#yeah it was alll only a matter of time
atom-writings · 1 year
Can I request the allies helping their S/O when their depression keeps them in bed for a few days, which isn't normal for them.
hetalia allies when their s/o is going through a depressive episode
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1.8k words ~ gender neutral scenarios
tw: theyre not always the best but they figure it out (:
a/n: hope this was ok. if u want just like, comfort, thats cool and i can do that too seperately (: but anon i totally get i got crippling depression too. were alll in this togeeethherrr
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Depressive episodes were nothing out of the usual for you. What was out of the usual though, was just how horribly this one was hitting you. But it seems like the person who it hurt the most, was Alfred.
Once you began spending the majority of your time in bed, he began to bother you incessantly. It'd be more annoying for you if it wasn't clear just how much Alfred was panicking.
Every day he returned from home to find you in your miserable state, he would question your sudden episode over and over again until one of you fell asleep. He offered to take you somewhere, to buy you everything, anything to get you back to normal. No matter how much you insisted that none of that would help, he continued.
That was until one day, upon his return from work, he didn't immediately come up to interrogate your lack of motivation. From your shared bed, you could vaguely hear him fumbling around downstairs. After a while, his footsteps finally echoed up the stairs.
Your door creaked open slowly, revealing Alfred awkwardly carrying bags of snacks as well as a TV. He rushed forward to throw everything on the bed before starting to hook up the TV in front of the bed.
”What are you doin'?“
”Making this room fun to be in,” He answered bluntly, but his tone was kind.
After a minute, he finished setting up the TV and crawled into bed with you. Before you could say anything, he pulled you flush against his side.
“Staying in here is no good for you, but at least there's ways to make it... less bad.” He told you softly.
You took a moment to respond, ”Can... can you stay in here with me?“
”I'll stay in here until you're ready to leave, K?“
As soon as your illness began to rear its ugly head, Arthur took notice. It's not like it hadn't happened before, after all. The unusual eating habits, the exhaustion, how less excited you would become over things you love, it's all typical. So he would help the way he usually did.
If you're too tired for work or school, he gets you out of it. If you're hungry, he makes whatever you want anytime. If you're slacking on chores, he makes up for it two-fold.
The entire time you spend gloomily sitting on your phone or watching TV, Arthur is running from place to place in a panic. It's clear why, he's just desperately trying to ”solve“ your sadness. After all, over his many periods of depression, he always works himself to the bone to get through them. He struggles to understand how you can just... sit there.
But of course, that's not how human depression tends to work. Seeing him so motivated did nothing but make you more insecure about your own sudden ”laziness.” Living in an incredibly clean house only helps for so long until it starts feeling weird.
The only place safe from his worried frenzy was the bedroom, where you lay nearly all day. It was quiet there, at least. Not frustrating like everything else. That was until Arthur interrupted your silence by joining you in bed with a huff.
“Love, you've been in here all day.”
You didn't respond, simply nodding and rolling to face away from him.
“What's wrong?”
Still, no response.
He grabbed your shoulder lightly, trying to pull you to face him.
“What is it?”
“You know what's wrong.”
He sighed, before laying down as well. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him, his soft breath hitting the back of your neck as his heart beat against your back.
“I guess a better question would be... do you want to talk about it?”
You pause, ”Not really...“
”Well, I'll be here with you until you do.“
”No running around?“
He chuckles, ”No, I'll stay here. After all, you're strong... I imagine this won't last forever, right Love?“
Francis is a sensitive person, but most importantly he's an emotionally intelligent one. He notices as soon as your depression begins to get bad again, and he always tries to do little things to help. But... he knows that you're the one who's had to live in your head for years. The only reason he would go out of his way to help is if you asked him to.
Which you usually don't. It never seems to stay unbearable long enough for you to justify asking him, even though he's made clear he's always willing to do anything for you.
But this time is different, it feels as if your thoughts can't stop, no matter what you do. Even as you rest in bed, you only get more and more tired, more angry and miserable. Francis noticed this... but he wouldn't want to do anything you didn't want him to.
At least, that's how he thinks usually. But now, seeing his beloved sobbing for the 15th day in a row, he decided he had to do something.
Early in the morning, before the sun had fully risen, you were awoken by Francis's smiling face.
”Time to get up!“
You were swiftly cut off by him grabbing your arms and pulling you upwards.
”I've set out clothes for you. We're going somewhere.“
You shook your head, ”W-Where? I'm tired-“
”It's gonna be fun! I'll buy you coffee on the way, don't worry.“
So up you were, regardless of your protests.
An hour-long car drive later, and you understood why he was so enthusiastic about going here. Before you stood the most stunning valley you had ever seen, surrounded by perfectly green trees and water so blue you could've sworn it was fake. But the breeze flowing through your hair said otherwise.
“While we walk to the beach, you can tell me all about what's wrong, okay?” He locked his hand around yours.
Sure, it didn't solve everything. But... it was better than the bedroom.
Yao doesn't really... understand what depression is. When you tell him it's a “mental illness” all he understands is “illness.” So the moment things start getting worse for you, he's recommending all the things he learned to make sick people better.
If it gets to the point of being bedridden, he acts like you're gonna die. Which is obviously not very... comforting. So after many times of you telling him to leave you alone, he's gotten used to popping in every couple of hours with tea, but that's it.
After all, you're usually back to your normal self pretty quickly. But this time, he can tell something's off; and he's not about to let you wither away.
So, one morning, you're awoken to a delicious breakfast already in your lap and Yao sitting in front of you, looking like a kid on Christmas.
“Wh- Yao? Why did you...”
“You haven't been eating enough, and I don't want you getting tired soon.”
You looked at him suspiciously, “Why?”
“We have plans.“
”Good plans or bad plans?“
”Good plans! What do you think of me?“
Once you finished eating breakfast, he dragged you out of bed. No matter how much you protested, his grip on your hand was strong. He brought you to the other side of the house, into his already set-up studio.
”What are we doing in here?“ You ask nervously.
”Getting you out of bed,“ He responds quickly, gesturing to the yoga mat set up next to his.
All you could was sigh and stand next to him, waiting for instruction.
”Do we really have to do this?“
He nods, spreading his legs to the side and reaching down with one hand. Looking up at you expectantly, he smiled.
”It keeps you spry,“ He switched sides, ”It keeps you healthy.“
”I'm really not in the mood,“
”Trust me.“
With a huff, you slowly worked your creaking body into the same pose he pulled.
”I can't stand to see you suffer in that room.“
”It's not fun on my end either.“
”I love you. I wish you would tell me how to help.”
You groan as the next pose he demonstrated stretched you a little bit more than what was comfortable.
“You can't 'help.' Just gotta wait it out.“
He took a moment to respond, “Well, I suggest you wait it out in ways that get your mind off everything. Like this.”
“It's helping the tiniest bit, I guess...”
He chuckled, “We will keep working at it until you feel better. No matter how long it takes.”
When your depression gets bad, it seems to be obvious to everyone... except Ivan. Despite you bringing it up to him, he either doesn't know what to do... or he doesn't care. The possibility of the latter doing nothing to make you feel any better.
Even as you spend all day laying in bed, crying constantly, he doesn't seem to notice. He just acts like you aren't... suffering. That stings, a lot more than anything else creating this depressive episode.
But after a week of this unending gloominess, you get a strange text from Ivan.
“Come downstairs.”
Weird and annoying... but more importantly ominous. It takes you only a second to throw on a hoodie and rush downstairs. You can't hear his usual humming, and the house seems completely still as you search for him. But when you look out the back window, you see him.
As you enter the backyard, you fully see what he was doing.
In the middle of the yard, he set up a picnic. Surrounding him is a mountain of bright flowers, and tens of little plates bearing your favourite sweets lay on the light blanket.
“Come sit, darling.”
You would be foolish of you to not oblige. Once you sat down next to him, he reached out to stroke your cheek lovingly.
”What is torturing you so horribly?“
You took a deep breath, “Where to start?”
“Wherever you want,” he clucks his tongue sympathetically, resting his hand on your thigh.
“Y-You know... I thought you didn't care. You've been so... normal...”
Ivan looks awkward, averting his gaze, “I didn't want to make it worse. You're so strong, I knew you could get through it on your own. I'm sorry.”
“I can.... but I don't want to...”
He leans forward, kissing your forehead.
”I promise, now, you will never deal with anything alone.“
”You're sure it won't be too much?“
”Never. Never too much.“
hey there. its gonna get better. its gonna be different. but its gonna get better. there are hundreds of people youre gonna meet, and hundreds of places youre gonna go, and its gonna be amazing. one day youll wake up and realize everything is alright. because youre gonna be ok.
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foreverisntenough · 6 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) mentions of pregnancy, love bombing, occasionally sad, kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 23 - ‘You’re Mine’
Jude sat up on a lounger and looked around inquisitively to see what everyone else was up to on the beach a little while after you had left. Most boys were asleep in the sun, the remaining playing a game of cards, Lauren reading a book.
“Laur…” Jude said a normal volume feigning a casualty he didn’t feel. She hummed, picking her head up to look in his direction.
“Can you come here?” Jude asked with a soft smile
“What could you possibly need?” Lauren said with a giggle standing up, leaving her book behind. Jude felt his cheeks get warm seeing her walk towards him, her skin shiny from the heat, her body looking drool worthy.
“C’mere.” He motioned her over. She stood next to his chair looking down at his sly smile. “Can you put suncream on my back, please?” He asked for the unnecessary.
“Yeah, sure. You’re laying on your back but sure.” She giggled more sitting with her legs open dangling off the chair behind Jude. He handed her the bottle and she started working it into his warm skin. She was trying to remain calm when he hummed at the sensation of her pinching in between his shoulder and neck with her hands. “All good?” She asked.
“Little more, angel.” He cooed loving having her hands on him.
“Noo, no, no. You’re fine.” Lauren though couldn’t help but giggle at the pet name. Jude leaned back pressing her into the back of the chair, his back onto her chest. “Excuse mee?”
“Just hang here with me. Chill out for a little.” He mused, closing his eyes getting comfortable.
“Your back is pressed to my tits now why did we even put on the lotion?” She smiled looking at him. She didn’t care but it was funny to call him out.
“Needed to get you over somehow, didn’t I?” He laughed pulling her legs from the side to wrap around his waist and rest in his lap
“Yeah, yeah, sure whatever.” Lauren laughed with him sliding her hands around him purring at the feeling of his abs under her touch.
Back at the house you and Trent had had some let’s just say loud ‘fun’ while no one was home but once you were done with alll that, you found yourself in the pool in between his legs. Trent sat on the edge with his feet in the water, your chin resting on his thigh.
“T…” you cooed looking up at him only able to see your reflection in his sunglasses.
“What’s up, pretty girl?” He asked, his hand coming to pinch at your cheek.
“We’re actually okay, right? Last night was a lot.” You sheepishly said, monitoring your own body language still in the reflection.
“Yeah, baby, we are. I know it was a lot but I love you no matter what. I just was so upset someone spoke about you like that. I couldn’t handle hearing that. It hurt me in all honesty.” He said with full transparency.
“I’m sorry” you muffled out feeling terrible.
“You didn’t do anything” he sighed with a soft sympathetic smile. “If we’re talking about this… I wasn’t just upset, I was jealous to be fair, baby. I hated that the prick ever got to touch you, be with you, and there was nothing I could do about it. It just set something off in me.”
“I never want to make you upset, T. It’s okay you were jealous but you really shouldn’t have been. I told you before it was just a bad time in my life I want to forget about. There’s no one that could ever come close to what we have. I’m sad you ever had to encounter him to hear about it, not exactly proud moments for me.”
“I’m still a little mad for you… He’s a dick. I know now, well I knew before but I just needed a reminder that what we have is better than that. That you aren’t going to go back to him.” Trent said, picking his head up to look over you at the horizon, feeling vulnerable expressing this. “I’m sorry you have to handle all the gossip that comes out about me too but you know none of it is true. I would never hurt you.”
“I know that.” You smiled softly. “I’d never go back to him, baby but I also am certainly never ever leaving you to begin with.” You said sealed with a kiss to his thigh.
“Honestly if you want I’ll post about you right now, throw it on my story, my feed, set up an interview when I get back gushing about how stupidly in love with you I am, if that’ll make you feel better.” He looked down at you and picked your chin up to tilt your head up to look up at him. “I’ll do anything, I don’t care, whatever you’d want, I just was trying to protect you and our relationship. I never meant for you to feel like I was hiding you or to offend you. Wanted the most beautiful girl in the world to myself, that’s all.” He squished your cheeks
“No, no. Don’t do that.” You closed your eyes softly smiling at his offer. “You were right. We’re okay for now, I think. I like having you having me just for yourself too. Having our own world. Hmm?” You looked up at him through your eye lashes. Remembering that the world not knowing your name meant you were able to go about life fairly normally all whilst having the best boyfriend in the world.
“Yeah, baby. Whatever you want you just tell me. Just want to see this smile.” He smiled back at you.
“I love you.” You cooed with a little pout happy you had the conversation.
“I love you more, pretty girl.” He said so sweetly but you cheekily pulled his arm dragging him into the pool with you. “The worst! You are the worst!” He yelled, faking annoyance after coming up from water, quickly grabbing you by the waist, swinging you around in the water. He had you tight to his chest, pressing wet kisses all over you. You both laughed happily in love acting like little kids now after squashing any remaining worries he had about Chase and you had about your secrecy.
After playing in the water like you were 10 years old, you laid on an outdoor bed by the pool, cuddled up to Trent. You drew on his skin with your nails as you spoke quietly about little things. Giggling here and there just content in each other's embrace.
“His friend wanted a picture, which was class, did I tell you that?” Trent talked a little more about last night.
“Stop…” you giggled, pressing your forehead to his chest before picking it up to look at the smug smile on his face. “That’s so embarrassing.” He joined you laughing as he stroked up your spine slowly with his big hands.
“I told him…no your mate’s being a cunt to my girlfriend, Jude didn’t even acknowledge the poor lad.” He said complacently.
“Oh no..” you laughed feeling a little sorry but ultimately glad. The sun was starting to go down, the sky turning to an orangey pink blur, when you heard the ruckus of the group coming up the stairs back from the beach. Marcel carried Lauren on his back like the princess playing the field she was. Some of the boys running to jump directly in the pool chaotically, Toby and Jude trailing the group, moving slow.
“Gonna eat here tonight, we’re all staying like this too.” George gestured to his swimsuit pulling on the material. You smiled at George’s ever calm demeanor and dad-like tendencies. You sat up right, Trent followed and wrapped his arms around your waist placing his head on your shoulder before quickly pecking your cheek.
“What we looking at?” He whispered. You smiled at his cute gesture and question.
“Lauren… she came up with Marce and now they’re sitting over there.” You whispered back.
“Are we spying?” Trent asked eager like a little kid squeezing your waist a little tighter. You giggled.
“No, just trying to see if I can assess what’s going on so when I ask her about it later I can call her out on her bs.” You kept giggling.
“Gotcha.” He pressed another kiss to your cheek. A little later, you all sat at a big table overlooking the water as a chef cooked dinner. Everyone was still in their bathing suits as the sun set in Greece. The golden sun sunk into the horizon while you and your best friend laughed with beautiful English boys. It was all a dream. Trent kept his hand wrapped around your waist rubbing his hand on your warm skin. You were telling a little story just to him when he kissed you sweetly mid sentence. He tasted like wine and summer. It had your heart fluttering. He was perfect. The night winded down and you and Trent left everyone who opted to play some game you weren’t interested in. You retreated to your room cuddling outside in the private space close next to a fire. You felt your eyes starting to get heavy when Trent started kissing at your neck. You giggled, waking up more at the sensations now running through you. You ended up in your bed, naked, tangled up with him, warm, happy, and very very tired and very very in love.
The next morning you woke up to Lauren jumping onto your big bed next to you as you laid on top of Trent.
“Get up! We’re going on a boat todayyyy!” She sang giddily. The boys had planned a day out on a yacht so it was going to be a pretty good one. She was excited and so were you. You just had to find the will to leave the bed with your perfect naked man in it. “Get up! Get up! Get up!” She yelled, bouncing up and down.
“Oh my dayyyysss, Lauren! Shut up!” Trent groaned, holding you tighter to his chest. You opened your eyes and turned your head to see her with a big smile next to you sitting crossed legged. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Good morning!” You rolled your eyes at her eagerness, lack of care, and proximity this close to you and your naked boyfriend.
“Have a fun night?” She cheekily asked before she slapped your ass cover by the blankets.
“Aye!” Trent yelled looking at her annoyed. “That’s mine.” He joked, managing to hold a serious look on his face. His hands came from underneath the blankets and rubbed your ass over the covers smugly.
“Learn to share… She was mine first.” Lauren joked leaning back against the headboard now making herself comfortable in your bed with you and Trent still under the covers. Marcel and George walked into the room hearing the noise.
“Wow, two best friends. That’s class, mate.” Marcel made fun of Trent in bed with you and Lauren before plopping himself on a couch in the room.
“Everyone needs to shut up today, honestly.” Trent moaned, annoyed at his brother’s remark.
“With this group that’s unlikely.” George laughed when suddenly Jude appeared in the doorway.
“Good morning, lads, Lauren, and the one and only Mrs. TAA.” He cooed, walking towards Marcel to find himself a seat. Jobe followed in behind him going straight to the window, inspecting what the view from your room was like.
“Oh good… Jobe’s here now too.” You shook your head on Trent’s chest. “Does no one care that we’re still in bed naked?” You said expressing your surprise but you were met with a harmony of ‘nos.’
“Y/N, in the most respectful way, everyone in the room has probably seen you naked.” George joked, laughing, soon joined by everyone else in the room. Trent didn’t laugh exactly but he gave a sly smile. Your jaw slacked, offended.
“That’s probably a fact. Me and T are obvious, Marce hmm..” Lauren thought for a moment trying to go through who was in the room and how they would’ve seen you naked.
“Why are you obvious?” Trent asked, confused why Lauren would’ve seen you naked. Not having any sisters he just didn’t understand.
“T…” you laughed “not like in an intimate way.”
“Definitely not intimate despite her pleas.” You and Lauren both laughed a little more. You rolled your eyes at her lie, the boys in the room eyes going wide. You looked at Trent’s more confused face and shook your head no at him confirming that you never wanted and never did. “Relax, everyone. We lived together, god. We never hooked up.”
“I understand that. I lived with her when she first came to England. You and Trent weren’t exactly shy.” Marcel looked at you smugly answering Lauren’s open ended question.
“Yeah, same situation. You guys just didn’t care… It's all good though. Sorry mate.” George echoed looking at you first then to Trent, apologizing.
“Little more digital for me. Y/N, c’mon. You can’t be sending nudes hourly when we’re on international duty and not expect me to see at least one.” Jude laughed over exaggerating the times that Trent had been away with the England team with him. You tapped at Trent’s chest as if he had blatantly shared the photos with Jude, he didn’t.
“Now I feel left out.” Jobe piped up still looking out the water.
“Absolutely not going to happen, bro.” Trent quickly cut off Jobe, clarifying to him that he wasn’t ever going to get that opportunity.
“Okay, great. Now, please get out…” you moaned embarrassed at the entire conversation, dropping your head into Trent’s chest. His hand stroking your back consoling you.
You found yourself with your head on Trent’s chest again later in the day but now under the hot Grecian sun on a yacht in a little Loves and Friends bikini laughing.
“Be my friend!!” You whined, placing kisses all over Trent’s chest. After he definitely did but you felt like he hadn’t paid any attention to you yet.
“I’m your best fucking friend. What are you on about?” Trent laughed, cocking his head to the side to see more of your face. You worked your kisses up to his neck. He hummed at the feeling. “C’mere, baby” he cooed, pulling you up to kiss his lips. For the moment you forgot you were on the deck of a yacht with your closest friends next to you. You found yourself gasping between each kiss grinding your body down on his now hard cock beneath you.
“Fuck, I love you, baby.” You whispered in his ear as his hands explored your body. His touch was tantalizing. “I don’t think this is what best friends do.” You giggled
“No… it’s what I do with you though. You’re still my best friend, aren’t you?” He whispered cheekily. “You feel so fucking good, I can feel how wet you are, baby. Come with me inside, yeah?” He continued, squeezing your ass. He sat up a little and suddenly you were straddling him. Before you could answer he stood up and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Uh huh, please T.” You giggled as he walked you inside the boat.
“Sure, yep we’re not here or anything.” Marcel yelled for you to hear joking to the group.
“You’re a good kisser” you giggled pulling away from a messy make out. You were sat on top of a dresser im some room on the boat. Trent stood between your legs as he started to untied your bathing suit.
“Oh yeah? You never told me that before.” He smiled smugly, taking off your top first then moving to your bottoms..
“I definitely have…” You smiled while helping remove his swimsuit. “Your lips are perfect too.” You cooed as you traced the outline of his lips with your finger. He bit at you, taking your pointer finger in his mouth.
“Kept it a little secret that you like my lips, huh? That you think I’m a good kisser?” He cooed as his perfect lips moved down your neck. “So where do you like my lips, baby, tell me.” He trailed over your collar bone, down to your tits. “What about here?” You hummed in pleasure when he kissed over your nipples. You whimpered as he sucked on the left one, brushing his warm tongue left and right before tugging on it with his teeth, his hand coming to play with the right and then switching his lips attention to it. The level of arousement in you was getting higher and higher and the familiar knot forming at the pit of your stomach was starting to form. His hands drifted down to your pussy. His fingers worked away between your legs. “Fuck, you’re so wet baby “ Trent groaned. “Always are for me? Hm?” Trent groaned a little more as his fingers felt your slick. Your wetness was evident to his touch and he couldn’t help but be satisfied with it. Trent gave a quick stroke to your clit before taking his hand away to bring his fingers to his mouth. “Fuck baby, I need you now. You taste so fucking good for me” he worked kisses back up before pulling away and stared at you pressing his nose to your cheek before moving his lips to yours. The kiss was hot and heavy, his tongue immediately invading your mouth and toying with yours. He let his hand drift back down and slid one finger directly inside you eliciting a gasp from you. His sudden moments made the base of your spine tingle, but when his thumb began to draw precise circles on your clit, your body shook slightly as a deep moan got lost in his mouth. When he dipped another finger into your wet heat, he pulled another deep moan from you and in an attempt to push you closer to the edge, he curled his fingers even further against that one spot and pressed his thumb into your clit harder. “Gonna be my good girl? Want you to cum on my fingers, baby ”
“Please keep going, T. I’m so close, I’m-fuck.” With a few more curses and his name continuously falling from your lips, as you came around his fingers. White hot liquid shot through your veins, your slick dripped down his hand. He pulled his fingers out slowly covered in your juices, he stuck them in your mouth and you greedily sucked his fingers licking around them like you would his cock while he began pumping his growing hard on with his hand. In swift movements, he was aligning his cock with your entrance. “T, please I need you…” you whined
“You want me, baby?” You could only nod overtaken by lust. He slid inside you slowly filling you up. He dropped his forehead to your chest, trying to avoid cumming on the spot “Squeezing me so tight, baby. Feels so good.” You whimpered, squeezing tightly around his cock. Your high was approaching quickly; he always knows how to hit that perfect spot.
“Fuck, Fff-fuck! You’re so ah! So good.” You said moaning. It wasn’t long until you were nearly there, and the moment Trent attached his thumb back to your clit and began rubbing it in quick circles, you fell apart almost immediately, curse words and his name falling from your lips repeatedly. “T, baby.” You could only manage another whine, too focused on the slow drag of his cock, you could feel every hard vein and ridge of it slowly fucking into you.
“Are you mine, beautiful? Tell me… fuck! You’re mmine.” Trent punctuated his words with hard thrusts. You moaned nodding.
“I’m always yours T. I’m… fuck! I’m yours.” You managed to mutter out as he fuck you again. His pace was relentless and unforgiving as he moved, driving his cock in and out of you, consistently hitting a spot only he knew so deep inside you.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck.”l I’m gonna finish, baby. Want me to cum inside you?” he cursed and you moaned a yes. His fingers dug into your skin and his head fell back, as he pushed his hips up one last time before he spilled into your tight heat. Trent rolled his head back in pleasure as you gently moved your hips against his to help him ride out his high.
“Baby…” you barely could get out… “fuck, baby, I love you so much.”
“I love you forever, beautiful.” He said between heavy breaths. “You’re mine. Fuck, that felt so good. Always so fucking good f’me.” You nuzzled your head to his chest loving being close to his warm skin. He pressed a sweet kiss to your head before you heard someone approaching.
“Trenski, I know you can’t last this long so we’re eating lunch now. Whenever you two are done, alright?” Jude knocked on the door to the room you were in. Everyone was sat on the upper deck starting lunch when you two finally fell out of the room giggling, grabbing at each other, still kissing. Trent pinched your ass cheek.
“T!” You squealed and began to run away from him. You ran to the stairs that lead to the upper deck and grabbed the railings. Trent was quick though and caught your ankle as ypu stepped up.
“Nah uh, c‘mere pretty girl.” He said pulling you down towards him but you wiggled away again and ran up the stairs. He chased you and continued to grab at you. His hands on you made you giddy and warm. You made it up the stairs and only about a step onto the top deck before he caught you again. He picked you up like a rag doll and swung you around. You and Trent laughed . You couldn’t stop. You always felt so carefree with him it was hard to remember you were with a big group sometimes.
“Stop! Stop! Stop! Baby!” You giggled squirming in his arms having trouble catching your breath when he finally put you down and you made your way to the table.
You sat down for lunch and ate a wonderful watermelon feta salad happily looking out into the ocean water. The sun's rays cast over the deck onto the table. Everyone was having the best time listening to music while drinking sgroppino cocktails made by a very funny bartender. The vodka, lemon, and Prosecco drinks went straight to everyone’s heads in the heat. You were all in a great mood because of it when lunch finished. Lauren stood up and looked directly at you. Her cheeky smile had your heart racing.
“What? You’re making me nervous…” you quipped with a sly smile, anxious of what she was going to say.
“Just c’mon! Pictures, we need pictures!” Lauren said, pulling on your arm dragging you to the bow of the boat. You were relieved it wasn’t something more scandalous. “I need a good instagram pleassse.” You got one of the nice women working aboard to take pictures of you two despite almost every boy offering to take them. You took a bunch of photos with Lauren in your bikinis giggling. You wanted to recreate a cute idea you saw on Pinterest. Fueled by ssgroppino and the need for a good Instagram you and Lauren huged with your tops off. It was meant to be adorable and not overtly sexual but the boys watching you at the other end of the boat felt completely opposite.
“It’s like they’re taunting me…” Toby groaned trying to overt his eyes.
“They are doing it on purpose, bro.” Jude answered Toby’s complaint laughing with a big smile, his sunglasses off held in his hand as he watched Lauren intently.
“Of course they know.” Marcel said, shaking his head. “It’s great that Y/N is like a sister to me.” Rolling his eyes trying not to look at you with your top off.
“Lovely that, Marce” Trent responded sarcastically. He was on his phone and hadn’t paid any mind to what you and Lauren were doing.
“Bro… yeah, that’s brutal.” George started chuckling at Marcel's comment. “Lauren knows exactly what she’s doing. Y/N, I may give the benefit of the doubt to.” He continued talking while staring.
“Absolutely not, you guys think she’s more naive than she is. She plays all of you… you especially.” Marcel spoke pointing to Trent. “She’s like my best friend…”
“Aww, that’s actually well nice.” Jude butt in.
“Nah, shut up. I’m just saying I know that she’s well aware.” Marcel continued. Trent squinted his eyes, lowering his sunglasses, to look at what all of the boys were talking about. He smiled quickly seeing you so happy.
“I’m gonna going over…” Trent said, getting out of his chair, standing up.
“Nah, you can’t go over there, mate!” Jude complained at Trent’s movements. He just gave Jude a confused look in return.
“That’s like turning the TV off while we’re still watching it, lad.” Toby said with a concerned look on his face not wanting Lauren’s photo shoot to stop.
“Yeah, except, half the TV is mine, innit? I’m just taking half.” Trent gave a smug smile back to the boys before he kept walking towards you.
“Booo, fuck off!” Jude jeered, laughing.
“We were watching that!” George joked like you were something on the TV. Trent walked over but you were too engaged in your current moment to even notice he had shown up.
“This is mine” he grunted, picking you up from behind, peeling you off Lauren abruptly. His arms crossed directly over your boobs.
“Erm… excuse me I was trying to take a picture!” You feigned annoyance not particularly mad to have his strong arms around your frame again.
“As I said this morning, you need to learn to share, T!” Lauren yelled, laughing at him carrying you away. Trent sat down on the yacht’s railing with you in between his legs. He pressed wet kisses on your neck, his arms covering you. Lauren got her phone back from the woman. She took candid photos of you laughing at Trent’s kisses before Marcel yelled out causing the three of you to turn your heads.
“Maybe put a top on! Mum may want to see literally one photo from this holiday you’re not naked in!” His comment was annoying but also a pretty fair point. You bent down and grabbed your top.
“Can you tie this, baby?” You asked Trent. He obliged and tied your bikini gently back on. You took more photos like that just now your tits were covered. You sat on Trent’s lap, his arms around your waist, his head on your shoulder with the Grecian coastline in the background. Trent stood up behind you and you turned to face him.
“Can I have a kiss please?” You pouted, lacing your fingers with his.
“I thought best friends don’t do that…” he teased before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. His hands let go over yours and came around your body, grabbing your ass. He caressed over your exposed skin before he stepped forward more and picked you up like that. He raised you slightly above him. You looked down at him pushing your lips against his. Your bodies pressed together.
“Aww guys.” Lauren cooed pouting. “It’s actually really nice, I’m not even annoyed, this is cute.”
“Alright, alright, enough.” Trent put you down on the deck. “Love you, baby” he whispered just for you to hear.
“Laur, do you want any more?” You asked, still staring at Trent, but asking her regarding photos, in case she wanted any more. She said yes so you stayed and Trent retreated back to the boys. You and Lauren had made quick friends with the woman who had kindly taken the photos earlier so she came out with a few shots and another cocktail. When you found your way to the back of the boat with the boys, you and Lauren were a little tipsy. Hopeful to walk away with the Euros tournament trophy, Jude had planned for the boat to be stocked with champagne. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case but he wasn't going to let it go to waste so he was indulging. You walked back with Lauren and wrapped your arms around his waist seeing him holding a bottle you really liked..
“Judddeyyy” you cooed, singing as he held the bottle up further away from you, out of reach. You gave him a pout.
“Nah, that works on that man, that man only, not me.” He laughed pointing at Trent unimpressed with your look.
“C’mon share with me!” You pleated pouting more, grabbing for the bottle now.
“There's literally only a sip left… what you want my spit?” He teased holding it higher away from you laughing. You hummed with a big smile. “You’re disgusting, no.” You and Jude finally landed on just opening another bottle to share together proceeding to get more and more drunk laughing and dancing. Trent laid back down on a chair and just watched on as you two made fools of yourself happily. What you all had no idea of was that a lovely group of paparazzi were capturing every interaction Trent and Jude had that day.
‘Celebrating The Loss? Trent Alexander-Arnold and Jude Bellingham are spotted on a Yacht in Greece with brothers, girls, and champagne.’
‘Trent Alexander-Arnold cozies up to his mystery American girlfriend on a yacht.’
‘Good Teammate? Trent Alexander-Arnold looks on as Jude Bellingham gets handsy with the Right Back's presumed girlfriend.’
‘Boats, Bellingham Boys, and Babes; Jude Bellingham blows off steam after Euros loss on a yacht with younger brother, Jobe and women!’
Under the influence of how much fun you were having you were blissfully unaware of the media coverage about to arise but for now you were buzzed and back laying on top of the love of your life and also the most gorgeous boy in the world warmed by the sun and the alcohol and your night was just getting started…
Thank you for continuing reading! Little shorter today. Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 24 xx
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doubledown · 1 year
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Hello ! I deadass fuckin forgot about this account and uh yeah I will try to be more active but I can't promise anything at alll
Honestly idrc its your shit you do what you want
The reader is Gender neutral for this fic but male pronouns are used
Also who should I do next? I have deadass run out of ideas for fics 😗✌️
TW: Hair pulling, Caught Masturbating, Degradation, Pleasure Crying, Light choking, Use of Master/Doll, Edging, Fingering, Pegging/Bare Back ( depends on how you wanna interpret it ), Breeding(?)
Feedback is always welcomed ! Even if it's harsh as long as it's criticism and not just rude behavior
" Fuck... " Asra moaned his cock twitching in his hand. While he knew the risk if you caught him but he was just so needy. You had been messing with him all morning without even knowing it. The way you moved and the way you tamed him...Just the thought of your hands around his neck teasing his breath made him pick up his pace. He threw his head back pants and your name mixing with his soft groans and whimpers of pleasure. He hadn't even heard the door to your place open. " Doll I'm home ! " You called closing the door.
" Shit. " He thought. He was so close. Fuck why did you have to come home just when he was on the edge of cumming. He half away tripped in an effort to quickly get himself together and try not to seem like he was doing something he knew he wasn't supposed to. " H-Hey love. " He said moving his hair out of his face as you walked. His cock practically throbbing to be touched. " Hey Sweetheart. Everything alright? " You asked a rather confused look on your face. Honestly he looked really sweaty and his hair was more of a mess then usual.
" Y-Yeah I'm perfectly fine hun. Just had a rather intense dream is all. " He laughed. Shit did he sound nervous? Maybe the laugh was to loud? Fuck he was just getting himself worked up more and more. " Asra. " Your tone more concerned then anything. He was so caught up in his own head he hadn't even noticed you until you were towering over him. And the moment he looked up to you his mind went blank. You had always had that type of effect on him. No matter how deep in worry he was in you always calmed his mind.
" Doll is there something you would like to confess? " Oh Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. You already knew. Wasn't that hard to see his cock hard and at attention. After all Asra wasn't small in the slightest. " Im sorry..." Was all he said in that pathetically whiny tone he always used when he knew he was in trouble. " I'm sorry Master...Ple-" He began saying before your hands found his throat. Not enough to hurt him of course but enough for him to get the hint to shut up. " Please? " You said almost laughing. " I haven't even said anything and your already proven your guilty. Seriously? Not even a reasonable excuse? " At the same time though you weren't gonna punish him half as bad as you planned to. But you weren't gonna let him know that.
He couldn't even really answer before he was flat on his elbows trying his best to stay up right with you on top of him. " You really are alittle attention whore huh? " You mockingly whispered with a smirk your lips barely grazing the other's lips as you leaned in. Your eyes meeting his only to be met back with harsh whine. " Just pathetic... " You softly laughed your hands teasing at the tip of his cock. " M...Fuck..Master pleasee..... " He begged. You hadn't even really did anything and he already was begging like a bitch in heat.
You pushed him on his stomach pinning his arms behind his back. You gently pushed your fingers in him causing him to whimper as he pushed back against them. He groaned as you gripped the back of his hair pulling it back to meet his eyes. " Quit moving. " You said simply tears already in his eyes from the ache in his cock. You let go of his hair only to put your hands on his neck pinning him against the pillow. You began pumping your fingers forcing him to cry out in relief and contentment. " Oh stop being dramatic Asra. " You laughed as you began adding another finger in. He cried out biting into the pillow his eyes already on the verge of rolling to the back of his head and his face a mess of tears.
You hadn't even stuffed him yet and he already was over here losing his mind. By the time you added a fourth he was on the verge of cumming. " o-Oh Fuck I..Im gonna cum-M! " He cried. And just when he thought he was gonna burst you stopped in mid pump. " So when excatly did I say you could cum? Hm? " You asked as you pulled his head up your knee resting on his wrist keeping him in place. He looked up at you burning need in his eyes. " Plea-ase....Maste-er pleaseee I-I've learned my lesson I won't do it again I promise. I'll be good I'l-l be so fuckin good.." He whined. " You are such a greedy little bitch. " You laughed. " But I can't just leave you here. Gotta finish what I started. " You hummed in his ear. He shivered as you pulled his hips up against you putting both of your hands over his. " Just breath sweetheart... " You said leaving small kisses on his back as you entered him. A small groan came from both of you as you bottomed out.
" Fuck Asra.. " You huffed as you moved your hips starting off nice and slow. " Y/nnnn please.. " he groaned pushing back against you. " Y/nnn " you mocked a mischievous grin on your face as you thrusted faster. " You are such a damn drama queen for some dick huh? " You said only to get a harsh moan in return. " That's it baby let it out for me. " You hummed in his ear a huff of curses comin from him as tears pooled in his eyes. " F-Fuck m-Master p-pleasee cum in me-e ple-ease pleas-se please please please ! " He cried out tears pratically pouring from his eyes. " Got damn it Asra.. " You muttered as you slipped one around his waist and one hand firmly gripping his hair thrustin in him deeply " Fuc-ckk ! M-Maste-er ! " He mewled loudly just as you finished with a loud groan slamming into one more time causing him to cry out. You breathed raggedly as you pulled out cum drippin out of him. " What do you say? " You asked breathlessly. " T-Thank you Master.. " He purred with a low eyed smile.
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Headcanons: Weaknesses
Leonardo cannot cook! I repeat, LEONARDO CANNOT COOK!
Leo definitely does not know his way around a toaster, Donnie has to repair it often, it started off so early during his teens, too. It's also one of the reasons why Mikey is coined as the family chef.
"Don't touch! Shoo!" Donnie exclaims as he slaps Leo's hand away from the toaster. It would be so funny, especially in the 2007 universe.
Leonardo getting back from a long ass trip abroad and coming home to electronics, oh my goodness. I headcanon that he would feel off about NOT hunting for food. Definitely had pizza withdrawal, and tried to mimic the taste (something Mikey would do,) back in South America with mushy berries as the pizza sauce, spoiler: it doesn't taste the same.
Donatello is terrible at social cues. Like, he doesn't read the room very well at times. Especially 2012 Donnie.
***THE blueprint of "Oh she passed away? Um...anyways so,"***
Yall remember when Mikey was literally on his deathbed in the lair and April texted Donnie about where Leonardo was so he decided to cheer about the fact that April texted him,
Donnie: "Oh this is the best day!"
Mikey: *on the couch debating his life choices up until this point*
Donnie: "Oh...well, its had its ups and downs :)"
A LOT of times in the show he gets all scientific during different crises', its seriously comical. Definitely will talk about the laws of physics whilst sneaking around TCRI, gets really excited over alien technology...too excited. He got the spirit, just terrible timing LMAO
Raphael's comebacks are always SOOOO out of pocket. Like, even he takes a second to reevaluate his cleverness.
2003 Raphael fits this headcanon like a glove. Mans really made a "yo mama" joke while being interrogated, you can't say he wasnt a goated character.
Clowns Donnie's inventions ALLL the time, doesn't matter what it is.
and Donnie better hope Raph doesn't catch him using them either.
"Ya're a genius, but damn, bro. A big red button? Look, Mikey, we're savin' tha world with a button! Whoop dee do."
cue the Shellraiser shooting missiles at whatever threat they're facing.
He also jumps the gun on his comebacks...case in point ^^
Also clowns Mikey for being Mikey, especially 2012 mikey.
Raph" "God, I didn't think a mutant could be uglier than Mikey over there!"
Mikey: "Hey! I'm right here!"
Michelangelo has TERRIBLE timing. I mean, cracks a joke during serious moments type of timing
He celebrates wayyyy too early. Always, always, ALWAYS! Definitely bayverse mikey!
Him & his brothers will literally be fighting the Foot & he’s all “AWWW YEAH!” when the soldiers are clear, just for the final bosses to come out the cut unexpected.
Beatboxes while in life-threatening situations, not that it’s a weakness, it’s just NOT the time, Leo let’s him know that.
Overdoes his jokes a lot of the time, ‘specially when it comes to April- when they first cornered her after she took a pic of them? Yikes.
Exchanges like this when they watch a movie or show with any female, what? They’ve only been around April!
Mikey: “Guysssss lil Mike is tingling oohhh!”
Donnie: “Lil Mike?”
Mikey: “Yeah, what? You guys didn’t name your di-“
Leo: “alright time to go,”
Out of all the brothers, I think Leonardo’s headcanon is the funniest!
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aquamata · 3 days
some of my pokemon teams :> for @yuuichirouh bc i want you to see them lol
so i don't really have any of my og teams on their games except for alpha sapphire, sword, and violet. and thats because i replayed the ds games so often, but im sure ive transfered them to home or another game
BUT from my most recent playthroughs this is what i got C:
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This is my most recent save from diamond and tbh i didnt play diamond that much ever since i got platinum bc i could get glaceon wayy sooner without help.
but this trainer card was my team my very first run when i was 13 :)
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not too uncommon from what many other people used LOL
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NOW THIS IS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE TEAM EVER, i know its not balanced but idc about that it's got some of my fav pokemon and a cute little guy mascot (chimecho:) it's definitely not the team i first played platinum with but i like the lil story i made for it when i did this playthrough so it's very special to me <3
I was in the middle of replaying black and white and w2 for a story i was gonna write i think so i don't have any saves for them yet but heres some teams i know i used for black, white, and black 2
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tbh i replayed the gen 5 games so so much i used a lot of their pokemon and i loved a lot of them too, but these were the ones i remember the most and my white playthrough i probably my favorite bc braviary is one of my favorite bird pokemon :)
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ok this is the only team i remember playing soulsilver and i don't have the game cartidge because i sold it a long time ago for quick cash T0T MY BIGGEST REGRET!!! i've been on the hunt for another copy to play with again but gotdamn i dont wanna spend hundreds of dollars for this game no matter how much i want it T^T
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okie heres my tiny team for Y . i did try that shiny hunt fishing technique to get that shiny Dragalge tho B) tbh this isn't my first y team either because i specifically remember using that ice rock dinosaur that i forget the name of.
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OK and here's my alpha sapphire team, first time in hoenn and this is my first and only team for this save lol and i know that because it's that shiny metagross you got as a promotion, ALSO shiny bellossom i found randomly and i named him basil c:
i dont't have my first moon save or the sun save i played like once but my last save on moon was primarina, lilligant, minior, mimikyu, snorlax, and mismagius. i hate how they don't have a hall of fame pic with all of them at once in sun and moon and beyond but oh well T-T
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here is that shiny minior i got from chain shiny hunting named pinball <3
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OKAYY MOVING ONNN, heres my sword team, and yeah i used three pokemon from my platinum run because this was right after i finished platinum with that team i liked so much i used them again for sword because they were available LOL
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and finally my violet team <333 alll girls and i was laughing about this with my discord friends because this was just a girly pop run and we were all amused by it lololol
anyways sorry this was so long but id love to see your teams too!!! yknow what @hopefulstarfire i wanna hear you yap about your og teams too
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QUICK Name all of your htf OCs first deaths GOOO!!!!!
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NEIL. His first death is actually what traps him in the deathloop. his ship is knocked out of orbit by none other than super, stupid and blue himself. he's dropped into the middle of hell, and his ship crushes him/explodes around him. and he wakes up the next day, completely fine, with his ship only damaged enough that he cant start it again no matter what he does with his genius brain to fix it. on a completely foreign planet, full of people who are absolutely nothing like him. the only person who even knows WHAT HE IS is the same person who stranded him there. and hes stuck forever.
tldr: splendid knocks his ship out of the sky and he, obviously, dies.
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bully has been in the death loop for a little longer. its been.. geeze, since a few years after he left highschool? how long ago even was that? haha, like it matters, ALLL that shit is behind him. ESPECIALLY his old reputation. the first time he died, though? pssh. who cares, it was probably like... idk, bleeding out or some shit. come to think of it.. yeah. thats exactly what it was. he was foolin around and got his arm clipped off. he proceeded to run around like an idiot and pump all his blood out of his system.
tldr: bled out after getting his arm ripped off by a truck.
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Kyle's been here the longest of the three. god knows how long its been. who knows what the first one was. genuinely, hes been through so many insane deaths, there is ZERO way to tell. the "curse" seems to have it out for him personally. like FULLY hates him. he's so good at stopping easily avoidable tragedies, and that forces it to come up with increasingly batshit ways to commit carnage. he has witnessed the ENVIRONMENT throwing a tantrum because he just.. moved someone out of the way. got rid of a wooden plank, stopped someone from getting into a car in which the breaks have OBVIOUSLY been cut. luckily, he has a few things it can use against him. like the fact that everyone thinks he's their dumb, kind of mean friend who doesnt know what hes talking about, and how he is willing to throw himself in front of random strangers to take extremely painful deaths like a champ to save them.
tldr: who knows man this motherfucker's been thru the wringer because the curse hates his fucking guts so much. thats what he gets for having the same name as that reptilian rat bastard.
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Comet... comet..
What if
Dew and Sunshine are having a lil movie night and Mountain and Ifrit interrupt them 👀.
Dew either get super angry so Mountain (or Fritter) shuts him up mean while Sunshine teases them alll
I'm never going to get tired of writing Sunshine/Dew content, I SWEAR.
Also I got so excited to write this I missed the part about Ifrit being there too. OOPS. Just...uhh...imagine he’s also there making Dew even madder. 
Alone time is a rarity. The unspoken rule around the abbey after the library incident is that Dew and Sunshine are not allowed to be alone in a room together. And while there's no real enforcement of it--Dew finds it nearly impossible to even watch a fucking movie with Sunshine without someone else showing up. It doesn't matter that they're in his room in his bed. He knows it's a matter of time before someone catches on that they're both missing from whatever group activity Aether has planned for tonight and decides to check in on them--make sure they're not lighting the abbey on fire. It was one time and it wasn't even that big of a fire. Dew has no idea why everyone is still so upset about it. Sunshine gets to pick the movies--that's the standing rule. It's mostly because Sunshine is sick to death of horror movies and that's really the only thing Dew knows anything about. She showed up just after dinner with a stack of DVDs in her arms and a fuzzy blanket she absolutely stole from Mountain's bed. Now, they're curled up under it. Sunshine's head nestled under Dew's chin, his arm curled loosely around her waist. The movie is one of those dumb sappy romances she likes so much, and he's doing his best to pay attention to what's happening. But really, once you've seen one seasonal romance you've seen them all. And he's can't help that his mind is wandering. Sunshine smells like peaches, honey, like a light shining through a window. She's warm and soft, and Dew's mind is slipping steadily into less innocent thoughts. He's thinking about tipping her head up and kissing her, tasting the summer taste of her on his tongue. He's thinking about pressing her back into the bed, about her halo of curls on his pillow, about her skin under his mouth and the feel of her-- The door bangs open. Dew jolts upright, his heart hammering in his chest. The movement dislodges Sunshine. She sits up too, dragging her knees up to rest her elbows on them as Mountain steps through the door. "Get out," Dew snaps. "I knew you took my blanket," Mountain says, ignoring Dew completely. He crosses the room and shoves Dew to the side. He slots himself between them on the bed. Dew is going to claw his fucking eyes out. "What are we watching?" Mountain asks, throwing his arm around Sunshine and pulling her close. She purrs against him. Dew growls. "You weren't invited." Sunshine laughs, looking over Mountain's chest at where Dew's pouting on the edge of the bed. He loves Mountain, god he loves Mountain though you'd never hear him say it out loud, but right now he wants to tear out his throat, send him back to the pit. Mountain slings his other arm around Dew and drags him in. Dew is helpless to fight it. He thinks about raising his temperature. Setting himself and the bed and everyone else on fire. "Sunshine invited me." Dew freezes. He tips his head up to look at Sunshine. She grins at him. "Surprise!" The images of Sunshine spread out for him on his bed twist to include Mountain behind him, one big hand on his hip, the other in his hair. His stomach clenches at the thought. Dew sighs, and puts his head back down. "I fucking hate you both," he grumbles all while snuggling himself deeper into Mountain's side. "Yeah, yeah, of course, you do."
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I was relooking at The Southern Raiders and I just noticed it wasn’t just KYA’S death that Katara wanted closure for. Katara also wanted revenge/closure on Aang being electrocuted.
While Katara didn’t like Zuko, she was mostly neutral towards him since Zuko and Aang went to the Sun warriors. (The comics even depicted that she was fine with Zuko while He and Sokka were away.)
So why would Katara suddenly become really angry again? Answer. She saw AZULA and was reminded of how Azula managed to kill Aang due to Zuko choosing her. (I saw some posts pointing out that with the way things were going, Azula probably would’ve lost if Zuko didn’t accept Azula’s offer.)
I wouldn't say Katara was truly 100% okay with Zuko before she saw Azula, but more that she had understood why they needed him at that point. She full on threatened to end him if he stepped out of line again - and despite Zutarians pretending otherwise, she fully meant it. She just didn't do anything because HE didn't do anything.
She was a reluctant ally, but she was NOT his friend and she did not fully believe that he wouldn't just snap one day and try to kill them. It was only a matter of time before all that righteous anger she felt towards him, his family, and his nation (alll 100% justified) inevitably resurfaced.
But yeah, seeing Azula definitively reminded her of the role Zuko played in Aang's death - which was now very much linked to her grief over her mother as, from Katara's perspective, Zuko had been pretending to connect with her on that in Ba Sing Se while waiting for an opportunity to stab her in the back and attack her friends.
Katara's love (and I mean both romantic and platonic love) for Aang was one of the many reasons why she resented Zuko - and naturally, Zutarians rarely mention it since that would make it harder for them to pretend Aang is this annoying incel Katara needs to be saved from.
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st5lker · 1 year
wild half-thought out rant since at this point im not seeing anyone on tumblr talk about this its more of a tiktok discourse thing but as someone who is gay the whole "genital preference" discourse and the way it comes from people who arent even outwardly transphobic or trans exclusionary is pretty wild to me. i can only talk about this while getting into tmi territory sorry so the rest is under a readmore
its usually transmascs especially younger ones propagating the whole idea that "its not transphobic to have genital preferences i wouldnt be offended if someone didnt want to sleep with me bc im afab" and even ignoring the way that that completely ignores how different this entire situation is for trans women, as a gay person who is very aware of and comfortable in what i am and am not attracted to it just doesnt ever make any sense to me. like i am attracted to men. point blank and period. im attracted to things that register as masculine or a feature of a man in my mind.
but like. i get the idea of where theyre coming from in that attraction is an instinctual reaction or whatever but like, sure im not "attracted" to vaginas in the sense that im not turned on by a picture of one and yes sometimes the idea of getting up close with one turns me off. but believe it or not i am still attracted to trans men and would still have sex with one because i register them as men? and in the same sense like, yeah im usually attracted to an isolated picture of a penis but like that usually comes with the idea in my mind that its attached to a man. looking at a trans woman's penis when im aware its a trans woman gives me the same hormonal reaction that looking at a cis woman's vagina does, in that... its nothing. because my mind registers that as a body part belonging to a woman. a person's genitals are one tiny part of their body and if thats the ONLY thing you can focus on when youre attracted to somebody then i really have to wonder if youre attracted to people or if you just see partners as like... sex toys with extra baggage attached
like i kind of get where theyre coming from, my brain is hardwired towards amab genitalia, but its also hardwired towards a lot of things other things too LMAO. its not like i have any particular inclination to get close and focus on afab genitalia the way i might with others but like... that doesnt mean its impossible to interact sexually with a trans man or even their genitals yknow. there are lots of ways to have sex. and like, is that to say im attracted to every single trans man or every one of them ticks the boxes that make me attracted to someone? no of course not but im far from attracted to every cis man either LOL. there are plenty of cis men who are far less attractive to me than the majority of trans men on testosterone lol and thats not even always about them being 'ugly' as much as it is them not being my type.
there are so many arguments people make about how alll trans peoples bodies are different and how you dont have to interact with trans genials and all that and while all of that is true and i just mentioned some of it i think honestly the core of the matter comes down to this: in most cases we are attracted to gender, not sex, and so we're attracted to the things that our brain pattern recognizes as matching with our orientation. and contrary to what a lot of transphobes believe if you are not actively trying to remind yourself of a trans person's AGAB every time you see them in most cases it is very easy to register them as their identity in your mind. the issue is not that youre not attracted to trans people, the issue is that you refuse to allow yourself to see trans people as anything other than the gender they were assigned at birth, and that conscious perception block is what is keeping your body from reacting to them as you would a member of your preferred gender.
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rewiredthethirdblog · 2 months
Dunlop bike tires surprisingly held air all this time. What over a year? Only the rear needed pumping but seriously impressed with those tubes. Anywho xtodsy did s lot in the shed. Took seatpost from kiddies bike for first time i did something on that bike and took the bolt. Already had a post in yhe dunlop bike so took a seat that was laying arounf put it there Nd fastned the dunlop bike eith the kiddie bolt. Worked s charm. Tho i think i recall not using a bolt on dunlop cause the bike was overall.much heavier than the kmartbluenwhite(the bike that would dangerously skip gears but was light and fun to ruin) other problem eith kmart bike is id forgotten that the entite third of the plastic pedal on one side was fkn broken off. Doesnt exsctly inspire confidnece on knowing your footing esp if you riding with slip shoes so you can ttsil foot on ground. Also forgot where i put the silver seatpost it must be in apartment somewhere with another seat ig.
But anywho dunlop bike seat positioned perfectly along with the hanxlebars corrected upwarxs n tightened. And the brake on fronts still work a charm! Resrs i think i removed entirely cause well tacoed up but rides fine lol. Also couldnt even adjust the sest on the new bmx i got so put it back in a lil higher ig but yesh the seatpost n sest needs reolacing eith lightwfight parts and comfy af sest cauze it aint comfy at alll but yeah all up was done pretty wuick just kinda difficult im so unfit out of breath an swesting in judt a fkn hoodie on a chill dsy... Forgoten how doing no bike riding makes you so much more unfit in a matter of a week
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diaryofthoughts23 · 11 months
Monthly, weekly almost, I become discontented or numb. Am I stuck i n some hedonistic cycle? Where I can only be happy about stupid things that don’t matter? When little thing doesn’t work out, or somthing small inconveniences me and I’m a stupid cranky mess. Even if I tell myself “it’s ok this is a small inconvenience” It still takes so long to get over it. Am I so programmed to have instant gratification that when I cant fix my problem immediately I become depressed mess. It’s an instant gratification problem. Real change takes time and being impatient makes the time seem longer when you dont want it to be. QUIT BEING IMPTATIENT!!
HOW DO YOU STOP BEING IMPATIENT? I guess thats my next step. In the past I stop being impatient when I give up. But I dont want to give up on genuine change. I have this stuck feeling again, like when I ws depressed in college. Shit. Am I depressed again? (Yeah I slipped and fell into it) I might be. Probably am. I broke out of it last time by pursuing a major life goal and doing shadow work. In the past I the shadow work over my childhood trauma. Now I have to do the shadow work about who I am, what I want, and the life goals to achieve it. That’s what that book I bought is all about. It’s just feel like this inner slug that hasn’t been there before. Even in the past this slug I could easily shake off. The slug has turned into a leech sucking the energy and drive to do anything. Even to be happy. I want things , but can’t find the drive to pursue them. I am stuck in the rat race with the desire to get out, but no drive to make it happen. Then there are my health issues that could be adding to all of this mental confusion.
Let’s be honest, my health is shit. I eat Ike shit, I need to work out more and regularly. Again, there is desire to change but no energy or motivation to do it. There is almost a strong desire to give up. It’s not really there yet, but it feels like suicide. Giving up on all that is good for me and letting my stupid cravings win. I almost desire laziness and gluttony. There is an addiction to feeling stressed out and like shit. i know I have a weird confusing addiction to feeling Like shit. I DONT WANT IT ANYNMORE!!! I stat to work on it , i feel kinda better then I crash EVERY TIME. I CRASH THE CAR OF DESIRED CHANGE EVERY TIME. THIS IS WHERE I FAIL. I FAIL MYSELF CONSISTENTLY. FUCK THIS FUCK THIS FUK THIS FUCK THIS FUK THIS FUCK THIS FUCK THIS FUCK THIS FFFFUUUUKKKK TTHHIISS. I was afraid of failing other people or so long i now have a strange addiction to failing myself. If I fail myself there is no failure left to inflict onto others.
I cant get into the car of change anymore. I just crash. I dont kow how to drive the car of change, but damnit I’m gonna walk. It will be slow. It will be slow.
Change. Will. Be. Slow. But I cannot give up or be impatient and quit. That is failing myself and the life i feel called to I live. I want this cycle to end an a new cycle to begin. Its time. I need to still give myself the grace to fail/make mistakes AND pick myself up and keep going. Life starts new things and tries to begin change
SOOOOOOO MANY TIMES!!!!!!! It’s at the point where I am exhausted. Maybe thats why I want to give up. I m exhausted from trying so many times. How d I find the encouragement within myself? Do I hve a community that supports me? I think so.
GOAL: My fist goal towards change is to finish reading my happiness book and alll of the other supplimental work it has with it. It like a college course. Happiness 101 damnit.
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Ahaha 😂 Im glad this liveblog only take you 16 hours lol. Also cant wait to see the last part of the hiromi trilogy, kinda excited to see it actually. Wanna see the full on angst lmao.
Also, technically Im someone that didn't care much about Hiromi as character but it really will be a shame if he just stop being Kamen Rider. Hope he can make a comeback or something.
On the other noteeee, Im guessing the Kagerou/Daiji second part gonna come soon (i hope? The actor did say we gonna see Kagerou more). My early guess is that Kagerou gonna join the siblings to fight Olteca (most likely).
Well anyway, I love your live blogs like always and my fav scene ever is definitely the 'mid-winter showcase' bc it all look cool af. Fun fact, (which I got from twitter) apparently that scene was planned last minute including all the cgi. Bc the director want to showcase all Revice form and its amazing that they could make it work in such a short time.
Ah sorry for taking too long. Have a nice day and thank you for your hard work ✨✨ (oh and also thank you for taking the suggestion about tagging the liveblog 💖💖💖)
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haha you're cute <33.
Yeah I agree, I love me some good angst. Right now tho Daiji keeps being such a sus ass mfer that I can barely focus on anything else LOL!
For me ;;;; Hiromi was fun cause I'm mean and I liked to laugh at him getting dunked on (ohhh how the turN TABLES) . I Do think it would be a shame tho for Hiromi to not ever appear again,,, like damn yo. Just send him off to the countryside man. Give this dude a break.
(Of course;; that won't be as emotionally impactful to the MCs; so I guess we'll have to wait and see with what the writers decide to do, OOP)
Bro. I am SO fking ready. He has been SO suspicious,, I literally can't handle this. I just want to see him tip his lid. That teapot's been left on boil for FAR too long, yo.
Now for wHAT Kagerou decides to do??? I could not tell you, man. I really don't know, cause it could go either way. As of right now I feel like he'd still want to sabotage the family (well,,, mostly just Ikki tbh). So...? Idk though. Like as I said,,,,could go literally any way
Bet the writers are gonna go with the most fked up way tho
(those terrible people <333)
YO, WHAT?!?!
That was planned LAST MINUTE????
These fking writers/producers YO.
And awhhh <333
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Never worry about taking up too much of my time <33. You could write me 4,000 words and I'd still read all of them lovingly. Might even take a picture and hang it on my wall LOL!
And woah
AIAIAIAIAIA!!! Haha <33. The individual ep tags were something that was a long time coming. Sorting through my own nonsense is just THEE worst lol; so if you hadn't suggested it I'd have gotten fed up with having to search for specific posts and would've done it eventually LOL
For the past liveblog episodes. I WILL, tag those. I'll make that my friday goal (because that's like,,, a whole-ass day kind-of endeavor :'DD)
I'll tell you guys when I've tagged them all.
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bunniesnuggie · 2 years
Hey it’s my birthday today and I was wondering if you could do an Eddie/ little! Reader and what he would do for their birthday? Hcs or fic, either one is cool :))
first of all, happy birthday lovie!!!! im gonna do head canons so i can get them out faster!!! sorry if it’s short and sucky, i wanted you to have them today :3
~ Birthday Baby! ~
cg!eddie munson x (gn)little!reader
summary: it’s your birthday, eddie’s favorite holiday
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• eddie LOVES to celebrate you, doesn’t matter the reason
anniversaries (he’s the type to celebrate the day you first spoke to eachother, even if it was only a word), good grades, any accomplishments, tying you shoe and especially your birthday, to put it lightly he celebrates everything you do
• did someone say birth week?
because that’s what eddie heard when you told him when your birthday is. you’re his baby bunny boo-boo you deserve the best, and he feels bad that he can’t afford the best so he prolongs it for as long as possible
• like I stated in my first headcanons about Eddie, he doesn’t make a lot of money but he’s crafty
 homemade cards? Oh yeah, the pop-up kind. he may not be that good of a cook but he does try and he makes you breakfast in bed every morning, whatever you want!  And of course he writes a new addition of “Sir Edward the Noble Knight and his Precious Prince/ss” where it is the Royal‘s birthday. he makes birthday hats for all your stufffies so you can wake up to a tiny surprise party!!!
• takes you to build-a-bear!!
you both make bears that look like each other. yours is a brown bear with curly fur, you dressed him in a band tee, jeans, boots and your daddy even bought you a tiny guitar for him 🥹 his is your favorite color and is wearing a little onesie and we’ll as has it own tinier bear (bearception). he splurged so you both could record a secret message for them. his was a funny little song / lullaby he always sings to you, and you left him a sweet message about how much you love and appreciate him. he definitely doesn’t cry when he hears it, and he definitely doesn’t sleep with it when your not there. he does kick dustin’s ass for making fun of the little bear
• if you don’t like cake, he makes you a birthday sundae with a candel
a little self indulge sorry hehe but i don’t like cake (sensory thing) so all week you get a different treat with a candle in it!
• since he celebrates all month week he does at least one “big” surprise and one “little”
not like, in size. buy like you get a present big you would like; concert tickets, jewelry, recreational things 🧍🏻‍♀️etc. but he makes sure to get presents little you would like more; stuffies, blankeys, cartoons, little space gear. he loves to give you gifts in general, but you light up the most when small
• it’s basically a rule free week
no bed time, allowed sugary drinks and candy whenever, no limit on screen time, stuff like that. you still have to be his good babysitter. he’s already pretty lax anyway, but he still has things set for your own good. one week won’t hurt
• biggest celebration is on your actual birthday
it’s all day. you wake up to a huge breakfast in bed, alll your favorite foods are made. this is when the tiny stuffies surprise party is btw!! he has your daily card set out with two gifts on the night stand. he lets you pick out your lil birthday outfit, crown included and he takes you to do whatever you want that day!!! then that night he takes you to dinner, nothing super fancy, but it’s perfect. when it’s time for bed he puts an extra scoop of sugar into you angles milk <3
• you watch tangled a million times that week
bc duh
• he just loves his little peanut so much, thinks they deserve the best
(which you do!!) literally plans it a year in advanced, as soon as the day ends and your in bed. he’s reading you your new story and planning next years 🥹🥹
• ofc on his birthday, you always return the favour
he never got the normal birthday experience when he was young, so you try to give that to him, it makes him 🫠 so now, birthdays are a thing in the munson trailer
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a/n : saw this and got super excited because my birthday is in two weeks, cancer supremacy :D
also i’m actually going to build-a-bear for mine so that’s where that came from!!
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\\ tag list \\
@bootlegmothman420 @angelbaby-fics @lil--bun @stardancerluv
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tvgals · 3 years
chubby chasers kirishima, bakugo, and aizawa ☑︎
❦Chubby chaser Kirishima.
this man loves your thighs. he will go around and just place his hands on them all the time.
“kiri, you gotta move ya’ hand so i can go to my next class”
He loves your cute lil fingers. He just thinks they’re adorable. He loves twiddling and messing with them.
“Your fingers are so perfect with mine! It’s like a lil key!”
he loves when you show off your lil outfits with skirts and long socks, he thinks you look so cute!
“ooo..you’re so pretty baby..”
❥chubby chaser bakugo
he loves how sweet u r <3
“you need help? sure!”
“you don’t understand the homework? lemme help!”
“you need answers?dont tell anyone..”
he hates when you poke and pull on your chub
“what’re you doin’? you look adorable now cmon.”
he loves when you do your natural hair or just your natural in general
i hc that he has looked up products for your hair and how to care for it so he can help
he loves i mean loves when you wear shorts or sweatpants or anything of the sort 💪
he enjoys when you wear jewelry like earrings, rings, necklaces etc.
especially when it’s gold since your skin just goes so well with it
then he eats it up when you wear skirts, crop tops, etc. since you can see all the parts he loves and shit
btw he’s blasian 😴
❦chubby chaser aizawa
this nigga is a sucker for chubby women my god
he loves it when you give him any type of affection
he also loves your natural hair and you always take him to the hair store
also he likes to buy lil knickknacks like all the rings and jewelry, hair ties, etc.
he loves when you wear your natural hair out in like an afro or puffs even just after you take it out
your hair is basically his hair he will literally tell you to wash your hair and do it
“cmon i’ll help you wash your hair.”
“you needs get up and do your hair tonight. i’ll help you and we can watch a movie after.”
buys you snacks idc idc
“yeah i’m at the gas station, i’ll buy you snacks.”
no matter how big you are or how big you feel he loves to pick you up
if u have piercings he just thinks you’re even more beautiful, he loves piercings omfg
“you wanna get your nose pierced? sure what time”
you nd him have a whole hair box and he has his own lil bag with hair ties and stuff he’s bought from the hair store
when you comb your hair out and you’re struggling he’ll pull the comb out and do it himself 😴
if you like cutesy stuff and you wear pink n shit he will buy you whatever you want
it would be so cute to see a chubby lil black girl in all pink with an aizawa who only wears dull colors
if you’re more alternative n shit he’ll also buy you whatever you want
you and him will eat all day and night no matter what
if you wanna lose weight? he’d help you for sure
wake you up at the asscrack of dawn and help you exercise
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taro-im · 3 years
When you feel insecure about your body and he comforts you
starring: Bokuto, Osamu, and Oikawa
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Bokuto and you were at home today finally deciding to clean and throw away things you don’t need after avoiding doing it for three months, Bokuto and you almost finished till you decided to try on clothes you brought five months ago… yeah basically you were so happy these months that you forget self control and another big thing is that you always wear Bokuto’s clothes because it felt more comfy… you tried on a pair of your newly barely worn jeans and they didn’t fit… maybe it just wasn’t your size, then you decided to try on one of your Victoria Secrets bras that you loved so much, you were almost relieved that it was going to fit but no sadly it didn’t, the clasps only went half way, you couldn’t even pull it close… you were insecure about your body but this just made it worser, you secretly cried on the bed only to see a excited Bokuto jumping to the bed not noticing your tears “hey baby!!! Guess what??? You know I was looking through old photos and remember that one cafe with your favorite cake???? Do you wanna go there tommorow????” He said hyper and excited till he heard a little sniffle “y/n??? are you crying?” He said worried crawling to the other side of the bed only seeing you with tears rolling down your cheeks “baby did I do something wrong????” He said startled pulling you into a hug “no it’s nothing to d-do with you Kou” you said sniffling “then what’s wrong baby????” He said squishing your face together “the new clothes I brought don’t fit me” you said more tears running down “ahh baby don’t cry over little things like that- clothes don’t define you, you define yourself” he said trying to put words into his mouth to sound smart “but I feel so fat” you said crying into his chest “baby I love every curve, and edge of your body, but if you really feel like that do you want to workout with me?” He said with puppy eyes kissing your forehead “you really would workout with me?” You said looking him in the eyes “of course baby! It’s so lonely working out alone” he said rubbing your back “you know I’m lucky to have someone like you Koutarou” you said giving him a kiss on the cheek “no I should be saying that” he said attacking you with kisses
Osamu was finding new types of onigiri flavors to promote on his store and guess what he uses you as a taste tester because you have the best taste in food, plus he adores his significant other, “hey darling do ya think you can try this?” “Y/n I made ya favorite!” He would say excitingly most of the time when he saw you, sadly you gained some weight… which made you feel really insecure and you remembered alll the progress you did to loose the weight but your starting to gain it back, you were skipping meals and denying Osamu’s food till one day he found you crying in the kitchen… “hey baby ya know the Onigiri I letted ya taste test? Well guess what people love that one!” He said going into the kitchen to give you a hug only to see little tears on your face “baby what’s wrong???” He said confused at your sudden tears “I’ve gained weight and It’s hard- to loose it” you said embarrassed more tears flowing “h-hey baby don’t be so worked up you look perfectly fine in ma book” he said fingers running your back “it’s- just so hard for me to loose weight” you said in a quiet muffle “what about me cooking you healthy things baby? I would do anything to make you feel better baby” he said “would that really work?” “It will but I still love you no matter what size you are” he said kissing your forehead “I love you Samu” “I love ya to y/n”
Oikawa and you were at a party with old friends and there were tons of pretty girls asking for your boyfriend’s number “Sorry I’m already taken by my beautiful y/n” he would say turning them down, they all had beautiful bodies, wearing there beautiful dresses, looking and having the confidence, which was something you wished to have, you wouldn’t say you were envious but some days you were and wondering why Oikawa chose you over those beautiful girls, Oikawa and you left the party, finished taking your shower, Oikawa went in next you went in front of the mirror to look at your figure, you stared at your own reflection seeing the imperfections and areas you could “improve” for Oikawa to look at and say you were beautiful, you started tearing up, you didn’t notice till Oikawa came from behind to surprise you, “y/nnn why are you just standing there in your bra and undies??? But I gotta say you look pretty sexy like this” he teased giving you a kiss on the neck only to hear quiet sniffles “y/n baby what’s wrong?!” He said cupping your face “who made you sad?” He said concerned wiping your tears with his t shirt, you slowly pushed him away afraid about what you were going to say… “what do you see in me Tooru?… there are so many other pretty gi-“ you said only getting cut off my a angry looking Oikawa “y/n enough with the b.s, your the most beautiful girl in the world to me in my eyes I love everything about you and I don’t like you putting your self down, I don’t deserve you…” he said pulling you into a hug “you know y/n your beautiful AND breathtaking inside out and I don’t know what’s going in that head of yours”he said ranting to you about how much he loved and cared for you, playfully flicking your forehead “I feel so lucky to have you Tooru” “No I’m lucky to have you”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
About boys trip, im thinking all of them😂 Ransom, Steve, Jake, Bucky, Sam, Ari, Curtis, and Frank, Beck, James, Carter, Blade, Chris, Owin, Beau, Joshu, like alll offf theeem. Ransom and his Qs to Curtis hut also him and his bestie Steve. Ransom bickering with Jake, frank opening up a littlel, beau and carter talking about tani man Ad Burd-dee, owin recalling to beck that he will always protect Aster and does not care beck is her moonman, joshua giving guys psychological speech, and Ari and Chris just being them😂 you know the famous Drysdale craziness
Oh this is going to be a HOT mess! So there will probably divergents of all these conversation or groups. So we have got Ransom, Beck, James, Blade, Carter, Chris, Steve, Joshua, Bucky, Sam, Jake, Ari, Curtis, Owin, Beau, Frank...this is going to be a BIG ass Air BnB they're staying in....
Beebs and Butts
Summary: no good can come of this
Pairings: a lot
Rating: 😂
Warnings: language, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.5K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
The Boys Are Back in Town Masterlist
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“Whose idea was this?” Ransom asks as soon as he walks through the door. The caravan of the younger men hadn’t quite made it to the cabin, and Ransom is just confused. “No good can come of this. They will know.”
“Know what?” Steve asks looking around the large house. “What is there to know?”
“Gee, I don’t know Steven,” Ransom answers sarcastically. “Maybe that you and Bucky have shared his wife. Maybe that we have had a foursome with our wives. Do you remember how that shit got started?”
“You took some edibles and was drinking, you got horny and you mentioned how I was tied up and watched you and Kitten. And you wanted to see Steve’s face when he got to see her?” Jake pipes up, speaking rapidly.
While Bucky and Sam laugh Owin runs down the hallway with his dads. “You did WHAT with Mrs. D?”
“Make it stop. I haven’t had edibles or alcohol,” Ransom’s voice groans while Ari just nods his head at him.
“Nice. Thankfully Frank, Beau, and your son aren’t here,” Curtis responds. “I’m glad you,” counts on his fingers the amount of people involved in Ransom’s shenanigans. “Six? Yeah, the six of you worked things out. It’s good for you.”
“Nothing good can come of this. I’ve got four son-in-laws coming, all of which have children with my daughters. I know how men get when they’re drunk. I am that man.”
“Mr. D, at least they won’t be cumming…eh?” Owin tries to make a joke elbowing at Ransom’s arm.
“You realize that your sister’s husbands will be here, too?” Owin’s face falls flat. “And Beck, and Joshua.”
“What does my son have anything to do with anything?”
“Bucky,” Steve taps him on the shoulder. “Your son…Aster…” he gestures his hands around. “Like, he’s my son-in-law but how do you think he became an expert in couples and sex.”
“That is my daughter!”
“Well…they were friends. She wanted Owin and Joshua to be her Man of Honors,” he turns to glare at Owin who holds his hands up.
“Hey, uh uh, me and Az kissed. She vomited and said my pee pee would be too big and hurt her. And she didn’t want to see it. She has, but she had no desire to see it sexually. It’s different.”
“I’m going to bed. Wake me up when this is over.”
“Ransom Drysdale, you will enjoy yourself.”
“This is going to be hilarious.”
“This is going to be chaos. I agree with the man.”
“Tell me about yours and my wife’s relationship!”
“No!” “Ugh!” “Why does he always ask that?” “Curtis you need to just tell the man.” “Why does it matter?”
“Why are you and Beau so close?” Joshua asks Beau. A few had went outside to sit around the bonfire. And he had spent a ton of time watching Beau and Blade. “Aren’t you and Harry like ride or dies?”
“Harry has two wives. He’s a busy man.”
“I am. I really am,” he gives Joshua a big smile, but he only cocks up an eyebrow.
“You didn’t answer the first question.”
“We’re not in a session,” Beau starts to speak but Blade just holds his hand in front of him, halting him immediately.
“Interesting,” Joshua’s hand rubs over his chin and he gives them a devious smile. “Do you always follow orders Beau?”
“What?” Harry starts laughing and leans forward. “What is this? Did Blade find a way to be married and still be a whore?”
“Blade would you consider yourself to be a whore?”
“Would you, Joshie? You know, I did model my college years after you.”
“How so?”
Blade normally would never dare speak any of this. Blade normally is sober, and most people leave his bedroom life alone. “Well, I had a few best friends.”
“Don’t talk about my wives.”
“Two of them gave me a sexual awakening. Told me not to be pining after some girl who cheated on me. Taught me how to treat women in times of intense sex.”
“You’re talking about my wives!”
“Another, she couldn’t stay away. The only one beside my own wife to see my penthouse bedroom. Now this sweet little girl if I recall wanted to know everything about different types of sex. She had a crush on a psychiatrist that specialized in sex therapy, and she worried she wouldn’t be good enough for him.”
“You’ve moved on to his wife,” Harry groans, but he can’t believe the show. His eyes darting between him and Joshua, and even a few looks to Beau who just snickers.
“We taught each other so much. I respect the woman. She loves sex, and she wanted to show me. Taught her how to give the best blow jobs. How to ride dick.”
“Ehh,” Joshua shrugs. “Her blow job wasn’t great. I had to help her out a bit,” Blade’s face only falls. “I get it, you were young. I’m still lost on modeling the college years like me.”
“You had that one friend that you had the best sex ever, until you met your wife.”
“Man…Az, she needed me. She liked douche bags, and look what she got. The perfect moon man for her neurotic self.”
“Man,” Blade slaps his leg. “I can’t even try to be mad at you. You’re like Joshua fucking Barnes. I mean, you’re no James Rogers but girls fled to you! They wanted whatever you were dishing out. I wanted to impress James. I wanted to be you.”
“Yep, that’s creepy. Come by for a session, I can teach you some things about pleasuring your wife,” he goes to stand up, extending a hand to Blade, and his head flicks towards Beau, “His, too. Have a nice evening gentleman.”
“How the fuck did he know that?”
“You couldn’t keep a straight face,” Blade looks back at Joshua and then to Beau, “He just insulted me twice. I pleasure both our wives.”
“And I just lay there like a dead fish. Thanks.”
“Wow…this is amazing,” Harry nods his head. “I have…”
“Shut your mouth! I don’t want to hear anything about my sisters.”
“I’m waiting on Iris.”
“You’re never getting my wife!” James cackles from the porch. “That is property of James Carter Rogers.”
“It’s weird that him and Carter have the same name and they’re best friends,” Harry goes to lean back, nursing his beer more. “What’s up with that.”
“His egg donor is a narcissist, and her maiden name was Carter.”
“Oh…okay, that makes more sense.”
Frank throws a horse shoe at the post, and reaches over to grab his beer. Jake can’t help but stand there and watch him. “Quit staring.”
“How come…I mean…I don’t even know.”
“I don’t like the crowds. I tend to keep to myself.”
“That’s not…you’re a good dad,” Frank turns and looks at him odd. “You love Iris still. Great with her kids. You created a life with a new woman, and you’re son has never got into trouble. How come you didn’t have more?” Frank only shrugs. “I didn’t enjoy splitting my time. One was enough. Plus Ye…she’s crazy. She needs my time.”
“Uh…Beau…and then I had Mary, and Iris came about every other weekend, and uh…yeah. But thanks…I think.”
“Frank! You and the puppy, let’s play some poker. Ransom and Steve had some edibles!” Ari looks outside to see his baby brother. Ari never tells him enough how proud he is of him. “Come on, this’ll be funny.”
“Don’t do it.”
“You don’t do it. Take your hand off that phone.”
“You first.”
“But I really want to,” Carter pouts at his best friend. The two had already got a good buzz, and his finger hovers over his wife’s name in his phone. “I always FaceTime her when I’m out of town.”
“How do you do it?” James looks at his phone, tapping on it to see a family photo of them.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Carter goes to stand but James pulls him down and both men start hysterically laughing.
“Where were you going?”
“The bathroom,” Carter starts giggling uncontrollably, “I gotta go.”
“Why?” James screams out. His hands pleading for an answer.
“I wanna see her titties.”
“That escalated.”
“You asked how I did it. Phone sex.”
“Ransom!” Chris screams. “Carter is trying to have phone sex with your baby.”
“Oh like you’re innocent. You’ve got pictures of Lucy’s genitals in your shop,” Carter and James high five each other and Chris is now the one laughing.
“That is pictures of my art.”
“Story’s pussy is my rose petals,” he smirks and pounds his head on the table. It takes a moment too long for James to catch it, and then he starts screaming laughing.
“That picture behind your desk! I thought it looked…”
“I’ve never seen her pussy. Her tits yes, but a kid is always sucking on it. She’s like my sister. But…that picture of the rose is Story’s pussy?” Carter nods, throwing his head back and laughing. “Behind your desk? Who painted it?”
Carter points at his chest and tries to calm down to tell him more but he struggles. “There’s one in the vault that has her fingers in it.”
“You win. I’ve got a tattoo shop. You’ve got a…her spread pussy you turned into a rose and just popped it behind your desk. Wow. Genius. Amazing. Beck! How do you deal?”
Beck just shrugs. “You mean you didn’t do anything on the space ship?”
“I had pictures.”
“I gotta go.”
“If you go, then I gotta go. And, no go,” James shakes his head at Carter, “We’re stronger than this.”
“You may be, but I’m not. I’ve never gone to sleep without her. I gotta go.”
“Pussy whipped!” James screams after him.
“Every last one of us are pussy whipped,” Joshua walks past slapping his hand on the table. “Alla us. Not one of us better. But I ain’t even mad. Your father-in-law is laid out on the pool table tripping. He’s talking to Curtis.”
“Yeah, I’m good. I gotta call Ris.”
“Why won’t you tell me?” Ransom whines staring up at the ceiling. He twists his head over to look at Curtis who lays beside him on the pool table and the rest of the men just are dying laughing in the room. “I’m too old for this shit. The room is spinning. If I sit up I’m gonna vomit.”
“You throw up on me, I hit you.”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“You changed it.”
“Were. You. Her. Dom?”
Curtis’ eyes clench closed and he starts laughing. “Why. Does. It. Matter?”
“Just blink if you were,” Ransom slings his head over with a groan, “I knew it! What did she call you?”
“You’ve been married for over forty years. Why do you need to know this?”
“Morbid curiosity. You were there for her when I couldn’t be, man. And that’s my woman. I’m her baby. And she pets me. I like her titties,” Curtis is now the one turning to look at Ransom with his eyes wide. “We have a good, safe, sexy as hell, sex life. Still jumping on the bed. Still making her cream herself. I’ve had her stuffed…”
“Ransom!” Steve yells. “Shut your mouth. That mouth gets you in trouble, and I don’t have a Kitten titty to put in it.”
“I do love her tits. Were you her Dom?”
“Oh. My. God!” Frank screams walking down the stairs. “I was going to bed, now there’s a bonding of Ransom and Curtis. Yes. He was her Dom. Geeze. Gotta listen to this shit for decades. Just fucking tell him.”
“I was her Dom. Ari help me up.”
“Wait…wait a damn minute,” Ransom sits up on the pool table and looks at the two men. His eyes blinking slowly, “Your husband is here. Ain’t none of us with our…Steven! TJ and Sammy are here together. Ari and Curtis get separated and so does TJ and Sammy if I have to be without Kitten everyone else is gonna be without their person. Carter and James just…poof.”
“They’re going to take a ragging from the rest of the young pack,” Steve sighs. “They’ve been FaceTiming their wives.”
“Curtis! Let’s go to bed buddy, I claim you, so we can talk,” Curtis groans, and pulls Ari in for a kiss. “That Little Princess will get pissed. Cut it out. Imma tell her you two wouldn’t quit touching.”
“No!” Both men shout. “She’ll cut our balls off.”
“Where the fuck is Harry?” Blade asks sitting up on the couch. He looks at the counter of all the alcohol and sighs. “Who gave him Hennessy? Dammit. I’ve gotta find his sorry ass. He can’t hold it. I know that’s what happened.”
“I need someone to snuggle with. Any takers? Someone who gets nice and cold?” Owin looks around the room and not one person volunteers. “Fuck you all. Sammy boy! Let’s go.”
“I didn’t volunteer.”
“Didn’t ask. Your mine tonight. You are not allowed with TJ. Maybe he should go with Carter and James,” TJ groans. “What?”
“Carter is making a special call to Story. As many times as I’ve seen her tits, I have no desire anymore.”
“I thought you were gay.”
“Yeah. So? Made out with her a few times. Showered with her. Pretended to be her boyfriend. You know gay bestie shit. So no need to see her perfect tits.”
“They are nice,” everyone turns and looks at Joshua. “What? Emy said if she gets implants she wants them to look like Story’s, she agrees. Damn, anyone can see she’s got great tits.”
“Has your dad said something about her tits?” TJ beams at Joshua. Settling down to look at him.
“I guess. Maybe. I don’t know.”
“Ree is gonna love this! Other than Carter, your dad…her crush.”
“Yeah,” Owin settles down beside Joshua, “nobody has better lips than Emy.”
“If you like big big tits…Lo. Geeze, I can see what attracted Blade to her.”
“Az has great legs.”
“And Iris’s ass. Man…there’s some hot women in this group. Eva’s arms. I’d let that bicep choke me.”
“Christopher! That is my sister.”
“Lucy’s talked about her need for that too. I just grab harder to her hips. And pound into her.”
“Lucy’s hips,” Sammy straightens up when Chris scowls at him “Bisexual. I’ve always…well you know.”
“You dreamed about fucking my wife? And you never did?
“She’s just a kid.”
“Pft…I’m older. I’m surprised that chihuahua didn’t catch on to that.”
“I touched her boobs though. She caught me staring. I just want to lay on them.”
“They are nice beebs.”
“Shut up!” Blade huffs walking back in with a passed out Harry. “Everyone to bed. No more beeb and butt talk. None.”
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