#yes I'm being dramatic but shit like this is Constant. I am so done with it
mosspapi · 9 months
Yknow what I'm gonna b a little bitter. How can my cousin go fucking traipsing around every European country without a mask for the entire summer and b totally fine. But my sister, who wears a mask fucking religiously just like the rest of my family, gets a new job and roommates to try and get away from our abusive parents, and somehow manages to get Covid within DAYS of flying home to visit her (immunocompromised) siblings for the holidays. How is that fucking fair.
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hyperbolicgrinch · 6 months
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Im sorry there's so many. I'm just a simp for my author wifey, and you can ask me anything forever 💖
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Don't apologise, I adore you for it. Thank you, 🥜, for taking the time to send me anything. ☺️
(huhuhuhu permission granted, let's go 👁️👄👁️💖)
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Hmm. If it's like punctuation (and grammar too, I guess), I'd say it's like 4 (1 being the best thing ever sgsggdj) cause 85% of the time I know exactly what to to with that and love fixing little low stake slip-ups that have laid out rules I can follow and don't really need to overthink about.
Editing, like going through and punching everything up a notch or cleaning up flow is hmm, still pretty high. Like a 5. Cause even though it can be daunting and painstaking, I love that I actually have words on a page to play around with. I think it let's the ideas and scenes reach a closer version to the ones I had in my head. It's a lot of work and can drive one crazy but getting things to sing or spark is so satisfying ngl. 😌
Editing when you have to overhaul and rewrite large parts and fix one big problem but maybe make ten more is a quick and easy way to go insane but I still think it's not that bad. Like a 6 or 7. Cause, once again, I've already got words to fuck around and find out with and I'd take that over a blank page any day.
Proof reading editing can be really fun because spotting inconsistencies and lining them all up so they match makes brain go brrrrr so like a 5 or 6. Especially because at that point I know I'm so close to the finish line and the pay off is right there if I just get my shit together. 😂
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
fuck it, more than 5 be upon ye: 🥣🚩🫀🧵🧲😤💋🦋🏴‍☠️
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
Fatigue. 😅 Depression. 😅 Imposter syndrome. 😅 The stars not feeling like they've aligned correctly. 😮‍💨 The pressure to write a scene how it is in my head. 😩 The "what's the point?" poison to my whimsy and motivation. 🙄 The amount of time that's passed since I started writing the thing. 😭 The constant desire for instant gratification. 😐 The everyday horrors. 😵‍💫 My pedantic ass. 😮‍💨 Me forever renting real estate in the procrastination CBD. 🙄 I love to shoot myself in foot and just stare at a wall thinking about writing but not doing it. So just about everything under the sun, really. 🤪
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I don't know if this is what the question meant sfsghfhjjj but arghh I want a modern au that's so specific and catered to my exact tastes and based on the rambles my sister and I have had hsjjajjsk but there's also like this canon divergent ??? fix it??? au??? manifesting?? idea I have been thinking about non-stop since it got inside my brain but that I'm worried to to do in case it gets my hopes up for canon but basically I want two characters (and their crews) (but also these other two random characters that are not related to the first idea or each other bwhhah but I have thoughts for too and need them to come back exactly how I am envisioning because it would honestly be the Best Thing to Happen Since Sliced Bread ppfft hshajjajahsh) to somehow find each other again and team back up and take no shit to get revenge and then maybe kiss a little bit in front of the 1️⃣☮️ or something agshshsjaka after a dramatic entrance and while they hold some huge threat off so Luffy can get the ultimate boss fight done hdhsjskjshdj (Oda I'm so fr like if you need a rest or wanna hand their arc off so you can focus on bigger things, I'm right here cracking my metaphorical knuckles, I'll do it for you so fast, I have Ideas, put me in coach you won't regret ittt🙂👉👈) but it would be like so much work to make a plot that even made sense for it because I would have to do so much reaching and hand waving unless I got real serious about it and even then I would have to make so much up because there is no word of Goda or known timeline yet or events to use for its structure. 😅😂
But just anyone. Anyone that isn't me should write it (like Oda if you've got a moment...I mean, you've already done most of it,, might as well keep going, man) 😂 Maybe they even have... I haven't had a chance to look. 😅
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any and all comments spark joy and make me hehehehe and teeheeteehee and kick my feet and then I put them in my "reasons to keep writing" folder so I can go back and look at them when I'm feeling like a fraud or giving up on the thing. I wish I could be more specific but I really do cherish when people take the time to just leave anything. If they say what they liked or quote something they loved, that's even better, but merely a kind-hearted bonus. ☺️
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Hhrrmmm. If the vibe check just ain't passing for whatever reason or the tone and character is off to an unforgivable degree. 😌 Maybe it's in character for them and the version of that character they have in their heads, but if it ain't clicking for me, it ain't clicking, and I can't push through it. 😩 I think this is a very common one but yeah, character makes or breaks a fic. Cause it's the whole point, at the end of the day, ya know? 😅
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just-zodiac · 4 years
The Zodiac Signs at a therapist :
Therapist: Cap, Can you tell me How you always look so calm.
Capricorn: Oh, I’m not. People just can’t tell when I’m panicking, because I’m always panicking.
Therapist: Ok, let's talk to Leo. You said that you experienced death?
Leo: yes, I was in a restaurant and I think the waiter poisoned my drink.
Scorpio: No, that was me.
Therapist: wait.. What? Why would you do that?
Scorpio: I’m that kind of person who between two choices always picks the wrong one.
Leo: WHAT was the other choice you had you freak!!
Scorpio: to admit that I actually like you.
Leo: Are you trying to impress me? Because so far you’re doing a great job.
Aquarius: Do we look like we give a fuck?
Therapist: Ok let's hear you Aqua. Why are you here today, what is wrong with you?
Aquarius: Well, that depends on how much time you have. Do you want the short or the long answer?
Libra: she just asked a simple question, don't give her a full lecture.
Aquarius: Maybe you should have thought about that before you dragged me into this then.
Libra: Uh, so we have a problem.
Aquarius: Yeah, it's you and your dumb ideas.
Cancer: calm down guys, Why do we fight over stupid shit?
Capricorn: Because you say stupid shit.
Aries: You know, you are right.
Capricorn: About what, specifically? Because I’m right about a lot of things.
Cancer: shut up Aries and try to Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.
Aries: believe me I can and I can create an exclusive one as well.
Therapist: whoa guys, you two have a lot of intense feelings here, Why don't you just sit down and talk to each other about it?
Aries: Because there's nothing I want to say to Cancer and Virgo other than fuck off.
Virgo: what the hell? If you have a problem with me, you can say it to my face.
Aries: I don't have a problem with you. You are the problem in general.
Virgo: and You're a walking disaster.
Aries: I can't argue with that one.
*Pisces knocks on the door and steps in*
Gemini: What the fuck are you doing here?!
Pisces: Yes, I'm terribly happy to see you too.
Gemini: Idiot.
Pisces: C'mon, stop talking about yourself for once.
Therapist: please, be nice to each other.
Gemini: I am being perfectly fucking civil.
Therapist: Why do you constantly try to piss Gemini off?
Pisces: Because it's so fun and easy.
Sagittarius: so, How long after arriving at someone’s place is it appropriate to ask for the WiFi password?
Therapist: we're here to have a conversation with each other, do you have something you would like to share with us?
Sagittarius: Studies show that I literally did not ask for this, we were forced here by Libra.
Libra: oh for God's sake, I wanted all of you to express your emotions.
Capricorn: I don’t have any.
Gemini: Is “no” an emotion, because I feel it.
Leo: I have many emotions I need to express, Honestly, sometimes you just gotta let me be dramatic. Because I will get over it. But let me be dramatic first!
Scorpio: Hey Leo, If you listen carefully you can hear me whisper “shut the fuck up” at least once every five minutes.
Leo: It’s not my fault that You don’t talk much.
Scorpio: I’m observing your weaknesses since you’re so freely verbalizing everything about yourself.
Therapist: Okay, Okay take a breath everyone, especially you Taurus because you devoured the cupcakes I made for the all of you.
Taurus: Cupcakes are important to my mental health.
Libra: Oh seriously?
Taurus: Would you believe me if I answered ?
Libra: Do I look like an idiot?
Taurus: Do you want me to answer that truthfully?
Libra: you're so full of hate.
Taurus: I don't allow myself to be full of hate, I allow myself to be full of pasta instead.
Aquarius: I am So tired of being human, I want to be an Alien.
Taurus: Excuse me, I have to go and vomit.
Therapist: back to you Cancer, how are you feeling so far?
Cancer: I’m nothing but a constant state of internal screaming at this point.
Therapist: aren't you overreacting?
Cancer: Me? Overreacting? Probably.
Sagittarius: don't worry, If you ever feel stupid, or weak, or powerless, just remember that I, am not.
Libra: Well this social situation isn't going the way It went in my head.
Virgo: That is so not how it went!
Libra: You weren't in my head and you're drunk right now. Quit arguing with me.
Pisces: you brought us here because you imagined us doing this in your head?
Libra: I love you guys.
Capricorn: That's your business not ours *leave*
Taurus: maybe listen to me next time I tell you not to do something stupid. *takes the rest of the cupcakes and leaves*
Cancer: my mental health was working just fine before you brought me here. *leaves*
Gemini: You know, sometimes I think you do dumb shit on purpose just to see how I'll react. *leaves*
Libra: You're not wrong.
*the rest of The Signs leaves*
Leo: Anyways, Do you ever feel like a 4 times divorced 45 year old woman that smokes cigarettes in her fur coats on a grand piano? Cause I do and it’s sad.
Therapist: we're done here, get out.
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absoluteyoongit · 4 years
just dance [2]
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⇢ pairing: bestfriend!Hoseok x dancer!Reader, more pairings to come
⇢ genre: fluff, some angst
⇢ word count: 3.3K
⇢ warnings: just some swearing
⇢ series summary: Jung Hoseok, your best friend since childhood, is one of the best parts of your life. You have always supported him with everything, including his band BTS. Hoseok always kept you a secret from the rest of the group, but now he’s ready to introduce you to everyone. Who knew your presence would improve the members lives, one more than others.
⇢ author’s note: sorry for the delay. I am working on a schedule for this so I can post regularly! banner made by the talented @purpleskies1999​
Heavy breathing filled the otherwise silent studio, marking the end of BTS’ dance practice for the day. The boys had spent the past three hours straight working and all of them wanted a break.
Hoseok, regaining composure first, patted all the members on the back. After a ‘good job’ here and ‘better than yesterday’ there from their dance leader, signaled to the members that they could leave.
Yoongi, first to head out feet dragging, grumbled, “I want a nap.”
“I’ll start making some dinner," Jin muttered, following after.
“Dibs on shower!" Jungkook shouted.
“No way! I called dibs before practice started," Taehyung challenged.
“That doesn’t count.”
“Yes, it does!”
The two continued arguing as Hoseok watched the rest of the members file out. Jimin glanced back, “You coming?”
“Naw” Hobi sighed, “I want to try some things out before finishing for the day.”
Jimin nodded, closing the door behind him and the room was quiet once again.
Hoseok’s eyes left the door, moving towards his phone to play the song over again. He was a perfectionist, wanting to show up for the rest of the members and to do that he needed to practice more. He hesitated before pressing play, his mind wandered; the bags under his eyes felt extra heavy right then.
Hoseok couldn't deny it anymore, he was exhausted.
He was tired of the constant busy schedule. He loved his job but sometimes the group became so busy that the nights bled into days without so much of a wink of sleep. This went on for months at a time for them; it was too much.
Hoseok felt like he couldn't slip up once. He was considered the team's constant ray of sunshine by their fans, the media and even most of the members themselves. That was the world’s J-Hope. He was always there for his brothers when they needed a pick-me-up even if they never realized sometimes he needed one too.
The break the company was giving them this upcoming weekend could be hardly called an actual break. They were taking him and the boys to a natural spring for a ‘spa day’, which sounds nice on paper but Hoseok knew it was probably to film another Run episode. While filming those with the boys was usually fun the whole group craved an actual break.
Hoseok gaze dropped back to his phone, resigning to be the dance leader he needed to be for now. Before he could resume the music they needed to hone their routine for his phone rang. Your face popped up on the screen. The photo was blurry because he was in the middle of running away from you as he took it. You had caught him taking photos and flipped him off before chasing him. You always shied away from the camera and while the other pictures from that day were amusing, nothing says y/n more than a blurry image of you giving him the bird.
Hoseok’s eyes brightened at the sight, answering it immediately.
“y/n?! I haven't heard from you in a while. What is up my friend!”
He heard your chuckle from the other end, “Ah– you know the usual, just got done working for the day on a new routine I’m figuring out.”
“I’m doing the exact same thing. We are in sync still after all this time. I am touched,” Hoseok dramatically cried, wiping a fake tear away. Your unamused silence had him jumping back to his excited demeanor, “Anyways, will you tell me what the song is? Or do I have to find out when you finally post it like everyone else?”
“HAH! You’re not special. You’re gonna have to wait with everyone else- especially cause I want this one to be a surprise.”
Hoseok huffed. He knew he would not get anything out of you. Being stubborn was probably one of your biggest character traits but that was okay– he loved riling up your stubborn side as he pestered you. Almost as much as you liked cracking his sunshine nature. That was your dynamic. You two behaved like an old bickering married couple. If anyone observed him act the way he does around you they would have thought he was another person entirely. 
Y/n brought out a whole other side to him, one that he thought was more real but the rest of the world didn't want to see. That's why you were so special to him. Besides all the good times the two of you had, you made him feel the most himself.
Your laughter died down, "Anyways I was just calling to check in on you and uh– to say that I missed you– just a little bit."
Hobi's smile turned solemn. He missed his best friend so much. The life he lived gave him few moments of reprieve, so much so he never had the time to hang or even talk with anyone besides the boys and sometimes his family, so he appreciated the little moments like this the most.
"Aish, y/n. Why do you have to turn things sad– you know I miss you so much too. I need more than just these boys hanging around me sometimes."
"I'm sure living with them, working with them and being friends with them leaves you wanting to escape sometimes– even if just a little. I know you love your boys though."
Hobi sighed, you weren't wrong. He loved the boys a lot but he wanted–no needed–some alone time. He couldn't even escape to his room if he desired because he still shared with Jimin.
You were much different than the boys. He missed dancing with you. He missed your loud laughter, he missed your constant teasing, he missed you. Maybe seeing you would shake this exhaustion away.
An idea popped into his head. He and the boys had their “weekend trip” planned but Hoseok was sure he could muster up a convincing excuse to escape it. Pure excitement and hope shot up his veins.
"What are you doing this weekend?" Hobi rushed out, effectively cutting off the rant you started about the crazy coffee lady from earlier that day.
"Oh– umm...let me think."
Hobi bit back a smile. He could imagine your thinking face as clear as day: nose scrunching up and eyes turning into slits as you looked up into the sky.
"I have a shift at work Friday night and then I teach a class at the studio Saturday mornings. I don't care about doing my homework for class, so I am free other than that. Why do you ask?" anticipation clear in your voice.
"Well because I am coming to visit you. I haven't seen you in months. So, I think I deserve some time with my favorite human."
It was your turn to smile, Hoseok hit a soft spot with that comment. You knew your friend had the biggest smirk on his face as he said that, knowing full well your soft but you don't like to show it. Comments like that make your heart constrict.
"You actually have time off? Bighit finally letting you off the leash?"
"Well not exactly. We do have the weekend off but all the boys are supposed to go on a trip together but I am going to weasel my way out for you."
You comically sob, "Oh! You'd do that for me? I can't believe the Jung Hoseok of BTS is going to escape his confinement for me. Get you a real hoe that ditches his bros for you. Hoes before bros this time."
Hoseok barked out a laugh, "Yes, the Jung Hoseok is going to abandon his bros for his favorite hoe."
"Your favorite hoe? I am your only hoe. THEE HOE. Hoseok's hoe," you challenged.
"Shit, okay, you're right you are my one and only hoe. Even though Taehyung likes to think he is sometimes."
Laughter breaks out between the two of you at your combined silliness. It felt really really good to talk to him like this. It was a rarity.
"Anyhow, when are you going to be gracing me with your presence. I know I got a pretty free schedule but I can't just stare at my door all day till you show up," you chuckled.
"When does your dance class end on Saturday? I can swing by after and we could maybe dance a little if you're not tired."
You scoff, holding two fingers up even though he couldn’t see, "There are two things I will never tire from: dancing and amusement parks."
A loud groan resonated from over the phone, "I still cannot believe I'm friends with someone who loves roller coasters. You will be the death of me."
"Hey! I ask for one thing and one thing only for my birthday, and that's for you to ride the biggest coaster at the park with me. That is not too much of an ask."
"Yah! it is for me."
"Whatever scaredy-cat. The point is that I will always have the energy to dance," you pause hearing his hum in agreement, "especially if it's with you," you end with a whisper.
Now Hoseok was even more upset than before. He needed to see you, whatever it took.
"I promise I'll get out of this trip with the boys and we can hang out this whole weekend, just the two of us."
The two of you stood in silence, only the sound of each other's breaths danced across your ears. It was weird. You knew you missed him, a lot, but talking to him now and hearing his voice felt different. There was a stronger ache in your heart, more so than you have ever felt before. You loved your best friend so much and it finally clicked in your head how much your life sucked without him in it daily.
"You better keep that promise, Jung."
"Have I ever broken a promise before?"
"Excuse me, miss? Can I order?"
Your eyes that had been staring off into space snapped to the elderly man before you.
"Oh, my apologies sir! What can I get for you?"
You smiled taking his order but as soon as he paid and left your sight the smile faded. Glancing at the watch on your wrist, the slow ticking of the hands mocking you as you stared. You had another two hours of your shift left. You huffed, shifting your legs back and forth as you anxiously waited for another customer to distract you.
You were nervous. Which was totally unlike you but for some reason, you couldn't help it. This was going to be the first time you were seeing Hoseok in months but It felt longer than that. So much longer. At least that's what you tried to convince yourself as the reason why you were nervous to see your childhood best friend.
Maebum, your favorite coworker, could see something was very wrong from just the way you fiddled with your hands. The two hands looked dry and cracked as you continuously rubbed them in front of you.
"Hey sweetie, what's up with you today? I have never seen you this wound up." her gaze on you held so much worry. You try to smile to placate her but it didn't reach your eyes.
"I am fine Mae. I just had a long week." you lie.
She gave you a pointed look that screamed 'I don't believe a word you are saying'.
You sigh in defeat. Mae's superpower was reading people and detecting bullshit, it’s what made her a great manager. That power combined with her extreme compassion meant that she was not going to let this go.
"I just had a talk with my friend that I haven't seen in a while. He told me he was going to visit this weekend and I guess I'm kinda nervous– or something like that. I don't know."
You fiddled with your fingers more, glancing around the cafe in hope a customer would come in and save you from this conversation. You were already a nervous mess, you didn't need Mae trying to pry more information and feelings out of you.
"Are you nervous because you don't think things will be the same? Or is it something else?"
Mae's eyes searched yours looking for an unspoken answer.
"I guess it’s partly that? Maybe? I don't know. I think that's partly why I am anxious because I don't know why I am nervous at all.” 
You groan in frustration "I just really miss him and hope things go okay because maybe that will mean I will see him more," you turn back to Mae with a dejected expression, "at least that is the wish anyway."
Mae softly grinned down at you, "I'm sure it'll all go well, sweetheart. If he really was your best friend seeing him will feel like the distance never existed in the first place."
At that assurance, your heart swelled. She was right. This wasn't the first time you saw Hoseok after a long break. Things were never awkward or weird, so why should this be any different.
"You know what, that actually helped a lot. Thank you Mae." a large grin plastered on your face. 
She reached up and ruffled your hair, "Anytime sweetie."
Turning back to register you excitedly greet the next customer who walks in, ready to take their order. The rest of your shift passed quick after Mae’s intervention. Her words really did help but a small part of you could not ignore the subtle soreness of your heart. It felt as if careful hands cradled it, applying pressure that made it impossible to take a deep breath. You hoped those hands would not crush it.
Hoseok was nervous. That much was certain as his legs bounced from his seat on the shared living room couch.
Yoongi had been silently watching Hoseok from the other side of the room for some time now. It was very strange to see his friend this worked up and it alarmed him a little. Not enough to make a scene but enough to make a mental note to talk to Namjoon about it later.
Taking a sip from his iced coffee, Yoongi wondered what Hoseok could be worried about. Was it the new routine the group was learning? He noticed how the dancer had stayed late at the dance studio after regular practice was over. Yoongi's lip jutted out. No, it couldn't be that. The routine was difficult but nothing the rest of the boys couldn't handle learning on their own. Was it the trip that they were planning to go on tomorrow? Yoongi knew it was still technically work, as much as he hated that, but it was still supposed to be a lowkey weekend. One that all the boys desperately needed.
Yoongi and Hoseok were now both lost in their own thoughts when the two maknaes entered the room.
Jungkook and Taehyung stopped in their tracks as they eyed their two silent hyungs from the doorway. Comically looking back and forth between the two brothers with wide eyes.
"Hey, Tae-hyungie? What do you think they're doing" Jungkook whispered, leaning towards his older brother.
Taehyung continued looking between the hyungs in the living room. One was staring off into space and the other’s whole body was vibrating from how fast his legs were bouncing.
"I have no idea, Kook. We just came for the snacks, remember. Stick to the mission." Taehyung reminded him, patting Jungkook’s chest and starting forward. 
Jungkook held him back, "Hyung– look at them. They look like they could use some brotherly love." The maknae gave Tae a pointed look and gestured for him to save Yoongi from whatever spell he seemed to be under.
Tae huffed, upset he wasn't getting his snacks anytime soon, but willingly trudged over to his older friend. Taking another look at him Taehyung noticed Yoongi chewing on the straw in his iced coffee, something he never does, and his eyes scrunched in deep thought.
Pulling the now empty coffee cup out of his hyung's hands he finally got Yoongi's attention.
"Taehyung? When did you get here?" Yoongi blinked in confusion. He definitely did not register the maknaes entering the room. He was still too focused on Hobi and why he could be so stressed out right now.
"Me and Kook wanted some snacks before we watched the next episode of our drama but when we got here both of you looked so out of it. Is everything okay?" Taehyung's eyebrows creased in concern.
Yoongi’s shoulders slumped. He didn't know if everything was okay. All he knew was that Hobi was anxious for some reason and that worried him.
"Hobi has been sitting there for the past hour either looking straight ahead or looking at his phone. I haven't seen him this stressed in a while."
Taehyung scowled, he hated seeing the dancer with a frown on his face, it was unnatural.
Their gazes landed on the backs of the maknae and their distressed dancer across the room. Hopefully, Jungkook could bring out a little spring in Hoseok's step today.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it, Hyung? Whatever’s going on seems to be upsetting you."
"Aish Jungkook, you just won't let up will you? If you really want to know, fine. I don't want to go on the trip tomorrow. I really don't want to and I have been sitting here for who knows how long trying to think of an excuse to tell you all and especially the company."
Hoseok dropped his head with a sigh, rubbing his neck, "I didn't want to make you guys upset or anything I just wanted an actual break, ya know. I want to talk to our managers to see what we can do about it. I hope it's not too late because I don't plan on going anywhere tomorrow even if they have to drag me."
One thing that he didn't admit to the boys was the plan to stay with his best friend this weekend instead of them. How was he going to make an excuse to not spend time with them this weekend? Even if he could convince the company to let them have a break. He wanted to keep you a secret. The special way you made him feel was for himself only. He didn't care that he was being selfish. He knew the moment he introduced you to the group it would no longer be just Hoseok and Y/n. He already shared so much with the boys, why couldn't he be selfish just this once?
The room fell back into silence. The rest of the boys were shocked by Hoseok's admission. They knew he was the happy type that always went with the flow. They never thought he never got stressed but they have never seen him this dejected and drained.
"I am sure we can talk to the company about this Hyung." 
Hoseok turned and looked over his shoulder at Taehyung, eyes tired. "I don't know. It's really last minute and we are supposed to leave tomorrow. I don't think the company would let us opt out of it. I was planning on pretending I was sick or something."
Yoongi's eyebrows scrunched more. It was that serious that Hoseok was prepared to fake an illness to get out of the trip.
"We can talk to the others. I am sure they would prefer an actual weekend off compared to what our manager is promising."
"Yeah! With all of us protesting we may actually convince them you know."
The tired dancer looked at each of his brothers in the eye and let out a breath. "Alright. Let's go talk with the others."
The other three all stole a glance at each other as Hoseok got up from the couch and strode out of the room to his bedroom. None of them said anything but each knew they had to call off this trip somehow, some way. They needed to give their most hardworking friend the break he deserved. 
"Who's going to call our manager?"
"Not me!"
"Aish you two, just get Namjoon to do it."
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 7
More thoughts and live blogged reactions.
1982. I'm assuming Five used a briefcase... But in s1 we saw that the briefcase travels are tracked (Hazel and Cha-Cha got reprimanded for Klaus's Vietnam trip) so I'm not sure how the board doesn't know someone is coming... I might be overthinking.
Five being creepy.
Is that a Fudge Nutter like Handler mentioned in season 1? Oh, it is.
Jesus, Five! Anger management for you, old man.
AAHH! THEY LET FIVE SAY FUCK! Fucking finally! 🤣
How did nobody notice that destruction? 😆
Oh, the axe! Is Five going to go all American psycho? Because I'd love to see that.
That smile!
Is he using tiny time travel bursts like Reggie said? Or a briefcase? Or is he just that fast?
AJ hiding under the table 😆
Pausing to drink water and grin, what a psycho, I love him.
He's definitely using time jumps but they are so controlled that I'm guessing briefcase or Handler little time stopping trick. I'm so proud of my mass murder baby.
... Vending machine? Lady, you have interesting priorities.
Wait! AJ's human body feels pain? How?
Please make Five swallow the fish like in the comics! Please, please, please, please.
The dancers are just like
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I LOVE FIVE! The lengths this little killer will go for his family are unbelievable, nobody should ever doubt his love and devotion for them ever again.
This whole murder scene was incredible and Five's obvious glee made it even better. FEAR HIM!
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Jesus, Klaus is so afraid of being possessed that he's afraid to sleep and Ben just mocks him? 😘💋 I get that this is supposed to be a funny 'brothers messing with each other' kind of thing but Klaus feels so unsafe that it makes me uncomfortable. What happened to you, Ben, when did you become so dark? You were the nice one!
Ben just getting closer and closer every time Klaus closes his eyes just gave me Doctor Who flashbacks.
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"I hate your face" "I hate all of you" - Don't say that boys! You know you love each other.
Ok, Ben has a point. I'm actually liking this conversation. And I'm liking that Klaus is starting to understand his brother.
Ok, this is such a brother conversation. And Klaus constantly pretending not to know who Jill is 😆
Ground rules... Well, at least it's consensual now. That's something. See? Communication works.
Damn, the tension at the lunch table cut be cut with a knife. I'm scared what Carl is going to do.
Ray and Allison have a lovely relationship but I finally identified the problem, the tension I was feeling between since them a few eps back. It's not about Allison's secrets at all, is about Ray being so obsessed with his crusade that he completely overlooks Allison's feelings, he only pays attention to her when they are on the page about the mission. He sees her powers and his first thought is 'we could use this for the cause', Allison is clearly distressed and sad and even says she doesn't feel well and all he can think about is the damn JFK meeting. He's not a bad person and he's not doing it on purpose but he has a workaholic one-track mind that could easy turn into neglect for Allison. He clearly loves her and I'm rooting for them so much but I know that if asked to choose between Allison and his cause, he'll pick his cause.
So Five is done with the killing. I figured this might weigh on his conscience, it's one thing to kill for a greater good or survival, coldly and detached, it's another thing to slaughter for selfish reasons (even if his selfish reasons are a greater good).
Handler going all mom on him and wiping his face. 😆
"What I did today, I did for my family" -we know, baby, and they better respect you for it. You love then so much.
90 minutes??? Wtf, I knew Handler would try to screw Five over but that's just cruel, she's forcing him to uproot the family without even giving them time to say goodbye and that's even IF he can get to all of them on time.
It's not a name, you idiots. Also, that's Olga, not öga.
Don't harass the poor woman... Oh God, you guys are such morons... Diego, you dramatic little bitch...
"Wrong number. Have a lovely day" 🤣🤣🤣
I love the new dumbass buddy cop dynamic between Diego and Luther. This is the sort of positive brotherly dynamic they always should have had instead of being pitted against each other all their lives.
"you have some blood on you" "a lot of blood, actually. Five, what did you do?" -the casual, mildly annoyed way they ask is hilarious, if they knew what he did they'd be horrified (and possibly impressed).
Handler's militaristic chic dress is fabulous. I personally don't like it very much (or the message it sends) but it's haute couture and incredibly designed. Also, the bleached hair is back!
"any questions?" And then she leaves without listening. Power move 😏
Luther trying to comfort Diego like the dork he is. 🤣
Really though, I feel bad for Diego, and Five is under so much pressure that I don't blame him for snapping.
"I'm shy" -are you, Klaus? Are you really? You keep walking around in underwear in front of dozens of people, you're not shy.
So is Klaus lactose intolerant?
Ok, so far the possession thing is not as bad as some people were claiming. So far.
"stay focused" *giggle* -oh Ben, you dork 😆
Ahah, Ben enjoying all the different sensory stimuli. Adorable. He's just so happy, poor boy.
Dirt angels. SO CUTE ❤️
I know this all supposed to be cute and all but it would also be a perfect moment for Ben for experience Klaus's powers (the constant hauntings) as well as his addiction and the claustrophobic expectations of the cult. It would be an excellent chance to make Ben understand why Klaus is the way he is, seeing as Klaus is making a huge effort (and sacrifice) to do the same for Ben. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening because I think they want to keep this part about Ben.
By end of season 1 Klaus cried that people still didn't take him seriously, his compassion despite all his suffering made him likeable and deep, but this season he's back to being the family joke, I don't like that there's no resolution to that. But let's see where this goes, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Oh God, Carl's talk is freaking me out.
"who I am is not a disease" -very powerful LGBT+ statement considering it's the 60s!!!!
Oh, the blackmail...
Everybody keeps expecting Vanya to explode every time she gets emotional but this scene proves how much control she truly has. Respect!
Oh, finally Claire is mentioned! I've been rather upset that Allison hasn't mentioned her daughter even once this season (does Ray even know he has a stepdaughter?) seeing as most of her arc in season 1 revolved around her love and guilt over Claire.
Luther is right when he says they don't get live formal lives because they are special but Allison is even more right when she says that's not fair. This is why this family needs to stick together and love each other, they are the only ones that can really understand each other's struggles.
"hope" -Luther, you really are such a sweet summer child.
OH! I CAN FINALLY SEE ALLISON'S SCAR! The lighting in this scene makes it really obvious. Finally.
Ben and the strawberry. 🤣
"you're different today. You're dorkier" ah! First time anyone called Ben 'Sassy' Hargreeves dorky.
Oh Ben, you're adorable... Wait, "smell your hair"? What the fuck, Ben? You weirdo.
Holy crap! Jill is really forward, isn't she? Hippies, man.
Ben stuttering! 😆🤣 He died a virgin, didn't he?
It's funny but please tell me he isn't actually considering that in his brother's body...
Wait, did Klaus slap him because he doesn't want to have sex or because he's trying to stop Ben from ruining his own chance by saying too much?
Actually, I'm almost sure it's the second one, Klaus is playing wingman on his own body!
Ok so Ben IS a virgin but "you, me and Keechie"? What the fuck, Klaus? You slept with the fanatical crybaby and your brother's crush????
"Klaus, you're so filthy!" "Yes, you are, daddy." -Ben, this girl is not right for you. Run, boy!
Wait, AJ can speak without the body/suit/whatever?
Handler is going a little bit fascist dictator, isn't she?
Gotta admit, Handler really is such a mom in her own twisted way.
Ben giggling when he talks to Diego. Cute.
"Luther sniffs Dad's underwear" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I need all the siblings hugging Ben now!
"you stay in this body, we need someone responsible behind the wheel" -Diego, I understand what you mean given the situation, but you playing obvious favorites between your brothers when free will and body autonomy are on the line is a little creepy.
"no one is insignificant" -that line is so loaded when used on Vanya.
Oh no, Vanya and Five playing the blame game is so bad... They used to be so close... They are both under so much pressure, this won't end well.
Oh boy, Five looks like he's on the verge of crying and Vanya sees that! I bet that's why she backed down. 😲😢
The Lila and Diego conversation is heartbreaking without even trying...
Is that Elliot? Is Diego burying Elliot because nobody else will? Diego really does have a heart of gold.
Don't drinkit! I'm pretty sure Lila is drugging you.
Yup, there it is.
What is she planning?
Once again, it's all about the movement with Ray.
"I would take my one year with you over a lifetime with anybody else." 😭 Oh Ray ❤️
But I get the feeling this won't end so easily.
There it is, the Swedes just arrived. And the smart assholes went right for Allison's throat.
You don't need the coffee can, Sissy. The Hargreeves are loaded.
Sissy, hurry up.
BEN, YOU ARE SUCH A 90s KID!!! So the Backstreet Boys are Ben's fault, God, I love this dork 🤣
Come on, Allison, you can fight better than this!
Good girl!
Klaus and Ben running and fighting each other at the same time 😆
Holy shit, that is some Exorcist level vomiting!
Poor Klaus, I totally get Ben's side in this (pretty sure he was trying to save Klaus by getting him to Five ASAP) but this whole thing made me mildly uncomfortable. Klaus just keeps sacrificing for everyone and nobody respects his boundaries.
Holy shit, Allison! That is so cruel! I like it though, so ruthless and vicious. 😈
Problem- Allison can't just leave Ray with a white corpse in the house. Especially not in Texas, death penalty and all.
Oh Sissy, you dumbass. You're a sweetheart but also a dumbass.
Ok, Lila is pretty insane. That's for sure.
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"I don't want to hurt you" - well, Vanya warned them.
My baby is getting really good with her powers.
I hope that hit to the head doesn't give Vanya her memory back, that's so cliché and convenient, or would be really bad writing.
SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN. I'm dying to see more!!!!!!
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projectnaga · 6 years
the "i'm still alive and working, i swear!" status update: year 2 edition
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(mirrored on dreamwidth)
Awright, here we are, 730 days later. i think we can all agree that it's a downright damning reflection of the glacial pace at which i work that technically speaking, what i'm here to write is more or less exactly what i wrote this time last year. The circumstances are still basically identical; i'm the sole reason for the holdup, life keeps getting in the way, but i'm Working On It And Will Finish The Damn Thing i Swear.
Don’t worry, though. This time, i actually have something resembling progress to share. It's pretty good, too, if i do say so myself.
Here's the basic deal of what's going on, then. After a long-ass break i've been working steadily on it for about six months now, illnesses and my job at the University of Canberra permitting, and while i'm still pretty inarguably far behind what any reasonable person would consider a schedule, i'm making pretty good headway. Along the way this became less of an editing pass on what i've already written, and sort of snowballed into going back to the drawing board in places: poring over the Japanese script again, comparing, contrasting, picking apart every possible angle of every single text block, noticing parts that don't quite comport or where i've gone off the rails, translating completely from scratch where necessary to correct the oversights in question, and not moving on until i'm completely satisfied with the wording compared to the original.
Christ, that's a much more dramatic way of putting it than how it actually feels to do it.
As i've said before, my first go-around was a learning process where my grasp on the task was still very much developing, so i'm inclined to think that such close scrutiny is basically necessary on my part; i can't really afford to let past me off the hook and ensure that he had the literal meaning down 100% of the time. i'm determined to get everything right this time and ensure that the end result is as pure and faithful an expression of what FE4 is as possible, a target i fell slightly short of the first time around but which i'm committed to nailing fully this time. There's also been a lot of fiddling with line breaks to try and make all dialogue sequences look nice without any awkward spacing issues. i figure, i've left too many people hanging on this pass, so the least i can do is make the damn thing worth the wait both narratively and aesthetically.
In this editing phase, i also now have the benefit of working with a bunch of great friends of mine from Fire Emblem Universe - people like Smilies, Black Mage, Kyuzeth, Alusq, zahlman, Onmi, circleseverywhere, Zane, Darrman and MCProductions, whose opinions and critical eye i have a lot of faith in. They're not the types to let me rest on my laurels, no; they're constantly holding my work - every decision, every odd wording, every significant shift either way, every assumed reading, every out-of-place comma - to the fire, and their constant input is invaluable in ensuring that what i'm coming out this time is to a much higher standard than before. god, i almost wish i knew these guys back when i was first working on the game; it's such a privilege to have such sharp and talented people as them, and just about everyone else i've ever worked with, with me. i know, i've said it before, but i'll keep saying it until it stops being true because damnit, people are great.
Here, have some pictures of what i've been up to:
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i admit with some shame that i was hoping to have a more impressive selection to show, especially given the amount of Shit i've been talking, but then i promptly drew a blank on stuff i liked enough to include here. oh well
Presently, i'm well into the game's second generation with this pass.  A quick checklist of important things that have been completed so far:
The two missing alternate death quotes for bosses - Reptor in chapter 5 and Ishtore in chapter 7 - have been fixed and implemented
The promised Lex rewrite from last year is complete; the dude is now a lot more faithful to his original speech style, with some fine quirks that i'm kicking myself for missing the first time around
One of the most interesting changes i’ve picked up on is the tail-end of Eldigan execution scene (pictured above briefly), the tone of which i... completely fucked the first time around, let’s be honest. i completely missed a much more interesting reaction from Chagall about it, his gloating tempered by disappointment that it’s ending so easily. With this in mind, it’s a great scene, and i’m kicking myself for not doing it justice sooner
On a similar promised note, i'm fairly confident that i've excised every single use of the word "geez" in the script and reworked it into something that's not anachronistic as all hell
A lot of other stuff that's slipping my mind. Suffice it to say, if it's an error, it's being corrected, no ifs, ands or buts
Unsurprisingly i still don't have a hard date for when i'll be done and, given my dismal track record, i'd be a total idiot for trying to set one, but i'm hoping the post-semester lull will give me plenty of time to finish up. Don't worry, if i'm still going into next year, i'll still definitely be self-flagellating myself for it; i'm not sure it's possible to be more annoyed with me than i am with myself.
meanwhile, FE5!
Ahh, yes. The other thing that i Am Totally Working On i Swear. Needless to say, it's still on the table, and like i've said before it's one of the biggest factors in me wanting to just get FE4 done already (aside from, y'know, the common human decency part); various recent events have really lit a fire under me to want to get started on it in earnest. It's still on the backburner in favour of FE4 in the meantime, but occasionally the spirit possesses me and i hop over to do a passage or two. Here's some very recent work on it of mine: a few first-draft passages from chapter 22.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
But I'm A Cheerleader! - Chapter 23 (Aja x Farrah) - Millie
Farrah was lying on Aja’s bed in her arms that evening, a heavy weight of anger towards her ex-best friend resting upon her. The whole ordeal infuriated Aja; not because Valentina despised her, but because it’d upset Farrah like this. Valentina could hate her all she wanted.
Farrah had her head resting on Aja’s chest, and she let out another defeated sigh. Aja twirled her fingers into her wavy hair in a basic attempt to comfort her, and Farrah smiled weakly. She intertwined their hands and rested them lazily on Aja’s stomach.
Aja wished she could stay in this position forever.
“Ugh, like, why can’t she be straight-up with me?” Farrah reiterated, the anger still festering inside her, clearly with no plans of settling down any time soon. “If she’s not happy, she could’ve told me! Not that I’d do anything about it, now.” She grumbled.
“Hey, don’t let her get to you like this,” Aja cooed, stroking her hair. “She’s a coward if she can’t be honest with you about something like a friendship.”
“Oh, God, she’s gonna blow up when she hears about us.”
Aja immediately stopped stroking her hair, and her whole body turned stone cold. She retracted herself and pulled away slightly, propping herself up on her elbow so she could look into Farrah’s eyes, and she was met with a look of panic.
“Who says she’s gonna find out?” Aja questioned. “That anyone’s gonna find out?”
“Aja…” Farrah said, pulling back and sitting up, but the grip on each other’s hands was still the same. “We have to tell them eventually; sooner rather than later.”
Aja bit her lip and looked down. She thought coming out would be the hardest part of all this, but she was far from correct. Their friends had only just come to terms with them being friends, and girlfriends was going to step far over the line for them. She wasn’t ready for that type of rejection again just yet.
“… Yeah. Okay,” she said simply. “When?” She would mentally prepare herself for whatever their reactions were. Not that she could tell or anything, but she liked to think she could help herself right now.
Farrah shrugged. “As soon as we can.”
That filled her with dread. When she didn’t respond, Farrah took that as a cue to talk more.
“Aja, we shouldn’t keep it from them. Keeping our friendship from them for over a month was bad enough.”
Aja sighed.
“I get that you’re not totally ready yet, but I don’t want to stay in the closet around them,” she said. “I want us to be honest.”
“Okay,” Aja gave in. She could see where Farrah was coming from. “Baby steps though, right?”
Farrah nodded. “Of course,” she said. “We can just tell a few of them at first.”
She went pale all of a sudden. “I’m so sorry; I don’t want you to feel forced into anything,” Farrah apologised, biting down on her bottom lip. “I’m sorry.”
Aja knew that Farrah only had good intentions, and after all, she was at the point now where she just wanted to be fully open with the world about herself. But she’d only just regained her friends’ trust, and it didn’t take a genius to get that telling them anything new involving Farrah would practically throw their friendship out the window. Was it a risk she was willing to take? Probably. But not immediately.
“No, it’s okay,” Aja assured. “I’ll just start with Sasha and Alexis, and branch out from there. Maybe Shea, too.”
“Are you sure it’s okay?” she asked.
“Yes; it may be scary, but it’s the right thing to do.”
“But are you, like, totally sure?”
Aja crossed her eyebrows together. “Yeah, I’m sure,” she said. “Why are you worrying so much?”
Farrah looked away, staring out of Aja’s window as if she found the usual, boring street interesting suddenly. She poked her tongue into her cheek.
“Farrah.” She squeezed her hand.
The blonde turned back to face her. “I just am,” she said. “I feel like I’m pushing you. It just hit me, square in the face.”
Sure, Farrah was emotional, but this seemed completely unnatural of her. She didn’t normally worry like this; she appeared to be the confident one until this moment. As it turned out, neither one of them was that at all.
“You’re not,” Aja reassured. “It was a bold move, and I’m glad you took it.”
“Really?” Farrah asked. “You’re sure?”
Farrah pulled her into a hug, and Aja could feel a couple of hot tears leaking onto her neck (although she didn’t say anything, for fear of upsetting her further). That only concerned her more, way more than coming forward with the truth to Sasha and Alexis did. Being this worried about boundaries just seemed so out of character, and she was going to get to the bottom of what was causing it.
Farrah was pretty sure that she’d never been with someone more patient than Aja. Okay, so she was far from patient and certainly didn’t take any shit thrown her way when they first properly met, but now? She put up with Farrah like she’d known her all of her life. That was far more than what anyone else she’d dated had done.
She hoped that she hadn’t noticed the minor stress-cry she had when they hugged, but if she did, she didn’t say anything. They resumed their previous position once she’d quickly wiped her tears on Aja’s cheer t-shirt, and her girlfriend held her closer than before.
Farrah wondered if she could ever get past this: this constant panicking if she felt like she’d come to a line, let alone even crossed it. Seemingly bad decisions and misinterpreted actions just seemed to haunt her, and every time she proposed something, she felt like she was overstepping a boundary. It was easier when they were just friends, but she could put a whole relationship at stake with just one wrong move. Aja didn’t seem too fazed by or against anything she’d suggested (at least, as far as she could tell. Over-analysing was a bitch).
Farrah thought of herself as fairly confident, but at the start of every relationship, she never knew how to approach milestones; it felt like she was practising a new cheer routine and she didn’t know what move she was doing next, and if she did one thing wrong, the whole routine would fail and someone could end up falling.
But, Aja was patient with her. She was outgoing, talented, and ambitious on top of that, not to mention beautiful. And Farrah was forever grateful for that. Hopefully she’d pull herself together soon, and stop worrying over every single tiny thing.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” Farrah asked, stepping out the door of Aja’s house.
Aja smiled. “Of course you will,” she said, shutting the inside door to the hallway so her mother couldn’t see them. She bent down to kiss her, caressing her cheek. She wanted that kiss to say something that her words couldn’t: that she was here for her, always, and she’d try to understand her anxiousness; that she’d support her no matter what.
Aja was pretty sure she got that across, because when she pulled away and squeezed her arm, Farrah was smiling.
“See ya,” she said, swinging her backpack with her clothes from school and homework in it over her shoulders and set off back home, her dangerously short skirt swishing side to side.
Walking along the street, Valentina was minding her own business on the way to the store. She didn’t live in this neighbourhood, but there was a store that sold exclusively candy and you could buy whatever you wanted for cheap, so it was worth the trek.
She’d always liked this area due to the fact that every house was different to that around it, whereas the ones closer where she lived had the same, boring, cream exterior. This area’s houses were all different colours, with different arrangements and styles of windows, and grand, wooden doors. She would’ve liked a house just like that; Valentina liked to think that she had an eye for artistry.
She was almost at the store now, and she felt her stomach rumble. She’d seen Aja and Sasha down this road before, barely giving them a second glance as she walked past them, so she was pretty sure they lived around here.
She turned round the same corner that she always did, and what she saw filled her with rage. The thought of the candy that she was getting close to was completely swept to the side.
Farrah was stood so close to Aja, there was only a few inches between them. Valentina darted back around the corner and pulled her phone out to film - who knew what Aja was up to? She pressed the red recording button on the screen in case anything dramatic happened.
And it sure did.
Val couldn’t quite believe her eyes, but it was right there before her. She looked over her phone to check she wasn’t just seeing things, and to her great distress, her eyes weren’t lying to her.
They were kissing. And she’d just got it on video.
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