#yeah the mexican restaurant scene
moonlit-knightz · 7 months
two karate dilfs chilling in the mexican restaurant 5 feet apart cause they are gay and would kiss if they are close.
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ckret2 · 2 months
how implausible is it that the glasses thing *isn’t* from his homeworld? half-baked possibility: he had some sort of horrible 3D glasses-based thing happen the first time he possessed someone with two eyes. other half-baked possibility: he was scared shitless while dimension hopping by something with the 3D glasses look to their eyes/face.
I think pretty implausible.
You've gotta think about Bill as a character instead of a person. Sure, a person with a phobia for 3D glasses and a trillion-year life could have easily picked up that phobia from any random incident anywhere along the way. But Bill's not a person, he's a character with a narrative. When details are added about him, they serve his character—or else they wouldn't get added.
For example, if, say, you got in a minor car accident five years ago, that's probably just random bad luck that comes from being a human in a car and it doesn't necessarily reflect anything about your personal journey through life; but Bill can't "randomly" get into a minor car accident because Alex wouldn't waste time writing about it if it didn't add something to our understanding of Bill's character. So if we got a scene where he got into a car crash, it would probably be something like "haha yeah that happened when I was drunk" and added in to highlight a drinking problem—and it would probably be added only as a part of the plot, like, say, as part of his O'Sadley's/Mexican restaurant bender.
Right now, Bill's established as a character, we don't need to tack on Random Quirky Details like "deer teeth" or "head that's always screaming" or "pours soda on his eyes" to show you what Bill's like. The details we receive about him are added to expand on and further explain who his character is; and at this stage in his character development, almost all the "deeper" "hidden" details we've gotten about him (the hidden codes in TBOB, just about everything Bill-related on the website) have been about his home dimension and the trauma connected to it.
If the 3D glasses thing was some random one-off event with no important connection to Bill's overall story, it wouldn't have been important enough to include in the Secret Information Website.
As I see it, there are only three possibilities:
The 3D glasses and Venetian blinds are narratively meaningless and are just added into the list to be weird things that serve as distractions before we're hit with "TV static," the one item on the list with significance; or
the 3D glasses and Venetian blinds ARE connected in a MEANINGFUL, IMPORTANT way to Bill's backstory
we're actually gearing up to get more story and it'll be explained somewhere in there
Given the mention of red & blue and the significance of 3D vision in Bill's narrative, and that I feel like the new content is PROBABLY winding down instead of up, and that there aren't any other loose-end-y details on the site that feel like they're dangling a followup, I'd give 3/4 odds that it's option 2.
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Mexican Restaurant (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
You and the brothers got hungry and end up at an authentic hole-in-the wall Mexican restaurant. They decide to put their spanish to the test.
»Characters: Demon Bros
»Tags: Bilingual (Spanish/English) Bulleted style fic, Gender Neutral, Pathetic Lucifer lmao
»Note: Sorry if the grammar/spelling is off. Ye ye, I'm Mexican but my spanish is okay at most. 💀
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"Es picante? Lo quiero ordenar." (It's spicy? I want to order it.)
Ordered first
He didn't want you to translate for him
He wanted to use his limited Spanish to impress you
Wouldn't stop smirking since he felt like he was quite impressive
Until Mammon took over
Bitterly ate his enchiladas
He didn't understand what guapo (handsome) meant but heard it frequently in his direction
His pride wouldn't let him ask you
Sulked for the rest of the night
You asked if he was okay
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" Y esto cuanto cuesta? QUE!? " (And this is how much? WHAT!?)
Yeah he picked up *some* Spanish due to possible illegal activities
Took advantage of the free chips and salsa
Ordered steak fajitas
Sung and danced with the band
Yeah he was kind of drunk
Wore the title of "El Mamon" proudly without knowing it can be translated to "Idiot" in Spanish
"No te preocupes, yo te cuido" (Dont worry I'll take care of you)
Got his and your meals taken care of by the end of the night
The people hope to see El Mamon [affectionate] again, he's always welcome
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"Hola! Mi nombre es Leviathan!" (Hello! My name is Leviathan!)
Wanted to impress you so he refused to have you help him
Just pointed at something at the menu
"Por favor!" (Please!)
"El especial es muy picante...seguro que lo quieres? '...si!?' " (The special is very spicy...are you sure you want it? ...yes!?)
Was confused when they brought a crowd with his food
Held back his tears while he ate El Diablo Fuerte burrito challenge
Passed out after saying that
For once, Levi's embarrassing scene made Lucifer feel better
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"Si, tamales por favor." (Yes, tamales please.)
Also a little fluent but not like Mammon
Practiced his Spanish with you, it was pretty cute tbh
Could practically eat from Lucifer's bitter energy alone
Learned to flirt with you in spanish
Took a chance and danced with you
Smirked at Lucifer while dancing
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"Hola!" (Hello!)
Only the most basic of Spanish words
Wasn't shy to admit he needed help with the menu so you sat very close and translated
Worked extremely well in his favor
Levi shot daggers at him while Lucifer continued sulking
Ordered a carne asada quesadilla platter
Posted an unconscious Levi on DevilSnap
Him and Mammon made the place livelier than usual
Ended up dancing and flirting with the server
Got his entire meal for free
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"Dame todo. 'Que?' Todo." (Give me everything. 'What?' Everything.)
Ron Swanson™️ energy
It's the only Spanish he ever needs when ordering so he gets by every time
Happily shared a little bit of everything with you
Upset that Belphie got in the way of spoon feeding you some churro ice cream
Finished Levi's burrito with ease
Asked the server for seconds
His bill paid for the restaurants rent for the month
Got a little jealous of everyone dancing with you
Yes he made his move and got his chance
Was the one to carry Levi back to the hotel
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"Ayudame?" (Help me?)
Can actually navigate the menu on his own
He's use to it because of Beel
Wanted the same experience you gave Asmo
Which he got (much to Lucifers dismay)
But he ordered himself when the server came
"Horchata y birria tacos por favor." (Horchata and birria tacos please.)
Horchatas his favorite drink. I will die on this hill
You asked "Belphie do you actually know some spanish?"
" I just said I needed help. I never said I didn't know."
Was the one to tell Mammon to call himself El Mamon
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Lucifer and Levi lost this one. 😔 What adventure will we go on next? 🤭
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AITA for telling an old man to kill himself on his birthday?
btw this has transphobia homophobia racism in it so yeah be aware
i (cisM22) have a trans girlfriend (F23). we live in a relatively liberal area and, not to say that she isn't beautiful, but she doesn't pass all the way. but she has long hair and she was wearing a dress that day, so she looked very feminine.
we were on a date at a relatively fancy restaurant. we had reservations and everything. we sit down at our table and next to us as these six white old people having a fucking ball. they were loud as shit and obviously drunk but my gf and i just ignored it for a while because we wanted to have a good time.
one of them had a birthday cake set down in from of him and their drinks were topped off. and then, loud as shit, these wrinkly fucking ballsacks start spewing conservative hate. something about the florida anti-trans bills and how they should just round them together and shoot them. my girlfriend looked visibly uncomfortable so i called for a waiter and asked if we could get a table far away from them.
i guess they heard me and one of the old women looked at my girlfriend and murmured, "i guess he just couldn't handle the truth." and i felt nothing but rage, so i said, "what truth? that her tits are better than yours?" and from there it just went downhill.
i honestly can't remember much of the argument. it only lasted thirty seconds but in those thirty seconds, my girlfriend and one of the waiters were trying to calm us down. i had six crusty ass white people dogging on me, calling my girlfriend slurs, calling me slurs (i'm mexican), and i was saying shit about their dementia-ridden asses are gonna die alone in a nursing home cause they kids probably don't even talk to them cause "where the fuck they at gramps".
eventually the birthday bitch called me a faggot and i was like "this faggot is telling you to fucking kill yourself sir, shove that walking stick up your ass" and by that point they got security to escort me and my girlfriend out.
my girlfriend was in tears and really overwhelmed after that. she didn't say anything the whole ride home until we got there. she said that while she appreciated me defending her, i just caused an unnecessary scene, and telling that man to kill himself was too far. i apologized to her, even though the only thing i really feel bad about is making her cry, and i promised i wouldn't do it again.
i don't regret anything i did honestly. i just feel bad about ruining our date and making her cry. i don't think we should've been the ones to get kicked out of that restaurant either. i don't know if those old fucks got the boot, but i'm praying they break a hip or something.
What are these acronyms?
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zoestorm · 11 months
Spider-Man verse in which Kraven hears about Spidey and thinks he would make for a very good prey, comes to New York, tracks Spidey down, and finds him on a rooftop, bleeding and winded because he's just spent the last six hours punching the Rhino or whoever.
K: "The Spiderman, I presume?"
S: "With a hyphen, but yes. And you are?"
K: "Apologies, Spider-Man. My name is Kraven. I am here to hunt you."
S: *weary sigh* "Look man I am so tired, can we do this another time?"
K: "...Very well. I shall wait until you're rested."
S: "Wait seriously?"
K: "There is no honour in hunting a prey that's not at full strength. Fare thee well! Until next time."
And then he just leaves. Spidey is weirded out, but goes home and sleeps.
The next evening Kraven shows up again and asks if Spidey's rested. "Uhhhhh no actually I had a terrible day at work and then I had to fight Mysterio." Kraven nods and goes away.
The next evening Kraven shows up again and he's carrying a bag. "What's in there?" Spidey asks. "Chinese takeout." is the answer.
S: "You bought me food?!"
K: "You seemed like you could use a break. Come! Let us eat."
This scene repeats the next night with Indian food, and the following night with Mexican, and the night after that with pizza. They talk while they eat and Spidey realises that shit, this guy's cool, even though he's a weirdo.
The next night Kraven doesn't show up. Spidey's a bit bummed but then hears about a villain attacking somewhere, he swings over and finds Kraven standing over a defeated Scorpion or whoever and he's like "wtf man?"
K: "This was one of the blackguards who kept injuring you time after time, preventing me from hunting you, was he not? Well then, I have decided I shall rid this city of villains so that I may finally have you as my prey!"
S: "You do realise there's like a million of them? This could take years."
K: "Then years shall it take! For the time being, I have heard there is a sushi restaurant just around the corner! Shall we dine?"
S: "Yeah sure."
And that's how they become the weirdest crime-fighting duo.
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sevensoulmates · 5 months
As always it's a delight to get to read your posts and meta, it's just as satisfactory and fun as it is watching the show. You're just awesome ❤️
You know after watching the last episode (and now that we know little bit more about Marisol) it made me feel really sorry for her, because I just know she'll be collateral damage while Eddie figures himself out and that's just so sad. And I wasn't really sure why those comments Eddie made about him/Marisol when they encountered Buck and Tommy at the restaurant and after having sex with her made me feel so uncomfortable, but then you pointed it out and I was like yeah that was kinda like locker room talk, Eddie was overcompensating here like trying to be a big macho man and that's why it felt so weird.
I'm baffled about Eddie's situation the most because I'm sure it's gonna be hell for him for a while since he will have to work through a lot of issues to finally be at peace with himself. And until stated otherwise my headcanon is the same as yours. I'm sure he is a gay repressed man (and not no get into the gay Eddie vs demisexual  Eddie discourse but I'm sure he may be both) I grew up in a Mexican household, I was raised catholic and although I wasn't in the army my dad was and he raised me and my siblings with an iron fist. So Eddie's background/storyline has always hit too close to home for me. I'm just dreading all the issues he's going to have to face.
Which brings me to this. To show his coming out arc and make it into completion do you think they will have to show us more about his childhood and upbringing, not just having Eddie talking about it but to have scenes like we did with Buck's childhood?
And why do you think the scene about Buck apologizing to Eddie for hurting him at the basketball court had to happen off screen?
Btw thanks for always replying to my questions.
Hi there!!! No problem!!! You always have super interesting questions to ask, so I am always delighted to answer them!
We all know how Eddie feels about "performance". I just feel like why would Eddie feel like the performance stops once he's actually made it past the dating phase and into the relationship phase? Maybe the external pressure from others is off (none of his family or the firefam questioning him, etc) but in order to KEEP the relationship, it really would require MORE performing.
It's fascinating to me, because we don't see Eddie acting this way with Shannon. You could make some arguments that their relationship was pretty fractured from the get-go and we didn't really see their dating/"honeymoon" phase but even when they were ~slightly~ back together in season 2b, Eddie wasn't acting like that with Shannon. Even when they were sleeping together, he wasn't. The most he did was make a couple of cringe comments about his "dashing good looks" or something, but that was more poking fun at himself. Even when Eddie was telling Buck about how "sex complicates things" with Shannon, he wasn't out here smirking or making comments about how good it feels to finally get some after two years of (apparent) celibacy. Say what you want about their relationship, but at least Eddie respected Shannon enough as a person to not start speaking about her that way. Their relationship was far too serious for that.
With Ana, it was so incredibly hard to watch because even though the storyline ITSELF wasn't about sex, a lot of their scenes had that edge to it? Like the sex-scene fake out in season 4, "grade me on a curve", "you really like to see me dressed up" "and the other thing" it was so ODD and FORCED. At the time of s4/5 airing you could maybe chalk it up to Eddie overcorrecting since it's his first real relationship after Shannon, but then he goes and does the same thing with Marisol which now makes it a pattern.
Once it clicked in my brain that the reason his relationships with women feel so fake is that he is literally putting on a show of hyper-heterosexuality (idk if that's a real term or not but roll with me here) it all made sense. I think seeing him "in a relationship" with Marisol for real was the final puzzle piece to seal this deal for me.
His extreme performances with these women, combined with their purposeful lack of development into full characters, all points to the fact that none of these relationships are going to work out. Eddie is not going to be able to actually settle down with his "endgame" partner until he actually finds someone he can be his true, real self with and "doesn't have to pretend with them" ;)
Is it bad that I actually enjoyed getting to know Marisol a little? Putting aside the actress, Marisol, the character, is interesting, because we're actually getting to know her a little bit more, far more than we got to with Ana. But I find both of these love interests fascinating in one mutual way: the fact that they put up with Eddie. Like I think about other characters and if they would've been okay being treated by their partners the way Eddie treats his girlfriends and I'm like.....hell no!
Oddly enough the only person I could see putting up with it was Buck before he finally started realizing that he doesn't have to be in a relationship with someone just because they want him. Only someone who also has deep insecurities, abandonment issues, and a general lack of self-respect would put up with Eddie's BS to his girlfriends. That's not to say that Eddie's a horrible person or abuses his partners or anything, but it's basically indisputable that he does not ever put in any emotional work to actually create meaningful relationships with his girlfriends. So why were Ana and now Marisol, so willing to accept that?
Ana resisted the break-up even though she could feel Eddie's whole heart wasn't in it. She was willing to keep trying in a dead relationship just in the hopes that something would work out. The same goes for Marisol. Idk about you, but if I was in a relationship with a man for going on 4-6 months and he knew NOTHING about me? I'd feel unloved, uncared for, and unappreciated, and I'd LEAVE.
We know that Marisol was scared of Eddie rejecting her or fetishizing her and that's why she didn't tell him about the nun thing, and I understand her reasoning and fear there. But gworlie, what else do we know about you? Can Eddie name a single hobby you have outside of loving Jesus and DIYing houses? Does Eddie even know your last name? It really makes me think that Marisol is unfortunately the type to just let things like this slide in the hopes that some man will accept her, any man. Since they rarely do because of the nun thing. And boy, do I understand that feeling, but that's NOT real love. I bet you anything once we get to the Eddiemarisol breakup she's gonna be very similar to Ana in that she knew Eddie's heart wasn't fully in it, but she just didn't want to be alone again.
I think that like attracts like, and Eddie's clutching onto this relationship for the same reason Marisol's clutching onto this relationship: because it's easier than being alone and being judged for it.
This is a tangent but I also want to point out that one thing that Eddie found uncomfortable about Marisol being a nun was the fact that nuns used to be his teachers....but was Ana also not a teacher? Just because she wasn't a nun, doesn't mean she couldn't have also been in a position of power that Eddie could've found uncomfortable. I find it interesting that even though Marisol's not a teacher, the show found a way to connect her to teachers and therefore to Ana.
As for Eddie's coming out arc, while I don't think it's entirely a necessity to have flashbacks to how he grew up, I certainly think it would help a lot of people who can't read between the lines if they had some. I especially would like to see scenes of young him + Shannon. Maybe seeing how the pressure from his family and church led him to believe men have to be a certain way, potentially microaggressions about being lgbt that he might've seen from his family/church (I don't necessarily mean full-on homophobia but possibly like little ways in which he was shown that there was no other "acceptable" option from his church other than heterosexuality. I think seeing scenes of how he and Shannon got together could be enlightening too, how their community reacted to them getting pregnant, etc. I think all of this, combined with a mirrored storyline in the present (similar to Buck Begins) would really drive home the point the show is trying to make, especially if they can finally be overt about Eddie's queerness. BUT all of this can still be done present day without the need for flashbacks either. I just think it would be a way to make the storytelling more rich and to spell it out more obviously for the people in the back.
As for Buck apologizing to Eddie for the basketball scene...I would've liked to see it too, but at the end of the day, it's like Ryan said in his interview...Eddie was always going to forgive Buck because he loves him to his core, because he knew Buck didn't come at it from a place of truly wanting to hurt Eddie. All of it was a manifestation of Buck's own issues, and by this point (especially after the lawsuit arc and the deadbrother arc) Eddie is aware of that. We did see plenty of scenes where Buck was scolded and demonstrated he was aware his actions were shitty, and Eddie probably assumed that letting Buck stew in his own guilt was atonement enough. And so I think likely the writers felt that in the end, the sentiment got across. Separately--given all the switcheroo stuff that happened with 7x04 and 7x05, I wouldn't be surprised if there WAS an apology scene and it got cut for time.
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Episode #24: “A Monstrous Birth”
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Bat King Stephen snarls as he looks down at the city in fury.
Bat King Stephen: This town will pay for what it's done.
Bat King Stephen then looks at the photo of the Solar Opposites
Bat King Stephen: And I won’t let that monster alien family stand in my way!
The scene cuts to Korvo and Terry at a lamaze class.
Terry: *groans* This is so boring.
Korvo: It’s a Lamaze class Terry…
Terry: Yeah and it’s a real snooze fest!
Korvo: Ter-
Terry: Also Susan brought whole wheat doughnuts and they’re super gross… like who does that?
Korvo: Well, you’re right about that, it is an odd choice.
Terry then gets an idea and tries to seduce Korvo.
Terry: Commooon babe… Lets just ditch class and go to that new cajun restaurant down the street, they already have a five star rating. Also heard their bathrooms are nice so y’know we could always put the invisibility ray to use again-
Korvo snaps as he pushes Terry’s head away from him.
Korvo: ugh is that all you can think about?? NO! We aren’t leaving right now…
Terry: No head?
Korvo: *sighs* Terry we are in the dark here. There are no records of this ever happening on shlorp, who knows how this works… I hate it too but I'm at my wits end. *begins to cry* M-maybe the humans know more than I give them credit for… Its just … *chokes a sob* Fuck, what if we mess this all up? Hurt them… or worse..
Terry: Korv…
Korvo *breaks down in tears* I- Im terrified! Just please don't go okay!
Terry gasp and pulls his husband close to him from behind his back.
Terry: Hey ya goof I wasn’t going to leave you here all alone. I’m sorry didn't know this meant that much to you I really thought you felt the same. way you never told me any of this before.
Korvo: *sniffles* Because I’m trying to stay rational but this is all still so hard to grasp. Aren't you even just a bit jaded at how little we actually know about our bodies? Just left to the unknown? Its driving me crazy Terry…
Terry looks at his husband sadly.
Korvo: *tearfully* I’m sorry I’ve been so on edge, I’m really trying to be less mean but this situation hasn’t been making that easy Its not your fault anyway, you’ve been rather helpful… you doing your own thing makes sense.
Terry: *smiling* Don’t know how to tell you this babe but it takes two wheels to make a bicycle this is on me too. And yeah it’s pretty bonk that we had to find out this way. But its of not to big deal me I usually just take stuff as they go.
Korvo smiles at Terry tearfully as Terry laughs.
Terry: Heh okay okay thats a lie… I almost goobler’d my brains out when Aisha told us. But then thought how tight it would be to have a tiny us around And to do it together… That made it okay for me.
Terry then cries in happiness as he hold Korvo close.
Terry: Neither of us knows what this is going to look like But I do know there’s no one else I’d rather experience it with. We’ll get through this together.
Korvo: *smiling in tears* Okay.
Terry: It’ll be alright.
Korvo: I love you.
Terry: I love you too…
Terry and Korvo kiss as they moan lovingly. After the two pull away, Terry clears his throat.
Terry: Well, uh…that escalated quickly…
Korvo: chuckles Yeah. I guess so.
Terry: So, now that the drama is out of the way, we can continue this Lamaze class if that’s what you wanna do. I’ll stay right here to keep you company. wipes away Korvo’s tears as Korvo laughs
Korvo: Oh yeah. The class. thinks of something else You know what? stands up We’ll just reschedule it!
Terry: Huh? What made you change your mind all of a sudden?
Korvo then tries to seduce Terry.
Korvo: Let’s just say this fine green daddy of my four and soon to be five kids just got my mind cleared.
Terry laughs
Terry: Anytime, mi querdo.
Korvo: sighs lovingly I love it when you speak Spanish, mi amore.
Terry: And I love you when you too.
Terry and Korvo kiss.
Korvo: Shall we had to head that Mexican restaurant?
Terry: Of course, you beautiful blue shimmering study
Korvo and Terry kiss as they moan lovingly then got up as they leave the class. Korvo then smiles as he rubs his pregnant belly and then looks at Terry as he smiles. Later at Taco Bell…
Terry: *eating tacos* So what should the baby’s name be?
Korvo: I...don't have any ideas yet. You?
Terry: Oh! What about Megatron?
Korvo laughs in amusement
Terry: What? What's so funny?
Korvo: Oh I just your enthusiasm and optimism. It makes me feel necessary like a hunk it sexy Shlorpian!
Terry smirks
Terry: *laughs* You got me! But still, it’s okay if you don’t you want our baby’s name to be that.
Korvo: *smiles* Thank you, Terry.
Terry: Anytime boo.
Meanwhile, Janiz is training Yumyulack and Jesse
Janiz: Nice going guys! You’re doing great!
Mundane Jesse jumps on some of the rockets before kicking a cardboard cutout of Godzilla Sisto
Mundane Jesse: Sweet!
Korvo and Terry come home with takeout from Taco Bell and gasp
Korvo: *calling out to the kids* Yumyulack! Jesse! Sonya! Pupa! We’re home and we got takeouts from Taco Bell!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: TACO BELL?!
Sonya: YAY!
Mundane Jesse: Alright!
Pupa: Taco!
The kids come up to Korvo and Terry.
Yumyulack: *turn back into his Shlorpian form* Aw sweet! Thanks dads!
Jesse: *turns back to normal* Yeah!
Sonya: Thanks guys!
Later, Korvo and Terry are in bed. Korvo is rubbing his pregnant belly.
Korvo: *to his pregnant belly* Hey there little sweetie. Can’t wait to see you soon.
Terry kisses Korvo's pregnant belly.
Terry: I know. Me too.
Korvo giggles.
Korvo: Oh Terry, this new baby is gonna be amazing.
Terry: I know. The best part is we'll be the best dads ever.
Korvo: *laughs* We already are, thanks to us raising 4 wonderful little rascals.
Terry smirks
Terry: Yeah. Yumyulack and Jesse were very cute when they were babies too.
Korvo: Yeah… Yumyulack was an adorable little sprout when I raised him that day. He was very adorable. He even loves the lullaby Janiz sang to me when I was a sproutling too. He even loves it when he snuggles next to me.
Terry laughs
Terry: Jesse was adorable too when she was a sproutling. She laughs when I play with her with that little Shlorp sproutling shaker. And whenever she gets fussy, she would it when I squeeze her teddy bear.
Korvo: Yeah, raising my son was a bit tough ever since Janiz transferred to another part on Shlorp. But it was worth it because Yumyulack has grown up into a brave replicant.
Terry: *laughs* Same with mine.
Terry kisses Korvo on the lips
Terry: *sighs* Then Pupa. I remember he was pupad. He was very adorable and couldn’t stop smiling. And finally we adopted Sonya, which became the greatest impact on our lives. And I bet #5 is gonna be amazing too.
Korvo: *giggles* It's hard to believe we've come so far, huh?
Terry: Yeah it was worth. *kisses Korvo on the lips goodnight* Goodnight Korvy…
Korvo: Goodnight.
The two alien husbands then fall asleep as Korvo rubs his pregnant belly. The next morning, Korvo is throwing up in the toilet
Korvo: Damn, I had no idea pregnancy can still make you throw up. *throws up*
Terry rubs Korvo's back
Terry: Sorry Korvy.
Korvo: *barfs* It’s okay Terry. *barfs*
Korvo: *feeling better and sighs* Well, now that this thing is out of the way, *rubs his pregnant belly* I think I have to time to finally come up with the perfect name.
Terry: But we don't know if it'll be a boy or a girl...
Korvo: Don’t worry Terry. We’ll come up with the perfect name. Eventually. *then looks at a lovely lily flower*
Terry: What is it?
Korvo: It’s that lovely lily. It looks beautiful, like it’s sprouted with hope for the future
Terry: Wow...
Korvo smiles at he looks at the flower.
Korvo: I guess we have our baby name.
Terry: You do? What is it?
Korvo smiles tearfully
Korvo: Lili.
Terry: Wow. That name is beautiful.
Korvo: I know...
Korvo smiles as he runs his pregnant belly.
Korvo: I think that is a wonderful name
Terry: Oh Korvy...
The two alien husbands kiss as they moan lovingly. That night, Korvo was asleep until he sensed something with his Super Shlorpian senses
Korvo: What the hell?
Korvo looks outside and gasps
Korvo: Stephen!
Korvo puts a hand on his pregnant belly
Korvo: *whispering* I hope he’s not after the baby… I have to make sure he isn’t… or worse!
Korvo's eyes turn aquamarine
Korvo: *skin turns black as he grows bigger and muscular and rips apart his night gown* Ooooooooh fffuuuuuuuuck yyyyyeeeeeeeess! Soooooo gooooood!
Korvo then develops horns on his head and wings pop out behind his back as he roars. Super Shlorpian Korvo chuckles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Even when I’m pregnant, *rubs his pregnant* I’m still feeling sexy and hornier as ever.
Super Shlorpian Korvo hears screeching and gasps.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *whispering* Oh shit! Bat People! Better move fast. *looks at Terry* Be back soon my darling! *kisses Terry on the forehead*
Super Shlorpian Korvo roars as he flies through the chimney while holding his pregnant belly:
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *snarling* Let’s hope I can stop Stephen on time!
The scene then cuts to Mutant Bat King Stephen laughs evilly while plotting.
Mutant Bat King Stephen: That’s right. As soon as those Solar Beasts get here, I’ll give them a piece of my mind-
Suddenly, Super Shlorpian Korvo flies in here while roaring.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Not so fast!
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Grr! You again?!
Bat Mutant King Stephen then notices Super Shlorpian Korvo's pregnant belly and exclaims in horror
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Oh God! Is the Super Shlorpian pregnant?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo growls
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Well, you won’t be able to defeat me! Bat People, attack!
The bat people attack as Super Shlorpian Korvo flies into action
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Time to for you all to chill out! *breathes ice from his breath*
The Bat People are frozen as Bat Mutant King Stephen growls
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Stupid savage bitch! Why must you ruin everything?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Because I- *groans in pain as his water breaks* Please tell me my water didn't just break! Fuck! FUCK!
Bat Mutant King Stephen: *laughs evilly* I think you must be going into labor now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo flies and goes to somewhere to hide
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs evilly* Better follow this weak bitch!
Super Shlorpian Korvo finds somewhere to hide and groans in pain
Super Shlorpian Korvo: No! Not now!
Super Shlropian Korvo cries out as blood spews out from under his Shlorpian vagina. Bat King Mutant Stephen is still looking for Super Shlorpian Korvo as he chuckles evilly.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You can’t hide from me, Opposites!
Super Shlorpian Korvo breathes heavily
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *crying as he kept pushing* FUCK! OH GOD! *cries out in pain*
Bat King Mutant Stephen hears Super Shlorpian Korvo and smirks
Bat King Mutant Stephen: I got you now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Shit! I gotta-
But Super Shlorpian Korvo keeps crying out as he is the close to giving birth.
Then, suddenly, a cute baby Shlorpian girl with the same skin color as Terry is born as she starts crying. Super Shlorpian Korvo gasps and sheds tears of joy.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *tearfully in happiness* Oooh my sweet little sprout…
Bat King Mutant Stephen suddenly appears
Bat King Mutant Stephen: Ah-ha! Got you now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo gasps.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *grabs Lili and hold her safe carefully close to him* Stay away from her you bitch!
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs* I don't plan on hurting you...yet.
Lili: *cries*
Super Shlorpian Korvo: What are you talking about?
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You and your family will meet me and my people here for a battle tomorrow at dawn!
Mundane Terry: *offscreen* My Korvy!
Super Shlorpian Korvo turns around and gasps. He then sees Mundane Terry, Super Shlorpain Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse and Were-Kraken Sonya and are relived he is okay. But then, Mundane Terry bites Bat King Mutant Stephen on the arm to get him away from husband as he snarls.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: How dare you?! I am a king! You will respect my authority!
Mundane Terry punches Bat King Mutant Stephen, who snarls and flies away from the family. The monster Replicants and Werekraken Sonya run up to Super Shlorpian Korvo and are overjoyed to see their new baby sister.
Mundane Jesse: Is that our sister?! Korvo, how did this-
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *shedding tears of joy* It was some kind of miracle. Your new sister is born. Kids, meet Lili.
Lili: *coos*
Werekraken Sonya: *smiling and softly doing a nose kiss on Llili* Hello baby sister…
Lili: *coos*
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: *shedding tears of joy* Aw she looks so cute.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yeah..she is... *starts weeping*
Mundane Terry: Oh honey… *holds Super Shlorpian Korvo close* Shh… *smiling at Lili* Hey there sweetie… I’m your daddy…
Lili babbles and touches Mundane Terry's face as Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: She really likes you.
Mundane Terry chuckles
Mundane Terry: Hell yeah she does. *tickles Lili’s chin softly as it makes her giggle*
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You know, she almost looks just like you.
Mundane Terry: I know. Look at her beautiful green skin. Welcome to the world Lili…
Super Shlorpian Korvo kisses his Mundane husband on the lips.
Lili: *babbling*
Mundane Jesse: Hey, Lili...
Lili touches her father’s face as Mundane Terry chuckles. Lili then yawns and falls asleep as the two monster alien husbands smile at their new baby.
Super Shlorpian Korvo then weeps as he holds Lili close carefully.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I'll do everything I can to protect her...
Mundane Terry: *puts his hand on Super Shlorpian Korvo’s right shoulder* Us too. Because remember what I said. We’ll get through it… together.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: We have to face Stephen tomorrow at dawn.
Mundane Jesse: What?!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Why?!
Werekraken Sonya: Why does Stephen want us to face him?
Super Shlorpian Korvo sighs
Super Shlorpian Korvo: ‘Cause if we don’t, I’m afraid he’ll come after Lili and worse of all kill us.
Mundane Terry gasps.
Mundane Terry: *grows determined* Don’t worry! We won’t let this happened!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You're right. *looks at Lili and tickles her chin*
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Good. Because, we won’t let Stephen get in the way of the best thing that ever happen in our lives. Right, sisters?!
Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya: Right!
Lili: *babbles*
Later at home, Janiz is watching TV
Janiz: *sees the news about Stephen* Stephen? Oh my God!
Korvo comes downstairs holding Lili
Korvo: *sing-songy* Oh Janiz!
Janiz: Korvo? What's...*looks at Lili and gasps* Did you...
Korvo: Yes. She’s here. Janiz, meet your niece Lili.
Janiz squeals with happiness
Janiz: *tickles Lili on the chin as Lili giggles* Hello sweetie. It’s me your aunt Janiz. Your daddy’s big sister.
Lili babbles and touches Korvo's face
Janiz: Oh she really love you Korvo.
Korvo: Yeah. I know. *looks at the news and gasps* Shit!
Janiz: You ready for this lil bro? *eyes glow icy pink*
Korvo: Oh-ho-ho! *eyes glow aquamarine* Hell yeah I am!
Later, Mutant Bat King Stephen and his army are wreaking havoc
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs evilly* Yes! Yes! Soon enough all of Earth-4 will bow to me!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *offscreen* STOP RIGHT THERE!
Bat King Mitant then turns and growls as he sees Super Shlorpian Korvo, Mundane Terry, Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse, Werekraken Sonya, Super Shlorpian Janiz and Aqrabuamelu Phoebe standing in a heroic stance. Lili is also seen in a baby hangar held on Super Shlorpian Korvo.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: Seriously! How many more of you freaks do I have to fight?!
Mundane Terry: Well I believe you met our daughters, huh?
Bat King Mutant Stephen then recognizes Mundane Jesse as Jesse as he snarls.
Mundane Jesse: Remember me, bi-atch?!
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You too? *growls* Bat People, attack the Monsters!
The bat people attack.
Super Shlorpian Korvo nods and the Monster Solars starts fighting the bat people. Super Shlorpian Korvo uses his ice breath while Lili babbles in joy. Mundane Terry then uses his lava powers that burnt the bat people. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack then combines his fire ice breath with Super Shlorpian Janiz’s ice breath that restrains the bat people. Mundane Jesse uses her pink magic powers that causes her fizzy rocks to hit the bat people. Werekraken Sonya uses her laser eyes to blast the bat people. Then, Aqrabuamelu Phoebe uses her stinger that stings some of the bat people.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: GOD DAMN IT!
The Monster Solars cheer while Lili babbles in joy.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You haven't heard the last of me! When I-
Mundane Jesse and Super Shlorpian Yumyulack combine their powers with Werekraken Sonya as they blast Bat King Mutant Stephen away as he screams. Super Shlorpian Korvo and Mundane Terry smiles with tears of joy in their eyes because they are so proud of their kids blasting their enemy away. So are Aqrabuamelu Phoebe and Super Shlorpian Janiz.
Lili: *babbling n joy because she proud of her big brother and big sisters*
Super Shlorpian Janiz: You two were very brave. I see the training's paid off.
Mundane Jesse: So was Sonya! I had no idea we had it in you!
Werekraken Sonya: Well, I guess I learned from watching you guys.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: That and you were always brave ever since you became half-kraken. We’re so proud of you sis.
Werekraken Sonya: Thanks!
The three monster siblings then get into a group hug. Lili babbles in joy as she reaches to her siblings.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Hey, Lili.
Mundane Jesse: So happy to see you!
Werekraken: You proud of your big brother and sisters?
Lili touched both of her siblings’ faces as she coos in joy. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya smiles at their baby sister. Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *hugs the kids* Come here, we are so proud of you.
Mundane Terry: Nice job Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya! We’ve never been so proud in our lives that our three wonderful kids combine an awesome attack. We’re so happy for you three.
The kids smile tearfully
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Thanks dads…
Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya: Thanks daddies…
Mundane Terry picks Super Shlorpian Korvo up and spins him around
Mundane Terry: Woo-hoo Korvy.
The two monster alien husbands embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly while Lili giggles as the kids hugs their dads. The scene cuts back to the Solar Opposites’ house where they wonder where Pupa is.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Pupa?
Mundane Terry: Pupa? *suddenly hears a gunshot* Oh shit! Was that the Pupa with a gun?!
The family gasp in horror.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: That's not good.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh crap! No no no! *heads upstairs* Something’s wrong!
The Monsters Solars open the door to Korvo and Terry’s bedroom where Pupa is in and gasp.
Mundane Terry: Holy shit. The Pupa has killed a bat mutant!
Super Shlorpian Korvo smiles tearfully
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Bravo Pupa! *hugs Pupa* I am so proud of you!
The family hugs Pupa as he smiles. Then, Pupa notices his new baby sister Lili.
Pupa: Who's that?
Mundane Jesse: Pupa, this your new baby sister Lili.
Pupa gasps
Pupa: Sister?
Lili babbles as she touches Pupa’s face, as he smiles and falls in love with his new baby sister and hugs her carefully and gently.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yep. She's your sister. Isn't she adorable?
Pupa smiles as he tickles Lili’s chin softly as Lili giggles and coos.
Mundane Jesse: Aw, she likes you.
Pupa: I wuv you Lili.
Lili coos. Pupa smiles as he watches his baby sister fall asleep as she sleeps. The family then turns back to normal as they sit on Korvo and Terry’s bed with Pupa and smiles at Lili.
Phoebe MacCarthy: So, now you guys have Lili, now what?
Korvo: I think our news lives have just gotten better. Welcome home Lili.
Cue “Today” from Brad Paisley in the background:
Terry: Welcome to the Solar Opposistes sweetie. *kisses Lili on the forehead*
Lili giggles. Cue good times montage after Korvo and Terry kiss while moaning lovingly. The scene then cuts to next day where the Solar Opposites in their human forms, now with Lili in her own human form as she babbles head out the door to spend time with each other. The scene then cuts to the family at a picnic where Human Pupa is playing with human Lili. Then, it cuts to a skiing lodge where the family are having skiing then it shows them having hot cocoa. Then, it cuts to the park where the kids are playing while Human Lili babbles as she and Human Terry head down the slide and Human Terry lands safely while holding Human Lili safely as she babbles in joy once Human Terry lift her up. The episode then ends with the rest of the family having dinner at Lawry’s Prime Rib and Human Korvo and Human Terry kiss as they moan lovingly.
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armeniuslaurant · 2 years
The thing with Jennnnn is that she was clearly (from the perspective of how the show depicts her Amherstness and parents) slumming it with Sam and everybody knew.
Sam's a Worcestor boy, and we don't know what his own house was like but one his his uncles owned a pawn shop, so I assume we're talking like, Chuck and D finances. He mentions he never would have gotten financial help from his dad, but I assume that's more of a relationship hurdle than a financial one. Though, did Sam burn that bridge when he wasn't sober, or was his dad *why* he drank?
So Rich Jenn who definitely went to all the popular parties and had all the queen bee types be nice to her (the plot of Heathers was happening in Amherst, I assume, and also, side note, the "most popular girl in school but nice about it" description Allison got in the original pilot works better for Jenn and im glad the actual show didnt stick to that) was dating Sam from Worcester who worked at a skeezy Mexican restaurant (I assume it was the Group Hang restaurant CEG).... why?
And that's a whole story there, how the hell they met and who pursued who, but putting that aside dating Sam from Worcester was not The Script Jenn's parents had for her.
And I don't think it was the script Jenn's Amherst friends expected her to follow, either!
Wouldnt it be crazy if when teenage Allison had her definitely-for-appearances church friends and her swim team that didn't really like her (and yeah, I buy the "too competitive" stuff as a result of Allison's homelife, but also she was a disaster baby bi who would have wanted to make a connection but made a terrible first impression + rumors), and at the same time Jenn was in Amherst, and she *seemed* to have genuine female friendships in a way Allison never did, but then she started seeing Sam and her friend group distanced themselves from her (or Jenn realized how shitty they were being and distanced herself)
Wouldnt it be crazy if in Worcester everyone in Allison's life seemed to love Kevin and praise him for every single thing he said and did even when it made no fucking sense to her, and at around the same time everyone in Jenn's life would snidely criticize Sam and her decision to be with him, whether he was being shitty or not?
Hey, some headcanons have Sam be the one to do the final breakup, but I'm still convinced after the scene cut with Jenn saying "do we have to?" she just completely shut down and didn't even consider trying to work it out. Jenn put the majority of her life into a loser from Worcester that everyone in her life would have judged her for. It's worse than having her trust shattered. It would have been *embarrassing*.
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nocturnalswarehouse · 2 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @blossom-adventures and @thequeenofthewinter :)
3 Ships:
I'm going to delve away from Skyrim here because my procrastination response if I don't want to be productive around my place, is to immerse myself in as much media as possible. So an obvious one is OC/Brynjolf. Otherwise, Adi would not exist XD my others are OC (or reader)/Jacob Frye because I'm still hyperfixating on AC Syndicate. I also recently finally started Jane the Virgin, and I'm a slut for Jane/Rafael
1st Ever Ship:
I was but a young child, barely able to comprehend reading when my first ever a ship came to be. I shit you not. I think I was 5. It was Blue/Magenta in Blue's Clues. I found out a couple years ago was also my first gay ship, and I am HERE for it.
Last Song:
Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
Last Movie:
I watched one in my filmmaking class by a local director who created a film about a Ukrainian woman who immigrated to modern-day Winnipeg. Do I remember the title? Nope. Do I want to? Nope.
This movie was filmed back in like,,, 2019 I believe, is what he said and released like last year. It's two hours and could've been easily cut down to one. Very slow, almost too slow. I liked a lot of the shots. It was interesting to watch a film where only two characters - who were in there briefly - spoke English.
So there are good things about it, but it definitely could've been way better. I felt like the writing was almost too dry, and the director didn't give us any context as to what the plot was or any warnings that were needed (nudity and a certain subject related to nudity that is unpleasant to watch, to put it nicely).
I just think we should keep cishet white north American men away from creating films with that kind of subject because they don't,,, get it. Granted, neither do I but I do have an entire family of immigrants.
Currently Reading:
Well, it was my personality psych textbook, but no more! I hope to finish @thequeenofthewinter's fic because I'm behind due to school, and after that? Well, when the term starts, one of the texts for one of my classes is "The Handmaid's Tale," and I'm VERY excited to read it.
Currently Watching:
Too many things at once.
Jane the Virgin
Wednesday (I get the hype, I have critiques, but imma keep them to myself because it's very nitpicky and a bit pretentious)
RuPaul's Drag Race S14 (I'm on episode 7)
Canada's Drag Race S2 (I'm on episode 4)
The Witcher (started it in September, had a depressive episode)
Slow rewatch of Avatar: The Last Airbender because I'm following the podcast recaps and discussions
Slow rewatch of Kim Possible because I got bored and switched to the Witcher (it's great to watch after a long shift at work, though)
Wizards of Waverly Place (helped me through the depressive episode. Downside? I've seen it so many times the show is fully memorized)
Hunters on Amazon Prime (They re-edited the show to take out the scenes that got a lot of negative press, and I'm mad, so I stopped because they also re-edited my favourite scene in the entire show)
Teen Wolf (gotta prep for the movie coming out in 2023)
Okay yeah, so my fam and I have a lot of streaming services. Welcome to my Dad, and I are movie buffs
Currently Consuming:
Water. I'm pulling an all-nighter because I gotta be at the airport in two and a half hours, so if I sleep I will miss my flight. Gotta stay hydrated!
Currently Craving:
Tacos from a place back home, and lemonade from a pop-up lemonade stand that ends up at every big event in my city back home and if I can convince my parents I'll be able to get one and won't have to wait until Stampede in July next year. It's the best damn lemonade I've ever had.
The specific tacos I'm craving are the best damn fast-food tacos I've ever had, but I've definitely had better. My sister worked at a Mexican restaurant specializing in tacos that a family member owns, for god's sake. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, I also crave those. I think I just want tacos.
I can't really think of anyone to tag (the main person I would've tagged, tagged me first XD), so I pass this on to anyone that wants to do it :)
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systemwint · 2 years
Piggly wiggly myrtle beach
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0 notes
saintobio · 4 years
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underground fight club. (7)
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↳ iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
summary: gym trainer by day, underground fighter by night—Hajime Iwaizumi gives you a front row access to Tokyo’s biggest underground fight club after setting his eyes on you as his shiny new toy. little does he know, you’re there to infiltrate the illegal underground fighting scene with another purpose in mind.
genre: angst, smut, underground fighter au, 18+
warnings: strong language, needles, blood, guns, slut-shaming
a/n: i can’t wait to finish writing this fic but i also don’t want it to end just yet :((( the angst is coming, it’s cominggg (also this chapter has banyan tree references if you squint)
masterlist -> part eight
“Hajime, where are we heading to?”
Iwaizumi tightened his hold on your thigh while his other hand was on the steering wheel. Because today wasn’t ‘work’ day for you, he wanted to go to some place but didn’t fully tell you where. All he ever mentioned was for you to get in his car, not knowing that he’d be driving for the next 15 minutes. You were a little anxious that he might be heading to Oikawa’s home, but the route he was taking was somehow not in the direction of his best friend’s residence.
You’ve just been on edge for the whole day because you knew that the SWAT would be coming to Oikawa’s house today to conduct an arrest warrant and Tobio was deployed to be one of the officers who would be part of the operation. He’d have his balaclava on so his face wouldn’t be fully recognized but you were still scared that Oikawa might be able to identify him in some way. Hopefully not.
“Here,” Iwaizumi spoke, carefully steering his car to park on the side of the road. You wondered what he was here for in a sunny afternoon—the Mexican restaurant? The tattoo shop? The flower boutique?
When you got out of his car, he grabbed your hand and walked with you towards the second one. Tattoo shop it is. You found it random that he decided to visit the place today, but then again, this was better than him visiting Tooru at the worst time. “You’re gonna get a new one?” you softly asked.
He nodded, “Yeah, just a quick one.” Then he entered the tattoo parlor where you could see art graffitis and neon lights inside. The place smelled of chocolate-flavored smoke which you assumed came from the Juul. You two were then greeted by a guy with bowled grey hair and dark tips. He also had a bunch of tattoos on his arm and on his neck and he had an e-cigarette in his mouth when he came to give your boyfriend a handshake. “What’s up, bro?”
“Hey.” The guy patted Iwaizumi’s back before noticing you with a nod of acknowledgment. “New lady friend?”
You offered a small smile before Iwaizumi held you by the waist and introduced you. “Yeah, this is my girlfriend,” he answered before looking at you. “Princess, this is my friend Kita. He does all our tattoos.”
The guy was quick to give you a handshake. “Shinsuke Kita. Pleasure to meet you,” he greeted. “Never thought I’d see the day Iwa’s gonna introduce a girlfriend.”
“Tell me about it,” you merely responded, chuckling with the guy while Iwaizumi had a lopsided grin on his face. Your boyfriend dragged you with him further inside the tattoo shop and you were amazed at the vibrant spray painted art on the walls. Iwaizumi later sat on the recliner chair with you on his side, holding your hand as the tattoo artist prepared his stuff. You decided to ask your boyfriend what he was planning to get this time. “What design are you getting, baby?”
He excitedly pointed to his left forearm and gestured for an ‘S’ shape above it. “A snake. I thought it was cool when I saw Kita’s design. Imagine when I punch someone and I get to see the tattoo on my forearm every single time.”
Kita snickered at the underground fighter’s words before he sat on the other side and placed Iwaizumi’s left arm on the armrest. “This is his third tattoo with me. I did the tiger one and the Kanji on his rib.”
“Getting one on my back soon,” Iwaizumi added, looking over at you. “You help me find which design I should get.”
You squeezed his hand as soon as you heard the whirring of the equipment. “Maybe a dragon?”
He didn’t even wince as soon as Kita started pricking his skin with the needle, inking the outline slowly but precisely and wiping the faint blood that was coming out of his skin. Damn, it looked like it hurt a lot. “Dragon, why?”
You shrugged, feeling him intertwining his hand with yours. “Just a random suggestion ‘cause I feel like it’ll look good on your back. And, um, does it—” you pointed to his arm that was serving as Kita’s art canvas. “—hurt? It looks like it stings.”
Iwaizumi snorted. “I get my nose, jaw, and ribs broken every week and you ask me if a small needle hurts me?”
“I mean, it could!” You pouted, watching Kita smile at your conversation with your significant other.
“You should get one to see what it’s like,” the tattoo artist plainly suggested but it seemed to have given your boyfriend an idea because his eyes lit up before he shook your hand encouragingly.
Iwaizumi even grinned in excitement. “Yeah, princess. You should get one. It doesn’t hurt much and I can do it for you.”
He’ll what now? “You know how to do it?”
Kita was the one who answered for you as he took a pause from his work while pointing to a small skull design on his wrist. “He did this sick art on me. You can trust him.”
You were somehow amazed at the new information. You had no idea Iwaizumi could even do tattoos but it only added to the list of things that you find most attractive about him. The list was actually pretty long but generally, you liked seeing his rare genuine smile, you liked how handsome he was despite the bruises he’d constantly get on his face, you liked how amazing he was in his chosen fighting style, and simply, you liked the affection he was giving you. He could be possessive and hot-headed, but he could also be caring and protective. Not a lot of people in this world were exactly like Hajime Iwaizumi. He was one of a kind—a very beautiful package. Anyone would be lucky to date him.
You didn’t think that anyone would ever show you the same amount of attention, desire, and attachment the way he did and these facts were exactly what made you extremely intoxicated by him. Never did a man want you so much that they couldn’t get enough of you, not even your ex who was fast to look at someone else’s way despite the dedication you gave him. Even if Iwaizumi did look at other girls, his mere decision of wanting to commit himself to you was enough to fill the contentment you ever wanted from him.
From a relationship that started as predominantly physical, it was nice to see some progress with the fact that you two also found interest in each other more than just what you shared in bed. He was addicted with you as you were with him. It might sound crazy to others, but you were feeling a sense of belongingness when you were with him.
“What?” he asked, his eyes gleaming as he cut you out of trance by kissing your hand. “You’re starin’ at me like you’re in love.”
You really were.
And that was the saddest part of it all.
“I wasn’t staring,” you replied, looking away with a couple of blinks. It must have been a pain in the ass for Kita to deal with your PDA, however Iwaizumi still leaned in to peck your lips softly. He even smiled after doing so before leaning back on his chair. At that moment, the butterflies in your stomach went unbelievably wild. Why couldn’t you just have this forever? Forget everything else and just have the two of you living in this world—no pretending, no secrets, just your raw and pure selves.
You silently hoped that there was a way to alter your reality where Iwaizumi could still be yours despite the complicated situation you were in.
His tattoo, or the art as Kita called it, was done after almost 2 hours. It was one of the longest hours in your life but you were happy to be in the moment and spend time with the person you wanted to be with. It took a lot of convincing until you did agree to get a tattoo for yourself. The spontaneity wasn’t something you made a big deal about, it was the fact that you were going to have a permanent ink on your skin for the first time in your life. You specifically requested to have it in a place where it wouldn’t be seen, so Iwaizumi had the ‘brilliant’ idea to have it on your right hip.
He claimed that your hips were his favorite part of your body because he loved holding on to them when he was making love with you and he said that he was going to kiss the tattooed part every single day once it healed. Sweet, but it also gave you a tiny bit of heartache knowing that the tattoo may be permanent but the connection with the person who did it was likely temporary.
Still, he had you stripped off to just your shirt and underwear as he did the tattoo on your hip. He didn’t tell you what he was going to put and simply asked you to trust him. “Of course, I trust you,” was your answer that he was satisfied to hear. He also assured that it wasn’t going to be a complicated tattoo, but just something simple that could remind you of him.
The prick you felt on your skin felt the same with the tiny pricks you had in your heart. You were here right now with him having your skin tattooed while Tobio must already be at Oikawa’s house together with the SWAT team to make the lawful arrest. You were ordered to keep Iwaizumi distracted during the operation as there was a possibility that Tooru might escape with his help, but it seemed like a far-fetched idea because your lover had not received one phone call or even a text from his best friend.
But then again, this could be your last day with Hajime.
“It’s done,” Iwaizumi announced, looking very proud of his work. You gave it a peek only to see the word ‘𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘’ inked on your skin in a small but still noticeable size. You suppressed a chuckle after seeing the tattoo because it was as Iwaizumi as it could get and you should have expected it.
You gave him a light peck on the lips in gratitude for his work. “I like it. Thank you.”
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At 2pm, you still hadn’t heard back from Kageyama to know whatever happened with the SAT operation but Iwaizumi decided to take a visit to the gym that afternoon to check Hanamaki and Issei who were the appointed trainers for the day. There were hardly any trainees when you came, just a kid and a teen, so you were able to chitchat with Becca and Issei by the reception area. As expected, the two brought up last night’s party and how you and Iwaizumi left and never came back to the poolside.
“Oikawa was so funny last night. You guys totally missed it,” Becca claimed, leaning on the desk with an elbow propped.
Issei countered his girlfriend’s claim. “Nah, they didn’t miss much. Oikawa’s just being annoying as usual.”
You chuckled while Iwaizumi affectionately held you from behind as you leaned your head on his cheek. “Haji didn’t wanna go back.”
Becca watched how Iwaizumi’s lips formed a naughty grin and she made sure to point something out. “I swear to god, Hajime. If you get her pregnant, I’ll kill you.”
“I’m actually surprised she still isn’t pregnant at this point,” your boyfriend joked before you punched his arm. That was way too much information and you were slightly embarrassed.
You decided to make a clarification out of his statement. “I’m on the pill, Becca.”
The girl was adamant on giving sex ed, it seemed. “You should know that birth control pills are like, only 90% effective and there’s still a chance of you getting pregnant, especially since you guys fuck each other every single day.”
Not every day!
The guys were quite amused at Becca’s advices because, well, men were men. But you sincerely took her advice with kindness knowing that she did make sense. “I know. Tell Haji to work on his pull out game,” you replied in good humor.
While the conversation was going on, it took you by utter surprise when a certain brown-haired guy came barging inside the dojo with a visibly frustrated face. Your heart felt like it was going to explode from the rapidity of its beat. It must have been close to 180bpm.
“What’s up?” Hanamaki greeted the guy as he, too, joined you guys in the reception area.
You held Iwaizumi’s arm tightly around your waist after seeing Oikawa. Why? What? How? Just how was he in here when he should’ve been detained? What exactly happened in the operation?
God, you were tremendously nervous that you had to restrain your breathing.
“Guess what the fuck just happened,” Tooru spoke through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with rage. “SWAT came into my fucking house, searched through every damn corner to confiscate the guns, but they couldn’t fucking arrest me ‘cause I have complete licenses! Complete fucking licenses. Business, gun permit—did they think my dad will risk putting me in an illegal gun sale bullshit? I’m gonna get back on whichever motherfucker narced me out!”
They all had surprised faces while Iwaizumi’s jaw tightened and that was the moment where you felt both frightened and shocked at this newfound information. You just couldn’t believe it. It was impossible. It didn’t make any sense. Oikawa has a goddamn license that’s why they couldn’t arrest him? But—
“Any idea whoever reported you?” Iwaizumi sternly asked before removing his hold on you. The mere mention of the SWAT was enough to turn his mood around. “Just tell me who it is and I’ll wreck their faces.”
You lost air to breathe because it didn’t make sense. Your mind was failing to process this whole situation.
Oikawa was the dealer. He was the primary suspect. This couldn’t be a bust!
You were sure of it. The texts, the guns in his house—why would he tell Iwaizumi about the cops being on the lookout if his business was completely legal? Why was he secretive about their business if he had nothing to hide? They were transporting firearms from Argentina to Japan and selling them to the black market—that was how it was!
Something just wasn’t right and you had to figure it all out.
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Tobio was evidently aggravated when he came to the headquarters that night while still in his tactical SWAT gear after an obvious long day of a failed operation. You didn’t attempt to talk to him because he was clearly enraged, but what you did instead was to seek Chief Director Matsuda for any explanation to all the questions you had.
However, when you did see him, the Chief Director forcefully slammed the files on the table that caused all three of you to jump in surprise.
“We got the wrong guy!” Chief angrily barked, resting his hands on the table with a face exploding with fury. “Oikawa’s father is an army veteran who now handles supply of high caliber firearms and ammunition for the military to and from Argentina. All weapons found are registered and they have complete licenses to operate a business. Do you two have anything to say about that?”
You were shocked to say the least. You even held your breath and swallowed the build-up of extreme anxiety forming on your throat. “Chief, i-it’s my fault. I didn’t verify it.”
“Chief, I know you’re furious right now but can we at least get the list of the transactions he had for the past 6 months?” Tobio spoke, although still upset. “He can be an accomplice once proven that he did make a secret transaction with a non-licensed dealer, right?”
Keiji decided to chime in. “It’s highly possible that it’s straw purchasing. Oikawa could have supplied guns and ammos to a licensed dealer and then that dealer is selling it to the black market or a possible mafia organization.”
In that case... “So legally, we can’t arrest Oikawa because the dealer is the one selling it to the black market,” you stated as it finally came into realization. His transactions were all legal. Fuck, you really did get the wrong guy and it was all your fault. “Chief, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking deeply into it—”
Chief Director Matsuda let out a weary sigh and stood back up. He was disappointed and exhaused. It clearly stressed him out but he knew how to control his temper for the sake of his agents. “Supplier’s out. All I need is for the both of you to find who the dealer is. Now get out of my office.”
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Although it was dark outside the headquarters, you could sense the glower that Tobio was sending you and it made you feel bad but also upset at yourself at the same time. Just like you, he had completely missed a few details too but you knew that you were still the root of all of this. You were the one who gave the intel about Oikawa and literally left him to figure everything out alone. Had you not been so careless, things would not have turned out this way.
The last thing you wanted was to have a rift with your partner now that the case was getting tough. If anything, you two should work closely together because there was no doubt that the case would be very difficult to solve.
“Tobio,” you called, running up to him in the parking lot. He turned around to look at you but didn’t speak up. You could hear him taking a deep exasperated huff as if he was sick of being in the same space as you. “I’m sorry about this. I promise I’ll do—”
“You know what you should do?” he hissed, shifting into an antagonistic stance. His glare was so sharp it could kill—almost burning through your skull with how intense his gaze was. “You should go to your division at the PSIA office and file a resignation letter so you can just stick to being a whore since that’s the only thing you’re good at!” He then scoffed in utter disbelief. “This isn’t some kind of fairytale where you’re gonna find some stupid romance with a criminal. We’re dealing with real criminals and you’re here to do your job and not to find your fucking soulmate!”
His words stung and it left tears brimming in your eyes knowing that his anger was completely valid and you were aware that you fucked all of this up. You ruined this. You were far too busy investing yourself into your relationship with Iwaizumi that you were failing to do your job right. It wasn’t fair for Tobio who was sincerely doing his best to just solve the case and catch the criminal while you were only stalling the whole situation for your own selfish reasons. “I-I know you’re mad, but I’m trying to see what I can do to help you. We can work together on this case and I’ll make sure that I’ll do my best to figure it out.”
“No. You’re literally fucking useless to me and maybe I can just figure this case out on my own,” he strictly insisted with an extremely unforgiving scowl. “Keiji and I will deal with this. Just go back to being a slut for that guy, alright? You make me sick. This is all your fault. You’re fucking worthless.”
Your tears had already fallen before you could even stop it and the ache in your heart made you drown from the painful feeling. “You don’t have to be such an asshole about it!”
He displayed a humorless smile before taking a few steps closer to you. “Maybe I should be an asshole so it’ll finally sink into your delusional head. And maybe, maybe you should realize that no one’s ever gonna truly love you because you’re just a dumb whore hiding behind your supposedly professional job. Shit, you know what? I think being a prostitute is a better career for you—”
You slapped him on the cheek, not wanting to hear another hurtful word to come out of his mouth. Tears have left your eyes as your face crumpled from the venom that Tobio’s words have left behind.
And even then, he didn’t apologize.
The last words he said made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with you anymore. “After this investigation is over, I’m gonna request Chief to never put me in the same assignment with someone like you ever again.”
That was all it took for you to break down after he simply left you alone in the dark and drove off while you sobbed your heart out from the gravity of the pain that fell on you.
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You were not expecting that your silent cries would continue in the middle of the night after you woke up remembering the argument you’ve had with your undercover partner. There was no way to know how you two would still be working together after the falling-out that happened earlier but one thing’s for sure—you were slowly awakening to your reality. In this reality, you should never form a relationship with a possible suspect knowing that there was no good ending to it. Hajime was a dream and he should only stay that way even if it meant that you’d have to go back to being a lonely woman in her mid-20s who would remain craving for love and affection. How exactly did you get here? How did you find solace from a guy like him?
Why were you even still looking for a reason to keep him when he couldn’t ever be yours? Tobio already despised your whole being, now you were certain that Hajime would also immensely hate you—might hurt you, even—once the truth was out. It was only a matter of time and you had to hold yourself together before it could wreck you.
You hastily wiped your face and pulled the covers over to your bare chest. In a swift motion, you turned your back on him to hide your crying face. He shouldn’t see you sobbing.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Iwaizumi asked softly, wrapping a protective arm around your waist as he tried to get you to look at him. “Are you crying?”
You sniffed and wiped the tears away. “...No.”
Your boyfriend exerted more effort to make you lay on your back while he ran his thumb across your damp cheek. His eyes were full of worry and you realized that it was the very first time that he had seen you cry. He looked awfully concerned and just about worried. “Tell me what’s wrong. Did I hurt you? Was I too rough tonight?”
“M’okay. I’m fine,” you answered before closing your eyes.
He kept his hand on your cheek to give you comforting strokes. “Then, why are you crying? Who made you cry? Tell me and I’ll fucking kill them.”
If I told you, it’ll be the end of us. “No, it’s just my crazy hormones. I’m taking pills, remember? It happens.”
Your lies didn’t work because Hajime only became more skeptical. He never believed any of your words and only tightened his hold on your cheek. “Just tell me what you’re crying about so I can fix it. I don’t like seeing this, it’s... I don’t know. It feels weird to me.” You opened your eyes to see him staring intently at your face. He was only a few inches away and you could see worry deeply painted across his face from the moonlight that illuminated his silhouette. It felt comforting to know that he was still capable of being concerned with you.
“Do you think...” you trailed off as you took a hard swallow. He was wiping your tears before they could spill. “Do you think you’ll remember me even if, like, we don’t end up together in the end?”
His face remained calm and void of other emotions, but despite the lack of expressiveness, his eyes glistened when he sincerely looked at your face. “Of course, I will.”
“I’d remember every single moment I’ve had with you since the day you came to the gym soaking wet from the rain.”
You suppressed a sad smile. “...Okay.”
He refused to look away and let his olive green eyes find yours in the darkness. “I’ll burn all other memories just to make room for the ones I have with you.”
You felt a tight squeeze on your heart after hearing his words.
It was hard to believe that this was the same man who acted so differently when the switch was turned on. This was the same man who would heavily degrade you in bed, make threats to you, claim that he was going to utterly destroy you while also trying to manipulate your feelings. He was aggressive, territorial, seemingly unloyal, but here he was in a version of himself that you had only ever seen today. You couldn’t tell which version of Hajime Iwaizumi this was, but you absolutely loved this side of him.
“I really wish we can spend more time together,” you spoke in a broken voice. “Less sex, more us doing other things.”
His lips curved into a softer smile before he leaned back on the pillow and pulled you closer. “That’s what you’re crying about? I’ve been too much of an asshole to you, was I?”
You decided to nod even if that wasn’t the reason. It just made sense to him that it was, but someday soon, he’d figure it all out and probably take back what he said.
Iwaizumi took a deep inhale before releasing it into a sigh. “You make it so difficult for me. I’m not supposed to like you this much.”
To hear him spill his most honest feelings to you ignited a fire in your heart, blazing throughout your body as if his confession had created flames straight to your soul. “So you do like me beyond your sexual fantasies, huh,” you noted, resting your head on his shoulder in content. “I’m not supposed to like you this much, either.”
You first met him with another purpose in mind. You were supposed to only use him to get intel and go back to your old life once all of this was over, but now it was hard to. You didn’t want to let go, but Tobio’s words rang inside your head.
You should realize that no one’s ever gonna truly love you because you’re just a dumb whore hiding behind your supposedly professional job.
It was quite hard to tell whether Iwaizumi was being genuine to you right now or this was just an act to get what he wanted from you. Either way, you couldn’t get any more attached than you already were. You had to learn to detach yourself before it was too late. Kageyama was absolutely right—no one was ever going to love you the way you expected them to. This wasn’t a fairytale. You had to go back to your reality as an Intelligence Agent.
The first step to that was to avoid him. Prevent him from making you fall deeper into his trap. Stop yourself from being imprisoned in his existence.
As much as it hurt, you owe everyone around you by doing what you were originally here for.
“We should probably go to sleep,” you simply told him as you were enveloped in his arms.
He responded with a kiss to your temple. “Night, princess. Don’t cry like that again.”
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The next morning when you woke up in Iwaizumi’s bed, he was already up to prepare for a shower. You didn’t even notice the amount of hickeys he had on his neck that he willingly let you give him but looking at your body, you realized that you were basically covered by his own marks. Normally, it would have made you feel happy inside but after everything that was said to you by your undercover partner, you were beginning to think so low of yourself.
Instead of being professional to your job, you were acting like a shameless whore for the sake of receiving some kind of attention from the wrong person.
“Wanna go on a quick date before I meet with Oikawa later?” he asked, getting up from bed and pulling you with him. “Him and I got something to talk about so I can’t be with you tonight.”
Just the two of them? “Sure,” you answered as you tiptoed to give him his morning kiss. “Is it something important? With you and Oikawa?”
He hummed in agreement while averting his eyes off you. “Yeah.”
Whatever it was, it didn’t feel too good. You could tell it had something to do with the SWAT raiding his place.
Your boyfriend soon asked if you wanted to join him in the shower to which you responded by telling him you’d join him in a minute. For now, you had to look for his oversized shirt that you could wear because you didn’t bring any spare clothes when you came into his apartment. He was already in the bathroom doing his morning routine while you rummaged through his cabinet and searched through his pile of clothes. From his casual gym wear to his stylish clothes, you realized Iwaizumi had the typical California boy street style and found yourself giggling at it.
Except, your hand caught a familiar hard metal under the pile. You lifted some of his clothes to check what it was and your heart immediately stopped after seeing the object in question.
He had a Kimber Custom TLE II gun.
It was the same fucking gun they used in the TMPD Special Assaults Team.
And to make it worse, he also had a Springfield XD 45 and a Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44-cal. Magnum revolver.
All powerful, high caliber police issue handguns. You knew what this meant and you refused to believe it. Your mind was rejecting the unspoken truth in your head that was wrecking you in half. It felt as if the universe dug a deep hole for you to bury yourself in.
Your hands were shaking when you followed Iwaizumi in the shower without telling him what you saw in his cabinet. He didn’t notice how lost you were after finding the evidences hidden under his clothes and he also had no single idea how much your mind was killing you right now.
But you had to ask him one thing, just one thing to get it off your chest.
“Haji,” you spoke warily.
He casually pulled you in front of the showerhead. “What?”
With a deep breath, you asked, “You’re not doing something illegal, are you?”
You were facing the wall so you couldn’t see his face but there was a sudden moment of silence that lasted for a minute or two with nothing but the sound of the water falling from the showerhead. “No,” he later answered.
“Y-You can tell me anything,” you egged on, turning around to face him and realized how his expression hardened. “You can trust me, Haji.”
The guy looked down at you as if to warn you not to push his buttons. “I said no.”
You cupped his cheek and placed a passionate kiss on his lips until it was able to soften his irritated stance. You couldn’t stop the pain in your heart knowing that Iwaizumi was 100% involved in this case and it left you broken inside. And yet, despite the painful fact that you just discovered, you wanted him to kiss all your worries away. It seemed that your kisses had a good calming effect to him because you saw his expression returning to normal when you pulled away to meet his gaze.
At this point, it was between him and your job and you’ve already chosen how to deal with it by following what your mind was telling you, even if you were jeopardizing one of the two.
“I believe you,” you reassured, sincerely. “I just want you to be safe, baby.”
general taglist: @x-cloudyyyy @iwazubean @elianetsantana @cottonheadedninnymugggins @centvry @kageyamakock @sunnsettee @bluesylveon2 @tsukkisfatsimp @cuddlesslut @mysteriousparker @asdfghjkl7things @02hhsailor @anejuuuuoy @minswags-posts @chemnerdkuroo @misssugarless @deeznutss @tanakax123 @oikawa-bubs @lust4keiji @black-kuroover @stel9 @tsumuuwu @daylghits @semibaby @crescenttooru @ems1des @the-golden-jhope @wonyoschubs @bakus-stuff
ufc taglist: @uwubby-1 @afire24 @lovingcupcakeavenue @lore-olympian @bongofrito @winunk @tsukkiswifeey @toumie @alltimeluw @nxynxy @agaashesmilktea @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @kuroosacchi @idiomaticpunk @s4ilor-m4rs @bokutosleftsock @ssrated1volleyballplayer @kuroosbb @cherriechurros
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Anon asked: May I request mayans Mc x reader on how the boys would react to reader being harassed why breast feeding.
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford ​for also helping me with those crazy ideas✨
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @arveeee ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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When Sofia starts to cry, you know it's time for lunch. You're not used yet to her lips destroying your nipple in public, but as father as daughter. You two are sitting on the grass of the Santo Padre's principal park. There's a lot of people around you of different ages, doing different tasks but having fun. So you don't give it so much importance. Taking your daughter between both arms, you put her closer to your breast so she can finally feed herself.
Angel seems like he's only enjoying some free time with his family, so proud of you, with his head above your lap and leaving some kisses on your forearm. Until he watches something he doesn't like. Some old men are whispering about you, and about the fact you shouldn't do it in public. But your husband is not going to let them bother you.
“Yo! What's'ap, ah?” He sits up on the grass moving his hands.
“She should do it at home”. One of them says somewhat upset.
“Why she can't feed my baby here, ah? Is yours that park, ah? Also, look at those tits! THOSE TITS ARE BEAUTIFUL, AND YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL FOR SEEING THEM!”
“Good god, Angel… Stop…”
“No! No, baby! What the fuck is wrong with them, ah? Go fuck yourselves!” Showing them the middle finger with a golden ring in it, he lies down again as if nothing happened. “Your tits are beautiful, mi amor. Never forget it”.
“You know that breast-feed gives happiness to the mother?”
The crew is looking at him with parted lips, freaking out that Che doesn't care about the fact that you're feeding his baby boy in front of them. He's totally like a hippie.
“Actually, doing it, the mother releases oxytocin. Love hormone. And by that, the tie between mother and child gets stronger”.
“Ok, we ju—”. Tranq tries to talk, being stopped by your husband again.
“And also relax the mother and free her from stress”.
“I'm not gonna ask again”. Bishop says, starting to feel uncomfortable as he has made you feel with those kind of questions.
“You sure? I know a lot ab—”.
“Yeah, Taza. I'm fucking sure”.
Mario is inopportune as fuck. He always decides that he's hungry at the worst moment. EZ has to guide the shopping cart through the hallways of the market, putting in all the thing writed down in the list you made, while you feed your favorite boy on earth. You don't feel incommode doing it, but it hurts a little sometimes and growling in public isn't something you're into.
“She should wait to be outside”. You hear a man talking behind you, making you frown. Ez has heard it too.
“She should do it often in front of assholes like you, to shut the fuck up, man”.
The guys didn't see your husband, coming closer to them with both hands placed in the lapels of his Mayans kutte. The size of his arms and the cloth wearing him seems enough to make him run away from you. You laugh, leaning forwards to kiss him softly.
“That was hot, baby”. You chuckle before continue walking.
“Yeah, I earned the other nipple”.
“Ezekiel!” Now you're laughing loud than some seconds ago, while he places an arm on your shoulders.
“But I'm gonna take it at home. I'm too old to do it in public, don' you think, mami?”
An old man in front of you is staring at your daughter feeding against your chest. Gilly is looking at him back, frowning and feeling disappointed about it. And without expecting and no words, he takes off his shirt, leaving it by a side of the bench and raising his chin proudly.
“Do you like mine, ah?”
You can't help but break in laughs, shaking your head because he'll never stop surprising you.
Your husband just have to growl to the children looking at you, from the swings, to make them run away scared. With a soft smile on the corner of your lips, you look at him offering your right fist to collide it with his.
“Teamwork, papi”.
If the situation can't be more unrealistic, with Gilly and Angel looking at you amazed by Daniela feeding herself, Coco turna at you with the only intention to make them feel uncomfortable.
“Can I have some too?”
“YO! MAN! WHATTA' FUCK IS WRONG WITH YA'?!” Both gets up of the sofa with a disgusting gesture on their faces, shaking their heads as they go out of the Templo.
You're laughing as hard as you can, even if it bothers your daughter, because you can't avoid it.
“I was talking serious”. He says then, nodding slowly.
As soon as you put a foot in the mall, the security ward stops you alleging that it's not allowed to breast-feed inside it. You can see Riz sideways frowning to the man and crossing his arms while he faces him.
“Why?” He just simply ask with a hoarse voice, twisting his neck somewhat lost about it.
“Sir, it's not allowed”.
“Yeah', but, why?”
“Because peo—”.
“Where does it say it is not allowed?”.
“Sir, ple—”.
You're just a mere spectator, enjoying watching your husband defend your rights and your daughter's.
“Should I let my baby die of hunger?”
“Sir, I didn—”
“But my wife can't feed her baby girl, because you say that somewhere it's says she can't do it”.
“Cariño, Rita is ready”. You interrupt the security ward, ignoring him completely. “Hold her a second, please”.
Riz hugs his daughter, as if the other man wasn't there, while you put your shirt on before continue walking.
Parking the car by a side of the rest area, your husband takes the advantage to buy some candies and the juice you're asking for since one hour ago, while you feed your baby champion. Resting your back against the door, outside of the car, to have some fresh air you can see sideways how a group of bikers are looking at you. And that, makes you feel somewhat uncomfortable, giving them your back and walking away some steps. Even so, you can hear them mumbling about it, till they scream a little begging for apologies.
“Next time, I'm gonna shoot you down, shitheads!”
You turn at your angry husband, pointing them with a gun. You blink several times straight, because you can't believe this is truly happening. And when Creeper is sure they're gone, he walks towards you keeping the gun behind his back, under the jacket.
“They haven't apple juice, but I brought you a peach one, baby”.
“Tha—Thank you…” You say containing some laughs.
“Is it good, buddy?” He asks like nothing happened, kissing Rico's head.
Having some free time with Bishop out of the clubhouse is like a miracle, so he decided to have dinner in a new mexican restaurant, next to your house. Resting your back against the chair, you place Amanda on your chest to fees her, leaving some caresses above her head almost brushing her hair with your fingertips.
“Miss, we have a rest-room to do it”.
The waitress claims for your attention, leaning close to not bother the other customers sitting around you. Your husband looks at him raising an eyebrow, sitting up on his chair and putting both arm above the table.
“She can do it wherever she want”. He just say, making the man turn at him, while some people turns at you too looking curious about the scene.
“Yes, bu—”.
“You know who I am, ah?”
“Sir, I'm ju—”.
“I'm the fuckin' Rey de los Mayas, and you're not gonna tell to the Reina de los Mayas where the fuck she can feed the Princesa de los Mayas. You heard me?”
“Yes, sir… I'm sorry”.
“Good. Bring me another beer”.
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sunnypogue · 4 years
hockey rafe gets jealous & fights (blurb)
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alright babes - there were quite a few requests for coho!rafe to get into a fight during a game. 
fyi, it is v not allowed in college hockey, and results in a suspension. obviously rafe has already been in a couple fights this season, so getting in another one would be #bad. 
also, pls disregard the rude things asshole mark says about the south - we do not like him.
(warnings: cursing, fighting, etc.)
 you were the nicest girlfriend in the world. ever. in history.
you were sitting in a booth at your favorite mexican place, head resting in your palm as you sucked down your third margarita, straw never leaving your mouth.
meanwhile, your boyfriend, rafe was chatting away, oblivious to your boredom.
across from y’all were two visiting hockey players from ferris state - one was rafe’s good friend from bantam named wyatt, the other was wyatt’s teammate, mark.
it was a tradition for rafe & wyatt to grab dinner the night before their teams played, the hosting friend taking them to their favorite local hang. typically, this wasn’t a night you’d join in on, but rafe had been excited to introduce you to his childhood friend - you couldn’t say no.
you imagine it would have been fine if mark hadn’t tagged along.
mark was a lot from the jump. he was a transfer from a small minnesota college, and had never been south of the mason-dixon line. he had a loud personality and an even louder mouth, making small digs at anything related to the south - huntsville, the weather, the outfits, the men - you, being from the south, were over it. shockingly, your (normally) combative boyfriend hadn’t said anything about it, apparently too engrossed in his reunion with wyatt.
“hey babe,” you were jolted from your thoughts, as rafe nudged you with his shoulder. “wyatt and I are grabbing another drink - you want one?”
you looked down at your empty margarita glass, before looking back up towards him, nodding. “no salt this time, please.”
he smiled as he leaned down to kiss you, quick and chaste, before turning towards the crowded bar.
“what is that, your fourth one?” you heard mark scoff as soon as rafe was out of earshot.
you turned, crossing your arms as you faced the older boy. “is that a problem?”
he shrugged, sipping his beer. “just an observation.”
you rolled your eyes, leaning back into the booth. “you know, you don’t have to be here. you could go back to the hotel or wherever the hell you’re staying.”
he laughed, short and sharp. “and miss out on all this culture? I would hate to not get the full huntsville experience.”
you turned your head towards the bar, not wanting to engage with him. out of your peripherals, you watched him knock back the remainder of his beer (his fifth one, you bitterly noted) before he spoke,
“you know, I don’t think I’ve actually gotten the full huntsville experience.”
you angled your body towards him slightly, not responding, but intrigued in what he had to say next.
he leaned in, a smirk on his face, “I figure I might as well fuck a southern belle while I’m down here. seems like it’s all you people have to offer.”
you stared at him, mouth agape. “you’re a fucking pig, you know that?”
he laughed, sliding over to sit right across from you. “you’re a fuckin’ pig,” he repeated, mocking your drawl. “shit, honey, maybe you’ll do. you’ve kinda got that sloppy drunk southern thing going on - I can work with that.”
you were on your feet in a second, head reeling. “what the FUCK did you just say?”
he smirked, shrugging his shoulders, before you barreled on, yelling, “I can’t believe you’d fucking say that to a stranger, you little bastard! what the fuck do you think you’re doing, fucking hitting on me with my boyfriend literally 30 feet away,” your face was bright red, part embarrassed, part pissed, hands clutching your purse. “you’re a fucking pervert, fetishizing women like that!”
“what the hell is going on?”
you turned to see rafe and wyatt, both holding drinks, taking in the scene. mark was unfazed in his chair, an amused smile on his face. you were breathless, cheeks red, knuckles white.
“nothin’ man, thanks for the drink.” mark leaned forward to grab his beer from wyatt.
rafe moved towards you. “it doesn’t really look like nothing. my girlfriend usually doesn’t call strangers fucking perverts unless they deserve it.”
mark shrugged, “I don’t know man, she’s a little drunk - just started yelling. can’t understand much though, with that accent.”
you scoffed, anger flaring up again, “yeah right, you fucking insulted me and hit on me all the same breath. don’t turn this shit around on me.”
“whatever bitch, you’re drunk.” mark rolled his eyes, sipping on his beer.
rafe snapped, lunging forward -you and wyatt moved simultaneously, you grabbing at rafe’s arm, wyatt blocking him from getting any closer to mark.
“shut the fuck up, you little bitch.” rafe seethed, pointing his finger down at a smirking mark. “I’ll wipe that fucking smirk off your face - don’t fucking talk to her like that.”
you tugged on his arm, hard - he was trying to pry it free to swing over wyatt at mark. “babe, just forget it. let’s go.”
“no! this little fucking bitch thinks he can say shit like that, and then has the fucking balls to sit there and lie about it to my face? I’ll kill him!” rafe was still pushing against wyatt, who was fruitlessly trying to talk him down, while a small crowd started to form.
“rafe!” you snapped, leaning forward to grab his shoulder. “look at me!”
he glanced back, eyes wild. “let me go.”
“no. you can’t do this, not right now. you won’t be able to play tomorrow night - let’s just go.” you spoke, firm and even, feet planted as you tugged on his arm again.
rafe huffed, stepping back from wyatt with his hands up. “fuck you. I’ll see you on the ice, you fucking pussy.”
mark grinned, all teeth, as he stood up noisily from his chair. “bye y’all!” he hollered in a put-on accent, wiggling his fingers in a taunt.
you practically had to drag rafe out of there, lugging him to car.
“I’ll fucking go in there and kill him. I’ll do it.” rafe was seething, looking back towards the restaurant.
you grabbed his face, palms on both cheeks, forcing him to look you in the eye. “baby, you gotta breathe. he’s not fucking worth shit - not worth fighting, not worth being mad about, and certainly not worth getting scratched.”
rafe took a few ragged breaths, his hand clutching your wrist as he tried to calm down. you murmured words of encouragement, as he slowly started to relax.
when his breathing was even, you handed him his keys from your purse, squeezing his hand twice, before watching him slide into the drivers seat.
he was silent most of the ride home, hand tense on your upper thigh. you moved your hand to rest behind his neck, softly playing with the hair at his nape.
he broke the silence at a stop light, turning to look towards you as he mumbled, “you okay?”
you nodded. “yeah, he’s a grade-a prick, but nothing to write home about. just caught me off guard.”
rafe grunted, looking back at the road as the light turned green. “I could kill him for talking to you like that. who the fuck does that shit?”
you shrugged, fingers interlaced with his hair, grown out for the season. “he’s just trying to get in your head - classic instigator.”
“I’ll fucking kill him tomorrow. I will.” rafe growled under his breath, turning into his driveway.
“rafe,” you started, giving him a look as he parked the car. “you can NOT fight him - you’ll get ejected and be out for the next three games - coach is already mad about the last two fights.”
rafe rolled his eyes, tugging his hat down. “I don’t fucking care.”
you scrambled out of the car, chasing him to the door, grabbing the house key out of his hand before pushing him against the wall, your forearm solid against his chest. “look at me - you are NOT fighting some prick tomorrow because he drunkenly said some stupid shit. you’re not going to ruin your season and your relationship with your coach because of me. you got it?”
rafe’s look of shock quickly morphed into a grin, as he registered the fact that you had pinned him to the wall, growling like a feral kitten. “shit, baby, maybe I should have just let you fight him.”
you leaned off of him, preening a bit at the compliment as you unlocked the door with the key you jacked from him, “damn straight baby, I can handle myself.”
you yelped as he spanked you, hard.
the next day, you were perched in the stands with your friends, entire body tense as you watched the puck drop. rafe had promised he wouldn’t fight, but you had a feeling that promise wouldn’t keep if mark decided to mouth off about last night.
thankfully, they weren’t on the ice together, as rafe’s d-pair was rolled out against the top line (you couldn’t help but giggle at mark grinding it out on the fourth line). after two periods, you allowed yourself to relax a bit, sipping the lukewarm beer you had been clutching since the first intermission.
of course, that’s when rafe got stuck on a long shift, not able to change before his d-partner iced the puck, allowing the other team to change lines.
you audibly groaned as mark’s line hopped onto the ice, putting your beer down so you could cover your face.
through your fingers, you watched as mark barked something in rafe’s direction from outside of the face-off circle.
“oh fuck me.” you whispered, biting your lip.
“what’s up?” your friend asked, leaning down to check on you.
you couldn’t even respond, because as soon as the puck dropped, rafe was skating up the ice as if he was shot out of a cannon, boarding the ever living fuck out of mark.
“oh.” your friend mumbled, leaning back as y’all took in the chaos on the ice, watching as it devolved into an entire line brawl, refs getting knocked around in the action.
you waited for rafe after the game in your normal spot, down the hall from the dressing room, looking unimpressed as he emerged with wet hair and a shiner.
“you promised me you weren’t going to fight.” you pouted, leaning up to wrap your arms around his neck.
he shrugged, pushing his hair back, “I promised you I wasn’t going to ruin my season - and I didn’t. refs called me for 2 minute interference, that’s it.” he grinned.
you frowned, “yeah, well don’t get any ideas. you got lucky - you would have been out for the next month otherwise.”
rafe rolled his eyes, kissing you quick, before wrapping his arm around your shoulder as y’all headed out, “yeah, well, even so, it would have been worth it. little prick deserved it.”
you laughed, bumping your hip into rafe’s as y’all exited the arena, “my hero.”
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
High School Sweethearts
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x reader
Summary: Y/N and Kevin dated back in high school, but decided to go separate ways once they graduated, and now, a case has brought them back together again
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: mentions of drugs, death and alcohol, depiction of a crime scene
Word Count: 1,459 Words
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“What do we got?” I ask the patrol officer as I walked up to the crime scene.
“Two dead. One male, one female. Late teens. They were found over here by the baseball coach,” the officer told me and led me over to one of the dugouts attached to the baseball field. Inside of the dugout, I saw the bodies of the two teens. My eyes were drawn to the boy first. He was slumped over on the bench with his arm straight out at his side. His hair was a dark shade of brown, which contrasted with the light color of his skin. I then glanced over to the girl, who was laying against the floor. Her blonde hair was splayed around her face, and she looked almost peaceful.
“Did they go to school here?” I ask and gesture to the large building out in the distance.
“It looks like it,” the man replied. “We’ve got guys asking teachers and students questions, seeing if anyone knows who they are. They didn’t have IDs on them.”
“And the drugs? Did you find them?” I question.
The officer nodded. “Forensics took them already. I could get you the pictures if you’d like.”
“That’d be great. Send all of the pictures you’ve got over to Narcotics. I’m working under Sergeant Jacobs. We’ll take over everything from here,” I say. Once I had seen everything I needed to see, I drove back to my unit’s office. Inside, my co-workers were all staring at photos on their computers of the crime scene I had just come from.
“L/N, I need to speak to you for a moment,” Sergeant Jacobs spoke. I made my way straight into his office and sat down in one of the leather chairs he kept in front of his mahogany desk. “I’ve gotten word that Intelligence is chasing the same dealer as us, so the Superintendent would like us to work together on this one. I want you to head over there, talk to them about the new crime scene, give them the information we’ve gathered, the works,” Jacobs explained.
“Got it. I’m just waiting for an ID on our two vics, but I will head right over after I’ve got those,” I tell my sergeant.
When I entered the 21st district, I walked up to the desk sergeant, whose uniform read Platt. “Um, excuse me? I’m looking for Sergeant Voight.” The woman looked up at me and scanned me once over as if I were a prized pet. 
“Atwater, would you please bring this officer up to Voight?” At the mention of that last name, dozens of memories hit me like a truck. I had known a guy whose last name was Atwater, and we had dated for a good part of high school.
“Uh, sure. Follow me Officer- Y/N?!” Kevin said quizzically once I turned around to face the man.
“Kevin? Oh my god,” I mutter and rush over to hug him. Kevin wrapped his arms around me, and being in them made me miss the old days when we were together. “So, you’re apart of Intelligence, huh?”
“Uh, yeah. And I didn’t know you became a police officer? I thought you were studying chemistry?” Kevin questioned.
“I was, but it got boring, and then for some reason, I really wanted to be a police officer, so here I am. Look at you. You don’t look any different from high school,” I exclaim and glance over him.
“I see you’ve still got your humor. Come on. I’ll take you to Voight. So, you’re working in Narcotics?” Kevin asked.
“Uh, yeah. I just moved back here from L.A. a few weeks ago, and I worked in a similar unit out there, so I was able to get into Sergeant Jacobs’ unit. It’s obviously not as elite as Intelligence, but we catch drug dealers, so we’re doing some good for the city,” I shared as Kevin pressed his palm to the palm scanner, which in turn opened up the gate leading to upstairs.
“After you,” Kevin spoke and moved out of the way to let me through the gate first. I thanked him quickly and bounded up the stairs until I made it to the main office of the Intelligence Unit. 
“Hey Kev. Who’s this?” a man asked. The man who had spoken was around my age with light skin and dark brown eyes. His hair was a caramel brown color, and it was swooped back over his head to my right, his left. He also had a small beard growing out, which matched his flannel attire perfectly.
“Oh, uh, Adam, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my partner Adam,” Kevin stated.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I say and shake Adam’s hand.
“Hold on a sec. You’re Y/N L/N, right? Kevin’s high school girlfriend,” Adam pointed out.
“Hold on a minute. Did someone say Kevin has a girlfriend?” a brunette woman asked and made her way out of the door on my left followed by another woman, this one blonde, and a guy who looked kind of similar to Adam, but had darker hair and sharper facial features.
“Y/N, this is Kim, Hailey, and Jay, the rest of the unit,” Kevin said and pointed to each person.
“Hey. Um, I’m his ex-girlfriend,” I stammer out. I was not expecting to be bombarded like this. “It’s uh, it’s not important. I’m here to speak to Sergeant Voight.”
“You must be Detective L/N,” a man, who I’m assuming was Sergeant Voight, noted. “I was told you’d be working on this case with us. Got any information on the recent victims you’d like to share?”
I nodded. “Yeah. A lot actually, so let’s get to it.”
A Few Days Later...
“Thanks for all of your help, L/N. I’ll be sure to tell your sergeant what a great asset you were to the team,” Voight told me.
“Oh. Uh, thank you, Sergeant Voight. It was a pleasure working with you guys. Maybe we’ll end up working together in the future,” I say.
“Hey, Y/N, Kim, Adam, and I are going to this bar called Molly’s after shift. Want to come?” Kevin asked me.
I smiled. “Sure. That sounds fun. Send me the address and I’ll meet you guys there.” After I had finished up the paperwork that needed to be done for the case, I put the address Kevin had given me into my car’s GPS and headed off to Molly’s. When I got there, everyone else had already arrived and had reserved a table near the back of the establishment.
“Kevin claims you like whiskey, but I think you’re more of an ice cold beer girl. What’ll be?” Adam questioned.
“Sorry, Adam, but Kevin is right,” I confirm. “Whiskey is, and always will be, my drink of choice.”
“So, you two were high school sweethearts, and based on what Kevin has told me, you guys seemed adorable together. Why’d you guys break up?” Kim asked. Quickly after that, she followed with, “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s okay. Uh, I got a full ride to UCLA to study chemistry, and Kevin wanted to stay here with his family, so we came to the decision that it would be better if we broke up,” I explain.
“You know, I never wanted to break up,” Kevin informed me.
“I didn’t either,” I reply. “I only decided that we should because I didn’t want to keep you from being with your family.”
“We’ll give you guys a minute,” Adam spoke and grabbed onto Kim’s arm, dragging her over to the bar.
“It took me 2 years to really get over you. And even after that, I still couldn’t even look at another guy without remembering what we had,” I say.
“I haven’t been with anyone either. Maybe we should give us another shot,” Kevin suggested.
“Maybe. First though, I think we should see if we still have chemistry,” I murmur flirtatiously.
“I can agree with that,” Kevin responded and leaned down to kiss me. The moment our lips touched, it felt like I was back in high school all over again. I wrapped my arms around Kevin’s neck to bring him down closer to my height, and smiled against his lips. Yeah, the chemistry was definitely still there.
“So, seeing as you’ve lived here longer, I’m assuming that you know some great restaurants to get takeout from. Because after all of this alcohol, I’m going to need some food,” I tell Kevin.
Kevin smiled. “I know this amazing Mexican place right by my apartment. We could get some food and catch up.”
“That sounds great. I can’t wait,” I mutter and take a sip of my whiskey.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13
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peaceisadirtyword · 4 years
Teasing (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello!♥️ It took me so long to finish this! (it was actually a draft I had forgotten and that I had to rewrite because it was even worse). It’s not my best work and I'm not very proud of this, but I'm posting it anyway. 
This fic is mainly for the lovely  @maggiescarborough​💕 Happy birthday, Sophie! I know I'm late and all of that😅 sorry! but I hope you had an amazing day and enjoyed it as much as you can. I really wanted to write something good for you, but I've been so mentally exhausted these past months that I don’t seem to be capable of writing good things :( anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I used this idea because I thought it was interesting, I really hope you like it♥️ Thank you for reading!
Warnings: smut, mentions of sex and alcohol, Ivar, my writer’s block (I think my block is the longest block on history), if it’s too bad I'll delete it I promise.
Words: 4108 (sorry)
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gif belongs to @whenimaunicorn​ 
You had a love-hate relationship with the gym. You liked feeling fit, you liked the feeling after an intense workout, you felt better with yourself and it allowed you to eat a pizza afterwards. But you hated to be sweaty and sticky on your way home, especially when the showers at the gym were fucking broken. 
You nearly moaned in relief when you opened the door to the apartment you shared with your best friend. Her dad had insisted on installing an A/C last year, and even if you were a bit against it (you had spent one entire week bitching about how you were destroying the planet) you couldn't deny that entering the apartment after being walking under the sun for twenty minutes felt like entering Valhalla. 
Leaving your bag next to the door, you took off your shirt, groaning in annoyance and already thinking about drinking the entire bottle of fresh water you had put in the fridge earlier that day. 
But just when you were approaching the fridge, dressed only on your sports bra and the little grey shorts, someone interrupted you. 
"Will you keep stripping for me or should I go back to reading?" 
The scream died on your throat. You jumped, startled, and turned around to see the dark haired, blue-eyed asshole that almost gave you a heart attack. 
He was laying on the couch, a book between his hands and a smirk on his pouty lips that made you glare at him in rage. 
"What the fuck are you doing on my couch? In my house? Who let you in? Where the fuck is Thora?" 
Ivar laughed, shaking his head. 
"She's on her bedroom, with Hvitserk... I wouldn't go in" he raised an eyebrow. 
"What are you doing here?" you insisted, trying to cover yourself with your arms. 
"Didn't she tell you?" he chuckled "We're reforming our apartment, Hvitserk burned the kitchen" he shrugged "So we need to stay here for some days" 
"What?" you blinked. Thora definitely hadn't told you. You could go through some hours with the brothers, in fact you got along pretty well with Hvitserk. But days? That was different. 
Ivar's laugh interrupted your thoughts, making you glare at him again. It wasn't that you didn't like him. Ivar was a complicated person, he seemed to really like to tease you, in a friendly way. You didn't know how, but he always managed to get to your nerves. 
"Aren't you happy with having me here for days? All for you" 
You'd lie if you said his tone didn't make you press your thighs together.
"No" you rolled your eyes, finally opening the fridge to take the bottle out. You could feel his eyes on you as you drank the water "Anyway, I'm going to have a shower"
"Want me to join?" 
You rolled your eyes again, ignoring him as you walked to the bathroom, feeling even more exhausted than when you arrived. 
Ivar confused you. He could be nice, you knew that, and if he was a bit nicer, you would have probably made a move on him. He was the only one of all his brothers that was still single, he was... Really handsome, and the smartest person you had ever met. Maybe, just maybe, you had a crush on him. It was easy to handle it on a nightclub or a pub, but you didn't know how you'd react to his constant teasing at your own home. 
Even if he sometimes flirted with you -or that was what Thora said, you thought he was only messing with you- he wasn't attracted to you. You knew that because he would often go home with girls he met that same night. It was something that drove you mad, he could flirt with you, invite you to a drink, whisper sweet things on your ear as you were already tipsy and giggling, and then, he'd smirk at you and maybe leave for the toilet. When he came back, he had another girl on his arm, and ignored you for the rest of the night. 
When you finished your shower, you put your pajamas on and went out of the bathroom, hoping Ivar was only joking and that they'd go home after dinner. 
Thora was making out with Hvitserk on the kitchen as Ivar watched TV with a bored expression. As soon as she saw you, Thora ran to you, a big smile on her face. 
"I might have forgotten to tell you" 
"Yes, you might" you raised an eyebrow. 
"But it's okay, right? I mean, Hvitserk will sleep with me, he won't eat all the food and we'll be quiet, I promise" 
You sighed. 
"What about him?" you pointed at Ivar, who raised an eyebrow. 
"I'm fine with the couch" he shrugged "And I will be quiet too" he winked at you with a smirk, and you cleared your throat. 
"See?" Thora smiled brightly at you "Everything's fine, and they're buying dinner today, what do you prefer? Mexican or Chinese?" 
You shrugged as she looked around the kitchen for the small paper with the number of the nearest Mexican restaurant, knowing it was your favorite and that they needed to have you happy for the rest of the night. 
"Ivar, are you sure you can sleep on the couch?" Hvitserk sat next to his brother, frowning a bit in concern. Ivar looked bothered with his question, as he clenched his jaw and looked away. 
"Yes, I'm not a baby, Hvitserk" 
"I know, but the doctor said you shouldn't sleep in bad postures, Ivar" he lowered his tone "This couch is amazing for sex but terrible to sleep in" 
You decided to ignore the fact that Hvitserk just admitted fucking your roommate in the same couch in which you took a nap every day. 
"Yeah, Hvitty is right" you muttered, feeling bad for him as Ivar looked to the floor "You won't sleep well in here" 
He glared at you. 
"He's trying a new treatment" Hvitserk explained "This one is a bit more harsh, so he needs to rest well"
Ivar hissed. You knew that his legs were a sensitive topic. 
"You can always sleep on my bed" you muttered "I don't mind..." 
"Are you so desperate to have me in your bed, Y/N?" Ivar smirked again, and you tried your best to avoid blushing as you scoffed. 
"I'm just being polite" you glared at him, making Hvitserk chuckle. 
"Would you sleep in there with me or here?" he asked, shrugging. 
"If you think I like you enough to renounce to my bed for you, you're a bit delusional" 
Ivar smiled, shaking his head.
"Okay, dinner will be here in half an hour" Thora said happily, sitting on Hvitserk's lap "Want to watch a movie?" 
Hvitserk was nice, funny, a really good cook and hot, Thora even said he could give oral sex really good. But his taste in movies was shit. 
That morning when you woke up, you didn't even think you'd end up sharing vegetarian tacos with Ivar and watching Fifty Shades of Grey as Hvitserk and Thora kept making out. It was awkward. Especially when the sex scenes started. 
It was already midnight when the damn movie finished and you could finally get out from that couch, trying your best to avoid looking at Ivar as you took the plates to the kitchen. Thora had a weird smile as she stood up to help you. 
"So, what are you going to do?" she whispered as you put the plates on the sink, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I was thinking about going to sleep" you shrugged. 
"Shut up, you know what I mean" she giggled "You're going to sleep with Ivar, on the same bed... Are you going to finally do it?" 
"Do what?" 
"Do him" she rolled her eyes "Come on, Y/N, we all have eyes and we all can see the sexual tension" 
"There's no sexual tension" you scoffed "He just likes to tease me, he doesn't want to have sex with me" 
"Are you sure?" Thora laughed "You're so cute" she hugged you, making you frown in confusion "Didn't you see how he looked at you the whole night?" 
Yes, you had caught him staring at you more than once. He didn't look away, but instead he smirked and winked at you until you blushed and turned your head to the TV, but you though he was only messing with you, as always. He liked to bother you when he got bored. 
Shaking your head you went back to washing the plates. She giggled again and kissed your cheek before leaving to whisper something on Hvitserk's ear. 
Soon, they excused themselves to go to Thora's bedroom. Hvitserk wished you a good night with a wink and then proceeded to hit Ivar with one of the cushions before leaning in to say something in Danish and chuckling as his brother glared at him. 
As soon as their door closed behind them, you heard Ivar grunting softly as he stood up and approached you with his crutch. He said nothing as he leant onto the counter, next to you, watching your movements in silence. 
"Did you like the movie?" he asked. You turned your head to look at him for a second and your heart nearly stopped when you saw he let his hair down. 
"Not really" you cleared your throat "But it was entertaining..." 
"Yeah, definitely" he held back a smile "Thank you for letting me sleep on your bed" 
It was the first time you heard Ivar saying thank you, and you nearly dropped the glass you were washing. 
"It's nothing, really" you frowned "Why are you being nice?" 
He laughed, running one of his hands through his hair. You tried your best to avoid staring at him. 
"I can be nice" he shrugged. 
"Breaking news" you muttered, raising an eyebrow. Ivar chuckled again but said nothing. 
When you finished, you dried your hands and turned to look at him again. His blue eyes were still fixed on you and you immediately looked away.
"I think I'm going to go to bed" you nearly whispered "I'm tired"
Ivar only nodded, taking his crutch again and waiting until you started walking down the hall to follow you, turning off the lights. 
Luckily, your bed was big enough so two people could sleep on it without touching each other. Even if Ivar was fucking huge. 
"I'd like to have a shower before" he cleared his throat "Could I?" 
He left his bag next to the bed, turning to look at you as you were busy staring at his back. 
"Yeah, sure" you cleared your throat again "There are clean towels on the last drawer" you pointed at the four-drawer dresser. 
He nodded, and you heard him open the drawer as you turned around to pick up some of the clothes you had left on the floor, trying to make the room look a bit more presentable. And then you heard him chuckle and realized you had fucked up. 
"Nice" Ivar seemed to find really funny that you had a vibrator on your dresser. To be fair, you had forgotten you put it in there... And had barely used it "So this is how you can go months without sex"
Blushing fiercely, you snatched the vibrator from his hand and glared  at him. 
"Shut up"
"It's okay, I'm not judging you" he kept laughing, and you held yourself back from hitting him with the toy "I mean, we all have needs, right?" 
You ignored him, turning around again to face the wardrobe as you pretended to be too busy hanging your clothes. You could still hear his laugh when he left the room with the towel on his arm. After making sure you had hidden the vibrator well -you knew he was going to torment you with that for weeks, maybe even months-, you changed into your pajamas. 
The bathroom was warm and you could feel the humidity when Ivar finally let you enter to wash your teeth. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants. You let your eyes linger on the tattoos that covered both his back and chest, but looked away and pretended to be angry at him as you turned to face the sink and grabbed your toothbrush. 
He hadn't washed his hair, and you had the pleasure to watch how he ran his hands through it and put it up on a bun. Then your eyes travelled down his face and his body, and you frowned. It was really unfair how beautiful he was, especially as he was the biggest idiot you had ever met. God, you hated him. 
As soon as you were finished, you raised your head to look at him again, but instead you found his blue eyes looking at you through the mirror. 
"See something you like?" He raised an eyebrow, that infuriating smirk was still on his lips.
"No" you narrowed your eyes and he laughed again "What's so funny?" 
"Will I be as funny when I send you to sleep on the couch?" 
He shook his head and bit his lower lip, approaching you. 
"You wouldn't do that"
"Try me" you rolled your eyes.
"Nah, I don't have to, I know you wouldn't" 
"How do you know it?" You turned to face him, crossing your arms on your chest and staring back at him. 
"Because I know you like me" he shrugged "I can see it"
"I tolerate you" you scoffed "Only because you're my best friend's boyfriend's brother"
"Sure" he smirked again. 
"You're narcissist, obnoxious, arrogant and an asshole"
"You sound like Sigurd" he rolled his eyes. 
"I like Sigurd more than you" 
Ivar smiled again. It was driving you mad. 
"No you don't" he muttered, and suddenly he was really close to you "Shut up now"
You were going to protest, but he interrupted you again. By leaning in and kissing you. 
The kiss was even better than you had imagined. His lips were softer and warmer, and you couldn't help but close your eyes and moan softly as he pressed his body closer to you, leaning you against the sink. He was still leaning on his crutch, but his free hand travelled up your body until he reached your neck, grabbing it softly as you grabbed his shoulders to avoid falling down. Your knees felt weak and it was even worse when he smiled against your lips. 
Ivar broke the kiss for a few seconds, brushing his nose against yours before kissing you again, this time more deeply. You moved your hips against his, making him groan and bit your lower lip. You let out a gasp and frowned, whining in protest when he moved his lips away from yours. They brushed your cheek and his hand moved to tangle into your hair before he moved his mouth down your neck. Your heart was racing as he bit, licked and kissed your neck. 
He kissed you again, softly, almost like he tried to memorize the feeling of your lips against his. You felt dizzy when he finally broke the kiss, you were panting and your face burned. Ivar looked a bit taken aback by his own actions when he moved away from you. The both of you stared at each other in silence. He looked even more beautiful than he did just a couple of minutes before. 
Suddenly, he cleared his throat and turned around, walking to the door and closing it after him. You stood there, grabbing the sink as your legs still trembled and you felt hot. Your face was red, and your lips were pink and a bit swollen. After staring at your own reflection for a couple of minutes, you moved to open the water tap, leaning in to wash your face.
Ivar was laying on your bed. He had his arm under his head and his eyes on his phone. You barely dared to look at him when you entered, going directly to the mirror that stood next to you door to put your hair up on a ponytail. Any of you dared to break the silence, though. 
You climbed on the bed, facing away from him and snuggled under the covers. 
"I'm going to turn off the light, okay?" you muttered, and Ivar hummed. 
Silence again. You moved to hug your own pillow, as you always did, and just as you had closed your eyes and were about to drift off to sleep, you felt Ivar moving closer to you. He touched your waist, startling you. 
"Is this okay?" He asked, softly, on your ear. You tensed up but nodded slowly. He sighed in content and hugged your waist, pressing you against him. His head rested on your shoulder, and you felt his breathing on your neck. Your eyes were now wide open, and your heart started beating faster. 
Then you felt his lips on your cheek and leant onto him, you felt him smile against your skin and it made you smile a bit too. You didn't know what the hell was happening, but you were definitely enjoying it. 
"I might have been wanting to do this for months" he muttered "But don't tell anyone" 
You frowned and turned around to look at him. You were so close that you could feel his breathing on your lips.
"Are you messing with me? Because it's not funny" 
Ivar shook his head. Maybe if the room wasn't that dark, you could have seen him blushing.
"I'm not, I'm being honest now, don't ruin it" he glared at you and you raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, I'm listening" you smirked, enjoying that small amount of power you had over him in that moment.
It was the first time Ivar couldn't find the right words. He bit his lip, feeling stupid as he stared at you, unable to actually put into words what he needed to say. 
"Can I kiss you?" He finally said, frustrated. If he couldn't tell you, he'd show it. 
You held back a soft smile at his words and nodded. This time it was you who leant in to kiss him. He sighed against your lips and his hand went to your neck again, holding you close to him as he bit your lip. 
You moaned into his mouth, making him groan and grip your waist. When he broke the kiss again the both of you were panting and you pressed your thighs together. 
"Gods you drive me insane woman" he growled again, pressing his face against your neck. You blushed and smiled, feeling like a teenager whose crush invited her out. 
"I thought you..."
"Stop thinking" he chuckled "I know what you think, Thora told me" his blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark "You're wrong"
"But you always teased me" you rolled your eyes "You literally flirted with me and then left with some other girl"
"Yeah, that was rude" he cleared his throat "Sorry, I thought you didn't want to... Go home with me... I thought about you when we fucked though, if that counts" 
"No it doesn't" you couldn't help but laugh. 
Ivar smiled softly and kissed you again, this time his hand travelled down your waist, caressing your thigh and grabbing your leg, pulling you closer to him until you straddled him, without breaking the kiss. Your hips moved against his and you could feel his erection already pressing against his sweatpants. 
"Sigurd said you couldn't have sex" you raised an eyebrow
"Sigurd is a fucking idiot" he rolled his eyes, grinding against you, as a way of showing you he definitely could "He's jealous because he knows that even if I couldn't fuck, I'd be better than him" 
You giggled, amused, and leant to kiss him again. Ivar's hands travelled under your shirt and you moaned as he reached your breasts, caressing your skin softly. 
"Let me take this off" he nearly begged you, whispering into your ear, and his tone made you whimper. 
You took the shirt off and tossed it aside, suddenly feeling self-conscious and trying to hide yourself from him. His expression softened, knowing very well the feeling. Ivar, with a softness on his eyes that you didn't know he could show, put your arms away gently, sitting to start kissing your neck and chest softly. 
"It's okay" he muttered "You're beautiful, Y/N, you should know that" 
"I'm not that sure" you smiled as he raised his head to look at you "But thanks" 
"Then I'll tell you until you're sure" Ivar shrugged. 
Your smile widened and you kissed him again, it was like you couldn't get enough of him. His hands caressed your thighs and then his fingers reached the edge of your pajama shorts. Your gasped when he reached your sex, and moaned when Ivar caressed it over your panties, moving your hips to encourage him to continue. 
Ivar was already panting. His mouth felt dry and he had to lick his lips constantly. He let out a groan when he felt how wet you were already, and the fact that it was because of him made him smirk against the skin of your shoulder, putting your underwear aside and pressing onto your clit. You whimpered and your hands grabbed his neck and his arm. 
Ivar's fingers teased your entrance, you moaned and bit your lip, gasping when he pushed one finger inside you, moving it slowly in and out before adding another one. Then he curled them inside you, making you moan louder than before, immediately covering your mouth with your hand. 
"Don't" he frowned.
"But... Hvitserk and Thora..." 
"Fuck them, they're not especially silent, are they?" 
You giggled, but nodded as he kissed your neck again, his lips traveling down your chest until he reached your breasts. The feeling of his fingers thrusting into you, with the palm of his hand brushing your clit and his lips on your breasts was too much, and soon you felt that familiar knot on your lower belly, tightening quickly as you moved against him, moaning. Your legs were shaking around him and he groaned, raising his head to bite your earlobe. 
"Come on, love, cum for me now" 
It seemed that the last thing your body needed was to hear his voice whispering on your ear. You came with a small scream, moaning his name and panting. Ivar looked quite proud of himself when he retrieved his fingers, licking them with his eyes fixed on yours. 
Another kiss. He was so addictive it worried you, would you be able to spend a single minute next to him without kissing him? You only broke the kiss to take your shorts and panties off. Ivar only pulled his sweatpants down enough for him to free his cock. You didn't ask him to fully undress, instead you grabbed his face and kissed him as he pressed his erection against your entrance.
"Slowly, please" you muttered "It's been a while and I think you're a bit bigger than the vibrator" 
Ivar said nothing, just smirked and pressed his forehead against yours. He thrusted into you slowly, moaning softly as you whimpered in pain. 
"Am I hurting you?" He asked, his eyes showed true concern as you smiled and kissed his lips.
"It's okay, don't stop please"
It didn't take long for the pain to fade. This time you moaned in pleasure, and started moving against him. You pushed him so he'd lay down, putting your hands on his chest as you moved your hips up and down. Ivar bit his lip, narrowing his eyes and gripping your waist so hard you were sure he'd leave marks. 
Your nails dig on his tattooed chest as you felt your orgasm approaching, and Ivar moaned your name as your walls clenched around him. He moved his hand to your clit and circled it, making you moan even louder, your legs trembled again and your movements faltered a bit. Ivar kept thrusting into you until you moaned his name one last time before letting yourself go. He came just after you, biting his lip and muttering your name. 
Laying down over him, you kissed his lips one last time as his arms circled your waist. The both of you stayed in silence, enjoying each other's touch and soft breathing, until Ivar turned his head to look at you and smirked. 
"Next time, can we use the vibrator too?" 
Tags: @mblaqgi​ @alicedopey​ @lol-haha-joke​ @hallowed-heathen​ @naaladareia​ @tephi101​ @captstefanbrandt​ @love-hate-love​ @titty-teetee​ @readsalot73​ @moondustmemories​ @thevikingsheaux​ @therealcalicali​ @chimera4plums​ @blushingskywalker​ @awkwardfangirl02​ @gruffle1​ @justacripple​ @love-dria @heartbeats-wildly​ @letsrunawaytotomorrow​ @inforapound​ @sallydelys​ @hellogabysblog​ @winchesterwife27​ @hecohansen31​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @eteramfools​ @tgrrose​ @flokidottirsstuff​ @lovessce​ @tootie-fruity​ @didiintheblog​ @alexhandersenx​ @belovedcherry​ @fantasydevil2002​
I hope I didn’t forget anyone💞 thank you for reading! 
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Scene 6
Same day at the Pizzaplex
(Glamrock Bengal’s room)
Glamrock Bengal: (making various facial expressions in his mirror)
Glamrock Smokey: (walks into his room) Hey, Bengal- (sees what he’s doing) Um, what the heck are you doing?
Glamrock Bengal: Oh, you know, just practicing my facial expressions.
Glamrock Smokey: (confused) Practicing your facial expressions?
Glamrock Bengal: Yeah. If anyone says something to me, I’ll know the right facial expression to use. Say, if someone asked me if I was doing ok, I’d smile and say yes.
Glamrock Smokey: (concerned) Are you ok?
Glamrock Bengal: (smiles) Yes.
Glamrock Smokey: (concerned) You’re not just saying that, are you?
Glamrock Bengal: Nope. So, what brings you here on this fine morning, my dude?
Glamrock Smokey: I’m just going around checking to make sure that everyone is ready for today. Comet yelled at me to get out of his room and Aro threw a golf club at me. I’m going to check on Starcloud and Dj next.
Glamrock Bengal: Good luck with Starcloud.
Glamrock Smokey: Thanks, man. I’ll need it. See you later.
Glamrock Bengal: See ya.
Glamrock Smokey: (leaves the room)
(now at the entrance to the daycare)
Glamrock Smokey: (knocks on the daycare door)
Starcloud: (opens the door. She’s in her cloud form. She seems to be irritated and stressed) What?
Glamrock Smokey: Good morning, Starcloud. How are you feeling today?
Starcloud: Stressed.
Glamrock Smokey: Oh…do you want to talk about it?
Starcloud: All I want is one day off! One day! I mean, I love the children and all, but they make soooo many messes and I never can get a break from them! Not even at naptime! I have to force some of them to lay down and shut up while I chase the other children around and try to get them to lay down as well! I am sick and tired of it! I am closing the daycare down for the day. If the parents don’t like it, so be it! (slams the door shut)
Glamrock Smokey: Well, that was quite a rant. (walks away)
(Dj’s room)
Dj: (asleep with her headphones hanging around her neck)
Glamrock Smokey: (walks down the steps and over to her) Wakey, wakey! Wake up! It’s time to get up!
Dj: (dreaming) No…no, I don’t wanna ride the elephant….
Glamrock Smokey: WAKE UP!!!
Dj: (startles awake) Huh? (sees Glamrock Smokey) Oh, hello Smokey.
Glamrock Smokey: Good morning Dj. You need to get ready. It’s almost time to open.
Dj: Oh, ok. (she puts her headphones on) I’ll be ready soon.
Glamrock Smokey: See you later.
Dj: Bye.
Glamrock Smokey: (leaves the room)
Dj: (starts playing loud music)
(in the parkinglot)
Blade: (parks her motorcycle)
Blade/Blue: (get off the motorcycle and walk into the building together. There are other people surrounding them with kids. Blade and Blue look at the place with awe)
Blade: Whoa… it's huge.
Blue: That’s what she said.
Blade: (elbows Blue in the chest) Shut the h*ll up.
Blue: (rubs his chest) Ow!
Blade: Come on. Let’s get our tickets. (walks up to the counter)
Blue: (follows behind)
Staff Bot 1: (behind the counter) Welcome to Smokey’s Mega Pizzaplex.
Blade: Hello. We would like two tickets please.
Staff Bot 1: Alright. That will be $12.35.
Blade: Sh*t. I don’t have any money on me.
Blue: I’ve got some money.
Blade: How do you have money? Did you mug someone or something?
Blue: I have my ways. (gets money out of his pocket and hands it over to the staff bot)
Staff Bot 1: (takes money) Thank you. (gives Blade two admission passes) Enjoy your time here at the pizzaplex.
Blade: (takes the admission passes) Thanks.
Blade/Blue: (walk into the hallway. They marvel at each statue and animatronic as they pass them. They keep walking until they are in the food court area)
Blue: Are you hungry?
Blade: Yeah. Let’s see what they have. (looks around at each restaurant) Wanna go to the Mexican restaurant over there?
Blue: Yeah, it sounds good.
Blade/Blue: (walk over to the restaurant. They go in, order food, sit down with their food and drinks and begin to eat)
Blue: Y’know, I’ve been thinking, it’s strange how only us and your friends can turn human, but the rest of the world can’t.
Blade: You want to find a way to turn everyone else in this entire world human too?
Blue: Yeah.
Blade: Good luck with that.
Blue: You don’t believe I can do it?
Blade: (takes a bite of her food) Nope.
Blue: Ouch. It hurts that you don’t believe in me.
Blade: How are you going to do it? (drinks some water)
Blue: (eats some food) I’m not sure yet, but I’ll think of something.
Blade: Ok. If you want to try and fail, go ahead.
Blue: I’m not going to fail. (takes a drink of water)
Blade: How do you know? (eats some food)
Blue: Blade, If I can create you, then I can do this as well. (eats some food) Would you like to help me?
Blade: Sorry, I can’t. I gotta help Carly out first.
Blue: How long is that going to take?
Blade: Not as long as it’ll take for you to turn the entire world into humans.
Blue: Good. Then you can help me when you’re done.
Blade/Blue: (finish eating and drinking, throw their stuff away, and walk out)
Blade: What should we do next?
Blue: I don’t know. Let’s just walk around until we find something interesting to do.
MapBot: (quickly rolls over to them) Take a map.
Blade: (takes the map out of the MapBot’s hand) Thanks.
MapBot: You’re welcome. Enjoy your free map. (rolls away)
Blade: (looks at the map)
Blue: (reads over her shoulder)
Blade: (puts her hand in front of his face) Stop reading over my shoulder.
Blue: (backs up) Sorry.
Blade: Let’s see…there’s Aro’s Amazing Minni Golf, Comet’s Cosmic Raceway, and Laser Tag. There’s also a Dj and a Daycare here too. Maybe I could leave you at the daycare, Blue. You’d fit right in with all the other babies.
Blue: (sarcastically) Ha, ha. Very funny.
Blade: (looking at the map) It says there’s a show starting soon. Do you want to go see it?
Blue: Sure. I wanna go see the Dj after.
Blade: Alright then. Let’s go.
Blade/Blue: (they walk around until they find the main stage)
(the show starts and everyone starts cheering. During the show:)
Aro/Comet: (onstage playing their instruments. As they play, they keep purposefully nudging and bumping into each other as well as glaring at each other)
Glamrock Smokey: (keeps singing. He glares at Aro and Comet)
Aro/Comet: (they stop nudging and bumping each other ad separate)
Comet: (he spots Blade in the crowd and flirtatiously winks at her)
Blade: (blushes a little and looks away from him)
Blue: Looks like you’ve got yourself an admirer.
Blade: Stop it.
Blue: Maybe you should go talk to him after the show.
Blade: Blue, I’m already dating someone.
Blue: Oh. Who are you dating?
Blade: Anubis.
Blue: That’s not very surprising.
Blade: Whatever. Let’s just watch the show.
Blade/Blue: (continue watching the show)
(a few minutes later)
Glamrock Smokey/Glamrock Bengal/Aro/Comet: (get off the stage to talk with the kids)
Comet: (walks over to Blade) Hey, beautiful. Gotta name?
Blade: Yeah. You?
Comet: Comet.
Blade: Blade. I saw you wink at me. Why?
Comet: Because, I think you’re just as good looking as I am.
Blade: Um, thank you but I already have a boyfriend.
Comet: (disappointed) Oh… I have to go. The kids are calling my name.
(a few steps over, a few kids are calling Comet’s name)
Comet: (walks to them)
Blade: (sarcastic) Well, he’s not narcissistic at all.
Blue: So, what do you wanna go do now?
Blade: I wanna talk to these animatronics. They seem interesting.
Aro: (She has kids clinging to her legs, torso, and arms. She’s nearby and she overhears Blade talking. She makes her way over to Blade and Blue) Hey.
Blade: (turns around slightly startled) Hey.
Aro: (shakes the kids off her arms, takes a kid off her torso, and shakes kids off her legs) My name is Aro.
Blade: I’m Blade. This is Blue. (gestures to him)
Blue: Hey.
Aro: Hey. (to Blade) So, do you hate Comet yet?
Blade: Um, no. Why?
Aro: He’s nothing but a cocky piece of shi- I mean idiot. He pisses me off so much, I just wanna wrap my arms around his neck and (makes a neck-snapping motion with her arms). But I can’t do that. Not yet at least. If I did, the company would have to pay a lot of money to either repair him or get a new animatronic. They could also decommission me and that pisses me off even more.
Blade: (changing the subject) So, who are the other two?
Aro: (points to Glamrock Bengal wh is goofing off with some kids) That’s Glamrock Bengal. He’s a goofball. He’s a pretty cool dude. (points to Glamrock Smokey who is talking to a group of kids) That’s Glamrock Smokey. He’s the leader of our band. He’s alright.
Blade: Are you the only four animatronics living here?
Aro: No. There’s Starcloud and Dj. Starcloud is our daycare attendant, but she’s taking the day off today. Dj is downstairs in her dj room. She’s always playing loud music and she’s huge, so you can’t miss her.
Blade: Can you introduce us to them?
Aro: Yeah, I can. (to Glamrock Smokey and Glamrock Bengal) Hey, Smokey, Bengal! Get over here!
Glamrock Smokey/Glamrock Bengal: (look over at Aro and walk over to her, Blade, and Blue)
Glamrock Bengal: Hey, Aro. What’s up?
Glamrock Smokey: (looking at Blade and Blue) Who are you guys?
Aro: This is Blade and Blue. They wanted to meet you guys.
Glamrock Smokey: It’s a pleasure to meet you. (holds his hand out to Blade and Blue)
Blade: (shakes his hand)
Blue: (shakes his hand)
Glamrock Bengal: Nice to meet you guys.
Blade: Nice to meet you guys too.
Aro: I’m going to go introduce them to Starcloud and Dj. I’ll be right back up.
Glamrock Smokey: Ok. See you when you get back.
(a few minutes later, they arrive at the daycare. There’s a sign on the door that says “closed”)
Aro: (loudly knocks on the door) Cloudy! Open the door! (knocks louder) CLOUDYYYY!!!
Starcloud: (opens the door and is very irritated) Read the sign you dim- (realizes it’s Aro) Oh, uh, hello Aro. (sees Blade and Blue) Who are they?
Aro: This is Blade and Blue.
Blade: Hey.
Blue: Hey.
Starcloud: (steps out from the door) So, what are you doing here?
Aro: They asked if they could meet you.
Starcloud: Well, it’s great to meet you all. I’m in the middle of finger painting right now. Would you three like to join me?
Aro: Nah. We gotta go to DJ’s room now.
Starcloud: Ok, have fun!
Aro: We will if she doesn’t assault our ears with her loud music.
Starcloud: Then you better prepare to go deaf. Bye now.
Aro: Bye, Cloudy.
Starcloud: (goes back into her daycare nd closes the door)
(skip to them walking down the stairs and into DJ’s room. There’s ;oud music and kids dancing everywhere)
Dj: (on her platform with her headphones on and doing her dj stuff. She’s also singing along to the song)
Aro/Blade/Blue: (covering their ears)
Aro: Dj.
Dj: (doesn’t hear Aro over the loud music)
Aro: (louder) Dj.
Dj: (still can’t hear her)
Aro: (yelling) DJ!!!
Dj: (still can’t hear her)
Aro: (sighs and walks over to te dj equipment. She turns off the music)
Kid 1: Hey! Who turned off the music?
Kid 2: (walks up to Aro) Aro, why did you turn off the music? We’re trying to dance here.
Aro: I gotta talk to Dj real quick. I’ll turn it back on when I’m done. I promise.
Dj: That was my favorit song, Aro! What the heck?!
Aro: Cry about it. Look, I’ve got two people here who wanna meet you.
Blade/Blue: (wave to Dj)
Dj: Oh, hello.
Blade: Sorry for interrupting your song.
Dj: Oh, um, it’s cool. I forgive you.
Aro: Anyway, I gotta get back up. I’m about to have a meet and greet in about (looks at a clock on the wall) Oh shi- I mean shoot! I’ve got one minute! You two are gonna have to find your own way back. Bye! (runs up the stairs)
Kid 3: She forgot to turn the music back on.
Dj: Don’t worry. I can turn it on. (turns it back on and the music blasts really loud)
Blade: (yelling to Blue) Let’s get out of here!
Blue: (yelling back) Good idea!
Blade/Blue: (leave the room)
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