#yes hello i just got my commission earlier
threnodians · 2 years
so i purchased a commission of kaeya and i (shocking) about two weeks or so ago and earlier this evening i got sent the result from the artist!
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tartigglez · 2 years
Hello tunblr user that I have NEVER spoken to before
Can I pretty please request dragon!zhongli doing dragon!Zhongli things
Like hoarding shiny things, and having a tail and hating random plants and squid 😭😭😭😭 idk I’m just hoping that something in this magically inspires your brain BUT feel free to ignore me
(I also really wanted to initiate ur ask box lol)
~ 🌷 anon <3
Why hello there tumblr user who i have also never spoken to! i hope this is uh,,, acceptable.
it was so hard to find a title for this oml
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"my natural form...?"
zhongli x gn!reader
genre: fluff, pure unfiltered fluffiness, such fluff, many fluffitude
word count: 500-ish
tags: retail addict zhong bc we love to see it, possessive zhong, zhong hates fish zhong, protective zhong (hes a cutie patootie guys omgomomgomgomgogmogmHDKAJH), venti makes a cameo/reader is a traveller but not tHE traveller bc THEYRE MINORS I REFUSE TO WRITE THAT. thats kinda it
tw/cw: possessive dragon boi, it lowkey seems like lightly toxic behaviour but i think thats it
a/n: i wrote a little smol bit of this every night this week so its maybe a bit disjointed but whatever. this was fun to write ty tulip bb. zhongli is the cutest im so sOFT FOR THIS MAN AAAA. also send me asks, ples, pls, plsssssssss, pls.
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dragon!zhongli who will buy pretty things without even realising that he quite literally has a retail addiction. will put things in random places in your house then get really confused when you move them. he keeps closely monitored stock of everything.
“darling, have you seen my golden vase anywhere”
“which golden vase?” 
“the one i purchased last week, at the market”
“i put flowers in it, it’s in the kitchen”
“okay, okay, good”
“you seem awfully worried about it”
“i am not, i simply… wished to know where it was… is all.”
“i see.”
dragon!zhongli who is lowkey possessive over you but refuses to admit it, also he feels that jealousy is not a good shade on him. But he’s a dragon, and you’re his most prized treasure, so it is only natural to him to protect you, right? it can’t be helped. he's got a really good sense of smell, so he can always tell who you’ve been around in the past few hours, but won’t tell you because he's afraid it’ll freak you out. 
(side note: he totally loves your scent and will compliment you on it all the time, like he’ll bury his head in your neck to calm himself down omg)
“my dear, who was with you earlier?”
“the guild had me teleport to mondstadt for a commission, why?”
“nothing my love, i simply- nevermind”
you look him in the eyes doubtfully
“alright. you were with the anemo archon, yes?”
“i was. i was sent out to windrise to fight some hilichurls, i ran into him and he helped me defeat them, why?” 
“nothing, darling. the hilichurls didn’t hurt you, did they?”
“when has a hilichurl ever hurt me?”
“it is difficult to argue with that logic.”
dragon!zhongli who despite literally creating the harbour, refuses to go near the markets. he cannot stand the smell of the seafood that the merchants sell, so despite trying to “blend in” whilst in his mortal form, he will rarely be sighted outside the innermost parts of the city. 
“yes, dear?”
“shall we take a stroll by the harbour? i have a free hour this afternoon and we should spend some time together. i haven’t spent much time with you this week, and i've missed you.”
“i have missed you too, love, however i think that-”
“you think?”
“i think that it is rather cold, down by the harbour. Shall we go to the teahouse instead?”
dragon!zhongli who is unconsciously protective of you in his sleep. he will wrap his tail around your form when cuddling, as a literal natural response. puts it around your waist and between your arms whilst spooning you so you can hug it like a teddy bear whilst he puts little kisses on your shoulders as you doze off. tells you the stories of years gone by as you sleep to vent his worries.
“tell a story”
“must i?”
“yes, you must!”
“very well my dear, close your eyes.”
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the-copycat-hero · 2 days
in your earlier theory you posted a long ago you mentioned aizawa not wanting the information of monoma being able to awaken quirks getting out in fear of the hero commission (I believe this was you)
What would happen if it did get out? And theoretically what if monoma was forced to work under them?
I love angst
anyway yes you are 100% correct, that was me yapping about potential ideas for Monoma's quirk awakening with the tidbit about the government hiding away in the tags
ANYHOW, to Aizawa's reasoning
Aizawa's desire to keep Monoma's awakening a secret stems from his concerns over Monoma's autonomy and freedom. and Aizawa's worries are not without reason.
one of my personal headcanons is that, although Monoma is a top ranked hero by the time the manga comes to a close (i.e. after a lengthy time-skip), his first few years out of high school were rough. he was a pivotal part of the war, sure, but a lot of that information was concealed from the public. that said, for Monoma's first few years as a hero, he faced a lot of the same shit that he did growing up; namely, claims that he was too weak to be on his own or, worse yet, that his quirk was one suited for a villain. (there were... a LOT of comparisons made between [Copy] and [All-for-One]. Monoma fielded them gracefully, but it could get overwhelming.)
if the news got out that Monoma had developed a skill that could allow for him to copy a quirk and then modify it to be more powerful than the original, i could easily see the public—and the government—suddenly placing him under scrutiny yet again. there would be debates over the ethicality of him modifying others' unique powers. there would be questions over whether or not [Copy] should be so freely used, or even allowed to exist unchecked in the first place. it would place a spotlight on Monoma's every move—driven by fear that his ability could be weaponized by villains or that he himself could go rogue—and it would lead to him being kept under tight surveillance as a result.
Hawks, as the new president of the commission, would do everything in his power to protect Monoma from being exploited the way he himself had been. but at the end of the day, the government is still the government; they would see the potential for a new weapon and, with or without Hawks' approval, they would get a hold of Monoma eventually.
it would be simple enough. Monoma wouldn't want the public to be terrified of him, so he’d willingly agree to stricter regulation to ease their concerns. from there, the government could easily manipulate him into working for them—preying on his desire to prove his worth as a hero. the recent media attention would reopen old wounds, reminding Monoma of the ridicule and doubt he faced growing up, and it would only push him even further into the government's control.
it would be brutal. after all, awakenings don't just happen. they necessitate that the quirk user be placed into a situation where they are so stressed out that their power physically mutates in an effort to protect them. and the government wouldn't hesitate to throw Monoma into these situations, finding new and inventive ways to push him to the breaking point, time and time again, to force each new awakening.
(it's ironic. the public would be scared by the idea of Monoma being weaponized by villains, but in the end, it would be their own government that did it. and the very system meant to protect him would instead be the one exploiting his abilities, all under the guise of maintaining public safety.)
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
Kupo Con: Pom2, London, 15th & 16th September 2023
Where do I even begin! What a weekend!
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Long story under the cut, because I need to tell you everything 😆
Starting off on Friday the 15th, we drove down to our hotel in Watford, which allowed us to get a train into London for Pre-Reg, which was available for Patreons of KupoCon, to get our tickets.
A lot of people were there and I probably knew half of them, or more, from the Discord Server but I was too nervous and shy to go over and say hello. Until I saw the only one I’d met previously, I went over and said hello! She then introduced me to one of the other people there, the cosplayer who won the “People’s Choice” Cosplay award last Kupo and who has been incredibly supportive of me every time I’ve shared progress on Discord and our meeting went like this… (using initials for privacy ☺️)
L: “Hey R this is P, from the discord!”
R: “Are you Blossom!?”
P: “Yes!”
R gives me a big hug
I spent a while talking with him and I think we became fast friends, I felt like I’d known him for ages! (Technically kind of had, because we’ve been talking in the discord) and I was really nervous but he was so lovely and made it so easy to talk to him!
Then, because of train times, we had to leave, but I’d met several of the other cosplayers (mainly Clives… no joke! I met 3 all at the same time!) and I was absolutely buzzing for the main event!
Saturday the 16th, the main event! Me and my mum got to the venue just as the doors opened, within 10mins I was in an elevator with a Noctis cosplayer, who jokingly asked if they’d survive this elevator ride! 😆 I then had a Sephiroth comment on my cosplay as I walked past
I met up with R because I knew how excited he was to see my cosplay, we had another hug (as much as we both could manage anyway; I was in a tight black coat and he was in full Clive cosplay) and he went off to support his friend who was dressed as FFXs Ifrit!
While waiting for the Opening Ceremony to start, I got given my first Masquerade Token! I was beside myself with excitement! I couldn’t believe it!
The Opening Ceremony was so fun! I met a friend who I’ve known online since December, which was amazing!
And then the Cosplay Parade happened! John Bentley (Barret FFVIIR) and Liam Mulvey (Libertus FFXV Kingsglaive) were presenting it, they were both so enthusiastic about it! I was really nervous because I was stepping up onto a stage in front of a lot of people, but I did it, and Liam’s reaction was priceless!
Then we went on our way, wandering the stalls and doing quests. Every time I passed R and his group, he checked in with me, to make sure I was ok and having a good time, which I really appreciated as it was my first Kupo and Cosplay.
Then I joined the queue to meet Liam… I said hello and gave him a print of a commission I’d had done earlier in the year and then he signed my own copy of the print… and then he gave me a Masquerade Token and I was lost for words! Because I didn’t realise the guests would also have tokens!
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Riding that high, I decided to join the queue to meet John. And WOW! That man is amazing! He’s so lovely and excited and genuinely loves the community! Once he’d signed my print we went to get a picture, and he complimented me on my cosplay, when I said it was my first one, he was amazed! So he told his wife (who was holding my phone to take the picture for me) to video a message, which is of him saying how awesome my cosplay was, then he gave me another Token! I couldn’t believe it! I excitedly told R what had happened and he said how amazing that was too!
By the end of the day and the start of the Closing Ceremony I had been given 9 Tokens! I had been saying in the Discord Server that 1 or 2 would be amazing! But I got 9!!!
I stayed with R for the Closing Ceremony, chatting and laughing, someone he knew from a past event complimented me on my cosplay, which R instantly agreed with, he was so supportive of everything and I will always be grateful for that
Both the “People’s Choice” and “Staff Choice” award was won by a cosplayer who made, and was operating, Hell House from FFVII which was a much deserved win.
It was at the end of the Closing Ceremony that I got a selfie with Ben, I’d spoke to him briefly earlier, after his panel, saying that I was hoping to get into the queue to meet him properly, to which he replied “Ok, Ardyn!”
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But looking at the line to meet him I knew I would miss the opportunity, so as he returned to finish off the signings that were waiting for him I asked if I could grab a selfie, and he said yes, as he ran off to his table he said how good my cosplay was too.
I went over to Liam and John to thank them once again for the Tokens they gave me, and how much they meant to me, they both responded with similar things; that it was deserved!
Feeling the lump in my throat from the emotions those compliments caused, I went over and said goodbye to R, knowing I’d likely not see him again face to face until February for the Birmingham KupoCon, I managed to keep it together until I got back to my mum, I started crying shortly after!
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Please! If anyone has read this far who is a Final Fantasy fan I couldn’t recommend Kupo more! It was amazing! I’ve never felt so welcomed and included at a convention before and everyone I met was lovely and supportive
Next stop for me is Birmingham in February, until then… “Walk Tall, My Friends”
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not-a-coral-snake · 1 year
for the @lamenweek Day 3 prompt: Fluff
Today, the afternoon sun is still dappling the carpet with patches of gold when Damen returns to their rooms. He smiles when he sees that Laurent has apparently managed to complete or escape his obligations for the day even earlier than Damen has—he is reading, curled up on one of their window seats where the light is good.
No, not reading, Damen sees as he moves further into the room. “Hello, sunshine,” he says. “What are you working on?”
“Damen!” Laurent says, and Damen sees the way Laurent’s face lights up upon seeing him. “I didn’t expect you back so early.”
“Heston and Philomenon were surprisingly open-minded about tariff policy.” It’s some kind of needlework in Laurent’s hands, and a basket of colored silk thread behind him on the seat. “I didn’t expect to see you back so early either. Is that embroidery?”
“Vannes has been a more valuable addition to the council than I fully anticipated. She has a way of cutting through the others’ long-windiness.”
“Valuable indeed,” Damen says, and settles himself on a sofa near Laurent with a book of Veretian epic poetry.
It is some time later when Laurent says, “My mother taught me.”
“To do embroidery. She had no daughters, so she taught me, and Auguste, though he wasn’t much good at it. He didn’t have the temperament—sitting still, making progress bit by bit.”
“Yes, I suppose that’s not for everyone,” Damen says.
“No. I got pretty good at it, though. I’m trying to get back into practice, see?” And here he shows Damen his working. The hoop is an explosion of colors and shapes with no clear pattern, just stitches in a variety of styles, each starting out large and clumsy and growing smaller and more regular.
“It seems like it would be a good way to relax,” Damen says.
“Precisely. Unlike with a book, I can work on this while I think over the days’ events,” Laurent says. “Or think of nothing at all.”
Damen smiles, and picks up his book again, and they sit in silence until the warm fall afternoon light has faded and the time for dinner has arrived.
* * *
A few weeks go by. The days grow darker, until Damen seldom has the chance to finish his duties before dusk. Damen sees Laurent with his stitch-practice a few more times in the first days after the first time, then not at all after that. He doesn’t think much of it—neither of them has much time to themselves, these days.
The days grow shorter still, the weather chills. A tailor arrives with the Veretian-style clothes Laurent had bullied Damen into commissioning months before, in anticipation of the winter weather. The style of the jackets mimics Akielon simplicity and will, Damen supposes, also evoke Laurent’s typical austerity of dress. He thumbs through the pile absently, Jackets and pants mostly in shades of red, some purples and grays and browns. . .
And stops.
There had been for the past couple years a trend at the Veretian court, vastly amplified in popularity by the new Akielon influence in fashion, for a heavier, more decorated shirt for men that could be worn either with a jacket or without. Damen, seeing no need to adhere to Laurent’s tightly-laced sartorial habits, had requested his shirts be made in this way, figuring some unnecessary embellishment was a small price to pay for relative comfort and freedom of movement.
At the bottom of the stack is a white shirt with an abundance of red lions embroidered over cuffs and collars and hems: lions rampant and couchant and passant, fearsome and elegant and worked in the same even hand. But what catches Damen’s eye is a lion a little off-center along the bottom hem, lying in repose and placidly batting a paw at a butterfly, its stitches just a little larger and clumsier than all the rest.
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Cashmere and Cradles
Jean Kierstein x Pregnant!Reader
summary: y/n gets sick, and Jean worries sick. then, they’re both in for the sickest surprise of their lives.
word count: 3226
a/n: I was inspired to write this by the always lovely @quiveringdeer! this is also something close to home for me due to me incorporating my personal experiences, so plz be nice in the notes ya’ll (everyone always is but I like putting the disclaimer there for certain fics)
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I haven’t stopped being nauseous since I woke up. Is this really all because I had an anxiety attack from that one asshole? I already googled it, maybe it’s the fact that I drank a ton of water right when I woke up. I don’t know. I could barely touch the alfredo noodles we had last night, but I thought that was just me being anxious. Jean looked a little concerned at dinner, but I told him I was fine when he kissed me goodbye this morning. Just tired.
Really, I’m exhausted. I feel my stomach lurch, and I realize, I’m going to throw up. I run to the bathroom as fast as possible, nearly missing the toilet, and the last bits of undigested dinner from last night come up, along with bile and all the water from earlier. When I stop retching, I flush the toilet, and stand up dizzily. I brush my teeth to get rid of the remaining vomit, gargle a million times, and wipe my face, which has tears streaming down from the pain. Without fail, my body always feels like it’s been shoved into a trash compactor when I throw up.
When I’m finished cleaning myself up, I decide to go back to bed. The thought of trying to keep food down right now is an awful one. I text Jean to tell him I think I got a stomach bug, and he immediately texts me back asking why. I smile to myself, rolling my eyes a bit. He’s such a worry wart. Just puked, but I feel a lot better. Must’ve been why I was tired, I reply.
Do you need anything? He asks me, and I can imagine his furrowed eyebrows right in front of me.
You’re so sweet, baby. No, I just need sleep.
Have you eaten today?
No. If I eat right now I probably won’t keep it down. I never can after throwing up. I’ll eat when I wake back up. Love you xo
Ok, love you too babygirl xo
I smile to myself, then set my phone down on the nightstand. It doesn’t take long for me to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
I’m woken by my phone vibrating on the nightstand. “Hello?” I answer groggily, and am spooked by Connie’s annoyingly loud voice.
“Y/n! Someone’s pregnant!” He yells into my ear. I hold my phone far away from me, pinching the bridge of my nose. Somehow, he’s already given me a headache. “Who?”
“I don’t know, but Sasha said her mom had a dream about fish! And you know what that means!” He says. I do not know what that means.
I yawn, asking, “Does it mean she misses her son-in-law’s cooking? Niccolo should visit her again soon.”
Connie pauses. “Hey, were you asleep before I called you?”
“Yes. Very peacefully, I might add. I have the flu.”
“W-why didn’t you tell me?!” He yells at me, and I wince.
“Connie, shut the fuck up! I have a migraine because of you! And because, I thought it would be obvious!” I say.
“Huh?” Connie asks in exasperation. “It’s three in the afternoon! How am I supposed to know you took a midday nap?”
“I never took a nap…” I trail off when I realize that means I’ve slept for basically 14 hours straight, excluding my short time being awake this morning. “Damn. I didn’t think I was this sick.”
“I’m sorry for waking you up, y/n.” Connie apologizes, panic gone from his voice.
I wave him off, not realizing he can’t see me for a few seconds. “No, no, it’s fine. I needed to get up anyways, I have commissions I need to work on, sick or not. Anyways, what’s your point? About the fish and somebody being pregnant.”
“Oh! Right!” He exclaims. “So, dreams have meaning. There’s symbolism in them that rings true.”
“Why are you using the word symbolism? That has no business being in your vocabulary, it’s out of your intelligence bracket.” I say, snickering to myself when he pauses to process what I’ve said.
“Hey! I know things, okay?!” Connie defends himself after realizing I called him stupid. “Anyways, when someone dreams about a fish, it means someone they know is pregnant. And there’s always someone who’s pregnant.
“Mhm.” I say. “Well, if you figure out who that pregnant person is, tell me so I can congratulate them on making a terrible financial decision for the next eighteen plus years. I’m tired, so I’m gonna go back to bed.”
Connie says, “But didn’t you just talk about how much work you were gonna do?”
“Times change, Connie,” I respond, “That, and I just got even more tired than I was when I first answered the phone. I think you’re just exhausting me with your idiocy.”
Connie gasps, and I swear I can hear him clutching his imaginary pearls. “Hurtful!”
I sigh. “Goodbye, Connie.”
He groans, like I’ve just ruined his plans to gossip about pregnancy candidates. “Bye, y/n.” The phone hangs up with a beep, and I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling as I think to myself. There aren’t many options, in all honesty. Ymir and Historia could have decided they wanted to start a family, Eren and Mikasa, Annie and Bertholdt, even Sasha and Niccolo. I’m sick as a dog, so I’m already counted out — can’t have a baby when you’re busy having stomach flu. Before I know it, I’m lulled back to sleep by the comfort of the plush mattress and cushy blankets.
When I come to, it’s sunset, and the offending noise that wakes me is Jean’s keys jangling in the doorknob. I would get up to unlock the door for him, but I’m too groggy to move more than a finger. The door squeaks open, and I hear him put his keys down on the counter, stepping out of his shoes. “Y/n?” He calls, concern laced in his voice.
“Over here!” I respond in turn, yawning and stretching a bit. Jean’s footsteps make the apartment vibrate. He’s not heavy, but the infrastructure isn’t immune to jiggle physics. He turns the concern and I can see the wrinkles forming in real time, all because of me. Then, I can see flowers and a card. “Baby!” I exclaim in surprise, “Is that for me?”
He smiles, and he’s no longer aged by seven years. “I couldn’t come home to my girl empty-handed now, could I? How are you feeling?” He sets the flowers down on the bed, along with the card, and gathers me into a gentle hug, kissing me on the cheek.
“Babe,” I argue, “Don’t, you’ll get sick.”
“And get to take time off to spend with the most beautiful person in the world? Sounds great to me.” He grins when I roll my eyes, then asks, “Did you stay in bed all day?”
I nod. “Yea, I felt pretty shitty. No throwing up aside from the one time, though. Oh! And guess what? According to Sasha’s mom, somebody’s pregnant. The fish in her dreams told her so.”
He meets my eyes with a knowing look, his smile ever-present. “I am taking this so seriously right now, I swear. And who did we hear this fish dream news from?”
“Connie, who dared to wake me from my slumber.” I sigh, sitting up in the bed so I can be on eye-level with Jean.
Jean says, “I see, I see. Sounds like indisputable fact, if you ask me.”
“No, babe. We’re asking the dream fish.”
He laughs, and I laugh with him. “Okay, enough bullying people for being superstitious. You need some water, and soft foods. You probably haven’t eaten all day, have you?” I shake my head no. Jean says, “Well, I’m not Chef Niccolo, but I can make something pretty saucy. I’ll see what I can manage.”
“Do we have…” I start, but trail off, realizing it was a stupid question. Of course we wouldn’t have Kraft mac and cheese. “Nevermind.” I say with a smile at Jean as he looks at me inquisitively.
Fifteen minutes later, he brings me a bowl of noodles with shredded chicken in it. “Is this alright?” He asks me, and I can see he genuinely is worried I won’t like it.
I smile gratefully at him. “Of course, thank you baby. You don’t have to worry about me, the nausea seems to be the worst of it.” I feel a twinge in my stomach looking at the food, but I know it’s just me being finicky because I’m sick. I have to eat something if I want to get better.
He pats my back. “All right, I’m gonna hop in the shower. The door’s unlocked if you need anything, as per usual.” He kisses my forehead, then leaves me to handle business.
When he’s out of sight, I stare at my food like it’s insulting me. My stomach feels like it’s doing flips, and I would rather go back to sleep, but I know if I don’t eat anything, Jean will freak. His mom used to get sick all the time — bad immune system — so now, after everything I’ve been through, he watches over me like a mother hen.
And what is it that I’ve been through? Well… a miscarriage. And an eating disorder. It was for the better that the miscarriage happened, because neither of us were ready for a kid, but it was grueling. I only found out I was pregnant because of the miscarriage, and it left me even more physically and emotionally drained than I already had been for the month before. It explained the nausea, and the inability to eat most foods, but after the miscarriage, I continued being unable to eat. I lost a lot of weight, and when I finally went to the doctor’s office, they recommended I start eating protein bars to regain what I’d lost. I did, and I haven’t lost the weight again since then, but Jean fusses over me, because he knows my eating disorder is a daily battle, not one that just goes away. I tell him not to worry, that as long as I’m keeping my current weight then we have nothing to worry about, but it’s like talking to a brick wall. Or, for accuracy’s sake, it’s like talking to a magical brick wall that finds the most anxiety-inducing message in all of your words and echoes that back to you.
The miscarriage and the events after it happened years ago, but I remember it like yesterday, and so does Jean. Every now and then, we whisper to each other at night, talking about what might have happened if I hadn’t miscarried.
I don’t know why I’m thinking about all of this right now. Maybe it’s because the nausea I’m feeling now reminds me of back then. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts, then mentally prepare myself to take a bite of food. I stab the fork into my noodles and twist, twist, twist, until I have a reasonable lump of noodles around my fork, ready to be eaten. I lift it up into my mouth, and when I smell the noodles… it’s over.
I throw my fork down, quickly setting my bowl down on the nightstand and run to the bathroom faster than the speed of light. I nearly slam the door open, and start puking as soon as the toilet seat and lid are propped up. I hear Jean pull back the shower curtain as I heave, splatters of liquid and mush landing in the toilet. The room is already steamed up – he loves hot showers. We both do, to be fair. “Babe? Are you okay?” He asks me, and it takes literally everything in me to not snap at him and say that I’m obviously not okay.
I give him a thumbs up. “I don’t know why, but just smelling the food made me nauseous. What was the expiration date on the canned chicken?”
As water trickles down his bare chest, sculpted abs dividing my attention, Jean says, “I just bought that on Saturday. No way it’s expired. If you can’t eat, why don’t you try taking a shower? You’ve been in sick clothes all day.” I put the lid down and flush the toilet, slowly nodding as I stand up. I strip down, joining him in the spray as he holds his hand out for me to take. Always the gentleman. I’m sandwiched between him and the warm water, and I sigh, feeling some relief for once. He slides his hands around my waist, kissing my cheek and leaning his head against mine, sighing with me. “I’m sorry you’re so sick, baby.”
I turn around to face him, the water hitting my backside as I wrap my arms around his neck, looking up at him. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” I get up on my tip-toes to kiss him, and where nausea once was in my stomach, a fire suddenly rages – a fire of want, of desperate need. I close my eyes, deepening the kiss and pressing my body against his. “Baby.” I pant out, reaching down for his member as I feel the slick growing between my thighs.
He grunts, stopping the kiss and holding my arms, stepping away. “Not right now, y/n. You’re sick. It would just make you worse. Let’s wait until you’re feeling better, yea?” I hadn’t actually touched him yet, but I can already see that he’s clearly aroused.
I frown to myself. I’m disappointed, but he’s right. “Yea, right. Sorry.” I don’t know what came over me in that moment, but right now, I feel riled up for no apparent reason. What is happening to me?
We finish our shower, and he grabs out the silkiest pair of pajamas for me, helping me dry off and put them on before helping me into bed, and I note he removed the offending food from the area. I don’t know how I managed to meet someone as kind as him. “Hey,” He asks me, “Weren’t you supposed to start your period a few days ago?”
I think to myself, then nod in confirmation. “I think I was. No big deal, though. I’d probably be miserable if I had to deal with that and this at the same time.” He looks deep in thought. “What is it?” I ask him.
He shakes his head. “I’m just worried about you, is all. Why don’t you get some sleep and I’ll run to the store to get some hot cocoa for you to try?” Hot cocoa sounds delicious right now, I’ll give him that. It’s not usually something I crave, but maybe some sugar is just the thing I need after all of this bullshit.
I smile, then lay back in bed. “Okay, baby. See you then.”
When I wake up, it’s to Jean sitting at my feet, holding some kind of stick in his hand, eyes wide in shock, jaw completely slack. I look to my right and spot two mugs of cocoa sitting on my nightstand, one half-drunk. “Baby? What is it?” I ask him, unable to push myself up.
“I… I… I didn’t think… I only had an inkling of a hunch as to what it might be, but…” He stammers, more to himself than to me.
I sigh forcefully. “Jean. Baby. What is it?”
“Baby.” He says.
“Yes, I’m listening, Jean,” I reply, a bit annoyed that he isn’t listening. It’s not like him. “What is it?” I ask again, with more emphasis.
“A baby.” He says, and when he lifts up his hand to show me, I realize he’s holding not one, not two, but three pregnancy tests. And they all are positive. “You forgot to flush the toilet when you peed after getting out of the shower.”
Now, my face matches his. “What???” I say, suddenly jolting up into a sitting position, but not without a wave of nausea rolling over me. “I… what are we gonna do?” I say, panic setting in.
Jean answers, “We’re gonna do what you want to do, of course.” He leans over, setting the tests down on my nightstand and grabbing my hand, squeezing it. “If you don���t feel ready…”
“I–” I cut myself off when I feel my lip wobble. Tears suddenly well up in my eyes, and I fight the urge to let them loose. “Jean, I can’t.” I see the disappointment in his eyes, and I start to cry. “I can’t lose another one, Jean, I can’t. Please.”
He pauses, taken aback, but quickly hugs me to comfort me. “Oh, y/n, don’t cry, don’t cry. I’m an idiot, I thought you were saying ‘I can’t’ as in, you couldn’t keep it, I’m an idiot, ignore my initial reaction.”
I sniffle and wipe my eyes. “Wait…” I ask, “You mean you would rather me keep it?”
Jean laughs, and I almost puke from the vibrations alone, but I don’t care right now. “Yes, yes, I absolutely would rather you keep it, but I’ll support you either way.”
I start crying even more. “Oh, thank God, thank God, I thought…”
Jean pulls back slightly, but only to place kiss upon kiss all over my face. He pauses, looking me in the eye. “Put that thought away. It doesn’t have any place here.” He then places his arm behind my back, laying me back down on the bed. He starts unbuttoning my pajama top, just a few buttons from the waist up. He kisses my stomach, right below my belly button. “Hey, baby.” He whispers against my abdomen, and I lightly push him away with my arms.
“Baby. As cute as that is, please don’t. The vibrations make me nauseous.” I smile tiredly, but beckon him to lay next to me. He happily joins me, throwing an arm over my stomach and sliding under the covers.
Quietly, he says, “How does the cocoa smell?”
“Good.” I whisper.
He chuckles. “My mom said she liked that when she was pregnant with me.”
Sassily, I say, “Oh, so the baby has your taste, does he?”
And he says, “Possibly. Is it selfish of me to want them to be a girl? I’d love to have two of you around here. Plus, then Connie won’t try to make me name them after him in honor of him being the first one to share the news of your pregnancy.”
I roll my eyes. “Right, the fish gods.”
“I thought they were dream fish?”
“Same shit.” I scoff. “Can we just… never tell him?”
Jean hums. “Mmm… unfortunately, that might be a little suspect. We have to tell my mom first, anyways. Gramas always have seniority. Want me to wait a bit?”
I respond, “Maybe for a week, that way you can say I got you sick and you can’t go into work.”
Jean groans. “Babe, how are you so hot, so smart, and so pregnant with my kid, all at once? I feel so lucky right now.” He kisses my collar bone, laying back beside me like I’ve knocked him out with my grand idea.
I laugh, hand resting on my stomach. “You’re an idiot, Jean.”
“Just a fool in love,” He says, “Thinking about cashmere blankets and cedarwood cradles.”
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copiousloverofcopia · 11 months
Hi this is the anon who asked about Copia and Cirrus earlier. I got nervous about asking about them so did anon. But yes I would be interested, I love them so much together ❤️ thanks for answering the ask!!
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Hello Ghestie!!!!
I have finally finished your requested follow up for our dear Papa Copia and his expectant Prime Mover Cirrus!
Hope it was worth the wait!!!!
Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the divider. 🦇
His Pride and Joy
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Copia and Cirrus as enjoying the quiet moments between them before welcoming their child...but a surprise soon awaits them.
Also available HERE on AO3! If you haven't read part 1, My Lioness you can read that HERE to start!
Read more below the cut!
The light shining through the old window was warm and inviting. The dust from an endless wall of books, glistening like glitter as the rats began scurrying past the spines. Rows of them, both old and new, filled with text containing all manner of subjects. Prized possessions in this was a place of knowledge and work.
"Ah…be careful amore you are carrying precious cargo." Copia stressed, a concerned look on his face as he helped direct Cirrus to sit on the sofa within his office. The very heavily pregnant ghoulette, smiling up at him as she set down the pile of books she'd been carrying and heeded her husband’s request. Brushing softly back the lock of salt and pepper hair that fell in his face. 
"My dear sweet Papa, I'm made of hellfire…not glass." She giggled, "Just relax." 
"If only it were that easy." Copia sighed, kissing his lover's palm. Cirrus knew it was hard for him. Copia was a nervous man by nature, and had Cirrus been mortal he may have had more reason to worry. Ghoulettes, however, were stronger than that. 
Ever since that night, their amorous confessions laid bare upon arrival home, they were inseparable. A Papa and his Ghoulette Prime Mover. It became known quickly that Cirrus had conceived. The rest of the ghouls were shocked at the news. All except Cumulus who knew from the beginning that Cirrus was head over heels in love.
It was a quick, rather gaudy ceremony. One that was honestly done with Sister Imperator’s insistence. Never enough for her to have kept things simple, she assured them the Ministry would spare no expense. While it was a spectacular event to be sure, Copia and Cirrus much preferred the quiet ceremony shared earlier that day. 
Illuminated in the early morning sun, excited hands struggling to still as they held onto one another. Facing into each other's eyes with all the wonder that was creation as Primo recited the rites of the ritual. Copia caressing his lioness’s face as he declared his undying love. The half ghoul kit within her belly, still too small to show. 
It was the small moments that meant so much to them. They had the flashy thrill of the tour behind them. Content to spend the next couple of years in domestic bliss. Quietly awaiting the birth of their child before the chaos of the next tour cycle began. Both of them, content as they settled into ordinary life in the Abbey.
Today was no different. Copia, having to spend his day scouring through papers and taking calls from other sects of the Ministry. So many moving parts that it was hard to keep up. His impending fatherhood, the only thing keeping him surprisingly sane. 
Cirrus calmed him. The Papa's lunch hour, usually spent with his head in her lap, now having to settle for a seat beside her. Cirrus was even more breathtaking with each day. Her face so delicate, smile heartwarming, and her tail, swaying happily behind her as she stared over to him. He was a lucky man indeed.
Copia brought himself to his knees before her. Settling in the space adjacent to her lap as he let out a surrendering sigh. Pressing his lips gently to her swollen belly, heavy with their child. Cirrus lifted him back up to face her. His eyes, full of the joy and panic that takes hold of all expectant fathers. 
“Well you're going to have to try.” she said, giving Copia a warm look of encouragement. 
“Si, but you have our bambino in there.” 
“Papa!” She playfully chided. Copia nodded in acknowledgement before rising to meet with her. Their eyes, closing to the feel of one another's lips. Loving and sinfully hungry for each other at all times. Swiss, having teased them that if the ghouls were like cats Cirrus would be carrying multiples. 
“I need you amore.” Copia grinned, lowering his mouth over her jaw and neck. Cirrus melting under him as she always did. Unable to deny her Papa his request. 
“Papa…I…” she began, losing her constitution to speak as he nibbled at her neck. His freshly shaven, unpainted face—so smooth and warm against her skin. 
“You are so beautiful this way. You're positively glowing Cirrus…truly. If it were up to me I'd have you this way always. Full of our child and so soft.” Copia hummed against her as his interests traveled to the precipice of her thighs. Cirrus slowly, parting them for him as he used his other hand to knead her breast. Kissing and drawing her into his mouth. Sending the ghoulettes head rolling backward, as the pleasure from his mouth on her and the suggestion of his touch thrilled her. 
Just as she resigned to his whims, they both were met with surprise. A gush of fluid, making it way from inside her like the biblical fluid of Noah. A powerful proclamation that their child was preparing to make themselves known. The two of them immediately set on edge.
“Oh cazzo. What did I do?!” Copia yelped. His hands, held to the side of his head as he allowed reality to sink in.  
“Seems it's time.” Cirrus smiled, breathing slowly through pursed lips. Allowing herself to calm before dealing with her husband’s anxieties. This was it. The Emeritus child was on their way. 
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It was over almost as quickly as it began. Roars of perseverance and the sounds of cries, dissipating in the quiet of the room. Copia was in awe of her. Images of what had transpired, still dancing in the back of his mind as he sat at the side of Cirrus’s bed. The ghoulette, sleeping soundly for the first time in ages. Her husband, at her side with their newborn daughter nestled gently in his arms. 
Copia had been a mess. Trying to stay strong during the birth, but it was Cirrus who was the strong one. So brave for risking everything to bring such a perfect thing into the world. A gift made with love from one another and the first half ghoul, half human born into the Papal line of succession. So small and innocent, but already so mighty as she yawned. Revealing the tiny, budded fangs and sleeping soundly in her father’s arms. 
She was just as beautiful as her mother and even more precious to him. Her pale grey skin, hinting at her infernal heritage and only the suggestion of horns atop her head. Tailless, like her father and blessed with Cirrus’s nose. She was perfect.
“She needs a name Copia.” Cirrus said, quietly awaking to see her husband falling completely in love with his daughter all over again. 
“You didn’t do too bad yourself.” she smiled, Copia quickly giving her a look of disbelief as he replied. 
“Oh amore.” he whispered, trying to not awaken their daughter, “...you were absolutely magnificent but for now you must rest, si?” Copia both praised and insisted.
“Cirrus, I almost fainted.”
“But you didn’t.” she giggled, “...she is beautiful, isn’t she?” the ghoulette asked him. Appreciating this sweet moment between them. The first time they were truly together as a family. Both of them, staring at the little life they created, so full of happiness. 
“That she is. My absolute pride and joy.” Copia said when both he and Cirrus instantly looked at one another once again. 
“Lucifer. Copia, that's it.” Cirrus beamed, her husband kissing her forehead and minding her horns before speaking.  
“You’re right…Joy… her name is Joy.”
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aesethewitch · 7 months
Hello! How are you doing? You were doing free tarot readings. Do you still do them? I just wanted to ask.
Hi! Yes, thank you for asking! I do free tarot (almost) every Friday. I've been doing sessions live on Twitch recently, but tonight's will be just here on the blog since I've got Zero Energy to be live tonight. Readings done on stream are 3 cards, readings done here are 1 card.
I have been considering doing the tarot streams earlier in the week (Mondays, maybe) and Free Tarot Friday on, well, Fridays. It's something I'm looking at for April.
The official post will go up later on this evening, but if you want to send a question early and "get in line" so to speak, you can read over my rules for requesting a reading and send an ask whenever. It won't get answered until I officially start, but I always go from oldest ask to newest.
(I also offer paid readings all the time through Ko-Fi commissions at more than fair prices)
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pixelchills · 1 year
This is probably a really dumb question but I admire your art a lot and I wanted to know if you do art commissions?
Hello! Yes, I do art commissions.
However, I only open 1-3 slots per month, and my Patrons have the upper hand on claiming those slots. If the slots don't get filled by my patrons, I usually give the slots to people on discord. (So far my patrons have claimed the slots pretty quickly...)
I usually open slots few weeks before the actual process; my June slots opened in May, and July slots were open earlier in June.
This way people can claim a slot but still collect money for a few more weeks before I start working and take the payment, so if you don't have the money in hand at the time my slots open, you can still get a slot and just be on the list until you got enough money for it! (Max wait is 1 month).
The best chance to get a commission for me is to join my Patreon. :3 All tiers are included in the commission grabbers.
I will open 2 slots for August somewhere mid-July. July slots are already taken.
Examples of commissions I did in June are at @pixel-chills
My prices are under the cut:
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bienmoreau · 2 years
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I posted 3,265 times in 2022
That's 154 more posts than 2021!
106 posts created (3%)
3,159 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,452 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#awesome arts - 194 posts
#cats - 114 posts
#stranger things - 112 posts
#not me the series - 106 posts
#my country the new age - 93 posts
#nam seon ho - 86 posts
#kinnporsche - 80 posts
#steddie - 75 posts
#the untamed - 60 posts
#goncharov - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 146 characters
#i was literally 👀👀👀👀👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 at the pattern matching as i looked at these and then it was mentioned in the caption and just. gods yes.
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Are you here because you saw Soup (yes he’s also *called* Soup) and you want to know where I got him?
“Omg op did you make this!?” - yep! He is totally handmade by me. He’s made of white airdry clay and painted with watercolour and then varnished. He is NOT food safe or fired! I don’t have the equipment/am not set up to do that. I literally just made him over the weekend for fun because I love the original photo.
“Where can I buy one!?” - at the moment you can commission one from me directly! (SEE UPDATE BELOW) I really wasn’t expecting the (wonderful) response he got on here! But given how many people are asking Im going to make a batch of them and add them to my Numonday store.. once I do I’ll make a post/update about it! They will be limited availability and I won’t be able to get them made and listed soon as I work full time but I do plan to!
“Do you do commissions!?” - Yep! I’ve been doing art commissions for a few years now and am happy to extend that into ceramic/sculpture on a case by case basis. Basically if you’d like something send me a private message so we can chat about what you’d want and I can give you a realistic timeframe and price if I feel that it’s a job I can take on. I’ve not done commissioned ceramics before so I’m still figuring this out. UPDATE ON THIS OPTION: All slots currently filled!
More info on how I’m planning to make these available to buy here!
Thank you everyone who’s expressed their love for my little creation I really have had such a nice time reading all the comments/tags over the last 24 hours!
And as I said to a friend earlier today -thank you! ☺️ he loves you too! 💕
185 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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332 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
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I just think he deserves to be smooched
363 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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2,307 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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62,905 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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timetravelassasin · 2 years
A/N: This was based off of this post check it out. I hope I did it justice and y'all enjoy it. I will do a Part with Damian after this one.
@taewinterbear95 I hope you like it. Sorry it took me a while to write this out.
@maanae Here you go. I hope I did it justice.
@swaggermcjagger hope you like it!
Summary: Everyone finds out that Damian and Marinette are married and freak out.
It had been close to a year since the marriage ceremony between the heir of the League of Assasins and the Grand Guardian of the Order. Marinette and Damian have so far met twice in the time given that they are both straight out of high school and entering University. After the marriage ceremony Marinette had gone back to her usual days. Damian as well went back to going by his usual schedule. It was only at certain times that the two would call each other up and update the other on their everyday life. Marinette would tell him of the new design she has drawn up as well as the clients she is currently working with. Damian would tell her about his pets as well as the new rescues he has hiding from his father.
"Marinette are you ready to go," Adrien asked from her living room.
"Yes, I just need my bag," she said, grabbing her purse.
After making sure that the kwamis were safe and had their snacks the two of the headed out to buy some new fabric Marinette needed. Adrien had volunteered to help her carry the rolls of fabric and other stuff she needed in exchange for some pastries. The two of them chatted basically updating the other on their daily stuff. Once at the fabric shop Marinette made quick work on searching for the fabric.
"Who is the commission for this time," Adrien asked, looking at the colorful material.
"Uncle Jagged, he needs a suite for a wedding his is going to be attending," she said, finding a green material.
"Oh, my husband likes this shade of green. Maybe I should make him something," she said, picking up an emerald green fabric.
"Your husband? Wait you're married since when," Adrien said, shocked.
He tried to remember when Marinette had even started dating and nothing came up. No one had even mentioned her dating someone.
"Yes, I got kidnapped a while back by some assassins and was forced into a magical blood-bound marriage contract with their heir. We meet every chance we get and spare with swords and needles. It's pretty fun," she said, a sigh escaping her lips.
"Wait are you serious how come you never told anyone," Adrien asked, confused.
"It never came up," she said, grabbing some other fabrics.
After getting everything she needed they headed back to her apartment and dropped off her stuff. Chloe had called earlier complaining that they don't see each other enough and wanted to meet for lunch. Chloe had managed to take over her father's hotel and became a well-known businesswoman.
"Adrikins, Mari, you made it," Chloe greeted as the two of them walked into the hotel restaurant.
"Chloe, it's nice to see you too," Marinette said.
"Is everyone else here," Adrien asked, searching for the others.
"Yes, you two are the last ones," Chloe said.
Kagami, Luka, Nino and Alya sat at a table chatting before the other three walked to the table.
"I see you two finally made it," Alya smirked.
"Hello you two," Luka and Kagami greeted.
"Yo, Dude, Dudette finally," Nino grinned.
Adrien and Marinette took their seats and ordered food before catching up. Halfway thru the meal Marinette's phone went off.
"Ah, It's my husband I should answer this," Marinette said, answering her phone.
"Wait, did she say husband," Alya said, shocked.
"HUSBAND," Chloe gasped.
"Hello, Oh I see well I should have time off next week if you wish to come visit. I do not mind. I do have a commission I need to finish for Uncle Jagged. Oh then I shall see you in two days. Yes, I as well," Marinette said before hanging up the phone.
She looked up at her friends all of them with shocked and confused looks on their faces.
"Is something wrong," Marinette asked, confused.
"Since when have you been married," Nino asked, confused.
"I believe today would mark ten months," Marinette answered, taking a sip of her tea.
"How," Alya asked.
"Oh, I got kidnapped a while back by some assassins and was forced into a magical blood-bound marriage contract with their heir. Would you like to see a picture of him," she answered, taking out her phone and pulling up a photo of him.
"This is him; he is planning to visit in two days but would rather spend his time with me than with other people," she said, showing them the picture.
"Wait, Mari that is Damian Wayne. He is Bruce Wayne's son one of the riches man in Gotham," Chloe said, shocked.
"Leave it to Mari-hime to attract the rich," Kagami chuckled.
"Oh, I didn't know that," Marinette said.
"Do we get to meet him when he visits," Adrien asked.
"Of course, you are all family and he has to meet you sooner or later. Mama and Papa already love him," she answered.
"Wait, your parents already met him and know you are married," Alya said, shocked.
"Of course, who do you think supplies the kwamis with their snacks," Marinette said.
"Well, Dudette you sure know how to keep us on our toes," Nino chuckled.
They spent the rest of their day talking about how Marinette and Damian got to where they were and every other little detail leading to it.
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sunstone-smiles · 2 years
Love Ingo getting tickled. Maybe a scene where he got hurt and Lady Sneasler or the twins licks the area to make him feel better, not realizing it really tickles him. Ingo tries so hard not to laugh, but it tickles verry much.
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Hello Anons! I decided to combine these requests together as well, so I hope you both enjoy!
Ingo's Giggly Treatment
Series: Pokemon Legends Arceus
Characters: Ingo, Lady Sneasler, Fern and Splatter (Sneasel twins)
Words: 1,363
Summary: When Ingo tries to bandage his sprained ankle, Lady Sneasler takes it upon herself to help him, which results in a very giggly method of care.
Stray pebbles shift across the cave floor as Ingo subtly limps inside, balancing his steps onto his right foot while he makes sure not to put too much pressure on his left. Lady Sneasler trots in alongside him, watching his movements intently as the warden makes his way near the wall of the cave. He carefully sits himself down using his arms as support and stretches out his ankle in front of him.
On his way back to Lady Sneasler’s cave, he accidentally slipped down a narrow cliff side and sprained his ankle when he tried to catch himself from falling. The noble pokemon was traveling with him and swiftly helped him up. She chirped to ask if he was alright, to which he responded that he was fine so that the pokemon didn’t become alarmed. Sneasler still had her suspicions as she observed the warden’s slight limp in his walk, but she couldn’t confirm anything yet. Fortunately, they were already fairly close to her home when it happened, so Ingo didn’t have to trek far in order to get off his feet.
Ingo leans forward and removes his shoe and sock to check the severity of his injury. His ankle is a bit swollen, but luckily nothing is broken. A few days of rest should be all it needs to heal.
While he’s rubbing the swollen area to try and alleviate some of the pain, Lady Sneasler’s twin kits spot the warden’s presence and happily run over to him after not seeing him all day. They snuggle next to his sides and look up at Ingo with high pitched squeaks. He softly smiles at them and pets the speckled fur of the two Hisuian sneasels.
“Hey Fern. Hey Splatter. Did you two have a good day today?”
The sister and brother nod with a chirp and give the warden a little grin. Fern then glances back at Ingo’s outstretched leg and realizes that his shoe and sock are off. She tilts her head to observe the area around his ankle, noticing that it looked puffy and slightly bruised. Fern silently points to the injury and looks up at Ingo with worried eyes.
The warden sees the kit’s expression and tries to reassure her. “Ah, yes. I accidentally hurt my ankle when walking back. I’ll be out of commission for a few days, but I’ll be alright.”
Fern sighs in relief, then snuggles up closer to the warden to comfort him; but Lady Sneasler shifts her attention towards the three when she hears the confirmation that Ingo is hurt. She crawls over next to the warden’s leg to observe his injury and lets out a low growl in concern.
“I’m alright Lady Sneasler,” Ingo tries to ease the noble pokemon’s mind, “I only said that I was fine earlier so you didn’t have to worry.”
The large creature looms over the appendage, wanting to help heal her warden of this pain. She gently lifts his foot in her claws to determine what care it needs, but Ingo suddenly flinches and pulls his leg back.
“I appreciate you trying to help,” he quickly says, “But I’m alright, really.” 
He turns to Fern and asks her to go over to his things on the other side of the cave to grab his makeshift first-aid kit. The older sneasel twin nods and runs over to get the bag. Once she returns, the warden thanks her and pulls out a long piece of white fabric from the materials inside. 
“I’ll just wrap it up,” he informs Lady Sneasler, then extends his leg back out in front of him.
The noble pokemon grumbles as she watches him reach for his leg. She thinks that his pride is taking over and making him stubborn enough to refuse help—although, that doesn’t really sound like something the Ingo she knows would do. Nevertheless, she’s persistent and wont turn a blind eye to the warden’s situation that easily.
Just before Ingo is able to bandage his ankle, Sneasler pounces at his outstretched leg and carefully pins his foot down within her claws, snatching the piece of fabric away from him in the process. She holds his foot with one paw, while her other lies right above the injured area. Ingo lets out a startled gasp and his eyes grow wide.
“L-Lady Sneasler!” He tries to act calm, “Please, I can handle this-Ah!”
Suddenly, Ingo chokes out a giggle when Sneasler starts lightly licking his ankle. A wobbly smile forms on his face and he reflexively curls up his toes as he tries to pull his leg away. 
Now it made much more sense to the noble pokemon. Ingo wasn’t trying to avoid her help because of his pride, he was avoiding it because he’s quite ticklish. Sneasler already knew this playful fact about the warden, but she didn’t realize until now that it was the reason he was acting so stubborn. Despite this, Lady Sneasler still has a job to do if she wants to care for her warden’s injury.
“S-Sneasler! Wait!” Ingo giggles as the cat-like pokemon carries on with her gentle licks. He attempts pulling his leg back again, but the larger pokemon pins it down and growls at him to stop moving. 
Ingo knows that he’s not going to win this argument against her, so he’s just going to have to take her ticklish method of care. He sighs at her insistent attitude, then reluctantly straightens his leg to allow her to continue.
Sneasler leans her head back down and resumes gently licking his ankle, immediately making the warden’s mouth twitch upwards into a smile. He attempts to hold in his laughter to stop himself from moving, but the bubbly giggles start to build up in his chest and he can’t help his toes from curling again due to the pokemon’s tickly treatment. Fern and Splatter look up at him and chuckle at Ingo’s silly expression, which doesn’t help the warden who’s trying not to laugh himself.
Once Sneasler feels satisfied that Ingo’s ankle has been licked enough, she picks up the fabric she had placed on the ground beside her and begins bandaging his foot—starting at the balls below his toes and wrapping it over and across his arch. As hard as Ingo tries to be still, huffs of laughter accidentally slip out when her claws graze over his sole. A smile keeps tugging at the corners of his mouth and more airy giggles start to become noticeable as the bandage wraps around his foot. He buries his face into his shoulder and tilts his hat down over his eyes to conceal his silly grin, but he’s unable to hide the sound of his deep chuckles from escaping.
Fortunately, Sneasler quickly finishes bandaging him up and ties the rest of the fabric around his ankle to secure the wrap. She places a claw on his foot and chirps at him to notify that she’s done. Ingo uncovers his face and moves around his ankle to check the tightness of her work.
“Bravo Lady Sneasler! Excellent job! Thank you!”
The noble pokemon grins at herself. She learned it from him after watching Ingo do it all the time to injured Galaxy team members at the camps.
Fern and Splatter move over near his leg and curiously observe his wrapped foot. They see his toes sticking out at the top and poke at the digits to investigate. 
“Cahareful,” Ingo flinches back with another giggle. “Just because it’s wrapped doesn’t mean it isn’t still ticklish,” he smiles down at the two. 
The little twins chuckle at his reaction again, then trot over to him as he puts his sock and shoe back on. Splatter hops up onto Ingo’s lap and curls himself up, while Fern cuddles next to the warden’s side. Lady Sneasler also joins in their snuggle pile and wraps herself around them to rest. 
Ingo will have to take it easy for a few days because of his injury, but he has three lovable pokemon to keep him company as he heals. He closes his eyes alongside them and joins the creatures for a nap after their eventful day.
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personasintro · 3 years
friendly dates | knj drabble
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⇢ 𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; friendly dates sound nice... but without the friend part it'd sound even better, too bad you're too scared to face your feelings
⇢ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff, idiots to lovers au
⇢ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: explicit language
⇢ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 3.7+
𝒂/𝒏: commissioned anonymously!
𝒎.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 | ☕️ | © 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 (𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅)
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“So where are you going for tonight's date?”
You're in the middle of trying one of the long dresses you own when your best friend speaks up from behind you, sprawled on your bed while looking at you in the reflection of your big mirror.
You give her a look, cocking your head to the side as you look at yourself again. The dress is pretty, you actually haven't worn it out yet. You've never had the opportunity since you ordered them only a week ago.
“It's not a date,” you inform her, glancing at your friend who has a subtle grin on her face. You're not surprised to hear her calling it a date, she always does this. “How do I look?”
Turning around, she eyes your outfit and overall make-up before she, like every good friend, tells you how beautiful you look. “For a usual hang out with him, you certainly do invest a lot of time and money to look perfect.”
Rolling your eyes, you purse your lips in annoyance. “Namjoon and I are just friends. How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” she says back, snorting as you sport a deep scowl on your face. “Friends don't go out every Friday and weekend to a freaking museum or hang out in a bookstore, Y/N. I'm telling you, this is not just casual hanging out with your friend. We both know you've a thing for him and he certainly has a thing for you.”
You didn't know it's possible, but your scowl gets even deeper. Even though you've never admitted that you've a thing for Namjoon, your best friend knows you and no matter how subtle you're trying to act and appear all the time, she just knows. It's not that hard to tell. But Namjoon has never made any move and even though you don't like the stereotypical thought of men always doing the first move, this is more about your fear of getting rejected. Also, you don't think he has a thing for you.
Sure, he pays for your food or drinks whenever you hang out, no matter how many times you scold him for it. One time he borrowed you his jacket because it was late at night and it was freaking freezing. Namjoon has done many things that made your heart even weaker for him. But he's nice to everyone and you don't doubt he wouldn't do all these things to another girl. As much as it hurts, it's true.
And the fact he has never even hinted at the possibility of him liking you in a more serious way than just a friend who he likes to attend museums, art galleries or just casually hanging out in a bookstore or a library. As far you know, he doesn't have that many friends that share the same love for books and art like he does.
You both just clicked. You have the same interests and you hang out because you like spending time together. He's easy-going and you making plans with him almost every weekend has become a certainty. But of course, there are times when one of you can't hang out and that's completely fine.
“Well,” you clear your throat, straightening the casual yet elegant dress. “We're exactly that. Just two friends.”
“Oh, so you don't like him?” She presses. You know what she's trying to do, but you won't give her that satisfaction of being right.
“I like him… as a friend.” you point out, voice getting slightly deeper when you add the friend part.
You watch her narrow her eyes, thinking about something for a moment before she grins at you. “So you wouldn't mind if I told you I like Namjoon?”
Without realizing, you automatically tense and if you weren't so focused on the uncomfortable feeling in your chest, you'd notice the way the corners of her lips twitch.
“Since when do you like him like that?” You decide to exclaim, slightly louder than you intended.
Just like you, your best friend is easy-going too and has no problem hanging out with whoever. Even though museums and art galleries aren't her thing, or anything that you and Namjoon enjoy the most, she hung out with you and Namjoon a couple of times when you weren't exactly doing that. She'd sometimes join and none of you really minded it.
Her and Namjoon get along pretty well, but you've never noticed anything suspicious or something that could hint at her liking him that way. It definitely doesn't feel nice to hear her say it. She knows how you feel, she just wants to hear you say it. But you're stubborn and there's still a slight chance she might like him.
You mean… it's Namjoon after all.
“Why do you look so surprised? Maybe I do like him like that. I thought you liked him and well, like any good best friend, I just backed off. I mean… I'm not the one who's invited to art galleries and museums.”
“Art galleries and museums aren't even your thing.” you murmur, ignoring the jealousy bubble in your stomach.
“Did you just ignore everything I said? Hello,” she sings out, “I like Namjoon!” she exclaims and you stare at her dumbfounded, blinking a couple times. Trying to detect any emotion on her face, or whether she's serious or not, is hard and almost impossible because she just stares at you.
“What do you want me to say?” you ask her nonchalantly. “You want to hear that yes, I like him but I'm too scared to admit it because there's a high chance he doesn't like me like that? The last thing I want is to ruin our friendship.”
And then, slowly but surely, you see her corners twitching in a pleasant grin. “Yes, I actually wanted to hear that exactly.”
She got you. Oh my god. You can't believe it was this easy for her to make you admit it out loud. Your face heats up and you uncomfortably shift on your spot, but then you're met with her amused eyes and grin all over again.
So you grab the first thing you get your hands on, the other dress you had prepared as a back-up in case the ones you're wearing right now wouldn't be it, and you throw it at your best friend who starts cackling.
“Was that so hard to admit it?” she laughs, catching your dress and placing them next to her. She sits up, calming down as her features soften at your huffed face. “Look… first of all, I don't like Namjoon that way. You guys just fit together perfectly, it's hard to imagine someone else having that spark like the two of you have. However… how do you know there won't be someone who really likes Namjoon in the future? I don't mean to scare you, that's the last thing I want. But you should look at it from another side. Maybe telling him how you feel will make things easier.”
“Yeah, or worse.” you murmur.
She sighs, cocking her head slightly at you. “You never know if you won't try it. Trust me, I know Namjoon likes you. I can't say I'm hundred percent sure how things could end up, but I think it's worth a try. He's worth a try. Don't you think?”
“It's intimidating,” you admit, “I'm not the type to admit my feelings, especially not to a man when he's...” Perfect, attentive, friendly, cute, handsome, kind… “Him.”
“I don't want you to get hurt, Y/N. And I know seeing him with someone else might hurt even more than a rejection.”
You get the feeling she's right, even though you don't like hearing it.
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“Oh my, look!”
You almost flinch at the loud and excited voice coming from Namjoon. You barely get the time to react when your wrist is gently grabbed by him as he's pulling you towards another room. He's gushing over the art and once you make it there, you finally realize why.
The room is filled with multiple paintings (of course) but the only difference is, that each painting is centred with each color. From bright white to dark colors such as burgundy and black. Yellow, green, red, pink, purple, blue… so many different colors. The whole room looks like a rainbow, each painting different and interesting.
“Wow,” you let out, completely amazed because it's not just very colorful but also eye-pleasing for everyone's eyes.
When you glance at Namjoon, his mouth is opened and eyes shining with complete amazement. He lets go of your wrist, leaving you slightly disappointed but it's not like you expected him to hold you there more than necessary.
You both move to the first painting, admiring the white art that portrays something like clouds and apparently wings that Namjoon notices and comments.
You're equally interested in Namjoon and his own comments, always finding his opinion and own take very interesting, just as you're interested in the art itself. Between doing this, your own mind is sometimes wandering off to a different topic and that is – your best friend's words from earlier. You can't help it, every time you hear him or look at him, it's like her words scream inside your mind.
It leaves you more quiet than usual, you mostly let Namjoon talk and hum to whatever he says. You're both standing in front of blue painting – an art that portrays most things when you think of the color blue. Water, waves, even air… all of those things can be seen in the very impressive painting. You like it, however that's the only thing that leaves your mouth as you glance at Namjoon, finding him already staring at you.
Your eyes automatically widen, surprised by his furrowed brows and even more when he lets out a silenced sigh, although you hear it very clearly.
“You don't like this, do you?” he suddenly asks, leaving you even more shocked. But before you can clarify or even ask him what does he mean by asking this, he's already talking again. “I know it's not a fancy art gallery. These paintings are painted by artists that aren't that much recognized. A lot of students actually painted most of these. Profits from the tickets are going straight to those artists, students included.”
You listen to him ramble, cheeks slightly going red when his chest heaves from how quickly he said it without taking a breath.
“No, no, I like this. I really like this art gallery,” you assure him quickly, “Why would you think otherwise?”
“Can I be honest?” he asks sweetly as usual, eyes flickering to you almost worriedly as you nod. He sighs again, fingers brushing his soft honey hair. “You're quieter than usual. I can't explain it, I feel like there's something wrong.”
Attentive as always, you're surprised and not actually surprised at the same time. Of course, he noticed there's something wrong. You're not sure whether you should be touched by that gesture or be embarrassed he figured it out.
“I… I'm sorry,” you murmur, hanging your head low for a moment before you sigh too, looking back at him. “It's not your fault… I'm just… I really like it here, okay? Please don't think I don't. I'm sorry, I'm awful right now. You bought us these tickets and I just ruined--”
“Hey,” he cuts you off softly, stepping closer as he respectfully places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes it gently. “You haven't ruined anything. You can be honest with me… or don't be. I just want to know if you're okay. If you're not feeling it tonight, we can just take a rain-check or--”
“No,” you cut him off this time, cheeks flushing at how quick you bursted those words. “I mean--I'm really happy to be here tonight. I just talked to Amia about something and that kinda got stuck in my head.”
“Did you guys have a fight?” he asks, brows furrowing in worry as you chuckle and shake your head.
You look him in the eyes, heart softening right away as you still hear her words echoing in your head. Maybe you could tell him what bothers you without telling him he's a part of it.
“No, we didn't,” you smile, bracing yourself to finally tell him the truth. Half truth, more likely. “There's just this one guy I like… and I'm kinda scared to tell him that. Amia keeps telling me I should tell him before it's too late.”
“Oh,” he lets out, dropping his hand off your shoulder immediately as he looks a little baffled. Your smile drops at that. “You like someone?”
“Yes,” You. However, you don't finish it as he gives you a slight smile. “It's stupid… I just don't know what to do.”
“Well,” he smiles again, although you don't find it honest and sweet as usual. He takes a step back, glancing at the painting as he shrugs. “You'll think of something.”
And with that he turns around and walks to another painting, leaving you with a cracking heart and open mouth.
One thing is sure… at least you didn't tell him it's him you were talking about. Because then your heart wouldn't be just cracking but it'd actually break from such a reaction
Despite what happened, the rest of your “hanging out” is going smoothly. Namjoon keeps his main focus on the paintings and just like before, you hum in response and smile his way whenever he looks at you. But you still feel a slight uncomfortable feeling in your chest. You're not sure if you're ready to cry or not… You guess you'll find out once you get back home.
Once you're about to leave, you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, to which Namjoon responds to a light and friendly “of course”. He waits for you in the lobby, fishing out his phone from the pocket of his coat in the meantime. You don't spend that much time in the restroom, you quickly do your business and join Namjoon.
You spot him almost immediately, seeing him turned with his back to you as he has a phone clutched to his ear. You stay silent, not wanting to interrupt him but you want to make your presence known, but before you can actually walk around him for him to see you, you catch a glimpse of his conversation with whoever is on the other line.
“No, it's not a date,” he groans silently. You see him lift his arm and you guess he uses it to rub his face frustratedly. “It's just… a friendly date, alright? Look, she likes someone.”
Your breath catches in your throat and for a second, you're sure you forgot how to breathe as you listen to his conversation.
“No, it's okay… I didn't exactly make it known. No, seriously. Taehyung stop--we're just friends. Nothing else.”
You bite onto your lower lip, hearing Namjoon bidding a goodbye to his friend. You take that opportunity to quickly take a few steps and stop beside him when he notices your presence. He flinches, staring at you with big eyes as he looks around himself.
“Sorry, it was Tae…” he lets out. You're not sure why he is apologizing. “He actually recommended this art gallery to me.”
He is rambling.
But you just stare at him, not really sure what to make out of his phone call. There's no doubt he was talking about you, but you're kind of puzzled what to think of it. He looks nervous, you notice right away when he keeps glancing from your eyes whenever your eye contact exceeds five seconds.
“How--how much did you hear?” he asks suddenly, gulping slightly.
You realize he knows you must've heard something. You can't see yourself, you don't even realize your features are scrunched in confusion but curiosity at the same time, but Namjoon sees it all and he almost cringes when he asks you about the phone call.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop,” you apologize immediately, giving him a crooked smile. “I didn't hear much if that's what you're scared of. I mean… you haven't said anything that we both already didn't know.”
“What?” he breathes out.
“Well, you said we're just friends, right? That's what we are… and this,” you motion with your finger between you and him and around you, “Is just a friendly date.”
Your features turn sour, betraying you as Namjoon narrows his eyes and scans your face. He's always been very smart and you can already see the wheels turning in his head. Or it’s the bitter chuckle you let out that makes him think that you do sound almost hurt to hear him say that.
And when he looks up, the look he gives you almost scares you (not because he looks mad or something) but because he looks as if he already knows what you’re thinking. The possibility scares you and you curse at yourself for opening your mouth. You should’ve kept it shut while you had the chance.
“Somehow, you don’t seem too pleasant with that.” he tells gently, tilting his head slightly which makes your throat dry.
“With what?” you mutter. You’re stalling, knowing he already caught onto that but you act as if you didn’t know.
“With me saying that we’re just friends and this is a friendly date,” he still answers. “Would it be too bad if I said I’d be more happy without that friendly part?”
“What?” you breathe out, eyes widening immediately. Did you hear him right?
“You know why Taehyung called me? Do you want to know what he told me?” he asks, chuckling a little at the end as he doesn’t wait for your answer. “He was trying to encourage me to tell you the truth. But I told him I can’t do that because there’s someone else in your life that you like.”
“And what is the truth, Joon?” you almost whisper, figuring out where this is going and you can’t believe it — not until you hear him say it out loud and confirm your deepest desire.
“Come on, you’re smart. You already know.” he offers softly, giving you a pained smile.
“Maybe I do want to know,” you ponder for a moment, “I want to hear you say it.”
“I like you, Y/N. A lot. And I’m a freaking coward for not telling you sooner and for always backing away whenever I had the chance to tell you how I feel.”
Your insides tremble with happiness and shock at the same time, your mouth opened and lips stretching to the biggest smile but that’s until you let out a big laugh. Namjoon looks confused, tips of ears already getting read from embarrassment. Thinking he feels the same fear of rejection that you felt at the idea of confessing, you quickly explain yourself.
“We’re both so stupid,” you shake your head, an amused grin playing on your lips as you take a step closer to Namjoon. He watches you with big curious eyes, not moving an inch. “You’re the guy I talked about. I like you too, Joon. All these evenings and days spent with you… I can’t imagine doing it with someone else. And Amia told me I should tell you but I feared you don’t see me the same way. Joon, I think we’re both idiots and cowards.”
He stares at you for a moment, not moving before he suddenly wraps his arms around your frame and hugs you tightly.
“I can’t believe it,” he whispers as you giggle, hugging him back. “All this time you liked me back?”
“Of course. I thought you wouldn’t like me back, you never made it known. You’re always sweet to anyone and apart from being the same old and amazing Namjoon, I wouldn’t be able to even guess that there’s a chance you like me.”
“Of course, I like you. You’re smart, funny and goofy. I genuinely like spending time with you.” he tells you, pulling away so you can see his honest eyes full of adoration.
Namjoon notices how skeptical you look, almost as if you don’t believe him and that’s why he decides to finally man up and take matters into his own hands. One step and he’s so close to you that your chests almost brush as you stare at him with big eyes. He cups your face, watching how your eyes grow even wider but that’s all you can do — just stare at him and thinking how this look, because it looks like he’s about to—
And then he connects your lips in an innocent kiss, soft and tender that you almost think as if you just imagined it but when you close your eyes, he’s there gently pulling away. Your lips tingle with excitement, happiness and shock at the same time and when Namjoon notices your flustered face, he chuckles.
“Sorry, I hope that wasn’t too straightforward of me,” he says, features slightly twisting to worried eyes when you don’t respond and just stare at him.
Did he really kiss you? He kissed you. Namjoon kissed you.
“I’ve been meaning to do that every time we hung out.”
“I—wow,” you breathe out, fingers slightly grazing over your lips as you smile at Namjoon. “I guess we’re both cowards. If I told you sooner too, we could’ve kissed way sooner.”
That makes Namjoon laugh, a genuine laugh as he reaches for your face and gently strokes your cheek.
“Can I take you on a date? A real date that we both consider a date?” he pleads.
Your heart is jumping with happiness, hands slightly trembling as you let out a nervous giggle. But then you reach for his hands, squeezing them while all he can see in your eyes is genuine happiness. However, it’s Namjoon’s turn to look slightly nervous as he shifts on his spot but doesn’t usher you to give him an answer. He is patient, looking at you with fondness and honesty.
And when you finally open your mouth to respond, you see the most beautiful dimpled smile that makes your whole chest tingle with so much love. Maybe it’s too soon to call it that but you already know what you’re feeling, so your answer is more than clear.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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blueseasfanfics · 3 years
Bed Warmer
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Description: In Asgard, Prince Loki chose you to serve him. He catches you sleeping in his bed one night, and your punishment only confuses you. He wants you to be his bed warmer for the night. Fluff, slow burn.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Took a tiny break. Honestly, I need a lot of motivation to write these lately. I love writing them but my emotional state is in shambles at the moment. But writing Loki fic is healing for the soul. I hope reading it helps too.
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You fell asleep in Loki’s room.
You didn’t mean to, but you were exhausted after cleaning the rest of the room and his bed was so inviting. He had the most comfortable sheets, the softest blankets.
Anything befitting a prince.
Plus, Thor had dragged him off on some sort of trip for the week, the castle was supposed to be bare-boned and the wing with Loki’s rooms were unpopulated for the moment.
You could take a nap.
But no, you forgot Loki often came back whenever he wanted to, not on a schedule.
You woke up in the dark, the sunlight that was streaming in from his huge windows now gone. In a panic, you scramble to get up until a voice from the shadows freezes you in your tracks.
“Don’t get up on my account.” Smooth words from a silver tongue.
“P-prince Loki, I truly-”
“Apologize? For not cleaning my rooms to my satisfaction? You should be apologizing. Just look at the bed, it’s a mess.”
“Y-yes and I’ll fix that right now and-”
“And what? You still fell asleep in my bed. That’s a grave offense you know.”
He says it calmly but you are nowhere near calm, your heartbeat so loud you can hear it in your ears. You scrabble again to get out of his bed and start quickly tidying up the bed, but he lights a candle that was on his nightstand.
Your breath catches in your throat as you see him in the warm light. He’s shirtless, in loose fitting pants that are low on his waist. You catch yourself staring and snap your eyes up to his face, and feel even more panic as you see he’s looking straight at you. He has a bemused smirk on his face, but you have no idea what he could be amused by.
“I-I’m r-really-”
“You stutter too much.” He mutters and you nod, quickly bending back down to fix the blankets and he sighs.
“Do you understand why I chose you to be my servant?”
You hadn’t actually ever thought on it. You had been working in the stables for the longest time, caring for the horses. You were always able to calm them down and barely spoke to anyone at all. Then suddenly, you’re being whisked away to be Prince Loki’s personal maid.
Deep down you resented it. You missed the horses, with your only glimpses of them being trips in the dark of night to say hello. It was forbidden to see them without a key, so you could only go when everyone else was asleep. Not like you had time to see them anyway. It’s been a long few months of cleaning and fetching and orders.
In that time, this was the longest Loki had ever spoken to you.
“Are you obedient? Deep down? Is your purpose to answer my every heed?”
He sighs again, and you have the sinking feeling that you’re saying the wrong things.
“You were more fun when you were screaming at me.”
You’re bewildered. You had never screamed at him before in your life. The only people you had ever even risen your voice towards were those that were messing with the horses.
You screamed at one hooded knight once, for trying to take a wounded horse to ride. But that was months ago.
You take a second to think.
Oh, that bastard.
“Well, you shouldn’t have tried to steal a horse. You could have simply asked kindly and I would have found you one you could have ridden.”
“I wanted that one.”
“He was hurt.”
“I don’t care. You give someone of the court what they want, no questions asked.”
You ball up the blanket you’re holding in your fists, trying to bite down your rage.
“I would not let anyone injure a horse further.”
“Next time, you give me the horse I wish. Or else there will be consequences.” You can feel him staring at you, but you keep your eyes pointedly staring at the blanket in your hands.
“I will not.”
“Then you and the horse will die.”
“You will die before that horse does.” Your hand flies to your mouth the second the words come out, dropping the blanket. You look up at him in fear, expecting rage, but instead you’re met with a wide grin.
It feels mildly predatory, as if he got what he wanted.
“S-sir I didn’t-”
“I told you I liked it better when you were yelling at me.”
“I didn’t think that was true-”
“Do I lie that much that you think everything I say is false?” He says, with mock hurt on his face.
You can only shrug. It’s improper, but this whole situation is improper.
He studies your face as you study his. The eye contact is growing unbearable, as is fighting the urge to not look him over fully again.
“C-can I take my leave?” You whisper and he shrugs.
“You seemed so comfortable in my bed. Sleeping away without a care in the world.”
“I already apologized for that.”
“I’m your master, I would think I get a better apology than that.”
“What do you...mean…” You trail off as he slides elegantly into his bed, lifting the blanket as an invitation.
You stand next to the bed, not moving a muscle.
“Sir, I am not going to-” You say through gritted teeth before he rolls his eyes.
“Such an improper mind. I simply want a bed-warmer. Get a nightcloth from the closet and get in.”
“Do it.” His words have a biting edge to them as he drops the blanket and turns away from you. You stare for a moment at his back, seeing it littered with scars. You had never seen those before and they’re hypnotizing, but after a moment you break away and rush to his closet.
He had many ladies nightclothes, in case of late-night visitors, but you had never taken too much of a look. Lately, they hung gathering dust in his cabinet.
You grab the first one you see, and hiding in the dark as much as possible you strip off your uniform and slip into the gown.
It was intended for those of a higher class, the fabric feeling as smooth as air against your skin. It was also obviously made for those wanting to show off, as it was incredibly revealing.
“Are you stealing my closet, or does it just take you millenia to change clothing?” His words come out calm but you still feel the need to rush, and you come out quickly. After a moment's hesitation, you slide into the bed next to him.
You lay on the edge as far away from him as you can and face away from him.
“Oh come on, you were sprawled out so sweetly earlier.”
He sounds like he’s facing you, and you freeze.
“Yes, well, this is your bed.” You say back.
“And I’m telling you to warm it.”
“Didn’t I do that enough through the sprawling from earlier?” A slight touch of your irritation comes out and you curse yourself on the inside.
“Such sass from a servant.”
“Never apologize again. It’s so incredibly unlike you, and I hate liars.”
“That’s a surprise.”
“See? Doesn’t that feel so much better? Giving me all your vitriol?”
He almost sounds like he’s laughing under all of his words, but he keeps the same crooning, calm tone.
“I’d rather not die, sir. Life feels better than giving you my mind.”
“If anyone was doling out death threats tonight, it was you.”
You whip around to face him, propping yourself up as you look down at him.
He’s giving you a lazy smile from his relaxed and laid-back position, and that just grows your irritation further.
“I only threatened death on you for proposing it on an innocent creature.”
“Very noble of you, saving those less fortunate. Think you could have saved yourself with that fighting spirit.”
“I don’t especially need saving.”
“Ah, yes. That is why you are a servant, and not a warrior.”
“You are just cruel.”
“That is one of my titles, yes.”
“Why am I in this bed?”
“I told you. Bed-warmer.”
“You just wanted power over me, didn’t you?”
“As if I didn’t already have that. With your little stutter and fear rolling off you in waves.”
You’re seething, but confused. Both on why you’re so irritated, and why you’re suddenly allowed to give him all this irritation. In his bed, no less.
“Then why-”
“As I said. You seemed content in my bed.”
“So? Anyone would be content in your bed.”
“Many people are. For different reasons than yours, though.” He yawns, and examines his fingernails.
“Am I boring you?” You say sarcastically and he nods, glancing up at you.
“Quite honestly, yes. I expected to be asleep by now. But the bed is awfully cold, and someone is talking an awful lot.”
“Mainly you.” You mutter and lay back down again, facing away from him. You scoot to the middle of the bed, forgetting your need to keep distance.
“Is that better?” You ask, then your breath hitches as one arm snakes around your waist. He presses you against his chest and you can feel his chin on the top of your head. He has you locked against him like a puzzle piece, and you freeze in place.
It feels good, and a small part of you admits this is the safest you have ever felt in this castle, but you will never admit it to him.
“Don’t worry. I’m a gentleman.” He murmurs, his voice right next to your ear.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” You try to choke back any fear, but your words still come out in a shaky whisper.
“I’ll only touch you when you ask for it.”
You try to sleep, simply closing your eyes and trying not to focus on him anymore.
It doesn’t work. His entire being is distracting.
“You have a huge ego.”
“Most definitely.”
“I’m not warming your bed every night.”
“Whatever you wish.”
“You’re irritating.”
“The threat against the horse was a lie. I will never hurt your horses.”
“Incredibly irritating.”
“Most definitely.”
After that you both stay in silence, him keeping true to his word and not moving his hand from your waist and you eventually relaxing in his grip. The more you relax, the more tired you are, until you fall asleep in his arms.
You wake up alone in the bed, with the blanket tucked up to your chin. You blink away the sleep, and a glint comes off the pillow next to you. Feeling for whatever it was, you find it and pick it up.
A key to the stables, with a note attached. Quick, scribbled script is written on it in black ink.
“Thank you - Loki.”
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writeyouin · 3 years
TFP Reader Insert – The Future (COMMISSION)
Word Count – 2101
Request – Optimus Prime notices that the reader isn’t acting like herself. She has lost interest in her friends and hobbies, and is generally having a hard time. When Optimus talks to her about it, she comes clean about everything that she has been going through.
A/N – Hi, I hope this is the story that you wanted, thank you very much for commissioning me.
Warnings – Some Angst.
Rating – T
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Loud music blasted through the Autobot base as Miko wailed along to her electric guitar, upon which she played a metal song of her own composition. Raf had somehow tuned her out, focusing on his laptop, and Jack was busy with Arcee, not caring about the noise surrounding him. The only one that seemed bothered by the supposed music was Ratchet, who had little patience for Miko’s vivacious ways.
“MIKO!” He finally exploded, turning away from his work console and pointing an accusatory finger at her, “STOP THAT RACKET IMMEDIATELY!”
Miko stopped playing, retorting cockily, “Relax, old man. Nobody else has a problem with my music.”
“That noise is not music, and some of us are trying to work here.”
“Raf didn’t seem to mind. He was working just fine,” Miko grinned, annoying the old doc-bot further. “Besides, can’t you like turn your hearing off?”
“This is an Autobot base, young human, and I happen to be an Autobot. Therefore, what I say goes.”
Miko shook her head, challenging the old mech, “Only humans have authority over me.”
“And mostly not even them,” Bulkhead chipped in, waking up from his time in one of the stasis pods.
“Yeah,” Miko cheered. “This guy gets it.”
Miko was about to give up the argument to attempt sparring with Bulkhead but Ratchet was not willing to let the quarrel go.
Although you had been sat quietly in the corner, sketching Optimus from memory, Ratchet turned to you for your input; as the oldest human currently in the base, surely you had some authority over the youngling.
“(Y/N), surely you have something to say about this!” Ratchet demanded.
You glanced up from your sketchpad, startled to have so many people looking at you. Since these were your friends, you soon calmed and answered, “Yes, I think she needs an A chord instead of a D chord at the end of the song. Other than that, she’s really progressing.”
“You got it, boss,” Miko shot finger-guns at you, picking her guitar back up.
Ratchet stared at you coldly, “You use you power over that girl for evil.”
With that, he got back to work and everyone returned to their earlier activities. You smiled fondly at the rag-tag group of Autobots and humans. It might have just been you, but there was something intimate and comforting about having a few close friends as opposed to amassing a large group to show off like a status symbol. Ever since you had gotten tangled up with Miko, Jack and Raf as well as the Autobots, your life had certainly changed for the better.
You got back to your sketch, which would soon join the many art pieces that you did on the Autobots, all of which had to stay at the base so you didn’t blow their cover.
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You quietly sang along to the song your phone was playing, losing yourself in the melody while you searched your sketch pad for inspiration. Lately, drawing seemed to be more of a strain rather than a pleasure, and you wished to reignite the creative spark that you once had.
“WHOA! IS THAT ANOTHER EARTHLING?!” An energetic voice called out, startling you. You immediately fell silent, whipping around to see a white bot with blue chassis staring down at you. “Oh hey, don’t stop singing, it was nice. Earth has wicked music!”
You opened your mouth, trying to force words to come out, but introductions weren’t your forte. You always tried to be friendly, but the fear of rejection often clawed at your mind, effectively shutting down anything you might say.
“H-Hello,” You finally managed, fighting past your fear to speak.
“Oh good, you do talk, for a minute there, I thought I’d scared the vocaliser right out of you.”
Subconsciously, you took a step back, tripping over the chair behind you and falling to the floor. Your cheeks burned red in a blush, but before you could further embarrass yourself, Optimus came over, placing a servo on the white bot’s shoulder plates.
“(Y/N), this is Smokescreen, a new ally to the Autobots. Smokescreen, you will have to be patient with (Y/N). She is somewhat shyer than our other human associates, but if you give her time to get used to you, she is a most useful ally and a good friend to us all.”
“Gotcha,” Smokescreen beamed at Optimus, starry eyed about the Autobot leader. “Catch you later, (Y/N),” He said before leaving to explore the rest of the base.
“Bye,” You murmured, thankful that Optimus had spoken on your behalf.
Optimus inclined his head towards you in acknowledgement, soon turning to follow Smokescreen out and make sure that the younger bot didn’t get into any trouble. You hoped that the next time you saw the new Autobot, you would be able to prove that you were more than just your anxieties.
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Optimus stared at you as you stood at the base’s second floor balcony, overlooking Miko, Jack and Raf, all laughing together. It had been quite some time since he had seen you interact with the children. He had overheard you telling them that you felt rather unwell, and Raf had also informed him that you were coming up to a stressful period in your education; apparently, applying for colleges was a difficult time for young humans. Still, he knew that something more was weighing on your mind when you had stopped talking to him and the other Autobots, shutting yourself away for long periods of time.
“(Y/N),” He greeted you quietly, approaching the balcony.
“Hello,” You proffered a one-word greeting which you usually reserved for those you hardly knew, preferring to converse and joke with those you were familiar with.
Optimus frowned at the step down you had taken from being his friend to being an acquaintance once again. He didn’t wait to see if you would say more, knowing instinctively that you wouldn’t.
“Would you please accompany me outside? I would like to stretch my legs,” Optimus said, his commanding tone telling you that this wasn’t a request.
You nodded meekly, taking your time in going downstairs to catch up to Optimus. You weren’t sure what he wanted to talk about, but a gut-feeling told you that it wasn’t something that you wanted to hear.
He took you to a lift that was big enough for both of you, leading you up to the roof of the base, which was disguised to look like any other part of the Nevada desert. The two of you stood in silence for a while, looking out at the vast expanse of sand and rocky outcroppings before you; the view made you feel small and insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe.
Eventually, Optimus sat down, letting his legs swing over the side of the disguised cliff. He gestured for you to do the same. Seeing Optimus in such a casual position reminded you just how close the two of you were as friends, making you feel all the worse for shutting him out over the past few weeks.
You longed to ask Optimus why you were out there where no one could overhear you but the prospect scared you. Optimus didn’t take people aside without cause. He was a natural leader, always thinking about everything that anyone said or did. If one of his associates was acting unusual, it was up to him to get to the bottom of it; the problem was that you didn’t want to be psychoanalysed, you wanted to be left alone, to hide your fears and insecurities from the rest of the world.
Alas, nobody said no to Optimus Prime, so you sat next to him, wondering what lecture awaited you.
“It is a beautiful night, is it not,” Optimus proffered.
“Yes,” You answered dutifully, looking up at the stars.
Optimus sighed at your mono-syllabic response, “(Y/N), I have brought you out here because I have noticed that you have been acting unusual. Ever since I have known you, you have been so full of wonder, humour and life. You light up a room when you are with those you trust and you have a healthy appreciation for everything around you, but now you are shutting out anyone who tries to get close to you. I’ve seen Cybertronians who lose their way in life, losing interest in the things that once brought them joy, but I have never seen it in your kind… until now. Is something the matter?”
A sudden, raw anger burned inside you. Was something wrong? Of course there was, but why should that be anyone’s business but your own. You didn’t care to have Optimus prying into your personal life when he should have been focusing on his own, much larger problems.
“I was doing alright on my own,” You growled at him, your rage tainting your words with its stinging tone. “I don’t need your help, Optimus. I’m fine.”
“If I have learned anything from my time here on Earth, it is that when Earth females say they are fine, they are not,” Optimus replied sagely. “You may not wish for my help, but I am offering it anyway.”
You struggled with yourself for a while, partially wanting to shy away and hide from the world, yet also longing for the friend you had sorely missed.
“I’m tired,” You finally admitted. At your omission, you felt the sting of fresh tears that you had held back for so long. Naturally patient, Optimus waited for you to tell him all that had been weighing upon you.
“I’m so damn tired, Optimus. I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Is this about your college applications?” Optimus asked.
You shook your head. While that was a part of the problem, it was only a small fraction of what you were struggling with. “I can’t see my future, Optimus. People ask me where I want to be in five years, and I don’t know the answer. How am I supposed to know what I want to do with the rest of my life? It’s not fair to ask. There’s too much to think about. And I just-”
“Go on,” Optimus encouraged when you faltered.
You took a deep breath, “I wish that my dad was here.”
Sorrow filled Optimus’ spark at the mention of your father. Humans usually had close ties to their families. He had quickly learned that parents traditionally acted as a youngling’s guide, always there to offer their advice and support. The closest thing that Cybertronians had in comparison were their mentors. Optimus sorely missed the guidance of his own mentor Alpha Trion, so he could imagine some of what you were feeling.
You sighed, exhausted by your outburst, “Sorry… You must think I’m selfish. There are people worse off than me, and all I can think about is myself.”
“Everyone has their struggles. They do not invalidate your own.”
For the first time since coming out, you really looked at Optimus Prime, seeing the anguish in his optics. His concern for you was touching, though seeing him worry only served to make you feel worse.
Optimus, sensing your feelings, spoke reassuringly, “If someone is concerned over your wellbeing, it means that you have made a great impact on their life. I hope that I too have made an impact on yours.”
“Of course you have,” You breathed. “You’re one of my best friends.”
“An honour I shall strive to be worthy of.”
“Optimus… What should I do?” You asked, referring to your future.
“I am afraid that is something only you can decide, but if I might offer some comforting words, you should know that I also do not know what my future holds.”
“But you’re Optimus Prime. You’re the leader of the Autobots!”
“Yes, but I have been in this war so long that sometimes I don’t think it will ever end. If it does, I will have to lead my people back to Cybertron, but tell me, how does one rebuild a planet and an entire civilisation with it?”
“…I don’t know.”
“Nor do I, but I do not fear this future. Instead, I embrace it, and lean on my friends for support. Friendships make us stronger; I suggest you remember that when we go back inside.”
You nodded, thoughtfully quiet. Optimus patted your shoulder comfortingly and the two of you stayed there for a while, looking up at the stars; a Cybertronian and a human, unsure of what awaited them in the future, but willing to face it all the same, with each other to lean on.
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bakugoukatsukiswife · 4 years
Bloodsucker Bakugou (Part Two)
Hello all! Here is part two to the vampire Bakugou story that was inspired by the lovely commission that I got done by @brttpaige that you can view here as well as read part one by the link provided. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I had fun writing it!
Pairings: Bakugou x f! reader 
Warnings: Smut. Rough sex, biting, choking, blood play, bondage. Cursing. 
Words: 2k 
Your thoughts turned to mush as you felt Katsuki’s tongue lick at your neck, his hand coming up to wrap at your throat. A small moan escaped your mouth as his thumb and pointer finger put slight pressure on your neck and you felt as your heart continued to race. You heard Bakugou let out a small growl as he pulled away from you, his red eyes almost glowing as they peered at you from behind his sunglasses. 
“You know, you make it really hard to control myself around you. Super hard, actually.” He admitted, his fangs now more prominent as he looked at you. 
“Are those….?” You trailed off as you absentmindedly reached toward him, not realizing that you had placed a finger on the canine until his hand caught your wrist. 
“I promise, they’re real.” Katsuki said and you noted the sincerity in his voice. 
“But vampires aren’t real,” you said, dumbfounded. You heard Katsuki let out a little chuckle as he eyed you with an amused expression.
“I promise you, sweetheart. I’m as real as they come.” Katsuki said with a wink as he held your hand in his face, his pointer and thumb caressing your jaw softly. 
You swallowed hard as you looked at him, knots twisting in your stomach as you tried your best to keep eye contact with him. As much as this scared you, you felt like Katsuki was a challenge. He was something that seemed untameable and you wanted to prove to him that you could handle him, that you could make this cocky man fall from his little throne he seemed to put himself on.
“I promise that I’m no danger… unless you start to be too much for me. Like your scent for example,” Katsuki said as he took a lock of your hair and ran it through his fingers. “You’re very different, I’m not sure how.” Katsuki admitted as his mouth twitched downward and you smirked at the realization that you had made this seemingly immortal god show a certain kind of weakness with you. 
“Alright, fine. I trust you. For now,” you said and Katsuki’s eyes locked with yours, a hint of amusement in them as he raised an eyebrow, his head cocking slightly. 
“I’m flattered,” Katsuki said as he took his keys out of the ignition, starting to open the door slightly before looking at you. “Since you trust me for now, how about I show you around my humble abode?” He questioned with a smirk and you nodded. 
“Fine by me,” you said, trying to compose yourself as you got out of the car and followed Katsuki to his huge mansion. Huge, black double doors to the front of the mansion greeted you as he swung them open. You followed him towards the grand staircase in the main hall, walking up the marble staircase as you followed Katsuki to the master bedroom; your heart starting to race again. You took in the California king bed that graced the center of the room, silk black sheets illuminated by dim overhead lights that gave off a seemingly warm glow.  
You gasped when Katsuki was in front of you out of nowhere, his sudden presence causing you to back up against the door that was now shut. His hands were on either side of your head as he looked down at you, his fangs showing as he ran his tongue across one. 
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, I enjoy your company all the same. Although I can hear your heart pounding and it’s kind of making me a little… feral.” Bakugou said, his voice low as one of his hands went to cup at your jaw to make you look at him. 
“Enough with being nice. I want you to fuck me,” you said, taken aback by your own demanding request. Bakugou cocked his head and let out a small laugh as he grabbed you by the hips, his charming smile causing a heat to pool in your stomach, and that special place between your thighs. 
“If you insist,” Katsuki said as he pulled you close to him, his lips landing on yours as his body led yours to the bed. You felt as he landed softly on the mattress, his hands in your hair as he shifted to place his thigh between your legs. You let out a whimper as you moved against him, feeling as one of his hands tangled in your hair to pull you away from his lips. 
“Katsuki,” you whined out and Katsuki smirked, his thumb from his free hand trailing over your quivering bottom lip. 
“You’re so cute,” he said in an admiring tone, his nose brushing against your neck as his lips settled on the smooth skin. “You say my name so sweetly, I may just have to make you say it all night,” Katsuki whispered and you felt a shudder run through you as the heat in your stomach from earlier came back again. 
You lifted up slightly so that Katsuki could unbutton your jeans, slowly sliding them off of you. You heard him let out a small chuckle and your cheeks heated up at the way that his finger trailed across the waistband of your black lace underwear. 
“Awe, don’t get shy on me now. I need to see if the upper half is matching too.” Katsuki teased as he removed your shirt with ease. Katsuki let out a low whistle as he took in the matching lace bra you had on, his hands greedy as they went to fondle your chest. He rolled your nipples between his fingers, watching as you arched your back slightly at the sensation that rolled through your body all because of his fingers. 
You tried to suppress the moan that escaped your mouth as Bakugou’s hands worked magic on your body. 
“Don’t be quiet,” Katsuki said before he swiftly rolled you over, his body now hovering over yours as his sharp red eyes bore into your (e/c) ones. “It’s not like anyone is here, I want you to let that pretty little voice of yours ring all throughout this house,” Katsuki said with a smirk as his head dropped down to your neck. His hand traveled down to your underwear that was now soaked from his previous antics. His nimble fingers slid inside the fabric, his thumb going to circle around your clit and a whine fell from your lips as your hand found his unruly blonde hair. 
“You’re absolutely drenched and I’ve barely done anything yet. I gotta say, you definitely know how to give a man confidence.” Katsuki quipped, his charming smile showing off his fangs again; his piercings glinting from the red lights in the room. Your hand tightened in his hair when his thumb picked up a bit of speed, causing a jolt of pleasure to rush through you. 
“Since I had the honor of making you this wet,” Katsuki whispered as he trailed kisses down your body, his hands sliding off the thin fabric of your underwear. His face was now between your legs as he looked up at you, his eyes glassy with a feral look in them. “How about I have a taste?” He questioned as he gripped both of your thighs, his lips brushing against your inner thigh and what you said next surprised you. 
“Bite me,” you said without a second thought, watching as Bakugou’s eyes widened slightly as he pulled away from you slightly. 
“Are you sure? I can’t guarantee that I won’t lose control. It’ll hurt for a few seconds, but it will be pleasurable for you too.” 
“I’m sure,” you nodded and Bakugou smiled. His lips met your inner thigh again and you felt a small, piercing pain-much like being pricked by a small needle, before feeling a warmth spread throughout your body. Almost as if you were in a feeling of euphoria. You felt as Bakugou let out a small groan as he gripped at the sheets with his free hand, his tongue licking against the bite mark now on your thigh. His thumb rubbed over the mark in a soothing way, his lips pressing against the bite and your heart warmed at the sight. 
“Now it’s time to see how good you taste here,” Bakugou said as his head dropped down to your dripping entrance, a small smirk on his face. His tongue came out to lick at your folds, a chuckle leaving him when your hand tightened in his hair from the sudden feeling of his tongue piercing. The shiny piercing seemed to tease you as it glinted when Bakugou lapped at your folds again, one of his fingers slipping into you easily as a gasp left your mouth. 
“Mmm, you taste as addictive here as your blood did,” Bakugou muttered, his voice low and you noticed the way that a different type of hunger seemed to take over in him. His hands gripped at the back of your thighs, holding them up as he rested your legs on his shoulders before going back down to enjoy his meal. You let out another moan as Bakugou moved his middle finger inside you, his tongue licking against your clit, drawing small figure eights against the sensitive bud. 
“K-Katsuki,” you whined as Bakugou inserted another finger, his digits stretching you out nicely. You started to move yourself against him, fucking yourself on his fingers as his tongue continued to pull you into absolute bliss. You felt as the pressure that was building inside you started to burst, sending tingles throughout your whole body as your orgasm rocked through you. Bakugou let out a small groan of appreciation when you released., his eyes meeting yours as he licked your essence from his fingers before wiping at his face. He slowly removed his shirt, tossing the fabric aside before lifting up to pull his pants down; his leather belt being placed beside you as he tossed his pants to the floor. He smirked when he noticed you were eyeing the belt before answering exactly what you were thinking. 
“Yes, I will be using it on you. You’ll only be allowed to touch me when I allow it,” Bakugou said, his hands now holding the belt as he fashioned it into makeshift handcuffs. He placed the loops through your wrists before he pulled the strap taut, his mouth quirking up slightly as he admired the way you looked up at him as you anticipated what he would do next.  
He pulled his underwear down, letting his cock spring free and you took in a breath at the size of it, the Prince Albert piercing seeming to taunt you more. 
“You okay there, princess?” Bakugou asked and you blinked to snap yourself out of your stupor. He smiled down at you and you felt your heart melt. 
“Uh yeah, it’s just so….” you trailed off. 
“Intimating? I promise the piercing is nothing really. I just figured I had enough up here,” Katsuki motioned to his face as he looked down at you. “So I got one in a more special area,” He said as he winked at you. His face turned suddenly serious though as he licked his lips. 
“If you want to stop though, we can. No pressure.” Bakugou said and you noticed how sincere he sounded. 
“No, no! I really want to, it’s just been a while.” You admitted as a blush rose to your cheeks and Katsuki gently grabbed your jaw to make you look up at him. 
“Let’s change that then, shall we?” He said softly before moving some of your hair out of your face. He lined himself up with your entrance before slowly pushing himself in, a growl leaving his throat as he gripped at the headboard. 
“Fuck (Y/N). You feel fucking amazing.” He moaned before thrusting deeper into you, his cock brushing along the walls of your cunt deliciously. You wrapped your legs around Bakugou’s waist, trying to pull him in as deep as you could get him. 
“Katsuki, fuck.” You whimpered as you placed your arms-as best you could- around his neck as you tried to touch at his hair. Katsuki pulled your bound hands away, pausing as he looked down at you. 
“I said you could touch me when I allowed it, and you didn’t listen.” Katsuki said as he wrapped a hand around your neck, his hand pressing against either side of your esophagus as he restricted the airflow. “Did I give you permission?” He seemed to challenge and you shook your head no. 
He started to move again, his hand on your neck causing your walls to clench his cock like a vice and he cursed, his mouth falling open in a moan as he gripped at the headboard tighter. His hand on your neck fell away as it tangled in your hair, pulling at it slightly. You started to move against Bakugou, falling into a perfect rhythm against him as he muttered out a few curse words here and there. Both of your moans filled the air as his red eyes locked onto your (e/c) ones. 
“You like that? Yeah I bet you do, you’re coming undone on my cock like it was made for you. You’re soaking wet and it’s all for me. You’re taking my cock so well, baby.” Bakugou said and you swore you could come from his voice and words alone. In fact, you were pretty close to it. Bakugou continued to move inside you, his piercing kissing your g-spot. You felt as his lips kissed gently at your neck before he bit down, his fangs piercing the skin. 
Blood trickled down your neck as Katsuki started to drink from you again, his rhythm never stopping as he hurtled you towards your orgasm, the rush you felt from the bite and his cock dragging along your walls sending you over the edge. You heard slight cracking from above you and looked to see that Bakugou was gripping the headboard so hard now it had splintered as he let out a muffled groan, his hips stuttering as his orgasm wasn’t far behind yours. 
“F-fuck,” he muttered. Hot ropes of cum painted your walls white as Bakugou’s eyes rolled back; eyes closing in complete bliss. He pulled away from your neck, licking up the blood that had escaped on your skin. He pulled out slowly, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you close to him before covering you both with the covers. 
“How do you feel?” He asked, his voice careful as he waited for an honest answer. 
“That was amazing,” you admitted and you felt as Bakugou gently lifted your face; his eyes were bright with affection and happiness. 
“I really like you. I would like to have you stay tonight. Also the night after, if you’d like of course.” Katsuki said and you swore you heard a hint of nervousness to his voice; he was afraid you would say no and it was the cutest thing that you had this affect on him. 
“Alright, that sounds good to me.” You said with a smile, watching as Bakugou’s face lit up. He licked at his lips, his tongue piercing glinting in the light as he raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Damn, I thought I would have to convince you with this thing again.” He teased as he flashed the tongue piercing at you. 
“You could,” you teased back. Katsuki smirked before he started to dive back under the covers. 
You went for about 4 rounds that night. 
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