#yes Lilith has a kitty now
gunthermunch · 10 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
WG: hi Gunther: hi uh- sorry if i woke you up or something. i felt like calling. i don't know. WG: nah i was just… hanging. what's up? Gunther: ah uh- well. we're cutting our honeymoon short. Lilith had one of those really bad nightmares yesterday and she insists on going back with the kids. WG: seriously? it's not even been a whole week yet Gunther: it's that bad. i've never seen her this alarmed before Gunther: so uh- yeah. make sure to get Garrett from Caleb's before tomorrow night? please? she really needs the kids around. WG: yeah yeah. ahah. Bluma's gonna hate that Gunther: speaking of, i'm standing in the shore in my underwear because i want a starfish or something colorful and or shiny for said little lady. the sand feels horrible in my feet, i have to add. Gunther: how is she? WG: oh yeah. it's disgusting. WG: and she's doing excellent. Everything's excellent in fact; Bluma made a friend and Garry's first steps were right in front of me Gunther: …i'd need you to be more specific before i yell WG: i'm half joking. The house you and grandpa got includes a big freaking haunted maze, you geniuses. Gunther: what. WG: okay. I'll make a sum up. Gunther: i'd prefer all the details
WG: so are these forever or…? Caleb: oh no, nonono. well. not unless he learns or wants to control his mind controlling powers. Morgyn: if you ask me it' be fantastic to just glue those sunglasses on him WG: are you kidding? Garry's sick little powers could make us RICH Morgyn: and how exactly you plan on doing that? WG: dunno. infant robbery? i'm sure he'd love that Morgyn: my godness.
Bluma: the world has gone insane! all crazy! why'd they bring Garry back?! Bluma: not fair… and you! Jojo! Jojo why won't you sleep in the bed i made for your little body! Jojo: meow Bluma: i even gave you your own light because you've been on that basement for so long you must be scared of the dark! Jojo: mrow… Bluma: your- did your last owner let you sleep on his bed? is that why you don't like yours? Bluma: …what happened to them anyways? i saw the picture. Bluma: wish your kitty paws knew how to write… but i can't even read well either Gunther: hello my little flower Bluma: papa!!! Bluma: dad i missed you so much! so many things happened i really wanted you to see! Gunther: i know darling your uncle told me everything Bluma: all of it? Gunther: in big detail, yes. Even about your Jojo Gunther: how's he not dead? Bluma: dunno! Gunther: we need to get him checked in every way possible. The basement too, good lord. Garlic down there? Bluma: and ghosts! my kitty radio the Goth lady made spirit-y played a lot of music on it's own! Gunther: oh god Bluma: yes!! Gunther: now what are YOU so excited about Bluma: daaad!!! Gunther: …Bluma darling, there's something we need to talk about.
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shapard · 6 months
Lucifer x fem!reader
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Zombie Apocalypse
Today's song: MASC - Doja cat
Mention of gore, Violence
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Chapter 3 < Chapter 4 > Chapter 5
The whole walk was again filled with silence. Lucifer threw some awful jokes to start a conversation with you, but you ignored him. 
Lucifer sighs and spun around to face you. “What’s wrong kitty cat?” you bit on your nail hard, “You’re really asking me that?” Lucifer raised his eyebrows at your aggressive undertone. 
“You! Why wouldn’t you let me help them!” You pointed your finger and tapped it hard on his chest. But Lucifers eyes stayed onto your e/c orbs.
The spirit that burned in your eyes was the same as Lilith and Charlie. This time he won’t sit at the back and watched, no.
Lucifer doesn’t want to lose the only friend he made in the last years. 
“You could’ve died when I didn’t interfere, Y/n!” He pulled all the air out of his lungs and pushed it harshly back in, “And I won’t watch one of my friends risking their live over some humans!” 
Lucifer clutched his collar in his hand to relief some of the stress that built up.
“Humans? Lucifer yes, they are humans. Just like you and me. They have a right to live!” Lucifer laughed in disgust.
You don’t get it.
“They would be already dead by the time you got down there kitty!” He breathed in deeply. Lucifers hand travelled onto both of your shoulders as he shook you softly.
Lucifer doesn’t want to fight with you, but fighting is better than letting you throw your life away like it’s an old piece of clothes. 
Tears started to blur your vision again. You were frustrated. The whole journey you felt like a burden rather than a help.
The only time you helped Lucifer is when he bullies his dick deep inside you. But that was all. You tried your best every time and yet it always had the wrong outcome. 
You whined as you wiped the tears out of your face. Why does it have to be so complicated? Out of stress your hands are locked with your hair, and you scratched on your scalp hard.
“Don’t act like you care about me!” You were surprised at your own outburst. Well now you really fucked up.
Lucifer let go of your shoulder and looked at you like you’ve grown a second head. 
“What?” Lucifer was in pure shock. The whole weeks he has been protecting you and you still think that he’s acting. “Do you really think I don’t?” Lucifer nails pressed down on his palm hard and gold blood started to drip down on the ground. 
Why is it gold? 
With a blink of your eyes the blood was replaced in a deep crimson color. Were you now Imagining things? 
“I could’ve just left when I had sex with you. I could’ve let you die when those two men saw you, but I didn’t. I was protecting you and risking my life for you!” Lucifer knows that you’re frustrated, yet so is he. 
When you looked at his frustrated expression the guilt started to burn down your throat. A knot builds in your throat, and you know you fucked up.
You never wanted to accuse him of such things, and yet here you are speaking nonsense. 
“I’m sorry-“ Your hand brushed his and he pulled away. It stings; however, it is your fault, and you shouldn’t be mad.
“Let’s go.” His voice was hard and cold. It felt like something stabbed your heart. You watched as he walked back into the darkness in the night. You silently followed him. 
You two neared a small village as you left the dark forest. The weight of your shoulder seems to just fly away.
When the both of you neared one of the houses a peak of light blue light shimmered through the door slot. You opened the door before Lucifer even reached the door. He gave you a scolded look but didn’t butt in. 
Lucifer hissed when the door loudly creaked. Noted: Lucifer has sensitive ears. 
You stepped slowly in, scared what you will find there. All you see was a huge monitor with complicated hardware. “Wow.” Lucifers fingertips travelled against the monitor, and you cringed. 
“Are you seriously touching the screen?” confused Lucifer looked at you, “yes?” You shook your head and laughed under your breath. This man.
You pressed on the left mouse button and the monitor switched on, blinding you with a white screen. You hissed at the burning sensation in your eyes.“Fuck! Who uses light mode!” You cursed as you rub your eyes, hoping it’ll ease the pain. Lucifers laugh was scratching more on your already bruised ego. Asshole.
“Stop laughing and help me.” You finally open your eyes and saw Lucifer clutching on his shirt, laughing hard wheezing. “Fucking Asshole.” You threw the nearest thing at him, which was a book. “Ouch! THAT HURTS!” Your shrug and chuckled, “Deserved.” He rolled his eyes, but the smile never left his face. 
Lucifer pressed few random buttons on the keyboard, “I think it’s broken.” He said when nothing happened. “Yeah, Albert Einstein. Of course, nothing will happen, when you press random buttons!” Lucifer turned around with a loud huff. 
“Let me handle it.” You moved the mouse and clicked on it, but nothing. You pressed a few commands but still nothing. “What is this shit?” Frustrated you slammed your hand on the keyboard and hissed at the pain. “HA!” Lucifers finger was pointed at you, and he teased you about how he was right. 
“I’m going to look around.” You said as you raised your hand giving Lucifer the middle finger. “Asshole.” Lucifer watched when you disappeared out of his sight. He shook his head, nonetheless his smile never faltered. 
Stupid Cat. 
He looked at the white screen from the monitor, maybe there was something they missed? He pressed his palm onto the cold screen and his hand started to glow in a warm gold. With a few seconds it rebooted. He looked at the opened document on the screen. In it was a picture and It oddly looked like one of those bombs. 
Without looking back, you walked down to the basement. This part of the building looked rather old. Every time your feet moved on the surface it would whine, you probably should go back up before anything happens.
You backed up slowly, hoping the ground wouldn’t give in under your weight. The stairs were in hand reach when crack! You fell through the floor. 
The old wood ripped your skin open leaving a trail of blood. 
Ignoring your aching muscles, you continued to explore the new area. No zombie in sight. You hissed as with every step you took a splinter planted deeper into your soft flesh. If this doesn't get treated any near it'll infect.
Your eyes travelled onto a corpse that laid there. You scrunched your nose up at the disgusting smell of rotting flesh and the sight of maggots. 
A small hidden box was in the arms of the body. You closed your eyes and reached for it.
Maggots started to crawl into your direction, smelling the fresh blood from you. Before it could crawl into the open flesh, you pulled the box fast out of the corpse grasp. You opened one of your eyes, cafefully. 
Okay nothing happened.
You quickly gained some distance between you and the corpse. As you opened the box your eyes caught a single piece of paper. You reached for it and read the content of the piece of paper.
Experiment V.
Test object 001 seems to react towards the injection rather violent. 001 Started to attack the staff, ripping one of the women into pieces and eating her flesh. 
In the end 001 started to rip themself apart.
Declared: failure. 
002, 003 and 004 had the same symptoms.
Test Object 005 showed significant improvement.
It could talk and could think like a 6-year-old. She showed magnificent results.
She learned how to walk on her own and could eat like a human. One con, she prefers human flesh and ate again one of our staff's.
Declared: Failure
The rest of the Information was ripped apart. Your brain was hurting from all the thinking. 
Experiment V? Test objects? 
The behavior written on this paper from experiment 005 was oddly almost the same as your professor’s. You put the piece of paper into your little pocket. This is useful information. 
Meanwhile Lucifer was frantic looking for you. You two should leave immediately. 
Lucifer looked down on the document.
Self-destruction timer: 2 minutes.
Lucifer watched as the timer was counting down. He quickly realized that the two of you were in the middle of a bomb mine.
Whoever lived here wants to keep a secret before they go. 
A loud explosion sent Lucifer flying in the air and knocked the air out of him. He landed outside the house with blood travelling down his skull. The golden blood covered his face, and his vision was blurry. 
He gritted his teeth when he saw the burning house, you were still in it. He stood up and fell almost back down from the gravity. 
Being somehow Mortal almost like one of those humans you favor was giving him the ick. Being able to be hurt as the big boss himself, was a huge weight on his ego.
He ran shakily down to the basement. The smoke filling his lungs making it hard for him to see. He felt high. He stopped and Lucifer's red eyes stayed on your dismantled figure. Burnings littering your body. 
His heart pumped when he lifted you out of the building, his wings carrying the both of you outside into another house where it was safe. He scanned your figure and stopped when a pool of blood formed under your left arm. 
His eyes widened and he breathed in a tear when he looked at your missing arm. “No.”
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A/n: The next Chapter will be interesting.
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cyanoticfireflies · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel - Rewatch Thoughts (Episode 1, Part 1)
Notes: As I’ve been re-reading some of my favorite things (as in, not necessarily just fanfics, but other stuff that I enjoy) I got part of the way through @canary3d-obsessed’s “Restless Rewatch: The Untamed” and thought to myself that I should do one of these for Hazbin Hotel!  I can’t do a first time reacting to, because by this point I’ve watched it a good eight times -_- But this way I can point out some of the things that I’ve noticed on multiple rewatches, some of which prove just how clever the team behind this show is!  Also, you will get unapologetic Huskerdust shipping.  This is just my life now.
Episode 1
So we start off with Charlie giving us the background story on Heaven, Hell, daddy Lucy, mama Lili, and all of that.  Heaven was “good,” Lucifer was a dreamer who thought of free will, the elders of Heaven said “nah,” Lucifer said “but what if yea,” and shit went sideways.
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As someone who likes watching reaction videos on YouTube, I’ve been surprised by the number of people who have watched this intro and gone “Who’s Lilith?”  And then there are the ones who say they heard about her from Diablo 4.  I feel like Lilith isn’t… rare lore?  I don’t know where or when I first heard about Lilith, but that kind of supports my stance of surprise?
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(I tried to show my religious friend Hazbin – leaning on the “it’s about redemption” point – and it was actually the mention of Lilith that first triggered her?  Because “you have to get really deep into things to find out about Lilith”?  I am confused.)
I won’t go into my theories too heavily at this point – I’ll put up a final chapter for those so I can take it down in humiliation when the show laughs in my face later – but Eve looks very, very evil when she gets that fruit…
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Anyway, Luci and Lili got exiled, Luci developed depression, Lili developed magic song powers then fluffed off seven years ago.  Don’t worry, Charlie – your mom just went to go get some milk and cigarettes.
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Genuinely, is Lilith being a song demon why everyone in Hell has pre-choreographed musical numbers?  If she “empowered demon-kind” with her songs, does that include giving them all baby song powers?  We know that these songs aren’t reality breaks because at the end of “Loser, Baby” the sharks comment on the song.  (There’s also Vaggie and Angel’s discussion in “Happy Day in Hell” but since that’s in-song it feels like a less-strong argument.) 
So it turns out that Charlie has been speaking this whole prolog bit aloud to herself.  Relatable, girl – me dictating to myself the entire course of actions it takes to get through my email inbox.  My officemate wears headphones so she won’t think I’m talking to her when I start talking to myself.
Also, poof – kitty! 
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I love KeeKee (pronounced “key-key” because, and this is true, she’s a key).  But I also don’t know what the point of KeeKee is?  If it’s just to give Charlie a pet, that’s totally fine.  She also has Razzle and Dazzle, but Charlie could be one of those people with two cats, a full fishtank, a canary, and a husky and that’s totally chill.
(Why yes, my in-laws’ place is a zoo, why do you ask?)
I think I saw somewhere that KeeKee is the key to the hotel?  But when Lucifer pops up later he immediately coos over KeeKee like Charlie has had her forever, so she obviously didn’t come with the hotel.  Did Charlie change the locks on the hotel to KeeKee-compatible locks after she bought the place?  I assume this is a metaphorical key? 
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(Lucifer and KeeKee in episode 5.)
Vivienne has said that KeeKee is a “physical manifestation of the hotel” but even that doesn’t make a lot of sense with the timeline…  *Shrugs*
Charlie and Vaggie talk, and I honestly get so much amusement out of people who are like “Is that her sister?  Are they best friends?”  And I know that they didn’t, like, make out in their opening scene.  But I didn’t ever suspect that they weren’t girlfriends?  Maybe it’s just because I read into pretty much all media from a queer lens.
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(Right here, ma’am.)
Charlie will go on to call Vaggie her girlfriend much later in episode 5 and make it official-official, but if you don’t go into everything with a straight-is-default mindset I’m not sure how you miss it.
We blip into Alastor’s take on a commercial for a hotel.  Which is thoroughly enticing to exactly… Alastor.
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(Quick question on the sinner designs – and I won’t stop every time we see a cluster of sinners to do this.  But everyone’s design has something to do with how they lived or died, right?  Angel is from a “web of crime” family, Husk is an unlucky black cat [I know, he’s a tuxedo cat not a fully black cat], Alastor was shot by a hunter like a deer… was grenade man some type of bomber?  A war criminal?  What is his story???)
His little hand-drawn picture is kind of cute, but it also makes me laugh because we actually see another character do something similar later on: Vox!
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(And, yeah, Charlie obviously.)
I want someone to write the fic where Alastor and Vox’s relationship started in an introductory art class before descending into the chaos we see in episodes 2 and 8.
Vaggie does not like Alastor’s sense of humor and starts yelling at him.  Charlie tries the *kindergarten teacher* nice feedback.  “I love your use of color,” she says, staring at his construction paper covered in scribbled blobs of blue and orange.  “Very creative.”
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(“Maybe if you crumpled your drawing into a little ball like this, it would look better in the trashcan, honey!”)
Alastor doesn’t see the problem here.  Alastor seems to have exactly zero capacity to accept anything that isn’t Alastor’s way, so this is unsurprising.
And then, with the sultry wail of a saxophone, we’re introduced to the bestest spider (and the only spider this horrifically arachnophobia author actually adores:) Angel Dust
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Angel is totally willing to shoot an amateur porno right there on the sofa if it will help draw sinners to the hotel for Charlie.
And this would actually probably work in Hell, honestly.  The horniest sinners actually would be knocking the walls down if they thought that with every night’s stay you got a free round with Hell’s most famous porn star.  “Cum to the Hazbin Hotel for some ‘quality time’ with our singular resident.”
I am curious what Angel’s concept for his porno commercial was.  Just him and Alastor banging dirty on the coffee table in the foyer?  Night in the life of the brothel that is Angel’s bedroom?
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(Also, I know Val owns Angel in the studio and Angel has some freedom outside of it, but does that include shooting his own pornos?  Is it okay if they’re not for money?  Or is it still not okay because Angel doesn’t own rights to his own image?  Would Angel have to charge so Val could get his cut?)
Charlie doesn’t want to exploit Angel that way, but Angel starts listing off all of his highly exploitable attributes.  He lists the legs twice, which is hilarious, but I’m immediately zeroed in on “the gag reflex.” 
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You’d think that for someone who makes a significant amount of his living sucking dick that it should be “the lack of a gag reflex” but the thing about Angel is that he’s not exactly sucking dick for the nicest guys around.  Honestly, the fact that he does have a gag reflex and therefore will be gagging and choking and drooling is probably a turn-on for his usual partners.
We’re interrupted from Angel attempting to “keep going all night, baby,” by Lucifer calling, and the fact that his contact image in Charlie’s phone is a rubber duck in Lucifer’s top hat is honestly too cute?
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Angel wants to know why Alastor can’t just make people stay in the hotel.  And the timing on this animation is actually a little weird.  After he says that he can, Husk chimes in with “Why do you think I’m here?” but Alastor is already moving to see around Vaggie as Husk starts talking.  Has he primed Husk to be his hype man if someone starts asking questions like this?
Here's Alastor, looking at Husk before Angel and Vaggie even turn their heads – and Alastor had to move his whole *torso* to see around Vaggie.
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A: “Now, remember.  If anyone starts asking if I’m big and bad, you say yes.”
H: “Sure, Alastor.”
A: “I mean, I’ll say so first.  But then you jump in and talk me up.”
H: “Yeah, all right.”
A: “But, like, right away.”
H: “Uh-huh.”
A: “Should we practice?  We should practice.”
I do find it funny that we know the timeline – Alastor, Husk, and Niffty have been at the hotel a week per Vaggie’s words earlier.  But Husk is already grousing about them bitching and moaning all the time.  It’s been seven days?!  How much bitching and moaning are you guys doing?!  And it’s not just listening to, like, Angel bitch and moan.  It’s “you fucks.” 
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(Or “you fuck’s” because Amazon doesn’t know how to pluralize a swear word?) 
Vaggie didn’t even want a bar, but I’m betting it took her about two piscos on the rocks to be over that.
We also get our official series intro to Niffty here when she says “I like being forced!” in her happy little voice with a wide smile. 
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(God, I want the Niffty episode.)
Angel starts hitting on Husk, but (YMMV) I feel like at this point Angel isn’t trampling all over Husk’s boundaries the way he does later.  He’s just throwing passes and Husk is kind of engaging him?  By responding?  He threatens Angel, making it clear that the flirting is unwelcome, absolutely. 
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But I kind of want to see where the conversation would have gone if Vaggie hadn’t stepped in.  At some point it might have gotten snappier, but Angel wasn’t in meltdown mode like he is in “Masquerade” so they probably could have kept bickering for a bit.
Vaggie and Angel start talking about the core premise of the show.  Is Hell the end of the road?  Maybe, but also maybe not.  Charlie thinks that it’s worth trying so that’s what Vaggie is going to do.
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We as rewatchers know that where you end up in the afterlife isn’t as permanent of an assignment as the show makes it sound.  And Vaggie I’m sure highly suspects so as well.  This conversation is literally happening with one person who was in Heaven and now lives in Hell.
Though I do have to wonder if there’s a teeny tiny part of Vaggie that hopes the hotel fails, though?  If Sinners really can be redeemed into Heaven, then she has to double/triple/quadruple think about what she’s done as an Exorcist.  If the Sinners prove irredeemable, it doesn’t *justify* what she did or anything, but it could potentially relieve some of the guilt for her.
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(Blake Roman’s delivery on “crack is expensive” is my favorite moment from episode 1.)
If we didn’t know that Charlie was drowning in daddy issues, I feel like we get a good demonstration at the end of her phone call.  Yes, she’s excited and happy and hopeful.  But she also says “Okay” and hangs up. 
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Maybe Lucifer said, “I’ll talk to you soon” or something and she said “okay” back.  But I never hang up after a call with my dad without a “love you, bye.”
IDK why Charlie calls Vaggie over except to show her hyperactive squirrel brain going wild.  Alastor and Angel are staring at them and seem like they can hear every word even after Charlie had Vaggie come around the corner.
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Vaggie knows that Charlie means Adam, right?  She has to.  Charlie says “the leader of the angel army” and as of now, I mean… that’s Adam.
Also, initially I missed the detail that Adam was the one to call the meeting. 
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Was he going to inform Lucifer face-to-(virtual)-face that they were moving up the next extermination?  Do Lucifer and Adam meet regularly?  I think not from some of the dialogue in episode 8, but then what is the Heaven Embassy for?
(We'll pick up in Episode 1, Part 2 due to Tumblr's 30 images-per-post limit.)
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wildthingpoorboy · 3 months
Lilith's First Sleepover
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Andrew Graves/Ashley Graves
Post Canon AU
Rating: E
"I still don't like this," grumbled Andrew. He parked right in front of the driveway, not caring if he was blocking anyone else.
"Oh lighten up," snapped Ashley. "Our parents never let us do anything like this."
"Gee," Andrew sarcastically mused. "I wonder why."
Andrew yelped in pain when his sisterwife elbowed him in the ribs. He glared at her, but did nothing.
"Just wait in the car." Ashley's scowl turned into a bright smile as she looked in the backseat at her daughter happily bouncing around. She wore the cutest backpack the was obviously too big for her and hugged her kitty cat sleeping back tight with excitement.
"Are you ready, sweetie?" she asked.
"Yesyesyupyay," Lilith cheered. It was amazing how such an unholy union could produce such a being who beamed pure joy as much as the little girl in pink and green pajamas.
"Do I really get to stay at Tara's house and have pizza?" she asked.
"Yes, sweetie," Ashley assured.
"But only for tonight," Andrew added. "I'll be here to pick you up first thing in the morning."
"Don't ruin this for her," Ashley hissed. Ashley let her brotherhusband stew in his disapproval in the driver's seat while she got out and opened the passenger seat for their daughter.
"Say bye to daddy," Ashley sang.
"Bye, daddy. I love you," Lilith said with a big wave.
"I love you too, sweetie. Be safe and call me every-" The car door slammed closed before Andrew could finish. He wasn't a big fan of the idea. Yes, the house was just down the street. Yes, he already met the other girls parents. And yes, he wanted to give his daughter the kind of life his parents (and Ashley) had denied him. But letting his daughter go to her first sleepover was a big deal to him.
She wouldn't be under his protection, under his watch. He would have to keep his daughter's safety in the hands of strangers, neighbors of all people. He looked out the window seeing his sisterwife lead his happy little girl to the door. He was tempted to just leap out of the car and drag her back to their home.
Until he noticed Ashley's walk. A very exaggerated kind of walk where the hips sway a bit. Hold on, did Ashley's bony ass actually get a bit of meat on them? And when did she buy those shorts? If they're that short, shouldn't he be seeing the outline of her panties? Suddenly, the situation became a lot more clearer.
At the door, Lilith jumped at the sight of her friend from school. The two little girls couldn't contain their excitement as they waited for their other friends and for their parents to finish talking.
"You have my information, and more importantly, I have yours," Ashley warned. "I have a count of everything she has in her bag, and I'm going to be counting it again when she gets back. I'll be calling to check up on her every hour on the hour. And she says a single bad thing about anything, it'll be your ass. And she hates olives on her pizza. She can tell the difference between ice cream and frozen yogurt so don't you dare-"
"Mommy," Lilith whined. Ashley crouched down to Lilith's level. She looked over her darling daughter one more time. Ashley kissed her daughter's little forehead and pulled her in for a tight hug.
"Have fun, baby. Call me for anything. Daddy and I will be here in a flash."
"Okay, mommy," Lilith whined again. "Can I go play now?"
"O-of course." Maybe this wasn't as easy as she told Andrew it was going to be. "I love you."
"Love you too." With that, Lilith ran inside to greet her friend and jump on the pillows and play area Tara's parents had made. Ashley watch Lilith jump around inside for a moment before turning to walk back to the car. Tears began to well up, but she wiped them away before getting inside the car. She didn't want Andrew to see them. Ashley slammed the car door shut, staring forward with her arms crossed.
"We could change our minds and just go get her," Andrew suggested.
"Just drive," Ashley growled.
"We could have just said no," said Andrew.
"This is good for her," Ashley said. "It's good for her to make friends and stuff. Have fun. Instead of doing it the way dad and the old bitch raised us. Or lack thereof."
The sibling couple were silent the rest of the car ride back to the house. Ashley kept looking out the window in the direction at Tara's house.
"At least we don't have to worry about being loud," Andrew said.
"Mister Graves," Ashley sarcastically gasped with a fake southern accent (for some reason). "Are you suggesting that we find a way to entertain ourselves now that our daughter is out of the house? Was this your plan from the start?"
Andrew pulled Ashley by the wrist and slammed her face first against the door. He made sure she could feel his groin against her ass.
"Was it yours?"
Lilith and her friends, Tara and Grey, laughed uncontrollably jumping on Tara's too big for a little girl bed.
"I'm so happy you came, Lily," said Tara.
"Me too," said Lilith. "It's my first sleepover."
"Me and Tara have sleepovers all the time," said Grey. "Usually when my mommy and daddy to go boring places."
"What do your mommy and daddy do, Lily?" Tara asked.
"I dunno," answered Lilith. "But mommy and daddy are super fun. I love them. They probably just watch boring grown up movies without me."
"Fuck me!" Ashley screamed. "Fuck your sister!"
"God fucking dammit," Andrew growled.
The ever familiar beats of "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails played in the bedroom that now smelled the stink of sweat and cigarettes. Ripped and tattered clothing tossed all over the floor. Only the glow of the moon gave the siblings enough light to see each others bodies.
Andrew fucked his sister from behind. Ashley clutching two fistfuls of bedsheets, trying desperately to stay up on her hand and knees. Andrew's hips slamming against her ass, taking his sister like an animal in heat. He grabbed Ashley by her pixie haircut and shoved her face down into the bed. With another slam of his hips, his entire body weight went down on Ashley forcing her flat on the bed.
"Gently," she yelled. "Gently goddamit."
"Shut the fuck up," he yelled back. Ashley tried to fight out from under him, but her brother pinned her wrists down. Ashley's legs spread wider, allowing for deeper access into her pussy. She squirmed under him, still trying to fight her brother's desires.
"I'm your husband," he snapped. "I'll fuck you however I want."
"I'm your sister, you dick."
Andrew bit his sister's cheek in retaliation. Ashley cried out in pain which only seemed to excite Andrew more and pick up his pace.
"Are you gonna come in me?" Ashley asked. Andrew looked away from Ashley's scowl. Instead looking down, watching himself enter and exit from his sisterwife.
"Are you gonna come inside me?" she asked again. "Are you gonna give me another baby? Are you going to knock up your sister again?"
"Will you please shut the fuck up?" he yelled.
"But you're so deep!" she started the chuckled evilly, as if she had successfully corrupted him although they both knew they were way past that point. "Come deep! Deep inside me."
The siblings had reached their limit. They trembled, screaming and moaning as they reached their orgasms. Andrew finished with a few more thrusts into his sister, unloading himself inside her.
The playlist had ended. Only the sound of the two catching their breaths could be heard. After a few minutes, Andrew kissed his sister's shoulder before peeling himself off her and reaching over the side table for a cigarette. As Andrew lit his cigarette, Ashley awkwardly positioned herself between Andrew's legs. She licked the fluids off his dick before wrapping her lips around his pole and bobbing her head. Andrew sighed in pleasure. His eyes fluttering.
"I haven't had a smoke and a blowjob like this," he said, "since before Lilith was born."
Ashley freed Andrew cock from her mouth with a loud pop.
"Last time we fucked like this," she started, still jerking Andrew's dick, "was when I told you I was pregnant."
"That's because I noticed your boobs were bigger," Andrew chuckled.
"Of course you did." Ashley kissed Andrew's shaft. "Cum and sweat. My favorite flavor of Andy."
The two locked eyes when Ashley resumed her blowjob. It took a minute, but Andrew came inside his sister's mouth with a long groan. Ashley took it, swirling her tongue around him. She pulled away and smiled as if proud she swallowed his entire load.
Ashley crawled up into Andrew's arms. Andrew wrapped an arm around around his sisterwife, pulling her closer. Their bodies still wet and sticky with sweat, but they didn't care. The world stood still, peaceful in moments like this.
"Hey," Ashley said.
"What?" said Andrew.
"I know we're on the euphoria of you blowing my back out..."
"Mm-hum," hummed Andrew.
"And I'd love nothing more then to reach the high of riding your cock and screeching like a banshee..."
"Uh-huh," said Andrew.
"But is it weird that," Ashley started, "I...want to call Tara's parents to see if Lilith's alright?"
Andrew sat up and looked Ashley in the eyes.
"I mean," Ashley stammered, "we haven't been like this in so long and I want you to fuck my brains out, but I-"
Andrew silenced Ashley with a kiss. A soft, loving, quiet kiss. And another on her forehead.
"That's called being a parent, love," Andrew replied. "A good mother. Something we didn't have."
"I'm...a good mom?" Ashley asked.
"The best," said Andrew. Ashley grabbed Andrew's hand and placed it on her boob.
"I want you to fuck me again," she said. But before Andrew could answer, the phone rang. Ashley quickly snatched it up and answered it.
"Uh, hi, Misses Graves?" said the person on the other line. "I'm sorry to bother you, but Lily just started crying and we can't seem to calm her down."
"We'll be right there." Ashley leapt up to put on some clothes, only to fall over. "Dammit. Of all the times for you to give me mindblowing sex."
"Didn't hear you complaining," said Andrew, forgoing underwear and just putting on his pants.
It was just a few minutes later, more than two but less than five, when Mister and Misses Graves arrived at Tara's house. Tara's parents opened the door expecting the couple to eviscerate them, but instead, Ashley Graves opened her arms for her daughter to run right into them.
"What's wrong, baby?" she cooed.
"I think she just missed you guys," said the woman they could only assume was Tara's mom.
"There, there, it's okay," Ashley comforted her daughter. "Feel better?"
Lilith nodded, her face still wet with tears.
"Do you wanna go home?" Ashley asked.
Lilith shook her head furiously. Anything but that. The sleepover had just begun.
"Tell you what," started Andrew, "you can stay, but if you need us, we'll be right outside in the car. Okay?"
Lilith nodded.
"We'll be right outside," her father assured her.
Feeling comforted, Lilith went back inside to join her friends. The Graves and Tara's parents exchanged apologies. Minutes later, Ashley and Andrew sat in their car, watching from the window as Lilth and her friends danced around watching some cartoon.
"This was actually a good idea, coming from you," Ashley teased.
"Whatever," said Andrew. "She just...looks like she's having fun."
"We're not actually gonna wait here all night, are we?" Ashley asked.
"Maybe," was Andrew's only answer.
"Well, if we are, might as well make the best of it." With that, Ashley undid her brotherhusband's pants and pulled his cock out.
"I want more Andy taste. And the night is young, beloved."
"It has been a while since we fucked in a car," Andrew said watching his sisterwife's head bob up and down on his dick. "Not since...Lily was born."
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chirp-a-chirp · 2 years
Obey Me! Candy Hearts 💕
How the demon brothers plus Diavolo would express their love to MC with Valentines candy heart messages
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Mammon - Love U
Mammon is in so much debt with witches he doesn’t have the grim to buy candy hearts. So, Mammon creates his own Valentine.
Mammon: *Shoves yellow, white, and black homemade card in MC’s hand* H-here ya are human! *Turns around to quickly leave*
MC: *Looks at card, which has a collage of pictures of MC and Mammon smiling with “Love U!” Scrawled at the top*
MC: Mammon, thank you! *Runs to Mammon and hugs him from behind*
Mammon: Gah!
Levi - Let’s Game
During a gaming session, Levi hands MC a Cupid-inspired Ruri-Chan plushie holding a basket with “Let’s Game!” candy hearts.
Levi: I waited for 5+ hours for this limited edition plushie. There were only 100 made and sold in just 2 stores. I-if you don’t like it, I understand—
MC: I love it! In fact…I got you something as well. *Pulls out an identical Ruri-Chan figurine with “Hug Me” candy hearts*
Levi-exe. has stopped functioning.
Satan - Purrrfect
MC is at a cat cafe, bending down to stroke a kitty under its chin. Suddenly, they see a scrap of paper poking from underneath its collar. The paper has a simple message: “Follow me”.
MC looks bemusedly at the cat, but follows the cat to a back room of the cafe not open to the public. In the room, they see Satan sitting in a beanbag chair with several kitties surrounding him. Next to the chair is a pile of books and a basket of candies with “Purrfect” and “Meow” written on them.
Satan: Ah, MC. I was just reading to the cats here. *Takes a cat out of his lap and pats his thighs* Care to read to the kitties with me?
Asmo - XOXO
Asmo leads MC to his private bathroom. Candles are lit in all corners and on various stacking tables. The large bath is filled with warm bubbly water, with the smell of lavender and sugar permeating the air. A bucket of chilled champagne sits by the edge of the bath, along with a bowl of “XOXO” candy hearts.
Asmo: Let me spoil you sweetie with these treats! And, feel free to spoil me with your love in return. 😘
Beel - Honey Bun
MC meets Beel in the kitchen. They see Beel surrounded by piles of empty plastic candy bags. On the counter is a small wooden bowl with a small handful of candy hearts. Beel hands MC the bowl.
MC: *Picks up a few sticky hearts, trying to read the message worn off by Beel’s drool* Honey…Butt?
Beel: Honey Bun. So many of the hearts has food messages on them—Sweet Pea, Sugar Pie, Sugar Sugar—that it made me hungry…
Belphie - Star Dust
Belphie brings MC to the planetarium. He lays down on a blanket, with MC snuggling next to him. They feed one another candy hearts with “Star Dust” messages on them as they point out various constellations. After a while, MC notices Belphie snuggling closer and that he has stopped talking.
MC: Belphie, are you ok?
Belphie: Yeah. After Lilith’s death, I assumed Beel would be the one I would always be closest with. *Points out his and Beel’s twin stars in the sky* But now I have you.
Lucifer - No Candy Heart
MC enters Lucifer’s room as requested. The sound of an elegant cursed record plays in the background as they close the door. Lucifer approaches MC from behind, handing MC a single red rose and wrapping his arms around them.
Lucifer: I require no cloying candy hearts to tell you how I feel. Allow me to express myself in a different way.
Diavolo - ALL the Candy Hearts
Diavolo cannot pick a single message to encapsulate his love for MC. So, he opts to give them all—he carries a gigantic basket full of candy hearts and plops it on a desk where MC is sitting.
MC: ALL of these messages are meant for me?
Dia: Absolutely! Every one!
MC: Including this heart that says “Bite me”? How about this heart that says “Lick me”?
Dia: I-if you would like to, my dear.
MC: *Mischief in their eyes, smirk on their face* And this heart that says “Spank me”?
Dia: *Very enthusiastically responds* Yes please!
MC: *Laughs* Ah, good to know Dia. But, I prefer this message. *Holds a heart that says “Kiss me” and kisses Dia lightly on lips*
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esa-marie · 4 months
I like making spotify playlists so heres a masterlist.
I'm still updating a ton of these and if you have any suggestions for characters/ prompts i would love to hear it
Shirt music with success of upon people || Flesh Cousin || Regretevator
Mostly compiled of songs that are utter nonsense, or fit the idea of a disconnect between your mind and your body.
Toxic construction Yaoi || Mannequin mark and Wallter || Regretevator
Songs that are pining, but also sad. bc divorce.
I just love to dance || Big Mama || ROTTMNT
Big Mama talks about dancing a lot in rottmnt. I threw in lots of girl disco and some more evil-vibed songs, ofc. (I love her sm im a #1 big mama defender)
FUCK YES! || Karlach || BG3
Karlach's story means so much to me. lots of songs to do with fire/ inevitability/ general badassery.
Fate spins along as it should || Withers || BG3
This one is the most WIP bc im sourcing a lot of the songs from old 13th century manuscripts, which is harder than it sounds.
Various White Knight Chronicles Playlists ( Cisna , Ceasar , Eldore , Yulie , Leonard , Kara , Setti/Grazel ). Since the fandom is actually incredibly small I might make a separate post for their playlists.
OC and others under cut!
'What is it?' 'Home.' || Zael Stormveil || BG3 tav
Zael is my first tav when I started playing BG3. Im developing her more as I play, and started a tag for her on this blog
Was I sweet once? || Anatasios || BG3 Durge
Even though I havent finished my Zael run, I started a Durge run. Still more WIP than other playlists, and is about resist!Durge
Comin' atcha live from Avalonia! :3 || Elliot || LBP OC
Elliot, also known as console kitty, is a tv celebrity in avalonia! Ill spare you the rest of their lore for now, but their playlist is full of silly goofy songs, and songs about not feeling good enough, for whatever reason :)
Spidersona [Spider: Null] || Eve || Project Eden
My spidersona universe (Project:Eden) uses a different titling scheme than my other playlists. Anyway, Eve was a computer program who was ejected into reality. She now has to figure out how to be a human, and what being a human really is.
The Lizard || Lilith || Project Eden
Eve's best friend, who knew her when she was just a program on a laboratory computer. She has a corruption arc :3 (dw she gets better. Kinda.) gentle songs, and some not-so gentle songs
Doc Ock || 'Ock || Project Eden
A scientist who was employed at the same facility Eve was created. calculating, colhearted, cynical. at least for now (enemies to lovers??? P). Science songs and love songs, ofc
The Goblin || Goby || Project Eden
His tagline is "Imitations Limitations"-- a fish man cyborg amalgamation that was trying desperately to mimic the structures of pre-awakened Eve. But, that didn't go well, for him or the scientists. Not nonsense, but definitely songs that teeter on insane.
You said you know a guy? || Vance || Rottmnt OC
Vance is a scavenger, they go above the hidden city and 'scavenge' for things to sell below. Energy is his name, an he lives up to it.
You dont know me. || The Ghosts Official Playlist
I have several WIP projects, and Pastries and a Poltergeist is one of them. The ghost inhabits this old, run down, 70s house and is trying to get Maya to move out. but she wont. Melancholy 70s
I need this. || Maya Dufour's Official Playlist
Recent college graduate, she's about to find out why this house was insanely cheap. Stubborn. WIP.
This is a story about beginnings || The Librarian's Official playlist.
Ill spare the story for The Dead World for now, but The librarians playlist is a lot of epic orchestral and some medival songs sprinkled in.
Squash and Stretch || Cross || AVA/AVM OC
Living in-between a sketched figure and a stick figure, Cross is ever stuck in limbo. lots of video game songs/ songs to pick them up.
GameDev!Donnie || TMNT SONA Official Playlist
Gamedev is stuck in the world of video games for now. He doesnt mind a ton, although he misses his brothers sometimes. Filled with upbeat/happy video game songs
Monsters? That's Outrageous! || Gwen || Doors OC
WIP, but songs relating to the timeloop shes stuck in or the game itself.
Got it!! || Tracey || White Knight Chronicles OC
Songs for when your not the main character but still trying to be useful.
Technically I have more OC playlists but I think that's good for now ahjhkdbSAhkadk
GET SHIT DONE (via killer video game soundtracks)
Over 40 hours of video game music (as soon as i finish a game it gets shoved into this playlist. I might reduce it in the future but I like the absurdity of how big it is)
She blinded me... WITH SCIENCE!!! || Silly songs about science
Specifically songs referring to science. This started as a Donatello playlist but then i fully committed to the bit. This is also technically my most popular playlist for some reason lmao.
A New Ghost Town
WIP playlist for a fanfic I may never make (each song is supposed to be representative of a chapter/ the chapter titles) (if you wanna know its dp and Gravity falls crossover)
Again, you'll see more playlists than this on my account (shared) But heres the tip of the iceberg :)
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maylegacy-sims4 · 6 months
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Venus's son tried to recruit her to be a writer
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But then Enele died.
I swear to god. Everyone Venus knows is dying AND SHE DOESN'T KNOW THAT MANY PEOPLE. Morgan and Mathias are gonna go soon, I'm sure. I've been keeping her in the household but now I might move her to one of the rentals I made. I just need Melina to get enough aspiration points for the Free Services and I think Kya needs the frugal trait to get the interest payments?
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Melina was randomly hanging out on the property in her bathing suit and then Kya got them into the pool but she got out and sat on the edge. It was a nice day, so Kya invited her to the romantic garden...
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Kya proposed and Melina said yes!
Melina and Connor moved in...
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Melina's mom died so she and Connor were very sad
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Then Marilyn was fully inside the house and then when I clicked on her, Invite In was an option...
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Kya told her she should expand the family, so I wonder if she and Lilith will have another baby
Then I saw that Venus was asleep and I was like why? because she has the never sleeps aspiration reward and.... Marilyn drank her plasma
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Then Marilyn wouldn't leave. I kept trying to send her home and I had to travel to her home with Kya and Marilyn and then leave her there.
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I had Venus Cater the Event By Herself because I was going to quit the job anyway
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Kya continued to go to her tech job
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Kya accepted the investment
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Connor had some trouble at school
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Connor, don't be creepy, buddy...
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I gave Melina the animal aspiration
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I wanted all of these precious little kitties, but I went with Asparagus because I love her wide eyed bewilderment. She's an adult bobtail.
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I gave her Melina's last name and I was thinking we'd adopt a dog too and that would have Kya's last name.
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I forgot to add the recycler back onto the property after the rebuild
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I had 12 of these buckets in my inventory
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queeniecook · 2 years
January 3 - Part 3
Caleb Vatore arrives in Forgotten Hollow around early evening. He opens the door of the family Mansion, letting himself inside. Instinct tells him that his sister is home, before he even has a chance to see her.
Nacho, Lilith’s new cat, is sitting on the couch when Caleb steps into the Living Room.
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It has been a very long time since Lilith has had a pet, but she felt bad for the cat when she found him one rainy night, soaking wet in the town’s square. She picked the creature up, shielding it in her coat. He had started to purr, not caring that a vampire was holding him. Just that he had been shown kindness. His name however, was picked out by Jackson.
Caleb greets the cat, who stares him down like he’s a watchdog, before joining his sister at the chess table. Caleb briefly thinks the cat somehow knows that he’s upset Lilith. Vera has told him several times that some pets are very intune with their owners' emotions.
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“I see Nacho is adjusting well.” Caleb starts with.
He feels he was a bit hard on Lilith at the new year’s eve party. He honestly just wants to protect her. She’s always been there for Caleb when she needs him. She’s sacrificed for him and he doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to repay her.
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“He is.” Lilith confirms, moving a chess piece. The urge to talk about her cat is intense, but she keeps her mouth shut.
“I am deeply sorry, Lilith.” Caleb tells her sincerely. “I was not trying to upset you.”
Lilith stops playing her solo chess game and looks up at her brother for the first time since he entered the room. “You may not have meant to, but you did.”
Caleb nods, thinking. “Join me for a stroll?” He asks her, rising from his seat.
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To his shock, Lilith agrees. They walk over to the town square.
“I do want you to find someone. I hope you know that. I have never wished for you to be alone.” Caleb tells her after they walk a few moments in silence.
“I know that, Caleb.” Lilith pauses. “The truth is, I was lonely. I was so used to having you around. We lived together for hundreds of years. Even when we traveled separately, we still came back to the same place in the end.”
Caleb nods his head. He should have realized that him getting married and moving away would be a adjustment for Lilith.
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“I really do like Jackson. I want to keep him around to see where it goes. He asked me to turn him and I agreed.” Lilith explains to her brother.
“I do not want to see you get hurt.” Caleb expresses to his sister.
“I’m a big girl, I can handle it.” She assures him, touching his arm in a sisterly sign of affection.
“Since he asked you to, it was his choice at least.” Caleb comments. ��Am I forgiven?”
Caleb has many issues with someone being turned against their will. Not only due to what happened to him but what he did to someone else. Liberty wasn’t the only person impacted by his vampire nature. Someday, he knows he has to tell Vera about Inna Cents.
Lilith smiles at rare smile at her brother, her fangs peeking through her lips. “Of course. Now, let’s complete this little stroll. It reminds me of our human years.”
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Reading IDW Tmnt comics is just like man Casey Jones was done dirty in tmnt 2012.
Not to say I don't absolutely adore Tmnt 2012, or even that I dislike Casey in that version (Infact I adore that little dumbass)
They really couldn't give him a backstory? Everything about his life before the turtles, his own family is just a big ol mystery.
My personal hc backstory for 2012 Casey is that his dad is an ex purple dragon (having left after Casey's little sister Angel was born turned as he saw how dangerous stuff was getting now Hun was in charge, the crimes becoming more serious and didn't want his family to get entangled into it.)
True to form the purple dragons... Yeah they didn't take his resignation well.
Few years later they attacked the Jones family and Casey's mum, Lilith ended up getting seriously hurt protecting her children and ended up dieing from her injuries... Casey's dad, Arnold did not take this very well.
He withdrew from everything, using alcohol to the numb the pain from losing his wife. He lost his job as a hockey coach, spent days at bars, starting up fights and lost himself in his grief.
This left Casey Jones, barely a teenager to look after his baby sister and his dad. And Casey, well he took that job seriously. Taking odd jobs, doing whatever he could to make sure his family was safe. Casey was vengeful against the purple dragons, for what they'd done to his family and vowed they'd never hurt them again.
The mutants rising and joining the purple dragons only made him angrier, everything with his family, the responsibilities he had to take... Well they became his release. Bashing heads with his hockey pucks and taking down Purple dragons became his life.
Just... Big bro Casey who loves his lil sister, has tea parties with her and ahh so cute.
And putting them in the story is not hard, if you wanna throw it all that the audience at once, maybe the guys follow him one day because they don't trust this new guy (*cough* Donnie *cough* or Leo but let's be real it'd be Donnie) and they see him doing all these odd jobs, getting exhausted just to pay the bills and his dad takes some of the money to buy booze.
Or during the invasion Casey runs off, comes back with an angry half awake man and this lil 7 year old that Leo recognises. Like oh we can save April's dad can we... Wat about mine?
Casually sprinkling Casey having to leave the lair early in the day or at exactly 8pm because bedtime stories. Casey talking about his lil sis (not really his dad but he just gushes about his lil sis and the macaroni art she made him.)
And at some point he brings Angel to the lair and everyone just vows to protect her and...yes.
Raph just being like cute kid, how's she related to you?
Angel takes down a foot bat with a hello kitty umbrella and knocks over Karai because I don't care if she's like 7 now , Angel is still a badass.
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hobin-gnoblin · 3 years
Obey Me! Shall we date? In..
The Hunt for Bigfoot.
"Mammon, wake up."
"Mammon, wake up!"
Mammon scrunched his face in discomfort and turned to the side. "Lilith? Is that you?" Mammon whispered. "No scumbag, its Bigfoot." Mammons eyes opened wide as he leapt out of his bed. "BIGFOOT?! How'd you get here? I thought you were dead!" Mammon shrieked. "Mammon, my spirit is now a part of the Celestial Realm, however, in order for me to fully ascend, you must find my hidden treasure, and use its profits for good." Bigfoot explained. Mammon looked at him with a blank stare. "Ok, cool story bro, I must be tripping balls right now." Mammon said as he turned away from Bigfoot spirit and crawled back into bed. "Mammon please, its a really big treasure, I even have a map for you!" Bigfoot pleaded. "Oh yeah?" Mammon took the map. "What kind of treasure we talkin' about?" Mammon stroked his chin in interest. "Dabloons me boy!" The Great Bigfoot retaliated. "Dabloons.." Mammon hummed as his eyes twinkled.
"Mammon, my time has come, I must leave you, find my dabloons and help me ascend to God's right hand!" Bigfoot wailed as his spirit evaporated like mist. "Ok Bigfoot." Mammon said as he flopped back to bed. Today was going to be wild for the brothers.
"Wheres Mammon? Breakfast has been made 10 minutes ago." Lucifer said as he took a sip of his apple juice. (He likes drinking his juice in a wine glass, what a silly boy!)
As the brothers resumed eating their breakfast, they heard a sudden thud descending down the stairs. Of course, they knew it was Mammon, since he always managed to trip down the stairs like a buffoon. Mammon got up from the floor and rushed into the dining room. "You guys! You'll never believe what happened to me last night!" He said while flailing his arms like an orangutan with a banana. "Thats right, we won't believe you. " Satan said as he stuffed his face with a pastry. "Shut the fuck up kitty cat and listen to what I gotta say!" Mammon retorted. Lucifer rose his head looking at Mammon. "What is it Mammon?" He sighed. "Okay, hold on to your fucking panties guys." Mammon said. Asmo shifted in his seat and pulled his thong higher and tighter. Mammon looked at Asmo. "Uh yeah, good job little bro." Mammon said awkwardly. Asmo batted his eyelashes and grinned. Asmo, 1, others, 0. "Okay so last night, the spirit of Bigfoot-" Mammon was interrupted by Lucifer cackling like a madman. "Bigfoot? Mammon that is absolutely absurd." Lucifer sneered. Mammon approached Lucifer, map in hand, and slammed the map right in front of Lucifers plate. "Does this look ridiculous to you?" Mammon glared. "Yes. Yes it does." Lucifer responded. "Lmfao Mammon is such a dork lol, as if any of us are going to look for a hidden treasure!" Levi laughed.
They found themselves in the forest of Devildom an hour later. "Ugh I hate nature, unless it makes me look good!" Asmo said as bugs started to bother him. Frantically swatting the air, Asmo managed to hit Satan square in the face. "ASMO WHAT THE FUCK?" Satan yelled. "Eep!" Asmo yelped and ran off the path trying to avoid Satan after he followed suit. "Hey dipshits! Stay on the path!" Belphie said while Beel carried him bridal style. Lucifer turned around to face Belphie. "If you predict that I am going to go after them, you are sorely mistaken." Lucifer said as he turned back around to face what was ahead. "I am literally surrounded by idiots." Belphie snarled. Beel stopped in his tracks and looked at Belphie with sad eyes. "Hey, look sorry big guy, I don't mean you." Belphie said while he patted Beels head. Beel smiled and continued walking on the path. "Mammon, how long is this going to take? I have a discord kitten to attend to soon!" Levi yelled whist stomping his feet like a fucking child. "Ugh, you guys suck, you never want to go on adventures with your #2 best bro." Mammon sighed. "Mind you, the last time we followed you we found ourselves in a gang war." Lucifer said as he swatted Mammon on the head. "What? It was just a coincidence that I owed both the the gangs money!" Mammon declared. "You are an incel." Lucifer said. "Hold it, everyone shut the fuck up! I think I found the treasure!" Mammon screamed in delight. "Beel do you have the shovel?" Mammon turned around to face him. Beel smiled as he straightened Belphie and began to shovel the ground head first while Belphie screamed as dirt began to fill his mouth. (In case you don't understand the story so far, Beel is currently using Belphie as a human shovel. That's pretty wacky.)
Five minutes later, the boys found themselves staring at Bigfoots treasure. "Wow, I'm impressed we managed to find the treasure." Lucifer said proudly. Belphie spat dirt out of his mouth. "Fuck you guys. Just, fuck you." Belphie said as he continued spitting dirt. Mammon didn't want to waste anymore time as he dove headfirst into the pit. "YAHOOO!" Mammon said as he lifted the chest out of the ground. "Whats in it?" Beel asked. "Dabloons me boy, dabloons." Mammons eyes twinkled like a 7/11 sign. "Open it." Lucifer commanded. Mammon wasted no more time and opened it. Only to find.......
A bunch of nudes of Diavolo.
"Wait what?" Mammon said confused as he rummaged through the pictures, "Where the fuck are the dabloons?" Before anyone could say something, a wind rushed through the trees. A powerful presence soon arrived. "Bigfoot." The brothers said in unison. "Hello, have you found my treasure?" Bigfoot said. "Yeah, its just a bunch of pictures of Diavolo, but sexy." Beel said. "Listen here you cock sucker where the fuck are the dabloons?" Mammon yelled. "Mammon, boys, its not about the destination, its about the journey taken." Bigfoot explained. Belphie got up from the ground and approached Bigfoot spirit. "I FUCKING ATE DIRT TO GET HERE. TAKE YOUR FUCKING PERVICE PHOTOS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS." Belphie screamed. Then collapsed on the ground and fell asleep. "Ok woah, you guys are fucked up, I'll take my leave now." Bigfoot evaporated out of sight. Mammon sighed in disappointment. He turned his head to find Lucifer taking photos of Diavolo. "This is only for educational purposes." Lucifer stated as he shoved more in his coat pocket. "Well, what do we do now?" Beel said. "We go home, I'm sick of this bull." Belphie said as he began walking home. "Okay." The boys wandered their way back to the house.
"Asmo you whore I will find you and rip off your falsies!" Satan screamed whole scouring the earth for Asmo.
Asmo hid in the trees. "Do you think he'll find us Elmo?" He whispered. Elmo replied, "We ain't in Elmos world now Asmodeus." He pressed a furry finger to Asmos lips. "Now show me what yo mama gave ya." Elmo smirked.
A scream could be heard throughout the woods. Either Satan found Asmo or Elmo found the g-spot. Who knows?
The lesson we learned in this story was that teamwork, makes the Dream work.
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I've seen Dark Water both the original and the American remake. It's one of my favorite movies but also really made me sad. I've watched a lot of J-Horror and C-Horror.
I'm not gonna lie but one of my favorite series is The Ring/Ringu - I've seen I think almost every movie? I've also read the original novels, which get REALLY weird by the third book. I've also read the manga for it. Honestly Sadako is such an icon that even Hello Kitty had a crossover with her. You could get HK dressed up her.
Sadako's life was so tragic and I honestly understood why she lashed out in death like she did. The original Shutter was really good too. I'm also a big fan of horror stories and myths. To be honest it makes me want to see more horror/Lovecraftian Obey Me stuff.
I appreciate the human MC, even if the way they act sometimes isn't what I would do in their situation. I'm a raccoon living in a dumpster that's on fire on my best days. At the same time it makes me think about non-human/non-Lilith related MCs.
It’s definitely a very sad story… though I appreciate that in the original at least, the daughter gets closure once she sold enough to understand.
I actually read a really fascinating analysis of Sadako as both a victim and a perpetrator, likening it to Japan’s own role in history, particularly WWII (they were an aggressor (perpetrator) but they also got the atomic bombs dropped on them (victim)). I do like how Sadako became a pop-culture icon in her own right. It’s what she deserves! In the original, I think her pain comes across much more than the remake. Though I do like the conversation she has in one of the old tapes (“you don’t want to hurt anyone, so you?” “But I do. And I’m sorry. It won’t stop.”)
And yes the original shutter!!!!! I can’t relate the exact subgenre I think it technically belongs to but I do think it’s like an example of like… “feminist horror” in a way? It really reversed your understanding of who the real victim was.
I’m about to write something with Duck that’s a bit more body horror (not Duck themself, but to do with magic). I think exploring horror themes is really interesting in obey me because they are demons and while the game is bright and cheery, there’s sort of these mentions every now and again that hints of darker stuff. Satan has a torture chamber. Barbatos has an even bigger torture chamber. Demons consume human souls. Then there’s whatever the fuck the god in obey me has going on.
Non-human mcs are also super interesting! Though it makes me wonder, did Diavolo think they were human and that’s why they were summoned? Or did Diavolo decide to add a few more species to the plate?
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ghost-willow-system · 4 years
List of Headmates (fictives and others):
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We’d love to meet anyone from any of these sources, but the body is 21 and we’d prefer to talk to people 16+. Please check the notes to see actual Canon Calls lists/links, as well as dream canonmates to find.
We are friendly to all systems and kins interacting.
* next to most frequent fronters as of last edit date
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Hawks ⭐️
Shoto (mostly dormant)
Hagakure (goes by Peri)
Kami ⭐️
Wolf Bakugo
Katsuki (yes we have a council of bakugos)
Momo (short term)
Mina/Ashido (stopped IDing with normal tl, only villain lately)
Kins Harley Quinn
Possibly: Aoyama, Rei?
(Technically these we dont know if theyre fictives or not)
Bishop/Kouten (OC) , (kinned, now has a subsystem: bakugo, dabi, kouten)
Kiri (derogatory) - technically this one is an abuser introject who kinned kiri
Sho (Shinsou, Shigaraki, Denki)
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Sparrow/Suga (Jikukawa from phi brain too)
Suga (transfem)
Nishinoya (semi dormant)
Hima (oc)
Anais/Willow (Oikawa, dance au, Eurydice from hadestown)
Possibly: Kiyoko, kageyama
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Komaeda (derogatory) - goes dangerously manic (dormant)
Naegi *
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Comics (DC/Marvel)
Peter Parker (mostly dc universe, not marvel) ⭐️
2 unknown speedsters, appear to be non canon, “children” of Barry/Iris, assume adopted *
Bart/Wally , Owen???? theres 2 we cant tell
Lorna Dane-Summers ⭐️
Freddy Freeman
Billy Batson
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Other Fictives
Eurydice (hadestown) *
Wisty (witch and wizard) *
Will Solace (percy jackson- pjato, not hoo or toa) *
Danny Fenton/Phantom
Dirk ⭐️
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Alex : Host , can’t leave front ⭐️
kins: Harley Quinn, Evie, Kitty, ?Ty Lee?, Fuyumi, Tohru Honda, Hadestown (all of it), some1 from waitress, Amélie (title name character, musical), Julietta, Mirabel, Isabela, Dolores, Random Villager #4, ???
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(Kinnies/*Can’t Tell if Fictive)
Carter (Peter Parker)
Jeremy* (Jeremy Heere)
kins a stoat
?Nagisa? (Assassination Classroom)
Other Alters 
Mega (non human) ⭐️
Unknown little
(Dormant atm)
Has wings
Olive (fictive from 25th annual putnam county spelling bee)
lulu (little, bishop and grey’s adopted kid)
Hani? (unsure if formed, from Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Dabi (*Introjected rl ex-boyfriend of hawks)
Cecil (wtnv)
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Other (Manifesting)
Spencer Reid
Allison Hargreeves
newt scamander
Kai Bartley
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*Images are simple rainbow gradient linebreaks for better legibility
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How the Brothers would react to an MC with a raccoon for a pet. This is my pet raccoon btw. And yes she can do all the listed things and yes....I named her Rocket.
"MC what is that thing doing in my house?"
Lucifer to say the least was not pleased. Especially not after he heard you call him a "Trash Panda"
The only reason hes allowing you to keep that thing is because Diavolo loves it.
So he just quietly loathes it until-
You handed it a broom and it started sweeping.
You taught him several tricks such as carrying a small case full of pencils on it's back and just in general fetching things.
Its smarter than Mammon. Then again most things are.
Hes secretly grown fond of it and buys it banana chips.
The neat way it eats with its hands is fascinating today the least.
Its cleaner than Beel.
He is seriously considering replacing his brothers with this "Raccoon"
He bought him a leash with a harness so you can take it to RAD with you
Not so he can play with it on his break but for an emotional support animal for you.
Secretly caught him feeding it cake
Saw what your "Raccoon" could do with its hands and instantly thought of all the ways he could steal things with it.
Mammon is no longer allowed to pet sit.
He buys it all the latest pet clothes and takes it to casinos for good luck, not of your knowing of course.
This thing knows how to hold cards?!
Be prepared to watch your pet be dressed up in Gucci sunglasses and a leather coat
That leather better be vegan mammon!
He pretends he only likes him for the thieving but you have caught him baby talking it a numerous amount of times.
"* name* can you grab mommies purse while I finish this?"
When it waddled to you purse in hand Mammon fell in love.
Imagine how much pictures of you and *name* would go for!
Now uses your pet in every money making scheme.
OHHHHHH this is one excited boy.
He saw one on an anime once and now he believes to his grave that you were the inspiration behind it.
This creature can pose with his figurines and will do it for snacks?!
Be prepared for human pet cosplay outfits
*cough* TSL *cough*
You dressed up as Groot for him on more than one occasion and are not ashamed.
Finally a pet that responds and can actucally give him a hug five back!
They listen to his anime rants without complaint!
Lowkey reminds him of a small grey beel.
You caught him on more than one occasion calling them Henery
His self esteem has slowly been getting better!
Lucifer is now invested in emotional animal support for Levi given his recent boost in confidence!
Now he has two true friends!
Even the raccoon picks up on his friendzone vibes 😂😭
So wait a second. He cant have a cat, but you the new human can have a rodent nicknamed a TRASH PANDA in the HOUSE
Is very miffed to say the least.
He found a new Lucifer....at least until he realized Lucifer also despised its mere existence
He saw this creature fetch a notebook, library card, notes, pens, paperback books, he was very impressed by the small backpack tote you sewed for it.
Hmm like a living backpack.
Simeon help you when he finds out that raccoons can pur!
" Its like a cat, but with hands and more fluff!"
Angry cat boi is now trying to steal your pet.
Can you say doubly spoiled?
He buys him collars, clothes, leashes, toys, you saw him feed it right off of his plate.
You are jealous of your own pet.
All three of you read by the fire at night, well it sits on your lap and stares at him. Which freaked him out at first but now he thinks of it as a silent endearment.
So....that.... thing....is your ADORABLE PET?!
Can you say true love?
Your pet is now devilgram, Devilbook, devilsnap, and Demon-tok famous
Your pet is now a mini Asmo deal with it.
Outfits, jewelry, sunglasses, you name it they have it
Your per now has a more stylish wardrobe than you a which demo promptly fixes with all the money he made from his posts with your pet
Can you say pet owner matching outfits?!
Your pet is now his pet
You two apparently now have joint custody
They help him pick out shoes!
And hes your raccoon was in every strip club/club/ party/ store/ mall in the devildom
Gets immediately recognized in public and has sass for days
You own a furry asmo get over it!
Beel did not know what to make of the small furry rodent raiding his fridge at midnight.
So....he decided petting and eating would be a good option.
Not eating the rodent. Eating with him
Beel is now addicted to banana chips
He now has a buddy whose appetite almost rivals his own! He takes your pet to every restraunt, vendor, food truck, food stall in the devildom
And yes he loves watching it eat with their tiny hands.
With belphie gone beel now has a purpose again, somebody to look after. His sleeping habits are the same and they both cuddle to him for warmth
To see your beloved pet you have to practically move into beels room
He built and bought a kitty castle for them and has a raccokn snack drawer and all three of you love happily in heels room....and never leave.
You and your pet raccoon now reside in beels room
Beel falls in love with you quite early because of this
Sometimes he'll pretend that your pet is their child and play house with you.
The brothers find his obsession quite creepy to be honest
In place of the avatar of sloth he found a doting pet loving human and her sleepy hungry cuddly rodent.
You two replaced belphie low key
And nope beel does not notice hes to busy feeding your pet again
"Do. Not. Let. That. Thing. Near me."
Raccoon hates belphie for what he did to you. He jumped out from the shadows and bit him...repeatedly. he never saw this creature before because you never brought him, totally caught him off guard.
Let's be honest he deserved it.
Eventually the mutual hatred grows to tolerance to curiosity this creature sleeps just as much as him and keeps the same schedule.
Saw satan gushing over it and decide to see what the fuss was about.
He threw it a treat.
He had never made an ally so fast in his life.
Need help pranking Lucifer? Raccoon can deliver and set traps. You can't blame him hes a adorbale pet of the humans and you can't hurt her!
Perfect escape goat
Eventually they start taking naps together
Belphie will never admit it but he bought the creature a small matching cow print pillow and they even have a bed to sleep on with him.
Your raccoon still loves you more and spends all this time with you. So
To see the raccoon, his new favorite stuffy he has to buddy up to you
Belphie is head over tails in about a month
You remind him of Lilith always taking card of those who need you. You love your pet with all your heart and it's a major turn on.
He moved into your room which you found creepy, you were terrified
Until you saw him playing with your pet. And they weren't hissing.
Cue whirlwind romance
It reminds him of beel a grey fluffy beel, the way they will do anything for a snack.
Cant decide who he loves more. You or your pet
Okay so if you want undateable let me know!
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bungod-hearth · 4 years
I adore your swap AU & had some questions if that is OK. 1: Did Luz have any trouble with Eda's parents in letting her move in? 2: Is she still friends & got a similar relationship to canon with Gus & Willow? 3: What's her Palisman, Owlbert or does she have an original? 4: does she have a portal to the human world or are both she & Belos looking for that? 5: Does she have any Glyph jewelry, or still utilize mostly paper & her staff? 6: Would she defeat then befriend those trying to arrest her XD
Hey there!! I'm glad you liked it so much you got curious and I'm more than happy to answer!💕💕
I'll put everything under the cut cause it's long as fuck sorry
1- that's something I'm actually working through! Since we still don't know basically anything about Eda's family and how they reacted after the curse (except for Lilith obviously), Eda kind of runs away from home after getting cursed, looking for this mysterious lonely witch who knows a different way to use magic, but I'm still not sure if she actually comes back home to tell her parents she has a mentor that could help her or if she leaves that duty to Lilith after assuring her she's gonna be okay with Luz (because Lilith will absolutely be the first to look for and also find Eda). I'm mostly imagining her parents as lively- cause both Eda and Lily have quite the temper even if Lily tries to hide it- but still somewhat attached to the rules and traditions given by the Emperor, and having your most talented child cursed in a way that hinders her magic in a world where magic is literally everything... yikes. But the idea of her finding someone who could actually help her even if not through a cure for the curse could be something easy to accept all things considered, despite living far from them. This part is still a work in progress, but maybe we'll get more info on the Clawthorne parents next season!
2- Willow and Gus are definitely still Luz best friends and they got to know each other in a very similar manner as in canon! Luz still found her way into Hexside when she got on the Boiling Isles and they all went to school together. Same goes for Amity, Bosha, Skaara, Viney etc..., but in particular the relationship with Amity takes longer to develop also cause I’m a sucker for slowburn
3- Owlbert is still Eda's palisman and she'll get him while under Luz's tutelage! Luz instead has her own staff, but I'm deciding on the palisman itself cause there's several options:
no Palisman, only magical staff that's a bit weaker than others due to that, because Luz still doesn't feel like she deserves it as a "real" witch/doesn't have such a connection with the Isles like others born there/didn't felt particularly drawn to any creature and decided to wait. But she gets her Palisman as well later, influenced by Eda: a snowy owl, an ashy-faced owl, or a burrowing owl. Snowy Owl -> mostly bc fitting Azura's white aesthetic Ashy Faced Owl -> I think the most well known owl species of the Dominican Republic, with its peculiar gray colored face Burrowing Owl -> have you seen these guys they're damn adorable and tinyyyyyy- (also another species found in the Dominican Republic actually)
A black cat Palisman, since they're the most common and stereotypical symbol for witches and it would totally be in character for Luz to go "uehuehe kitty". Also because of her hoodie if yall want to count that.
A black dog/hound, one of the goddess Hecate sacred animals, the one representing loyalty obviously and the emotive part of magic and energy. In general I think dogs fit Luz well tho.
Some... mystical or mythological creature of some kind? Cause Luz realizes she can go hogwild with her palisman and thus frees her imagination.
Otter. With a dark side ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
4- the portal to the human world got lost in some way after Luz arrived in the Boiling Isles! That's why she's stranded there and hasn't seen her mom in more than 25 years :) I don't have the details yet since, again, we have so little information on the portal itself! Why in canon Eda's the one who has it? Was it in her parents possession or she found it in the Night Market or something? Where does it come from originally?? Hell if we know. This obviously becomes a bit of a problem for my au cause it influences how Luz arrived in the Isles in the first place. Could it be a random human treasures smuggler who accidentally brought her there? Did the Emperor/Emperor's Coven had it and things got out of hand? Or maybe the Clawthorne, or even the Blight family, got it? The only thing I'm sure of is that yes, both Luz and Belos are actively looking for it, for different reasons of course, and that hypothetically in the au story it will jump up again, and there will be drama and angst.
5- Luz definitely upgraded her glyph craft!! She experimented and honed both glyphs and skills through the years, finding new glyphs, different combinations, variations and applications, and is now super prepared, enough to keep up with the Emperor's coven squads that try to capture her- and Amity. She kind of adapts to the situation so her equipment isn't every day 100% the same, but the casting methods are similar: carved jewelry and accessories, embroidered fabrics, runestones, she even made her own (mono use) stickers! Naturally, these objects aren't infinitely durable and using them consumes them physically and energetically, but depending on the material and size they vary in durability and power. Though, the trusted notepad and pencil are always there in some pocket, along with some already-drawn papers for emergencies. She also got a couple of tattoos that include glyphs, one of which is a light spell, obviously, but it's a more risky way of casting since it uses her own physical energy, so the glyphs themselves are small. Both Gus and Willow got one as well! and Amity too but it's technically a secret
6- oh you know she will lmao I mean, she's not Steven Universe, but she is observant and a good person, and understands that sometimes certain situations, events, upbringing and generally education cough Emperor propaganda cough bring people to do bad stuff. This won't stop her from smacking to the ground and eventually punch if she runs out of glyphs whoever tries to hurt her or her loved ones. If they show regret and/or understand what they're doing is wrong, changing their ways, she might concede her forgiveness, but otherwise they're gonna eat the dust. I think she knows every member of Amity's squad by name tho?? And she kinda has fun escaping law, so the fights can go like "Hey Steve, I heard you're a dad now! Congrats dude!! If you want I can make you explode a little so you can stay home and play with the baby beast!" or "Wait, you guys don't even have dental?? You should have told me, I would have aimed lower!"
With Amity is a whole other thing, the romantic tension between them is so thick the rest of the team feels like they're intruding something every time for f sake
Whew, I think I answered everything? Thank you for taking interest in this little thing of mine! I also have answered another couple of asks about the au before, you can to check out the toh swap au tag on my blog if you want!
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modesty-delacroix · 4 years
When he helps you with something #15
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Satan's POV:
I just finished a job in the Royal library and was walking out when my D.D.D. started to ring.
Satan: Huh?
I took it from my jeans' pocket and picked up, not looking at the ID of the caller.
Satan: Hello?
?? : Sa- *pant* Satan! Are you perhaps *pant* done with *glup** pant* your job?
Satan: Eh? MC?
MC: Ha-Hai!
Satan: Yes. Just left the library. Are you Ok, is everything alright? You sound like you're running?
MC: Y-yes.*wheeze* I'm ok! *panting* Just adrenaline rush!*More panting* Meet me in front of "Hocus Pocus" ASAP! *hangs up*
The fact that MC was panting, said adrenaline rush, that she was running, and ASAP, didn't lead me to think she is ok. I started running towards the shop so I can meet with her and see what's happening. I didn't want to think if something bad happened to her. I saw "Hocus Pocus" But I didn't saw her anywhere. I stopped in front of the shop to take my breath, but right then, I saw her running on the verge of passing out clutching her sweater and a lower demon chasing her. She tripped so I lunged forward to catch her in my arms and sent the demon a death glare enough to make them run to their mother.
Satan: MC? MC?!
MC: th-thanks.
She tried to stand up but her legs wobbled so I put her to sit on the near bench. She started to collect her breath but I noticed she still hugged her sweater and there was a little bump.
Satan: Explain, what happened?
MC: Well I was supposed to go shopping with Asmo, since I wanted new pair of shoes, but somewhere in the crowd I lost him. I tried to search for him but, when I looked at the street I saw this little guy-*shows a kitten hidden in her sweater*- about to get smashed buy a car so, I rushed and signaled the car to stop as I grabbed it. The car stopped on literally centimeters from me. When I was about to go away, the driver got out of the car and started yelling at me, for making him stop, since he was in a hurry, and now he was late, so he started chasing me. That's till I called you and you scared him away.
For a moment I was about to scold her but seeing the kitten and that the driver had overreacted, plus that the kitten couldn't see the danger since it was not even a full week of age. This probably meant that its mother had died, too.
MC: Can you help me take care of it?
Satan: However I much hate to say it, Lucifer won't allow it.
I couldn't resist this adorableness so I agreed.
MC: Please~! I'll take responsibility if he finds out! *she and the kitten give him THE EYES*
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Satan: Fine... But then we should buy it some things of importance.
MC: I know, we need cat toilet, syringes, bowls for food and water, bed, collar and shampoo.
Satan: Where the syringes came from?
MC: I thought you would know, since the kitten is still a baby, it can't eat on his own, that's why we will feed him through syringes.
Satan: That's true. We better, then, get going to buy them, if you are feeling better, that is.
MC: Yes, I am. Let's go then!
She gently hugged the kitten to her chest as she stood up from the bench and petted its head, it was really adorable. Then we headed of through the shops to buy the need attributes.
<Time skip>
We bought everything we needed and headed towards the House of Lamentation.
Satan: How are gonna hide the kitten from Lucifer?
MC: I was thinking if we made it a hut in between your books so when Lucifer is there he won't be able to find it? If possible we can put small sound blocking spell so we are sure he won't hear of the kitty is a bit loud.
Satan: Sounds, possible but we will need to reorganize my books and this will take some time.
MC: I think we will manage. Another plus is that I heard, Lord Diavolo gave Lucifer bunch of paperwork so Lucifer will be busy in his study till late.
We carried on a conversation till we arrived in front of our house. We quietly made it to my room, then she left so she can take one of the small and empty laundry baskets, two bottles of warm water and small blanket so, we warm up the cat. A bit later we fed it and washed it in my bathroom. We carefully dried it and put it to sleep.
MC: Satan, can I stay her for the night? I want to look after the kitten. Which reminds me we haven't named it, yet.
Satan: Don't worry I'll look after it, you take some sleep. And we will think of a name later.
MC: Nu-uh! You should sleep, I'll look after it!
I sighed.
Satan: First change in your nightwear, then we will talk ok?
She nodded and left the room. While she was gone, I took a shower and got in my pajamas as well. When I went back in my room, I saw she was already there.
MC: Pfft...*giggles* Oh goodness! Hahahaha!
Satan: What?
MC: The towel on your- hahaha- it looks like you have put some cheap wig on! Hahahaha! Come here.
She went closer to me, rose on her toes and stared drying my hair with the towel.
MC: And~ done!
Satan: Thank, MC. But now my hair is messy.
MC: Not much different from your normal hairstyle, haha.
Satan: Oi!
MC: Pfft- Hahahahaha!
Satan: *blushing* Don't laugh or I'll-
The kitten: Nya~
We both turned to it. And both started laughing. MC took the the kitten out of the basket and snuggled it to her.
MC: How about if it a boy name it Satan, since you love cats?
I blushed, a lot, but then smirked.
Satan: Ok, but only if you accept, that if it a girl to be named MC!
MC: Wh-wh-wha?! N-n-n-no! It wouldn't suit it. How about we both meet in the middle, something we both like? M-m-maybe, if it's a girl, Lilith?
She was beet red and stuttering mess.
Satan: Sounds good, but if it's a boy?
MC: Maybe, Adler? Wasn't he the lead character and inspector from one of your favorite criminal novels "The mid-fall murders"?
Satan: You... you remembered that?
I was surprised how she remembered this, it was several months ago, when we went in the human world. In a way, it made me feel warm on the inside.
MC: *hums yes*. Even though you were in your brother's body, I still could see the excitement in your eyes, when talking about it. So I guess, it took my attention a bit and I remembered it.
I was speechless and fascinated by her. I know we already are a couple but, she never ceases to amaze me and make fall for her over and over again. I ran a hand through my blond locks and looked at her she was petting the kitten as if she was caress her child. 'Maybe one day... '
Satan: So, is it Lilith or is it Adler?
She carefully looked and turned to me.
MC: It's Adler!
I smiled at her excitement and gently took the kitten from her petting it too. He was purring loudly and I couldn't help but smile genuinely.
Satan: MC, you should go you sleep. It late?
MC: No, I will look after the kitty. You should sleep.
Satan: We have led this conversation already, MC. *grabs her by the waist over the bed* Come here, let's both sleep and if something happens we both will know ok?
I laid down on my bed, spooning MC, and laid Adler in front of her. As I snuggled into my girlfriend the kitten, somehow, came over to us too and curled up next to MC. I'm glad I accepted to help MC with the cat. I'm sure that it will help is get more deep and meaningful relationship. And who knows, might help us prepare a bit, for the day we might have kids.
In the morning I woke up and saw Adler snuggling at my boyfriend. 'Adorable~!'. I took a picture of them and made it my home screen.
MC: Awwwwww~!
The END!
Left boys for the scenario:
Asmodeus (not for long)
Luke (only as a friend)
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lilhemmo · 5 years
22 and 23 with lilith and sweets
request: from this list from @southsidearchive - “I’m calling it. We are officially lost in the woods.” and “Why are you going towards the creepy noise?”ship: sweet pea x lilith (oc)
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Cheryl and Toni’s haunted house and hayride were the talk of the town every year. There’s candy and booze and zombies, everything that budding adults could want in a spooky holiday event.
“I don’t know why you won’t go,” Lilith nudges Sweet Pea with the toe of her boot under the coffee table. “Fangs and Toni go every year.”
Sweet Pea puts his cup of black coffee back down on the table, pulling glasses off his nose to look her in the eyes, “First of all Toni lives there. She has no choice.”
Lilith narrows her eyes at him, her mug warming her fingertips, “You know what I mean, you rotten thing. Your friends are all there!”
“Don’t know if I’m to the point of calling you my friend just yet,” he jests coolly, a smirk playing at his lips. He thumbs at the pages of the book on the table, marking his place because he knows her too well to think that this conversation is just over.
“Well, whatever I am to you,” Lilith starts, the spice from her latte warming her throat, “it shouldn’t matter because Fangs wants you to go. He’s just too nervous to make a big deal out of it to you.”
Sweet Pea rolls his eyes and tosses his glasses onto the countertop, “Why would I make Fangs nervous?”
“Maybe because you’re, I dunno, like six foot of pent up rage and frustration?”
“I am not-”
Lilith raises a brow and he shuts his lips.
“You are known not to change your mind, even when Fangs is involved. But, I think you should just sacrifice one Friday night and go. What else better have you got to do?” she asks, tilting her cup against her lips after she finishes speaking.
Sweet Pea notices the little glimmer in her purple irises that she always gets when she knows she’s going to change his mind. Somehow she always bullies him into doing things he’d rather not.
“I’ve got books and beer, what else do I need?” he wraps his tattooed fingers around the handle of his mug and leans back in his chair.
Lilith sighs and shakes her head before gnawing on her lower lip, trying to figure out the best way to guilt Sweet Pea into coming. She takes a breath, “Listen, I get you not wanting to socialize, but it’s your friends. And it’s me. Don’t you think you could make an exception for just one Halloween?”
It’s really unfair the way her eyes are boring into him like some sort of lasers, and the way the pout on her full lips makes his heart beat heavy in his chest. He groans and she’s trying not to break character because she knows she has him hook, line and sinker. 
Truth be told, he’s not sure when he’s ever been off her hook.
“Fine, but there better be beer.”
“I’ll stash you some in my purse.”
It was supposed to be a simple haunted corn maze, that’s all.
How did they end up in pairs? Sweet Pea doesn’t know. 
All he knows is that Lilith is gripping his bicep for dear life as he trudges through the winding maze of fresh corn stalks. He sighs when her fingers dig into the skin of his arm but he won’t complain because tonight is specifically not about him.
“Lilith, no one is going to hurt you, I swear,” Sweet Pea grunts out the words, trying to make them sound as far from protective as possible.
She sniffles a little and it makes his heart twinge, “I-I know that, like deep down, but I’m still scared, you know? It’s dumb, I know. I-I’m sorry.”
Instead of patronizing her like he really wants to, Sweet Pea begrudgingly wraps his arm around her shoulder and tucks her into his side, the blush on his cheeks unable to be seen in the darkness of the night. She fits right into him, her arms circling around his waist as her cheek presses into the fabric of his flannel shirt under his Serpent jacket.
“I think we should go left, we haven’t gone left yet,” Lilith murmurs, her fingertips twitching against his ribcage in what he can only assume is anxiety. He nods, keeping his palm tight on her shoulder so she knows that he won’t leave.
“Left is good,” he answers.
It takes a little while, but finally they wind their way into a horde of zombies. Seven people with fake blood and wounds start to chase after them to turn them away from the direction they’re going, and Lilith’s first reaction is to punch the nearest one in the face. He or she goes staggering backwards, giving them both enough time to turn and jog towards a new curve in the maze.
“Holy shit, Lil,” Sweet Pea laughs as they slow to a walk again. “I didn’t know you had such a wicked right hook.”
Lilith is laughing through quick pants of breath, but the smile on her face makes his insides turn to rubble. She laughs, eyes sparkling under the stars, “Mom taught me that.”
She squeezes his hand and it’s the first time he realizes that she was ever holding it in the first place.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t retract from her. Mostly to keep her from being embarrassed, he tells himself; there’s no reason to draw attention to it because it’ll just cause her to become more flustered than she is already and he’s not sure if he could handle her at that level.
“I don’t think we’ve gone this way,” she mutters as she drags him to the right, very far away from the zombie horde.
And, like a little lost puppy, he follows.
It takes another thirty minutes, but finally Sweet Pea breaks his self-imposed vow of silence: “I’m calling it. We’re officially lost in the woods.”
“It’s not the woods, dummy,” Lilith smacks the back of her palm against his arm. She laughs and leads him through another winding path.
He grunts, “There’s no way that Thistlethorn, or whatever the hell this place is called, is this big. We’re lost.”
“Think of it as an adventure,” Lilith grins up at him. She’s really close, close enough that he can feel the warmth of her skin and smell the floral fragrance of her perfume or her shampoo, whichever it is. The intoxicating concoction of her eyes, her lips, and her smell, makes him fall under some sort of spell and he finds himself thinking that maybe it is just an adventure.
Sweet Pea will not let her know that’s she’s won, so he huffs out a grunt and rolls his eyes to conceal his succession. He sighs, “Fine, Lilith. Whatever. Just lead the way.”
The giddiness in her step makes some sort of fluttering feeling in his chest, right where his lungs are kept hostage. He is short of breath for just a moment, but then as she’s leading him through the moonlight, he catches himself and follows after her.
“Hah, suckers!” Reggie pumps his fists in the air as Lilith and Sweet Pea break out of the maze. He grabs Veronica around the waist and twirls her in the air, “Told you we’d beat those guys, Ronnie.”
Veronica fusses at him not to mess up her costume makeup, just a simple cat eye and some over-exaggerated contouring to pair with her kitty ears. He chuckles before kissing her on the top of the head, turning to look at Betty and Jughead emerge from another exit.
“All that’s left is Fangs and Kevin,” Jughead mentions. His cheeks color but he says what he’s thinking, “Although, I’m not sure that they’re very preoccupied with getting through the maze anyway.”
Sweet Pea scrunches up his nose and Lilith leans into his side automatically. Somehow his arm reaches around her shoulders like muscle memory as she dips into him, holding her close enough that he can rest his chin on her head. He does not miss the look that Toni flashes him from across the yard where she’s manning a punch bowl and finger foods, dolled up in witch costume.
“You ready for the haunted house part?” Lilith is stood in front of him now, her body blocking him from anything and everything in his way. She is smiling too bright, her eyes too wide, and so he finds himself saying yes even though he really wants to curl up at home with his book and his beer until he falls asleep in his recliner.
She peals in laughter, eyes squinting shut so he can no longer see the amethyst of her irises. Her hand squeezes his tightly, pulling him towards the entrance to the manor.
As soon as they walk through the double doors, the entire atmosphere goes cold. He feels Lilith’s shoulder shake beside him and despite his better judgment, he is peeling off his jacket and wrapping it around her upper body.
“W-Wait, I-I don’t want to t-take this from you,” she chatters out, her shoulders hunching to try and hold her body heat in. Sweet Pea shakes his head, “S’fine. I’ve got a couple layers on anyway. You need it more than me.”
The fact that he’s saying this about his Serpent jacket makes Lilith’s throat go numb. She can’t even force a line of gratitude from between her lips. All she can do is slip her hands through the jacket and allow it to envelope her in some sort of safety net.
She tries her luck again and finds his hand by his side, threading her fingers through it with bated breath until he reciprocates.
And when he does, she lets her breath out through her teeth.
“W-Why are you going toward the creepy noise?!” Lilith manages from where she’s hidden behind Sweet Pea’s broad shoulders. Sweet Pea laughs, the sound vibrating his body, “Because it’s usually the scariest bits that you have the least to be afraid of. They’re just trying to keep us from finding the exit to where the party is.”
Lilith blindly trusts him, digging her nose between his shoulder blades so she doesn’t have to watch as a masked villain pops from behind the curtains. If she’s being honest, it’s also to keep herself from punching someone else in the face. She can’t handle being responsible for two broken noses in one night.
“See,” Sweet Pea murmurs, turning his head to speak over his shoulder. “There’s the red rope, and Toni is gonna let us inside.”
Lilith peeks out from behind him, her frame easily hidden behind his own. She smiles at the sight of Toni Topaz, abandoning Sweet Pea to rush forward and grasp her friend up in a hug.
“God, Toni, you’re going to have a lawsuit on your hands tonight,” Lilith laughs into her friend’s shoulders. “I punched one of your zombies in the corn maze.”
Toni kisses Lilith’s cheek before releasing her, “You’re lucky it was Andrews. He just laughed it off and is drinking whiskey at the bar. I’m sure an apology wouldn’t hurt, though.”
Lilith nods and turns to find Sweet Pea stood behind her. She grins up at him and he forces his face not to mimic her expression with the way her smile makes his heartbeat quicken.
“Free booze inside, right? The least you could do for scaring the shit out of us,” Sweet Pea brings Toni in for a hug of his own. She laughs, swatting his chest, “Oh, Pea, you know better. You pay us to scare you.”
“Hardly seems like a fair trade.”
“No one said anything about fair, honey.”
Sweet Pea keeps the retort on his tongue because Lilith is pushing her way inside with a final goodbye to Toni. She twirls around, the ends of her skirt flowing under the lights of the dance floor.
“What a way to blow off some steam,” she laughs, maneuvering her hands around in a way that Sweet Pea can only describe as sensual. Something electrifies his body and he forces something akin to words out of his lips about grabbing drinks.
Of course she doesn’t care, but Pea needs some liquid confidence if he’s going to survive the rest of the night.
When he gets back, her eyes are glowing playfully under the lights, a flush on her cheeks from dancing and her body has begun to sway almost of it’s own accord.
“I’m sorry I dragged you here,” she apologizes after taking a sip of whatever is in the cup that he brought her. She sets it down on the table beside where they’re standing, “I-I thought that Fangs would care more, or Toni. I guess you were right.”
Sweet Pea shrugs, tipping his glass back to take a long drag of the on-tap beer for the night, “S’all right, Lil. I’m fine. Like you said, I had nothing better to d-”
“I wanted you to come.”
He’s lost for words, running his tongue along his teeth so he can gather something like his pride back together. He keeps his jaw from going slack but it’s not easy.
Lilith’s cheeks are bright red, her dark skin favoring the color naturally. She swallows and he watches as her throat bobs, “I-I wanted you to come. I wanted to spend time alone with you. Without the others.”
“That’s generally what alone means.”
It’s not what he meant to say, but it’s the only thing he could force out.
Lilith looks stunned and she takes a step back from him like he’s wounded her, “Y-Yeah, yeah, I guess so.”
Sweet Pea puts his drink down because he really doesn’t want her to walk away, and grabs her by the hands, keeping her anchored to him.
“That was a dick thing to say, I’m sorry.” He shakes his head and wishes he hadn’t taken such a deep swig of that beer so quickly. Lilith chews on her lip for a second before responding, “No, it’s fine. I-I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“I’m glad you did,” he recovers. He blinks hard to shut the stars out of his eyes, “I wanted to come. I’m the one that got us paired together for the corn maze. I wanted to be alone with you too.”
Lilith’s body seems to lose the tension she was holding in her bones before, and she takes a step towards him, barely any space between them now. All Sweet Pea can pay attention to is the way that his Serpent jacket hangs off of her shoulders, coupled with the purple dress she chose to wear tonight. How did she know that purple is his favorite color?
“Y-You did?”
He can’t help it when the laugh escapes his lips, but it’s not one of humiliation, but rather relief. He allows one hand to reach up to cup her jaw and he nods, “I’ve been trying to figure it out, but I’m absolute trash at relationships. I figured our not-date-dates at the coffee shop were enough to give the hint and you’re normally such a first move kind of girl that I--oh.”
Lilith’s lips are on his and he can taste the cocktail on her tongue. She’s toying with the buttons of his shirt and all he can think about is her slowly peeling it from his shoulders and throwing it on the floor.
He manages to respond before she pulls away in shock, leaning down to better accommodate her size. He wants to pick her up by the thighs and haul her out of Thornbush - or whatever the hell it’s called - and drag her back to the Southside, but he won’t put her through that here in front of everyone else.
“First move kind of girl, hm?” she asks as she peels herself away from him, coming down from her tip-toes.
The sultry look in her eyes is sinful and he has to stop his imagination from running as he holds his hands steady on her hips now, not allowing himself anything further. He nods, swallowing thickly before speaking, “I’m not good at this. I thought you might be better. And if you thought I was worth your time-”
“You’re worth it,” she says quickly, leaning up to push one gentle kiss to his lips. The heat of a blush creeps up her neck and she can’t stop wondering how long she’s waited to feel Sweet Pea’s mouth on her own.
Lilith runs her thumb over his pectoral and looks up at him through her lashes, “What do you say with us starting to make those not-date-dates into totally-date-dates?”
It is Sweet Pea’s turn to steal a kiss now, bent at the waist to capture her mouth quickly before murmuring into her lips, “I’d like that.”
“Then it’s a date,” she whispers, forgetting her drink and losing herself in his eyes.
a/n: thank you so much for this prompt!! i loved writing it!!
tagging: @melton-my-heart @thesweetestsweetpea @theangriestpea @the-gargoyle-queen @jezzabelleserpent @vannahsunshine @sweetpeasbabydoll @sweetfogarty @wayward-river @hugharekillianmelou @princesweetpea @southsidewrites
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