#yeahboi tacobell birthdayyyyyyyy
thalidomide127 · 7 years
Beware- Long post because I can't differentiate trivial content from the important stuff
For my birthday, my friends plastered an “its a boy” banner across my door because inappropriate decorations are more comical then the suiting ones. Then, they hid eggs around the house with notes and gifts in them, such as, the exact amount of my Taco Bell order, a story about the time I used all the milk in the format of the 13 Reasons Why tapes (this probably doesn’t make sense, let me elaborate, she made the index card look like a tape and wrote, “Hey, its me. Toria. Toria Inthria and then dramatized a story of when I used all of the milk. I guess it still doesn’t make sense if you haven seen the show or maybe it just doesn’t make sense at all, but thats okay, now back to regular programming), a ring, meaningful notes, and recognition of my puns. After that, I had to do grown up things, go to my professors office hours, apartment hunt, sit in traffic. All is well though because it ended on a high note. Victoria walked in with a cake my mom had apparently ordered and had asked her to pick up on the low key. Victoria gave me bananas because she calls me hannah banana or sometimes just banana, and it’s relevant and it’s just her (last year she gave me a stuffed banana that I named pete, anyways) and told me happy birthday but I’m petty and didn’t make eye contact with her because (for more information, refer to older post). We had lots of laughs and Sydney literally stressed me out with yelling about how I was cutting the cake to the point to where I didn’t even want to cut it, but it is something she does when she’s really happy. Pretty sure it was because of the cake, she is such a foodie, she literally became excited/loud/goofy syd over this cake.  She just  likes to yell and sometimes it’s funny and sometimes, I want to hid until the task is over because I can’t  handle it. We got the cake cut and it was fine, and they hit me in the face with a piece, or really just syd did because she was on the crazy high from about to eat cookie cake. It was funny. Victoria left shortly after, shocker. Probs had to go see Joseph. Wooaaa. Hey now, is this a post about my birthday or me taking jabs at Joseph. Okay, redirecting the post, she left and the night dwindled down. My dad forgot my birthday but it was really okay with me. I don’t expect a lot from him or out of him. I just don’t want him to feel bad about forgetting it tbh. On a different note, my now most liked post on instagram is me holding my stomach in front of my “its a boy” banner and birthday decorations. Here is an excerpt from my post,  “For my birthday, my friends plastered an “its a boy” sign across my door. luckily for me, nothing get more likes than pregnancy announcements from girls who haven’t finished their education and can’t legally drink. But really, Im not pregnant, so don’t like this photo. It’s just Taco Bell.” The feedback from this photo made me so proud because it was strictly funny, and I hate that swimming suites selfies and body pics and filtered selfies in the “best possible lighting” are always so popular. When I posted this photo of me trying to stick my stomach out with a comical caption and people actually liked it, it showed people still have sense of humor and appreciated my photo, not because I was trying to be pretty or show of my body. I think I just went on a tangent about how popular post are alway vain but as you can see it is something very near and dear to my heart. This is me telling you to take an ugly picture and post because GirL/BOi, you aint got to try so hard, just do what you do, be who you are. In closing, my friends (and not-my-friend Victoria) did a bunch of little things that made me feel appreciated and loved. I care about them a lot and tbh they are the things I am most proud of. Or maybe, I am proud of myself for finding these amazing people. They were the best presents of all, because they liked me for who I was. They helped me embrace my flaws and realize my strengths, providing me certainty in my character just by being my friend. With such insight and growth, I celebrate the ending of my teenage years. That was sappy, I hate myself. Also, this was too long, but if you read it, I’m curious as to how bored you actually are?
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