#yes that means some Rexes can have manes like lions
firwyn · 1 year
Random Rex info
Rexes are fuzzy ! They have a short but soft fur coat that covers their entire bodies, and has a texture that deflects light in an odd way that makes shadows barely visible, making it so, while facing one, you wouldn't be able to tell where their nose is, or even their mouth if it is closed !
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ser-rex · 7 years
🏨 A parent helps the child through their bedtime rituals
“Right, where are we at- teeth scrubbed?”“Oui!”“Hair brushed ten-zillion times by maman?”“Ten zillion and one!”“Pyjamas on, last minute glass of milk, uncle read your spooky story- I think that leaves only one thing to do?”“Monster hunting time!”“Right you are!” 
Rex arms Luna with a dagger- mostly blunt- and in her tiny, tiny hands it sits more like a short sword. Rex holds the lantern up into the dim bedroom high above the child’s head to cast the light wide, and lets the cub lead her around in a thorough sweep of the place before turning to the ‘problem areas’ of the closet.“Right, I’ll get the door, you’re armed and dangerous, so you take point and scare off any baddies what come out- ready?”Luna just yells a fierce war cry and Rex swings open the closet doors- the shadows cast by the lantern of the many colourful dresses and smart trousers hung from the rail, and the assortment of boots and larger toys stuffed into the bottom play against the back wall, but Luna slashes valiantly with her sword in every corner she can reach- and hands off the dagger to dad to stab at the spots too high for her little arms, sweeping the lantern all around. “All clear- right, bed next, then I think we’re secure, ma capitane.” “Yay!” Rex closes up the closet door- after a quick check that nothing has actually been run through- and hands the dagger back to Luna as she plucks up the blankets and duvet to expose the space under the bed to light- nothing but shallow chests and boxes and previously lost toys and old pairs of slippers gathering dust, and Luna gets on her belly to brandish her blade menacingly at the clutter. “All clear, boss! Right, up you get, make sure there’s no dust on you, maman will skin me-” Rex sets the lantern- and the dagger, once Luna begs for the second time to sleep with it by her pillow like the pirates in her stories do- and sets both on the bedside table, to transfer the candle from the stable lantern into Luna’s nightlight- a more colourful one with patterns across the glass, casting images of the constellations across her walls and ceiling in a twilit blueish-purple glow. She hangs it from its rig so it can freely, gently spin. The dagger she slides into its sheath, hung from the bedknob at the head of Luna’s bed, and all is right with the world. Luna will sleep soundly, and Rex might just be able to, as well.
“Must you really go tomorrow, papa?”Rex looks over at Luna, who has since crawled under the covers and into bed, and looped her arms around the giant, leggy chocobo toy she has loved to death since it was five times her size, and now still only just about one-to-one. She’ll grow big enough to make it look like a tiny ornament, some night, Rex thinks with a growing dread- and pride.
“I must, ma chere, I must.”
Rex perches gingerly on the edge of Luna’s bed, and reaches over with her broad paw to stroke the pitch black locks between too-big fluffy ears. Luna was too clever a girl to have gone for long thinking that Bryce was her true sire, but with her mother’s grace she’d learned easily to call them both ‘papa’. Bryce was her full-time dad. 
That notion both warmed, and broke Rex’s heart into a thousand shards. 
“But you won’t be lonely, and you’ll have maman and papa and your siblings, as you always do-”“I know,” says Luna with a miserable pout. “But they don’t-”“Ah-ah-ah, none of that. You know if you lived with me all the time you’d get sick of the things I do and start to miss them, wouldn’t you? You’re a clever girl- you know there’s neither better or worse, don’t you? Just-”“Just different,” Luna finished for her wisely, and squeezes her chocobo tighter.“...Doesn’t mean that things don’t feel odd sometimes, though, I know. I hope it’s not too strange for you, darling.”Luna sits bolt upright out of bed and wraps her arms as far around Rex’s considerable belly as she can, and Rex’s purr rattles her little bones when the bigger cat hugs her back tightly. 
“I love you very much, my little moon,” Rex murmurs softly, and strokes her wild black mane and her oversized ears with a broad, helpless grin. “I’m so proud of you.”Luna mumbles her response sleepily, but it’s the thought that counts, and Rex gingerly peels her off to bid her to lay back down. Luna latches onto her chocobo instead- but Rex sticks nearby.“You’d get an awful crick in your neck sleeping upright on me.”“Can’t I fall asleep on you and you carry me to bed when I’m not awake?”“Ahh, I know you, cub, you will immediately wake up,” Rex chuffs a laugh, “Like you always do, and you’ll demand to try again- and I would also like to sleep at some point, by the way!” “But you purr.”
Rex’s ears sag a bit- she still is. Something neither Ceridwen nor Bryce could truly replicate- something Luna was gently doing right now. Luna doesn’t have to finish her thought for Rex to understand.
“Can you hear it alright where you are?”“Mmhm.”“Then I’ll stay here a bit. But you must promise you’ll try to fall asleep.”“I promise!”Rex looks at Luna for a long moment with an indulgent grin.“...Which means you do what you’re not doing right now.”“What’s that?”“How about closing your eyes for one?” Rex nags with a laugh as Luna squeezes her eyes shut, giggling.“And close your mouth- you can’t sleep if you’re giggling!”
That only serves to make them both snicker more, for a moment, before eventually Luna snuggles in properly- her high, quiet, rattly purr muffled in her chocobo’s neck feathers. Rex tugs the blanket up around her shoulders, and lets Luna curl around her hip, as Rex’s deeper rumble sets her at ease. For a moment, there is blissful silence, and only the faint creak of the lantern as it slowly turns, wheeling stars and shapes above Rex’s head that she follows with a helpless curiosity.
“Papa?”“Yes, cub?”Luna cracks an eye open. “Before you go tomorrow, can we make crepes?”Rex pulls a face. “I don’t make very good ones, poppet, that’s more maman’s forte, isn’t it?”“I know. I don’t mind if they’re bad- I just want- I just,-”“Shh, shh-shh, darling- it’s alright. I understand. Tell you what- I’ll be very hungry and need a big breakfast for my trip, so- we’ll make breakfast and it’ll be terrible, in the morning, and you can help me make an awful mess and grand-papa will be very cross and not at all surprised, how does that sound?” Says Rex, and Luna snickers quietly into her chocobo.“Okay,” Luna says quietly.“Bu we can’t make pancakes until you fall asleep, so...” Rex gently reminds her, and Luna wrinkles her nose as she tries to look more asleep. Rex pets her ears gently, and Luna relaxes at last. “Goodnight, papa.”“Goodnight, my cub.”
Rex lingers there for half a bell at least, just to be sure- and her purr never abates. She cannot put it on, nor can she prolong it after the contentment passes, but there’s no risk of it dying in her chest even after Luna’s quiets into a soft tone of true slumber. The not-so-young-anymore lion takes her time rising from the bed, to avoid the creaks and shifting of weight waking her cub up- but once she’s away she has to carefully navigate the half-lit clutter with the shifting points of light from the lantern. Once she’s half out of the room she heaves a sigh of relief, and looks up at the starfield- and her broad, monsterous silhouette, with a wild mane and snapping tail- blocking them out. Once she’s gone, they’ll all be perfectly visible, should Luna awaken. Once she’s gone tomorrow, Luna will have her normal family back.Rex whispers into the room once she reaches the door, and slips halfway into the hall. “Dear starlight, protect my sleeping cub- burn clear, and steadfast, tonight.”With that, she slips away, her tail the last thing to slither through the door, and the only monster ever in the room at all closes the door shut gently behind her with a faint, decisive, click.
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Happy Thursday everybody! I hope your day is going well. I’m in my last week of work before Band Camp starts.
Yes. Band Camp.
Anyway, you clicked on this title because you want to learn about my tattoos. So lets talk about them! I’ll tell you how much it hurt, how they compare to others, and fun stories about my experiences!
If you’d rather watch my video on this topic, click here!
Fun Fact: I have 7 tattoos from 7 artists, from 6 different shops.
  -Stars on my hip-
No picture for this one unfortunately. Sorry!
This was my first tattoo ever, so we are going to start with this one! It is five purple stars in a curve on the front of my hip, and its about the size of my palm. I got it the week I turned 18 as a birthday present from my mom. I didn’t know what I wanted to get tattooed, but then I wanted stars. I was obsessed with them at the time, I doodled them on EVERYTHING.
The pain level for this tattoo wasn’t bad. The outline stung, but the coloring felt more like pressure. The only other pain I felt was my FRESH belly button piercing the artist kept rubbing up against with his arm… but hey, I figured that was going to happen.
My dad was under the impression that this was going to be smaller than what it is. When I got home that night (I lived with my dad at the time), he wasn’t very happy with me. But the damage was already done. … sorry Dad!
My second tattoo! My “tramp stamp.” I got this one done the week after I turned 20.
I don’t know if this is the second or third most painful tattoo I’ve had, but it definitely has the best scariest story.
Because of its location (right side of my lower back) I had to lean an awkward way for the artist. He started with the outline (obvi) which is a smaller amount of grouped needles. For me, going over fatty areas hurt MUCH worse than going over boney areas. Well, the artist started in a fatty area. That pain, combined with the awkard way I was leaning caused me to hold my breath…. and pass out…. falling over backward… on top of the tattoo artist.
Luckily, he caught me and didn’t accidentally stick me, but it was pretty wild. The tattoo ended up AMAZING.
I was close to my 22nd birthday for this tattoo. I have always been a lover of The Lion King, and I’m a Leo, so getting Simba tattooed seemed right. Below it has the quote “Remember who you are.”
This tattoo came at a time where I was struggling with my identity, personal and sexuality. I wanted this tattoo as a reminder to always stay true to myself and my intentions. When I decided to get this tattoo, I wanted to add Simbas mane later on in life when I felt like I had everything under control and settled into adulthood. In the movie, Rafiki adds Simbas mane to the picture on the tree after discovering Simba was still alive (spoiler! But if you haven’t seen Lion King by now, what are you doing with your life). I will be adding the mane soon, as well as a MUCH NEEDED color touch up.
I got this tattoo at a friends house during a UFC party. Don’t worry, the artist was legit, everything was safe. But it’s still a fun story!
Pain wasn’t too crazy. I do wish I had gotten the letters a bit larger, they’ve run together a tad.
  -Mickey Mouse Pumpkin-
This is the second Disney tattoo, as well as the second tattoo I got for my mom!
This one has a few meanings. This is the Mickey Mouse Pumpkin head Disney has on Main Street during Halloween, just without the face. I love Halloween, I love Disney. How is my mom included? Well, she has called me “Pumpkin” since before I can remember. This tattoo is a three-fer!
The pain on this tattoo was CRAZY. The whale tattoo and this one are in the same area on the pain scale. RIBS HURT OKAY. And the artist was very heavy handed. That sucked.
  – T rex Skull-
I have a tattoo on my ribs, I can handle an inner bicep tattoo.
HA. You thunk.
MOST PAINFUL TATTOO. This one wins most painful tattoo I have yet. What instilled me to put it on the inside of my arm, I have no clue. But it’s totally worth it, and it makes people give me squeamish looks because of the location, and then they are wow’d because ITS A DINOSAUR. Who isn’t wow’d by dinosaur tattoos? Boring people thats who
This baby was so painful, the artist put some numbing spray on it about 2/3rds of the way through. My body couldn’t take much more, but we had to get the tattoo done. Instead of spraying this lovley solution on my arm, he poured it. Best. Relief. Ever.
    -3 eyed cat and shark-
This is two different tattoos but because they are so close together we are going to round them into the same section. These are both Friday 13th tattoos, and I LOVE THEM.
I got the cat first, and I was REALLY hesitant on putting it on my wrist. So far, all but one of my tattoos have been on my abdomen. This was the first real extremity tattoo.
It didn’t hurt too bad, but it did sting. The inside of your wrist is a tender area, I’m honestly surprised it didn’t hurt more than it did.
The shark, on the other hand, hurt less than the cat. The tip of the fins hurt a bit, but the rest just felt like pressure. I will eventually put more Friday 13th tattoos around my wrist, copying my wife’s Friday 13th tattoo bracelet. Thanks babe for letting me copy you!
  I would LOVE to see your tattoos! Link me your instas or twitters!
Thank you all for reading, I will see you all next time!
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All About ALL of My Tattoos Happy Thursday everybody! I hope your day is going well. I'm in my last week of work before Band Camp starts.
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