#yes that sees member ryoji au
eru-iru · 7 months
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together now..!
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azuries · 3 months
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team building with the newbie 👨‍🍳
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narrators-journal · 8 months
ryomina hanakaki au bc they’re doomed or ryomina orgasm denial and ryoji’s a whiny bottom bc they’re silly
Ngl, this sort of au is probably gonna stick w me now lol. I’m not usually one for angst, but I did my best to make this good and painful in that department heheheheheh. Bc while I love Ryomina, no beloved ship of mine can escape a bit of pain lol. I hope you enjoy it tho!
CW: Spoilers for p3! Both implied and outright said! Do not read if you don’t want anything to spoil your playthrough, bc this is set in late-game timing!
Every week day, the SEES’ chosen dormitory would sit still and silent in the late morning hours. And, that day was no different from those ones. Even with a thick layer of clouds to dampen the already weak winter sun, the dormitory sat almost empty. After all, winter break had ended, and classes had started back up. And even as The Fall crept closer and closer, grades couldn’t be allowed to slip too far.
What else would they be doing though? They can’t train their personas before the dark hour, so what does that leave them to do other than go to school? Sit and rot inside? Ryoji thought as he sat against the heavy metal door of the dormitory’s roof. His once lustrous eyes dull as they watched the lint-colored clouds boil and stir above his head. Wouldn’t that be poetic. The brunette thought with bitter amusement, I give Minato a month to decide what to do about me, and then I reap his friends one by one while I wait.
If Ryoji hadn’t felt like the wrong breath would break him, he may have laughed at the morbid thought. Fill the chilly winter air with a sound that wasn’t the depressing gurgle of his breaths or the distant coughs of the only SEES member that occupied the massive dormitory building that day. Minato…
Despite being the harbinger of the fall and thus not human, in the few weeks Ryoji had attended Gekkoukan he’d grown a softness for the asocial wildcard. A soft spot that the many girls and boys who’d taken a shine to him hadn’t managed to achieve. Even with how sweetly they treated him. Which, in the moment, had stirred up twinges of guilt for them after each date. But, now that he’d realized his true identity, that guilt had not only switched targets, but taken root to bloom a bitter flower. After all, how could Ryoji grow to care for a human so fast yet so much, and still look into those smokey eyes and tell him that he’d end the world in a few short months? Yes, Ryoji was never known for compassion and good timing, but confessing to his affection for the wildcard only a few hours before confessing to his deception felt a step too far.
A wheezy cough drifted up from Minato’s dorm room to draw another shakey sigh from the brooding brunette. “What did you expect? To grow old with him?” He muttered darkly to the still chill of the season, his words punctuated by a coughing fit of his own.
But, the fit that tore through his already aching body wasn’t the result of a simple cold. Ryoji Mochizuki was Death, he could streak through Antarctica with nothing more than a shiver, so the flu wasn’t something he had to worry about. Plus, the flu didn’t leave a thin, delicately curved petal of crimson in Ryoji’s pale palm. What did famously choke its victims with the silky petals of flowers though, was a more insidious disease.
But, as he watched that petal wither and yellow in the cold air of the winter, Ryoji still didn’t fear for himself, only Minato. After all, he was a god, he didn’t need to breathe. So, whether his lungs inflated with petals didn’t matter. On the other hand, though, was his beloved wildcard. The deadpan wildcard who had coughed up his first snowy flower petal a mere three days after Ryoji had came across him in front of that train station.
Back then, Ryoji was new to the world, stupid. He’d seen Minato at the stairs of the train station and thought he’d found an angel with the way the soft light of the full moon made a halo of light on his hair, and that same silver glow set the snow alight with winter fire.
But, that was weeks ago, at that point. Back before the roots of the toxic flowers had begun to sap the color from Minato’s skin and sheen from his blue locks. Back before Ryoji had destroyed his life for the second time.
Maybe all this could’ve been avoided if I’d not made myself known… He mused while he stared down at the petal he’d coughed up. Images of all the petals he’d seen Minato stealth into his pocket or toss away on repeat in his head. If only I’d kept to myself like I was supposed to, Minato would’ve left Tatsumi port. He could’ve spent his remaining days blissfully unaware and happy instead of choking to death.
But, when his inhuman senses picked up yet another of Minato's rough coughing fits, the gentle splash of his tears in his palm were all he could do to help. Yet another fight that Minato wouldn’t have had to face if Ryoji Mochizuki hadn’t been so selfish.
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shinydmoon · 5 years
Hypnos au info 2
(1 on CarzyMoonrules side blog)
1. Minato falls asleep everywhere(if he deems it a safe place). Bridge to Ariving Minato tucked himself in nooks and crannies if he wanted a nap. 12 Fullmoon shadows Minato has Orpheus to Attack/scare any threats plus Pharos can now snuggle with him(he couldnt before cuz the space was too cramped). November to ‘Graduation’ He fell asleep anywhere in the dorm, and the others had no issues as long as he; didn’t sleep on the ground in the common area, uses pillows and blankets if he sleeps on the floor in any of their rooms(Aigis room is why its not no sleeping on floors in general), No sleeping on the stairs in the cabnets and in the weapons closet, and he asks before he falls asleep on someone. Of course after regaining his memories Ryoji is always nearby if not sleeping along side Minato or being minatos pillow(Ryoji is the only one who mint actively doesn’t ask if he may sleep on him).
2. Minato is an artist and carrys his sketching supplies around with him everywhere(Exept when fighting) after getting them. Pharos/Ryoji sews and now Minato has a whole collection of Plushys made by Ryoji for him. Most of the plushies are of one of them in different outfits and those normally comes in pairs.
3. Minato has two plushies that mean the most to him. The first is Pharos’ first Plushy attempt of himself, Ryoji occasionally swipes it from him to update it/fix any weer and tear. The second is a squeaky toy version of Nyx in monster bird form that was made for him by one of his older siblings and given to him once he hatched. No one could get him to agree to throwing it away and being given a new one, eventually they just gave him the new one without anymore arguments.
4. Ryoji, Hamuko, and Kotone all had the same plush of Nyx. Kotone accidentally destroyed hers and was too upset to ask for a new one, Nyarlathotep slipped an indestructive plush of himself to her when she was sleeping later. Hamuko’s is seeable placed in the garden to watch over the plants. Ryoji still has his(upgraded one of couse) but he removed the squeaker, if Hypnos is having trouble sleeping and Ryoji has to go somewhere he tucks it in to Hypnos’ grasp.
5. After Regaining his memories Ryoji’s arms are coverd in bite marks from Mint chewing on them. He doesn’t mind as long as he doesn’t draw blood, it’s cuz the bites don’t hurt at all even if Minato were to draw blood.
6. Both Ryoji and Minato use Ryoji’s scarf to shut the other up. They tie it around the mouth then pull it tight. Ryoji also puts his scarf on Mint if he seems scared or overwhelmed, as if to say ‘Im right here, we are as we should be, you are safe, Family is right here’, Mint grabs the scarf to comfort himself.
7. Shinjiro is alive...Kinda. He gets revived around new years by Ryoji. He takes everything surprisingly well. -cuts to scene of him screaming in his head while standing frozen-. You know, for someone who was killed and all that. Ryoji also revives Mitsuru’s Dad and Ken’s Mom... And yukari’s Dad and just about anyone who is not Jin, Takaya, Ikutsuki, and The scientists involved in that whole thing.
9. All the members of SEES(except Ken and koro and Plus Ryoji) are forced to repeat the school year by Takeharu Kirijo as the whole shadows mess was not good for their grades.
10. Ryoji’s Room is the one right aross to Minato’s. They have separate rooms more to lessen any cludder seeing as they normally sleep in Ryojis room(Mint didn’t want to rearrange his room so Ryoji just set up his as their room from the start).
11. Morgana is Elpis(but male of course). Yes p5 still happens basically as in canon, yes Minato and the rest of his siblings can tell, yes Minato basically carried Mona around during Pq2 in this au, Yes Mona’s human form looks like pharos, and yes Minato babys him as Mona is younger.
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persona-minty · 6 years
Robot Revival AU
Sooo I was talking to @friskyghost about a certain AU they created (link) and they were kind enough to indulge me and talk about it for a while. It was really fun! Anyway, I asked and they said I could make a post about what we talked about and they said yes, so I’m going to do just that. @friskyghost is the primary creator of this AU, but this post is mostly mine with my own headcanons and details that may not hold true for friskyghost’s version of the AU. Persona 3 and 5 spoilers abound and this is a pretty long post, so be warned.
Minato, Hamuko, and Ryoji are all resurrected several years after the fight against Nyx, except there’s a catch. While their souls are still around and unable to naturally move on, their bodies have long since decayed, so SEES finds a way to infuse their souls into Plumes of Dusk and then crafts three Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon bodies to put those Plumes of Dusk into. Later, Hamuko, Minato, and Ryoji are sent off to Shujin Academy along with Labrys and Ken during the same year the Phantom Thieves will be active. Naturally, they get caught up in the goings on of the metaverse.
Minato, Hamuko, and Ryoji all look like they did back in 2009, except with several clear Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon features, like the headphones and metallic shoulder and leg joints Aigis had. Labrys looks essentially the same, and Ken and all of the other members of SEES save Aigis are just older versions of themselves, likely similar to what we saw in Ultimax.
Elizabeth and Theodore figure out a way to permanently destroy or detain Erebus, perhaps thanks in part to Yaldabaoth’s creation/birth. From there they dismantle the seal and set Minato and Hamuko, twins in this AU, free from the seal. Ryoji is there with them, has been since the creation of the seal, and decides that if the twins are leaving then he will too. Liz and Theo relay all of this information to SEES, and SEES acts by creating robotic bodies for the three of them. So Hamuko, Minato, and Ryoji all come back to life.
Of course then there are happy reunions. Hamuko, Minato, and Ryoji are happy to be alive, and their friends are happy to see them again. It’s great for everyone, but despite the fact that all of this is generally seen as positive, there are drawbacks. Hamuko and Minato have to get used to having suddenly jumped forward in time several years, all of the friends they’d worked so hard to make being so much older than them, technology being so much more advanced (a bit ironic coming from two robots), and so many world events having come to pass while they were in stasis in the Great Seal. Ryoji is less affected, having only existed for a couple of months in 2009 before. The matter of them finishing high school comes up, because Mitsuru has always been a bit of a stickler about that, though she is gracious enough to say that they don’t have to if they really don’t want to.
The original plan is for them to attend Gekkoukan, but they realize that most of the teachers that taught them back in 2009 are still teaching at the school, and furthermore, some of their friends/social links are still living in the area. They’d surely be recognized if they hung around the area, but they’re not ready to answer any questions about their miraculous resurrection to those not in the know yet. So Ken suggests that they attend the same high school that he does: Shujin academy. Originally he transferred to investigate the mental shutdowns that began occurring some time ago and showed several similarities to Apathy Syndrome, but despite that he was unable to find any potential crossover points where shadows could get access to those affected by the mental shutdowns in order to cause those shutdowns like how they caused Apathy Syndrome. Still, he stayed at Shujin partially because it was a school on par with Gekkoukan so he felt no need to transfer back, and partially because Shinjiro, not dead but permanently injured and therefore basically incapable of fighting shadows without putting himself at great risk, now lives in Tokyo and since waking up on graduation day, he and Ken have become closer and closer and healed past wounds.
It’s then that Labrys decides that she wants to attend school as well, and transfers to Shujin with them, both for her own curiosity’s sake, and to help them adjust to living in robotic bodies. So Shujin gets five transfer students that year: Minato, Hamuko, Ryoji, Labrys, and Akira. Minato, Hamuko, Ryoji, and Ken are all third years, while Labrys is a second year.
Entering Shujin
So the twins, Ryoji, and Labrys begin their year at Shujin Academy. Immediately there are whispers that one of the transfer students is a dangerous criminal, but it’s quickly determined that it isn’t the twins, Ryoji, or Labrys. Instead, it’s a second year transfer student that none of them know. Among them it’s decided that they shouldn’t make quick judgements on this student, but that they also have no reason to get involved with him and should just focus on adjusting. 
For the first two weeks or so, they just hang around and try to get adjusted. There seems to be five new rumors about the criminal transfer student each day, while Minato and Hamuko are gathering several admirers akin to Akihiko or Mitsuru in P3 because of their maxed stats. Ryoji, Ken, and Labrys share in that popularity to an extent.
Hamuko, excited about playing volleyball again like she used to, wants to sign up for the volleyball team. The coach of the volleyball team, Mr. Kamoshida, seems very supportive of this, but Hamuko discovers that her new robotic body might be harder to hide if she were to begin playing volleyball. This majorly bums her out, seeing that they can’t risk revealing themselves, but her friends are there for her and promise to play volleyball with her outside of school. She joins a less risky club, like the cooking club, and Minato joins something like the light music club. Labrys, meanwhile, takes interest in the student council and makes it her goal to become the student body president next year, after the current president has graduated.
Then, two weeks in or so, the twins have a very strange dream. It’s a place that’s a very familiar shade of blue, but so different from what they remember. Instead of an ever moving elevator, they find themselves trapped in a prison cell, peering out at Igor from behind steel bars. Liz and Theo have been replaced by two little girls named Caroline and Justine, and even Igor himself seems very different. He tells them of a place called Mementos and how to get there, and then they are released from the dream. They wake up, discuss amongst themselves, and then discuss it with Ryoji, Ken, and Labrys at school. They all decide to investigate after school.
Entering Mementos For the First Time
After school, they go to investigate the place called Mementos. It’s similar to Tartarus, and Ken theorizes that perhaps this is what he was looking for when he first began investigating the mental shutdowns. They run around for a little bit and discover that though Ryoji has no persona, he can still operate just fine as a navigator. Meanwhile, Minato and Hamuko have been “reset”, kind of, so they only have their respective versions of Orpheus and Messiah right now, but they still retain the ability to gain more personas through Shuffle Time. At the end of their investigation session, they venture into the Velvet Room once more and are told by Igor that Mementos is a manifestation of humanity’s sins.
Once out of Mementos, they discuss what they should do next. They agree that Igor must have shown them Mementos for a reason, and that it very well may have something to do with the mental shutdowns and/or psychotic breakdowns. So all of them agree to head back to Mementos again. Admittedly, it also feels good to fall back into the groove of fighting shadows. For Minato and Hamuko especially, since they’re struggling with the drawbacks of their new bodies and their sudden jump in time, so something familiar is extremely welcome.
The Calling Card
The next day at school, a calling card is posted about Mr. Kamoshida. It’s from a group calling themselves the Phantom Thieves, and claiming that they’re going to take Mr. Kamoshida’s twisted desires and change his heart. The next day, Mr. Kamoshida doesn’t show up for school. Nor the next day, and so on and so forth until the assembly where Mr. Kamoshida confesses his sins onstage and vows to kill himself. Mr. Kamoshida is taken into custody by the police, apologies are made to the people who Mr. Kamoshida’s actions affected, and rumors begin to swirl.
Minato, Hamuko, Ryoji, Labrys, and Ken are intrigued by the Phantom Thieves, but not overly interested right now. They’re more focused on discovering why Igor showed the twins Mementos, and they don’t yet consider the possibility that the Phantom Thieves may be persona-related.
Mementos Exploration (1)
They investigate further and further into Mementos, until they discover that they seem to have found the end of it. Mementos was much smaller than any of them imagined, and Ryoji even says that he was almost positive there was more. They discover the answer when they talk to Igor, and he says that they have barely scratched the surface of Mementos, but that to access more of Mementos the public would need to be aware of their existence.
(This is around the time that the Phantom Thieves first enter Mementos, but they do not cross paths with our group).
Making the Public Aware of Them
They discuss whether or not they should go forward with the exploration into Mementos. They are all a part of the Shadow Operatives, so taking care of shadows seems almost natural. Minato and Hamuko also trust Igor, despite him seeming very different, because of his assistance in the past, and the fact that it was Liz and Theo that freed them from the Great Seal. However, they have no idea how to proceed in Mementos, as they have to find a way to become known to the public. Ken, Labrys, or Ryoji then points out that the twins are musically gifted, and if they became famous that way then perhaps they’d be able to get further in Mementos.
After a quick brainstorming session, they come up with the idea to post a video of themselves on YouTube (or an equivalent), hoping that will be enough. Their video is a good enough quality that it draws in many people, but not enough to get them much further in Mementos. They try posting a few more videos, but the results are the same. They lament the fact that this does not seem to be working very quickly and debate just giving up on Mementos, but word of their struggle makes it’s way to the rest of the Shadow Operatives and the next day they find that their videos have skyrocketed in views because Rise promoted one of the videos they made.
(I haven’t decided quite what I want these videos to be about. Since the twins are always wearing headphones I definitely want it to have something to do with music, but I don’t know what yet. If need be, just imagine them posting covers to idol songs.)
Mementos Exploration (2)
The popularity that ensues from Rise’s actions is enough to get them further into Mementos, and it’s here that they discover that some people have actual shadow selves in Mementos. That’s when they decide that the mental shutdowns could be from someone killing these shadows, and first consider the possibility that there might be another persona user in Tokyo, and not one with good intentions. Remember, Ken was investigating the mental shutdowns from the perspective of someone who had dealt with Apathy Syndrome and automatically assumed shadows were the cause of the mental shutdowns.
Meanwhile, the Phantom Thieves take care of a few side requests in Mementos while looking into the Madarame case and Yusuke. When our group finds out about these requests, they officially determine that the Phantom Thieves can access the metaverse and are likely persona users if they can navigate Mementos without dying. That means they become suspects in the mental shutdowns case, at least to our group, but it’s not definite. They have no proof aside from both the assumed culprit and the Phantom Thieves likely having personas and being able to access Mementos, and the Phantom Thieves only showed up a little while ago while the mental shutdowns have been happening for a few years at least.
Still, our group makes the decision, with the approval of the other Shadow Operatives, to investigate Mementos and the Phantom Thieves further. If they wouldn’t, the Shadow Operatives would send others to check it out, because this seems important. As is, Mitsuru wants to send others in, protective of the twins after everything that’s happened, but they all but beg her not to. I think the twins would probably see this as a very good opportunity to get used to living again, especially in these new bodies in this new time. They really became comfortable with living their lives when they fell in with SEES, and this is a similar enough situation that they’re eager to get entangled with it. 
I don’t currently have anything more for this AU imagined, but I think it’s a strong start and has a lot of potential. The story from there would continue with the Phantom Thieves doing as they do in the game while our group investigated them and ventured further into Mementos. Meanwhile, Minato and Hamuko would be dealing with all of their emotional turmoil from being resurrected, being robots now, and being six years into the future. Like honestly, that’s a triple whammy right there, but at least they have each other to confide in. Meanwhile, we could get a more in-depth look at Ryoji, Labrys, and Ken’s characters, or at least a fan-written version of them.
I have what I believe to be a really interesting idea for the progression of this AU that involves our group joining Haru and Morgana in Okumura’s palace, but I haven’t fleshed it out yet so who knows if I’ll ever make a post about it. As it stands, if you like this AU you should go check out @friskyghost, who created the original concept for it. I think they’re a really cool person.
Thank you for reading this suuuuuper long post, whoever made it this far, and FYI, if anybody wants to come chat with me about any persona AU you or I create, I’m always up for it. Message me anytime. Seriously. I love fleshing out AU’s.
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