#yeah... I reblogged sth from Mercy76 week so I must be their biggest shipper!!!!!
nyiro · 8 years
doesn't it bother you that angela was 17 when jack was in his 30s??
and does it bother you that I don’t care because I don’t actually ship them?
if you wanna know, I’ve reblogged the comics because I do appreciate my friend’s amazing art and she deserves all the recognision in the world for that plus Mercy76 is still slightly more appealing to me than Reaper76
but I will repeat it one more time, because I know that some people on tumblr have a huge problem with wrapping their heads around it... I don’t really ship Mercy76 and I definitely don’t ship Reaper76, even if like 95% of my friends do and I’m 100000% okay with that
I simply don’t care... I’m absolutely not bothered by seeing that kind of content on my dash every day
the only person that I truly ship Jack with is my OC, but I don’t brag about it... it’s my OC and my story that I write for my own entertainment and it’s absolutely not canon so Blizzard can do nothing to mess it up... I even don’t share it anywhere on the internet so tbh no one can mess it up for me and let’s keep it that way :)
so I hope it kinda explains the situation, my dear anon
have a great day!
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