#yes I know I am playing an mmorpg I will choose where I do and do not go
probably bc it was less bothersome in ShB but the whole botanist/fisher studium quests are weird
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thesecondbatgirl · 3 years
Final Fantasy XIV: A Fandom Primer
I was going to do a really long post complete with pictures in the style of the old livejournal crack_van fandom primers, but you know what, fuck it, I am bad at that, so have a giant wall of text instead.
Except for this meme:
Tumblr media
So have you tried the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, which once again has a free trial that includes the first expansion and unlimited playtime? No? Well, I’m about to tell you why you should try it. (Minor spoilers through the most recent expansion)
One: The characters
Look, if I tried to list every single character this would be way too long, so instead I will just say that there is a character type for everyone. Do you like found family? Have so much found family it is ridiculous. Do you like gay dads adopting a teenage girl? Check. One of the best redemption arcs since Prince Zuko where the dude is basically “I am well aware that the things I did are unforgivable, nobody should forgive me, but I will dedicate the rest of my life to being a better person?” Also a thing. Smug teenage asshole learning that maybe he doesn’t actually know everything in the world and becoming a better person. Woobie cat boys who need a hug? That one villain who just wants to fight you because his life is boring and the only thrill he gets is in searching for the ultimate fight? Handsome knights who bring you hot chocolate when you’re sad and then (spoiler) die tragically in your arms? 
Two: The worldbuilding
Endwalker (the most recent expansion) brought the main story over a decade in the making to its inclusion, and the worldbuilding was just… amazing. I am (once again) replaying the game, because little details from the base game pay off in a big way later on. And you know, all three starting cities are run by women, so you have your choice of hot pirate woman who can totally step on me (... we totally get a female villain who does step on people later), immortal(ish) child (kinda) leader of the forest nation, and a very young sultana who leads the desert city and also eventually gets an arc where she’s basically like “fuck capitalism” and I love her. Not to mention all the places you go to in later expansions, which include the fucking moon (which is haunted). And there is so much lore that they’re literally going to have to put out a third encyclopedia to keep it all straight. Oh and all the pixies are canonically non-binary, they are great.
Three: The tropes
Look, name it and it has shown up in ffxiv. Bodyswap. Time travel. Alternate realities. You can literally bartend at one point so your coffee shop AUs can exist if you want.The tv tropes page is ridiculously long for a reason because I swear everything that could possibly exist does.
Four: the themes
FFXIV is really, when it comes down to it, based on one thing. The arc words of the story are “for those we have lost and those we can yet save.” The last expansion especially has been a rebuke of nihilism and an embrace of hopepunk. There is a textual acknowledgement that yes, life is incredibly hard and filled with pain, but life itself is worth living and that we together can fight for a better future, instead of giving into despair. Oh, and also fuck imperialism, let’s go destroy the colonizers, but let’s also get into why these sorts of things happen, and how do people move on after. 
Five: The gameplay
You can be every single class without having to be a new character. That is 19 combat classes (20 if you count the limited job), 3 gathering classes, and 8 crafters. Plus, they are about to make it so that you can basically do this single player if the idea of playing with others scares you. But the community is overall fairly friendly! There is still the tank/healer/dps (damage dealer) breakdown and I am not the person to talk to about healing, but even if you want to only choose one class and play that you can! Or you can keep trying things until you find something you like, there’s a class that will probably appeal to you.
Six: The music
Is a bop. The end. There’s a reason I have played literally 7500 hours of this game since 2015. Highly recommended, you should join.
Also if you like the Jedi, I swear it's one of the best portrayals of Jedi philosophy I’ve ever seen and why I’ve spent a lot of time yelling that the woman who wrote the last two expansions should write Star Wars.
(Oh, and if you RP, there is a VERY active RP scene.)
Download the free trial here: https://freetrial.finalfantasyxiv.com/na/ and you can find me on Crystal Data Center. (Although data center travel is coming soon!) And seriously, if you have questions about the game message me, I’ll answer, and make up a FAQ post if necessary. I love this game so much, and it has gotten so many of my friends through the pandemic.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
made by sonaatti 1. If you play video games, what do you usually like to play? If you don't play video games, do you like watching others play? If so, what? >> I play single-player RPGs and MMORPGs the most -- Final Fantasy XIV is definitely the game I’ve played the most in the past year, and I also did another Skyrim run. I really like games with customisable player characters the most; I tend to lose interest in games that have an established character (The Witcher 3 is a very cool game! I still get bored of it pretty quickly no matter how many times I try to play it, and it’s largely because Geralt -- as loveable as he is -- is a very established character. I should just read the books or watch the TV show, lol). I also like games where the world adapts depending on the choices you make (high replayability, there), and games with intricate spiritual or divinity-related themes (I really like what Pillars of Eternity did there, and Final Fantasy games are often pretty intriguing on that front too). And then there’s games like Hades, which I didn’t expect to enjoy nearly as much as I do (because games where you die a lot as a rule are usually intimidating and frustrating, but Hades manages to make it a necessary part of how you get stronger and get more Cool Stuff so I feel way less bad about dying all the time, and also the NPCs are so fucking neat and the art style and combat mechanics are both intensely satisfying). The third kind of game I like is games like Journey, which... well, if you’ve played it, you’d know. It’s just beautiful. 2. What are three things you like about nature? >> It is a route to connection; learning about ecology and observing nonhuman creatures provides so much perspective and reminds me of how interconnected everything innately is, despite how disconnected I feel in the human world. That’s really it, like... everything I love about the natural world is summed up by that sentence. 3. In what ways are you a responsible/"functional" adult? In what ways do you feel you aren't? >> I am a responsible and functioning adult in that I use my small income wisely and conscientiously, I try to keep my living space clean and habitable, I take care of myself (physically and mentally) as best as I can, and I try to treat other people and other living creatures as respectfully as possible, acknowledging that they have their own rich internal lives just like I do. The things that I cannot do -- things that other people regard as part of “being an adult” because of social pressure and ableism -- are irrelevant to me. 4. Do you have any interesting facts about your ancestors? If so, what? If not, what about relatives? >> No. 5. Do you believe in spirits? (You can interpret "spirits" however you want.) >> This is a difficult question to answer, because I have no idea where to begin or how to approach the question. I feel like I could better explain my perspective in a conversation, a back-and-forth where more specific questions are being asked and other views (and definitions) are being shared as well. It’s not a “yes” or “no” for me, because “yes” or “no” would tell you absolutely nothing -- but if I had to choose one of the two, “yes” would be the answer I would choose.
6. What do teenagers have right now that you wish you had when you were their age? >> I’m not sure what teenagers have right now that I didn’t have at their age, to be honest. The only thing I can think of is social media, which... yeah, I’m very glad that wasn’t around when I was a teenager. 7. Are there any poems you like? >> There are a couple, but I can never remember what they are when I’m asked. 8. What do you think is missing/needs to be improved in the feminist movement? >> This is far outside my wheelhouse, all I know is that the TERF thing has ballooned out of control on social media at least, and it’s off-putting. 9. How open are you when it comes to talking about sex? (Whether that be your own sex life, sex in general, etc.) >> I have no issue talking about sex, generally. Talking about it personally is a hit or miss, depending, because my relationship to sexuality is fraught and mostly traumatic, and I am functionally asexual (I don’t feel sexually attracted to other humans, I experience libido but I have no desire to seek out another human being for sexual activity, and I find the idea of being sexualised to be unsettling at best at least 98% of the time). Also, because the kind of sex I do have is... well, Inworld, and no one really knows what that means or how that works except some other people that have “Inworlds” of their own. I also connect sex to things like... well, devouring and death and stuff (big Scorpio energy, you know the drill), which is repellant to a lot of people but makes perfect sense to me. So it’s tough. 10. Are you a fan of the horror genre? If so, what are some of your favorite films/television shows/books/etc. that you like? If not, what do you not like about it? >> I am! Maybe one day I’ll try to make a list of faves, but like... it’s hard to remember stuff like that off the top of my head. 11. Do you thiink we're living in a dystopian world? Why/Why not? >> I mean, maybe. I can see why people would say so, but I don’t really think about it too much. 12. Would you commit murder if you knew you could get away with it? >> I don’t know. I have no idea what the emotional or spiritual toll of committing a murder would be, so I’m wary to just say “sure!” or whatever. Also, Hannibal makes murder look sexy and romantic, and I appreciate that greatly, but like... real life ain’t like that, so what’s the point? 13. Which musical artist do you like that seems to surprise people? Why is that? >> I’m not sure. Most of the people that know me in any capacity become aware of my all-over-the-map music taste pretty quickly, I think. I don’t think I ever give off the impression that I only like one type of music. I think maybe it might surprise someone that I still listen to pop music from my childhood (BSB, Britney Spears)? It seems like most people my age “grow out” of that at some point, but I never stopped liking anything I liked back then, I just added way more stuff to my “I like this” list as time went on. 14. Would you rather have the power to resurrect the dead or enter the world of the dead (but you can't interact with anyone)? >> I don’t want to do either. I prefer the concept of being able to dwell in-between -- to see death and life in the same context, to recognise and love the paradoxes inherent, to not make an enemy of transience and impermanance. I want to rejoice in the rest that the dead receive, and regard it as hallowed and desirable, not disrupt it for some whim of mine own. Imagine you’re mega tired and you finally lay down to sleep and you’re sinking gratefully into the pillows and the blankets and drifting off... and then someone comes busting into your room and turning on lights and yelling about something completely irrelevant to you. That’s exactly the feeling I imagine when I think of someone waking the dead.
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emcads · 4 years
Get to know the blogger!
Tagged by: no one  I’m tagging: yes 
FIRST NAME aleah ! 
STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF i walk on my toes when I’m nervous or in an unfamiliar situation. even when/especially if i’m wearing heels, the extra noise makes me more nervous lmao. 
TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON style ( particularly vintage style ngl ), nice brows, and red lips ?? women are beautiful always but wearing red lipstick i’m knocked the fuck out 
A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF the on-campus cafés would sometimes have a cappuccino muffin and it was so good i literally miss them so much. the coffee flavor wasn’t overwhelming and it had powdered sugar on top and ... yes. 
A FOOD YOU HATE cooked carrots. raw carrots are fine but cooked carrots are nasty. 
GUILTY PLEASURE i love reading threads about all the weird shit the kardashians do. i feel like a game of thrones peasant watching the nobles just act like absolute buffoons with money they don’t know what to do with.  
WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN like a tee and joggers / shorts. sometimes if i really want to channel my vintage aura I have a long pink chiffon bed jacket and matching nightgown that I’ll wear but only on special occasions. 
SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS neither i’m a lesbian so i just yearn and never actually make a move. am I flirting? even I don’t know. 
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE in 5th/6th grade I went through a phase where I convinced myself to be obsessed with boybands to fit in with my friendgroup at the time and to prove to myself I was straight. I said I would marry liam because he once tweeted that he liked pirates of the caribbean. ( admittedly, my standards were on track ) so yeah. just not do that. because i wasted so much of my time. 
ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON sort of? I don’t do well with out loud communication or touching, I’m much more able to express myself either through written form or sending gifts that remind me of the person / memes / etc etc. I feel like I can come off sort of cold in person but it’s just bc i’m literally So awkward. yes i am aware this makes me sound like mr. darcy. yes ladies feel free to send me a romantic letter. 
A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN saving mr banks. over and over and over again. i owe pam everything. 
FAVORITE BOOK it changes. i always come back to the price of freedom bc it’s my comfort book, but I also really like The Playmaker rn, and The Republic of Pirates is my fave non-fiction book ever. 
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE a turtle. i wanted one so bad this semester !!!! 
TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] well obviously james/esme. steve/peggy. esme /elizabeth. peggy/angie. héloïse/marianne.
PIE OR CAKE i’m gonna say cake bc cheesecake but not really a fan of regular cake texture. 
CELEBRITY CRUSH adèle haenel my god 
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO i’m yearning to visit disneyland paris.  
IPHONE OR ANDROID iphone. i’m all about those aesthetics babey 
DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES yeah ! not as much since college but I love aciv for obvious reasons. i also regularly play the legend of pirates online which is the rebooted disney mmorpg. ( again, obvious ) i want to play sims again so bad but im not letting myself because i know that’s a slippery slope. 
DREAM JOB imagineer ! i know every disney person says that but like literally... my dream environment. your job is to be eccentric and awesome and have attention to detail and story and the overall goal is to make people happy and transport them to a better, safer world. ( also, depending on who’s head of the company, to make disney the monies but lbr the projects are never good when the goal is to make/save money @ dca ) i just think i would thrive there and i’m getting emotional just thinking about it so moving on 
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS probably buy a house in france. give a bunch to make a wish. build a theatre in my hometown. 
FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE literally everyone in smash season 2 but especially jimmy 
FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER i guess the got/asoiaf fandom ? i still like it but i don’t really Go There anymore 
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jujywrites · 5 years
WIP Challenge
I got tagged by @kikithedeceiver to do this!
Challenge: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Here’s the thing. I don’t have many separate WIP files; most of them are in one huge doc. and most of the separate wip files are... pretty dead? but ok whatevs. under a read more since it’s long...... and my ego won’t let me skip snippets hjkhkhk thanks for the idea Kiki
From my main miscellaneous folder:
50 Grades of Steele. 1 and a half chaps of a role-flipped 50 Shades of Grey rewrite (i haven’t read the books so I extra don’t care about the characters lol). why do i still have it i’ve lost interest.... *side eyes her entire wip ecosystem* ...Then I see my interview subject, seated at her desk.
"Mr. Grey. I'm pleased to meet you."
And I stop breathing. [end CH1]
[open CH2) I forgot to mention something: I exaggerate occasionally. But I'm not now. I literally stop breathing for a few seconds. A thousand thoughts are racing through my mind, which doesn't help my chest stop seizing, but the main problem here is that Anastasia Steele is quite possibly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Fanfic idea masterlist. my most active file and where I keep most of my WIPS, unless they get too “large”. Organized by fandom. lotta stuff i keep passing by & may as well be dead but don’t wanna delete. here’s a zero-draft snippet of probably the next chapter of my G-rated yukyoru fic collection
He grabbed a pillow and placed it to his chest, grabbed her arm, and yanked her to him, praying his idea would work.
Seconds passed and he didn't transform. He put his arms around her gingerly. Should he try to immobilize her or would that make it worse?
She made the decision for him. "Mom," she sobbed, clutching him with an iron grip. "N-Need to help...!"
His stomach dropped to his shoes.
Thudding footsteps announced Yuki's arrival. "What's wrong?! Honda-san--"
He didn't say "What did you do?" The thought raced by and Kyo said, "Grab a pillow and help me!"
As Yuki positioned the pillow and himself without having to ask, Kyo said, "She won't wake up. I don't know what to do!"
"Night terror," Yuki said tightly. He was too close but it almost didn't matter. "Not much you can do besides wait."
MayxWard BDSM fic agents of SHIELD. mix of notes and actual writing. kind of a half AU. Melinda climbed into the driver's side and buckled in, then started up the car. "If you've not ridden on the left before you might have motion sickness. It's normal. Just close your eyes until—" She paused as she looked at him; his hands shook so much he couldn't manage the seatbelt. "Here, let me."
"Thanks," he muttered with a sigh, looking rueful.
Modern AU Zelink. What it says on the tin~ Teenage-ish Zelink, with a mash of supporting characters from other games. another mix of notes and fic. Link wasn't sleeping tonight. Tonight was the night he'd been planning for and awaiting for weeks. He was going on a quest: the quest to meet Princess Zelda. 
She wasn't really a princess, of course. That was just her nickname. Zelda Nohansen was Hyrule's sweetheart, the most sought-after young actress in the movie business. And Link had fallen in love with her the first time he'd seen her, two years ago in a tiny theater in Kakariko.
PMMMfic homumado. Madoka Magica. AU, been around since about an hour after I finished the series (5 years yikes, still gotta watch Rebellion). Homura's time power still somewhat involved, but Mami's an adult, everyone's at a boarding school (I think?) where ~things aren't as they first seem~ and Madoka has mysterious powers and night terrors. just notes at the moment.
SoubixHitomi.  Loveless. 3 unfinished/dead first-person Shinonome-senseixSoubi snippets, all of ‘em spicy.
yvy abo. Yuri On Ice. Yuri (Katsuki!!)/Victor/Yuko(!!?!), my attempt at. well. omegaverse(!!!!!!!). orignally started as part of a “bad YOI fic” bigbang and now I’m taking it seriously dgdgfg. Alpha Yuko. “Please, please stop,” she whispered, like saying it aloud would make any difference. But the pressure in her head kept building. Her limbs had begun to itch restlessly.
And Victor wouldn’t let go of her hand.
With the last scrap of her control, she straddled him quickly and kissed him awake.
Even in half-sleep he arched to meet her, and when he opened his eyes sapphire blue had already turned stormy with lust.
yvy canonfuturefic. Yuko-focused following of canon, or: how canon can I keep YOI while still rareship OT3ing it. She and Yuri fall in and out of love, in between falling for Victor. Victuri is still my life I swear   
“You have got to watch this,” she tells Yuri. She watches Yuri’s face instead of the video, having seen it at least forty times by now.
Yuri’s eyes transform into beacons of awe, and Yuko swallows around her rapid heartbeat, breaths coming too short. She sees everything she’s feeling and more on his face. She remembers that she loves him, that he’s real and here and more important than the beautiful boy on her phone who’s trying to pull her under to a scary new world.
ZnT ot3 bdsm AU. Zankyou no Terror, 9/12/Lisa. mix of notes and fic, not just PWP. in heavy need of editing bc a lot was inspired by a non-spicy book.
“But it’s not just me. It’s everyone. You need everyone because you have no idea how to need yourself. Or even how to be yourself.”
“You’re wrong.” The force and volume of her voice shocked her and pushed her onward. “You and Touji. I don’t need anyone except you and Touji! Because you both taught me how to be myself-- no, how to find that on my own. I know exactly who I am, and that me isn’t complete without both of you!” She could feel the tears streaming down her face, yet somehow her voice didn’t waver. She felt so full of conviction she could burst into flames. “Don’t you understand, Arata? We’re all meant to be together.”
From my SnK folder:
Cave of the Crystal Maiden (working title). Aruani. Modern AU. MMORPG shenanigans with a dollop of magical realism/supernatural. Just notes. @portraitofa-girl suggested “meeting online” and it’s been there literally for years oh lord im sorry. no fic yet, just notes.
Falling Anthem (working title) Modern AU Levihan, art student Hange and young professor Levi. just notes. fic one in a planned series. also has been years ;_;
Raindrops and Soft Steps. Jearmin. unsurprisingly, modern AU. One morning, when Jean looks out of his bedroom window, he sees a boy dancing across the street. In the street, to be exact. There wouldn't be anything unusual about that, Jean supposes, except it's raining cats and dogs outside.
In my IAMXfic folder (fff i almost skipped this):
2ndPOVCalberto (DO NOT CORRUPT WITH HET) ChrisxAlberto? not much to say?? yes i know they’re real people??? which applies to everything after this oh my god *crawls under desk* Of course she knows; she is annoyingly perceptive when it comes to romance. The only thing preventing you from asking her (like a fucking lovestruck teenager) if Alberto likes you back is emptying that beer bottle. By then the only thing on your mind is ordering another.
CalbertImmi. i can’t even keep my poly shit outta RPF ahaha omhg Imogen has a conversation with her lover's lover. (AlbertImmi, sequel to...) Imogen finds herself in an unenviable position. (emerging CalbertImmi)
Alternate summaries (CC POV, first fic?): Chris loves two people. He doesn't want to choose. Chris has fallen in love a few times in his life. But he's never fallen for two people at once. (Chris also isn't good at choosing.)
ChrisxJ. several self-insert fics bc CC is just that powerful, apparently. haven’t looked at the file in a long time,,,,,
He started calling people to the stage with him, and one by one, my row emptied.
"Come on, yeah, come on," he was saying, waving his hand in an inviting gesture and grinning like a little kid. "Hey, you want to?" I did a double take.
"Me?" I mouthed, pointing at myself just to be sure. He nodded, smiling wider.
So it was that I walked unsteadily down the ramp and waited in line, feeling like I didn’t belong there. Soon I was next in line. What would I say? What would I do? I was sure if I opened my mouth I’d either burst into tears or faint.
Genderswapped IAMX sci-fi. The sci-fi was inspired by a word prompt, genderswapping by my own brain. (play spot the Immi lmao) Across the aisle, Sam rolled his eyes. “Leave Chris alone; she’s nervous.”
“And put on your own seatbelt, Johann,” shouted Jess, two seats back and in Sam’s aisle.
Patrick turned  to look at Chris. “Subspace travel is a bitch,” he said simply, and turned back to his book.
“Oh, I feel much less nervous now,” Chris said with a sardonic grin. “How do you know that, anyway?”
"I'm not exactly what I seem to be." He didn’t look up.
Chriimmi (While I Was Gone inspired). Chris/Imogen, inspired by scenes from Sue Miller’s While I Was Gone.
"You really ought not to do that, you know," he said softly.
"Do what?"
"Sneak up on me."
My eyes slid from his face. "I didn't mean to. It just... happened."
"Mm." I glanced back at him; he wore a lopsided smile. "Not that I minded." The tension was so strong the air nearly vibrated with it, yet I held my tongue, terrified that I was the only one feeling it. He took a breath, deep, nearly rising on his toes. "No. I didn't mind at all." He took my hand, circled his thumb over the back. My breath caught as I felt it, as I watched him looking down at our hands.
Chriimmi bathtub dream. dream inspired Chris/Immi smut.
Chriimmi twitter. twitfic plus some, inspired from an actual tweet iamx made that i’m still not over. 
@ imogenheap Come sing your lovely lyrics with us in London. @ IAMX misses you. CCx
ChrisxImmi main. grab bag of Chriimmi I was too lazy to put into separate docs.
“What do you think?” She grinned, twirling.
He cleared his throat. “Ah, I-Imogen, what are you wearing?”
“Well, I didn’t want to clash with your theme…  Janine helped me. Does it work?”
Scandalously short skirt, midriff-baring top, knee-high boots.
“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? You’re trying to fucking kill me.”
Her grin only widened, even though a blush had started.
Fic edit chriimmi ver. yeah. editing someone else’s original fic to be chrimmi. either never posting or editing the frick out of. ~_~
He kissed her neck, whispered into it, “I love you.”
Imogen laughed. “Bollocks,” she said lazily.
”I do!” Chris protested. She looked down at him, nestled on her shoulder. He looked back, open, a little adoring. “I fell in love with you halfway through the show; I sang every note just for you.”
”Oh, please. You couldn’t have seen me.”
”No,” he said. “But I knew you were out there… I knew it had been you the minute I saw you backstage.”
Hospital Chriimmi. In which my guilty feeling over RPF are even worse bc of the inspiration ^_^U “Ms. Heap. What a pleasant surprise.” It’s surprising, how well she remembers his voice.
“Mr. Corner, what have you got yourself into?”
“Oh, just a bit of lingering insomnia. You know how it is.”
She takes a seat in the chair near his bed, crossing her legs. “Well, I’ve certainly had a sleepless night here and there, but I’ve never ended up in hospital from it. So no, I don’t suppose I do know.” Her tone is light, but her smile has begun to crack.
ImmixChris genderbend smut. the my secret friend video is... fertile material. have not actually written the smut yet.
...he saw us as characters– we put on those clothes and become separate from ourselves, removed. Whereas I simply felt like myself in men’s clothes, and instead of feeling what He felt for Her, I just kept right on feeling what I felt for Chris, amplified to a distracting level.
ReluctantdommeImmixSubCC. ...shrug emoji? notes and uh. visualizing.
Vampire Chriimmi. based on a dream. smutty. inspired by True Blood so wow that’s old.
From my Markipairings folder:
demon dream. markiplier self insert...... ughhhhhhhh o///o
"You can have me," I tell the creature. "But this one," I jerk my head toward Mark, "comes with me. He's mine, you see." A bold proclamation to make, but in the moment I know that the truth in those words surpasses everything I've ever said. He is mine, and saying the thought out loud fills me with courage. He squeezes my hand, two short and a long one so strong I think he might break it.
I know we’ll win.
DommeJujY. same as above, same as the next four. smutty.
Fight team AU. i forget where i got this one from. vaguely inspired by loveless i guess.  The first clear thought I had was, He shouldn't have gone ahead of me. The second one was, I should have been able to protect him. But these came later, after the rage went away, after I hugged him and apologized, after I bandaged him…
Gaming meetcute. i win some contest or whatever to secretly tagteam w/ Mark. stuff happens and yeah......
The adrenaline surges through my veins as I take in the scene. Mark's avatar is flailing around, backed into a corner by some Eldritch Abomination and holy shit, the graphics in this game are amazing.
"This is not good, I can't move, I can't move…"
There's a voice in the back of my head screaming to shut the game down, to get that horrible thing off the screen. I ignore it.
Markinpanties. .......smut.
shifter-slight sci-fi AU. shrug emoji.
I looked up from the ground and saw I was heading straight for a brick wall. There was no time to slow down. I braced for impact...
It didn't happen. I opened my eyes and found myself in a café.
Looking behind me, I saw a door. On impulse I walked over and opened it; the tree-lined street I could see through the glass was indeed there. No brick wall to smack my face into. Bewildered, I turned around and looked for a seat, choosing one near a window.
Gouldiplier~. master doc of ficbits of my cracky mccrackship, MarkiplierxEllie Goulding.
I check my phone during break time again. My selfie has been liked and retweeted thousands of times, and I shake my head in disbelief; I don't think that will ever stop surprising me, deep down. To make things even better, Mark's liked it! I'm in the middle of a happy jig when I realize there's a text from him and a squeak of joy slips from me.
hellooo gorgeous
looks like you're having fun. Hope the shoot's going great! <3
I quickly send a reply. it has been. Be glad when it's done tho. Missin u lots xo
Markipicbunnies. fanart of Mark for Gouldiplier insipration. photographer au. 
"Ms. Goulding, I'm really not sure about this…"
"I produce pictures that are intimate because I'm an intimate being, Mark." Ellie looked at him directly, a hint of a smile shaping her lips. "Deep down, I think you are too. We just need to draw you out a bit."
showersexgouldiplier. WELP. IT’S SMUT.
Also I have folders for my 2010/11 nanowrimo novel that are kinda still WIPs but also kinda not
i’m gonna tag.... @kippielovesyou @kiridork and @mistergrass and anyone else who wants to do this can too :3
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jaceythejester · 7 years
Tagged: Ask meme (50) - (96)
Tagged by @cookiespanda 😂😂😂
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?  I had a dream when I was outside and there was this big thunder and lighting, I ran like a shirtless Michael B Jordan was waiting inside the nearest building.
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? I love both.  If I am somewhere that it’s not convenient for me to read, I’ll just listen to an audiobook or a podcast.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? It depends on my mood. Sometimes I play the music loud in the shower. When I write, there are times when I’m so focused that I can’t hear the music.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Carve pumpkins. I’ve never done it before.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?Rihanna - Diamonds
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) Summer. It’s endless because we only have 2 and a half seasons here.
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? A&W’s waffle to go.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Can’t. Something gay and nsfw is sure gonna come up 😂
(58) What Is Your Gender? Female. For some reason, people always think I’m a dude on the internet and on MMORPG ..
(59) Coffee Or Tea? Coffee.
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? No homework because I’m not a student. Just working on Becca’s tattoo theory  video, The Junior Theory video, and Enneagram for TF and TS characters and reading fan fictions submitted from other writers for my Becca x MC x Kaitlyn fan fiction prompt #1.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? I’m bisexual.
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? I choose not to.
(63) Favourite Pokemon? Don’t have one.
(64) Favourite Social Media? Tumblr, of course. The gayest social media in humankind history.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? I used to like SnapChat more but now that they added some changes ...
(66) Do You Get Homesick? Never. Home is wherever I am.
(67) Are You A Virgin? Is this a real question? 😂
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Pantene.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? In my car. There was this one time in 2013 when I was still a student in Japan and I flew from Tokyo to another city and I didn’t have much money and I didn’t book any hotel room because I thought I’d sleep in my sitting position on a seat at the airport because my family would arrive the next morning anyway. I didn’t know that the airport wouldn’t be opened for 24 hours. (Fuck) Like others who had the same plan as me, we were all told by the security to get out of the airport. It was midnight and it was so cold, dark and disturbingly quiet outside. I wouldn’t be surprised if some zombies showed up. I stayed outside for 2 hours and it was freezing. 
And all I could think about was; how the fuck do homeless people survive on the streets? I had little money and nowhere to go and didn’t know what to do. Luckily, a Vietnam guy who originally was gonna sleep inside the airport saw me and told me that there was a 24 hour family restaurant nearby. We went there with a Taiwanese girl who couldn’t speak English and Japanese well (and I can’t speak Chinese). She came from Taiwan to see a concert of her favourite Japanese band. The whole thing was unexpected but I got to experience the kindness of strangers at the same time. The 3 of us ordered something to eat and we ended up talking and hanging out until morning. Then after the airport is opened again, we all went our separate ways. From then on, I kinda want to do something big for the homeless (except giving them CPR because I don’t know how) 
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? My dad left when I was a kid.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Wrinkle in time.
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? Never.
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?    Halsey - “When I sat down to do Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, I noticed that a lot of the mainstream interpretations had been done by men. So I swapped the characters so in my story, I’m Romeo. I wanted to see what would happen if the female in story chose herself.” https://youtu.be/dwTS0gJf3kI from 1:25 on. This gave me an inspiration (not an inspiration to do an interpretation because I’m a woman, but to be bold and add creativity into my original work)     Let me explain. The theme of her latest album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom was inspired by Romeo and Juliet. In her music videos for this album, Halsey is Romeo. She gender swapped the characters. That alone was bold af.  Now that I understand what it feels like to put my work and my youtube videos out there, I know how “worrying about people’s responses/reactions and being afraid of criticism” from the internet feels like. And so I think what Halsey did was really bold and inspiring.    I’m someone who is not shy and compared to most people around me, I am confident. I can go up to a stranger and ask for their phone number for my friends. I did that when I was a student living in Tokyo and I went to Tokyo alone to study and at that time I didn’t know anybody in Japan and I could barely speak their language. But doing that is so much easier than building confidence to start a youtube channel. At first I was so friggin’ nervous. My palms were all sweaty. My confidence went out of the window and I was so worried and afraid. I think we all know how mean people can be on the internet.     Then last night I watched one of Halsey’s old interviews. She just does her thing so confidently and without hesitation (gender swapping Romeo and Juliet for her album) while being in the limelight at the same time.    It’s like she’s so focused on her work that she has no room at all for fears even though she’s so young. I learned something meaningful and useful and I got really inspired. I admire her because she has wisdom to share. Wisdom that can be used in the real world. And she inspires me to focus on my work, not my fears.
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Purple. Like Danaerys Targaryen’s.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I liked it. Now I still do and because there’s no swing set near where I live, I have an excuse to be excited.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? A&w waffle to go 😂 that I craved.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Life is strange, Choices, FFXV, Lineage II.
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? I don’t know how to give CPR so I wouldn’t because I might make that person end up dying faster.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? When I was younger, I used to not sleep and not eat because I was addicted to MMORPG. (Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, TERA, Rohan and Ragnarok. I would have done the same with NieR Automata on PS4 if I were younger)
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? No. Not anymore after that cute af instagram model got herself a girlfriend. Wait. What?!? 😂😂😂
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Yes. Meeting new people and keeping in touch are two different things so ..
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. Sometimes I wear 15 rings on my both hands. 
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? Closed. Locked. Secured. 
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? chatting with my bff in Tokyo, getting inspired by Halsey, about to introduce something to TF/TS fandom.
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? A plain shirt and a pair of plain sweats.
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I’m not good at makeup but my fave red lipstick is Bang by Urban Decay.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night person. Night time is when I can connect with my muses the most.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. That’d take the whole day so I’ll tell you some of my faves. NieR Automata, Persona 5, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, Dragon Age Inquisition, Life is Strange (what I’m gonna play next)
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. Too nsfw to talk about hahaha
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? Melon fanta in Japan.
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? Piano.
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? I wear both equally. Jeans when I go out, sweats when I’m working on my youtube videos.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? Clean and presentable. Younger than my age, hopefully.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Taking a warm bath while listening to my favourite music. I think everyone should play the music loud when they take a bath to prevent them from falling asleep and drowning. I was told that it is one of the top reasons for deaths in Japan.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? Halsey’s lyrics. I’ve always wanted a tattoo since I was 15 but I never knew what tattoo I really wanted until a few nights ago. 
(96) Favourite YouTuber? Stevie Boebi, a youtuber and a lesbian. I look up to her. When she was a kid, she got abandoned by her real mother then she was raped. It took time for her to open up about her pain and her vulnerability and now she is sharing her story with everyone on her youtube channel. She’s super strong and super inspirational.
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stillinaincrad · 7 years
Found this online and thought it’d be fun. Won’t tag others, but would love to see reposts with your answers!
1. Who is your favorite male anime character? it’s always a toss-up but for today will say Spike Spiegel
2. Who is your favorite female character? Lucy, Elfen Lied
3. What is your favorite anime soundtrack? Soul Eater
4. What is your favorite anime opening + animation? I’ve always thought the OP to Star Driver was really great - the art and graphic design is totally unique and the lyrics to the song (Gravity 0 - Aqua Timez) fit the show SO WELL, but the opening was made to fit the song, too. I still think it’s fantastic. 
5. What is your favorite anime ending song + animation? Soul Eater again, what everybody calls the “3rd ending” (Bakusou Yumeuta - Diggy Mo). Soul Eater’s soundtrack has everything from quirky indie to old school punk, but this hip-hopish track just fit the attitudes of the characters and their fighting styles perfectly. (Seki-kun is a very, very close second!)
6. What is your favorite anime scene? Yeah, right. Like I could answer that one.
7. If you could meet an anime character who would it be? I wish I could answer this seriously, but every time I think about a 2D character coming into this world, all I can picture is Kreiger’s Mitsuko Miyazumi and it makes me laugh uncontrollably.
8. What anime character is most similar to you in terms of personality? I usually say Ichika Orimura, just because he’s full of good intention but really dense when it comes to women and misses signals all the time. I should probably come up with a new line of thought, though, because that’s not exactly a flattering response lol
9. What is your favorite thing about anime? The imagination, the creativity, the fact that it’s drawn and anything at all is possible without a ginormous budget, so you get all these original stories colored well outside the lines of convention and safety standards that the entertainment industry is bound by.
10. What is your least favorite thing about anime? It took me a while to get used to the fanservice that is prevalent in even the most tame of anime, and there are times when an excess of it contributes to the story, but I have a hard time with it when an anime is overly-ecchi “just because”. It tends to really creep me out.
11. Who are your favorite anime couple? Kazuma and Ayano. They crack me up so much because they are cuckoo for cocoa puffs about each other but are too stubborn to ever admit it.
12. Who is your favorite anime animal? Will have to think about this one and come back to it.
13. What anime would make a good game? Another one have talked about at length, I would kill to see a full-fledged PvP MMORPG of the Fate/Stay series, where you choose which master you want to play as, develop skills and spells, eventually call your servant. The two of you quest together until endgame level, at which point you enter the Holy Grail war against other endgamers. I’d be all over that one.
14. What game would make a good anime? It was a God of War knockoff and they already made a bad movie about it, but always thought Heavenly Sword could be an anime. They’d have to add quite a bit of content to get 12-13 episodes, though.
15. What was the first anime you ever watched? Robotech
16. Do you think you’ll ever stop watching anime? No, but no way I’ll watch nearly as much - I do at some point plan on becoming a real adult again, and don’t expect to have the time I do now.
17. What is your favorite genre of anime? It used to be mecha anime, and I’m still really into it, but the fantasy/adventure series that are set in medieval-esque worlds have gotten the most of my love the last 2-3 years.   .
18. What is your least favorite genre of anime? Horror
19. Are you open about watching anime with people you know? I was when I was younger, but now I think there’s a stigmata that is attached to it because of my age. Like “oh, you’re one of those guys”. Somehow being past like teens/early 20s and still into anime means you’re a creeper who is weird af and probably does bizarre things behind closed doors. I have to get to know someone before more than just a casual conversation about it.
20. Have you ever been to Japan? Yup, lived there for a little while in the Navy
21. What anime was the biggest let down for you? Death Parade. It had all the makings of one of those devastatingly memorable endings that would have rocketed it into history, but instead Chiyuki smiles, Decim says nothing, everybody gets off scot-free, and the show ends. WHAT THE F***.
22. What anime was better then expected? Charlotte. Every time my answer will be Charlotte. That one blew me away the first time.
23. What is the best anime fight scene? This one always comes up, and I never have an answer. There have been a few that made me want to cheer, though lol
24. Who is your anime waifu? Takao, Ars Nova/Arpeggio of Blue Steel, but the idea of a waifu or envisioning yourself in a relationship with an anime character - male or female - is something I’ve never really gotten.
25. What was your favorite video game as a child? Perfect Dark. It sooo needs a reboot
Questions about me
26. Most Embarrassing moment? When I was 13, I passed out during the prayer at a large outdoor service at a country church we were visiting, but fell straight down into my chair so only a few people knew about it. Someone called EMS, but the squad was unavailable, so this 38ft hook and ladder with lights and sirens going pulls in and everybody was like wtf
27a. Can you drive? I’ve driven on three continents
27b. Do you own a car? It barely qualifies as a car, but it is paid for so until I make more than $11/hr it’ll have to do
28. Are you mature? Depends
29. Are you mature? I’m going to be mature here and not make a big deal about asking the same question twice. In a row.
30. Do you prefer cats or dogs? I miss my dog all the time, but have nothing against cats unless they are total assholes.
31. Describe yourself physically? 6′2, dirty blonde/brown hair, not fat but not exactly Ryan Gosling either
32. What would you name your first child? I don’t know, depends on the wife, I guess. Nothing too out there, though - I don’t want a boxer or a stripper for a kid because they got scarred from everyone making fun of their name.
33. What is the worst injury you have ever had? Ruptured L4/L5 in my spine that popped out and pinched my sciatic nerve, then while I was rehabbing that slipped on ice and broke my elbow. NOTHING worked for a while.
34. What is your worse habit? I wall myself off when I need others most. I’m actually really good at it.
35. Do you drink or smoke? I used to, and still do sometimes, but not nearly as often as I used to. It’s just too expensive to go out all the time, and I hate being out of breath from one flight of stairs.
36. Do you have a tattoo? I have 3, want more
37. Are you a morning person or a night person? I wake early every morning for work, so even on my days off I’m awake at like 6:30 now. Being an adult can really suck sometimes lol
38. Have you ever slept past midday? Not for a long time, but sure
39. Do you regret anything? Have you ever met anyone who doesn’t?
40. Can you count the number of friends you have on one hand? Yes. I know lots of people and am friendly with them, but not what I’d call a friend.
41. Do you wear glasses? No
42. Are you a picky eater? I loathe onions and the texture of stewed tomatoes will make me hurl, but just about everything else works.
43. Would you die for someone? Depends on the person and situation
44. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Telekinesis, maybe? Not sure.
45. Do you believe in the supernatural? Not really. There’s plenty out there that we don’t understand or know about, though. It wouldn’t surprise me, but I don’t really believe in it.
46. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich, I couldn’t handle people going through my garbage to see what brand of ice cream I prefer
47. Have you ever committed a crime? Is it a crime if you didn’t get caught? lol
48. Pirates or ninjas? Ninjas, it requires precision, years of training, and incredible athleticism. Pirating requires you drink a lot and rob people.
49. Does someone have a crush on you? Would be nice to find out that I did, but would kind of suck for them
50. Are you in a relationship? I’m not really in relationship mode right now
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yumikoflare · 7 years
wowie this is a loooong meme - thanks for the tag @wildricebear more like wild loser bear...........
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people. (putting it under the cut bc it’s 100+ questions!)
1. What is your nickname? i go by yumi! my rl nickname has the same amount of letters 🤔
2. What is your zodiac sign? aqua sun / scorp moon
3. What is your favorite book series? not gonna lie i havent read any book series in a looong time but my fav manga series is fukigen na mononokean!
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? ofc, i believe in both!
5. Who is your favorite author? errr i honestly don’t have one ahaha but sunrisesongs has some reaaaally nice poetry if that counts
6. What is your current favorite song? rn i’m a huuuge fan of kenshi yonezu’s suna no wakusei, namely the soramafu cover!
7. What is your favorite word? uhh don’t have one.. but the word ‘warmth’ has always struck a chord in me?
8. What was the last song you listened to? i think it was ra ra rasputin b/c someone at band was playing it on his phone LOL
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? i don’t watch tv oops  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can’t think of anime recs either smhhh
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i don’t watch movies if i’m feeling down but i remember enjoying the intern?
11. Do you play video games? mmm a little bit.. i play overwatch and sometimes osu and ive played a couple of mmorpgs here and there 
12. What is your biggest fear? losing my purpose and passion
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i’m a good friend! i think that counts
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my lack of patience and intolerance to trials
15. What is your favorite season? winter!!!!!!
16. Are you in a relationship? nah
17. What is something you miss from your childhood? honestly? i don’t miss much in particular from my childhood other than that Sweet Naive Bliss™ because things have been getting better in my life since then so
18. Who is your best friend? nizh, swirl, mari, gil, noah, sam, laura, kayla come to mind
19. What is your eye color? dark brown
20. What is your hair color? dark brown
21. Who is someone you love? all my friends...........
22. Who is someone you trust? the friends i listed earlier!!!
23. Who is someone you think about often? honestly as of recently myself bc im working on bettering myself LOL but other than that, i think of noah kinda often?
24. Are you currently excited about/for something? uuuuhhhh not particularly
25. What is your biggest obsession? currently overwatch
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child? probably spongebob aldsakdsla
27. Do you have any unusual phobias? mmmmmm not sure but my anxiety makes a lot of small things scary so
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both!!!!
29. What is your favorite hobby? honestly not sure... i like writing but recently i’ve been very into photo and video editing so!!!
30. What was the last book you read? probably the hiding place
31. What was the last movie you watched? goosebumps i think? watched it at home w/ my mom bc she hadnt seen it before
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any? [[[the sound of me, panicked, aggressively slamming my mallets into a timpani can be heard in the distance]]]
33. What is your favorite animal? dogs.... i love dogs
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? hm i rly like yamiiino, kaiami, tofuvi, star-plasma, and zandraart!
35. What superpower do you wish you had? healing factor!!!
36. When and where do you feel most at peace? idk, whenever really, surrounded in my closest friends; either that or doing something i love alone
37. What makes you smile? my friends...... also getting praised......
38. What sports do you play, if any? FUNNY JOKE i cant sports
39. What is your favorite drink? hell....... i love lots of different types of teas (black, green, jasmine, honey, etc) and im also a sucker for matcha... and i also like ice blended drinks... and (virgin bc im underage) mojitos.... and smoothies.......... fdgkjkdf i love drinks a lot ok
40. Are you afraid of heights? yes 10000%
41. What is your biggest pet peeve? close-mindedness and intolerance to other ppl/ideas/etc + having to waste resources
42. Have you ever been to a concert? only one! was a mayday parade concert earlier this year
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? like everything LOL a singer and an author were prob my biggest ones tho
44. What fictional world would you like to live in? HONESTLY the fukigen na mononokean world would be cool to live in... 
45. What is something you worry about? i simultaneously really like and dread band asdlsakdas
46. Are you scared of the dark? yup orz
47. Do you like to sing? heck yea!!!! singing is so good.....
48. Have you ever skipped school? no bc im a goody two-shoes™ 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dunno! i don’t have one! the world’s so big there’s so many places i still have yet to go!!!
50. Where would you like to live? honestly idk i’m happy with where i am now LOL
51. Do you have any pets? i wish......... i want a doggo so bad but my sister and i are allergic
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? i don’t feel like either but i’m closer to a night owl
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? both..... the sky is a goddess and im in love with her.....
54. Do you know how to drive? i’m an anxious minor who is too afraid to get near the wheel LOL
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones bc earbuds always fall outta my ears and its a Pain
56. Have you ever had braces? nope B)
57. What is your favorite genre of music? ummmmm i don’t have a fav bc i’m kinda flexible but i like alt rock? and j-rock/j-pop?
58. Who is your hero? to be completely honest idk if i have one LOL im my own hero™ B))))
59. Do you read comic books? nah
60. What makes you the most angry? probably the same as #41 as well as like myself?? bc i get frustrated with myself v often and that concept makes me angry asdsa;ldas
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? nizh wrote “i like real books but i’m so lazy that i’m more likely to read digital” and i am in agreement
62. What is your favorite subject in school? errrrrrrrr i suppose la? but i’m abt to enter some new classes and learn under totally new teachers so idk it’s bound to change!
63. Do you have any siblings? ye, one older sister
64. What was the last thing you bought? a flowy cardigan from yesterday!!!! im lov it.... i might post a pic of it
65. How tall are you? 5′1′’ and 3/8 sdfkjsdijeiwjeje
66. Can you cook? yo i wish..................
67. What are three things that you love? my friends, music, food/drinks LOL
68. What are three things that you hate? same as #41 and a third thing would prob be conflict?? idk
69. What is your sexual orientation? as far as i know i experience no sexual attraction (asexual) and i experience romantic attraction to anyone and everyone (panromantic) so!
70. Where do you currently live? socal
71. Who was the last person you texted? probably nizh
72. When was the last time you cried? mmmm maybe a week or two ago... i cant recall exactly when so thats good
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber? oooohhh.. im super mainstream but i love arikadou LOL also zylbrad, seagull, and etika
74. Do you like to take selfies? i do! i usually only take selfies like every once in awhile when im feeling cute and when i do i take A Lot
75. What is your favorite app? i lov line camera?? also google photos makes things mucho convenient
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? tbh i find my relationship with my parents to be closer than a lot of my friends’ so :0
77. What is your favorite foreign accent? i dunno! french accents are pretty cool
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? japan! also the philippines
79. What is your favorite number? idk but i like 5 and 8
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? both freak me out but the ocean is pretty interesting
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not in the slightest LOLOL
82. Are you allergic to anything? intolerant to eggs, pretty allergic to any type of nuts so that sucks, n i got those Seasonal Allergies
83. Can you wiggle your ears? NO I HAVENT READ HARRY POTTER
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? umm idk how often LOL whenever i think im wrong..?? which is somewhat frequently?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forests are lovely
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? honestly idk......... i remember my dad said smth about how you don’t always have to forgive everyone and by saying ‘it’s okay’ permits the other person to repeat the same action, so i choose my words rly carefully now bc of that :o
87. Are you a good liar? kinda half n half... depends on what i’m lying abt
88. What is your Hogwarts House? iiiiii forgot but it was either ravenclaw or hufflepuff... mightve been the former
89. Do you talk to yourself? YEAH especially when i’m practicing music or video editing
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
91. Do you keep a journal/diary? as of very recently yes bc my therapist recommended me to do so :0
92. Do you believe in second chances? usually in most circumstances
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change? oh yeah definitely, anyone is capable of change, it just depends on their attitude towards it
94. Are you ticklish? yes i hate it
95. Have you ever been on a plane? yep, to san francisco and sacramento and i guess once to texas but that was before i could remember so
96. Do you have any piercings? nope and i don’t rly want any tbh
97. What fictional character do you wish was real? i have nooo idea there’s a lot of thought i’d have to put into this question LOL
98. Do you have any tattoos? nah but if i did they’d be veeeery simplistic
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? probably when i decided 1-2 years ago that i wanted to get my life back on track so i could become a person i could love and ive been making progress little by little ever since then
100. Do you believe in karma? mmmmm not reaaallyyyy..... like maybe a little bit but
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts? its ya girl almost legally blind and wearing contacts
102. Do you want children? not sure yet but probably
103. Who is the smartest person you know? no clue omg there are lots of smart ppl in this world
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? sometime in grade school i was sitting at the edge of a playground slide pleading for my friend not to push me down bc i rly had to pee but she did and i literally just pissed all over the slide and we just stared at each other for a long time and that was just........ Very Bad - I HAVE ANOTHER BAD MEMORY THOUGH it wasnt even long ago kill me??? i was at my friend’s house for dinner and her parents asked what my sister was studying and my sister just recently got into college and i had a veeeeeeeery vague grasp on what she was studying so i literally said ‘food and tectonics’ and i wanNA MCDIE BC I MEANT DIETETICS NOT T E C T O N I C S
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? mmm not a real one.. most ive done is stayed up til 6amish with nizh before goin to sleep  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like i’m definitely capable of doing it i just don’t want to
106. What color are most of your clothes? dunno? i have a fairly colorful wardrobe but i almost always wear something w/ black if i’m not going for an all light outfit
107. Do you like adventures? depends on where to bc im very cautious LOL
108. Have you ever been on TV? nope
109. How old are you? how old is ur moM!! dab dab haha xd
110. What is your favorite quote? one of my favs is “there are no happy endings, endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle and a very happy start” by shel silverstein; i have a few others but thats the first that comes to mind
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory tbhhhh
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you? umm not badly but ive been mildly disappointed by a few LOL
113. What is your favorite scent? that clean/fresh linen smell?? and also lavender and then light stuff like eucalyptus mint
114. Random fact you know? the duck-billed platypus can’t keep its eyes open underwater, so it finds its prey by using sensors in its bill that detect electrical impulses n then they strike! theyre pretty cool animals..
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships? nizh said “hard. just, really hard. not sure if it’s worth it” and i also agree
IT IS OVER wow ok 20 ppl is kind of a lot and this is a loooot of questions so im only gonna tag a tiny bit of ppl (dont have to do it if u dont wanna!): @dunmerhealer | @aftertaste-of-memes | @inspiringnokias yeah that’s it LOL this is just Hella Long so idk how many ppl would be up for doin this so ye  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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crystalsoul16 · 8 years
RFA + Minor Trio: Video Games
So I got bored, and being the Mystic Messenger obsessed game addict that I am, my mind wandered to wondering what sorts of video games the RFA would play, like types or genres and some examples (aside from LOLOL in Yoosung’s case of course lol), which led to making this headcanon post. Of course, these are all just my personal headcanons, and I would love to hear what thoughts you guys have for this subject! Sharing headcanons is fun~!! Sorry this got kinda long tho lol I guess I got carried away ^^;;;
Note: If you’re on the mobile app and only see Yoosung’s section, copy and paste the post’s URL into your mobile web browser. That should fix it~
Well we all know that he’s addicted to LOLOL, and probably plays or has tried other MMOs. As perfect as those are for him, I’m looking at other types of games for this. Otherwise it’s too easy lol
Plays RPGs and adventure games the most
When he can make a custom character, his preferred classes are knight or warrior classes, but he’s also open to playing as mages
Definitely the kind of player that picks up every. Single. Side quest. Because he wants to help everyone
Need a certain number of rarely dropped items? No problem!
Want to deliver an item to someone who’s not even a two minute walk away? He’s on it!
Got a super difficult optional boss that you want dead that can–and will–display the Game Over screen multiple times, and you’re offering a class-specific item he can’t use as a reward? Sign him the fuck up!
Unless they want something he doesn’t agree with… -gives Skyrim’s Blades the side-eye-
No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t bring himself to play the “asshole/aggressive character” style
“Sure, this assassin was hired by that one traitor who wants us dead, my party is totally against letting him live since he might try to kill us again, and we have absolutely no reason to trust him aside from his seemingly honest answers which he could have just fabricated to save himself, so logic seems to point at killing him to be safe…………buuuuuuuuuut he could be a helpful party member and then no one has to die!”
Also, he loves games that encourage interaction with other players!
“People think that you don’t get any friends if you play games… but you get tons!” TRUTH!!!
So yeah, games with interaction are great!
Honestly MMORPGs are fucking perfect for him and and that’s why he’s addicted to LOLOL! lol seriously dude game with me plz
Really likes Pokemon for the sense of community with trades and battles and such
Totally attempted to make a competitive team at some point
Whenever new games are announced, he and Seven figure out who gets what version so they can trade version exclusives and such
Can never beat Seven in a battle tho… The one rival battle he can never win T^T
Also this guy is a Kirby fan fight me on this
Not a lot of time for gaming with his schedule, but he doesn’t mind using them to wind down or as a distraction when he has the time or feels really stressed out (and if working out doesn’t help first)
He’s a fan of the more cinematic or story driven games, like Shadow of the Colossus, Heavy Rain, and The Last of Us
Knowing this, Yoosung recommended some Telltale games to him
Zen got hooked. The Wolf Among Us is probably his favorite
Plus their episodic releases really work with his schedule, with each episode lasting about 2 hours, give or take. So if he starts on a fully released one, he can do one episode a day until he’s done
Sometimes he and Yoosung will talk about how their stories went or what choices they made
“Wait, you knew what ‘Glass him’ meant???”
“Of course I did, Yoosung, that’s why I didn’t choose it! What did you think it meant?”
“I thought it meant giving him a drink, not smashing the glass in his face!!!”
“lol well now you know in case they use it again!”
Also, I’m sure this likely goes without saying, but this man is damn good at DDR style games or Pump it Up I guess cuz Korea but you get my point. Good luck trying to beat him lol
I mean, first off, he’s clearly got great rhythm considering his job
And second, great form of aerobic exercise! So why not?
Might try to get Yoosung into exercising more by tricking convincing him to play this with him
He’s definitely a “freestyle” sorta player, doin’ all sorts of flashy moves
Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been asked to do voice work for a game
Maybe a dating sim…
Okay, let’s get the obvious out of the way. This man definitely plays Neko Atsume and no force in this universe can convince me otherwise. It’s about cats and you really only play it in very short intervals through the day, which works with his schedule. It’s perfect for him. Moving on 
With his busy schedule due to running a company and whatnot, there really isn’t a lot of time for him to sit down to play video games despite owning a couple of systems apparently. It might be days or weeks between play sessions. So casual games are more his thing
Okay so, hear me out. Animal Crossing New Leaf
You’re in charge of a village and what gets built where, gotta manage your finances with paying off your house and having new structures and businesses built, sometimes schedule meetings visits with the villagers, cat villagers
Questions Tom Nook’s business strategy regarding the house
“Why have the house expanded before they pay for it? A customer could easily betray your trust that way by never paying you for the final expansion. Paying ahead of time as you do with the exterior customizations would be wiser.”
“Jumin it’s just a game… ;;;;;;” 
Probably made Jaehee get a copy of the game to make some tasks easier
“Assistant Kang, you have perfect oranges in your village, yes?”
“Yes, though why are you asking me right now? Don’t you have a meeting in five minutes?”
“I’m passing the time, and Mitzy requested an orange.”
“Don’t you have regular oranges to give her?”
“Of course, but Mitzy deserves no less than a perfect orange.” plus he still needs her picture, and prefect fruit will help with that
-_-;;; “……I don’t think I can get one to you before the meeting, but I can have a full basket ready for you after you’re done.”
“That will do.”
Also, do not let this man play Minecraft
Remember, this is the guy who made fucking blueprints when he was told to draw a house when he was a little kid. He would definitely get carried away like that in Minecraft 
Like in the tutorial when they tell you to make a house? Basically just a simple box with a door? pffft, nah. That won’t do
He would probably end up building the most elaborate cube-based house you could possibly imagine and leave you wondering how the fuck he had the free time to build that
“Firstly you need a nice foyer to leave a good first impression. A standard house should have at least two bedrooms, though three would be ideal. And a living room and a kitchen are both necessary, of course. I suppose a library or office is optional, but they make a great addition. Getting enough colored wool proved to be difficult, but adding some color with carpets keeps the house from looking bland and–”
“Jumin it’s just the tutorial! You just need a one room house with a door and a bed!”
“That’s not a house, though. That’s a shed with a bed.”
might use it to help plan out layouts for new buildings
Man, most of these guys really don’t have time for gaming, huh?
Jaehee probably has the least amount of free time for gaming tho. Poor Baehee barely has time to sleep :c
She’s honestly really not that into games tho, so this doesn’t bother her. There are much more productive things she can do in her spare time like get some sleep jfc let the woman get enough sleep for once plz!!
Though if Zen did do a voice in a game she would play it in a heartbeat, or look up a playthrough at the very least. Nowhere near the same as seeing him actually acting up on a stage of course, but surely he can do a great performance solely with his voice!
Like Jumin, casual games that you can put down for long periods of time would suit her best
Actually ends up liking Animal Crossing more than she thought she would or wants to admit
She loves how the villagers are always happy to see her and always rooting for her, and she absolutely adores Isabelle
Probably has a Brewster plush or figure somewhere in her cafe
While I don’t think she’d actually play them, I can imagine her being REALLY good at fighting games
Just takes her a quick look through those lengthy combo lists and she’s got that shit memorized, and with a few practice rounds she can kick your ass with perfect wins before you even know what hit you
But of course, she probably wouldn’t play them, so you don’t have to worry about that :)
Yay, someone with some time to game!
Actually no, that’s a lie, but he procrastinates on his work a lot, so he has game time
Anything that’s humorous or gives him a chance to be a jackass would be his shit
Sometimes you just need the stupid humor of a goat flying through the air in ragdoll mode to help you get through the day, y'know?
He also enjoys puzzle games to exercise his mind, and racing games for obvious reasons he can go fast without risking his babies’ safety lol
Okay so in Yoosung’s route, he mentions playing GTO (assumed to be a knockoff of GTA), which makes sense for him because cars and high jinks, but with that in mind you know what he’d really get a kick out of?
Saints Row, especially Saints Row IV, cuz that one has hacking elements, and you get superpowers, and you gotta save people and shit. Sounds great for the Defender of Justice, no? The comedy and great music selection is a bonus, really c:
As for being a jackass… Be cautious if you invite him to play Mario Party with you.
He will purposely aim for the Chance Time spaces just to watch everyone else freak out about it, and he will aim for stealing your stars and often succeeds
He’s also really fuckin’ good at Mario Kart. Do not challenge him unless you like being hit by blue shells and other such items
Also, Battleblock Theater. Great puzzle platformer, good humor, and in co-op mode, a great chance to be an ass!! Much to Yoosung’s dismay lol
“Seven, stop throwing me into the water!! And stop blowing me up! We won’t get the time bonus at this rate!”
“lolol who cares, seeing you get mad is worth it~”
A grumpy Yoosung later got revenge by shoving 707’s character into the water
they laugh about it later lol
Guys, this poor man can’t see well at all. Like, he can only see a little bit out of his left eye. That kinda makes video games a challenge for him
That being said…idk he probably liked Pokemon Snap when he could see
Okay seriously this time, imagining he can see well and his life isn’t shit. He’d be a big fan of games that are about exploration and have stunning views or a unique art style
He’d probably really like Okami, Unravel, and Journey
Ori and the Blind Forest! Get it? Cuz he’s.........into artistic games and that game is really fuckin’ pretty
and he’s bli--
Also Firewatch. That game is fucking gorgeous. He would take so many screenshots in that one plus there’s a camera feature in the game lol
Also imagine him and Jumin playing Animal Crossing together and tell me that’s not the cutest shit
It’s a cute and light-hearted game, which I feel like he’d be into, he can play it on his 3DS when travelling, and it’s something he could play with his best buddy~ I’m down for this
Oh shit sudden thought
Okay hear me out! In an attempt to try to get closer to Yoosung, V asks him to teach him how to play LOLOL. Yoo might be a little hesitant at first but eventually agrees to it and holy shit it actually goes well and yay they’re bonding!
And damn V does a great job as a support mage
Of course V can’t play much due to travelling for work, but they try to schedule play times around that and make it work out. And during his travels, if V comes across a location that reminds him of some scenery seen in the game, he sends a picture of it to Yoosung and can this be a thing? I want this to be a thing because I need more Yoosung and V fluff in my life okay sorry for the ramble MOVING ON
seriously tho he probably really liked Pokemon Snap as a kid
Look me in the eyes and tell me this guy doesn’t rage quit
Like Michael Jones Rage Quit levels of rage quit
That first one is definitely him and Seven
Otherwise he’s pretty much silent when playing
As for games he’d like, anything that’ll let him blow off some steam, like shooters or fighting games
Need a partner for CoD Zombies? Or need someone to co-op Resident Evil with? Well, he’s not much of a multiplayer sorta guy, but if you can convince him then you’re set cuz he’d be damn good at those! 
And Multi-man Smash mode in Smash Bros is very therapeutic to him
Especially when his brother gets on his nerves
Which is often…
You can tell he’s really pissed off when he breaks out Mortal Kombat > ->;;;;;
Also, I can’t help but think that he’d be pretty good at the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games
As in “really fucking close to 100%-ing Through the Fire and the Flames on Expert mode in GH3” pretty good
Seriously his hacker hands are probably really fuckin’ fast I’m sure he could pull it off
Though when his bro sets up a “Family Game Night” and you know he would totally do that at some point or some sort of gaming get-together and sets up Rock Band, Saeran usually prefers to play the drums
holy shit drummer Saeran tho
Oh yes, thinking of gaming nights, if you thought Sev was a monster at Mario Kart, hoo boy, Saeran can be pretty ruthless himself
Except he usually saves all of his blue shells and other misery-inducing items for his bro
In a way he’d be your ally if you get stuck behind Seven
But when they need to team up, like for a 2v2 minigame in Mario Party, you are done
Those two working together make a lethal combination that you could never hope to defeat
I blame twin magic
So, hear me out. Card games
They probably play casual card games like Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, Hearts, etc on their phone to pass time
And they come across as a decent strategist to me, considering their job
And card games tend to focus very heavily on strategy
So card-based games like Shadowverse and (don’t laugh) Yu-Gi-Oh and such are probably up their alley
They’d also be really good tactical games like Disgaea
But for the most part they just favor those simple card games like Solitaire. They have too much to do to focus on other such games
Not that Seven hasn’t tried to drag them into gaming with him!
They only agreed to it when they thought Seven would get back to work after a quick game of Mario Kart or Smash Bros or something
Would lose on purpose to make the game go faster
Sev would know though and try to force them into another round
“This time with feeling!”
(;¬_¬) “…Alright, fine…..”
Another victory for 707
“Okay, you won again, now back to work.”
“Oh come on, one more! You looked like you were having fun that time! Sorta kinda!”
-Vanderwood pulls out taser-
;;;;;;; “Right, back to work! Understood!”
Was definitely having fun tho. Don’t tell Seven
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rileyrooin · 8 years
11 Questions (55 Questions Edition)
Tagged by @whilhelminaprince, @summer-mclaughlin, @thegreyhenley, @remembertherandler, and @meganenashi.
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you. (Unless you are a rule breaker, breaking that rule --  this is what I’m doing because I’ve taken approximately 9 million years to answer these!)
@whilhelminaprince Questions:
1. What is your absolute favorite thing about Rhett and Link? Without a doubt, it’s their friendship. How can anyone not love this?
2. If money was not a concern, but you had to work in some form, what would you do with your life? Write. I love my current profession, but writing is my true passion.
3. Do you have recurring dreams, and if so, what are they about? Not recurring, but I do have very vivid dreams. Last night I dreamed I was Link and Rhett was giving me soft, tender kisses! It was amazing!
4. What’s your favorite non-fanfiction book you’ve ever read in your entire life? This question is so difficult! There are so many books that have impacted me... Off the top of my head, I’m going with Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. In my younger days, I was definitely Marianne Dashwood. As I’ve gotten older and wiser, I see the validity of being Elinor Dashwood.
5. If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would you give up and why? Touch. The other senses are so tied to how I experience the world...
6. What is your favorite thing about yourself? My optimism. It’s taken a lot of work to find the positive in situations, but now that I’ve found this ability, I’m trying to spread it to others.
7. What superpower would you most like to have and how would you use it? Teleportation. I want to visit friends quickly.
8. Do you feel like a new soul or an old soul? Old soul.
9. If money was not a concern, what hobby or activity would you most like to take part in? Is tasting expensive foods and drinks an option? I’m like Rhett (in that I love to eat), and I would also love the chance to try food/drinks waaaaaaaaaay out of my price range.
10. What is the worst job you can imagine? Any job where creativity is restricted.
11. Tell me a quote that says something about you. " Sooner or later the Narrative will come for each of us.” - John Scalzi
@summer-mclaughlin Questions:
1. What do you find most attractive about Rhett?  His confidence.  
2. What do you find most attractive about Link? His silliness. 
3. Favorite kind of cookies?  White chocolate macadamia.
4. What is your biggest turn-off? Being too serious.
5. What is your biggest turn-on? A great sense of humor. 
6. In your opinion, describe a perfect date? Dim lighting, delicious food, good wine, and the chance for lots of conversation. 
7. What is something that you hate about Rhett? Something I hate about my adorable Rhett?? How can I answer this??? But, if I must... How mean he can be to Link.
8. What is something that you hate about Link? This is difficult, too! Um... How about his pickiness when it comes to eating?
9. In your opinion, what is the best thing about Good Mythical Morning?  The dynamics between the boys.
10. Fuck. Marry. Kill; Rhett, Link, and Stevie? Fuck: Link. Marry: Rhett (with fucking, too, please?). Kill: Stevie (regretfully!)
11. Fuck. Marry. Kill; Chase, Morgan, and Mike? Fuck: Morgan. Marry: Chase. Kill: Mike (sorry, Mike -- you are super cute!)
@thegreyhenley Questions:
1. If you could visit any other time period, where and when, and why would you choose it? Jane Austen’s Regency Period. I just wanna see it!
2. If you receive a bouquet of flowers, what is your preference? Or do you care? Tulips!
3. You’re getting a pedicure. What color(s) do get? Red.
4. Who was your favorite teacher in high school, and why? My chemistry teacher. She encouraged me to pursue my currently profession while also reminding me to be fabulous.
5. You can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. What would it be? Picking would be torture! I can’t do it!
6. What is the first piece of music that made you cry? Too many songs. Music is tied too deeply to my emotions.
7. What is your favorite painting? “The Rock” - Peter Blume
8. If you could meet one writer throughout all of history, who would it be and why? Jane Austen. We have much to discuss about matters of the heart.
9. Glasses or Lasik? Glasses. Burning eyeballs? NO!
10. Something chocolate or something salty? Salty! (Hush with the innuendo.)
11. Length or girth? Girth. 😳😳😳
@remembertherandler Questions:
1. When did you discover the good ship Rhink? Spring 2016
2. What is the first episode of GMM you remember watching? I don’t know. One of the Will Its...
3. What’ more iconic, Rhett’s beard or Link’s glasses? Beard. ALWAYS BEARD!
4. Do you prefer Link’s wings or new style? New style. So handsome.
5. What is your favorite main channel video? At this moment? “The Job Reference
6. What is the rhinkiest thing that has ever happened on GMM, in your opinion? There are so many things, but GMM 999 kills me every single time.
7. What is your favorite episode of The Mythical Show? Episode 2
8. What is your favorite fic trope? “We have to pretend to be a couple, and then we realize we love each other”
9. Would you rather meet either Rhett or Link, or have your best fandom friend meet them both? Best friend. I would be a hot mess if I ever met them.
10. What is your favorite GMM bathtime episode? Ranch bath. “Push my eyes!” always makes me giggle.
11. What makes you smile wider, their dancing or their singing? Dancing (I love how goofy they are when dancing.
@meganenashi Questions:
1. If you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you be? Why? Otter. Spending all day swimming and eating is my jam.
2. How did you discover GMM and Rhett and Link? YouTube? ;)
3. Do you have pets? What are their names? Two kitties. Named after my favorite sci-fi females.
4. What is your favorite food? All food (I am Rhett).
5. Where is your dream vacation destination? Europe.
6. What is your favorite season of GMM? Every season. I can’t pick.
7. What other YouTubers do you enjoy watching? Jenna Marbles, Markiplier, Vlog Brothers
8. Do you have any TV or Movie recommendations? No. Nothing y’all aren’t already watching.
9. What was your favorite subject in school?  English
10. Do you play video games? What kind? Yes. All kinds. Bring me dem MMORPGS (Guild Wars 2 FTW!).
11. If you could follow your passions in your work, what kind of work would you do? Writing!
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Gaming Community Rant
Look, I’ve been playing video games for almost all of my life and I would just like to say that it’s been one of the best things I’ve picked up on other than music and writing poetry. Now, multiplayer over time has evolved because of the dawn of the internet from simply playing a game split-screen with two people, to playing with four people simultaneously on the same screen, to almost hundreds of people on hundreds of different screens. The spirit of competition comes to life during these times and it rivals even that of real sports. In no way am I stating that video games require more physical effort than real sports, I am merely talking about the sheer fierceness of competition. With this competition inevitably comes trash-talking (unfortunately) because we as humans have been able to survive as long as we have because of superiority over other animals and yes, other humans. Constantly, we have to prove ourselves whenever it comes to situations where competition arises, and there is one place that has an abundance of just that.
I love online games. Racing, MMORPG, FPS, sports; there are obviously more categories but those are the genres I play the most. The issue with playing these games online is that very frequently, (in my experience) I have run into players who do not exactly know what the concept of sportsmanship is. The definition of sportsmanship is as follows: “fair and generous behavior or treatment of others, especially in a sports contest.” Referring back to online gaming, “fair and generous behavior” could be attained through congratulating the winner when you have been bested and the winner acknowledging that it was a “good game” which is widely known in the gaming community in its shorthand form “gg”. Simply acknowledging that the competition (regardless of what game it was) was challenging and required great effort to come to a conclusion, it would be of a player’s best interest to avoid trash-talking and simply type “gg” into the chat or speak it aloud at the very least. “Fair and generous behavior” could also be shown during a competition in-progress. For example, getting killed on an FPS is slightly infuriating (for most people) and as such, channeling a fit of rage through your voice and consequently threatening to “kill you and bang your mum” towards the person who killed you is NOT fair nor generous behavior whatsoever. Instead, not saying anything at all and figuring out a new plan of action to do the same to your killer is fair. Throwing insults and threatening other players not only takes away from the fun of the game and competition completely, it doesn’t help you feel any better either. In fact, choosing to insult and threaten other players may cause them to retaliate in ways that you may not expect. It’s a scary thought to think about what fellow people in the gaming community are capable of outside of the game.
Competition is fun. Gaming is fun. Online gaming is also fun. The only time it is not fun is when you decide to be the person who demeans other people to achieve a superficial level of superiority. I’ve had to take several hiatuses from gaming before simply because many people who were playing decided to be toxic and insult my level of competency in the game. Everyone starts somewhere and everyone plays at differing levels of skill. The same exists in sports played in real life. Telling someone to “git gud” does not in any way, shape, or form help a struggling player get any better. It’s ridiculous. I’m tired of having to step away from the game to calm myself in order to not retaliate as retaliation would just make me equal to the person that chose to insult and threaten. All I’m trying to say is, if you participate in any multiplayer game that is even remotely competitive, help each other out. And please STOP FLAMING. Competition as a whole will always be tough, but there is no need to get into a heated argument with a teammate or someone of the opposing team. Everyone plays games to have fun playing something that they enjoy or to engross themselves in a world that is created through the imaginations of human beings. Don’t be the person that takes that away from us.
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Mobile Royale Hack Cheat - Mobile Royale Mod Crystals
Mobile Royale Hack Cheat - Mobile Royale Mod Crystals
Mobile Royale Hack Mod – Cheat Mobile Royale Crystals
I am sure that this new Mobile Royale Hack Cheat is the reason why you are here and thanks to it, you will manage to have a great game time. You will never have to worry ever again about the features because this one will bring all of the features to your game. In this guide we will offer you an insight over the game and after that we will jump into how this Mobile Royale Cheat works so that you will learn a lot about it.
About Mobile Royale This game is a great MMORPG in which you will have to use your fighting and conquest skills so that you will become a true warrior. You will have to take advantage of your strategy and also of your tactics and you will need to attack all of your rivals as you do so. This one is a 3D game which you will enjoy and you will see that you will be able to use it out every time you want. The multiplayer options will be great and you will never get bored because of it. You can do a lot of things in this one and you will see that building your city and trading with different clans is going to be pretty great. There will be a variety of troops to choose from and you will also do a lot of things such as making your very own army and even join a guild as you will play it out. You will also like the fact that this one will offer you some great 3D battles and you will have fun in this fantasy medieval world which you will like. You should always keep an eye on your city and you will see that your main goal will be to build and build as you will start having fun with this one. All of the graphics will be pretty great and you will also see that you will have different characters to command which include elves, humans and also beastkins. If you like dragons, than this game is the right choice for you and you will enjoy it a lot. You will see that you will manage to become a rally good player of the game and the key will be to construct as you will be playing it out. As you will see, at times you may need some additional features and this is why it is so important to take use of our tools. Using Mobile Royale Hack This new Mobile Royale Hack Cheat is a great tool for you and thanks to it you will be able to gain all of the Crystals you would like. You will see that all of the features will be added fast and you won`t have to wait for a long period of time until that happens. You will only need to input your data and after that this tool will start working in adding all of the features you would like. You won`t have any issues with this Mobile Royale Cheat and you will see that you will be able to become better while taking full advantage of it. You should also know that if you decide to take full advantage of this new Mobile Royale Hack you will manage to have fun and you will enjoy it. You will see that this new tool is going to be [protected and you will certainly like that a lot. This is due to the fact that we have added a great Anti-Ban Feature to it which will hide all of your private and personal data from being discovered. You will see that you will also have the chance to use this new Mobile Royale Hack on any devices that you own. This means that if you decide to use it out, you will be able to have an improved game experience and you will manage to become a really good player of the game. 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nerdybookahs · 5 years
There’s the Real Neat Blog Award going around at the moment and I’ve been tagged by Rakuno – a couple of days ago, actually.
So, here are my answers to his questions.
My 7 questions chosen for my unfortunate victims people whose answers I am curious about!
1. What is your favorite game? (It can be a video-game, tabletop game, card game, etc.)
And we’re starting with a really tough question. As you know, I love PC games, but I also really love board games! So, I’m going to choose one for each category. When it comes to board games, Talisman is one of my all-time favourites. Especially when played on a huge table with all the expansions. But it’s not my favourite anymore. This spot has been claimed by Mysterium. The game’s art is amazing and even though one could think it gets repetitive fast, it doesn’t. I even used tiny copies of some of the game’s cards for our wedding diorama. For PC games, I’ve got the feeling that as soon as I write down one game and hit “publish”, I’ll remember a game that didn’t come to my mind before but that’s totally better, you know? I’m going to say Tropico 4, because it’s one of the games that I’ve spent the most time playing while also featuring a great soundtrack and even though there’s Tropico 5 and 6 out now, I think I could always just start up Tropico 4 and enjoy the game as if no sequels were even out.
2. Do you have or ever had a pet?
I did, yes. My mum’s had budgies when I was little. We’ve also had hamsters. And while other girls were all about ponies and horses, I’d always only been going on about wanting a rabbit. When I was 6, I finally got one. At first, I had a rabbit but it was ill and died within two weeks or so. Oddly enough, I don’t remember it at all. Only vaguely that it died. I still clearly remember the day we went to the pet store to buy a new one. I also remember that on the bus trip home, my mum and I had a lengthy discussion about its name. “Cloud” (because she was fluffy as a cloud) wasn’t a good enough name. Neither was “little cloud” (I’m translating the name here, of course, so you get the meaning). We settled on Cloudie (again, translated, but it didn’t sound any less silly in German – as you’d expect if you let a 6 year old choose a name). She later had babies (because a friend hadn’t known how reproduction works and had let my rabbit out with her rabbits who were male) and we kept one of them while the other went to said friend’s family. A couple of years later, after my rabbit had died, we got a dog. The story can be read about here. Bookahnerk and I currently don’t have the space or the time for pets, so we don’t have any. I would love to get some budgies, though. But first, we need to get the flat in a state where it’d be save for birds.
3. Your favorite developer/publisher chose you to design their next game. Budget isn’t a problem and you can hire whoever you want to help out. What kind of game would you make?
Oh boy… while I love MMORPGs and would definitely love designing an MMORPG where budget isn’t an issue, it takes too much time and I’d probably not want to deal with the headache of balancing features, expectations etc. that come with a full MMORPG. So maybe a smaller scale RPG-like game that can be played with others. More a Guild Wars-style game, that is (the original,  not Guild Wars 2). Still online with hubs where players can meet, but the maps are limited to individual parties. I would definitely include battlegrounds, in the style of World of Warcraft and, of course, Guild Wars. A huge focus would be on crafting and an active economy. Playing a crafter that doesn’t go on adventures and doesn’t kill anything would be completely viable. Housing would also be in it. In other words, a game where you can ‘live’ in, but that doesn’t solely focus on combat and making you the strongest special snowflake around. If you want to be a social character or concentrate on crafting or decorating your house, you totally could.
4. You suddenly got god-like powers. Limited god-like powers. They are so limited that all you can do is remove one species from this world and bring one back from extinction. Which ones would you choose?
I’d keep it for the moment when the wild bees have gone extinct – if they do. In that case, I’d get rid of humans and bring back the bees.
5. What fantasy or science fiction race do you identify yourself the most with and why?
Dwarves because they like beer? But seriously, humans. Yes, it’s boring, but I’m definitely not an elf or a goblin or a gnome or an asura. Maybe the Undead from World of Warcraft. I like their humour, at least.
6. You died in a freaky, embarrassing accident. When you open you eyes you are in front of a goddess who gives you two options:
Option 1) You can either reincarnate in the real world as a newborn baby to a random  family without any memories of your previous life. Option 2) You can be teleported, as you are, to a fantasy world with your choice of a magical item. However if you choose this option you must defeat the Demon Lord that is plaguing that world. Which option do you choose? If you choose option 2 what kind of magical item would you pick?
Option 1. Sounds easier and safer and I’d enjoy a few years of leisure, playing, not having to work or risk my second life fighting against a Demon Lord.
7. You are trapped in an isolated location with five random strangers with no way to communicate with the outside world. There is also a killer on the loose. How many people die and how do you survive?
The location can be anything you want. (a cabin in the woods, a scientific station in Antarctica, even an extra-dimension) Same for the killer, it can be as mundane or as supernatural as you want. However the killer cannot be destroyed, at best it can only stopped long enough for you to flee.
I would start by having the group agree that we do not split up. Ever. Under any circumstances. Other than that… may the fastest one survive?
Real Neat Blog Award questions from Rakuno #blaugust2019 There's the Real Neat Blog Award going around at the moment and I've been tagged by Rakuno…
0 notes
You Wonder What The Author Was Thinking
by Sonia Mitchell
Wednesday, 04 February 2009
Sonia learns an important moral lesson about impulse buying, with Charles Stross's Halting State.
Uh-oh! This is in the Axis of Awful...~
From the blurb, and the little card on the shelf telling me that a bookseller recommended it, I thought Charles Stross’s novel Halting State sounded good enough for an impulse buy on a 3 for 2 offer. Seduced by the fun little pixel people on the cover, and the intriguing description, I didn’t even take the elementary precaution of reading a few pages.
If I’d bothered, I might have noticed this book’s major failing. It’s written in the second person.
Second person is good for some things. Choose Your Own Adventure books, text adventure games... interactive fiction, basically. I can only presume that Stross is attempting a homage to such games, but in doing so he does seem to miss the point using the style. The principle advantage to the second person is that it lets you place yourself – or a character of your choosing - in the story. Combined with the ability to make choices, this give you a lot of freedom in the way you follow the plot. Zork never told me what I thought of the thief, only what he looked like. It was up to me whether I wanted to try killing or kissing him. The game made very few assumptions about me, other than that I was mobile, able to carry things and able to perform those actions that it recognised. The internet tells me that later in the series you’re satirically addressed as AFGNCAAP - Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally-Ambiguous Adventure Person - though as I’ve been stuck on Zork II for years I’ve never had the pleasure of that address. At any rate, the freedom to choose your own character helps the player immerse themselves in the game in ways that can never happen when you’re guiding Mario on his way to find the princess. (There are exceptions, of course. The
Hitchhiker’s infocom game
has you playing in the second person as characters from the series, but that’s the point of the game and you come into it knowing what you’re going to get).
Basically, while second person has its advantages, they centre around making the reader a participant. This novel doesn’t even bother to try doing that, instead trying to balance three characters’ viewpoints. You jump from being a female police sergeant, a female insurance investigator and a male computer programmer. The latter, incidentally, is harbouring Dark Secrets that work really fucking well in the second person, when you keep thinking about the Dark Secrets without ever being able to articulate them into actual thoughts.
It’s difficult to get past the second person problem and review any other aspects of the plot, but I will just in case you’re intrigued by the blurb and decide to risk it. I’m going to have to spoil it, but without apology because I believe I’m doing you a favour. Also because I stuck with the book right to the end and I need to make it worthwhile somehow.
The near-future novel claims to be about an apparently impossible raid which takes place in a World of Warcraft-style game. The virtual treasures stolen in this raid have real world value, and the book supposedly deals with the real world consequences of what happened in the game. To me, that sounded pretty awesome. A novel about games and computer crime should have been fun, and the aforementioned little pixel people on the cover also contributed to my impression that the book would be a light and enjoyable look at gaming. The actual focus, though, is more on insider trading and various bit of European politics that presumably fit together somehow. There’s a board of stereotypical fat-cats, and one of them did something bad while another one’s a goody. I couldn’t tell you which is which, despite the Big Revelation of the bad guy.
Oh, and incidentally Scotland now has its independence, which is really good, and England is doing quite badly as a result for reasons that never become clear. Something about the English reaping what they sowed. Don’t worry about remembering this though, as the text will be sure to remind you. Inexplicably, it even reminds you when you’re currently the English woman, who somehow connects the failing tube system with the closing of the borders. I think. To be frank, I was getting a bit annoyed with the book by then, so I may be misremembering.
As another incidentally, this is the future, so everyone wears FutureGlasses, as possibly seen in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine in the seventies. They allow the wearer to be connected to whatever network they’re engaging with, such as CopSpace (okay, FutureGlasses was facetious. CopSpace, unfortunately, is Stross’s actual term) or the game they’re playing. They’re also got various recording devices built in and overlay nicely with the real world most of the time. Bizarrely, despite the fact that people walk around with computers on their faces, ‘geek’ is still used as a pejorative.
Do you need another ‘incidentally’? How about the fact that the insurance investigator also specialises in sword fighting and conveniently impulse buys a broadsword which is not mentioned again until a bad guy needs sorting out in her hotel room? Yeah, I’m getting a hit cross writing all this. I spent money on this book. The excessive programming language doesn’t really help, either, especially as I suspect that since this is set in the future some of it’s made up. I could be wrong, though, as Stross’s own background is in programming. Either way, he overkills on the acronyms and abbreviations for my layperson’s taste.
Even without the massive problem of the second person, this wouldn’t be a great book. Which is a shame, because the initial idea was pretty promising, and I’m still open to the idea that a story about a MMORPG could be fun. Unfortunately the plot of this book turns out to be quite dull, and from time to time it just gets irritating. There are good moments and interesting points – an exciting scene in which two of the characters had to escape from a remotely-controlled taxi is a high point - and I did get quite absorbed in the book at times, but I can’t recommend it to anyone else. There’s just too much working against it.
Ultimately, Halting State is readable, but I’m still stuck on my initial question of why anyone would write a book in the second person. It’s such a bad technique that I’ve felt justified telling people about the book in social situations, and the only other books I tend to do that with are the latter volumes of King’s Dark Tower series (for reasons that will become very clear if the reading canary ever tackles them). Even when you get sucked into the book enough to overlook it, next time you pick it up you’ll get that jolt all over again. Surely someone along the publishing process raised an eyebrow when they saw what they were producing?
Morbid curiosity, however, is rarely a good reason to pick up a book, and I don’t suggest you do it. And kids - always glance at the first few pages before you buy.Themes:
Sci-fi / Fantasy
Judging Books By Their Covers
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~Comments (
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at 10:21 on 2009-02-04I'm glad (glad in the schadenfreude sense of the word) you read this ... the cover has been attracting me from Borders for a while now and it was just a matter of time until I picked it up. I have such a terrible habit of judging books by their covers - I might make a theme for it, actually :) I'm not sure I can actually think of (m)any books about gaming / virtual worlds that aren't entirely made of stupid, or offensive in some other way...
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Arthur B
at 10:23 on 2009-02-04
It’s such a bad technique that I’ve felt justified telling people about the book in social situations, and the only other books I tend to do that with are the latter volumes of King’s Dark Tower series (for reasons that will become very clear if the reading canary ever tackles them).
Maybe it will, but it'll have to be someone else doing it; I can smell the stench of King's solipsism from a mile off.
The England/Scotland thing seems especially bizarre. It's like someone needs to sit down with Stross and draw a diagram of where the taxes come from and where the taxes go...
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at 10:24 on 2009-02-04But dude! You've forgotten what the English did to Mel Gibson!!
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Andy G
at 14:30 on 2009-02-04I do know two good things that address the reader directly, but neither of them are full-length books written completely in the second person. One is "If on a winter's night a traveller" which is all about readers of books so it makes a lot of sense, and the other is a German short story where the point of the direct address is not so much to involve the reader as a participant as to characterise the reassuring, mysterious voice talking to someone as their life flashes before their eyes (it's more like overhearing it talking to someone else). Definitely something you need to have a good reason to do though – and not something to do badly. Why do you think it was being attempted here?
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at 15:38 on 2009-02-04I have to admit everything I've read from Stross has been great, and in most cases his fascinating ideas have been good enough for me to forgive the slightly idealistic political allegory. But writing the book in the second person... well, I'm disappointed in him. Especially if it's all about MMORPGs, and full of slightly silly Scots nationalism (yes, Mr Stross, we know you're proud to be Scottish).
I am mildly curious about him working programmer-ish language into a book without ruining it for non-programmers, though. I shall have to leaf through the book in Borders at some point. Perhaps there will be geek in-jokes that redeem the book somewhat.
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Sonia Mitchell
at 21:20 on 2009-02-04"Why do you think it was being attempted here?"
I'm not entirely sure. The book has a theme of the erosion of boundaries between the real and the virtual, so I suspect that by casting the reader as participant Stross was trying to play with the real/made-up boundary. If that's what he was aiming for, though, it wasn't effective on me.
Or maybe he just hates his readers.
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Sonia Mitchell
at 21:21 on 2009-02-04Kyra - Love the new category :-)
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Dan H
at 21:55 on 2009-02-04
I can actually think of (m)any books about gaming / virtual worlds that aren't entirely made of stupid, or offensive in some other way...
Aren't they usually made of stupid *and* offensive, in exactly the same way every time, to wit:
"Okay, right, so the core idea of this book is that ... like *games* ... right take place in ... like ... worlds. But the *real* world is ... like ... also a world so ... like ... people who play games must get ... like ... confused about what's real and what isn't."
Why yes, I am still bitter about
The Sword of Maximum Damage
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at 23:17 on 2009-02-04Offhand, do you know of any stories that work the opposite way round? Ignoring Jumanji/Zathura, I mean... I'm picturing 'exported' characters wandering round casually smashing objects in the search for powerups, jumping on people's heads or demanding quests from people in the Lamb and Flag...
If they're going for that "core idea", of course, then the in-game characters should also be influenced by real-world stuff. "Sorry, I can't slay the Lord of the Ogres and free your children, I've got laundry to do."
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Arthur B
at 01:04 on 2009-02-05
by Tad Williams is in theory about virtual entities manipulating the real world whilst real people simultaneously invade the virtual world.
In practice it is about Tad Williams giving an airing to some of his undeveloped story ideas (including honest to god
Wizard of Oz
fanfiction) before slapping us all about the face with a deus ex machina and declaring the story over.
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at 11:20 on 2009-02-05And there's always Snowcrash of course...
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Arthur B
at 11:40 on 2009-02-05Ah, Snow Crash. Where sneaking through the enemy's base camp is the best possible time to have a long chat online about a sub-William Burroughs bicameral mind language virus...
Though to give it its due, the Metaverse of Snow Crash is probably the most accurate envisioning of Second Life-style virtual worlds the cyberpunk movement ever produced, mainly because Stephenson realised that some people would just make their avatars giant purple cocks. Which doesn't mean it lacks its share of stupid and offensive content (anti-rape devices which only work if you're already being raped!).
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Sonia Mitchell
at 16:54 on 2009-02-07I rather like the way the computer game in Ender's Game is handled, come to think of it. The unnerving wavering of the line between worlds and the perplexed way the adults try to get a handle on Ender's in-game behaviour are pretty interesting.
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at 10:44 on 2009-02-09Re the new category, yay :) I'm actually always surprised to note how horribly suspectible I am to book covers. I've always secretly feared this made me an inherently shallow person but I'm reassured to know that you do it too :)
~Ah, Snow Crash. Where sneaking through the enemy's base camp is the best possible time to have a long chat online about a sub-William Burroughs bicameral mind language virus...
From what I have heard, and the little I have read of him, this seems to be Stephenson's problem in a nutshell. His books are so enslaved to the ideas at their core that they're, um, kind of the opposite of books.
I have to confess, I lose all my genre points because I haven't actually read Ender's Game...
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Arthur B
at 11:06 on 2009-02-09
this seems to be Stephenson's problem in a nutshell. His books are so enslaved to the ideas at their core that they're, um, kind of the opposite of books.
It wouldn't be so bad in
Snow Crash
, except that the idea he chooses to obsess over happens to be the least interesting one he presents in it... franchise nationality? The internet as a shallow pit of wish-fulfilment? (Man, did he call that one...) Stateless communities based on lashed-together ships in international waters? Pizza delivery tanks?
Snow Crash
is stuffed with cool shit; unfortunately, it all gets shoved bodily offstage every time the origins of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind waddles its fat, pasty, historically inaccurate, cribbed from Burroughs arse onstage to do its ludicrous little dance and spout its silly little monologues. How I hate that creature.
I've not read
Ender's Game
all the way through, and I was kind of uninspired by what I read of it; I wonder if it isn't the sort of books that has the best impact if you read it at just the right age, and preferably around the same time the book came out...
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at 11:14 on 2009-02-09The internet as a shallow pit of wish-fulfilment
It seems like a pretty deep pit to me - I'm a big fan :)
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at 16:14 on 2009-02-09Heh, am I the only one on here who has read Ender's Game? Granted, it was a few years ago, and I actually read it after its sequel. I thought it fell a bit flat, but if you skip it and just read Ender's Shadow you might like it -- there's a lot more going on in the book, a rather more interesting main character, and all the plot points of the first...
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Andy G
at 20:21 on 2009-02-09I have read it! Do I get some sort of prize?
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at 12:29 on 2009-02-10Yes, yes you do.
You get ... um ...
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Arthur B
at 14:09 on 2009-02-10...Mormonism! Delicious, delicious Mormonism...
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at 11:01 on 2009-02-20The second person was nearly enough to drive me away in the first chapter. I hate being told what I feel or think. Unbelievably irritating. And it only gets worse when you jump to another character in the next. I think there could be a case made for it if it had been better implemented, but i wasn't expecting it and it threw me.
The rest of the complaints didn't bother me much though. If you read it as a story about the future of the IT society it's quite interesting and fun. It seems that you are pulling the book apart based on what you wanted it to be, rather than what it is.
For example: CopSpace is a terrible name but it brings together the ideas of the internet of things, ubiquitous computing, augmented reality etc etc quite well. The story then allows discussion of how such technologies might get used, their benefits, their flaws and also the wider ranging implications for society...
It's a similar thought experiment about most of the issues with online activity, and how they will only become more important. For me, that's interesting.
On another note - the pixel people were enough to put me off the buying the book entirely, rather than an attraction. If my brother hadn't lent it to me, I would never have read it.
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Sonia Mitchell
at 00:11 on 2009-02-21Hi bitterlittleman, thanks for the comments. I'm glad you managed better than me in getting past the second person problem.
It seems that you are pulling the book apart based on what you wanted it to be, rather than what it is.
Good point, but I think the book did make promises it veered from. I expected a fun gaming read because of the incident it began with, because of the blurb (though I appreciate that was written by marketing people rather than the author) and because of the cover. I wasn't led to expect a board-room book, and I wouldn't have read it if I'd known.
So I'll concede I have prejudices against the genre it turned out to be, but I don't think the book should have disguised itself as another genre.
It's a similar thought experiment about most of the issues with online activity, and how they will only become more important. For me, that's interesting.
In general I agree, but in this specific case I think it was badly handled. The idea that the future of IT is in computerised glasses seems outdated and unlikely to me. The remote controlled taxis, on the other hand, rang true, and I think Stross does have some good ideas in the book. I would perhaps pick up something else of his (after checking the viewpoint this time).
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at 02:18 on 2009-02-21Glasses maybe, but the actual idea of copspace... Not outdated or unlikely. Take your smart camera phone, pair it with your location and relevant databases, and output.
(sorry, first example i found, its 2am.)
Once you want that kind of data on a heads up display to keep your hands free, glasses start to be more practical...
I'd say that we're way closer to CopSpace than autonomous vehicles like the taxi's described. For reference, I did information engineering, including modules on autonomous vehicles, intelligent systems (AI) and computer vision. My masters project was a combination.
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at 14:40 on 2009-02-21Hmmm...possibly I'm looking at this in too shallow a light and I certainly don't pretend to be any kind of future-tech commenter but it occurs to me that any technology that would make you look lame (e.g. computer glasses) will never catch on ;)
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Arthur B
at 15:59 on 2009-02-21I think the key point is this:
Once you want that kind of data on a heads up display to keep your hands free, glasses start to be more practical...
Which is sort of the issue; how many applications are there where it's more practical to have a load of distracting crap appear in your glasses?
It's also worth noting that
have existed for a while, and I think it's noteworthy that the information they present:
- Is presented in a very sparse style. You don't want this information to actually get in the way of something you might bump into.
- Is related exclusively to the task at hand. Distracting car drivers or aircraft pilots with ephemera while they fly is a no-no.
- Relate entirely to the operation of vehicles.
Basically, I think the uses of HUDs for pedestrians are going to be extremely limited.
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at 20:19 on 2009-02-21I could see the odd extra use for them, at least in a story. Traffic police could have HUDs that flashed up speed, vehicle tax status, and checked vehicles against police records. Security guards, scuffers and bouncers might have something that matched your face to records of troublemakers, or scanned and tagged you for possible weapons. Warehouse foremen or car park wardens could have HUDs to help identify each item and navigate around. Workers in sewers, mines or other confusing places could have HUD maps and compasses (like in a game). Or if you were doing pure information work (coding, examining photos or something) you might use them to avoid distractions.
It all rather depends on what other gear you're packing, though. I mean, if your HUD can detect RFID tags, or contain X-ray scanners, or spot and label problems with machinery, that's useful. If they just display the latest headlines, less so.
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Arthur B
at 01:02 on 2009-02-22But I think it's also worth considering whether it's more useful to have this sort of stuff on your glasses or some other surface. With the traffic police, it's surely more useful to just project the information onto the windscreen or something. With security guards and bouncers, I'm not sure putting this stuff on something that might get ripped off/smashed in a scuffle is necessrily a smart move.
Also, if you happen to be longsighted, there's obvious problems with trying to read something that's projected onto the inside of your glasses...
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at 17:01 on 2009-02-22And, voila, discussion about interesting ideas of how this technology might work and the effects it would have... Stuff people might like to read about... in a book?
And Kyra... Mobile phones? Wtf? Bricks with no battery life... who the hell would want one of those stuck to the side of their face... oh wait....
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at 20:10 on 2009-02-22And Kyra... Mobile phones? Wtf? Bricks with no battery life... who the hell would want one of those stuck to the side of their face... oh wait....
Yeah, who would...
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at 20:15 on 2009-02-22Also, actually, being serious for a split second here and putting my ludditism aside - mobile phones only really took off when their utility was met by their aesthetic. I have seen grown men actually caressing their I-phones.
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at 20:17 on 2009-02-22And, voila, discussion about interesting ideas of how this technology might work and the effects it would have... Stuff people might like to read about... in a book
Books providing fodder for discussion is rarely connected to literary value. Look at JK Rowling.
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at 16:57 on 2009-02-23If you read it as a story about the future of the IT society it's quite interesting and fun
I've found that to be the case with everything Stross writes -- in this case, from what I'm seeing here, the vehicle for these ideas might be a bit lacking.
The idea that the future of IT is in computerised glasses seems outdated and unlikely to me
Well, the idea's not novel -- the first time I came across it was
in the 90s
, and even Stross has been
playing with it since 2005
Projecting things onto your glasses would be easier and cheaper than putting them in contact lenses or implanting them into your retina, which are AFAIK fairly well-known SF tropes (@Arthur: while it's non-trivial I think it would be perfectly doable to adjust the focus of the projection to be perfectly clear to your eyesight), and I for one think it's pretty cool and wish we had the commercially-available technology to do that today. Presumably, once the glasses are developed, you could stick a Bluetooth receiver into them and then have them interface with everything from your mobile phone to, as Shimmin suggests, an X-ray scanner...
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at 00:38 on 2015-02-18What does bi-cameral mean in this context?
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Arthur B
at 10:52 on 2015-02-18It's part of a
fringe psychological theory
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Oh yeah, yeah, there’s some cards within, far too summoners war sky arena hack tool without survey.
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