#yes i did indeed rewrite the prophecy of the one true king for this
wonderlandsakura · 1 year
What if Danny was never drawn to his own haunt cause he had a One True King kind of situation
The Keep, the Haunt of the Ghost King has never completely matched the needs and wishes of any of the Ghost Kings.
It has always been too small, too big, too filled with rooms that they never needed the use of, too bright, too dark, too childish, too comfortable, too humble, too welcoming, too filled with little glowing stars for some unknown reason??
While the presence of each new Ghost King did change the place slightly, no matter how long their reign, the place never truly became theirs, the fundamental base of the Keep never changed, never bent to the one using it.
(It was however still used by them, as it was a symbol of their power.)
The more easy-going Kings theorised that it was simply because they had another haunt that had actually formed with them, while the Keep had been through many hands and thus could not be anyone's solely, but was rather the Infinite Realms'.
To truly change the Keep, they theorised, was to irreversibly change the Infinite Realms itself.
On the other hand, the more controlling Kings that passed through the Crown and Ring sought to warp the Keep to their control by force, but all ultimately failed.
There was one among them, however, that managed to warp the Keep the most, whether it was through the awesome and fearful power he wielded against even his own subjects, the amount of change he brought upon the Infinite Realms buy forcing it to adapt to being without a someone specific to do the duties of the Ghost King, or simply the comparitively long rule compared to other Ghost Kings that had been obsessed with some form of control.
Ultimately, however, no one could truly change, control and make the Keep their own.
Well, simply put, it was because it was not their Haunt.
The Keep was formed at the same time the Infinite Realms itself was formed (before even the first Ghost King was an idea), formed to house the one and only being who would serve and protect It and It's people, protect It's relations with the other Realms it was connected to and simply keep the balance between It and Them, between Life and Death.
It becoming the Keep was something caused by the population of the Infinite Realms, believing their strongest and wisest the one foretold to them in the words they had been formed knowing:
Do Seek our Savior when, The Trials Three are Done, First that of Acceptance, Second that of Conquering, Last that of Self, and then, We Crown our King, the One, the True, And celebrate as all is balanced once more
Well whether they were supported by the population or were egotistical mad men, none of them were that which they believed them to be.
Until Danny.
Did you know, did you know?
On the day of his rebirth, the Infinite Realms sung in the Cores of all it's people.
Did you hear, did you hear?
He protects all who need it, even those who were once his enemies, those that are different, those that aren't his people.
He is Kind and Accepting.
Did you know, did you know?
He brought down Pariah Dark, the Tyrant King, one only the Ancients working together could capture.
(But didn't he have help? Wasn't he aided? Two hands closed that coffin)
He fought him alone, without help from any other, with a device that amplifies one's power, like the age he doesn't have.
(He's so young.
Did you hear? Oh did you hear?
The King's a Child.
He's so young, so young, so young.
Did you know? Oh please, did you know?
I know you didn't.)
He is Powerful and Conquers all who pose a threat.
Did you hear? Did you hear?
They say he fought himself, a stronger and greater version that destroyed his world.
A Tyrant King that killed every being.
A true ghost, with power rivaling an Ancient.
The ghost halves of two Halfa.
(Aren't the ghost halves of Halfas more powerful?
Yes, they are.)
One who caused such fear that the Realms rejected him, that the Observants sought to end him before he was born.
(They wanted to kill the King, Our King.
How dare they. How dare they.
He's Ours!)
Did you know? Did you know?
He Won.
The King, (Our King) Won.
He has Defeated the worst aspects of his Self.
Long Reign The King.
(He has completed the trials.)
Long Reign The King.
(He is Just and Kind.)
Long Reign The King, The One True King, Always and Forevermore.
(He is the King, Our King.)
When Danny stepped into the Keep for the first time after his coronation, he knew it as his own.
He knew the place, every corridor, every room, like it was a part of him he had always had but never used. (It was though wasn't it? A part of him?)
Unlike every other King before him, the Keep was perfect for him.
Every unwanted aspect left behind by the previous tenants (cause that's what they were, weren't they? Tenants.) had been either removed or shuffled into one of the many storerooms created precisely for that at the moment he had been officially crowned.
(And what a crowning it was, for the moment the Crown and Ring had been put on, something in all the ghosts settled, like a missing puzzle piece, a yearning fed, a prophecy ingrained in them fulfilled.)
The Keep felt to him like home he had lived in every day of his life and yet never been in, a part of himself he was rediscovering after a long time without.
As Danny wandered through His Keep, he knew what lay behind every door, what every room was for, the location of everything in the Keep, like a nostalgic walk through a childhood home that he had not visited in a few years, but yet had not changed.
It felt like coming Home.
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