#yeah tbh sinbad would probably definitely cheat on an s/o
Another angsty imagine where Sinbad legitimately cheats on his wife? I love ur work!!!!!
WHEW not a lot of people like to touch on this i think but personally i believe it’d 100% happen.
Learning to trust Sinbad was hard. You knew his nature, how they called him the “Lady Killer of the Seven Seas,” and how he never shied from using sex appeal to get what he wanted. Trusting him took time and effort and sometimes it was a bumpy road, but you thought you were better for it. Your relationship was stronger, meant to last and something you could rely on at the end of a long day.
A poor decision on your part, really.
Your mother told you from the time you were young; a leopard doesn’t change its spots. Well, now you faced the consequences of ignoring her warning. In hindsight, you should’ve known it was a bad idea- how could you have asked him to change for you? Expected him to be a different person to fit into a cookie cutter mold of your ideal life? It was selfish, unfair to him and you really, really should’ve seen this coming. God, why didn’t you see this coming?
You pressed the heels of your palms into your eyes, desperately trying to keep the tears in. You thought you did well, earlier, when the truth came to light. Held your breath, counted down from ten, kept your voice steady. You went down the list of things to calm yourself down that you’ve learned over the course of being a queen, but it still wasn’t enough to held you now. Your chest ached and you felt nauseous. This wasn’t a betrayal you expected, not after years of marriage, but it was one that cut viscerally all the more because of it.
Sinbad was... almost causal about it, too. Flustered, at the woman barging into his palace entry and angrily demanding to know how he dared think to leave her after just one night, but he didn’t even look at you. He tried to laugh it off afterwards. It only raised more questions. How many other times had he gone behind your back?
You felt a hand descend on your back, rubbing down the length of it and back up as your body quietly wracked with suppressed the sobs. You jerked away. You hated how Sinbad’s touch was familiar now, how you could tell it was him and not anyone else without even looking. You wondered how many other women knew too.
You scooted away from him on the bed and hoped the moonlight was bright enough in the darkness of your shared bedroom that he could see the unshed tears, your face twisted into heartbroken anger. Sinbad was insensitive, but not stupid. He would know what it was about. He at least had the decency to show remorse.
“I’m sorry,” he began, “I just drank too much, I didn’t think it was important enough to tell you-” He reached out to you but you smacked his hands away and stood, retreating across the room and leaving him seated on the bed alone. You felt even more sick at the thought of him touching you.
“Not important enough to tell me? How many other women were ‘not important enough to tell me’?”
“No! No. It was only her. Just one.”
“But how can I have faith in that? How can I believe there was only one when you just admitted to me you weren’t going to tell me about her in the first place? Are you going to ask me to trust you? Because it’s a little late for that.”
Sinbad stayed silent. You could see the shadows in his brow from where his eyebrows were furrowed. Just a few hours ago if you had seen that you would’ve waltzed into his arms, smoothed the creases with your fingers and leaned into him. Now, you just grabbed at your hair from the frustration of it all and paced.
“Just what- what did you think was going to happen? That you were going to go out, drink yourself under the table and then fuck some other woman, and that after that just come home and sleep with me like it never happened? Eat dinner with me, sleep in the same bed as me, listen to me tell you I loved you? And you wouldn’t bat an eye, you would just take all of that while going behind my back-”
“It was one woman after years! Are you going to throw everything away after just one mistake?” The indignancy in his his voice was just annoying. It was grating. He had the audacity to be angry? At you? You stormed back over to him, leaning down so your face was level with his and did your best to put every ounce of venom and vitriol in your body into your words.
“It should never have happened at all.”
You stormed to the door and ordered a servant to pack your things on the way out, slamming the heavy wood behind you and ignoring the sound of it opening and closing again as Sinbad followed after you.
“Wait! Wait,” He caught up and grabbed you by the arm, turning you to face him, “where are you going? We can fix this.”
“Don’t touch me!” you yelled, pulling yourself out of his grasp and wrapping your arms around yourself, clutching at the spots on your arms where his hands just held you and digging your nails in, “I’m leaving. Don’t follow me, there’s no saving this. I don’t want to.”
You stare at each other for a moment- your eyes watery, bloodshot from tears and hard and his beseeching as he searches yours. Finally you step back, drop your arms and turn to walk away, this time without Sinbad following you.
All you can think is that you should’ve known.
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