#yes including the hanahaki au
laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(Untitled Steve POV: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
Steve pays extra close attention, but Eddie acts completely normal around him, afterwards. Steve had been a little worried that maybe things would be too weird, but now he’s worried that things aren’t weird enough. Something should be different, right? He’s not totally sure what or how, but it feels like something should be different.
With Nancy, Steve had felt the silver tug of a life ahead. He could see everything so clearly: dating, a proposal, a wedding with a suit and a white dress, a house with a TV room, kids, grandkids. His whole life laid out in one shining road so flat he could see all the way to the end in the distance. 
With Eddie, Steve doesn’t even really know what a real date would look like, not if either of them wants any kind of future with the rest of the world. It feels like he’s been taking a multiple-choice test and turns the page and suddenly he has to write a whole essay from scratch. 
The sex stuff is simple. He’s a pretty simple guy. He likes sex, and Eddie’s hot. It actually hadn’t been that big of a revelation.
It’s the other stuff that he’s tied up in knots about. He’s opened this door, practically took a crowbar to the lock, and now he doesn’t know where it leads. 
But it’s fine, because all he thinks about now is Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. He thinks Eddie is the kind of guy who it’s easy to get obsessed with. Eddie cares about so many things, and he cares with his whole body. Every single thing he does is turned all the way up, like it’s too big to fit in his skin. Steve doesn’t think he’s cared about anything he’s ever done in his life the way Eddie cares about the stuff he does.
Steve would give a hell of a lot to be something that Eddie cares about. 
“Of course he cares about you, dingus,” says Robin. “He only has like six friends who aren’t literal children, and you’re definitely in the top five. Maybe top four.”
“Wait, who do you think is his best friend?” asks Steve, because apparently he’s at a middle school sleepover, emotionally speaking; Robin pelts him with Jolly Ranchers until he stops asking.
Dustin’s been bugging Eddie more lately about dating and stuff. Honestly, Steve thinks things might not be going great with Suzie, but Dustin won’t talk about it no matter how many hints Steve drops. Instead, Dustin has been splitting his attention between convincing Steve to date Robin and convincing Eddie to date literally any girl who breathes in his direction. 
“I think that waitress really liked you,” he’s saying, though he doesn’t sound totally convinced himself. “When she gave you the fries, there was a moment. Back me up, Steve.”
“Absolutely not, Henderson,” Steve says, stealing a fry. Eddie bats him away half-heartedly. “Stop bothering people at work. They just want to get through their day, they’re not thinking about getting a date.”
“Oh my god, you hypocrite,” yells Robin, loud enough that Eddie kind of jumps in his seat, clutching at Steve’s arm. “You constantly hit on girls at work!” 
Steve gives her a look like stop fucking me over, Buckley, and she makes panicked, apologetic eyes back. “I mean, you used to. Past tense. You have hit on, uh, people, at work. In the distant, distant past. Not anymore!”
Robin is the worst wingwoman in the entire world. Steve kind of wants to slap duct-tape over her mouth until she can be normal around Eddie, who’s sporting a sly grin. 
“Yeah, Harrington. I seem to recall something about you striking out a lot, lately?”
Steve’s hit on exactly one person in the last few months, and in his opinion it went pretty well. He can’t say that, though, so he just elbows Eddie, glaring. “Shut up, I’m—I’m doing fine.”
“Su-u-ure you are, big boy,” laughs Eddie. 
It all works out, though, because on the way out of the diner, Eddie leans over and murmurs, “Just in case you’re not actually doing fine…I happen to have a free afternoon.” 
It takes Steve a second to remember how to walk again, and he has to jog to catch up. 
He obviously isn’t planning on dropping Eddie off first, but Mike says, “Hey, that’s the turn-off to Eddie’s,” loud enough that Steve can’t pretend to miss it, and he can’t think of a good excuse not to turn. Eddie doesn’t seem to be bothered at all, just hops out of the car with a jaunty little wave. 
It takes way too fucking long to drop Robin and the kids off, and Steve is practically vibrating out of his skin by the time Dustin’s front door swings shut. He doesn’t go tearing back to Eddie’s immediately, though. Even if he wants to. He needs to get his shit under control first, make sure he doesn’t come off as too desperate. 
Steve heads home and splashes some water on his face. He looks normal, in the mirror. Not like someone who’s planning to go over to Eddie Munson’s place for homosexual reasons. He’s not sure what that kind of person would look like, but he looks normal. 
He thinks about changing his clothes, but that seems too obvious. In the end, he just fixes up his hair a little and heads back out without changing anything at all. 
(Snippet directory)
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
Of Flowers and Death~ -Hanahaki AU
fem! reader x Zhongli, Zhongli x Guizhong, implied Zhongli x Lumine
warnings:- angst, hurt/no comfort, major character death, graphic descriptions of blood and violence. (lemme know if i missed anything) length-2.8k words a/n:- Mmm yes my favorite oneshot till date. stay till the end for that juicy angst haha (i have been writing for over two hours everything hurts but its worth it) Likes comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated, and do check out my childe smau too!
Edit:- there is a sequel now- Regret, Guilt, Anguish
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“Oh..” you murmured in less than a whisper. You were hidden behind a few rocks; you had come to meet Morax, the god of Liyue, but your dearest friend, Guizhong, was already there with him, and it looked like they were having a moment. You couldn’t help but want to listen in, because after all it was Morax who you had loved for most of your life.
You were a foreigner to Liyue; you came from Inazuma. But you weren’t any ordinary Inazuman. You were the third and youngest of the Raiden sisters, who ruled over Inazuma itself. No one other than the archons knew about your existence, because Ei and Makoto kept you a secret, protected. Although not many knew, there had indeed been a few attempts on the lives of the Raiden sisters, and this was what they wanted to protect you from.
After you had a few centuries of battle experience and training under your bag, you were allowed to explore the world. You were not tied down with the duties of ruling Inazuma. Naturally, you attracted the attention of the gods, each one of them remarking on how you inherited all the characteristic features of the Raidens.
Only the heavens above knew how you managed to become the best friend of one of the major gods, and that too Morax. But he was the reason you chose to settle down in Liyue. As time passed, your feelings for Morax, also called Zhongli by his friends, also grew more than platonic.
Now see, you knew Morax was something of a blockhead when it came to feelings. So you didn’t think much when Morax kept sending you mixed signals. You both were immortal gods after all, you had all the time in the world. You continued to hopelessly fool yourself, thinking that just perhaps, there was a chance of him loving you back.
Then came the goddess of Dust, Guizhong. A minor goddess she was, but a wonderful one. It didn’t take her too long to make her way into everyone’s hearts, including yours and Zhongli’s. While you both quickly grew into fast friends, there was just one thing that constantly irked you. Just one. It was the way she quickly grew so incredibly close to Zhongli.’
You knew that Guizhong fancied Zhongli; she confessed it to you yourself. You were forced to merely plaster a fake smile upon your face and laugh her words off.
That brought you to this day: watching Guizhong confess to Zhongli. And the amount of heartbreaking anguish when Zhongli accepted with a smile, pulling her in close, after having remained oblivious to all your advances over the decades…. It was just… You couldn’t handle it. It was too much.
You quietly sneaked away as soon as possible. And then.. And then came the coughs and the bloodstained petals. Being from Inazuma, you knew all about it of course. Hanahaki. Needless to say, you were horrified. Since that day, you somewhat avoided the duo on the pretext of the ongoing Archon War. It was here that you showed your true battle prowess as a Raiden. You alone decimated entire armies of the enemies, leaving not even ashes.
The war went on for months. You lost many allies in fighting to ensure that Makoto and Morax got seats in the Seven. Till sundown you fought without relent, showing that even a beauty can be dangerous. At night, you gave your fallen comrades the proper, respectful  farewell they deserved. By now, only the last few contenders for the heavenly thrones were left. The last opponent for Morax was the ocean god, Osial, in Guyun Stone Forest, and his followers. Recognising the serious threat he posed, you did agree to team up with Morax to eliminate him. The path for Morax to become an archon would then become clear. Through experience, you both knew that you two together were a formidable force. 
The battle was a long and exhausting one. You both started at sunrise, and barely managed to subdue him by sundown, having understood that even with their combined power, they would not be able to kill Osial. You both went back to your makeshift camp, looking forward to just resting for the night. Thank the gods you had very few coughing fits during the battle.
And yet, the moment you stepped past the protected borders, you felt that familiar eerie chill that crept up your spine. The heavy silence that hung ominously, the one that meant something was dreadfully, terribly wrong. And you were right. You took in the scene. The five Yakshas of Liyue were present, and they seemed to be sealing some sort of hexagonal structure, which was suspended above a figure. And the figure…
Was Guizhong.
Any dislike you harboured towards the Goddess of Dust disappeared as you laid your eyes upon the figure that had been turned to stone. The first and utmost thought in your mind was that something was wrong with your second best friend. Evidently Morax had come to the same conclusion. He let out a strangled sound as you both ran towards what remained of Guizhong. As you both gingerly touched her as if she was made of glass instead of stone, you knew. It was clear- Guizhong was no more.
Despite your stormy emotions, it seemed you were capable of only letting out a few tears. Morax seemed to be physically incapable of crying, yet his emotions were plainly displayed on his face for all to see. 
That night, you stayed with Morax, doing your best to comfort him, despite needing comfort yourself. Neither of you had any more tears to shed. 
That night, Morax has emerged as one of the Seven with your help, but you both lost Guizhong along the way.
2 millenia had passed since the Archon War, and it left its scars on everyone. However, you could be lying if you said that you didn’t feel relieved that Guizhong was out of the way. You also felt guilty for feeling like that. But it was rather funny, how you managed to survive with your hanahaki for 2000 years, while most died within a few months. You supposed the reason was that Morax, who now completely lived as the mortal Zhongli in the Harbor, was seriously the absolute master at giving out mixed signals. He often unknowingly did things that lovers did, giving you hope. Yet that hope gets squashed a few days later, and the cycle continues. In all honesty, the hanahaki wasn’t really a big problem, more like a chronic disease that you had come to accept as a part of your life.
You knew that while Zhongli had mostly recovered by now, he still irrationally blamed himself for Guizhong’s death. You often told him to move on, yet he never said anything. You could see how opposed he was to the idea though. That’s why it was a surprise when he invited you to his office in the funeral parlor right after you returned from Inazuma. You could see on his face that there was something that pleased him. He first enquired about your travels and stuff, then said, “[name], do you remember how you’ve always told me to move on?” “Oh yes. Have you been thinking about that?” “Indeed. Although Guizhong will always have a special place in my heart, I believe that I am now ready to mingle again. I realised recently… that I have feelings for someone new.” 
You couldn’t deny the flutter of excitement you felt on hearing those words.Was this finally it? “That’s great Zhongli! Who is it?” “Do you know the Traveler, Lumine? It’s her. I met her a while back, when you were out on your travels. I love her so much.” He proceeded to tell you all about Lumine. He was lovestruck and you could see that. With every word he spoke, you felt your heart drop more into your stomach. You were doomed. Utterly doomed.
All this time, you’d just been deluding yourself, lying to yourself. He had never loved you, and he never would. You were struggling to keep your easy smile glued to your face as yet again, you felt something rise up your throat. You politely managed to excuse yourself, your voice coming out all scratchy and raw. Once you walked out of his cabin, you sprinted towards the confines of your home. By the time you locked yourself in, some petals had already escaped and blood was smeared across your palm. 
You were hunched over the sink, which was already full of flowers and blood within a few minutes. It hurt. Everything did, both your body and your broken heart. You knew your impending death was near, because never had your hanahaki been this severe. You couldn’t undergo the surgery because Zhongli was a massive part of your life, and simply forgetting about him would raise a barrage of questions. Plus, you still loved Zhongli too much to forget about him, despite the fact that somewhere deep down, you always knew that he’d never love you back.
Your time was very close. The past few days had been spent isolated into the confines of your home, claiming to be exhausted from your latest journey whenever someone came to visit. Funnily enough, today was the day when Zhongli’s former love, and your former best friend, Guizhong, had died. In short, her death anniversary. Seemed it would be yours too.
You usually avoided visiting Guizhong’s memorial and burial site, which was in an isolated cave near Liyue Harbour. However today you thought it was fitting for you to pay your respects to her for the last time. And so, you dragged yourself out in the early morning, before sunrise. You left before anyone could see you, before he could see you.
By the time you are at your destination, your condition has significantly worsened due to the physical strain. It’s all you can do to respectfully place the flowers beside her memorial and lean against the wall. You began to speak to no one in particular in a cracked voice. “Hey Gui…? I hope.. You are at.. Peace… Just know that… I’ve never… hated you.. You’ve always been my.. Best friend.”
“How lucky you were… to be loved by Zhongli.”
Your throat choked up, not because of emotion, but because of another bout of bloody flowers. Not wanting to die there because he would see you, you got yourself out and into another deserted cave just beside. Not the best, but you had no choice. You had merely left a few petals at the entrance of both caves and a faint trail of blood in between.
By now, you had fallen to the ground in searing agony as flower after bloodstained flower forced its way out of your raw throat. You were lying on a bed of the flowers you yourself had coughed out.
How long it had been, you did not know. Perhaps minutes, perhaps hours. You started coughing again, not a moment’s respite. Your life force was almost completely drained. Any moment now.. You would be free.
It was then that you heard a horrified voice ring through the silence. “[Name]!”
Zhongli was up at sunrise. Despite his new love, his mood was somber- it was Guizhong’s death anniversary. He had every intention to continue visiting her memorial. As usual, he sought you out. There was a rare chance that if you were in the mood, you would accompany him to pay respects to Guizhong. Yet when he knocked at your door several times and received no response, he chose to leave you alone, despite being slightly worried. You usually did respond at the very least, but he was sure you were alright,
He stopped short in front of the cave which housed Guizhong’s memorial. There was a fresh bouquet of Glaze lilies. But who brought them here? Especially since this place was practically unheard of. He took a few quick steps forward and kneeled down to inspect the bouquet. His heart lurched.
Attached to the bouquet was a small note that said, ‘To my dearest best friend, Guizhong.’ There was no name, but he recognised the handwriting well enough. [name] had already been here. Without him? Was there a reason?
His eyes were drawn to something else too. Relatively new footprints in the soil. And blood.
His heavy footsteps echoed in the cave as he quickly walked out, following the faint trail of footprints, blood and petals. They were leading him to a nearby cave. His heart rate accelerated as he heard heavy coughing.  And behold the sight that awaited him- an utterly pretty bed of flowers and petals stained in a blood red, and someone coughing while lying on it.
“[Name]!” He cried out, completely horrified.
You curled into yourself even more on hearing his voice. All you wanted was to die in peace, why did he have to make things more difficult? Why did he have to come here? The flowers started choking and constricting your throat on their way up, ever more unrelenting, fueled by the appearance of the one who caused them. It was so hard to breathe… Just a bit more…
You felt yourself being gently lifted into someone’s strong and warm embrace. You weakly met Zhongli’s eyes, which were full of panic. You’d only seen him lose his composure like this once before, his fear more than evident on his face. “[name]- I- What happened? Please, tell me! I- I can’t lose you too!” He exclaimed frantically, feeling your life ebb away second by second, with each cough that released blood and Glaze lilies.
Your throat constricted even more, making it excessively hard to breathe. You just wanted to rest, It was all you could do to force a few broken words from your raw throat.
“...Hana..haki…” That was all Zhongli needed to know to understand. His pupils dilated in fear even more. “Who.. Who is it who made you suffer this way?” Zhongli whispered, unable to take in your completely broken state. You didn’t respond for a few moments, feeling your eyelids shut. You forced them open, not wanting to leave him hanging. “Always.. Loved you.. Always will… Be happy.. For me.. Okay? That is my last wish.” You weakly tried to reach a hand towards Zhongli, who instantly grasped it tightly in hsi, and pressed it against his face, as the realisation hit him like a truck. “What..?” He whispered softly.
Your eyes started to droop again, and you gave in, feeling nothing but qa soft ringing in your ears as your senses dulled. “[name], no, please don’t leave me!” Zhongli cried out in panic, grief and anguish, seeing you slip away from him. You simply let a small smile rest on his face as you whispered, “Just.. sleeping.. Tired.” Unable to accept your fate, he whispered, “Sleep well then, my dearest.”
But you never lived to hear that.
Because then you moved no more.
Was fate trying to mock him with [name] dying in his arms, in front of him, on the same day as Guizhong’s death? You were always there for him, always there with him, until you weren’t. And never in his immortal life was Zhongli able to forgive himself for this, knowing that he was the reason you were dead.
mm yes now hows that huh? gonna disappear for a few days now haha tags and comments are very much appreciated!
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mikareo · 11 months
⌗ sanguine ₊ ˖ ་. suguru geto x fem reader (1.0k)
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genre . . hanahaki au, reader loves someone else, angst, geto is delulu for u u, rejection, almost kiss, implied death, sad summary . . gojo satoru has everything geto suguru has ever wanted, including you. note . . a quick rewrite of an old hanahaki hq fic from 2021. gojo will never love u on my blog sorry
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Ethereal. Something almost too perfect for this world. A gem that can’t be found even in the deepest of pits, cascading to the bottom of the ocean with nothing but a gleaming sparkle to mark its beauty— beneath mossy ravines and treacherous tunnels, lost in a sea of mystery and unresolved feelings. Feelings that are the single driving force for everything he lives for. Feelings that make his heart skip two beats faster, creating a love song that he wishes he could sing out loud. They’re everything he could ever wish for and want in a partner…in a soulmate. 
That’s what Suguru considers you to be. His soulmate. 
You’re an absolutely, breathtakingly, physical embodiment of perfection in his mind. The most perfect woman in the world is nothing but dust in comparison as there’s simply no one else like you. No one that even so much as nears the level of adoration that he holds you at in his heart; which is all the more reason for the throbbing pain the organ feels. With his blood pumping and heart racing, he’s dying.
“I’m so sorry, Suguru.” He wishes you’d stop biting your lip so hard. He knows apologies are difficult, practically impossible, but your lips are bleeding from how hard you’re holding back tears. “I wish I could love you. I want to love you, but I just can’t.” 
With a shaky voice, you confirm his worst fears. “I’ll always love Satoru most.”
Oh, Satoru. There's just one person in the world that Suguru has never been able to surpass and it's his best friend. His closest confidant who's outgoing, handsome, charismatic, and everything the lesser man wishes he could be. Yes, they haven't spoken in months— not since their infamous stand off outside of their former lunch spot— but Satoru is the only person who knows about Suguru's condition. Hanahaki.
He was diagnosed with the disease when he was fifteen years old...the day after he met you.
The first sign was an innocent red petal, resembling that of a spider lily. Thin and scarlet with an enigmatic beauty that reminded him so much of you. He wanted to cherish the flower, encase it in resin to freeze that beautiful moment in time so he could give it to you, and show you just how much he values you. However, that moment wasn't beautiful. It was the start of the end of his life. A life filled with resentment and jealously that would only grow into a field of flowers settling in the pit of his stomach— with thorns and weeds he can feel but not see.
Yes. Technically you're the one to blame for his fatal condition, but Geto can't acknowledge that. To him, you can do no wrong. You're perfect just as you are, flaws and all. He believes he knows you best out of anyone in the world, and he can't understand why you'd choose Satoru over him. Satoru doesn't care about you! He's never cared about you! Why can't you see what's right in front of you? Geto is right here. He's here and he wants to hug you and make everything better; yet he can't...because while he's crying over you, you're crying over Gojo.
"I can make you happy, I promise!" He's desperate, now. "I know I'm not him, but I can be better!"
You shake your head, coughing briefly before smiling at him with blood-stained teeth. What? "We're too similar, Suguru." Why are you bleeding? What's going on? "Neither of us want to give up."
Slowly, your fingers release the fist you've been holding for the past few minutes, revealing a pile of small blue petals. A shade of blue that Geto is all too familiar with, having stared at the color for a majority of his teenage years in his best friend's eyes. It's a color that most associate with hope and prosperity— not knowing that it's also directly associated with your inevitable death.
Gojo Satoru is the most powerful man in the world; and you're the most powerless woman for loving him.
He feels himself crawling towards you, ignoring the piles of bloodied petals decaying on your bedroom floor, and ever-so-gently touches your cheek. Geto wishes he could wipe your tears and never see you cry again. Someone so beautiful shouldn't feel sadness. It isn't right.
"I love you." he whispers, gaze settled on your scarlet lips.
Say it back.
"Please." he leans in closer.
Just let him show you how perfect you are.
"I would never hurt you."
Your lips are almost on his...
...and suddenly they're gone.
"This isn't what I want!" His heart breaks in two at the sound of your cry. It isn't Gojo that's making you miserable, right now it's him. Geto, himself, is the cause of your pain and if he could he'd rip his own mouth off to get him to stop talking he would. "Suguru, I don't want you. Please understand!"
You continue sobbing and Geto can't stop the flow of tears no matter how hard he tries. "I wish I loved you, I want to so badly, but it's always going to be Satoru!"
His stare is so focused that he can see the budding blossoms at the back of your throat, threatening to grow and shrivel up your heart with their thorns. The pain that you feel every day is likely unbearable, as if your entire body is being ripped in two due to the utter devastation of pure heartbreak. Geto would know. He feels it every day, too. He's felt it every day for the last two years of knowing you and he's surprised that he hasn't succumbed to the garden already. Just wither and die. Please just go away! His pleas are so loud, overtaking his every thought, that he doesn't know if he's wishing away the spider lilies or himself.
"If it's always him," his chest feels heavy; it's almost an all-consuming fire using his blood as oil, "then we both know what's going to happen to us."
You nod, whimpering slightly as you bite back your tears.
He can't believe this is how it's all ending.
Somehow, his head finds its resting place against yours.
He was so confident you'd be able to feel the same.
The vines crawl to his tongue, attempting to snare and take hold of his ability to speak— but not before he can utter his last words.
It shouldn't have been this way.
"I love you."
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⊹₊。 reblogs are greatly appreciated! ˚₊⊹
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wooataes · 1 year
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Five)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4K
Warnings: angst, Hanahaki AU, swearing, tooth rotting fluff, Jihoon is a tsundere and his emotions are all over the place, tears, mentions of bleach (for hair dye)
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: Thank you all for the ongoing love for my story! I cant thank you all enough for wanting more 🫶🏼 a special thanks to my gals Zan and Jess for helping me pretty much plan the whole story with me and wanting more always 🩷
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Jihoon stirs with a low groan, his eyes fluttering open as he blindly reaches for his phone. He winces at the bright screen displaying ‘03:12’ at him, the sounds of seven of his ten friends (plus his unwanted soulmate) sleeping around him.
He rubs at his eyes as he spots 3 unread messages, a small smile lining his lips as he skims over them.
Ji-ah 🖤: I’m sorry again I couldn’t be there with you, baby. 💕 I hope you’re having a good time!
Ji-ah 🖤 sent a photo
Ji-ah 🖤: guess what!! Unnie asked me to be her Maid of Honor! 😍
Jihoon smiles at the photo his girlfriend sent; an invitation from Ji-ah’s older sister officially asking her to be the Maid of Honor for her upcoming wedding, including a singular red rose and a pretty bracelet.
Jihoon truly didn’t mind how much time Ji-ah spent with her family. Almost every weekend she would travel to spend it with them, and he knew this. He sometimes would join her, but unlike his girlfriend, he enjoyed using his personal time to recharge from being social all week. Being an only child, for Jihoon, works out perfectly for his personality. He spends his time with his friends and girlfriend during the week, and his weekends usually recovering and recharging his social battery. Of course, Ji-ah and his friends were the exception, a small fondness having built up in his heart for his little circle of friends. He didn’t really know the close bond of a sibling, but doesn’t ignore the fact it must be like no other, considering how close Ji-ah is with her siblings, and how close you are with Seungcheol.
He reaches up to quickly type an excited congratulations for his girlfriend, with a ‘miss you’ and ‘can’t wait to see you’ thrown in. He doesn’t know why, but typing that out with his soulmate so close makes him feel a little bit sick.
Three different sets of voices can be heard from the kitchen, the only source of the light in the house filtering into the living room where the guests slept for the night. It catches Jihoon’s attention as he starts to focus on the conversation.
“Y/N.” His best friend’s voice is soft but can be easily heard from Jihoon’s position in the living room, your name piquing his interest.
“Yes, Soonyoung.” You reply back in a monotone voice. Jihoon’s eyes wander around the sleeping bodies to spot Soonyoung’s soulmate curled up on a mattress, arm draped over a pillow to suffice for his cuddle buddy not being there.
“I know you’ve said it before…” he sounds serious, and you heave a heavy sigh. “But… would you love me if I turned into a worm?”
Jihoon scoffs quietly, shaking his head at the silly question. Of course Soonyoung would ask that.
“Oh yes,” You reply back enthusiastically. “I would make up a little enclosure for you, and make sure you get enough sunlight to grow big and strong.”
“Really?” Soonyoung sounds excited.
“No.” You deadpan, resulting in a loud gasp of betrayal from Soonyoung, and a loud giggle erupting from the third voice, your brother.
Jihoon couldn’t help it. He cracked a smile as he now stared at the ceiling, listening quietly to the others in the next room.
“Whyyyyyy?” Soonyoung whined, and by the sounds you make, Jihoon assumes that his best friend has tried to cuddle up to you. “You know I would do it for you!”
“Do I?” You hum, swatting at his arm. “Hop off you giant oaf, you’ll get it on your clothes.”
“Oh please,” he scoffs. “Like I haven’t dealt with bleach before.
Bleach? Jihoon balk’s, pursing his lips in confusion.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Your brother asks Soonyoung.
“Nothing good ever comes out of 3am sleep deprived choices, y’know.” You remind your friend.
“That didn’t stop you both from putting it on your scalps, so you’re just as bad as I am, if not worse!” Jihoon can tell that Soonyoung is flailing his arms around as he speaks. He knows him too well.
“Yah!” You bark back, your soulmate chuckling softly as he hears you swat Soonyoung, resounding a loud yelp. “You peer pressured us, you fiend!”
“Nah, you did it because you loooooove me!” He sings, making loud kissy noises.
“Yah!” Your brother barks now, another smack and yelp resounding in the room. You and your brother are definitely similar, that’s for sure. “Don’t tease my sister, you little gremlin!”
“Wah…” Soonyoung gasps, pressing a hand over his chest. “Betrayed by my favourite hyung…”
“Ooh, don’t let Hannie-Oppa hear.” You giggled as a timer rings out. “Okay, we gotta wash it out.” After a brief pause, you click your fingers. “Are you gonna help?! You got us into this mess!”
“Don’t yell at me!” Soonyoung whines, but when the three of you all start giggling, Jihoon lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He blinks slowly with a soft yawn, letting sleep take over him once again.
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When Jihoon wakes next, he groans as he shields his eyes, the morning sunlight filtering into the living room as Soonyoung pushes the curtains open.
“Are you sure she isn’t in her room?” Jeonghan calls out again from the bottom of the staircase.
“I’ve looked three times already!” Your brother shouts back, his heavy footsteps stomping through the house. “She’s not here, I don’t know how long she’s been gone but we need to go-”
“Hyung, it’s alright. All of her things are still here.” Soonyoung calls back as Jihoon sits up, leaning his head back against the headrest of the couch, rubbing at his eyes.
“What’s going on?” Jihoon yawns.
“Y/N isn’t here.” Wonwoo replies, running his fingers through a half asleep Mingyu’s hair, head nestled sleepily against his shoulder.
Jihoon’s eyes widen as he glances at your brother, who’s once long black locks last night were now dyed a bleached platinum white, disheveled from running his fingers through it constantly. Jeonghan, bless his soul, reaches out to pat at his soulmate’s hair to calm him down.
“I’m sure she has just gone for a morning walk, hyung.” Seokmin tries to rationalize, smiling sleeplily. “You know she likes to do that.”
“I don’t know.” He grumbles, his arms taking solace around his soulmate’s waist to stop him from fidgeting. “Last time we couldn’t find her…”
Jihoon frowns as he remembers Seokmin’s words from the fateful day he figured out you were soulmates. Surely you wouldn’t be that silly to run away again.
“Hyung, don’t freak out.” Soonyoung smiles, patting Seungcheol’s shoulder. “Really. You don’t need to get so worked up. She’s grown a lot since all those years ago. I know she wouldn’t leave without any notice.”
“Who wouldn’t leave?” Your voice fills the room, and everyone’s heads all spin to you with wide eyes.
You’re walking through the hallway in a pair of blue faded jeans with rips in the knees paired with a large oversized black hoodie, pulling out and placing your AirPods into their case with one hand and placing a large plastic bag on the counter with the other. Only your left side of your body is visible to the others, your long dark hair covering your face. The jingling of a leash rings through the room as a fluffy white dog runs excitedly across the room to your surprised brother, wagging her tail before trotting through the living room.
“Kkuma-ya!!!” Seokmin squeals happily as the dog, who now Jihoon notices up close has a baby pink clip holding her fur out of her face, leans her head against Seokmin’s leg. He reaches down to scratch behind her ears with a giggle.
“See? I told you!” Soonyoung beams proudly at Seungcheol. “I know my best friend.”
“Yah! Where have you been?!” He yells, rushing to you with Jeonghan following close behind.
“What do you mean?” You ask with a tilted head, pulling out the 3 cup trays from the bag. “Didn’t you see the note I left on the fridge? I took Kkuma to work to get some coffees and some birthday treats for Soonie.”
Seungcheol balked, and Jeonghan just turned to smirk at him.
“You didn’t check the fridge, did you, darling?”
Your brother just grumbles with a pout on his lips, taking one of the iced coffees from the trays, leaning over and giving you a thankful but also relieved kiss on the forehead. You just smile sweetly at him as Jeonghan takes a hot cup of tea.
“Thank you, Lady Bug.” He smiles and bumps your hip with his before following his soulmate to occupy a small section of the couches with a donut in hand.
“Noona works at a bakery?” Chan’s eyes widen as he finally pulls the blankets off him at the sight of enough plastic cups for everyone in the room, and a box of various cupcakes, slices and donuts.
“It’s nothing special, Chan-ah.” You laugh, taking two of the three trays, turning towards the boys. “But the employee discount works pretty well when you have friends who are addicted to caffeine and sugar.”
“Woah!” Junhui voices what everyone is thinking. “Your hair!”
Jihoon’s eyes go wide once again as you face them completely, the right side of your hair bleached the same platinum white as your brother, your cheeks turning pink as they all stare.
“What? Is it bad?” You stand in place, your face getting darker and darker.
“Of course not!” Seokmin speaks up as none of the others seem to be able to form words.
Jihoon’s cheeks are flushed a dusted pink as he takes in the innocent look of worry and shyness on your face. It looks anything but bad. You look fantastic, he thinks, if he was single, he would even go as far as thinking you look-
“You look hot.” Hansol blurts out, your face somehow turning even darker. Jihoon side-eye’s the newcomer to the group with a frown.
“Wow, you have such a way with words.” Seokmin laughs, a proud grin on Soonyoung’s face.
“What can I say, I have that rizz.” He retorts with a laugh.
“More like harizzment.” Mingyu huffs, Chan guffawing at the pun along with Junhui.
“Thank god you said it first, babe!” Seungkwan grins, rising from the floor. “I thought it wouldn’t mean much from me, since I call you hot all the time.” He laughed happily, reaching out and running his fingers through it. “My best friend is so stunning!” He squeals, taking one of the trays from your hands to hand out the usual drinks to Junhui, Chan, Hansol and himself. “Thank you for getting these for us, Bug!”
“O-oh..” you’re flustered, laughing quietly as you pass Seokmin, Soonyoung, Mingyu and Wonwoo their drinks. “Thanks, guys.” You laugh nervously, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear before grabbing the last two drinks.
“Yah, don’t thank them!” Soonyoung smirks. “Thank me! I’m the genius who decided it was a great idea to change your look last night! You’re welcome, Lovebug!” He laughs proudly.
Jihoon blinks out of his daze as he realizes you’re making your way over to him, cheeks still flushed. “Uh, Soonie said that you’re not much of a coffee drinker. I don’t drink coffee either, so I just got you what I normally get, a hot chocolate. I hope that’s okay.” You push the paper cup gently into his hands, unable to look up into your soulmate’s face as you sink into a beanbag on the floor. “I don’t know if you like marshmallows or anything, so they’re on the counter-”
“This is perfect, actually.” Jihoon stops your rambling as he takes a sip of the warm drink. “Thank you, Y/N.”
You glance up at him at his words, giving him a gentle smile and nod. When he’s sure you’re not looking at him, he lets the small smile take over his face at your consideration. The chocolate is way too sweet for his taste, he prefers the bitter taste of dark chocolate. But, he couldn’t find it in himself to reject the drink from you. The satisfaction and pride on your face when Jihoon told you the drink was perfect is too memorable for him to want to strip away from you. Instead, he grins and bears the overly sweet chocolatey drink for you.
“See, I told you he’d like it.” He overhears his best friend whisper to you, and you smile into your paper cup. Kkuma climbs up into your lap, wagging her tail happily as you use your free hand to run it through her fur.
If he was honest, Jihoon doesn’t know why he so blindly accepted the sugary sweet drink. If it were Soonyoung or Mingyu, he would’ve rejected them without a second thought. Why has he suddenly accepted your drink without any thought for his own likes?
You didn’t have to get this drink for him. Heck, you didn’t even need to be talking to him period for what he did to you. You are too nice for your own good, Jihoon thinks. He didn’t deserve someone as good as you as a soulmate. You didn’t deserve such a jerk like him, either. One too many times lately, Jihoon again lets his thoughts take over as he absentmindedly sipped from his cup, again not noticing the eyes of your brother’s soulmate watching him; studying him.
“Y/N,” Seungkwan broke Jihoon out of his spiraling thoughts, and you hum in response. “How did you manage to get Mr Park to accept your hairstyle for Mamma Mia?” He tilts his head. “Is he going to get a random ass wig for you or?”
“Oh, about that.” You laugh, shaking your head. “Nah, I’ve decided I’m not auditioning this year.”
You swear you could’ve heard a pin drop in the room as the uncomfortable silence swells.
“I’m sorry…” Seungkwan starts again as you avoid his gaze. “Are you telling me that the one musical that you have dreamed of doing for years is being done and you’re not going to audition for the main role?”
“Uhhh…” you shrink into the couch beside Soonyoung, almost curling into him. “Yeah?”
“What is wrong with you?” He bellows, and you flinch. “You’ve wanted the role of Sophie for years, Y/N! Now you’re pretty much guaranteed and you won’t do it?”
“Boo..” you sighed as Soonyoung wrapped an arm around you.
“No, I’m not going to let you throw this opportunity away!” He insists, his frown evident.
“I just…” your voice is smaller now, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. “I really didn’t want to have to pretend to be in love for countless hours of rehearsals and on top of that, seven performances.” Jihoon winces as he can feel your anxiousness and sadness brewing in your stomach, and he, alongside the rest of the group, eyes your friend to see his reaction.
Seungkwan sighs, reaching out and letting his hand rest on your knee. “I’m sorry for shouting,” you place your hand gently over his, nodding wearily. “I just love you, Bug,” You don’t love me, you think. “And I want only the best for you. But if you think this would only hurt you more in the long run, then I won’t bother you about it anymore, okay?”
“Thanks, Boo.” You hum quietly as you take another sip from your cup. “I’ll just be behind the scenes for this one. The costume team needs more helpers so that’s where I’ll be this year.” You laugh with a hollow smile, before you glance at Soonyoung, who still held you.
“You have to have some cake, Soonie.” You change the topic swiftly, and much to your relief, everyone goes along with it and takes multiple treats from the bakery.
Jihoon is the only one who doesn’t eat, though. He quietly sips on his sickly sweet drink in his hands as he occasionally glances to you, who seems to thrive in the fact your friends are enjoying the goods that you purchased for them.
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“I missed you.” Jihoon hums as he takes Ji-ah into his arms late Sunday night.
She had just arrived back from visiting her family, and she let herself melt into his arms. “And I missed you!” She cooed, lips pressing softly to his cheek. He smiled as they both settled down onto his bed, Ji-ah snuggling sweetly against his chest.
“Do you have to go every weekend though?” He jokes playfully, his hand stroking along her arm absentmindedly.
“You’re getting a bit greedy with me, Hoonie.” Ji-ah smiles as her arm drapes around his waist. “You get me all week every week! You know how much my family means to me, you big goof.” She giggles softly as Jihoon lets out a chuckle. “You can always come with me if you miss me that much, you know.”
“Ah, I’ll keep that in mind.” He plays along, smiling.
“Soonyoung’s party was good?” Ji-ah asks sleepily as Jihoon nods.
“Mhm,” he hums, looking up to the ceiling for a moment. “He was ecstatic the entire night. Never knew that someone could still be so excited about a birthday.” He laughs quietly as Ji-ah giggles along with him for a moment before going silent.
Jihoon watches his girlfriend drift off to sleep in his arms, leaving him alone with his thoughts once again. He closes his eyes in an attempt to try and sleep, his stomach churning slightly in guilt. He’s cuddling up to his not-soulmate while his actual soulmate is all alone and feeling the comfort and contentment he’s feeling.
You need to learn to get over it, Jihoon. You’ve made your bed, you can lay in it. He needs to be tough on himself; it’s the only way he will be able to get through his inner turmoil.
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For a week, everything goes without a hitch. Jihoon is in a good place with Ji-ah and quite frankly, with you as well. He finds himself not waking up most nights with overwhelming emotions, and he begins to wonder if you’ve started healing. He hopes you have. You have become Jihoon’s desk mate for Film Studies class, and are due at the end of the week to have your first big study session to discuss what film you’ll pick to present about. You’re civil, and even at your third class together, you had brought two familiar paper cups; one for you and one for your soulmate. It’s the first class of the day, and after an explanation to Jihoon that you just finished the early morning shift at the bakery, it really was no trouble to get him another hot chocolate. Like last time, he grins and bears the overly sweet drink, but smiles to himself when he sees the satisfied look on your face.
Auditions have begun in the auditorium, with Jihoon having to sit and endure hours worth of playing the same four chords of the main song of the musical at the piano by the stage. He loathed it, really. He didn’t know that this is what he signed up for when he applied to be in the orchestra for the play. Despite his reasons, Jihoon trudges on without complaint; at least he can practice his piano skills and improve his progression in that area. He does, however, complain to himself at the majority of the drama club auditioning. Half of them can’t hold a tune to save their life, and by Bad Singer #14, he is beginning to think that this musical will be a lost cause. Maybe you should have auditioned after all. He wouldn’t mind another hot chocolate drop, either.
With a sigh, Jihoon adjusts his backpack on his shoulder as he glances up to the sky. It’s full of dark oranges, pinks and purples, and he feels himself smile. He had grown fond of sunsets since he found you - he decided after a week that this was the best time of day. He always likes that no sunset is ever the same; unique in its own way and always breathtaking to everyone who takes the view in. These sunsets were his favourite so far, though. The setting sun hits the wispy clouds just right, making the sky erupt in eye popping colours with the tiniest little stars beginning to emerge.
He takes a long breath as he watches the sky above him, letting his feet take him subconsciously along the usual route to his home. He finds himself slowing down and coming to a stop about five minutes away from his destination, not surprisingly in front of your house. His eyes widen as he sees none other than you, his soulmate sitting on top of the roof of your home, headphones on and, just like Jihoon, staring at the sunset.
You have a dreamy smile on your face as you pull a Polaroid camera from your side and take a snapshot. As you place the film beside you, you take some photos from your phone now, your hums quiet, but loud enough to travel down to where Jihoon stands by your gate, observing you. The wind is blowing your hair gently in the breeze, a shiver running up your body as you wrap your cardigan tighter around you. You type a little longer on your phone before taking a long sigh and start to carefully rise up and make your way down the slope of your roof and down onto the little balcony in front of what Jihoon assumes to be your bedroom window. You take one last look at the sunset with a gentle smile before you step inside, closing the window behind you. Your soulmate waits for five minutes more to make sure you don’t come out again, and once he is satisfied, he turns and starts to walk back to his home once more.
Once Jihoon is settled in his bed, he breathes out a long sigh before feeling a warmth of comfort begin to roll through his body. He wonders what makes you feel so content and comfortable, but welcomes the feeling nonetheless. He is scrolling through his useless Instagram timeline mindlessly before finding himself hovering his thumb over the Search button. After a moment of hesitation, he types in your name into the search bar, clicking on your profile without a moment to lose. He stares at your profile picture for a moment, laughing quietly at the picture being the same white dog he saw at your home, Kkuma. He feels his stomach swell at the sight of your latest picture, in both sadness and guilt.
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Jihoon heaves a breath. Your mother. He blinks before scrolling through your feed slowly. There’s the occasional photo of Soonyoung and your brother, some of your theatre performances and outings with your friends, but the majority of your posts were all of the sky. Varying sunsets flood your feed, each picture more stunning than the next. Your captions are almost always the same, each one being a thank you for your mother painting the sky for you, in your words, but Jihoon notices the ones after you found each other were more detailed. You could finally witness your mothers beauty the way the world intended it to be, and Jihoon weeps.
He weeps for your mother, whose life got cut so short for selfish reasons, he weeps for your brother who had to navigate helping look after a whole other human being before he was ready, and he weeps for you, his soulmate, who lost everything at such a young age and for the way he ripped away the one once of hope you had left, whose heart he broke more than it already was for nothing more than what he selfishly wanted. You, who goes out of your way to try to avoid him so you don’t interrupt his relationship with his not-soulmate. You, who offered him your umbrella on your first proper interaction so he wouldn’t get wet and who also offered to buy him drinks for class because you thought he’d want a pick me up for the first class of the day.
You may be feeling as fine as you could be, but Jihoon feels nothing but guilt for stripping everything you hoped for from you.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies Taglist
@cinnamoroxie @enhacolor @mikachu-chu @jojowantstocry @changbinisms @scarlet789 @i-dont-give-a-fok @im-gemmy @shookyungsoo @ametheyistheart @friendlywraith @kawennote09 @coupddeongie @sunooschubbycheeks @zgzgzh @mar-627 @side-angel @kuleo26 @deltamoon666 @snowgirlfallen @lixiel0ver @phenomenalgirl9 @sumzysworld @vixensss @seokmatchu @etaerealboy @milopenne @jinyoungie0922 @chickenscoups @zadkielr @weebotakuboy
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originalaccountname · 14 days
Hiiiii for the fic recommendations do you have ones that have a story ( like a mystery, treasure hunt, a case fic, etc)
sooo many (in no particular order):
A Doll's House by Abyss_In_WonderLand_likes_sexy_cannibals (M, 45k, Dazai and Chuuya get stuck in an ability-space created to test partnerships and they must overcome all the challenges to get out)
picking a flower that blooms on the heart for you translated by burgundytshirt (M, 44k, Chuuya suddenly gets hanahaki and dies from it, only to wake up the previous morning in a time loop, and sets on to understand what is going on)
the liar’s house translated by burgundytshirt (M, 19k, Atsushi, Kunikida, Dazai, Chuuya, Kajii and Akutagawa get stuck in a literal haunted house where refusing to answer truthfully takes away one of their senses)
a kick in the teeth (a kiss with a fist) by refectory (T, 7k, Chuuya wakes up in a strange facility with Gin and can't use his ability, they sneak around and beat up people until they figure out why they're here)
To the Undying by SenZen_Travers (T, 7k, Chuuya has been captured on purpose to defeat an enemy and Dazai comes to get him so they can beat up people)
Ephemeris by Seedus (G, 12k, mission fic + character study, Chuuya accidentally displaces Dazai across space and time to save him and has to get him back)
On My Knees (Looking for the Answer) by A_Zap (T, 65k, mission fic + character study, plot alternates between present day trying to fix the situation and people remembering past experiences with Chuuya)
Illustrations of Lying by writingfromtheshadows (M, 49k, for context this one is from 2017, so a whole year before Dead Apple, BEAST, Fifteen, etc, AND YET! Dazai never got to Oda before he died and instead killed and replaced Mori as boss, with Chuuya as his right hand man. They are both having a horrible time, and then a new threat appears to make things worse)
Interpretation of Dreams by AnonymousStory77 (M, 15k ongoing, no it's not finished but I still love what it already has to offer I'm including it)
Bonus round:
Build Upon The Ruins by izanyas (E, 73k, Pacific Rim-inspired AU that actually has Kunikida as the main POV as Dazai's new partner after Chuuya was severely injured, but POV alternates between a few people, including Yosano and Dazai, and yes, it has skk and disabled Chuuya)
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blueberrykenn · 10 months
Kennie's Top 10 Yearly Fic Recommendations
Okay so this is the 2nd year of me doing this (but this year I wont delete) butttt I show my top 10 fic and authors for each member/group( some members of bts repeat due to the amount of poly fics I read and its what I mainly read) (A handful of these have smut so heres your warning)
(I would also love to be your guys friends as every single one of you seems absolutely amazing)
10. @guqwrvte Make it Three (Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung)
Oh where do I start with this fic I found it in the spring looking for a Soulmate fic and oh boy I was in for a ride THREE SOULMATES?! ummm YES and the arcade chapter was ABSOULELY AMAZING! I hope you're doing well Author!! as this fic hasn't been updated in a while
9. @yonkimint Without You (Yoongi with a side of Hoseok or "Jay")
OHHHH BOY When I wanted a love triangle I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED I found this fic in April looking for angst and ANGST I GOT without spoiling it its a Pregnancy/ Single Mom AU and one of the best ones Ive read in a longgggg time
8. @guksthighs Bloom (Yoongi)
OH BOY This is a recent one actually. This one shot was made SIX YEARS AGO?! OMG Hanahaki AUs are one of my favorites angst type of fics so when I read this I literally sobbed like a baby I cant say much else without spoiling it
7. @kimnjss cyberslut (Yoongi), less of you/VINTAGE (Jimin), Strawberry Kisses(Jungkook)
MISS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF MY FAVES SINCE 2019 like when I first read beside you YESS I reread Cyberslut and HAD to include it but reading less of you in June as I was dealing with my own breakup it was a tear jerker towards the end of less of you, for me I wont spoil it but there a plot twist that I was not expecting towards the end of the sequel, Vintage. BUT STRAWBERRY KISSES OH MY GAHD I read that on my way home in August even though its a SMUTTY I enjoyed it a lot and the FLUFF I think some people looked at me crazy when I took the bus home that day
6. @skazoo if you tell me about yourself( Stray Kids' Felix)
Okay here me out! Demon Slayer. Its one of my favorite manga and anime series and with CHANBIN as a hashira UMMM YES ynand chanbin are literally Genya and Sanemi if Genya was a girl and not YK (demon slayer spoiler!!) eating demons, but this 2 parter was ABSOULTELY AMAZING
5. @ugh-yoongi a word from our sponsors (Namjoon)
How do you get a idoit podcasters to not realize they have feelings but read smut YOU GET THESE TWO MFERS This one shot was sooooooo good!! like I read a lot of smut but this? TOP TEIR OF ONESHOTS OF 2023
4. @sopebubbles Bulletproof Heart (2Seok)
THIS ROLLERCOASTER If I had to describe my childhood in fanfictions this one would be one (check #1 for the other) I wont say why because spoilers but this angst was OMG THE YOONGI HATE WAS UNREAL NOT MY YOONGLES but I loved it soooooooo much
3.@jihoonotes Yearning(SVT's Woozi)
Lee Jihoon is literally my ult bias. Do I need to say more? ITS WORTH THE READ
2. @solemnreads Way Back Home(Jungkook)
THIS FIC HAD ME FUCKING EVERYWHERE with the twins to CEO Kook THE JEALOUSLY I LOVE IT by far the best exes to lovers fic I read this year
before I tell yall #1 I wanna give an honorable mention to @purpleyoonn they would be on the main list if I was done reading you complete us BUTTTT RED STRING is amazing even though there only 2 parts so far
Okay Okay this should be expected if you been here for a bit
1.@theharrowing Literally anything they write but mainly Rose Tinted Obsessions and Collateral
Boy Blue and Collateral Taehyungs literally Remained me of In between Taehyung so much that I got inspired to write in between again everything I read from them is Absolutely Amazing, Top Tier just Yes DARK FICS are literally my go to so reading them had me sooooo happy and wanting more
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See dr.girlfriend’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: drgrlfriend
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: Open to most things! Feel free to ask.
Will not create works that contain: Rape/noncon/dubcon, major character death, unhappy ending, underage, incest, body horror (hanahaki, etc.), dark characters beyond canon characteristics (e.g. Serial Killer AU), uneven power dynamic (student/teacher, master/slave, boss/employee), romanticization of abusive relationships, daddy kink (including sugar daddy / sugar baby), infidelity, humiliation, painplay, watersports — probably best to just contact me with any notable kink before bidding. Not entirely averse to A/B/O but probably something else that should be discussed — I may write it more consensually than is typical for the trope.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1141
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - Any Universe Bucky Barnes & Clint Barton - Any Universe Alpine & Bucky Barnes & Clint Barton & Lucky - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Steve Rogers - Any Universe
Work Description: I will write a minimum 5k word fic, with a goal of your preferred rating. Historically, my auction fics have exceeded the promised minimum word count. I am willing to write a variety of prompts. I also have done adaptations of other works into a different universe (e.g. Pride and Prejudice AU, Two Weeks’ Notice AU, Pacific Rim AU). Tell me your ideas and we’ll collaborate! I usually write a Fraction/Aja Hawkeye comic-inspired version of Clint Barton, with MCU-inspired version of Bucky Barnes. Probably not the best person to ask if you want a Jeremy Renner version of Clint with the farm family and all that. Otherwise, I'm not sure about the different universes.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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aroaceleovaldez · 11 months
hello i believe you asked to be reminded about petalpressed? that sounds very interesting do explain
Hello yes! okay so rundown of Petalpressed:
In general, Petalpressed is an AU template I created that focuses on flower symbolism. It's like a combo hanahaki and soulmate tattoos au, except only taking the best parts of both. So everybody has a "living" tattoo somewhere on their body of a plant (or plant-adjacent, it's very broad - so fungi, lichens, algae, etc also count). The plant, in some way, represents or symbolizes the individual, usually via flower language, though it's totally a personalized thing so you can get as funky with it as you want. It can be absolutely anywhere on their body (face/head, back, legs, etc), take up a completely random amount of space (tip of finger vs entire torso, etc), and it will change based on the state of the individual.
Okay rest including PJO-ification under the cut cause this got long:
For example, when the person is a baby their tattoo will appear as just a seed or bulb or whatever is applicable for that plant. The plant will also probably be semi-ambiguous at that point or change plant types as babies don't really have a ton of defining traits. By the time they start settling into being an individual they'll get a more clear plant and it will most likely stay that for the rest of their lives, unless they experience a major shift in their identity that would cause it to change. It also is unlikely to change locations on the body unless for the same reason. The plant will also reflect the person's physical or emotional state, such as wilting if they're very sick or upset, blooming if they're extremely happy, etc etc. Some people may also have generalized versus specific tattoos, such as general "roses" rather than "roses of a specific color" in which case their tattoo may change colors to match mood/plant language associated with that specific color of the plant/or just at random, depending on person.
The soulmate/hanahaki thing comes in when the person develops romantic feelings or enters a mutual romantic relationship (specific because i'm aroace so I like including normalization of not having a partner, even QPP - there's still leeway there though with how individuals categorize "romantic" and obviously it's a template so there's freedom to mess with it). If they have a crush they may start coughing up the plant or parts of the plant associated with that person, though it doesn't cause them any physical harm. Does the coughing-up-petals thing go away once the relationship is reciprocated or is it just a thing that Happens When You're In Love Sometimes At Random? Who knows. You decide. If they enter a mutual romantic relationship with someone, their partner's (or partners') plants or a part of their plants will appear beside their own, and will change depending on the state of the relationship or partner's physicality or emotions. If their relationship is going well, the plant may bloom, if it's going poorly it may wilt, etc, and same if the partner(s) are upset/sick/etc. If the relationship breaks off or is no longer reciprocated the secondary plant will disappear, and if it left a particularly strong impact on the individual, residual parts of the partner/partners' plant(s) may be left behind, such as leaves, seeds, or petals. It depends on the person/relationship if those remnants will ever go away or how long it may take.
"Plant compatibility" is totally a horoscope-type thing in this universe alongside stereotypes of types of plants, and that's where the "soulmate" concept comes in. It is up to discretion if it is actual soulmates or just coincidental, but in-universe there is an idea of "If you share an exact plant with somebody, you are soulmates." Again, re: horoscope thing, here it could totally just be a coincidental thing based on "If you share a plant that is meant to symbolize you, chances are you have similar personalities and so will get along." There may be people with the total opposite perspective - "Don't date someone with the same plant" because maybe having similar personalities means you'll totally clash. Those concepts probably co-exist in practicality. Lots of variety. Also totally up to customization if the plants have to be local to where the person's from or be from anywhere or how much you want to stretch the definition of "plant" or etc etc. Lots of fiddling options.
I do have a sideblog for it as a more generalized template - @petal-pressed. Since it's a template, it's meant to be applicable to any fandom and totally free to use, and I occasionally post prompts on that blog. And again, the template intentionally lots of room for fiddling and freedom.
Anyways the PJOification of all of this:
"What ships are this au" Whatever's funniest/most dramatic in the moment. Go wild. Make your own variations or whatever.
Everybody's plants: (subject to change)
Percy & Annabeth - Bluebells (They match) - Annabeth's on arm where she got stabbed, Percy on small of back.
Grover - False goat's beard, placement undecided
Piper - Anemone (plant not animal), placement undecided
Jason - Forget-me-nots, right forearm
Leo - Hydrangea, placement undecided
Hazel - Clover, possibly forearm
Frank - Undecided but Snapdragons maybe, possibly forearm
Reyna - Jonquil, possibly forearm
Nico - Dandelions, wrist
Will - Sunflowers, side of torso/back
Luke - Originally Lilacs on face, changes to Rhododendron and spreads to shoulder/armpit.
Thalia - Eastern White Pine, placement undecided
Calypso - Undecided but Hibiscus or Zinnia maybe, placement undecided
I have some other notes for other characters but theyre all very noncommittal
I made a lot of random moodboards for this au but since they were just for personal use I don't have the credits for the images and so will not post those. If people are interested I might take requests to make new ones though. They're quite fun for me to make.
And random doodles - The first one is an extremely old one that was just me fiddling with random designs + cameo Solangelo to show off how the plant tattoos might look
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And then some more recent ones:
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I usually do aro/ace Leo for these aus, so here's him pretending to cough up plants as if he had a crush ^
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and some silly Jasico ^
Some other misc fun notes I had for random things:
"Is this canon-verse au or non-canon-verse?" you may be asking. The answer is. Depends. You decide. Again this is not a fully fledged singular au it's just me rotating a template in my brain and it happened to be formed around PJO initially.
Because Percy and Annabeth both have bluebells as their flower, when Percy disappears and loses his memory, both he and Annabeth can't tell if they have only their own flowers or the flowers of two people and it totally freaks them out.
Also because they share flowers, when Nico has his crush on Percy and is thus coughing up bluebells, people presume he has a crush on Annabeth because those are her flowers too. He's not having a great time.
One variant of the thoughts my friends and I brainstormed for Jason was that he and Reyna were dating before he disappeared, and when he lost his memory it also made Reyna's flowers disappear from his tattoo completely. It took longer for Jason's flowers to fade from Reyna's tattoo and she just got to watch Jason's flowers change depending on his state wherever he was until they disappeared too.
Nymphs are obviously pretty one-for-one with their plant. If they even have tattoos is up to you. Either way this does mean Lavinia is coughing up poison oak though so she's having a bit of a rough time. She thinks it's totally worth it though. The coughed-up plants don't really hurt you as bad as the actual plant might, if at all, so she's fine in general.
I had other thoughts too but i'm forgetting.
uhh anyways yeah i think that's about it. woo flower au.
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
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Piarles Fantasy Fest 2023
Hello fellow Piarlies ❤️💙 We as the Calamars Club Discord server have noticed that there aren’t that many Pierre/Charles fantasy-themed fics out there, so we are calling on all of you to help us change that.
As the title suggests, this is a Piarles-centric fest, focusing specifically on bringing more fantasy-themed Pierre&Charles content into the world. 🔮👻😈👼🧛‍♂️🐺🧟‍♂️🎃🧚‍♂️🤴😍
First and foremost...
A shoutout to our incredible @river-ocean, who is the genius behind our beautiful banner for this exchange. Thank you so much, River, we all love and appreciate you so very much ❤️💙
What is Fantasy?
We are defining Fantasy as anything that’s "not from the real world." The term fantasy can be quite subjective, but essentially we are including anything with magical, fantastical, or supernatural elements.
If you’re unsure if your idea falls under the scope of ‘Fantasy’, you are more than welcome to message any of the fest mods to check! (Hint: It probably does.)
Does Fantasy include soulmates/omegaverse/hanahaki/aliens/Harry Potter AU/LOTR AU/GOT AU/zombies/superheroes?
Yes! All of the above, and more... ❤️
What are the rules?
Your work should be a minimum of 2000 words, or the equivalent in art.
Your work should include an element of fantasy.
Your work must include Pierre and Charles as the main pairing. Side-pairings are all good, as long as Piarles remains the main focus of your fic.
Key Dates
Sign-ups: 21st - 28th May (Please note that you can sign up late! There is no real hard deadline on this).
Check-in: 24th June
Fics due: 7th July
Reveals: 10th July
We want this Fest to be a fun and lowkey one for everyone, so if at any point you need an extension, please just message a Mod and we will be more than happy to help. 💙
How do I sign up?
Please sign up using the Google Form linked here.
(Please note that signing up does not bind you into participating in any way - it's just a way for us to gauge interest.)
How can I get involved?
Whether you plan on creating something for the Fest or you want to cheer on our creators, you are more than welcome to join us in the Calamars Club Discord server, if you're not already a part of it! There, we have a special channel dedicated exclusively to this fest 👀✨ ✨✨
If you'd like to join the server, please indicate on the Google Form or message any of the fest mods!
Your mods for this exchange are:
We are so excited to share this event with you! ❤️💙
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eyesofshan-if · 2 years
H...h....hanahaki disease...
I know it's like, a 2012s thing but how do you think each of the Ros will react to having/ commander having the hanahaki disease?
All the best for your exams lmao rip
oh damn the amount of hanahaki aus i consumed when i was younger... angst never goes out of style, nonny!! the variation of hanahaki i'm most familiar with is the one in which it happens when the afflicted has not had their feelings reciprocated, regardless of how the object of their affection truly feels, and the surgery to remove the flowers will remove the feelings as well!!
hansol: immensely worried and frantic, puts all his work on hold to try and find a cure. gently tries to advise you to get the surgery done, or to confess your love to the person, gets increasingly stressed when he sees you getting more and more ill with each passing day. "please don't do this to yourself," he mutters softly as he wipes the cold swear from your brow, "i don't know who it is that you're in love with, but i do know how many people love and care about you."
insu: tells you to get the surgery. is terribly angry and upset with you for throwing your life away for feelings, but at the same time won't admit to himself just why his frustration and concern extends so deep. "you can always fall in love again after the surgery," he argues, so angry you think it's the first time you've seen colour in his cheeks. "it's not the end of the world if the feelings are gone. it is going to be the end if you do die!"
yongsun: very stressed. like insu, researches every cure in existence, and speaks to you gently about your illness. convinces you, with all manner of reason and persuasion, to either confess or have the feelings removed. "i understand the magnitude of your love for them," he says quietly, "but if you would allow me to make a selfish request... i need you by my side as well, commander."
wooyoung: "love me instead," he says. "there would be no chance of the disease then. if you had even the slightest bit of affection for me, i would return it a hundredfold." regardless of what he might say, wooyoung remains firmly by your side like a tree planted by a river. charming people is one of his greatest strengths, and he might just be able to make you fall in love with him - if only to save your life, of course.
dalhwa: just like insu, she's terribly angry with you for the first initial days, but instead of staying furious with you, she swings between all methods of persuasion at her disposal, including but not limited to manipulation, threats, etc. defeated at the end of it all, she simply asks you quietly: "is it that important for you, to love them?" and if you tell her yes, she pursues it no more.
????: "no," they say at once. "you will not die, i will make sure of it. either they love you on the pain of death, or i tear those cursed flowers from your lungs myself."
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icannotreadcursive · 1 year
I want you all to know that the way I find fic to read is absolutely bonkers.
I’ve seen a few posts recently (including a poll or two) about fic searching strategies and habits on Ao3) so I’m thinking about this, and I just feel like sharing.
So, I used to just scroll through fandom tags, search by character or ship like a halfway sane person.
But then, for the sake of some personal research I went on a kick of searching by additional tags--things like Hanahaki, Possession, Mermaid AU--to see distributions of what kind of fics and fandoms different tropes and kinds of stories were common in.  It was very interesting.  I have done absolutely nothing with this research other than internalize it into my understanding of How Fandom Interacts With Stuff.  It wasn’t even research related to the Metatext Guide.  I’m just Like This.
This is a pretty long explanation, so buckle up and continue under the readmore if you want a glimpse into how weirdly my brain works.
Anyway, I have discovered that searching by tag both does a better job of providing fics that scratch an itch for a certain vibe (which is more often what I’m hunting for than anything about particular characters) and usually provides results that, by filtering, I can narrow down to a much shorter list to actually hunt through.  (I find it frustrating and overwhelming to have like 20+ pages of results to go through for a given ship or something.  It’s partly choice paralysis but mostly frustration that so many of those results will be things I’m not interested in and the need to comb through them by hand when I can’t readily narrow the filters further and the chances of missing something I really would like in between all the chaff, or from later pages of results because I’ve just given up.)
So what I do is pick a tag, search it, then click on it in the tagblock of whatever fic shows up in my initial search.  This takes me to a results page of all the fics tagged with that tag, its variations, and any tags that stack under it.
This is usually a lot of results, but that’s okay.  Now we filter like we’re goddamn sea sponges.
Most of the filtering I do at this point is Excluding.  I will set the language (usually to English because that is my first language), set a length range depending on how I’m feeling, set a recent date rage if this is a tag I’ve looked at before and I don’t wanna reread, etc.  But mostly it’s going down the Exclude section of filters, checking the boxes for fandoms I’m not interested in, ships I don’t like, the “Major Character Death” warning because I’m rarely here for that, “Reader” and “You” under Character because I personally cannot stand reader-insert fic, tags I’m not into, etc--then hit apply filters to reload the refined results, and repeat this process until the top 10 tags shown for every section in the filters is something I’m fine with.
At this point, I copy the URL from my search page and open another copy of it in another tab, Include something--usually a category (like all the m/f fics) or an additional tag (all the Hurt/Comfort)--and then do the whole Exclusion process again with that subset of results.  Doing that, i can almost always whittle down to less than two pages of results to actually comb through--opening fics that look promising as I go.  Once I’ve done that, I close the second search tab, Exclude the secondary search’s Included tag from my main search, then do all that again with a different Included tag’s subset of results.
Yes, the multiple rounds of filtering takes forever.  Yes, I am aware this is a bizarre way to hunt for fics--the fact that it’s such a pain to do is a constant reminder that no one expected anybody to use the search and filter system like this.
I’m dyslexic, though.  The round after round of filtering isn’t as draining on me as sitting there, reading through page after page of summaries and tagblocks--especially because I find the tagblocks difficult to parse, even with a dyslexia friendly siteskin on that does help.  I don’t necessarily trust myself to catch a tag I don’t like; it’s more reliable for me to filter the living daylights out of things.  (This is also part of why I simply do not read fics without summaries.)
If I’m in, say, a Mistaken Identity or Mutual Pining kinda mood, it usually doesn’t matter to me if that takes the form of Deep Space 9 or Sailor Moon--or, hell, with some tags, especially less common ones, I’ll happily read fics for fandoms I’m not even in, which can be a cool way to expand my horizons.
And, developing this method of hunting  fic has given me a way to narrow down and section out overwhelming numbers of results when I do want to search by fandom, ship, or character.  Like when I recently dove into Trigun fic for the first time.
So yeah, that’s how I search Ao3, in case anyone was wondering.
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scary-grace · 11 months
fic writer tag game
I got tagged by @mirkwood-hr-department for this game several days ago and at long last I have time to sit down and do it, so --
How many works do you have on Ao3?
Sixty as of Halloween night!
What's your total Ao3 word count?
1,958,061. And we're not even halfway through Kairos. Yikes.
What fandoms do you write for?
The Tolkienverse (namely the Hobbit) and My Hero Academia.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i ain't changed, but i know i ain't the same -- bnha erasermic hanahaki fic
seeking a friend for the end of the world -- barduil zombie apocalypse au
Kairos -- barduil SLOW burn historical haunted house romance set in 1977
Show Me My Silver Lining -- bagginshield band AU (my first grown-up fanfiction)
more than words can wield the matter -- after the Elves return to their forest at the conclusion of the Battle of the Five Armies, a certain elf starts writing Bard some very questionable letters
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually don't respond to them in thread, but I thank everyone for them in the author's note of the next chapter, and I respond to specific questions there or on Tumblr!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Undoubtedly i'll follow you into the dark. For now.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Show Me My Silver Lining. For now.
Do you get hate on fics?
I used to get it, back when I was writing on fanfic.net. I get the odd inexplicable comment these days, but so far I've been lucky on Ao3.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write smut. I think. Mostly it's the nonexplicit variety, but I recently started using the three Cs when needed, so maybe it's explicit now?
Do you write crossovers?
I do not! The closest I've ever come to a crossover is naming all the non-canon background OCs in my BNHA fics after characters from a certain other manga. Nobody's guessed what it is yet.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No to that as well!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! My collaborators include incredible writers like @lonelyheartsmotel, @dogblessyoutascha, and @corndog-patrol!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Barduil, no contest. The sheer number of words I've put into that pairing is unreal. The fact that I even have another ship is thanks to the sheer power of @corndog-patrol and e-girl!Mic.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I intend to finish them all, and am trying to finish at least two this week. But as for unpublished stuff, probably the barduil 'a quiet place' AU. I didn't make it too far, and I definitely lost motivation.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty solid at writing plot. Nothing makes me happier than leaving foreshadowing lying around and seeing if readers catch it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
As evidenced by my Ao3 word count, I'm not very concise.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I've ever tried it. I usually indicate dialogue that's supposed to be in another language with italics.
First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. On fanfic.net. Dark times.
Favorite fic you've written?
Mm, I think Kairos is still my crowning achievement. But I have to say that I'm really proud of Love Like Ghosts, the first fic I ever wrote entirely in the Notes app on my phone and the first fic where I avoided ever using the main character's name.
I'll go ahead and tag @dogblessyoutascha @phantombstone @sophsiaaa and @melkors-defense-attorney!
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apphiarothowrites · 4 months
got tagged by Xammmmmmmm <3
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have
god...there's....a lot here.....it's mostly HBTB
Two Lane Split (draft)
A Timeless Fear (draft)
hanahaki plot (boom clap the sound of my heart the beat goes on and on and on and on and on and-)
slightly to the left plot
pacific rim AU plot (mostly from xam) [yes that's the actual title]
OP omega!Marco (Secretary Bird Blues)
OP former mafia au plot
OP/Golden Compass Fusion plot ideas?
Hurts Being This Beautiful/Marco's Hollow Birdy Bones megafic series [if you want this one, please be specific because there's 10 subfolders inside this one]
OP time travel ideas [includes the original idea for slightly to the left]
GitS fusion plot [ghost in the shell]
Ruffled Feathers v2 draft
Random Fucking Ideas
all the people I would otherwise tag were already tagged by xam, uuuhhh @bottommarcothephoenixenjoyer @spacer-case (if you have any) @igneawritethings @oz-gauze (if you have any) as well as everyone Xam tagged
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20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @the-bar-sinister for inviting mutuals to answer these ^^ (I'm just posting it here since it's my fandom blog)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
As of now : 26 (without counting those of mine I translated in french). 20 for OMORI & 6 for Cult of the Lamb. Plus 9 OMORI fics translated.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
As of now : 475 908 - 44 500 that is just translated works. So actually 431 408.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly OMORI & more recently Cult of the Lamb.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Other kinky situations, BONUS, AU & more. (875 Kudos, Compilation of oneshots & requests, multiple ships)
Omori fanfic without a title cause I can't find one. (338 Kudos, ☀️​🌻​​🏀​🎀, My first ever fanfic, I'd advice to read the rewrite instead)
And so, he'd wait. (314 Kudos,☀️​🌻, Yandere/Yandere, Trigger warnings in End Notes of each Chapters)
I already know they don't need me... (226 Kudos,🔪​☀️ + 🌻​🏀 ➡️ ☀️​🌻​🏀​🎀, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Exploring kinks together. (204 Kudos, ☀️​🌻 + ☀️​🎀 + ☀️​🌻​🏀​🎀 as Sex Friends + Minor 🍳​🎹 & 🎀🍭 + Skippable ☀️​🌻​🏀​🎀🍳​🎹​ as Occasional Sex Partners, Has a prequel)
All OMORI but here's a little top 3 of my CotL fics by kudos :
And what is the point in playing such a sick game ? (123 Kudos, Oneshot, NariLamb)
More interesting as a mortal than as a God ? (106 Kudos, Multi-chapters, NariLamb ➡️ Aym/Baal/The Lamb/Narinder + LambLeshy + LeshyCat)
When will you marry me ? (82 Kudos, Oneshot, NariLamb, First CotL fic !)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try my best to, even if I can be slow and my replies are usually not wordy. Sometimes I just really don't know how to reply so I don't.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm...I only write happy ends so...maybe a few oneshots (very few) in "Other kinky situations, BONUS, AU & more." ?
My hanahaki chapter might have a more bittersweet ending note, maybe ? (☀️​🌻, kinda unrequited feelings but it's imply that it won't be for long...and a part 2 is in the work that confirm it becomes mutual)
Or the part 1 of my Twins AU chapter ? But part 2 & 3 make it all fine so... (​🔪​☀️​🌻 but part 1 focus on the 🔪​☀️​)
There's also the part 1 of the one where Omega|Basil is assaulted by random alphas, I guess ? But part 2 is all about his lovers comforting him. (☀️​🌻​🏀​🎀)
Again, at worst, my works end on a hopeful note and it's implied that everything will be okay. (or there's another part where things goes well)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Again, I only write happy ends so it's a little hard to say...I guess all my Mari lives AU ones ?
Is it normal to have a crush on three persons ? (☀️​🌻​🏀​🎀 + Minor 🍳​🎹, Oneshot)
(10/31 - HALLOWEEN) (☀️​🌻​🏀​🎀 + Minor 🍳​🎹, Oneshot)
Nothing really had changed. (☀️​🌻​🏀​🎀 + Minor 🍳​🎹, 6 Chapter + 3 Extras)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes but rare enough. I usually delete comments if they pass the limits (insults, slurs, death threats, suibaiting,…)
I don't really mind people stating their opinions as long as it stay polite and don't pollute the comments too much.
9. Do you write s.mut?
YES!! I try to include it in a natural and casual way, especially in multi-chapters fics, because that's what I like to read. It's part of life so it's only natural that it's also part of the characters' life.
I'm aroace & both romance- and sex-repulsed so I'm a little picky with what I like and writing those (romance&sex) can be a little bit of a challenge sometimes.
10. Do you write crossovers? 
I never did and don't plan to in the future but you never know. Probably not though, not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not by someone else. I translate my OMORI fics in french little by little myself. It's my first language but somehow writing is easier in english ?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Nope, and I'm not sure I could.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Well, outside of poly ships (cause I really can't chose between those), I guess Sunflower ? It became such an OTP, that I feel genuine distress if I try to read an OMORI fic where they're explicitly not together.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None. Unless something happens to me, I will finish all of them even if it takes me years :)
16. What are your writing strengths?  
Um...I've been told that the way I write the characters dynamics is good ? I dunno, if there's some of my readers that see this and want to let me know what they think is my writing strengths, go ahead !
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Beside the way my disability mess with my ability to write so much that I need to use text generation (NovelAI) as an assistive tool ? I dunno, that's kinda the bigger one ( ̄  ̄|||)
Translating thoughts into words is pretty hard for me so...yeah.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think I would only do it for a language I can speak well enough to not mess up too bad ?
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
OMORI in 2022 <3
The need for more Plural|Sunny fics compelled me ! (It's canon, you can't change my mind)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? 
Oof, tough choice. I love all my fics quite a lot and I can't really chose one so...
And so, he'd wait. (☀️​🌻, mentioned before, I'm quite proud of this one and I love the Yandere/Yandere Unhealthy but Happy relationship going on there, someone once described it as the "healthiest unhealthy relationship" they've ever seen and...well I guess it fit lol)
It wasn't like things couldn't have been different... (☀️​🌻 + ☀️​​🏀, Short: 4 chapter, Angst with a Happy Ending, the whole "I let my chance pass and now he's with someone else" but with a polyamorous resolution~, I also love the discussion between Polly and Basil in the last chapter <3)
Always there for you, always loved you. (🔪​☀️ + ​☀️🌻 ➡️​ 🔪​☀️🌻🍉 + Minor 🎀🍭, Not completed but I really have a soft spot for this fic, I always write Sunny and Basil as autistic but in this one I feel it's the most obvious, also the 🔪​☀️​🌻​🍉!! I love that ship so much)
The door may be locked, but the window isn't. (☀️​🌻 + ❓, Soft Yandere|Basil who wasn't involved in Mari's death here, Not completed but again love the Unhealthy but Happy relationship going on there, the...almost wholesome if you don't think about it vibe)
They've been brothers for millennia, why would that suddenly change now ? (The NariLesh oneshot !! Who became a twoshot but shh...I just really love the whole polycule aspect in this one, the NariLamb moment is so cute, the LeshyCat with Thory playing matchmaker, Leshy comparing Nari's size to the Lamb lol)
Also a bunch of oneshots like the Basil front while visiting Basil. (Basil/Basil) or the Solo-bloodplay & Phone sex. (Basil/Sunny) or the Headspace|Basil fucks Sunny's eye socket. (Headspace|Basil/Sunny) (A lot more wholesome than you'd think when seeing the title, I promise) or Transmasc|Ace|Sunny part 1 & part 2, or...!
Aaand I'm not nearly social enough to even have someone to tag so anyone who's reading this and wants to do it can consider themselves tagged (⌒‿⌒)
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readythefanons · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @mrs-steve-harrington ! Tagging in @tinygigas and @tkwritesdumbassassins
Rules: post the top 5 works* you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year! 
*for my own taste, I'd this to offer "or scenes" if you're a fewer-than-five-fics-per-year person.
Favorite line
I have no earthly idea 😅 I've been trying to think of this for a WHILE
1 and 2 have to be Pull It Together/the Lorenz of Doubt. This was my "big WIP" for such a long time! I'm so pleased with it :) For anyone not familiar, this is a two-fic project (a duology) for my rarepair ship Leonie/Lorenz (from Fire Emblem 3 Houses AKA FE3H) where I wrote the same overall story from the POV of the two leads
Leonie's POV: "Don't ask me 'cause I don't know (pull it together, Leonie)"
Lorenz's POV: "I have so many feelings, none of them actionable (pull it together, Lorenz)"
3 "the glass slipper (now kiss: with a cinderella spin)" I LOVE THIS FIC. Yes, it's my own fic. This fic just gelled for me.
Count's son Lorenz is ready for another monotonous ball, but a mysterious lady changes that.
Leonie's stoked she got to go to the fancy ball wearing a disguise from her fairy godmother.
4 "now kiss: under the full moon" This is a fluffy oneshot! There's a funny line, there's fluff, it's incredibly self-indulgent. I just... I love the mix of fluff and fun this fic brought me.
5 "forget-me-lots" This is my hanahaki fic (with a twist)! It was incubating for a long time, and I almost didn't post it because of a last-minute crisis of confidence. BUT here it is. Hooray!
Oo I get to talk about some unrevealed WIPs
1: Petra/Sylvain post-crimson flower political-marriage-to-lovers fic. Petra returns to Brigid. This one is shaping up to be... long.
WIP summary:
Petra boards the ship even as the victory celebrations are still being planned. While her comrades-in-arms are toasting their success, she will be sailing west.
Emperor Edelgard has promised a new era of friendship and equality between the new United Adrestia and the kingdom of Brigid. If Petra is to see the Emperor's promise realized--if her people are to remain truly free--she must assume leadership of her island home.
She was once the favored grandchild of the Macneary family, her position as her grandfather's successor all but assured. That was more than a decade ago, before agents of Adrestia kidnapped her to ensure her people's good behavior.
She will need allies. Although her newly-acquired husband Sylvain was chosen for his understanding of Fodlan's politics, he will prove to be one of Petra's most valuable supporters… and, in time, her friend.
The war of Fodlan is over, but for Petra, a new journey is just beginning.
2: Leonie/Lorenz sci fi au! I'm trying to follow a Romance (genre) outline!
3: a very personal FE3H fic that I'm still to shy to even specify who is the main character and what the premise is.
4: my very obscure jollybaby/blorp (murderbot) fic! One chapter to go!
Also-rans: leonie/lorenz mulan AU. Leonie/Lorenz beauty and the beast AU. Leonie/Lorenz monsterfucker AU. Leonie/lorenz A/b/o AU. My next life as a villainess keith/sophia+gerald heat fic. Also a continuation of my smutty Zelda: Breath of the Wild fic "Inside of you are two wolves (both of them are DTF)"
My brain is empty so I'm interpreting this prompt broadly
1. I did some experimentation with different ways of getting feedback!
2. I got involved in some fandom events! I got accepted into a zine for the first time!
3. I wrote some varied stuff, including some (mildly, for me) experimental fics, fics I don't know I would have been comfortable posting a few years ago, that sort of thing. So I'm pleased with that.
Also, I learned ficbinding!
1. completely prewrite this next big fic before posting a single part of it. (Will I actually finish the fic without the rush of posting? TBD. I write as I go for a reason, so this is an experiment)
2. be more self indulgent and more subject to enthusiasms!!!!
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See iam93percentstardust’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: iam93percentstardust Discord: iam93percentstardust Twitter: im93prcntstrdst
Preferred organizations: - Clean Air Task Force - Coalition for Rainforest Nations - Waterkeeper Alliance (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Happy endings, angst with a happy ending, fluff, smut, established relationship, getting together, mutual pining, team as family, slice of life, friends to lovers, most AUs, omegaverse dynamics, dark characters
Will not create works that contain: Incest, MCU-compliant after Age of Ultron, Hogwarts AU, high school AU, alcoholism/drug abuse, kid fic, major character death, noncon, graphic depictions of torture, sick fic, genderswap, hanahaki disease, character/ship bashing, hurt no comfort, mpreg, unhappy endings, homophobia, bathroom kinks
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1063
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU
Work Description: I’m offering a 15k to 20k fic that I can begin work on in early 2024. It will most likely take me around 2-6 months depending on the length of the fic and how busy my school/work schedule is. I’m happy to include background relationships, preferably platonic but we can discuss romantic as well. I work well with specific prompts but don’t mind working with something more open-ended. I also have a list of works that I’ve been thinking about writing if you’re not sure about what you’d like to prompt. While I prefer to write bottom/sub/omega Tony, I am open to discussion. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about prompts, ship dynamics, or AUs.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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