#yelling at people online is easy
lunapwrites · 1 year
I am only going to post about this once.
Doing a little cleanup on my about me pages... kinda feel the need to revisit the author-induced HP-verse blowback and renewed fan creator exodus for a moment, just bc I keep seeing... discourse.
For context, in case you're reading this far and are unaware: I am pretty open about being nonbinary probably most accurately agender? still kinda feeling that out, and about being queer in general. So I feel like I have at least a small leg to stand on in this conversation, given the umbrella I fall under.
I understand why other authors and artists feel the right decision for them is to disengage from fandom, or to remove/orphan their body of work. I support them in their choice, and I wish them the best. Likewise, I understand why others may choose to remain, and to continue creating content (subversive or otherwise) that speaks to them and to others who are able to see themselves and their experiences in it. As a member of this camp myself, I salute these people. It's not an easy decision to make to continue in this climate.
I am extremely fortunate in terms of where I'm at in my journey, and where I live and work, and a supportive partner who is cis enough for the both of us lol. I understand that my situation comes with a certain degree of privilege - but that privilege is bought with the sacrifice of my truest self. These online spaces are one of the precious few places I have where I can express those sides of my identity, and my writing is the best place I have to explore them. Characters like Remus and Sirius and Tonks? They're the most familiar to me, and therefore the safest. For me, continuing is the best choice for the sake of my mental health - even with the pressure to quit.
To that end, it... bothers me a bit when I see discourse claiming that people who continue to engage in and create for this fandom are morally deficient. That, by and large, is not the case. Most folks are just out here trying to do the best they can. I don't think that shaming or call-out posts are constructive.
If you are expecting me to post disclaimers or to self-flagellate on every fandom post/fic, you will be disappointed. I will instead continue as I have been and put my limited bandwidth and energy into keeping my queer friends and family housed, fed, and safe. And I will continue to do so without posting about it because frankly I don't have the spoons to advertise every time I do something. (That said, if you're in the US and in need of help, please reach out privately: I probably have resources I can leverage.)
I am a big proponent of doing what you can with what you have and that every little thing counts. Make friends and network. Promote causes. Feed each other. Show up for each other. That's the important part. Like, it's not all big activism and protesting and bold proclamations. Sometimes it's just buying eggs.
Idk. I just feel like we all have better ways to spend our time than all this empty grandstanding. Just go... do something positive. Even if it's just providing emotional support, you know? Everything counts.
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doodledrawsthings · 1 year
I'm sorry if this is of any inconvenience but I was wondering how do you have the courage to post your art online cause iwant to do it to someday but I just can't find the right drawing though I've tried I can't figure it out like how do you do this wonderful stuff without worrying about hate or anything?
The main advice I can really give you is just. Don’t. worry about that.
People online will be mean, sometimes. Sometimes accidentally, sometimes with an understandable criticism, sometimes just for the sake of getting a response. Take it all with a grain of salt and curate who you follow and who you see on your dash and in tags if you’re that worried about it. I think when you post your art or anything you do online, that’s just something that has a possibility of happening no matter what you do.
Also I just really think it’s unlikely that anyone’s gonna just send you anon hate because you posted some drawings, unless they’re, like, objectively offensive for the sake of being offensive, or something.
Just try not to take social media too seriously, IMO. When I started posting here I posted grainy iPhone camera doodles of Transistor fan art from my school notebook cuz I liked the game and wanted to see if other people liked it, too. I wanted a place to put the things I drew and a place where I could track my progress as I posted my art over the years, and maybe even meet people. If that’s what you want your eventual art blog to be, then that’s all it really needs to be.
If it’s something more practical you’re looking for: when I was starting out, I would load up the post I wanted to make, hover over the post button, and count down from ten. When I hit one, I just post it, no matter what. If I really didn’t like the post, I could just delete it.
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unironicallycringe · 1 year
sorry everyone I'm Normal Again I think
tbh I have like, weirdly complicated history with Ghiralink because "I was there Gandalf" but I can get into that context later, rn I'm tired and finally have the correct meds so maybe I can be less intense on main without putting myself in designated grass-touching time-outs after every post
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bardicious · 1 year
I think it's also important people know they can think like a judgmental twat, but not act like a judgmental twat.
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goldensunset · 1 year
it’s less ‘fiction doesn’t affect reality; let people make their gross icky stuff!’ and more ‘you are going to drive yourself insane if you make it a hobby to yell into the void trying to police people online; for your own sake just block’
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clanoffelidae · 2 years
thinkin bout stuff again
honestly i genuinely do prefer it when people make their stances clear from the beginning, like no seriously please don't try and ignore it until it blows up like be honest with me i'd really prefer it rather than get in too deep and then have it blow up when i didn't even know there was anything wrong
like if you don't like me please just??? say so??? instead of acting like it and then going off on me when you decide you can't take it anymore i guess???
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mejomonster · 1 year
I'm thinking about how you guys have said before I write/type a certain way, how you can tell when it's me who wrote the meta in the tags or liveblog or headcanon before you even see the username and
1. WHAT do I write like lol that you can immediately tell its me? ToT
2. Admittedly I do apologize for the bizarre way I word shit at times especially when I'm liveblogging and writing fast like just thoughts and periods between em and. I swear to you I did get As in English classes and could tutor people in writing essays and correct grammar it's just that skill of clarity is absolutely not being used outside academic contexts apparently
#rant#also like. the adhd. i CANNOT summarize my thoughts in like 150 characters or less lmao#which is one reason i never got a twitter#you know how when you have adhd you worry no one is going to properly get what you meant?#and then on top of that your thoughts are scattered and you struggle to summarize so even if they Could grasp#wtf you mean... you still need 2000 words to even communicate it to someone else in a roughly close way to how you meant?#yeah. ;-; yeah thats partly why i type how i do#i hope the bits that arent grammatical ARE conveying my meaning in an emotional way (like the capital letters and periods)#and ARE conveying i mean a joke or emphasis or that its my personal#emotional liveblogging reaction in a comedic over the top way and#not actually the serious No Discussion opinion#like. i am aware its very easy to sound dead serious online and also grumpy and i desire not to come off that way#in work emails which must be of course formal and grammatically correct#i use smiley face abrasively often. like 80% of my emails have :) and thank you!#in them. because i want people to feel that they are being responded to warmly.#meanwhile a literary essay? im to the point and arguementative and theres no I of course in the essays and#theres no concern with sounding nice or anything but making your point#but its a sphere where that is expected. whereas online you talk directly like that?#someone will argue youre implying your opinion is absolute and theirs is invalid (rather than it just being a stating of your opinion#as one of many existing possibilities). and then youre getting yelled at for saying some basic shit like#love coffee as a sleep aid. (because someone has to say coffees BAD and someone else has to shout coffee gives them shakes and insomnia#and u didnt happen to mention in 150 characters or less you have adhd so coffee Does put you to sleep but thats not true of everyone of#course and was NOT meant to be a blanket suggestion and hence you end uo needing... 2000 words to avoid an arguement)
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disteal · 2 months
I think something a lot of adults need to realise about Interacting With Minors online (particularly in regards to dunking on a kid who’s been engaging with adult-only spaces) is that… Kids seek out these spaces because they’re for Adults. The young brain loves to feel special. It’s normal and fine for a child to want to be flattered, or to act like a loser because they think it makes them look more mature, or pretend they’re smarter than they actually are. It’s sooooo fine, everyone did it growing up. Feeling comfortable enough in your own existence that you don’t bend over backwards trying to prove something to others is a process. They are allowed to behave like that, they get the same ‘fuck, I was such a dork’ slack period that you did, have some grace and let the child online who annoyed you go.
And to get truly upset at a kid for ‘invading’ adult spaces is like yelling at the moon; they’ve been sitting on each others shoulders under a trenchcoat to see scary movies for all of human history, because curiosity and pushing boundaries are a part of growing up. It’s fine.
I get the impression that sometimes the frustration against ‘stop yelling at this minor’ online really stems from a subconscious ‘but they made it so easy to get upset at them, why do I have to let it go?’ But the real bastards will always be the predatory adults who play into this need for approval in children. It’s the ones who insist it’s fine for the 15 year old to participate in a kink discussion with people twice their age, or exploit childish insecurities to better control them. That’s the real loser shit.
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solariiumx · 1 year
sometimes you just have to express to your friends that you love them and they’ll say it back to you and vice versa and you don’t even have to use the word love all the time. i got out of the car of a friend i knew i wouldn’t be seeing for a long time and impulsively yelled love you; they rolled down their window, half laughter half disbelief, as they asked if i’d just said i loved them. i laughed back as they pulled away. an online friend told me once that it was absurdly easy to be human with me and that they had many online friends but i was very dear to them. (they were the first to show me that i could just tell people I loved them, that love could flow as freely and easily as the light between our hands). i made a joking comment once about deserving all attention all the time and was sincerely told ‘you do; everyone i care about deserves everything’. (i couldn’t bring myself to tell him i loved him back, but i told him it was easy to see why he is so Adored, that his tenderness always stops me in my tracks). my friend tells me he loves me everytime he bids me goodnight and i’ve never said it back but i write him poetry he’ll never see. love is tender and it is soft and when you have it, you have to hold it tight in your hands, cupped like a little flame. but love is also bright and golden and that light needs to be reflected back on those who shone it upon you. so tell your friends you love them, let them know that they too are loved, in whichever way you can.
(and since some of the friends I’m talking about are chronic tumblr users, if you ever see this, i love you and i love you and i love you and i hope that love echoes through time to reach you whenever you read this)
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chuusheartattck · 2 months
Chapter 13- Ik the law baby ☕️
(Warning: This chapter includes details of bullying. No violence but mentions of harassment)
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Dread was all you could feel at this very moment. You have met up with Yanfei and Heizou to film the video explaining your side. It was your story to be told so why were you so nervous?
You felt a warm hand touch your shoulder.
It was Yanfei.
“Don’t be so nervous Y/n. We’ll be here throughout everything.” She reassured you.
The three of you sat down at a table. You in the middle, Yanfei to your right, and Heizou to your left. All three of you discussed what to say and when. As you go on with your story, they will present the printed evidence to the camera.
The cameraman begins rolling.
You clear your throat and begin to talk, “Hello everyone. I’m Y/n L/n and I’ve been recently tangled up in some controversy regarding my days in school. I would like to make this video addressing all the allegations and clearing my name. I hope this video also sheds light on bullying in schools and helps someone know they’re not alone.”
Yanfei and Heizou flip through their papers for the first topic.
You talk again, “During my junior year I rejected someone named Dottore. I simply didn’t have time to date and because of it, he got upset. I have screenshots of when it first happened and how his friendgroup would begin to attack me online. This is all the evidence I have compiled throughout.”
Heizou held up DM’s from various people calling you fake and a liar.
“I was so confused on why his group would attack me like this as I never had an encounter with them in the first place. I only talked to Dottore on a few occasions. His friend group liked to call themselves The Fatui and the grade would eventually call them that too. I have no idea where the name originated from but they were extremely popular and basically were friends with everyone.” You add.
You pause for a moment as the memories of the torment they caused you start pouring in.
This didn’t stop you and you speak once again, “The harassment didn’t stop online. It continued during school. I have videos and audio recordings of them making gestures to me and yelling out profanities. They said they were trolling me, but is it really trolling if it goes on till we graduated?”
Yanfei begins to play an audio recording of voices from various people. Both the men and the women of the group making noises at you and yelling threats at you.
The audio recording stops.
“Anyways, that’s what I had to deal with my entire junior year. Now you may be asking, why didn’t nobody stop them? That’s the same question I asked myself the entire time. The group spread false rumors against me saying I slept with many people and how easy I am. I never had a boyfriend nor engaged in any sexual activity with anyone. However, everyone believed them and half the grade was against me. I had my friend’s support but everyone clowned anyone who was associated with me. It really felt like I had nobody.”
Heizou then holds up a series screenshots of a group chat that you were added to.
“Let’s move onto this group chat that I was added to by them. They used this group chat to tease and curse at me. If I were to leave or ignore them, they would add me back and harass me even more. One of the girls in the group, Columbina, would be the one to harass me in the group chat the most. Probably wanted to look good in front of the guys I don’t know.”
Yanfei then holds up papers of [redacted] individuals pleading with you to go tell the school.
“These are my friends who wanted to report the group to the school. Their names are redacted since I don’t want their information getting leaked. The reason why I didn’t report the group is because it would get much worse. Think about it, they would get suspended sure but what happens when they get out of suspension? They’re going to continue and possibly do worse things. If some of you are wondering if I ever stood up for myself. I did. I’m not going to let people walk all over me. However, just because I stand up for myself, doesn’t mean they’re going to stop. They would still continue.”
You take a sip of water before carrying on. You’ve been talking for so long you didn’t realize how dry your throat had became.
“The summer came around and I didn’t have to see them nor hear from them. However, they made sure that I knew they weren’t done with me. If I were to get invited to a party, they would make the host uninvite me or just tell people not to invite me at all. This affected me the most when they prevented me from going to my friend’s birthday party. I’m still upset about it to this day.”
Heizou holds up another series of screenshots of The Fatui threatening people to not invite you.
“Senior year came and the harassment died down a tiny bit. They would still tease me but I think they got tired of it by senior year as they had officially drained any spark I had left. They got what they wanted, the grade didn’t like me and I had a few friends left. I was so thankful to finally be able to graduate but it was short lived as they have now tried to ruin my career.”
You felt your throat close up again and you drink more water. It was never easy talking about your experiences, especially in front of a camera.
You continue again, “I have found out that the account was created by that group through investigations.”
Yanfei holds up the last document of Pantalone and Scaramouche’s conversation. The conversation where Pantalone admitted everything.
Scaramouche’s name is redacted for obvious reasons.
“The person who talked to Pantalone and the person who sent me these screenshots would like to remain anonymous. If you are both seeing this, I would like to give my upmost gratitude. You know who you are and I seriously can’t thank you enough.”
You then look straight into the camera, almost as if you were talking to The Fatui directly.
“To the group who made my high school experience a living hell, I hope you like the lawsuit coming to you in the mail. Have fun explaining to your parents why you’re getting charged with defamation and harassment.”
The video wraps up and it feels like you can finally breathe again.
A weight is lifted from your shoulders and you feel the best you have felt in a while.
The video gets posted shortly.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Written chapter!! I wasn’t planning on making this written but I also wanted to make it detailed. The bully arc is finally done so now I can move onto the other things I planned 🥰
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @veekoko @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @skyvella @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy @scaradooche @theyluvkatt @meigalaxy @noirechomps @crimxeorcremexistspeacefully @vxcmx @ariesloves @cayl33n @animeobsessed56
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hayleythesugarbowl · 2 months
hello! I've been seeing a lot of smosh vidcon content lately as well as rewatching shayne guesses and it made me brainstorm a bit!
How about a Spencer x reader where he freaks out about his favorite creator being at vidcon (the reader obvi) and the other cast members trying so hard to get them to meet and they hit it off? *you know Kiana would be allll over helping a bestie out lol*
or maybe even the same kind of thing but instead of meeting, reader is one of Spencer's fav youtubers in Shayne's guessing favorite youtubers video? Shayne immediately knows it's spencer and kind of outs his crush! reader is a big fan of smosh so she sees the video and it goes from there!
absolutely adore your work and keep it up queen! 🫶
See You Online || Spencer Agnew x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: when you see a smosh video of spencer saying you’re one of his favorite youtubers, you begin to interact online. then, when you both attend vidcon (and spencer’s friends convince him to talk to you) you hit it off
word count: 2.6k
warnings: mild language
a/n: hey darling! so i kind of went with both of these ideas and i hope you like what i did 🤭 i included some fake insta/yt in this because it fit so this is partially a social media au. fem!reader. enjoy!!
     “Well, this is obviously Spencer.”
     Shayne tapped his pen against the desk as he looked at the screen in front of him.
     Three YouTuber names had appeared next to him for the viewers to see. 
     “What makes it me?” Spencer’s teasing voice came from off camera. 
     “C’mon,” Shayne said. “We got Retro Game Corp, MandaloreGaming, and (Y/n) (Y/l/n).”
     He continued. “Everyone knows you love retro shit. MandaloreGaming sounds like just the kind of nerd thing you’d be into. And (Y/n)—that one’s just self explanatory. I mean, Spencer’s obsessed with (Y/n). Ask anyone in the office.”
     “Ok woah,” Spencer piped in again. “I don’t know about obsessed.”
     “Dude, you just told me yesterday that you watched her videos until two in the morning the night before,” Shayne addressed him.
      Then he faced back to the screen, to the viewers. “Spencer’s got a little bit of a crush on (Y/n). It’s uh, it’s honestly adorable.”
      A woman’s muffled voice came from offscreen. 
     Shayne laughed. “Kiana said Spencer would have (Y/n)’s babies.”
     “Dude!” Spencer yelled at Kiana offscreen. “What if she sees this!”
     “There’s no way,” Shayne laughed. “There’s no way any of the YouTubers from this video are seeing this.”
      “Imagine,” Spencer joked. “I’m like, ‘hey (Y/n), hit me up’, and then she sees this, bro.”
      “Hey,” Shayne raised his eyebrows. “You never know. I mean, I married a YouTuber.”
      “Just an excuse to bring up Courtney,” Spencer coughed.
      “Anyway,” Shayne put his hands on the table in front of him. “We’re getting a little off track here. We’ve established Spencer’s in love with (Y/n). Now—do I even have to guess?—show me Spencer!”
      He pointed to the side as an imagine of Spencer popped up on the screen. 
      “Well, thanks for that easy round,” Shayne joked. “Now, let’s see the next set of YouTubers…”
     And that was where you stopped watching the video every time. You’d seen the whole of Shayne Guesses Favorite YouTubers before, but when you went back to rewatch it, it was always this clip.
     You’d been sent this specific clip by hundreds of people. Your followers and subscribers on all different platforms. The comments ranged from ‘oh my gosh look at this’ to ‘you have to see this smosh video’ to ‘petition to get Spencer and (Y/n) to go out’.
     What they didn’t know, was that you’d seen it long before they began tagging you in it.
     You were a huge Smosh fan, and had been for years. Imagine your shock when you yourself were named in one of their videos. 
     You’d only been a creator for a little over a year now, but you’d quickly gained a following and were becoming more and more popular online. It still all felt so surreal, and seeing yourself named as someone’s favorite YouTuber—especially on one of your favorite channels—felt like a huge moment.
      That, and you were flattered by Shayne’s comments about Spencer. You thought it was sweet that he enjoyed your content and—you couldn’t stop the blush from spreading to your cheeks—you. 
      That was what prompted you to leave a comment under the video—a comment which Spencer responded to.
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Can Shayne Guess Our Favorite YouTubers? Smosh Games • 721k views • 38k 👍
comments 2.9k
yourusername ✓: does this count as being in the youtuber and the celeb crush vid?
♥️ by creator
spennser ✓: it was actually only until 1am i swear smoshyyy651: spensser LMAOOOO chumbawumbasnumbertwofan: the fact that (y/n) (y/l/n) saw this ✋😭 y/nstanforlifeee: oh my gosh my queen is here 👑 I love you and your vids (not as much as Spencer apparently asksfsk)
mya_sol: how many times have you watched 8:04? me: yes
yourfavoritepizzaplace: ‘spencer would have (y/n)’s babies’ KIANA THATS WILDDDD 💀
    And from there, you began interacting. Leaving comments and likes on each other’s videos and instagram posts. Leaving fans to obsess over your every interaction, to make compilations, to wonder if you were dating.
     Because you’d be lying if you said you didn’t read most of the comments about you two. 
    You enjoyed your little online back-and-forth. You’d known who Spencer was before the Shayne Guesses video had come out. Watching Smosh on-and-off for years, you’d seen him in multiple videos.
     It still felt so unreal for him to know who you were—not only know who you were but like your videos.
     And now look at you, messaging him and liking his posts like you were old friends. Spencer pretty much liked and commented on every one of your feeds or stories or uploads.
     After your original comment on the Smosh video, things just…took off. You didn’t really know how it started, one comment led to another, and suddenly it was like you had always congratulated each other and left witty comments on each other’s pages. 
     You smiled as you stared at the screen of your phone, looking over your’s and Spencer’s latest interaction. You couldn’t deny that he was really cute. You’d always thought so. 
     You thought of Shayne saying that Spencer had a crush on you and you felt your smile grow bigger.
     Your empty suitcase caught your eye as you looked up, sitting on your bed and reminding you that you still had to pack.
     You set your phone down. Fangirling over Spencer could wait. You still had yet to pack for your flight that that was in two days, and you didn’t want to leave it ‘till the last minute—or, more last minute than it already was.  
     You had been lucky enough to be invited to VidCon this year, and you were thrilled about getting to go as a creator and meet other artists who had inspired you. You were less thrilled about the packing.
      You stood up and walked towards your closet, starting to decide which outfits you wanted to bring, daydreaming about what VidCon would be like. All while thinking about Spencer.
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liked by hannahmontoya, spennser, and 21,449 others
yourusername: new vid up now !! 💌
view all comments
haleypham: about to go watch it right now xoxo love you
yourusername: stop ilysm 🤭
ynsgirlfriend: WAKE UP SHE POSTED 🙏
spennser: guess what i’m going to be doing at 2am
⤷ liked by yourusername
darlingdaisy: please do a grwm next i need to see your skincare routine!!
ryla768: we’re being fed well today 🙇‍♀️
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liked by yourusername, filmingamanda, and 17,914 others
spennser: it’s giving cat lady
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phatchanse: *cat queen
yourusername: my cat says to tell ur cat hi
spennser: my cat says ur cat’s pretty cute carmensanfransisco: LOL 😂🐈 urmom17: oh my gosh she commented spencer are you freaking out? spennser: urmom17 shitting my pants fr
jessicarabbitsimp: who else has noticed spencer and (y/n) all over each other’s igs 😏
smoshismylife: love you spencer 🫶
──────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆────────── yourusername
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liked by spennser, iamjordiofficial, and 32,712 others
yourusername: thx for 100k 🥂
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spensser: yay i contributed
⤷ liked by yourusername
yourusername: how’d you have time to create 100k accs tho? ⤷ liked by spennser
lucindajones101: congrats girlie!! you deserve it
ynfan7: my queen 🧎‍♀️
butterflyenjoyer: been here since the beginning 🥹 keep shining!!
getyninasmoshvideo: the way spencer makes an appearance on all her posts 😭
VidCon was amazing. 
      Today was the first day, and you couldn’t wait for all the festive still to come. You had already seen so many cool presentations and been a part of so many workshops and met so many interesting people. 
      And now, as you stood at the table set aside for you, staring at the slowing line of people still waiting to meet you, you thought that this was definitely your favorite part.
     You’d gotten to talk to people who watched your channel and hear how your content had impacted their lives or inspired them to create. It really made it all feel worth it. It made you love your job and all of the opportunities it had given you.
     You’d been here for nearly two hours already, and still there were a few more fans waiting to speak with you and get a picture.  
     You smiled to yourself as the last of the people filed through, letting the momentary silence wash over you. You had just picked up your phone to take a quick selfie for a later post, when you heard a commotion to your left.
     You turned to the source of the noise and had to do a double take when you saw the entire cast of Smosh at a setup similar to yours, having their own meet and greet.
     You didn’t know why in all of your thinking about Spencer you hadn’t assumed that Smosh would be at VidCon. It seemed obvious now. They were YouTubers, weren’t they?
     Speaking of Spencer, you saw him talking to Courtney and your heart did a little flip in your chest. After interacting with him online these past few weeks, and watching his channel for these past few years, it seemed crazy to see him in person. 
     As if sensing your presence, he looked your way and you turned away in time so it didn’t look like you’d been staring. You didn’t think he’d caught you watching him. 
     “Wait? Spencer, is that (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?” Courtney’s voice carried over the several feet that separated you.
     “Oh, is it? I hadn’t noticed,” you heard him say sarcastically, even though your back was turned to him. You stepped a little bit closer to their location, pretending to be fixing something on your lanyard.
     “Dude, you have to go talk to her,” you heard a male voice—Shayne? You didn’t dare turn around—say.
     “No way man,” Spencer answered, “What would I even say?”
     “You’ve been commenting on each other’s instagrams for like a month, you’ll think of something,” Courtney said.
     “Yeah, but that’s different. This would be, like, a real conversation,” he answered. “I don’t actually know her. What if she thinks I’m just some creepy fan, and it’s like bro back off.”
     You bit your lip, stifling a giggle. Oh, what he didn’t know.
     Then the music in the venue picked up and you couldn’t hear their conversation for nearly a minute. You walked a few feet back over to your table, picking up and looking at a few of the gifts fans had given you, finding a new way to look busy. This went on for another minute before you heard a new voice say,
     “What’s this about Spence and (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?”
     “Just that Spencer’s going to go up to her,” Courtney announced. 
     “I’ll get the popcorn,” the voice said. 
     “No, Kiana,” you heard Spencer say. “That’s not what’s happening.”
     “You’ll regret if forever if you don’t go talk to (Y/n),” The voice—Kiana—stated. 
     “No way. That’d be like if I asked you to just ‘go up and talk to’ Darren Chris,” Spencer said
     “My favorite white guy,” Kiana joked.
     “Hey bro, I thought we established that was me!” Spencer said in outrage. 
     “You will be if you go and talk to (Y/n),” she finished. 
     “I will not be manipulated,” you heard him say, and you stifled another chuckle. 
     “No, but you will be shoved,” Kiana said.
     “Wait what?” Spencer got out, before you heard a scuffing sound.
     You turned around just as Kiana pushed Spencer and suddenly he was right before you. 
     “Hey,” he said, looking uncomfortable, shooting a glare behind him at Kiana. “I heard there was a meet and greet?”
     You smiled. “You just missed it, actually.” 
     “Damn, next year then,” he said.
     “I suppose I could make an exception,” you teased. “I wouldn’t want to be the one to take away anyone’s Favorite White Guy title.”
     Spencer winced. “How much of that conversation did you hear?”
     “What conversation?” You winked at him. 
     “I can’t remember,” Spencer said, smiling as he rubbed a hand along the side of his face.
     You were both silent for a moment.
     “So,” Spencer started, breaking it. “I would tell you that I love watching your content—until a very reasonable hour of the night, might I add—but you kind of already know that. And I bet you’ve already been told that by hundreds of people today.”
     “Not by anyone nearly as cute though,” you replied, before leaning in to mock-whisper. “And I don’t mind hearing it again.”
     “Also,” you continued. “I could say the same to you. I love Smosh—I’ve watched your channel for years. You guys are all so talented.”
     “Really? No way,” Spencer smiled. “You watch Smosh?”
     “Really,” you smiled back. “I did know who you were before the Shayne Guesses video, you know.”
     “Don’t remind me,” Spencer said, shaking his head.
     “I thought it was sweet,” you told him, laughing. “And if that video had never happened, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
     “Or at Buca Di Beppo tonight at 8?” Spencer said, with trepidation.
     “Or that,” you agreed, nodding. “Are you asking me out on a date, Spencer Agnew?” 
     You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks. 
     “I guess I am,” he said. “Unless you’re going to slap me, in which case no.”
     “Only if the date goes badly,” you teased. “And if you don’t make 100,000 more accounts to subscribe to my channel with.”
     Spencer grinned. “Done. And I can introduce you to the rest of the gang.”
     “Are they good with me crashing your guys’ dinner?” You asked. You couldn’t believe you were going to meet the members of Smosh.
     You couldn’t believe you were going on a date with Spencer. 
     “Oh, they already know about it. They’re listening to every word of our conversation right now.” Spencer pointed a thumb behind him and you looked over his shoulder to see all of the Smosh cast watching you.
     They all waved at you.
     “Hey girl hey!” Kiana called to you, smirking at Spencer. 
     You waved back at them, grinning. 
     “Well, I don’t want to keep you from meet-and-greet-ing any longer,” you said, turning back to Spencer.
     “Isn’t that what we’re doing right now?” Spencer joked, gesturing between the two of you.
     “Doesn’t count,” you said back. “Technically we’ve already met on the internet.”
     “Yeah, well, you’re much prettier in person,” Spencer said, as he backed up towards the rest of the Smosh cast.
     “Well then,” you said, only a little bit breathless. “I guess I’ll see you tonight.”
     “Unless I see you on the internet first,” Spencer said, turning around and walking away. 
     You couldn’t wait. Not only did you have your date with Spencer to look forward to, you also had the rest of VidCon to get to know Spencer better and hopefully hang out with him before all this was over. 
     You turned to leave as well, walking in the opposite direction of Spencer as you tried to think where you had to be next. It was hard to focus when all your thoughts were occupied by something else. Someone else.
     You were almost out of earshot when you heard Kiana’s voice, carrying over the crowds of people.
     “Get over here, loser. I’ll take my thanks in the form of cash and/or worsted weight yarn.”
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liked by spennser, co_mill, and 41,813 others
yourusername: had the best time with spennser at vidcon ‘24 ❣️
view all comments
kianaparker: ok but i’m glowing (also yw 💁🏾‍♀️)
⤷ liked by yourusername
spennser: new phone who dis?
yourusername: definitely not your gf ⤷ liked by spennser materialgorl199: GF?!? AHHHHH heatherscandystore: wait they’re together? I’m so happy for them ily both sm 🤭
jessicarabbitsimp: I KNEW IT WAIT 😭
thirdcutestsmoshboy: i met both of them there and they were so sweet
ynislife: so are they dating???
angelagiovanagiarratana: GUYS 🥹
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you guys enjoyed this little bit of a different format. i had sm fun writing this. check out my other spencer fics if u want more like this 🎀
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
Warnings: my writing, language(bad words😯), my attempt at being funny, mention of gun shots and head shots, mentions of my favorite book(literally love Ruta Sepetys sm omg.
A/N: part 2? I am going to make you all suffer through the most oblivious slow burn. R if going to be so dumb/oblivious it’ll hurt you all🫶🏻
Word count - 3.6k
Credits: @novmoth (my friend from school who feeds into my delusions and gives me more ideas for this story🫶🏻)
(bare with me English is not my first language🥲 I’m getting help from my friend to edit it)
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You were born to it.
The books. The films. The music and video games.
It was your life, literally. With your parents being owners of the infamous establishment called ‘top shelf’, you had no choice but to.
And you wouldn’t ever change.
Books upon books, movie after movie, games old and new and music that could last you weeks. Who would want to change such a life?
Your father was the first to start it.
He was poor man in Washington but had just enough money to buy it from the man who owned the small movie shop before he retired. He slowly started added book shelves and video games to the mix. Getting few customers but enough to survive day to day during the time of his early years
Your mother was a wealthy run away. Wanting something different and new in her life when she met your father. The man was playing on his game boy behind the counter before he saw her.
The poor boy and his run away wife, a classic really.
The rest after that is history.
As soon as they found out your mother was pregnant with you, they used the rest of her money they saved and went to New York where they bought the huge abandoned apartment complex.
They broke all the insides down and built what you now know as your second home. Hundreds of video games, films and music in one section and thousands of books in another.
Thus, Top Shelf was born only two weeks after you.
You met many friends there in the comfort section where students and business people worked as you all goofed off.
Your had also met your small friend group during your younger years, the four of you all never letting your father have the peace he wanted and dragging him all over New York.
With the thousands of books and hundreds of video games and films your parents sold, you had money. Lots of it.
But your mother made sure you never let that get the best of you, never. It went against everything she went for when she ran away.
She would make sure you would work for and earn everything you got, always.
She never let you have too much online activity, in case her family found you and made sure you were both street smart and book smart.
Your neighbors made sure you were street smart more than anything but you still gave her credit for trying.
Though, the book store was beautiful in every season. Winter was a favorite and when it was busiest. It was too your favorite.
Your father lighting the public fire place, your mother setting soft seasonal music, hell even the cheesy Christmas cartoons on the TV’s set the mood for the perfect bookstore vibe.
The lights dim just enough to where it almost felt like dark academy yet the plants that grew down the upstairs railing made the entire place feel more alive.
“Bullshit!” You yell out as you throw your head back onto the head rest of your chair, groaning loudly as the photo sound of your death snapped in your ears.
“Man, he’s fucking using cheats!” Dru calls out through the mic before his name pops up above to yours in dark red on the screen as you respawn.
“Of course he is, he’s a pussy.” Mj says, as her name, too, pops up on the screen.
“Oh come on, guys!” Lyle says through his staticky mic. “You all just suck.” He laughs
“Now I know your cheating, dude. Your mic is acting up again, just like last time!” Dru says, the sound of his voice booming louder than needed and you roll my eyes.
“DD, just because you like to replay games without using cheats doesn’t mean the rest of us do.” Lyle says in a matter-of-fact tone.
“It’s multiplayer, stupid! It’s meant to be fair for everyone!” Dru says making you snort. “Says the guy who chases around little kids and steals their horses making them cry.” Mj says making Dru blow into his mic making loud, unnecessary noises.
“Quit that!” You say taking one head phone off your ear. “Tsk tsk tsk,” Lyle starts. “Such a sore loser.”
“I’ll show you sore loser, get on Elden ring and we’ll test your irritation.” Dru says, mic now muffled by his own spit.
“Your tank build is not enough to stop me, comet azur will always save the day.” He says in a sing-song voice.
“And you call me a try hard, yet you’re the one always using a broken spell.” Dru complains. “Theres nothing I have to try hard at when I can just hold a simple button.” The sound of Dru’s groans become louder as his spit clears out from his Mic. “Same thing!”
You laugh once again before picking up your phone and looking at the time.
“Shit!” Your eyes go wide at the sight, 8:48 AM.
You quickly throw the head set off and push yourself out of the chair, opening your closet grabbing a quick pair of jeans and a hoodie before rushing to put it all on.
Your cat skids across the floor, startled by your sudden movements before a crashing in the your pile of books and out the door.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you mumble as you jump up and down to put on your shoes, failing at not falling and race toward the door. “Sorry!” You call to your cat who yells at you next to his food bowl.
You grab your keys and rush out the door before slamming it shut and locking it.
“Ay, y/n!” Your neighbor, Rosa, shouts from beside her door. “Quiet will you! I just put Nona to sleep!” She yells raising her news paper tapping your head with it.
“Sorry! sorry, Señora Rosa.” You whisper yell as you try to push her weaponized hand away. “I’m just a little late.”
“And I just got a moment of peace! Quiet!” She says giving you one last wack making you try and shrink away from her as you rush toward the stairs.
“You got your pepper spray, right?” She calls and you raise your key chain to show her the attached small can. “¡Buena niña!”
You rush down the stairs and push passed the glass door, almost slipping on the ice before running down the street.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket making you quickly take it out.
“Hello?” You ask without knowing who it was.
“Arthur Morgan would be very disappointed at your sudden disappearance from an important mission.” Lyle says before sighing.
“It’s multiplayer, there are no main missions.” You say, trying to avoid the ice on the ground before stopping at the red hand across the street. “Plus, we were in the middle of four way 1v1. He’d be more upset that we were going against each other.”
“Loyalty is everything in such a game,” he says, sarcasm in his voice and you imagine him shaking his head. “Of course he would be upset at my bullet in DD’s head.”
“Why’d you call me exactly?” You ask watching the hand turn into a green man walking before taking off again.
“Well, you just yelled ‘shit!’ Before disappearing on us, had to make sure someone didn’t break in and kill you.” He replies casually as if he knew that weren’t the case. “But after hearing you continue on your ‘shit’ rant and the door slam I figured it was okay, just had to call and make sure, y’know?”
“Ever heard of a text, loser?” You ask, barley missing a man walking and looking down at his phone. “Gross,” he says before making a gagging noise. “why waste such time typing when I can simply just hit one button?”
“You’re so lazy.” You laugh out loud as you run across another street. “Work smarter not harder, Y/N. You should know this with that big brain of yours.”
“What if I want to work both smarter and harder?” You ask, running up to the glass window to see the books lined up. “Well, then your just weird.” You roll your eyes.
“Just kidding. I guess you can do both, I just personally prefer the alternative.” He says as the sound of guns shooting fills the phone. “Yeah, also sorry about leaving.” You say pushing into the store being greeting with the familiar smell of books and the warm smile of my mother.
“I forgot I had to get ready for work.”
“You’re at top shelf?” He ask and you reply with a ‘mhm’. “I might stop by later to say hello actually, I need a new game anyway.” He laughs as the sound of Dru yelling in the back ground becomes more prominent.
“Sounds good, see you loser” You say as you take your sweat shirt off, leaving you in your tank top you hand before leaving. “Later,” you hear him say before hanging up.
“Good morning,” you hear your mother say as you pull the staff sweat shirt over your head and pull up your sleeves. “Mornin’,” you reply before kissing her cheek.
“Wheres dad?” You ask looking around before your eyes setting on the woman stack a pile of books into one pile.
“He’s going to be out of town for a few days,” she says carrying the pile to the check back station. “A vacation, I insisted as I continue your training.” She says making you smile.
“We both know he needs it, he’s getting older.” She says and your smile fades as you nod. “So are you.” You mumble and she, too, nods.
“You know him getting old is different from me getting old.” She states, sighing quietly.
“What’s todays task?” You ask, quickly changing the subject at the sight of her sad frown. She looks at you for a moment before smiling once again.
She moves to storage closet and unlocks it, allowing you to see the boxes upon boxes along with stacks of different other things.
“To be a good store owner, you have to know your customers.” She says returning with a large box that you quickly take from her.
“Just put it on that table — and to know your customers, you must socialize and help them throughout the store.” She finishes as you take the box to the table noticing the label romance written across it.
“That also means having to work while helping the customers, so you’ll be on stock duty as well.” She says with a smile.
You mentally say to yourself. Stock duty required work of you finding the places of different books, movies and games which also meant finding new things you didn’t know about before.
“One more thing,” you mother says as she walks behind the counter to finish opening up the store. “No head phones.” Your eyes go wide.
“But ma!” You call out to the lady who switches the sign from closed to open. “What else am I supposed to do when I stock!” You call, holding onto the white cords and swinging them around.
“Help the customers and socialize.” She laughs out making you frown. “I should call CPS.” You mumble carrying the box to the sorted area before hearing the woman’s laugh.
“Sure, call ahead but don’t be disappointed when they decline a twenty year old.”
You roll your eyes before continuing down the aisle.
“And after you sort those, get the others out of the storage closet!” You huff quietly as you glance back with a small playful glare on your face.
“If I wanted to work out, I would have gone to the gym.” You say and she rolls her eyes. “You’ll be just as sore in the morning, trust me.”
Hours hand passed, since you last seen the romance box having moved on to the horror section of the films.
You search through their placement areas, looking at all the old cinematic master pieces, the many Dracula films placed neatly next to each other, in order of both year and name.
Horror was one of the favorites when coming here, your father being a collected through his years he had many people couldn’t get their hands on.
Sure you could watch it online now but where’s the fun in that when you have a real copy with the static noises and written voices on screen. Some people still had some class left in them.
You hear a book hit the floor making the library echo as heads turned toward the cause of the sudden interruption of their silence.
“Shit—” You hear someone say quietly, making you roll your eyes as you place the rest of the CD’s in their rightful places before making your way toward the aisle the noise came from.
You subtly make your way toward the aisle while acting like your checking the books before taking a peek around the corner.
You see a rather short girl — shorter than the third shelf — craning her neck to look up at all the books in front of her.
Just to your luck, your mother placed a box for that genre next to the end of the shelf and you picked it up.
You make your way down the aisle and set the box toward the middle before looking up the girl who was already staring, and boy was she something.
Freckles littered across her tan skin, strands of her short hair fell from her half up half down style, her eyes — damn her eyes — they were the prettiest brown you’ve ever seen.
You smile lightly before picking up the first book and reading both the authors name and the title while trying to slow down your racing heart.
Who was this girl? Matter of fact, what was she? She wasn’t a regular, that’s for sure but you always get random people coming in so it didn’t exactly matter.
After putting away a few books, you glance up to see the girl a few feet away and on her tippy toes, reaching for a book on the fifth or sixth shelf.
You snorted quietly catching the girls attention making you quickly look away to keep yourself from laughing.
“You think this is funny?” She asks and you begin shaking in quiet laughter.
After a few moments, you compose yourself and stand shaking your head.
“No, not at all. Would you like some help?” You ask taking step toward her. She narrows her eyes. “Are you making fun of me right now?” She asks, both amusement and annoyance in her voice.
“Why would I do that? It’s poor customer service.” You say with a smile before watching her own smile grow.
“It’s poor customer service to laugh at a customer.” She mumbles before stepping back. “Please.” You walk up and grab the book.
“Look how easy that was.” She says, taking the book you held out for her. “Being six-foot-two does have its perks.” She says looking over the back of the book.
You roll your eyes but your smile only grows. Looking down at the book you nod and raise your eye brows, “that’s a good one, read it a few years back.” You say, making your way back to box of books.
“I’d hope so, for all the work I had to do to try and get it.” She mumbles making you smile and shake your head. “Anything else good?” She asks, looking down to you.
“You’re asking me if there’s anything else good in here when there’s just by the look of it thousands of books here?” You ask, smirking at her when she rubs the back of her neck.
“Yes, there is, I’ve read more than I can count. My recommendation board is up by the front desk if you want to check it out.” You say before placing crave by Tracy Wolff into the slot.
“You must have come here a lot before working then? If you’ve read so many books from here.” She asks, following hot on your trail with the book tucked between her arm. “Oh, for sure,” you say nodding. “The owners and I are real close, we were together a whole nine months before I was born.”
Her eyes widen slightly at the information. “You’re parents own this place?” She asks, gesturing to the entire book store and you nod, smiling.
It felt like you were a teenage boy, flaunting his muscles to a girl he finds attractive.
“Wow,” she says looking around once again. Book still tucked tightly into her arm as she did so. “Just wow. Your parents have taste.”
“More like their people pleasers.” You say shaking your head. The real other reason why horror is so popular in the movie section is because of their request.
Every week they check their request list and buy everything people ask for. New books, new movies, new music and games, there’s always something new. You’re surprised there’s still room, then again the place would be as big you supposed.
“They like having their customers choice their number one priority. It’s good business.” You say looking up to the girl who had a look of wonder in her eyes as she stared down at you but there was also something else. Something you couldn’t quite place.
She stares at you for another moment before speaking again, “do you.. know who I am?” She asks and your furrow your eye brows in question.
“Should I?” You ask tilting your head. She stares for another moment again, eyes scanning your face and it’s features as if searching for something.
Her smile then grows, as she shakes her head. “You shouldn’t, or rather shouldn’t have to. It’s just a surprise.” She says, tucking her hair behind her ear.
You knit your eye brows together in confusion.
She walks out of the aisle and you catch the light smile on her face as she does.
What the hell? You wonder to yourself as you place the last few books away.
You were pretty sure that was the last section, unless your mother put out some more stuff you didn’t notice. You’d just check out the to-do list.
Your mother and father always had one for both you and their own sake. Adding things so no one would forget.
As you made your way to check out, you see the girl walking in the general distraction as well.
“All set?” You ask, placing the box inside the others, moving past the small door attached to the low counter.
“Yep,” she says once again staring at you.
You take the book you got for her earlier along with another you recognize almost immediately. “Between shades of gray?” You ask, looking at her as if she were serious.
“Your description seemed trust worthy enough to make me interested.” You glance over to see your board clearly flipped through before nodding.
You scan both books. “Careful, it’s sad, dark and traumatic. It’s one of my favorites though.” You say looking up at her, she pauses for a moment, staring at you once again and just smiles and shakes her head.
“I think I can deal with a few of those.”
“Bartering or buying?” You ask. “Bartering,” she replies and you nod. “Good, I need to get a review on what you think.” You say with a smirk and you see a glint of something in her eyes.
“Name?” You ask and she looks at you a little confused. “We have to know whose using our books, how else do you think we send emails threatening to charge or get them back?” You snort.
“Oh, your totally right.” she says quietly before taking out her credit card.
“Jenna Ortega..” she says and you nod, typing in the name before reaching for the credit. Her grip on the card tightens at your lack of response.
You pull the card gently but her grip is to hard for you to take.
“Can I… get the card?” You ask, looking around slightly uncomfortably with the stone like stare she was giving you.
“Are you sure you don’t know who I am?” She asks letting go allowing you to swipe the card.
“Again, should I?”
You both stare at each other, both confused and entrapped by the other.
You find is strange how she thinks you know who she is or why you don’t know her.
Maybe she was some big deal somewhere off and you still have yet to hear about her.
Her name did ring a bell but you weren’t sure. Was she a person you knew from your child hood? An old friend trying to reconnect? Maybe some relative on your moms sent by the older ones to investigate if it was really you.
“Miss Ortega?” You’re both broken out of your thoughts as two large men stand behind her. “Time to go.” he says gesturing to a few people who were standing and staring in your general direction.
One grabs the bag off the counter before quickly walking towards the door.
“Looks like I gotta go,” she says, smile now suddenly shy with others watching. “Don’t worry, I’ll return your book Y/N.” She says before walking toward the door, one of the men right behind her.
“Yeah, you bet-“ you pause after the the realization hits you. “Wait, how’d you-?” You begin to ask before watching her gesture to her chest.
You knit your eyebrows together, you look down to see the name tag right under the library symbol.
She was strange.. cute.. but strange
Read next sort here!
A/N : Some parts once again rushed🧍🏽‍♀️This is just an introduction I suppose, the details will get better I tried my hardest🥲
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
I Think He Knows: (Chapter Six)
Summary: When your novel takes off and becomes a best seller, doors of opportunities open for you. You can work on the series you have dreamed about all your life. And you’re also given the chance to stay in a tiny cottage in Europe for two years to help with inspiration! Your best friend, Geto Suguru, shatters at the news. How could he tell you how he feels when you leave him? His opportunity appears right before him when you confess that your editor thinks a change of scenery will help with your not-so-steamy romance scenes. They’re lacking a particular spice because you’re a virgin. So, Suguru does what any best friend would do. He offers to teach you how things work. Will you cross that line as friends? Or will you both say goodbye?
Pairing: Geto Suguru x FAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,964
Warning: Language, suggestiveness, rql sex (male receiving) grinding, neck kisses, dry humping, mentions of character death,night terror, blood, mentions of PTSD, anxiety
A/N: Man oh man what a silly fluffy slice of life spicy series we got! It would be a shame if something happened 😀—😈
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven
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Think that you were an easy-going person who got along well with everyone. Generally, you were easy-going unless someone fucked you over, then you were a bit salty. Manami Suda Was the only exception. You could not stand her guts. She would be the only person he would gladly hit with your car.
“Manami,” you spit back, crossing your arms over your chest. “Suguru is expecting me.”
“Mm, he didn’t mention anything to me. You would assume he would make his schedule.”
“Ha, funny, let me in.”
“Huh,” she purses her red-painted lips together. “Let me check with my client and see if he’s available. We’re both swamped.”
You roll your eyes, pushing open the door, poking your head. “Suguru, call your Hellhound off.” Manami presses herself to the side, trying to block you from getting further inside the apartment.
“Geto is busy at the moment, but he’ll call you later.”
“Busy my ass Suguru!!”
Upon hearing you call his name again, Suguru headed out of his makeshift studio. He was covered in different blue paint hues, smeared on his forearm and cheek. His eyes darted between you, trying to force your way inside before back at his agent, who was fighting against your attempts. Dark ice glitter with the amusement at how you were putting all your effort into trying to squeeze past her
“Manami, let her in.” He finally said with a chuckle. “Before she starts gnawing at the door frame.”
“Ha!” Manami sidestepped again just as you tried pushing yourself inside, resulting in you falling face forward with the yelp dropping the groceries.“Geto called you a termite.”
Wincing, you sat up, rubbing your chin. Suguru had better put an ad online for a new agent because his current one was about to disappear without a trace. “But she’s the cutest termite in the whole world.” The bluntness and flirty tone of his voice had both you and Manami glancing at him as he headed into the kitchen.
Since when did he start calling you cute around other people? That was usually something someone said about their partner, right? Not their best friend. More importantly, why the hell did you love it?
Manami was too stunned to speak as she gaped at her client before looking back at you. You felt her eyes on you, so you didn't know what any mature adult your age would do. You glanced back up at her and smiled as wide as you could before sticking your tongue out at her. She glared, nose pinching up in annoyance as she flipped you off with her sharp, manicured nails. To which you shot back, flipping her off with both hands as you sat up on your knees.
“Girls.” hearing Suguru call you both out stopped the childish faces and the middle fingers, but no amount of tone, yelling, or godly power could prevent the glaring daggers you gave each other.
“We’re fine, Geto.”
“Yeah, Suguru!”
“You shouldn't use his name so freely!”
“Oooh~ last time I checked, I’ve been his best friend for over a decade!”
Manami clenched her fists together. “Yes, I am aware of that. You make it a point to remind me of that every time I see you.” You stood up, putting the groceries in the kitchen before flopping onto the couch.
“Because you act like I should be courteous and cold to him! I've known him longer than you. So kiss my ass.”
“Geto!” Manami barked, her hair flowing as she looked into the kitchen. “Do you hear the way she's talking to me?”
Your eyes focused on the way Suguru washed paint off his arms. His hands brushed back stray dark strands of hair behind his gauged ears. “Manami, if you just let her in, she wouldn’t be in such a mood.” A certain pleasure settled in your stomach. “She’s always welcome in my apartment whether I’m working or not, you know that.” For some reason, your stomach twisted, and heat pooled between your legs as he told her pretty much to fuck off.
Suguru heard the faintest whimper from the direction of the living room. Looking through his lashes, he smirked, seeing your flushed face. God, you were so easy to rile up. For once in his career, he wanted to shove his agent out and pin you against the sofa. He wanted to pry open your thighs that were pressed together open. Desperate to see if you were as wet as you were a few days ago at breakfast. God Suguru wanted to taste you again, to make you cry on his tongue.
His cock twitched, and he realized now might not be the best time to be sporting a boner in the presence of professional company. So he turned the water in the sink to cold and threw it on his face. There would be a time to get a bit more intimate later. He needed to keep his composure and not eat you out with his agent in the room.
“Fine, but we aren’t done discussing business.”
“I know.”
You watched from the couch, noticing the annoyed look in Suguru’s eyes, and Manami stepped forward. “The aquarium called again; they want to know if you—”
“I said no.”
The aquarium? You blinked, sitting up and tilting your head. Did it have to do with his most recent painting of Riko?
Manami sighed, pulling her phone out. “They increased their offer for you to do the commission.”
Suguru was exceptionally talented. His paintings of dragons, creatures, and sceneries had gone viral in high school, earning him a full ride to art school. He was selling paintings, being commissioned, thriving, and getting paid to do what he loved. He, of course, had rules for commissions he took on from strangers and whatnot, but to deny an aquarium wasn’t like him.
“No,” Suguru repeated more firmly.
“You’d only be—”
A loud crash causes you and Manami to jump as Suguru throws his cup of paintbrushes into the sink. “Manami, no. That’s my final answer.” It was rare for Suguru to get pissed; he was usually well-tempered. So, for him to snap like that was out of character and meant he didn’t want to do whatever she had set up for him.
Manami sighed, grabbing her phone off the kitchen counter and shoving her cell phone inside. “I know it’s a reminder of the past, but it’s good money.” She slid expensive name-brand sunglasses on before turning on her heels with a strut in her step. “Think about it; I’m not sending the denial letter yet.” Without another word, she left the apartment, slamming the door shut behind her.
“Well,” you started, pouting as you hummed, “she is a peach.”
“Yeah.” Suguru sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before focusing his undivided attention on you. “So, uhm, what’s on the menus for dinner? I can help?” He grabbed the brown paper bags, beginning to unload them without another word.
You didn’t mean to pry about what was going on in his life. You knew him better than you knew himself at times. So, he would tell you if he wanted to talk about what was happening. The only time you got involved with what was happening during his work, you were utterly concerned about him and his well-being. So instead of saying anything, you just not at your head as the two of you made dinner together.
But the entire time we both stood in the kitchen silently in tune with each other, your mind kept drifting off to what exactly he was asked to paint. It seemed a little strange that he was asked to paint something at the aquarium, and his current canvas depicted Riko at the aquarium in Okinawa before the accident. That might be triggering his current nightmares, along with the fact that he has never truly forgiven himself for the accident that wasn’t his fault at all.
You knew he blamed himself for what happened. He wasn’t fast enough to push Riko out of the way when the car approached them. He saw her like a little sister. Watching the life fade from her eyes while he was fighting for his own life would traumatize anyone.
That sort of trauma never leaves. It lingers forever, which it had for your best friend. After the accident in her death, he started seeing a therapist every week. He’s on severe anxiety and depression medication, and for a while, his artwork took a very dark turn. He wouldn’t see anyone. He lost a ton of weight but always insisted that he was fine, just tired.
It wasn’t until he snapped when his nieces Nanako and Mimiko were in a car accident themselves that he lost all of his composure. he broke down having a mental episode. He nearly beat the ever-loving shit out of the man that caused the accident. The man had been remorseful, paying for everything from the car to the medical bills for the girls, but that wasn’t good enough for Suguru. He wanted to make him pay for what he had done. In a way, he saw it as the driver that caused Riko’s accident to pay for the pain the two of them went through.
Suguru was lucky enough to have you and your mutual friends by his side. All of you helped him get the help that he needed. You were there when he needed to talk or was having a rough day. That was one of the many reasons you both lived in the same apartment complex. He felt safe around you. Suguru knew he was with you. He was seen for who he was and for not being the man who couldn’t save his friend's life.
Despite it not being his fault at all.
And well, he had healed over the years,
Like anyone else living with that kind of trauma, he had his good days and his bad days from his sleeping over, insomnia, and how he reacted to Manami pushing him to do the mural at the aquarium. He was having a rough week.
After eating a delicious home-cooked meal and cleaning the kitchen, you sat on the couch, staring blankly at the television as Suguru gently ran his hand up and down your thigh. Some thriller played in the background; at this point, it was mindless background noise as your mind reeled, trying to think of what to say.
Your silence and uptight demeanor had Suguru’s dark eyes darting towards you every few seconds. There was something on your mind, something he knew you were contemplating saying. But much like you, he wasn’t one to pry. He knew in the last decade that you were upfront with him whenever you wanted to talk about an issue. But from the shyness in your touch to how you kept looking at him, he figured that maybe you wanted to make a move or ask him to teach you something new.
God, you were just so cute and shy. He wanted you to feel comfortable, to tell him what you wanted. But at the same time, he knew you. There was no way you would be upfront and ask home to do stuff with you or ask him to teach you more things. Until you were ready, he would have to continue making suggestions or ask how you felt and what you wanted to do.
Giving your thigh a gentle squeeze, your eyes dart in his direction. “Did you get all your rewrites done for Utahime? How did the meeting with her go?” Your face lit up.
“Oh, it went well; she loved what I had! She said my writing has improved.”
“That’s great! Do you get any time off? Like to relax that big brain of yours?”
With a pout, you collapsed into his side with a huff. “No, she wants the next chapter in two weeks. So I have to write it, have Nanami read it, edit it, and then I can send it to her.” The feeling of Suguru’s hand leaving your thigh left a trail of goosebumps in its wake as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Oh, well—do you need help with the next chapter? Or are there fewer spicy scenes in this one?”
You scoff, resting your chin on his upper arm. “That’s what you bookworms call sex scenes in books, right; spicy scenes?”
“Awee~ you do listen.”
“I listen when it’s you.”
You resist the urge to kiss him, opting for blushing instead. “Uhm, right! Yeah, so—“ you clear your throat, “it’s more plot than spice, but I’m not opposed to—ya’ know, adding spice.”
This was your way of telling him you wanted more without outwardly saying it. This was keeping your friendship safe. Besides, just because you didn’t use it in this chapter didn’t mean you wouldn’t use it in the future!
Suguru was slightly disappointed when you first said there were no spicy scenes in this current chapter. He felt like you did, not wanting to ruin your friendship. But to hear you say that you weren’t opposed to adding spice to your current chapter and all the worries and disappointment vanished. Suguru hummed, putting his hand behind his head and slowly licking his lips as he watched you sit up.
“Oh really now?”
“Mhmm~ I just don’t know what to add~ maybe you—” You slid your fingers down his ab’s, gently sliding them underneath the hem of his shirt. Your manicured nails gently ran over his happy chill, making Suguru twitch in anticipation. “Do you have a suggestion for what I could add to this chapter?”
“Mmm, well, you could always have Oaklynn go down on Ilsan, or you could have them dry hump or grind.”
You toyed with the waistband of his sweat, biting your lip as you felt his cock twitch, growing harder the more you rubbed the band. Your eyes were so focused on his pants that Suguru could hear the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears, his stomach filled as you looked up, meeting his gaze. He swallowed hard at the lustful need burning in your eyes. It’s hard to believe you had never been kissed a week ago, and now you were playing with his waistband to his sweats so suggestively?
What the fuck was this life?
“Sugu—can I touch you?”
With his consent, you tugged his sweats down to rest over the top of his thighs, finding a tent in his boxers. There was something oddly satisfying about seeing the way your touch affected him. You knew his body was probably reacting naturally to an intimate touch. Part of you wish this might be more than a physical reaction deep down inside. But that was ludicrous because he was helping you out.
But maybe it could turn into something more you wouldn’t oppose.
“You’re already hard.” You said with a blush, your hand gently brushing over the hardening shaft in his boxers.
“What can I say? I have my beautiful best friend touching me.”
“Can this beautiful friend return the favor from the other day?”
Subaru chokes on his spit as you gently talk the band of his boxers down. If you want to, that shouldn’t be an issue. But you don’t have to return the favor! The cutest pout graces your lips as you reach out gently, grabbing his shaft and squeezing it. “Ooooh, fuck—”
“Oh! Sorry, did that hurt? I was trying to be a bit more confident!”
“N-No, it felt really good.”
“Oh! Okay, uhm—” You bite your lip in concentration, trying to mimic the moves. He had done when he first jerked off in front of you. “I want you to feel good.”
Subaru could not believe you were saying this. The same girl that hadn’t had an orgasm in her entire life less than a week ago. Was now stroking his cock with confidence in your eyes! There was no way he would ever extinguish that burning lust in your eyes. He would encourage you to do what you wanted if you were comfortable doing this because he would be lying to himself if he said that he hadn’t dreamed about something like this happening for as long as he could remember.
“The, by all means, feel free to keep going; it feels fucking great. Unless you need me to help tell you what to do?”
“No, I think I got this.” You pulled your hair back before situating yourself in between his legs, holding his shaft close to your mouth. “Just sit back and relax, okay?”
Suguru watched with bated breath as you slowly leaned down. Your eyes were focused on his before your tongue darted out, kitten licking his tip. The man lost his shit right there. Suguru threw his head back, grunting as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. Fuck, it felt good mentally and physically. Finally, have you been doing the things he had imagined doing since he was a teenager? It was better than he could’ve imagined. God, he wasn’t going to last long.
His tip's salty yet sweet taste made you more eager to take him in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around relishing in the sounds that escaped your best friends mouth. One of his hands gripped the back of his sofa while the other grabbed his shirt, tugging it tight. He looked so hot when drowning in pleasure; seeing him like that gave you a confidence boost. You had never done this before, but you had read plenty of erotic novels, and you knew how to eat a popsicle. Putting both of them together gave you an idea of what to do.
While his chest heaved up and down, eyes shut tight, you took the whole head of his cock into your mouth you hummed. That action alone made Suguru’s hips buck up with a whine. His thrusting, pushing his cock against the back of your throat, made your eyes water as you gagged around him. Almost instantly, Suguru pulled back out, sitting up on his elbows to look down at you with concern etched into his features.
“Fuck Princes, I’m sorry! Are you sorry?”
“Mhmm!” You hummed around him, making his jaw clench at the vibrations around him.
“F-Fuck—haaah—fuuuuck.” His hand slowly slid down, tangling in your hair, not forcing you down his shaft further. He just held onto you. “Fuck—”
You can’t help but stare up at him. The way his jaw drops, his eyes narrowing as they darken with lust. Watching him slowly lose himself to the pleasure had you squirming. You could feel yourself getting wet as the heat began to pool between your legs, urging you to keep going, to take him further into his mouth. So you did; inhaling through your nose, you took more of your best friend into your mouth, gagging slightly as he slid further down into your throat.
Suguru was utterly losing himself in the sensation of being buried in your mouth. I was so wet and tight, and you knew what you were doing. Despite being a virgin and never having a boyfriend, Suguru was thoroughly impressed with how well you were taking him. Your lips around his thick fat cock, taking him down your throat, had him teetering on the edge of his release like he was a virgin.
He dropped his arm off the back of his couch, covering his eyes. What the hell was happening to him? Why was it he could barely compose himself when he was around you?
You always had that effect on him. “Fuuuck—shit—” His fingers gently scratched your scalp as you took him deeper, bobbing your head up and down, making his cock wet with your saliva and his pre-cum. “Fuck~ you’re doing such a good job, pretty girl~ so good.” A rosy blush dusted Suguru’s cheeks as his chest heaved faster, the muscles in his abdomen twitching from the pleasure.
Pulling off his cock, you slowly lick the underside of it right against the vein. He had grazed when he would touch himself. The most sensitive part of his cock. A hiss passed through his lips while his hands remained tangled in your hair. You grinned, pressing gentle kisses over him, nibbling on the soft skin before your kitten looked at the leaking slit.
“Could you maybe— fuck my throat?”
If you hadn’t been squeezing his bass when you were, Suguru was afraid that he might cum all over your hand at your request. “W-What seriously?” Your request was not entirely out of left field. It still left him in stunned silence.
“Yeah, Ilsan is a bit rough, so I wanted to see what it was like?” When in reality, you just wanted to see him lose all of the control he was barely grasping.
“I can do that, but if it gets too intense, just tap my thigh, okay?”
You opened your mouth to respond, only to have Suguru grab onto your hair with both his hands and force his cock into your mouth. “M-Mmmphm!” as he slid his shaft over your tongue and down the back of your throat with a gentle thrust.
“Fuck yeah, Princess~ god, you must feel so fucking good~” he pulled his shaft out of your mouth, just about to hit the back of your teeth before he slammed back into you, making you gag as he hit the back of your throat. “Nngh! Shit~ ooooh fuckin’ hell, that’s so good.”
“Mmm! Mmmhpm! Mmm!” You cried out each time his cock slid in and out of your mouth, making a mixture of drool and pre-cum leak out the sides of your mouth, dribbling down your chin and onto the couch beneath you.
“Oooh god—oooh fuck—haaaah!” A low moan sounds deep in your best friends chest. He lifted his head, watching his tears weld in your eyes, streaming down your cheeks, a trail of mascara left on your pretty, beautiful cheeks. “Fuck—Princess, I’m going to—I’m gonna cum. Wh-Where do you—nngh!”
Upon hearing his orgasm was approaching him, you grabbed both of his thick thighs, squeezing them as you moved in tandem with his hand. Your head up and down as fast as you could without making yourself gag more. Your eyes were transfixed solely on him as tears blurred your vision. Suguru knew where you wanted him to cum—and it was down your throat.
“F-Fuck—I-I’m cu-cumming! Cumming!”
Spurts of his hot cum that had covered your hand days before now filled your willing mouth. It was salty but also strangely sweet. That might be because Suguru was always eating healthy and making sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. You’d have to thank him for that later; right now, all you could focus on was how good he tasted all over your tongue.
You swallow every drop, only pulling away when Suguru’s grip on your hair loosens and rests on your head, gently stroking your hair back. He was grinning drunkenly as he watched you lick your lips, smiling down at him as you fixed his sweats. Once you were done, he yanked you down to rest on his chest as he continued to caress you with his hands gently.
“Are you sure you’ve never done that?” The tone of his voice was stern. “Because holy shit, you sucked the soul out of my dick.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, snuggling into his chest as you rested your chin on his sternum, watching him closely. “Yep, I’ve never done that.” He shook his head, taking a deep breath as he did. “Did I do a good job?”
“I just said you sucked my soul out of my cock; yes, you did a phenomenal job, Princess.”
You smiled sweetly, losing yourself in his stare as he leaned down to kiss you softly. For the briefest moments, you stiffened, but you found yourself melting into his kiss with a happy hum. This was the perfect way to research for your book.
That was the sort of way things went about for two weeks. Grinding, making out, oral sex, and nothing between you changed, aside from the constant need to be around each other. You both had been close before, but now you were practically inseparable.
Weekends were spent together, meals were shared as you worked together, or Suguru sketched in your apartments while you wrote at his place. Not only did your work improve during this change, but you could also see a change in Suguru. He looked less tired, wasn’t having any more nightmares, and just seemed genuinely happy.
God, what a time to be together.
A time where you were closer and happier. Things felt so good, and the more time you spent together, the more you began to worry less about your book and focus more on your relationship. You created different scenarios for your characters to spice things up for your ‘research.’ And you knew deep down that Suguru knew it was a bullshit excuse to hook up. You could see it in the way his dark eyes would twinkle with mischief before he agreed to do whatever you requested with no questions asked.
“Fuck!” You gasped out as Suguru ground him against your clothed sex. His hands were hooked under your knees, spreading them as he sensually ground to the low R&B playing through the speakers. “Fuuuck~ that feels good.”
“Heh—yeah, it does.” His lips attached to your neck sucking and kissing on the sensitive skin. “You always feel good~ so good~.”
You ran your hands through his dark hair, holding his mouth against your neck. “Please don’t stop.” He grunted, eyebrows knitting together as you whimpered his name.
Suguru’s fingers dug into your thighs, bucking faster, not intending to stop at all. Instead, he moved faster, making you cry out, tugging on the dark strands as she sucked on, leaving several hickies against your skin. God, he could get used to this. Domestic shit, making dinner, but losing yourselves in grazing touches and kisses on cheeks. Leaving the bell peppers on the cutting board uncut and the steak sitting in the fridge. The corkscrew was still embedded in the unopened bottle of wine as you ground against each other, inching closer and closer to sweet release.
“Suguru~ hah—“ your hands grip his shoulders, holding them tight as he grinds hard, faster, “c-close!”
Somehow, Suguru pulled his lips off your neck, allowing him to press his forehead against yours. “Yeah~ gonna cum, Princess~? Gonna cream your panties~?” You lean in, bringing down his bottom lip as you rock against him, matching his movements and speed.
“Yes~ I-I’m so close!”
“Then do it~ cum for me~” he kisses you deeply as he grinds faster and faster until you both are crying out against moving lips, eyes shut tight as waves of your orgasm wash over you. “Oooh fuck~!”
“Fuuuck~ fuck!” You cry out, feeling your panties grow wetter and wetter. “Oh my god, Sugu~” you pant against his kiss-swollen lips while he lazily nods.
“Yeah, shit.” He grumbles with a moan.
“I need to borrow some boxers or sweats.”
“Yeah? You make a mess?”
He teases you with a peck to your cheek as he gently releases his hold on your legs, helping you off his counter. “Yeah, no thanks to you.”
“Oh please, you’re as much to blame for this as me.”
Suguru presses another kiss against your cheek. “I’ll take the blame, but I’ll start on dinner if you want to go raid my closet for sweats.” The glimmer in your eyes had your best friend gently flicking your forehead. “Just sweats, none of my hoodies, dork.” That statement had you pouting as Suguru gently slapped your ass, pushing you forward.
“No fair.”
“Life ain’t fair; your notebook is on the dresser if you need to write notes.”
You give him a thumbs up as you head into his room, ignoring the glittery notebook and heading straight for the closet instead. The more often nights like this occurred, the more you didn’t care about taking notes or jotting down ideas. Instead, you find yourself wanting to spend every waking moment with Suguru.
Notebook aside, you stripped out of your clothes, folding them up, before grabbing a pair of his baggy gray sweats as his phone buzzed on his nightstand. Glancing down at the screen, you resisted the urge to gag as you saw Manami’s name appear.
“Eeew, Sugu, the troll you call an agent, is texting you!” You grab his phone, unlocking it as you return to the kitchen. The sound of chopped vegetables echoed off the walls as Suguru looked up at you. “Want me to read you what she said?”
“Yeah, it’s probably about this client she found.”
Opening the chat, you pull out the barstools at his breakfast bar before him and clear your throat. “Geto, the new client, loved the sketch you submitted, and he would like to proceed with the next steps for the painting to be done. He has paid in advance.” Suguru did a little fist bump before he slid the peppers into a sizzling pan. “I also wanted to discuss the offer from the Amanai Foundation. They will pay for our room and board for the four months we’ll be in Okinawa finishing the aquarium piece.”
The spatula falls from his hand as he turns to you, staring into your wide eyes and pale complexion staring at the phone. You blankly stare at the message as big tears form in your eyes. Suguru watchI in horror as tears stream down your cheeks.
“What does she mean you two are going to Okinawa for four months together?”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
@lemonintrovert01 @spankmydepression @renttheannihilator @witchbybirth @missmuffinr @lialia3945 @theobsidianempress @aquasan29 @toffeebrat @aussiemeerkat @chimichangagirl @zoroisminty @spankmydepression @em-aizawa @gojosimp26 @moonlightazriel @maskedpacific
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ravenofazarath2 · 4 months
I’ve been seeing a fair amount of discourse over whether or not Ricky September was a good person, and I feel like a lot of it takes a very black and white view of Ricky as a character.
One of the recurrent themes in this season (and, well, a large portion of the show), is the importance of hope. And I think that’s what Ricky is supposed to represent.
Hope that there’s kindness in the world.
I think we can all agree that that was basically his thing, right? He didn’t have to help Lindy through the slug monsters, but he did. He didn’t have to try to save her life, but he did.
Everyone else we meet in FineTime is self-centered, vain. Their friendships feel artificial. And that’s probably because they are artificial since they never talk face-to-face. They literally live inside a spherical object that also acts as an echo chamber they can personally curate. That’s one of the most literal metaphoric interpretations of “in a world of their own” I can think of.
And right when it seems that life this way will be the death of them all, here comes this ray of sunshine named Ricky September. He immediately shows Lindy kindness even though she’s a complete stranger. And then they hug, what is likely the first empathetic touch ever in her life. Tells her that he spends most of his time unplugged and reading and learning. He does the Doctor grabs a hand and yells run thing. And when he sees that Homeworld was destroyed, he lies to Lindy so that he doesn’t kill the hope that’s keeping her running for her life—to see her mom again.
I know can’t be the only one who thought, “Oh, maybe his kindness will rub off on Lindy, and she’ll be a better person in the end!” That’s the hope.
That’s what Ricky represents; he’s the hope that, as long as empathy exists in this world, things will get better.
Hope that people can change.
The only shadow in this perfect ray of hope is the fact that, just like everyone else in FineTime, Ricky September is racist.
His micro-agressions aren’t as, well, aggressive as Lindy’s, but they are there. His hands are fidgety and he's distracted. He's giving awkward smiles and chuckles. He does seem uncomfortable working with the Doctor.
But we know that Ricky has empathy. He shows it when he saves Lindy, but I think the most jarring example is when he says he read about manual labor and said, "That life was tough." Lindy's response. "My sit at a desk for two hours and gossip with my friends job's not easy. I get chapping." And he learned this empathy through reading instead of spending all his time online. Which is where he learned about pulse codes, too. So he's empathetic and willing to learn.
(On a side note: Lindy's lack of empathy by this point should have clued us in that she was beyond redemption)
And that's I have no doubt that, had he survived, he would have pushed his biases aside and taken the Doctor up on the offer to travel. He would have worked to unlearn the institutionalized hate he was raised in. He's the hope that people—that we can change, become better people.
Unfortunately, Ricky is just different enough for Lindy to other him in order to justify sacrificing him to save herself.
The real lesson Ricky September teaches us.
Unfortunately, Ricky being a symbol for hope is exactly why he had to die by, essentially, Lindy's hand.
Hope simply existing isn't enough to bring change. If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope, because if we don't, those trying to maintain the hate will snuff us out. And not just for ourselves, but for our fellow man.
If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope. And not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors, too. If we show each other empathy, we can reach more, spread more kindness, be the change.
But if there's no empathy, then there's no hope for our survival.
And that, I believe, is the lesson RTD wanted us to see.
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staranghae · 7 months
better than the movies
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summary. a new love blossoms between two people who could not be more different from each other. and no seungkwan, it is not because of your self-proclaimed 'stellar cupid skills', shut up!
pairing. cinephile! c.hs x bookworm! reader wc. 1.1k warnings. profanity, agggtm and its two sequels are movies in this. genre. crack, fluff, non-idol! au, intentional lowercase. a/n. this was requested by one of my very lovely moots and was a blast to write. @nonononranghaee hope you like it 🤍
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you were browsing through the shelves of your local library looking for the sequel of the novel you had finished that afternoon.
you were growing increasingly desperate as you browsed shelf after shelf of the literature section but to no avail.
tired and miserable, you dragged yourself over to the librarian and asked her about the book,
"hello, do you have a copy of 'good girl, bad blood' by holly jackson?"
the librarian glances at you before going to her computer and looking through the library's online database. she turns to you with an apologetic smile before informing you the tragic news,
"i'm so sorry darling but someone checked it out just this morning."
your face visibly falls at her statement. the librarian, feeling a bit sorry for you, asks,
"i can put it on hold for you when it gets back if you'd like?"
you give her a somber smile before nodding your head.
you turn to leave but recall an incident that had taken place a few weeks ago at your place.
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"seungkwan i swear to every god in the universe, if you don't give my book back i will suffocate you in your sleep, you sneaky little bitch!" you yell, chasing your best friend around your apartment as he maneuvers around your furniture, waving your book in the air.
he finally stops, standing on your futon while holding the book above his head and out of your reach.
"y/n listen. the deal is simple. agree to go on a blind date and i'll give you the book back. easy, right?"
you look at him incredulously before climbing on the futon and kicking him in the shin. not too hard, just enough so his knees would buckle. he immediately drops your book in favour of inspecting his now injured shin.
"this is what happens when you play with fire kwan. now i have a book to finish so get out!"
he mumbles something about 'stealing the sequel' before slamming your door shut on his way out.
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you turn on your heel and go back to the librarian's desk. mustering up your courage, you ask her,
"may i know who checked it out? in case it's someone i know?"
she looks at you, a little confused, before turning to her computer. a few seconds later, she reads off of the screen,
"it seems a person by the name of 'boo seungkwan' has borrowed this book."
you chuckle under your breath, thank her, and storm out of the library furiously typing on your phone.
y/nie boo seungkwan!! when i fucking get you, its soo over for u. kwangerine y/n! what's got you like this at....2:13pm? y/nie idk kwan :| maybe it's the fact that you checked out the sequel to my book from the library:/ kwangerine ah so you found out :D welp, if you want it, come to heaven's cloud at 5:30 hehehe y/nie gremlin ass kwangerine :P
you sigh for what seems to be the millionth time today.
as you start walking towards your apartment, you make a mental note of everything you have to do today.
first, you have to pick up the laundry on the way to your apartment.
then, you have to go to heaven's cloud to murder seungkwan get your book back.
once back in your apartment, you decide to change before heading out to heaven's cloud. it wouldn't a very nice impression of you to go to your best friend's cafe clad in a concert tee and sweatpants.
you change into a dress and put on some light makeup before heading out.
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the smell of coffee and vanilla envelops you as soon as you step into heaven's cloud cafe. you look around for seungkwan, but don't spot him.
but you DO spot his roommate, sitting in seungkwan's favourite spot holding your book, looking a bit...nervous?
you walk up to him and stand in front of him. when he doesn't notice you, you call him,
"vernon? did seungkwan send you?"
"y/n? you look...nice."
"thanks? you still haven't answered my question?"
he laughs a bit before gesturing for you to sit down. you sit in front of him as he starts to talk,
"so what happened is, i was watching the 'a good girl's guide to murder' movie right? seungkwan came in mumbling something about you being to engrossed in books to even have a social life."
you just roll your eyes at the perfect description of your best friend before telling him to continue.
"and then he looks at me and starts going off about how we're exactly like each other but also exact opposites."
"as in? what does that mean?"
"as in i wouldn't read a book to save my life and according to him, you would only watch a movie over your dead body. and-"
you interrupt him, knowing exactly where he was going with this.
"-and also. i'm a huge bookworm and you're a...movie connoisseur?"
he chuckles before answering you,
"well, the term is cinephile but yeah. a movie connoisseur of sorts."
"yeah whatever. and seungkwan thought it would be good idea to pull whatever he pulled and make this a date. am i right?"
he freezes up a bit before nodding slowly. you, on the other hand, did not know what to feel. had seungkwan done this because of how many times you had gushed to him whenever there was a opposites attract trope in your cheesy little romance novels, or had he finally figured out your yearlong crush on his extremely attractive roommate?
it is only after you finally look at vernon do you realise he had asked you a question. you smile sheepishly while asking him to repeat the question because you hadn't been paying attention.
he merely chuckles before repeating his question,
"were you not aware this was a date? because seungkwan told me you knew."
"nope. didn't have a clue."
"ah. you can leave if you want, i don't really mind."
you feel a pang of disappointment in your chest at his statement. you take a deep breath and work up the courage to ask him the one question you've been meaning to ask him for the past year.
"vernon. do you, perhaps, like me? like, romantically?'
vernon all but spits out his drink at your sudden question (or was it a confession?)
he regains his composure before answering you,
"yeah! i mean, yes uhm, i have liked you, for like, uhh a year at this point i think."
you audibly laugh at his stuttering and ask him the million dollar question.
"do you want this date to go on?"
sure, but only if we can go back to my place so i can tell you why the movie is better than the book."
"that is, quite literally, impossible but sure, also only if i can tell you, factually, that the book is always, and i mean always, better than the movies."
the two of you laugh at your statement and continue with the date. a few tables behind you guys, there was a very pleased human cupid sipping on his iced americano, eavesdropping on your guys' conversation every so often.
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fangirltothefullest · 5 months
I find it fascinating seeing the use of tone indicators circle around so much back to a similar way that my mom used them in early AOL message board days. Tone indicators are useful to us because they help people read how we are talking and the tone we intend so as to not alarm people when talking online. We don't have the ability to tell if anyone is serious by playful manner of facial and physical expression so they're useful to us online even now!
But the fact that they evolve and change is fun to watch even as I watch it circle around.
So here's some examples of American tone indicators and outside influences to them that I've seen since first being online:
My mom's age- AOL users/early message board system used a fabulously straightforward way of indicating tone:
::::begin sarcasm now::::, ::::laughing::::, ::::shaking my head::::
The usage of colons was an easy way to identify a tone indicator was coming. There was a very limited way of creating text and often message boards did not come equipped with rich text formatting so this was a perfect way to show what you meant. They tended to have indicators fully worded with no short/chatspeak.
Then two things happened near each other- cellphones and rich text formatting being more prominent in online spaces.
Starting with cellphones- when they became a more accessible thing, tone indicators changed and abbreviations of the sayings became prominent, originally known as "chat speak" which began to form much more readily in texts and online. These indicators tended to be indecipherable unless told what they meant and the indicators had to be memorized:
Rofl, lol, smh, istg, wtf, ruok,
These tone indicators persist today, but part of their legacy was the limitation on character counts. Most places had a 140 character limit, meaning you had to get your message across fairly quickly. A way to indicate tone was either go the abbreviation route, or use the rich text editing.
Rich text allowed for italics, bonding and underlining so people could use these tools to indicate tone. These also had to be learned, because not everyone read them the same way and sometimes different places online would have different etiquette on what each tone meant. Freeboards would often have one board to specify what each one was for:
Sarcasm was popularly italicized
Anger was often bolded
Underlining was used often for seriousness
If you had the ability to strike through, it was a whisper or afterthought.
Doubling your rich text with different punctuation could change the tone.
But the internet also let people in America see other people's cultures more readily. We are notoriously bad for teaching about other cultures here but the internet did allow us something fun! An exchange of faces if you will.
In the West, we were using emoticons with other things (note that this was dependent on if it would not work if your HTML or CSS confused the brackets and parentheses etc. as coding):
:), :(, :O, >:(, =), =D, D8, D:<, O_O, ( • )( • ), >.>, 8===D~~~, [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅1̲̅0̲̅)̲̅$̲̅], ಠ__ಠ, ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ,
But now we could see that other people were making faces in different ways and the anime crowd caught on very quickly:
OTL, (^_^;), (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄), (/◕ヮ◕)/, \(^o^)/, (✿◠���◠), ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ, (OwO), (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻,
Boy do I LOVE emoticon indicators! A lot of them are still used today as well.
And then things shifted again when cellphones gave us emojis! Now tone indicators were colourful!
But they were not accessible as easily to PC users so there becomes a nice little divide between who is and isn't using them. Also there are so many now sometimes it's hard to figure out what the intended emotion is, considering they look different on different devices! But the younger age groups of my students are trained on emojis! So much so that if I ask them to draw happiness, they draw the happy emoji.
I'm sure I'm missing a few but right now we've been back to a combined group of tone indicators! Here on tumblr we are using the slash to indicate tone much like the original AOL message board users used the colon and we are shortening the words AND using abbreviations and some write out the whole thing! Its FASCINATING seeing it come full circle.
/gen, /pos, /jk, /srs, /serious, /genuine, /positive, /happy, /encouraging
I just love how languages evolve! 8D
What are some tone indicator trends YOU noticed in your online spaces?
Edit: FIXED all of the stupid phone spelling errors.
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