be able to come to Hogwarts. Other parents weren't likely to want their children exposed to me. “
Hermione noticed a hint of sadness as she watched Y/N listen to her husband’s story.
"But then Dumbledore became Headmaster, and he was sympathetic. He said that as long as we took certain precautions, there was no reason I shouldn't come to school...." Lupin sighed, and looked directly at Harry. "I told you, months ago, that the Whomping Willow was planted the year I came to Hogwarts. The truth is that it was planted because I came 
to Hogwarts. This house" -- Lupin looked miserably around the room, -- "the tunnel that leads to it -- they were built for my use. Once a month, I was smuggled out of the castle, into this place, to transform. The tree was placed at the tunnel mouth to stop anyone coming across me while I was dangerous." 
"My transformations in those days were -- were terrible. It is very painful to turn into a werewolf. I was separated from humans to bite, so I bit and scratched myself instead. The villagers heard the noise and the screaming and thought they were hearing particularly violent spirits. Dumbledore encouraged the rumor.... Even now, when the house has been silent for years, the villagers don't dare approach it...." 
"But apart from my transformations, I was happier than I had ever been in my life. For the first time ever, I had friends, three great friends. Sirius Black... Peter Pettigrew... and, of course, your father, Harry -- James Potter." 
Y/N sniffed.
"Now, my three friends could hardly fail to notice that I disappeared once a month. I made up all sorts of stories. I told them my mother was ill, and that I had to go home to see her... I was terrified they would desert me the moment they found out what I was. But of course, they, like you, Hermione, worked out the truth...." 
"And they didn't desert me at all. Instead, they did something for me that would make my transformations not only bearable, but the best times 
of my life. They became Animagi." 
"My dad too?" said Harry, astounded. 
"Yes, indeed," said Lupin. "It took them the best part of three years to work out how to do it. Your father and Sirius here were the cleverest students in the school, and lucky they were, because the Animagus transformation can go horribly wrong -- one reason the Ministry keeps a close watch on those attempting to do it. Peter needed all the help he could get from James and Sirius. Finally, in our fifth year, they managed it. They could each turn into a different animal at will." 
"But how did that help you?" said Hermione, sounding puzzled. 
"They couldn't keep me company as humans, so they kept me company as animals," said Lupin. "A werewolf is only a danger to people. They sneaked out of the castle every month under James's Invisibility Cloak. They transformed... Peter, as the smallest, could slip beneath the 
Willow's attacking branches and touch the knot that freezes it. They would then slip down the tunnel and join me. Under their influence, I became less dangerous. My body was still wolfish, but my mind seemed to become less so while I was with them." 
"Hurry up, Remus," snarled Black, who was still watching Scabbers with a horrible sort of hunger on his face. 
Y/N bit her lip as she dared to watch her old friend. She wanted to go touch him, comfort him, after so long… but she remained frozen on the spot as Remus continued.
"I'm getting there, Sirius, I'm getting there... well, highly exciting possibilities were open to us now that we could all transform. Soon we were leaving the Shrieking Shack and roaming the school grounds and the village by night. Sirius and James transformed into such large animals, they were able to keep a werewolf in check. I doubt whether any Hogwarts students ever found out more about the Hogwarts grounds and Hogsmeade than we did.... And that's how we came to write the Marauder's Map, and sign it with our nicknames. Sirius is Padfoot. Peter is Wormtail. James was Prongs." 
"What sort of animal --?" Harry began, but Hermione cut him off. 
"That was still really dangerous! Running around in the dark with a werewolf! What if you'd given the others the slip, and bitten somebody?" 
"A thought that still haunts me," said Lupin heavily. "And there were near misses, many of them. We laughed about them afterwards. We were young, thoughtless -- carried away with our own cleverness." 
I sometimes felt guilty about betraying Dumbledore's trust, of course... he had admitted me to Hogwarts when no other headmaster would have done so, and he had no idea I was breaking the rules he had set down for my own and others' safety. He never knew I had led three fellow students into becoming Animagi illegally. But I always managed to forget my guilty feelings every time we sat down to plan our next month's adventure. And I haven't changed..." 
Lupin's face had hardened, and there was self-disgust in his voice. "All this year, I have been battling with myself, wondering whether I should tell Dumbledore that Sirius was an Animagus. But I didn't do it. Why? Because I was too cowardly. It would have meant admitting that I'd betrayed his trust while I was at school, admitting that I'd led others along with me... and Dumbledore's trust has meant everything to me. He let me into Hogwarts as a boy, and he gave me a job when I have been shunned all my adult life, unable to find paid work because of what I am. And so I convinced myself that Sirius was getting into the school using dark arts he learned from Voldemort, that being an Animagus had nothing to do with it... so, in a way, Snape's been right about me all along." 
“Don’t put it all on yourself,” Y/N said grimly. “The blame’s to share. We both decided to not go to Dumbledore.”
"Snape?" said Black harshly, taking his eyes off Scabbers; for the first time in minutes and looking up at Lupin. "What's Snape got to do with it?" 
"He's here, Sirius," said Lupin heavily. "He's teaching here as well." He looked up at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 
"Professor Snape was at school with us. He fought very hard against my appointment to the Defense Against the Dark Arts job. He has been telling Dumbledore A year that I am not to be trusted. He has his reasons... you see, Sirius here played a trick on him which nearly 
killed him, a trick which involved me —" Black made a derisive noise. Y/N shushed him.
“Oh, Y/N, don’t go defending him now—“ Sirius chuckled.
“I’m not! I’m just— Rem, continue the story.” She said, crossing her arms defensively.
The two exchanged looks between each other, a bit of playfulness coming from Sirius’ end whereas Y/N still looked conflicted about being in his presence.
"Severus was very interested in where I went every month." Lupin told Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "We were in the same year, you know, and we -- er -- didn't like each other very much. He especially disliked James. Jealous, I think, of James's talent on the Quidditch field... anyway Snape had seen me crossing the grounds with Madam Pomfrey one evening as she led me toward the Whomping Willow to transform. Sirius thought it would be -- er -- amusing, to tell Snape all he had to do was prod the knot on the tree trunk with a long stick, and he'd be able to get in after me. Well, of course, Snape tried it -- if he'd got as far as this house, he'd have met a fully grown werewolf -- but your father, who'd heard what Sirius had done, went after Snape and pulled him back, at great risk to his life... Snape glimpsed me, though, at the end of the tunnel. He was forbidden by Dumbledore to tell anybody, but from that time on he knew what I was...." 
"So that's why Snape doesn't like you," said Harry slowly, "because he thought you were in on the joke?" 
"That's right," sneered a cold voice from the wall behind Lupin. 
Severus Snape was pulling off the Invisibility Cloak, his wand pointing, directly at Lupin. 
Hermione screamed. Black leapt to his feet. Harry felt as though he'd received a huge electric shock. 
Y/N gasped and clutched her stomach. Black slowly grabbed her shoulders and placed himself in front of her protectively.
"I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow," said Snape, throwing the cloak aside, careful to keep this wand pointing directly at Lupin's chest. "Very useful, Potter, I thank you...." 
Snape was slightly breathless, but his face was full of suppressed triumph. "I've just been to your office, Lupin. You forgot to take your potion tonight, so I took a gobletful along. And very lucky I did... lucky for me, I mean. Lying on your desk was a certain map. One glance at it told me all I needed to know. I saw you running along this passageway and out of sight." 
"Severus --" Lupin began, but Snape overrode him. 
"I've told the headmaster again and again that you're helping your old friend Black into the castle, Lupin, and here's the proof. Not even I dreamed you would have the nerve to use this old place as your hideout — and you too Y/L/N. Here you are helping him out, a real criminal couple you two are…”
"Severus, you're making a mistake," said Lupin urgently. "You haven't heard everything -- I can explain -- Sirius is not here to kill Harry --" 
"Three more for Azkaban tonight," said Snape, his eyes now gleaming fanatically. “Though I do feel bad for you, Y/L/N, you never should have gotten involved… in the first place…I shall be interested to see how Dumbledore takes this.... He was quite convinced you were harmless, you know, Lupin... a tame werewolf —" 
“Don’t - you - fucking - dare—“ Y/N said through gritted teeth, wanting to lunge forward to strike Snape, but Sirius and Remus caught her arms, holding her back.
“How sweet.” Snape said sardonically.
"You fool," said Lupin softly. "Is a schoolboy grudge worth putting an innocent man back inside Azkaban?" 
BANG! Thin, snakelike cords burst from the end of Snape's wand and twisted themselves around Lupin's mouth, wrists, and ankles; he overbalanced and fell to the floor, unable to move. Y/N screamed, throwing herself down to check on him. With a roar of rage, Black started toward Snape, but Snape pointed his wand straight between Black's eyes. 
"Give me a reason," he whispered. "Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will." 
Black stopped dead. It would have been impossible to say which face showed more hatred. 
Harry stood there, paralyzed, not knowing what to do or whom to believe. He glanced around at Ron and Hermione. Ron looked just as confused as he did, still fighting to keep hold on the struggling Scabbers. Hermione, however, took an uncertain step toward Snape and said, in a very breathless voice, "Professor Snape -- it it wouldn't hurt to hear what they've got to say, w -- would it?" 
"Miss Granger, you are already facing suspension from this school," Snape spat. "You, Potter, and Weasley are out-of-bounds, in the company of a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your life, hold your tongue." 
Y/N whipped her head around, hearing the way Snape was beginning to speak to Hermione.
"But if -- if there was a mistake --" 
"KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL!" Snape shouted, looking suddenly quite deranged. "DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" A few sparks shot out of the end of his wand, which was still pointed at Black's face. Hermione fell silent. 
“ENOUGH!” Y/N jumped up, pulling her wand out and pointing it straight at Snape. “Hermione, get back.”
“Step aside, Y/L/N. You don’t know what you’re doing.” He grunted.
“I said, get back, all three of you.” Y/N snapped, Harry and Hermione hurrying and backing up to where Ron laid.
“Severus, I’m serious, you need to hear them out.” Y/N said. Her voice was steely. She moved out from behind Sirius and inched her way closer to Snape, softly but steadily like a cat.
Snape ignored her. Remus struggled against his binds, his eyes not leaving Y/N. But deep down, he knew he didn’t have to worry. He had seen her fight during the first Wizarding War, and he knew how much more powerful of a witch she had grown into. Snape unfortunately, did not, as he returned his attention to Sirius.
"Vengeance is very sweet," Snape breathed at Black. "How I hoped I would be the one to catch you...." 
"The joke's on you again, Severus," Black snarled. "As long as this boy brings his rat up to the castle" -- he jerked his head at Ron -- "I'll come quietly...." 
"Up to the castle?" said Snape silkily. "I don't think we need to go that far. All I have to do is call the dementors once we get out of the Willow. They'll be very pleased to see you, Black... pleased enough to give you a little kiss, I daresay... I --" 
What little color there was in Blacks face left it. 
"You -you've got to hear me out," he croaked. "The rat -- look at the rat --" 
But there was a mad glint in Snape's eyes that had never been seen before. He seemed beyond reason. 
"Come on, all of you," he said. He clicked his fingers, and the ends of the cords that bound Lupin flew to his hands. "I'll drag the werewolf. Perhaps the dementors will have a kiss for him too —" 
“Severus.” Y/N warned, wand still at the ready.
Before he knew what he was doing, Harry had crossed the room in three strides and blocked the door. 
“Harry!” Y/N cried.
"Get out of the way, Potter, you're in enough trouble already," snarled Snape. "If I hadn't been here to save your skin --" 
"Professor Lupin could have killed me about a hundred times this year," Harry said. "I've been alone with him loads of times, having defense lessons against the dementors. If he was helping Black, why didn't he just finish me off then?" 
"Don't ask me to fathom the way a werewolf's mind works," hissed Snape. 
"Get out of the way, Potter." 
"SILENCE! I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT!" Snape shrieked, looking madder than ever. "Like father, like son, Potter! I have just saved your neck; you should be thanking me on bended knee! You would have been well served if he'd killed you! You'd have died like your father, too 
arrogant to believe you might be mistaken in Black -- now get out of the way, or I will make you. GET OUT OF THE WAY, POTTER!" 
“Okay, I said ENOUGH!” Y/N raised her voice. 
With a wave of her wand, the floor tiles under Harry’s feet rolled upwards in a wave, and sent Harry tumbling back to the back of the room where Ron and Hermione were.
“Snape, I told you to listen,” She said, advancing on him with her wand. “I told you, I don’t want to have to do this. But you have clearly lost your mind.”
Snape turned to face her. His dark eyes darkened even more. “And I told you, to get out of my way.a What are you possibly saying, Professor Y/L/N, you really think I’m going to duel you?”
Y/N cocked her head to the side. “Why, you scared you gonna lose?” She said in a volume just above a whisper.
Snape jerked his wand and a spell flew at her, she whipped her own wand and deflected it. It bounced to the wall and knocked an old painting down.
With her empty hand, Y/N reached out to the trio and conjured a sort of bubble around Ron, Harry and Hermione. It was a protection spell.
Remus screamed in muffled yells as his mouth was gagged, and Sirius tried to free him but to no avail, there was no untying magical ties without a wand.
Y/N’s chest was heaving as she felt her heartbeat quicken.
A rapidfire of spells followed, bouncing between the two like fireworks. Y/N waved her wand, deflecting those Snape sent at her, conjuring out some of her own in the milliseconds in between. 
Snakes shot out of Snape’s wand, flying toward Y/N. She waved her wand and they turned into pink satin ribbons, falling through the air. She flicked her wand one, two, three different motions and jets of orange, red and purple shot toward him. He deflected two of them and managed to physically dodge the third. Snape rose his hands and a ring of fire encircled Y/N.
Remus let out another muffled yell, struggling terribly against his restraints.
“Don’t-“ Y/N muttered through gritted teeth as she began to make effortful circles with both her wand and her non-dominant hand. The others watched in terror. “Piss - me - OFF—“
The molecules of water vapor surrounding her had liquefied and splashed down onto the floor to put out the flames. “The shack’s made out of fucking wood, Snape, you want us all to DIE?”
She raised her wand high above her head, the water getting picked off the floor and she pushed the wave into him. It slammed his body into the wall behind him and with another wave of her wand, the water froze; trapping him there, suspended. 
Remus watched from the ground in awe. He had forgotten how powerful Y/N had become and it was magnificent to witness.
Snape’s head had knocked back and it drooped down, hanging from his neck. He had been knocked unconscious.
Sirius found Remus’ wand and untied him.
Y/N took a deep breath and lowered her wand. She waved her hand, and the protective barrier in front of the trio disappeared. Remus jumped to his feet and rushed to her, capturing her in a soulful hug.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He said, taking her face in his two hands, searching and scanning for signs of distress.
“I’m good, I swear.” She said, steadying her breath.
After what seemed like forever, finally Remus let her go. They immediately turned back around to heightened squeaking noises, coming from a very distressed Scabbers, still stuck in Ron’s tight clutch.
“Professor Y/L/N…” Hermione began. 
“That was amazing.” Ron breathed.
“How you used the Freezing charm to- to- Oh God, Professor Snape.” Hermione gasped once she saw what state he was in.
“This still doesn’t mean I believe you.” Harry said firmly.
Y/N, Remus and Sirius exchanged a look.
“Then it’s time we gave you proof.” Remus said, advancing.
“Ron, give us the rat.”
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Fairytale Final Assessment 1st Anniversary SE: Jude Jazza's Epilogue ཐིཋྀ
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere.
CW: Brief mention of castration. Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with/// Hour Glass Banners Credit: @/natimiles ཐིཋྀ
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Kate, your work has reached my ears. Thank you as always.
Therefore, I would like you to evaluate one thing.
I wonder if Jude, who is cursed, is worthy of the Crown.
After reading the letter from Her Majesty several times, I finally understood. 
Just the other day, Jude and I were engaged in a battle over the Fairytale Keeper Continuation Agreement.
(Does that mean I'm going to assess Jude this time?)
(You're giving me the opportunity to make a fair judgment. Her Majesty is indeed very open-minded.)
(If it's an assignment, I have to face Jude properly and submit a report!)
There is no mention in the text that the person should be kept in the dark.
I mean, the quickest way to do that is to ask Jude himself about it, and his intentions to stay at Crown.
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Jude: I don't know anything about that. When you ask someone for something, shouldn’t you pay them for the information?
(I can't for the life of me believe that he will tell me honestly….)
(Come to think of it, I never asked Jude in depth why he was at Crown.)
It’s said that he dared to sign a contract with Crown when Victor suspiciously approached him with a tearful face, I’m sure…. I’m not wrong that it was to get information you need.
(I guess I have no choice but to observe Jude...)
Ellis: Your brow’s wrinkled. Thinking?
Kate: Oh, Ellis. 
Kate: Just in time! Do you know where Jude is today?
Ellis: It seems like Jude went on a mission after showing up at work. What's wrong?
Kate: Actually...
When I explained the reason, Ellis smiled.
Ellis: I'm joining Jude after this, so let’s go together.
Ellis led us to a pub with a suspicious atmosphere even though it was daytime.
There, Jude was in the middle of a cruel and merciless judgment.
Jude: Oy, no runnin’ away. The story is your usin’ illegal sleeping pills, messin’ ‘round with girls, and sellin’ ‘em off.
Scoundrels: Guh….!
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Ellis: Kate , if bottles start flying, it won’t be safe, so stay here and hide.
Ellis: I’ll be there.
Kate: Ah, yes! Ellis, be careful not to get hurt too.
Ellis: Jude, here you go.
Jude: Tsk, what’re ya waitin’ for?
Ellis: I'm sorry. I'll try a little harder to make up for my tardiness.
I watch Jude and Ellis fight together from the shadows.
Liquor bottles and people lightly fly through the air, and the sound of blows rings out.
(Hmmm...this is what it means to scream.)
(This is supposed to be a Crown assignment.)
Jude does not follow the orders of others unconditionally unless the conditions are acceptable.
Therefore, there must be a reason why Jude accepted this mission.
In the meantime, everyone had fallen to the ground.
Jude: What, ya think I'm gonna kill ya? I’m not gonna to kill ya.
Jude: There's a coal mine at the far end of the country, and I thought it’d be fun doin’ manual labor there.
Scoundrels: ……. A coal mine?
Jude: Before you go to a cold, dark, and fun place, I'll give you a present.
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Jude: Ellis, take ‘em to the black market surgeon later. Hand ‘em all over to be castrated.
Ellis: Yeah, okay. If it makes you happy, Jude.
As the thugs screamed in despair, Jude put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
Jude: The prevalence of inferior products is proof that the drugs weren’t distributed sufficiently.
Jude: ……Guess we’ll just have to handle it ourselves.
Jude's company eliminates the value of inferior products by distributing the correct products.
(That’s how Jude tries to eliminate evil at its source.)
Thanks to all the time I've spent, I had unintentionally come to understand Jude's way of doing things.
(The method may be as radical as ever.)
(But, there are somethings you can not protect with a straightforward approach. That’s why…)
Kate: Jude is absolutely essential to Crown…..
Jude: So, how long are you going to be sneaking around in there?
Kate: ….ah.
I was thrown onto a bed in a room at the back of the pub, and his hands restrained me while lying down.
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Jude: You’re a real bad princess for peeping without permission. 
Jude: So, what are you up to now?
Kate: That’s…..
Jude: I could torture ya and make ya spit it out. You're a pervert who expects to be tortured, aren't ya?
I could smell the scent of sandalwood wafting from Jude, and my body temperature seemed to rise once.
Jude: Ha. Why’re ya lookin’ so hopeful? Ya really are a pervert who likes things that feel good.
Kate: T-that's wrong! Actually- 
Jude: Hmmm, reverse assessment.
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Jude: That's just like that woman who loves fairness. ***
Jude: So, ya followed me ‘round to review me. You've come a long way.
Kate: As for following you around without telling you, I'm sorry.
Kate: But thanks to that, I was able to reaffirm what’s important to me.
Jude: What?
Kate: You are definitely suited for the Crown.
Jude: Ha. Who d’ya think ya are?
Kate: I’m a fairytale keeper. Hehe, I think I can write a good report with this.
Kate: I'll write it perfectly, so you can rest assured, Jude. Well then, I'm -
Jude: Why’re ya tryin’ to go home? There's no way ya could just spy on me and go for free.
Kate: Eh.
Jude: There's another matter to tend to.
Jude: I just need a decoy. You love hide-and-seek, don't ya?
Kate: A decoy!?
Jude: Poor thing. Ya wanna go home, but can’t. Pay the price for sneaking without permission.
Kate: Oh, come on….!
Jude: Those defiant eyes are so temptin’.
Amethyst eyes looked down at me cruelly becoming distorted.
Kate: In the report, you know I can write down all of your actions, Jude.
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Jude: Write, write. However…
Jude leaned forward and looked into my face.
Jude: You...wouldn't you be lonely without me?***
Kate: …….
Kate: That’s not true….!
Jude: Huh. What are ya upset ‘bout?
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[Master List]
***白々しい This appears to be a nuance: Jude’s being insincere about the Queen’s apparent fairness. It can be rendered white-wash, insincere, bare-faced (lie), shameless, but I felt that this was used just to explain his insincerity or doubtfulness in the Queen. ***Just to clarify, Kate is essentially threatening that what she writes in her report about Jude can cause his dismissal from Crown. So, that's why he tells her to write it, but.....she'll miss him, won't she?
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spicyclover · 2 years
Hey! Would you like to write one for Charles where he can't drive his normal car (for whatever reason), so he asks the reader for help, but she's kind of nervous and thinks there will be some judging? 😅
Bad Tooth
Summary: A dentist appointment and a ride home.
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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If there's one thing Charles doesn't like, it is the dentist. He hates it. Even as a child, he would do anything to not go. But after spending a week with an abominable toothache, he is unfortunately forced to.
To be honest, you forced him. You couldn’t take off his complaints anymore, all day, and after treating him like a baby so he’d understand, he finally made an appointment.
So that’s why you find yourself in the dentist’s parking lot arguing for Charles to get out of the car.
"Charles, please can we get out?"
"No, I feel way better now."
"That's a lie. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. Do I have to take you by the hand like the child you are?" He evaluates your proposition before saying anything else.
"That's not fair," he wines before getting out of the car, acting like the child he is.
You chuckle a bit before following his step to the dentist's office. You waited for a few minutes before the dentist was ready to see Charles. Before going, he looks at you with puppy eyes, imploring you to say something. But you just rolled your eyes and pushed him to the man.
The appointment took longer than expected, and you start to worry. You go up to the receptionist and ask for an update.
"Hi, sorry to bother you, but do you know what going on with M.Leclerc?"
"Give me a minute," You wait by the desk while she goes behind. You’re wondering if what he’s got is worse than you thought. "Thank you for waiting, so Mr. Leclerc is currently under anesthesia, and the dentist is removing two wisdom teeth. The surgery should end in five minutes, and then you can go home."
"Wisdom teeth?"
"Yes, apparently it was quite bad. The doctor will get to you soon."
You thank her and get back to your seat. "So he wasn't pretending... Oops." You might have thought he was lying when he started complaining about it, and you guessed it was one of his many schemes to get your attention. "Well, we can all be wrong sometimes."
The dentist comes to get you several minutes later, and you're now allowed to see Charles. You walk into the room, and you see him totally buzzed out. He's so high right now, and his mouth is like ten times his normal size, and you can't help but laugh a bit.
You take your phone out and capture this unique moment of Charles looking like a squirrel being high on drugs.
"No... no pic... pict... pictures," he mumbles while drooling.
"Sorry, baby, but the others won't believe me if I don't."
"Ha... hate... hate you."
"No, you don't, you love me, and now your teeth won't hurt anymore." You laugh, trying to be positive.
"I lo... I loov live a squerrel.
"Yeah, you do. But I love my squerrel." You chuckle, kissing the top of his head.
"Hate... hate hich."
"Let's go home, baby."
The dentist gives you the last information for the few weeks to come, and you can't help but laugh at Charles's face when he tells him you couldn't eat solid food or make any physical effort for at least the first week. His look was priceless.
You tried to be compassionate, but Charles makes such a big deal when you get yours removed that you can't help but do the same. You texted the entire grid and his family, his face, for at least a few weeks. Was it a low move? Probably. Was it worth it? Totally.
You get back to the car, and Charles hands you his keys. You look at him for ten seconds before realizing he can't drive like this. Your eyes open wide, and you want to protest, but he shushes you. Well, not really, it’s more drool than anything, but you understand what he wants.
Your sight and get behind the wheel after setting Charles down. It's his time to laugh. You watch him set his seatbelt and hang on to the door while you start the Ferrari.
"It's not funny."
"Oh, ish funny," he gibberish, half joking, half whining by the pain. "Chart ye engine, bae."
You press the button, but nothing happens. You press it again, and nothing. You frustrated yourself, wishing you had taken your normal car.
"hress the hedal."
You start the car and press the pedal but nothing.
"Hress the hedal!"
"That's what am doing!" You say annoying.
"Hress the rite hepal."
You do as he says, and the engine finally goes on. You smile, looking at Charles, thinking it's now only a matter of going home, but no. You try to change the gear, and the car stalls. Charles giggles, completely high by his meds, while you start again and try to get to first gear.
It's gonna be a long ride, you start thinking. You're not even out of the parking, and it's already a nightmare. You complain about the car and look at Charles, who's entirely soon out.
You arrive at the parking doors and start going in the street. You're way lower than the permit limitation, and Charles encourages you to go faster. You're so nervous that you don't even realize you’re holding the wheel with all your might. How Charles trusts you enough with his car in this city?
"Ou doing reat, bae!" Says Charles putting his hand and yours.
It's only then, that you realize the grip you have on the wheel.
"reath." He inspires and exhales at the same time as you.
"I hate this!" You declare when another motorist cuts the road, making you almost have an accident.
You have to brake hard, which makes Charles tighten his teeth, and you know he’s in pain. You apologize to Charles and rant after all the cars you pass.
"God, you must hate me right now. I'm so sorry Cha."
"ish okay. Ou doing reat. Ust ocus on the road." He says, holding on for his life when you almost pass at a red.
"You must thing I drive terribly, but it's your car. Pretty sure something wrong with it." You say, finally pulling in the entry of the complex.
You park the car and finally exhale when the engine stop.
"I'm never doing this again. Next time, we're taking the bus."
Charles chuckles and takes your hand. He leans on you, and you walk to the elevator. Once home, Charles went to rest, and you spent the rest of the afternoon worrying that he might not trust you again with his car.
You prepared his dinner, and his drug wore off after his nap. He still looks like a squirrel, but at least he's not high anymore. You gave him his soup, and he frowns when he says your right hand completely eating up to the flesh.
"Baby. What happen?"
"Your nails."
"It's nothing. I had an anxiety episode after we came home."
"Well, I almost killed us."
"What are you talking about?"
"Your car, Charles."
"Oh," he laughs. "You did truly amazing, amour. "I mean you need practice, but you did Wonderfull and we are here, and safe. You should have to wake me."
You smile and hug him tight. Even in your darkest days, he sees your potential and always encourages you to go beyond your limits. You don’t know what you did to deserve him, but you love him. You want to kiss him so badly, but that will wait until he recovers.
"I'm never going back to the dentist," complains Charles taking the pain killers. "It's the worst day of my life."
You laugh and give him the ice for his swollen cheek.
"Did you post the photos?"
"I did." You says, taking your phone out to show him.
It's only then you realize that you didn't send the photos to the group chat but to your Instagram story...
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mintedwitcher · 3 months
I think you got the wrong idea on where I’m coming from on my reblog on your post.
To be clear: I fucking LOVE Tommy. I love Buck and Tommy. I love this story, I’m obsessed with them.
I don’t think Buck has any romantic feelings for Eddie either.
But I also don’t think Buck had the tools to make that evaluation until Tommy kissed him.
Yes, he wanted Tommy’s attention, but he literally only figured that part out about ten seconds before Tommy kissed him (“yeah, I guess so”). I don’t think he even realized WHY he wanted Tommy’s attention so much- only that he did.
The Kiss (tm) is the line in the sand/lightbulb moment for him. He has spent so much time trying to live up to everyone’s picture of what he SHOULD be that he has not evaluated how HE feels about his sexuality.
It’s easy for him to identify romantic/sexual attraction to women because it’s what’s expected of him. But go back to his conversation with Maddie- “sure, I’ll check out a hot guy’s ass, but that’s normal” (unsaid: for a straight guy)
Buck absolutely does not understand his own sexuality before Tommy kisses him because he never thought he needed to. It’s not part of the “perfect son, perfect brother, perfect friend, perfect firefighter” visions he’s trying to become.
I’m not saying he IS in love with Eddie. I’m saying it’s not something he would have even entertained before. Now that he has had that part of his self blown wide open, he has the tools to evaluate platonic vs romantic, and his feelings for Eddie are platonic.
Thank you for coming back to clarify. In your reblog, the way you worded it sounded like you thought Buck wasn't smart enough to know who he was interested in, and I'll admit I reacted harshly to that. I love Buck and I hate the way it's become a common fanon theme to make him appear stupid or slow, especially in regards to this plotline.
Personally, I don't think an evaluation of how Buck feels for Eddie was ever even on the table.
He knows how he feels about Eddie already; that's his best friend, his brother, his family. He loves Eddie, sure, just like he loves Hen and Chimney and Bobby. He knows that and he's settled with that. I dont think there would be reason for him to evaluate the type of love he feels for Eddie because he's already done it.
@unfuckablebogtroll mentioned in a reblog to that same post that if Tommy hadn't come around that night, if he'd come over a few days later, Buck likely would've figured out his bisexuality alone, and I agree. I think that Buck was already on his way there during that conversation, actually even before the line about getting Tommy's attention, now that I'm thinking about it more critically. He was flirting heavily already by the time they got to the "mouth static" line. And Buck is a curious guy by nature, he loves to research and learn new things. I don't think this would be any different.
I dont think this would've been something he would've brushed off either. It would nag at him too much. He wanted to be around Tommy, he wanted to get to know Tommy, he wanted to be invited to hang out with Tommy, that's the pattern all throughout that episode. I genuinely do believe that Buck would've eventually figured it out by himself, it just would've taken a lot longer.
Tommy just... sped up the process by taking the risk and kissing him.
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xtraordinaryfangrl · 1 month
Yeah... turns out the streets were right about how the 6 measly episodes of TUA S4 was made in somebody's butt crack. I don't even have to watch it now (although I might after cleansing my mind with seasons 1 and 2 - aka PEAK TELEVISION) and I haven't even finished S3 because of how badly they butchered Alison's character/her relationship with Viktor. I do, however, have some very confused thoughts from the bits I've seen so far of the final season:
- Diego and Lila had 3 kids - two daughters and an unnamed son, according to the wiki-page? So what, is their son supposed to be a pee-wee version of Stanley (or as I know him, a softer version of Ashtray from Euphoria)?? That'd be cool if it was, y'know, confirmed. Guess I'll never know, and that in itself should be a criminal offense.
- SPEAKING OF ILLEGAL ACTIVITY - whoever pitched Five and Lila as a romantic pairing needs a psyche evaluation. You mean to tell me that not only she cheats on my man Diego, but she cheats on him with somebody who looks like a sophomore in college? She couldn’t have an affair with Sparrow!Ben? Or Luther - who apparently dabbles in male-stripping now? OR Viktor the Critically Acclaimed Ladies Man? Literally any other Hargreeves sibling would have been a better spring fling than a middle-aged man in a child’s body.
- Allison doesn’t say “I heard a rumor…” at all from the edits I’ve seen of her… Suspicious. Also, Ray just ditched her and Claire? For what- genuinely- WHY WOULD YOU GIVE MY SISTA A VILLAIN ARC FOR NO REASON LIKE-
- Weirdly enough, I’m sort of OK with the ending. Something will never sit right with me about the Hargreeves Siblings only finding peace in death after everything they’ve been through, sure. But their sacrifice makes sense, if not one huge inconsistency.
They didn’t just die, apparently. They were erased from existence, and their children still exist because of the Grandfather Paradox (which I still don’t get, by the way)? Fine. And yet, by some not-so-subtle foreshadowing, there’s an end-credits scene with a row of flowers - 8 marigolds. That’s not a coincidence, or maybe it is, but then that would also equate to more horrendous writing.
All in all, my love for the found-family trope is slightly tarnished now because of St*ve Bl*ckman and the only cure seems to be AO3.
Hell, I don’t write for this fandom, but if this isn’t a reason to start then what is?
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razberrybones · 1 month
The online therian community sucks
Some of it really does. From what I've seen from tiktok? eugh yeah. and it's really not as welcoming on other platforms as it is here. I'm happy for all of the positive aspects and good people i've found, the accessibility to resources and knowledge is something i really adore. But I cant say anything for in person interactions or I guess? the in person community? Haven't met another therian or nonhuman out in the wild </3 I'm envious of everyone who has lmao
I dont know enough of the online therian community to actually be able to say if anythings wrong with it or if there's something we could do to improve, but im open to suggestions.
I get the feeling this was likely sent as hate, but I'm very optimistic pfft
If it was sent as hate, lets try to work though this yeah?
So first things first, I'm tired and a very flawed being with limited knowledge on this topic. I'm gonna be wrong and considerably ungraceful with some things, and i welcome anyone to add on where they can. Now, lemme give it a shot.
By 'sucks' i'm taking it as you personally don't like it. Not liking something is perfectly okay, but going out of your way to tell someone that you personally do not like something that is theirs is mean, and not a good look. I know you've likely heard that everywhere, too. Its a seemingly simple message that a lot of people just don't understand or ever manage to apply to their lives because they don't care to.
Let's try and explain it.
So hate? Why spread it? Normally it comes from dissatisfaction in the self, or situation the person is in or was in. Growing up and being in unhealthy environments contributes a lot. Anywhere with particular societal expectations has ingrained this toxic cookie cutter type mentality on top of whatever they've been taught by their life this far. I understand why people choose to hate, but it's only going to keep the cycle repeating. That is feeling awful and then being awful because of it.
People tend to spread hate the most when they hate themselves. It is always taught. Sometimes by people who are ill intended but sometimes they genuinely meant well, they themselves just didn't know any better. What matters now is what're you going to do with it? This awful painful feeling? Most people just put it back out into the world perpetuating the cycle, and that is the easier thing to do, but unlearning it is the best thing you can do for yourself and others.
We've been taught that only certain things are okay or should be accepted, but there's really not any harm in it if it's not hurting anyone. And that goes for everything non harmful such as wearing clothes not in fashion or liking sea turtles a lot, even all together looking or working different, not just therianthropy or nonhumans.
Learning that other things, sometimes besides just what you've been taught, are okay will help you accept vastly different people and situations in life. And most of all! Yourself.
From what I've seen people throw out hate because they think they have to be one certain way, and then this thing that was originally meant to keep them safe is harming them and others. They've made a little metal cage in their head, and now the bars and joints are cutting into them. They've far out grown it, and have no reason to stay in the cage, but it's safe to them. It kept them safe from whatever was out of the cage. That thing is long gone of course but it was a very scary experience. Stepping out is horrifying if you think a tiger is going to bite you.
You need to evaluate if you're actually in a safe space to set out of the cage, whether you feel safe or not. Be patient with yourself and all of that. Just remember you're a person who's never done this before, you're not going to have a good idea of what you're doing or anything. It's okay to fuck up. Just start little.
It really pains me when i see hate online, because I just worry for that person. I know someone who isn't just parroting what they've heard wouldnt do that. It just paints a picture of dissatisfaction and gives them an uncomfortable air. I really wish everyone could be okay and learn it feels much better to be open minded and grow. It's like they're putting themselves in a blender and saying "this! this is the perfect form!" and man, im rambling now and dont remember my point. It is past my bedtime. but!! I want to help.
I want to help everybody. Everybody is fuckin awesome they just dont know it yet, and i can help if they are willing. I can show them if they're willing. I love everybody, maybe not their actions or how they feel sometimes but everyone is a person or being and that's worthy of love. That's enough. so get up there and change smth, make your life a little better, sit outside without your phone for a bit, watch a ted talk while you brush your teeth. its fucken awful now, but you'll never see if it gets better if you jsut stop seeing all together. Its a new day everyday, you get a fresh start so often, so many opportunities to do what you can. Even just thinking about it is a start if you cant pull yourself to take that first step. The first is the hardest but i truly believe life wouldn't throw smth at you that you couldn't handle. You can do it, one step at a time.
And now it's late for me, and i hope the best for everyone. i think i lost my point half way through, but after rereading it a few times i still cannot tell. I hope it is good enough :salute:
Wait i think i just realized you're the lamb. if im remembering the name correctly.
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stargazer-sims · 5 months
Professor Belle
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Belle: Félix, can I go with you to the excavation site tomorrow?
Félix: Of course, but I'll need you to stay with me the whole time. I have a new group of students, and they'll need to focus. I don't want them thinking they have to babysit you.
Belle: No one has to babysit me. I'm a member of the research team. Right?
Félix: Yes, but the students might be skeptical of that. Not every person your age is as responsible and intelligent as you, and unfortunately, some people have a tendency to prejudge.
Belle: Well, that’s just dumb.
Davian: *laughing* It's good to know the youngest member of the research team can still act like a ten year old.
Belle: I'm responsible and intelligent, but nobody said I was a grownup.
Davian: Fair point.
Félix: But you are mature, and we can trust you. That's why you're allowed to come to the excavation site.
Belle: Yeah. Can you imagine my friends at the site? Junior would probably break stuff, and you'd always have to be getting Caroline down from a tree or something. I know I should only climb trees around the field station.
Davian: We'd be happier if you didn't climb trees anywhere, but you know the risks, so...
Belle: Evaluate my choices, right?
Davian: Right.
Belle: I'll be too busy to climb trees tomorrow anyway. I have discoveries to make and students to teach.
Félix: Oh? Are you taking over for me, Professor Belle?
Davian: She probably can teach them something, you know. She's already got more archaeological experience than they do.
Félix: I'll tell you what, Belle. Why don't I let you have a few minutes to instruct the students tomorrow? You can be my assistant. We'll practice this evening so you'll know what you want to say when the time comes.
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Belle: Yay! I'm going to be the best assistant you've ever had, I promise!
Félix: I have no doubt.
Belle: So, if I'm going to the site tomorrow and I'm going to be busy all day, does that mean I can skip my math lesson?
Davian: No. It means you'll have to do extra lessons the day after. Just because you're in the rainforest and you're learning cool stuff that isn't in your school books, that doesn't mean you get to ignore them. Remember, there's still going to be a test.
Belle: So, I guess the right choice would be to get ready for the test. I just wish I liked math more.
Félix: It's okay if you don't like it. Nobody can force you to like things. I'm not friends with math either, and when I was your age I was much happier following my father all around Al-Simhara and making discoveries with him. But I had to study math as well, because I needed it to graduate high school and get into university.
Belle: I'm going to university some day. I guess that means I have to be nice to math, even if we're not friends.
Félix: Be nice to math and it'll be nice to you.
Belle: *giggling* By helping me get into university?
Félix: Exactly so.
Belle: I can live with that.
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Davian: Now that we've got that settled, how about we do a little exploring before dinner? I'll bet we can find some awesome butterflies if we take that trail over there. Check out all the flowers. I hear tropical butterflies love those.
Belle: Yes! Félix, can Davian and I borrow your camera? I want to take pictures if we see any butterflies. Then I can identify them and write a paragraph for my science journal.
Félix: That sounds like a good idea. While you and Davian are out butterfly hunting, I'm going to catch up with Dr. Santiago. I'll see the two of you at dinner at the field station.
Davian: Sounds good.
Belle: If we find any butterflies, we'll tell you all about it!
Félix: I can hardly wait. Good luck.
Belle: I think it's more about scientific methodology than luck.
Félix: *smiling* In that case... good scientific methodology, Professor Belle. I await your report on your findings.
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hoshibatake · 2 months
Sunflower Live - Prologue
AV room
Subaru: Wakuwaku, wakuwaku…♪
Hokuto: Akehoshi, stop bustling about. There’s fragile equipment in here. If you break anything by kicking it, we’ll be in trouble.
Subaru: But I’m just so excited! Watching something on a screen this giant makes me feel like we’re in a movie theatre!
Subaru: Oh! How about we go to the movie theatre with Trickstar and Anzu soon? Recently they even have places that do practical effects*!
(*TN: Like 4DX, where the seats move and air is blown in your face.)
Mao: The movies, huh〜? I’ve been so busy with student council work lately, that I haven’t had time to go. That might be great.
Makoto: I’ll go hunt for coupons online! We might be able to find some great deals for tickets〜♪
Hokuto: You guys… You all sure are carefree, given the fact that we’re supposed to be holding an evaluation meeting right now.
Subaru: Sorry, sorry.
Subaru: We’re here to watch the recording and reflect on the “Summer Live”, where Eve utterly defeated us, after all.
Subaru: We did evaluate right after the concert too, but we had to keep it short because it was late at night. Let’s really dig into it today!
Hokuto: Right. Thanks for joining our evaluation meeting, Anzu. I’m sure you’ll be able to give us some pointers, especially because you didn’t produce us this time.
Hokuto: Although, it’s not like I’m exactly happy about having to put our blunders on display like this…
Hokuto: “Chin up”? Yes, you’re right. We can’t afford to stop moving forward. Thanks, Anzu.
Subaru: Hey〜! It’s not fair if you’re the only one who gets to chat with Anzu! She produces all of us, you know? C’mon, Anzu, chat with me♪
Mao: Hey now, Subaru. Don’t pull her arm. You’re scaring her. Don’t get all up in girls’ faces like that.
Makoto: I’m a little envious, though. I could never do anything as brazen as that.
Subaru: Why not? You should chat with Anzu too, Ukki. Come on, join us, join us〜
Hokuto: That’s enough. I’m staring the video playback. It’d be humiliating if we use up all our time in the AV room by just chatting.
Hokuto: No more talking. Focus your attention on the video.
<Ten minutes later>
Makoto: …Eve really is something.
Makoto: I thought this during the concert as well, but now I’m watching the footage back, I can really tell how polished their performance is.
Hokuto: Indeed. The Summer Live was a joint concert between Trickstar and Eve, but most of the audience was enraptured by Eve.
Hokuto: We rehearsed our performance according to Eve’s instructions. Despite that, we didn’t really stand out at all. Though, it’s not like we were being completely ignored, either.
Makoto: I guess to the fans who were gathered there, we looked more like Eve’s backup dancers, or something?
Hokuto: Right. You mentioned that Eve had gathered a large audience by advertising a lot…
Hokuto: …but coordinating the concert with the release timing of a game that Eden featured in was a dirty trick.
Makoto: Yeah. It made us realize how important it is to have a proper sales strategy.
Makoto: But thanks to that, a lot more people than we had expected came to watch us at the Summer Live.
Makoto: The audience consisted mostly of Eve fans, but some of those fans have actually become Trickstar fans as well.
Makoto: We may have been completely defeated by Eve, but I don’t think it was all bad.
Subaru: I agree, I agree〜! Dancing and singing together with Eve was lots of fun! I wonder if we can do it again, sometime?
Hokuto: I doubt it. It seems that the student council president wants us to go up against Adam instead. There’s a good chance that Adam will be our next opponent.
Mao: You say “opponent”, but… It might be another joint live, like we did with Eve, so I don’t think we should get too carried away.
Hokuto: Plus, they said the members of Adam aren’t as friendly as those of Eve.
Hokuto: Although, I wouldn’t exactly call Eve “friendly” either, so we should probably keep our guard up.
Hokuto: Anyway, we’re not making plans to fight Adam right now. We’re reflecting on our encounter with Eve. Leaving any minutiae aside for the time being…
Hokuto: I think our biggest weak point is the fact that we don’t have nearly as much experience doing live performances as Eve does.
Hokuto: I think we should get up on the stage as much as possible and gain some valuable experience.
Mao: That’s easier said than done. It’s the summer break, after all. It’s not like they’re organizing a lot of concerts right now.
Makoto: If we’re not hung up on it being a DreFes, there might be some events we can apply for on the school socials. I’ll go check whether there are any promising jobs available.
Hokuto: Thanks… Summer has already started, though. Even if there would be lots of summer events going on, I feel the application deadlines for those would be long past by now.
Makoto: Hmm… Oh! What about this one? One of their participants bailed, so they’re looking for an emergency replacement!
Hokuto: “Sunflower live”…? It’ll be held at a beach nearby.
Hokuto: That’s pretty sudden, though… I wonder what kind of reason they had to bail at the last minute. But at least it’s a stroke of luck for us.
Hokuto: Yuuki, could you fill out the application for us?
Makoto: Of cou--
Mao: H-hey! Wait a minute!
Hokuto: What’s wrong, Isara? Is there some kind of problem?
Mao: You could say that… Agh〜! It’s just-- I really don’t know how to put this delicately, but Trickstar is flat-broke right now.
Hokuto: Right… We haven’t been able to participate in many of the internal DreFes’. In other words, we haven’t been able to save up Yumenosaki currency.
Makoto: Oh, right. And to make things worse, we’ve been using up a lot of our money in order to perform at events outside of the academy and at other schools, so we’ve been digging into our savings.
Subaru: Hmm? What’s up, Anzu? You’re saying not to worry, because you can make our costumes for us?
Hokuto: We appreciate the thought, but fabric and other materials still cost money.
Hokuto: I’m afraid we’ll have to pass on the Sunflower Live. We should focus on earning some money right now.
Makoto: I agree. Without Yumenosaki currency, we can’t make costumes. Or build a stage, for that matter.
Mao: Yup. It’s too bad we’ll have to miss out, but let’s focus on earning money, so we won’t miss the next chance we get.
Subaru: Wait…!
Subaru: Why are you all just deciding this without me? The next chance? If we keep putting it off, the summer will be over before we know it!
Subaru: I want us to perform live again before the summer ends!
Subaru: Wouldn’t it bother you too if the only memories we’ll have of this summer are those of that painful Summer Live? It would bother me!
Subaru: Summer concerts are supposed to be fun and sparkly! Leaving things on a sour note like this would be a waste!
Subaru: …No, wait. We did also gain a lot from the Summer Live, so it’s not like all those memories are bad, but…
Subaru: …if we leave it at this, I feel like I’ll just be thinking about Eve every summer from now on…
Subaru: That’s why I don’t want to leave it like this! I want to make some fun summer memories with all of you!
Mao: …Yeah. I know all too well how you feel. I’m frustrated too. I want to make some fun memories during a live concert with you guys, too.
Mao: But we have to face reality. We can’t hold a live concert if we don’t have any money…
Mao: Even if we would all start doing odd jobs around the school right now, we wouldn’t be able to save up enough before the event starts.
Makoto: Hmm〜 Isara-kun, I have a question. Would it be possible for the student council to lend us some money?
Mao: There is a precedent for that, so I don’t think it’s impossible, per se. I’ve got student council work to do after this. Do you want me to ask about it while I’m at it?
Makoto: Would you do that? The page about the Sunflower Live also mentioned that they’re still looking for people who want to set up booths, too…
Makoto: …so if we sell a bunch of merchandise on the day of the concert, I think we’ll have a good chance of being able to pay off the loan.
Mao: Understood. I’ll go ask the president about all of that, then.
Mao: Alright, see you guys later! Better keep your fingers and toes crossed it’s all gonna work out〜♪
Next chapter
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Idia Shroud Chef Apprentice Personal Story: Part 2
"Master Chef"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Master Chef ― Idia Version ~Let’s Make Stuffed Peppers 2~
Ghost Chef: Once you lightly dust the inside of the bell pepper with cake flour, you'll fill it with the stuffing you made earlier.
Ghost Chef: You can also use other types of flour for this, but… That will impact the result, so try to follow the recipe as much as possible.
Idia: Ahh, yeah, that's pretty much the same principle behind how it's okay to use whatever compatible part and the machine'll work fine, but it's best to use genuine parts. I totally get it.
Ghost Chef: Compatible part…? Genuine part...? Fufu, I suppose it's my turn to not understand your turn of phrase.
Ghost Chef: Now, take the meat stuffing in your hands. Stuff as much as you can tightly inside the bell pepper so there's no room for movement.
Idia: Eek… It's cold and sticky and the meat is just all over my fingers…!
Idia: Th-This is yet another part that they don't give me a set quantity for. I'll have to adjust the amount of stuffing that'll go inside based on the diameter of the pepper...
Idia: Is there no other way to collect the proper amount of grams needed but to do this same task over and over again…?
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Idia: …Haah, I've finished stuffing them all.
Ghost Chef: Alright then, time to cook them up. The key here is to wait until the frying pan is at a high enough temperature before putting the peppers on.
Ghost Chef: Don't forget to spread oil in the pan before heating it up. Set it to medium heat.
Idia: …Uh, what's "high enough" temp? What is the proper evaluation criteria for deciding whether the frying pan is at the right temp?
Ghost Chef: Hold your hand over the frying pan, and it if feels warm, then it's ready to go.
Idia: There it is, just randomly having to use a hand again! That difference between warm and hot'll be totally different person to person…
Idia: There's just more and more data that I have to collect for this, now…
Ghost Chef: I'll check for you this time, then. Hmm… Yes, this should be about the right temperature. Idia-kun, you check now.
Idia: It’s kinda warm, kinda hot…? Ch-Chef… I want to measure the surface temperature of the frying pan…
Ghost Chef: Hmmm, that kind of tool does exist out there, but we don't have any in this kitchen.
Idia: I guess I should've expected that… Oh well. I'll give up this time and just cook it, then. Here goes.
[sizzle… pop!]
Idia: GYAAAH!?
Idia: The oil is splashing… Eeek! Don't come this way!!
Idia: No way, the oil is splish-splashing everywhere, there's no way I can get any closer!?
Idia: I need some protective gear… Or some kind of shield! What can I use as a shield around here―
Idia: Aha!!! What do I spy over there…?
Idia: It's a pot lid… wait no, the frying pan lid!
Idia: This is like the kind of thing you'd get at an early level, but it's better than nothing! I equip it to one hand and shoot forth!!
[sizzle, sizzle]
Idia: Mission to put the rest of the meat into the frying pan accomplished. Now I can take a quick breather…
Ghost Chef: You need to flip the first pepper you put in the pan, or it'll burn! Here, take the spatula!
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Idia: Whew… I finally somehow finished everything…
Ghost Chef: Well done. The judges should be making their way here soon, so it's time to bring the food out.
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Cater: Ah, so Idia-kun made my dish, huh. Looks like Cay-kun's your judge~♪
Idia: Eeek! His cheerfulness is way too bright…! I'm so unlucky today…
Cater: I think it's a bit of a nice change of pace to get something home-made from one of my classmates. I can't wait to try your stuffed peppers~!
Idia: Ugh, he's just heaping on the pressure even before I got the food out…
Idia: Yeah… Uh… Th-This is… the dish…
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Cater: Thanks~ Woah! It looks so good! It's so colorful and cute, and it's kinda shaped like a flower!
Cater: Can I snap some pictures before I eat it?
Idia: Eep… S-S-Sure… D-D-D-Do whatever…
Cater: Okaay!
Idia: What, is this how my shoddy dish breaks containment and gets spread over the internet? It's not even cool or anything…
Cater: …Photo shoot complete! Okay, now I'll dig in!
[bite, chew, chew chew…]
Cater: …Ooh, it's good!
Idia: Eh!? Y-You can't ignore the fact that it's overcooked in some places, and even burnt in others, though…?
Cater: Sure, there's a few blackened parts. But it's definitely better than being undercooked ♪
Idia: Is this just how an optimist placates? Or does Cater-shi's palate just have a wider strike zone than others…?
Ghost Chef: Good job, Idia-kun. Looks like you got a passing grade.
Idia: Siiiiiiiiiiiiigh~~~~~ …Well, whatever, hooray…
Idia: Woulda been great if I also got an announcement of "Passing Marks, Program Completed!"
Idia: Guess I'll just have to make it through the rest of this by thinking about how I'd design the Idia Shroud Cooking Appliance (name pending)…
Idia: Ahh, seriously, I JUST WANT THIS END ALREADY~~!
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(Part 1) Part 2
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
You Deserve Better (part three)
Part one Part two
In the back of her mind, Althea realised that the male she was staring at could be the Lord of the camp, but she couldn't look away from his captivating eyes. His grin widened and both his dimples made an appearance. And that's when Althea made herself look away, cheeks burning.
"It's cold here. I say we should go inside, that is, if you want." He spoke.
"Yeah." She rasped, before clearing her throat and continuing. "I think it'd be good if we became comfortable. After all, I'd be here for some time."
The first guy, Kieran stepped forward while shaking his head. She followed him towards the Lord, who winked at her. He put out his hand, which Althea looked at suspiciously before taking it.
"Casteel Da'Neer. Lord of the camp, as you might have guessed." "Althea. High Lord's sister. I guess you already know why I'm here, no?"
His jaw was practically on the ground and she could see Kieran had stopped in his tracks from where he'd been walking towards a house. "You're kidding."
"Why would I?" She raised her brows.
"I– you– you're here because of the reports that we haven't been sending?"
"Mmhmm." He still gaped at her, so she continued. "So? I thought you were taking me somewhere warm?"
"Oh yes." He finally stepped away and led her toward the house where Kieran already was. As Kieran led Althea to a sitting area, Casteel walked into the kitchen.
"So you really are the High Lord's sister?"
"Why is that so hard to believe?"
"No it's just– you are somewhat of a legend."
She raised a brow. "Am I?"
He nodded. "Rumours spread like wildfire over this place. Someone from here had been present when you were born. They saw how the previous High Lord's demeanour had changed. They also mentioned how they could feel your powers, as soon a you came into this world."
"Also how your father literally went and killed Spring Court males because of what they did to you. So, it's obvious anyone would think that you are someone really special for someone like your father to do those things." Casteel came in with a bottle of whiskey and a few glasses, setting it down in front of them. Althea thought about what they had said as he poured it for them. He continued while handing her a glass. "Also, shouldn't you be a little more careful around males you don't know? We've just met and you're already in my house, drinking my whiskey, which could have poison in it."
That was a valid question, but Althea waved her hand. "You wouldn't dare. As you just now mentioned how powerful I am, I could kill you without a second thought, even in a weakened state. And even if we were to ignore my powers, my brother would torture you for eternity." Those weren't the only reason though. She didn't know why but she knew she could trust these men. Knew they wouldn't harm her, even if she was a peasant woman with no one who would miss her if she vanished. "So I think that gives you enough reasons to not try something stupid. So, let's not beat around the bush and get to the point. Why are you not sending the reports to your High Lord?"
"Alright princess, if that's what you want. But before that, I want you to give me all the details that you have about this situation."
"Only that you haven't been sending in the monthly evaluations to Rhysand and when he sends people to check why, you send them away without any explanation. Saying you don't know what they're talking about."
He sighed. "I have been sending them. Every month. Sometimes even more than once in the past months. I don't know why the high lord isn't getting them, but we are looking into it. That was why Kieran was scouting the woods tonight when he found you."
"What? How could that be? You–"
"I know princess. That's why Kiearan was scouting the perimeter for anything suspicious tonight before our messenger left, and then he was going to follow. We've sent people before, with the messenger, but they always ended up dead, and I'm not willing to sacrifice more of my men or women. And these people that the High Lord sends, I tell them the exact same thing, but looks like they don't remember."
That was weird. Rhys said he didn't receive anything. If this male was saying the truth, then this was a serious issue and Rhys needed to be informed.
"Well... I guess I can send him these reports. My brother and I can winnow ourselves as well as objects. That's how we've been talking for ... quite some time now. Winnowing letters to each other."
"That's nice. I'll get you the reports in the morning. Is that okay?" Casteel had a weird look in his eyes, which Althea couldn't decipher.
"Um, alright I guess. I'll be back tomorrow then?"
"You can stay. Here in the house."
Althea saw Kieran's brows rise before he knocked back the whiskey and stood. "Well, I guess I'll go sleep now that there is no more need of me?" He didn't wait for an answer before walking out the door.
Althea blinked before turning back to Casteel. "So? Are you staying?"
"I mean, I guess so."
"Excellent." He looked sheepish for his outburst. "Um, sorry. It's just that, you are someone that we never would have thought that we'll ever meet."
Althea smiled into her glass. Looking at him getting flustered was amusing to say the least. And as she continued sipping her whiskey, she could see him in her periphery just shifting in his seat.
"So... do you want to go to sleep now? The rooms are all clean and you can pick one you want."
Althea shook her head, grinning as she set down her glass and leaned back in her seat. "You look like you have some questions. Go on. Ask away."
She took in the way his eyes brightened while he finished his glass and set it down. He picked up the bottle and asked if she wanted more, to which she declined. She waited as he filled his glass again and took a sip. He cleared his throat before he began.
"These could be personal though." He continued when she shrugged. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Was you're father really a nice man with you? I have heard a lot of stories, and people also say that it obviously wasn't because he had kids. It was just you."
"Hmm. That would be true. He was a really amazing male when it was just us. He would put me to sleep, read me stories, play with me. Basically do anything that a little girl would ever want of her father. When I grew up enough to realise that how he treated others was not nice, I was confused. But I guess I let it slide, maybe because I was a kid, but mainly because I loved him so much."
"Whoa. That's kind of... messed up." He shifted in his seat as he went on. "Could you... you know, tell me about yourself. Like, the places you have gone to. I heard you were spotted near the border once. Have you visited the human lands?"
Althea studied him for a moment, wondering if she should tell him stuff like that, then decided she could. It wasn't as if he could hold her travels over her. But she picked up the bottle of whiskey before speaking, because even though she could tell him these things, she was nowhere near drunk enough for it.
Talking to him was as easy as breathing to her. So easy that as she spoke about her travels and they talked about literally anything that came to mind, she didn't realise that they had talked for the whole night until the sun was shining through the windows.
The next morning Althea had sent Rhys the reports and the explanation about why he hadn't been receiving them. After that, while she was getting ready to leave, she had received a letter from Rhys. He had asked her who she thought the person was and why they were doing this. That had ideas popping into her head on how to catch this person tampering with the documents.
And so here she was, one month later, sitting in the branches of a tree, waiting for the messenger to pass through. He was currently with Casteel, getting a blank scroll, pretending it was those monthly reports. Only Kieran knew about the plan of handing him the blank scroll. The actual papers had been sent to Rhys this morning.
The messenger entered the clearing where the protection bubble ended and from where he would have to winnow, rather than going, he stood there, waiting. A few minutes later, an Illyrian appeared from thin air, who took the scrolls from the messenger, gave him a pouch which presumably had gold coins and started to winnow. But couldn't. Because at that moment Althea had frozen him where he was, then let her arrow fly. The man fell to the ground, groaning. She winnowed right next to him, grabbed him and then went back to the camp, where Casteel took him to a secluded place and handed him off to Kieran to be interrogated.
Later they would find out that it was a spy –with daemati powers– of a secret organisation of Lord Devlon and other Camp Lords, who wanted to remove Camp Skyward from the picture because of the fact that the Camp allowed females to train. Out of all the Lords, Casteel was the only one who had no problem training females, in fact, he had already been training females in secret even before Rhysand had become High Lord and ordered that females be trained as well.
This past month had been... fun. After that first night when she had stayed at his camp, she went back to her home. But they had to meet everyday to plan for catching the culprit. Atleast that what Althea told herself. They obviously didn't need to meet for a whole month to devise a plan. There were other reasons, certain amber eyed reasons, that kept her going back to the camp. Sometimes staying, sometimes returning to her cottage, but dreams of this amber eyed reason kept her up most nights.
So now that the problem had been solved, Althea didn't think she could come up with any excuses to go back to the camp. That's what she was thinking when she bumped into a wall of muscles while walking around the camp and fell on her ass. She stumbled back, looking up into the golden eyes that she had somehow come to... love. He gave her a lazy grin.
"Did you just fall for me?" He extended his hand.
Althea glared at him. "Shut up." She took his hand and pulled herself up. "Is that all you've got? Honestly a teenager could think of a better line."
He remained quiet while she dusted herself. She looked up at him and found him stating at the pack on her shoulder. She straightened. "You... you're leaving?"
She swallowed. "Yes. I don't think there are any more people we need to catch." A flash of sadness crossed his face and she felt the same. "Unless there's someone who wants me to stay, I don't think I have any business here." She searched his eyes.
She knew she was hoping he'd stop her, but she was still shocked when he spoke. "Stay. Please. For me."
And she stayed.
Hello my lovlies. This was kind of a small and filler part and I don't really like it, I'm sorry for that, but the next part would be better, I hope. And sorry for such a long wait!
Also, my husband has been introduced! Yayy! If you haven't read fbaa, and want more info on him, just search up Casteel Da'Neer and you'll get all the info you need. Because I know I didn't do his character justice but I'll try my best to portray his character better in the next part.
Alright thats all! Have a day you deserve loves! 😉
Taglist: @bubybubsters @act1839
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loosingmoreletters · 2 years
Post Apocalypse AU in which WWX and LWJ try to find their families.
“After I flunked out of school, Aunt Yu sent me to one of these ‘troubled teen’ camps.”
Lan Zhan’s expression tightened, echoing the same displeasure of his fifteen-year-old self. Wei Wuxian laughed. “Don’t look like that, it was pretty great actually, focused on getting kids proper help. I figured some shit out and so did the educators. You should’ve seen Aunt Yu’s face when the educators had a whole list of praise and diagnosis when it was time for the first parent-teacher talk.”
Grinning, Wei Wuxian buried his face in a-Yuan’s chubby stomach, making the baby giggle. “That’s right, Xian-gege came with exemplary problem solving and team work skills, and a healthy dose of ADHD and untreated PTSD.”
Not that he’d wanted to hear that back then. Wei Wuxian had been incredibly homesick and angry at himself for fucking up badly enough that he was sent away, but in retrospect, the break had been needed or he might have had the belated breakdown when he was off age and with access to alcohol. Yeah, he could definitely picture himself going down that road of self-medication.
“Anyway, they had all these outdoor activities and one relict of that is a yearly camping trip. Who would’ve guessed learning how to set up a tent with Wen Chao would pay off in the apocalypse, huh?”
When he looked up again, Lan Zhan was looking at him with a thoughtful expression, like he was trying to figure something out. The last week traveling with him east hadn’t been as terrible as expected. Having a second pair of hands to help with a-Yuan was godsend, and beyond that, Wei Wuxian still didn’t do well when left to his own devises. Who knows what messes he would’ve gotten himself into if not for Lan Zhan’s steadfast presence and his disgustingly immaculate clothes. Cities in ruins and Lan Zhan’s shirt was still white. It should be an insult of some kind.
“I’m thankful for Wei Ying’s expertise,” Lan Zhan said and stirred their dinner some more. He’d probably never eaten canned food before this nightmare week from hell and Wei Ying yet had to cease finding amusement in Lan Zhan’s petty evaluation of their meals’ nutritional value.
Tomorrow, they’d hit the borders of Yunmeng. It was for the best of Wei Ying slept through the night to guide them tomorrow, but watching Lan Zhan attempt normalcy around their campfire dinner, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to stay up a little longer.
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