#yeah she lied about the alarm thing in reaching out but she had every right to not want to talk about her trauma
space--butterflies · 10 months
I genuinely do not understand how people believe Luz is a bad girlfriend and a liar for *checks notes* not wanting to talk about her dead dad, and *squints* being worried her friends would hate her for accidentally helping someone who would later try to kill their loved ones.
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
he said he'd love me for all time - connor bedard? ☆
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wc: 3.1k
tw: heartbreak. sadness. drinking. partying. lying. angst. etc?
ryan leonard x ex oc
connor bedard x oc
death by a thousand cuts au
to the average eye frankie hughes was having the time of her life.
the tabloids were calling the youngest hughes; the newest 'it girl' of nyc, who was seen partying every weekend with big names, modeling for huge brands, and being everyone's newest celebrity crush.
to all her friends and to her ex-boyfriend, it looked like she was totally fine from the breakup, even daring to say she was even benefiting from it a bit.
but that was far from the truth.
the girl had been moving through the world with a heartbroken ever since that windy night in dc, when her whole world turned upside down in what seemed to be in the blink of an eye. she had to learn to live with the fact she was just a chapter in ryan leonards life, while he was her whole book.
but the girl was a real tough kid, and she knew how to handle her shit and put on a facade. a facade for the world, her friends, her family, and even her ex-boyfriend. and she knew how to do it well. a little too well, which she knew was bound to bite her in the ass one day. she could show everyone lies, and she would continue to do that until she felt somewhat okay. she had been doing it since he left anyways.
the only sign of a broken heart she had shown was the fact she had gone slightly manic and dyed her hair blonde, but the brands and the public seemed to love it.
at least someone loved it.
right now was a moment where she had to look okay, more than ever.
she had flown to vegas to show support for her brothers for the NHL awards and was currently walking the red carpet alongside her family, with her head held high and a smile that looked like it was her birthday.
while on the inside she wanted to die. just before her family walked into the eyesight of the cameras, her father asked her a question that made her whole castle of lies want to crumble into mere pebbles.
"oh, frankie! I ran into a few of the usa boys yesterday; ryan's linemate was one of them; does that mean he's here, too? you should invite him to dinner later" her father asked, not knowing the alarms he had set off in his daughter's head.
it wasn't his fault; she knew they were bound to ask about ryan. they loved him, but how was she supposed to tell them she'd ruined one of the only good things about her life? she knew they already didn't have the best mindset about her new life, and this was only going to feed into the fire more.
"I wouldn't know, we broke up," she said awkwardly as they walked. they all halted and whipped their heads around to the youngest hughes.
"what? what happened?" her mother said in the most heartbroken tone she'd ever heard.
"we just, kind of... grew apart, i guess. it was mutual, so I'm fine" lie. if only they knew she begged him not to leave.
"are you okay?" luke said, studying her up and down. he knew that his sister was never one to lay her heart out like she had done for ryan, so she had to be hurting.
"no, yeah! totally! c'mon, let's keep going; tonight is not about me; it's about you guys!" she said with a smile as she reached up to pinch quinn and luke's cheeks. they looked at her, not knowing if she was trying to convince them or herself more. her family gave her a worried look before looking at each other as they followed behind her.
they walked through the carpet as frankie looked like she was having the time of her life, continuing to show lies. while on the inside, she was beyond miserable; she really had never felt such a hole in her heart like this.
the carpet soon ended, and they walked into the theater. she searched for the nearest bathroom, feeling a panic attack rising, needing to get away from the worried eyes of her family. She excused herself, searching for the nearest exit.
"did you know they broke up?" jack asked his mom as they took their seats.
"no, she hadn't said anything. she looks perfectly fine, even glowing," her mother said as they all nodded.
"she has to be hurting," luke said as they watched her talk to a girl with a glittering smile, showing lies.
she soon found the bathroom in a hallway, and she saw a guy standing outside of it. that guy being, no other than connor bedard. she would have to be living under a rock to not know who he was, he had been dominating the NHL this last season and wasn't in any way ugly either.
he was the perfect thing to get her mind off of ryan.
she hadn't been with anyone since they broke up, but she knew she had to get back out there if she ever wanted to get the hell out of the imaginary restaurant she was stuck in. she stayed there, and she had been there for weeks. she needed an out, and this was her chance.
"are you in line?" she asked a bit confused as the boy lifted his head up to look at her, eyes widening a bit not thinking to run into frankie hughes tonight.
"uhh, no. I- I'm waiting for my sister," he stuttered, a bit flustered as frankie smirked. she made him nervous, and that was a good sign.
"hey, connor bedard right? I'm frankie," she said, outstretching her hand. the boy didn't think she knew who he was.
"yeah, I know who you are," he said with a small smile, meeting her handshake.
"you nervous for tonight?" she asked with a smile that seemed to put the buy in a daze.
"a little, but it's not the end of the world if I don't win," he said nervously, knowing he was up against her brother.
"good, you won't cry when luke wins then," she said jokingly with a wink as he chuckled.
"that bathroom smells horrible- oh my gosh! frankie hughes!" a blonde girl said as she noticed the youngest hughes. frankie smiled at he girl.
"you must be connor sister; hi, and does it really smell because I'll just hold it," she said with a smile as the girl looked astounded.
"hello! and yeah, it does- but I didn't like, stink it up or anything. it was like that already, like way before I walked in," she rambled but stopped once she noticed frankie and connor holding in a laugh, looking at each other.
"no, I get it. thanks for the heads up. i should get back to my seat, ill see you around connor" she said with eyes that made connor want to stumble. she was hot, and if he didn't know any better, she was flirting?
she bid them goodbye as madisen scolded herself for being so awkward. a trait both of the bedard siblings held.
"she's so cool," madisen said, shaking her head in aww.
"yeah, she is," he said with a small smile, not believing how the girl was so obviously flirting with him.
frankie returned to her seat with a heavy feeling in her heart as she sat between jack and quinn.
"I feel like I should be sitting left to jack," she told her family as quinn shook his head.
"stop it, you know that's your seat," her brother told her with a look, talking about the assigned seating they had made a couple years back, back when she actually played hockey.
she let it go, due to the fact she had nothing to say as she looked around the theater. there were many faces, big names in hockey surrounding them and maybe if she was twelve she'd be screaming but right now she could care less. her eyes focused on no other than connor.
he was cute. he had an aura that seemed like he was sure of himself, and that was a trait that made frankie want to gravitate to him. She used to love that trait in ryan.
stop thinking about him!
she told herself. the rest of the night, she spent it playing eye tag with connor. she felt his eyes on her, and he felt her eyes on him. She was sure she had him secured. but did she want to dive into that hole? part of her felt like she would be cheating on ryan, but she hadn't spoken to him since that night. she was allowed to move on, right?
she bit back the feeling as the she tried to enjoy the night. Luke had lost, but connor had won. ss he was walking up to the stage, his eyes found hers, and she playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head as she clapped.
"what the hell was that?" jack asked her leaning over luke.
"what was what?" she played dumb as her brothers looked at her funny.
"you know what," luke said as she just shook her head and smiled.
"I am single," she said with a shrug as they looked at her like she had three heads. choosing to drop it, knowing their sister had her own ways of moving on. they weren't going to question her, just give her a disgusted look as they got on with the night.
quinn ended up winning his award, and she got up to give him the biggest hug, beyond proud of him; she had grown closer to quinn when she moved. he always made sure to visit her and check in on her, and she couldn't thank him enough.
always making sure she had money and she had eaten. the first week she had left, he had sent her money, knowing she couldn't have that much saved up. he was really the most thoughtful one out of the hughes brothers, and she was happy to be a part of this moment for him.
the night went on, and they soon ended up in a bar celebrating quinn's win as the siblings took shot after shot, getting plastered as the night went on.
it seemed like the universe had been on her side because connor had walked into the very same bar a little later into the night. she turned to luke, knowing she had to make sure he was okay with what she was about to do.
"go for it," her brother said, shaking his head as she looked at him guiltily.
"you didn't even know what i was going to say" she said slightly smiling
"you didn't have to; you've been giving him those eyes all night. go be young and free," he said lightly, pushing her shoulder as she giggled.
"thanks luke. and, can i ask you something?" she told him
"shoot," he said, as jack and quinn joined the conversation.
"would it be shady to ryan? if I got with connor?" she asked, knowing they were guys and they'd probably know ryan's point of view. she never wanted to hurt anyone.
he hurt you though
"well, I mean, if you guys broke up, no. but like if you're still seeing each other on the low, that's a different story-" jack said
"we're not. I haven't heard from him since that night," she clarified as they nodded.
"were they like, sworn enemies or best friends?" quinn asked
"not that I know of," she said, thinking back to whether they ever interacted. she was sure they hadn't.
"then go for it little sis," jack said with a wink
"yeah, but don't string bedard around either," quinn said with a scolding look.
he was right. she was more than sure connor didn't need someone to play with his feelings. but he was busy, maybe he was just looking for a hookup. he went first overall; he'd had to have his fair share of one-night stands. right?
"she's young; this is her time to make stupid decisions-" jack tried to reason as she zoned out.
"if she's not over leonard, then it's just going to blow up in her face-" quinn said, arguing over luke with jack. if only quinn knew she'd never get over him. the love of her life turned into the loss of her life, and she'd continue to long for him forever. She just had to learn to live alongside that grief.
"okay! thanks for the advice guys. I'll catch you guys later," she said, walking away from her brothers, who watched as she walked up to connor and immediately caught sight of his reddened cheeks.
"she's going to break the poor guy's heart," quinn said with a guilty look as jack and luke snickered a bit evily. maybe he was a bit salty about the loss.
frankie woke up to a pounding headache.
she felt like she had drank more than her body weight the night before, and was suffering the consequences of those tequila shots right about now.
she sat up, only to realize she was in nothing but a loose t-shirt that did not belong to her. only now, looking around to realize she was not in her hotel room.
oh god, what did you do frankie
"hey, you're up," connor said, opening the door in nothing but a towel. he had the body made of a god, and only now did frankie remember the events of the night before where she had done body shots, those very same abs she was obviously ogling at.
"what the hell," she asked, looking around for her phone to see about a million texts coming from her family and friends, wondering where the hell she went.
"here, I thought you might have a hangover," connor nervously said as he handed her some tylenols. she drank them before trying to remember if she slept with him last night.
"did we..."
"i think we did. i kind of blacked out, you kept feeding me shots and I was trying to impress you so I ended up the most plastered I had ever been" he told her honestly as she felt like a bitch. of course, she was a bad influence on this saint of a boy. of fucking course.
"oh my gosh. i'm so sorry-" she said shaking her head
"it's okay, frankie. my life is way too serious most of the time. nights like last night remind me that I'm only eighteen. I had a lot of fun last night from what I remember," he said with a light smile as she reciprocated.
he was cute. he was handsome. and he was nice. he was way too good for frankie to go and taint, and she knew that.
"I should get back to my family before they send out an amber alert or something," she said as she stood up and looked for her underwear and dress from last night.
she lifted the sheets and searched, only to turn around and see connor standing with them in his hand with a cheeky smile.
she embarrassingly grabbed them as she got her heels and walked to the door and turned back to the young hockey player, knowing she'd have to tell him this was a one-time thing.
as she turned and saw the hopeful look on his face and his light smile she couldn't bear to tell him. he was cute, and yes, maybe it was selfish to use him to get over ryan but she wasn't no saint, and maybe if she got to know connor a little bit better, it could blossom into something more.
"I'll text you," she told him as she opened the door into the hallway.
"maybe i'll text you first," he said with a smile as he brushed the hair out of her face. she couldn't help herself and leaned into a passionate kiss. wrapping her arms around his neck as she brought him down with her. She soon pulled away and waved goodbye to him, leaving the boy standing in basically shambles as he felt something he'd never felt before. he was falling, and he was falling hard.
it seemed like the universe wanted her to suffer the embarrassment because as she looked up, she made eye contact with no other than wide eye will smith and zeev buim standing there with their mouths agape.
"hey guys," she said as she cringed. they were probably going to run and tell ryan. part of her felt like shit about that, but the other part of her hoped he knew.
they did nothing but look at each other before looking back at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"how could you do that to ryan?" will said, looking at her disgustingly.
"I didn't do anything to him," she said, crossing her arms at the two boys, wondering why the hell they were so mad. she was single.
"yeah? what the hell would you call that? you're cheating on him with bedard? really?" will said. only then did frankie realize he didn't tell them. he didn't even tell will that he had broken up with her. had he told anyone? everyone still thought they were together?
"i'm not cheating, will-" she said shaking her head
"bullshit," he said, cutting her off, that action making frankie want to literally rip his head off. he wasn't even letting her talk.
"he broke up with me about a month ago," she said as they looked at her confusingly.
"are you serious?" zeev asked as will seemed to go speechless. he couldn't believe it.
"yeah. so don't try to tell me shit, when you know nothing," she said teary-eyed as she walked past the two boys. not before bumping her shoulder straight into will. he was an asshole. he had no right to accuse her of cheating.
she wiped her tears before walking into her shared hotel room with her family, knowing she had to handle her shit and fake it till she made it. she couldn't let them see how destroyed her heart had become.
"ahh, the walk of shame," jack said, shaking his head with a teasing smirk as she flipped him off and flopped on the couch.
"not a good night, I'm guessing," quinn said with a grimace.
"it was fine," she said with a huff as she stared off into the ceiling. not being able to stop thinking about ryan. she felt guilty.
"you didn't do anything wrong if that's what you're thinking," Luke said, knowing his littlest sister.
"I know," she said, rising up and walking to her room. closing her door and finally letting her tears fall freely. she was miserable, but at least no one knew.
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taehyunsluvr · 6 months
Baked goods
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Warnings: nsfw, afab!reader, sub!taehyun, meandom!reader (?), premature orgasm, oral (m receiving), not proof read, shitty plot, kinda brat taming if u squint real hard
Lmk if I missed any <3 !! MDNI !!
Summary: Your work friends have tried to help you succeed in your love life but it never seemed to work out. Until you meets your neighbor who's innocence intrigues you.
Word Count: about 2K
a/n: Ik this is shitty I've never written a fanfic before so I'll try doing different plots than basic ones like this (This isn't proof read so sorry for dumb mistakes lol)
You looked down at your buzzing phone. Is this why you always set 17 alarms? Because none of them could wake you up correctly? Either way you sighed deeply and flung your legs over the edge of the bed. The cold wood floor of your new apartment, the open window with a gentle breeze, everything about your new life was perfect. Except one thing. Every one of your friends, AND I MEAN EVERY ONE, had started getting into relationships, and here you were, in your apartment, alone. The only good part, was you had your options open. That was something only single people could do. Naturally. You sighed, got ready for work (which was one of the only things keeping you going at this point), and left your new apartment in a hurry. Sleeping through you alarms definitely didn't help with your time management.
You finally got to work. Your once clean and put together hair was now disheveled. At work you don't have many friends, but the ones you did have were the best you could ask for. As soon as you walked to your desk, your two coworkers and best friends decided to talk to you. "Hey Y/N do you have a date to the wedding?" One of them says. You look up at them, "No I don't why do you ask?" Your other friend answers, "We were just curious cause the wedding is next week. We wanted to know if you were coming single."
The two of them sit down on the opposite side of you. You can't say no. They're both too sweet. But what you really don't understand is why they would assume that you're gonna show up single. It almost made you annoyed. "No. I'm not coming alone." you say, making both of them look at each other. "Then who are you bringing?"
You shrug, "I'm bringing my boyfriend. You've both met him before."
You can't believe yourself right now. You lied about having a boyfriend. You didn't even know that there was going to be a wedding. You think about retorting your lie, but you don't think that you can because they were way too excited. "I knew it! I told you she would have someone."
The blonde girl, Winter, says to the black haired boy, Huening Kai, Hyuka for short. "Yeah yeah. I'm just surprised that she hasn't told us anything about him yet." Winter puts her hand on your shoulder, "I can't wait to see the guy you bring. If hes not hot I'm kicking him out." "I want to meet him." Hyuka says as he stands up. You nod.
"Why did I do that.." You say to your self as soon as you leave work. They're probably not even going to believe you once they meet your 'boyfriend'. You don't know how but I have to come up with someone or something. Then literally just as you're thinking that, you crash into something tall and hard.
"What the hell..?" You say as you back up and look at the man you just bumped into. Is this a romcom? How is he so handsome? And how did you just happen to bump into him right now..
You pray to whatever god gave you this chance in your head.
"Watch where you're going." He says coldly. Maybe you weren't so lucky. He was a bitch. A brat. But you played it off. It didn't really matter how he acted. That wasn't important. You try your best to put on a nice face. "Oh no! I'm sorry. Are you okay?" You ask him. He steps back, dusting off his clothes. "I'm fine. But watch where you're going." "I'm so so sorry." You say, reaching out your hand to brush off his jacket. He looks at my hand, then back at me. "No, it's fine. Just watch out next time."
You nod and look him up and down. He's very attractive. You could definitely take him to the wedding. But what if he already has a girlfriend? There's so much to consider. "Um, are you still here?" He says, making you snap back from your thought. "Oh yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking." you reply, careful not to break your composure.
"So uh.. Would you mind giving me your number so we can keep in touch? I mean if you're okay with it." You say. Seriously? How fucking corny was that. He looks at me.
"Why would you want my number?" "Well because you're cute and I'd like to get to know you better." "Really?" He laughs but clearly is flustered. A slightly smile
"So would you be willing to give me your number?" "Yeah sure." He takes his phone out and types something on it. He hands it to you, "There you go." You add the number reading the name " Kang Taehyun" on his screen. You completely forgot to ask for his name before. You walk away and to head home. Was this a dream or real life. You can't believe you just asked someone for their number. If you didn't already tell Winter and Hyuka that you had a boyfriend you would have totally been bragging to them about this.
As you walk, you realize that you're both heading in the same direction. Is he stalking you or is it just a coincidence? Maybe getting his number really did raise your confidence a little but too much.
"Are you stalking me or something?" you say, laughing.
He turns his head, "No, I'm not. I'm just going to the same place as you. But thanks for the offer." You scoff. "I own the bakery down here."
You're slightly taken aback by the fact that HES a baker. You would have thought he was a personal trainer, a model, something like that. "Lets walk together then." You pull him by his arm to be closer to you. He doesn't move away. You get to the bakery's front steps, pausing before he invites you in awkwardly. "We're closed right now but I need someone to test some of our new recipes anyways. This was your chance. You could possibly make him fall for you so you could take him to the wedding. So you take the chance to ask him if he's in a relationship. "I'm guessing you don't have a girlfriend..?"
"No. Not at the moment."
"A handsome guy like you should have a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. Whatever you're into." You sit at the bar of the bakery crossing you arms while leaning on the cold table top. He has basically no reaction. Is this guy celibate or just extremely experienced to the point nothing effects him. "Thanks, but I'm not interested in dating anyone at the moment." You ask "Why not? You look to be around that age." "Because I don't want to. I'm only 22." He answers while sorting through the different options of baked goods. You hesitate. You want to act how you usually would around guys, but thinking back on your past experiences maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
"Why? No guy wants to be single."
He looks confused by what you meant. "So you've never gotten to third base in other words. I could tell by how many times you've checked me out." You threw the entire friendly girl act out the window, even though he invited you into his bakery out of his own 'kindness' after hours. "I- No I didn't.. Im just.." He says stopping his movement, tensing up while dodging your eyes, moving them to various objects around the shop.
"Give me a break. You're too obvious. At least try to be conspicuous about it." You run your fingers through your hair while teasing him. The dimly lit bakery almost seemed to help push the mood in the direction you were hoping for. You're enjoying this. Usually the guys you talked to before would start getting defensive and concerningly aggressive if you spoke to them this way. But he almost seemed to like the way you were talking down to him. "Take off your apron." You meant it to sound like a request but it ended up sounding like a full on demand.
He stayed silent and surprisingly complied. You raised an eyebrow. Did you misread him for a virgin? He gave in too easily. Either way, it didn't matter. Bringing him to the wedding wasn't your goal anymore. He slid off his apron, and you burst out in a laughter.
"I knew you were a pervert. You really are a virgin. This is too funny." You stood up and walked around the counter.
"Im not a pervert-" His words were cut short by the force of you hand on his hardness. He could barely form a sentence. His hips bucked shamelessly into your touch.
"How are you explaining this to me then? Use your words. I'll stop if you want, but I know you wanted this." He didn't even bother to respond. His head fell onto your shoulder, and you could feel his warm breath on your skin.
"No I... keep going.." He says between bated breaths. He let out a louder whimper as you gripped his cock. He leaned back up, his bangs messily covering his eyes. "Please.."
You stopped and unbuttoned his work trousers, they fell to pool around his ankles. He definitely wasn't small. You weren't confident you could fit it all but you had already left all your reasoning at the door as soon as you entered. You kneeled down, and without hesitation took his whole length down in one go.
As you slowly moved, you could sense how sensitive he was. His cock was begging for attention, twitching at every small movement you made. He was moaning softly, and breathing heavily. You pull your mouth off, teasing his tip with your tongue. You digged your tongue into his slit and swirled you tongue around his swollen glistening tip. He let out a strained moan. Even though you couldn't see him, you could already tell that he was a nervous wreck. You forced his length back down your throat, taking whatever you couldn't fit into your hands. You could feel his hands almost grabbing your hair, but as soon as he felt you slightly halt he moved them firmly to his sides. He shivered profusely. His whimpers grew louder.
"Wait I-" Without warning you feel his hot seamen spurt out onto your tongue-- and also practically all over your face. It was sweet, with a hint of saltiness. You could tell he took care of himself. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.." You wipe the bit that got on your face and stood up.
"Open your mouth."
"Huh? Why-" You pushed your fingers forcefully into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat. He gagged around your fingers and moaned lightly due to the sensation. You pulled them out slowly, wiping his saliva on his own shirt. His face glistening with sweat as it beaded on his forehead. His hair was sticking to it, but it somehow made him look cuter.
"You're so kinky for a virgin."
His eyes slightly widened on your judge of his character.
"Not at all! You just- it was so sudden.." His was still breathing heavily from his intense premature orgasm. You helped him pull his work pants back on. You couldn't believe you escalated the situation this far. The scent of the baked goods somehow managed to mask the lewd scent of cum that was usually so pertinent.
"So.. do you have any plans in the next two weeks?" "Not really.." He was still attempting to retrieve his composure. You could tell he wanted more, but you weren't seemingly willing to comply. "There's a wedding coming up and I want you to come with me. My coworkers are quite literally dying to meet you." "Why?" "They think we're dating." "And why would they think that? We just met today.."
"Because I told them we are.. and you should repay me. Even if you wasted my gift on that weak excuse for an ejaculation."
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where-dreamers-go · 1 year
Reading and rambling: The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm
(Tales from Alagaësia VOLUME 1: ERAGON)
V. On the Nature of Stars
Learning more about Angela!!! I'm so so ready.
I feel like Angela has seen some stuff and KNOWS some stuff that isn't common for Alagaësians.
I had no concept of "planet" then, but that was the right word, had I known it.
We get to hear just how curious Angela was as a kid! Well through her youth. Yes!!! 😭 I have no idea where she's from. How is she the way she is?
Though the globe was--I now know--a hopelessly incomplete depiction of it planet...
Who made the globe? I'm guessing dwarves because it was "on nearly frictionless dwarven bearings." But it's broken!!! Are there any more??
Time was limited. The library could Shift at any moment, . . .
So, let me get this straight after reading some more. Angela was an apprentice and wanted to learn A LOT, that practically stopped, she snuck into a library that is protected by a door, and this door could lead her elsewhere unknown of nowhere? Then:
The library Shifted.
I need to know!!!! Did she wait? It's she from a different time?
But more and more, I had been thinking of Elva's potential to be my apprentice, and obversely, of what she could become without guidance.
Ohmygoodness, the amount of information she giving me is incredible. She's saying so much yet so little. Elva does need guidance though instead of being left to get own devices because they don't know how to be around her or how to treat her like a person.
"I have heard stories--no doubt expanded in the retelling --of your outbursts, your . . . demonstrations.
Wait, I don't remember, what else can Elva do besides knowing people's fears? She can show people things?
". . . Then your departure is all the more important; I suspect that dangerous groups are determined to have you as a weapon."
Oooh. I hadn't thought of how people would hear of Elva's abilities, not understand them, and want to use her. That's terrible.
Um. Elva seems to kind of like people being afraid of her. Understandable in a sense with how she's treated. But, uh, does she hold a grudge against Eragon? Or just, you know, acknowledging that it's his words that started her life down a path she did not choose and has been limited in ways others could not fully understand?
Although I live every moment with the knowledge, hearing someone else say it--even without understanding the implication or meaning--felt like being stung by a thousand wasps, countless stabs of fear and surprise and pain.
That's fascinating. Alarming for sure. But you can know your fear, but if Elva speaks it to you in her way, you're terrified mentally and physically! That's so odd and scary. Like, yeah, I know what I'm afraid of. Then WHAM Elva just has to say it. That's scary.
Unlike Greta, I had long since mastered my feelings.
Nice! That's very healthy too. Knowing your emotions and not being overpowered by them. You can feel them, but don't let them run on longer than they need to. Know why those emotions are there.
I traced a line on the wall, reached out, and opened a door that wasn't there.
Angela can open portals. ANGELA CAN OPEN PORTALS!
I'm glad I'm sitting down. I hope Eragon's still sitting down.
Do you know how many questions Eragon is going to have??? Of course you do. Angela does too.
What else can Angela do? Did she learn it herself by observing the world? Did she read something? Witness something? Given something?
Angela, I want to read everything.
But she said in the beginning of her manuscript that there were lies on there. What does she consider a lie? A non-perfect recollection because it's a memory?
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kippykasey · 2 years
Spider Spook
Summary: (Sequel to Just Scare Him a Little) Peter asks sugar to help him get revenge on Sam and Bucky.
Word Count: 1477
Characters: Sugar(Reader), Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes
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Peter off to the side of the decorated garage. The annual VA sponsored Haunted house had expanded to now include a garage room that was purely to be used as a ‘horror teenage hangout’ as the older staff called it. Sugar was instructing some of the crew who were installing black lights while also observing the slide training going on. She spotted Peter standing off to the side waiting for her, the two had agreed to go over a project that Peter had for school.
“What are they doing exactly?” Peter inquired when the girl got close enough to hear him. She smiled and turned towards the two male actors sliding across the concrete with such velocity you could see sparks every now and then. 
“Well I had an idea after watching how Buck’s hand sparks against the concrete. Not to mention it fits with the black light and neon of the room. 
“Have you done that?” She nods at his question and wraps an arm around him to move over towards a table. “Yeah, let's just say my knees did not appreciate all the drops while testing different knee pads.” She laughs and turns her attention towards the younger male. “Now tell me about this project.”
He shuffled a bit before checking on his watch. “So, I might have lied about it being for school. I kinda want to scare Bucky and Sam.”
The woman leaned forward, a wicked grin sliding onto her face. “Oh. Dear, Parker, please continue.”
It had been nearly two weeks since Sam and Bucky had been in the tower. Between meetings and missions the two had been busy. However they dropped everything after receiving a strange video from Bucky’s sweet love.
The video started like a normal check in call. Sugar was walking around the dimly lit garage at the tower. She was most likely arriving home from a late night at the VA. 
“Hey, Buck. Just wanted to check in and see how…” She trailed off looking around after an audible metal clang could be heard somewhere in the background. Her head turned left and right as she panned the area around her for anything out of place. Her attention focused back on the phone in her hand as she walked towards the door. Her car was now visible in the background behind her. 
“Anyway, I was calling to see how you were doing and when you would be getting home.” Behind her, lowering from the ceiling was a black mass. It wordlessly dropped onto the roof of her car before the video feed glitched, a common occurrence due to the bad reception in the garage. When the video came back there was nothing in the background. 
Sugar entered the lobby for the elevator as she went on to talk about going to visit Sarah and the kids for Halloween. Slowly a black, inky, looking mass rose up just enough to peek over her shoulder. A hand with long slender, boney fingers rose up. The black hand waved before brushing at Sugar’s hair. 
Feeling something touch her hair, Sugar turned to look but the black thing was now on the opposite side and outside of the glass window separating the lobby and the garage. The ding of the elevator drew Sugar’s attention back forward. “I think I’ve been spending too much time at the haunted house. I feel like someone’s wat-” She entered the elevator as she spoke, her words being interrupted by a blood curdling scream when she turned around. Her phone fell from her hand and faced the ceiling of the elevator before static took over. The boney hand reached over the camera ending the video.
Bucky raced back to the tower to look for his girl. Sam went down to the garage and Bucky went up to the apartment. Both were still fully dressed in their suits from their mission. When they called for Friday on arrival they got no response, alarming but Tony did mention needing to do some updates to the system and the AI would need to reboot.
Sam entered the garage, his eyes scanning every inch of the room. The lights were dimmer than usual and there was one lone flickering light, coincidentally right over Sugar’s car. He moved over towards the car. He stood next to the vehicle inspecting it for any trace of temperament of anything out of place, but besides the empty coffee cups littering the floor of the back seat nothing was out of the ordinary.
Too busy peering at the car, Sam didn’t notice the black boney hand slowly reach out from under the car. The hand wrapped around the man’s ankle. Sam jumps back as the arm quickly shoots back under the car. Sam quickly bends to peer under the car but sees nothing but darkness as the lights in the garage turn off. 
There was a low throaty laugh that seemed to echo off the walls. There was a brief sound of rushed foot steps before scrapping was heard. Sparks on the floor flew in Sam’s direction before a flurry of sparks hit the nearby support column. Sam quickly chased after the sparks. When the lights flickered on he was standing in front of the elevator doors as they closed. A black, inky figure inside slowly waving its boney fingers at him. The doors closed and the elevator began to climb. Sam ran towards the stairs.
Meanwhile, Bucky stormed into the floor he shared with Sugar. He searched for her, calling her name. Her things weren’t there but there was a black slime, coating items in the kitchen. The lights turned off leaving just the emergency lights on. Bucky slowly reached for his gun holster but quickly found that the weapon wasn’t there. His head quickly spun to see the weapon attached to the wall with a black substance similar to the goo in the kitchen. He went to try and grab the weapon off the wall but it wouldn’t move, not even with his metal hand.
His attention was drawn to the living room by a high pitched giggle. In the center of the living room crouched in a stance similar to Black Widow’s action pose, was the black thing from the video. The head tilts, a hand raised and the fingers slowly move in a wave. Bucky moved to swing at the black creature when it scurried to the wall and began to climb up it. The creature was able to run right by Bucky along the wall. The creature then moved onto the ceiling where it disappeared into the darkness of the rafters, where Barton liked to hide on occasion. 
The door to the stairway slammed open as Sam ran in. Bucky looked at him confused before they both turned to the elevator dinging on arrival. The doors opened and no one was in the elevator. The two men looked up checking the security exit to find it still in place. They looked at each other. “This is because you touched that freaking voodoo doll in Louisiana.” Sam points at Bucky turning around and quickly repeatedly hitting his partner on the shoulder until Bucky turned as well.
On the opposite end of the hall stood two black inky figures that seemed to be mirrored. One stood from the ceiling and the other on the ground. The two in synchronized movement tilt their head and wave at the two avengers before the figure on the ceiling lowered to the floor.
“Having fun?” A wild cackle came from the end of the hall.
Sam looked like he was about to shove Bucky in front of himself to escape. Bucky himself was maybe a bit freaked out but that quickly vanished at the sound of the voice.
“Damn it, Sugar, what the hell?”
Peter and Sugar broke out in laughs. The two inky figures doubled over as they let out laughs. “Did you see Sam’s face?” Peter wheezes as he ends up leaning against the wall, pulling the faceless black mask off. Sugar nods as she pulls the mask from her head, hair going a bit everywhere from the static the mask caused. “Oh that was too good.”
“The hell?!” Sam shouts as he realizes that there was not an attack, just two humans pulling a prank.
“You had me scared out of my mind, Sugar.” Bucky frowns walking over towards her.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I just wanted to help Pete get you guys back for last year. It was good though, wasn't it?” She grinned up at him, mischief still gleaming in her eyes as she looked up at her super soldier boyfriend who still looked relieved to see her okay.
“Ha. Ha. So funny kid.” Sam muttered, pushing Peter’s shoulder as he tried to hide how spooked he still was by the prank.
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eternal-armin · 2 years
brain stew. [caitlyn]
cait finally voices her concerns to you after days since you last fully slept. drabble series 3/5 proofread.
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you stared at the wall, curled up under the blankets. you were too scared to move very much, or too often, even though your skeleton ached for movement. it felt like it was going to crawl right out of your skin.
even when you closed your eyes, you didn’t feel tired. you felt them ache, too dry, with no way to help. you found yourself too nervous to look at the alarm clock on the bedside table. the silence, you had gotten used to. even though it was still somehow stressful, you could deal with it. what you couldn’t deal with were the hot and cold flashes. specifically the hot; you couldn’t move the blanket, lest caitlyn wake up.
she had already been awake for a while, observing you quietly, worried, before she spoke up.
“sweetheart? you’ve been awake for a while.”
you went cold, blinking a few times. the pain in your eyes became almost unbearable, so you eventually just squeezed them shut. “...yeah. how long have you been up?”
“not very long. perhaps a few minutes? but… more importantly. is something on your mind?” she was cautious with every word. you hated when she did that, overthought each word to be as neutral as possible. but sometimes, maybe it was necessary.
“not really. thoughts are just kinda going in and out.”
“can you look at me, darling?” she asked. her voice was so soft. you felt bad, and so you turned over, strained eyes failing to focus properly. her eyes widened slightly, seeing the state of you. “what’s wrong?” cait asked. the worry in her voice made your stomach churn.
“i haven’t really been able to sleep much the past few days.” you knew the pain in your mind would just get worse if you lied, so you didn’t. even though you felt ashamed, and could no longer meet her gaze.
now that you thought about it, you couldn’t remember the last time you slept. or, rather, slept more than, like, fourty minutes. not even consecutively.
“i could kind of tell.” caitlyn reached out a hand, gently cupping your cheek. “you’ve been just passing out randomly sometimes. i can see you falling asleep at your desk when you’re in the middle of things. and then… you don’t sleep at night.”
“you… could tell?”
“i usually fall asleep to your breathing. and something about it has been different recently. and when i would wake up in the middle of the night, i would check on you.”
“have you tried sleeping medication? over-the-counter stuff?”
you nodded slightly. “it hasn’t been working. i mean, i feel a little tired, but when i try to sleep i just can’t.”
cait nodded slightly. “that… we’ll call your primary care physician in the morning. you may need something prescribed. but don’t worry, alright? we’ll work it out.” her words, as meticulous as they were, reassured you deeply. she didn’t argue, she didn’t raise her voice, she didn’t judge you. just a simple ‘we’ll take care of it’, and you knew you were in good hands. when were you ever not with her?
maybe it was the fact that you hadn’t slept properly for three days, but you felt yourself getting teary-eyed. why was she always so patient with you? even when you really didn’t deserve it?
she seemed to notice. “s-sweetheart? what’s wrong?”
just her asking that made the tears fall, cascading down toward the mattress. she pulled you closer into a hug. you found yourself crying into her clothed shoulder. you felt like shit, crying in front of- no, into your girlfriend. not like you didn’t feel like shit anyway. but once again, all she showed you was love and patience, gently rubbing your back with one hand and stroking your hair with the other.
“cry as much as you need to, okay?” her voice wavered through her words.
“i-i don’t even know why i’m crying! what’s going on with me…!”
“when you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to be more sensitive to negative emotion swings. maybe you felt a little bad, and your sleep deprivation has made that negative swing far more powerful.”
you sniffled, trying and failing to take a deep breath. the rational explanation made you feel a little better. and still you couldn’t see properly, and still you clung to caitlyn like a scared child. she hugged you tightly, pressing quick and gentle kisses to the top of your head and forehead.
“i’m so sorry for- acting like this,” you managed. you forced a little laugh, which just made your throat hurt badly.
“don’t say that, sweetheart. you don’t have a thing to apologize for.”
“i-i can’t believe that. i made you worry, i… i’m screwing things up and this time, it’s by not talking.” for some reason the weight of everything just got heavier and heavier on your shoulders, suffocating you mercilessly. maybe there was a reason, the logical explanation cait just lovingly laid out for you. already, that was etching itself out of your memory. thin paper dissolving in water.
“oh, [y/n], you aren’t screwing things up. and it’s okay to be worried about. here, sit up, there you go. i’m going to turn the light on, alright?”
you nodded, squeezing your eyes shut. with a click, the room felt slightly warmer, and suddenly something was pressed against your tear-stained cheeks. a tissue.
“you don’t need to worry your pretty little head, alright? you haven’t messed up a thing. everything is okay, and soon you will be too.” she pressed an angel-soft kiss to your forehead. “and don’t beat yourself up over me worrying for you. you are worth worrying for. if i ever don’t, then you should be upset.” there was a lighter tone to her words. you managed a little chuckle.
even that made her eons more relieved. “how about we leave this bed, love, i’m sure you’re sick of laying in it, and do something else?”
“won’t you be tired?”
“i can take a day off of work if need be, since i have someone who needs my care. besides, i’ve managed before. i’ll be alright.” caitlyn smiled sweetly at you, pressing another gentle kiss to your forehead. “how’s about it? do you want to watch a movie or something? perhaps make a very early breakfast?”
you hummed for a second, the last of the evidence of crying leaving your chest in hiccuped breaths. steadily you were calming down. “how about… both?”
cait giggled softly. “i like that idea.”
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Hey!! I love your writing. Can you do a Yandere! Ranboo, Tommy , and tubbo. where they are all in love with the reader and they kidnapped her to ‘keep her safe’ and the reader doesn’t know at first, then she slow realized they are obsessed with her. she like them back but she also want to live her life, so she tries to make agreement? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.
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The Ranboo gif is just beautiful and I love it. Lemme see what I can do for ya! I wrote a bullet point Platonic fic if that's fine? I'm still worried about writing the minors in romantic relationships, even if it's the characters.
Sorry, it took so long... My burnout got really bad and I refused to even write basic stuff. But I'm back now! Well. Mostly.
Safe Behind Glass (Yandere!Plat!C!Bench Trio x GN!Reader)
You were a little groggier than normal when you awoke, but it was nothing to alarm you immediately.
Just simply brushing it off as you weren't feeling the best that day, you rolled over to fall back to sleep, but quickly noticed something wrong.
It didn't feel... Right?
The blankets... The mattress... The pillow... They weren't yours...
You peeled your eyes open and your expression went blank with fear.
The room was beautiful mind you.
But it wasn't yours either.
You were laying on a fluffy (f/c) canopy bed, surrounded by quartz walls that were dimly lit soul lanterns that prevented you from being completely swallowed by darkness.
Slowly dragging yourself off the bed, you heard a metal 'clunk' that hit the cold quartz flooring below you.
Turning your head to face downwards, you saw that a decently thick metal chain was cuffed to your ankle.
Somehow, your panic became worse as you immediately grabbed onto it and started to yank on the solid metal, but it refused to budge.
You had no idea how many minutes or hours you spent in that room. Reaching at the iron door desperately, yanking at the chain around your ankle that kept you from reaching the exit, searching the blue lanterns for anything...
But then, the white metallic door slowly swung open, revealing Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy.
You weren't that close to them, save for a couple interactions here and there, but hey, they came to save you! That didn't matter in the slightest!
You almost cried upon seeing them and moved to walk over, but the chain stopped you from reaching them, and you noticed that they weren't moving to help you.
"You're awake!" Tubbo chirped softly, his tan goat ears wiggling with joy, "I'm glad the potion didn't stick for too long... You could've wound up starving if you stayed asleep."
Horror slowly began to set into your heart as Ranboo nodded and walked over to the dark oak table in the corner of the room and set down a basket of food.
"Ran...Boo...?" You whispered, watching as the monochrome male turned and curiously tilted his head in your direction, "Why... Am I here?"
Instead, Tommy stepped in front of you with a bright cheesy smile, the same one that resembled when he would find a new disc or start a new adventure, "For your safety, (N/n)!"
"Safety?" You choked out softly, Ranboo quickly guiding you to sit in the oak chair, "But... I'm one of the richest people on the server... I have god armour... Nothing could kill m-"
"Techno and Dream can." Tubbo interrupted sharply, halting you mid-sentence.
Right... That masked man... Or whatever he was... He was extremely dangerous, as well as Techno. They could likely pierce your netherite chest plate without even flinching at the number of thorns you had enchanted.
"We don't want anyone to bring you any harm... There's no problem with that, right, (Y/n)?" Ranboo smiled, flashing his sharpened teeth unthreateningly.
No... You wanted to say, but you wanted freedom! You wanted to expand your house to the size of a mansion! You wanted to bicker with Quackity about the stupidest of things! You wanted to get building advice from Phil!
Not be locked away because your safety was a tiny bit compromised!
"Tommy... Tubbo... Ranboo... Please, I'm not going to just stay locked away because I-"
"You'll see things our way soon... Eat up, get your rest." Tubbo smiled and gave you a hug, ignoring how you froze suddenly, before turning and skipping out of the room with the taller two following behind him.
Despite... How screwed up the three were with their methods of making you be their friend, it was working...
They were actually incredibly friendly and funny. It made life in capture bearable! Even though you were incredibly snappy and cruel to them in the beginning, they never held it against you.
Although... Despite their kindness and your quickly blooming friendship, you still had a craving to go outside. Even if what the three told you about everyone forgetting you existed was true.
"You look sad, (N/n)..." Tubbo murmured softly, watching you stare off into the blank quartz wall, "Are you okay?"
Tommy straightened up from his handmade scribble of a map, turning his head towards you in confusion. Ranboo stopped writing mid-word likely and looked in your direction as well.
They never liked it when you were upset.
You pursed your lips silently for a moment, clearly unsettling the males around you, "I just... Haven't been feeling too great... Both mentally and physically I mean... I need sunlight..."
"Yeah... I was reading about that earlier..." Ranboo hummed softly, adjusting his crown as he looked up at the ceiling, "But the issue is..."
"My safety... Yes, I know. What if, I wear my full netherite armour and keep a totem AND a Rapple on me? And also not leave your sides?" You bargained nervously.
That hadn't worked before. But then again, You weren't as close to them before...
The silence that fell upon the room was unsettling and caused your heart to race quickly. If they didn't like what you said, you would be alone for a few straight days... You didn't like it...
That worked?
You just had to ask?!
You watched as Tubbo stood up and pulled the small ender chest from his pocket and set it on the ground, causing it to grow to normal size.
Standing aside, he made a gesture for you to open it and get your stuff.
Hesitantly, You walked over and kneeled down in front of the ender chest. Looking to Tubbo and the others for confirmation, you slowly opened it once they nodded.
Carefully, you began pulling out your armour but paused seeing the lack of golden apples and totems.
Right... Before you had gotten kidnapped by the group, you had used a totem when you fell into the L'Manhole where L'Manberg once was.
That what caused them to kidnap you...
"I-I used... My totem... And Fundy stole my Rapple..." You murmured hesitantly, feeling ready to cry.
Your only chance to escape and you couldn't grab it...
"Hey! Hey! Don't cry! Here!" Ranboo eagerly held the two golden items out towards you at the first sight of tears gathering under your eyes.
"(Y/n)! We want you to be happy! If being outside, even with god armour, rapples and totems, makes you happy, then damn well we're bringing you outside!" Tommy grinned.
After a few tears and lots of hugs, Tubbo helped you hop into your armour while Ranboo unlocked the chain cuff from around your ankle. Tommy had left, leaving the door open for once, going to scout the area for any dangerous mobs.
"Ready?" Ranboo smiled, linking one of his arms with yours, the one that you held the totem in to be more specific. Tubbo happily linked his arm with the other one.
You could only nod, your voice caught in your throat as they began to walk you out the door, Ranboo had to duck down a lot, before leading you to the quartz stairway.
Once up the stairs, Tubbo pressed in a code to the iron door and it slid open quickly, causing you to flinch and pinch your eyes shut at the bright painful light of the sun.
It took about twenty minutes of trying to adjust to the sunlight with the two males encouraging you before you were able to look around.
It was everything you had missed...
The sunlight...
The trees...
God, it was perfect...
Tommy eventually came out of the tree line and sat down beside you as you took it all in...
Months, you were down there. And sure, they gave you plenty of decorations to prevent you from experiencing sensory deprivation, nothing could ever compare to the beauty of the outside world.
A voice cut through the air -calling for someone or something named Fran?- and you almost didn't recognize it. But then the owner came out of the trees, almost a similar direction that Tommy came from earlier.
Sam? He looked so... Different now...
The creeper hybrid slowly lowered his gas mask to show his mouth dropped in shock, "(Y/n)...? You're alive...?"
Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo were freaking out, trying to bring you back into the bunker, as they called it, but you weren't budging. You hadn't seen another being in ages... And while you did platonically love the three boys, you enjoyed hearing a new voice.
"You... Remember me? But... Tubbo you said-" You frowned at the goat hybrid as they stopped suddenly, realizing that you weren't moving.
"You three... Kept them locked away... For almost an entire year?" Sam's voice was getting a little bit scary now, but it wasn't directed at you, instead, at your best friends...
"Sam! It was to protect them! Please!" Ranboo tried, but he wasn't making it better.
"You made Quackity believe they ran away... Made Philza wake up every morning and walk through the SMP for any signs of them... Gave Puffy false information on where you have last seen them... lied to everyone... Only to be the reason that they were gone." Sam growled out, gripping his trident, "Then you proceeded to make them think we all forgot about them..."
"S-Sam... You've got this all wrong big man..." Tubbo tried next...
The warden wasn't listening as he pointed his trident at them, his communicator in his other hand next to his mouth, then he started speaking, causing his voice to come out of Ranboo's, Tubbo's and Tommy's pockets. He was speaking on the public channel.
"Tommy Innit, Tubbo Underscore, Ranboo Beloved... You are being placed in the prison, Pandora's Vault, for keeping (Y/n) (L/n) imprisoned in a bunker and lying about their whereabouts."
It felt like someone splashed you with cold water...
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zodiakuroo · 4 years
Un(holy) Trinity
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader x Shigaraki
Content: 18+ dubcon/noncon, threesome, manhandling, rough sex, corruption, degradation, humiliation, breathplay, stepcest, breeding, blasphemy and sacrilege, elements of mindbreak and god complex (?) 
Word count: 4.1k
Notes: my first threesome and idk how to feel about it but here it is! If it’s bad I can blame it on the fact that I just had my wisdom teeth extracted and am currently in a world of pain :) also i’m on bedrest and incredibly bored so if anyone has requests or thirsts or just wants to chat... yeah
also if this banner is shit i’m sorry i rushed and made it on my phone cause i just rly wanted to to post
This is part 2 to my other fic Love Thy Brother which you can read here 
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” - Genesis 3:1
Twelve days.
Twelve days since you lost your virginity.
Twelve days since you lost your virginity to your step-brother, no less. 
The night that it happened, you lay awake in your bed dreading the aftermath of the horrific incident. How could you face him again? How could you face your family? How could you face God? 
You were too cowardly to face the rest of your household. The Todoroki family welcomed you into their home only for you betray them by sleeping with Touya. Ever since you were little, your mother would say she had a sort of sixth sense that meant God would always tell her when you’d been up to mischief. It sounds silly but there was no explanation for how she would always catch out in lie or know things that you never told her. You feared she would take one look at you and know the sin you committed. And so you chose to make yourself scarce, taking extra shifts at work and choosing to study at the campus library rather than at home. Your siblings seemed to notice how busy you suddenly were, often remarking how they missed you around the house. That just made you feel more ashamed. 
As for God, you felt like you needed to do whatever necessary to prove your faith. You wanted Him to know the extent of your shame and remorse. You were weak in spirit, making you an easy target for someone as devious as Touya. You prayed and begged for forgiveness until your knees hurt but no matter what you did, the guilt was inescapable. You realized it was because, irrespective of the regret and remorse you felt, you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed what happened. You liked the way Dabi made you feel and you hated yourself for it. But no matter how much you liked it, something like that could never happen again. As penance, you banned yourself from bringing your hands anywhere near your groin. After all that temptation is what brought you to this point in the first place. But the thread of your self-control is thin and withered so at night when you’re certain everyone is asleep, you’re humping your pillow like an animal and biting down on your lip trying to keep from moaning his name. At least you weren’t touching right? 
Dabi, by some God-given miracle, made himself scarce as well. It wasn’t uncommon for the noirette to disappear for days at a time doing heaven knows what only to arrive back at home like nothing happened; so no one really questioned his absence. Perhaps he  felt the same way you did and was avoiding facing you and the other Todorokis.
Yeah right. 
Shame? Todoroki Touya doesn’t know the meaning of the word. 
In any case, you had become used to a Dabi-less house and so lulled into a false sense of safety, slowly but surely reverting back to normal. That’s why as you make your way downstairs, prepared to go to your church, the sound of gunfire and explosions from the living room doesn’t alarm you. Probably Natsuo or Shouto playing one of their video games, you thought. But when you get to the bottom of the stairs you’re met with unmistakable dark locks. Not just him. The back of another person’s head, one with pale blue, shoulder length hair. Before you can stop yourself, you let out a gasp. Neither of them react, seemingly too focused on their game. You don’t waste any time feeling relieved, choosing instead to make a silent escape. 
You could only dream of being so lucky. 
“Oi!” Your step-brother calls without turning around. He hasn’t seen you, you think. If you move quickly you can still get out of this. “I know you heard me, brat. Get over here before I drag you over here.” He still doesn’t bother to turn around but the sharpness in his tone lets you know that you’d be smart to listen. You take a second to steel your nerves and make your way over to the couch, trying your best to look as intimidating as possible. You scowl at both men but they are so engrossed in their video game, they don’t even acknowledge that you’re standing right there. “Aren’t you gonna say hi? We have company.” 
The company in question is Shigaraki Tomura. He’s been to the house before although he’s never even so much as glanced in your direction, too busy with his phone or playing games with Dabi. Despite your hard expression you can only manage a meek “Hello Shigaraki.” 
He responds by finally looking at you, with a sleazy grin, a pair of crimson eyes, surrounded by creases meet your own. “Sup.” 
Beer cans litter the coffee table, one of them being turned into a makeshift ashtray while both have smouldering cigarettes perched between their lips. “You’re not supposed to smoke in the house.” 
“You’re not supposed to smoke in the house.” Dabi mocks you with a nasal voice. 
You simply roll your eyes, not interested in continuing this interaction any further.  “Whatever. I’m leaving now.” You state with as much firmness as you can muster. You spin on your heels but are kept in place by long, slender digits wrapped around your wrist. 
“Where are you off to anyways?” The game paused, both boys now looking at you. 
Out of habit, you answer truthfully. “Bible study.” 
Shigaraki and Dabi burst into raucous laughter. 
You should have lied. 
“Nah you’re gonna hang out with me and Shigaraki for a bit.” 
“Dabi, I have to leave.”
“You don’t have to do anything except what I tell you and I’m telling you to sit.” 
Before you can protest you’re being hauled on to the couch, squeezed between the two of them. 
“Nice necklace.” Tomura snorts, hand reaching out to grab at your crucifix but you swat it away. His gaze is unnerving. It makes you wonder if- no. He promised he wouldn’t. 
Just like that, their game is resumed, as if you were never there. A few rounds pass, no words exchanged between either of them, only curses muttered under their breath. “Dabi, can I please go. I’m bored.” 
Wrong choice of words. 
“You hear that Tomura? The princess is bored.” His fingers are still moving rapidly over his controller. 
“Really now? Come on then Todoroki, let’s show her a good time. I’ve seen how she likes to have fun.” 
His comment on your necklace suddenly makes sense, but you still can’t believe it. “You didn’t…” you whip your head back to look at Dabi. 
”Sorry doll, you made your Nii-san so proud, I just had to show you off.” Dabi smiles shamelessly, lighting himself another cigarette. 
“You’re fucking sick Touya.” Tomura says, however his tone is not one of disgust but rather of admiration. 
“You promised...” Your voice breaks. You’re humiliated beyond belief. 
Both of them laugh at you again, discarding their controllers. “Told you, it’s adorable how stupid she is.” Dabi remarks to his friend, as if you’re not sitting right next to them. 
You try to force your way off the couch but get pulled into Dabi’s lap, one of his arms hooking around both of yours, securing them behind your back. You squirm in his arms but he stills you with a hard slap on your inner thigh. “Be good okay? Don’t embarrass me.” He nuzzles into your neck. 
Shigaraki flips up your dress exposing your white lace panties. He runs his thumb up and down your clothed slit, he fabric slowly becoming even more transparent. One severe jerk to the top of your dress and the straps are torn clean off, revealing the matching bra. “Yo, Touya. I thought she was a good girl.”
Dabi peers over your shoulder to get look. “Who’s all this for babe? You screwing the preacher or something? Or were you hoping I’d do something like this?” He tugs down your bra until your breasts are spilling over the top of it.
“Dabi…” Your choke on your plea when he sinks his teeth into your neck. He bites down so hard you’re positive he’s left a mark.
“T-Touya-nii.” You whimper. 
Your destroyed dress is discarded somewhere across the room and you find yourself on your hands and knees with Shigaraki kneeling on the couch in front of you and Dabi behind you. 
“Go easy on her alright Tomura. It’s her first time sucking cock.” He chuckles. 
Your eyes go wide. “Wait...” you mewl but neither pay you any mind.
“And you.” Dabi yanks a fistful of your hair. “No teeth. No puke. Or I’ll let my boy ream your little ass as punishment.”
“Yeah. What he said.” Shigaraki mutters, pulling his semi out of his sweatpants, rubbing his tip against your lips. His is not as scary as your step-brother’s but him staring down at you like this, makes him seem every bit as intimidating. 
Pre-cum dribbles from the swollen tip. You’re not entirely sure you want that in your mouth but you’re also not sure if you have a choice so you open up hesitantly. 
Dabi’s right. It is your first time doing something like this. You don’t know what you’re supposed to do but as it turns out you don’t have to do much, not with the way Shigaraki starts thrusting his quickly hardening member into your mouth.
“Move your tongue slut.” The man in front of you grunts. You do your best despite the heavy intrusion to obey his command, moving from side to side, swirling around the head when he pulls out of your mouth. He looks down at you with cruel vermillion eyes, panting as he strokes himself in front of you, spreading your saliva across his shaft before sliding deep into your mouth again.
Behind you, Dabi spreads apart your cheeks, squeezing the flesh in his calloused hands. “Remember what I said. Be good and I’ll give you a reward.” He pulls your panties to the side and lets out a whistle at the sight of your dripping slit. “She’s enjoying it. Make her take it deeper.”
You can’t possibly fathom how much deeper he can go when his head is already nudging at your tonsils. You try to swallow the saliva building up in your mouth, making your cheeks hollow out around Shigaraki’s shaft. Seems like that was the right thing to do as his hand flies to the back of your head. “Shit. Shit. So good.”
Dabi’s breath wafts over your pussy. He spreads your lips apart and you feel his hot tongue lick up the juices leaking from your hole. You squeal around Tomura’s dick. You want to pull off but his spindly fingers hold your head in place.
“Told you angel. Good little sisters get rewards.” With that he takes your clit between his lips and suckles on it gently while one of his fingers circles your entrance. Knuckle by knuckle he slides into you, making you keen. You arch your back trying to shift your hips backwards against his hand, silently urging him to find that special spot he showed you last time. He establishes a loose rhythm. Hot wet muscle and cold metal of his piercing circles the sensitive bundle of nerves, before applying suction while his fingers work you open.
The sensation is overwhelming, a form of heavenly torture and your thighs quiver barely able to hold you up while you use your last bit of mental strength to focus on suppressing your gags. That mental strength all but evaporates when the digits inside you graze that rough patch embedded in your walls. It’s so pleasurable your reflex is to run from his fingers. Luckily for Shigaraki, that means you move forward, taking him further into your mouth.
“This where you want me? This your spot, angel?” Dabi taunts you. Shigaraki holds you in place while two of your step-brother’s fingers drill your cunt, hitting that spot over and over again. Garbled moans and cries leave your mouth and reverberate around Tomura’s cock, proving to be too much for him ultimately. 
“Shit Stop!” Don’t wanna come yet.” He pulls out your mouth so that a string of your drool drips down to your breasts.
“God! Touya-nii!” You sputter out.
“Still with the God shit?” He uses your hair to force you to look at him, neck twisted at an awkward, uncomfortable angle. “God ever make you feel this good?” His fingers thrust into you harder. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire.
“Ngghh-N-no –oh! Oh!” is your incoherent answer.
Dabi forces you back down, shoving you face first into the cushions. “See? Fuck him. Give up on god. Give up on everyone except your big brother cause no one else can make you feel this good.”
You’re so pathetic. The way you’re rocking yourself in unison with the motions of his hands. The way your tongue hangs out of your mouth, impeding any sort of intelligible verbal response. The way you’re mindlessly nodding along to whatever filth is coming out of Dabi’s mouth.
“C’mon Touya. Turn her around. Wanna try out that sweet pussy you’ve been bragging about.” You’re reminded that you aren’t alone. No, your brother’s best friend is right there to witness exactly how pathetic you are.
“Yeah in a minute. I’m still having my fun.” Dabi answers, face pressed against your mons before working you with his mouth once again.  
“Man! Come on!” Tomura whines.
 “I said in a minute.  Not my fault you can’t last.”
It’s amazing how they can bicker like this right now, as if you aren’t on your hands and knees for them, gummy walls still pulsing around his fingers. However, it’s not long before Dabi’s focus is back on you taking you to the brink of orgasm. He slows his fingers, keeping you balanced on that razor thin edge. “Should I make you cum angel?” His voice is dripping with fake concern. “Dunno… what’s in it for me?”
“Anything! Touya-nii please!”
“Anything? You gonna obey me? Do whatever I say like a good little angel? You gonna worship me?” You can’t tell if he’s being serious or if he’s mocking you.
Probably the latter. And you deserve it too.
Your faith was the thing you deemed more important than anything and anyone else but Dabi, all too easily, convinced you to disregard that. Made you lose all sense and give into lust by showing you mindblowing pleasure, only magnified by your awareness of how deeply sinful this all was. That’s the extent of the power he has over you. The story of Adam and Eve is one you know forwards and backwards and yet you were so easily tempted forbidden fruit and left completely corrupted.  Yeah, he’s definitely mocking you.
“Any- fuck- anything” You’re wiggling your ass, goading Dabi into finishing you off
“Cum in my mouth. Angel, give it to me” That’s the final straw. You explode around his fingers. Despite your walls, clamping around him, he manages to piston into you, hitting that squishy spot with astounding accuracy. His unyielding stimulation makes it feel as though the high won’t end. You’re not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Eventually, it does end though, his fingers drag out against the pull of your swollen pussy. He licks you clean making sure he gets every last drop of your cum, both inside and out, on his tongue. The ball of his piercing catches onto your rim making you yelp. He soothes the sting with gentle laps of his tongue.
“Tastes so sweet angel. So sweet knowing I’m the only one to ever fuck this pretty pussy.” He snickers before adding “So far.”
“Yeah, can I fuck her now?” Tomura was turned on before but seeing the way you fell apart at the hands of your brother? His minimal patience has run out. All he can think of now is being inside you.
 “You heard him babe. Turn around.” He spanks your ass. You try to turn around but thanks to your shaky legs you nearly fall off the couch. Dabi catches you before that happens and he dutifully sets you up on all fours, held up by quivering limbs. You hear heavy breathing from behind you as Shigaraki taps his head against your puffy clit while you twitch in place.
“She wants this so bad. Had no idea your Christian little sister was such a whore.” Shigaraki mutters. He holds you still as he buries himself in you, breathing becoming more erratic with every inch until his hip bones are digging into your soft flesh. He’s so deep. You feel so full. You squeeze shut your eyelids, savouring the stretch. 
Calloused fingers press into your jaw, making your eyes shoot open. “Pretty angel, did you forget about me?” Dabi looms over you, making a show of spitting in his palm and using it to stroke himself. He slips his thumb into your mouth, pad pressing down on the plush pillow of your tongue. “Gonna stuff you nice ‘n full angel.” All you can do is blink up at him with teary eyes, pupils blown wide with desire. 
Shigaraki begins thrusting into you, hips moving at a brutal pace. Dabi isn’t far behind him, replacing his thumb with his cock and you don’t waste time waiting for him to tell you what to do. You close your lips around his shaft, engulfing him in the wet heat of your mouth.
Unlike his friend, Dabi starts off slow. His piercings drag across your tongue and you taste metal and the salt of his pre-cum. It takes some time for you to get used to taking him in your mouth, the jewellery an added obstacle. 
You feel so full. 
Shigaraki is bottoming out with every thrust, it’s so lewd the way it makes you squelch around him. Dabi’s shaft is rubbing your throat raw and still, you make an effort to take him deeper. He keeps one hand on the back of your head while he fucks you mouth.
He looks so ethereal, so euphoric, letting out little moans and whispered expletives. The sounds he makes are divine, so heavily contrasted by everything you know about him. It leaves you star struck. He recognizes the adoration in your eyes and responds in kind with a cocky smirk. He remembers how you looked at him when you first met. Disdain and judgment. Now you look at him like he’s your only salvation. 
It’s sad actually. How you’re so desperate for someone to tell you how to live. And what a sweet, adoring little follower you are. Wasted on religion if you ask him. So soft and pliant, perfect for your big brother to mould and corrupt into his personal fuckangel. 
“Angel, Nii-san’s gonna fill you up. And you’re gonna take it yeah?”
Your whole life you aspired to this holy standard of perfection in the hopes of escaping eternal damnation. But you’re beyond absolution now.
“All of it down your throat.”
It’s okay though.
If heaven doesn’t feel like this, you’re not sure it’s worth all the effort to get there. 
He holds your necklace behind you like a leash, twisting it around his fingers. Between the way he’s basically strangling you and the way your swallowing muscles contract around his cock means that you’re not getting much air into your lungs. Your head is spinning, from being both oxygen deprived and cock drunk.
“Your God doesn’t want you anymore.” The clasp snaps and he dangles the charm in front of your face. The mould of Christ nailed to the cross taunts you.  What was once a symbol of divine love and God’s boundless forgiveness and sacrifice is just a reminder of how far you’ve fallen into depravity, creaming around Shigaraki’s cock as he ruins your cunt while your Nii-san claims your throat “You’re filthy.” Touya sneers at you as he holds himself in your throat, watching you cry and choke around him. “Dirty fuckin angel.” He grunts as he floods your mouth with the taste of his cum. It’s not exactly pleasant but you try to swallow it all down. There’s just so much. That means he’s pleased with you right? You want him to be pleased. Good girls get rewards he said 
“It’s okay.” He muses as he pulls out of your mouth. “You have me. I’m better than God and I Iove you when you’re nasty like this.” He empathizes his point by dragging his wet, softening cock across your face. “Nii-sans perfect little angel.”
It’s so pitiful how the small praise makes your heart bloom and makes your hole flutter.
You’re coughing up Touya’s cum while your body shakes with Shigaraki’s thrusts.
“What about me hm? I’m fucking you. What? You don’t like it?” Tomura’s going harder now, determined to get his fair share of your attention.
“Shig-Shigaraki – shit. Slow down!”
You’re ignored by both of them once again. If anything, Shigaraki starts fucking you harder
.”Yo’ dustpot. You better pull out. That hole still belongs to me.”
The warning falls on deaf ears, Tomura is too far gone. “So warm, she’s squeezin’ me. Fuck. Fuck.’’ No thoughts, just your tight cunt.
“Gonna do whatever I tell you?” Dabi’s talking to you now, cerulean eyes boring into yours.
You nod still staring at him with absolute devotion.
“Touya-nii’s will be done? Huh? Has a nice ring to it.”
When you don’t respond he grabs you by your cheeks forming an open mouthed pout. “Say it.”
“Touya-nii’shhh will be done.” The words come out distorted but he’s satisfied
“Oh yeah? Then be good angel slut and come on his cock for me.”  
You’re pushed over the edge, coming for the second time. Your walls clamp down around him as you sob out both their names in the form of incoherent babbling. It hits you as hard as the first one. You’re so caught up in your high you barely register the vice grip on your hips, the frantic humping against your ass. “Tight. Fuckin tight! Gotta breed! Breed this fucking hole.”
His hot, sticky cum floods your walls with, your throbbing cunt milking him for everything he’s got. He ruts against you a couple more times before removing himself completely.
You hear the familiar click of a camera. He’s sorry (not really) but the sight of your fucked out hole leaking globs of your cream and his cum was too hot for Shigaraki to not add to his spankbank. 
“Thanks for that little sis.” Dabi is resting on the couch, head thrown back smoking a cigarette.
“Yeah thanks sweetness.”  Both men, tuck themselves back into their pants
Everything feels so surreal. You cautiously move you hand between your thighs. Feeling your sore abused cunt in an attempt to grasp the reality of what happened.
Wait a minute. 
It’s too much, that too sticky to be just your arousal down there. The more you squeeze, contracting your pelvic floor, the more it seems to seep out of you. 
“You… You came inside.” You murmur as your eyes well up with tears. Whatever daze you were in seems to be broken by this revelation. Instead it’s replaced by fear of what the consequences of this might be. 
Dabi smacks his friend upside the head. “You fuckin’ dumbass. I told you not to.”
Judging by his grin, Shigaraki doesn’t register the insult. He’s too busy basking in the afterglow. “Aw, don’t cry babe. You were gripping me so tight, I thought you wanted it. ‘S’okay, your Nii-san will get you a plan B”
“Fuck no. That’s your jizz inside her.” He scowls, eyes focused on the cum that’s leaking out of your spent pussy.
“C’mon Dabi don’t be like that. I’m broke right now.” Shigaraki pleads.
Touya huffs and rolls his eyes.  “You can get yourself a morning after pill right? Tomura will pay you back.”
“Yeah babe. I promise.” He gives you a dopey smile.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out he’s lying. Yeah, you know better now. You just nod as you pull up your panties, cringing at the sticky, wet sensation against your cunt.
 “Me and Tomura are heading out. Make sure you clean all this up before anyone gets home.”
“B-but Touya-nii-“ you snivel.
“No buts. Clean up or you won’t be sitting comfy for a week. Are we clear?”
“Yes Touya-nii.” You reply defeated.
“And do it properly. Fuyumi has 3 brothers, she knows what a cumstain looks like and I don’t wanna have to do any explaining to her.”
You only nod, trying (and failing) to blink away tears.
Dabi rewards you with a chaste kiss to your cheek. “Best little sister in the world.” And he leaves you with that.
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fruitoftheweek · 3 years
Little Cherry Book:
Chapter 5: Matching Memories
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here / Chapter 4
Hey guys! Again sorry for the wait! Both my computer and my work schedule have been ass and every time I thought I was going to have free time, I absolutely did not. I was really looking forward to writing this chapter after all the appreciation I got from the last chapter and I am so excited to enduldge you with this 7,356 word chapter. I am also working on a fluffier oneshot that should come out in the next couple days which I am so excited to write! I hope you guys really like this chapter! Love you guys and thank you for 120 Followers!
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Pairing: Spencer Reid X reader
Chapter Plot: After the previous nights' escapades, you and Spencer decide to talk about boundaries as your team questions your budding relationship
Series TW: 18+, smut, degradation, piercing, choking, knife play, mommy/daddy kinks, spanking, exhibitionism, Will update as time goes on
Chapter TW: smut, mommy kink, having body piercings, choking, slapping, Oral Sex (male and female receiving), Handjob, fingering, pleading, spanking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, aftercare, language, non-intentional self-harm (hard to explain), PDA, degradation, smut smut smut.
Word Count: 7,356
Spencer loved to match everything but his socks. You found that out the morning after your late-night escapades. You weren't sure if your alarm hadn't gone off or if you two had just slept through it but you two were running late and the plane was leaving in 40 minutes with a 30-minute drive to the airport. The actual thing that had woken you up was Morgan banging on the door, notifying you that he had dropped off Spencers go-bag.
"Ow! Son of a bitch!" he shouted as he bumped his elbow on the table, hurriedly trying to get his socks on. You peeked around the door frame of the bathroom, checking on him to make sure he was ok as you shoved your toiletries into your bag. You watched, curiously as he stopped what he was doing and purposefully banged his other elbow on the same table. You made a mental note to ask him about it later, but right now, you had to go.
Along the way, you had noticed small habits that Spencer had to keep himself "matching." Once you saw it once, you couldn't help noticing it. How he brushed his teeth the same number of times on each side of his mouth. How he had to eat at least two peanuts at a time so that he could match the chewing on either side of his mouth. These were all harmless, but you worried when he bumped his right temple on the window of the cab as it went over a pothole, and you watched as he proceeded to turn his head and bump the other side. Most of the morning had been held in comfortable silence as you reveled in the afterglow of the previous night. So when you silently reached up to his head and brought it down to your shoulder, Spencer didn't mind. You made sure to gently rub his temple to apply even pressure to make sure his sides matched, a caring gesture that did not go unnoticed.
Luckily you two had made it to the jet on time, only catching a couple of questioning glances from Morgan and Elle as you rushed on, red-faced. You hurriedly sat next to each other as the plane took off, Spencer shoving both of your go-bags in the upper compartment as you held his book. He had brought Graziella, and had already read it 4 times; you, unfortunately, had brought nothing as it was your first trial case. He sat down, and you handed him his book, his fingers tentatively brushed yours in a silent question. Neither of you had fully discussed your relationship this morning in the rush and you could tell he was nervous to talk to you about it. As he pulled away, you captured his wrist before he could go too far, gently drawing a small heart into the inside of his wrist with your finger as you looked up into his eyes. He smiled slightly, understanding that you would talk about it when you had reached home.
This small gesture hadn't gone unnoticed as Morgan watched you from the other side of the jet. He stocked his way up to you with a shark grin on his lips as he smelled blood in the water. "So, You two woke up late huh? How come you never made it back to our room last night, pretty boy?" He mused, enjoying the light pink tinge resting on Spencer's cheeks. "You were the one who took both of our room keys and wouldn't let me in! And- and she was nice enough to let me sleep in her room even though it was a one-person room." He retorted, knowing Morgan's implications. "Woah, chill, Reid. I was just asking some questions." Morgan replied, feigning innocence. "Yeah, I took Reid's virginity last night. How could you tell?" You stated matter of factly, earning a shocked squeak from Reid, and spluttered out laughter from Morgan. "That's what you want to hear right? C'mon Spencer, he’s just giving us a hard time because he wasn't invited to our movie marathon last night." You lied, shooting a joking wink to Spencer, hoping he would get the drift and go along with the story. "Hey, we didn't- yEAh he wouldn't get the nuance of 'Une Femme est Une Femme' and the directorial skills of Jean-Luc Godard." He said, catching on when you pinched the soft spot under his ribs. Morgan just rolled his eyes, frustrated at not getting what he wanted before sulking back to his seat.
You smiled up at Spencer before saying, "Good boy," just loud enough for only the two of you to hear. It was the first time you had alluded to your escapades that yestereve and you both felt a breath of fresh air as the slight tension was lifted off of your backs. Spencer was flustered in multiple ways; he loved the way you praised him, and he now believed you felt regrets about your exchange.
He felt electricity crackling in every gentle secret touch of yours that he had the luxury of experiencing that day; all he could think about was how you had touched him and how your skin felt on his. You had him wrapped all-around your finger, and he couldn't be happier. All he wanted to do was service you and please you, even in non-sexual ways, which he was happy to indulge in as he watched you staring out the window. Your fingers were discreetly tracing small drawings on his knee cap as you watched the clouds pass by. The motion caused him a great distraction from his book, and all he could do was watch your finger. Even though you weren't paying any attention to the motion of your fingers, Spencer could still envision the lines you created carving into his skin. Sometimes a little face, sometimes an abstract geometric rhombus, and his favorite, a heart with puffy humps and a pointy end. Every time you drew it, he became hyper-aware of the gentle flush coloring your cheeks as you looked out the window, sending him a secret message.
He quietly cleared his throat, as to not disturb the others; most of which had chosen to indulge in a little extra sleep to make up for their early morning. It had broken you from your entranced gaze out the window and you looked over at him smiling. "D-Did you bring anything to do on the plane?" Spencer asked as you continued your drawings on his leg. "Surprisingly, that was the one thing I forgot. I was so worried about making sure I was well briefed on the case that I forgot all about the flight." You said, smiling sleepily. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were at that moment. The gentle sunrise behind you in the window illuminated the apples of your cheeks and the highlights in your hair, which was still messy from sleeping so soon after your shower. Your eyes were puffy except for the sockets, which were slightly sunken in from lack of sleep, and you were fresh-faced, small blemishes now in the open, but all Spencer could think was that you reminded him of the fresh air of spring in the morning after a storm. He shook himself from his trance as you began to turn back towards the window. "You know, if you would like, I can read to you." He said shyly. "I know you read faster in your head, don't feel like you have to read to me because I was silly and forgot to bring a book." You said, smiling at his gesture. "N-No, I want to read to you. My mom always used to read out loud to me when I was little when she would wake up early." He said, adding waveringly, "And... and I would like to read to you, not because you didn't bring anything, but because I think you would like this book." You smiled up at him, lifting the fingers you had been swirling on his leg to your lips before gently kissing them, pressing them to his cheekbone, and returning them to their reserved spot on his leg. He took that as a green light to read aloud.
You watched as he closed the page he had been reading to flip to the beginning. You knew he remembered what page he was on but his choice to start you from the beginning melted your heart. He really wanted you to appreciate this story so you were going to give 110% of your attention to the words flowing out of his mouth.
"Ok, this book is Graziella by Alphonse de Lamartine. I arrived at Naples on the first of April. A few days later, I was joined by a young man of about my own age, to whom I had attached myself at college with the friendship of a brother." He began as you listened intently, enjoying the gentle atmosphere created by the soft hum of the jet and snores of your colleagues. Spencer continued reading aloud to you on autopilot as he focused on the drawings of your fingers, now all turned to hearts.
The problem with taking a morning jet home was that you would have to go straight to the office to finish your paperwork before finally being able to rest in your own bed. You all trudged out of the car and into the office in varying states of awakeness, dreading the hours of work to come.
"Welcome back, you guys!" Garcia said, miscalculating the tone in the room, earning her a couple nods and grunts in response.
"Hey, I'm going to my friend's apartment tonight, and she lives by you. Since you take the train home and I'm going that way, do you want a ride?" You said to Spencer, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. For a Genius and a Profiler, he sure was bad at picking up clues and hints. You weren't really going to see your friend, you just wanted some alone time with him to straighten things out, but he obviously didn't understand. "I mean if it's on the way, that would be nice. Thank you Y/L- Agent Y/L/N." He said, nearly forgetting to call you Agent in front of the others. You smiled and headed back to your seat begrudgingly, seeing the mountains of paperwork.
It was kind of sweet how oblivious he was. You were trying to be discreet at work, and you could tell he was trying too. Keyword: trying, as he was failing miserably. You could tell he was trying to be sneaky, but there was nothing sneaky about him following you to the coffee machine every time you needed a refill. He told you it was because he wanted to match and you couldn't help but indulge him. He wanted to match coffee, unfortunately finding out that you did not, in fact, like as much sugar in your coffee as him. You settled for a little bit too sweet and him not enough for the sake of matching. He came to your desk, trying to trick you by asking to borrow a pen, even though you could see his usual green pen in his shirtfront pocket. He was just so cute and just so obvious so you caved, but it was only because you wanted to see the beam on his face knowing there was yet another way you two could match. His boldest move yet was to match sweaters. If you had yours on, he had his on; when you took yours off, he would follow suit. Even though it was very cute, he was being far too bold so after a while, you decided to just keep it on.
Finally, after hours of handwriting reports and witness statements, your cramped hand said a thank you as you signed off your last sheet. You stretched languidly, looking over to Spencer's desk. He had been done for a while but was pretending to be busy so he could wait for you without subliminally pressuring you to hurry. You pulled your go bag and satchel together, getting ready to leave as you watched Spencer hold his bag, waiting for you to make the first move. You clicked your tongue at him as if you were calling a cat, "Let's get going, I don't want to be late to see my friend!" You called over to him as he shot up, padding quickly to catch up to you. "Goodnight guys! Sleep well!" You called to Morgan, Elle, and Garcia, the only ones left in the bullpen. "Ok, now something definitely has to be going on," Elle said as they watched you two leave, Spencer tripping over himself as he got in the elevator behind you.
You two shoved your bags in the back seat and got in the car. As you turned the car, your music started blaring out of the speakers. "Woah! Sorry! I like to drive with the windows down so my music is usually pretty loud." You said as you slammed on the pause button. Spencer was startled but he didn’t mind as he'd just learned new things about you. 1. You like loud music 2. You like the windows down when you drive. 3. You have great taste in music. "That's ok. Just make sure you turn down the volume sometimes, 17% of adults aged 20–69 years have suffered permanent damage to their hearing from noise-induced hearing loss. And that was... certainly loud enough to cause some noise-induced loss. Make sure to take care of yourself." He said and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. His naive sweetness and caring nature had been gnawing at you all day. All you had wanted to do while you were trying to focus on work was kiss him.
You leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Even though you came in slow, you surprised him. Here you were in the Quantico parking lot, boldly kissing him when any of your coworkers could have seen. "Why-why did you do that?" he asked as you pulled away. "I can't?" you asked, pouting slightly, teasing him. "N-No, You can you can, we're just so out in the open, and we haven't talked about anything, so I didn't know how you felt, and you were ignoring me all day." He rushed out as you let out a little laugh at him. "Let's drive, cutie." You said, turning your music back on, this time to a lower volume, as you pulled out of the parking lot and down the street. "First of all sweetness, I wasn't ignoring you all day, I didn't want Morgan to tease you again. You were busy with paperwork and I knew you didn't need him being an asshole to you to make it worse. Second, did you see all the paperwork they had left? There was no way any of them would have been out in the parking lot yet." You said as you smoothly merged onto the highway towards your house.
You were wondering when he was going to notice that he was going in the opposite direction of his house but he was too wrapped up in his thoughts. You glanced over at him before returning your eyes to the road. You cursed yourself for not having an eidetic memory because you would have kept a snapshot of him like that in your mind forever. His hair, once slicked back, now slightly disheveled from running his hands through it as he did his paperwork and the wind from your open windows. The cool summer wind that rosied his cheeks and the tip of his nose as he gazed out the streetlights overhead. Blue, red, green, purple yellow, white; the blinking lights of the city married the sunset hues that danced across his face. Illuminating his beautifully arched nose and his prominent cheekbones, it felt as if the sun was setting just for him and the city was awakening his beauty.
You smiled to yourself as you switched the cd in the cd player for one of your classics. "Hey! You listen to these guys?! You know I was going to see them last year but then we had this case out of town and I had to miss it. That was when they were still playing at that bar by the Speedway that burnt down." Spencer said excitedly. "Really!? You like them too? I haven't seen them yet but I've been listening to them since college. I never had that much money to be spending on tickets for shows beyond small house shows. I can't believe you like them, I always thought you were more of a Debussy or Chopin person." You replied, excited to have something to share. "Yeah I mean I like pretty much every genre but I've been really into their old stuff lately and, surprisingly, also french 70s music." He said matter-of-factly.
Contrarily, he was fibbing. He knew exactly why he had been listening to it. The previous night he had dreamed of the two of you off the shore, in the south of France in spring, reading books across from each other, legs tangled together, on a chez lounge. Jacqueline Taieb played on the radio as you pulled him up to dance. He removed the thoughts from his mind as he realized his predicament. He didn't know if he was allowed to think about you like that. You had been so sweet and caring towards him last night, and you kissed him so sweetly, but he was still unsure of where you stood. He was still lost in thought as you pulled up to your apartment and parked.
"Hey, this isn't my apartment. Is this your friend's place?" He asked, surprised. "No, Sweetheart. I didn't want Morgan to bother us as we were leaving so I made up some excuse. And this is my apartment. If you want to talk about what happened last night, you can come in. Well, I guess you can come in if you don't want to either, but that's beside the point. If you don't want to talk about it or if you just want me to take you home, I can do that right now. It's up to you baby." You said, gently taking his hand in yours. "I-I want to talk about it." He said shyly. "Alright then, my partner in crime. I will welcome you into my abode. We can order some dinner and talk about it. I'm thinking curry, what about you?" you said.
You could sense his nervousness and tried to lighten the mood even though deep down you were pissing yourself. You had never really done this either. You had a couple of one-night stands and short-term relationships, but nothing that lasted that long, and something in you wanted this time to be different. The young doctor was so endearing, and he was the first person who seemed to be interested in making you happy in the relationship, unlike most of your past suitors. You were terrified that you would push him too far or something would change, and that's why it was so important you had a talk and had trust and communication. You held his hand all the way up the stairs and to your apartment, not letting go when you went to open your door. You told yourself it was to make him feel better but you knew it was because you needed to do something with your hands to get them to stop shaking.
"Sorry, it's not the cleanest space ever. I wasn't expecting guests" you said as you began to tidy up random things around the room, mostly mason jars full of water or a stray empty mug. Spencer took note of his surroundings, drinking everything in. He couldn’t remember what he assumed your apartment would look like because as soon as he entered, he couldn't imagine you living anywhere else. It was all the parts of you that he knew and all of the parts he had yet to learn. He knew that you loved reading, so the bookshelves made sense. He knew that you loved music, so the cd player with piles of CDs next to it made sense. He knew you loved movies, so the VHS player and tv with a built-in DVD player and even more stacks of media made sense. But his favorite part was the giant easel positioned by the window with a large canvas on it. "Wow, Y/N! You paint?" he asked as you continued to clean up. "Oh, don't mind that! Sorry I didn't have time to put it away before we left! I'll get it out of your way!" You said, already carrying a basket full of god knows what in your arms. "No, No! Please leave it out. It's beautiful." He said, looking at your brush strokes. "Suit yourself. Let me know if it gets in your way," you said, finishing your cleaning by fluffing the pillows on your couch.
You finished bustling around your apartment and sat down on your couch across from the TV. He slowly made his way over to you, sitting at the opposite end from you, still unsure of your boundaries. You could spot his nerves from a mile away, so you swung your legs up onto the couch and poked him in his side with your feet. "Why are you sitting so far away, Sweety," you said as he looked over at you. You looked just as you did in his dream, soft and comfy in slouchy clothes. He hadn't noticed that you had changed into some comfy pajama pants and a loose pajama top, and now he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you changed at some point when he was in the room. He knew it was silly. He had already seen you naked, but it all felt like a dream." I'll call and order, and you think about what you want to eat and what you want from me for a bit, ok? I know this great place a couple blocks from here." You said as you pulled out your landline, and dialed the number that you had scrawled on a notepad on your coffee table.
Then, Spencer saw the notepads, notebooks, sticky notes, and other odds and ends that you had all over the house. One on the fridge, one by the easel, one on the tv stand, two on the coffee table. They were all decorated differently for each task, of which he could see two, one titled 'Yummy restaurants' and the other titled 'movies to watch.' He tried to stop his distracting thoughts of how comfortably he fit in your space and how every item embodied you perfectly, all in different ways. When he was finally able to focus, he felt you start absentmindedly kneading your feet on his thigh that was closest to you. He could barely look over at you, finding you unbelievably erotic. He sucked in a breath as your pajama shirt was only buttoned up so much, enticingly drawing his eyes to the swell of your breast that he could see above the collar of your shirt.
You hooked your foot up under his thighs and brought his legs up onto the couch as you continued to order. You tangled your legs together, lifting your right foot to his chest, gently tapping out a rhythm absentmindedly as you talked. You broke through Spencer's entrancement, asking "What do you want to eat?" "Um... Whatever you're getting." He responded, as he still hadn't even begun to look at the menu. "Yeah! Then for the second order, can I get the same thing but make it mild." You said, poking your tongue out at him teasingly before finishing your order.
You two walked to pick up your food, talking about nothing in particular. You didn't want to talk about the elephant in the room until you got back, so you filled the space with meaningless conversation that instantly stopped as you entered the house. It was silent as you got forks ready, spying Spencer sitting rigidly straight on the couch, waiting for you.
"You know, you were so bold in the office today that I didn't expect you to be this shy when we got here. We don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to, sweet-" "I do, I really do." He said, cutting you off. "Ok! That's great. Well, I'm going to start off by saying that any relationship like this, whatever you want that to be, depends on strong trust and communication. That goes beyond the bedroom. Being on the team I trust you with my life. I know I'm new so I understand if you don't trust me yet but I just wanted to set that baseline with you. I'm going to be 1000% truthful with you and I'm going to start by saying this. I don't regret anything that we did last night. I loved what we did last night and I really like doing this with you. I want to explore with you if you would be so gracious as to let me. I find you very interesting, and I would like to be friends or more depending on what you want as we continue our rendezvous." You said as you grasped his hands, willing him to look into your eyes. He let out a sigh of relief. "I really liked what we did yesterday too. I was kind of worried that you regretted it or something. I'm really really new to everything, but I feel comfortable exploring if it's you. You made me feel really safe last night and I appreciate that a lot. I find you really beautiful and sexy and intriguing and I would like to be friends and maybe more with you now. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this... but I want to." He said, gaining some confidence. "You are allowed to say whatever you want, baby. That's why we have open communication. Everything is to make sure you are feeling as good and safe as possible," you said, rubbing his hand. " You should feel safe and good too. I know you are more experienced than me, but you deserve to be safe too." He said gently before continuing. "I was wondering if... if I could request that this be monogamous. I get really upset thinking about you with someone else." He said, and you could feel the shaking in his hands as he anticipated your reply. "Of course, sweetheart. I was hoping you would ask. Maybe I'm a little selfish, but I don't like to share my things. They're mine for a reason." You said before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek, earning a smile from him. "But I think, for now, I would like to be friends and see how it goes from there while we... explore," Spencer said. You nod and smile in agreement.
"Alright, so Spencer, tell me what you're interested in, sexually. What do you think about when you jerk off? What did you think about when you read my book?" You asked nonchalantly, as you picked up your curry and rice, taking a bite as if you'd just asked him about the weather. "w-well, I think about a lot of things." He sputtered out. "Just give me a little list I can work off." You said in between bites. "Um, I like seeing you naked. I like it when we match because it feels like we have a deep connection. I like h-how you touched me yesterday. I want you to touch me more." He said shyly, hiding his face behind his cup of water. "And the other two questions?" You prodded, watching as the bulge grew in his pants. "Um, what do I think of when I jerk off? Oh my god, I can't believe I'm saying this," He blushed before continuing. "I think about how it would feel to have your mouth wrapped around my cock. I think about you calling me a naughty boy. I think about you praising me. I think about your book and how there's so much more that I have to read. I think about you not wearing panties at work. And I think even more about pulling you into the storage closet, lifting up your skirt, and fucking you while everyone is working. I think about your piercings, and I think about your piercing chapter."
"What did you think of that chapter by the way? You ran off to the bathroom pretty quick. What were you thinking of doing to me, naughty boy?" you said, setting your food down on the table, leaning towards him, hands planted on his thighs. "Tell the truth, I can sniff out a liar from a mile away," You said, squeezing into his thighs. He bucked up towards you, searching for friction in any way he could." f-fuck. I read the chapter when I was touching myself. I thought about how you had pointed at my boner, and I thought about how I wanted you to make fun of me, and smack me, and punish me for being naughty." he said hurriedly, hoping his answer would satiate you. "Nuh-uh! Come on, tell me the whole truth," you said and smacked his thigh. He yelped as your hand came down, leaving him with a dull sting. "Ok! But it's embarrassing so don't laugh... I thought about you cockwarming me while I pierced your tongue, and how you would drool, and how you would squeeze around me. I thought about how I wanted to mark you and make you mine." He said, covering his eyes, hiding from his shame and how it made his cock stir in his pants. "You naughty, naughty boy, Spencer Reid. I thought you were innocent but here you are with your hand on your cock, at work, thinking about my pussy and my tongue and my spit, and it made you cum. What a rascal!" you said, watching for a reaction in his pants.
You pried his arm from his eyes, so he was forced to look at your smirk. His face and neck were a deep pink, and his lips were as pillowy and soft as a rose petal from biting his them. You couldn't help yourself as you pounced on him. You knew this was supposed to be just a talk about boundaries, but there was an undeniable electricity in the air that had been lingering from the moment you had woken up. He looked so fucked out, even though you hadn’t touched him yet and part of you wanted to absolutely ruin him that night. "Remember your colors, baby. What are you feeling?" You said, now perched in his lap. "Green, green. P-Please touch me." As he said it, you ground down on him. While you were in your comfortable clothes, he was still in his tight corduroys and button-down, sweater long gone somewhere else in the apartment. "Have you ever heard of something called edging?" You asked, and he nodded excitedly. "What about overstimulation?" You said, and he nodded quickly again. "What do you think about them?" He nodded, and you smacked him, not as hard as you would usually go, but enough to leave a sting. "Use your words, naughty boy." You said, capturing his jaw and tilting his face up to meet yours. "Yes, please. I'm so green. I have been wanting you to do this, please." He shot out through squished cheeks, looking at you with the most hungry eyes you have ever seen. His warm hazel eyes, now shiny and black with desire.
You got up off of him, and he whined, missing the warmth of your body on his. You grabbed him by the back of his neck like he was a naughty kitten, and pulled him down the hall and into your bedroom. Before he could take in your room, you pushed him back on the bed. "Strip." You commanded, and your scent overwhelmed him. Your daily aroma that intoxicated him was ten times weaker than the pure pheromones that blanketed your room. Spencer mused that your room must have been built to have sex in. Your bedside tables were adorned with candles, incense, your daily jewelry, and a pair of your panties. You had a red canopy on your four-poster bed that draped your room in a soft red glow.
Your figure was obscured by the canopy as you moved some items around your room. Spencer was lost in your scent, the idea of finally being in your room, and possibly a little lost staring at the panties on your table, making him move too slow for your liking. You parted the fabric and crawled up the bed to him. "Spencer Walter Reid, if you don't strip now, you're going to get a spanking. You have been such a naughty boy today. I thought you were going to be a good boy for mommy but I guess you want to get punished." You said as you slinked back off the bed. "I'm going to count down from 10 and if you aren't naked by the time I reach 0, you are getting spanked. Understood?" You said, and he squeaked out and "Understood!" "10... " Who knew it took so long to unbutton a dress shirt? "9... " Now, his hands were stuck in his sleeves. "8..." Shirt off. "7..." Is his belt broken, or is he shaking too much? "6..." Belt undone but not off. "5..." Pants, ok. "4..." Fuck, his shoes are stuck on. "3... 2... 1... 0. STOP NOW"
You parted the curtain, smirking down at him. "I think I said naked, not underwear on." You said, looking down at him. "You didn't give me enough time!" He whined but you were already flipping him onto your lap with his ass perched in the air. "Color?" You asked, earning his eager response of "Green, so green." You pulled his underwear off and hung it on the corner of your side table, right next to your own panties. The sight was oddly domestic, making him even harder as he tried to rut into your leg. Your hand came down hard on his ass and he bucked into you moaning in shock. "You naughty boy, pathetically rubbing on me. Does my thigh feel good baby?" you asked, and he nodded. Your hand came down hard on his other cheek "How many times do I have to tell you? Use. Your. Words." Punctuating your last three words with three more smacks to his ass, gently rubbing the red skin as he cried out. "Yes, mommy! Your thigh feels so good! Thank you so much!" he said as he ground himself down on you pitifully. "Why is mommy punishing you, sweetheart?" you said, sweetening your tone. " Because I didn't get dressed?" He asked. "Hm, if you were really sorry, you would know what you were sorry for. What are you being punished for? One more chance." You said, smoothing over the plains of his ass. "For being a naughty boy who doesn't listen and rubs his cock on mommy too much." He said. "So close, baby!" You said as you brought down one last smack to his ass as his cock leaked precum all over your legs. "You were getting punished because you don't listen and because you were being really naughty at work, sweetheart. But you took punishment so well, so you deserve a treat." You said as you flipped him over, making sure he was laying in a comfortable place on the bed.
"C-can we match?" He said, pulling on your sweater. You smiled down at him sweetly as you stripped, taking your time to let him gaze over the planes of your body. When you returned, you sat high up on his stomach, making sure he couldn't get any friction against you as you kissed him softly. He was still a little clunky when it came to kissing but when you took it slow, it helped him warm up to your motions until you two were completely in sync.
"Alright, so I'm going to do some new things. Let me know at any time if you aren't comfortable or you want me to stop." You said, and you turned so you were sitting on his chest, looking down at his cock, as he got a wonderful view of your ass and the dimples in your back as your muscles flexed. You collected some spit in your mouth and let it drip down slowly onto the head of his already overly excited cock. He hissed as your finger swirled in the spit that pooled at the base of his cock as you wet your hand before grasping his length. Even though he had felt this exact same thing yesterday, he could never get over the sensation of your hand squeezing around him, circling his cock, and playing with the tip with your thumb. You spit into your other hand and wrapped both hands around his length, working them up and down his shaft, gently twisting and squeezing. The best part was that he couldn’t see anything you were doing. It was like he was blindfolded, stomach muscles tensing in anticipation of your touch.
"Fuck baby I'm close." And that was when you stopped. right as he was about to cum, you squeezed down hard at the base of his cock. "You don't cum until I do." You said, scooting your core back so that it was a couple tantalizing inches away from his face. "Really? You'll let me eat you out? For real?" He asked, mind blown at the idea of eating you out. "I was hoping you would." You replied, waiting for him to make a decision. He hooked your arms around your thighs and pulled you into him so hard, you were worried he broke his nose at first. 'I need a man who eats pussy like it's the only way to quench his thirst' rung out in his head. That's what you had written in your journal titled "Male needs" and he wanted to be a Male that you needed, so that's what he did. He flattened his tongue as he licked a long stripe up your folds, and back down to your clit, latching on hungrily, alternating between sucking hard and twirling his tongue on it. "H-Holy shit Spencer." You moaned, and you knew you wouldn't last long. Even though you wouldn’t admit it, you were soaking wet just from teasing and punishing him. That, coupled with how sweet his tongue was on your core, and you were done for. You certainly had never had a man eat you out like this, much less a virgin. "Shit baby, you're so good? How did you get so good?" You asked incredulously, as he reached his hand back around and inserted a finger between your folds, giving his mouth a short break. "I read the literature and from what I saw, the g spot should be about here." He said before curling his fingers inside of you, brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to moan deeply. His smirking mouth found its way back to your clit as he added another finger, working your g spot with feverish strokes.
"Fuck, baby! I'm cumming!" You shouted and right as you were reaching your peak, he stopped everything. "What the fuck are you doing!?" You yelped at him, your mounting peak now decrescendoing before ever hitting the climax. "I thought we were matching. You're edging me, I'm edging you." He said innocently, but you could hear his smirk tinging his words. "You just want to be punished huh?" You said and squeezed down on his base as you kissed the tip of his cock. "Naughty boys don't get proper head. When you make me cum, then I'll actually suck your cock. Got it?" You asked as he bucked his hips"Yes." He replied fervently.
This was his first-ever experience getting head, so of course, you were going to give him a good time. He would just have to wait. You held down at the base of his aching cock as you lazily sucked and licked the head. Not even close to the usual effort you would put in, but it was enough to make his legs shake and finger you faster. His mouth was too busy panting and whining to eat you out but you were fine with that because the way he was curling his fingers was creating a knot in your stomach and you could feel your impending release. "Fuck baby I'm cumming. Let me cum this time." You said and he reattached his mouth to your clit, sucking hard as he used all of his willpower to keep himself from cumming. And just like that, you're cumming all down his face and fingers as you shake but he keeps going, this time with more enthusiasm, riding you through your orgasm and overstimulating you. You eagerly take him into your mouth all the way, sucking hard, lathering his length with your spit, and in two seconds he is cumming hard down your throat. "Mommy I'm cumming" He said a little too late as you had already swallowed around him.
You were both so caught in the afterglow that you just kept going. Aftershock spurts of cum kept shooting down your throat but you kept sucking. You wanted him needy and wrecked under you. "Oh my god! ah! AH!" He said, shaking as you keep sucking him down. He keeps finger fucking you as if he is possessed. You are both riding your highs and are so overstimulated that in no more than a minute you are both cumming all over again as sobs wrack your bodies.
You flop down next to Spencer and kiss his cheek tentatively, knowing most men don't kiss after head. Spencer leans up, kissing you passionately, tangling his tongue in yours, tasting your release on each other's tongues. "Flip over baby," You said as he rolled over. You pulled out your lotion from your bedside table, gently warming up a small amount in your hands before spreading it on his butt. "I don't know about you, but I'm way too tired to take a shower tonight. I'm just going to put our leftovers in the fridge and brush my teeth. I have some spare toothbrushes if you would like to borrow one, and some pajamas." You said to a very sleepy Spencer. He didn’t even say anything, he just grumbled and got up, leaning on you.
He helped you clean up, both still naked, enjoying the domesticity of just walking around completely vulnerable together. You needed to brush his teeth for him as he sat on the toilet lid and you couldn’t help but think he looked like a little baby, barely clinging to the little energy it had before a nap. You got him up and back in bed, looking down at his naked form, now noticing the gentle matching bruises on either side of his body. “I know you like to match but take care of yourself. Don’t bang yourself up so much. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” You said as you picked his clothes off of the floor. You reached down for your pajamas but before you could get them back on or pull him into his, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down on top of him."I’ll try to stop. Only for you, and only because you asked so nicely. Right now, I’m too sleepy, let's sleep naked. Night night." He mumbled into the crook of your neck. Warmth enveloped your body at his words, “only for you.” Somehow that was all it took to finally give in to sleep's welcoming grasp, reveling in the warmth shared between your skin.
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here / Chapter 4
And there we go, that's chapter five! Make sure to give me any comments, criticisms, or ways to better the plot. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to balance out the sweet and spicy aspects of this one. I hope you guys have a great night!
Tag List: @spencer-reids-slut @ya-triedit @reidstoychest @flipperpenguins @thatsonezesty13 @jbbarnes-loki @big-galaxy-chaos @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @spencersmagic @uhuhuh @living-for-romance @aharvey979 @xoxo-jnh-xoxo @marrymespencerrei @crypticcorvidinacottage , @ladydragoneye , @stjoaninthewildwest
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Cruel Summer - JJ Maybank
Request: hey!! could i request a fic where reader is a pogue and reader and jj have recently started a fwb relationship but they both start to fall for each other with out telling the other.  finally reader tells jj she can’t do it anymore and then a love confession please!! thank you i love your writing so much :)))
TS Anthology Series | Outer Banks Masterlist
_ . ◦ ⭐︎:*.☾.*:⭐︎◦∙._
The first time you slept with JJ was a party at the boneyard. It was technically in the back of the Twinkie while everyone else was down the beach, three sheets to the wind. You were drunk enough to think sleeping with your best friend was a good idea but sober enough to remember the experience the next day. 
While the initial shock of knowing that you’d had sex with your best friend, possibly altering the course of your friendship in the process, wasn’t easy, it was a welcomed relief that there were no messy feelings involved. There was no denying that JJ was attractive, you were a human with a pulse after all, but you weren’t secretly harboring a massive crush on him that had led to sex. It was just a matter of timing. You were both there, both in the mood, it just sort of made sense…in a weird way that you didn’t think too hard about. 
JJ was much more laid back than you were about the entire ordeal, even if neither of you were interested in each other. “Last night was fun, we should do it again.” 
And that was how it started, really. JJ’s suggestion, observation, whatever you called it in the moment, that you keep doing the thing you had done last night. Just as friends, just for fun. You were laidback and chill, or maybe you wanted to prove you were, so you agreed. It wasn’t like you were dating at the time. It wasn’t like you wanted to either. 
Everything always felt relaxed with JJ. Whether it was because he manufactured every single moment that way or because he was just organically that laidback on a regular basis, having sex with him just to have sex felt as bizarrely normal as meeting up for a surf or lunch. 
“I can’t believe you guys are sleeping together.” While most of the pogues knew and pretended they didn’t, Sarah was unable to shake the idea. She was the least inclined for casual sex and seemed determined to prove that it was impossible. At least, between the two of you. 
“Why?” You shrugged, sucking the last remnants of your slurpee from the bottom of your cup. The two of you had met up at the corner 7-11 and were making your way slowly down the beach to meet everyone else. “I get to have sex and it’s with someone I’m comfortable with who I trust totally…that’s not weird.” 
“So there are no feelings? At all?” She asked. 
“Well yeah, he’s my best friend and I love him but not like that…I’m not in love with him.” 
The adjunct onto the end of the sentence felt clunky and awkward. When Kiara had first found out, she’d asked if you guys were dating and JJ had answered, laughing, that “you know I’d never do that to you”. It was an ongoing joke amongst the pogues, simply because everyone else had always been convinced there was something there. Despite knowing there was nothing, you couldn’t help the twist in your stomach though you chalked it up to being caught on the couch in the porch at the Chateau. 
Now you had that feeling again and it wasn’t the slurpee or the heat. 
“What if he starts dating someone else?” She kept the probe going as you crossed over some vacationing families and spotted the other pogues already set up. 
“Well, we’re not dating so it doesn’t matter.” 
Your conversation with Sarah ended then but her words didn’t leave you, like an alarm that kept going off inside your head, just when you started to ease yourself into the afternoon JJ would do something that would set off the echo and you’d feel yourself pulling back. You’d always been affectionate with each other and maybe sleeping together, being so intimate, allowed for more affection to spill over into regular hang-outs. It wasn’t something you usually worried about but suddenly it felt like the only thing you could concentrate on. 
Maybe Sarah was right. Maybe you hadn’t liked him in the beginning but over the course of things, opening yourself up to someone you trusted and felt so comfortable with had turned into something more than friendship and you were just lagging behind, refusing to see it. You weren’t the only one in the relationship though and as soon as you had settled your own feelings you began to fret over JJ’s. Had he reached the same conclusion as you? Did he feel the same way and he just wasn’t telling you? 
He’d always been pretty upfront with his feelings. JJ was the one who wanted to keep this going in the first place, not at all shy in the proposition. Knowing that, you doubted he felt anything…he would’ve told you if did. And he hadn’t, so he didn’t. 
“Hey,” the cold glass of a beer bottled was pressed against your bare shoulder blade and you arched forward suddenly, trying and failing to get away from the sensation as droplets of water rolled down your skin. When you reached for the bottle it was removed, held above your head and you realized it was JJ behind you, grinning as a droplet of perspiration fell from the bottom ring and landed on your cheek. 
“Oh my god, JJ, that’s freezing cold.” You grumbled, “what the hell?” 
“What the hell is right,” he replied, though there wasn’t any edge to his voice, he was perfectly relaxed, “what’s up with you?”
“Nothing, why?”
“Cause you’ve been sitting over here all day.” Calling the last three hours all day was a gross overstatement of time but you knew what he meant. 
“What’s the problem with that?” You were being evasive. 
“You usually sit next to me.” He pouted. “Is something wrong?” 
You bit your bottom lip, dragging your teeth over your skin until you released it before attempting what you knew was an awkward smile. You had already pre-decided JJ’s feelings for him and were avoiding him to avoid  the conversation you were bound to have when he found out you had feelings for him. JJ had been pretty clear in the beginning, he just wanted something casual, where he didn’t need to live up to anyone’s expectation. 
“No,” you shook your head, looking down toward the shoreline where your other friends were jumping waves. You’d been so lost in your head you hadn’t even noticed they left and now you were trying to tell JJ that you were fine. 
“Are you sure?” He pushed, an obvious sign that he was sure you were lying to him. 
“I don’t think we should sleep together anymore.” You got the words out as quickly as possible, letting out a quiet huff after, avoiding JJ’s eyes. “It’s just…awkward and weird now and I didn’t think it would be but it is.” 
“Oh,” JJ slipped his hat off, bending the bill in his fist as he tried to process your words, a last ditch effort to save face, “well I’ve never had anyone describe me as awkward during sex-“
“JJ,” you laughed in spite of yourself, nudging him with your elbow, “I just...” pogues never lied to each other, they were always honest, it was like the holy grail of rules amongst your friend group. “We agreed when we started this that it was no strings attached, ya know? Just two friends hooking up.”
“Yeah, so?”
You shrugged your shoulder, leaning into it as if you could burrow your head back into yourself somehow, “so...that’s not me anymore. I don’t feel like I wanna be just friends hooking up anymore. In the beginning, it was easy...but. But I really like you, like a lot. And I don’t wanna just be your friend, waiting for you to cut this off for someone else.”
There was a beat between you, when both of you were just staring straight ahead at your friends playing out by the waves. This wasn’t the light-hearted conversation that JJ had walked over here for. This felt heavy, it felt like it could change everything between the two of you, if sleeping together hadn’t already done that.  
“Maybe I want that too.” JJ finally said, adding, “No, not maybe...I do want that too.”
“What? Are you serious?” You hated sounding so surprised when you were always so sure you knew JJ better than anyone.  
“It’s been a long time since I’ve thought of this as a friends with benefits thing...I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure I ever did.” JJ replied, “good to know my undeniable charm worked on you.”
“Your undeniable charm?” You laughed, turning away from the ocean to look at him.
“How is that so hard to believe?” JJ hooked his arm around your shoulders, bringing himself a little closer to you so he could lean in, pressing his forehead to yours, “we could get outta here and celebrate?”
“Do people celebrate dating?” You asked, setting your mouth in a line and narrowing your eyes as if you were truly contemplating the question.  
“What are you celebrating?” Kiara’s voice sounded and JJ broke away in surprise, cursing at her under his breath. “Are you guys ditching us to have sex? Again.”
You and JJ answered respectively and you elbowed JJ again, “we aren’t leaving. We’re coming down to join you...oh, did you know JJ has undeniable charm?”
Kiara looked him up and down skeptically, “this JJ?”
“You guys are dicks!” He huffed, getting up off the towel and following you down toward the ocean. He grabbed your hand when he got close enough and you paused for a second so the two of you could walk side by side.  
“You know my parents are visiting my grandma on the mainland tonight,” you mentioned, “we’ll have plenty of time to ‘celebrate’ then.”  
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Loki looks at them, these simple mortal beings. So primitive. Like ants, running loose, lost without a queen. But they needn’t fear any longer. Loki is here, and will be their leader now. They will find purpose - glorious purpose - under their rule.
“Kneel!” Loki says again, louder, and finally they fall into line. One after the next, down to their knees, to praise -
“Um. Excuse me. Uh, sorry. This is awkward.” A man steps away from the rest. He’s wearing a dreary brown suit with a tie that needs fixing. Gray hair. Mustache. A typical, everyday Midgardian.
Loki should silence him at once. And yet - they still their hand. There’s something oddly... compelling about this fumbling oaf. Perhaps it’s the way he’s looking at Loki. Not with fear, but with interest. Curiosity. Almost a quiet understanding.
No one ever looks at Loki like that.
The man rubs the back of his neck. “It’s just that. Well. I think I might be your soulmate?”
Someone in the crowd shushes him.
Another asks, “Are you crazy?”
A woman hisses, “Mobius. There’s no way -”
The man - Mobius - glances back at her and shrugs. “So they’re ambitious.”
“They’re going to kill you.”
“Nah.” Mobius turns back to Loki. “Just a little pussycat.”
He starts forward, gently moving through the kneeling crowd, whispering, “Excuse me, pardon me, coming through,” on his way to the front.
Loki tracks his every step, watchful for any sign of trickery, but they can detect no magic on this mortal. The absolute gall of this man, to approach Loki - child of Asgard, god of mischief - as if they are equals.
Loki shouldn’t just silence him, they should scorch him from the whole of the realms.
But then Mobius smiles at Loki, a big, wide thing that twists Loki up inside. Perhaps they will wait to destroy him, if only for a moment, if only to hear him out. Loki considers themself a fair god, after all.
Listening. Then destruction.
“Speak, mortal,” Loki commands. “If that is what you desire. But know your life hangs on your words.”
Mobius looks at Loki, watching for a moment, smile never dimming. “Oh, yeah. You’re definitely the one.”
“I am all things,” Loki says, ever magnanimous.
Mobius points at them. “You’re my soulmate.”
Loki frowns. “I am not.” Then they frown harder. They know lies well, and that  felt like a big one.
But that couldn’t be.
“I have no soulmate,” Loki says, ignoring the familiar sting that comes with the words. Words repeated again and again, as all the seers in Asgard looked into their future and saw them standing alone.
Mobius’s smile softens. “Are you sure about that?”
No. Not really. How many years have passed since Loki last had the seers check? Is it possible... perhaps Mobius had been born in that time? He is but a mortal. How old could he be? 40 years? 50? The blink of an eye.
Mobius holds out a hand. “Wouldn’t you like to check?” That suit truly is ridiculous, outdated and well-worn. If they are soulmates, Loki will take him to Asgard at once and buy him -
Loki forces an abrupt stop to their own thoughts. This is deception, meant to shake them from their true purpose.
“Once I discover you are deceiving me, I will purge you from existence.”
“Okay, sure. Whatever you want.” Mobius waves his hand impatiently. “Isn’t worth trying? Then, you know, purge from existence and all that...”
“Mobius,” the same woman whisper-yells from the crowd.
Mobius rolls his eyes. “Work friend. She’s very protective.”
“She has reason to be,” Loki says, looking at that offered hand. At the long, steady fingers, the delicate wrist. Mortals are such fragile things. Beings to be conquered. Not loved.
And yet.
Loki lifts a hand. They rub their thumb and forefinger together. They will attempt a small touch for curiosity’s sake. Then, the promised destruction.
“Aren’t you afraid?” Loki asks.
“No. Excited, maybe. Not everyday you meet your soulmate.”
“You keep saying that.”
“I’m feeling confident.”
Loki swallows hard. Then they reach out. They don’t take Mobius’s hand, not fully. They merely brush the pad of one finger to the edge of his thumb.
It is enough.
Visions flood through their mind. Mobius laughing. Mobius taking Loki’s hand, pressing his lips to their knuckles, one after the next. Mobius leaning in and kissing them on their lips. Mobius pressing Loki against a wall, and Loki letting themself be pressed.
“I love you,” Mobius says under cover of darkness, in the light of day, out in the ocean on the back of some type of motorized water vehicle. “I love you,” again and again, filling the dark depths of Loki’s heart until it overflows, bursting with happiness. With immeasurable love.
Loki snaps back to the present and slowly, so slowly, withdraws their hand.
Mobius’s smile could light the whole city. “I knew it was you.”
Loki opens their mouth to speak, but what comes out is a gasped breath, very near a sob. The love from the vision has vanished, but the phantom feel of it has Loki wanting.
Deception. Has to be. But they are immune to enchantment. And there’s no magic on this man.
To be loved like that. To be held and... cherished. Even now, Mobius looks at them like they hold of all of his hopes and dreams. Loki wonders how they are looking back.
“It’s okay.” Mobius holds up both hands now, like placating a wounded animal. “I know it’s overwhelming.” Mobius takes a small step forward. Loki does too. Mobius is right there. A promise of a life Loki never thought they’d have - right there.
“Mobius,” Loki says, and the name is perfect on their tongue. They could say it a hundred times more, a thousand. They are desperate to. “Mobius.”
“I’m right here.” Mobius steps closer. Loki reaches and grabs his forearm, bunching a handful of that ugly sleeve into their fist. “I’ve got you.”
“You cannot imagine how long -”
“Step away from him,” comes a new, authoritative voice. This one, like Mobius, lacks fear, but unlike Mobius, is decidedly not Loki’s soulmate.
“We’re kind of in the middle of something,” Mobius says over his shoulder, to Captain America. “Could you give us a minute?”
Captain America does not give them a minute. “Release the citizen, Loki.”
“Wow, you are really misreading the situation,” Mobius says.
In the sky, a flying vehicle arms its weapons. Every nerve in Loki’s body stands on end, seeing Mobius in the way of it.
Loki yanks Mobius forward, closer to him, then behind him, shielding him with their body.
“Loki!” Mobius starts.
But its too late. Captain America is moving closer. Loki blocks some of his blows, misses a few others. He’s strong, but not on the level of a god. Not usually. But Loki keeps leaving themself open to protect the vulnerable mortal behind them. Loki doesn’t think Captain America would hurt Mobius, but the risk is too great. The cost is too high for Loki to guess wrong.
The sudden arrival of Tony Stark only makes matters more difficult.
When Loki raises their hands in defeat, Mobius storms around them.
“Mobius,” Loki says in alarm. Mobius is now in the way of far too many weapons. Does he not understand how fragile he is? Or how important?
“I got this, Loki,” Mobius tells them. To the others, “Now everybody hold on a minute.”
“Please move yourself to safety, citizen,” Captain America says.
“I’m perfectly safe right here.”
“Standing right there is how you get a knife in the back,” Tony Stark says.
“Loki won’t hurt me.”
“He must be brainwashed,” Captain America says.
Mobius huffs out a frustrated breath. “You aren’t listening. Loki is my soulmate.”
Tony Stark looks at Captain America. “Definitely brainwashed.” He clears his throat. “But I’ll bite. Who exactly are you?”
“Mobius M. Mobius.”
“Uh, huh. So your parents hated you,” Tony Stark says. Before Mobius can answer, Tony asks, “And what do you do, Mobius M. Mobius?”
“I’m a data analyst for a corporate conglomerate.”
“Right,” Tony Stark says. “Loki of Asgard forever bound to Mobius M. Mobius, the data analyst. Sounds fake, but okay.”
Mobius’s shoulders sink. “You don’t have to be rude about it.”
Annoyance flares hot under Loki’s skin. Mobius is perfect and how dare these simpletons insinuate otherwise. How dare they make him feel anything less than he is.
Loki takes a strong step forward, but Mobius catches sight of them first and places a hand on their chest, stilling them. Loki holds, only for Mobius’s sake.
“It’s no big deal,” Mobius says.
“They cannot speak to you like that. You are the soulmate of a god.”
“I’m not thrilled about it either. Data analysis is a respectable line of work. I’ve saved my company hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
Loki nods along, hoping they look impressed enough to spare Mobius’s feelings, when truly they have no idea what he is talking about. But whatever restores Mobius’s confidence is what they will do.
“Huh,” says Tony Stark. “Pencil pusher just stopped the god of mischief with a touch. You see that?”
“I saw it,” says Captain America. “I don’t think they’re lying.”
Mobius presses his lips together in a hard line before taking a breath and saying, “Loki, you have magic, right? Can you like...” He holds up his hands and waggles his fingers. “Magic us out of here. I think it’s getting a little crowded. Some conversations are supposed to be private.”
Loki likes the idea of... talking, but they had a plan when they came here today.
Loki looks at the scepter. At the people, no longer kneeling. At Captain America and Tony Stark, arguing about Mobius. And then, finally, they look at Mobius himself, with his calm, steady presence, ever-soft smile, and ill-fitting suit.
Loki meant to conquer all of Midgard. And this, being captured, was part of the plan. But. Perhaps. What’s waiting another day? Or two.
They very well can’t let Mobius be captured. To think of it, most of their plans might need changing now.
“Hold onto me,” Loki says.
“Happily.” Mobius goes easily into their arms.
And Loki holds tight as they magic away.
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blogevaawrites · 3 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: smut, cheating, angst
Summary: After being away of you boyfriend for three weeks, you come to Chris’s  house after he had thrown a party where you met a girl you haven’t see ever. The beginning of the relationship was unconventional so you couldn’t do anything else but suspect.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
There’s something I do when I don’t know how to deal with a situation.
I clean my closet.
I organize it; I try everything on, throw out pieces I don’t wear anymore, or I don’t like. I like to spend time doing this just because I don’t have to think in anything else.
“He’s calling again, you’re not picking up, are you?” Linda asked from the other side of the room. I was surrounded by my clothes and shoes and things, and she was working in her laptop.
“No.” I answered simply and kept doing my thing.
“Isn’t better if you pick up and tell him to stop? This is his tenth call today, and I don’t want to know about texts. This is not right.”
“I’m not ready to think about this.” I muttered. I didn’t realize she got up from the bed and walked to me.
“It’s fine, everything is going to be fine” she said hugging me. Her touch brought tears out of my eyes, but her kindness made me feel safe.
Linda moved to NY a few months before I did, and I could be more blessed because she moved to the next door’s apartment. She has been there since then; our friendship was the kind of you find just a couple times in a lifetime.
“Don’t worry I will be right here. We can clean your closet as many times as you need.”
It’s been three days since I left his house, and my phone has been ringing since then.
I spent my first day watching true-crime documentaries, eating ice cream and drinking wine. The second day I started donating the clothes I wasn’t wearing anymore. And today, I have cleaned the closet three times. Linda enjoyed the first two days, but she hated to organize anything, so she killed time working from my bed.
“That one is pretty sexy. Why don’t we go out to dinner and have a few drinks tonight? Lucy and Vanessa have been calling too.” She spoke.
I thought about it for a few minutes, and I was actually feeling sick of being here.
“Yeah! Why not? I need more alcohol” I joked.
 The night went pretty fun, and I kind of felt better and ready to face everything, his apologies, his face and his voice. Around three a.m I was ready to go back home and sleep my hangover. “Are you sure you don’t need me there? Linda asked when I told her I was leaving, she was having a good time and I didn’t want to spoil her fun. “Yeah! Don’t worry, I’m sick of being depressed, I’m ready to be me again.” She smiled at me and hugged me before I left.
The uber ride was fast, no traffic nor people in the street this made my way home calm, and the driver was quite funny. He waited for me to get in the building and left, leaving alone again. The lobby’s lights were automatic, but they weren’t working very well, I knew the way to my door, so I didn’t bother turning my phone’s flashlight on. Going up stairs, I tried to take off my high heels, but something made me get alarmed. A dark big shadow at the top of the stairs. My heart stopped for a second.
“Holy crap! What are you doing here? Why are you sitting there? You scared the shit out of me, asshole!” I yelled when the light of the hallway turned on and all of the sudden the silhouette of a big man appeared at the top the stairs. My heart started to beat in this normal pace when I recognized his face.  
“I’m sorry that wasn’t my intention. You weren’t picking the phone. I was worry about you.” His hands went up in a signal of inoffensive. His voice was hoarse and his eyes a little bit swollen and red. I could say he had been crying.
“I’m fine, you can go.” I said, walking straightly to my apartment’s door. I looked for my keys in my bag as faster as I could.  
“Can we talk?” he moved to stay behind me while I opened the door. He didn’t get too close to me and I felt grateful for that.
“I don’t want to hear anything, and right now the only thing I want is to sleep.” I got in the apartment and closed the door rapidly. With my forehead rested against the closed door and my hands still on the handle, I listened to him to beg. I missed him, his voice, his smell, his fucking presence made me shake my legs.
“Please, just give me five minutes. I love you and I can’t let you think I don’t. I know I fucked everything up but…” I opened the door before he could finish it. He looked quite surprised when a move away to let him pass.
He didn’t say anything, walked in and moved around awkwardly. I told him to sit with my head. He took a sit on the couch and I didn’t move from the door, with my back resting it in. His eyes stared me few a few minutes, making me feel uncomfortable, defenseless.
“You look beautiful.” He said quietly.
“You have five minutes.” The alcohol in my body brought rudeness out of my mouth. I was tired, kind of drunk and still hurt by him so couldn’t let him get any closer in any dimension.
“I’m sorry.” He said before his hands rubbed his face roughly. “I went to NY to tell you everything. I really did, I felt horrible, and I didn’t want to hurt you, but I knew I had to tell you. Carly thought it too. You know them, there’s no place for any secrete between them. When I arrived in here, saw your face and I felt your arms around me I chickened out. I realize that I couldn’t live without you; for the first time in my life, I was really scared to lose somebody. And that was a feeling I wasn’t used to.” His statements made my heart ache. I wished anything of this had happened.
“So, you lied? Because you loved me.” I knew he wasn’t a perfect boyfriend in the past but that was a shitty excuse.
“I didn’t know how to tell you. When Carly called that night, she heard you in the back then she assumed that you forgave me, and I didn’t deny it. I felt awful but I got into that lie so quickly, I didn’t know what to do.” I sat on ankles, sliding down the wall. I hid my face with my hands trying to avoid him to see me cry.
“I wasn’t joking, honey. You are the love of my life and I didn’t want to lose you. That scare got so real that I couldn’t face it. I’m sorry, I really am. With you everything is different, and I didn’t realize it until that. The fear of losing you got in my skin and it never left.” I didn’t feel him to come closer to me until I felt his hands in mine. As soon as I felt it, I got up and moved away from him. I knew I could fall for him quickly.
“If you have done, you should leave.” I could say walking to the fridge to pour water in glass. My throat was dry.
He looked at me for a while, then took a deep and loud breath and moved to the door.
I saw him walk to the door, to leave the apartment, to leave me. I did understand the scare of losing someone, I had lost a few people in my life, but seeing him leaving it was different, I was losing him, and everything was his fault. That didn’t feel fair.
 “Why you did this to me?” The words left my mouth before I could think about it. He turned around to look at me, but I hadn’t finished “Why didn’t you break up with me if you wanted to fuck somebody else? Why were you seeing Ashley? Why did you play along with her game after the kiss?” my voice got louder at every question. I wasn’t a person who yelled easily but I couldn’t help it.
“Baby, I’m a dickhead, I screw up every relationship I’ve ever had. I don’t know why. I promised I went out with her with any side intention, when she kissed me, I felt that fear again. And at the party, I swear I didn’t invite her, I wanted to keep her away from you, I wanted to keep everything what I did away from us.”
“Yeah! That’s why you took her panties.” I said ironically. “What did you want me to do? Kicked her out of the house, making a scene?” He saw my face burning in anger and he continued. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I hate myself enough for both of us.” Said that he took his way again. I didn’t hate him. I loved him. I was needed for him.
I moved quickly to get him; I could reach him by the arm.
As soon as he turned around to look at me, I jumped on his mouth. He didn’t take any longer to embrace his arms around me, pushing my face more against his, as if that was even possible.
We walked clumsily to the nearest wall; he squeezed my butt before holding me up. His hands flew through my tights, caressing them and reached my wet panties. I moaned when I felt his fingers rubbing me. “I need you.” He whispered in my ear. His fingers went to undo his pants and I could get out of his arms.
I saw panic in his face for a couple of seconds. But it disappeared when he saw me got into my knees. I took his hard member in my hands to stroke it a few times before get it into my mouth. He rested his forehead in the wall, and shut his eyes, leaving me caged by his body.
His breathing changed when he opened his eyes and watched my mouth around the head of his sensitive cock. Clenched jaw and hands making fist, he moaned loudly as he was being relieved of great amount of pressure.
My lips wrapped around his cock, taking as much as my throat could, and my hand gripped the rest. I wasn’t thinking, I didn’t want to think. I was tired and sick of the anxiety that this situation was giving me.
I knew this wasn’t a good idea. I wasn’t proud but I wanted it.
“I love your fucking mouth.” his voice brought my back from my thoughts. I started to suck a little bit harder as he was getting bigger. His hips also started to thrust him into my mouth, making me gag at one particularly push. “Shit! Sorry!” he said, taking my face in his hands and making me get up from my knees. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth.” he responded to my unanswered question. We kissed as his hands tried to get rid of my dress, and mine were fighting with his shirt.
Just in my panties, he pickup me up and put me on the hall’s table. Sucking my nipples and rubbing my breast and ass, he ripped my panties and his dick stormed in me.
I yelled in surprise; I was actually more than ready to take him.
“I loved that ones.” I murmured pretending to be sadly for my lingerie.
“I will make it worth.” He said with smile on his face before taking my calves over his shoulders. His thrusts were deep, rough, and needed, I tired to hold on to the table, but his movements got fiercely, and I could feel my orgasm coming.
The table wasn’t meant to this kind of activities. We realized it very late.
“Holy crap!” he said when he saw the table fall, holding me better in his arms. Everything I could do was laugh. He intended to let me go but crossed my arms behind his neck.
“No! Take me to bed!” I whispered in his ear. He smiled before kissing me.
He laid down on the bed with me over him. “Ride me, baby.” he said holding me from my hips.
I started to move up and down on his cock, rolling my hips. I saw he shut his eyes, a signal he was close, so I started to ride hard on him. His fingers were marking my hips as he pushed me up and down savagely. I groaned at the almost painful pleasure.
I felt his body getting tense as he filled me up with his cum.
“God! I love you!” he yelled.
Something woke up inside me, suddenly I felt dirty and ashamed. I hid my breast with my arms as I stood up from bed. His cum dripping on my inner thigh, made me just feel worst.
He didn’t realize, he was still dazed. He took my arm when he realized that I wasn’t coming back to bed. “Come back, I’m still hard.” He muttered with his eyes closed. I let him to guide my body, he made me lay down next to him and cuddle.
“These couple days have been awful; I’ve never felt that bad.” His lips were right next to neck and made me get goosebumps.” I was so scared of not seeing you again.” He said pecking my neck. He turned my hips a little, just enough to let himself into me one more time. I was feeling guilty, I was using him. I wasn’t forgiving him, but he thought I was.
I didn’t want a confrontation; I couldn’t handle one.
His hand held my face to keep kissing my mouth, and his other one at my hip, holding me steady. “Your so good for me.” he said between kisses. His hand went from my hip to my clit. He worked himself in deeper and rubbed me just in the right way.    
My body was so tensed and my brain so away from the reality that I didn’t noticed he fell sleep.
I wanted to have sex with him, I enjoyed. I shouldn’t feel bad for him, he cheated on me and lied, but I wasn’t like that.
I woke up with his snoring in my ear. I got out of his embrace needy for water, the hangover was taking my body. I saw my clothes and his’s all over the floor and the broken table. I didn’t get to do the walk of shame, it was my apartment, I was living in the shame.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” His voice resounded throughout the entire place.
“Okay! You are really thirsty” he said when I drank the water quickly. I didn’t answer, I didn’t look at him. The situation was awkward, and he noticed it.
“What’s going on?” he asked from behind. I ignored him again. “Hey! Are you okay?” he shouted and turned me over to face me.
“Yes, I’m just still drunk.” I said softly. I tired my best to look unbothered.
“Can we talk?” he asked.    
“Not right now. I have things to do.” I started to pick everything up. “I think you should leave; I really have things to do.” I avoided his eyes. I get repetitive when I feel nervous. He knew it.
“Well, I think you’re acting like a child. What happened last night?” his voice wasn’t loud, but it was hard.
I just could shrug, I felt ashamed, and he was mad.
“Talk to me! Damn! Don’t shut up. You always do that. I fucked everything up, I know. But you kissed me last night, you started everything so, right now please talk! Tell me what is happening!” now he was yelling, he looked mad and kind of sad, the guilt just spread across my body.
“What you want me to say, Chris? I wasn’t thinking properly.” I said, looking how he was getting dress himself.
“So, wasn’t mean a shit for you?” I felt like our roles were reversed. Now he was angry, and I was the one giving the explanations.
“I don’t want to hurt your feelings.” I could say.
“Yes, you do, and to be honest, I understand. I deserved it, but I don’t…” he was wrong, I knew I hurt him but that wasn’t my intention, I loved him, and he knew it.
“I don’t want to hurt you. I’m not like you.” My voice wasn’t soft anymore. We were in the same level, he wanted me to feel guilty, so I was doing the same. I continued “Sorry, but I’m not going to apologize, I didn’t want to hurt you. I felt bad and I wanted to have sex with you, you could have said no, and you didn’t do it. But I didn’t say anything to make you think that I forgave you.” His eyes goy darker with my words. he stared me for a few seconds.
“I couldn’t have said no, you could have given me a glass full of worms and I would have taken it.” I felt he was playing the victim; I could stand it.
“I give you a relationship and you pissed on it.” I said crudely.
The room got in a deep silence and filled with tension and resentment.
“You were right, we shouldn’t talk right now.” He spoke after a couple minutes, he took his jacket and got ready to leave. The scare of losing him went back to my head, but I knew it was the best and this time I stood up to it.
“I don’t want to see you again.” I said when he got closer the door. He looked at me incredulous, but he didn’t interrupt.
“I’m still mad and hurt, so I’m not forgiving you soon. But that doesn’t matter because we can’t be together, I don’t trust you and my insecurity in our relationship will freak you out at some point and it will be worst, for both of us.” I didn’t want to cry but I failed, at least he was weepy too.
I thought he was going to response, but he didn’t, he left my apartment without hesitation, slamming the door.
Tag list: @breezykpop  @calwitch @firoozehmoon 
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys and a Single Mom
featuring: kuroo tetsuro, sakusa kiyoomi
Kuroo hadn’t had a proper day off in a while, his job at JAV was pretty hectic and demanding that he still works even on day offs today however, he decided to reward himself and decided to pick up Kenma from university and maybe get some dinner together to catch up.
he entered the college campus feeling nostalgic of his days as a college student athlete, he figured Kenma’s class wasn’t over yet so he sat by the small park inside the campus where there was a lot of people, Kuroo was enjoying the sight of a bunch of college students reading, talking, relaxing and just basically enjoying their youth when he felt a light tug on his hoody, he looked down and saw a little boy about the age of four looking up at him like he was his saving grace
the kid was adorable that Kuroo couldn’t help but gush at him “hey buddy, what’s up?” he asks the kid, his tone higher that usual
“mishter, you be Akio’s dada?”
he was taken aback at how clear the boy spoke despite his age
“oh? and who is Akio?” he asks as he crutch down to the kid’s level
“me, Akio” the kid says and points his pointy finger at himself
Kuroo was sure that he was going to have a heart attack right there at how cute this little boy was
“where’s your dada then?” Kuroo asks as he wipes the little dirt on Akio’s face
“Akio don’t have dada, only mama” Akio pouts which alarmed Kuroo
“how ‘bout I get you to your mama first so you can tell her you want a dada alright?” Kuroo said, careful not to tell him that he can’t be his dad he lowkey wanted to be though
Akio nods silently and spreads his arms out “upchies?” he looks up at him, a small pout in his glossy eyes
it was a crime to say no to that face
Kuroo immediately picked up the boy and squished his left cheek
“Akio oh my god” the voice was clearly filled with worry as the two boys whipped their heads to the direction where the voice came from
and there you were, in your wide leg dress pants and turtle neck, race walking to their direction
Kuroo was frozen in his place, first of all, were you Akio’s mama? and second of all, holy shit you’re gorgeous
“you got your looks from your mama huh?” he says to the little boy
you stopped right in front of them and quickly bowed your head “oh my gosh I’m so sorry for the bother”
“oh not at all, he was really sweet” he says and scratches the back of his neck
you apologized again and attempted to take Akio from him, but he just shrugged your hands off
“no Akio wants dada” he says as he turns his back on you and rests his chin on Kuroo’s shoulder, encircling his arms on Kuroo’s neck
both of your eyes widen and you apologized profusely
“it’s really not big of the deal” he tries to reassure you
you both end up sitting in the park for a while as you talked about how his dad isn’t in the picture and that Kuroo was waiting for his best friend’s class to finish, when Kenma, your seatmate from a class, arrived, Akio still didn’t want to let go so you ended up having dinner with them and they had to drop you off to your house after
“thank you guys so much” you said as you waved them goodbye carrying Akio
Kuroo and Kenma drove off 
“hey, do you think I’m ready to be a dad?” Kuroo asks his best friend
“not in the slightest” 
“yeah, you’re right”
a few minutes of silence engulfed the two of them
“give me her number”
“apple pie”
safe to say that you had Kuroo Tetsuro in front of your door with flowers in his hands the next sunday
MSBY was having free volleyball tutorials for kids and Sakusa absolutely hated it.
he wasn’t fond of kids, even though he had to deal with three literally everyday -*coughs* atsumu *coughs* bokuto *coughs* hinata- they were loud and noisy and had complete disregard of hygiene, well most of them
he was thankful to his teammate as he was assigned to a duty where it doesn’t involved interacting with the kids too much
Bokuto was teaching a group of kids how to spike while Hinata and Atsumu was teaching the kids how to serve and recieve
Sakusa however was a distance away from them, looking out for kids trying to sneak out
he felt his hand slightly tingle so he reached for a hand sanitizer in the pocket of his jacket and squeezed some out at the palm of his hand
he was either being serious about his hand sanitizer or he was dozing off because manz literally jumped a few inches back when he felt someone tap his leg
he looked down and saw a little boy looking up at him
they had a staring contest for a good thirty seconds when the little boy reached pointed his finger at him
“Saksa Yoomi” he says in a serious voice
the spiker swears he felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the little boy say his name
he clears his throat and says “what do you want?” in a soft voice
the kid pointed at the hand sanitizer he was holding
“you want this?” he asks to make sure
The kid nods
Sakusa squeezes a small amount into his little hands, never in his life did he think that he would be smitten by a child, but here he is gushing over at a kid carefully rubbing his hands together
He might not show it, but his heart was aching at how adorable the kid looked
“what’s your name?” he asks
“Haru” the kid answers, fascinated at how his hands felt after applying sanitizer
“Haru!” Bokuto called the little boy
“Kou-kou!” the boy smiled happily, Bokuto ran towards them
“ahh I see you’ve found your idol” Bokuto chuckles while Sakusa looks at him strangely
“you’re his favorite Omi, right Haru?”
Haru nods shyly, a tint of grey coating his plump cheeks
“why don’t you show Omi your little skill hm?” Bokuto said as Haru nods and crutched down laying his hand flat on the ground and bending his wrist so far back, it looked like it was going to break, it was Sakusa’s signature warm up stretch
Manz was no doubt a hundred percent smitten right now, he was blushing in the back of his mask
“see? He even got your bendy hands” Bokuto let out a hearty laugh
“come on now Haru, your mom is going to be here any minute now” Bokuto said as he took Haru’s hand
“you know his mom?” Sakusa couldn’t help but ask
“yep, she’s my cousin” Bokuto said at the same time Atsumu appeared
“woah, didn’t know you had a married cousin Bokkun” he said while he crutched down and pinced Haru’s cheek
“Y/N? Y/N’s not married, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend” Bokuto says confused
Right off the bat, they knew what he was talking about
“Haru want Yoomi to be dada” the little boy timidly said which caught the attention of the three
“Haru no-“  Bokuto tried stopping Haru
“sure, I’ll be your dada” Sakusa says and picks up the little kid
Now we have a wide-eyed volleyball team, I mean, Sakusa willingly picked up a child? It was a sight to behold
They teased Sakusa for a bit but the spiker didn’t pay any attention and just focused on talking to Haru, the things he liked and the things he wants to do, making sure to take note of every single detail
Their conversation was cut off when Haru suddenly squeled “mama!” and pointed  at you, in your office attire and walking towards them
“I see you found your idol huh?” you asked your son and looked at the person holding him
“oh hey Sakusa!” you cheerfully greeted him
Sakusa swallowed thickly and said a simple “hey”
“wait, you guys know each other?” Bokuto asked, shocked
“yep, we met at your house-warming party Kou” you answered his question
You took Haru from him, who was already kinda dozing off
“well, I need to go now” you said and bid them goodbye
“wait” the spiker stopped you
“can you give me your number? I kinda scheduled some play dates with Haru, I didn't know he was your son i swear-” he asks, the tips of his ears red, mentally cursing himself out, he was telling the truth though
No wonder he was smitten by the child
You smiled at him greatfully and immediately took out you calling card case “here. It has my office and personal number in there, I’m looking forward to it and thank you Sakusa” you said genuinely, making him blush even more
You walked away, Haru in your arms sleeping soundly
“it looks like you got smitten by not only the momma but the baby as well” Atsumu teases
“I am not” manz blatantly lied
“you hugged me the morning after you guys hooked up in Bokkun’s new house's guest room Omi”
“shut up, and tell me where do I buy a sugar glider? Haru wants one”
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 6}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelb’s blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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The week had passed by in a blur and by the time Saturday came, all Nesta wanted to do was sleep in. 
But she couldn’t.
Sleeping in wasn’t possible anymore. 
Her alarm had been set for seven, but she woke up with the sun peeking through her curtains at 6:45. She looked at the baby monitor on the nightstand. Nyx was still sound asleep in his crib.
With a groan, she covered her head with her pillow and tried to shut out the light, but it was no use. 
She was wide awake. 
May as well enjoy a cup of coffee before Nyx wakes up. Nesta tossed her legs over the side of the bed and tossed her robe over her pajama shorts and tank top. After pulling her long, golden-brown hair back, she was tiptoeing through the hall and down the stairs.
Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could hear noise coming from the kitchen.
The sizzling of bacon being dropped into a skillet.
She had expected it to be Cassian, of course, but what she wasn’t expecting was what he was wearing.
Or, she supposed, what he wasn’t wearing. 
She wasn’t sure if she should go back upstairs, to give him privacy. But he was the one who had chosen to come downstairs like this, in one of the common areas of the house, so Nesta went ahead and walked into the kitchen. She aimed straight for the coffee pot, grateful to see a fresh pot already in the carafe. “Good morning.”
He turned towards her, that broad, muscular chest on full display, thanks to the white towel wrapped around his hips being the only thing he had on. “Morning, Nes. Hope you want breakfast.”
She continued to make her coffee, which was usually easy, considering it was one spoonful of sugar in black coffee, but she was having a distinctly hard time focusing on what she was doing.
She had seen Cassian without a shirt in before, at the few times they’d both been over to swim in Feyre and Rhysand’s pool, but there was something distinctly different about seeing him wearing a pair of swimming trunks and that towel. That towel that was sitting so low on his hips, she knew there could be nothing underneath it.
He didn’t even seem to notice, didn’t even seem to think about her reaction to him standing nearly nude in the kitchen, making breakfast. His hair was still wet, although the ends seemed to be drying. 
She wondered if this is what he looked like in a towel, what he would look like in the shower.
She quickly shook the thought away, even though it couldn’t help but linger in the back of her mind.
“I’ve got eggs, bacon, and toast,” he said, his back to her. She watched his muscles expand as he moved pans around and turned off the burners. “Simple, but it’ll fill you up. We’ll need all the energy we can this morning.”
Nesta cleared her throat and gave him a nod as he turned to face her. It was true, and Nesta was unexcited about it. The two of them would spend their day trying to find a part-time nanny for Nyx for the days that the two of them were both at work at the same time.
They’d had plenty of applicants, some of whom seemed promising. 
Nesta had her fingers crossed.
A plate was set down in front of Nesta, and for a moment, all she could do was stare at it. There was a smiley face made out of a bacon mouth and egg-eyes. Another plate was set in the middle of the table, piled high with toast and jam. 
“What am I, two?” she asked, gesturing to the breakfast face in front of her.
Cassian chuckled. His plate was piled high with bacon and eggs. No room for faces. He sat across from her and leaned on the table with his elbows. “A little smiley face never hurt anybody.”
She said nothing, just picked up her fork and cut into the eggs. She hadn’t even told him she liked her eggs over-medium, but she was glad she did as the semi-runny yolk spilled out onto her plate. Nesta thought about starting something about it, about asking about food preferences before he assumed something, but it was too early and she hadn’t gotten to enjoy nearly enough of her cup of coffee. It was too early to fight. So instead she picked up a crispy piece of bacon and used it to pick up some of the egg, before popping it into her mouth.
Her eyes slipped closed and she tried not to moan.
How could a simple breakfast taste so damn good?
When she opened her eyes again, she assumed she hadn’t been completely successful in stopping her appreciative noises, because he was smirking at her as he brought his own coffee to his lips.
“Told you I make a mean breakfast,” he said, reaching for a piece of toast and slathering it in blackberry jam.
Clearing her throat, she ignored him and continued eating until her plate was completely empty. Just as she was about to get up to rinse it off, he stood, adjusting that damn towel to fit more snuggly around his hips, and picked up both of their plates. She tried her best not to watch the muscles shift in his back as he rinsed the plates and loaded them into the dishwasher. Tried her best, but found herself staring as she sipped from her coffee cup, but snapped herself out of it and got up as well, making Nyx a bottle for when he woke up.
As she shook the formula up, she asked, “Will you be putting clothes on before the applicants get here, or should I warn them this is going to be a clothes-optional interview?”
He glanced at her over a shoulder, as he began to clean the pan he’d cooked the bacon and eggs in, but turned right back to the sink. “Does my nakedness bother you, Nes?”
Damn him, she could hear the smirk in his voice.
“No,” she snapped. “And stop calling me that.”
“So, you like me in a towel, then?” he went on, turning the sink off as he put the final plate in the drain rack.
“You’re exhausting, you know that?” she asked, turning to face him full on.
He turned to her then, one brow raised as he ran a hand through his nearly-dried hair. “I’m just saying, if it bothers you, I’ll be sure to dress before I come down to slave away for you over the stove. But, if it doesn’t bother you, I have to admit that I like to completely dry before I put on clothes.”
No, it didn’t bother her.
No, she didn’t mind having her breakfast with a view.
No, she wouldn’t mind reaching out and feeling just how hard and defined his abs really were.
No, she would never admit to that.
Instead, she raised her chin and said, “I should wake Nyx up so he’s ready before the first applicant arrives.”
“So formal,” he grinned. “And here I thought we were having a nice, pleasant morning.”
A soft cry came from upstairs and she was immediately in motion, all thoughts of those abs and whether or not water from his shower would well in the defined divots of them gone. Snatching up the bottle she’d set on the counter, she turned and headed for the living room and the stairs beyond. “Put some clothes on,” was all
she called back to him as she hurried for Nyx’s nursery.
Nesta shut the front door, falling back against the wood, listening as the final interview made her way down the cobblestone walkway.
She sighed and made her way into the kitchen. She needed a glass of wine.
A bottle of wine was more like it, but a glass would do for now.
She found Cassian already standing behind a chair at the kitchen table, the resumes of each applicant spread out before him. “So,” she said, reaching into the fridge for the bottle of chilled, white wine. “What did you think?”
He blew out an equally exhausted breath, before shaking his head. “There was…a lot of variety.”
He was right. There was a woman who had to be in her seventies, who had brought an entire notebook of lesson plans, with her goal to have the one-year-old fluent in French before his third birthday. Then there was the thirteen-year-old who had lied about her age on the application, but promised she could ride her bike the mile and a half from her house every day they needed her. Just not until after three on school days.
“Too much variety,” she agreed. “That last woman was so boring she literally put Nyx to sleep.”
It was true. Nyx was currently sound asleep in the middle of his playmat in the living room, surrounded by his toys. 
“I didn’t mind the retired librarian,” Nesta said, filling her wine glass to the brim. 
Cassian scrunched his nose. “She smelled weird.”
Nesta scoffed. “I don’t think Nyx will be minding her smell. She was smart and was obviously good with him.”
“So was Viviane,” Cassian said, picking up an application off the table.
Nesta blinked. “Viviane?”
“Yeah, Viviane,” he said, showing her the application. “Smart. Bachelors in early childhood education. Lives three miles down the road.”
“Young, blonde, hot,” Nesta added, taking a drink.
Cassian raised an eyebrow. “So you do remember her.”
“I remember that she didn’t have near enough experience and she only listed one reference,” Nesta replied, taking the application and resume from him. She looked it over again. “She can’t be more than twenty-two years old.”
“What does her age have to do with it?” He asked, leaning down on the chair and looking at her. “She’s got good qualifications and Nyx loved her. She was one of the few he actually laughed and wanted to play with.”
It was true, he’d been extremely uncomfortable around most of the applicants. He cried the second a couple of them looked at him and had even spit up on one of them. But he had giggled with Viviane and genuinely seemed to like her.
“She hasn’t worked at a legit daycare or anything, but she’s been a one-on-one nanny before,” Cassian pointed out, as Nesta was reading the same thing on her copy of the resume. “And she said she could get us the numbers of her previous families. She just didn’t want to give them out without asking permission.” He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Sounds like she’d respect our privacy, too. But go ahead, keep thinking of reasons she’s not a good candidate.”
Aside from her perky tits and ass, I can’t think of any. The words almost came from her lips, but Nesta ground her teeth.
“We have to agree on someone, and Viviane can start immediately,” Cassian continued. 
Nesta stared at him for a moment.
He stared back, watching as she sipped from her glass. “I swear to the Mother, Cassian, if you fuck the nanny-.”
Cassian barked an unamused laugh. “You think I have absolutely no self control, don’t you?”
“I think you’re basing this choice off of what you want, not what Nyx needs,” she said, not breaking their eye contact.
“She may be hot, but fucking her would be a lot more trouble than it’s worth,” he admitted. “And Nyx is half Rhys. Don’t forget that. He liked to appreciate pretty things just as much as I do, and I’m sure Nyx will, too.”
Scoffing, Nesta set her glass down and went into the living room to get Nyx. “He’s a baby, not a grown man, with raging hormones. You’re disgusting.” She picked him up, still fast asleep from hearing about the nuances of the differences in a sitter and nanny from the old crone they’d spoken with last. “Call Viviane, let her know she starts tomorrow at eight.”
Cassian met her on the stairs. “I don’t work tomorrow, I can watch him.”
Nesta shrugged, but continued up, carrying a drooling Nyx to his nursery. She hadn’t noticed how close to his nap time it had gotten. “Think of it as an exercise in self-control then, and a test run. See how she does with Nyx and see if you can keep your dick to yourself.”
“I’ve kept it from you pretty easily, haven’t I?” 
Nesta refrained from responding as she carried Nyx into the nursery and laid him down, cracking the door open behind her as she left. Walking back downstairs, she retrieved her wine, purposefully ignoring him, though she felt his eyes on her the whole time. She wouldn’t answer his question, was doing her best not to think about it, especially compounded with memories of him this morning.
She had no idea the muscles leading down by the hips could really be so defined. She thought the illustrious V that dragged your eye downwards on most male models was photoshopped in. Cassian, though, very much proved it not only existed, but that it was as distracting as she’d imagined it could be.
“I’m taking a bath,” she announced, heading back for the stairs. “Let Viviane know she got the job, but she can start whenever you want. If you’ll be off tomorrow, we don’t need to pay her to be here.”
She didn’t wait for his reply, and was in her room with the door shut a few seconds later. She took her time filling the bathtub with the things she found under the counter. There were oils and salts and bubbles and soaps, and by the time Nesta settled into the bubbly, warm water, the entire bathroom smelled like a spa. She sipped her wine, refusing to let her mind wander back to Cassian that morning, but by the time her glass was empty, her head was swimming and the water had begun to go cold.
She got out of the tub, watching as the water swirled down the drain and began toweling off.
And then, she had an idea, to give Cassian a taste of his own medicine.
She grabbed a clean, fluffy, white towel and wrapped it around her chest. And then she headed down to the kitchen for a refill.
Cassian was lying on the couch, one arm tossed behind his head, the other using the remote to flip through the stations on the TV.
He caught Nesta the moment her feet appeared at the top of the stairs.
Nesta’s heartbeat a little bit faster with every step she took.
“This is a new look for you,” Cassian said, simply, even though his voice had lowered an octave since the last conversation they had. “Especially considering you took the master bedroom so that you had your own private bathroom to avoid such run-ins with me.”
Nesta tossed her long, wet hair over her shoulder. “I figured it was okay since you’ve made it perfectly clear that you have no desire to crawl into bed with me. I deemed it safe territory.”
The glass still dangled between her fingers and she heard the couch creak as she turned the corner into the kitchen. She may have grabbed a towel that wasn’t quite as wide as the rest of them, one that didn’t quite come as far down her thighs. But if he wanted to prance around in nothing but his skin, she could do the same.
They were both adults. She had no interest in sleeping with him - so she told herself, at least - and he’d said he had no interest in her.
She poured what was left of the bottle in her glass and threw it into the trash with a clunk. She hadn’t realized she had so little left, but was fairly sure another bottle was in the wine cabinet.
Which was in the living room.
When she re-entered the living room, the volume on the TV was nearly silent and Cassian was sitting up, rather than laying down. One arm was draped across the back of the couch and the other still clutched the remote.
She could feel his eyes on her and she took another drink before reaching around the back of the cabinet for the key and unlocking it.
Not only did she grab another bottle of her favorite wine, but also a good bottle of whiskey, too.
“Planning on getting wasted?” He asked, quietly. 
“Just stocking up,” she replied, locking the cabinet behind her. “Care for a glass?”
Cassian looked around the room, as if she would be talking to anyone else other than her. “Sure.”
“Whiskey, I assume?” she asked, going back into the kitchen for another glass. 
The television was a little bit louder when she returned, but not by much.
She sat on the opposite end of the couch, and set the glasses on the coffee table in front of them. After retrieving the glass bottles, she poured.
Cassian remained perfectly quiet as she did so. 
“Is this a truce?” he asked, as Nesta held the glass out toward him.
“This is a celebratory drink to commemorate finding a nanny today,” Nesta said, although her voice held no warmth. “No matter how young and inexperienced and doomed-to-fail she is.”
She held up her wine glass.
Cassian snorted as he clinked his glass against hers.
She wasn’t paying any attention to whatever he had playing on the TV, and she had a feeling he didn’t either, not as she could feel his stare burning into her. Enough so that she crossed her legs, unintentionally causing the towel to raise even higher attention on the outside of her thigh. It almost exposed her entire hip, which she wasn’t anticipating, but she had made the decision to come down here, to tease him by showing him what he had done to her. She wouldn’t let him see how much his gaze was affecting her.
Even if it was just the wine.
Or so she told herself.
She was just about to stand, to make some excuse for going upstairs when he set his glass down on the coffee table and cleared his throat.
“New house rule. Clothes are required in the common areas. Kitchen, living room, dining room,” he said, ticking them off one by one. “Bedrooms and bathrooms are the only places where this is allowed.”
He gestured towards her, without looking, to make sure his point was understood.
“Why?” She asked innocently, and then she threw his own words back into his face. “Does my nakedness bother you, Cass?”
“Quite the opposite,” he admitted, adjusting himself.
Nesta pretended she didn’t notice.
“I thought you had no issue keeping yourself in check with me,” Nesta said, her voice low. “I thought you weren’t some untamed male with raging hormones.”
“I’m not,” he said, reaching to refill his glass. “At least, not until a beautiful woman is sitting a foot away from me, soaked, in a towel, pouring me whiskey.”
“I’m not soaked,” she said, without thinking it through. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
When Cassian looked at her, he grinned, but his eyes were dark. “I meant your hair.”
Nesta knew her plan had immediately backfired, either that or she’d had far too much to drink, so she simply nodded and stood heading back for the staircase.
She turned back to look at him, halfway up the staircase.
He was smirking, that glass of whiskey resting on the arm of the couch. “If you ever do find yourself soaked, you know where to find me.”
She was up the stairs and slamming her door in a flash, trying to ignore his quiet laughter.
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 6
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GIF: I do not own this GIF.
Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
All chapters
You are forced to wake up in a sudden by your alarm blaring. You squint your eyes, try to find your glasses or your phone to turn off that annoyance of the sounds of your alarm. You finally turned it off and put on your glasses then checked out the time. You forgot that you have to wake up earlier than you planned before Lizzie’s text yesterday. Once you see the time is 5 AM, you regretted that you stayed up late last night.
You groaned as you got out of the bed. Last night you decided to wake up at 5 AM just so you can give yourself enough time to get ready, let alone you have to try to beat the traffic to go to the office even though it’s Friday you just don’t want to take that risk, not today. Last but not least, you have to get the coffee that Lizzie specifically requested.
You try to get ready faster than usual. You picked semi casual attire for today with a low ponytail and flat shoes. You grabbed your purse, your laptop and every other thing you need for work today. You walk out then go to your mom’s room to check if your mom is awake.
“Ma, are you awake yet? I’m gonna go to work okay? I’ll see you when I get home. Love you.” You half whispered hoping your mom can hear you but not loud enough to wake her up just in case she is still sleeping.
“Okay, good luck on your first day my dear.” Your mom replies in a sleepy tone.
You left for work but had to drop by at Starbucks near the office to get Lizzie’s large black coffee with half and half and two pumps of hazelnut syrup so it will still be hot when she gets it. That’s how she likes it and it’s one of a few list of coffee beverages she likes besides her precious seasonal pumpkin spice latte.
You finally arrived at the office at 6 AM sharp. The main building is already open due to some offices having early operation hours. You confidently go up to the office thinking it is already open as well or at least opened for Lizzie who is meeting you there but to your surprise the door is still locked and all the lights are still off. Puzzled with what’s going on, you pull out your phone and try to contact Lizzie to figure out where she is.
You try to call her but no answer. You wait for a few minutes in front of the office, then you try to call her again, which leads to the same result, no answer. Hoping that you will get an answer if you try to reach her in a different way, you decided to text her.
"Good morning Ms. Olsen, I'm here at the office. Are you on your way here by any chance? Thanks." You texted anxiously yet irritated. Fifteen minutes went by and still no words whatsoever from her. You decided to go back to your car and wait there.
You hate waiting yet that’s the only thing you can do now. Luckily, you parked at one of the Vernon’s office reserved spots so it will be easy for you to spot Lizzie when she comes. You sighed with annoyance every time you checked your phone and found nothing from Lizzie. You watch the parking spots around you like a hawk to spot Lizzie but shortly you are betrayed by your body, your eyes slowly close and you fall asleep. All of a sudden you hear your phone ring, it’s Lizzie. You jolted to check the time to find it’s 8:05. “Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!’ You cursed in your mind and answered the call.
”Hello. Ms. Olsen. I’m coming right up.” You explain right away while you gather your stuff to get going.  “Where are you?! You are late. I have been waiting here for 5 minutes.” Lizzie asked, pretending she was upset about waiting. Making you come two hours early and letting you wait was her plan. Little did you know, Lizzie actually saw you sleeping in the car when she parked. Of course she won’t let this situation go to waste so she decided to just go up to the office to make it look like you are late. 
You finally showed up with one hand holding your purse and your laptop, the other handing Lizzie her coffee. “Good morning. I’m so sorry. Here’s your coffee. I got here at-..” before you could finish your explanation she cuts you off. “Um, my coffee is not hot, Y/n. Why is it cold? I like hot coffee in the morning. You need to get me a new one on the way there. We gotta go now or we are gonna be late. Thanks to you.” She gave the coffee back to you and walked away.
Your jaw dropped. You are so flabbergasted and irritated at the same time with what just happened as you saw her walk away with no remorse whatsoever. 
“Aren’t you coming?” What Lizzie said snap you back to reality and you proceed to follow her to leave.
Lizzie decided to sit at the front passenger side with you driving. You drive in silence, still upset that you have to go to Starbucks to get her another hot coffee. You ordered hers and your usual coffee. You got both of your orders, you put yours in the cup holder and you hand her hers. “Ice coffee huh in the morning? Grande Espresso frappuccino, light ice double blended with extra shot in a venti cup. Just because you like cold coffee in the morning, it doesn’t mean other people like it too, you know?” She commented sarcastically.  “Ms. Olsen, I got there at 6 just like you wanted me to, I tried to call and text you but no answer. That’s why your coffee got cold. It has been sitting for two hours.” You broke your silence but are still trying to keep it cool.
“Oh yeah, I slept in, didn’t hear my alarm.” Lizzie answered nonchalantly.
“Are you kidd--” You said in your mind then you took a deep breath. Hearing how she answered you, it made you connect the dots and you know what she’s up to. You know it’s normal if she really slept in but this happened on the first day you work for her, coincidence much. 
“I see.” You said it sarcastically and nodded slightly. “What? What do you see?” You got her attention. “Oh nothing. You did it on purpose didn’t you? You are trying to give me a hard time working.” You calmly confront her. “I told you I slept in. It’s up to you how you gonna take my answer.” Another nonchalant answer came out from her. You chuckle sarcastically then pull over and turn your head to look at her. She looks back at you confused.
“Look, Ms. Olsen. I don’t sugar coat things so please hear me out, I know you don’t like me because I got hired as the assistant you thought you don’t need and I don’t fancy you either. What you did this morning is completely childish and to me, you really give yourself a bad name such as a brat. I’m just here doing my job. As professional as you are and as stubborn as you are, no matter what game you are playing now, I won’t quit because I’m not a quitter. So why don’t you just let me do my job until the contract ends?” You raise one of your eyebrows and give her an intimidating smile then you start to drive again to the location.
Despite the fact that Lizzie actually got caught off guard with what you just did and with everything you said, she refused to give in. In fact it just provoked her more and started to ramble angrily “I told you I slept in! Just so you know, I have my own reason why I don't need a new assistant! You know nothing about me! So don't you dare call me a brat! Don't get too cocky. I’m not a quitter either. I’ll win.” She replied and just like that, they soon got into an argument and everything turned into one competition between you two girls who have the same level of unyielding obduracy. Nonetheless, both of you are consumed by your own ego and anger. 
You scoffed. "Oh come on! We both know you did it on purpose! I'm not stupid! 2 plus 2 is 4! Why don't you want a new assistant anyway? It's not that bad!" You raised your tone a little.
"Why the hell do I have to tell you my reason?! It's a personal thing! You work for me, don't you remember that?! Being childish is way better than being cocky like you. Just because you are the best assistant that Mitchel has, doesn't mean you're better than anybody else! So if you are as professional as you said you are, why don't you just zip it and drive?!"
The driving is now filled with tension and awkward silence. You decide to turn on the music just to calm you down. Clair De Lune by Motez Remix plays. The tune is actually catchy enough to Lizzie’s ears, she never heard this song before so she secretly checked the title on y/n’s car screen. “I don’t like this, I want to listen to something else.” She lied just to push y/n’s button yet again. “My car, my choice of music.” Lizzie rolled her eyes to what you said.
Luckily the traffic wasn’t that bad, you both arrived at the location on time. Lizzie gets out of the car and slams the door as she is still upset with you.
The photoshoot session starts. Both of you only talk when it’s needed. Not a single eye contact happens between the two of you. After a few hours, it’s time for lunch. Lunch is already catered, you prepared a plate for her, place it on the table. You sit with the photographer and crews on another table near hers.
She sits and about to eat but was stopped by something she noticed on her plate. Something that she hates, onions.
“Umm, Y/n, I can’t eat this.” She pushed the plate away. “ And why is that?” curious why she said that, you go to take a look at her plate and notice what’s the problem. “Sorry, I didn’t notice there’s onions there.” You added.
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t mind eating it if there’s no onion in it. Since you are my assistant, I will let you do your job just like what you asked me to do earlier.” She said it sarcastically but in a low tone and gave you a smirk, knowing she just served you back your own words from the argument earlier.
You realized what she wants you to do, it won’t look good if the photographer and the crew see you argue with you since they didn’t hear what ridiculous “assistance” Lizzie just asked you to do for her so you just do what she asked you to half heartedly.
The rest of the session continues then you both go back to the office when it’s all done. The whole ride was awkward and silent from both of you with soft music playing in the background. Tension is in the air but that doesn’t stop both of you secretly exchanging glances to each other without you both knowing.
You both arrived at the office’s parking structure  just to separate to go home and move on with your day.
Ch. 7
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Rock ‘N’ Roll People In A Disco World
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Part 3- Crying At The Disco
Intro: You keep vigil at Paul’s bedside, but there’s nothing to do but wait and hope he makes his way back to you.
Pairing: Paul Diskant x Reader
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: Not being a medical expert, I’ve tried to make this as accurate as possible (thank you google and various other people whose brains I picked) but if there are any inaccuracies please take them as creative license! As always, I’ve tried to make this reader as inclusive as always. Images etc in the moodboard are merely used for aesthetic purposes.
Rock ‘n’ Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 2
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 It was like he was in a blacked out fog. Nothing felt the same, nothing could move, he couldn't open his eyes, nor could he speak. It was silent, bar the faint sound of the sweetest voice, but it was so very far away, almost like it weren't real. 
"Hey, Stud." 
The sound, soft and familiar, a blessing to his ears, brought his mind to a memory, now a dream, he relived.
The alarm was buzzing annoyingly and he felt the warm body that had been pressed up against his all night rustle and slam a heavy something over the badgering clock. Then he felt two soft lips ghost over his jaw, where the joint came together, before softly kissing near his chin, up to his cheek and over his lips. 
"Day shift awaits, Officer Disco."
A sleepy smile pulled at his lips as he felt the weight of the bed shift and he peeked an eye open long enough to see her arms slip into his shirt, the material covering her naked frame. He watched her sway out of the room and soon heard sounds from down the stairs. He stretched in bed, his body happily sore from the night spent with his girl. It had been one incredibly glorious night. First the anticipation of the whole upcoming week had him giddy and happy during his shift and when he'd arrived to pick up Y/N, he knew he was a gonner. From their little flirty game before dinner to the sweet glances and soft touches at the restaurant over their rich meal to the lightning speed return trip home to truly loving on her for the first time, Paul Diskant was in heaven. And, dare he say it, in love, hypothetically. 
He chuckled at himself for the way he was feeling but he wouldn't trade it for anything, bar a repeat of the night before and for nights to come. As he kicked his legs over the side of the bed to go freshen up, he plucked his glasses from his overnight bag that he'd collected from the bottom of the stairs sometime in the middle of the night and headed for the en suite. A smirk playing at his lips as he remembered the tilted and scratched lamp in the hall from the night before. He didn't hold back the grin that had splayed over his face when he'd passed it gathering his bag. He'd fix it later. 
The black frames formed a stark outline over his baby blues and he slipped them off briefly to rinse his face. He brushed his teeth and headed back for bed, checking his phone for texts or missed calls. As he sat back against the headboard, the sheet up to his naked waist, he took in the room around him for the first time, it was simply decorated, grey walls with dark furniture; the bed frame, the dresser with the television on top and two night stands. Various pictures set about depicting pieces and moments of Y/N's life. Of course this wasn't the first time he'd been in here, but it was the first morning after and he saw things in a new light. He tilted the corner of his mouth upward as he looked at the bedside table where she'd slept, finding a set of photobooth pictures, five to the strip, taken the night of their first date. His reverie was interrupted when the woman on his mind walked into the bedroom, still wearing only his shirt, her hair messed about from sex and sleep, in her hand two cups of coffee and slid under her arm what looked to be the morning newspaper. 
"I remembered you'd said that you'd read the paper... Wow," she stopped mid-sentence. 
"Wow what?" He asked, cocking his head a bit to the side. 
"I've just never seen you in your glasses, yet," she smirked. 
"Okay... so is it a good wow or a 'get the fuck outta my bed' wow?" He waited on baited breath, already knowing the answer. 
"Oh it's good." She replied and sauntered over to him, setting their mugs and the paper down on the nightstand.  "Like...very good," she seductively added as she straddled his hips, holding herself over him on her knees. 
She was gorgeous, eyes that always smiled around him, her pouty lips swollen from his kisses, her hair tousled and wild, a reminder of their night. 
"You know what else is 'wow'," he asked softly, his lips so close to hers, as her brow quirked up, "you in my shirt, looking like you do now," he stretched his body upward, close to her lips. 
"Oh, yeah?" She whispered, as he could feel her breath on his skin, the faint smell of minty toothpaste there, where she must have brushed her teeth downstairs. 
"Oh yeah," he sealed their lips in a sultry kiss.
He used his brute strength to toss Y/N on her back, his naked hips between her legs, his hands on her back against the bed. His lips lazily kissed at her neck. She reached up and plucked the glasses from his face. 
"Let's see how blind you really are," she grinned. 
“Well, you know, when one of your senses is impaired they say the others become more enhanced to compensate. I happen to have a very good sense of touch and taste.”
"Prove it."
"Oh, are you challenging me, Miss Y/L/N?"
"Yes," she deadpanned. 
His lips started again at her neck whilst a hand pulled from around her back and deftly began unbuttoning the few buttons done up on his shirt, exposing her tummy and breasts, the material falling away. 
Her skin turned to goose flesh as his fingers gently splayed over her tummy and then down her hip to her thigh, his fingertips ghosting her skin, tickling her so. 
She squirmed at his touch before she gave a soft snort of a giggle as his fingers trailed down the outside of her thigh and he paused, pulling his head up from where he’d been peppering soft kisses against her neck and he looked at her.
“Am I amusing you?”
“You know I’m ticklish there!” She grinned and Diskant gave a huff of a laugh, his mouth dropping back to her neck.
“I do but that’s not quite what I’m going for...”
“Well maybe my senses are heightened too, Disco.” She teased, her eye lashes fluttering against her cheeks as his affection moved to her collar bone.
Her giggles soon turned to soft, gentle sighs as his lips and mouth trailed a path down her sternum, strong hands sliding up her sides and coming to rest on her rib cage, thumbs brushing the underneath of her breasts. Her fingers scratched at the short buzzed cut hair behind his ears before scratching down to the nape of his neck. At the soft bite of her nails against his skin he gave a low groan of satisfaction, before he shifted slightly, his mouth finding hers again as his hands cupped her breasts, thumbs skating over the nipples.
She preened at his touch, his calloused thumb rubbing over that hardened spot and she arched her back, pushing up into his hands, a silent question for more. He obliged, gently tweaking her nipples between his thumb and finger, swallowing the filthy noises of delight she was making. 
His attention to her flesh grew as he moved his affections to her other nipple in the same way, then slowly dragging his mouth, hot and open across her sternum and down her tummy, his tongue dipping into her naval. Two strong, yet gentle hands reached down to the back of her knees, parting her legs wider as he slid down the bed, his body sliding against hers as he moved downwards. 
His lips pressed against her skin, just before her small patch of curls began. A nip to the inside of her thigh and then the other. A flat, long tongue slid across her wet folds.
"Jesus, fuck," Y/N cried out.
“No, just me.”
"You smug li..." she couldn't finish her sentence as he dove in for all of her, causing her to quite literally cry out at sweet combination of a gasp and an 'oh'. 
With each lap and lick of his tongue against her, she tasted sweeter and sweeter. He loved the sounds she made, the way her body was so quick to respond to his every touch. Just like the night before, his pride and ego grew, his chest swelling with it all. And as his tongue dipped deep inside her, he felt her walls begin to flutter against him. 
Her hands found the back of his head, fingers running along his scalp again, reaching for that spot that would make him growl. He felt her scratch at him and as he hummed in delight against her, she came with a force, trying with all she could to get him deeper. 
He relished in the way she cried out, the way his name sounded across her lips as she exploded within. As she rode that high, he continued to lick and suck at her, the right amount of pressure against her clit to make her shake. His strokes were slow and delicate, lazy, but none the less still highly pleasurable. 
Her palm pressed against his forehead as she pushed him away, clearly having become too sensitive and he moved, placing a kiss to her tummy as he crawled back over her, taking a moment to look at her face as she lay boneless beneath him, her features soft with bliss. 
His lips brushed hers again and her hand curled round his neck, pulling her in for a deeper kiss and the fact he knew she’d be able to taste herself turned him on even more. He was rock hard, and as he pressed against her, she smirked against his mouth.
“Something got you worked up, Officer?”
“Somethings gonna work up you in a minute.” He quipped back and she gave a snort, shaking her head.
With a strong arm he propped himself up and twisted towards the nightstand, grasping for the foil packet he’d tossed on there earlier after retrieving his glasses.
“Nice to see you were so confident how this morning was gonna go.” Y/N looked at him as he sat back on his heels, tearing at the packet with his teeth.
“Don’t kid yourself, babe. We both know this was nailed on.”
"I'm inclined to agree, Stud," Y/N reached out towards him as she sat up, gently touching his tip, collecting the precum on her finger and dipping it into her mouth, before she took him in her hand again.
"Fucking hell, baby," his voice was a growl as her hand began to pump up and down his dick and she leaned forward slightly, grabbing the half open foil packet from him.
“Fucking heaven more like.” She grinned before she tore open the packet and rolled the condom down his shaft, drawing a groan from his throat before she lay back down, her legs bent at the knee.
“Come at me, Disco.” She teased and she didn’t need to ask twice. 
As much as he was tempted to fuck her into the mattress he kept his movements slow and deep, rocking as opposed to thrusting. One hand curled around her knee, hooking her leg round his waist, the other held onto her hip as he leaned down, slanting his mouth over hers once again. Her hands slid round his back, fingers tracing the muscles of his shoulders as they flexed with each rut he made, his skin tingling to the touch. 
She felt so good, so damn good wrapped around him. He desperately fought the urge to just let go, instead building up toward that crash they both chased.
He pushed upwards, grinding his hips against her and she groaned into his mouth, nails digging into his back as his name slipped from her lips in a breathy pant.
"I'm so close, Y/N. I just need to...lo...more."
He felt her flutter around him, his name now flowing freely in a staccato chant, and her back arched, a loud cry bubbled from her throat as she trembled around him, her hands grabbing at his back as she clung to him, riding out her bliss.
His body caged her in, his forearms pressed into the mattress at her shoulders, his lips kissing whatever skin he could on her neck and face as his hips rolled and rolled into her, feeling the way she held him deep inside her and as her body shook, his own insides started to coil, knocking at the door of his own bliss.
"Oh, baby," he moaned in a guttural tone, his orgasm hitting him hard. He nuzzled at her neck as his hips steadied out, giving her soft kisses along the column of her neck and across her jaw.
“Hypothetically, I love you.” He muttered against her skin and she laughed, nudging at his forehead with her nose, causing him to look at her and she smiled. 
“Hypothetically, I love you too.”
You sat there holding his hand, just talking to him, reminding him you were there for him and that you loved him. But little were you aware of the readout happening in the corner of the room, where brain activity had spiked, causing an array of markers on the printout for the doctors to read. 
Four days, four days of endless commotion in and out of his room, from hospital staff to a changing of the guard between you and his parents, to Jimmy, Sam, and Steve, all taking turns in the room, waiting in the ICU lobby. By the fifth day, your parents had come down, Dotty calling them to come quickly as they'd been away and you had barely eaten let alone left his side. There was nothing you could do but sit there as he was in a deep sleep, medically sedated, so he could heal. 
"Y/N, you need to let your father and I get you home for a bit. You're not doing yourself any good sitting here when you could be refreshed for when they do start waking him up."
You sighed at your mother; Maria, your father; Nick, in turn sighing at you. Dotty was upstairs with Paul and Big Jim was sitting around waiting to go up for a bit. You didn't want to leave.
"Angel," your father spoke softly, your nickname causing a rush of emotion to wash over you as you turned to face him. "The doctors said they won't be waking up for at least another day or two, not until they’re certain he’s strong enough. Please, let me take you home so you can get a proper shower and a good, hot meal."
Big Jim stood now near your father, his eyes staring back at you, "Please, Y/N, if not for yourself, for him. You'll want to be here when he wakes up and you can't be run down for that. Your dad's right, Paul's not coming to any time soon, and it'll be at least a day or two after they turn him around before the sedatives wear off." He looked at your parents and then back to you, "besides, if I don't look after his girl, he's gonna be pissed at me and none of us want that. So, please... Go."
You weighed it out. Damn it, you knew they were right but you wanted... no, needed to stay. What if something happened and you weren't there what if.... 
"Come on, Y/N," Big Jim placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, pulling you in for a hug. 
Tearfully you sighed, "Please don't leave him alone."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Big Jim gave you a soft wink as you looked up at him. You nodded as you pulled away, and your father walked you out to their car and took you home. 
The ride was silent, the air heavy, your father knowing you needed the peace. The ride home took forever but nowhere near as long as the ride Weiss gave you the other night. With shaky hands, you unlocked the front door to your single bedroom apartment and your father instructed you to shower while he looked for something to make you. 
You moved silently down the hall your fingers ghosting along the pictures against the wall. Ones from each of your personal lives and others of your life together. You stepped into your room and realized it was the way you'd left it. Haphazard piles of clothes on the floor and in the bins, the sheets still a mess from when you'd made love that night.
Numbly, you sat on the edge of the bed on Paul's side and you laid against his pillow, inhaling the deepest breath you've probably ever taken. His scent was all around you, inside you, infiltrating every sense and nerve in your body and you finally let go of the saddest, most heart-breaking scream you could manage.
You didn't even register your dad entering the room but you felt the weight of the bed shift as he sat at the edge, near your curled up legs. You sat up and fell into his embrace, allowing him to cradle you like the little girl you used to be, rocking you back and forth, stroking your hair as your head rested against his chest. Your sobs soaked his shirt while he tried to whisper soft comforts to you, no doubt his own chin wobbling as he felt his little girl's heart break, her pain.
Eventually your sobs evened out and your dad pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “I haven’t comforted you like this since your first boyfriend broke your heart.” There was a pause as you sniffed and pulled back to look at your dad. “God, he was an asshole.”
You gave a watery splutter as you tucked your head back under your dad's chin, his hand rubbing your back. “Paul isn’t.” You whispered and your dad shook his head.
“No... no, he’s not. He’s a good kid, treats you right. I’d never have agreed to let him ask you to marry him otherwise.”
"I'm so scared, Daddy," you cried. 
“Hey, Y/N," your father pulled away from you, "if there’s one thing I do know about Paul, he’s probably the only person on the planet that can rival you and your mother for stubbornness. He's not going anywhere, honey, he’s a fighter.”
You nod and give off a big yawn, exhaustion closing in on you.
"Sleep, Angel," he said softly. "I'll be right on the couch. Then after some rest you're going to take a hot shower and I'm going to get you a hot meal. So help me, or your mother is coming to do it and I don't think we want that."
“I dunno.” You sniff. “Mom's mac and cheese sounds pretty dammed good right now.”
"But it doesn't beat my grilled cheese."
“Nothing beats your grilled cheese, Pops.”
A hot shower and a real meal, outside what the vending machine near the elevator could provide, was what you needed. However, you didn't stay away long. You were there, bright and early the next morning, on the sixth day, highly anxious to get back to Paul. When you arrived, your own car taking you there this time, you noticed a familiar face talking to Steve and Sam.
Your blood boiled and bile threatened to escape your throat as you took note of Detective Tom Ludlow of Vice Special talking candidly with your captain and Paul's. In quick, long strides, you closed in on the trip and caught Ludlow with a nasty right hook. "Officer down with no suspects to pursue and you fucking book it. Look at where we are. Have you seen him? He is fighting for his life, and that's on you!"
Steve quickly pulled you back after the punch to Ludlow's jaw, "Hey, calm down."
"I am fucking calm!" 
Rogers growled as he held you back, "take a breath or talk a walk, Y/N."
But you were too angry to pay him any attention. Instead you ignored him, your glare remaining fixated on Ludlow. “How about I shoot you, and leave you for dead; find out how much your family like it, huh?”
"Y/N," he began, "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? You're sorry? He trusted you! You were supposed to have his back!"
“Excuse me.” A stern voice cut over your rant and you blinked and turned away from the doctor who had just walked into the small family waiting area. “I appreciate that feelings and emotions are running high but if you keep this up, I'll have to call security. You’re not the only people with family here.”
"If he dies, you're next." You ran your hand down your face and turned to Steve, your voice painfully measured, “get rid of him, before I do.”
Sam escorted you to the elevator, and you went on up. And you didn't miss the hushed words of your captain to Ludlow as the elevator doors started to close. 
"I've never seen her like this, unnerving how broken she is. She's ace and one of my best," Steve sighed. "If he doesn't..."
"The kid has heart," you heard Ludlow reply before the doors closed completely. 
You huffed out a stressed breath, your right hand in a bit of a throb as you shook out the pain. But it was nothing compared to what your heart felt. Realistically, you knew the risks of both your job and Paul's, they were one in the same. And things like shootings and even albeit deaths occur with officers all the time, a sad consequence to wearing the badge. And, things could be even more scary if and when undercover, such as Paul had been. And while you didn't want to know details, you knew players, you knew this case, figuring out who exactly murdered Vice Special Washington had been in Paul's lap for a good week or two. But, right now you couldn't see through the red hot anger burning inside you at Ludlow for pulling Paul in so deep so fast. You couldn't see past the pain and anguish, the fear that was controlling you as he still lay motionless in bed.
Time seemed to creep by. There was no real sense of anything for you to set your watch by so to speak, day and night didn’t exist anymore, yet you knew exactly how long he’d been unconscious down to the last second. 
As he was in the ICU, visitors were strictly monitored and limited to close family only, but your friends were never far away and whilst they may not be allowed in to see him, there was a steady string of colleagues and people you knew arriving to show you their support. 
By the eighth day you had fallen into a routine. You and his parents took it in shifts to sit with him ensuring that the three of you all got time to head home for a shower, food and an attempted few hours of rest. You were loathe to leave his side, but whilst he was out of it there really was nothing you could do.
As you sat in the room by his bed, idly flicking through your text messages on your phone, stealing glances at him every so often just in case something had changed, there was a knock on the door to the room and you turned to see Dotty poking her head through the frame. 
“Hi, Sweetheart.” She gave you a tired smile as she stepped into the room and you sighed knowing that it was your time to leave.
“Hi,” you stood up, and stretched out your limbs. “He’s been the same so...”
You trailed off, what else was there to say? 
Leaning over you placed a gentle kiss to his temple and ran your hand over his short hair. “I’ll be back soon,” you promised, blinking back more tears as you straightened up.
You made to the door where Dotty gave you a hug before she stepped inside and you paused, watching as she dropped a kiss to his forehead.
"Hi, honey,” She sniffed, her hand stroking his hair. “Oh, my baby boy....you have to wake up. I already lost one son, I can't lose you too.”
**** “My baby boy…”
He knew that voice. His mom. His comfort blanket, the woman who’d patched up his various bumps and scrapes
“I can’t lose you too.”
But as his mom’s face swam in the fog of his brain, he saw another, not unlike his, but older….
James. James Junior.
He'd had a spectacular day at school, practice had gone well and now he was walking home with his best friends, listening to the razzing they were giving him about Ashley Calvin, the cheerleader sweet on him who couldn't stop making eyes at Paul during practice.
As the group of boys rounded the corner, a black and white was parked in front of his house. He hadn't thought much of it, his father having taken time sometimes on patrol to swoop in on his wife for a bit, but then it slightly registered that it was his dad's day off and this particular squad car wasn't familiar. 
A frown pressed his brow and Paul broke off from his friends, "hey, uh, I'll see you guys later."
The group waved him off and as Paul entered the front door, he knew something wasn't right as he heard his mother's heartbroken cries and his father's loud sobs coming from the kitchen. He practically dropped his backpack where he stood and pounded into the kitchen, seeing what he'd heard, his parents in grief.
"Mom... Dad..." he croaked, fearing the worst.
The officer in the room, Paul didn't recognize, but he welcomed him in and asked him to take a seat.
"What's going on?" Paul asked.
"It's Junior," his dad sniffed, a typically straight faced stoic man. "He's gone, son."
"No, I... I don't understand," Paul shook his head in disbelief. 
"I'm afraid so, we received a call earlier this morning of a young man unresponsive at a well-known address. When we arrived, that's when I was able to ID him," the officer explained. Then he sighed and turned his attention to the family themselves, "I’m sorry to ask, Jim but, you know the script. I need to know if any of you saw him at all recently, if there’s anything you know that can help us piece together what happened.”
Jim and Dotty both shook their heads.
“I’ve not seen him for months, we errr, I kicked him out a few months back..” Jim stammered, shaking his head. “I didn’t want that stuff in the house. I mean he’d been arrested, had no option-“ His guilty stammers continued and Paul swallowed as he looked down at the table.
“I saw him yesterday afternoon.” He all but whispered, blinking back the tears from his eyes.
Both of his parents looked at him as he stared at the table. He’d hidden it from them, their standing weekly meet ups. "I used to see him every Wednesday, we’d get a hotdog on the pier and catch up."
He heard his mom give a little cry as his dad groaned, his voice full of sorrow as he spoke.
"Why didn't you tell us, son?”
"Because I thought you’d be angry. Suppose it doesn’t really matter now.” Paul held back the emotions he had bubbling inside as he raised his head to look at his father who took a shaky breath as he wiped a hand over his face. 
"No," Dotty whispered. "It doesn't."
Big Jim stood and embraced his youngest and now only son. And as his arms wrapped around him, Paul allowed his emotions to escape, a loud cry and screwed up eyes giving way. 
Paul knew Junior had his fair share of problems. He'd idolized his brother all his life, their five year difference never an issue. But just as Paul was about to enter high school, and Junior was getting ready to leave, he'd fallen into the wrong crowd, continuously causing tension between himself and his parents. Paul could only watch from the side-lines as his parents tried and tried to right Junior's wrongs. After an arrest, and no bail out from his father, Junior was in something far deeper than hot water. But when Big Jim found the drugs in Junior's room, it was the last straw.
The notifying officer's voice broke through his thoughts and Paul focused on the conversation.
"Unfortunately, you're going to have to come down and make a positive ID."
Big Jim nodded, "I'll do it."
"No, Jim," Dotty reached for his hand. "I want to see him."
"So do I." Paul added.
"Paul, I don't think..." Jim started to object but his wife of twenty five years interjected.
"Let him," she said. "We'll all go."
The drive to the coroner was silent, the longest drive of Paul's life. The morgue wasn't far per say but the drive took forever. At least it felt like it did. Big Jim checked them in and they waited nearly ten minutes before the coroner collected them and took them to a cold, sterile room.
They gathered around a sheet covered body and waited. The coroner pulled the sheet back to reveal a face and Dotty quickly turned her head into Big Jim's chest. With a wobbling lip, a sob being held back, Big Jim looked at the coroner and nodded, confirming it was Junior.
Paul stood there, staring at his older brother's lifeless form. The first dead body he'd ever seen and it was his own brother's. He swallowed back the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He thought of all the fun he'd had with him, the times he'd come to him about crushes on girls and he thought about their standing Wednesdays at the pier.
As his parents finished paperwork with the coroner, he waited in the lobby and thought some more. At nearly sixteen, Paul Diskant had, in that moment of devastation and despair, decided his future. He would follow in his father's footsteps and carry the badge. He would work hard to prevent families like his own in experiencing this very tragedy. If he could help just one family, then it would all be worth it.
The floor of the ICU was quickly bustling, stirring you uncomfortably from your seat next to Big Jim, who'd dozed off for the last twenty minutes or so. The flurry of activity had you keening your head around the corner for a moment and you realized the flurry was coming to and from Paul's room.
"Oh my God," your heart jumped to your throat and your words startled Jim awake. The two of you quickly ran to Paul's room just as Dotty was being ushered out.
"Dot?" Big Jim said worried.
"I... I don't know, I was just there, talking to him, holding his hand and the nurse called for the doctor.”
"Is something wrong?" You asked a nurse coming out of the room, the doctor behind her.
"Not at all, in fact," the doctor began, "his heart rate has increased and his EEG is showing signs of a significant increase of brainwave activity."
Your hand flew to your mouth in shock and hope, your heart racing. "What..."
"That means that you keep talking to him, you keep telling him you're there. His brain is functioning, he's showing signs of emotions and clearly responding to stimuli."
You let out a small noise that was halfway between a sob and a gasp as behind you Dotty began to sob, and you felt Jim’s hand on your shoulder.
"We'll start gradually weaning off the sedation tonight, after we run some more tests and watch his results. But this is all very, very good news." The doctor smiled.
It was the best news you could have ever heard. There was hope, he was going to make it.
When the dust had settled and the nurses and staff cleared the room, you went back in, giving Dotty a break to sit with Big Jim in the ICU lobby. You pulled up your trusty chair and took a seat, facing Paul. You sat forward and took his hand in yours, your other hand cradling a book in your lap. Your lips pressed into the top of his hand and you smiled. 
"Come back to me," you willed. "Nap time is over, it's time to wake up."
It had been one of the best weeks of his life. He and Y/N tested their new relationship with a week of playing house and man did they play house! From their first night to their last, they were wrapped up in one another's arms, having at least one meal together or morning coffee before shifts. Despite the newness of it all, he was deep in love. And therefore ruined. But tonight that all would end, he'd have to go back to his parents and she'd be in her bed, alone, until... He could even think about it. Y/N was due home any minute, having picked up her parents at the airport when her shift ended. He was busy making sure he wasn't burning dinner, the chicken cordon bleu baking away in the oven whilst, mashed potatoes and sautéed green beans were hitting the stove top.  In the last week he had fast established that whilst Y/N might be good at a lot of things, cooking was not one of them. She was a disaster in the kitchen unless she was baking, and as such, given it was something he was good at, he’d taken over the meal making. The tell-tale sound of a car pulling into the long drive alerted his ears and he smirked to himself. He tossed the tea towel he had been holding onto the side counter and made his way out of the door, heading to the car where Y/N and her parents, Nick and Maria were climbing out. "Hey, guys, welcome home," he smiled, hugging Maria, shaking Nick's hand and grabbing a couple of the bags to help. He pressed a sweet kiss to Y/N cheek. “Good day?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, couple of minor call outs but nothing heavy for once.”
He smiled before he turned to her parents. “How was New York?” He'd caught Y/N's eye as he listened to Maria talk about their trip. She cocked her head towards her shoulder and mouthed 'kiss ass' at him. He tried his best to stop the grin spreading across his face at the fact she had hit the nail on the head. He was turning on the charm, big time. It was important to him her parents liked him as much as his liked her. "Where do you want these?" He'd gestured to the bags in his hands.
"Just leave them at the foot of the stairs," Nick replied. "I'll take them up later."
"Sure, no problem." “Something smells good!” Maria gave an appreciative sniff as the four of them made their way into the kitchen. Nick snorted. “Makes a change from when Y/N cooks.” "Hey!" She snorted playfully.
"She's not wrong, Y/N/N," Nick laughed. "I could use a beer. Paul?"
"Sure, yeah, thank you. Let me just peek in on dinner." “How nice to have a man that can cook.” Maria sighed dramatically and Nick groaned.
“Cheers Paul, way to show me up.” "I'm going to go up and change, I'll be right back." Maria smiled at the people around her.
"I'll grab a few beers from the garage," Nick offered. "Y/N, beer or wine?"
"Uh...surprise me."
"You are your mother's daughter." When both of her parents were out of hearing range, Y/N turned to Paul with wide eyes. "Did you manage to fix the lamp bulb and hide the scratch?" “Lightbulb, yes. Scratch no. I didn’t want to make it worse.”
“And the rail for the shower curtain?”
“Back up.”
“Photo frame in the lounge?”
“Couldn't find the exact one. Had to buy another, but don’t worry I’ll take the flack. It was technically me that kicked it over after all.” "The ice cream stain on the couch?"
“I did as much as I could.” He scratched his neck. “And rearranged the scatter cushions.” "You're a life saver, I can't imagine what they'd think if they knew we fuc..." She couldn't finish her sentence as Maria had come back into the kitchen.
"Y/N, what happened to the lamp on the landing?" “Oh I errr, knocked it with the laundry basket. We changed the bulb but I couldn’t do anything about the scratch. I’m sorry, I’ll replace it.” “Yeah and erm before you spot the frame in the living room, that was my fault.” Paul spoke up. “I knocked it accidentally when I was running the vacuum round before. I replaced the frame and kept the old one just in case you wanted to see if it was repairable.” Maria shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, it wasn’t valuable. The photo is the most important thing.”
“Yeah it’s a good shot.” Paul grinned before he turned to Y/N. “You sure suited those little dungarees and pigtails, babe.” “Fuck off.” She shot back and Paul laughed as Nick walked back into the kitchen.
“Language, young lady.” He admonished, placing two beers down on the island counter along with two sparkling wines. "What broke?"
"Apparently, a frame in the living room, no big deal, we appreciate the effort to keep the place clean." Maria smiled.
"Ah, good, good.” Nick nodded, handing Paul his beer which he took with a thanks. “Did you notice the dent in the dryer, Y/N?"
The second he asked, both Paul and Y/N spit their drinks forward, making a mess of themselves and the island.  "Was it something I said?" Nick asked as he eyed his daughter and her boyfriend. “No, just...” Y/N shook her head, “I just, well, you know you go away and come back and there’s stuff broken, I honestly don’t know what happened to the dryer.” She finished lamely. “Oh I wouldn’t worry about it.” Maria shook her head. “You probably dropped something on it a little too forcefully.” Paul stifled a groan and as if it were a blessing, the oven timer dinged. "Right, so if you guys want to head into the dining room, I'll dish this up in a second." "I'll help," Y/N offered.
Nick and Maria headed out with their drinks in hand and took up their seats in the dining room. Paul careened his neck around the corner of the wall and looked back at Y/N. "You’re gonna get me murdered, baby." "I'm sorry, they put me on the spot," she whispered. "How'd you forget the dryer?!" “What the fuck do you expect me to do with a dent?” He scoffed. “Buy a new dryer?” "No, of course..."
"And in my defense, it was YOU who accosted me in the garage this morning, so that one, that's on you, sweetheart." “Whatever, Disco, just dish up the food.” Dinner carried on with simple chatter, Y/N's parents chattering away about their trip in detail.  Mid way through, Maria made a simple remark, "You two sure did a lot of cleaning while we were gone." “Well, I wanted to keep the place tidy.” Y/N shrugged. “No more than I usually do when you’re away.”
“Like my mom always says, tidy house, tidy mind.” Paul grinned and Y/N turned to look at him.
“Shut up.” She mouthed and he smirked as he reached for his beer, Nick mimicking him.
“Well...” the corner of Nick’s mouth curled upwards slightly as he took a pull before setting the bottle down, his eyebrow arched as he glanced at Y/N then to Paul, “if this is the type of thing we get to eat when we come home, maybe we should go away and let you come over and ‘clean up’ more often?"
They'd been outed. Their cover simply not good enough. Some cops they were. 
Paul's sip of his drink was caught between that ridiculous little flap in his throat that tells your brain to swallow verses breath and instead of swallowing, he inhaled and began choking, a fit of coughs exiting him.
***** Your head shot up from the book you had been reading as loud beeps starting ringing our around the room. To your utter horror, you saw Paul convulsing on the bed and you slapped your hand on the red call button before running out into the corridors and yelling for help. Almost immediately a nurse came sprinting round the corner and hurried into your room, as you hovered by the back, your arms wrapping around your chest as Dotty and Jim appeared in the doorway. “What’s going on?” Jim spoke as you struggled for words as a doctor pushed past you into the room. There was a second silence as the doctor moved over to the bed and the nurse stepped back, and strode towards you. But she was smiling. “its fine, he’s started to breath for himself that’s all.” She explained, “so the tube in his throat is irritating him. Don’t worry, it’s a natural reaction and to be expected as he comes round from the sedation.” “You mean he’s waking up?” You stuttered as Dotty reached up to grab your hand. “Looks that way.” The nurse smiled. “And it’s not even been a full twenty four hours since we started to withdraw the sedation.” You let out a sob as the nurse gently ushered you out of the room so they could sort Paul out and after a few more minutes of agonising waiting the doctor came out and headed towards you. “He’s responding very well. I’m extremely pleased with his progress. He’s breathing for himself, his vitals are strong so I’m happy to completely withdraw the sedation provided we carefully monitor him.” "How long before he actually wakes?" Dotty asked. “That I can’t say.” The doctor smiled. “That’s up to him and how quickly his body and system reboots so to speak. It could be hours, a day or so but I wouldn’t expect more than another twenty for hours given his current state.” It was news you'd waited to hear for a week. And suddenly, you found yourself anxious, thinking of the road ahead. But he was alive and for that you were thankful.
"Thank you," Big Jim smiled and shook the doctor's hand.
Dotty turned to you with a smile, "Jim and I are going to head home and take care of some things. Do you want me to bring you something to eat?" The last thing you were thinking of was your stomach, but knowing Dotty as you did, you fully understood this was her way of helping so to speak, making sure you were looked after. Because she also knew you well enough to know that now there was a chance he could come round in a matter of hours, there was no way you were going to leave the ward.
“Sure that sounds great.” You smiled. "We'll see you soon. You call if anything happens, we'll rush right back." Big Jim winked at you.
"Okay. I'm going to call my parents. Let Barnes know." After hugging his parents goodbye, you stepped off the ward and made your calls, your chest feeling lighter than it had in days. Once you’d explained and listened to everyone else sighing, or in your mom’s case crying, with relief you made your way back into his room and allowed yourself a little smile as now you could see his face fully, no longer obscured by the breathing apparatus. You leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, your hand running over his hair.
“See you soon, baby.” You whispered, a tear sliding down your cheek. “Real soon.”
His mouth felt dry, his body weak, he felt sore and tired. He could hear the sound of her voice, but his ears couldn't process the clarity of it all. His heavy eyelids slowly became slits and he blinked, opening them up a little more with each blink. Then, his eyes, blue and clear as ever saw her.
She looked tired and weary, her eyes puffy and the tip of her nose swollen and iritated from crying. But despite all that, she was still absolutely the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. His weak fingers flinched in her hand and her eyes shot to his and he squeezed again.
The relief at seeing those beautiful blue eyes once more looking at you crashed over you like a wave. You opened your mouth to speak, but your voice choked in your throat and instead you simply squeezed your fingers around his as a fresh stream of tears spilled from your eyes. 
You quickly pressed the call button on Paul's bed, to alert the nurse something had changed. And while you waited, you pressed your lips to his hand and the tears poured over his fingers as his heavy, weak hand cupped your cheek.
“Welcome back, Stud.” You managed to whisper, eventually finding your voice. “You had me worried for a while.”
He tried to move his lips, wanting to say so much to her but he couldn't for his dry mouth and throat stung and he started to look nervous, agitated. 
"It's okay, you're okay." You spoke quickly, but assuringly. "You... You had to be intubated, so just relax. I'm right here. Sit still, just take it easy," you coax, all the while thinking where the hell was the nurse.
Almost as if by magic the door to his room opened and your head turned to see her breeze in.
“He’s awake.” You smiled as you said the words for the first time, hearing them out loud made it all the more real. “He’s awake.”
"Well, hello Mr. Diskant. Let's get you better settled." She turned to you and asked you to wait outside just so she could work to settle him more comfortably. As you nodded to go, he squeezed your hand tightly, his eyes piercing yours.
“I’m gonna be right outside, baby. I promise.”
You left the room and glanced back through the window to see Paul’s eyes following you and you gave him another encouraging smile as you waited in sight so he could see you, pulling out your phone to fire a quick, generic, simple text off to everyone you could think of telling them he was awake. As the various replies flooded back in, you read a few, smiling, before the nurse exited and you stuffed your phone back in your pocket and turned to her.
"Now that he's awake, we'll be moving him up to critical care. It's best he still tries to remain still and rest as best he can. You can expect some continued drowsiness and disorienting behavior." She gently took your hand in hers, "speaking is going to be hard at first, because he’s going to have tight and sore muscles and tendons in the neck. PT and Speech Therapy will probably come in once he's upstairs for an evaluation. But, personally speaking, I think he's a damn fighter and he's going to be just fine. I’ll go notify the doctors so they can come and speak to both him and you.”
"Thank you," you nodded. Your body suddenly felt so tired, your mind exhausted. A ding from the elevators brought his parents and yours forward, not giving a care that they were four over the one visitor rule in ICU.
“I didn’t see you.” The nurse tapped her nose before she bustled off up the corridor. 
Paul’s parents turned to you and you gave them an exhausted but happy smile. “She said he should be fine. He’s really groggy and drowsy but he’s back with us.”
"Oh my boy," Dotty clutched her hand to her chest. Big Jim and your parents nodding in understanding as you all stepped inside.
For the next thirty minutes, the five of you sat in his room, just assuring him you were there for him, encouraging him to just rest. He'd nodded off a time or two, the grip of his hand in yours never ceasing. Then, as he was coming to, his attending doctor strolled in to check on his patient.
“Erm...” he looked around, no doubt to point out the blatant disregard for the rule of one but one look from both your dad and Jim stopped him in his tracks and he merely shook his head. “If anyone asks I never saw you.”
A smirk slipped passed your lips and you nodded. You gave Paul's hand a squeeze and stepped aside so the doctor could have a look at him.
The assessment took no more than ten or fifteen minutes, as he'd checked over vitals, sutures, bandages and behaviors and made sure Paul understood him through what they’d done in the operating theatre, Paul’s eyes growing wide as he realised the gravity of his condition. The doctor then reiterated what the nurse had said about PT and Speech Therapy as well as Vocational Therapy will be by to see him if not tonight once he was moved but in the morning for sure. He bid everyone goodbye and left you all with him again.
With the doctor gone and just you and the family around him, Paul's head rolled back on the pillow and his eyes screwed shut as he blinked back tears.
“Hey,” You gave his hand a squeeze with one of your own the other reaching up to gently touch his face, your thumb wiping away a tear. The bristle of his sudden beard, or the start of one tickling your palm. “You’re gonna be fine.” It was lame, but at that moment it was the only thing you could think of to say. There were no words to express what you were feeling, the sheer relief and hope that now consumed you felt almost alien in comparison to the sheer dark despair you’d felt over the last seven days and fourteen hours.
There was a long way to go, and you knew from everything the doctors had told you that it wouldn’t be easy but now he was awake you knew he’d make it.
Because Paul Diskant was a fighter, the most stubborn asshole you knew. The man you loved with everything you had.
With a smile, you wiped your own face and leaned over, placing the gentlest of kisses to his lips and when you moved back you saw his eyes were now bright, creased in the corner as his mouth raised in a soft smile.
**** Part 4
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