#yeah this was long enough to require a readmore
I feel like the potential of different methods of treatment of Jason’s Lazarus Pit side effects in DPxDC fics is often underutilized.
Like, yeah, the crossover brings in more ghostly stuff that could help, but it’s contamination on his literal mind/soul (definitely soul in a DPxDC context, idk about in DC canon) brought on by an unnatural resurrection. At least to me, that feels like it should be significant.
Having Danny just reach in and pull it out or Frostbite treat it in a basic procedure feels almost… cheap?
Like, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it being easy. Stories don’t need to go deeply into the soul healing process; if it’s not meant to be major plot point, it can absolutely be just a quick thing! I’m not trying to insult those stories at all!!
But I feel like there’s a lot of room for more complex or esoteric stuff in there to be explored!
Some ideas for such unique condition things under the readmore:
What if his “revenant” thing some fics use comes into play and the only way to remove it is to fully achieve his revenge? And if that’s the case, what if someone/something else kills the target of the revenge without his influence? Yeah, the person is dead now, he’s technically avenged, but he wasn’t the one to get the revenge. So does it still go away, or is he stuck with it? If he still has it, is it just permanent now or can he just find some other revenge method (ruining their legacy or etc) to break it?
Or oppositely, what if he literally can’t achieve that revenge or his body will die again, its mission complete. Thus, his only way to survive and remove the side effects is to smother all those vengeful urges until they fall silent. Which could make that “someone else kills the target unrelated to him” thing from the previous idea now the good ending - basically guaranteeing his survival since he can’t achieve the vengeance as easily now and can move on. Or maybe it’d be even worse as it forces him to move on regardless, dying randomly when the target of his revenge meets their comeuppance.
What if cycling out the corrupted ectoplasm is a long-term process of meditation (and/or emotional control) - something that takes up significant space in his life and forces him to plan/work around until it’s complete (reduced work hours, avoiding certain situations that might cloud his thoughts, etc)
What if he needs to obtain some sorts of special items/materials (either connected to his own life or more general ghost stuff) for a cleansing ritual, forcing him to go on some sort of quest(s) before he can perform it and recover
What if the tainted spots on his soul can’t be fixed, only excised, leaving other types of consequences for his mind/soul (some that will gradually disappear as the “incisions” heal, others that persist in the scars left behind)
What if the healing process requires him to go over his memories and smooth out the jagged emotional edges left by the Pit, and he isn’t experienced enough with ghostly matters to do on his own, so it forces him to get help from another ghost (and thus bare all his secrets to them)
What if the Pit Rage has to be fully pulled to the front - leaving him completely consumed by its control - before it can be literally fought back and suppressed
What if it can be healed only by taking pieces of healthy ghosts to patch him up - which’d require a lot of smaller ghosts (e.g. blob ghosts) or could potentially only need a couple if he’s willing to harm more intelligent ghosts for it (which Jason likely wouldn’t do, but he’s hardly the only person who’s been revived by the Pits…)
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serpentinespider · 2 months
kit 14, 43, D!
guy 13, 4, 35, 3!
been thinking about these fellas a lot recently!! thank you questionnaire this is the perfect time!!
WOO WOO YEAH I took awhile to answer these because they got my brain going so hard I had to think about them for hours before I could articulate any responses AAH /pos You always pick the best questions for each character!!
this got so long I’m putting it under a readmore actually heheh
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art by StudioScheppen!!
14. What animal do they fear most? DOGS, forever and always. Kit’s been super anxious since he was a little kid; he’s never been fond of any animals really, but dogs specifically were one of the first things that would consistently set him off. Mouth full of sharp teeth, unpredictable loud barks, usually big enough to bowl him over without much effort… he can tolerate them more these days, but he still can’t really go over to his buddy Larry’s house for fear of his family’s golden retrievers. Being attacked by one messed him up REAL bad mentally, even setting aside all the turning-into-a-beast stuff lol
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? Depends pretty much entirely who is asking and when. It took him quite awhile to come to terms with liking men, but once he did he pretty much leaned into it 100%. Towards strangers, he has a pretty flippant “I’m a homo, go fuck yourself if you have a problem with that,” attitude… but towards his friends and family he fumbles with the subject. “Welll uhh I don’t know… I guess I’m not straight maybe… I don’t think about labels too much…” (he does, he’s just scared of being shunned.)
D. Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? First of all, I like the phrasing of this question, usually I think of design tweaks as a ‘want,’ but ‘having’ to do so actually more accurate describes Kit’s evolution I think! I’m going to go slightly off the topic of the question for this one because it requires some elaboration (and because I can do what I want! /silly)
Most of my characters gradually change over time as my style changes and I just become interested in different design traits, but Kit has def had the most frequent and rapid design changes over the two-ish years I’ve called him my OC. I genuinely can’t remember where or how frequently I was posting about it at the time (outside of my old defunct tumblr blog), but I was deeply hyperfixated on Captain Underpants in 2022, specifically book 11 which is my favorite :] That book takes place in the past, and the antagonist is Kipper Krupp, Mr Krupp’s 12 year old nephew. He’s very goofy and his writing is standout enough that most of my fixation was focused on him. Like, it was so shockingly intense I cannot describe it. I’m not ashamed of liking CU but the extent to which I blorboified this one-off character is really something. Anyways, after a couple months of this I began to become embarrassed about how many headcanons and ideas I had for him, so I just took him and his friends, changed their names a little bit, aged them up and made them my OCs! As I��ve become more Normal about Kipper himself I’ve distanced Kit from him more and more— making him a werewolf was my main big effort to separate him from Captain Underpants tropes-wise if that makes sense! I mean I still love Kipper dearly, but not as much as I love Kit :3c
Canonically he’s still the same guy I guess, just in a super derivative AU lol. His dad is still named Jasper and his uncle is still Benny, buuut since I changed his surname to Parker I’m guessing most people are going to think that’s a Spider-Man reference haha
my gooby 🐺
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I like how the antagonists wiki classifies wedgies as ‘torture’ lmao
moving on to Guy!!
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13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? She gravitates towards dark gray a lot, and I think it can flatter her, but it def is more of a dysphoria thing than a fashion thing. As for what looks best, I’m certainly no fashion expert (all her ratty gray outfits are based on what I wear HAHA) but I have a soft spot for him in white <3
4. How easy is it to earn their trust? Very easy. Maybe too easy? He doesn’t make an effort to connect with people, but if you do show any interest in him he’ll pretty much be willing to put his life in your hands. He might be shy, but he loves making friends!! This does mean he’s pretty likely to volunteer personal information to acquaintances too soon, either putting them off or giving them ammo to potentially harm him in the future :< [picks up Adam like a naughty kitten and stares at him really hard]
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? Guy doesn’t really react to things appropriately in real-time— tell him you’re getting married to the love of your life, he’ll monotonously go “oh, okay,” go silent, then a week later he’ll run up to you crying happy tears congratulating you!! He is very supportive, just has a hard time with the emotion part.
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) — cw marijuana mention! — Pre-Daniel: Thinking… or more accurately overthinking. Nighttime anxiety is a big problem for her— she’s tried a variety of things to distract herself and alleviate it to varying degrees of success: journaling, reading, herbal teas… it’s hard to stick with anything, though. Weed is been the most consistently helpful for her, but her family has a history of addiction that makes her scared to commit to it. Post-Daniel: Snuggles!! It’s hard to worry about much when you’ve got a warm snakey creature wrapped around you so so happily, Dan’s purrs make her mind go wonderfully quiet. It’s like having a weighted blanket that’s in love with you
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boberta · 2 years
random pokemon headcanon (keep in mind I've only REALLY played gen 3 and I didn't ever keep up with the anime after Johto so. yeah) it got long lol so readmore Ɛ:
Pokemon Gyms are places for both people and pokemon to work out at. This kind of seems obvious what with water gyms literally being swimming pools iirc. rock gyms offer rock climbing, fighting gyms are for getting swole, fire gyms offer... what fucking ever flannery was doing.
but anyways psychic type gyms are the real juicy one to me. The Meat of this headcanon is that you can go there to learn the psychic powers that so so many NPCs exhibit. like this:
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what's fascinating to me about this is it gives you a means to unambiguously understand your pokemon. like they're at least People enough to pick up on language and follow commands and use #tactics but they can't really communicate with humans outside of psychic-types using telepethy and weirdos like meowth. they already exhibit a sort of human-level intelligence. so going to the gym and picking up telepathy to talk to your pocket monsters... well. that makes the partnership a lot more equal and probably a lot more healthy.
Not to say that pokemon training is unhealthy. pokemon already love and bond with humans good this isn't a "lol it's dogfighting??" type post. it's just nice to think of being True Bros with your guys.
Like imagine having a passionate discussion about your favorite soap opera with the fucking fletchinder roommate that beats up bugs for you on the way to work. Talking food with your lil dudes and cooking stuff that doesn't conflict with their unique physiological needs. Engaging with your pokemon's highly specific behaviors like special interests and listening to them infodump about their niche stuff.
of course you can get similar results if you have a psychic type to translate for the rest of your team, no gym required. Psychic type trainers are Already Aware pokemon have been people in my world.
But it's still not like common knowledge necessarily. Obviously from the canon most people talk about these dudes like they're just special magical pets. like not everyone's a psychic type trainer and not everyone's got the time to devote to the Psychic Type Gym (just like how bodybuilders are rare irl). so the status quo is about what you see in games and in the anime. just watch out!
this makes pokemon way more fun for me
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arielmagicesi · 2 years
started rewatching She Ra because I was thinking of getting back into writing Scorfuma fic, but I just cried way too much at that episode where Catra and Adora see all their childhood memories in the weird palace hologram place, and yeah I might need to stop rewatching this show cause oof that hurts
gonna put the rest of this rant under a readmore since I veered way off of talking about She Ra and into personal shit that involves Sex Things Not Appropriate For All Eyes or whatever
also my depression is pretty shitty right now for the last... while... and I wish I had my student teaching placement... I wish I had distractions from my sexual frustration and the constant remembering of what happened with my ex and my bullies in high school which, in addition to time/money/energy constraints, is the reason why I can’t SOLVE that sexual frustration by “just hooking up with whoever”, because it’s terrifying, and too much of a risk, and might lead to me bursting into tears, and I don’t have enough of any experience or any of positive experience to make me at all confident, and I wish I didn’t WANT so bad to be with a woman because then it would not bother me. besides the societal pressures, which like... yeah, fuck societal pressures, whatever. but I also have to get rid of the shame I have around having sexual desires.
getting rid of the shame + trying to be confident + gaining more dating experiences that are positive ever??? + maybe getting some proof that somebody COULD desire me??? proof that I believe anyway, which actually that might be too big of an ask, I’m incapable of suspending my disbelief like that + getting my fucking student teaching placement so I don’t have time to think about this + since that’s not happening apparently, finding other jobs and things to fill my day + not rewatching things that make me cry + I still need to engage with things that make me feel the vulnerable things I avoid, I need to get used to seeing things that reflect the parts of myself I’m scared of + being able to even IMAGINE that someone could ever want me for real and not be lying + having an experience where I express sexual desires and I am not told that it’s creepy and toxic and problematic + constantly reminding myself of what I call Bunchian theory, which is to say, romantic relationships are not the be-all of existence and having a normative relationship is not a requirement for being allowed to exist or whatever + idk getting a vibrator or something? would that satiate my clit long enough to let me focus on things other than “when girl kiss please” + finding joy and fulfillment outside of sex and outside of interpersonal relationships so that I have things in my life that make me happy, like cooking good food and seeing interesting places and reading good books and helping others and learning new things + nurturing the good, nonsexual nonromantic relationships I already have + practicing socializing and finding queer community wherever I can in this godforsaken state sitting right next to New York City and if I have to drive to Newark or wherever the fuck to go to some community center then so be it......
anyway. I FEEL very alone in these struggles but I KNOW that I’m not the only person on earth going through this. even cool hot sexy people with positive sex memories instead of just bad ones, are also alienated and isolated in ways after COVID and social media brainrot and whatever. so. I may be alone but I’m not alone. my therapist today basically was like “Ariel ffs you keep saying you want to date people but then you don’t want to do anything that would lead to a date, and then whenever anyone presents you an opportunity you get too scared and turn it down” and yeah that’s basically it. at this point I’ve had one or two people flirt with me on dating apps, and my internal reaction is always “what the fuck are you trying to do. what do you want. I’m not giving you money. leave me alone” so... yeah. Idk. I’m still deeply ashamed of being too sexual/horny and being too dumbly obsessed with romance, which is funny because I’m like mid-tier horny when compared to the rest of humanity, and I’m if anything below-average with regards to romance obsession (outside of obsessing in a negative way), but it’s like, I feel like I’m too weird/freakish to be allowed ANY sex/romance thoughts.
feel free to reply if you have thoughts. no pressure, I just... needed to vent all this and feel less crazy
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kujakumai · 2 years
Does Yami Bakura Feed the Body? An Investigation
I’ve seen this idea floating around sometimes that YB doesn’t eat or is starving Bakura or something, and this kind of very specific pointless meta is right up my alley. So let’s take a look, step by step.
School Arc/S0: 
Yami Bakura only had the body for the length of the Monster World game that took place in one afternoon, which probably didn’t last more than a few hours. Didn’t really need to feed it. 
Duelist Kingdom:
YB had control for 1) in the anime only, a brief shadow game, and in all versions 2) a few minutes during the Paradox Brother’s duel, 3) an outing in the middle of the night to help out Honda, and 4) however long it took to kill Pegasus.
It’s not clear how long any of these lasted, but none of them probably for more than like 2 or at most 3 hours, and they were broken up over the course of a few days. We know Bakura ate while camping between 1 and 2 and again at the castle between 2 and 3. 
There was no point during this arc where YB had the body for long enough between meals that vessel maintenance on his behalf was necessary. If Bakura really dug in during Pegasus’s weird villain dinner, that’s probably Pegasus’s fault for putting a bunch of kids on an island for two days with no accommodations, not Yami Bakura’s for not eating.
Again, he had it for like, at most a couple hours in the afternoon, didn’t bleed into any meal times. Nothing reasonably expected of him here.
Battle City:
Bakura shows up late to BC because he overslept, so unknown if he had breakfast. The body timeline looks like this: 
1) Bakura proper for most of the day? Not clear about time-of-day. At least until afternoon, probably.
2) Yami Bakura takes control long enough to find Marik and the wrong end of a knife
3) Body is unconscious and hospitalized, presumably on fluids but neither of them has enough control to feed it
4) Yami Bakura wakes up around sundown, leaves the hospital, kills Bonz, gets on the blimp, eats a steak dinner, and plays card games until a shadow game wrecks him
5) Ryou Bakura returns to both control of the body and medical unconsciousness
6) Marik uses Anzu to wake up YB again in the middle of the night, who challenges YM to a shadow game to prevent him from killing Rishid
7) YB gets wrecked by a shadow game again, this time the body gets vaporized
8) Day or so later, after YM is defeated, Bakura wakes up in the rubble and returns to the blimp to shove food in his mouth.
Much of this arc is spent in various periods of unconsciousness, mainly due to shadow games and injury. While it’s all definitely Yami Bakura’s fault, they’re distinct from not feeding yourself/your other self. Guilty of stabbing your shared vessel does not mean guilty of starving it. 
The longest period of time YB had both control and consciousness long enough that we would expect him to eat was the lengthy evening-to-night period between leaving the hospital and getting defeated by Yugi, during which he...did feed it. Definitely ate a huge steak right there. On screen/panel. 
One might also maybe expect him to eat after Marik wakes him up again to fight YM, since it’s the middle of the night and has probably been a few hours since the steak; but Yami Marik was minutes away from murdering Rishid. I wouldn’t have asked him to grab a snack first.
Bakura was probably hungry after he got back from the shadow realm, and probably didn’t get to eat a ton that weekend, but during a lot of it YB wasn’t in a position to eat either, and the one time he was he...literally did go out of his way to eat. Totally fed the flesh vessel. Kaiba’s high-class ribeye even. Due diligence towards shared stomach was accomplished.
Memory World:
Look, I don’t know what the hell the anime is doing but in the manga this one also took place over the course of one random afternoon after school, between lunch and dinner. He sort of expected it to end with him destroying the world and killing every human being on earth, after which keeping Bakura fed would be moot. Also, no one should ever expect the dungeonmaster to bring the snacks, that’s definitely a player responsibility.
In Conclusion: 
There’s no evidence Yami Bakura neglects to feed the body when he has it or that Bakura is starved as a result of his possession. YB doesn’t usually take the body for long enough that making sure it gets fed is an issue, and we have direct evidence that when he does, he goes out of his way to feed it dinner. The defense rests, your honor.
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rwby-redux · 2 years
Are there any characters who have different semblances than in canon? Or those who have unknown semblances actually shown?
A few characters, yeah!
Last year, when I talked about how Semblances were adjusted in the Redux, I sorted characters according to the degree to which their Semblance was modified. They got placed under one of five headings:
Characters who had their Semblances slightly adjusted.
Characters who had their Semblances completely overhauled.
Characters who had their Semblances removed and replaced with something else.
Characters with no Semblances.
Characters who previously lacked a Semblance, and were given one.
While plenty of characters (Yang, Sun, Pyrrha, etc) had their Semblances left intact, some needed to be modified to fit the new parameters that I created for the Semblance category system. Others had to be adjusted because of the out-of-context/meta issues surrounding them (like James’ Semblance being tied to ableism).
The rest of this post is going under a readmore. Potential spoilers ahead.
Ruby’s Semblance was the first one to get revamped. Instead of that weird quantum mechanics thing where she can disassemble and reassemble herself on a molecular level, she gets plain ol’ superspeed. No more transforming into clusters of petals and passing through narrow gaps. Ruby now has to work within the limitations and constraints imposed by superspeed: turning on a dime, braking and stopping abruptly, and weaving between obstacles without losing velocity. When she arrives at Beacon, she actually ends up becoming rather chummy with Oobleck because he offers to give her some pointers. The two of them share the same Semblance, and Oobleck is painfully familiar with learning how to not run headlong into things.
The Schnee Semblance (Weiss et al) got changed from being a grab bag of miscellaneous powers, to a single, definitive ability: summoning the thralls of defeated Grimm. I talk about the issues surrounding Weiss’ glyphs in greater depth here and here, so I won’t waste too much time rehashing those points. Basically, I wanted to decrease Weiss’ reliance on her Semblance, and force her to have a much more agile fighting style reminiscent of Winter’s fencing (as seen in V3.E3). It also means that when Weiss arrives at Beacon, she effectively hasn’t unlocked her Semblance yet. The fact that her family’s Semblance is publicly known makes Weiss extremely self-conscious. There’s a degree of expectation that she’s held to because everyone knows what it’s going to be eventually. The pressure that puts on Weiss frequently leaves her frustrated and insecure, in addition to overly self-critical. (It would be the difference between some random person unlocking their Semblance and getting told, “Hey, good job,” whereas Weiss unlocks it and everyone goes, “Well it’s about time. Took you long enough.”)
Ren’s Semblance is more or less the same as it was pre-V7/8, in that it allows him to cloak his emotions (along with the emotions of whoever he comes into contact with). It no longer enables him to see those multi-colored petal-things that float around people. Semblances that conceal one’s emotions from Grimm are direct responses to a sense that Grimm have, called algeaception (the detection of negatively-valenced emotions).
Raven’s Semblance, while it does enable her to teleport, isn’t tied to people that she shares an emotional link with. Instead, it allows her to move between two locations, but only if they’re places that she’s physically been to beforehand. If, for example, Raven wanted to teleport to the City of Mistral, she would have to concentrate on a specific location within the city (like a bar, or a hotel) and recall it with near-perfect clarity. Her Semblance requires a good deal of concentration in order to pull off. There were a few reasons why I ditched the emotional link component of her canon Semblance, which I’ll discuss on a later date. For now, the short version was that I wanted her Semblance to be something that she had direct control over, in the sense that Raven could choose what places she wanted to visit, in order to have the ability to teleport to them later on. That, and I was never fond of the show using Raven’s Semblance as “proof” that she still had an emotional connection to the daughter that she abandoned.
Cinder’s Semblance allows her to modify temperature and superheat things that she comes into contact with. Where it differs from the canon is that she can’t manipulate the things that she superheats (so she can’t heat sand particles into glass and then kinetically levitate them like she does in the show). By limiting her Semblance to just one specific thing, it forces Cinder to be a lot more creative—a lot more cunning—with how she goes about using it.
Jupiter’s Semblance was described as being able to turn water into vapor, so presumably, converting it from a liquid to a gaseous state. Given how oddly specific this Semblance was, I decided to tweak it. In the Redux, Jupiter and Neptune both have hydrokinetic Semblances. Their Semblances, similar to Weiss’, are now hereditary.
Marcus’ Semblance doesn’t actually enable him to “steal” someone else’s. What it does is temporarily dampen or suppress a target’s Semblance, rendering them unable to use it for a certain amount of time. However, because Marcus has been using his Semblance on Mercury for years, it resulted in a medical condition called subapothymia. Mercury’s Semblance isn’t gone; it’s just been severely dampened from long-term, recurring exposure to his father’s Semblance, to the point where the effect is now semi-permanent. One of the reasons why Mercury works for Cinder (and by extension, Salem) is because it gives him access to medical treatment through Watts. Watts was one of the world’s foremost experts in Aura and Semblance research—as such, he has the know-how to try and cure (or at the least, improve) Mercury’s condition. Changing the way that Marcus’ Semblance works created a scenario in which Mercury has a motive to stick around and help Salem, apart from simply wanting to be “top dog” in her new world.
James had his Semblance axed for fairly obvious reasons. The same goes for Hazel. Instead of giving either of them new Semblances, I opted to leave them without, because I wanted to have characters who managed to be successful fighters despite lacking them. I always found it fascinating that characters like Roman were consistently portrayed as credible threats (similar to Mai and Ty Lee in A:TLA, who were both deadly fighters despite being nonbenders), and I wanted to continue that trend with other characters in the show.
Sienna no longer has a Semblance, partly because her canon Semblance no longer fits under the category system that I created for the Redux. The other reason why I nixed it is because Sienna is now a non-combatant.
While there wasn’t anything wrong with Coco’s Semblance, strictly speaking, I wanted to get rid of it in order to have more characters who manage to get by without them. Despite only being a Second Year student, Coco is widely regarded as one of Beacon’s strongest fighters. It’s a fact that gives Jaune and Weiss some comfort, since at the beginning of the story, neither of them has unlocked theirs yet. For them, Coco is proof that you don’t need a Semblance to be dangerous.
As I mentioned earlier, Oobleck now has a speed Semblance like Ruby and Harriet. Port was given an intangibility Semblance, a power which allows him to render himself (or things that he comes into contact with) temporarily untouchable. Saber was given a terrakinetic Semblance, while Joanna was given an absorption Semblance (like Yang and Adam). Russel now has an invisibility Semblance like May, Dove has a pyrokinetic Semblance, and Sky has an acoustic Semblance (which allows him to amplify or increase the intensity of sounds that he makes, or of the things that he comes into contact with).
Maria and Marrow are both getting new Semblances, but I haven’t decided on what these will be just yet. Maria, because her canon Semblance is nearly identical to the extrasensory perception that’s already a built-in feature of Aura (see: Pyrrha’s speech to Jaune during the Emerald Forest, where she describes a function of Aura as “[feeling] like you were being watched”). Marrow, because it makes me really uncomfortable that an in-universe minority—a literal dog Faunus—activates his Semblance by using a command given to pets.
There are a few characters (like Tai and Summer) who I haven’t changed because I’m waiting to see if the canon will eventually unveil what their Semblances are (or if they ever had one to begin with). For now, those characters are TBD.
The only characters whose Semblances I can’t talk about are Qrow, Clover, Pietro, Penny, Ozma, Ozpin, and Oscar.
In the case of Qrow and Clover (who both have probability Semblances), it’s because it would give away crucial aspects of Qrow’s character arc.
In the case of Pietro and Penny (who both lack Semblances), it’s because it would reveal the circumstances of Penny’s creation.
In the case of all of Ozma’s hosts (who all lack Semblances), it’s because it would give away major changes to how the Redux handles magic (and by extension, the effects of the curse).
Trust me; you don’t want to have those spoiled.
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obaewankenope · 3 years
I'm starting a new chain for tracking the days on adhd meds because the original got very long. I also know how to do a readmore on mobile now (put in :readmore: and hit enter) so Fear Me.
Day 17 of adhd meds
I slept on the sofa last night and had a lot of burpies from eating late and not as well as I probably should on these meds. I also didn't take my pain meds as regularly as I should have yesterday considering how active I was. I am regretting it today.
My fingers are claws.
[rest under readmore]
My ankles were so swollen last because I changed footwear to flats from my trainers in the house after cleaning the dog poop in the garden and damn but I should have just kept the trainers on and cleaned the soles.
No cushioning for the shock impact of walking = P A I N.
Even pain meds didn't help. Had to elevate my feet and suffer until they deswelled enough to hurt less. Also pulled a muscle in my back again.
I will have the most relaxing bath today even if it kills me.
Or someone else in this house, I'm not picky.
I have some jobs to do today that I shouldn't ignore, like dishes and making some dinner for everyone, but I kinda just wanna curl up on the sofa and hibernate or game.
I want to decorate actually but don't have the paint supplies currently and also with several people in the house, I can't paint until they're asleep or out for hours because they get in the way and stress me out.
Usually I like to wake up around 6 and take my adhd meds and first round of painkillers, then go back to sleep for an hour or two so they all kick in when I get up properly and can just go. I didn't sleep well last night however and thus didn't get to do the routine I've started developing on the adhd meds.
Instead I woke around 11:30am and took my meds after that so I'm not super active yet. Unfortunately, the one side effect I hate with a passion is rearing its head now because I didn't take the meds and go back to sleep.
From the lactose on the adhd meds.
I'll need to eat to reduce the burpies and pain I get from the lactose in my stomach because of lactose intolerance ffs. But that requires moving and until my pain meds kick in, that isn't happening.
So instead I burp and lament life.
I had to sleep on the sofa last night, you see, because I offered my bed to my mother. She has her own bed but its a single and she doesn't like it because of the way the bed is against the wall, so she usually sleeps on the sofa downstairs.
She actually sleeps well on said sofa which I have no idea how she does it because I spent the entire night aware of everything even with earplugs and eye mask.
So yeah, I slept downstairs and managed like two hours of actual sleep and the rest of Awkward Awareness Of The Universe As Though I'm In A Dangerous Situation And Cannot Afford Real Rest. That was due to the fact I couldn't stretch out properly on the sofa to be honest and, really, I should have slept sat up because that probably would have been comfier for me.
Oh well.
I need to sort a box of pictures out today so it can be put back upstairs out of the way. Its downstairs currently and only down here because I want to get some pictures from it of my middle sib and I growing up so we can make copies and send them to our grandfather and family that we've gotten back in touch with.
Also, there's a photo collage frame that needs pictures in it before its put up on the wall so.
Well, after the decorating is done.
Which, incidentally, this set of life on adhd meds will turn into a decorating blog because I have up to the 20th of December to decorate the lounge, dining room, kitchen, and hallway + downstairs toilet.
The decorating includes wallpapering which I've never done before and thus have to wait on others to do or show me how. Or my brothers fiancee might do it because she can wallpaper apparently.
17 days. I have seventeen days.
With fibro and adhd and all the other household jobs and working around other people and also my period which starts in 4 days.
Fuck. My. Life.
This doesn't even include the Christmas decorations that will be put up between the 20th and 24th either.
Kill me please and thank.
Or someone buy me a vacation now. For a mountain. Scotland is great right now. I'll hide there.
25 notes · View notes
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That’s it. I can’t go further anymore. I hate Cobalion so much. The 30th win streak was against Cobalion, and it was a team effort too. Since I don’t make a draft of team compositions prior to this gauntlet like I usually do, all of this team are made right before the fights.
Anyway, here are the teams, putting this at readmore because it sure as hell gonna be long.
Team 1: Cobalion
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Just Anni N carried stuff as usual, no big deal. I wish Dawn was EX, but I really haven’t seen any point to EX her yet. A shame, because she’s still my most favorite female protagonist.
Team 2: Azelf
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Brute-forcing things still work if you’re as powerful as SC Emmet, I suppose. Oh, and if you’re accompanied with an amazing support like Aaron. Very smooth, very self-explanatory.
Team 3: Latios
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BP Zinnia remains awesome. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have used Spring Burgh here, but oh well. Once again, very smooth, and I prefer using BP Zinnia as DPS.
Team 4: Cobalion
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The tried-and-true Halloween Morty team. Nothing feels more satisfactory than defeating a difficult LA stage with my favorite, non-OP unit. Oh yeah, also Masked Royal got to 3/5 just 2 days ago. If Dawn had been EX, she would have been here instead, and Masked Royal would have been saved up somewhere. Oh well. More reason to EX Dawn, I think? Oh yes, one condition to this team is that, since Cobalion gained resistances from Burn much quicker than Paralysis/Sleep, Halloween Morty had to crit all of his syncs so Cobalion wouldn’t gain too much burn resistances to the point it become immune. Which requires luck, but it’s okay. This team did it first try.
Team 5: Azelf
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I remembered, very fondly, when Elio was still 2/5 and struggled so hard to survive against Azelf, and I didn’t even use Lillie because she’s also 2/5, so I went with BP Morty for flinching and to make Lusamine survive at least one sync. Now, Elio and Lillie are 5/5, and I just copy-pasted this team from Crystal. I also slapped Troublemaker 1 at Elio instead of Vigilance, and that’s gonna be his lucky skill from now on. I still don’t like using Lusamine because she’s squishier than Giovanni, but with Elio’s Sing and Lillie’s accuracy buffs alongside her random debuffs, the fight ended without anybody taking a single hit.
Team 6: Latios
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I tried. I tried my best to use OG Zinnia, but she still remained...difficult as ever. Well, at least Fresh Start helped to negate the downsides of her trainer move, but Latios spammed AoE moves and debuffed too in second and third health bar, so this fight was actually rather difficult. Sabrina wasn’t the best tank in this scenario, at all. She was taken down from Stored Power too, but thankfully Zinnia could muster enough strength to end the match. Sandstorm was only used at first health bar to take down sides with Zinnia’s sync, and at third health bar.
Team 7: Cobalion
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Nobody could survive the repeated Sacred Sword from Cobalion, it hit goddamn hard. Even Skyla went down. Maybe she could have survived if I brought an attack debuffer or something, but that couldn’t fit the team. SS Serena was meant to handle difficult fights like Cobalion or Azelf because I knew Latios was gonna be such a cakewalk with her. Tech Parasect was for applying paralysis and...some defense debuffs, I guess. Well, more excuse to use Thousand Waves, even though I didn’t use my Ground build here.
Team 8: Azelf
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So, this is kinda unnecessary, and probably a bit overkill, but this team’s synergy is pretty good. Summer Marnie didn’t need to use her trainer move because Sycamore provided all the buffs she needed for Rising Tide, and this team also covered all of Azelf’s resistances. When Azelf was resistant with physical damage, Summer Marnie could either use Spirit Break to debuff special attack, or use Crunch in attempt to debuff defense, while Sycamore spammed Moonblast. At latter half of the heath bar, Summer Marnie handled everything, and Sycamore used Horn Leech to restore health--if that happened, because usually Summer Marnie’s nuke was enough to deplete a health bar. In retrospect, I probably should have brought Palentine’s Dawn here instead of using Tech Exeggutor because this team didn’t need sleep chain to survive. Oh well. What’s done is done.
Team 9: Latios
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I went a bit too much on this. They destroyed Latios, but I probably should have saved up Sidney somewhere. Well, it’s satisfying to see the amazing synergy of dark-type teams, at least.
Team 10: Cobalion
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Piercing Blows team, you know the drill. Hilbert somewhat survived the Sacred Sword, only to be taken down by a second Sacred Sword, which is amazing. Then again, Volkner’s paralysis and flinches helped to buy some time for this team to survive.
Team 11: Azelf
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Did you know that SS Misty dealt 99k damage at Azelf’s third bar? I know Azelf’s defenses there were reduced to ashes, but I knew Azelf had some resistances in sync moves too. Still, it was impressive nonetheless to see SS Misty’s nuke despite the resistance. I brought Serena there because...Azelf’s nuke is physical, which targeted SS Kris’ weaker physical defense, and I’m kinda afraid that SS Kris would be endangered. Maybe I should have saved up Serena for later. Anyway, SS Misty needed +6 Sp. Atk and +3 crit, but SS Kris could provide that, and Rain too. This was a lot of fun. It’s honestly weird why I had some difficulties in using Lear but not with SS Misty.
Team 12: Latios
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THAT WAS SO GODDAMN CLOSE!! Had Rachel not used her trainer move on Cyrus, he would have lost. Phoebe couldn’t survive very long, and neither could Rachel. That last half of third HP bar was handled by Cyrus himself, hanging on 1 HP. It was disastrous. Maybe if Phoebe were EX, she could have performed much better. Rachel...I’m not sure. I wish she and Sawyer got EX so they could tank much better...
Team 13: Cobalion
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Much like Anni N’s Blue Flare’s damage looking like it dropped without multiple targets, so did SST Red’s B Volt Tackle. This match took a little too long for my liking, but at least nobody was ever in danger. BP Morty took some Sacred Sword, but he had enough potions to sustain himself. And...not gonna lie, 2 Electric Terrain wasn’t enough for SST Red to finish the match, so he had to ask Classic Elesa’s help. I like their synergy anyway. SST Red definitely could have benefited much better if he’s accompanied with EX Support like Halloween Caitlin, but it’s fine. The match took forever but it’s done with nobody in danger.
Team 14: Azelf
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Time to test the newly EX Barry--with Vigilance as lucky skill! That...was because Barry was the one I used to tank Sinnoh’s Daily Region Rotation before I had OG Dawn (I just got one copy of her during Sinnoh’s Villain Arc), but when Entei’s gauntlet came up, the Vigilance on him ended up helping a lot, so I just keep it until now. Barry’s bulk as a striker is also pretty good, much like EX Siebold, and their playstyle was quite similar, though Barry is better at off-typing than Siebold. Anyway, talking about the actual fight, Barry was actually at a timer here. Tech Gyarados had to consistently land flinches to stagger Azelf, and Barry had to nuke Azelf before SC Jasmine get destroyed by its sync. I know I might be exaggerating, but Azelf’s nuke kinda hurt, so I was very much worried, much like what I felt towards SS Kris. Thankfully, Tech Gyarados could land a lot of flinches to buy some time for Barry to unleash his nuke. His nuke was pretty good even without Cakewalk. He could nuke Azelf’s health bar in one sync, that’s pretty something. Also, Barry’s EX color looks pretty cool and I love it. Definitely worth the investment.
Team 15: Latios
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Roxanne is now retired from the Giovanni steamroll team, and Mesprit became the tank. Matching theme skills, more defensive utilities, and the fact that Mesprit almost didn’t need gauge at all to use moves, is pretty good. Reflect and Light Screen helped to mitigate the damage in third health bar too. I like dual screens. Anyway, pretty easy fight, Mesprit is amazing. Probably the best Master BP units so far.
Team 16: Cobalion
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I’m so sorry Brendan that you had to handle the menace that is Cobalion, who targeted your weaker physical defense. Roxanne’s defensive buffs didn’t help him against Sacred Sword, so SS Brendan had to spam potions to keep himself alive. Thankfully, Palentine Serena was there to use paralysis, and landed really good nuke. Palentine Serena finally became better after her EX. Granted, she still needed a lot of support--namely special attack, crit, and speed, hence the team composition--but once it’s handled, she’s pretty good. I’m thinking if I should 3/5 her sometime or if 2/5 is just enough...
Team 17: Azelf
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I know Classic Giovanni had less HP than Falkner and Hilbert, but similar defensive stats with Falkner, but sleepchain can negate any need of proper tank...if only I didn’t forget to give Lodge N Troublemaker 1. Oh well. Classic Giovanni went down at third health bar, but at that time, Lucian was ready to launch a nuke. The idea here was Giovanni covering all the offensive buffs that Lucian needed, while Lucian spammed Growl and top off his Sp. Atk. Lodge N did some sleepchain stuffs. After that, stall the turns until Lucian’s nuke is ready, because his nuke is powerful enough to take down Azelf’s one health bar, and with max damage at third health bar too. Just Lucian asserting his nuke dominance as always.
Team 18: Latios
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It is finally time to use Hala! No gauge issues because Kiawe alleviated that with Dashing Team and Evelyn also helped with Regeneration. God, seeing Hala nuking the entire third health bar with his sync felt really good, and even off-type his DPS was still amazing. Sorry, Winter Leon. I know Hala arrived much later than you, but until you reach 3/5, I’ll have to use Hala more often now. I remembered last gauntlet Kiawe had a little bit of trouble in surviving Latios because he wasn’t EX, but now he didn’t even need Potions at all. That EX really meant a lot for him.
Team 19: Cobalion
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This, and the Tornadus gauntlet, is the reason why I MUST 2/5 Classic Red, because good god, never rely on 30% chance, ever. This took way too damn long, and that’s because Classic Red didn’t proc the paralysis even after accumulating 10 damn sync buffs. Leaf did a great job for taking a lot of Sacred Sword and landing flinches, but she eventually went down because the Sacred Sword dealt like 1.075 damage. By that time, Cobalion was at 20% health, and I just decided to brute-force it instead of waiting for paralysis that’d never happen. Gladion did an amazing job here, though. Kudos for Gladion for managing to bruteforce Cobalion’s last remaining health without paralysis.
Team 20: Azelf
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This took two tries, because I attempted to do Azelf’s fight without sleepchain, but I’m running out of support who can handle Azelf’s debuff pressure. So I used Agatha to sleepchain and thankfully SS Steven could handle the rest. It’s just...my god, the gauge of this team is horrendous. I had to use Agatha’s trainer move, and that still wasn’t enough. Bianca ended up not doing much at most of the fight--she could even barely queue Psychic Terrain. I realized that Attack Form Deoxys was not fast enough to carry a gauge. He still needed more speed support. Well, somehow this team prevailed anyway, but it really could have been better.
Team 21: Latios
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Yeah, this was unbelievably easy. Bea was too damn powerful. I don’t have anything to say much here, Bea is so good. Maybe I should EX Sonia...if I EX her maybe her other two copies would be willing to appear anytime soon...
Team 22: Cobalion
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Cobalion versus Cobalion!...though opponent Cobalion proved that it was the better Cobalion, since my Cobalion went down because of Sacred Sword. Gauge was also a bit difficult once Cobalion’s move gauge acceleration ran out, and Cobalion’s debuffs didn’t really benefit SS Red in any way (except for Flare Blitz I guess), but the defensive buffs helped to mitigate SS Red’s self debuffs. When my Cobalion went down, Lt. Surge thankfully could survive long enough for SS Red to finish the fight, thanks to First Aid and repeated Synchro Healing. I wish SS Red was 3/5 so his nuke could hit harder with Haymaker, especially with this team composition...
Team 23: Azelf
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I thought this team would run to gauge issues, but thankfully Cheryl’s X Sp. Atk MPR proc enough for a few Pep Rally to keep the gauge going. Palentine Dawn’s debuffs and Cheryl’s heals really helped Cheryl to survive the occasional physical attack that Azelf used (like Zen Headbutt). Lear was also in timer here--he had to nuke fast before Azelf sync and destroyed Cheryl. Luckily, fast sync is Lear’s specialty. Azelf queued an Iron Tail right before Lear’s nuke took it down...which was rather close. I dunno if Cheryl could have handled that, but it seemed risky.
Team 24: Latios
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I know, I know OG Morty could solo Latios, but Phantom Force MPR always betrayed me, and my timing is horrible. I don’t want to rip my hair out trying to figure the correct timing and to reset for Phantom Force MPR, so I just picked an easy option. I forgot to grid Lodge Blue here, he could have performed better if I gridded him but, oh well. OG Morty magically proc-ed a lot of his trainer move, so he capped his Blind Spot multiplier all by himself, and handled Latios comfortably, while also sometimes dodged some attacks. OG Morty is still difficult to use, but he’s still fun to use.
Team 25: Cobalion
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This is a modified team from Zinfogel’s gauntlet tutorial. I remembered clearly what Zinfogel said: “Because Cobalion gained burn immunity pretty quick, you need an auxiliary status” and he used BP Clemont gridded with Hostile Environment 1 Spark, so a pretty good chance of paralyzing. BP Clemont’s Screech also helped Silver’s damage. Hop unfortunately couldn’t take too much Sacred Sword either--he went down, but thankfully the fight was close to done. I forego Silver’s nuke and decided to go full DPS here, and it’s honestly the safest way to play Silver without SS Morty against Cobalion.
Team 26: Azelf
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I remembered that Classic Blue has both physical and special moves, so time to use it with full advantage! Granted, his damage wasn’t much, but it’s still sufficient to handle Azelf. SS Morty and Sawyer helped to top off Classic Blue’s buffs so he didn’t need to use his trainer move too much. Also, Sawyer’s flinches really helped as well so SS Morty didn’t get debuffed too much. I gridded him with Sunny Disposition, but MPR on Sunny Day didn’t happen too much. SS Morty surviving sun-boosted Flamethrower from Azelf was pretty amazing. I mean, I know he’s immortal, and if he could take a sun-boosted +2 Sp. Atk Fire Blast from Flint without EX, he definitely could handle Azelf’s sun-boosted Flamethrower. I love SS Morty so much. Also I probably should 5* Sawyer soon, he’s very reliable and he’d appreciate the extra bulk.
Team 27: Latios
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I unironically had to use SS Grimsley’s trainer move here because this support team is very defensive, but I gridded him with First Aid so it’s all good, and Misty’s Friendly Care was enough to patch up the damage. Misty also covered Brock with some special defense buffs to help him tank better, while SS Grimsley just went to do his thing. It’s actually pretty smooth, I’m rather surprised that this team didn’t run into any gauge issues either. Every time I expected a team to run into gauge issues, it doesn’t happen. But when I thought a team would be fine, it ran into gauge issues. What even.
Team 28: Latios
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SC Lillie was the last support that could be a frontline tank for gauntlets (not including SS Elesa because she couldn’t sustain herself well enough for a long fight), so time to use her. I slapped BP Janine so I could save up SC Lillie’s trainer move for regeneration. Wally is gridded with full Focus Blast DPS here, which dealt pretty good damage. I’m glad I can use my boy in a gauntlet.
Team 29: Azelf
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...Except I just remembered, SC Lillie wasn’t the last support that could sustain for Gauntlet. There’s OG Ingo. But the current gauntlet stages weren’t good for OG Emmet, so I decided to use OG Ingo as a generalist support instead for Mallow, who just got to 2/5 and finally had access to Pecking Order. OG Ingo set up Sandstorm to buff the team’s speed, since this team would be relying on Ramos’ sleepchain who wasn’t the fastest sleepchainer. The turn order was following Zinfogel’s gauntlet tutorial, where he used Kahili as a tank. The queue order should be: Sleep Powder > Mud Slap > Teeter Dance/Trop Kick > wait for Mud Slap’s damage to disappear then use Sleep Powder > repeat. If I accidentally queued Sleep Powder a little too soon, immediately quad-queue Sleep Powder. Though, if the quad-queue didn’t work, OG Ingo could take some hits and had potions. This team took three attempts, because Azelf kept burning OG Ingo, which hurt his survivability a lot. OG Ingo shouldn’t be burned or else the sleepchain method didn’t work because OG Ingo had to stop moving to survive. This was a good opportunity to train myself to properly sleepchain.
Team 30: Cobalion
For this clear, I had to use two teams. Here’s the first team for the 30th win streak:
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God, I still had no idea how to use Piers. His Obstruct is good in LA where enemies’ moves are predictable, and I used his Obstruct to block Stone Edge and Poison Jab. The debuffs he inflicted upon blocking were also helpful for Solgaleo to deal good damage, but even with double Obstruct MPR, it still wasn’t enough. I was hoping he’d have infinite Obstruct supply so he could lasts until third bar and blocked Sacred Sword, but guess that didn’t happen. Once Obstruct is out, Piers had to endure-tanking with his trainer move, for as long as MPR allowed him to, which was at the end of second health bar. Lana couldn’t take too much Stone Edge, so she didn’t main tank, but even she couldn’t take too much Sacred Sword. Solgaleo managed to bring Cobalion down to 23% health before going down. It was really close, so I didn’t reset and just take the loss for the second team.
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This is...a desperation team. The idea is to make Acerola stagger Cobalion long enough for Blue to finish his buffs and sync nuke the shit out of Cobalion before Cobalion used his sync (it was at one turn before sync when Solgaleo went down). Erika was there to apply paralysis and land lucky special defense debuffs. Acerola managed to land two lucky flinches to let Blue sync, but unfortunately Blue’s sync damage didn’t crit, so Cobalion still had like 4% health left. Acerola’s flinch didn’t land, and she went down because of Facade, but Blue accumulated enough gauge to finally unleash a Hyper Beam and finished the fight. God, that was awful. Had Blue not accumulated enough gauge at that time to use Hyper Beam, Cobalion would have queued his sync and wiped the party. I hate Cobalion so much, but I’m glad that this team miraculously made it somehow.
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Secrets in the Springs
Document link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WDYCocrod_P7bcyH9DIaacjpIXv9I8r-UEkdmWANdxw/edit?usp=sharing
Sapphire, Pyra, Mythra, Nia and Poppi spend an evening relaxing together in Mor Ardain’s famous hot springs, where a couple of secrets begin to reveal themselves. In the process, Pyra makes an important decision. (1650 words) Replaces the XC2 cutscene “Secret in the Springs” from the start of Chapter 4. Content warning for some description of an old significant physical injury.
Tag list (use this to be added to it!): @softskiesahead | @dragonsmooch | @thatslikesometaldude | @lilacslovers | @insomniaships | @goldenworldsabound | @setzale | @candyforthebrain | @elf-and-a-heart
This is a piece I originally posted to my old blog, but I’ve updated it slightly to reflect some changes to the storyline and figured it would be good to post again! Don’t worry, it’s mostly much happier than the previous writing I posted here - especially once you get to the end, hehe~
Reblogs are appreciated, but by no means required! Comments should be on, and there’s also a transcript of the document under the readmore!
The sandstorms from earlier in the day had thankfully settled down - the evening was still very warm, but a soft wind drifting through Alba Cavanich made the heat much more pleasant. Behind the inn that rested on Smùide Mountain, the group had taken the opportunity to relax in the local hot springs - Rex and Tora had gone earlier in the evening and appeared much more refreshed for the experience, but now it was the ladies’ bathing slot, and all of them were eager to spend the evening enjoying a relaxing bath together.
Sapphire in particular was not used to the arid conditions on Mor Ardain’s Titan, given that her homeland within Uraya was a much more subdued and watery kingdom, so she also relished the opportunity to try out the hot springs. By the time she had gotten ready, Poppi was already happily playing about in the springs, while Nia had her back to the entrance and only her head was above the water. Finally, Sapphire tentatively poked her head around the corner of the changing room, so that it was all that could be seen from within the baths themselves.
“It’s just us here, right?”
“Yeah, don’t worry!” Nia turned her head to smile, though Sapphire did think she looked somewhat nervous. “The inn seemed pretty much empty when we first got here, so I don’t reckon anyone else’ll be coming in.”
Poppi nodded in agreement. “Probability of interruption from other people very small. Therefore, is perfect time for all to enjoy springs together. The water very nice temperature, even for Poppi!”
“Hang on.. Should you even be in the bath?” Nia had turned back to face the mechanical girl, and was now looking at her with a tilted head to show confusion. “Won’t you rust or something?”
In response, Poppi shook her head and kept smiling, eyes bright as ever. “There no problem. Poppi made from special alloy. No rust or need for oil!” The faint orange glow of her leg joints was visible even through the water, showing that she was kicking them back and forth in her usual manner.
Sapphire smiled at this, only to then jump when she realised Pyra was standing right behind her. Except it wasn’t Pyra - where she expected to see kind red eyes instead lay cold golden ones, and the familiar short bob of red hair was replaced by flowing blonde strands.
“Wh- Mythra?!”
“Yeah?” She looked unamused.
“Sorry, mate, you really startled me there!”
Wanting to give Mythra some space, Sapphire stepped out from behind the entrance to the changing room into the proper springs area, prompting Poppi to look surprised and Nia to turn around because of that. Although she still had a towel around her body, the other girls could now all see several swathes of what looked like very old grazes on Sapphire’s arms and the backs of her legs. They seemed to have healed, yet still appeared somewhat serious.
“Wait, what happened to you?!” Mythra was first to speak up, sounding more worried than she ever really had. Her usual short temper still shone through, however - she seemed almost annoyed for not noticing the injuries beforehand.
“Oh, these?” Sapphire raised her arms halfheartedly, looking somewhat embarrassed. “Don’t worry. These are just left over from.. how I got to Uraya. Don’t worry, most of it’s all healed up by now. So nothing’s going to mess up the water or anything, I promise.”
There was a silence.
“..I guess I never told you guys about that, huh.”
“No, you didn’t. Not that I was awake for, anyway.” said Mythra.
“You don’t ‘ave to tell us if you don’t want to, though.” Nia added. “Only share what you’re comfortable with.”
Sapphire nodded. “Thanks, Nia. Um.. this isn’t exactly the place to go all in-depth about that kind of thing, so, ah.. I’ll just say that, from what I know, my parents and I were on a ship crossing the Cloud Sea when it capsized and got washed into Uraya’s Titan. A bit like you guys did, I guess, though there was.. a lot more of an impact. Honestly, I don’t even know how I managed to stick around long enough for Dad and his mercs to find me on one of their checkups.”
“Oh.. Are you sure you’re okay? That must have been hard..” continued Mythra, still looking worried. There was a flash of glowing energy, and suddenly Pyra was stood in her place, looking even more concerned.
“I’m so sorry for what happened to you, Sapphire! Nobody should have to go through such a horrible thing..”
“Pyra, please, I’m fine! It’s okay!” Sapphire said, a little too suddenly - quickly realising her mistake, she hastily tried to recover: “I- I really appreciate that you care so much, but, I promise I’m fine. Come on, let’s just enjoy the springs together.”
As she turned around to put her towel on the rocks behind her before lowering herself into the blissfully warm water, the true extent of Sapphire’s injuries became clearer - the old grazes were nothing in comparison to the massive streak of half-healed scar tissue covering most of her back and shoulders. Parts of it seemed to somehow reflect the low light from the torches and the glow of Poppi and Pyra’s Core Crystals, as if there were tiny specks of something shiny in there.
Nia’s worried expression had returned. “Saph, that really doesn’t look good.. You sure you’re alright?”
“Yes!” She still seemed slightly on-edge, but being in the water was clearly very relaxing for her. “I already said, it doesn’t really hurt. I’ve had all this for as long as I can remember; it’s just how I am. Trust me, it was a lot worse when I was little.”
“Poppi worried about Sapphire..” said Poppi, sounding sad. The stillness of the water and the glowing lights visible under its surface showed that she wasn’t playing about anymore.
“Aww, it’s okay, Poppi!” Sapphire turned and smiled at her again. “I’m fine, honestly!”
Pyra still wasn’t convinced. “You’d tell us if you weren’t, though, right..?” She crouched down at the side of the water and reached over to take Sapphire’s hand in her own.
“Of course I would, silly. Come on in, the water is amazing..”
This made Pyra feel more at ease, and she happily took the chance to sit next to Sapphire, who in turn was all the more grateful to be able to enjoy Pyra’s natural warmth in close proximity. Another silence then settled, though this one was much more natural, and the girls were able to take the time to properly enjoy the heat of the water and relax in the hot springs.
Eventually, never the quiet one, Poppi had something to say.
“Poppi has question for Nia.”
“Why does Nia have-?” The artificial Blade’s inquisitive tone was quickly interrupted by none other than Nia herself, who at this point was almost entirely submerged in the water.
“Oh, I know what you’re gonna say, I think. Don’t- don’t worry about it.”
At this point, Mythra returned, automatically shifting away from Sapphire as she turned to face Nia herself. “I had noticed, too. It’s true, then, that you’re..?” She trailed off, not knowing how to properly word her own question.
“Mmm.. yeah.”
Mythra nodded. “Do you want us to keep it a secret?”
“I was.. a little bit embarrassed about all this, but.. Yeah, if you could, that’d be grand. Not like I could hide it here when it’s this dark, anyway. As long as you guys are all okay with me being here, then-”
“Of course, mate!” “Poppi is fine!” “Why wouldn’t we?”
The chorus of reassuring voices brought her an incredible comfort.
“Thanks, guys.”
Later that evening, once everyone had retired to their rooms for the night, Mythra noticed within herself that Pyra seemed nervous.
“Something wrong?”
“What? No! I mean.. We share memories, so you’d know if something was wrong, surely?”
“I guess that’s true. But, you seemed like you were coming to a decision of some kind. And I mean, I don’t really wanna pry if I don’t have to.”
“Haha, thank you for that.. And, you’re right about the decision. So, um, Mythra - what do you think about Sapphire?”
“Uh.. she seems pretty nice? But she isn’t someone you want to make angry, given how mad she was at Malos and Akhos. I wasn’t awake yet for all that time you two spent journeying through Uraya, so this was kind of the first time I’ve gotten to interact with her properly. I can’t say I was expecting you to get into a relationship, but.. You two make a good fit for each other, even if she is a little more energetic than you tend to be.”
“You really think so?”
“Wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t.”
“Ah, I suppose you’re right.. Sorry!”
“Why’d you ask that, anyway?”
“Well, it’s just, um.. It was so great for me to know that she’d be able to come with us after we left Uraya. I know she’s probably still worried about Vandham, but.. if his injuries have really been patched up as well as they seemed to, then he should recover without too much of a problem, right?”
“Yeah, Nia said Dromarch was able to get him stable once I took Obrona out and the ether came back.”
“Right, that was it. And, um.. Since we’ve been here in Mor Ardain, I’ve been thinking about something, and.. after that time we all spent together tonight, and being around her like that, I think I’ve figured it out. Sapphire is the person I really want to be with, for the rest of my life. ..However much longer that even ends up being.
I have no idea how I’m going to go about it, but..
I think I’m going to ask her to marry me.”
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gendernewtral · 3 years
Like five times a day is even bad lol why use a 3000 machine when you can just do it yourself
i usually don’t answer dumb shit like this, but i think it’s worth it to explain what being a diabetic is really like. this got long because im pissed off, so here’s a readmore.
(im going to assume you meant to say “isn’t,” but were so furious at me for being disabled that you rushed through the sentence. off to a good start there.) 
five times a day is a very conservative estimate, based on one injection for basal insulin, three for meals, and one for a snack. in practice, it’s more like ten or twelve- the five i listed, maybe two more snacks (or if you’re me, coffee after breakfast), and then corrections for high blood sugar. looking at my pump, i gave myself the equivalent of fourteen injections yesterday. oh yeah, my pump keeps a very good record of my blood sugar and insulin usage, something that helps me manage my health (and shouldn’t be available to anyone else just because it’s recorded- hence the fucking post). 
there are several kinds of insulin pumps, but for the sake of this idiot ask, ill only talk about mine. my pump has an infusion site that infuses insulin under the skin, directly into fat. i change it every three days, which means i only need to inject anything into my body every three days. it’s small enough to fit in my pocket, and light enough to be hung on pants or shorts that don’t have pockets. it’s always attached to me (unless i’m going in water, it isn’t waterproof) so i can’t forget to bring insulin with me when i go somewhere. when i need insulin, i have it in my pocket. my pump calculates the amount of insulin i need for carbohydrates based on data i give it. it displays how much insulin is active in my body so i can account for that when making my calculations. it corrects blood sugar automatically, following my instructions. 
furtherfuckingmore, basal insulin is used to make up for the constant insulin the body would normally produce. a healthy pancreas releases insulin when it is needed to process food, but also releases a certain baseline level constantly. diabetics using pens or syringes inject a long-time insulin once a day to meet this. pump users have this basal insulin infused throughout the day. when i used pens, my basal insulin dose would usually plummet my sugar levels and require me to counteract it. by usually, i mean three or four times a week. my insulin pump keeps that from happening and in fact, my pump is able to adjust for my blood sugar levels and increase or decrease the basal amount as needed. insulin infusions are generally better absorbed than injections. injected insulin can take longer to work than infused insulin, which means you have to be careful with timing or risk high blood sugar. 
the injection process can take at least thirty seconds. some people, like me, choose to inject into their thigh or lower abdomen, which means finding a private place every time you need to inject. eating at a restaurant? you have to calculate the amount needed and inject about fifteen minutes before eating, since injections take more time to be absorbed than infusions. do this while you’re standing in a small bathroom stall, trying not to drop your sterile medical equipment and $500 bottle of insulin. remember to do this every single time you eat, or you’ll have to give yourself more injections to correct for high blood sugar. 
okay, so you should understand the importance of pumps now, right? maybe you don’t, because you had the audacity to tell a disabled person to ‘do something themself’ with absolutely no understanding of what you are saying, and what those words actually fucking mean. let’s go through my day, comparing using a pump to using syringes, and see if you can fucking follow along.
1. wake up
if my sugar is high from some overnight thing (a frequent occurrence) i type the correction i need into my pump, which is right next to me or attached to my pajamas, and i get up to carry on with my day. 
or: i walk to my desk and get out an insulin pen. i find a needle cap for it, and screw it on, possibly fucking up and needing to grab a new one. i test it out, making sure it’ll actually deliver insulin, and if it won’t i go get a new pen. i might not be able to use that one anymore. once the pen is working, i have to find a place on my body where i haven’t injected recently, clean it with alcohol or risk infection, and give myself an injection. i don’t really notice the pain anymore, but it hurts. it itches. with fifteen minutes wasted, i finally get ready. 
2. eat breakfast 
i decide what i want to eat, and put the carbohydrate amount into my pump, which automatically calculates the correct insulin dose based on the carb count and my current sugar. i set it to infuse and make my coffee. it beeps after ten seconds or so to let me know the dose was fully delivered. i can see the exact amount of insulin in my body on the screen. i eat, and notice afterwards that my sugar is going up, and then i don’t do anything, because my pump will automatically adjust to prevent a serious high.
or: i decide what i want to eat, and calculate the injection amount based on the carb count and my current sugar levels, and what i might be doing later and how it will affect my sugar (because ill need to inject more if im wrong now, or i might go low) and then i go through the injection process. go back to my bedroom from the kitchen, and repeat what i did fifteen minutes ago. now, i have to wait until i think all of the insulin is where it should be, but i have no way of knowing whether it’s actually active or not. this takes at least ten minutes, and if i don’t wait, my sugar will go high. eventually i eat, and if im lucky, my sugar stays steady. i am not often lucky. 
3. watching tv 
my sugar fluctuates a little because i had a snack earlier, but i can keep chilling and watching doctor who because my pump will catch it, or i can fix it in ten seconds by typing some numbers on a screen. maybe ill get some water if it’s going a little high. 
or: my sugar fluctuates a little because i had a snack earlier, so i go back to my bedroom to calculate the correction. i have to guess what the right amount is because i have no idea how much basal insulin is active. i guess wrong, and my sugar drops. i spend an hour treating it and recovering from the heart palpitations, dizziness, confusion, muscle weakness, and extreme anxiety. had i not treated that low correctly, i would have died. yes, low enough blood sugar is almost always fatal. an emergency medication called glucagon exists because deadly lows happen so often. 
4. i go do literally anything
im walking downtown and notice my sugar is going a little high. i stop for a second, program my pump, and keep doing whatever the fuck i was doing, because it’s completely unobtrusive. 
or: im walking downtown and notice my sugar is going a little high. i stop, look around for a store with a public bathroom, and end up walking a block before i find one. i have me/cfs, and walking that far means im going to have a PEM crash when i get home. once i find a bathroom, i try and balance my bag on the sink, and end up needing to open new supplies when i drop them on the floor. 
pumps seem infinitely better, right? for a lot of people, they are. but for other people, they feel as if they have less control over their body when they rely on a computer to manage their insulin. they don’t want the kind of supervision that comes with a machine logging all of their health data. they don’t want to be subject to the whims of the corporation that makes the device. i understand that completely. that’s the tradeoff people are forced to make for privacy. it isn’t an easy choice. there are diabetics who are forced away from technological advances that would greatly improve their lives because they want to control what others know about them. 
i am willing to sacrifice my privacy for my health, and that is the most dystopian sentence i could write. life wouldn’t be impossible without my pump, but as you should be able to fucking see by now, it massively improves my life. this comes at the cost of my medical providers and my fucking insurance company accessing my health data. 
when i got my learner’s permit, i had to have paperwork signed by my doctors saying my blood sugar is well managed. my endocrinologist pulled my pump data from the app she manages and decided that my basal rate was too high. she adjusted it in my pump. i couldn’t do anything about it, or i would not get my permit. after i got my permit, i adjusted the basal rate myself and stopped the process that uploads my pump data. i was told at my next appointment that i needed to upload my data or be considered noncompliant with diabetes management.  
it would take too long to get into the whole thing, but yes. the extreme cost of insulin pumps is another reason why many people can’t use them. beyond the cost of the actual machine, the supplies are expensive too. my insurance covers my pump and supplies, but only this pump. if i wanted to use one of the lower tech ones that don’t have the data integration my doctors can access, i would be paying for it all out of pocket. another reason why people choose to go without pumps. 
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aerospace-agenda · 4 years
so, like... the guts of this whole gamestop mess, as i understand it:
wealthy hedge funds perform actions to artificially lower the value of gamestop stock, with the intent to profit massively by doing so, incidentally putting themselves in an overextended financial position, but in what was apparently considered to be a safe situation.
independent traders on reddit noticed this lowering of stock price, and, in with that in combination with news implying a potential recovery for gamestop in the near future, go on a buying spree for gamestop stock, artificially raising the value of gamestop stocks.
this artificial raising of stock value and increased interest from buyers results in the overextended financial position from hedge funds forming a positive-reinforcement spiral, which further drives up and artificially inflates the price of gamestop stock, making it very financially advantageous to own gamestop stock (as the redditors do), and very financially disadvantageous to owe gamestop stock that you do not own (as the hedge funds do).
or, in short: hedge funds tried to manipulate the market to profit by driving the value of gamestop stock down, and this backfired on them when the market didn’t act as they’d hoped, putting them in significant debt.
it didn’t even need to be reddit interfering- this could have been caused by the company having unexpected good news, causing people to want to try and invest. which is even partially what drove reddit to do this!
this is, essentially, people trying to cause the inverse of an artificial bubble overreaching, and stuff happening to pop that inverse bubble.
(specifics as to what’s actually going on, to my understanding, below the readmore- it’s worth reading to understand the context, but it is fairly long, and I don’t want to clog up dashes too much! there may be some not-quite-right stuff in there, but it should be the gist of it.)
hedge funds were massively “short-selling” gamestop stock, in order to lower the value. the way that short-selling works to generate profit for a trader is as follows:
1) borrow a bunch of stock at, say, $1/stock, on the understanding that you will then sell it back at a given price at a later date, say 90c/stock, and they can demand that you return the stocks you borrowed at any given time. let’s say you borrow 100 stocks, as you started with $100 spare cash. you now have $0 spare, 100 stocks, can expect a reimbursement of $90 when returning to the lender.
2) people on the market are buying that stock for, say, 80c, and you sell them at that price. you now have $80 extra in the bank, but still owe those 100 stocks- which you now no longer have.
3) now you wait for stock value to drop- let’s say, it goes down to 50c/stock.
4) buy back the amount of stock you owe at the new price, which costs you $50. you now have $30 extra in the bank, but have back those 100 stocks you owe.
5) sell the stocks back to the person you borrowed from, resulting in you having $120- a net profit of $20 for you, and $10 for the lender.
however, it it raises in price, that could look very different. an alternative sequence of events:
3) the stock value rises to $1.50. the lender notices this, and wants to ensure they get their stocks back. they demand you return their stocks. 
4) you are obligated to purchase them, costing you $150. you now are at -$70.
5) the lender purchases the stocks back at the pre-agreed price of $90, leaving you with $20- a net $80 loss for you... but still a $10 profit for them.
in theory, so long as the lender doesn’t over-lend its stocks, and keeps a close eye on the stock value so that they can enforce their return before the borrower can’t afford to repurchase them, it’s a very safe way to profit- whether it goes up or down, you’re guaranteed to make back the difference between your pre-agreed lend/borrow.
onto how the buy/sell stuff actually works:
stock exchanges work by what people are willing to pay for them rather than any kind of standardized price, any given exchange is, essentially, someone posting an ad saying either “i want to buy x stocks, at y price” (a bid) or “i want to sell x stocks, at y price” (an ask). the exchange itself acts as an intermediary- they’ll buy the stocks from the seller at their given price, and sell them to the buyer at their given price, and profit by the difference. on the whole, bids are usually higher, and asks are usually lower, to ensure that they will be fulfilled. 
for example: seller Alice wants to sell 50 stocks at $80. buyer Bob wants to buy 50 stocks at $100. exchange buys those 50 stocks from Alice, costing them $80, then sells them to Bob, for $100. Alice is up $80 and down 50 stocks, Bob is down $100 and up 50 stocks, exchange is up $20 with no downside. (this isn’t taking into account transaction fees, of course)
exchanges will show traders what bids or asks are available, and, by and large, trading activity will often follow the overall direction, to a degree- stocks that are losing value will see people trying to get rid of them before they drop “too much”, often putting out asks low enough to ensure they will be bought so they can recover at least some money, while people will buy into stocks that are rising in value, often putting in higher bids to ensure that people will sell to them. 
so, finally:
the hedge funds borrowed lots of gamestop stock, sold them at a low price, rinse and repeat, in the hopes of pushing gamestop’s stock price much lower from other traders following that pattern. they apparently did this so much that they essentially owed more shares to the people they’d borrowed from than actually existed- presumably the people who’d bought it were then letting it be lent out, allowing recursion. 
the activity was being dominated by lower asks, pushing the stock value down, by making the activity for the stock dominated by people wanting to get rid of it. 
what redditors then did was swamp them with higher bids, which pushed the graph line up by making the activity for the stock dominated by people wanting to acquire it.
when the stock value began to rise, lenders started going “return the stock you borrowed”- when you’re forcing much larger purchases of the stock, further driving the price up, resulting in more lenders demanding their stocks back, forcing even more stock purchases, etc- often requiring them to be bought from eachother, with only a little being bought from redditors who went “yeah, that’s enough profit for me!”
the majority of the financial influence at play here was brought about by lenders and shorters overextending their position, and their pre-agreed trades and shorting positions causing a cascade effect.
or, in summary: this literally couldn’t have happened if the hedge funds shorting gamestop hadn’t shorted irresponsibly by overshorting. and they wouldn’t have been able to do that, if the lenders hadn’t lent irresponsibly by over-lending!
this is on their own heads. all reddit did here was throw a snowball- they’re the ones who provided the mountain for it to turn into an avalanche on.
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radbeetle · 4 years
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|Call to Arms|
wow these screenshots are so old. do you know why i’ve been sitting on them for so long? because i wanted to finish the writing about this mission before I posted them
AND I DID. Check it out on AO3 or under the readmore.
“These robots were assaulted by institute synths.”
Katherine scrunched up her face and shielded her eyes as she looked up at Danse , who insisted on keeping his headlamp on.
“Um, sorry, I - I gotta ask… what are… synths?” and what’s the institute, for that matter, she thought to herself, but one question at a time.
“Technological abominations created by the institute, and let loose to run rampant throughout the commonwealth.” Danse’s voice was heavy with disgust, even through the buzzy modulation of his power armor.
“Danse. That’s… I get that you don’t like them, but what are they?” Katherine pleaded. “Just… in simple terms? Please?”
He scoffed. “I would have thought you familiar with them. Most in the Commonwealth seem to be.”
Katherine deflated, shoulders sinking. “Well… just… I’m out of the loop. Let’s leave it at that.”
The blank stare of the T-60’s helmet concealed Danse’s puzzlement. Regardless, he provided explanation. “Robots, built in the shape of man. A mannequin brought to life by machinery. They’re a mockery of humankind at best, and a blight upon this world at worst.”
Katherine bit her tongue, and suppressed her curiosity. As much as she wanted to know more, it was obvious Danse was biased. “I guess things have come a long way from the Mr. Handy, huh.” There was still a little bit of awe in her voice - she very much wanted to see these synths. Truly humanoid robots had always been a lofty goal of the industry… she had heard of RobCo’s Assaultrons, but they were still miles away.
Danse scoffed. “Unfortunately. Keep your eyes open as we move deeper into the facility. It’s highly likely that the Institute’s forces still have a presence here.” The paladin was already moving on, and Katherine was quick to follow.
“Mmm-hmm.” She wasn’t sure how to feel about that. Part of her was brimming with curiosity about these synths… and part of her knew that if they could take down those protectrons, they could take down her.
“This place has really been trashed, huh? What do you think it was like back in the day?”
“Filled with men making poor decisions, I’m certain.”
Katherine pressed her lips. So much for small talk. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before the hallways opened up into another room. Two dust coated windows framed a sliding door, which Danse was quick to investigate.
“This is the way forwards, but it seems to be locked tight. There’s no apparent way to open it from here.”
Katherine straightened up, and holstered her 10mm. “Oh, if there’s no visible controls on the door, they’re likely wired into a local terminal. It’s technically required for them have a way to bypass the lock through the hardware, in case of emergency, but they never make it easy. Security stuff. Uh…” she trailed off for a moment, glancing around the room. There were a few desks still standing on the opposite wall, terminals still intact. “Um, give me a moment.” She kicked a toppled chair away from the desk, and bent over the keyboard. “Mmm, this one’s still logged in. I guess there’s not really time to properly disconnect from your workstation when they’re bombing the city.” she muttered as she scrolled through the inbox.
“Any luck over there?” Danse inquired.
“I’ve got access to the internal mail system, uh, lots of reminders about security protocols and - ah-heh. Automated password change reminder. Looks like it’s for the lab access?” Katherine had a gnawing feeling in her gut that she was over-explaining things. Surely the paladin didn’t care about the specifics.
“That’s where we’re headed.”
“Great, yeah, uh.” She scanned the room again and scampered to the other still functional terminal. “Let’s hope…” she trailed off.
Danse took a few steps away from the laboratory door, turning to watch Katherine with mild curiosity, hidden behind the power armor helmet. She seemed quite at home amongst the terminals and technology. An unusual trait, compared to most of the wastelanders he met. Though he was initially skeptical of her claim to being a Vault Dweller - the Brotherhood had no record of a Vault 111, after all - he wondered if perhaps there was some truth to her statement.
“Hey!” Kate’s head popped up over the top of the terminal. “Got it.”
“Excellent. Let’s not waste any more time. If you could open the door?”
“Oh! Yeah, yeah.” A swift keystroke and the door opened with the whnk-hsss of pneumatics.
Paladin Danse formed around, set once again to lead the way onward, through the facility - but the incandescent blue laser bolt that buzzed his power armor brought those plans to a standstill.
“Hostile detected.” The matter-of-fact statement and computerized voice carried no overt aggression, a sharp contrast to the flurry of laser fire passing through the now opened doorway.
“Synths! Take cover!”
Katherine didn’t need to be told - she dove for cover behind a fallen file cabinet the instant she caught sight of the laser’s flash. Her grip tightened around her pistol as she heard Danse shout - a cautious glimpse revealed that the synths - that’s what he said they were? - were prioritizing the Paladin as a target, paying no attention to her. She wasn’t sure if they had even noticed her.
A dozen thoughts all raced through her head, tangling together as she stared at the machines. Mannequins was the comparison Danse had drawn. He wasn’t too far off. They were battered, damaged, rubber skin torn to reveal steel skeletons and plastic components. Only a moment had passed before one of them turned its gaze to Kate. The faint yellow glow of its eyes and the exposed grimace of its metal skull was an eerie sight - and one that quickly exploded in a shower of sparks and shrapnel.
Danse had taken it out with a single headshot.
The moment was enough to jolt her back into action, and she followed up by returning fire. Her 10mm pistol wasn’t nearly as effective as the AER-9 laser rifle Danse carried, but it did the job.
“Hmph. Sent them to the scrap heap.” He noted the laser weaponry carried by the synths, and had a realization. He glanced at the pistol carried by his current associate, and offered her the backup laser rifle he had brought. “Take this. I’m certain there’ll be more of them, and they’ll be carrying microfusion cells. Energy will be more effective than a weapon of a ballistic nature.” The Paladin tossed the rifle towards Katherine, who caught it with a startled yelp. She turned the weapon over in her hands. She had a passing familiarity with the AER-9 - though she had never personally handled one, she understood the basic mechanisms, and microfusion cells were something she was well acquainted with.
She fastened her 10mm pistol to her belt and kept the laser in hand. Danse had already stepped over the smoldering wrecks of the synths, but her curiosity was too strong. She stopped in the middle of the room, and crouched down over one of the robots.
They had been shooting at me only minutes ago, she thought, and there was still part of her that was worried they might spring back to life. Yet despite that lurking fear, she had to get a closer look.
The situation struck her as a little morbid, perhaps. Moreso than examining a broken-down Mr. Handy, at least.
It was the faces, she thought. The eyes.
The Institute. That’s where Danse said they had come from. Katherine had seen how the world was torn apart, still ruined from the bombs dropped so long ago. But it seemed that somewhere out there, something had not just survived, but thrived. Moved on past the limits of the world she knew, developed things that General Atomics could only have dreamed of.
A weight settled somewhere deep in her chest as she turned one over. An aching sort of sadness.
She didn’t have a chance to process those feelings, to figure out the why behind them.
“What are you doing? Hurry up. We can’t waste any more time.” Danse snapped, irritated by what he saw as Kate’s dawdling.
“Oh.” Katherine’s response was quiet. She got to her feet, gaze lingering on the remains of the synths, before turning away to follow Danse once again, through the ruins of ArcJet.
Katherine was worn down by the repeated encounters with the institute synths - after the first firefight she stuck closer than ever to the paladin - and stayed behind him, too. The power armor could take a laser much better than she could.
She was sure Danse was scowling at her cowardice, under his helmet.
“This way leads to the engine core. We’ll have to pass through here to reach the location where they’ve likely stored the transmitter.”
Danse looked back to find Kate dragging her fingers through the dust on a long abandoned desk, staring at a box of long faded files and folders.
“Everything here stopped so suddenly… how many people do you think made it out?”
He hesitated. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“When… the bombs dropped.” Katherine clarified, her voice tinged with sadness.
Danse cocked his head. “I couldn’t tell you, and I doubt anyone in the commonwealth has that information, given how many years have passed since those events.” He scoffed. “Regardless, I would suggest against concerning yourself with the people of the past. Their actions brought the war upon themselves.”
Her only response to Danse’s declaration was to go very quiet.
The elevator ride that took them to the engine core was awkward; Katherine pressed herself into the back corner of the car and wondered how much a suit of T-60 power armor weighed. Every time the elevator creaked, or groaned, she flinched. The thought that it had gone two centuries without maintenance scared her.
Kate’s knuckles went white as she clutched the pitted railing, just leaning barely enough over to stare down to the depths of the room. Her eyes followed the length of the rocket booster back up, and turned to look back at Danse, whose attention was drawn upwards, assessing the staircase - and the massive gap where it had broken away over the past two centuries.
It wasn’t filling Katherine with confidence, that was for sure.
It was only a short few flights to the floor of the test chamber, thankfully. The ash crunched under Katherine’s feet, and she walked a line around the edge of the room, idly looking over the footprints she left.
Danse placed an armored hand on the cowl of the engine, which had laid dormant for over two centuries. He wondered briefly if the brotherhood would have a use for it.
Maybe if it were smaller. As it stood, there was no way to transport the thing.
“See if you can find a way to turn the power back on. Perhaps redirect it from other parts of the facility.”
“Yeah - yeah sure.” There were only two ways out of the room, aside from the stairs. An elevator, unpowered and unusable, and a set of heavy steel double doors, halfway open and leading to what looked like a maintenance hall, judging by the wires and pipes running along the concrete. Seemed promising - or so she hoped.
There was a… she supposed it was some sort of control room, judging by all the consoles and buttons present, but she didn’t pay much attention to it - another doorway at the rear of the room exposed a fusion generator, and that was much more promising when it came to potential power systems.
Not just one fusion generator, but two - and a terminal at the back of the room. She nudged the chair away from the desk, wheels leaving a trail in the dust. As she settled in, Kate’s fingers ran across the terminal keys. There was no elaborate security down here in the depths. It didn’t surprise her. But it did make her current task easier - and she was glad. She tapped her way through various options, scanning every choice and setting .
Ah. There we go. Auxiliary power. A few confirmations and…
She could hear the power systems coming to life in the walls around her, the faint buzz of electricity through wires, and the hum of mechanical systems powering up. That should have done it, if everything was still connected.
The fusion generators she had passed has turned quiet, and her gaze lingered on the fusion core left inside. Well… if that was no longer connected, no longer needed.
Push, turn, and a click as it disconnected, slipped into her pocket on the way out.
It was the sound of gunfire that made Katherine snap to attention once again. Or, more accurately, laser fire. Flashes of blue and red through the reinforced glass window of the control room.
The paladin’s shouts confirmed her assumption.
She froze up, eyes darting across the room, tracking the barrage of blue bolts in front of her.
It felt like hours before Danse called out again, directed at her. “Do something, Vance! Don’t just - urgh - stand there!”
It was enough to jolt her into action.
She slammed her open palm down on the big red button on the console in front of her.
The sounds of laser fire weren’t enough to obscure the pre-recorded countdown that initiated.
“Command accepted. Test fire commencing in five… four…”
Katherine’s heart was doing backflips in her chest. “Test fi- oh god oh no job on that’s not -” She pounded on the window. “Danse!”
“Three… two…”
Danse didn’t have time to muster a response, under the onslaught of synths.“
"One. Engine firing.”
The roar of the engine was deafening, and Katherine’s immediate reaction was to cover her ears. The sound was matched in intensity by the engine’s output - even here behind the safety of the blast shield, she still felt the wave of heat.
Danse dropped to one knee, arm raised to shield his face. The steel of his power armor picked up a faint red glow around the edges under the engine’s flames.
The synths weren’t nearly as durable. Any of them immediately under the test engine were swiftly reduced to ash, and those with a little more distance crumpled to the floor within moments.
“Test firing completed with an efficiency rating of ninety-six point seven percent.”
Katherine was already at the blast doors by the time they swung open. Her footsteps crackled in the ash as she ran to Danse.
He hadn’t moved since going down, and that made her fearful.
But as she approached, he groaned, reaching for the laser rifle he had dropped.
“Danse? Oh my god I’m - shit, shit I’m sorry I didn’t know - I didn’t think - *are you okay?!” She was on the verge of panic.
“I’m fine.” Danse grunted, getting to his feet with a little more effort than usual.“Thanks to my power armor. Without it I would have fared no better than those damn synths.”
Katherine reached a hand out, a gesture of support, but as she placed it on his arm…
“Ouch!” She yelped, flinching backwards. The metal still held quite a bit of heat. She shook her hand - that was gonna leave a mark.
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Maybe it wasn’t the wisest decision, but the results are acceptable enough.” The paladin gestured toward the elevator, where the call buttons were now lit up. “I strongly suggest we keep moving on. I don’t know how many more synths are in this building, or if they’re on their way to us again, and I’d rather not stand around to learn the answer.”
Perhaps it was more of a command than a suggestion, as he didn’t wait for a reply before heading towards the elevator.
“Um…” Kate hurried after him, still worried, though now for a different reason. “How much does that power armor weigh…? Is that going to be within the weight limit? I don’t - that elevator is two hundred years old and I know it hasn’t had regular maintenance, what if it -”
Danse turned around to look at Katherine. Even with his helmet obscuring his expression, she could sense his disapproval.
“Sorry.” She offered lamely, before going quiet and squeezing into the elevator car beside him.
It was a tight fit.
“All the information I’ve gathered indicates that the deep range transmitter is most likely stored in this control room,” Danse explained, “and there’s almost no evidence of scavenger activity in these parts of the facility.”
“What about the synths?”
“They arrived not long before we did, from the looks of things. If the deep range transmitter isn’t in the control room, one of the synths may have taken it. If that’s the case, we should hope they haven’t yet left the facility - if they’re still here, recovering the transmitter will be a simple task.”
“… more gunfights?”
“Very likely.”
Katherine clutched her laser rifle just a little tighter as they made their way towards the control room.
She was very conscious of her choice to keep behind Danse. The power armor protected him - and anyone behind him.
The tinny statement of “Hostile detected.” was the first sign of synths ahead, followed by the pchew of laser fire overhead.
“Contact!” Danse was the superior marksman between them and was quick to take out a trio of synths. They crumpled to the ground in rapid succession, and the third found its plastic skin burnt to ash as it fell.
Katherine was quick to offer fire against the last two synths as Danse reloaded - though none of her shots missed, she was far less accurate. It took more than twice as many shots for her to take them down.
“Well done.”
“Oh - um. Thank- thank you.” She never was great at handling praise, and was quick to scamper off in search of the transmitter, investigating the destroyed synths while Danse searched the room.
A few recovered microfusion cells found their way into her pockets, before a larger item caught her eye. She nudged the synth aside with her boot, uncovering… well, she wasn’t certain it was the deep range transmitter but it did have the look of a very complicated and very expensive piece of technology.
Katherine made her way back to Danse with the device slung under her arm. “Hey - I found this and um. Is this what you’re after?”
“That would be it, yes. Excellent! And it doesn’t appear to have sustained any damage.”
“Yeah, that’s good news.”
“There should be a way to exit the facility from here, so there won’t be any need to backtrack. Follow me.”
Danse wasn’t one to loiter - Katherine found it hard to keep up with him.
“… oh, another elevator.”
The service elevator led to an exit behind the ArcJet building, up a hill, sheltered inside a concrete structure. The commonwealth was quiet - there were no signs of any synths lingering outside. They were both equally relieved by this.
Danse took a few steps past the aged, rusting fence, and turned back to face Katherine. With his rifle holstered he reached up to remove his helmet, tucking it under one arm as he spoke. “well, I’m certain that could have gone smoother, but mission accomplished.”
Kate winced. She really had no frame of reference here. “I’m - I’m sorry. I didn’t…” She trailed off, deflating.
“While the operation was flawed, your contributions were still invaluable. Without your assistance I would certainly have been overwhelmed on multiple occasions. I’m not certain I could have retrieved the transmitter on my own.”
“Oh…!” There was surprise in Kate’s exclamation. She shuffled her feet a bit, awkward. “I’m… glad to hear that. I think.”
The paladin continued onward. “With that said, I believe we have two important matters to discuss. First and foremost is the deep range transmitter. If you’ll hand it to me, I’d like to compensate you for your assistance during this operation.”
“Yeah, yeah okay, here, this is, um. This is yours.” Kate offered Danse the device, which was swiftly packed away and secured.
He unholstered the rifle at his side, presenting it to Katherine. “Here. You clearly have an aptitude with technology - and with energy weapons. I think you’ll benefit from this; It’s my own personal modification to the standard issue AER9 laser rifle.”
“…really? Don’t you need this?” Katherine gingerly accepted the weapon, scanning it. She could see evidence of tinkering - and, of course, the brotherhood’s symbol stencilled along the barrel. She ran a thumb across the paint.
“It’s not the only weapon at my disposal. Besides, I believe in paying my debts.”
“Well then… thank you.”
“You’re welcome, civilian. Now, onto the second matter.”
Kate bit her tongue, unsure of what to expect.
“I wanted to make you a proposal. We had a lot thrown at us back there, and for the most part, you handled yourself exceptionally.”
She found herself wanting to disagree, but said nothing.
“Our op could have ended in disaster, but your determination kept that from happening. I believe that with a bit of training, you could be a valuable asset to the Brotherhood.”
“Erm.” Was she being recruited? She would have flunked out of the pre-war military almost instantly.
“The way I see it, you’ve got a choice. You could spend the rest of your life wandering the commonwealth, scrounging for supplies and trading your skills for a meager reward. Or, you could join the Brotherhood of Steel and make your mark on the world.” Danse shifted his weight, grip tightening on the helmet he still held.
“So, what do you say?”
Kate bit her lip. “The Brotherhood of Steel, huh? You guys are… aren’t you military?”
“Essentially, yes.”
Her hesitation was obvious. “Is this something I can think about? I don’t think I know enough here to, uh. to make a decision so quickly.”
“Of course. It’s a big decision. The offer still stands, and when you’ve made up your mind, you know where to find me.” Danse took a moment to put his helmet on once again, and his voice crackled out from within. “With all that said, I need to return to the police station. The deep range transmitter ought to be installed sooner, rather than later, so we can get in contact with the rest of the Brotherhood. Thank you again for your assistance, Vance. I wish you the best.”
Katherine found herself staring after Danse as he turned and left, heavy footsteps echoing off the hills around them. She shook her head as if to clear it. This whole thing had taken her off track, and she sighed. She had always been praised for her willingness to help, but so often that kept her away from her own tasks.
She certainly wasn’t going to make it to Diamond City today, she realized - the sky was still light, but she knew that wasn’t going to last much longer.
There weren’t enough hours in the day. That had been true two hundred years ago, and it was still true now.
She wasn’t looking forward to setting up camp for the night.
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In an aus where they are human, what would the ship Henry x Thomas dynamic be like?
(For reference, I previously talked about Henry/Tom as a ship in this ask about a variant of my Slime Rancher AU.)
I feel like, this would depend on a lot of things, honestly! First and foremost, like... what version of Henry and Tom this is. Presumably mostly canon? AUs change enough about characters to make relationship dynamics work very differently between different versions!
Putting the rest of my thoughts under a readmore, since I rambled!
Going just based on just the canon information, Henry/Tom as a concept is pretty tough to make work. Both of them have canon relationships, so a ship of them would require fiddling with those dynamics - be it polyamory, marriages of convenience, an AU where those canon ships don’t happen, etc. It’s possible, but requires some extra work.
Timing also messes a lot with canon stuff too - Henry left the studio really early, while Tom showed up much later. Which limits their potential for interactions prior to the Cycle, unless you’re fiddling with the timeline or having them meet out of the studio somehow. 
AU where they meet at a coffee shop before Henry quits the studio, bond while Henry grouches about the issues with his job, and Tom persuades him to leave - and then refuses the JDS job because he’s heard bad things? Hmm.
But yeah, hard to pin down dynamic based on any interaction potential in canon without messing with stuff a bunch.
Then alternatively, if I just consider the general personalities they have - disclaimer, my knowledge of canon is rusty and a lot of my thoughts are headcanon stuff. But yeah, just general vibes:
Overall, Henry feels a lot more passive to me, while Tom is more confrontational. Henry goes along with a lot of the nonsense in the Cycle without much outward reaction (though I headcanon this is partially dissociation too). He also still seems to be pretty cordial with Joey even after he left the studio, and was willing enough to go back to the studio on Joey’s invitation. If he’s frustrated by something, he’s less likely to show it.
Tom, meanwhile, will let you know if he has a problem with you. He’s not hiding much about how he feels, and is more than willing to complain about things or yell at people. Of course, I don’t think that’s a fully bad trait - it’s good to be able to speak up about issues too, and I think that’s a skill Henry is missing, or struggles to show, anyway.
Interesting to note is the ways that they act opposite to these traits, too. Henry is passive and unlikely to complain, but when the situation got too much for him at JDS, he quit. In contrast, for all of Tom’s complaining about Joey and the studio and the pipes, he didn’t really do a lot about it. He complained, and then he got back to work.
And I think... technically, this leads into a thing I think they have in common, the reasons why they do that? Henry stood up for himself and left the studio - because it was affecting his time with Linda. I feel like he finds it hard to stand up for things when it’s just affecting himself, but if it starts affecting others, he wants to make things better.
Then on the other side, I headcanon that part of why Tom didn’t just quit when everything was bad was for other people - specifically Allison, since her work was with JDS too, and quitting his job would probably affect her as well. Said caring for Allison also kinda transfers over into canon stuff too.
(Though I also consider that Tom didn’t leave because of himself, too - while the job was awful, it was easier to put up with it than to start over from scratch trying to find a new job. This job was terrible but it was something he knew how to put up with, and he didn’t want to throw his life into disarray when he knew he could just put up with things for now.)
Anyway uH I got distracted thinking about personalities, haha.
Thoughts on ship: Honestly could go either way. Their willingness to protect or look after other people could work well for a ship, with Tom helping to stand up for Henry and help him to speak up more, and then Henry providing a nice sense of chill and helping Tom to pick his battles to keep the peace. They could be a nice sense of calm for each other, a retreat from other more stressful things.
Or alternatively, it could go uh, not so great! Henry never sticking up for himself could end up annoying Tom, and if Tom got too aggressive about it, Henry might just distance himself more - putting up with it without really doing much about it. Both being so willing to put up with things they don’t like could end up working against them, too - if they were in a relationship, and it wasn’t quite working, but neither wanting to make the step to split up even though it’d probably be healthier for them in the long run.
Who knows! You could spin it many ways. Lots of options here. A whole lot of it will depend on how they interact, what things about each other they see, what situations they’re in. Heck, you could make a 80 chapter fic where they get together, the relationship falls apart due to their issues, and then they reconcile, communicate better and start dating again in a healthier fashion. Or you could have these same dynamics as a platonic ship! Ships are fun like that.
Anyway uhh, I hope that this giant essay answered your question... somehow.
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zet-sway · 3 years
For the character development questions: 1, 9, 23, 24, 25, 30. If you just wanna do one per ask, then 30!
Thank you!!! This is gonna be a long post so lemme just throw down a readmore right off the bat. [questions be here]
Ok for starters I'm going to answer these as they pertain to my Thane survives AU story arc thing that I'm trying and hating myself for but also loving at the same time lol
1. What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
Ahhsjflsd great question ok ok. I strongly headcanon Thane as demisexual and also bisexual. Yes there are people who strike his fancy but he needs something more to really grab his attention and "open his eyes," so to speak. And for him, that moment is specifically when they're on their way to Rakhana to pick up his donor lungs. At this point, he hasn't agreed to the transplant, but when they arrive Shepard is just like "yeah I'm going down there to pick up those lungs whether you like it or not." He agrees to go with her - because even if he isn't going to take them, he knows better than to let them go to waste. By now he's impressed with her as a leader but this moment really tugs at his heart. She shares his determination to get the job done, for the same reasons. It's a time sensitive mission and even if they don't save his life, they'll save someone else's life. That really strikes a chord in him. And suddenly he has a big fucking crush on a human.
Shepard is just like, "yes this man is hot," on day one. At first it's just his body and the similarities he shares with humans. But the more time she spends with him, the more she comes to find his alien features very attractive as well. She's particularly fond of that dark spot under his lip.
9. What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
At first, they aren't too worried about commitment, because neither of them expects to live very long. There's a moment where they have a strong "honeymoon phase" moment after the Collector base, but once the reaper war gets going they're both hanging on for dear life. Actually I'm debating whether or not they'll elope, because Shepard knows she could be court martialed and if they're married they *might* have some speaking or visitation privileges (disclaimer - I have no idea how being court martialed works in real life).
After the war they can't imagine being apart. By then they've shared so many insane experiences that even if they were unhappy in their relationship, they'd be sad to lose someone that understands their struggles. In my AU, Shepard retires early from the Alliance and does some traveling with Thane before returning to Earth and becoming a fucking farmer. I'm probably going to write about this because it makes a lot of sense to me but requires a lot of words to explain lol
23. How comfortable are they talking about, and openly communicating during, sex?
THANK YOU for asking this. I was afraid everyone would be too nervous to ask any of the sex questions. I'm a smut writer - I'm extremely sex-positive as well. My libido may be terrible but I'll damn sure talk about it all day lol
I headcanon Thane as a deeply sensual person. Touch is his love language. Especially considering he's a terrifying neck snapping assassin, he delights in being able to give pleasure as easily as he's able to take life. I don't mean to say he "delights" in taking life here, I'm intending to highlight a contrast that his hands are capable of both extremes on the touch spectrum. He's a romantic but he's also real about it - open communication is very important to him in the bedroom. That fanfic I'm working on? It's all there lol. But basically I think Thane talks about sex with ease, it's an important part of a relationship for him, and he isn't shy about it. He'd be willing to try (nearly) anything for his partner's pleasure.
In contrast, my Shepard has a totally different sexual background. She's had few partners and most of them were limited to fooling around or she just got unlucky enough to have a guy who "fingers like he just dropped his pick in his guitar and he's trying to fish it out" - I can't take credit for that one but I don't remember where I read it lol. Sex has been lackluster for her. I wouldn't say she's shy, she's vocal and able to communicate in the bedroom, but her previous partners have just been dumb as rocks so her expectations are low. I'd say she's good at communicating what she doesn't like, and she's shit at saying what she does like.
24. What would their partner do that would really turn them on, perhaps unintentionally?
*Thane sweating loudly while watching Shep grab her own boobs* Literally any context. She's showering, or itchy, or horny, or just bored, whatever. He likes watching her do it.
Shepard will never ever ever get tired of watching him stretch. Especially if he's in any way undressed. It's his stripes - she loves the way they move when he moves. She also loves watching him talk with his hands because there's something intensely exciting about knowing what his hands can do while simultaneously watching him just ~wave them around~ while he talks. Pic related.
Tumblr media
25. They accidentally hurt or upset their partner. What happened? How do they respond? What do they do to make their partner feel better?
Thane makes Shepard upset in my latest WIP. But it's also like, my proudest moment of this fic so I'm not going to elaborate on this. I know I was shooting to have it finished this week but it just keeps getting longer and more out of control T_T I am trying!
Also they are not together at this moment but Thane get's very upset when Shepard puts him on the transplant list. I started writing this moment actually but it's not smut or fluff so of course I'm struggling with it. He's going to sit her down and explain how a lung transplant will cost two lives for him. The life of the individual who didn't make it because they got bumped down, as well as the life of the donor - natural causes or not. But related to question #1 above, she redeems herself by seeing the mission through to the end even though he hasn't agreed to the transplant.
30. What completely petty topic (music taste, favorite food) do they find themselves completely at odds with their partner about?
This is probably the hardest question on this list HMMM
Thane's not a coffee drinker. This is kind of a cop-out answer but that's my headcanon. I oscillate between him being coffee-repulsed or coffee-ambivalent. Either way, it's too rich for him.
Shepard eventually comes to insist that he be outfitted for a proper hardsuit, and he is adamant about not getting one. "You'll be so much better protected!" "Yeah well my scales are a little more durable than your skin plus I need the mobility." Maybe, deep down inside, she just wants to see him in a hardsuit cause she thinks it would be hot >_>
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edwardsvirginity · 4 years
And now... I introduce my best friend to Eclipse! 
[riley’s first appearance]
Friend: who's that
(the rest of the commentary for the movie is under the readmore!)
[bella reciting the opening monologue: some say the world will end in fire…]
Friend: wow…drama queen
[Edward and bella in the meadow]
Friend: is this real or is this more of her crazy headspace
Edward: marry me
Bella: I have an English final
Friend: wow……. Rude
[Charlie grounding bella]
Friend: charlie…. is the only sane character tbh lmfao
he knows an abusive relationship when he sees one
[Edward sabatoges bella’s truck]
Friend:  Y I K E S
this is not romantic lol
Renee: I just want to make sure ur making the right choices for you
Friend: she's NOT
[renee gives bella the quilt from all their trips]
Friend: awwww
except she's selling out her fam for bloodsuckers
[all the cullens wait for Victoria in the forest]
Friend: is it whatshername
the redheaded bitch
Friend: i'm just gonna say….alice and carlisle are the only valid vampires
Me: whyso?
Friend: idk anything about jasper and emmett, edward is weird, who else even is there
Me: [pauses movie because a spider has appeared by my head and I’m freaking out]
[it lands on my laptop and I scream and close it]
Ok… we can resume
Friend: what happened?
Me: [explains]
Him: ? ? ? why didn't you kill it?!
Me: killing it requires getting close enough to touch it, and that's Too Close
i don't kill spiders
Him: what?!? lmfao
you don't kill spiders
Me: killing them is too scary
Him: i'd rather kill it and know it's dead than wonder where it is
me: i just scream until someone else comes to do it for me
him: that's a lot to take in
[jake confronting Edward about being on their territory]
Edward: I was trying to protect u by not telling u abt Victoria
Friend: mmmm yikes
bella just needs to move tf back to florida
this is….Too Much
[bella goes to lapush]
Friend: tbh i like his pack
Leah: if ur here to torture jake some more u can leave
Friend: oooooh
[movie introduces imprinting]
Friend: tbh i think that whole concept is insane™ and i dont get it
bc it like absolves you of your own…actions
& removes the other person's choice
it's really fucking creepy
Friend: also it would be soooo weird to be able to read people's thoughts
Me: i know it would freak me out
i would hate being able to hear everything my packmates thought
Friend: i don't need anyone else to know how horny i am
[Jacob arguing with bella about the cullens]
Jacob: theyre not even alive
Friend: "they're not even alive" y i k e s
[riley creeping in bella’s house]
Friend: man i'd be sleepin with a shotgun lmfao
& like 12 dogs
[Edward yelling at bella abt bella disappearing with jake]
Me: he’s so overprotective
Friend: she needs it tho
Me: because she's such a danger magnet?
Friend: um….yeah
& she is a fucking damsel in distress
she has no power of her own :((
Friend: he's so…ugly
me: Edward?
Friend: yeah ……….
[Jake appears shirtless]
Edward: doesn’t he own a shirt
Friend: “doesn't he own a shirt"
LMFAO edward voicing my thoughts
[Edward kissing bella before passing her off to jake, who immediately hugs her]
Friend: the way they …. fight with each other by using her body :|
Friend: what do native americans think of this?
Me: [explains]
Friend: so what is the redeeming quality of these movies exactly lmfao
Me: they’re… fun?
Friend: i guess
like indiana jones
racist trash, but fun(?)
Me: I hate his sideburns in this movie
Friend: don't think they're that bad
his whole face tho is not great
especially pale af
[nonconsensual kiss scene]
Jake: ill fight until ur heart stops beating
Bella: u wont have to wait for long
Friend: YIKES
[Edward and Jake fighting post-punch]
Jake: she’s not sure what she wants
Friend: Y I K E S
[Carlisle bandaging bella]
Friend: carlisle is so hot
i wanna marry dr. carlisle
the way he medicines everyone up…
edward is useless
seduce Carlisle
edward's been alive 100 years and hasn't become a doctor??? c'mon
[Rosalie killing her rapists]
Friend: LM FAO
love that
that's a more interesting story than bella's LMFAO
[Rosalie trying to convince bella to stay human]
Rose: there’s one thing you’ll want more than Edward… one thing you’ll kill for… blood
Friend: ohhh….
Friend: & also bella's assumption that Edward is That Great
she's 18….. she hasn't even TRIED college boys
has she even had sex with anyone, ever?
Friend: Evil Dakota Fanning is ….. scary af
Friend: i'll say what i want about stephanie meyer being a fucked up mormon…. but her music taste is p good
Me: she didn’t do the soundtracks
Friend: ummm…i remember stephanie meyer specifically thanking Muse in her books
in the "acknolwedgements" section
 or did you, the twilight princess, not read that part
[graduation party]
Friend: I feel like there should be a twilight spoof..
where a high school girl has to choose between dating a furry and a goth
bc that's what this feels like to me
Friend: he freaks me out
the beefy one
[training scene]
Friend: jasper's kinda sexy too
well, everyone looks good next to robert :|
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: jasper was a confederate soldier?!?!??!
what?? lmfao
confederate vampires? thanks i hate it
Friend: didn't he have like a life and morals before becoming a vampire or
i mean i guess he's a confederate so maybe not but
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: he just listens to her lmfao
his Evil Mexican Bruja
[about Victoria]
Friend: she should just make someone sexy a vampire and fuck them tho
she has the power here
[about Jacob]
Friend: is there a REASON he never wears a shirt?
[Jake trying to convince bella she has feelings for him]
Jake: you can love more than one person… like sam, Emily, and leah
Friend: thruple!
that's the only resolution here
jacob & edward need to fuck each other and get over it
there's too much tension between them
Alice: you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight
Friend: oooooo
Alice: you’re welcome
Friend: LMFAO
alice is a bro
Bella [immediately after the scene with Alice]: hey dad, I was wondering
Friend: hey dad… i was wondering. do you have any condoms
Bella: dad I’m a virgin
Friend: not for long….
Friend: but like honestly it's all so deeply unclear to me
he has like no blood, right?
HOW does he get hard
Me: he’s always hard
Friend: i don't think that's how that works
[Edward and bella in edward’s room]
Bella: I wanna ask u something
Friend: "can we fuck"
Friend: i feel like "becoming a vampire" is just a metaphor for "losing virginity"
[Bella tried to jump Edward]
Edward: bella…no
Friend: ???????????
they already kiss and stuff?????????
Me: yeah
i think he's worried he'd like. fuck her to death
idk… her vulva is delicate i guess
 Friend: they could do some Other Stuff
Me: yeah i know
edward is just…. too old school to understand anything but piv
Friend: fuck her to death…with his flaccid vampire dick
this is so………Weird
?????????? sex is not a sin
[Edward talking abt how he would have courted bella in 1918]
Friend: ???????????? i dont believe that at all
people fucked in the 1800s
edward is a fucking weirdo
[Edward starts his grand speech]
Friend: Ew
this is…. a Lot
tbh it's Not Sexy that he can't adapt to a more feminist era
[Edward proposes]
Friend: this is…… a Lot
he Keeps Asking
[bella accepts]
Friend: she's only saying yes because she's horny!!!!
Friend: also….tbh it's sad that these vampires have to deny their instincts and have no control over themselves
like ….maybe they should just be euthanized
 Me: :O
Friend: is it fair to deny them their nature???
we don't force tigers to be vegetarians
what is the difference
Me: because… they're sentient and intellectual and can decide for themselves not to eat humans
Friend: i'm not sure i buy that
Me: you think they're not smart enough to make their own decision not to eat humans?
Friend: it seems like they have to be rehabilitated to deny a very natural instinct that they have no control over
are the cullens themselves a metaphor for mormonism?
 Me: yeah but carlisle CHOSE a vegetarial lifestyle… no one forced it on him
Friend: i guess
but at what cost
[tent scene]
Jacob: I am hotter than u
Friend: LMFAO
Friend: why didn't they bring more blankets?????
how fucking cold is it
[Edward and jake arguing over bella]
Friend: idk bella….
i'd rather fuck a hot wolf than a freezing rock hard PussyDestroying Vampire
those wolves are HUGE…. huge dicks im sure
[Edward talking about how he doesn’t want bella to be a vamp to jake]
 Friend: i feel like they're Bonding
over their inability to control this woman lmfao
[jake and Edward fighting over bella]
Friend: bella is not that interesting? ? ? ?
Edward: if you weren’t trying to steal bella I might actually like u
Friend: wow
THIS is where they should fuck
t h r u p l e
look deep into each other's eyes
Friend: she'd warm up if they were having sex
[post tent scene]
Friend: she's not even wearing a hat rn
bella…what the fuck
[Edward and bella talking about being engaged, jake overhears]
Bella: it’s the 21st century
Friend: yeah, it is the 21st century…. marry them both
[bella asks jake to kiss her]
Friend: what the FUCK is happening
[bella and jake making out]
Friend: she's not even wearing anything warm
Friend: carlisle…. kung fu master
Me: renaissance man
Friend: only breaks the hippocratic oath when absolutely necessary
[confrontation with riley and Victoria, Edward trying to convince riley to turn on Victoria]
Edward: think about it riley.. .you’re from forks… you know the area
Friend: "you're from forks… who would want that"
[Carlisle healing jake]
Friend: god…..my sexy, classy dad
… so smart….. so kind
Bella: I’m not normal
Friend: bella….you are SO normal
the reason every middle school girl read these books and thought they were like bella is bc you are just THAT normal
Edward: I guess we should start planning the wedding
Bella: no… something more difficult first… more dangerous
Friend: is she still talking about her virginity
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krystalreverb · 5 years
Something Human (Fic Preview #6)
This is under a readmore because the first paragraph is the ending to like fifteen pages of smut but it’s a required paragraph to understand the context of the next like fifteen paragraphs 
this fic is actually extremely smutty, so if you’re not 18+ I’d advise against clicking the readmore link
“Gods, you drive me mad, Edelgard! You know my every tic, my every weakness.... why do I not care? Why do I love you so? Oh gods, all these years, all I've needed, it was all you. Grant me your mercy, my lady, my Emperor! Foster my heart! Foster my pain! Bring me to life! Kill me for game! I am yours, Edelgard, only yours, until my final breath! Until I meet our maker, I am yours!” He bellowed into her skin, and Edelgard let out a fluttering, broken cry, and came, shaking and writhing against him, but Hubert wasn't finished. More! Just a little more! Hubert fucked her deeply and strongly with every stroke, until he finally came himself, spilling more of his semen across the bedspread, across Edelgard's thighs, and deep within Edelgard's writhing hole with a deep, long roar of effort and relief. The rope vanished. 
“Are you quite done?!” Linhardt's voice bellowed through the wall to their left. Also sounding from the wall was a thumping sort of banging that was clearly Linhardt banging into the wall with his fist in an attempt to garner their attention. Hubert twitched in annoyance.
“Oh, shove it up your arse!” Hubert called back sharply, thumping his fist into the wall back at Linhardt. “I'd like to see you looking at Edelgard right now! Tell me you wouldn't fuck her too! Get your skinny arse in here and tell me you wouldn't fuck her! I dare you!”
“Hubert!” Edelgard hissed, flushing brightly. She moved to cover herself as if Linhardt was really about to come storming in the door.
“What? Linhardt wishes he was me right now.” Hubert scoffed. 
“Believe me, at this point, I'd take that over having to listen to you two fuck all night! Really, did I not ask you to keep it down? Several times???” Linhardt cried. 
“Just let them fuck, it makes them happy! I'd take a nice cock over this misery any day! I'd fuck you at this point!” Bernadetta cried from the other side, clearly attempting to be loud enough to call to Linhardt. There was a pregnant pause, where nobody dared to speak. Until, yet again, it fell to Linhardt. 
“...Really? …..Want to go out tonight?” 
“It...I mean, well.... it beats not sleeping. I'll meet you at that cute tavern in town. The one with a unicorn on the sign? Maybe you can buy me a couple of drinks, we'll see where it goes.”
“Two minutes!” 
Hubert covered his mouth, flushing. 
“Did we just accidentally....?” Edelgard started.
“Honestly, I was hoping we'd spur an orgy at some point.” Hubert chuckled. “If they find solace in each other, who are we to deny them?” 
“Wouldn't it be funny if they all paired up somehow?” Edelgard mused. 
“I literally, as in, you can check my financial records, have 400 gold riding on the notion that Dorothea is going to be caught with Ferdinand's cock in her mouth by the end of the month. Myself and a few of the servants have a pool going on wondering when they'll be caught.” Hubert said. “The way those two look at each other is sickening. She claims to hate him, but I swear he's mad for her and she's just desperate enough for a good love story that she might fall for his odd, haughty sort of charm. Actually, if I may be perfectly honest with you, my lady, if I weren't undyingly devoted to you and all you hold dear... Well, let's just say it wouldn't be Dorothea on Ferdinand's knob.” 
“Hubert! Are you telling me you'd sleep with Ferdinand given the chance?”
“Well... I mean, he's good-looking, at least. I can appreciate his charm, is what I'm saying.” Hubert put up his hands in a plea of innocence. “I'm just saying maybe, perhaps, I would maybe have put his cock in my mouth. Maybe! If he, you know, tones it down a little.” Hubert wiggled his hand in a so-so motion. Edelgard giggled hopelessly, snorting as her whole body shook with the force of her laughter. “Hey! Don't laugh, come now, you'd sleep with Ferdinand too. Don't try to tell me you wouldn't, I've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks I can't see him. If you willed it, my lady, I'd have him killed in an instant.”
A few minutes later, they heard the sound of Linhardt and Bernadetta's doors opening, and the two scurrying out and down the path towards town, chatting amiably, Bernadetta holding Linhardt's arm gently and tenderly, and Linhardt quickening his steps to be in time with hers. Hubert poked his head out to watch them leave. 
“And there they go. I honestly hope they hook up, I think they both need a good fuck.” Hubert snorted. “Bernadetta needs to loosen up a little and Linhardt needs something to stay awake and alert for.” 
Hubert looked down at their bodies, sticky with fluids and sweat, Edelgard's ribbons rumpled and her panties stained. The bedspread was ruined, and white streaks adorned the bedposts. Hubert almost felt a little proud of himself. It was quite a mess. “We've made a mess again, my lady.” He chuckled, getting up to clean up and get dressed for bed.
“So we have. Well, I suppose I must take all this off and get into something more comfortable. This corset is beginning to chafe.” 
“Gods, but you look so good in it.” Hubert joked lovingly. “Where did you even find an under-bust corset made of red lace?”
“Quiet, you. I had it custom-made.” Edelgard chuckled, and began stripping off her soiled lingerie and cleaning herself up with a hand towel before finding herself a nightgown to put on instead. She set the boots by the door. Hubert stripped their bed again. He ended up sneaking into Linhardt's room to steal his spare set of sheets from the closet while Linhardt was busy getting Bernadetta (and likely himself) very drunk.
“Remind me to actually go do our laundry tomorrow.” Hubert grumbled as he trotted back in with the spare sheets. “Linhardt's not going to be happy when he finds out I stole his bedding.” 
“He'll get over it. I think he'll be too busy buying Bernadetta drinks tonight to care.” Edelgard said, watching patiently as Hubert struggled with the fitted sheet for a moment before managing to stretch it down all four corners of the bed without it snapping back off. “But don't worry, I won't forget.” 
“Thank you, my lady.” Hubert dressed the bed again and they settled in to sleep. “We weren't very safe again, were we?” Hubert asked with a sigh. “I thought the Professor was supposed to make us contraceptives.” 
“They were supposed to, I'm not sure if they ever did.” Edelgard sighed, and reached into Hubert's shirt on the floor to retrieve a vial of Nightwalker Potion. “Perhaps we should stop doing this until we have them.” 
“Probably a better idea than anything I was going to come up with.” Hubert said, and the two slipped into sleep. 
Linhardt and Bernadetta were actually late for training the next day, both showing up very disheveled and hungover, red rings around their eyes and Linhardt looking like he was swaying on his feet. Not only were they hungover and tired, but apparently, judging from the fact that Bernadetta was wearing one of Linhardt's shirts (and the fact they were carrying each other's bags) they had spent the night together.  Ferdinand sighed and handed Caspar a bag of money.  
“Winner winner chicken dinner!” Caspar crowed, counting the gold triumphantly. Linhardt glared at him. “What? Totally unrelated bet, I swear.” 
“Right.” Linhardt drawled sarcastically. 
“Linny, just.... not now. I'm hungover.” Bernadetta complained, and sat down in her seat. Linhardt flopped into the seat next to her and immediately his head hit the table, and he was asleep with his head cradled in his arms. 
“You need food?” Byleth asked, pulling an entire basket of fruit out from under their desk. “I've got bananas, apples, pears, some weird exotic star shaped fruit, that big red one that has all the little seeds inside it--”
“Pomegranate.” Ferdinand supplied helpfully.
“Yeah, that. The one that's a pain in the ass to eat. I wouldn’t recommend that one, actually, it gets everywhere and I don’t have the wherewithal to clean up in here right now.”
Bernadetta took a pear and began to eat quietly while Byleth taught. 
“Feel free to take as much as you want, too. That goes for all of you, keep yourselves fed and hydrated; I don't need any of you passing out on the battlefield. The final battle is coming. We're almost there, don't give up on me now. And really, Bernadetta, how much did Linhardt drink last night?”
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