#yes that’s pav next to him
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when you can’t find the Wolfwood pop anywhere so his soulmate is left alone with an army of grass toads {they’re in the shadows, watching… waiting}
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fae hobie was literally just that, everything is normal except hobie is a fucking woodland sprite and about the size of a piece of beef jerky. my main inspiration was these things:
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from spiderwick chronicles cuz I MEAN LOOK AT THEIR HAIR??? head?? things????
my unbelievably unoriginal ass was like HMMMMM HOBIE'S HAIR. IN PETALS. . . HMMMM. and then it slowly devolved into tiny hobie au.
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the kids carry him around in pockets or on their shoulder and he speaks the fae equivalent of british which makes him three times harder to understand.
its so funny trust.
and jazz au was a crackhead idea of suppressed music talent miles finding his band in the other spiderkids and this oddly ambitious plot about gwen and hobie drifting away to pursue rock but always coming back to jam with the boys because punk rock and even metal pulls a lot of inspiration from jazz and the jazz movement.
miles would be a singer or a trumpet player and i cant decide which so HA.
wriggles around in my padded room.
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redstarwriting · 1 year
spider squad x black cat!fem!reader
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request?: yes
request: “hi! okay i love your works and my brains been rotting thinking abt this lol. i was wondering if i could request a black cat variant! reader that somehow (idk how sorry ), she's apart of the spider-society? Given that black cats backstory isn't all that nice, maybe she has a deal W miguel to let her stay if she makes sure she uses her skills to help the society instead of stealing? and how the squad(miles, gwen, pav, hobie) meet her in the society?”
requested by: anon​
word count: 2.1k
genre: platonic and chaotic LMAO
Warnings: language, stealing, bad Spanish, slight Gwen crush if you squint but also like not really
A/N: STOP I LOVE WRITING PLATONIC AND CHAOTIC THINGS!! i did change up the prompt a bit as they didn’t meet her in spider society necessarily (even though the did, they just didn’t know it lol) i hope you enjoy this anon! also if anyone wants to knows some of the specific songs that gave me black cat 2099 vibes lemme know 👀 i’ll make a post
pt ii - becoming hobie’s bestie
Gwen, Miles, Pavitr, and Hobie were called to “the principal’s office” as they started calling it. So here they are, in front of Miguel, waiting to be reprimanded for something they did. “I have a mission for the three of you,” he says, pointing to Miles, Gwen, and Pav. “Hobie, you’re not needed.”
“Like ‘ell I’m not,” he says, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. Miguel subtly smiles to himself. Reverse psychology. Works every time.
“Wait, what?” Miles asks, eyes wide. “You aren’t gonna yell at us for existing?” Gwen asks, equally as surprised. Miguel rolls his eyes. “For existing? When have I ever…” he trails off as Pav, Hobie, and Gwen point at Miles. 
And Miles points at himself. 
“Dios mío,” Miguel mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose. “No. I’m not doing that. This time.”
“What’s the mission then? Are we going somewhere new? Oh! Can I bring back a souvenir?” Pavitr asks, excitedly. “No, but I’m sure you’ll end up with some sort of souvenir regardless,” Miguel grumbles, and Hobie raises his eyebrow. “Well, what do you mean by that?” Gwen asks and Miguel types into his computer. A picture of a girl pops up on the screen. “I need you to bring me her.”
“Uhhh what? You want us to bring you a… civilian?” Miles asks, and Miguel nods. “She’ll respond to you all better. You’re the same age,” Miguel says, and they all glance at each other. “Can you not be secretive for like, a couple of seconds? Is she an anomaly?”
“No, Gwen. Just bring her to Spider Society, please. She’s from this universe, so I’m just sending you to where I need you to go,” Miguel says, opening a portal for them to go through. They all glance at each other before Gwen shrugs, walking through the portal. Miles and Pav follow her, and Hobie rolls his eyes following the three of them. They find themselves… at a show? They’re on top of the catwalk in a stadium show, looking down at the audience. “What the hell?” Gwen mumbles and Hobie is intrigued when he sees the instruments on the stage. “Now why did he send us to a concert?” Miles asks, and Pav shrugs. Right at that moment, the lights go down and everyone starts to scream. “So, you think she’s in the crowd? How are we supposed to find someone in all of these people?” Miles asks, and Pav shrugs. “I can do it, easily,” Pav says, and Miles and Gwen give him a Look™. “What?! It’s simple you just look for her face! Miguel showed us a picture of her.”
“Aye, ‘e’s right. Found her,” Hobie says, and they all look at him. He’s pointing, and they follow his finger. “SHE’S THE SINGER?!” Gwen yells as the music starts. “Yeah. Guess we gotta wait for the set to finish,” Hobie says, shrugging and sitting on the catwalk, “Gettin’ a free show outta this shit at least.”
“Oh, please, every show you’ve ever been to has been free,” Gwen says, sitting next to him, taking her mask off. Hobie, Pav, and Miles all follow suit. “What does Miguel want with a singer?”
“I like her outfit,” Pav says, ignoring Miles’ question and sitting next to Gwen. Miles quickly slips between Pav and Gwen, shooing him away slightly. “Not my style. Lyrics ain’t bad,” Hobie says, leaning back and observing the performance, “She can sing, I’ll give ‘er ‘at.”
“I fuck with it. Lyrics speak to me,” Gwen says, and Pav nods. “She seems angry.”
“Yeah, that’s why I can respect what she’s doin’. Threatenin’ and angry music is cool,” Hobie says, bobbing his head up and down. Gwen nods. “Okay, guys, seriously, what does Miguel want with a singer?”
“Maybe she’s a scientist or something? Miguel needs her help?” Gwen suggests, and Miles shakes his head. “Nah, I feel like he’d just meet with her then.”
“He did mention she was close to our age, though. And her songs make it sound like she has an issue with authority,” Pav mentions, and Hobie nods. “I fuck with ‘er.” They all look at him. “Oh, I get it. She’s Hobie’s age,” Gwen says, and Hobie raises his eyebrow. “What does ‘at ‘ave to do with anythin’?”
“You two are the same age, both have a problem with authority… whatever she is, she needs someone she can relate to to actually come with us,” Gwen says, and Hobie nods. “Guess ‘at makes sense.” The four of them continue watching the concert. Even though it isn’t necessarily punk music, Hobie loves the lyrics. And Gwen loves all of the songs because she understands the lyrics more than the other guys. Miles is enjoying it because Gwen is enjoying it, and Pav is enjoying it because other people are enjoying it. However, neither of them would probably listen to this after this mission. When you’re nearing the end, Miles slips his mask back on. “Alright, everyone. What’s the plan?”
“We need to get backstage,” Gwen says, slipping her mask on as well. “‘ave a gander down there,” Hobie says, pointing at some marks on the stage. “What’s that?” Pav asks. “Pyrotechnics. When they go off, we go in,” Hobie says, and they all nod. “Hope they’re big enough that no one sees us,” Gwen mumbles and Hobie scoffs. “Gwendy, it’s a stadium show. It’s ‘bout to be big,” he says. The four of them prepare, running along the catwalk and getting ready to web back to where you would disappear to. Sure enough, the pyrotechnics go off and Hobie was right. They’re big. It gives them the advantage as they slip undetected backstage. They hide high up, watching as you run offstage after your encore. They silently follow you to your dressing room and Miles points at an air vent. Gwen nods, quietly yanking it off of its hinges. She crawls inside, taking a glance to make sure you’re still clothed, and then motions for the boys to follow.
Meanwhile, you’re wiping your makeup off, sipping on some water to soothe your throat from your performance. You walk away from the giant mirror to go grab a snack in the corner of the room when, suddenly, you feel like someone is watching you. You subtly unsheathe your hairbrush, which doubles as a dagger. Just in case. You take a deep breath, turning around, and throwing it. Miles leaps out of the way, and the other three’s eyes are wide. The accuracy with that throw was a little too good. “None of you are Miguel,” you say, on edge still. “Ay, don’t compare me to that bloody bloke. I’d rather die than be called ‘im,” Hobie says, and you give him an amused look. “I can arrange that,” you say, and Gwen clears her throat. “I just wanted to say your concert was like, totally, awesome.”
“Aw, thanks! Did you pay to watch?” you ask and she looks around. “Well uh… I, um—” She gets cut off by your laugh. “I’m kidding. I don’t give a fuck if you didn’t. In fact, I would prefer you didn’t,” you explain. “Oh! Then no. Too cool to pay, you know?” Gwen rambles and Miles turns his head to her, giving her a look that translates into ‘What the hell are you talking about?’ You chuckle. “Why are you four here, then? Señor O’Hara miss me?” you take a bite of the snack you picked, leaning against the wall. “How do you know Miguel?” Pav asks and you snort. “Long story. Oh! He finally find out I took something from him?” you ask, tossing your food to the side and crossing your arms. “I… we actually don’t know. He just said we had to bring you back to—”
“Wait he’s actually inviting me into his super secret spider society?” you ask, a look of excitement spreading across your face. “Uh. Yes?” Miles says, and you squeal. “This is so exciting! My first time being invited, okay, great, hold on,” you say, quickly running off and behind the changing room divider. “Uh… you’re just gonna come with us?” Gwen asks, and you yell a quick ‘yep!’ They all look at each other and shrug. “No offense, sweet’eart, but I thought it woulda been ‘arder to convince ya. Wasn’t aware bein’ invited by a stuck-up wanker like ‘im was all it would take,” Hobie says, and they hear a giggle from behind the screen. “Oh this isn’t my first time in his little fanclub,” you step out from behind the divider, garnishing an all-black catsuit with shiny black gloves coming to claws at the fingers. A small eye mask adorns your face, and you smirk. “It’s just the first time he’ll know I’m there.”
“Holy shit, no way! You’re Black Cat!” Gwen says, and you do a little curtsy. “Pleased to make your acquaintance officially, Gwen Stacy,” you say, and her eyes get big. “How did you know—”
“Like I said. Not my first time there. Surprising since you all have that spidey sense or whatever, but guess I’m just that good,” you say, pulling out a dimension-hopping watch. “When did you—”
“Do I have to say I’ve been to your Spidertopia already again? Come on, I’m sure your pendejo of a boss is waiting for us,” you grin, and Hobie shakes his head. “Not my boss. I like you, though. Gettin’ fuck the establishment vibes,” he says, and you wink at him. “Thanks, Hobie Brown. Appreciate it. Also, Pavitr, you need to tell me what your haircare routine is,” you walk through the portal, and the four of them follow after you. Sure enough, you step out of the portal and stand right in front of Miguel’s desk. “Hello there, Spider-Boy,” you say, and he sighs. “(Y/n). Give me the device back. Now.”
“I’m good, actually. Been having too much fun with it,” you say, placing it on your wrist. He mutters something in Spanish as the four of them appear behind you. “Wait, if you’re Black Cat, why are you like… a superstar?” Miles asks, taking his mask off. “Was told at a young age to never settle for second best. So, I never did. Also if you want to steal from the big leagues, you have to be in with the big leagues,” you say, shrugging. “Damn, she is… so cool,” Gwen whispers. “We have an agreement, (Y/n),” MIguel says and you groan. “Miguel! Big guy, amigo, can I call you that?”
“Don’t care, when have I ever stuck with an agreement?” you ask and he frowns. “This is all because you want to be able to come here whenever you want, isn’t it?” he asks and you grin. “You’re so smart, bestie,” you say and he groans. “You’re impossible.”
“I know. So can I come here and not have to worry about multiple spiders biting me all at once?” you ask, and he sighs. “Yes.”
“Fuck, there’s a but,” you groan, as he continues talking, “No. Stealing.” You feign offense. “What makes you think I would ever steal something from here?” He points to your wrist. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. This was gifted to me.”
“By who.”
“Esta maldita chica,” he mumbles, and you grin. “Well, thank you so much for approving my breaking and entering of your little arachnid club. I’ll be sure to return everything I’ve taken in hopes that you would notice I wanted to be invited,” you grin, and he clenches his jaw. “You step one toe out of line—”
“I woooon’t! Promise! Before I return everything though, I kinda have a heist planned in Earth-42,” you shrug, pulling up a portal. “I’ll tell Miles you said hi, Miles,” you give him a smirk, but before disappearing into the portal, you hear Miguel. “When you’re done come back here. I actually might be able to use you for something.”
You smile at him. “Say less, Spider-Man.” Then, you disappear. “We’re about to see a lot more of her, aren’t we?” Miles asks, and Miguel sighs and nods. “Dude! She is so cool!” Gwen says, and Hobie nods. “She don’t take shit from no one. Respectable.”
“She’s funny! And she was able to shut you down, Miguel, that never happens,” Pav says, laughing a bit. “She seems kinda crazy,” Miles says.”
“What, like we aren’t?” Gwen retaliates and he shrugs. “I am perfectly sane! Most of the time…”
Miguel runs his hand through his hair in frustration as the four of them continue discussing you while walking out of the room.
He was not looking forward to the friendship the five of you were about to form.
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chaoticladyfire · 1 year
Things I screamed about in ATSV (spoilers)
-Got to rewatch the film so I’m just going to add the colours changing to warmer tones when Gwen hugs her father. Not even ten minutes in and I was already crying.
-Realised that we missed the Gwen-Vulture fight BUT got to see Jessica Drew enter the scene like a bad ass in her bad ass bike and hearing the audience collectively say ‘me too’ when Gwen asked if Jessica could adopt her. 
-Screaming OSCAR ISAAC when Miguel spoke
-Lyla. Just Lyla.
- ‘Do you say anything other than no?’ ‘No-YES!’ more of miguel and jessica pls
-The Spot’s introduction. I didn’t see any promotional stuff, teasers or even trailers before watching this film so I had no idea who or what the The Spot was which was great because he really went from villain of the week to villain of the movie. And they clearly had a great time choreographing the fight scenes with him
-Miles’ heating up the beef patty while the spot and the convenience store man argue
-Miles patting the spot’s with a ‘good cow’ text
-Gwen and Miles both having to deepen their voices to avoid being recognised by their respective cop dads
-Miles saying that he can get two cakes when the counsellor says you can’t have your cake and eat it too and then bringing two cakes for his father’s party and neither of them saying what he wanted to convey. 
-Rio and Jeff scolding an annoyed miles but instantly smiling when a relative hugs them what an universal experience 
-Gwen teasing Miles for drawing her in his notebook almost obsessively but also breaking the biggest rule to spend time with him knowing the consequences. 
-As they went to talk, my friend leaned over and said ‘yeah I bet they will talk’ and when they only talked he groaned very loudly at which point I had to remind him Miles was only 15 
-Watching Jeff talk to Spiderman about his son not knowing his son is spiderman
-The DJ increasing the volume when Miles’ parents started scolding him in the middle of the party (the real mvp of the movie actually) 
-JK Simmons cameo that no one seems to be talking about??? Embarrassingly enough I had to literally scream into my friend’s ear for most of the people to realise it was indeed JK Simmons
-Just the entire Mumbattan scene. It was so exciting to see my city be represented like that, still a bit cliched in my opinion but not like Slumdog so obviously they have updated their views. Everything from the traffic gag to Pav’s rant about chai tea had the theatre howling. Also the detail of the thought boxes (?) and sounds being written in Hindi 
-My friend and I are huge fans of the UK punk scene (her for the ideologies and myself for the music and fashion) so Hobie was a dream come true. He was already super cool with his guitar and mohawk costume but when he revealed his face it was just so amazing
-Gayatri is every indian’s dream girl with her modern shirt-flannel and jeans combo mixed with bangles and piercings I really wish we get to see more of her in the next movie. Anyway there was a lot of wolf-whistling and hooting for her and Pav
-Also Pavitr literally means pure I don’t know if they did that on purpose or not but I love it
-His pet name being Pav cured my soul
-’This is the most emotional I have seen him’ and Captain Singh has no emotions at all
-I want to see how they came up with so many spider designs because each was so unique and immediately endearing. My friend who is also a big dinosaur fan screamed DINOSAUR 
-Kind of obsessed with how detailed Ben Reilly’s arms are they did not need to go that hard with it
-Tom Holland’s Spider-Man being referred to as ‘the little nerd’ by Miguel
-When everyone was making puns about the Spot my friend leaned over and said ‘i wonder which hole the spot prefers’ it is a miracle we are still friends actually
-The Donald Grover cameo!!!
-Peter B Parker having a cute little baby with the love of his life is what he deserves
-Miguel O Hara is one step away from becoming a Batman-Spiderman 
-Hobie’s admiration for Mayday being the avatar of chaos Spider-baby
-I think they saw the appreciation for the art style in the previous film and then trebled it for this film and I cannot thank them enough for it
-Peter complaining about how Miguel breaks the Spiderman tradition of being funny and witty and Miguel being the first anomaly 
-Every scene with the Spot is very unnerving because as I said, you watch him transform from this joker to a literal void of vengeance and it is every bit of terrifying
-Miguel is a man suffering from the destruction of an entire universe because of his selfish actions and forcing that anomaly narrative on a fifteen year old boy who became a spiderman on accident and doesn’t want his father to die because of that. Unlike the Spot, who isn’t even human anymore, Miguel is drowning in grief and guilt and trying to ignore it by holding the weight of the spider-verse on his shoulder. I hated him so much for making a boy go through that but then I just couldn’t in the end. 
-Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire cameo!!! Hopefully we’ll get a fun Tom Holland one too in the next movie.
-’Let me guess, he died?’ being a therapist for Spider Men must be a fairly boring job after a few patients.
-I just loved the absolute of wrongness of the scene where Miles returns ‘home’. The rain and darkness. I didn’t really think about Rio asking Miles what happened to his hair because I thought she was referring to the rain (although of course she wouldn’t ask him why his hair was wet when it was obviously raining outside) but realised something was wrong when he didn’t know about comic con but she did because in the first film there’s a joke about Peter B Parker explaining the concept to Miles. 
- This movie is not good for my father related issues
-The glaring neon welcome sign when the gang end up in Earth 42
-How did Uncle Aaron get even scarier? 
-Miles being the Prowler is honestly a great twist I saw it coming but still felt the shock of the reveal
-Prowler Miles having an accented voice meaning his father probably died when he was young and he only had his mom growing up
-Can’t wait for the original spider team to return for the third film seeing as they brought back Spider-Man Noir and Spider Ham and Peni Parker
-Screaming WHAT when the ‘to be continued’ appeared because that cliffhanger is absolutely destructive. All that adrenaline and excitement just popped. I’m still oscillating between being impressed and being disappointed. 
I probably skipped over a lot of other scenes because these were the most memorable and I only watched the film once (unfortunate) but I can’t wait for the movie to hit streaming services and watch it again and again for all the other details I missed. Ill probably keep adding things as I remember
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scarthefangirl · 1 year
Admit it
Hobie brown x fem!reader
Request: Can I get a hobie brown x stubborn fem! reader. Like they obviously like each other but won’t do anything about bc of her. Hobie keeps asking what’s up and she just brushes it off. Turns out, she just wants to protect him.
Warnings: Some language, angst, poorly written lmao, not proof read
Story type: Blurb
PART 2 |
Masterlist | REQUESTS OPEN
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After a particularly pressing mission, your new focus was on the grumbling in your stomach.
I grab a tray and fill it with food, rushing to an empty table. As I take my first bite, hear a tray slamming down across from me. I glance up and see Pavitr smiling at me over the table.
"So," He says cheerfully, drawing out the 'o'.
"Yes?" I ask, mouth full of food. The second I have enough swallowed, I take another large bite.
"You and Hobie…. What's the deal?" He inquires and my face immediately heats up. I take a moment to swallow my food and reply simply,
"There is no deal."
"You guys flirt all the time! You obviously like each other." He presses. My heart races at the thought of Hobie and I consider confiding in Pav. Nausea twists into my stomach and I just shake my head and take another bite. The topic is not up for discussion. "Y/N, you deny your feelings every time someone asks. Why won't you admit you like him? You guys could be so happy." My chest tightens and for a second I nearly forget how to swallow.
"There's no feelings." I shrug.
"Admit you like him and spare us all this agony of waiting!" He exclaims and luckily I am saved from Pav's interrogation when Hobie takes a seat next to him, Gwen and Miles plopping down next to me.
"Admit she likes who?" Hobie asks with a smirk, although he already knows who he was asking about. I just stuff my mouth with my lunch, barley taking a break to breathe. Throughout lunch I catch his gaze on me, not attempting to hide it, and I feel my stomach churning.
I survive lunch unscathed and head to the only place I feel like I can really breath, the roof of the building I was just eating in. I sigh in relief the second I step into the open, freshness of the outdoors. I take a seat, dangling my legs off the edge. I breath in and out evenly, staring out at the vast view of headquarters. The spider people walking and flinging around look like ants from my elevated position.
I sit like this for a while. Calm and away from the stress of headquarters. But it is ruined when a voice calls out behind me, drawing nearer.
"Y/N what are ya doin up here?" The familiar British voice rung in my ears, immediately placing butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
"It's peaceful," I say, looking at Hobie as he sits next to me. "Or, it was." I tease. We settle into silence, both staring forward. He bounces his legs as they dangle and I can hear his heavy breathing, subconsciously matching it. His proximity causes shortness of breath and I am about to get up when he speaks, breaking the silence.
"Its a beautiful view." He states and I nod. We both turn to face forward again, the wind humming in my ear and blowing my hair gently. I wish we could be here forever, sitting in each others quiet presence. But we can't.
I notice him scooting closer, slowly. If I blinked I wouldn't have even noticed him closing the gap between us. I can't help the sick feeling overcoming me, making me want to free fall off the edge.
We both look at each other, holding eye contact. Normally one of us would ruin the moment with a snarky comment, but instead he begins to lean in slightly. I feel his breath and it sends shivers down my spine. For a minute I want to kiss him, well, I always want to, but for a fleeting second I almost do. I wish I could freeze time, just like this, and stay like this forever.
"I- I can't." I whisper, heart breaking as I pull back. I turn away, missing the hurt flash across his face. This isn't the first time I've ended a moment before it can begin. I know I'm leading him on, but he makes it hard not to succumb to the moment. But a certain spidermans voice rings through my head in these moments, clearly saying "You have to keep your distance."
"This is one fucked up game darlin," He sighs with a humorless chuckle and I know he's right. He doesn't understand how bad I want to be his everything. He doesn't understand how much it hurts me to be the bad guy. He doesn't understand the longing I feel.
"You're so good at games though," I laugh, and he knows what I'm getting at.
"I flipped the board one time in the game of Life. It is a major misconception of real adult hood. Not everyone wants to get married or have kids or go to university," He rolls his eyes, and I don't mind his rant. I chuckle and like that, it's like the almost kiss never happened.
"You guys completed the mission?" Miguel questioned harshly. Everyone nods and he continues, "How was the performance?"
"Everyone did well," Gwen says and everyone hums in agreement. "Pavitr and Miles did exceptional with getting the people out." She adds.
"Y/N you specifically disobeyed orders and went into the building when you were supposed to be helping Gwen." Miguel snaps and I feel embarrassment bubbling in my stomach.
"She don't follow rules, if she did she'd be boring." Hobie says which earns a vicious glare from Miguel. Hobie puts his elbow on my shoulder, head in his hand, and leans his weight on me. I feel scarlet crawling up my neck and spreading onto my face. I catch Miguel's fixed glare on me and look to the ground.
"Hands off Brown." I grin and step to the side, causing him to loose balance for a moment. He passes me a dirty look and I laugh at him.
As everyone is leaving, Miguel tells me to stay back. My shoulders tense and I can't bare to look him in his red eyes. "Y/L/N. Have you been following my orders?" He demands.
"Hmm, what were they again?" I pretend to forget, scrunching my face and holding my chin to annoy Miguel. It works, his scowl deepening.
"Y/L/N, I tell you everyday. You can't date Hobie. You have to keep your distance. It's better that way."
"I know. I know, okay?" I groan, wishing he wouldn't stress it so much. It only makes it hurt me worse. He just pinches the bridge of his nose, no doubt mentally cursing me.
"You can't disrupt the canon." I roll my eyes at his comment.
"I know." And with that I turn around and stomp out. I can't stand this. Not being able to be with the boy I'm head over heels for, all because I'm supposed to have my first kiss with someone else.
That's my fucking canon event. My first kiss, and then other bullshit. I can't kiss Hobie because that's not my canon first kiss, and have to keep my distance because its canon that my first kiss happens on my first ever date so I have to wait to go on my first date for some idiot from my universe.
I'm so entranced in my thoughts as I walk aimlessly around, not knowing where I plan on going, when I bump into Hobie. I nearly fall but he catches me and helps me get my balance. Again, blush creeps onto my face.
"Now you're literally falling for me," He smirks, the lighting causing his rose ring to sparkle. I narrow my eyes and snort. "You alright?" He asks in a mocking way.
"Yeah, sorry," I grumble and step out of his grasp.
"Didn't you fall on me the first time we met?" He reminisces, walking with me as I shuffle forward. I remember as well, I had just joined and I had pissed off a spider cat, I was running from it when I bumped into him and took him down. I immediately fell for him, ironically.
"I can't forget when we first met." I start and his eyes widen in surprise at my sentiment. "But I'll keep trying." Which causes him to glare at me andd flip me his middle finger.
"Aren't you miss snarky?" He elbows me and I laugh. We walk together for awhile, to nowhere in particular. Eventually we catch up to Miles and Pav, who wiggle their eyebrows at us.
"Ooh, look at the love birds." Miles nudges Pavitr, a sly grin on his face. Although I know where they are coming from, it doesn't stop my heart from dropping.
"Where?" I play dumb and look around with a fake jaw drop.
[Two days later]
We have finished working for the day and a lot of my spider friends are chilling in one of the many living rooms in headquarters with me.
"Anyone else starving or just me?" Peter b asks, Mayday crawling on his shoulders. I nod hastily in agreeance. "Im going to get some dinner, who's with me?" He stands and a few others do too.
"I think I'm just going to head home to eat, but thanks!" I smile and wave them off. They linger outside for a moment, trying to decide on something.
"Want to go back with me and grab a bite together?" Hobie asks, staring into my eyes. I avert his gaze, cheeks burning.
"I'm okay, thanks though." I say with a faltering smile. My eyes fall to the floor as I hear the murmurs of the group quiet at the sound of my rejection.
"Another time then." He smirks but I notice the grimace behind his expression.
"Maybe," I lie for his sake and head back to my universe as quickly as possible.
"I can't believe you did that!" Pavitr gags in disgust.
"it's not so bad," I shrug and take another bite of the mayo lathered corn. Miles shudders in disgust and Gwen rolls her eyes. I lift another spoonful to my mouth when the spoon is snatched from my hand as Hobie takes a seat next to me. He stuffs it into his mouth and swallows, then makes a scrunched up expression that leaves me staring slightly.
"That's putrid." He grimaced and I shrug once more.
"You just don't have an exquisite palette like I do." I puff my chest out and grin. He digs into the contaminated corn again, scooping another bite and eating it. "I thought it was putrid?"
"I don't believe in consistency," He gives me a side eye and I roll my eyes.
"Why don't you just admit you guys are in love?" Gwen blurts then turns pink in embarrassment. I immediately turn my head from Hobie, praying he doesn't notice the fluster evident on my face.
"Yeah Y/N, admit it." Hobie mocks and I shake my head.
"there's nothing to admit. I don't like Hobie." I say.
"Yes you do." The table says at the same time, including Hobie.
"No i don't."
"Oh please, admit it already." Miles groans.
"No, there isn't anything to admit."
"Yes there is," Hobie smirks and I fight the burning sensation that stings my cheeks.
"No." I press.
"Yes." He continues. Gosh, I just want to strangle him.
"No. Stop it." I say, heart dropping. I can't like him why can't he be okay with that? I can tell he feels guilty for pressing, which makes me feel bad for snapping. "Sorry, I'm sorry." I close my eyes tightly and sigh, getting up from the table and going to my safe place. The roof.
I am welcomed with a gush of wind that blows my hair into my eyes and mouth. I have to continuously brush the hair away as I sit in my usual place. Even with the hair in my face and the wind burning my skin slightly, its still calming. Until its not.
"Y/N!" Hobie calls in a sing-song voice and I close my eyes in aggravation. He takes a seat next to me and I feel a lump growing in my throat. I just want to hold him and kiss him and hug him and never let him go.
"Do you pretend to like me, or pretend not to?" He asks and it takes me a second to understand.
"I don't do either." I say flatly, standing up to leave. Miguel would want me to walk out and keep my distance. And that's what I am doing, walking away, until Hobie uses his webs to bring me tumbling into him. I gasp in fear that I'll fall over the edge but Hobie catches me. I pant to catch my breath as i sit wear I was before.
"I should push you off this damn roof, Brown!" I shout.
"Oh please, you're fine. You're just proving my point. I know you, if you didn't like me than you would've pushed me." He chuckles and then gets a serious look on his face. "Why do you act like you don't like me? Am i-" he groans, embarrassed of his next question. "Am I doing something wrong?"
He's looking at me with the saddest expression I've ever seen him make and it nearly causes the lump in my throat to escape into a sob, but I manage to keep it down.
"You're not doing anything wrong Hobie." I sigh and gaze into his eyes, my own glossed over.
"Then what is it?" He demands, "You owe me an explanation!"
"I also owe you like 40 bucks, so what?" I try to play it off, despite the crack in my voice, hoping we can toss this in the bin of 'forgotten' moments. We have a lot of them.
"Y/N." Is all it takes for tears to spring out of my eyes. He looks surprised, scooting back slightly. I rub extremely hard at my eyes with my hands until I've relatively stopped.
"Sorry the wind got in my eyes." I laugh, but its not even half hearted. When he looks at me I know he doesn't believe a thing I say.
"Just tell me the truth." I meet his eyes as he speaks and feel my heart breaking at how badly I want to smash my lips against his. We stare into each other's eyes so deeply it makes me want to shuffle off the edge. My face twitches towards his and then I pause.
"I can't Hobie." I whisper but it is pointless to say anything, the look we're sharing tells enough truth. Before I realize what we're doing I am swept in the moment and we begin to kiss. Its better than I've ever imagined. His kisses me delicately, like I am fragile. I suppose I am, considering this may be the only time we kiss. We should savor it.Despite his gentleness, I kiss him with urgency and desperation. I need this. I need him.
After a moment, reality comes crushing in. I'm kissing Hobie. My first kiss, Hobie Brown. I can't do this! This is it, I've ruined everything. It's self sabotage. This is just making it harder than it has to be. I am about to pull away and tell him it's a mistake, but before I get the chance Miguel's voice booms from behind us.
"Y/L/N!" He shouts an I flinch, scrambling away from Hobie. Immediately I burst into tears. Its too much. "I've told you countless times not to do this. You had ONE rule." He yells and confusion clouds Hobie's face.
"I've ruined everything." I whisper to Hobie, but really to myself. Tears stream down my face as Michael's large shadow covers me in shade. "I'm sorry." I tell Miguel, throat tight as I keep myself from sobbing.
"It's too late Y/N. There's no going back now." He says it dangerously low. "Get up." I obey, and as I turn to follow him away I glance back at Hobie, who is no doubt utterly confused. I'm sorry, I mouth to him sadly.
I tried to stay away from him, but I couldn't.
part 2 ;)
Tags: // @liliummz // @themarvelprince // @misselsbells06 // @american-sataness // @cr0ssoverf4n4tic // @depressednoob // @cerene-ciderr // @leighanne03 // @inluvwithfictionalwomen // @singhfae // @mythixmagic // @itsyourboymicheal // @ravensinthedaylight // @dai-tsukki-desu // @url0calw3irdo // @daisydark // @snzzysstuff // @0-n-1-x // @darkdakota8998 //
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fuxuannie · 1 year
🐠 haii for the requests milestone thingy could u do pavitr prabhakar x reader and the prompt “are we ab to kiss rn” and then the other actually leans in? c: TY IF U CAN ‼️❤️💖
↳ pairing : pavtir prabhakar x g-neutral reader
↳ synopsis : request ♡
↳ authors note : EUEEUEEU this is sosososo cute actually, i love this idea sm. ATSV SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT !!! im not entirely sure if i like this.. bute eeurrueue i tried my best
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You and PAVITR had known each other for a while, long enough that he trusts you with his secret of being Spiderman with how close you two were.
Now you were on one of the tallest buildings in Mumbattan, swinging your feet over the ledge as Pavitr sat beside you with his hand unintentionally holding onto yours firmly since there was a small bit of lingering fear at the idea of you falling.
"Jeez, finally.. a break." He sighs in relief, taking off his mask with his free hand as you chuckle. "Isn't being Spiderman supposed to be sooo easy, Pav?" You teased, watching him roll his eyes in amusement. "Well, of course it is. But it certainly is busy, and I really just wanna spend time with you." Pavitr answers honestly, noticing how you seemed to be even just a little surprised and he was very entertained by that idea. You can already see his own little smirk beginning to form.
You clear your throat to hopefully shift the topic. "What made you so burnt-out today then?"
It didn't take long for you to see how his face shifts to a frown, and you knew exactly what he was about to bring up. "Miguel.. he's been so hard on some of us recently, especially the new-comers who he introduced the 'canon events' to." Pavitr runs a hand through his hair, his sigh was a mix of sadness and frustration as he recalls the events that occured earlier in the day. "They just want to save their loved ones.. no one can accept that kind of information and simply allow it to happen, you know?"
You nod along with his statement, unable to even imagine the dread those people must feel, just waiting for the people they care about most to die for their own development.
"But that's a sad topic, and today is supposed to be a nice resting day for the both of us." Pavitr smiles a little to lighten the mood, squeezing your hand softly as you take a deep breath. "Mines not been the best either.."
The smile he tries to hold falters at those words.
"Mom.. she's still very insistent on the arranged marriage." You let out a forced and bitter laugh. "I don't.. I mean, I don't know if I want to marry that person when I'm older. I've met them twice, Pav. And in the future, I have to spend every single loving who is essentially a stranger. Isn't that even a little weird in my parents eyes?"
He hated seeing how hopeless you looked, having no choice in who you want to love is devestating and in some cases lonely. Seeing real couples on the street and wondering what kind of innocent love you're likely missing out on.
Pavitr stands up and your head follows him as he does so, watching his determination-filled face as he pulls you up with ease. "Let's not wallow in sadness, yes? I'd much rather see you smile than frown." His hand makes its way to your cheek, causing you to chuckle softly as you lean into the touch and place your hand over his. "Thanks, Pav."
And without thinking, the next sentence you manage to stupidly utter out is; "Gosh, I wish you were the one I married instead."
You can see the visible surprise in his face when you say that, before you realize what exactly escaped your lips. "W-wait..-"
But it seems like Pavitr seems more affected than you, the hand once placed on your cheek immediately pulled back to cover his mouth and the uncontrollable but flustered smile on his face.
"You want to marry me??"
Instead of a mocking or angry tone, he seems genuinely happy that the person he's had a secret crush on for year or so finally gives some sort of hint that he's more than a friend.
"Do you mean it? Like.. really mean it?"
"I mean, yeah! Anyone would want to marry you.."
There's silence exchanged between the two of you, staring at each other in confusion, disbelief and surprise.
"What? Are we about to kiss right now?"
Pavitr teased to ease his nerves, but imagine how much worse they got when you actually started to lean in. He begins to quietly panic, however in all honesty he wants to do nothing else but kiss you at the moment. What if he never gets the chance to do it again? He couldn't risk that.
He finally presses his lips against yours, albeit very very nervously but a kiss is a kiss and goodness is he into it. Pavitr melts into the intimacy, but is very quick to pull away incase you're uncomfortable.
It seems almost impossible how fast his heart is racing when he watches your eyes flutter open and the realization that you actually kissed Pavitr rushes through your head quickly.
"Can we do that again..?"
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autumn-hiraeth · 1 year
A scene with Hobie where he's about to leave for a mission but you pulled him back by his belt to give him a "good luck kiss" and he just started to kissing you all over face and everyone who are supposed to go with him on the mission needed to physically pull him away from you because he didn't wanted to let go (+ bonus when after the mission he comes back to HQ, you're talking with someone and he basically crushed you into a hug not minding the person next to you)
hi, anon! 🫡 I hope you like it!
Hobie brown x reader
Just fluff.
a/n: Hobie kissing you face? Yes, please.
You can find more here “ Hobie's masterlist”
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“Hobie, my mate, we need you for a mission” Pav murmurs to your lover, who has you sitting on his lap, you hear him snort and bite your lip when he says; "Nah, I'm having a good time with my girl" His calloused hands wrap around your belly making you feel safe in his arms but you know your lover has to go on that mission or Miguel will be so upset so.
“You have to go sweetheart” Hobie is not going to admit that when you use pet names his heart melts so instead he decides to say: “will ya give me a reward if I go luv? ”
" what do you want?" Hobie holds your jaw so you can look at him.
"A good luck kiss" you roll your eyes before pulling him back by his belt and joining your lips against his; Hobie didn't expect this but he likes it.
No matter how many times they kiss each other, they can't get enough though, but you two are not home for a heaten making out so when Hobie slides his tongue into your mouth you push him away, but he keeps kissing you, peppering kisses all over your face that are giving you making you giggle, your hands cling to his belt and the moment feels so perfect.
“Hobie! We have to go" that's Gwen
"Gimme a second!" Hobie says placing a kiss on your cheek before he is pushed away by Peter "you can kiss her all you want after the mission, loverboy "
“ I'll be back luv!” Hobie promises, his lips covered in your lipstick.
Hobie has been gone for an hour, however, as soon as he left you already missed him so you decided to talk to Margo while you waited for him.
What you didn't expect was Hobie crashing into you as soon as he found you, his long arms wrapping you and you can feel his heart beating wildly.
“Miss ya luv” Hobie murmurs, leaving wet kisses on your neck, you smile as he kisses your cheeks, leaving your lips at the end and you can hear Margo says “Get yourselves a room.”
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
arrogant, hobie brown
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pairing: hobie brown x reader
synopsis: you couldn’t stand hobie. he was so arrogant and always thinks his way is the best and only way
wc: 2.0k
warnings!: swearing, weed, nsfw, oral sex (f and m receiving), face sitting, unprotected sex
currently you were curled up on hobie's couch watching as miles and pav played one of his dimensions’ video games. you giggled at how rowdy they were getting while gwen tried to calm them down. hobie dangled upside down on his chair telling them they were doing it all wrong.
you became a spider person not too long ago, about ten months now when a spider fell on your arm and bit you while you were out shopping. when your uncle ben died you were devastated until you had to fight his killer. except it wasn’t his killer from your universe. an orange and purple wormhole popped in out of nowhere and a muscular man jumped through to help you defeat him.
after that he told you all about spider society and invited you in. you quickly became the best of friends with miles, gwen, and pavitr. hobie, not so much. you wouldn’t say you hated him, you still considered him a friend but he was annoying. so caught up in his punk way of life he always thought what he was doing was the right way of doing things. it even caused a bit of trouble on missions.
speaking of mission…”nah mate, i took goblin down like bang! so quick no problems” hobie told pav. you scoffed at his retelling of the story. “something funny, love?” hobie glanced at you. “yeah, that lie you just told” you chuckled. “pardon?” “there was not ‘no problems’! we almost blew the mission thanks to your arrogant ass” you rolled your eyes sitting up right.
“arrogant?!” hobie exclaimed, rising from his chair. “yes! you literally threw the bomb at goblin even though it could’ve killed all those people!” you said getting up from your chair as well. “oh my days! but i didn’t. cannot believe you are still stuck on that” he moved closer to you. “i know what i’m doing sweetheart” “yeah i’m sure you do” you scoffed staring up at his face. you two stayed like that for a minute, silently challenging each other to say something until gwen coughed making you snap out of it.
“i’m going to the bathroom” you rolled your eyes moving through hobie’s hallways. when you got back from the bathroom the rest of them were gone and hobie was on his couch tuning his guitar. he was leaned back with his long legs spread, joint in hand. the way his dim lights casted a shadow on his face and over his faded eyes made him look so fucking sexy. “i got something on my face?” he chuckled, looking over at you.
you rolled your eyes “where’d they all go?” you asked him. “went back to their dimensions, gwendy had bit of an emergency and miles needed to get home ‘fore those parents of his chew his head off” he answered, taking a hit. “okay, well bye then” you mumbled about to open your watch to tune it to your universe. “hold on, you don’t want a smoke?” hobie asked holding out the blunt to you. you thought it over for a moment before taking it from him.
“knew i could get you to stay” he smirked as you sat down next to him. “whatever” you said taking another hit, leaving lipgloss on the blunt. “why d’you hate me so much, love?” he turned his head to you leaning it back on the chair. “cause you’re annoying” “think you’re just uptight” he teased, taking the blunt from you. he loved to upset you you were so cute when you were mad, it did something to him.
“god you’re so fucking a-“ “arrogant? yeah what’s all that about, you really think i’m arrogant princess?” he was getting closer and closer to your face, eyes flicking down to your lips that were positioned in a scowl. “yes, you’re an annoying, arrogant, thinks he knows it all son of a bitch-“ you were interrupted by hobie’s lips crashing into yours.
his guitar was discarded to the ground as his hands snaked around your neck. “love it when you degrade me princess” he whispered, catching your lips again. “you’re sick” you spat, feeling him smirk against your mouth. he pulled you on his lap and pulled away from the kiss to take a hit from the blunt. he put it to the side in an ashtray and grabbed your face bringing it closer to his mouth. he shotgun the smoke into your mouth before pulling you back into the kiss. “why’ve we never done this? i would have my tongue in your pretty mouth 24/7 if i could” you hummed a little hearing his words.
you weren’t in your spider costumes so it made it so much easier for him to rip your t shirt off throwing it across the room. you were left with your bare tits and hobie was staring at you like it was his first time seeing a woman. “fuck babe you been hiding all this? you’re fucking fit” he said moving a hand out to fondle your breast and tug at your nipple, earning a moan from you.
he smirked before pulling your chest closer to his mouth, latching onto your boob while his fingers groped at its twin. his hand was so rough against you, squeezing tight while his teeth grazed against your nipple. you moaned out in ecstasy, hand shooting out to his hair. you felt his dick growing stiff underneath you and you leaned back to climb off his lap and on your knees.
you reached out to undo his layered belts “do you really need all this?” you rolled your eyes pulling down his jeans. “you keep rolling those eyes like i won’t have them rolling back in a few minutes.”
he said pulling his shirt off. you admired his soft ab line littered with scars and tattoos, his veiny v line on display. you tugged his penis out of his boxers, dick springing to life standing at seven inches. you ogled at its pretty dark skin color with a blush colored tip, veins stretching down it with a very slight curve to the right.
“pretty, innit” he chuckled. he loved the way your pretty manicured hand tightly wrapped about his length. you licked his tip, smirking at the sharp inhale you heard from him. you sunk your mouth down the head of his dick, using your hand to jerk him off. his hand snaked down to your hair, grabbing a handful and using it to push your mouth down further. it threw you off a bit but you found your footing again letting your tongue work over him. you moved your other hand to squeeze at his balls, taking his whole length into your mouth.
he jumped a bit feeling his tip hit the back of your throat, was that a whimper you just heard? he brushed your hair out of your face looking at your sultry eyes staring back at him. “you look so good like this, with my cock in your mouth. taking me so well, keep that up i won’t be able to last much l-longer”
you felt proud that you had this effect on him, the ability to make him stutter. “i bet this what you wanted the whole time. all that barking when all you really wanted was a good fuck” he pushed your head down further, the tip of your nose brushing against his pubic hair. “f-fuck keep working that pretty mouth baby, m’close” he groaned. “fuck pretty girl, m’gonna cum” he moaned out. and so he did, you took your mouth off him watching as his cum flowed down his dick.
you stuck your tongue out licking up and down his dick, taking any last drop of cum into your mouth. “bloody hell y/n, who knew you were so slutty” he teased, pulling you back in his lap. he pulled your head smushing his lips against yours, tongue slithering its way in your mouth. you reached for his hand and brought it to the top of your shorts, moaning when he pressed on your clit through your clothes.
“tell me what you want, love” he whispered against your neck, sucking to leave a bruise. “fuck hobes i want you to touch me!” you whined, grinding against his dick. “‘course you do baby, who wouldn’t” he smirked pushing you to your feet, laying back on the sofa. “what are you doing?” you furrowed your eyebrows at him. “want you to ride my face, doll” he smirked at the way your face got hot. “a-are you sure? what if i suffocate you or something” you giggled. “then i’ll die a happy man” he smiled.
you pulled off your shorts, panties coming down with it. “damn you’re perfect. don’t get me wrong that spider suit makes you look fit but damn the real thing is even better.” he grabbed your hand and pulled you to straddle his waist. “just come ahead baby, i’ll be fine” you followed his instructions and crawled over his face, hovering in nervousness. he grabbed your hips and pulled you down on his face, burying it deep in your cunt. a moan ripped out you when you felt his tongue lick against your entrance.
you resisted the urge to grind your hips against his face but he roughly gripped your hips forcing them to ride. he licked and sucked at your pussy while you subtly rode against his face. he squeezed against the curve of your ass pushing you down as far as you could go as if you could fuse to his mouth. you felt so vulnerable sitting above his gaze, perfect view of your tits and your squirming face.
the way his nose pressed against your clit while his tongue lapped at your pussy was sending you over the edge. “h-hobes m’gonna cum!” you moaned out. he rubbed circles against your thigh and you reached your orgasm, sending cum all over his mouth. you caught your breath, leaning over on the chair bar before you crawled back down to hobie’s waist. “you’re fucking delicious, love” he leaned up to catch your mouth in a kiss.
he held you in his laps, arms wrapping around you while your tongues danced around in your mouth. he flipped you over to lay you down on the couch, fully removing his boxers. “ion got rubber though” he told you “just pull out” you told him. he was still hard and he lined his dick up with your entrance, gently pushing himself inside you.
it got less gentle from there, skin slapping and your loud moans drowned the noise out from hobie’s noisy world. “fuck babe, you’re milking me dry” he groaned, reaching his hand down to play with your nipple other hand on the chair bar to hold him steady. he leaned down to kiss you again and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. the new found angle made his dick hit right on your g-spot. “fuck hobie! harder” you cried out in his ear. he roughly thrust into you making the couch squeak. he was sure he’d hear some complaints from his neighbors, but what the hell does he care.
your nails dug into his back leaving scratch marks down it. “h-hobie, i’m gonna cum” you whined. “go ahead beautiful” you came, eyes rolling back in your head as you heaved out a satisfied sigh. “not done yet babe” hobie kept going, quickly pulling out when he felt himself close.
he jerked himself for a second before shooting cum on your stomach, throwing his head back in satisfaction. he smiled back down at you “still hate me love?” you scoffed hiding the smile that dared to show on your face. “i’ll let you think that over” he laughed getting up and tugging his boxers back on.
he came back to clean the cum off your stomach and wipe the smudged lipgloss and runny mascara off your face. “you want a shower?” he asked holding your hand and helping you up. “that’s okay, i should head home anyway.” you answered putting back on your shorts. “if you say so. should do this again, like all the time” he smirked at you. “thought you don’t believe in consistency” you teased him tugging on your t shirt.
“only if it’s with you” he said as you opened the portal to your dimension, walking in.
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nervousgardenerkid · 1 year
Private, not secret
a/n: me being happy cause my no sabo ass can finally start using the little spanish sayings i've learned/said throughout my life😭😭not sure how to feel about this or how it ended....just the thought of miguel coming home and COMPLETELY unwinding and being putty in ur hands....it does something to me okay?? i just wanna take care of him pls as always i hope u all enjoy this and credit to the gif owner! <3
warnings: none really! cursing, some spanish, (that's probs not good i'm sorry my luvs i wasn't taught my native language </3) miguel being soft then grumpy lol, not proofread (that's a warning itself).
no pronouns are used in this story and there wasn't any specific races mentioned so everyone can read!! i'll probs do a translation of the phrases i used later👁️👄👁️
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There was one thing that was certain about Miguel O’Hara, and that one thing was how private he was about his life. It was no surprise to anyone at headquarters how private he was about his life outside of Spiderman. For all they knew, Miguel practically lives in his office. From the moment they stepped foot into the building, to the moment they walked out, Miguel would be there staring at the screens that were in front of him.
There was something different about today though. Something different about this week. It hadn't been the best week for any of the Spider-people down at headquarters, meaning it definitely wasn't a good week for Miguel. Anomalies were escaping, villains were destroying cities, and Hobie missed a morning debrief again, yet Miguel hasn't blown up yet. Not even a cold icy glare was sent their way.
“This is weird…” Peter mumbled to himself as Mayday crawled up his body, sitting on his shoulders giggling as he watched Miguel talk to Hobie calmly.
Gwen lowered herself down from the ceiling hanging upside down beside him.
“I was thinking the same thing.”
She flips over, landing on her feet effortlessly.
“Doesn't he usually start yelling by this point?” Pavitr asked, following closely behind Gwen.
Peter slowly nods his head, his eyes not leaving the sight in front of him, but widening more when he sees Miguel laugh at something Hobie says.
“Did he just…?” Peter mumbles quietly to himself
“Oh yeah, he did,” Gwen says while grabbing onto Mayday.
“Awe nah,” Miles said, swinging next to them.
“Yall remember when he tried literally killing me?! Ain't no way bros just out here laughing now.”
“Laughing with me too at that,” Hobie said while turning around and watching Miguel leave before facing his friends again with a sly smile.
“You all thinking what I'm thinking?” Hobie asked.
“We go home early?” Peter asked while taking Mayday back from Gwen, placing her in her carrier.
“We kidnap him for questioning-”
“We follow him home-”
“We leave him alone to bathe in his happiness!”
Four pairs of eyes all fall on Pavitr as soon as the words leave his mouth, causing him to nervously clear his throat.
“I’m just saying…maybe it's best if we leave him alone. I mean, do we really want Miguel to be angry and start yelling at us again?”
“I guess we do want Miguel to yell at us.”
Pavitr whispered harshly, earning four loud shushes as they hung off of a random building.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Miles asked quietly as he put his hands up near his eyes, peering into the window.
“Has to be,” Hobie replied with a smile as he grabbed onto Mayday who was crawling up to the roof.
“We followed him here ourselves!” Gwen exclaimed. “He has to be here.”
Peter gasps and ducks out of your eyesight, pulling down Gwen and Pavitr with him and shushing everyone.
“Oh my god, we should've listened to Pav-”
“Yes, you should have.” Pav cut off with a smile.
“This is someone else’s house!”
Miles whispered as he kept looking at the window, silently thanking the universe for his invisibility powers.
“Miles! Get down already!” Gwen said while looking up at him, but her words go into one of Miles’ ears and out the other as he watches Miguel walk into the home with a familiar scowl on his face.
“Wait! Miguel just walked in.”
Interest peaked from everyone as they all make their way over to the window, peeking inside and gasping when they see you jump into Miguel’s arms
“I don't believe it…” Gwen quietly said to herself.
“Huh, well that's something I didn't expect.” Peter followed.
“Oh, this is great! Miguel is in love with someone! Do you think anyone else knows? What about Jess? Or maybe even-”
Pav’s words are cut short when Mayday starts banging on the window when she sees the large familiar man her father works with. Gasps leave the mouths of everyone when they hear the exchange between you and Miguel.
“Miguel…why is there a baby sticking to our window?”
“Dios mío, pinche Parker…”
Peter feels his heart drop when his last name leaves Miguel’s lips. He reaches up ready to grab his beautiful daughter (and possibly say his last words to her) but grabs onto a chiseled face instead.
“Oi, he's a dead man now, yeah?” Hobie whispers to his friends.
Peter slowly looks up, giggling nervously when he sees Miguel's face in his hands still.
“Parker, let go of my face.”
Peter quickly drops his hands and starts stuttering over his words to explain why he's there with everyone until Miguel holds up a hand to stop him.
“You five,” he said, gesturing to the group. “In the house.”
The group wastes no time as they all swing into Miguel’s house carefully trying not to knock anything over. It's now that they take the time to look around his decorated home, smiling when they see pictures scattered along the wall. The place is nice, it screams Miguel and someone else, they just don't know who yet.
“Parker. Your baby, please.”
Peter looks back over at Miguel who stands perfectly still as Mayday begins to climb over him into the arms of a giggling you.
“She is just adorable! Mira que lindo, Miggy! Don't you just want to eat her up?”
Peter’s heart swells when Mayday giggles at your compliments, his eyes widening a bit when he sees Miguel smile at you.
“Yes, cariño she's cute, but I think she needs to go back with Peter.”
Peter steps forward with his arms out, chuckling when Mayday jumps into them. Miguel turns to face them all, ready to send them back home when he sees the looks on their faces.
“Fine,” he sighs. “Ask away.”
“Are you the reason he’s nicer now?”
“How long has this been going on?!”
“Does he glare at you when you mess up things too?”
“This couch is lovely. I have to know where you got it from.”
You laugh softly as questions are thrown your way a mile a minute. Miguel grumbles to himself as he walks over to the kitchen table, your hand in his as he drags you to sit onto his lap.
“You happier at work now guapo? Hm?”
The team collectively gasps when a pretty rose color makes itself evident across his cheeks as your hands run through his hair, tangling itself with the strands resting on the back of his neck.
“Mi alma...not in front of them.” he quietly whines while hiding his face on your shoulder.
“No way he's blushing right now,” Miles mumbles under his breath to Hobie.
Miguel shoots him a glare, his eyes glowing red as you let out soft coos and bring his head against your chest.
“Yah Miggy, cálmate por favor,”
You look over at the spider people standing around in your living room, getting up from Miguel’s lap and walking over to the fridge.
“Are you guys hungry?” you asked while looking over your shoulder and smiling at them.
“I didn't make enough dinner for all of us but I'm sure I can find something to cook real quick!”
“Amor, they were just leaving-” Miguel starts, but is cut off quickly.
���I could eat some food.”
“I'll take some water if that's okay!”
Peter walks over to Miguel’s food, grabbing a piece of food from his plate and humming in contentment when the flavors melt on his tongue.
“This is amazing! What seasonings did you use?”
Miguel can't even comprehend what's happening as everyone rushes over toward you, stealing your attention away from him. He takes a moment to let everything sink in as his eyes fall on you smiling and laughing while holding Mayday in your arms. His heart swells at the sight in front of him, feeling nothing but happiness at the fact that you get along with people he's grown close to over time. That happy little bubble he's in quickly pops when he sees Peter standing over the stove with Hobie and Miles, eating the food you cooked as if they haven't eaten in years.
“Please, have some. We insist.” Miguel said under his breath, his arms crossing over his chest.
“Fank…you!” Miles said with a mouthful of food. Homie and Peter followed him giving him a thumbs up with a smile.
Miguel takes a deep breath, his hands flying to his face pinching the bridge of his nose as he makes his way over to you while mumbling under his breath.
“No puedo mas, no puedo mas, no puedo mas.”
He smiles as Mayday jumps from your arms into his, his hands finding their way under her tiny arms as he lifts her into the air laughing with her.
“Do you really need your daddy Mayday? I'm sure you can stay with me and mi vida, no?”
Mayday laughs, her hands loudly coming together as she claps, then puts her hand into her mouth when Miguel settles her onto his shoulders.
Peter quickly gulps down the food that was in his mouth as Gwen lets out an awkward chuckle.
“Something tells me we’ve overstayed our welcome…”
Peter nods his head quickly, snatching Mayday off of Miguel and offering you a smile.
“Yeah, we should head out soon, pretty sure MJ is cooking lasagna tonight.”
The rest of the group walked toward the window they entered in, their heads looking over their shoulders waving goodbye to you as they thank you and hope to meet again soon. Miguel wraps his arms around you from behind as he watches them all filter out the room one by one, swinging their way back home.
He sighs and rests his head on your shoulder.
“Everything okay Miggy?” you ask quietly as you reach out behind you to play with his hair.
He nods his head, his arms squeezing you just a bit tighter as he starts to leave kisses where your shoulder and neck meet.
“Just tired cariño, even when I'm away from work I can't escape them.”
You chuckle and turn around to face him, your arms draping around his shoulders as you place a kiss on his cheek.
“They just wanna see what's got you so happy at work now guapo,” you whisper quietly. “They’re your friends and they love you.
Your hands come to rest on his cheeks, your thumbs gently caressing his skin. He leans into your touch, a small scoff leaving his lips.
“They aren't my-”
“They are your friends.” you lean up a bit to gently place a kiss on his lips, smiling when you pull away and watch him follow your lips.
“They're your friends and you love them, Miguel.”
He smiles, placing another kiss on you as his hand tangles itself in your hair, attempting to bring you closer to him.
“Fine,” he mumbles, pulling away with a smile. “They're my friends and I love them, but not as much as I love you.”
Your hands slide down to his chest and grip the shirt he's wearing, bringing him closer to you, ready to get lost in the feeling of him before a voice breaks you both away.
“Awe, we love you too Miguel.”
“Pinche cabrón- Parker! Go home!”
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hoshigray · 1 year
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A Pricked Hand to Hold
Just thinking about h*lding h*nds with Miguel for the first time bc I'm still fucking soft for this man (like it's so bad).
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An: Yup, it's been three weeks, and my infatuation for this man has yet to falter (or that movie in general bc I've seen it like 5-6 times already, and can't get tired of it). This was meant to be a little smthn, but I just wanted to get my soft aggression out of the way. Also, tysm for 1k followers again!! Like fr, y'all are too sweet :') Sacrificed sleep to get this done, sooooo hope you guys like it!! If there are spelling/grammar errors, my dumbass will take care of it tmrw bc I need to take a fckin nap right tf now ahhhhhh— Also! Gonna make an ATSV masterlist later today, so I'll be sure to link it when it's done!!
Cw: Miguel x reader - fluff - h*nd h*lding (barf) - the reader is implied to be in college (at least age 20) - you and Miguel aren't together [yet] but the pining is strong in this one! - Lyla and Jessica teasing you lovestruck idiots lol - you accidentally prick yourself with your lead pencil, but no blood or injuries - ayo you and Miguel almost kiss tho??
Wc: 2.1k
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As usual, it was a busy day at headquarters. Many anomalies have been captured for Margo to send back home, Spiders helping other Spiders fight off evil-doers and placing them back in their universes, and Pavitr having a scare nearly revealing his identity to his girlfriend, Gayatri.
Then there's you, sitting at a table doing your homework that needs to be finished for the lecture tomorrow. But you're not alone. In front of the table are three others discussing matters of their own. Lyla is giving new information about another anomaly that needs to be captured before going home, and Jessica's leaning on her motorbike listening to her pixel friend. Right next to her is another taller person listening along as well.
Miguel O'Hara — leader of the Spider Society and the man you've been pining for a while now.
You've been working here for a few months, taking in Margo's shifts or helping Lyla relay messages to other Spiders across the multiverse. At first, you've tried to keep it simple and only see it as a job. But the more you work here, the closer you get to others...and your boss, Miguel, is no exception.
Things started short and blunt with him between you two — just simple greetings and exchanges of the necessary information. But then there was a time when the man was in HQ for far too long, probably sacrificing too much sleep and time to eat that day. So, you got him something from the cafeteria and a little note telling him to "Take care of yourself, leader!" before going home.
From that day on, you and Miguel got closer slowly but surely. Not only does he appreciate you reminding him to take breaks or grab something to eat, but he also checks up on you whenever it's your shift, talks to you on his breaks, or eats dinner with you whenever he has a chance (or when he's not stressed out).
And how you talk to each other is much more comfortable and personal. Sure, you're still respectful of his position and are aware of his duties, but it's always a guilty pleasure when he spends his little free time with you. Unfortunately, you've developed feelings for the tall and brawny Spiderman due to this.
You know how complicated it is to have feelings for someone, especially within the work field, so this is something that you have no faith in whatsoever. But for some reason, you can't help but think something between the two of you is starting to bloom...and based on his actions, maybe Miguel feels the same way as well? Lyla and Jessica tease you, saying it's plain to see that even Pav fangirls about you two.
However, for a man like him, is such a thing possible?
Your thoughts vanish as you turn to the person calling for your attention, just to find it's from Miguel. The two women are nowhere to be found, probably tending to other matters you didn't catch because of your overthinking.
"Yes!" you stutter a reply. Oh God, I hope I didn't make him call on me so many times...
"Done with your homework?" He asks while coming to your side of the table.
You give him a nod, fidgeting with your mechanical pencil. "Yeah, I took care of the stuff for my classes tomorrow. Now I just got a paper to finish by Friday...What about you? Gonna head out soon?"
"I would, but I gotta stay here in case Jess needs backup for the mission. She just left to fix up her bike before she goes."
A chuckle sneaks past you, and Miguel swoons at the sound of it. "Are you sure you wanna do that? Didn't Lyla keep bothering you the last time?"
You can tell he reminisces the time you recall; his sigh and a shake from the lead confirm so. "Yeah, well, when is she not bothering me."
"Heard that." The woman appears in front of him quickly before disappearing again, leaving Miguel a little puzzled before a slight scowl paints his face. Yet it's not so bad when he sees you laugh at the interaction.
"I swear," your giggles wear down, but your smile remains. "It's like you two are siblings or something. But that just means the pestering comes from a place of love."
He hums at your words. "Yeah, love..."
For the past few months, you've been a reoccurring theme in Miguel's life that he thought he'd never experience again. From the day he met you, he figured keeping his distance and maintaining an appropriate work relationship would benefit him. But he was a fool to challenge your beauty and welcoming aura whenever you entered the scene. Especially your kind gestures, starting with the food and your little note for him.
It was apparent then that avoidance would do more harm to himself than good, so he spent his days getting to know you more, understanding you more, appreciating you more...and worse, loving you more.
An emotion such as love has been something that's only brought up painful memories and anguish. And for that reason, Miguel has chosen to dedicate his life and being to doing something he's good at — his job protecting the multiverse. Because, in his eyes, it's the only thing he seems capable of. Not love.
...However, whenever you look at him, speak to him, or smile at him, Miguel can't fight the twinge of his heart longing for something — longing for you. And he knows he isn't the only one who thinks so since Lyla constantly ridicules him about his "schoolboy crush," just like a sibling.
Nonetheless, he still doesn't go far from the talks you share with him or the times you eat together in a friendly manner. Because that's what he and you are comfortable with, and he wouldn't want to break it. Yet he can't help but wonder what would happen if he was just a little more selfish.
Be more selfish and pursue you...without losing you.
Without hurting you.
Miguel's thoughts are immediately halted when he hears your hurtful cry. You drop your pencil and grab your finger as you wince through the pain. And he wastes no time coming to your proximity to examine what happened. "What!? Something wrong?"
"Ahhhh, yeah, I'm fine," You reassure him with an attempted smile. "I just accidentally pricked myself with my pencil."
"Let me see."
The words take a long to register before the man takes your hand in his, the back of your hand resting on his palm while he surveys your fingers. He then sees a tiny circle indent on your middle finger. "I don't see any pieces of lead."
"Oh, thank goodness," you exhale in relief. "Because I don't think I'd survive tomorrow if I did. I got three lectures that day!"
Miguel chortles at your comment, and it has the beat of your heart quicken. "So sorry for you."
Your smile is still prominent. "Thank you, Miguel."
"Don't mention it."
Silence follows those words, yet they're substituted with gazes between you and the man. The twinge on your lips slowly dissolves the more you lose yourself in his burnt amber eyes. The same goes for Miguel, who still has your hand in his.
The internal turmoil in his mind doesn't ease at that fact, incapable of deciphering whether to let go. And when your hand slowly reciprocates the hold — turning it for both palms to face each other — his breath hitches.
"Miguel..." his name appeared in a whisper, only for him to hear. Your breathing goes shaky when he replies with his fingers intertwined with yours. And you notice him take a tense gulp, easing your nerves to know that he's also nervous.
He knows he shouldn't be this close to you as it could jeopardize the relationship you have spent all these months building and maintaining together. However, this is the first time he's been so close to you, touching you. And his heart pushes him to want more.
He knows he shouldn't...but curiosity is an intriguing dance. That's why he slowly leans forward to you.
And you go rigid by the notion...yet your eyes are drawn to his lips, and you follow suit by going inward. Eyes close, letting the moment take place for itself.
"Ready, Miguel?"
Both eyes open immediately, and locked hands are withdrawn from each other. Miguel puts on his mask quickly, but you could still see a slight flush of pink on his cheeks and ears before they were covered up. You straighten yourself and look to the other side of the table to see Jessica on her motorbike entering the scene.
And just like that, the moment was gone.
"Oh—" the woman spots you two before Miguel stands straight up, and she doesn't try to hide the smile that creeps on her face. "Oh. Was I interrupting something?"
"No." You two say in unison. Jess only lifts a brow through her yellow goggles. You continue with an explanation while you pack up your stuff. "I accidentally pricked my finger with my mechanical pencil, so Miguel checked it out to see if I had any lead on it."
"Ooh, yeah, those aren't fun. Basically like a splinter." Before Jessica could say more, Lyla appeared in everyone's line of sight.
"Good, you two are still here." She jumps around between Jessica and Miguel. "The anomaly we discussed earlier has jumped to another dimension as predicted; better get them now so we can go home."
The two nod while you get up from the table with your backpack. "Good luck out there, guys." You address the older three before exiting for the night, and they all say their goodbyes to you.
For a few seconds, your eyes linger on Miguel. Despite the mask covering his face, his gaze was intense and palpable. Without saying a word, you let your eyes say your final words before turning to leave.
Miguel still watches you leave until he's unable to spot you through the dark hall. And unfortunately for him, he can feel two pairs of eyes on him. He mentally prepares himself before looking at the two women who harbor shameless grins. "What's with the faces?"
Lyla and Jessica only share a look amongst themselves and shrug before answering him. "Oh, I don't know, Miguel." The pixelated woman darts close to the man. "What's with your face?"
"Wh-What are you—"
"C'mon now, Miguel." Jessica cuts him off. "Seems like something more was going on than just a pricked finger."
He sighs. "Well, you're wrong. Because that's all it was." The two share another look with each other as their smirks go higher.
"Oh~, my darling Miguel," Jessica changes her voice to a higher pitch and daydream tone. "I wish you luck on your mission and that you return to see me tomorrow~."
"Don't you worry, my wonderful Y/n," Despite Miguel's eyes narrowing at Lyla's terrible impression of his voice, she still acted out the role. "I will return to you unscathed and have you in my loving arms in no time~."
"I don't talk like that." The two women chuckle at his blunt statement. "How old do you think I am?"
"Old enough to look like a man but still scared to talk to your lil' crush." Jessica crosses her arms with a matter-of-fact attitude, her smile itching broader when Miguel rolls his eyes through the mask.
"Ay, por Dios, can we please open the portal already?" The poor man can only take so much teasing from the two, making him feel like he should've left with you instead.
Lyla giggles one last time before Jessica uses her watch to open a portal to the desired dimension. "Whatever you say, lover boy." The portal opens, and a flash of colors and shapes contrasts with the dull room. Jessica is the first to go, Miguel following right behind her.
Even when going on his mission, his mind can't stop thinking about you and the moment you shared together earlier. It was a risky thing to have happened, and he scolds himself for letting such a thing happen. Miguel knows he isn't a person for love, for it's something meant to be destroyed by his very touch. You are no exception; the last thing he wants to do is hurt you. He loves you too much to put you through that.
But then the compliance and willingness you've expressed in holding his hand surely meant that you wanted something more, right?
If Miguel were selfish enough, he'd use that as a hint. A hint to look forward to what other things you'd allow him to express to you.
If he were selfish enough, he would plan to approach you tomorrow in the right way.
If he were selfish enough, he'd test out the waters more and finally let this "love" flourish into something better.
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hiiii ,I love your work ,I always catch myself giggling 🤭. Anyways I have a request of miles morales or Hobie brown there reactions of you getting your dream job or getting into college something like that.(you don’t have to if you don’t want of course) Thanksssssss.🫶🏾
TYSM LOVELY! And I will gladly do this with both of them!! This is so cute omg 🫶
with Miles Morales and Hobie Brown :)
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MILES would be there holding your hand while you open the email.
›› Truthfully you think he’s more nervous than you. Like the boy is practically sweating and he’s holding your hand so tight you think it might break.
›› When you get accepted he immediately tackles you in a hug and is kissing all over your pretty face. Telling you how proud he is of you and that he’s so excited for you!
›› After, he’ll probably take you out out to a nice dinner! And the next day you best believe he’s bragging to Gwen, Peter, Pav, and Hobie that you got in. BLURB! ★ You’re sitting on your boyfriend, Miles, bed with your laptop on your thighs. With a shaky hand you guide your mouse to the email app and see you got an email from your dream college. “It’s okay, mi amor. Check it!” Miles exclaims while putting his chin on your shoulder. You squeeze his sweaty hand and take a deep breath, “Here goes nothing.” You hover the mouse over it but don’t click on it. Seeing your hesitation Miles kisses your cheek, “Do you want me to read it for you?” He asks sweetly and you nod eagerly. “Yes please.” He chuckles and gives you a kiss to your shoulder while you click on the email. You quickly close your eyes while Miles reads it. “Holy shit!” “what what what?!” “You did it! I’m so proud of you!” He quickly kisses you and you pull away to read the email for yourself. After reading it you ingulf him in a hug and he stands up, taking you with him while the laptop falls to the floor. He twirls you both around while you’re both excitedly squealing. Once he puts you down to stand on the ground he kisses you again, but for longer this time. “I knew you could do it!” ——
HOBIE would be giving you a little pep talk. How it’s okay if you don’t get in and how you’re the smartest person he’s ever met.
›› he would hate for a dumb email to make you upset. He reassures you the whole time. I think he’d also read the email for you, since he notices how panicked you are.
›› “it’s okay, doll. just breathe, yeah?” ›› once you both find out you got accepted I think he would give you a big kiss. You’re there crying (happily) and he’s just holding you while swaying you back and forth with a huge smile on his face. He knew you could do it! :)
You’re sitting at your desk, patiently waiting for your boyfriend to arrive as you tap your fingernails nervously on the sides of your chair. “You ready?” Hobie asks as he enters your bedroom. “I’m ready,” you nod at him as you open your laptop shakily. Hobie takes note of this and closes the laptop. “What’d you do that for?” You ask with your eyebrows furrowed as you watch Hobie shake his head. He kneels down next to you and puts a hand on your thigh to comfort you. “Before we read this I want you to take a deep breath, aight? You look like you’re bout to pass out.” You nod and take a deep breath with him. “Good. Secondly I want you to know no matter what this email says, you’re smart. You’re intelligent and I don’ want you thinking otherwise just cause some machine tells you, you can’t be in some fancy college. You deserve to be there just like anyone else. You’ve worked so fucking hard.” You laugh at how thick his accent gets when hes serious as you hug him. “Thank you, Hobs,” you say softly. You were about to cry and you haven’t even read the letter yet. “Don’t mention it. Now,” he says opening your laptop back up, “Let’s see what this thing says.” You nod and quickly open it and look at the email, clicking on it. He reads it first (by your request) and stands up quickly shaking your shoulders. “You fucking did it!” You stand up quickly and hug your boyfriend. You both stay there for a few moments as you cry into his chest while he rubs your back and sways you both back and fourth. “I’m so proud of you, babe.”
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this was so fun to write! And I’m now going to sleep I just wanted to finish this first 😭
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
for the “teenagers” series maybe you could do one where the gang (miles, gwen, pav) ask how/when reader and hobie started to have feelings for each other, or who confessed first and how?
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬... 𝐏𝐭 𝟏𝟐
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“So just out of curiosity… how’d you two meet?” Miles asked when you guys were eating at a small diner.
“Good question, good question. You wanna tell ‘em how?” You looked at Hobie.
“Sure.” He sat back.
“First of all, before all this happened I quit being spider man for a while. It was too much, I took my stuff and threw it in the garbage. I didn’t wanna be spider man again, but then Miguel convinced me. When we got back to HQ, she was there.” He looked at you.
"Then we started to talk for a little bit, you mentioned how Miguel was your dad and I was like ‘what? No way.’ And she was all like ‘yeah, yes way.’ And yeah.. we talked for months, and then when I realized I liked her, I told her.”
“Now it’s been like what.. 3, 4 months?” You asked him.
“4 months and 5 days to be exact.” He said.
“And you told me you didn’t believe in consistency.”
“Well, technically I can’t always not believe in consistency because then me not believing in consistency would be consistent.”
“Just say you love me.”
“I do.” He kissed you as the others laughed.
“And I realized that maybe she’s why I needed to become spiderman again. She’s pushed me ever since. And my friends love her.” He shrugged and you hit him on the shoulder and laughed.
“What? It’s true. Karl keeps asking when he’ll see you again.” Hobie snickered.
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes and smiled at him.
I’m gonna continue on the powers storyline next chapter but here’s a lil fluff beforehand!!
Tag list: @alastorhazbin @enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueenof-horrorxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @artsykerfuffleplus @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh @freeingrebels @ken-zah @blustalker
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redstarwriting · 1 year
his girl | x. talkin’ bout my girl
earth 42!miles morales x fem!reader | miles morales x fem!reader
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word count: 2k
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: language, spoilers (!!!), more fluff, mentions of severe injuries, bad Spanish probably, so much multiverse shit
a/n: and that’s a wrap on another spiderverse series! wild. big thank you to everyone who read and supported the story! it was fun to write, and sorry for all the major plot twists and turns i threw in there i’m a little unhinged sometimes LMAO but in all seriousness, i hope you enjoy this last chapter🖤
his girl masterlist
previous chapter: ix. i’ve got sunshine
now reading: x. talkin’ bout my girl
You and Miles are back to being inseparable. And both you and him have never been happier. Rio is relieved, and so happy that the two of you are no longer just best friends, but partners. Jefferson feels the same way and is even more relieved that you know and are there for him as Spider-Man on top of it all. His parents missed having you around the house for a while, so they’re more than happy that you’re around basically all the time. Ganke sort of hates it because the two of you can be all lovey-dovey in front of him, but also doesn’t because you join in with him to make fun of Miles for being an idiot. Something the two of you agreed on was to never tell anyone else you were Black Cat. It could be too dangerous for you, and Miles doesn’t exactly like the thought of you going to jail for stealing.
What he does like is you’re sneaky enough to follow him into Spider Society when he goes. Sometimes he lets you sneak in with him. The first time, though, he was completely unaware you followed him. And when you popped up behind him, mask on, Miguel almost had an aneurysm.
“Why is there a Black Cat here?!” he yelled, and Miles, who didn’t even know you were there until Miguel said that, put his arm around you protectively. “Because she’s my girlfriend. And she is really good at following me without setting my sense off. We got a problem or something?”
“Yes, Miles, we do. Black Cats can’t be–”
“Remember that time you told me I shouldn’t exist? I remember that.”
“He told you that?” you feign ignorance. You know everything Miguel did to Miles, and you hate him because of that. But you pretend you don’t know because it gives you an excuse to look shocked and make him feel bad instead of your real feelings of being ready to fight him right now. And Miguel actually falls for it. “I NEVER–” he begins to protest, but cuts himself off with a sigh, shaking his head and muttering some things in Spanish. “If you do anything…” he points at you, and your mask fades away as you narrow your eyes at him. “You wouldn’t know if I did,” you say, and he groans. “Black Cats. Always the same,” he mutters, turning around and walking away.
From that point on, if you didn’t have anything to do, you would accompany Miles to Spider Society. And today was one of those days. The two of you are walking hand in hand when Gwen lands next to the two of you. “Hey lovebirds,” she says, bumping her shoulder against yours. “Hey, Gwen,” you say, and she joins the two of you. “What are you two up to today?” “Nothing, really. Actually, was gonna ask you, Pav, and Hobie if y’all had anything to do," Miles says and Gwen sighs. “Yeah, actually, Hobie and Pav are on a mission right now. And I have a father-daughter day planned with my dad so we can try to mend our relationship after he, y’know, threatened to arrest me and pulled a gun on me,” Gwen says, and you both nod, making noises of disgust and agreement. “Yeah, probably for the best you don’t miss that,” you say, and she nods. “Yeah. Oh! And then I someone you know might have a date with Mary Jane later,” Gwen says, and you stop walking, turning to her and grabbing her shoulders. “Are you for real?!”
“Yes! I finally asked her, and she said yes!” The two of you do The little teenage girl excited jump up and down action, and Miles grins. “Happy for you, Gwen, but can you please give me my girlfriend back, my hand is cold,” he says, motioning to the hand you abandoned to talk to Gwen. You and Gwen look at each other, rolling your eyes as you slip your hand back into his. Gwen glances at her watch. “Fine, I have to go anyways. Oh, I’ll see you two tomorrow at Hobie’s, right?”
“You know it,” Miles says, and she grins. “Great! Well, see you two later!” Gwen says, opening up a portal to her world and stepping through. You look at Miles. “So, what do you wanna do now?” you ask, and he shrugs. “Guess it’s just gonna be us hanging out. How tragic,” Miles says with a small smile on his face, and you shake your head. “Maybe I should see if there’s any museum or rich person I can steal from,” you tease, and he rolls his eyes. “Ha. Ha,” he says, and you squeeze his hand. The two of you make your way to one of the common rooms, but before you can even sit down you hear someone call out Miles’ name.
You both turn your heads in the direction it came from and a new Spider-Woman lands beside the two of you. She takes her mask off, and your eyes get big. It’s you. “(Y/n)? like Earth 42, (Y/n)?” he asks, and you nod. “Yeah! This is weird, right? I think it’s a little weird.”
“Uh, what’s weird is you’re me,” you say, pointing at you. “Oh! You fixed it!” 42 you says, high-fiving Miles. “I told you it’s weird, didn’t I?” Miles asks you, and you nod. He’d told you about how he was sent to an alternate universe with no Spider-Man and how he met himself there. And in doing so, met the you of that world, too. Now you’re looking at her… but he never mentioned she was Spider-Woman. But you gather he  also didn’t know she was Spider-Woman by the way he motions to her suit. “When did… this happen?”
“The day you arrived and then promptly left, actually,” you say, “so about two weeks ago. You remember how Miles and Aaron went to Alchemax? Yeah, well, apparently they were developing a new spider similar to the spider that bit you, and it crawled into Miles’ duffle bag he had. He and I were sleeping in his room, and it crawled out, and he got up to go get water or something and it crawled over to me and bit me. Found it the next morning.”
“Oh? And you’re already here?” Miles asks, and you nod. “After we realized, which, by the way, absolutely fucking wild. You can heal overnight? That caught everyone off guard. Ms. Morales thought she was the next coming of Jesus Christ for a second, but anyway, after we figured out I had similar abilities to you, that Miguel dude showed up and offered me one of these little watches. He said he was happy this world had a Spider-Person now, but when he saw Miles, he did a whole ass double take and then muttered how he ‘can’t escape this kid’ in Spanish. Miles, of course, responded also in Spanish, and then he looked stressed and just left,” you explain, and Miles laughs. Even when he wasn’t around, he was plaguing Miguel with his existence in multiple universes. “Yeah, sorry for not warning you but he hates me.”
“We picked up on that,” you say, and then you look over at you. “Okay. time for me to be weirded out, why do I have an outfit that looks like Miles’ Prowler outfit?” you ask, and you shrug. “I’m Black Cat.”
“Also, she and Miles of your world are insanely intelligent engineers, inventors, and designers. Looks like they think the same way, too,” Miles says, wrapping his arm around you and looking at you proudly. “Oh! Do you wanna go see him? I told him the first thing I’d do is look for you and make sure you didn’t fuck up with me. And! The two of us have started to fix up New York! I’m sure he’d be happy to see you,” 42 you says, starting to fiddle with her watch. “Hell yeah! Totally, you okay with that, amor?”
“Of course. I’d like to meet this other Miles, maybe exchange some engineering ideas if his suit seems half as cool as you hyped it up to be,” you say, and 42 you grins to herself. You knew that he’d be able to figure it out, but it’s still so nice and refreshing seeing the Miles who was so distracted and in his head genuinely looking and feeling better with you by his side. The portal pulls up, and you motion the two of you to follow. You do, and end up in what looks exactly like Miles’ room, except instead of art supplies and sketches of Spider-Man stuff, it’s more geared towards technology and sketches for gauntlets. Of course, there’s now a mix of that with Spider-Woman sketches and ideas, but the other Miles’ blueprints and designed are what catch your eye immediately. They look very similar to yours, and you can’t help but read some of the notes on the pages. “Vibranium? Where the fuck did he get vibranium…” you mumble to yourself, and 42 you looks at the both of you. “Ms. Morales isn’t home, so we can be as vocal about our identities as we like. She does know about me, but not Miles still. Figured it would be fine for her to know about my shit but Miles is a little more… complicated,” you say, opening the door. 42 Miles turns his head. “Ay, ma, who you talking to?”
“Miles,” you say, motioning that 1610 Miles is back. “Que pasa, hermano?” 1610 Miles asks, and he and Miles dap each other up. You wave, and 42 Miles smiles at you. “Hola, preciosa,” he says, winking at you. Your Miles wraps his arm around you. “Woah, there, bro, that (Y/n) might is your girl. This (Y/n) is my girl” he says, kissing your temple. You smile a bit, and 42 Miles puts his hands up in surrender. “I may be your girl, but I do wanna talk to you,” you point at 42 Miles, “about the notes about a vibranium gauntlet design. Where the hell are you getting vibranium and how does it react with the PVC piping you used to on the fingers?” 1610 Miles shakes his head, and 42 Miles smirks. “You get it?” he asks, and you nod. “Oh, I get it. Now explain.”
“Ella lo consigue,” he says, turning to his (Y/n) who rolls her eyes. “Got the vibranium from a job about a week ago, no one was using it, so,” he shrugs, “decided it belonged to me.”
“Avengers Tower.”
“Shut up. How hard are their security systems?”
“Hard if you ain’t smart,” he says, and you nod. “Should be simple then.”
“Stop… stop planning on breaking into Avengers Tower in front of me, amor,” 1610 Miles says, and 42 you sigh. “Yeah, babe, same here. You know I’m gonna have to stop people from doing that shit now,” you mumble, as both 1610 you and 42 Miles roll your eyes. “It’s my job,” 1610 you and 42 Miles say at the same time. “It’s ours too!” 1610 Miles and 42 you say before Miles processes that the Avengers are on your Earth. “Wait, you have the Avengers here?” Miles asks 42 (Y/n), and you nod. “Yeah.”
“Why haven’t they fixed New York?”
“Oh, do your Avengers care unless it’s a world-ending event? What’s that like?” you ask him, and he scoffs. “That… is actually very correct. They are totally not like that,” Miles says, and you sigh. “This Spider-Woman shit is a lot of responsibility.”
“I hear that,” Miles grumbles, as the two of them watch 1610 you and 42 Miles discussing their tactics on how they break into places and comparing gadgets. Miles can’t help but think that it’s funny how ending up in the wrong universe gave him some new friends and helped him get the girl who has always been the girl he wanted, even if he was a little slow with it. But it also caused him so much distress, almost made him die, and showed him an alternate reality of how his life may have ended up.
Man, this multiverse shit is confusing.  
『 his girl tag list 』
@agustdeeyaa​ @akemiixx01​ @angeli-fucking-cat @avatar-lover* @camilleverreault @cherriebat @dani111* @darlingdontwe @denuparxoume @eciipsedpoet @eitaababe​ @em711 @gwennesy @hana-1235 @hana-yuri @hunnybunny78* @imaginarydreams​ @inluvwithneteyam​ @itzmeme​ @jonathanthor​ @kaaylvst​ @kdbsr-h* @kezibear​ @kikookii​ @kingsmanperfecthartwin​ @korehiiime​ @laurszd​ @laylasbunbunny​ @lazyotakuofficial​ @mama-2001​ @miggyoharaswife​ @mividaasi​ @nightshxdex​ @notplutos* @p3rf3ct4ng3l​ @papichulo120627​ @po55um​ @ptsmplekaramele​ @realityshifter111​ @rksses​ @scarletrosesposts​ @silly-norman​ @simp4miguell​ @shoyofroyoyoyo​ @shxxnz​ @snixx2088​ @soy-garbage​ @sp1derm4nluver​ @staravity​ @stevenknightmarc​ @storm-enika* @sukisprettyface​ @sunshinesetsstuff* @sweetheartlizzie07​ @sweetteyam​ @talkyoongitome​ @tanchosanke​ @tenaciousduckpoetry​ @thatonehjpstan​ @unforgettable420​ @violettathewriter​ @whoisgami​ @yasfrommiles​ @yourfavstalker25789* @zenxvii​
『 itsv/atsv tag list 』
@1eonk @autismnation @briannaxox @em711​ @februarybluues​ @fennecspage* @fiannee​ @hearts4hobie​ @kitsunna4​ @lovefks​ @luvvrgirll​ @mintkookiess​ @parkerpresentz​ @peyingbills* @smuuchies* @soseoulol​ @stoic0utlaws​ @swaqlover* @tes-conscience​ @zombie-catz​
*if you are italicized - i am unable to tag you for whatever reason, feel free to reach out and see if we can fix the issue
if you wish to be on either tag list, reach out and let me know! thank you to everyone for the support!🖤
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ink4blotches · 1 year
Pavitr x reader where he’s his usual cheerful self but as soon as someone threatens/harms the reader he gets pissed and dangerous 👀
Ofc anon ;)), sorry it took so long I was watering my oven :(...but it's here now!
Synopsis/Feels: Reader is a waiter and on break but crusty middle aged man doesn't believe in breaks for workers apparently, Pav get a bit angry, slight mention of injury and fighting, Gender Neutral Reader, slight mentions of tea, yippeee...
Word Ct.:672
And without further ado...here we go!
Terrible Waiter(Pavitr Prabhakar x Reader)
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"Oh, Jeez...you reminded the teacher of homework? No wonder the class doesn't like you!" I laugh at my ridiculous boyfriend while he gasps in offense.
"Hey, in my defense I worked really hard on that homework." He sighs, taking a sip of his tea.
"Yeah but half the people in your class didn't..." I remind him with a small laugh as I take a bite of my cookie.
Right now we're in the cafe I work at. Pav came in earlier and as soon as my break hit I joined him.
We go to different schools, so he likes to catch me up on why he's so...disliked in his class.
"They have nobody to blame but themselves." Pav shrugs, sending me a small grin. "At least I got a hundred!" We both laugh lightly.
"Oh, and another thing-." He starts but then a hand places itself on our table.
"Excuse me, can you take my order already?" I look up to see an interesting individual staring at me with an annoyed look.
Oh, right. I'm still in my uniform.
"Oh, sorry no. I'm actually-."
"You're a waiter aren't you? Just take my order. I swear the service here is awful..." The man rolls his eyes.
Pav gives me a look and I shake my head slightly at him.
"Yes but as I was saying I'm actually on my break right now, so if you wanna go to the counter they can help you over there." I smile awkwardly.
"I swear...listen, I'm in a rush and the line is way too long. All I want is a chicken salad!" The man shakes his hands in the air.
"Great and you'll have to order that chicken salad at the counter." I remind him with a slight shift in annoyedness.
"Listen, just go get me the chicken salad or else-." He moves to put his hand on my shoulder as he talks, but Pav speaks up.
"Or else what?" He asks with a slight eyebrow raise. "Wha- this is none of your business kid." The older man speaks, rolling his eyes.
"You're about to put your hands on my partner. So yes, it is my business." Pav states as he stands up from his seat.
"Kid's a waiter, the least they can do is make me a damn salad! I swear, where are our taxes going?" The scruffy looking man starts ranting about taxes.
"I can't say I care about your salad. Just a heads up. If you try to put your hands on my partner again, I'll make you regret it." Pav warns.
Meanwhile I'm the only one still sitting in my chair. Customers are starting to look at us.
The man ignores Pav, placing a hand on my shoulder harshly.
Pav raises an eyebrow.
"Owww...don't touch me there, it hurts." Pav sucks in through his teeth.
"I wouldn't have to touch you there if you didn't get into a fight with a man twice your size." I remind him, making sure it hurts when I apply medicine to one of the cuts on his stomach.
"It wasn't a fight." Pav tries to interject.
"Yeah, tell that to the table you smashed his head into." I scoff.
"Hey, on the bright side now you can say two men have fought over you." Pav chuckles. I try to hide my laugh.
"I see you trying not to laugh you goof." Pav smirks.
I reach over and hit his arm.
"It's not funny, you could've been arrested!" I tell him between giggles.
"It'd be worth it for you." He smiles at me.
I grab a bandage, sticking it to one of his bruises and pressing down to make sure it hurt.
"Ow!" He complains, nudging me back.
"Remember that pain next time you get into a fight, dumbass." I roll my eyes.
"I've remembered that pain a lot more than you'd think." Pav whispers, rolling his eyes slightly.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Nothing! Did I mention I love you?"
TAGLIST: @ihearthxh @sweetheartlizzie07 @the-vulcan
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:33 jealous pavitr x reader bc the reader just bought merch of him in his spider form and its an adorable little plushy and he gets mad bc they keep kissing and cuddling it instead of him the entire day/night
I'm (Not) A Jealous Guy
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Pairing: Pavitr prabhakar x Gender neutral!reader Tags: Jealousy Summary: Pavitr is totally NOT jealous of a Spider-Man plushie. Not at all. Never. (..or is he?👀) Jealousy prompts credit :  @creativepromptsforwriting
Also Read on AO3
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“Pavitr!”, you yell, hugging your wall of muscle from behind. He smiles, pecking your cheek.
You were out shopping with Pavitr Prabhakar, your boyfriend and your superhero. He evidently hates shopping, with what having to stand for hours at a clothing store, but savours evey moment with you. The increasing crime rate in Mumbattan has him on his heels all night, and with having to study for finals it’s a tad too much of a stressor- which is why he never turns down an opportunity to let you pamper him.
Plus, it’s a great excuse to be cozy. To constantly hold your hand, kissing it intermittently, throw an arm around your waist and hug you close to feel your comforting warmth and, of course, admire you in your little moments -the kink in your brow when you think too hard, the amazed eyes when you find the exact thing you were searching for…
Is it even possible to fall for the same person so many times? Again and again and again?
“Look what I found!”
Your cheerful voice snaps him out of his reverie and he looks down at the toy in your hand. Oh, wait- it’s a merch: a plushie. Not just any plushie, it’s a plushie of him.. as Spider-Man.
Pushing his coveted raven curls aside for closer judgement, his eyes narrow in scrutiny. Huh. No one told him they made these. (Aren’t they supposed to get, like, a copyright or something from him..? )
“You don’t like it, Pav?”, You ask, seeing his slightly frowned lips and narrowed brows.
The plushie had a big head and comically smaller body, stuffed to make him look more like a teddy than a crime-fighter. The mask was a lot less detailed -admissible, but –good God, are those webs under his armpits?!  Well, at least they got his hair right. Just the perfect amount of curls, nothing less or more. 
“No, I’m just.. surprised”, he said, finally. “He’s okay.. But, Y/n, do I really have a big head?”
You giggle, giving his shoulder a playful punch as you hug the toy close to your chest. “Of course not, babe. It’s just a plushie, it’s made to look comfy. And sooooo cute!”
“Hey!”, he pouts, “You said I was the cutest! And he doesn’t even have dimples like me”
Pavitr aggressively points to his dimples to make a point but you take the opportunity to poke and pinch his cheeks. He tries to slap your hand away, giggling.
“Gods, I have made a terrible mistake”, you say dramatically, failing to hide your laughter. “You’re right! Nothing matches your cuteness, Oh, Prince of Dimples!”
“Y-Y/n..”, Pavitr stutters, going instantly pink in the cheeks, bashful. He’s always been shy about his dimples. You’re the only person allowed to touch them, apart from Maya aunty, which you take full advantage of.
You giggle clutching the plushie closer and pull him towards the next aisle, not noticing his eyes comically narrow at his cotton counterpart. As if he vows rivalry with it.
‘This isn’t over, fiend.’
The plushie is evil. That’s the only reasonable explanation Pavitr could think of. A minion sent by some evil overlord to take your love away from him. Yes, that must be it!
What else makes sense? You’ve been spending more time with the cotton-head than with the real him, cuddling it all the damn time and taking it with you everywhere. You no longer hug him, preferring the stuffed imposter instead.
His nostrils flare comically as you snuggle the plushie closer to your chest, kissing it. Oh, the audacity! It has even commandeered Maya aunty’s attention, making her call it cute and adorable!
Pavitr must put an end to this before the evil plushie minion harms either of you.
“Why do you insist on flaunting him in my face?”
Maya auntie had invited you both over for tea and you were watching TV when Pavitr asks this out of the blue.
In his defense, he’s had enough of his stupid fabric-faced doppelganger taking you away from him. 
The cookie is stopped halfway to your mouth as you turn to him, brows raised in confusion. “Who?”
Pavitr makes a stressed noise, jerking his hand towards the plushie seated cozily in your lap. As if it owns you.
“I just don’t understand what you see in him.”
Amusement colours your features as realization dawns. “Pav, babe”, You begin as normally toned as possible, trying so hard not to giggle in his face. “He’s a plushie.”
“Exactly! Why would you need him when I’m right here?”
With a smirk he stands up on the coffee table and stretches his arms out in the classic Shah Rukh Khan pose.
You can no longer control and burst out laughing, clutching your tummy as you fall sideways onto the couch, much to Pavitr’s confusion.
“Oh my God, you’re so jealous! This is great to watch! Maya aunty, come, you have GOT to see this!”
He jumps down, mouth fallen open and cheeks gone pink as he stutters out a denial. “W-what? You’re crazy! Jealous? Me? Pff. Never.”
The face he makes as he tries to save face is even more funny. Maya aunty passes by, tapping her nephew’s shoulder. “Oh beta, jealousy can wreck a relationship.”
Pavitr scoffs, putting his hands on his hips for emphasis. Oh yes, he definitely isn’t jealous of a toy.
“M-maya aunty, I’m not jealous, I’m being absolutely reasonable. What would I even be jealous about? Pfft! Why would I ever be jealous of a.. a plushie? That's ridiculous. You’re being ridiculous. I am sooo not jealous, Y/n”
But even Maya aunty can control for only so long. She cups her mouth to hide her giggles, holding onto the arm of the couch for support as she sits down.
Pavitr huffs, watching the two important people in his life laugh like crazy at him. He just squints his eyes at you both and turns away, pouting.
“Oh, Pavu…”, You go up to him and hug him from behind, finally managing to get your reigns. Turning him around, you cup his face and press your foreheads together. A shy smiles blooms in his face as your noses touch.
“The plushie is no match for you, meri jaan, you’ll always be my hero; my Spider-Man. Nothing can replace you.”
He laughs, pulling you Into an embrace, blushing and giggling as you kiss his dimples.
“Plus”, you say, pinching his dimples as you feel them go hot under your touch, “You’re so adorable when you’re jealous.”
“I…- I’m not- oh, C’mon guys!”
Maya aunty joins your laughter when Pavitr pushes you away, playfully rolling his eyes as he escapes your pinching fingers.
A/N: look who's alive !1!!! Sorry for going mia all of a sudden! Hope you enjoyed the fic tho <3333333 lots of love - plhh
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vibingpyro · 9 months
Sickly Sweet Part II
I shuffle about in the kitchen, buttering two pieces of toast onto a plate before walking over towards the stove, stirring the pot of soup with the spoon sticking out of it. The atmosphere is almost peaceful if it weren't for the sound of a ball bouncing off of a wall coming from the bedroom down the hall.
Then silence.
"Baaaaaabe?" Hobies stuffy voice rings out from the open bedroom door, and I can't help the small tinge of frustration in my tone.
"Yes, Hobie?" I call back over my shoulder, opening up a cupboard above the stove to grab a tray as well as a bowl for the soup.
Another beat of silence passes.
"That ain't right...you callin' me by my government name jus cause you're upset with me." He whines.
At that, I can't help but roll my eyes.
"Well, sweetheart if you weren't kissing all up on me when I was sick we wouldn't be in this position." I throw over my shoulder, before facing the soup once more, filling it up to the brim with homemade chicken soupy goodness, placing it on the tray next to the two slices of toast on the small plate.
Another beat of silence before a sneeze rings out from the bedroom, an small irritated groan following afterwards. I begin to walk towards the bedroom, tray in hand and once I enter the doorway I'm greeted with the sight of Hobie, burrowed underneath at least four blankets with a cold compress on his head looking absolutely miserable.
"I ain't pleading the fifth..." He murmurs, looking at me with tired puppy dog eyes, the lack of eyeliner apparent due to him feeling too sick to put any on himself but his natural eye bags are as present as ever. I give an amused huff as I walk closer, setting the tray of hearty food on the makeshift-crate before sitting beside him.
"How are you feeling?" I ask, removing the cold compress on his forehead and replacing it with the back of my hand, checking his temperature. 'still hot' I think to myself.
"Miserable, I think this may be it for me." Hobie grunts, but leans into my hand regardless of how gross he feels right now.
"I'd like to write my last will and testament." He groans. "You'll get everything of course, lovey, but Pav gets my record player, he's been eyeing it for months I swear it-" I interrupt Hobie's tangent with a gentle shove to the forehead, making him lay down on the pillows.
"You're not dying, my god. Are you always this insufferable?" I question although I already know the answer, and letting out a small laugh, I had the same thing not even a week ago and I wasn't nearly as bad as Hobie.
Hobie merely sniffles, and nods. "You love that about me." He comments, familiar cocky smile shining on his lips.
I merely sigh and nod, "Yes, I do love that about you." Unable to stop the small smile of fondness in my face, my hands move and gather the tray of food from the side table, and place it on his lap.
"C'mon, eat and get your strength up." I gently urge, and Hobie sits back up, eyeing the food before taking one of the toasts from the plate and dipping it into the bowl of soup before tearing a bite out of it. He hums in quiet delight at the taste before swallowing.
"Thank you, Sweet pea. Mean it." He says, tired eyes squinting up as he smiles at me, before snuggling himself further into the pillows behind him.
"I don't suppose your bedside manner includes kisses and cuddles?" He suggests with a cheesy smile and eyebrow wiggle, taking another bite of the soup damp toast.
I let out a laugh, shaking my head. "Not happening." I say to which Hobie nods, shrugging his shoulders. "Was worth a shot." He smiles anyway.
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