#yes its a parent trap au
jitterbugtakeonme · 6 months
just a little sneak peek at the next movie au im doing for mirandy
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rafecameronssl4t · 25 days
Could you do reader and rafes reaction to when they found out easer is first pregnant for the force’s marriage au? LOVED the first part!!
First pregnancy || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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A/n: this fic is a 100% how i think rafe and reader would react in this situation
Warnings: mention of pregnancy, angst if there's anything else lmk
Word count: 1,457
MASTERLIST (forced marriage au masterlist)
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divider by @h-aewo
You flip over the pregnancy test, your heart sinking as you see two lines. Of course. It was inevitable, given the life you’ve been cornered into. You sigh, throwing the test into the bin with a mixture of resignation and dread.
Leaning against the cool marble sink, you catch your reflection in the mirror—your eyes heavy with a sense of inevitability that’s become all too familiar. The pristine bathroom feels suffocating, its sterile white tiles and polished fixtures reflecting the stark reality you’re trapped in.
Leaving the bathroom, you make your way downstairs to the living room, each step heavy with the weight of what this means. Rafe had left for work a few hours earlier, leaving you alone in the house. It’s been this way for a while—his absence during these crucial moments only magnifies the distance between you.
The quiet of the house, broken only by the soft footfalls of the servants, feels more isolating than comforting. In the corner of your eye, you notice Anita descending the stairs. She’s one of the few people who’ve been with you since you were young, a steady presence in the chaos of your life.
You assume she’s just finished cleaning your room, making everything perfect as always. “Anita?” you call out, your voice softer than intended. She stops, turning to you with a gentle smile that’s both comforting and bittersweet. “Yes, Miss?” she replies, her tone warm and familiar. You look up from your phone, hesitating for a moment.
“Not a word to Rafe, please,” you say, your voice firmer this time, carrying the weight of the secret you now bear. Anita’s eyes soften with understanding. She doesn’t need any more explanation. “Of course, congratulations to you both. Your parents will be overjoyed, they’ve been waiting for this,” she says before continuing on her way.
Her words hit you like a blow to the chest, knocking the breath from your lungs. Of course, your parents would be thrilled. This is all they ever wanted from you and Rafe—a continuation of the family bloodline, a legacy to carry forward. They didn’t care if the two of you were unhappy, if this marriage was more a prison than a partnership. As long as the family name persisted, nothing else mattered.
"Where is she?" Rafe's voice echoes through the quiet house, sharp and impatient. Anita’s calm response cuts through the tension. "She isn’t feeling well, Mr. Cameron," she says, her tone polite and soothing. Rafe grunts in acknowledgment and takes his seat at the dining table, his eyes scanning the empty chair opposite him—usually filled by you each morning.
Later that day, as you and Rafe drive to your parents' house for lunch, a wave of nausea washes over you. You place one hand protectively on your lower stomach, the other coming up to cover your mouth as you close your eyes and focus on steadying your breath. Morning sickness has been relentless lately, more intense and persistent than before. While you’ve managed to keep it hidden from Rafe up until now, the strain is starting to show.
Rafe’s gaze flickers to you briefly, his eyes narrowing with concern. Without a word, he reaches into the console and retrieves a bottle of water, handing it to you with an absent-minded flick of his wrist. He doesn’t even glance at you as he passes it over. "Thanks," you murmur, your voice barely audible as you unscrew the lid and take a slow sip, your eyes fixed out the window.
As the car rolls to a stop in front of your family estate, Rafe is already unbuckling his seatbelt, eager to get this over with. But before he can move, you reach out, your hand covering his, halting his actions. He glances at you, confusion etched across his features. You swallow hard, struggling to find the words, your eyes searching his before you turn away, staring blankly out the windshield.
You feel his gaze on your side profile, waiting, perhaps sensing the gravity of what you’re about to say. "I'm pregnant," you finally admit, your voice barely above a whisper. The words hang in the air between you, heavy and unyielding. You feel Rafe tense beside you, the atmosphere in the car growing thick with unspoken emotions. His reaction is immediate and sharp, cutting through the silence like a knife.
"Are you seriously telling me this right now? Just before we see your parents?" His voice is laced with anger, catching you completely off guard. You turn to face him, your expression one of disbelief. Is he seriously getting mad right now? Of all the reactions you had braced yourself for, this wasn’t one of them.
"I just told you we're having a child, and this is how you react?" you snap, incredulous. Your disbelief quickly morphs into anger as you watch him look away, his jaw clenched in frustration. His silence only fuels your rage. "Fucking unbelievable," you mutter under your breath as you unbuckle your seatbelt and shove the car door open.
The door slams shut behind you with a resounding thud as you storm toward the front entrance, your emotions boiling over. You’re only a few steps away when you hear Rafe’s car door fly open, followed by the sound of his voice, sharp and laced with frustration.
"What do you expect me to say when you just laid that out on me?" he calls out, his anger evident in every word. You whirl around, arms crossed tightly over your chest, your eyes narrowed as they lock onto his. His expression is a mix of confusion and fury, as if he’s grappling with the enormity of your news and how it collided with the timing.
For a moment, neither of you speak, the tension between you crackling in the crisp air. "I expected you to care!" you finally snap back, your voice trembling with the weight of everything unsaid. Rafe’s eyes widen, caught between defensiveness and something that almost resembles guilt. "I do care," he retorts, his voice softer now but still edged with frustration. He takes a step closer, closing the distance between you.
"But you couldn’t have picked a worse time to tell me. We’re about to walk into your parents’ house, and you drop this on me like it’s nothing?" You can’t help the bitter laugh that escapes your lips. "You think I planned this? That I wanted to tell you in the driveway? I’ve been dealing with this alone, trying to figure out how to break it to you. But every time, you’re either too busy or too angry for me to even get a word in."
His expression falters, and for a split second, you think you see a flicker of understanding in his eyes. But it’s gone as quickly as it came, replaced by the familiar mask of indifference. "And you thought now was the best time?" he asks, shaking his head in disbelief.
"What do you want me to say, Rafe?" you ask, your voice raw with emotion. "That I should’ve kept it to myself? Pretended everything was fine until it wasn’t? We’re having a child, and I needed you to know before we walked in there and pretended to be the perfect couple again."
Rafe looks away, his jaw clenched tight as he struggles to process the situation. You watch the conflict play out in his eyes, the tug-of-war between the emotions he’s expected to feel and the reality of what he actually feels. His frustration is palpable, and after a tense moment, he sighs heavily, bringing his hands up to massage his temples.
"Can we just get through this lunch, please?" he finally says, his voice soft, almost pleading. His tone catches you off guard—there’s a vulnerability there that you’re not used to hearing from him. You stare at him, torn between wanting to push the conversation further and knowing that now isn’t the time.
His request isn’t unreasonable, but it stings nonetheless, a reminder of the emotional distance that still exists between you. "Fine," you reply after a moment, your voice tinged with resignation. "But this doesn’t change anything. We still need to talk about this—really talk about it."
Rafe nods, his eyes briefly meeting yours before he looks away again. "I know," he mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. The weight of the unspoken hangs heavy between you as you both turn toward the imposing front door of your family estate, ready to face the charade of normalcy that awaits inside.
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atamascolily · 11 months
There is a tendency I see in PMMM analyses and discussions to treat the witches simply as monsters that can be overcome with sufficient force regardless of other circumstances--and thus Homura's failure to ever win against Walpurgisnacht on her own terms is something that could be easily fixed with more firepower and different tactics. And while there's nothing wrong with this interpretation, it's not one that particularly interests me, either.
What I like about PMMM and what makes it so engaging for me, is that it can be read on multiple levels--both as a literal journey and as a symbolic one. In-universe, witches are the shadow selves of magical girls; is it really so surprising that they also serve as narrative foils to those who face them, thus making victory or defeat as much of a character issue as a tactical one?
It is not a coincidence that Mami Tomoe, a girl who was forced to grow up too fast and who could have wished to save her dying parents but didn't, meets her end at the hand of a particularly childish and immature witch, a lumpen, misshapen doll that transforms into a clown--a girl who never grew up, who could have wished to save her dying parent but didn't. Mami, an experienced veteran who wiped the floor with the Rose Witch and her familiars earlier, is completely caught off-guard and is eaten alive by a witch who embodies all of the issues she herself struggles with and has yet to overcome within herself.
Yes, Mami was careless and overconfident, which led to her doom--but she had also fulfilled her role of introducing Madoka to the world of magical girls. On a narrative level, her death was necessary--not only to free Madoka from her impulsive promise to become a magical girl too early in the story, before she'd learned all the facts and could make a fully informed decision, but also to teach Madoka one final, horrific lesson about what life as a magical girl is really like.
This is not to say that AUs where Mami survives are wrong or missing the point--I've written them myself and I love them! (It helps that Mami's survival is usually the result of someone else's interference, not something she accomplishes on her own.) Nor do I mean to suggest that Mami's death is a moral failing on her part--merely that I think that Charlotte represents Mami's own particular brand of kryptonite at that particular point in her life, one she might have been able to survive if she had been able to move beyond the psychological issues hobbling her.
Meanwhile, Homura is able to easily defeat Charlotte, because metaphorically she's moved beyond the childish worldview that Mami is still stuck in. From that same symbolic perspective, it's this relative level of maturity, as much as her time stop and pipe bombs, that allows her to win.
Likewise, it is not an accident that the next witch Madoka encounters is one that specializes in extracting the memories of its victims, trapping Madoka in a spinning carousel as she is tormented by her own grief and guilty conscience over Mami's death. She is freed by Sayaka, who has moved beyond such angst by her decision to take on Mami's role as an idealized magical girl protector. Later on, Sayaka's descent into dualistic thinking is symbolized by her fight against a witch whose world is literally black and white--whom Sayaka defeats, but only at the cost of pushing herself dangerously to her limits.
As with Mami, Sayaka's death is directly tied to her own psychological issues--in this case, by her incredibly strict rules about how magical girls should behave and her refusal to cut herself any slack whatsoever. Her metaphorical self-denial results in literal self-denial, and her death as a magical girl and rebirth as a witch.
Then we come to Walpurgisnacht, a witch made of cogs and gears--the one witch Homura cannot beat, no matter what she does. Homura is stuck in her loops, unable to imagine a future beyond them, increasingly isolated from any meaningful connections or relationships--Walpurgisnacht may be the "fool that spins in a circle", but so is Homura. The inside mirrors the outside; when we watch Homura fight against Walpurgisnacht, we are also watching Homura's struggle with herself. Unlike Mami and Sayaka, Homura's magic allows her to fight this battle over and over again--again and again she is forced to retreat and start over, unsatisfied with the results and determined to do better next time. She doesn't die, but she doesn't win, either--instead, she's locked into perpetual stalemate with no end.
Madoka, however, is able to see beyond the vicious cycle represented by Walpurgisnacht and thus easily and repeatedly defeats an enemy that Homura cannot, regardless of her relative power levels in any given timeline. It's probably too simplistic to say that hope triumphs over despair--and yet, that's exactly what happens, every single time. Homura has numbed herself through repeated exposure to where she no longer feels hope or despair, thus existing in perpetual stasis with her purpose the only thing driving her. Paradoxically, the one thing she needs to do to win is the one thing she cannot do--and the thing that Madoka can do all too easily.
(This is not to say that Madoka doesn't have her own issues--she does!--just that her issues are different from Homura's, meaning she's not tripped up by this particular obstacle in the same way that Homura is. And it's not that Homura's struggles were pointless--they were what allowed Madoka to get to point where she had both the power and the knowledge that she could save everyone, including Homura.)
Homura's final battle with Walpurgisnacht shows Homura going to insane lengths, including a wall of C-4 explosives inside a refinery, a flaming oil tanker, and a submarine with Type 88 Surface-to-Ship missiles--none of which has any lasting effect on Walpurgisnacht whatsoever. That episode goes to great lengths to show that Homura's approach to fighting Walpurgisnacht fundamentally isn't working; I don't think adding more nukes would help.
The one time Homura gets the closest to her happy ending is the one timeline where she and Madoka fight and fall together--the one timeline where they are shown as equals, and the one where they debate becoming witches together and destroying the whole world before Madoka thinks better of it. This is also not a coincidence. If there is ever to be a truly happy end to this franchise--or an end at all--Homura and Madoka must be equal and willing partners, not one protecting/sacrificing themself for the other again and again. It is also likely that they will remake the universe in the process, through the combined power of their mutual wish.
[It also wouldn't surprise me if that line foreshadowed future plot elements--after all, Madoka technically became a witch in the final episode of the TV series (she got better, thanks to the nature of her wish), and so did Homura in Rebellion--but we shall see if the series ever follows up on this.]
This is why I'm so excited that Walpurgis no Kaiten seems to be laying the groundwork for Homura creating her own enemies and her greatest enemy being herself--once again, making the metaphorical literal. I'm excited about the prospect of Homura getting a do-over with Walpurgisnacht, which would represent a chance for her to confront her narrative foil one more time, and show us how her character has changed. Though it may play out on a larger stage, the real battle will be inside Homura's mind and heart--and, I would argue, always has been. The only way the outcome will change--the only way we can move beyond what's been and into something new--is if/when she changes.
I want to be clear that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the strictly literal interpretation of witches, and I think people should write what they want to write; if that's the story you want to tell, then go for it! For me, however, I find it far more compelling--not to mention richer and truer--if the actions and words on-screen correspond to the characters' emotional and psychological journeys, and there's no question that this preference how I interpret media in general, and PMMM in particular. And it's not that I think Homura couldn't defeat Walpurgisnacht in an AU scenario--merely that any story where she achieves this victory without changing in any way or addressing her own psychological issues in some fashion removes exactly the elements that drew me to this series in the first place.
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aris-ink · 2 years
this is really fucked up but can you write something like your step brother fucking you in front of your parents? 💀
yes. yes I can. 💁‍♀️💕
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: forbidden romance, step!siblings au
warnings: mentions of violence (not towards the reader), pseudo incest, hints of exhibitionism, risky/sneaky sex, choking, dirty talk, praise, degradation, daddy kink, creampie
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"You have no shame."
The words were murmured right into your ear as Jungkook pressed himself into your back. One, little drunken mistake has led to another, and before you knew it you were trapped. Icarus thought he could feel the warmth of the sun and bask in its light without falling. How silly it was of him to dream the wax holding his wings together could withstand the burning heat. How silly it was of you to dream the same the first time Jungkook kissed you.
The flames scorched you, and you landed deep in the possessive arms of the ocean, never to be released. Never to walk on land again, where other people could take your love and attention away from him. As your lips sealed, so was your fate. You belonged to him. His ocean would keep you warm, sated, its floor filled with treasures and gold just for you. You never had to fear its storms or turbulent waters.
Unlike anyone who'd ever hurt you, or try to touch you the way he did. These poor souls were doomed to drown and stay damned forever, their bones serving as a warning and a reminder not to go near the treacherous waters.
His hands felt warm under the blanket, exploring your skin with a loving selfishness. Gentle waves rocking you back and forth.
"Absolutely no shame," he whispered.
His thrusts were smooth, reaching so deep inside you. You couldn't stop clenching around him, wet and hot, making his cock twitch as he fucked you. Panting softly into your ear, he kept one hand wrapped tightly around your neck to help you stay quiet. The couch creaked under you, the movie playing in the background serving as your only saving grace.
Jungkook was tired of sneaking around. Tired of pretending he didn't need you, tired of not being able to put his hands on you whenever he wanted. His mother was right around the corner; her soft humming and the clattering of dishes easily reaching the living room, because the doors weren't even closed. Your father was asleep in the armchair just across from you.
Jungkook couldn't care less.
He lay behind you and grinded into you while you held on to your blanket for dear life. You tried so hard to resist, but the moment he pushed his hips into your ass to hump you, you were a goner.
"Zero consideration for your poor father," he muttered mockingly.
The old man would probably have a heart attack if he witnessed his little girl being defiled, by her step brother no less. Jungkook heard a whimper leave your throat, his movements slowing slightly. He released your neck and kissed your cheek.
"Are you embarrassed?" He whispered again. "Don't- shit. Don't be- mm, fuck. We both know who your real daddy is here, yeah?"
The next clench he felt made him hiss, provided him with all the answers he needed and the motivation to resume his pace. He slipped two tattooed fingers into your mouth and pounded into you faster, the couch too narrow to allow him to pull all the way out. The tip of his thick cock rubbed all the right places inside you, his balls tightening when he felt you suck on his fingers.
"Yeaaah," he groaned softly. "Take it all like a good girl, you naughty fucking slut."
You shivered and moaned, the sound coming out muffled, but not muffled enough. Jungkook shoved his fingers deeper down your throat, instantly shutting you up. His pants were becoming harsher, his breath heavy and hot on your ear.
"F-fuck," he gritted. "Gonna come with me, baby?"
You nodded frantically, your legs tensing, your chest rising and falling unsteadily. Under the blanket, Jungkook tightened his free hand on your abused tit, trying so hard not to forget how easy it would be to get caught. But it was next to impossible when he was fucking you and it felt so good, so good that he just wanted to let go.
"I'm gonna come," he moaned lowly, his lips pressed into your ear. "I'm gonna come, fuck-"
His cock throbbed inside you, your walls squeezing it so tightly he could barely control himself as he filled you up, his cum shooting straight into your twitching cunt. He could feel your thighs shake, your teeth biting down on his fingers. Quiet, raspy ahhhs flowed out of his mouth, higher in pitch for a moment before lowering to something like a grunt.
He stilled behind you, exhausted, pulling his fingers out of your wet, swollen lips. They came out wet as well, glistening with your spit. Jungkook let his head fall down on the couch, his cock still pulsing blissfully inside you.
"Shit," he breathed after a moment. He lifted his head again to press a warm, soft kiss into your lips. "You okay, baby?"
"Yeah," you whispered.
Tenderly, he brushed your hair away from your face. Your beauty never failed to astound him, whether you were dressed up for a night out or just out of the shower. And he couldn't get enough of you, yet it was for many reasons; one of them being the closeness and connection he felt when he was inside you. Safety and pleasure, no storms brewing on the horizon.
It killed him not to be able to show you off. If he could, he'd strangle whoever married your parents. Or one of them.
Ah, so many decisions to make.
He settled behind you comfortably and wrapped an arm around your waist, keen ears quickly picking up on his mother's footsteps.
She peeked inside the living room.
"Dinner is ready! Get your father up, please, I still need to set the table."
Jungkook nodded, lifting himself up on one arm.
"Okay, mum."
She smiled at you both before exiting the room. Jungkook's cock twitched inside you.
"I got them a reservation at a restaurant for tomorrow," he muttered, brushing his lips across your cheek. "Daddy's gonna fuck you all night, reward you for being so fucking good. Yeah? You want that?"
You clenched again, making his breath hitch.
"Yes, daddy," you breathed.
Jungkook bit down on his lip. What his baby wants, his baby gets. It was that simple.
💌 taglist: @wonyuknow @baalsgurl1913 @glowunderthemoon @imnotlauriane @era-genius @silv3rswirls @bucketofhiros @osakis-gf @iceprincessviviane @httpsbts
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myfandomrealitea · 1 month
There are some days where I will absolutely happily chew through 3934849 fics of the exact same premise/trope/plot and then some days where I don't even want to touch a fandom or pairing because the Popular Trope Trap is so significant within it I simply don't have the energy or willpower to wade through it all to find something else.
I think maybe on those days my main issue is that there's sometimes not much variance within the trope itself. Coffee Shop AUs, for example. They're almost always meet-cutes or meet-awkwards. Its always some harried barista wistfully using hot drinks to flirt with an even hotter customer. Its almost always winter or Christmas and its an endless cycle of the same puns, dialogue and endings.
Give me the coffee shop that's a front for the mafia. Remember that post about the guy who went into the restaurant and it was so very clearly a mafia front but he got served anyway and had the time of his life? Give me that!
Give me the customer watching a "barista" in a three piece suit nearly lose an arm trying to froth a latte for the first time. A man who kills for a living slowly experiencing a mental breakdown as he tries to add a leaf decor to a cappuccino. Mr. Dark and Deadly dying inside as a gaggle of sorority girls rush the counter for 32 pumpkin spice vanilla two-pump caramel syrup extra shot whipped creams.
Give me the customer accidentally ordering the one very specific drink that is actually a secret code and getting a cup full of cocaine baggies instead. Or a man who joins him at the table with an expensive iPad and begins asking him all sorts of weird questions about how he wants his lawn mowed or his pest control problem handled.
Give me the poor barista who applies for the job not knowing its a mafia front. Who just thinks its some weird rich people business venture because nobody really buys coffee there but it never goes out of business and oh my god that is not a bag of coffee grounds that is a bag of so, so many drugs.
Teacher-parent AUs? Hey, guess what, my child is actually a werewolf but hasn't had his first change yet and we all just assumed he was born human except oops, he isn't, because he just suddenly became a little snacksized werewolf in the middle of detention and you're screaming and he's stuck in his desk chair howling and wow you are absolutely right when you say teachers do not get paid enough to deal with what they do.
Hi hello yes, I'm the private tutor you hired, what a lovely little family of... 5.... 9.... 15 children you have. I'm so sorry to hear you're single, Mrs. Henderson. I'm sure their father would be proud you're raising them so well. What do you mean there's no father? What do you mean you made them? What do you mean; 'would I like to see the lab'?
Just. Give me some flavor sometimes.
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odd-ratz · 2 years
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DP AU where Phantom feels no pain but any and all accumulated injuries hit him when Danny switches back to fenton (originally proposed by @paenling). Lovingly dubbed the Pain Train AU by The discord.
See more for our hcs!
Okay so headcannons we have come up with:
-Danny avoids switching to Phantom at all costs. His drive to fight ghosts and protect Amity is still there, but he combats ghosts using teamwork with Sam/Tucker, modified gadgets and a lot of improvisation - He only ever switches to Phantom as a final resort. When he does, he milks it for all its worth before he has to switch back after a battle and the pain hits - As a result, Phantom form is extra powerful because excess energy isn't shed through regular use and some ghostly attributes bleed over to his human form - his eyes seem to glow a green tinge and he has a white streak in his hair ever since the accident. He ends up looking hella ecto-contaminated - Because he can't fight like he does in canon (essentially just throwing himself at an enemy until something sticks), his fighting style is a lot more strategic. He uses weapons/gear he steals from his parents that he modifies and as many ghost powers as he can manifest in human form - Sam serves as a secondary fighter, but usually leaves the heavy hitting to Danny. She helps with planning and often sets up traps to help catch ghosts. Tucker, as always, works as the tech guy but also is the team medic. Together, the trio work as a ghost fighting crew and have backup plans in place whenever Danny is out of commission - Danny usually wears a face covering when fighting and an inverted sweatshirt, but the trio's ghost fighting is kinda an open secret at Casper High. Who the fuck else has hair like that? - His Phantom identity is something much less well known because it's much more monstrous looking and is rarely seen ever. He's more of Amity's local friendly Cryptid than it's superhero
- When he switches back for the first time, he finally realizes the scope of his situation. Sam and Tucker thought he was dying for real the first time he switches over. After that, he learns very quickly to avoid using Phantom form
- As a result of the combination of how powerful Phantom is when he does switch over and the pain he experiences every time he switches over, he quickly comes to resent Phantom and associate the destruction and pain with ghosts as a whole
-Lotta self loathing here. Sorry not sorry
- Surprisingly, it's Vlad, who's in the same situation who shows him that his ghost form isn't an inherent evil
- The other ghosts get in on this action and show him the little, enjoyable things about being a ghosts
- His friends and sister help him slowly change his mindset about Phantom after that. They never saw Phantom as a force of evil, unlike Danny
Yes. There is even more in the discord. I tried to get as much of my favorite hcs in this post as I could
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eliza-forget · 5 days
PLEASE tell us more about your Leshy and the two cats!!!!! The cats are so pretty and also so is your art. I love your art so so so so so much 💖
Well, I'll start by saying that the Leshy himself in my AU is quite dark, violent, and traumatized. He survived the sudden betrayal of Narinder (as the one he trusted and looked up to most as a child), he survived all the turmoil associated with the fact that faith in the bishops was shaken, I call this period as "shaky", and the whole four were on the verge of losing their authority. And already during the game's storyline, Lamb's campaigns, Heket died. In my Au, which is mostly based on my insane playthrough of the game, Leshy was the last Bishop to be killed by Lamb. I mean, there was this sequence: Heket> Shamura> Kallamar. I have that point actually explained in the storyline, but that's not what the main question is about xd.
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In the works, where you see him in the clothes of a follower (yes-yes that red one), has its own meaning. It's like a sign of his acceptance of a new way of life and to some extent, a rejection of the past. In this story, he's processing his traumas, learning the ways and lives of mortals, and then he makes two close friends: those two cats.
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In general, I can characterize my Leshy as a personality. He changes slowly, but throughout the narrative in my Au. Leshy is still the Bishop of Chaos, in terms of character, but has softened a bit because of his environment in which he resides.
Let me briefly tell you about Tirena's storyline. Her parents were nomads who came from other lands to the lands of the Old Faith. They mostly moved between locations, but eventually stopped at Darkwood.In fact, Tirena's family was loyal to what was happening in the lands and tried to please all the local cruel rules. The turning point of the plot for Tirena came at the time of her coming of age, for which her parents sacrificed themselves to the bishop, and she was given a necklace (but not the one she wears now) in memory of her parents. As a result of which she ran away from the place. Stumbled upon Lamb by accident, from behind a campfire in the night. So in the story, she showed up in his settlement and became a devoted disciple in the future, but still with an unconcealed grudge against the bishops.
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In comic, she got into an altercation with Narinder on the same topic.
Yolk (yellow cat)
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Yolk's former name was Najulmer, and he changed his name at the settlement. His parents were the same cultists who, long after Leshy's death, continued the resistance. Yolk did not share the same point of view with them; he was more interested in studying the world around him, and specifically its strange inhabitants. So he set out on his wanderings in search of that "paradise" by which he meant the Lamb's settlement. Along the way meeting various companions, studying monsters and even cooking with them. He has already been rescued by Lamb when he was trapped by the treachery of his recent companion. In the settlement he quickly finds contact with Tirena, or rather she has to tolerate his intrusive company. Then Lamb returns from a camping trip and summons Leshy from purgatory and he becomes both a nightmare for Yolk, but and an intriguing object of study. He btw yes, never once saw the bishops and didn't even know that Leshy was one.
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Somehow that's what the plot of these three sounds like. I hope it was interesting and informative to learn about them!
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madychi · 1 month
OK i LOVE ur agony infected au, im curious & i got questions: -does oz ever have to cover up the bite mark with makeup? so his mom or dad doesnt worry, yknow? -does dylan end up getting a mask too? maybe reusing the freddy mask, unless that was what oz used for his, -what type of control/infection/etc is it? like is it more a corruption of oz's actions and thoughts that like, flows between stronger or lesser depending on the time or is it more like a total switch between the two where boz is basically a completely separate person? :3 -also semi-unrelated, hows jeff doin' in this au? like does this happen after the good or bad jeff ending, and if its the bad one is jeff alive and also agony infected or dead? -does oz/boz ever think or even end up going back to the ballpit in jeffs out of habit/instinct/etc? yeyeye thank uuuu!!! ramble as much as u want cuz i wanna hear about it !!!! also i think its funny ur aus like, keep ending up mitosis'ing (or i guess budding might be more accurate but still, u get what i mean :3) xD, i dunno how you keep track of em all LOL
Alright- imma try to answer these questions in order!
-Oswald doesn’t need to cover up the bite scar. His parents already know about it. The veiny black spreading isn’t visible to normal people. Just like how his mom didn’t see springtrap, his parents and most people don’t see anything aside from a scar.
-Yes he do get a mask! Or rather, he gets to make his own. Oswald used the old Bonnie head in the Mill’s trash to make his mask. And Dylan’s gotta make his a bunny mask. It’s part of the dress code lol.
-It’s like… hm how to put it- i had the original Vanessa/Vanny situation in mind for how it works. The type depicted in help wanteds Vanny mask+Glitchtrap plush convo. It’s a bit of corruption/coersion. Boz isn’t his own person or identity, more like an alter ego.
-Jeff is doing fine. This is after the two star good ending but don’t worry, Jeff is not dead. Pit trap didn’t get him. Jeff isn’t infected but he is aware of Oz/Boz. Doesn’t get paid enough to care. As long as he don’t kill him or scare away patrons he’s chill.
-Yup. He do be going to the ball pit. There’s not much to do there but it’s a good place to vibe. The animatronics aren’t on his case anymore due to his corruption. So that’s a plus.
-Bonus fact: Boz is just one of Oswald’s little nicknames. He can also be referred to as Rabbit Jr.!
Have a silly doodle!
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venturelovebot · 12 days
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Premise: Fairy reader and beekeeper Venture headcanons for @f3r4lfr0gg3r since you enjoy my AU as much as I do! I hope you like them!
Warnings: None! Just tooth rotting fluff!
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(YouTube link for the song instead!)
🌱 They still remember the day they took you in like it all happened yesterday.
🌿 It was a warm and sunny day, fluffy cotton clouds dappling the azure sky.
🍀 They had just finished the days work tending to their bees when they start the process of filtering and storing their collected honey.
🐝 They had so much of it at this point that they really weren't sure what to do with it.
👒 Selling it at the farmers market was certainly a choice, but they didn't know how well it do or if their product was even worth selling.
🍯 They didn't even have a label. Or a farm name. Or anything, really.
🧺 All they had was a shed full of honey and beeswax that no one really wanted. Except themself, of course.
🍄‍🟫 Well... and, as it would seem... one other person.
🌾 They still remember finding their shed door slightly ajar, wondering if they had just forgotten to lock it or the wind somehow opened it on its own.
☀️ That's when they saw you.
🌷 At first, they were horrified. What kind of person breaks into another persons shed to drink that much honey? We're talking about several shelves full lining the walls from top to bottom.
🪻Are you going to be okay? Should they call an ambulance? Should they yell at you and tell you to get out of here?
🌻 You looked back at them with the most gentle eyes they've ever seen. That's when they notice the wings protruding from your back.
🍊 Come to think of it, you're not dressed like a normal human being either. It was like something out of a fantasy movie or maybe a subculture magazine.
🍓 "Oh? My? God?" Are the first words that leave their lips.
🌱 Your wings flap. They start to panic. Surely this has to be some sort of practical joke, right? Are they being filmed?
🌿 Nope. Just an extremely guilty fairy trapped inside a shed filled with sweet, goopy goodness and not a single person in sight to supervise them.
🍀 So they did what any rational human being would do– take you home.
🐝 It's near impossible to communicate at first. You don't seem to speak any known human languages, opting to speak... or more like, produce...? Naturalistic sounds, glimmers, soft chimes and gentle ringing noises instead.
👒 It seems like you understood them for the most part. You just... couldn't speak to them very well.
🍯 So they take it slow and easy over the next few days. They feed you nothing but milk and honey until they can find something better for you.
🧺 They can still remember asking you that question. "Can you tell me what your name is?"
🍄‍🟫 "⋆ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹"
🌾 "Uhhh... can you repeat that?"
☀️ "‎⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹༺⋆。"
🌷 "Okay. Well, maybe some more honey could work." They think aloud to themself, putting a hand under their chin as they ponder about what to do.
🪻Then they hear it.
🌻 "Honey...?"
🍊 They nearly fall backwards. Did you sincerely just say your first word? Is this how parents feel? Except you're not a child– you're far more intelligent than that.
🍓 "Honey...!" You say again.
🌱 "Yes! Honey! You like that a lot!"
🌿 You smile from seeing them smile. Then you point at them. "Honey...!"
🍀 They're confused. "What? No. I'm not honey."
🐝 "Honey!"
👒 "No– no, no! My name is Sloan. Sloan Cameron."
🍯 "Sloan... honey...!"
🧺 They put two and two together. You were telling them that you liked them. A lot.
🍄‍🟫 Never in their entire life had they felt so special than in that moment.
🌾 A couple days later they take you to see the bees. Instantly they begin to swarm around you, settling in your hair, atop your head and fingertips.
☀️ They were so calm and gentle around you. It made harvesting a breeze.
🌷 A couple days later they also got to meet Lifeweaver– king of the fae– when he was worried about your whereabouts because it's not like fae to go missing.
🪻 The two of you converse in your strange little fairy language. You tell him you're happy, you love your new home and you're well taken care of.
🌻 You even make Sloan breakfast now– although Lifeweaver had to tell you that adding every type of candy you had available on top of pancakes drizzled with a full jar of honey isn't exactly good for humans.
🍊 Unlike fae, humans can build up sugar intolerances and too much can make them sick. So he teaches you simpler dressings and toppings that are equally as yummy as they are sweet.
🍓 And good god, they feel so spoiled.
🌱 A lot of your dates consists of picnics, walking through the city botanical gardens for hours on end, singing to them in your home language and watching TV together.
🌿 Of course, that's not to say you two didn't do other things. It's just the simplest things that you could both do right now.
🍀 Eventually they will teach you how to cook. They'll introduce you to more and more food over time. They want to be extra gentle in expanding your palette and make sure you don't experience the human world so fast that you get overwhelmed.
🐝 They learned that bread and butter was the next biggest hit to milk and honey. They learned that any type of meat made you sick, and to avoid it all costs. They also learned that a lot of vegetarian and vegan options tasted a lot better than they looked.
👒 They introduce you to pizza– you can't get enough of it. Garlic bread was next. Instant favorite. Giant pretzels and cheese. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Ice cream. Various types of fruit smoothies and similar concoctions.
🍯 You loved every single one of them it seems. Unless– it was served by somebody else.
🧺 They learned that you refused to touch food unless they give it to you directly. That's how your fifth date ended in near disaster– but it's okay, garlic bread with extra butter swooped in and saved the day.
🍄‍🟫 "You know, [Y/N]. I'm glad you're still with me." They reach over for your hand and take it in theirs– you were told that hand holding was something only people very close to each other did, so you were honored.
🌾 In this case, [Y/N] was the name they chose for you because they can't pronounce your fairy name.
☀️ They look over at you. Their face is bright red– you were worried. You were taught that redness meant illness. Are they sick?
🌷 "No! I'm not sick. Don't worry about that." They reassure you. "I just–" They choke on what they want to say next. It won't leave their throat.
🪻 But they look at you. They have to tell you, or it's going to eat them alive inside.
🌻 "[Y/N]... I like you a lot. You know that?" Their face is radiating a thousand degrees of heat.
🍊 Your wings flap happily behind you. "I like you, too!" You smile.
🍓 "No! That's not what I meant. I mean– I like you more than you like honey. Or bread. Or pizza." They pause for a moment. "I love you."
🌱 The words tumble around inside your brain for a minute. Then, you understand completely.
🌿 "I love Sloan, too!" You smile.
🍀 Tears start falling. They cover their mouth with their free hand, finally deciding to go in for a hug all together.
🐝 "What is this called?" You ask.
👒 "It's a hug– you give it to the people you love and care for." They explain, holding you close by the waist to avoid bothering your wings.
🍯 "Me, too!" You excitedly wrap your arms around them to hug them back. They felt like they could hold you forever.
🧺 "Longer hugs are called cuddles. Would you like to do that?" They ask you.
🍄‍🟫 You furiously nod. Of course! Long hugs sounded so great!
🌾 The two of you cuddle to sleep every night, and in the morning you're still holding tightly on to them and refuse to let go.
☀️ Except, of course, when Sloan begged you to let them get up and use the bathroom. You knew what that meant. It's the only time they left your sight– but every single time you'd see their smiling face again and it cheered you right up.
🌷 Meanwhile, Lifeweaver approves of the whole thing. He has weekly visits where he comes and explains things a bit more thoroughly than Sloan can. You're learning and adapting so well, and they really couldn't be more proud of you.
🪻 "Niran told me that I should try something called a 'kiss'!" You mention. Before they even had time to react, you lean in and place a soft kiss to their lips and pull away just in time for them to turn the brightest shade of carmine.
🌻 "AAAAAAAAAAAAA—" They're frozen.
🍊 "Oh, dear... perhaps a little too soon for that, then?" He chuckles.
🍓 "Hm. Maybe garlic bread will help?" You point out.
🌱 It's all useless. You've broken them– you'll just have to wait this one out this time.
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notedchampagne · 3 months
Is now the right time to ask even though it was a while ago about the Pyrrhawake pirate au you did😭I still think about it the designs were soooo good
teehee id gladly speak about it! a lot of these are cooypasted from discord so its a little disorganized but anyway
btw this au is now called nonapelagic zone. "The pelagic zone includes all ocean waters away from shores. The term pelagic is derived from the Greek word pelagos, meaning "open sea."" and they have nine seas now just because
in this au necromancy is a thing. harrowhark has a literal skeleton crew and gideons onboard it as a sort of prisoner as well
before gideon was with harrow she was raised by john like his little princess. she does rapier and normal swords because she needs the enrichment but god shes so depressed. one day she grabs some of johns money and tries to get one of his boats to ride around on. maybe to never come back in maybe to die in she doesnt care. then harrow ransacks her. kiris held hostage and made to swab the decks because she might be the prince BUT. shes not staying on that boat doing nothing
harrow has a davy jones type thing going on with alecto, who is kept in a well in brackish water underneath johns castle. harrows been looking for alecto for years
the other ship groups on here are pyrrhawake (broken up bc wakes in prison), the rest of boe (riding with pal and cam because theyre on their own atlantic type adventure to go to islands and log research), and the tridentarii (they are rich and have a silly yacht)
boe is a group of smaller ships with the hopers, wakers etc and they all have an "alliance" but only out of mutual distaste. all the houses are Lands but ninth was a little shitty island so after the death of harrows parents she took her loyal ones and made a ship
wake stole one of johns ships and ransacked him a few times before. she also sinks his other ships for the hell of it until she got captured and is behind bars. pyrrhas been trying to get her back
pyrrhas ship temporarily took over harrows and thats when pyr bonded with gideon, then returned her to john so that she could sneak in and release wake. a beautiful reunion + betrayal combo
some years later kiri runs away AGAIN. shes really truly so desperate bc johns trying to set her up for marriage to the third to see if itll make her normal. shes on the boats shes about to go off but then she sees a boat explode. and then another. hi wake. you picked a bad time to try and leave gideon. her revenge era where shes really intent on racking up bodies
gideon gets onto wakes ship, realizes shes her mom and that shes crazy, takes her leave and dips before she gets killed. she finds harrow in a cave with a little tattered sailboat still searching for alecto
harrow: aww. did the prince try to kill herself again
gideon: yes
harrow: say it
gideon: i dont WANT to go on your stupid ship
harrow: i will cut your blood on the tide pools and watch the sharks cut you holes
gideon: SHUT UP!!! just give me the fucking mop and a sword ok
after a few more brief adventurings w the sixth and second (john sent them to find kiriona) they go back to johns castle and harrow tries to rescue alecto, chained to the bottom of a well
you have to do cpr on alecto to wake her up harrow keeps trying to swim down there but ooooh. its so deep. shes trapped shes asleep harrow has to hold her breath and breathe it into her and then come back up alive. its tough
gideon comes in now because its been 2 hours and harrows not back and she finds alecto out and harrow half dead. harrow breathes life into alecto gideon does cpr on harrow ok. ok. its the rituals
meanwhile the sixth have been speedrunning treason in the bg like a fun cameo. theyve been imprisoned too and they helped griddlehark break out
johns mad at them i think this is about as far as it goes. alectos free YAY
there was a previous sidequest where the fourth are baby sailors trying to capture gh and they had to fucking return them back to land where theyre allied w the fifth laaaame
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starsfic · 1 year
white snake au: Qi XiaoTian saves a bull one day. some time later, he meets a beautiful man
“I’m sorry, what.”
“You heard me.”
He did, he just wanted to make sure he heard right. “You…want to marry me.” 
Qi Xiaotian was the son of a simple innkeeper who prided himself on his noodles and of a scholar who was always broke. He lived in the backroom of the inn, despite having a perfectly good bedroom at his parents’ place next door. He was always busy working and having fun with his bestie. Hell, he hadn’t even thought of marriage yet! Even if he was “super pretty” according to Long Xiaojiao and creative and smart, according to his fathers, not a lot of people were lining up to marry an innkeeper’s son.
Until now.
The grand sedan had arrived out of the blue, carried by strange metal creatures, and out stepped the man who stared at Xiaotian like he was an idiot. “Yes, I want to marry you.” He was beautiful, with red hair pulled back to reveal a sharp face and sharper amber eyes. He was dressed in fine robes that seemed suited for a prince. “I did not come all the way here simply to see the views.”
Xiaotian managed a nod. “Of…of course not.” Still, that didn’t answer his question. “Why?”
The princely man stared at him, a brow raising. “That is a fair question,” he said. “But it’s not important. I know you are kind and good and that’s enough.” He leaned forward. “I saw how you helped the bull.”
“The bull…oh!”
A few weeks ago, Xiaotian had been running errands. The sun had been hot and he was carrying many groceries. However, he had seen the bull under a tree. It had been a gorgeous creature with scarlet fur and golden horns and Xiaotian had been unable to resist getting closer to see.
That was how he realized that the bull was trapped.
Those fine golden horns had been caught in the branches of the tree. Xiaotian had no idea how it got stuck. But he couldn’t help it. Tossing the baskets down, he had sprinted to help.
The bull had been gentle, allowing him to climb up and begin to free its horns. Using the knife he kept on himself and patience, Xiaotian had worked for hours. Even when the sun grew too hot, he had kept at his work. Eventually, the last branch had been yanked loose and the bull had been freed.
Xiaotian hadn’t really thought about it until now.
“Was that bull yours, my lord?”
Now a pleased smile creased the man’s face. Heat blossomed in his cheeks at the sight of it. A smile of his own creased his face and Xiaotian looked away, unsure of what to say. “You could say that,” the lord said. “But it was enough for me.”
A warm hand wrapped around his.
“I am Prince Red, and I will be your husband.”
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aris-ink · 1 year
hii ari! i hope you are doing good! make sure to take care of yourself <3 your step bro fics are such faves of mine , omgg you are such an amazing writer <33 if you are doing requests, could you please write about step brother jungkook and same age reader , where the reader is sad or crying for some reason and jk ends up comforting her thru f*cking ?
hi! 💕 tysm, I love you and yes please 🥺 this wasn't very specific so I hope it's close to what you wanted <3 take care of yourself too angel <3
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: forbidden romance, step!siblings au
warnings: allusions to violence (not towards the reader), allusions to depression, pseudo incest, angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of fingering & oral sex, praise kink, rough sex (but also very soft somehow bc jk is a total simp in love), creampie
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Rain trickled down the windows of your bedroom, tapping rhythmically against the glass and blurring out the night. You felt blurry too, distorted, cheeks stained from tears, the wetness stuck in your eyelashes. Grabbing your face, Jungkook tried to kiss it all away. A tinge of color spread throughout your bones. The blurriness seemed to dissolve, clearer thoughts and sensations emerging. His warmth seeped into you, melting away the frigid numbness that had encased your soul.
He moved forward, knees bumping against yours, kissing you so desperately there was not an inch of space left between your bodies and not an ounce of air left in your lungs.
It wasn't always like this.
Usually, Jungkook took his time with you, relishing in every shallow breath and every little twitch of your limbs, sucking on your neck until it bruised. He liked to switch between finger fucking you in his lap and burying his face in between your legs, until you quivered under the sheets and his tongue made you forget your parents were sound asleep in the other room. Drunk on you, he used your mouth like a toy, praising you all the way through it, thighs tense and hard dick twitching in your throat.
There was no time for any of that tonight, though. You just wanted to feel real, wanted the heat and the weight of his body pinning you down, holding you together; and as always, Jungkook was there to provide. His hands were all over you, palming your ass before he pushed you down onto your bed, lips refusing to part from yours. He unclasped his belt buckle and unzipped his jeans, aching to be inside you, to take all your pain away and leave behind nothing but his marks. You received no warning and no time to prepare; your soaked underwear was pulled aside, and the next thing you knew Jungkook filled you up to the brim, groaning lowly into your mouth.
You arched beneath him, gasping, your cunt clenching so tightly he broke into sweat. With a quiet grunt, he pulled back out, cock pulsing and leaking; only to shove its entire, thick length back inside, wasting no time in setting an aggressive pace.
You squealed, grabbing onto his broad shoulders for support, legs wrapping around his waist for no more than a moment before the force of his thrusts made them slip back down. Even so, there was no escape from his powerful frame trapping you beneath him. Not even the clothes, messed up from being tugged at, seemed to create any barrier between you. You could still feel the heat of his skin bleeding through the cotton of his t-shirt, and each ripple of his muscles as he fucked you. The rest of the world was mist; the mattress groaning beneath you, the ticking of the clock that signaled your parents would be home soon, the stress and the weight of every long day dragging on. It became nothing but a cloud ghosting through your fingers, too close to the ground to bother you. Up high, the only thing you felt, heard and remembered was Jungkook. His tongue entwining with yours, the hoarse moans bordering on whines, barely muffled by his kiss; and the hot, white rapture coiling deep in your abdomen, spreading through you like a fever.
How selfish it was of him, to drag you down into the shadows where you did not belong. And yet they seemed kinder than the harsh, blinding light you were expected to walk in, welcoming and understanding of your sorrows. And sometimes, Jungkook couldn't help but wonder what would happen if you'd decide to leave one day and make a home with someone you didn't have to be ashamed of loving. Someone much less twisted and much more deserving of you. Someone who didn't need to stain their hands with blood out of a monstrous fear of losing you.
Hopeless, he ended the sloppy kiss, eyes dark and blown out when they looked into yours.
"Pretty," he choked out, swallowing down a whimper. "So pretty. Love you, love you, love you- fuuucck-"
The way you clenched around his cock made him pound you faster, the sound so wet and lewd he couldn't stop twitching inside you. He had a feeling your hips were going to get bruised, and with the way you clawed at his back and moaned his name, god, he hoped they would.
"Come with me," he breathed, voice shaky, ringed fingers grasping your chin.
You mewled, nodding your head, incapable of providing any other answer. Pressing his lips to yours, Jungkook used his free hand to hold on to your thigh, digging into the soft flesh.
"I got you, baby, I got you."
The soothing promise melted into a deep groan, the thread he was hanging on snapping unexpectedly when your cunt squeezed him tighter, gushing onto his cock. He stilled abruptly, letting the velvet heat of your walls massage him through his orgasm, emptying himself inside you completely.
A sigh.
Not bothered cleaning you up, he disconnected himself from you just to get undressed. Even if he had the energy for it, he was much happier knowing you were full of his cum, sated, your pretty pussy wet instead of your pretty eyes. He knew you had classes in the morning; he did too, and you both needed some sleep. He also knew he couldn't stay in your bed, because soon his father would walk in through the door, your mother following right after.
But just as much as Jungkook didn't want to leave you alone, he didn't want to sleep without you either. It was two am when he sneaked back into your bedroom, doing his best not to disturb your rest.
You stirred anyway, curling up to him as he wrapped his arms around you, his chin finding rest on the crown of your head. Wide awake, he laid in the dark, holding you close to his chest.
Tap tap tap.
It was still raining. His lips brushed against your hair as he glanced down at you.
You hummed so softly he almost missed it. He ran his fingers down your thigh, like touching you eased his aches too, made spring bloom in the bleak winter of his own bones.
And it did.
"I wish I could-" he tried, then paused. So many words, so many languages, and yet nothing felt fitting enough. "... Sorry I can't love you the way you deserve," he whispered. "But I'll love you the way you need."
There was no reply; only the ongoing sound of rain and the softness of your even breathing. He didn't mind. He pressed a kiss into your forehead and closed his eyes.
Some secrets and promises were better off left in the dark, too.
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xactodreams · 1 year
Supercorp Fic Recs
for the anon who asked me for fic recs—
first let me shamelessly self promote a fic a very dear friend of mine wrote, whom I collaborated with to format into an actual CatCo magazine. (that I totally printed out and got Katie to sign)
Her Brother's Keeper by ProfessorSpork
A CatCo Magazine exclusive by Kara Danvers Photos by James Olsen
Chapters:  3/3  Words:  7,910
(artwork is chapter 3)
Completed works I’ve read more than once
A Ribbon at a Time by abcooper After Lex Luthor defeated Superman, after the courts declared him innocent, after CADMUS rose to power, 16 year old Kara Danvers went into hiding. Five years later, a chance encounter with L-Corp CEO Lena Luthor throws her back into everything she's been running from.
Chapters: 5/5  Words: 27,929
We Need a New Song by uhpockuhlipz the ballet AU that's mostly not actually about ballet.
Chapters: 17/17  Words: 70,495
The Laws of Fate by sten06 A soulmate story with a twist. Lena has the ability to see the red string of fate, and the power to change it from one holder to another. She meets her match, after years of pining, but she's left having to make an agonizing decision.
Chapters: 7/7  Words: 85,760
Supergirl In Training by wtfoctagon Lena Luthor doesn't plan to have any kids. Or to get married, even, really. After the revelation that she is actually of Luthor blood after all, she's quite set on ending the family line with her and not taking the risk of any more drama.
Then Lorelai L. Danvers crashes into her life, claiming to be her seventeen year old daughter from the future.
Chapters: 19/19  Words: 71,381
listen closely and the stars will sing by celaenos Lena casts her mind around for the last time she felt this unmoored, this off-balance, by a woman, and can't come up with anything. Kara Danvers is unlike anybody that Lena has ever met; the sweetest, bubbliest person Lena’s yet to come across, and simultaneously one of the saddest, who is probably lying to everyone that she meets. It’s an impossible contradiction to wrap your head around, and Lena should probably stop hiding in this bathroom and trying.
(Or, Kara and Lena get parent-trapped into a relationship by a goofy little alien.)
Chapters: 14/14  Words: 118,667
The Fifth Wall by Black_Tea_and_Bones Kara goes to bed with Mon-El, and wakes up with Lena Luthor.
But it isn't Kara’s bed, and they’re not in Lena’s apartment, and that is definitely not their baby... Right?
Chapters: 29/29  Words: 109,273
Something Borrowed by janewithawhy Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Three weddings and the two women who attend them.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 49,473
An Ocean of Fire by IcarusAndHerSun Medieval AU
Kara Zor-El, princess of Krypton, was a prisoner – and she was scheduled to become a martyr.
Chapters: 47/47  Words: 139,568
leave tomorrow behind (series) by Jazzfordshire Kara is a sexless housewife in 1969, feeling trapped and not knowing why. But when mysterious, kind-hearted Lena Luthor moves in next door, hosting swinger’s parties but ignoring the men, Kara’s whole world shifts on its axis.
Works: 2  Words: 53,961
there's a big old moon shining down at night by Jazzfordshire Needing to get away from the stress of her job for a few months, Lena buys a summer lake house in the most remote town she can find. She fully intends on keeping to herself, resting, and interacting as little as possible with the local colour.
That is until her car breaks down, and the town mechanic happens to be the hottest woman she’s ever seen.
Chapters: 7/7  Words: 71,987
run the red out by searidings red daughter is dead, yes, but she's not gone. not really. kara (and lena) have to come to terms with what that means.
Chapters: 4/4  Words:  69,797
you and me (and you makes three) by searidings fourteen-year-old kara shows up in present-day lena's office. things go about as well as could be expected.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 10,478
i'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day by robie In which Kara is a whole entire idiot, Alex is a permanent mood, and Lena is just glad Kara is there for her, as her fake wife, while she recovers from another quarterly attempt on her life.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 6,400
let all your damage damage me by searidings after the horror of the phantom zone, lena helps kara heal however she can.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 25,169
WIPs I’m Currently Obsessed With
Evil by Marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff Following the 100th episode of Supergirl, Metallo Lena crosses universes and ends up at LuthorCorp, set on getting her revenge on Supergirl. Kara not only has to deal with someone trying to kill her again, she also has to explain to her best friend why and how her carbon-copy is walking around LuthorCorp, and has to keep her sister from actually killing the Other Lena.
And why is it easier to talk to the Other Lena who wants to kill her than it is to talk to her actual best friend?
Chapters: 14/15  Words: 168,305
Queen Of The Damned by JadedLover The medieval supercorp zombie AU
Chapters 9/10  Words: 51,236
Honorable Mentions
with the birds i'll share this lonely view by searidings something terrible happens at mount norquay. kara and lena have to try to pick up the pieces.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 41,713
don't go slow 'cause you're gonna be someone by robie The Wedding Date AU, inspired by the movie
Chapters: 6/6  Words: 59,904
is it gravity (or are we fallin' in love?) by coffeeshib Kara isn’t dating. Lena isn’t dating. Kara and Lena try not dating each other. Even if the lines start to blur a little. Even if they do the most girlfriend things.
They won’t date.
They won’t.
Chapters: 13/13  Words: 151,305
The Power of Deliverance by sten06 Kara as Persephone and Lena as Hades ;)
Chapters: 12/12  Words: 178,370
pour me a drink by lunchables a celebrity/bartender au
Chapters: 24/24  Words: 277,261
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alexandraisyes · 22 days
kc x everyone
Honestly, like- almost everyone
(Kc x Sun, Kc x Nexus, and Kc x Moon experimentally
Kc x Solar flare, kc x ruin, and Kc x Solar like a dad and mom
Kc x Bm and kc x eclipse but its like he's reigning their asses in)
Also all of these are peak if you add solar flare with KC.
KC and Sun with KC being overly interested in this skittish, easily flustered prey. He just wants to push his buttons, see what reactions he can get, happy to tease and edge Sun (not necessarily sexually but like keep him on his toes) for days on end until he's startling at every light touch.
KC and Nexus bc basic curiosity. Love to think Nexus is really touch-starved and Killcode will just plop himself in their lap and start purring. And then Nexus is trapped. As he should be. Light touches and lots of cuddles.
And then a literal experiment for KC and Moon that my brain is not being sane about and I can't talk about it here 😭
AND YES PARENT DYNAMICS! I think KC and Earth would also have a parent dynamic. And ofc we all know about how I feel about mom flare and dadcode. I see KC and Ruin being more like old hippies together, maybe a little bit on the crazier side.
Me when my qpr bm and kc au exists. They can be feral cats together your honor.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
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Double anon answer cus similar ideas.
I can imagine that the immediate reaction from the Red Sons, is to cast fireball at the "imposter" DBK just in case its SWK playing a really complicated prank (he did turn himself into DBK in Jttw).
After a lightning round Q&A - including the infamous "When was the exact hour Red Son was born?", both families determine that they are in fact alternate versions of one another.
Princess Iron Fan is the first to notice something very off about her Au self.
Canon!PIF: "You look... exhausted." Au!PIF, smiling excitedly: "I am!" Canon! Ironbull, like a psychic lightbulb moment: *simultaneous gasp!!!* Canon!DBK, uber hyped-up: "LET US SEE THE CHILD!" *cue both pairs of the Ironbull parents charging off towards the Demon Bull palace's nursery*
The Second Son/"Black Boy"/Huoshan is about to have a bunch of confusing wake-up kisses.
The spicynoodles reaction to one another depends on whether or not spicynoodles has already occurred in the canon verse. Otherwise, if we're strictly canon; then this the first time Canon Red and MK have considered eachother anything but shaky powerful allies.
Canon!Red, at seeing their parents run off: "What was that about?" Au!Red: "Probably about my little brother Huoshan. He was a long time coming." Canon!Red, trying to hide his own excitement: "A baby brother!? How dare you not be overjoyed on our parents behalf!" Au!Red: "Normally I'd be running off with them too, but I too am exhausted. The twins have been running me ragged." Canon!Red, blue-screen-error: "wut?" (°∀°) Au!Red, too tired to wonder what the issue is: "Yeah the girls have been keeping Me and MK up at all hours. Monkey plus bull genes equals loud chirping calves." Canon!Red, blush covering face: "..." Au!Red: "Of course there was the whole debacle with Uncle True Compliant sabotaging mother and father's plans for more children, and trying to kill MK. That really stressed the situation." Canon!Red, hair starts steaming: "....!?!" Au!Red: "And thank buddha that jiā gōng [father-in-law] gave mother that vase from Guanyin. Would have never gotten rid of that curse from grandmother otherwise." Canon!Red, mouth agape: "!!!!!!" *making sound of a boiling kettle* Au!Red: "Thankfully me and my sunflower get a lot of help from-" *notices the look on Canon!Red's face* "Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." Canon!Red: *hair flooms up like a pink wildfire* Au!Red, realizing: "AH. You uh... haven't gotten to those parts yet I bet?" Canon!Red: *nods head slowly* *the two MKs walk into the room* Canon!MK: "Hey Red Sons! Other me was just showing me the baby bull photos! The twin girls are super cute! Are they this Red's sisters or-" Canon!Red, flames growing higher: "AAAAaaaaaa...!" Au!MK, looking disappointed at his Red: "You told him the twins were ours, didn't you?" Canon!MK, interrupting before Au!Red can reply: "THEY ARE!?! OH MY BUDDHA! No wonder they have little monkey face patterns!" *starts squeeing loudly* *Canon spicynoodles are both screaming, and theres now a large fire in the Demon Bull palace entrance hall* Au! Spicynoodles: "Could have gone worse, right?" "I mean, the Nezhas had a little more flames."
The Canon MK & Red are in near shock for the rest of the visit, and refusing to meet eachothers gaze. Mostly cus they keep getting reminded by the Au!DBK about his "PERFECT GRANDDAUGHTERS!" (currently being babysat by their other grandparents), and by the baby photos plastered almost everywhere. A small fight does break out between the Bull Families at supertime though.
Canon!DBK: "So did your son release you from under the mountain as well?" Au!DBK, spoon-feeding little Huoshan: "Yes, in a sense. My body was trapped under the mountain for sometime until my Red and the little thief lifted the staff. Canon!DBK: "Ah. Much the same." Au!DBK: "Ingenious how he was able to contact me in the astral plane in the meantime though. Brother Pigsy and Sandy really helped Red bring out the best in himself." Canon!DBK: "...excuse me? The swine and the boatman!?" Au!PIF: "You seem shocked. We've known Chef Zhu and Sandy almost ever since I brought Red home from the Southern Ocean. Save for the whole, underworld and the staff fiasco, we've been nothing but amicable." Canon!PIF: "The Southern Ocean? But I brought Red Son home with me over... how long has your Bull been out of the mountain?" Au!PIF: "Physically? Only a few years. It's a bit of a long story. His physical body couldn't be released with the staff still in the mountain, but my genius little boy honed his mediatation skill enough so we could at least have some family time in the astral plane." Canon Ironbull: "...what." "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT!?" Canon!Red: "Hey! I don't know if I can do that! This is an entirely different universe father!" Canon!MK: "Yeah! And at least thank him for making the gauntlet in the first place. If he never made that, you would probably still be a bull skull underground." Canon!DBK: "Not another word little thief. I am still wondering why you and your simian counterpart are even here." Au!MK, already peeved at Canon!Ironbull: "Cus me and my Red are married!" *Table is quiet, esp on the Canon end* Canon!Ironbull: "What." Au!MK, realises that he shouldn't have said that: "Hehehe, yeah... married. Where do you think the twins came from? Hehe" *nervous laughter* Canon!Ironbull: "..." Canon!DBK, turns seriously to his Red: "Son... WHY HAVEN'T YOU MARRIED THE LITTLE THIEF AND GIVEN US PERFECT GRANDCALVES?!" Canon!Red, hair flooming up blush-pink: "Father! You just don't say that!!!"
So yeah, most of the Canon and Au crossover is Canon Ironbull getting dunked on + Canon Red Son dying of embarassment at learning that the Noodle Boy becomes his Noddle Boy in marriage in the alternate timeline. Canon PIF & DBK might have reservations on Red being with MK, but the thought of beautiful grandkids (and Red's confirmations that there's hope for more Ironbull children) really makes a compelling argument.
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bayofwolves · 5 days
Rereading The Book of Shane
So... I lied when I said I would be taking a break from my rereads. Shane's special edition was calling to me, and I gave in. So, we're back to it!
Yumaris's powers of prophecy are innate, rather than given by her bond with the earthworm. Even in this section, she cryptically references multiple future events, like Zerif's arrival and Shane's participation in the impending war.
I know it wasn't intended this way, but I can't help but imagine that the white rabbit little Shane was chasing before he was bitten by the snake was his mother's spirit animal. The interpretation that the white rabbit is a symbol of his innocent, happy childhood, and the snake is a symbol of the ugliness and pain of the war he threw himself into, makes me think that it being his mother's spirit animal would have been fitting.
I wonder if Shane's dream about the ostrich is foretelling his fate... bonding with Grahv unnaturally, and him one day becoming trapped in Shane's body in much the same way. "People kept their distance. But for Shane there was no escape from the ostrich, because the ostrich was him." (Also, ostriches don't live in Australia in the real world. The author was probably thinking of an emu, a similar bird which is native to Australia. Rookie mistake.)
Shane making a desperate plot to sail away to Nilo with his sister... yes, it's the closest land to Stetriol. But also, the significance is not lost on me.
It's revealed in this section that Zerif's bond with the jackal was natural... which I do not support! If Zerif called it many years ago when he was a child, why has he never named it (as revealed in The Return)? Why doesn't he acknowledge its gender, referring to the animal as an "it"? And most importantly, why does it abandon him when the Bile loses its power? This all points towards them being Bile-bonded, but Venom makes that impossible because a) Zerif already has his jackal when Shane creates Bile for the first time in centuries, and b) there are no jackals in Stetriol for Zerif to bond with, even if Kovo or Halawir gave him Bile, or if he found some on his own whilst in Stetriol. I like the theory that he discovered ancient stores of Bile elsewhere on Erdas, then forcibly bonded with a jackal he found in Nilo, Zhong or Eura. I simply can't accept that Zerif's bond with his jackal was natural all along. Theirs will always be a Bile bond to me.
We never find out what animals Shane's parents summoned, or even the name of Shane's mother. You'd think that would be important to mention. She's named Gwyneth in ARHoE, but I haven't decided on her spirit animal yet. For Irwyn, I chose a thylacine, an animal that was going extinct in Stetriol at the time.
So Gerathon has controlled Shane before; she does so in this section to familiarize herself with his whereabouts. I can't believe I forgot that part. But then, why does he react so violently when she possesses him in The Evertree? (In any case, I prefer the idea that she had never controlled him before that battle.)
I'm tempted to write an AU where it is indeed Abeke and Uraza who track Shane down in the Niloan jungle. Same as I'm tempted to write one where Abeke gives in to her urge and goes after him following the events of Immortal Guardians. I want to know how he would handle those situations.
"Did you ever hear the story about how the goanna and the perentie got their colouring?" I was today years old when I learned that these are actual animals that exist on Earth. This entire time I thought they were made up! They are both lizards, which confirms my theory that they were the lizards depicted on the tapestry Shane saw in Venom. Edit: "How the goanna and the perentie got their colours" is a real story in Aboriginal Australian culture, I'm just finding out. Look it up!
Shane's habit of talking to normal animals might be one of my favourite things about him. In this book, he does it with a kangaroo and then a monkey. It's endearing.
It's so sad that Shane and Achi ended on such bad terms. It was sweet seeing him take on something of a big brother role with the younger boy.
It's interesting that Shane keeps shifting the blame for what happened to Drina. In Rise and Fall, when talking to Abeke, he blames Gar. In The Evertree, he blames Gerathon. And in Vengeance, he blames Yumaris. He blames everyone but himself.
I wonder if Shane was buried in the very same cemetery where his parents and ancestors lie... I wonder if they placed him next to Drina.
The temple has spiral structures and symbols referencing the Wyrm... which makes me think it was the Hellans who built it, not ancient Amayans like Anya suggests. Initially it seems perplexing that they would build a temple in honour of it when they knew it to be an evil force, but I think they meant it as more of an entryway showing the way down to destroy it.
"Did she tell you I have a weak spot for girl archers? Did she think I'd be more likely to trust you if you reminded me of someone I care about?" The fact that even Yumaris was able to clock that Shane has feelings for Abeke says a lot. Shane must really have been wearing his heart on his sleeve. We've seen how this is true for Abeke in regards to Shane, so it's funny to see that this is equally the case for him.
"What happened to you?" Shane says when he sees what Yumaris is turning into... and Rollan says these same horrified words to him when he sees his changed appearance for the first time in The Return: Revised. The parallels.
I'm debating on bringing Anya back in Path of the Heroes. On one hand, I feel like Shane isn't meant to cross paths with most of the people introduced in this book ever again, but on the other, I enjoyed their friendship and would love to explore it some more with Shane as a changed person. I dunno. We'll see what happens.
So Shane went to Sadre and all we hear about it is a mushroom? I weep…
Yeffa and Fito, two of the New Conquerors' raiders, were actually first introduced as Conqueror bosses that you have to defeat in the Spirit Animals game. Yeffa's spirit animal was a lion and Fito's was a jaguar. I love when they write game characters into the books; it's fun to make the connections. Timote and Piri, Kalani's brothers, are also on this raider team, which means they were either exiled or chose not to return home after the war.
It certainly means something that Shane dreams of Abeke (because the leopard is clearly alluding to her) on the night before his execution.
This was a great book; definitely one of my favourites. Nick Eliopulos's writing style, so thought-provoking and rich in symbolism, is exquisite. I have always loved how Abeke haunted the narrative; she was everywhere in this book, despite never making an appearance. The hints about the Wyrm set up the next arc perfectly. As much as I love Shane, I found his inner thoughts to be quite insufferable at times, and kept shaking my head at his painfully black-and-white view of the war and his deflection of the blame that was rightfully placed on him. But it was also very intriguing to read through. I came out of this liking Shane more, as I did the first and second and hundredth time around, because I can now appreciate how much he changed as a person. Coming to that, though: I feel like we didn't get to see him grow and break out of his old mindset in this book as much as I would have liked. His redemption arc is set in motion in this book, but I wish it progressed further, considering how little time we got with him in Fall of the Beasts. Another section or two would have been beneficial, in my opinion, to explore how he formed the Redcloaks (and maybe his travels in Sadre with Yumaris) and really solidify that he is beginning to walk a better path.
This is part of an ongoing series.
Wild Born | Hunted | Blood Ties | Fire and Ice | Against the Tide | Rise and Fall | The Evertree
Immortal Guardians | Broken Ground | The Return | The Burning Tide
Heart of the Land | The Wildcat's Claw | Stormspeaker | The Dragon's Eye
Tales of the Great Beasts | The Book of Shane | Tales of the Fallen Beasts
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