#yellow green team coroika
bensiebetsy · 4 months
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I FORGOT TO POST IT HERE... anyways yello green team coroiks 🤑
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riverpookie · 8 months
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WHAT TEH FREAK!!! (a part of an octo expansion yg team au hehehe :3)
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the-knife-consumer · 4 months
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Yellow greens.... My greeeens...
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rexsketches · 2 months
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The YG girls are ready for battle!
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sapphsquid · 4 months
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Used the inkling almanac drawings to make some shitty color reference sheets
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lesbperor · 1 year
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colored 3 pages of the shop duty extra ^_^ dont know if/when ill do the rest but here they r
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viirsk · 2 months
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blehhh shes so goober i love her so much
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 17
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.8k
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It’s toe-to-toe, and the both of you are fighting for first place. This final lap decides the winner. You’re a second behind Mask for most of the third lap, and it’s not looking good on your end. You’re nearly done the race, but you managed to pick up an item. A green shell. Well, it’s not the worst. Now you just have to snipe him just right. You wait until the last second of the race, where it’s a straight stretch. You’ve got one chance.
‘Let go…now!’
You hear Mask cry out in shock, and the sound of the winning theme play.
“YES!” your arms shoot up, one hand still holding the controller. That was the closest you’ve ever been to an opponent. You usually managed to beat Leo, only giving him the win if you didn’t feel like going all out.
You give Mask a closed-eyed smile, and he squints his eyes at you and looks away in annoyance. It’s light-hearted though, you can only tell because you can barely see the way his cheeks move up under his mask. 
You put the controller down, content with how you played.
“Ya’ll want some drinks? I’m goin’ downstairs to grab some snacks.”
Aloha’s holding the door handle, ready to make his way into the party.
Mask wants an energy drink, Skull asks for soda, and Army goes on a short rant about how much sugar is in both of those drinks and how bad they are for them. Just about what you’d expect. You ask if you can get a bottle of inkling-safe water, and Aloha goes downstairs.
You get up from your seat, sitting back beside Skull. You’re about to pull out your phone to not make things weird, but after shuffling through his pockets, Skull silently offers you something.
It’s a lollipop.
You giggle at how serious he looks, and take it with a small ‘thanks’.
He nods, then waits a moment before explaining himself.
“...Not a lot of people can beat Mask. You’re pretty skilled, not only at ranked and turf, it seems.”
Right, back to that. Always back to how you battle. Army notices the slight annoyance written across your face that nobody else could have spotted. He must have done research on how to recognize emotions like that.
“Have you completed the volumes you checked out at the library?”
“The…carp. I forgot about those. I didn’t even end up going back to the library after hanging out at that cafe with Skull.”
“Yoooou hung out with Skuuull? Didn’t know you two were clooose.”
Mask seems irritated, but you can’t quite tell why. In the manga it was stated that the S4 don’t necessarily get along, they’re just there to be strong teammates, so maybe that’s what it is.
“Nah, it was pure coincidence. It was my first time meeting him.”
Skull nods to back up your statement by nodding in agreement. Aloha walks in and gives everyone their drinks and begins to chug his glass of punch. Mask turns towards the tv, away from the rest of the group, to lift up his gasmask and drink his energy drink.
“Yeah, they gave me their ice cream.”
Aloha quickly turns his head towards Skull,
“Who did? D’I miss somethin’? Have you two hung out before?”
You caught the way Army and Mask both turned their heads just as quickly as Aloha did. This is definitely getting out of hand. You sigh at Skull for being such an airhead, and try to clear things up, talking about what happened, leaving out the part where Aviator joined you guys.
“I dunnooo dude, seems kinda like a date to me~”
“ ‘Loha we literally just met.”
“I’m just buggin’! You guys ready to actually party now or what?”
Mask groans at that, but he knew it was inevitable. He must have made a deal with Aloha earlier or something. Army quickly scribbles something down in his manual, presumably finishing up. Skull sits up and makes his way toward the door. You follow along, taking a deep breath in and out, preparing yourself for the overwhelmingly loud music and bright lights.
You stick next to Aloha for the most part, and you can tell he’s a natural at parties. He looks like he’s right at home, the way he so smoothly dances through the crowd, and makes up short but fun conversations with the guests. You feel much more comfortable following behind him, not only because he’s the perfect party guy, but you also have some of the scariest players in Inkopolis following you around, giving anyone a glare if they seem like they’re about to approach you.
Army’s quickly caught on that you don’t enjoy talking about your battling skills, and what else is expected to be spoken about at a party only involving strong players?
Mask is struggling with the way he feels about you, all he knows is that he likes hanging out with you. Which is really weird for him, but he knows that you don’t treat him like this godly idol like some others do.
It’s also rare for people to treat Skull like a normal person, given that he’s the biggest and strongest S4 member. Usually, people tend to outright avoid him. Maybe it’s his resting mean face. He’s not really trying to separate the crowd, really, he’s just big. And scary. And might have a slight RBF.
Aloha isn’t trying to divert the crowd, it’s actually quite the opposite, people always crowding him and wanting to talk to him. But he makes sure to look back often, still worried about how you’re doing with all the people, and lights, and sounds, and heat- you get it. Parties can get really overwhelming, and he’s already seen how good you are in this place.
You make it to the main room again, and you’re quick to run off after spotting an inkling wearing glasses and spiky hair. You hug him right away, seeing Tasha and Leo standing right next to him.
“Where have you been? We couldn’t find you for the longest time!”
“I went upstairs to find somewhere to hide from the crowd, it’s all good now, sorry for making you worry!”
“I’m so sorry about separating from you, I know you don’t like people and this place must be terrible to be alone in for you!-”
You can tell Milo’s about to start ranting, as he does in his big brother mode, but thankfully Tasha sums it up for you.
“We can always leave anytime if you’re uncomfortable, you know.”
You’re glad you have such awesome teammates. You still felt bad about making them worry, though. You reassure them that you're alright.
"So you don't want to go home?"
"No, no, we can stay here and have fun if you guys are enjoying yourselves." You look over at Leo, who's stuffing his face with chips. 
"These your teammates? I underestimated them, but they seem like good people." Aloha jumps into the conversation, liking how well your teammates are treating you. It seems you trust each other, and that makes for a good, strong team. 
You see Leo in your peripheral view and see the way he just about dies at the sight of Aloha right in front of him. His idol? Right there?? This must feel like a dream come true to him. 
You snicker at him, and turn to Aloha.
"Looks like you have a big fan that wants to meet you, 'Loha." You say, gesturing behind him, at Leo.
He turns his head to greet his fan, and you smile, glad that you could make Leo's day.
You look over at Tasha, and see that standing next to her is Bamboo.
"Oh, hey! The yellow-green team's here?"
She nods, looking over at Tasha, then back to you,
"Everybody but our leader. We are a strong team, after all." 
"Speaking of Rider, we haven't seen him in a while." A voice that you can tell is usually quiet does its best to make itself heard over the crowd and music, and you turn your head to see Stealth. 
"Oh, hey, sweetheart! I'm sure he's doing alright, he's strong enough to protect himself if he gets into any trouble."
He looks away, still unused to how carefree you seem to be with him compared to others.
“I hope so…”
The rest of the S4, besides Aloha who was just finishing taking selfies with Leo, finally manage to shake off their fans. Mask comes and sort of hides behind you, Army comes to stand to your left side, and Skull to your right.
“Soooo, these are your teeeeamates?”
“Yup, this is the fam. Leo’s quite the gamer, so I think he might be a good opponent for you. We should host a Squid Racer tournament one day.”
The last part was lighthearted, not meant to be taken seriously, but it could be fun if you guys actually tried to set something up.
It was surprisingly quiet between the group, moreso than you would have expected, namely from Milo. Milo speechless? Not a sight you’d thought you’d ever see. But hey, these are their idols, you get it. Tasha, well, she doesn't talk much anyways, but she’s definitely staring at Skull in awe. You and your team are probably the only ones who can tell, because it probably seems like more of a scowl if any outsider were to see it. Skull’s looking back in curiosity, which looks more like a staring contest.
“Man, you guys are so quiet and boring! This isn’t the best time to chit-chat n hang out since it’s so loud and getting late, so how about we all meet up soon?”
You’re still iffy about getting too close to the main characters, but the rest of your team comes to silent agreement before you have the chance to say anything.
“Sure. We can have lunch together on Friday?”
Tasha sounded more stern than she had hoped, but she’s definitely more leader material when it comes to timings than you, so there’s no stopping her.
The S4 check and clear their schedules, and make time for lunch with your team.
You wave goodbye to the S4 and any other acquaintances that are looking at you, before turning towards the door. As soon as Leo gets away from Aloha, he immediately lets his body slump out of exhaustion. It seems he likes to push himself too far at times. Milo picks him up to give him a piggyback ride, and Tasha follows behind the group, to watch out for everyone.
Next part
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talkin-cephalos · 7 months
Submitting my thesis as to why Blazer should be the co-captain of Team Yellow-Green
This is something I’ve had bouncing around in my head for a while and it’s time I finally put out why I headcanon Blazer as the Yellow-Greem second, which I’ve come to understand is a unique take.
So, there’s really nothing in canon to define who is the second of any particular team, the term’s not even used, it’s mostly just defined by whoever on the team has the most panels/who seems to have the bigger presence. And yellow-green team don’t appear to have one with more than the others, which is to say any at all. So it’s very much up for debate and I know the popular reading is Stealth being the second but I want to put forward my idea for it to be Blazer instead.
Mainly for the interesting potential dynamic with Rider and what that brings to the table. With leadership duos, captains and second in commands, through all literature, they tend to fall into one of two very basic camps; either the second is very alike to their captain and that enhances the captain’s power in the particular direction they like to push (like Army and Forge Octarian), or the second is rather different than their captain, usually an opposite, and their role instead is to cover the captain’s weaknesses and shortcomings (like Skull and Aviators). And in terms of yellow-green team, I think the second one works better with their history and particularly Rider, and Blazer is the best fit for that.
Their start as a team was so rocky, and with Blue team being the catalyst for Rider to stop being such a jerk and actually give friendship and teams a try, that’s sorta his arc in the background as a leader. Being a better person and a friend to his team, not just seeing them as tools. But you don’t just make progress overnight, it takes time and it’s going to happen in increments. And especially, it’s something he has no knowledge or experience in, he’s going to be stumbling ahead without direction.
And that’s where Blazer the second comes in. She’s portrayed, when she’s portrayed, as the most friendly and open hearted member of team yellow-green, and following in the second camp of second in commands, the ones who cover their captain’s weaknesses and act as support them, I think she’d do the best for Rider. When he doesn’t know how to social, or what to say to a situation that isn’t harsh, or how to handle something, she’s there to give him advice and help out. Not do the work for him, but help him keep moving forward, to give him answers when he asks ‘I want to be better, how do I do that?’, and support him all the way.
That’s my reasoning for it at least. I think it would be a good dynamic between the two of them. That Rider’s arc and growth works best with a second who’s strong in the ways he isn’t but wants to get better in. And I feel Blazer is the best choice for that.
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ace-octo-pix · 2 years
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yellow green team consists of two gay men and two sapphic women who happen to also be good at battling. i think they’re neat
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violethursday · 2 months
Coroika character blogs masterlist!
Since there's been a recent in these rp accounts, I thought it would be fun to make a list for all of them so far!
Team blue: @naked-inkzooka, @goggles-thechaoslord (AU blog), @bobble-the-happy, @not-bobble
Team Yellow-Green: @gold-dynamo-user-no-1, @stealthsbase
Team Orange: @captaincurryy, @octo-jacket, @w-b-sailors
Team Pink: @p4rtyp1nkwavs, @swagpartyloverdiver
Team Purple: @s4scandyeatinskull, @avisradblog
Team Cyan: @midnighttabletopgamer, @maaaaask-blog, @catboygamerdesi, @m4sk-mtf (AU blog)
Team Green: @safari-hat
Team Gloves: @squarescoolest, @rimzzy
Team Emperor: @king-of-turf, @emperor-enperry, @princeslittlekingdom, @squidkidjrissosigma, @not-emperor
Team Inkfall: @inkstorm-spaghetti
Team Eight: @hachi-8-8, @nanatheocto7
Team X-Blood: @nylon-vintage, @double-egg-shades, @annaki-blu-cuff
The Best 8 of Splatsville: @inkblackflapcap, @that-one-8bit, @not-8bit, @not-shady, @splatlandian-pyo, @not-barreleye, @not-ocho
Unaffiliated: @emissary-of-order, @not-hivemind
Team 8-Bit: @not-tintedshades
Team Ocho: @not-float
s4: @s4-askblog
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just-your-frenemy · 2 months
From a S+ person who was on a semi-comp team for some time with not that much experience low rankers. (There was only one other S+ player)
So, since some people say something along the lines of "Team Blue shouldn't have won! The legends are much better!" While that is true and they shouldn't have won that much, especially if you compare it to Ash Ketchum from the Pokémon anime who has lost. It does make sense to me at least a bit to as why they have had quite the winning streak.
When I was on a team with some less experienced players, a mediocre B+ player, C ranker, an A+ who had his switch broken for a while, and a B- player.
Once we played one of the trizooka challenges, and like any high ranked coroika antagonist, I got upset (anger issues 🫣) due to us losing quite a lot. But, my teammates, on the other hand, kept mainly cool despite the losses.
If you know anything about proper top players, they have to keep calm and focused throughout the game in order to keep pushing to redeem the match.
The reason why I'm bringing this up is because all the coroika antagonists get cracks in their gameplay at any slight disadvantage, whether it being distraction, their leader being splatted/caught up, or team fights (not inbetween them and Team Blue, just them by themselves.)
So they get stressed out, and then Team Blue uses this to gain control and win the game.
Every one of the antagonist teams does have have their clear weak points,
Team Yellow-green (S1): Taking down Rider, their main source of orders, and using communication with your own team
Team Orange: Do something unexpected. - This will probably be easier to do if you're a C- through C+ player, since in a video of Squid School (?) in Splat2 where he climbs through the ranks, starting at C-, he finds that all the C players are mainly focused on the objective and not splatting others instead of the A+ to X rank norm of picking battles off the side and then going to the objective.
Team Pink: Split them up.
Team Cyan: Avoid the subs and catch them off guard
Team Purple: Take down Skull or stay behind cover to avoid his shots and pick off his teammates
Team Emperor: Stress them out.
X-Blood: Split them up.
Also, there's this funny thing I've heard about where this freshman was assigned to make an AI for poker, and they literally made the code to tell it just to go all in. And they won first place, since every other AI just folded since it's not expected for their opponent to just go all in.
Anyways, don't hate Team Blue that much, at most dislike them. Thank you for coming to my stupid SplatTalk!
And yes, if you're wondering, after, I DID go through an arc from serious S+ ranker to silly little guy!
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riverpookie · 15 days
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eruditeellipsis · 5 months
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rexsketches · 4 months
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Mermaid (or is it Mersquid?) Blazer in all her colorful glory. Based on an AU I created a while back.
I was able to finish this before the end of May! This was originally a sketch that I liked a lot and wanted to do a full color illustration of.
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sapphsquid · 2 years
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Drew some furry shit for Valentine’s Day
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