#yeah its a danganronpa fangan
fuzzyclaws · 5 months
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Flowertuft (Miraiki Shinzo)
Catified protagonist
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a-student-out-of-time · 9 months
Hey there! How are you?
I dunno if you heard, but Danganronpa Mauve Chapter 1 has been traduced recently, the Free Time Events are currently being published as well.
If you've watched it, what were your thoughts about the plot and characters (victim and culprit especially) ?
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//Hey there! I've been meaning to get to this, and now that Zeph has finally posted the FTEs of the key characters in question, I can share.
//See, I never like viewing character behaviors and actions in isolation within the within the killing game and especially not in the trials themselves.
//Now that we've got some context, let's analyze:
//I'm once again annoyed that we're going through Hope's Peak Academy for like the fifth or sixth time, because I'm tired of this damn place and the people running it. That's really more of a me thing than a problem with people who make these games, of course, since it's already an established setting.
//More to the point, I like that Mauve is actually doing somethings differently. For starters, we actually got to switch POVs permanently this time, where our original protag was replaced partway in. Even then, Hiruto and Nozomi both had chances to not only have their own characters, but interact as well.
//I like this cast overall, and nobody annoys or infuriates me as badly as some others I could name : P
//I hesitate to give my opinions on a fangan before Chapter 1 is complete, hence why it took me so long, but I think it was pretty solid, if a bit derivative in its setup. Not bad overall.
//However, props for actually killing a protagonist and doing so in a method nobody's done before, using the morning announcement's bell as a cover. That was a twist I genuinely didn't see coming.
//The game did so much to build up Misaki's character, and if you're a long-term fan like me, you're aware that can be a bad sign. I was so certain that she'd be killed or get got in a technicality, but no, she actually had nothing to do with this.
//Also, in kind of a hilarious experience, I used to make some jokes about Hitomi being blind since I thought her eyes being closed was more of an aesthetic thing like with Brock from Pokemon. Meanwhile, I made a prediction that nobody in the group setting up her concert would be the killer, since that felt too obvious to me.
//In the end, my theory was wrong but my jokes were accurate. Hitomi actually IS blind and our culprit was a member of that group.
//Specifically, none other than Kotori, who i never would've thought at first. And yeah, the elephant in the room here is not only her method of killing but also how utterly nasty and elitist she acts at the end of the trial. Something that really cemented the fandom's view o her as a terrible person.
//However, I wanted to see her FTEs before I rendered my judgement, because those are often the best sources of context for behaviors and attitudes among the cast.
//Sure enough, there was a lot to learn from them. Now, I can completely understand why people don't like her- frankly, her attitude does get pretty grating- but it's also kind of hilarious how her character conflict boils down to her feeling unsure about her relationship with her teacher now that she's surpassed his skills.
//Kotori Fukuoka, Suffering From Success.
//More to the point, watching her FTEs really does clear some things up:
Kotori's attitude and open insistence that she's a narcissist, always talking about great she is and how full of herself she is, actually leads me to believe the exact opposite. She doesn't think much of herself and is trying to prop herself up through that attitude.
Watching her FTEs, she never says anything half as elitist and nasty as she did in the post-trial. She never insults Hiruto or Nozomi or anyone else, never implies untalented people don't belong in Hope's Peak and actually apologies at the end. Compare that to someone like Byakuya, who can't shut up about how much he looks down on everyone. I agree with the idea she only said this stuff at the end to retroactively justify the killing to herself.
Her backstory is actually pretty credible, where her sensei- a friend of her parents- was the one who invested so much into her at a young age and wanted to show her what baking is like, even naming a bakery after her. It was thanks to that, and him offering to let her study abroad in France, that she got to make it into the franchise it is by the time Mauve takes place. But now she has no idea what to think, since she's surpassed him as her teacher, and it's clear she views him like a second father. These are the kinds of things that also drove others to become the Blackened.
She says that baking is the only thing she's actually good at. Once again a fine example of how being an Ultimate stunts and limits what people can do, and when that's gone, they feel like they have nothing else.
//So no, I don't see Kotori as just an inherently bad person. She's an arrogant little snot who needs her ego deflated, but she's nothing like some of the nastier characters we've seen out there, who trample over others without a second thought. We need to consider that the Killing Game often brings out the best and worst in people, especially when they're driven to murder.
//People don't reveal who they "really are" at the end, they say and do all kinds of crazy shit because they're afraid of dying. People reveal who they really are when they're most comfortable, like they often are at the ends of their FTEs.
//Overall, I'm really looking forward to Chapter 2 and where we go from here.
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hopeymchope · 7 months
Are you by any chance familiar with Project: Eden’s Garden?
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All I know is that it's a fan game inspired by Danganronpa that exists. (Not sure if it can be called a "Fanganronpa," because I'm not clear on whether it carries over anything from the existing DR franchise — continuity, mascots, trial system? Idk.) I also know that it's still in the early stages. Beyond that, I don't know anything. But from Googling to look at its trailer and some artwork, I can at least say it looks good. Very promising. ... though I've sure said that many times before.
Because in my cynical/pessimistic experience, 90% of fangan video series or DR fan games never actually reach completion — the team falls apart, life gets in the way, motivation dries up, or something along those lines. It's no different than so many WiP fanfics... and I should know, because I'm personally very much guilty of that. :P My point is just that many, many promising DR fan games/series have collapsed over the years, and it's deeply frustrating to never have any kind of completion/closure if you've following along with the project. So at this point, I tend to avoid them until they finish. And then they inevitably don't finish, so I have nothing to catch up on. :P Even in the rare case that they DO finish, there's the question of whether they're (A) in English and (B) playable at all for people who aren't, like, into coding or something. So.... yeah. I'm a party pooper; sorry.
I still am happy to support the existence of such projects, and I certainly hope that they come to fruition. Particularly since we're all starved for Danganronpa content these days. :P
I think only the two Korean "Danganronpa Another" games have ever actually been finished AND translated? So I do intend to (ideally) play those someday, but it's proven difficult to access and translate them. Ofc I want to do them in order, but the first one seems to have a lot of hoops to jump through to get it working, and thus far I've found the steps too difficult to follow. :( I might have to settle for watching it on a YouTube series or something. Which just ain't the same, y'know?
If there are any other fan games that have actually finished, though, feel free to let me know.
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stillthewc · 4 months
Is it a little unfair to include a story that had one of its entries already having a YOTF entry written on it? Maybe. But do I feel the need to gush about this particular part of the series anyways, since I love it so much? HELL YEAH I DO!
Okay, let me explain: in January, I covered a fangan called "Danganronpa Wonderland", a fantastic story filled with great relationship writing and a fun, engaging story. "Danganronpa Underland" serves as both a sequel and prequel to it, explaining the events of an incident central to Wonderland's conflict, while being narrated to one of Wonderland's survivors. It's very much a story I can't get super-detailed on due to spoilers, but it's one worth talking about regardless.
Now, I'll be the first to admit I'm not one for fangans where you already know the outcome of it. It's a big reason why I can't get into V2 fics (even if I want people to check out Despair From The Heart and Vicious Veracity regardless of my own disinterest of the subgenre), so knowing the key survivors of this story's killing game was gonna be an uphill battle for me. However, I can safely say that this story not only lives up to the quality of its predecessor, but improves upon its own formula.
The first point of comparison is the cast between both series. While several of the characters in Wonderland are genuinely top-notch, some cast member I liked moreso from a storytelling perspective rather than their personality traits. Here, everyone feels super grounded, with even some of the more goofy characters like Ayato feeling like actual people you can meet in real life. This mainly stems from the narrative giving time to get to know these character's lives, insecurities, and struggles, something that makes character-focused scenes (like explosive arguments) all the more compelling.
The second point of comparison, and my personal favorite aspect of this story I might add, is how the story treats the act of giving out info on the side cast. In Wonderland, while the FTE segments were quite nice, they sadly only gave backstory to a handful of the characters. Here, though? Every single character who dies in the narrative is given a spotlight chapter. Did a fave of yours die early without being able to learn more about them? HAVE SOME BACKSTORY! Did the focus on the central narrative only allow for some character aspects to be hinted at? HERE'S SOMETHING THAT'LL FLESH THEM OUT, BABY! Not only is this an ingenious way to give insight on the characters without being too intrusive to the narrative, but the flower theming of these chapters is so damn cool as well!
Now, moving away from massive improvements done to the story's formula, I just like what it does to the Wonderland mythos as a whole. While I can't go into major specifics out of fear of spoiling the first entry in the series, it's neat to see the origins of some of the characters shown in Wonderland, and highlight just how much they've changed from how they started here. I particularly like the main character's relationships with Itsuki and Taihei, two newcomers that help showcase the more human aspect of them and serve as an interesting mirror counterpart to them, respectively.
I also really, really dig how despite this being about a whole new set of cast members, the narrative still shines a light on one of their previous survivor's development through interludes. Their traumas, as well as their slow exploration of this story's narrator, add so much to their character, and is shaping up to set them up super well for the third part of this story (even if I'm incredibly scared on just what their role's going to be, considering some of the new bits of lore)
And that's all I can really say without giving out massive spoilers! Even if the information below might become a bit outdated (as of writing, the story just ended Chapter 3, and it updates relatively quickly from what I've seen), please take a look at the highlight reel, read this dang story, and join me next month for whatever the hell I talk about next!
FORMAT: Written
WHERE TO FIND IT: Ao3 (although I'll reiterate once again, please read Wonderland before this one!)
FAVORITE CHAPTER: Chapter 3, for its absolute batshit-insane trial that involves the breaking of the typical formula from before that point, recontextualization of previous story events, and a complicated exploration of character motivations for a ton of the cast.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Yuuki Kutsumukai. A tap dancer quick to be a pompous asshole who boasts about his own greatness, "pride is an insecurity", as he hides an inferiority-superiority complex and one of the most morally-repugnant-yet-tragic backstories out of anyone else in the cast.
OTHER STANDOUT CHARACTERS: Eren Hagoromo, a dressmaker who, while catty and drama-obsessed at a glance, masks a razor-sharp wit and pure heart full of emotional maturity, and Hime Nakaya, an ice skater with Disney Princess-like qualities, noted for being kindhearted, romantic, and unfortunately quite naive.
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saturnshusband · 1 year
omg faust art!!?!!?!!?!?!!!!!! 😱😱
yeah so yknow that one comment where i mentioned i had a danganronpa oc? (no) well theyre part of a fangan in early development (when i say early i mean EARLY.) and this is the close to final protag concept!!!! i made this about a week ago, but its the closest to final draft on her ♡♡♡ her name is (杏理//満ちる (LN//FN)) [anri//michiru. i couldve said only that but i love being extra] if you can read the japanese so bad that every calligrapher in a 7 mile radius is currently coming over to take my head and put it on a spike.
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ppl were comparing total drama island to danganronpa a while back and if someones made a fangan out of it i havent seen it but. yeah chris mclean and monokuma would be besties. if the total drama characters were put into a killing game i think most of them are deranged and selfish enough that they wouldn’t necessarily risk their lives to kill each other at first if the motive’s just “youre stuck here forever.”
i feel like theyre all so egocentric that they wouldn’t care about their friends or families back home. and like whether the characters are from before or after they joined the total drama show doesn’t matter. monomclean would put them through a bunch of torture and they wouldnt really care. because either they would have already gone through that in the regular total drama show or because theyre deranged enough to sign up and stay in the total drama show with all its torture.
but then monomclean offers the person who wins the killing game a hundred thousand dollars. and then literally the next day like five separate people have been killed. my money’s on courtney.
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tomopri · 2 years
Hand them over.
THERE ARE . s o man y .... . here is my oc masterpost except i only realised after i hunted it down that there's like no info for anything . so instead i'll just give a rundown for what each thing is and if any of the synopses intrigue you yr free to ask more ^_^
lobotomy corporation - i think a lot of my active followers know what lobcorp is, but i'll explain it anyways. it's like if you took scp and said "what if it was even MORE fucked up. and stressful." like iirc the game description on steam literally says that it's inspired by scp, cabin in the woods, and warehouse 13 and that is not understating a damn thing . my ocs there are all employees and i think way too hard about puck at all times
tmrwverse - what if the apocalypse was real and also alive? hi. tmrwverse (real name pending) is my original story. completely original? Nnn oo oo . it started off as a danganronpa uni but i'm not into dgr anymore and i wanted to make it its own thing . it's also inspired to a degree by parties are for losers, especially in regards to the way the apocalyptic nightmare entity (known simply as The Calamity) effects the world around it. beyond that idfk what's going on i just know there's necromancy and eldritch gods and half the thing is a weirdcore dreamcore nightmare it's my baby . kuroshi is my everything ever at all
P.A.R.T.S. - what if watch dogs 2 was cyberpunk and dušan was evelyn deavor from the incredibles 2. so yea it's just like this ragtag group of people who are prolific hackers and there's this tech company that has a chokehold over the government and is slowly trying to eliminate all individuality but shirka (evelyn deavor dušan) claims it's all for a good cause and one of my friends called her milfy and i've never been the same. oh also demons are a thing and they are just kinda casually around .
a second chance by way of updog - this one's based on a joke interaction i had with an old friend where they said updog to me and i basically said i'd kill them . Followed by a gif of russell from up ascending w balloons and them saying "me omw to heaven after azazel kills me" and i said "bold of you to assume i'll let you into the afterlife." and so now it's about this dude who's second best at everything named bailey who tells an updog joke to a god named silvanus who happened to be patrolling the street and they immediately strangled him to death and sent him to purgatory and also stripped him of his blue hair which he's ultimately more upset about than the whole being dead thing . but then silvanus gets punished as well for murdering an innocent and then trapping him in purgatory for no good reason and they're stripped of their powers and stuck in purgatory with bailey . then this third dude dies and it's because a dime got dropped on his head from the top of the empire state building, which is actually how bailey was Supposed to die; but because silvanus killed him first, he was ultimately second place to his own murder. and this third dude has been first place in every competition bailey has ever entered (mostly air guitar & ddr) but he is undeveloped. like literally he is a non character. this is intentional. bailey has been losing to what is essentially an unscripted npc. yeah i have a lot to say about this supposed-to-be-a-joke uni.
quando ti ho incontrato / when i met you - i need you to listen to femme fatale by coyote kid and you'll understand my vision . tadeo, main guy, is hopelessly in love with maeva, the classic femme fatale. she's going to ruin his life and he is perfectly content with that. he's a bit like a puppy dog. for some reason this whole story takes place in italy.
the great corpse march to the sea - okay just because i'm not into dgr anymore does not mean i don't like the concept of a killing game. tgcmtts is essentially a fangan except i pretend dgr doesn't exist. all of them have death related careers to some degree Minus cat nemune they are 12 and are not in the death game . one of these guys is a batshit serial killer and has bugs. another is a batshit serial killer but as a doctor. they are in a qpr. there is tragedy to ensue in this game because there are so many people who are family or people in some nature of relationship and it hurts me . this whole story hurts me why do i write the things i do
unlisted, but a practice in being haunted - the most pathetic guy on earth having the worst life of his life after his house becomes infested with ghosts exactly one week after the most traumatic experience he couldever go through so he has not processed it. chaos ensues.
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starlight-phantom · 11 months
How's your playthrough of sdra2 going? I know chapter 3 can be a bit much so don't feel too bad if you need to take a break.
Also I saw that you asked for recs of other fangan projects so I'd like to suggest Danganronpa Lapse. It's only around 10 hours long but after the duology of the longest fangans I figured a shorter game would be a nice change of pace but if you want other recs I've got a few.
Yeah, ngl I did need to take a bit of a break after playing through that chapter... I think that was by far the most messed up case, way more messed up than anything in the official series... Like, people kept hyping up and warning me about chapter 3 and I've gotta say it really earned its reputation.
But I've played a little more, just reached the Deadly Life section of chapter 4 and I am so confused... So much happened in such a short span of time and my brain can't keep up. But I just have a suspicion that this case is gonna break my heart... Fourth chapters tend to do that...
And thanks so much! And oh thank god, that sounds great. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy longer games but sometimes you just want something short and sweet. I mean Chapter 3 of SDRA2 took me an entire day to complete, so considering those kinds of lengths, I won't be surprised if I'm a little burnt out after finishing the game. Nothing against the game, it's fantastic, it's just sometimes games can tired me out if they go on for a while.
And yeah, please feel free to give more recommendations! I'd honestly like to make a list of fangans to check out, so any recommendations are welcome and honestly, since I've heard there's multiple ongoing projects, I don't mind if they're unfinished. If I enjoy them, it just means there's something interesting to keep my eye on.
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adjourner · 5 years
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good picture quality on tumblr is illegal I guess
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osc-confessions · 2 years
yknow what im gonna call myself the fangan anon. its catchy
ANYWAY yeah no i get that dangan fans are kinda. yeah. but i'm honestly not even a big dr fan LSDKFJ-- i just really like the idea of yoinking my favorite characters and putting them in a place with Angst because its fun. plus my experience with fangans is Danganronpa 69, which is arguably the best fangan to exist
now that ive got that out of the way i'd like to tell you about the irony of the two protagonists we chose lmao. there's Donut (is from the most popular object show on YouTube ever), but also Eraser Cap (from an object show on Scratch that only ever got a total of 544 views before being cancelled after episode 1b)
idk, its just kinda funny LOL
- fangan anon
wooo new word anon
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illusionsofcontrol · 4 years
are there any tropes you wanted to stay away from with each character or the setting of danganronpa? its a pertty formulaic thing but you made it probably 10x more interesting than the usual game. maybe its because of the depth in charcters or the stakes but wh just seems more engaing than most real dr games! i love your works btw!
I'm really honored that you feel that way about my story! Thank you!
I should warn that my response is going to be somewhat critical of Danganronpa. I want to clarify that I still enjoy the games and it's perfectly fine if anyone disagrees, but these are my opinions and I feel they are important to my response.
First off, I guess I'm not sure if there's any setting tropes I mind in DR. The settings are actually pretty unique to each game and tie into the murders decently. WH obviously has a different setting, but that's more to fit the story rather than avoiding DR tropes.
There are, however, a lot of character tropes I intentionally avoided in WH:R.
Singular Buff Character Who Dies in Chapter 4
WH:R has two buff characters (formerly named Jerome and Ryan) and without going into spoilers, they may or may not have anything to do with Part 04. I don't know, this trope is just so overdone that I saw Gonta's design and instantly predicted that he'd die in Chapter 4. I thought it had to be a red herring, but no. That indeed happened just as expected. I don't want people to be able to predict deaths just by looking at a character design.
Girls Must Wear Skirts
Fun fact, there are only three female Danganronpa characters who don't wear skirts. They would be Aoi Asahina (wears shorts, much like an athletic swimmer would outside of the pool), Hiroko Hagakure (Yasuhiro's mom, wears jeans), and Ruruka Ando (Confectionary girl from DR3, wears very, very short shorts-). Unless there's someone I'm forgetting, every other DR girl wears skirts. Now, I'm aware that this is because most Japanese school uniforms require girls to wear skirts. But given how... bizarre everyone's outfits already are, do all the girls HAVE to wear skirts??? Given the weird fanservice of the games, I feel like it's more to make the girls reveal more skin/slim figure idk :/
I'm getting carried away here. Anyway, WH:R doesn't take place in a Japanese school so I made sure that the women aren't all wearing skirts. And while we're on the subject...
Sexual Fanservice
I'm not against it, but I personally feel like sexual fanservice in a Murder Mystery game (especially involving teenagers) is really uncomfortable. Every game has certain female characters designated to making fanservice moments (DR1: Aoi, DR2: Akane, Mikan, v3: Miu) (Junko for all three I guess-) (Also yes I'm aware that Mikan's fanservice is part of her character/backstory but it doesn't change the fact that the CGs are there for shameless fanservice. They could've drawn the scenes where her back was to the screen or something and conveyed the same message but they made sure to show Everything.)
There's also plenty of designs that are overly revealing; obviously anyone can wear what they want and a large chest is not inherently sexual but it's pretty clear to me that a lot of the revealing designs are for fanservice. Once again, these are mainly teenagers, and the older I get the more it unsettles me.
Anyway, I really wanted to avoid doing sexual fanservice for WH:R. Even though all characters but one are adults, it's just not something I want to write in a story like this. It's not my style.
The Rat
I mentioned this in a previous post, but I ended up avoiding the Rat Character trope. It's not that I dislike it, but I quite enjoyed having the characters all mean well (except for the Puppetmaster, of course.)
(But if I were to have a rat character in WH:R, they'd be the Super Diamond Level Griefer haha)
Resident Dumbass
Yasuhiro, Kazuichi, Kaito, and Akane come to mind (yeah the middle two aren't actually dumb but they tend to fall into this trope regardless). Having to do an entire minigame just to convince Yasuhiro that Kyoko wasn't a literal ghost comes to mind... Idk, I guess I just feel like characters like Kazuichi and Kaito are actually smarter than that but because it's "funny" they have to say illogical stuff throughout the games? Perhaps in a game with voice acting it can be a funny aside, but in a novel that kind of stuff would just slow everything down.
I don't know, it's not like everyone in WH:R is super smart, but that's a trope I tried to avoid.
Rude Characters (?)
Okay this isn't really a trope but Danganronpa tends to always have abrasive characters, but given that WH:R has a main cast of friends, it wouldn't make much sense for there to be much rudeness. I guess Ryan would be the closest to that but he still genuinely cares about the group.
This isn't a bad trope, it's just more natural to exist in Danganronpa because the characters there start off as strangers.
I can't really think of other tropes at the moment. Maybe if I think of more I'll reblog this. But I want to clarify that most of these "tropes" are avoided because of personal preference and differences in media, not necessarily because they're inherently bad.
This next part isn't exactly answering the ask, but I'm assuming that I get these asks from people who are interested in making their own fangans. So here are my two cents.
I've seen fangans that are made out of love for DR and I've seen fangans made out of spite and dislike for some aspects. Both reasons are valid (mine is mostly the former with a slight hint of the latter that's grown over the years). Kodaka's writing is definitely flawed; however, making fangans purely out of spite is dangerous. I don't want to name names, but there is one fangan in particular where the writer admitted to hating Danganronpa and only focused on adding what they wanted. But they neglected the most important part: having a solid story and cast.
Whether or not you love or hate Danganronpa, if you're writing a fangan, it is important to consider the many subjective reasons people are drawn to/away the series. I'm a firm believer that every story has something to teach a writer; even if the lesson is simply "I really don't like these tropes", considering why is insightful.
It mostly boils down to style, in my opinion. Danganronpa has a much different tone with its wacky characters and dialogue and scenarios, but that's Kodaka's style. My style is more grounded in reality, with each character having their own depth that comes up in the main plot and not just in Free Time Events. This is because my stories are more character-driven, and I personally dislike important character information that is sidelined to bonus content. I'm the kind of writer that never makes an OC that's not part of a story, cuz my style has every character play an important role.
(However, one can argue that in a visual novel, having more character depth in Free Time Events adds greater meaning because the player gets a special insight from choosing to interact with certain characters. In a regular novel, there isn't really that kind of interaction. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the media you're working with is also important.)
I think one of the biggest lessons I learned while writing WH is that forcing yourself to imitate any writer's style when trying to take inspiration is going to fall flat. It's kind of apparent in the beginning of WH, but I used to be feel like I had to follow the Danganronpa style even when I had my own desires for the story.
In reality, every writer is different and has their own quirks that they enjoy but other writers might not. There are many things I dislike about Kodaka's writing, but I know those things are definitely appealing to other people. Likewise, I know my style is not for everyone. It's fine to try and branch out if you want, but one has to recognize what one is comfortable with.
This lesson is still hard for me to absorb sometimes because I don't have much confidence in my storytelling abilities, but I'm gradually accepting that this fangan is my own. I am doing my own spin on the Danganronpa story and that's okay.
And honestly, that's what every fangan should be; a writer's own spin on the Danganronpa plot concept. So while here are the tropes I made sure to avoid, that doesn't mean other writers need to do the same. Figure out what works best for you and what YOU want to see in a Danganronpa story.
(Holy crap this was so long I'm so sorry-)
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Let me try and break it down as best I can (Im sorry for speaking so much, but I do enjoy these sorts of talks.)
I don’t have any issues with Teruko. Yeah, she’s an edgelord, but I do tend to have an affinity for Fangan protagonists who are on the crazier side (shocking, I know), not to mention that I understand why she is that way; her life is fucked.
Xander is fine and all, but nothing I haven’t seen before, but I know Aliza likes him, so I’m not about to badmouth her boy.
Charles is fine because he reminds me of post-DR1 Byakuya, Still a bit of a self-entitled jerk, but cooperative and a major help when it counts, and I like that.
Ace takes every personality trait I hate from both Kazuichi and Leon and mashes them together in one character, and I utterly despise it.
I admit that it is impressive what Despair Time is doing with Arei, even though it’s probably not gonna amount to much, because it bothers me that so many killing games, including the source material, DONT DO THIS. The only time Danganronpa built up a character to be an asshole, then redeemed them in a way that i thought was done well, was Fuyuhiko. And when Arei showed signs of trying to do better, I really admired that, so now I’m cool with her, even though I hated her at first.
Rose is an insanely uninteresting character among everyone else in this cast, and I don’t know why, but i also don’t want to badmouth her because I know Paper-scrap likes her.
Hu is okay, but she reminds me of an over-friendly relative that I have in real life that I don’t really like being in the company of. Like, she assumes things about me, and then spreads that misinformation. Also, the stuff that happened with Nico made me cringe so hard. Like, I GET that she didn’t understand the proper etiquette for this shit, but I am in this scene and I don’t like it.
Eden is okay, but whatever.
Levi? Also okay, but I’m scared of him.
Fuck Arturo, he’s just really annoying for no reason.
I actually really liked Min, and she had a really interesting design, despite its plainness, but she died way too goddamn early and that was kind of a turn off for me (as in a turn off for the series, not…whatever else that could be construed as)
David is David, we don’t really need to say anything here. But yeah, he’s a pretty okay twist villain for me.
I don’t really know what to say about Veronika, she’s just sus as fuck.
I want to like J, but something just sort of turns me off her. I guess she’s just the wrong sort of stubborn? I dunno…
Whit id a little annoying, and I’m struggling to figure out what purpose he serves in the narrative. He feels like the game’s Kokichi, just…less important?
And Nico, while again, I empathise with Nico, kind of freaks me out.
//Yeah, I can understand that
//I enjoy DT's cast overall and I appreciate their depth, but I get why someone would find a lot of them annoying or just okay. Of course, it's still Danganronpa, so some similar character archetypes are bound to crop up in some capacity. It's the story's style of intrigue and overall mysteries that I find more engaging.
//I feel like, if you look at DT on a purely surface level, it loses a lot of its charm and it does end up feeling samey in a lot of aspects. But the foreshadowing and subtle mysteries with the setting, the characters, the storytelling and even the Tumblr blog are so cool and they hint at much more going on than just another killing game.
//But even with that in mind, yeah, this cast can be really annoying sometimes, so it may hamper the experience ^^;
//Point is, I like what they're doing and I wanna see where our story is heading regardless of my predictions.
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team--mike · 6 years
Analysis/Prediction for Danganronpa: Deadication
Hey guys! I know I barely post on tumblr at all but I just thought... I have something to talk about... That's incredibly long... And about Danganronpa...
So where else to go than tumblr?
I recently started following a fangan ( @dangandeadication​ ) called Danganronpa: Deadication. If I had to pick a reason why I liked it so much, it would have to be the character design and art. Their Discord community is pretty great and involved as well. I'm a busy boy so I can't be as active there as I'd like...
You can check out part one of the prologue here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5krOHv_ls4
Anyways - what is this post about?
It's about my predictions for this Killing Game. I'm not one to simply pick randomly who lives and who dies, there's a method to my madness. I have this fancy shmancy way of making predictions for Danganronpa, and it's called the Elevator Prediction! We simply take a look at the picture of the students in the elevator before the first trial, and we cross off people based on their position. Any sane artist wouldn't group all the survivors next to each other, now... Would they?...
Wait... Deadication doesn't have one of these yet...
Oh, well. I'll just use my detective instincts to place these characters based on their talent, personality, and official Danganronpa games.
A few disclaimers before we begin:
There will be spoilers for DR1, SDR2, and DRV3
I'm explaining my thought pattern here along with each character and why I predicted what I did. I apologize if I sound overly critical - that's not my intention. I had fun thinking of these predictions and I'm looking forward to seeing how they pan out!
There's one more thing that I'd like to explain as well, and it will help contextualize some of my choices.
One of my favorite writers, Brandon Sanderson, writes some great books involving magic. I bring this up because a few ultimates here (Lucky Student, Psychic, Illusionist, Alchemist) are explicitly "magical". The extent of their abilities is unknown for the most part. Being a writer, Brandon Sanderson created rules about writing magic stories, and being a writer myself, I really took this one to heart. (reference: https://brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-first-law/)
"An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic."
What does this mean? Basically - if the magic isn't explained - it feels like magic can solve any problem at any point without warning. There's no mystery to it at all - it just happens. Explaining magic systems is a really great way to actually add to a mystery - it gives the reader rules to follow when the theories start forming in their head. Now go replace the word MAGIC with ULTIMATE... And this creates a framework for working with ultimates in mysteries. It’s so much harder for readers to solve mysteries if it isn’t what can and cannot be done in the universe.
An example of this is Tsumugi's Cospox in DRV3. Her ability was cosplay, and with it, she could basically disguise herself as any character. It was inevitable that a murder would happen with her disguised as someone else, and there was no telling when, or how... Except that they immediately explained the extent of her powers in Chapter 1 after the first killing. This took that possibility off the table - and made all the future cases that much easier by focusing our minds on what was actually relevant instead of some gotcha that wasn't explained.
Again - this is only a guideline - it's not a hard-and-fast rule that everyone has to follow - so my predictions could be off because of this. It's all guesswork anyways, and I'm sure at least half my predictions, if not all of them, will be wrong. But that's the point, isn't it? XD
Without further ado, let's get started!
Yuuma - lucky student  Ok... He's lucky so he can't die right? We don't know how lucky he is, but if we base it off the first two games, then yes, he'd basically be unkillable. There are a couple ultimates here that could get around that... But that would be weird because those ultimates are magical and it seems that Danganronpa Luck is too big a barrier... Keep in mind we've had a survivor Lucky Student and a victim Lucky Student, so what's left? Verdict - CH1 blackened
Shu - bounty hunter Here's another babyface that basically screams "Don't fuck with me!". Considering the case of Fuyuhiko I'm not pinning him as someone who has a change of heart, and considering his profession I think he's not going to be a blackened. I think that would be too obvious. So what does that leave us with? A victim. Also I'm offing him in chapter 1 because if he's not killed early then he will be a suspect in every subsequent case. Which might be a good thing, but I wouldn't want to deal with that :P  But who could possibly kill someone trained to kill... Hmmm... Verdict - CH1 victim, failed attempt to kill Yuuma
Toru - filmmaker Everyone's always comparing him to the Actor and saying that there's some important story element here since their ultimates are so similar. I can't help but think the same. I don't think this dude is the Mastermind, since that would be too obvious in my eyes, however I feel he's involved in some way. If Deadication pulls the same thing that DRV3 did with Rantaro, then they can have some backstory for this guy while also having him dead, all while throwing the suspicion off him as being involved in this game due to him dying early. Verdict - CH2 Victim
Otoha - basketball Literally Akane and Tenko. One of them died and the other survived. Maybe she's a blackened? I don't have much else to say here honestly. I guess she's cute. Verdict - CH2 blackened
Kyusho - detective Alright this is such a clear reference to Kyoko that there might be something actually relevant here - maybe this is an AU where Aoi and Kyoko mashed their names together and adopted him? Maybe the real Danganronpa is going to be mentioned in this game? I doubt both these points but they're good to bring up. So we haven't seen an evil detective yet from the other games so I'm getting that vibe from him. Especially one that doesn't explicitly commit murder... Verdict - CH2 accomplice, CH3 victim
Ayuna - psychic Ok so Psychic means either two things (1) she's a complete airhead OR (2) she's a complete airhead but also Hagakure. Considering my stance on magic powers as explained earlier, I think her powers are going to be meaningless. Maybe she sees a vision that ends up getting her killed? Verdict - CH3 Victim
Sakumi - alchemist Alchemy means either two things (1) she's another complete airhead OR (2) there will be some poison case in this game. I'm honestly feeling the latter. Alchemy is another vague ultimate that has to be explained - and I can only see this being relevant to poisoning. There hasn't been a poison double murder yet and I'm assuming that Deadication will be keeping the same format of double murder since it's classic. But I could be 100% wrong since I'm a sucker for strict guidelines. PS: She's also cute. Verdict - CH3 blackened
Reika - ??? Hmmm I wonder what it could beeee... With this illusionist/alchemist/psychic/occultist quadrafecta I'm thinking she's along a similar vibe, maybe witch or something. We haven't had a ??? blackened yet... thinking-face-intensifies... I'm thinking their ability will be revealed as the cornerstone to this case. Verdict - CH4 blackened
Minoru - barista  Ace Attorney - Godot's theme plays in the background Wait what slot didn't I assign... Oh yeah that's right Verdict - CH4 victim
Iori - gardener I have no idea. He has a Kokichi Ouma face sprite but he's also very knowledgeable about plants. He's probably gonna be a Gonta type - a Hope Boy. Verdict - Survivor
Megumi - attorney Franziska Von Karma was best girl in Ace Attorney, and now Megumi is giving me that same vibe. Now here's someone who can talk her way in a trial... As I'm pinning Kyusho as chaotic, maybe Megumi will be the voice of reason throughout the game... Although I really am suspicious of everyone. There's always a survivor with a head on their shoulders (Kirigiri, Shuichi, Hajime) Verdict - Survivor
Haru - occultist I totally feel that Haru is going to play a big part in this, and have some sort of change-of-heart that makes them a better overall person. They're also cute as well so I can't just kill them off. If at any point in the story Naohiko dies, I fully expect Haru to take his place. They're the most main-character-like out of everyone else. They'd probably take the Byakuya or Fuyuhiko slot in the survivor list. Verdict - Survivor
Keiji - surgeon Come on now you wouldn't make such a large meme NOT a survivor... I feel he's going to be very much like the survivors Kazuichi or Hagakure or Himiko - thinks he's tough shit but he really can't do a darn thing. Verdict - Survivor
Luna - arctic explorer Um I don't have much to say about her except I like her and she's super cute and I want her to survive. She's the waifu survivor like Aoi and Sonia and Maki. She's also smart as well so her surviving would actually make sense. Verdict - Survivor
Ok guys! That's it! We're done with all the predictions for Dead-
Oh yeah you're right. Whoops.
Hitomi - illusionist Ah yes, the detective's sidekick, just like Kaito and Chiaki and Sayaka. She's overly optimistic, which makes me think she's evil, but there are two reasons why I don't think she is (1) I can't possibly envision any angry or distressed Hitomi sprites AND (2) With an ultimate like Illusionist, it would be too obvious that she's a killer. Based on the principles of magic as I explained earlier, her illusion abilities should come with some set of rules. And these rules weren't explained to us in the prologue - so I'm sort of throwing her ultimate to the curb for now and ignoring its effect on the story. Which is probably wrong, but ah, what the heck. I have a bigger prediction for Hitomi based on her relationship with Naohiko as opposed to her ultimate. Verdict - CH5 victim.
Naohiko - actor The man of the hour himself, the green haired protagonist. Before we begin - let's go over what happens to the protagonists in the first three games: Makoto - survives. Hajime - survives but his past self is the mastermind Kaede - is a blackened and dies in chapter 1 Considering Kaede's case - I'm doubting that there is a protagonist switch at all in this game. I'm pretty sure that they switched during Chapter 1 because of the Hope Fragments and the character development and attachment. As much as I loved Kaede, there wasn't a real reason to have her die in a later chapter. It just wasn't a good game design choice. Now Deadication isn't a game so this might be different but I'm tossing this aside for now. There's also the possibility of Naohiko dying, but I don't think he'd be the one to die in chapter 1. The main character actually has a relevant ultimate this time - actor. One that can be used as a blackened... and a mastermind... dun dun DUN... Technically this is different from SDR2 since Izuru is his own original character and not Hajime Hinata. What I'm going to propose is slightly similar to Hajime's case but it's different in the fact that Izuru had absolutely no effect on the Killing Game other than starting it. One more thing before I explain what I think will happen to Naohiko - let's take a look at the other masterminds' goals: Junko - Inflict Despair on everyone watching Izuru - Preserve Junko and the Remnants of Despair Tsumugi - Entertain everyone watching Now there's one thing that I think is clearly missing here... And that's a personal motive, one that isn't based on world domination or entertainment. Especially because this is a fangan that doesn't explicitly have to be tied to the main series - and it's getting increasingly difficult to do so anyways. So let's recap - A personal motive that isn't based on the Hope-Despair conflict, yet also requires Despair to work properly. This one really wracked my brain but here's my theory:  Naohiko is a schizophrenic just like Toko is. However, he does not know that he has this other, "evil" side to him. There are a few reasons for this: (1) If he noticed it, he would clearly get it treated. Which spelled doom for this evil persona. (2) He's the ultimate actor. Actors retake scenes often enough and they have so many fans that it's typical if he forgets something. This evil side - let's call it Hikonao because I'm boring - has been waiting for its chance to overtake the real Naohiko - and this killing game is just that. Bring Naohiko to Despair, and then his real side and his evil side will be one and the same. So Hikonao sends a letter to Toru stating something about working with Naohiko - only if he brings 14 other ultimates to this secluded area. The letter is signed H - which implicitly brings suspicion on other characters like Haru and Hitomi. Hikonao can be doing things at nighttime or during the day that Naohiko wouldn't remember - and that could clue the reader in to what is happening... (and it also could get us to suspect Hitomi's illusions instead...) Hikonao's plan is to bring the largest possible Despair onto Naohiko - and that would climax in killing his own beloved, Hitomi. In the chapter 5 trial, Naohiko realizes that he is the one that killed Hitomi - and we have to explicitly argue that he didn't kill her, knowing this - something that hasn't been done before in a game, even with Kaede. And then, just like in game 1, Naohiko isn't actually executed due to some ambiguous reason. And then they find the letter from H, find some more stuff, and the mastermind trial. This also brings up an important point - just like the Gonta case in DRV3. If someone else's consciousness kills someone, are you guilty? I have a feeling that Naohiko will end up expelling Hikonao and everything will end happily ever after... Verdict - CH5 blackened and mastermind. Oh and he's also a survivor too
Now I know that you guys think this is a crazy crackpot theory but it's based on writing principles! Even if I'm entirely wrong, I have become a better mystery writer because of it! The more you think about these things, the more you dive deep into how these games are put together and the best way to order and position the story and killings so that things make sense together.
To those of you who have read the entire thing, thank you so so much! I appreciate it, especially since I rambled at times. I'm really looking forward to this project and I know everyone will do a great job with Deadication!
That's it for now. Team Mike, signing off!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
a tamed hell that is a danganronpa chatfic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/366DheH
by iiRoseKitty
if i pressure myself into writing this i can bring back my motivation ... jk im doing this for fun and also fandom club
Words: 1228, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of chaos
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Togami Byakuya, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Kirigiri Kyouko, Koizumi Mahiru, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Kuzuryu Natsumi, Soda Kazuichi, Tanaka Gundham, Iruma Miu, Tojo Kirumi, Momota Kaito, Sonia Nevermind, Celestia Ludenberg
Relationships: these are all endgame ships btw, Everyone & Everyone, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Sonia Nevermind/Abigail [Stardew Valley], don’t ask - Relationship, Ikusaba Mukuro/Maizono Sayaka, Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Oma Kokichi & Saionji Hiyoko, Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, kirumi tojo/herself, towa haiji/the electric chair, Komaeda Nagito & Sonia Nevermind
Additional Tags: the stardew valley universe is mentioned, abigail is our replacement gundham/chiaki, Anyways, nyakuya togamew, if you’ve read makoto and his hoes you’d know the reference, top ten reasons why blaine hates me: #1, nyakuya, oh yeah, Swearing, byakuya’s coffee addiction, Non-Despair Enoshima Junko, Asexual Character, Asexual Gundham Tanaka, autistic nagito komaeda, the autistic nagito headcanon brings me serotonin as an autistic person :D, help as im writing these tags i hear sirens, ill add tags as i go on, anyways my ultimate quartet is makoto byakuya hajime and nagito no questions asked, nagito and sonia are best friends in this au, so hes not as self deprecative around her, oh yeah btw, this is a crossover with stardew valley but like, im not marking it as one of the fandoms cuz, none of the characters from there make an appearance, haiji towa is not welcome in this household, he doesnt appear i just needed to say that, rpers in my fangan please note this is in an au where its even more nondespair than charlesronpa, so yeah charles is makoto’s only parent figure, dw hes cool, Charles Senses
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/366DheH
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What do you think of Danganronpa Antebellum, Mod? The second murder was brutal, and also a character I really liked so it took me OUT.
//Yeah, I feel you there ^^;
//Antebellum is my favorite fangan I've seen, and even if the creator thinks it's not great, I still really enjoy it. I like how it's about convicted criminals and their rehabilitation, and how it doesn't just portray them all as evil but instead as people of varying moralities, who had their own motivations and reasons to do what they did.
//The intrigue in this game is also second to known, complete with additional videos you can find on their Youtube channel where you can learn more. Add to that secrets, shifting POVs and a narrative that leaves so much about its primary protagonist ambiguous that it makes me wanna see more.
//Sure, it's not as flashy or quirky as something like DT or SDRA2, but I'm a character writer, and I love stories that are genuinely interested in exploring their cast. Even this year's April Fool's day event did an excellent job sharing more about many of its characters alongside the funny bits.
//I just think it's neat ^^
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I'm not afraid to say it, I would rather watch the entirety of danganronpa 3 then watch sda2 chapter 3, at least one has its moments.
I also genuinely don't like how twins are treated in fangans, not many have started yet but i've already seen people group them together as if they are one person and i really don't like that.
//Yeah, it’s a lazy writing trope to make twin characters and have them act like the same person ^^;
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