#yes I'm slinging my Makoto feels into your tags
tirorah · 4 months
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Oh man, this moment! I've been dying to talk about this.
Makoto finally steps forward, going from mere contributor to driving force. And what does she do? This. This is what she does!
I'm going to talk about this in more detail later in this post, but I need to tell you the core of my opinion right now: Makoto is being a bad friend. I can't believe I live in a universe where she gets the chance to do that. PGSM is incredible!
Don't get me wrong: Makoto's intentions are good. She's feeling empathy for Usagi...but that empathy is drowned out by her number one priority of 'Tuxedo Mask bad, Chiba Mamoru better'.
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Here, she steamrolls over Usagi's valid objection and leaves to dig up information. I don't even think Usagi needs to be more adamant here; Makoto is the guilty one. She's the one forcing her point through. She's the one taking away Usagi's agency in this situation.
So, what's going on here? Remember this:
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I'm super glad I spotted this line in the previous episode, because it completely recontextualises Makoto's actions during this part of the story. Sure, Tuxedo Mask is a man of questionable character and a criminal besides; in Makoto's eyes, she has reason enough to distrust or even dislike him. But that's not why she's been hovering over Usagi since the Knitting Drama(TM) began.
Like I said before, Makoto is trying to protect Usagi from heartbreak. She doesn't want Usagi to go through the pain she herself suffered. And guess what? She failed. Usagi's heart was broken right in front of her and she couldn't do a goddamn thing!
Now that Usagi has finally admitted her true feelings, Makoto should be helping her. Comforting her, letting her vent and cry. Maybe--once Usagi is past that stage of intense sadness--Makoto could help her take her mind off things for a while. Take her outside for a fun activity, make her comfort food, I don't know. Whatever helps Usagi pick up the pieces.
But Makoto, like all main characters in PGSM, is a flawed human being. Rather than do the right thing and be the steady tree for Usagi to cling to, her protectiveness goes straight into overdrive. She needs to fix this--at all costs. Getting Mamoru and Usagi together is the only way she can repair the damage she couldn't prevent.
And so, she questions the stability of Hina and Mamoru's relationship (without any facts to back it up) and leaves on her self-appointed mission. Neither Usagi nor Ami are in a position to stop her. Usagi's too vulnerable and Ami is too timid.
But hang on, isn't there someone else who could help out here? One Hino Rei? Where is she?
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She's just arrived at the church with dog food. Completely oblivious. Oh my goodness.
There's an elegance and beauty in how this entire situation is constructed. Remember, PGSM is written around a group of four friends, not five. This allows it to build four distinct pairs that each have a unique dynamic and group role: Usagi and Ami; Ami and Rei; Usagi and Makoto; Rei and Makoto.
With Rei out of the picture, that equilibrium is gone. There's no one around to rein in Makoto's protectiveness when it goes too far. No one to argue with Makoto on how all of this is a horrible idea and that she should cut out this nonsense right now. Sure, Rei might be really harsh about it, and that might upset everyone, but it would also force Makoto to consider her own actions. You can see an example of this during episode 8:
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Maybe Makoto would still leave this time, but the seed would be planted for her to realise she's going overboard.
Would Rei also understand what a blow this is for Ami? Maybe, maybe not. But her presence might give Ami more confidence to speak her mind on what Makoto is doing. As for Usagi: she respects Rei. Again, she might get emotional, but like Makoto, Rei would probably get through to her a little.
None of that can happen now. And why is that?
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Minako, the outside influence, has unknowingly messed up the perfect symmetry of the Senshi team's dynamics. One of the links in the chain has been pulled loose, and now the entire group is collapsing in on itself like a house of cards.
I love this scene. I adore it. I want to serenade it and bring it flowers and bake it brownies. No show is perfect, but this setup? This expert usage of interpersonal relationships? 10/10, no notes.
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penguinsledder · 3 years
Tag game post was super long so here's a new one! Thank you @itsmoonpeaches 💖 but also great now you're riding on the tumblr famous joke as well LOL 🤪
1. Why did you choose your URL?
I had this saved for a while cuz I thought of it but was already in my Hamilton phase haha. Thankfully renaissance came around and I got to use this.
But yes, I love penguin sledding and otter penguins and Kataang!
2. Any side blogs?
Technically the Kataang Week blog is a sideblog, I guess, tho I'm not the original owner of it. I also have some sideblog projects that I got too lazy to keep up.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Just a bit over 7 years!
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yes! "it's just queue and me right now", altho I just tend to reblog whenever I feel like it these days
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted to join Kataang Week and it seemed like the best way to participate was through tumblr!
6. Why did you choose this icon/pfp?
Like its, I love Katara. I wanted a Katara icon that wasn't too common but also sassy/badass, and I remembered this scene so I edited it into an icon! I added the background in when I had a better grasp of photoshop years later lol.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I love Kimi no Na Wa and adore the artistry of the entire movie. Makoto Shinkai's gorgeous realistic backgrounds honestly contributed a lot to me loving Tokyo, and I felt that this was something that would be constant amidst my changing interests and fandoms. Plus this animated time lapse of Tokyo is just so cool that I made a gif of it and made it my header.
8. What's your post with the most notes?
Oh this. Haha it's a post about me getting worked up at how people were unfairly criticizing Malala's fashion choices lol. (Btw, Malala just got married recently so big congrats to the new couple!)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Oh frankly idk. Been on here for 7 years and Tumblr still never bothered to put in a proper place for mutuals. Uhh ... I'd say maybe a hundred more or less I guess? Assuming some didn't deactivate/go inactive, etc.
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Oh yeah I think so. I just can't recall what it was (or they were) exactly.
13. How many times do you use Tumblr each day?
Depends on how busy I am hahaha and if I'm looking for fandom content. It's definitely gotten less in recent years, with a spike during the Renaissance.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? Who won?
Haha I rarely get into arguments cuz I don't really like to argue but ... Yeah? And me of course LMAO (I also have great friends on here who defend me)
It was just about this person misinterpreting my post about Raya, making hasty generalizations, and slinging insults based on these lol. They've apologized.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this" posts?
They honestly make me feel uncomfortable and I wouldn't want other people to feel that way either.
16. Do you like tag games?
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which or your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@otterbender, famous in and out of Tumblr! (hello, I follow you on twitter as well and love your Steven Universe stuff too!)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. Tags?
Tagging @flameohotwife @chocomd @nettie-sprinkle @megpeggs @elainee-akahotteapls
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