#yes it's gonna be ZADR
abrthephantomq · 4 months
'Encoder' Zim AU Idea Thingy
ie, Cas is Trying to World Build this Invader Zim AU he wants Alicia and Steven to Write and the whole process has got him like this:
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Putting the idea behind a cut but also tagging @paynomindtotheinsanity because this was heavily inspired by a conversation we had a few days about competent!Zim but also because her characterization of Zim is *chef's kiss* in Your Eyes Are Red.
So the real concept is that instead of “Invading” planets, Irkens are sent to various alien planets throughout the universe in order to study them. And then they “assimilate” them into the Irken Empire’s vast galactic Empire. 
The Irken Race are being guided by the “Control Brains” still – the Control Brains can do all the things that they can totally do in like – The Trial episode. But also note that Red (Savin) and Purple (Jazz) (like 00 version J&S where they are very, very sexually compatible but not necessarily compatible-compatible, especially as leaders, not that it matters because –) are basically puppet dictators – they know their role is just to be the public face for the Control Brains. 
The thing is – the Control Brains aren’t actually Irken. They’re humans who achieved immortality. I want to say two of them but honestly? I think they’re supposed to be the 8 richest human beings from this earth. They had so much wealth and power that they basically other humans into something unrecognizable…
Well, they turned them into Irkens.
Irkens are basically the like, Worker Bees of the giant Hive Mind the Control Brains worked really hard to create, and have been creating, for the past millennia. Irkens are used to MAINTAIN the hive. They go to planets and figure out what sorts of things its societies are doing “wrong” and how fractured each world is etc and learn the history / record the issues down and then pass the information to The Tallests. The Tallests then report this information to the Control Brains, who then decide the fate of those planets. 
(Read: The Control Brains then tell the Tallests that yes, these planets should be assimilated and that they need sooooo much help and guidance to learn how to have the besttttt livessssss ever and like…. the Encoders are supposed to facilitate that whole process, as well. Irkens live for many many years, they effectively don’t age because they’re genetically perfect, thanks to the cloning process, and the Paks make sure that everyone stays in LINE)
So rly – Paks keep Irkens Alive, they keep them In Line, and they essentially act as fucking thought police. 
Now – here’s where it’s gonna get a bit loopy. 
Irkens are Humans, right? The first race that the Control Brains assimilated into the Hive Mind? The same Hive Mind that essentially continues to feed the Control Brains desire to control EVERYTHING across the galaxy and continue to pile more and more money etc??? 
What happens if an Irken Encoder is sent, purposely, to Earth? 
Humans shouldn’t still exist, right? 
Yeah, tell that to planet Earth, circa year 2001. Humans are still there. Still “thriving.” 
Professor Membrane is studying Human Genetic Manipulation. He’s made two clones of himself – a boy, and a girl. They’re both him, they’re his kids, they’re fucked up. As all families are. 
Professor Membrane is also splicing Human Genetic Material with Other Species’ Genetic Material. 
Except he can’t test this shit on HUMAN subjects, because that shit’s unethical. 
Except he can, though. 
He proved that he could clone himself, after all. Who’s to say he can’t just…. try to clone humans and manipulate their DNA that way? No one. He’s given free fucking rein because Dib and Gaz were the only “successful” human clones he’d produced, according to his research and the grants etc he was given to conduct this research, etc. 
Dib and Gaz may get to live long, happy lives (as they are human beings born with Privillege – Professor Membrane’s rich as fucking hell, obvs) – but they have an untold number of “siblings” they know nothing about. 
I can’t remember if it was Enter the Florpus that had Membrane working on a perpetual motion / energy machine? I think it was Enter the Florpus. 
Anyway, EtF more or less proves that the Earth IZ takes place on is part of a series of different AUs. Remember, there are other dimensions, too – A Room With A Moose, for example. So this isn’t all that weird of a thing. 
Thing is, these AUs exist together and overlap one another and Zim is sent to Encode Earth. Zim is a competent Irken Encoder; he has yet to fail at properly folding various planets in. He’s good at it. It essentially requires him to just conduct experiments on different races all day long and see how they work etc. 
He’s so good at it, he starts to notice weird shit about the Human Race, and about the planet in general. Features of it look familiar; bits of history sound familiar, etc. 
btw, he and Dib more or less have the SAME weird rival situationship happening – because Dib recognizes Zim as not a human being (“Does…. nobody see the alien sitting in class?”), and since Zim is competent at blending in and shit (and honestly? Yeah, he kinda IS in the show – at least with middle schoolers? he was REAL GOOD at getting the other kids to be on his side and not Dib’s). 
So Dib grew up the same fucking pariah in his class, with Zim like – falling into the “preps” – Drumline Captain for the marching band, etc. Like, Zim is popular. The girls want to date him. The boys want to be him, etc. Prom King material, right there.
They graduate. 
They go their separate ways. Dib becomes a paranormal investigator with the CIA (Swollen Eyeballs - Agent Mothman) and… 
Well, he’s given a mission to assassinate a certain scientist / researcher. Someone who’s putting too many puzzle pieces together and therefore threatens to completely collapse the human race and, quite honestly, the planet – especially if he ever gets his research published. Because this scientist / researcher has been working independently for at least a decade, and every single time he releases findings, Things Happen. 
The researcher / scientist / historian (lol) is Zim. 
Chaos ensues. 
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anonymoosen · 3 months
Shirt Ghost AU chapter 1!
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Concept of the shirt ghost AU: here
Recap: Basically Dib farted so hard his shirt ghost evaporated and became sentient! Craaazyyy-
(He wanted a happier life so he got some spell book thingy to make it happen but this happens instead)
So the ghost turns out to be something that represents Dib’s inner emotions, causing Dib to be confused and irritated by the little ghost since he always pushed aside his emotions for some reason!
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emmabirb8 · 1 year
Megamind and Zim
So, I'm a huge nerd (as you all know). And I've recently gotten a bit back into Invader Zim because my hyperfixations are a neverending cycle of whatever happens to capture my interest.
Well, since my brain likes to make connections between hyperfixations, I decided to start listing out similarities between one of my most precious blorbos - Megamind - and Zim. Just for funsies. :P
And uh, there's A LOT, actually. Which shouldn't surprise me considering they're both Very Dramatic aliens, but either way. I'm gonna post what I've gathered here for my own amusement. 😁
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So here's what I got:
Landed on Earth
Grew up parentless
Outcasts of society
Robotic servants/minions that were given to them prior to being sent to Earth (yes, Minion is a fish, but he does have a robotic body)
Black heeled boots and black gloves
Viewed as "evil" even tho neither are actually evil (Zim is self-centered, chaotic, and destructive but I wouldn't classify him as evil even if he himself might - his mission to conquer Earth is more to please his Tallest and be validated as a good invader than to actually be evil for the sake of being evil)
Have strong relationships with their rivals/enemies to the point where they give their lives meaning and purpose - both became depressed and unmotivated when those enemies were suddenly not around to fight (due to being "defeated" in Megs' case and pursuing "real science" in Zim's case in the unfinished ep Mopiness of Doom)
Both are frequently shipped with their enemies in fanworks (Metro Man for Megs, Dib for Zim)
Intelligent scientists and inventors but they're also goofy as hell and they create plans that continually fail
Speech idiosyncrasies (pronouncing words incorrectly for Megs, emphasizing certain words and poor volume control for Zim)
Very animated and dramatic/theatrical when speaking
Short (Zim more so than Megs but Megs is still, like, shorter than Roxanne)
Big egos that hide their severe insecurities
Significant amounts of angst to both character's backstories
Cool color skin tones
Bullied in school
Affinity for junk food
Many fans of their respective media are in the lgbtqia+ community - both characters themselves also read as some flavor of queer and fans often HC/interpret them as such
Both come across as some level of neurodivergent
Pretty neat, huh? Well, I took it a step further (bc of course I did) and decided to ALSO find as many similarities as I could between Roxanne Ritchi and Dib Membrane. Being the main human characters, it felt more appropriate than trying to compare Metro Man to Dib, even tho Metro Man largely fills the "enemy" role for Megamind (and bc I am a filthy shipper at heart, fight me*).
Anyway, so Roxanne and Dib:
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Human (potentially questionable in Dib's case, but still)
Foils and equals to the alien protagonists
Sneak into alien protagonists' bases to take pictures and figure out "evil" plans to try to stop them
Have been kidnapped by aliens
Know the real truth of the alien protagonists, but their peers don't (Roxanne knows Megamind isn't really evil or dangerous, Dib knows Zim is really an alien - in Megamind's case, the people of Metro City do eventually come around, but not til the end)
Have false narratives about some aspect of their lives widely believed by the general public (most the citizens of Metro City think that Roxanne is dating Metro Man, almost everyone around Dib believes he's just crazy for thinking Zim is an alien)
Have companions who are also privy to the alien protagonists' true natures, but those companions are apathetic (Metro Man and Gaz respectively)
Concerned for the well-being of their fellow humans and cities
Like their aliens, both also come across as some level of neurodivergent (you kinda have to squint to notice it in Roxanne, but it's definitely there)
Alien boyfriends* (if you ship Megarox and ZaDr :P)
So yeah! Just some fun comparisons to ponder.
*Although I don't ship ZaDr within the canon universe of the show itself, I do enjoy it in certain transformative contexts. I'm v aware of the controversial nature of the pairing, so I wanna make that clear. I just like having fun with it.
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lestat-wesker · 2 years
got any recent new zadf/zadr fic refs?
Hello! Yes, these are some very cool, finished, and relatively short zadr fics! Most of them are in my bookmarks.
As The Snow Falls On This FILTHY, VILE CITY OF HORSE MOO! by Kori_Miraju
Arcturus and Home by @chipper-daily
These three fics are heartbreaking and wholesome at the same time if you're into that kind of stories.
Then you have:
Say I'm the Only Bee in Your Bonnet by DesdemonaKaylose, the genius who wrote Verd'ika, they're very popular fics but if you never have read them I think you're gonna like them
time abyss by curtailed it's such a clever story of three chapters, utterly blow minding.
Don’t Worry Babygirl, My Serum Is Squirrel Certified by @wannabecrypt-id AND a swarm of bullets tearing the air by punk_rock_yuppie are another GEMS. Very short and with amazing writing.
insert cabinet man lyric here by louser, this one is so cute, I love it, the guys go to the Arcade.
And if you're looking for some spicy E rated good stuff you have Alien Reacharound by Edgelord (lostlikeme) and the very cool AU, Dream Fortress also by chipper Hope this is useful.
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al13n-fr34k · 1 year
Just to let you guys know that I'm currently working on an invader zim au,it's gonna be zadf and zade
I don't really ship Zim and Dib romantically please don't fight about this,it's just my personal opinions I just don't see them as a couple but more like best friends or enemies either way,your gonna get both lol,plus I heard that zim is 160 in earth years? I don't know if that's correct but it was never clarified what age Zim is,from what I'm aware of. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
ZADR- Zim and Dib Relationship
ZADF- Zim and Dib friends
ZADE- Zim and Dib Enemies
(Some people forget about what these all mean,so I'm just there to explain my taggs but like I said before I don't ship those two romantically,it's more platonic lol)
I got the plot or the concept of the story done I just need to work on the story fully and redesigning the characters.
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treel · 2 years
Saw someone else shared a song that reminded them of Nullified so I thought I'd share my Nullified Zadr Playlist:
Dib POV before he knew the truth:
"All for you" - Sister Hazel Dela - Johnny Clegg
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Shut up and Dance - WALK THE MOON
Accidently in Love - Counting crows
Love at First sight - Brobecks
Dib POV after he learned the truth
Mamma Mia - ABBA
Dela - Johnny Clegg
Don't sit down 'Cause i've moved your chair - Arctic monkeys
Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys
Just Give me a reason - P!nk
If you like it or not - Brobecks
Please don't leave me - P!nk
Pompeii - Bastille (Idk, this song just feels like Zim to me with the whole "How am I gonna be an optimist about this?" thing so it's on all my Zim playlists)
Thank you for reading my ramblings
YES these are all so good!! I added my favorites to my playlist! 😭
Pompeii is such a good song, it's funny because it was actually on my OC playlist for Selpa (listen...don't judge me, okay) because like, two alternating "voices", talking about a disaster + English accent = Selpa?
Anyway, it blows my mind that anyone besides me is associating certain songs with the fic, I am so very grateful to everyone who is reading and enjoying it!! @invadcrs made a playlist a while back that I still listen to in addition to my own, they help me get in the right headspace before I write! (ADHD demands the headspace be correct before any writing can be done)
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reynaruina · 5 years
I would love to hear more about Zim in your ponytail AU!
(From this AU)
-Zim's figured a while ago about his mission being fake, and turned his back on the empire.
-He's decided he wants to conquer Earth for himself now, and possibly build an army to overthrow Red and Purple.
-He doesn't wanna do it alone, however. He wants to work with Dib, rule the world with him.
-He's been in love with him for years now, but only in the last year or so realized it.
-They're still sworn enemies, and Zim does have a strong desire to change that, but won't do it for now.
-Main reason for it being that, with how depressed Dib is, fighting him and succeeding to protect the Earth is the only thing that still gives the human some semblance of self confidence and fleeting moments of happiness.
-So even if he doesn't want to fight Dib anymore Zim keeps the ruse up, pretending to still try and take over the Earth to give Dib a chance to stop him.
-He has also become a close confidant of Dibs, even though the human doesn't know that.
-It happens because Dib keeps wandering into Zim's house when drunk and crashing on his couch, and pretty much using Zim as shoulder to cry on / makeshift therapist / feels dumping ground.
-On one side Zim's happy that this allows at least some level of emotional intimacy between them, even if it's entirely just for Dib's benefit.
-On the other, he's had to train himself not to take everything drunk Dib says seriously or he risks ending every night with his heart in a million pieces.
-Dib never remembers a thing the next day. He just wonders why the hell he keeps waking up on Zim's couch.
-Zim invents a different excuse every time before kicking him out for the day.
-A part of Zim really wants to come forth and confront Dib when sober, but he doesn't wanna risk Dib realizing their fights are all staged and losing the one thing that still makes him feel an ounce of self-worth.
-He's also scared of rejection. His Tallests rejecting him was already a huge blow, he doesn't think he could stand another one.
-So for now he keeps up the pretense, trying to do whatever he can behind Dib's back to make his life a little more bearable, hoping that someday he'll get better and realize what Zim's been doing for him all this time.
-And maybe, just maybe, Dib will return his feelings.
-And then, they'll finally conquer the world together.
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mourninglamby · 5 years
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a totally original comic abt zim getting pissed that dib is getting taller
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ihaveraebees · 5 years
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First art post of the this account, and of course it’s ship art. Specifically ZaDr. There might be something wrong with me, but lets not think about that too much.
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dib-kinnie · 5 years
I saw vore and zadr, I had to follow! ♥️ - beenheresince2002
Aw yes! Thanks for following
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whimsyworm · 5 years
friendly reminder if you harass or "call out" kids on the internet over stupid ships you're creepy and need to learn what abuse actually is
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pichichustudios · 3 years
I really love your fluffy arts,it makes my day and all
Have you ever considered
Dead dib- (I like hurting dib and idk why sorry dib)
And yes I am asking this anonymously cause I'm afraid of zim
Yes he’s gonna kill you lmao and thank you so much!
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Haha I do LOVE ANGST stuff hehe UWU
I know my stuff is super fluffy and sweet UWU because most ZADR fandom draw so sad so I’m gonna be the one who make them sweet UWU❤️❤️
Btw this is only page 1 for this comic. I’m already planned 9 page of this haha gonna suffer you guys >:)))
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fall-out-boytoy · 3 years
Invader Zim playlist sharing time!!
It's shuffleable, just play the first song first! On second thought you probably SHOULD shuffle it, I didn't sort this at all. If you have any suggestions GIMME!
List of songs w/ short, sometimes witty, and sometimes rambly explanation:
"Invader Zim (From "Invader Zim")" by Geek Music - it's LITERALLY the theme song.
"Touch Tone Telephone" by Lemon Demon - do I even have to say anything at this point?
"Bulletproof Heart" by My Chemical Romance - zim and dib Vibes
"You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" by the Offspring - zim singing to dib, perhaps? "And no one even knew, it was really only you"
"Alien Boy" by Wipers - title says it all, 'tis zim
"Cabinet Man" by Lemon Demon - GAZ
"Planetary (GO!)" by My Chemical Romance - vibes
"No Eyed Girl" by Lemon Demon - zadr from dib's perspective
"Really Cool Wig" by Lemon Demon - zim's disguise
"The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" by Lemon Demon - zade. rather predictably this playlist is heavy on the lemon demon
"The Greatest Show - Bonus Track" by Pentatonix - have some meta! Also, yes, it's the Pentatonix version because I like them
"E.T." by Katy Perry - incredibly cheesy zadr
"Cryptid Hunt - Demo" by Averno, Sushi Soucy - swollen eyeballs and dib vibes
"We Will Commit Wolf Murder" by of Montreal - zadr duet!
"Bad Romance" by Halestorm - zadr
"I Miss the Misery" by Halestorm - yet another zadr
"A Mask of My Own Face" by Lemon Demon - zim's disguise
"Basket Case" by Green Day - when I first heard this I went "hmm yes, zim" but upon further reflection it probably applies to dib even more
"Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)" by My Chemical Romance - vibes
"Lifetime Achievement Award" by Lemon Demon - I have absolutely no idea why this is on here, none of the lyrics fit, but it has some mighty good vibes. If you can think of a reason why it's on MY OWN PLAYLIST do tell!
"Miss The Misery" by Foo Fighters - zadr vibes
"Voodoo" by Get Scared - pilot dib if he was more paranormal and less real-sciencey. Banger song too
"Nemeses (feat. John Roderick)" by Jonathan Coulton, John Roderick - zad_. I'd specify a letter but it's kinda,,,all of them
"Eighth Wonder" by Lemon Demon - zim vibes. "I might be small but I am the eighth wonder, eighth wonder of the world." I have Plans to make an animatic of this eventually
"Machine" by Regina Spektor - computer/control brains vibes
"Aliens Exist" by blink-182 - DIB
"Lights Out" by Mindless Self Indulgence - the obvious choice for this one would be zim but it also applies to the tallest
"No Children" by the Mountain Goats - zadr
"Do It All The Time" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - it has zadr vibes but, like, that specific type of zadr where they take over the world together
"Alien Freak" by K-Modo - It is LITERALLY about Dib. THERE'S A PICTURE OF HIM ON THE ALBUM COVER. I have Plans to make an AMV of this eventually
"Baby You're a Haunted House" by Gerard Way - idk it has zadr vibes
"Obsessed With You" by The Orion Experience - zim and dib, naturally. I have Plans to make an AMV of this eventually
"Bad" by Michael Jackson - zim vibes
"The Queen of White Lies" by The Orion Experience - vibes
"You're so Vain" by Carly Simon - zim thinks this song is about him
"I Love the Stars" by The Orion Experience - this song is definitely in the running for the zadrest song that ever zadred
"Ruler of Everything" by Tally Hall - hmm I wonder who this could ever refer to. hint it's not who you're initially thinking of. yes I am taking guesses, send it into my ask box
"There's No Love in February" by The Orion Experience - idk it has zadr vibes
"As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It" by Lemon Demon - prof membrane
"We Are the Ones" by The Orion Experience - vibes
"(You're The) Devil In Disguise" by Elvis Presley - zim's disguise, yet again
"I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters - zade
"Leave Out All The Rest" by Linkin Park - zib vibes, as confirmed by zib expert @melodyofthevoid!
"Turn the Lights Off" by Tally Hall - just general vibes
"Necromancin Dancin" by Bear Ghost - raising the dead, hmm I wonder who that could ever refer to
"Revenge" by Mindless Self Indulgence - tak
"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (feat. William Beckett)" by Set It Off - dib to zim, perhaps
"Knife Fight" by Lemon Demon - idk it has zade/f vibes
"Villain" by Stella Jang - hmm I wonder who this could ever refer to. hint it's not who you're initially thinking of. yes I am taking guesses, send it into my ask box
"Mastermind" by Mindless Self Indulgence - zim vibes
"ANTI-HERO" by SEKAI NO OWARI - dib vibesss
"Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance - gaz and dib and zim and also maybe tak. but like, aged-up. look I just like mcr okay? okay
"I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation" by Destroy Boys - zim and dib vibes
"The Sharpest Lives" by My Chemical Romance - *looks at whatever the hell this song is* hmm yes zadr look it mentions both "empires" and "vampires" and that's good enough for me
"Problems" by Mother Mother - zadr vibes, perhaps?
"Wrecking Ball" by Mother Mother - zim
"I'm Gonna Win" by Rob Cantor - zim
"Sarcasm" by Get Scared - just general vibes
"Oh No!" by MARINA - zim vibes, perhaps?
"It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" by R.E.M. - I could go off about how the random nature of this song reflects the random nature of Zim's plans, and how the chorus/title reflects Dib's increasing lack of caring, but instead I'll just say "vibes" again
"Kiss With A Fist" by Florence + The Machine - hmm yes zadr
"I Hate Myself for Loving You" by Joan Jett - hmm yes zadr fun fact I can play this song on bass
"You Give Love A Bad Name" by Bon Jovi - hmm yes zadr gotta stuff this playlist with classic rock as well
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ask-zadr · 2 years
So... I was not in your blog when you started, so I know it's late, but at least I have an excuse for only now talking about what I don't personally get. I hope I am not gonna be a jerk about it, because I don't want to: There was a storyline about Zim used to not wanting to have a girl, which I don't think it makes any sense, unless some back-story is behind it in this AU. I mean, I get it what it was going for: Showing Zim is still a flawed individual and he has to overcome some of his personal demons to be mature to be a parent is a great concept and I think the excution was had effort put into it, but I don't think sexism is a character-flaw that should have been the one you choose for him, because it not only doesn't make sense for his character, it doesn't make sense for the Irken race as a whole. Gender literally doesn't matter to them: They treat them equally in their society. They also wear clothes solely based on their jobs and all of them can be anything. The thing they discriminate by is height and the view other races as inferior. And Zim himself doesn't show treating girls worse than boys. He treats people equally shitty (expect GIR and Mini, and maybe the Tallest?). It would make more sense if he didn't wanted the smeet(s) to look more human, because of internalized xenophobia. I know he is happily boyfriends with Dib at this point, but it's realistic for this kind of things not completely go away, not because the person is not trying per say, but because he had been subjected to propaganda from a very young age and it wouldn't be suprising if it was still deep inside his concious. Plus, you mentioned that he relapses. This could be a similar situation. Or them being really short, because despite being short, Zim can be pretty hypocritical and he was raised on an environment where short people are count as lesser beings. Or even the opposite: growing taller than their parent, despite he being their superior. Yeah, it doesn't matter on our planet, but he is still an Irken. Maybe these are stupid ideas, but I really find it odd how you had him learn not to be misognistic when he wasn't possessed this trait in the first place, instead of working on some bad trait he actually had. I am aware he should still feel Zim-like, so there is not gonna be a drastic change in character, but still. Yes, it's not canon, it's a Zadr-au, but you mentioned that Zim sees himself as a genderless, so why did he care so much? Okay, maybe it can be a situation that he doesn't have a problem with girls, but he himself doesn't want a girl. There are people like that in real life, but again he has no clear reason for that. Which brings me to my question: Is there an explanation why did you choose to go with this back than? (Is it got something to do what he learned about the gender rules while being on Earth?) Sorry, it's probably really outdated, but I am a late-comer, so... You don't have to answer of you don't want to, I am just would like it, of you did.
Okay this is a REALLY interesting question! And definitely about an outdated concept because I totally forgot about it. Haha. So zim isn’t supposed to be written to be misogynistic. but he doesn’t exactly always make sense either. Some things he did on this blog he just… did? But there wasn’t a deep reason. And if there was, I can’t remember what my thought process for what I chose that reaction for. As you said, he IS genderless and you’re correct gender doesn’t matter on irk with how their society goes, so….
If I were to give it in an explanation now I’d say that I think he just didn’t want a girl at the time and made everything overly dramatic but there was a hint of him being impressionable that he gained from the environment around him - as it’s not hard to start reacting to the world around you and letting it mess with your thoughts. The thought of gender is very confusing to him but also very prevalent here on earth and zim can take things very literally and deeply so I’d peg this to be the reason. however it’s not something you’ll really see again, I don’t think. After having his daughter zal, it’s given him quite a clear view of how he feels.
Thank you for the question!
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reynaruina · 5 years
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sometimes u just gotta
enjoy the lil pleasures in life
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
really wanna send a request with a ship with one of those prompts. but i’m not sure which ships you’re okay with and the ones you aren’t.
Allow me to make a list for some of the ships I like and what show they’re part of! And if the ship you have in mind isn’t on the list, just give me the ship name and the show it’s from and I’ll let you know if I’m comfortable writing for it or not. 😁
Phineas and Ferb
Phineas x Isabella [OTP]
Vanessa x Monty
Linda x Lawrence
Ferb x Ginger (or any of the other Fireside Girls)
Baljeet x Mishti
Buford x Gretchen
Ferb x Vanessa [either during the AYA timeframe, or with their ages tweaked so they’re at least closer in age if not the same age - or even a one-sided situation cuz those are always cute/funny/angsty]
Doofenshmirtz x Charlene [Pre-Show]
Candace x Jeremy
Perry x his job [jk, but seriously]
I also ship Doofenshmirtz hard with my OC, Alice Schnitzel, but I doubt you know anything about her, lol, also I’m probably gonna do these more likely than OTHER ships tbh (also I do not touch Perryshmirtz - we don’t talk about that ship around me 😳)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic x Sally [OTP]
Sonic x Galaxina [also OTP]
Tails x Cosmo
Knuckles x Rouge
Shadow x Rouge
Vector x Vanilla
Antoine x Bunnie
I probably have more than that but I don’t have any else that come to mind. XD
Invader Zim
Zim x Zita [OTP] (Note: I do not follow show canon and consider Zim to be a child)
Dib x Tak (Note: The above statement applies to here also)
Zim x Gaz
I don’t have as many ships for IZ as I previously thought…huh…(and no I do not do ZADR, I’m a ZADF kinda gal)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Pinkie x Discord [OTP] (FIGHT ME)
Pinkie x Cheese Sandwich
Fluttershy x Discord
Fluttershy x Cheese Sandwich
Rainbow Dash x Soarin’
Applejack x King Sombra (thanks for that @ad-post-it)
Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry (Again, FIGHT ME)
Derpy x Flash Sentry
Spike x Sweetie Belle
Apple Bloom x Tender Taps
I DEFINITELY have more ships in this fandom than THAT. 😂 shipping is too easy in MLP.
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star x Tom [OTP]
Marco x Kelly
Star x Marco
Eclipsa x Globgor
Milo Murphy’s Law
Milo x Amanda [OTP]
Melissa x Bradley [also OTP]
Melissa x Zack
Gravity Falls
Dipper x Pacifica [OTP]
AAAAAAAND THERE YOU HAVE IT! The list of ships I’m most likely gonna definitely say yes to writing for! Again, if your ship isn’t on this list, that doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t write for it - give it a try and see what happens! But if it’s NOT from any of the shows, chances are I might not know about it, so do me a favor and gimme some info on the couple, particularly what show/content they’re from so I can do research.
Thank you so much for considering asking me for a request! 🥰
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