#yes the family is very big and yes holidays are hectic
poisonousquinzel · 6 months
people that actually think (and bitch about) Harley "being part of the Batfam" are so annoyingly funny to me cause like y'all really saw a couple panels & group shots and just ran with it huh? no bothering to even read the dialogue cause who does that? like oh nooo, she was there during the war her ex started and she tagged along with Batman cause she'd literally saved his life and she wanted to put an end to Joker.
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Bruce: "Joker's at Ace Chemical. I'll go to him there. I'll put an end to this."
Harley: "And I'm going with, so I can kill Joker."
Jason: "Wait what?!"
Bruce: "That's not what's happening."
Harley: "Wait, why the hell is that not what's happening? That's the whole reason I came here!"
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Batman (2016 - ) #106 Cover
like omfg move on ! the Joker war arc was literal years ago. (2020-2021) it's been fucking years shut up about shit you never got in the first place it makes you look moronic.
cause sorry is Bruce not allowed friends? do you just jump to the assumption that every single person he's friends with and is part of a group panel has been by default now legitimately added to the Batfam? do you think he's out here adding members as if he's unlocking new characters in the Lego Batman game & they've been permanently added to his gallery? like is it hard? having rocks inside your skull where the brain should be? cause why are y'all so stupid jfc? 😭
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aiko0invalid · 1 year
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Genre: Fluff/Slow burn
Au:Non-idol/Vampire/Strangers to lovers
Additional info: Reader is Female and a human while Minho is a Vampire. Reader is visiting family during the holidays and encounters Minho throughout her stay an oddly amount of times. Stray Kids are a clan of Vampires. Mentions of Hyunlix.
Next: ->>
“I’m leaving now, I’ll be there in a few hours. Yes Umma, I packed enough warm clothes.” You were currently on the phone with your mother as she frantically told you what to pack and asking when you were arriving.
After moving across country to attend University in Seoul, leaving your family up in the mountains, it has become very important for you to take things like holiday break off and spend time with your parents and little sister.
“I’ll call you when I get into town, but I have to go or else I’ll be there even later.” You reminded her, quickly saying your goodbyes so you could load up your car and drive the most grueling 5 hour drive of your life. It was worth it though, anything is worth it when you get to see your family.
You were on the road in no time, taking quick stops to get gas or buy a few snacks but after 5 hours you finally made it to the familiar cabin you grew up in.
You got inside quickly, escaping the cold and entering the warm house as you saw your little sister and dad on the couch. "Appa! Soomin!" You said, getting their attention with your voice.
Soomin, your little sister who was only 14, jumped up and ran over to hug you. Since you guys had such a big age gape there wasn't that much sibling rivalry between you two and the relationship is super sweet.
You also didn’t have to worry about clothes, makeup and skincare products suddenly disappearing since by the time you moved out the house, she was only 6.
And now you're 26, fresh out of medical school/ college and currently looking for a job. That being said, that isn't the only thing your mom has pestered you about. The topic of love has come up many times and each time you've replied that between studying and self-love your life is too hectic to add someone else to the mix.
Thankfully she's on the more understanding side and had dropped the conversation after a few failed attempts of asking about how your love life was going.
“Umma is making some tea right now.” Soomin explained while picking up one of your smaller bags. “The room is still the same.”
After you moved out of the house the room that used to be yours was the guest room but after Soomin got older and wanted a bigger room they switched them. So technically the guest room is Soomin’s old room and not yours.
“Thank you.” You said quickly as you followed Soomin upstairs despite knowing full well where the room was.
It was nicely decorated, on the more minimalistic side but that was fine with you. Soomin left quickly so you could get yourself situated and that’s what you did for the next 20 minutes.
You took out your clothes, curler and/or straightener, hair products, makeup, and many more stuff. You filled the dresser with your clothes and that’s when you heard your mom from downstairs.
“Soomin! Y/n!” She called out, yelling for them to come to the kitchen since the tea was ready.
You quickly made your way downstairs, Soomin and your mom already there as your dad stayed in the living room. He wasn’t a big fan of tea. “So, How have you been lately?” Your mom asked after sliding over a cup of tea towards you.
You shrugged your shoulders, picking the cup up for a sip. “Nothing interesting lately, I sent in some job applications but haven’t gotten any words back yet.”
Your mom understood that well, knowing it took time to find a job fresh out of university. “It’s good you’re atleast trying.” She said before standing up. “I know you just got here but, do you have anything in mind for what you’d want for dinner?” She asked as you smiled and shook your head.
“It’s ok Umma, really.” You tried to convince her but, as if you were straight out of a cartoon, your stomach growled and your mom looked at you with an ‘really?’ Look and signature hand on her hip.
“You know what, Jjigae sounds good!” You said, remembering the warm and hearty Korean stew that your mother was always good at making. “Ohh! That’s sounds good!” Your sister said immediately, looking up at your guys mom. “Appa wouldn’t mind having that either, you know he doesn’t care as long as there are soft boiled eggs too.” She added which made your mom nod in agreement.
“Great! I’ll start making that.” She smiled and turned around to grab all the ingredients out of the fridge. She brought out the meat, they recently gotte pork belly so that’s what they were going to use. Along with veggies before she paused. “Oh no…” she dragged out, grabbing a mostly gone tube of soybean paste.
“Aish, I’ll head to the store to grab some more.” She sighed but you’d topped her. “It’s ok Umma, the store isn’t far away, I’ll go get it and you can cut up the vegetables and meat so it’s ready to go when I come back.”
“Are you sure?” She asked ever though she was already grabbing her apron and tying it around her. “Yes, I’m sure.” You reassured her and she smiled more. “Ok! Thank you!”
You nodded and quickly went to the door to slip on your shoes, grabbing your coat again and keys before going to your car.
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The store wasn’t busy, thankfully, but it was rearranged differently than you remembered and you were having a hard time find the soybean paste. “They had it with the broth last time…” you muttered to yourself as your eyes scanned the shelf’s of canned chicken and beef broth.
“They moved it to the fridge section.” A voice said, scaring you since you hadn’t heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around to find a young man, dark brown almost black hair, equally as dark eyes and blank stare face. His cheekbones were high and he had a deep cupids bow with a plush upper and bottom lip. ‘How can someone be so… perfect..?’ You thought to yourself in awe.
He, after seeing your wide eyes, quickly flashed a smile. “Sorry, I heard you talking to yourself and thought I could help.” He explained, making you sigh a bit in relief.
“It’s ok, your hearing is amazing by the way!” You noted, a bit shocked he was able to hear your quiet muttering. “Been told that before.” He grinned, one laced with mischief and smugness. “You’re looking for soybean paste right? I only know because it used to be here.”
You nodded with a small smile of your own. “Yeah, you said fridge section? Is it by the butter?” You questioned and he nodded his head. You knew if you stayed any longer you would inevitably blush if you’re not already.“Thank you.” You said before walking off to get the small tube quickly.
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“Can you go to the library with your sister? She usually goes alone but since you’re here I would feel better if she was with an adult.” Your mom asked while tying her hair up.
She approached you as you were sitting on the couch and you smiled up at her. “Sure! To double check, they didn’t move that too did they?”
You asked in a joking yet serious tone. After the grocery store, you had wanted to go to the strip mall, only to find it’s location moved and demolished. It also just so happened that the local ice skating rink also moved spots!
You were beginning to think the town was just going to get up and leave too.
“Yes, same place it’s always been”. Your mom chuckled and you stood up while stretching. “Ok, I’ll go drive her now.” You said as she took your spot on the couch next to your dad.
“Drive safe then!” She smiled and waved as you and your sister got into your car. “Since when did you go to the library?” You asked as soon as you guys buckled in. “I don’t.” Your sister smirked.
“Wanna know where I actually go?”
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“Soomin, where do you even get the money from?” You asked, parking right in the town center where there were lots of shops open for business. It looked straight out of a hallmark movie.
“I do people’s work for cash, the longer I know them the less they pay me. Which means they recommend me to their friends and I always get new clients! I’m currently doing all of my 4th period classmates work.” She smiled smugly and you chuckled.
“Hustling for money at the ripe age of 14, maybe you are my sister.” You joked, messing up her hair with your hand before getting out of the car. “I won’t rat you out to mom but that doesn’t mean you get to drag me around today. If we spend more than 2 hours here Mom will get suspicious.”
Soomin nodded in agreement, closing the car door before jogging up to you with a big smile. “That’s fine! You haven’t been here in forever, let me show you around!”
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It was close to the time you guys were about to leave when you entered an actual book shop. “I know I said I don’t like books, but I need one to read for English so I can write a report on it.” Soomin explained, leaving your side immediately to go to the fantasy shelves.
You went to your own way, roaming the fiction side a bit. You were in the dark romance section before bumping into someone. “I am so sorry!” You apologized quickly, turning around to see a blonde slightly shorter male there.
Damn, had there always been this many gorgeous people?
“It’s all good, I didn’t see you either.” He said, his voice way deeper and richer than you expected. You couldn’t help but blush and turn to look away. “Sorry if this seems nosy, but are you new?” He asked before you could fully turn away.
“Not really, I grew up here but moved a few years ago for school. I’m visiting family this week.” You explained and he nodded. “Ahh, understood. My family and I moved here a few years ago so that must be why I didn’t recognize you.”
You nodded also and couldn’t help but glance down at the book he had in his hand. “Vampire story?” You guessed, seeing the fangs on the cover as they hovered above a rose in a glass case. He smiled instantly and nodded.
“Yeah! I don’t do much reading but my boyfriend has been pestering me a bit, says that gaming for too long hurts my eyesight.” He rolled his eyes as he explained and you laughed softly at the sass. “He’s not wrong, blue light actually makes it harder for you to sleep also. Doctors recommend that people don’t use any electronics 2 hours before bed if they want to fall right asleep. Otherwise you’ll just be staying awake for the whole night.”
He blinked a bit, processing your information with surprise. “Wow, you sounded like a doctor yourself!” He chuckled which made you blush in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I study medicine so I tend to info dump whenever the topic of health comes up.” You explained which only made him laugh more.
“I get it, my boyfriend is that same when it comes to art. Like painting and drawing.” He reassured you. You were about to say something else when his head snapped to look at his right.
“Hey hyung!” He smiled brightly as a guy came around the corner where you two stood. “Ready to go home, Felix?” The guy asked and that’s when you recognized him. His familiar monotone but lively voice triggering a blush to dust across your face.
It was the guy from the store, he was now in black jeans, gray V-neck tshirt and a black & white plaid jacket. He had regular white sneakers and black ball cap that made his dark drown hair almost cover his eyes.
“Awh, already?” Felix pouted before sighing and nodding his head. “Bye, hope to see you around.” He grinned before walking up to the guys side. “I’m ready Minho-Hyung.”
They left quickly, not giving you a chance to say bye before the bell above the door rang and they began walking on the brick sidewalk.
It was a strange swirling feeling in your stomach at the sight of the man who you now know as Minho. It made you stare off in space for a bit as your mind raced with him. Was him and Felix related? It would make sense, they were both stunning human beings. Almost too stunning to be human.
The town was small, but was it small enough to run into someone twice in tow days back to back? Maybe, it had been awhile since you had been here. “Uhm, earth to Smile McGee.” The voice of Soomin said, pulling you out of your trance.
You blinked a few times, the brain fog clearing and you smacked her shoulder. “I told you to stop using that dumb nickname.” You hissed, remembering the times you used to have braces and when you had a few friends over they teased you with that nickname.
She was only 4 at the time but seemed to remember it like it was yesterday.
She mumbled an “ouch” and gave you a small glare. “Anyways, I’m ready to go.” She said, holding up a hefty sized book. “Maybe you are a nerd.” You mumbled, eyeing the huge book before shrugging and buying the book for her.
“Who was that by the way?” Soomin asked once you guys exited the bookstore. “Who?” You rebutted and she rolled her eyes. “That guy you were talking to, the blonde haired one.”
“Ohh.” You said, nodding before shrugging your shoulders. “His name is Felix apparently, I don’t know him personally though.” You explained and it was her turn to nod her head.
“And that other guy?” You felt the same swirling feeling in the pit of your stomach as she referred to the other guy. “Minho, I actually ran into him yesterday at the store. I only just now learned his name.”
Soomin hummed in thought before looking up at you with a smirk. “He’d make a good boyfriend~.” She said, bumping her hip with yours as you shook your head in disagreement.
“No way, I just got Umma to stop pestering me about dating; you can’t start.” You lightly scolded her as she just ignored you. “He was handsome though, you can’t deny that. Both of them were.”
You grumbled slightly, looking off to the side so you wouldn’t have to verbally agree with her. She knew she was right, the proof was the guy’s themselves.
Felix had a softer and more happy vibe with him, a golden brown eye color and blonde hair cut in the style of a mullet. He had many silver rings adorning his fingers and piercings on his ears.
He was dressed in a black turtle neck, dark blue jeans and a mocha brown fluffy jacket. His style was different from Minho, along with his appearance.
While Felix had freckles and slightly bigger eyes, Minho had not one mark on his clear and slightly tan skin. He had two silver mini hoops on one ear while three mini silver hoops on the other ear.
His outfit was a bit more casual compared to Felix’s but his stunning and sharp face made up for that.
“Whatever.” You grumbled back at your sister, sighing a bit as you both made it back to your car.
Safe to say, you stayed up a bit longer than usual with thoughts of a certain dark eyed boy.
Want to be tagged for the next chapter? Message me to be added to my taglist!
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cythoughtsnmemories · 4 months
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Hubby on duty so I'm here alone wide awake since 1am
Pfft! Am thinking how mil will say all d reason for us to cont stayover wkend. Really don't uds y u wanna force us do such arrangement. Really don't see a point. At most we visit u when we r free. We have our own plans leh. This is definitely 1 issue if I ever get divorce w my hubby.
Anw, last jb trip was interesting to go see furniture cos acc colleagues whose getting hse soon. Dinner was d best.
Finally called d police cos there's 2 uncle being inconsiderate...brought 10 singing birds to trees along my hse n let them sing at 5.45am. Hello I still want to sleep leh.
Tried out fish maw soup n lotus soup for different week dinner.
Met up w my poly friends and had a good catch up and got many advice on dealing pregnancy and life after giving birth. But it doesn't ease me cos all I could think off is hubby bushing off my concern and the issue still there.
So...I've shared d news w hubby. Definitely stress for both of us but a joy too. At first, hubby said a few things which makes me feel like I'm all alone in this but after sharing more and explaining he learned. Guess we will have sleepless night next year. Am so glad hubby helped me cook and asked me to do some exercise for pregnant.
Although I'm not 3 mths yet but got to disclose to my close colleagues who I'm going Bali with. Now left my sup dk. Gonna share before we fly at airport hehehe
Oh right, last week was hectic. Besides sharing d joyous news, before that, I actually had heated conversation w mil over text. I mean it's a good chance to spill what are the issues since she asked what caused me unhappy staying over. Lol end up mil got triggered. To me, I'm just stating facts but she want it her way and be control freak. Lol end up wkend she also avoid seeing me. That's how she teach her kids lor. My hubby got his avoident style when managing issue.
Then during our weekly dinner, she got the chance to say go out eat so stress (lookingat d long Q), not good, still got to wait. Pls lah, go food court lo. Don't see how's that stress. Just wanna say me lah. Wah...I cannot take it when mil ask my hubby to help her apply medicated oil. Yes, it's ur son, but he should be d last choice u pick. Ur hubby for what, ur daughter for what. Then next choice is me then if they can't then pick my hubby mah. I'm quite unhappy about it but dud not shared w hubby cos he confirmed think I'm making a big fuss. It's not about helping ur mum, it's respect towards me...touching another adult woman. Then my hubby not there, mil whole week no need apply lo.
We had went to our 1st couple marriage preparation workshop over d wkend. Glad hubby participate. At least there's self awareness and tool we know what to use and what not to do. Can't wait for next session this wkend. Topic on in laws and family planning.
I feel really stressed out when I foresee issues and hubby just dismayed my concern and said I overthink. I often felt I'm alone in those situation where he thinks it's not that bad. Tell me I'm wrong:
- holiday plans often last minute and after multiple nagging (why do I have to nag u for dates and usually I have less than 3 mths to plan)
- I think we needs to move out to an apartment with d baby arriving (he thinks d child can sleep w us and no helper required. How I do confinement, how I rest, how I go back work, who takes care if there's no infant care. We both dw our parents to look after and we both working)
- so I've discussed w hubby that we will stop stayover his hse after I hit 3 mths pregnant. He agreed n I'm really grateful. (Oneness!!) But my mind keeps thinking how my mil will counter all her reasons or other pattern to force us go over besides weekly dinner. Very annoying to be controlled by mil and my fear is hubby just give in and nvr discuss me or he just flight and not say anything. I will go all out if this happens (Don't force me to say ur hubby don't acc u, u ask my hubby to acc u hor. He is ur son but my husband. He has his own family now, priority wife n child). I don't see a point being married w hubby anymore if he just hands off 😢 (ahhh am not supposed to cry)...and got to deal w this nonsense for 4 years I will go crazy. I hope mil don't force me to get abortion and divorce. 💔 你可以永远把宝贝儿子留在你身边
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It's really bothering me 😭😭😭 3.40am liao
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surveysand · 1 year
What is your favorite genre of music? alternative.
Do you believe in ghosts? i think so.
What colors are the walls in your room? off-white.
What is your favorite kind of cookies? chocolate chip.
What are your thoughts on euthanasia? not sure what euthanasia we're talking about (for humans, animals, etc.), but i think it's a good thing as long as there's good reason for it and it's a well-thought out decision.
Who did you last speak to on the phone? my partner.
Do you scare easily? yes.
What was your first car? i've never had a car.
What was the last book you read? i forget the name of it, but it was for one of my classes.
Do you like Gatorade? yes.
What is your dream career? neuropsychologist working with autistic children.
Favorite time of day? very late night.
Have you ever lived somewhere that has a fireplace? my current apartment has a fireplace, but it's not functional.
Have you ever donated to charity? yes.
What size mattress do you sleep on? queen.
Do you exercise? never.
Do you believe in any old wives tales? no.
Have you ever lived in an apartment? i've lived in a few different ones over the past four years.
What color are your bed sheets? gray.
Are you afraid of the dark? depends where i am.
What is your favorite kind of juice? orange.
What is your favorite pair of shoes? white high-top converse.
Have you ever written daily in a journal? i used to my freshman year of college, but gave up when things in my life/in the world got too hectic.
Do you prefer jeans or sweatpants? sweatpants.
Are you a night person or a day person? night person.
Have you ever had any surgeries? no.
Would you rather write the story or read it? read it.
Do you currently owe anyone money? no.
Do you like to give people jump scares? no.
Do you believe horoscopes are real? no.
How old were you when you got your license, if you do have it? i never got my license.
Do you want to get married someday? yes.
What is your favorite fruit? peach.
Do you like romantic movies? If so, what is your favorite? not really, but i don't hate them either.
What are your favorite qualities in a S.O.? honesty, loyalty, and respect.
What is your favorite meal to cook? tacos.
What is your favorite fast food place? subway.
Did you have a lot of friends in school? i had a big friend group, but was only close with two or three of them.
Are you good at wrapping gifts? yes.
Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? no.
What website could you not live without? youtube or google.
What would you do if you won 1 million dollars? pay off my student loans.
Do you like to do crafts? depends what the craft is. i love scrapbooking, for example.
Are any of your grandparents still alive? on my dad's side, yes.
How many windows are in your room? two.
What is your favorite animal? lions.
What weather is your favorite? cold outside and a little overcast.
Have you ever read a book of poetry? yes.
Do you have any nicknames? no.
What is your natural hair color? dark blonde.
Did you ever get detention in school? never.
Do you consider yourself a pessimist? no. i would say i'm more of a realist.
Do people come to you often for advice? every now and then, yes.
Have you ever had a board game night? many times.
Do you enjoy going grocery shopping? yes.
What is your favorite kind of candy? jolly ranchers. in general, i prefer non-chocolate candies.
Have you ever been to the zoo? yes.
What was the best vacation you’ve ever been on? my family has taken two trips to maine that i have loved. it is such a beautiful state and, if i had to live anywhere other than a city, i would choose there after seeing how incredible it was during our visits.
Have you ever traveled out of the country? no.
What are your top three favorite holidays? christmas, halloween, and new year's.
Do you have a difficult time falling asleep? yes.
Who is the most attractive actor, in your opinion? i don't know enough actors to pick, lol.
Have you ever slept nude? yes.
What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? i haven't seen many, but there was one i watched in middle school on netflix, but i can't remember the name of it. i was terrified, though.
When was the last time you went outside? last evening.
Did you have over-protective parents? no.
How many stories tall is your dream house? two, at most.
What is your favorite thing about yourself physically? my lips.
What does the last text you received say? "‘on." my mom was correcting a type she had made in a previous text, lol.
Do you consider yourself to be promiscuous? no.
Are you close to your family members? some, yes.
Do you consider yourself a flirt? no.
What emotion are you currently feeling? overwhelmed.
What was the last thing you ate? a brownie.
Who do you have the most in common with? my mom.
What is your favorite form of art? music.
Have you ever had sex in a public place? no.
What is your biggest pet peeve? mouth noises.
Do you consider yourself a sarcastic person? yes.
Do you have any obscure pets? no.
Do you think you’re an attractive person? no.
Have you ever had a blog? no.
Do you consider yourself politically correct? yes.
What is your wifi password? it's random letters/numbers created by my internet provider.
Who was the last family member you spoke to? my mom.
Have you ever won money on a scratch off ticket? like, $2, lol.
Do you like Disney movies? yes.
Are there any candles burning in your home right now? no.
Where is the person you love the most? at home, getting read to go to work.
Have you ever grown any plants or flowers? i think i did in elementary school for science class, but other than that, no.
Do you consider yourself a smart person? yes.
What is your favorite flavor of candy? hard candies.
Have you ever tried to follow a painting tutorial? no.
Are you good at working on cars? no.
0 notes
deluxewhump · 2 years
A very happy birthday to @morelikepainsley today 🥳we leave this one frog a lot of places and it causes a lot of problems. (So this piece is an apology to Max’s slightly impatient reaction last time). Go check out their series!!! Its good stuff!!! 💕
Cw: ex pets, Carlo says he needs a real adult please, slight food issues, comfort item left behind
Jude was the normal one, as far as Carlo was concerned. Of the two of them, Jude dressed more eccentrically and wore strange handmade jewelry and had tattoos in places that might have once been considered unconventional, but he was the normal one, when it came down to it.
Jude came from a family of shared bedrooms and bunk beds, of aunts and uncles and cousins, public school and firends sleeping over and holidays at relative’s houses. And Carlo came from...well.
Whenever Riley got too much for Carlo, it was Jude who made things easy, who stepped in with a distraction or a plan.
Max and Eddie were gone on the same work trip, and had even flown into San Diego together. Eddie had asked him if he’d hang with Riley, who was unpredictable when left alone, and of course he said yes. It was the week of finals, and a little hectic, but he would never say no. Still, he dreaded trying to have a sense of normalcy in a big, Max-less house, where he and Riley had some off-color memories together
“Leave it,” Carlo hissed at Jude when he reached for the plate.
So they went to Jude’s apartment. Smaller, cozier, casual. It made perfect sense, and Jude pretended like it was a totally normal request. They made breakfast for dinner, which took way too long and made way too big a mess. Riley ate his jam toast with methodical calculation and only seemed to want to hoard his pancakes rather than eat them.
Later, after leaving the kitchen in a half-disastrous state Carlo never would’ve done at Max’s, they trailed into Jude’s living room to put on a movie. Jude pulled out the folding sofa and made it into a makeshift bed, complete with a faded blue-and-orange Lion King sleeping bag, circa 1996. Riley made his way into it like a cat inspecting a new cardboard box. Jude and Carlo exchanged a grin and perched on opposite ends of the pullout.
It wasn’t until the end credits rolled and Jude was absorbed in his phone that Carlo noticed Riley had not come back from getting his bookbag in the kitchen. It had to have been ten minutes ago, he realized with a pinprick of dread. He untucked his legs from underneath himself, wincing at a pins and needles sensation in his foot as he went out to investigate.
Riley was sitting at the kitchen table, in the dark, over a plate of cold soggy pancakes. He was twirling a fork on the table, round and round, but stopped when Carlo came in.
“Did you get your bag?” Carlo asked, even though he could see it on the ground next to the chair.
Riley glanced at him under his grown-out bangs, a look that could only be interpreted as are you stupid? Carlo pulled out a chair and sat down across the rickety Goodwill table. He made his next question less idiotic— more to the point.
“Why are you out here in the dark, then?”
Riley set the fork down carefully. He shrugged one bony shoulder, but Carlo knew a non-answer when he saw one. How many had he given to Max, over the years?
“Wanna come back in the other room with us?”
Carlo nodded. “Okay. Well. I’m gonna go back in the other room with Jude. Maybe when you feel like it…”
Riley picked up the fork and started twirling it in the soggy center of the pancakes, like a drill slowly tilling the earth.
“Okay,” Carlo said, and went back to the living room, blue lit with the TV.
Jude tried next, while Carlo tried to watch some Netflix show kids in class had been talking about and deliberated if he should bother Eddie in San Diego. It wasn’t a problem. Not really. What would he say? Riley is sitting in the dark with old pancakes and won’t come out?
As he opened and closed his message app in indecision, Jude came back wearing his jacket and a beanie. Carlo sat up.
“Where are you going?”
“Me and Riley are gonna run over to Eduardo’s,” Jude said. “We left a man behind.”
“He goes by the name of Pancakes, I’m told.”
Oh. The toy. The frog.
“He didn’t pack his frog?”
“Fraid not. You wanna come, babe? It’s cold out.”
“No it’s okay,” Carlo said. “I’ll come. We have a key to Eddie’s?”
“He does. Riley.”
Riley appeared in the doorway beside Jude, his own jacket zipped up to his chapped bottom lip like he was going on an expedition in the Arctic instead of suburban Baltimore. “Sorry, Carlo,” he said quietly.
“Don’t be sorry,” Carlo said, pushing his feet into his sneakers and grabbing his own winter jacket off the back of a chair. He gave Riley a sincere, relieved grin. This was a problem he could fix. “Let’s go get him.”
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Paloma, Part I
Series Masterlist - Part I - Part II
Word count: 4100+
Rating: mature, 18+ only
Outline: Statesman!Frankie "Catfish" Morales, Agent Jack “Whiskey” Daniels, and "You" (OC cis/het female reader, Statesman research analyst, code name “Paloma”; age 26; reader is “blank canvas”/no physical description/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: fully legal age gap; curse words; references to M/F sex; lots of yearning; a little sprinkling of angst; American readers, please be warned that this piece features the absolutely filthy fantasy of Statesman paying off your student loans in full
You left Kentucky on a sunny June morning with a rolling suitcase, six cardboard boxes, and a heart full of golden light. You were ready for the new challenges of your promotion and the move to New York, but it was still hard to quell the little butterflies that insisted on dancing and twirling in your gut. Statesman HQ was like a beacon that had been calling to you for the last three years, and you were half-convinced that the promotion and the move were a daydream; something that would be snatched out of your hands if you thought about it too much.
It was strange to leave Kentucky, your home since you were four years old. You had been raised in a small town about an hour south of Louisville, and you hadn't had the opportunity to leave until college. Even then you didn't travel very far, just to a dorm room at the University of Louisville, going back to your hometown for every vacation instead of flying off to California or Europe like some of your more glamorous friends.
You had put your time to good use, though. You busted your ass and completed an accelerated program in Criminal Justice that earned you both a Bachelor's and a Master's in one go, with a minor in statistics and data science. The result was a deep and abiding love of research and analysis, with the burning desire to do good in the world.
The Friday morning of your graduation ceremony, you emerged from your apartment fresh-faced and giddy, ready to walk the stage and start the next phase: adult life in the "real world." You knew that your life was about to change, but as you juggled the garment bag with your cap and gown and tried to lock your door, you had no idea just how much. You heard a soft voice say your name behind you, and it made you jump and drop your purse, spilling the contents across your doorstep. You turned to see a woman of about 40, with flawless terra-cotta skin and an adorable mop of chestnut hair. Black horn-rimmed glasses framed bright, inquisitive eyes. She immediately bent to help you retrieve your belongings, stammering gentle apologies.
"I'm so sorry! Let me help you get your things. I didn't mean to scare you." She smiled sweetly at you and handed you back your sunglasses and lip gloss.
"No! It's fine, I'm sorry I'm so preoccupied." You lifted the garment bag by way of explanation. "Graduation day! Um, how can I help you?"
"You don't know me, but my name is Ginger. I work for an organization that recruits bright young minds like yours. It's a lot to explain, but if you're interested in a job interview next week, we'd love to talk with you." She handed you a creamy white business card with a Louisville address.
You frowned. "Statesman Distillery? I don't have any experience with alcohol production or marketing. I do data analysis and my degrees are in criminal justice."
"We know. We've been following your research and your schooling for a while." She gave you a mischievous smile, and it looked for all the world like she was hiding something fun behind it, something secretive and intriguing that made you want to know more.
"Please, just give me an hour of your time next week? When you have some time to pay us a visit, just call that number and ask for me. I'm really looking forward to chatting with you."
You thanked her and promised you would call, and then you tucked the card into your bag and forgot all about it for nearly a week. Graduation day was hectic, with lots of relatives visiting and interrogating you about your career plans, and the days afterward were spent attending parties and saying goodbye to friends who were scattering to far-flung places. After you had finished the last of your university-related errands like returning a few library books and picking up your official transcript, there wasn't much left to do except putter around your apartment and take a few days off before beginning a job search. Those student loans weren't going to pay themselves off.
You found Ginger's card in your purse on Wednesday morning and put it on the fridge with a magnet. On Thursday you were so hungover you didn't want to make any calls. On Friday you found yourself at loose ends with nothing planned, so you picked up the phone and dialed. When you reached the switchboard you gave your name and asked for Ginger, and they put you right through. She picked up after one ring, as if she had been waiting for your call.
"Hi! I'm so glad you called me! Can you come by today?" Ginger sounded genuinely excited to talk to you, not smarmy or fake like other corporate recruiters you had spoken with.
"Oh, uh, yeah. I mean, yes, thank you. Are you sure today's okay? I can come next week if that's better."
"No! Please come whenever you're ready. I'm really hoping you'll like what you see."
"Okay, will I need to dress up? Will I be meeting with anyone for an interview? Should I bring copies of my resume?" You wanted to make a good impression, but you weren't sure if this was just something the distillery did casually, like a winery tour, or if you would need to be ready for a formal interview.
"Nope! Just bring yourself! We already know everything we need to know about your qualifications."
"Ah... okay. I'm all yours. I'll see you in about an hour?"
"Perfect! I'll leave your name at the front gate with the guard. Just show them your ID and they'll wave you through."
You said your goodbyes and put the phone down. What kind of data analysis job was even available at a distillery? Market trends? Did they need a criminal justice major for tracking down rip-offs, like people counterfeiting their product? But wait, didn't the government do that kind of thing? The ATF? You shook your head clear of questions and hopped in the shower. You could ask Ginger all of your questions, since she seemed to be so happy to talk with you.
When you arrived at the Statesman Distillery an hour later, you were impressed at the size of the facility. Distilleries were pretty common in the state of Kentucky, with lots of little family companies sprinkled around. But Statesman rivaled the big names for sheer square footage.
Ginger met you in a conference room and offered you coffee, and then asked you to sign a non-disclosure agreement. You didn't think twice about it. NDAs were common in lots of industries, and you guessed that it had something to do with trade secrets, Statesman not wanting to leak information about their whiskey production details. When Ginger began the tour and you walked down a long hallway with multiple sparkling white laboratories behind thick glass, you found it unusual, but not alarming. Cleanrooms, maybe? Something to do with alcohol distillation formulas, probably.
When she ushered you into a large wood-paneled office and introduced you to Champ, the head of Statesman, you thought it was odd. Companies didn't normally introduce new college graduates to executives during tours. Based on the size of the organization, you thought you might meet the CEO or President once or twice a year, maybe at a holiday party or a company retreat. But he was friendly, and he seemed to have already heard of you; his eyebrows raised an inch at Ginger when she gave him your name. He also seemed far more interested in criminal justice and data analysis than you expected for a distillery executive, but you shook hands and answered all of his questions politely.
When Ginger asked you to step into an elevator and it dropped 10 floors, you started to wonder a little. When the doors opened and she walked you to a room with a huge bank of monitors, with screens showing all kinds of maps and security video feeds, you were downright confused. But when she revealed the cherry on top, the fact that Statesman was not in the business you thought they were? That was too shocking. You were sure she was joking. You turned behind you to look for hidden cameras, expecting a prank show host to come jumping out at you.
"This is a joke, right?"
Ginger smiled that sweet, warm smile at you. "No joke. We want you to join the Research Unit, working in the Data Analysis section. You would be keeping our agents safe, helping them make the best decisions possible. And in turn your work could save lives, hundreds of them. Maybe even thousands. What do you say?"
"I... uh... I still think you’re joking. I’ve never heard of anything like this. I… are you sure you want me?"
"Yes, if you're interested. We could use you on the team." She pushed a little slip of paper into your hand, and when you saw the annual salary that was listed, you almost fainted.
"Ginger, this is way too much. I just graduated and this is, like... this is a senior analyst's salary. I'd be able to pay off my student loans in like three years!"
"Actually, we would be paying your student loans off before you start work. If you have financial burdens hanging over your head you could be vulnerable to bribes or extortion attempts from foreign governments or bad actors. We want you clear before you start with us. Think of it as a signing bonus."
"Holy shit! Sorry, I mean... I... Jesus." You looked at her in confusion. "Y'all really want me?"
She smiled and nodded. "Yes, we really do."
"Okay, when do I start?"
And that had been it, your first "big girl" job out of college. You were welcomed warmly to the Statesman team, and you loved the fact that you did interesting work that had a real impact. The hardest part had been telling your friends and family the required cover story, saying you were doing market analysis until you could find a job in criminal justice somewhere. But since you were happy with your new job and it paid well, none of them pressured you to move on.
During your first two years with Statesman you climbed the ranks, earning promotions and new responsibilities that eventually put you in the seat of Assistant Director of Data Analysis. You had risen high enough in Statesman that your work required a code name, and you chose “Paloma,” a nod to your favorite grapefruit cocktail. You answered directly to the head of the Research Unit, and every report that your team produced was vital. You weren't wasting your talent in some corporate hole, enriching the CEO's salary at the expense of your sanity. You were saving lives, making a difference. Your reports had even been sent to the New York headquarters, where they used them as a model for operations.
And the job had brought you romance, too. One day not long after your promotion to Assistant Director, you were walking out of the conference room, so focused on your phone that you didn't see where you were going. You bumped into something large and solid in a denim shirt, and a pair of warm, calloused hands held your shoulders to steady you. You cursed softly to yourself and then looked up into the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes that you had ever seen. A man with patchy stubble and a well-worn baseball cap smiled at you, eyes crinkling with warmth.
"Whoa! Are you okay?" His eyes looked concerned as they searched your face. You looked at him with wonder. He was so, so beautiful. The smile dropped, and then his brows knitted together into a slight frown. "I said, are you okay?"
You realized you were staring with your mouth half open like some lovestruck teenager, and that an embarrassing amount of time had passed since you first met his eyes.
"Yes!" Your voice was louder than you intended. "Yes, I'm sorry. Sorry I bumped into you. I should have watched where I was going. I'm sorry."
"That's okay. Did I hurt you?"
"Ah, no. No, I'm fine. Sorry. Just distracted today."
"That's okay. Sorry I startled you." He smiled again and squeezed your upper arm.
You could have stayed there forever, leaning into his touch. He let go, much to your chagrin, and then went into the conference room. You made a note to ask someone who he was, to see if you could find out more about him. He wasn't being escorted by a staff member, so he was obviously part of the Statesman organization somehow. Someone would know who he was.
You went into the ladies room, running into Ginger at the sinks. "Oh, Paloma! I'm so glad I saw you. I need to steal your boss for an urgent matter. Can you run his 11:00 meeting in the conference room? I know it's last minute, but I'll buy you lunch later."
Your brain flickered out for a nanosecond. The 11:00 meeting? The conference room? The handsome man? You recovered your composure and smiled at Ginger. "Yeah, no problem at all. Tell him to drop his notes off in the conference room and I'll be there in just a moment."
Ginger smiled and punched your shoulder softly. "Thanks, Pal. I owe you one."
You washed your hands in a trance. Oh lord, this was going to be interesting. You squared your shoulders and met your own eyes in the mirror. You looked exactly like you had this morning, just your normal self. Most of the time that was fine, but right now you wanted to be more glamorous, more devastating. You wanted to absolutely bewitch the handsome mystery man in the meeting. In the absence of some kind of last-minute emergency Hollywood makeup team, you would have to settle for a fresh application of lip balm and a quick scrub of your teeth with a damp paper towel. You flicked a stray eyebrow hair into place, sighed, and headed back to the conference room. Looks weren't important anyway, right? Statesman had hired you for your brain, not your face. And really, you were more interested in showing your boss that you could do well in your new role. So you banished your insecurities from your mind and breezed into the meeting.
"Good morning everyone." You studiously chose not to look at the handsome man you had run into, keeping your eyes on your notes for the time being. You were afraid that if you looked at him you wouldn't be able to tear your gaze away. "The Director has been called away for an urgent matter, so I'll be leading today’s operational planning meeting. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Paloma."
You risked a glance at the handsome stranger, relieved to see that his eyes were on his notepad and not on you. You let out a breath and found your stride, walking the group through the team's findings, the data, the implications, and the desired outcome for the mission. Agent Tequila asked a few cocky, half-assed questions, probing you for weaknesses. Normally that would have irritated you, but today it was a welcome focus that took your mind off the butterflies. You knocked Tequila back in place with a few well-chosen words, and then opened up the floor for questions.
The handsome man raised his hand, and your eyes fixed on how large and thick his fingers were. Oh God, this was torture. "Yes, Mr...?"
"Catfish. Um, can you tell me more about the extraction plan?"
"Yes, absolutely." You went over that phase of the mission, giving all the details your team had gathered about the terrain and the timing. When you were done, Catfish smiled at you, and your knees went weak at the sight of the dimple that appeared. No one else had questions, so you closed the meeting and stood to leave.
Suddenly there was a warm wall of denim at your elbow. "Hey, that was really detailed information. Thank you so much for walking me through everything."
You turned and smiled. "You're welcome. Glad I could help." You fumbled for something to say, trying to extend the conversation and keep him in your orbit for however long you could while everyone else filed out of the room.
"So, um, you go by 'Catfish.' Can I ask why? That's your code name, right? There's not some kind of hidden tragedy where that's the name your parents actually wrote on your birth certificate?"
He chuckled, throwing his head back. The expanse of his thick neck and bobbing Adam's apple did nothing to improve the butterflies. They only fluttered harder, rising higher in your chest.
"It's an old Army nickname, I was Special Forces about a million years ago. Now I'm here on the transport team. I'm a helicopter pilot. When we're not working you can just call me Frankie."
"Ah." You bit your lip and nodded. Why couldn't you think of something else to say? Fortunately, Frankie continued the conversation.
"And you're Paloma around here? I love that drink. Am I allowed to know your real name, or is that classified?"
You grinned and shook his hand, giving him your name. When it rolled off his lips in that deep voice it sounded like heaven to you. You didn't want anyone else to say your name ever again. Just him.
He leaned closer, like he was sharing a secret. “Can I ask you a question? Top secret.” He winked, and you nodded.
“Can I take you to lunch?”
Your heart dropped into your pelvis, and you gulped, hard. “Y-yes. Yes, that would be great. I’d love to.”
When Ginger found you in your office at 2:00 p.m. you were staring off into space, smiling blissfully.
“Hey, Paloma. Why did you blow me off for lunch? I came by at 12:30, I was going to take you out.”
“Oh! Oh my god, Ginger, I’m so sorry! I had a date.”
She raised her eyebrows at you, settling down in one of your visitors chairs. “A date?”
“No! Not a date. A, um…” You burst into husky giggles, and then confessed everything to her: the handsome man, the crinkles around his eyes, his dimples and his silly code name, the easy conversation over lunch, and the fact that he had scribbled his phone number down on a sticky note that was now burning a hole in your pocket. You felt like you were 12 again, confiding in your girlfriend about crushes and cute boys.
Ginger laughed and gave your hand a squeeze. “No wonder you forgot about me. I can’t compete with a handsome helicopter pilot!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Ginger. I really didn’t mean to forget.”
“No, it’s okay. But definitely call him this weekend and make a real date. I’ll want details when you take me out for an apology lunch on Monday.” She winked and left your office.
You sat back in your chair and tilted back to look at the ceiling while you considered it. Was it too soon to call him and make a date? Ugh, this was agony. You decided that going by conventional rules hadn’t really mattered to you at any point in your life until now, so why the hell not?
You took a deep breath, trying to puff up your confidence. When he answered the phone on the second ring, you dove right in. “Hi, Catfish? It’s Paloma. Listen, I had a really good time at lunch, and I’d like to see you this weekend if you’re free.”
On Monday, you had a whole lot to report to Ginger.
Frankie took you up for a sightseeing flight on your date, and you loved the way he controlled everything; making sure he warned you before any sudden movements, and checking that you weren’t getting airsick or anxious. When the rotors were stilled and you were back on the ground, Frankie reached over to help you unbuckle your harness. Something got stuck, and the agonizing extra seconds of feeling him jostle the strap near your hip made you bold. When it was finally free and he was about to pull his hand away, you grabbed his wrist. He looked at you, alarmed that something was wrong, and you crashed your lips against his, all teeth and tongue and wanting. Frankie was as good a kisser as he was a pilot, and you spent the rest of the date making out in his truck.
The next weekend, you found out that his warm, work-worn hands were also magic in the bedroom. Frankie was adept at tweaking your sensitive spots as gently as the little buttons and switches of the flight panel, bringing you to thrumming heights the same way he did his helicopter.
The rest of the summer passed in heady, humid days and nights like a dream. You loved Frankie’s easy sense of humor and his confidence in the cockpit. But Frankie was less confident about your relationship, voicing concerns about the decade-plus that separated your ages, and whether he was keeping you from dating men your own age. He made self-deprecating comments about being an “old man,” and you reassured him that there was no one you’d rather be with, no one who could sway your attention. You loved using your hands and arms and lips and tongue to reassure him, finding that he had his own sensitive spots that you could manipulate. You loved sending him to sleep with a smile on his face.
But as much as you and Frankie enjoyed the relationship, the nature of his work with the transportation team meant that he was never in town for very long. At the same time, your job was getting more complex, requiring late nights at the office that interfered with your time together. You refused to dwell too much on the fact that you were torn, that you loved your work as equally as you wanted to spend those nights with Frankie.
By the end of the summer, you both came to the realization that it was nobody’s fault, simply a case of poor circumstances, and you decided to end things and remain friends. In October Frankie left Statesman to take a job that relocated him to Florida. You were wistful, and you missed him, but at least it had been an amicable split. At least friends was something. And as sometimes happens even with the best of intentions, the time in between each phone call grew longer, and you eventually lost touch. Last you heard he was spending weekends with his old Army buddies who all lived nearby, and he had a new girlfriend. By February the ache was starting to subside, and by April you were nearly ready to date again.
In May, almost three years to the day after Ginger’s visit to your apartment had changed your life, you were offered the position to lead the Data Analysis team in New York. You jumped at the chance. Statesman located an apartment for you, and from the pictures you were already in love with it. Huge windows looked out over the city, and it was within walking distance of Statesman HQ. Your farewell party was bittersweet. Ginger offered to come visit you, and promised that New York would be everything you hoped it would be. Your team gave you such high praises that you joked that if that’s what it took to hear accolades, you would have left ages ago.
Your first few days in New York were spent acclimating to the Statesman HQ, and getting to know your neighborhood. It was strange to find that you could walk or take the subway for whatever you needed, compared to the Midwest where a car was required for everything. Your new team was welcoming, and you enjoyed your new duties immensely. Your first two weeks on the job passed in no time, and you went home every night feeling like you could fly.
And then you hit a wall, in the form of Jack Daniels, a.k.a. “Senior Agent Whiskey.” You knew him by reputation, of course. Ginger had filled you in on his exploits, his overbearing charm, his smarmy flirtations. You had seen him once or twice in passing when he had visited Champ’s office, but you hadn’t actually met him in person.
When you finally did, you almost asked for an immediate transfer back to Louisville. --- "Paloma" Series Masterlist Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
Tag list: @honeymandos @driedgreentomatoes @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @honestly-shite @anaaaispunk @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @nicolethered @dihra-vesa @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @anxiousandboujee
65 notes · View notes
Ilya's first day at the ranch
Thank you so much @orchidscript for helping me with this one <3
CW: past whump mentioned, scarring mentioned, past abuse mentioned,
Last week, Ilya’s world consisted of nothing more but a fuggy room and dusty window. Of dinner leftovers he’d tried to eat with mangled hands.
Now, a hospital visit and some nights spent on a fold-out couch in the welfare office later, he followed a blonde young man around the ranch's property on legs still wobbly from the six hour drive to this new placement.
That social worker, Miss Maria Mullens, hadn’t been the one behind the steering wheel, but she’d pressed a backpack into his hands full of clothes that weren’t coming apart at the seams and wished him good luck. Ilya had nearly teared up on a pitstop at a pull-in, where he’d changed into a new soft sweater and pants that hung only a little too loose and found a pair of brand-new leather gloves neatly folded atop the clothes.
They felt so much more pleasant against his skin in the late July heat, compared to the scratchy wollen ones.
“Ilya,” the blonde guy’s -- Matthew -- work boots clicked over the stone path to what looked like stables. “Say, do you have any experiences with horses?”
“No,” Ilya murmured upon entering. Soft sighs and snorts echoed through the long, wide hallway flanked by spacious boxes. BIgger than most rooms he's ever been kept in. The smell of hay and heated skin was intense here and the floor was stained in some places with something Ilya hoped wasn’t poop. He squashed down his urge to side step them. Not wanting to appear too big-city. “Only ever seen them on tv. Horse holidays aren't-... They’re not really foster-life, ya know?”
“They’re part of yours, now.” Matthew beamed.
Almost blinded by the others' sunshine brightness, Ilya peered into the box next to him, and froze. He knew the creature inside existed, of course he did, but he hadn’t really thought they would look so-
“Yes, meet our newest family member -- apart from you. This is Susie. She’s four whole days old, as of today.” Matthew ran over with pride. Voice warm and steady, breast swollen, and a stupid blissfull expression plastered over his face. As if he’d born that small spindly legged thing himself. It was ridiculous, really.
Tiny soft looking nostrils flared, inhaling Ilya’s scent. The small creature left its mothers side, stalked over with stumbling steps, ears perked up in interest.
Ilyas fingers twitched with the urge to pet it. He burrowed his hands deep into his pockets instead, bit back a smile. “They’re called, uhm, foals? Right?”
“So you do know a bit about horses.”
Bristling under the tease Ilya snapped, “I lived in the city, not under a rock,” but it lacked any real bite.
“Alright, alright, city boy.” Matthew lifted his hands, cheeks dimpling and chest trembling with suppressed laughter that spilled past his lips in a breathless chuckle. “Wanna pet your very first foal? Their noses are the softest thing you’ll ever touch.”
“No!” Ilya blurted, stumbled backwards, eyes snapping to the foal. It answered his wild eyed stare with curiously twitching ears. A friendly nicker.
“No I- '' Panic prickled up his palms. His hands grew clammy, the leather gloves stuck to his skin. Ilya swallowed. “That wouldn’t be- I can’t.”
“Hey, hey there. It’s alright. You don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna. But-.” Straight, white teeth worried at his plush lips. His broad hands fidgeted with the drawstring of his grey hoodie, wrapped it around his finger and let it go, letting it flop against his chest. “Listen. I know it’s weird but I read your file. Have to for every newbie, and... If it's because of your scars you really don’t--.”
“Itain’tboutthat,” Ilya spluttered. Panic frenzied shame compressed his vowels and syllables into one single hectic exclamation. The solid stone ground felt more like a waterbed under his feet and Ilya took one deep shuddering breath. “My scars-. It has nothing to do with my scars. It’s- I…” Shame chaffed away at his voice until it cracked, more rasp than whisper. “I’m wicked. Cursed.”
“Ilya. You’re magic, not cursed.”
That flicker of sadness in Matthew's tone hit him like a kick in the chest. Ilya didn’t need to look at him to know his face was pinched with pity. He failed to hold back a snort. All derisive anger. It made an honest man of him.
Matthews boots clicked over stone as he took a step towards him. “There is no shame in being different.”
“Oh and what do you know about it?! Wannabe social worker, taking care of some strays, working for a good cause, living the pony farm dream life. Zatknis!” The words burst out of Ilya’s mouth like an angry bee swarm. Eager to sting, to pump poison under Matthews skin, to scare him off.
There was no way to take them back, to unhurt the boy staring at him, blue eyes blown wide in bewilderment. Those stupid dimples had vanished alongside that stupid charming smile. Ilyas pulse picked up, hammered in his throat, quick as the footsteps of a frightened child running to its mother.
He had no mother to hide behind, no arms to find solace in. Hanging his head Ilya prepared for the yelling sure to come, the blow, or kick, or spit in his face.
Please forgive me.
“I’m the one who should be apologizing. I overstepped.”
Ilya glanced up, heart stopping, skip-stutter-starting into another wild frenzy. This wasn’t how things were supposed to happen. His face crumpled in confusion over the honest concern in those blue, blue eyes.
It suddenly became very hard to breathe around the tight, burning knot lodged in his throat.
How the hell was he supposed to answer?
His mouth opened, closed, opened again, like a petrified fish, hauled out of water and slapped onto the cutting board.
Ilya turned on his heel and ran from this place he wouldn’t ever belong.
There was no way to build a life filled with soft things and fragile creatures and warm smiles, not when his hands were destined to destroy everything they touched.
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the-toasted-teacake · 3 years
Hi, can you read the following and let me know your thoughts please? Would mean a lot. It’s my first bit of Carlando writing. Love your writing!! Also your blog too! Hope it’s not too much to ask!! It turned out to be a lot of words but once I started I couldn’t stop, thanks if you do read it!!
 Two days.
That’s all he had to wait until he could see Carlos. If he’s honest with himself he hadn’t realised till now how much counting down he had done the last week whilst he’d been away with family and friends. If he’s overly honest with himself he didn’t want to acknowledge the amount of counting down done. That would be too much honesty for Lando.
It wasn’t that he hadn’t enjoyed his time away with his family and friends in Croatia and the several other places they’d travelled to on the stunning boat they’d hired for ten days, it was just that he really couldn’t wait to be in Carlos’ company again. He wouldn’t have been half as bothered about seeing Carlos again if it weren’t for the fact they’d practically spent no time together in the first half of the season.
There was no doubt about it, since Carlos had left McLaren and Daniel had came in, it hadn’t been the same. Not only because of the new atmosphere Daniel bought, but also because Lando had nowhere near seen Carlos as much as he used to. Different hotels each race weekend. No more Carlos living half an hour away in a car and definitely nowhere near as much Fifa. It hadn’t been easy. That’s where Lando drew the line at admitting how difficult it had been though because any further admittance of this made it look like he couldn’t cope and was a massive cry baby missing his old teammate far too much. If he’s overly honest again, he really hadn’t given Daniel the time of day due to still being in complete shock that Carlos had actually left McLaren. It had been a shock since day one of finding out and the shock hadn’t left his system.
Lando was a bit nervous about seeing Carlos again. He was hoping that all the unspent time together hadn’t created an awkward atmosphere between the two of them, he was sure it hadn’t, but you never know. Anyway, even if it did, they had plenty of activities to enjoy to forget about any awkwardness. Lando was flying from Greece over to the Balearic Islands where Carlos was with some of his family and friends. He felt bad that he was leaving Max and the rest of his friends in Greece but he couldn’t refuse Carlos’ offer of four nights spent together as they would be immediately separated again the week later by their hectic F1 world’s.
Just two little days to go he thought. If he could make it five whole months without properly seeing Carlos, then he could definitely last two more days.
And what a two days it was.
Lando had the best two days of the entire holiday, probably because he tried to enjoy it more due to knowing he was leaving them early. What a reward he was getting at the end of those two days as-well; four nights spent with Sainzy. How lucky he was. He could barely contain his excitement once he’d said Goodbye to Oliver and Savannah at the port. Oliver had noticed and had obviously teased him about it. “This is the most excited I’ve seen you all holiday and of course it’s as your abandoning ship to see Carlos”. Lando had just laughed in response. “Tell him I said hi and to not injure my younger brother before the second half of the season starts please” Oliver said as Lando got into the car taking him to the airport. Again, He just got a laugh in response. It was more of a scoff really as Lando knew Carlos would never put him in danger. He never had done, if anything he’d protected him at all costs.
The closer he got to landing, the more the butterflies came. He didn’t know why, but he knew they were definitely there. A few deep breaths later and he regained a little bit of composure. Nervous about seeing Carlos? No surely not. Sort your self out Norris he said to himself quietly.
The airport was busy so he made his was through it as quickly as possible. He really didn’t want to be noticed right now. Eventually he found himself in the arrivals terminal where he was expecting someone to be waiting for him as previously mentioned by Carlos over text. He couldn’t seem to find his name being held up by anyone though. Just keep walking and you’ll find it he thought. Out of nowhere a voice shouted “Landoooo”. He froze immediately. He was hearing things surely. Carlos had not came himself to the airport to get him. No way. Surely he had sent someone.
He eventually plucked up the courage to look over to where the voice came from and stopped dead in his tracks. His feet were frozen to the floor and he couldn’t move. The butterflies had well and truly taken over. It was Carlos. Carlos had came to get him from the airport. Carlos had got into a car and drove to the airport to pick him up. Why was this such a big deal to Lando? Maybe it was just the surprise of seeing him this soon after just landing on the Spanish island. Yes definitely surprised.
He hadn’t even noticed how close Carlos had gotten to him until he heard his name being shouted right at his face. “Mate are you ok?” Lando just smiled and asked him what he was doing here. Of course Carlos had replied teasing him. “What, are you not happy to see me?” Lando laughed and finally gave him a long awaited hug. Once that was out of the way, Carlos took Lando’s case and began walking towards the exit of the terminal. Lando protested “You don’t have to take that I can manage” “I know but you are my guest and I am your chauffeur so this is my job”. Fair enough Lando thought.
Once they’d got into the car and left the airport it was Lando’s turn to tease. “So Mr Sainz Jr. couldn’t wait to see me that much, that he had to collect me himself from the airport.” Carlos laughed and looked over to Lando smiling, he quietly said “I’ll admit it, I am excited to see you, but the driver cancelled last minute so here I am.” “Anyway, having me pick you up should be an honour, I am the best chauffeur about.” Lando just responded with a nod. Carlos seemed to easily be able to worm his way out of being teased, he had done it effortlessly, to the point where Lando wasn’t sure why he had bothered to tease him in the first place.
For the first time since they’d got in the car Lando looked out of the window properly, he could already see the sea in the distance and the landscape around them was stunningly breathtaking. He was sure he was going to enjoy the few nights he had here.
After a bit of small talk of how their summer breaks had gone so far they settled into a comfortable silence. Lando took this as his opportunity to check his phone. After he’d replied to a few texts and checked a few notifications he placed the phone back into his pocket. He wanted to put a story on of chauffeur Carlos, but he was sure that would overload the Carlando world. These few days were supposed to be about them two finally getting to spend time together and having fun so there was no point in advertising it to the world this early on into the trip.
Once they got nearer to Carlos’ house Lando asked “So who’s at the house then, which members of the Sainz family do I have the pleasure of spending time with?” Carlos looked at Lando with confusion and he thought maybe he’d said something wrong until Carlos responded “I thought I’d told you, it’s just us two. My mum and dad left a few days ago and my sister and her husband left yesterday.” Oh, Lando thought. He was sure Carlos hadn’t mentioned it because he was definitely not under the impression that it was purely just them two for five whole days. Wait. “What about Isa and all of your friends?” “What, you don’t want to spend time with me, you want to see everyone else but not me?” Carlos said as he laughed. Back to teasing again Lando noticed. “No it’s not that, I just didn’t know it was just us two in one big house, I saw everyone on your Instagram and presumed we’d have lots of company.” Carlos just looked at him funny “Yeah my friends were here but they’ve all left too, I thought I’d get rid of them because they all talk far too much Spanish for you.” WHAT. Carlos had gotten rid of his friends for him? Before Lando could panic too much, Carlos added “Just joking mate, they all had to go home back to their lives and Isa has some work in London so she left a couple of days ago too.” So it really was just them two, not a single other person. Lando could swear that Carlos always knew when he was panicking because he always managed to swiftly change the topic of conversation. “Anyway we’re having burgers for dinner tonight, thought I’d cook your favourite for your first night in Casa Sainz” he said with a very thick Spanish accent. And with that swift change of topic Lando didn’t have anymore time to think about it just being them two, he’d also remembered the dogs where there so at least he had someone. Even if they were animals.
Lando’s first opportunity to have some time for his own thoughts came half an hour later when Carlos had shown him to his room and excused himself to go and start dinner. Lando hadn’t seen quite as beautiful of a view before. He was lucky he had this from his balcony attached to the room Carlos had gave him, the sunset was gorgeous and he had the perfect shot from where he was to view it. Time for a quick story he thought. Once the story (without a location) was posted he unpacked his things and changed into a comfier shirt and shorts. His mind drifted off to the conversation they’d had in the car. Carlos had definitely not told him it was just them two for the five days, so why did he think that he had. Maybe it wasn’t a big deal to him but it definitely was for Lando. How could he have failed to mention it. He was already worried about any awkwardness due to the lack of time spent together this year, so the news of it being just them two had caused full blown panic in his head. How would he cope. He quickly realised he may be overthinking this way too much and he didn’t want to turn into a complete mess on the fist night so he grabbed his phone and took off downstairs, that way he couldn’t give himself any more time to dwell on it.
“You like the view, yes?” Carlos asked as Lando approached him in the kitchen, Carlos held up his phone to show him that he’d seen his story. He added “Im glad you didn’t tag the location, I put a story on this morning of me lying next to my boat, so the Carlando world would, how’d you say it, go crazy wild? You know if they knew you were in the same place as me.” For the record, Lando had seen the story but Carlos didn’t need to know that. “Oh really? Good job I didn’t then, to be honest I thought the same before in the car, I wanted to post a chauffeur Carlos story whilst you were driving, but the Carlando world is not ready for that” he said as he laughed. Carlos laughed too and smiled at him acknowledging that they were both on the same page. Maybe a story in a day or two would be fine but not just yet. The world could wait for Carlando content, they’d already waited the whole of this year so what was a couple more days for the previously promised Carlando content. “As for the view, yes I love it, it’s stunning. Thanks for giving me that room and letting me stay.” Carlos smiled once more and Lando could’ve sworn the thanks had made him blush for a second. “No problemo Mr Norrisio.” “Go and set the table outside for me, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”
The two men sat and enjoyed their burgers outside under the night sky and spoke like no time had passed at all since Carlos had left for Ferrari. They didn’t even have to discuss racing to fill any awkward silences. Carlos had even persuaded Lando to have a few glasses of wine with him. It wasn’t often Lando drunk, but he was on his holidays and he was with Carlos so why not he’d thought. Maybe it was the warm air or maybe it was the wine but Lando started to notice Carlos’ gazing eyes more and more throughout the evening. Carlos was practically staring at him. Eventually he’d had enough of it and plucked up the courage to say “why do you keep looking at me like that?” Gulp. Had he really just said that, why did he say that. Oh dear. He had no clue why he had just out right asked that. No more wine for him. To his surprise, carlos didn’t even hesitate to answer. “Sorry, I just noticed for the first time how much you’ve grown. You’ve seriously changed...Not a little boy no more si?” The smile on Carlos’ face was accompanied with another blush, and it was noticed by Lando for the second time that night. Lando laughed and posed with his muscles by his head. He was no body builder but he had been working hard to build muscle. He was tired of being the small one on the grid so him and Jon had been working on bulking for quite a while now. Carlos laughed in response to the pose, “You’ll get there mate, not there yet, but you’ll get there.”
Once they’d finished dinner Carlos had sleepily asked Lando If he wanted to watch a film before they settled for the night, Lando of course had said yes, he couldn’t wait for another movie night with Carlos. This would be their first movie night since Austria 6 weeks ago. He felt lucky to even have that, Carlos had been so busy this season that their movie night in Austria had been there only one this year. Their movie nights always consisted of great films and great banter, it was usually films Lando had never seen before that also happened to be Carlos’ favourites. He wondered what they’d end up watching tonight. “We’ll watch shawshank redemption tonight, ok?” “Yes sure. Never seen it so should be interesting.” “Landooo I don’t understand how you never seen any films, do you live under a rock, yes?” Lando laughed at how he’d said his name, god he’d missed that. Gulp. No don’t admit that. Moving quickly on from that. “I never have time, too busy beating your ass on the simulator.” He wasn’t wrong. Carlos laughed and said “ahhh yes true, but you will never beat me in FIFA.” More laughter was the reply.
They settled into the film. Lando was sat down comfily with his back pressed up to the enormous couch pillow behind with his feet up on the coffee table in front of them, Carlos in the exact same position next to him. Lando grabbed a pillow to hold as he felt he needed something to cling onto for comfort. About half way through the film, Lando noticed Carlos was getting sleepy as he was slouching and leaning into the couch more and more, must be the wine he thought. Why was he not feeling sleepy also though? Maybe because his mind was on overdrive about the FACT that it was just them TWO. Up until this moment he hadn’t given himself time to actually think about it. FIVE whole days with Carlos, he couldn’t believe it to be honest. If someone had told him a month ago this would be the case, he would have laughed at them and told them to stop chatting nonsense.
As if he’d noticed Lando’s panicking, Carlos shot over a look at him, and whispered “are you enjoying the film?” “Yes it’s good, your getting tired though so it’s ok if you want to settle down for the night.” “How do you know I’m getting tired, huh? Are you a reader of the mind?” He poked him in the ribs as he said that and made Lando jump a bit from the unexpected feeling in his ribs. Lando couldn’t help but laugh at him, he knew he was tired yet he didn’t want to admit it to him because he had 100% noticed that Lando was not tired, it was cute really. Carlos was cute. Gulp. Best not to think on that too much. Gaining some composure after being poked in the ribs, he thought about saying let’s just finish watching the film but he settled on “Carlos, you are obviously tired you’ve got that sleepy look and I don’t want to keep you awake any longer than you need to be, come on, lets just finish the film tomorrow, we have plenty of time over the next few days to finish watching it.” “Huh, sleepy look ai? What does the ‘sleepy look’ look like?” He responds whilst continuing to poke Lando some more. Ok Lando thought, he wants to play poke wars. We’ll see about that, Lando pulled a funny face and poked him back “You go all slouchy like this” as he slid himself down the couch and then said “and your eyes go like this” as he flickered his eyes open and shut. Carlos was laughing loud now at the sight in front of him. The wine had definitely encouraged the silliness from the two grown men who were supposed to be watching quite an emotional and serious film. However, the film was long forgotten about at this point.
The poking continued as did the laughter for at least another 5 minutes. In fact you could argue that they were full blown play fighting now. 2 adult men play fighting. From a distance if you were viewing this sight of them, you would think there was more in this than two friends play fighting. They grabbed each other so harshly that knuckles were white. Also the looks they gave each other were way too intense, Lando wondered if they’d be able to do this if Isa were here, maybe it was best she wasn’t. That’s what made him stop immediately. He let go of Carlos immediately which must have been unexpected as Carlos literally fell on top of him with a small thud. A short-lived silence fell amongst the two of them. Carlos spoke first. “Ouch, why’d you stop?” He gazed down at Lando without moving almost like he was frozen on top of him. Lando hadn’t a clue what to say back, he was stuck gazing back at him, also frozen. After what felt like an eternity of staring into his eyes, he finally spoke. “Ha ha, sorry. Figured you were gonna win anyway so I gave up.” Cool as a cucumber. Played that smoothly Norris. He thought he’d deflected really well from the real reason he’d stopped. But why was Carlos not moving off of him. Lando really thought he’d move any second now or more hoping he would because his stare was becoming unbearable, what was going on? Was something wrong? They’d finished play fighting what felt like an eternity ago so usually Carlos would well be off of him by now. But here he was, flat out on top of him, gazing down at his face literally centimetres away from him.
“God I’ve missed this.”
Where had that come from?! Lando just opened his mouth forming an o shape. The shock took over and he was sure Carlos was looking back at him wondering what on earth was he thinking. They were both so still, not a single bit of movement at all. They were so close that it looked like they’d been moulded together like a sculpture. This was probably the longest look they’d ever given each other. Neither knew what to say. Carlos looked surprised he’d said it. Lando looked surprised he’d heard it. He had to say something. The silence couldn’t continue. The first thing he could think of. Quick. “I’ve missed this too.” SHIT. WHAT. No. What had he done. What a stupid thing to say. Carlos was smiling now. Gulp. That smile was everything.
Without another second passing Carlos decided he had to make a joke out of this, it had become too intense between the pair of them so some light hearted humour was needed. “Awww mate that was sooo cute” the exaggeration of the words so and cute was very much needed. Carlos finally climbed off of him. Lando shuddered from the coldness he felt without Carlos on top of him. If he’s completely honest he didn’t want him to get off of him. He didn’t mind it. But surely that was crossing a line. Yes definitely crossing a line. Lando sat up straight almost immediately dismissing the thought, he had to go to bed. Carlos definitely had to go to bed. That gave him a thought of how to make a joke out of this. “Awww there’s that sleepy voice, told you that your sleepy.” Carlos looked down at him (as he was now standing) almost in disbelief that he’d managed to gain the upper hand. This boy had gotten braver than he used to be, it was true, Lando had changed and Carlos had definitely noticed it. He had especially noticed it today. Having the one on one time with him had made sure of that. Not only had Lando physically changed but he’d grown way more confident. If Carlos was completely honest with himself it made him feel a bit sad, his little friend was not so little anymore and perhaps he maybe did not need him as much as he used too. Had anyone of asked though, he would never admit to this making him sad.
Lando got up from the couch and placed the pillow that had fell on the floor during their play fight back on the couch neatly. He turned back round to Carlos and wished him goodnight, a quick hug and he was out of there. Practically running up the stairs to his bedroom. Leaving Carlos stood there all alone to think about what had just unfolded amongst the two of them. He hadn’t quite meant to let slip he’d missed them play fighting or whatever it was they did. And he definitely had not meant to express it the way he had done to his younger friend. But truth be told, he really had missed him. And having him back here now in his house had got him so excited he just had to tell him. Of course he did. It’s not like he regretted it but he could see the complete shock in Lando’s eyes once he had.
As Carlos tidied the living room he thought about Lando’s response. First the shock and then the silence and then finally…he missed it too! Even if he knew he had said it in a panic it still meant something. He could tell it was said in a panic because Lando never admitted anything. Especially not missing him, it had even become a joke in their press conferences last year. The joke was how much Lando did not want to admit he would miss Carlos. You could not get him to say it to anyone. But he did. And that made Carlos very happy, probably more happy than it should. Once he’d finished tidying the living room he turned off the lights and walked up the stairs. He thought about knocking on Lando’s door just to say another goodnight and check if he needed anything as he had run off rather quickly. But he decided against it. He knew not to bother Lando when he ran away, and he didn’t want to make things awkward, that was the last thing either of them needed. Once he got to his room he quickly checked his phone. A message from one of his friends thanking him for the week away showed up and that made Carlos beam, he was so happy he was able to share his house with his friends. It had been such a good week with them all. Once he’d replied to that he saw another message pop up. It was Isa. Shit. He hadn’t text her all day. Hadn’t even thought about it. He’d been too busy getting the house ready for Lando and buying dinner to cook for him. He was sure she’d be a bit annoyed he hadn’t messaged to ask how London was. And as he read the message this thought was confirmed. It read ‘Hi, haven’t heard off you all day? Everything ok? London’s as rainy as usual, missing the Spanish weather!’ Yep she definitely had noted that he hadn’t text her. Nor had he text her back. He only just realised that her message was sent 4 hours ago. Shit. Before he had time to start replying he heard a noise out in the hall. He looked towards the door. Someone was definitely moving out on the hall. It must be Lando, maybe he wants to talk about what happened, probably not. He got up to go and have a look and sure enough he opened the door to find Lando standing in the middle of the hall looking confused.
Lando was just about to close his eyes and try and get some sleep when he realised he hadn’t set an alarm for the morning. Nor did he know what time to set the alarm for the morning. He’d just ran out of the living room as quick as possible and now he needed to go and find Carlos to ask what time he needed him up for in the morning. They were going running together and he knew Carlos liked his early morning runs. Oh god, 1) why did he agree to the run and 2) why would he not just ask Carlos downstairs instead of running off. Because now he had to see him again right after that incident (if you could even call it that) had happened. Without a second to think he quickly climbed out of bed and walked out into the hall, suddenly realising he hadn’t put a shirt on so was just in his boxers and he didn’t actually know which room was Carlos’. Right at the moment he heard a door open. Shit. It had scared him slightly in the dark. He glanced over to the door to find Carlos looking at him confused. “Uhh hey, sorry I realised I never knew which one was your room when I came to find you.” Carlos was even more confused now, why was Lando trying to find him and why did he practically have no clothes on. Lando looked very awkwardly over to Carlos noticing the look Carlos had give his body and said “sorry yeah I just forgot to put some shorts and a top on. I’d gone to bed so had took them off”. God he was rambling he knew he was but he couldn’t be stopped. “Sorry err did I wake you up?” Before he could ramble some more Carlos suddenly walked out into the hall to join him, so he could see him better. “Well thank god you weren’t sleeping in your buff.” The laughter from Lando echoed through the small hallway they were standing in. If it’s one thing carlos was good at, it was breaking the ice. The joke had immediately removed any possible awkward atmosphere between them. Carlos spoke softly “this is my room” motioning for Lando to follow him as he stepped back into his room.
If Lando had thought the view from his balcony was incredible. Well, the view from Carlos’ balcony was unbelievable. It was beautiful. He was immediately drawn to it and had walked straight over to the window. At night time it was so pretty, he imagined how pretty it must have been in the day also. Carlos noticed Lando looking at his balcony and smiled. “Here, come look outside.” He opened the door and motioned for him to follow him again. As they both stepped out onto the balcony the stars above them shone so clearly that both of them couldn’t help but look up. It was the clearest night sky that Lando had ever seen, it was filled with stars and a moon that was so clear it looked like it was right by them. The lighting of the town centre could be seen as could the port where Carlos’ boats floated quietly on the sea water. You could pretty much see the entire island, it was so calming to Lando. He had never felt peace quite like it before. The way they both just appreciated the view and enjoyed the silence made it even more peaceful. Lando stood in just his boxers on Carlos’ balcony really should have been awkward. But it wasn’t. Thank god for the view.
“It’s really beautiful isn’t it” Lando couldn’t help but say. “The island?” “Yes the island but the view of the island from this balcony is incredible, especially with it being night time, look at the sky, it’s like a photograph hung up on a wall but your looking right at it in real life.” Carlos couldn’t help but smile at Lando’s words. It had been quite some time since Carlos had seen Lando so happy by something that he had been able to show him, he used to be able to show him new stuff and make happy all of the time, but that was rare these days. So Carlos was thoroughly enjoying this. Lando had noticed Carlos smiling at him and suddenly felt a bit self conscious. Also a bit chilly. After all, it wasn’t sunny anymore and he was literally just in his boxers and nothing else. “Do you wanna maybe finish watching the rest of the film in here” Carlos suddenly asked as he pointed back to inside his bedroom. Lando wasn’t expecting that. Lando hadn’t expected any of this to be honest. Never the less, yes, yes he wanted to spend more time with Carlos. “Yeah sure.”
The two settled on to the bed and Carlos put the film on where they were up to. Lando actually did want to know how the film ended. Not long into the peacefulness of them both being engrossed with the film he realised he hadn’t actually asked Carlos what he’d needed to ask him, he’d gotten so distracted with Carlos scaring him in the hall and then the view from his balcony that setting an alarm for the morning had been completely forgotten about. He chuckled. Carlos heard the chuckle and looked over at him confused once again. It was definitely not a funny part in the film so why was Lando chuckling. “Sorry, I err, wait, pause the film a second so we don’t miss any.” Carlos picked the remote up and paused the film almost immediately. “I just realised I hadn’t actually asked you what I meant to when I came looking for you before when you found me in the hall.” “Ohh yes, did you need something?” “No, I just remembered that you wanted to go for a run in the morning and I needed to set my alarm, because I know you like early morning runs and I will definitely not wake up early. But I didn’t know what time to set it for.” Carlos smiled. It was adorable that Lando had remembered at all that Carlos wanted to go for a run. He had asked him hours ago before they’d drank the amount of wine they did. “Don’t worry, we are on holiday. Let’s not set any alarms. We will go for a run once we are both awake.” A wasted trip Lando had took into the hall then. Maybe not though, because he had got to see the most amazing view ever and now he was in Carlos’ bed enjoying the rest of the film. That made him happy and for just this once he’s ok with admitting that to himself. As if Carlos knew what he was thinking he smiled at him. Lando smiled back. The smile between them was sweet. Too sweet really. But neither man cared at this point. They were both too sleepy and too happy. To hell with a smile being too sweet mattering right now.
Carlos put the film back on and they both became engrossed once more. Lando was getting way too comfy in Carlos’ bed and was starting to drift off. He felt himself get sleepier and sleepier but he was far too tired to move. This resulted in Carlos finding his friend fast asleep next to him at the end of the film. As if he’d missed the end of the film, it was the best part. Carlos made a mental note to make him re watch the end of the film tomorrow. In the mean time, he needed to sleep himself. He turned off the tv and then his bedside light and settled further under the duvet. He looked over to Lando and whispered “good night, sleep tight.” God he hated to admit it but Lando did look cute whilst he slept. Carlos hadn’t ever seen him in such a deep sleep so close to him before. This suddenly made him panic about sharing a bed to sleep in, it was a first for the two of them to actually fall asleep in a bed together. After some thought about whether he should let Lando sleep alone in his bed he decided on did it really matter if the two of them slept next to each other. They were both shattered. So it really did not matter at this point. It didn’t take long before both of them were fast asleep dreaming peacefully. The moon and stars glimmered through the window as the room became silent.
Anon, first of all: thank you so, so much for sharing your writing with me! 🧡 I've already told you how much I enjoyed reading this, but I just want to reiterate that I love how you well captured the dynamic between Carlos and Lando, and that you had me completely hooked! This afternoon, I still keep thinking about the scene where they wrestle on the sofa and THAT LINE (“God I’ve missed this.”) because it's packs such a punch!
I really hope you do feel encouraged to write more Carlando, because you have a real way with these characters. I am smiling so much after reading this, and I'm sure others will enjoy it as much as I did 😍
So, with Anon's blessing, I'm sharing this publicly so you guys can also enjoy this absolute gem of a Carlando fic! 🧡
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favfics13 · 3 years
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Prohibido (Series)
𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜; Namjoon is an art himself. Shame that he’s forbidden - he’s your brother’s best friend. And your colleague.
My Only Wish (15.1k)
Summary: There are few things you hate most in this world. Hornets, unnecessary fruit pieces in otherwise perfectly good jello, certain shades of orange… But nothing takes the cake more than two simple things. Christmas. And Kim Namjoon. So why did you agree to pretend to be Kim Namjoon’s girlfriend at his family Christmas party? Bah-Humbug.
Park Jimin
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Star Light, Star Bright (17.5k)
Summary: Life has not gone exactly how Park Jimin imagined, and yet he can’t possibly imagine his life any different to what it is now. After six hard and stressful years, he’s now the happy owner of a degree along with being the proud dad of his little girl. But what happens when he meets you and his life is tipped upside down once more?
Catch Your Drift (20.9k)
Summary: You used to think that there was nothing better than the sensation of coming first place. However, your rival- the talented, gorgeous, dangerous Park Jimin- is more than happy to prove you wrong.
Caught Elvesdropping (22k)
Summary: This Christmas season you find yourself caught in a consistent magnetic attraction to the most handsome North Pole Elf ever - one who annually comes back each year to the mall you work in. Who knew the two of you tip-toed around another until someone decided to finally put on their suspenders and develop the courage to make the first move.
Into The Wilderness (27k)
summary: alright, so last summer’s camp was… disastrous. from the murky green showers to the wasps nests, it was all-around a bad time. but none of those things could be quite as catastrophic as the end-of-camp counselor campfire, when you told park jimin that you were in love with him. and if telling him was terrible, then seeing him again this summer, one year after your fruitless confession, just might be the death of you.
Kim Taehyung
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Heart Is Where The Home Is (16k)
summary: somehow, when you woke up this morning, you didn’t really picture yourself falling in love with the attractive, well-read traveller sitting next to you on the plane, but a missed connection and an alarming amount of hand-holding later, you find that you both get a lot more than what you paid for.
Heatwave (+Drabbles) (Series)
Maybe I do (Series)
Summary :  maybe you love each other, maybe you don’t. when a deal between your fathers leaves you forcefully wedding kim taehyung, arguably seoul’s most powerful CEO, you’re prepared for a loveless marriage of eternal regret and unhappiness. but maybe, it doesn’t turn out that way after all.
The Holi-Date (40.6k)
The Hush Series (ft. Jeon Jungkook) (Series)
greengreengreen (7.6k)
Summary: Taehyung’s crush has grown exponentially ever since he met you and when the opportunity finally arises for something, anything to happen, he takes it without any second thoughts, his mind clouded with need; oh, if only yoongi had stayed at the party longer.
The Point Of No Return (10.8k)
Summary: Just when your evening out has gone to complete shit, you stumble - quite literally - into the cutest man walking the cutest dog, who manages to turn it all around. Or, alternatively - how drunkenly losing your debit card on your quest for nachos lands you the best lay of your life.
Cobalt Blue (ft. Jeon Jungkook) (11.3k)
Along The Boardwalk (12k)
summary: they always said Kim Taehyung had a you-shaped hole in his heart.
Pour It Up (ft. Jeon Jungkook) (14k)
Paper Cranes (18.3k)
Summary: It is said that if someone folds 1000 paper cranes, they will receive one wish. Kim Taehyung has been folding you paper cranes since he was six years old. He won’t tell you what he’s going to wish for once he reaches his goal, but even into your twenties, all you know is that he’s been wishing for the same thing every time.
Ruin You (ft. Jeon Jungkook) (11.9k)
Pretty Savage (ft. Jeon Jungkook) (12.4k)
All I Want For Christmas Is You (17k)
Summary: When Park Jimin is unable to escort his precious sister through the gauntlet of corporate holiday galas, he blackmails his best friend Taehyung into being her chaperone. After all, who better to safeguard his headstrong sibling than a man who would never want her for himself? (She and Tae have spent the better part of a decade mutually disliking each other, and that’s putting it mildly.) Yet, even the best laid plans may go awry at Christmas and Kim Taehyung is about to discover that the girl he never wanted has become a temptation he cannot resist…
Insomnia (12.1k)
Let It Snow (18.8k)
Infamous (12.5k)
Jeon Jungkook
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Out Of The Blue (5.2k)
Ruin You (ft. Kim Taehyung) (11.9k)
Pretty Savage (ft. Kim Taehyung) (12.4k)
Dumbo (17.2k)
Summary: you know what they say about boys with big noses…
Smokin' Together (Series)
Summary: you ride the hell out of your boyfriend while you’re both stoned. and he smokes a cigarette while you do it.
Cobalt Blue (ft. Kim Taehyung) (11.3k)
Piece Of You (6.1k)
Summary: After three months of pining over the cute delivery boy, as well as ordering a questionable amount of pizza, you decide to finally shoot your shot with him by slipping him your number during one of his deliveries. When Jungkook actually takes you up on your offer and calls you on a Friday night to see if you have plans, you’re quick to invite him over. Seeing the blonde haired beauty at your door with pizza and beer in hand makes you think maybe you’re in for something a little extra tonight, and that for once it won’t just be the cheese on the pizza.
Evolution Of A Lover's Heart (Ongoing)
Set On You (18.1k)
Summary | Sports has never been your thing, so when you find yourself in a sports hall that reeks of perspiration and cologne and in front of a group of volleyball players whom you’re supposed to be managing (heck, you can’t even manage your own life), you know that you’re in Deep Shit™. Especially when Jeon Jungkook, the golden setter of the team aka the boy who holds stars in his eyes, starts to occupy your reveries, slowly becoming both the quiet and pandemonium of your heart.
Baecation (5.9k)
On The Road (To You) (27k)
summary: as a young adult, one of the strangest revelations is the discovery that peers of yours from past fragile college years are getting married. so imagine your shock and excitement upon receiving a wedding invitation. there are, however, two problems: (1) you are a poor early-20s recently employed adult just beginning to adjust to your 401k plan, and (2) the only available ride to the wedding comes in the form of Jeon Jungkook—friend of a friend, attendee to that aforementioned wedding, and your old college crush.
Hate At First Weeb
Summary:You just want to weeb in peace but your annoying downstairs neighbour just won’t let you bREATHE.
Pour It Up (ft. Kim Taehyung)
Summary: As a no-nonsense, bright-eyed English major finally obtaining your first scoop on the university’s newspaper, the last person you expect to interview is the infamously hotheaded Film major Jeon Jungkook, or who you know him as the Coffee Shop Jerk you spilled coffee on the day before.
Despite what your peers think, your relationship with him is nothing more than a chance meeting a heated banter that becomes more in the time that passes in your time together, because somewhere along the way, as two content creators used to working by one’s lonesome, you two learn how to lean on one another.
Oh My God, They Were (Quarantined) Roommates
Secret Slut (1) (2)
summary: jungkook has a passion for camo pants, science, and debating with strangers on the internet. Usually, he wins arguments, but when you show up in the comment section of one of his his blog posts, shit goes down and he's left wanting more than a virtual conversation.
17 Going On 27
summary; one second, you’re sobbing at prom because the most popular guy in school dumps you due to your relationship being a little prank to break your heart. the next? you’re a creative editor at Ego, the hottest young adult fashion magazine. as you try to figure out what’s the deal with this sudden time skip into adulthood, you come across relationships and friendships that are made to be cherished and made to be broken.
Bad Influence Collection
In life, there are certain things that go together, two parts that make up a whole.  The sun in the sky, grandmothers and cheek kisses, chocolate when you’re sad—and you and Jeon Jungkook.  Best friends since childhood, there’s never been one without the other.  You’ve always existed this way, caught in each other’s orbit.  Parallel lines that run side by side.
But what happens when those lines finally collide?
(or:  how to lose a best friend in ten days.)
The Weeb Jungkook Collection
Skirt Chaser
The Underwear Thief
Summary:jeon jungkook would like to make one thing very clear: it’s not his fault.
Airplane pt.2
Summary: jungkook jeon stole six million dollars. it’s your job to bring him home.  but finding him – and keeping him in one place is not that simple. then shit gets weird.
Summary; There was always a sign on Jungkooks’ door that said something along the lines of, ‘Warning; I am naked in here. Do not enter unless you’re ready to see a whole lot of dick.’
Hands-On Learning
Summary: You have - most inconveniently - become obsessed with your dissertation partner’s hands. In an effort to relieve some stress about it, you begin sending texts to your best friend detailing - explicitly - what you want those hands to do to you.
Perhaps you should have checked the number a bit more carefully.
The Hush Series (ft. Kim Taehyung)
Strictly Business
Summary: When the price of your apartment shoots through the roof, you and your roommate become desperate for money and go to extreme measures to make it possible to afford living there. But it’s all strictly business in the end. Right?
Operation: Pop The Cherry
Quarter Life Crisis
Failed Protégé
Summary: Jungkook is adopted by fellow college students (and full time fuck boys) Jimin and Taehyung, who hope to recruit Jungkook into their fuck boy squad. Unlike them, Jungkook is a full time sub and has no interest in sleeping around, but he sticks around anyways. He meets Y/N and they fall in love, much to Taehyung’s and Jimin’s disappointment. Everything is great between Jungkook and Y/N, well, everything but the sex.
It Takes Two
Let's Play: Dirty
The Habits Of A Broken Heart
summary : jungkook and you are soulmates. so says the matching crescent moons on both your wrists. however, things are never as easy as they seem, and you are quick to learn that falling in love with someone who does not believe in love is a one-way ticket to heartbreak.
The Art Of The Rom-Com
summary: FILM395, the art of the rom-com, was supposed to be an easy a with one of your favorite professors, but it’s not. it’s actually a sisyphean torture that comes in the form of fellow film student jeon jungkook, who has no problem responding to every one of your discussion posts about the consumerist ideals underlying every romance movie with his own paragraphs on the beauty of love like the hopeless romantic he is. and when the two of you find yourselves partnered up for your final project, which is to create a short film on rom-coms, jungkook decides to take it upon himself to show you what love is really like.
Lemon Sherbet
summary: But above all things, the last thing you expected to happen when you came back was to show your tits and get pierced by none other than motherfucking Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook. Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
Lunchbox Lovers
Mr. Slim Thick
Summary: getting paired up with the kid with the thick thighs from your health class for a project is probably the best thing to happen to you in your high school career.
Ice Prince
summary: when, due to inexplicable and total clumsiness, your reliable, talented ice dancing partner of five years breaks his leg right before the largest competition of your life, desperate times call for desperate measures. and for a brief, brief moment, you think that everything might actually end up not-that-shitty, until you find out that the aforementioned desperate measures go by the name of jeon jungkook.
Seasonal/Holiday Masterlists
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Be My Bangtanvine
Once Upon A Holiday
Christmas With Bangtan: Secret Santa
The Most Beautiful Moment In Life
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tropes
You Never Shop Alone
A Very, Merry Fic-Mas!
The Snowball Effect
41 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by peachesxoxo
How is your day? Fucking hectic, just like how the rest of this week has been. I couldn’t be happier that it’s Friday.
What time is it? It issssss currently 7:40 PM.
Have you done anything super important today? Yeah, I had two big presentations today for different clients. It was tough but both got generally good feedback so at least I feel accomplished for today.
Have you avoided responsibilities today? Can’t really afford to do that when it comes to work. Avoiding or procrastinating certain tasks will just come back to bite me in the ass at some point anyway, so if I have time to do something I most likely would start on it already.
Name something on your to do list for week. The week - at least work-wise - is over, so I’m shutting off from that whole world until Monday. I booked an appointment to have my hair dyed tomorrow though!!! So I have that going on as well as getting my booster shot.
Name something you want to do this upcoming weekend. ^ Well the former is happening, hahaha. It’s been a while since I’ve been spontaenous, so I thought dyeing my hair was a good place to start.
Do you have a Job? If yes, what do you do? I do. I’m a manager at a public relations firm and handle a number of consumer brands.
Do you study or have you studied before? I’ve graduated, but yeah I studied up until college. No masters, at least for now; whether I’ll be pursuing that in the near future is someting I’m still uncertain about.
What is your dream career? I’m already living in it. PR wasn’t exactly my dream from the very beginning as I had always wanted to be a journalist and write news and make documentaries - but once I did reach that ‘dream’ of taking up journ in college, I hated it instantly and tried to find a similar world where I can still apply my skills. PR seemed to be the answer to that.
What is the weather like outside? It’s starting to get warm again especially during the afternoon, but at least it still gets to be quite chilly at night so I’m definitely not complaining about that.
Name a hobby or interest you have. I like going to museums and art exhibits. Been a while since I’ve been to one though; my last trip to the museum had been back in December.
Somewhere you would like to holiday/take a vacation to? I’d love a complete change of scenery and climate, maybe somewhere in Morocco or Turkey. Idk, my travel bucket list changes everyday.
How is covid impacting your day to day life? It’s been so long I don’t even know if it continues to have some sort of “impact” on me or my family anymore. I guess it’s just the main fact that I’m missing out on how your 20s are traditionally supposed to be? Like all the going out and traveling and meeting new people and exploring new places with your own money; I’ve experienced so little of it since I’m home most of the time.
It's crazy to think we are in a pandemic worldwide and this is be a huge part of history, right? Yeah, I guess so. I’m so over it now at this point, though.
What is your favourite animal? Dogs and elephants.
What is your favourite thing about nature? Just the fact that it is what it is; completely stripped down and yet is able to provide such peace and quiet.
Do you enjoy the beach? I love the beach and I never turn down a chance to go to one. We actually have plans to go back to Zambales by the end of the month since we’ll be having a national holiday that’ll lead into a 3-day weekend by then, so I hope that pushes through. We’ll be a much larger group too if ever, so that would make the trip even more fun.
Have you ever been face to face with some form of huge marine creature? Not face to face, no. I don’t think I’d be able to handle it well either.
Ever been shark cage diving? What did you think? Nope.
Every attempted to surf or taken lessons? Nah. I had the chance once, when we were in Baler...but only my parents and sister took up the lessons. I have the most terrible balance in the family so I chickened out from trying to surf, hahaha.
Have you ever collected shells from a beach? No. That’s prohibited in most areas anyway, but even if it were allowed I don’t have the heart to take away shells.
Do you believe mermaids exist? No.
Do you believe in anything paranormal? Not really, but it’s still always fun reading stories on Reddit and such.
Aliens! Real or Imagination? Real.
Where would you like to road trip to? Who would you take? I would love to go beyond the accessible out-of-town cities like Tagaytay and Subic, tbh. It’d be so cool to travel to farther cities like Baguio with just friends; and I’d take Angela and Hans and a couple of their friends with me.
Your best friends name? Angela and Andi.
Where did you met? How long ago? I met Angela in grade school 17 years ago; Andi I met at a rally in college around 5 years ago if I’m not mistaken.
What has been on your mind a lot lately? Whether I’ve been doing an okay job at my work and new position, or not.
Would you rather travel interstate or overseas? (if covid was non existent) Overseas. I live in a pretty small country and I’ve been to like 70% of it at this point, so traveling to more countries would be more exciting.
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
Secret Summer - part I
George Weasley x reader
Words: 7600+
Warnings: none
A/N: Ah, I want the summer so bad. This is my first George fic and I fell in love with him. I know this one’s long but the next one is shorter. Oh and happy pride month, my loves! 
Summer had always been your favourite season. The sun and heat were not your enemy. You loved tanning at the beach and diving into the cold water afterwards. Eating ice-cream three times a day, reading a book in the shadow of a tree and staying up late to look at the stars. The late, hot nights were your favourite.
The only downside to summer was the break from Hogwarts and more specifically the break from your friends. Of course you would try to meet with them, but it was hard to find a moment that everyone was available. A lot of your friends went away on vacation to countries far away and when they got back, you were gone with your family.
Nothing was any different this summer, except one thing. Last year you had missed your friends, this year you missed your boyfriend.
You and George had been together for five months now and you had never been away from him for so long. At Hogwarts you were always around him, in class, going on dates or just studying together. Now he was home and so were you. It killed you. Your parents had decided to go on a holiday with just the two of them and you were supposed to go to your aunt and uncle.
Now that was something you were not looking forward to. Your uncle and aunt were... different from you. They were very strict, always following the rules. And of course it wouldn't just be your aunt and uncle, they also had children. Three. Three little, snitching children. The oldest one was eight years younger than you, so there was not much to bond over.
However, everything would change the day before your parents’ departure. You were packing your bags for your stay with your family when your mother called you downstairs.
‘What's the matter?’ you asked when you entered the living room.
Your father was sitting on the couch browsing through a book called Ten Things To Know When Travelling Through Canada. As an answer to your question he gestured to the kitchen where your mom was busy making dinner.
‘An owl arrived for you,’ you mother said and she pointed at an old brown owl. Around its leg a letter was tied. You tried to untie the letter without hurting the owl but the owl didn't even seem to notice you were touching it.
‘Who is it from?’ your mother asked while stirring in a pan.
‘George,’ you answered.
‘Ooh, what did he write?’
Your mom knew of your relationship with George. As soon as you came home for the summer, you couldn't help but tell her. She was really excited for you and with every owl that came from George she wanted to know what he had written.
‘I remember when your dad used to write me such things,’ she had sighed when George had sent you a letter saying how much he missed you in the first week of the vacation.
You quickly read the letter and a smile broke on your face.
‘He is asking if I can spend the summer at the Burrow,’ you answered your mother's question.
Your mother dropped her spoon and clapped her hands excited. She began to dance around the kitchen. Her squeaks made your dad come into the kitchen, looking suspicious from his wife to you.
‘What is going on?’ he asked.
‘Our daughter is spending her summer with her boyfriend!’ Your mother sing-sang and pulled you into a hug.
‘Mom!’ you giggled and tried to free yourself from her embrace.
Your father looked at your mother and tilted his head.
‘What about Margaret and John? They are expecting (Y/N).’
‘Oh, I'm sure they will understand,’ your mother said and you sent her a thankful smile; she knew how much you hated staying at your aunt and uncle's.
Your father said nothing else for dinner and also kept his mouth when you sat with your parents in the living room. The TV was on and even though your father was staring at it, you knew he was having an inner debate. He knew that you didn't like to spend with his brother’s family and if he let you go, you would have a much happier summer. But then you would be staying with your boyfriend.
It was not like you were actually waiting for your father's approval. You were going anyway, whether he wanted it or not.
‘Dad, it won't be much of a difference than the time we spent at Hogwarts for the past half year,’ you pointed out to your father. ‘And his whole family is there.’
That seemed to do the trick because before you went to bed your dad told you that he would drop you off at the Burrow when he and your mom left for their trip.
- -- -
The next morning was hectic. Now you knew you were going to your boyfriend you had to make some changes to the clothes you were bringing. Your mother helped you pick out some stuff.
When you were packed and ready to close your bag your mom slyly slipped a pack of condoms in it. But she failed to hide it from you.
‘Mom! What?’
‘Oh, come on! You're staying at your boyfriend!’
‘And his family!’ you pointed out. ‘They don't even know George and I are dating. They just think we're friends.’
‘Oh,’ your mother said and she sat down next to you on your bed. ‘You didn't tell me.’
‘It's nothing,’ you shrugged. ‘Actually it is kind of exciting, isn't it?’ you added with a small smile.
Your mother kissed you on your head and closed up your bag.
‘Don't tell your father, he’ll have a heart attack,’ she said before taking the bag and walking downstairs.
- -- -
The ride to the Burrow took forever. It was still early and not many people were awake yet. The roads were almost completely deserted.
The song on the radio didn't reach to you and neither did the conversation of your parents. The trees on the side of the road flashed by and your mind dozed off to the last day of school.
It had been the hottest day of the year and everyone was outside looking for some shade. Some seventh year Hufflepuffs had charmed the greenhouses so that it was cooler there. They had only let a few people in and you and your friends belonged to those people. The sun had shone bright on the glass roofs and lit up the plants around you. The morning you spent with your friends but the afternoon was reserved for George. He had wanted to show you something. He took you to the furthest edge of the school grounds. You had never been there before and was surprised with what you found. There, far beyond Hagrid's hut was a small pond. The sun was reflected by the water and all around the edge of the pond there were pink and blue flowers. You had spent the rest of the day there with George and returned late, almost too late for dinner.
A smile appeared on your face as you thought back of that day. You couldn't wait to see George, though it would be hard not to kiss him in front of his whole family.
After an hour your father drove his car in front of the Burrow. Nervously he looked at his watch. This had not been his plan. He had planned to be at the airport by now.
‘You only have to drop me off,’ you reassured him. ‘Say hi to Mr and Mrs Weasley and that's it.’
Apparently the sound of the car had aroused the Weasley household because Mrs Weasley was walking towards you, followed by Ginny and Ron.
‘(Y/N)! Good to see you! I am happy you could make it on such a short notice!’
Mrs Weasley embraced you and then turned to your parents. You let them talk and said hello to Ginny and Ron.
This wasn't your first time at the Burrow. You had been there quite few times now, but every time you stepped foot on the Weasley's property you were amazed by their house. It was completely different from any house you had ever been in and that’s why you loved it so much.
You said goodbye to your parents and wished them a happy and safe trip. You waved them goodbye until you couldn't see the car anymore and then turned to the house.
‘Fred and George are still in bed,’ Mrs Weasley said while she began with breakfast. ‘Ron, go wake up your brothers! Have you eaten yet, dear?’
‘Oh, yes. I had a quick breakfast before I left,’ you answered and watched Ron ran up the stairs to wake the twins.
‘Do you want something?’ Mrs Weasley asked. She was busy with four pans at the same time and you saw eggs, bacon and sausages.
‘Just tea, Mrs Weasley.’
Mrs Weasley pointed with her wand at the kettle and the water started to heat.
You chatted with Ginny about how her vacation had been so far and you discovered that she, just as you, missed her friends. They were all away for the summer.
‘I'm lucky to have you here now,’ Ginny said and you smiled at her. The age difference between you and her had never been an issue. You got along very well with Ginny.
Ron came back down followed by Fred and George. When you met eyes with George you felt butterflies in your stomach. He sat down next to you at table and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
‘I didn't know you would be here so early,’ he admitted, suppressing a yawn.
Under the table his hand found yours and he squeezed it. You hummed softly as a reaction and from the corner of your eye you could see the smile on your boyfriend's face.
Meanwhile Mrs Weasley had finished breakfast and with her wand she placed the plates on table. She gave you a cup of tea.
During breakfast stories of the vacation so far were being exchanged until the conversation was interrupted with Mr Weasley entering the kitchen.
‘(Y/N), good to see you!’ the man exclaimed when he saw you. ‘George has begged us for the past two weeks to invite you!’
Next to you, George's face turned red. Fred laughed into his plate with eggs and his twin kicked him under the table.
Fred was the only Weasley that knew about you and George. Hiding something this big from your twin brother is impossible. You knew that it would be a tough vacation with Fred's dubble-meaning jokes. They had been there at Hogwarts too and you were surprised not more people knew about George and you.
 - -- - 
‘I missed you,’ George said after he checked the door. He was showing you your room, you were staying in Bill's old room, that had been turned into a guest room, but actually just wanted to be alone with you.
‘I missed you too,’ you replied and placed a soft kiss on George's lips. His hands slid to your back and he pulled you closer. You wrapped your arms around the boy you had missed so much these past weeks.
‘So you haven't told them yet?’ you asked after parting. George laughed a bit nervous.
‘No, I'm sorry,’ he said against your skin.
‘No need to apologise, babe,’ you said and placed a small kiss on his nose. ‘We'll tell whenever we are ready. Until then we just have to be careful.’
And like it was planned, Fred burst through the door. You and George quickly let go of each other and Fred laughed at your shocked faces.
‘You're not gonna keep this a secret longer than a week,’ Fred grinned. George threw a pillow at his brother, who ducked away letting the pillow fall on the ground with a thud.
- -- -
You spent most of the day with Ginny. She had claimed you at breakfast and you didn't want to disappoint her. Besides, you would have the whole vacation to spend with George, one day less wouldn't hurt.
Majority of the day was spent outside in the hot sun. The activities included teasing the gnomes and playing board games in the grass. Mrs Weasley brought you lunch halfway through the day and Ron joined you and Ginny in a game of exploding snap. Fred and George were nowhere to be seen. You slyly asked Ron about them but he said he hadn't seen them.
When it got colder you went back inside. The sun had shone brightly and you could already see the light tan lines on your legs.
After a short shower it was time for dinner. Mrs Weasley had done her best to create the best welcome-dinner you had ever seen. She made all the things you liked and even more.
‘We have to celebrate your stay here!’ Mr Weasley said when you sat down at the table and a sheepish smile grew on your face.
As you started your dinner, conversation quickly changed to plans for the rest of the summer break. You listened mostly; you had nothing to add. You did find out that Harry and Hermione would arrive in two days and would, just as you, spend the rest of their vacation at the Burrow.
‘Harry will sleep with Ron and Hermione with Ginny,’ Mrs Weasley explained.
‘Why not with (Y/N)?’ Fred asked and you could see the mischievous glint in his eyes. ‘She's got much space in her room. Not like she has someone to share it with.’
There it was, a joke that made you want to sink into the ground. George's face turned red and he kicked his brother under the table. But his family didn't understand the joke. They didn't even notice it. Molly just went on to explain that Hermione would be perfectly fine in Ginny's room.
‘Fred is just worried he won't be able to visit Hermione like that,’ you teased Fred. He turned red and his brows frowned; he would take revenge.
Fred was not the only one to react to your joke. Mrs Weasley frowned curious and Ginny chuckled into her chicken. But the most remarkable reaction was from Ron. He had choked on his food and his face was as red as his tomatoes.
‘Wha- what do you mean?’ he asked you in between coughs.
‘Nothing,’ you laughed and patted his back. ‘I'm just kidding.’
Over the table you shot a look to George who shrugged. Was it possible that Ron was jealous at your lie?
You had watched him and Hermione over the past years whenever you were in the same room as them and you had to admit that there was chemistry. But when you asked George about it he said that Ron always denied he had feelings for Hermione, or anyone. Maybe that was not the truth.
Without any more jokes that people could misinterpret dinner finished. You offered to help with the dishes but Mrs Weasley pointed out that you were on vacation here and told Fred to do the dishes.
‘I'm on vacation too!’ he sputtered but his mother already left the room. You laughed and that delivered you an angry glare and a hit with the dishcloth.
- -- -
In your pyjama shorts and sweater you lied in bed. The sun had set a while ago already but you couldn't fall asleep. You had left the curtains open and was staring at the night sky. The little, white dots shone luminous on the dark blue canvas.
Above you the floor squeaked. Someone must have left their bed. You listened to the sound of the soft footsteps that disappeared quickly. A shiver ran over your spine. You knew you were safe but still that feeling of slight fear filled your head. There is nothing to be afraid of, you said to yourself. It was probably just someone who had to go to the bathroom or maybe it was that stupid ghost.
But the feeling didn't decrease as you now heard footsteps on the floor your bedroom was on. And they got louder and louder. You sat up in bed and your hands clasped the bedspread.
The handle of your door went down to reveal a dark silhouette. Your eyes were focused on the figure and you didn't move.
‘(Y/N)?’ the dark figure whispered and you recognised George's voice. ‘Are you awake?’
You relaxed and sighed as you reached for the light next to your bed. It popped on and revealed George in his pyjamas.
Apparently the scared look was still on your face because George said: ‘Are you alright?’
‘Yes, you just scared the living crap out of me,’ you said and turned your face into a smile.
George hurried over to your bed and sat down. He cupped your face with his hands and placed a kiss on your nose.
‘I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake anyone. Maybe I should've warned you.’
‘Yeah, maybe you should have,’ you chuckled and let George kiss you. ‘Now to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?’
‘I missed you.’
‘You just saw me two hours ago!’
‘I know.’
‘How have you survived the past two weeks?’ you asked giggling.
‘Barely,’ George breathed in your ear.
His hands slipped from your face to the bottom of your sweater, pulling it over your head to reveal a tank top. In the small light you could see the surprise on his face, but he recollected himself and again reached for the hem of your top. This time nothing was covering your naked chest as he pulled your tank top over your head.
At the sight of you half-naked in his hands, George moaned softly. You could feel the excitement rushing though your body when you pulled the boy closer kissing him passionately. You had missed him. You had missed this.
The night was filled with moans and giggles, so soft no one else in the house heard them. And when you fell asleep, peacefully in the arms of the boy you loved, you mentally made a note to thank your mother for her addition to packing your suitcase.
- -- -
The bed was empty when you woke up the next morning. You knew George had to wake up in his own bed to not raise suspicions but it still made you feel sad.
Silently you got dressed, letting the impressions of last night wonder in your head. In a daze you walked down to the living room. There, Ginny was sitting on the couch in front of the fire, still in her pyjamas, looking just as tired as you. You sat down next to her and said nothing. Together you watched Mr Weasley get ready for his work with the help from his wife.
‘See you tonight, girls!’ he said before stepping into the fire saying ‘Ministry of Magic' and disappearing.
Ginny went upstairs to change and Molly gave you a cup of tea. She looked at with piercing eyes and for a minute you were afraid she had heard you and George. That she knew everything and you had to spend the rest of your summer with your stupid aunt and uncle.
But Mrs Weasley said nothing and walked away, leaving you alone in the living room. You stared at your tea, a bit shocked by your own paranoia.
Before you could finish your tea, Fred entered the room. He sat down opposite of you with a smug smile on his face. You rolled your eyes at him. Of course he knew about last night, but some part of you had hoped that George had managed to escape his room without his twin noticing.
‘Fun night?’ Fred asked and you shot him a dark look but you couldn't answer because Ginny walked in.
She looked a bit more awake now she had changed and probably freshened up. Still the bags under her were clearly visible.
‘Didn't sleep much?’ you asked.
‘No,’ Ginny yawned, like your question reminded her of how little sleep she got. ‘Probably because we did so much yesterday.’
‘Hey, that's funny! (Y/N) didn't sleep much last night either!’ Fred exclaimed.
‘How do you know that?’ Ginny shot back at him, despite her lack of sleep still sharp as always.
‘I heard-' Fred started but you cut him off.
‘I came across him on my way to the bathroom.’ You gave Fred another angry glare and smiled at Ginny hoping she wouldn't notice you were lying.
‘Okay,’ she said and changed the subject of the conversation. ‘What do you want to do today?’
‘I dunno,’ Fred mumbled sinking into his chair. ‘We could play some Quidditch, we don't have even numbers though, maybe (Y/N) can be the referee.’
‘I'm fine with that,’ you said, knowing that your Quidditch skills count for half a person, if not a quarter.
- -- -
After breakfast you and the Weasleys walked to the open field behind the house. The morning sun was already shining radiant and the five minute walk left everyone sweating.
Two hours of Quidditch later everyone was melting away under the heat and the game was stopped. You walked back to the Burrow to find some shade under one of the trees that surrounded the house. Fred disappeared into the house and came back with bottles lemonade kept cold in a bucket filled with ice cold water.
The lemonade was quickly finished and when Ron grabbed the last bottle, Fred took the bucket and emptied it over your head.
Though the cold water was a refreshing and actually quite nice, you quickly turned around and started to cast spells on Fred, wetting him with water jets.
Your attention was on Fred but from the corner of your eyes you could see George looking at you. Or better said, at your shirt. The water had not only made your head and hair wet, it had left you completely soaked. Your shirt was sticking at your body and you were aware of it showing your bra in a not-so-concealing way.
Fred had fled to the house and Ron and Ginny had followed him afraid of also getting wet if they stayed any longer. You were left alone with George and he was not even trying to hide his looks by now.
After quickly looking around and seeing no one he took two steps to stand in front of you, lifted you and pushed you with your back against the tree. His mouth caught yours and his hands squeezed your thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
God, you loved everything about this boy. His kiss tasted like lemon and toffees and after a while his mouth opened and his tongue slid into your mouth.
Now, you were only vaguely aware of your surroundings. Anyone could have stood next to you and you wouldn't have noticed. All you could focus on were George's hands and his lips.
After what felt like a way too short time, you had to break apart to both catch your breath. You lowered your legs but stayed locked between your boyfriend and the tree. The bulge in George's pants could be felt through your own shorts and you captured his lips in a sweet kiss.
This moment could have lasted forever if it was up to you, but unfortunately Mrs Weasley's voice broke the comfortable silence. You were hidden behind the tree and she could not see you but at the sound of her voice George took a step back. His face expression changed so fast you were afraid someone had actually caught you but when you looked around the tree you only saw Mrs Weasley in the door frame far away.
You turned back to George but he was already walking towards the house. You ran after him, shirt still sticking to your body and your shorts wet and uncomfortable to walk in.
‘What happened to you?’ Mrs Weasley asked when you stepped foot into the kitchen through the backdoor.
‘Fred and I had a water fight,’ you said and smiled to show her there was nothing to worry about. ‘It'll dry.'
Mrs Weasley pointed her wand at you and you felt your clothes dry. You thanked her and sat down at the dining table. On it there were sandwiches, the reason Molly had called you inside.
You looked around to find George but he had disappeared. Maybe to freshen up?
You spent the rest of the afternoon in the backyard, with your attention in a book. Ron and Fred were playing with a ball, throwing it back an forth. Mrs Weasley was working in the part of the garden that wasn't terrorised by the gnomes.
After a few hours in the sun, you felt like your skin was burning off your body and you decided to go inside. You hadn't seen George since before lunch and you were wondering what he was up to.
‘George? Are you in here?’ you asked and knocked on the door of the twins' bedroom.
The door opened and George came to your sight. He let you in and you sat on his bed.
The floor of the room was scattered with laundry and papers. Just like his dorm at Hogwarts. But here the walls were bright green instead of the dark red of the Gryffindor Tower.
‘Are you alright?’ you asked trying not to sound too worried.
‘Yeah, I'm fine,’ George answered and he sat down next to you. His hand quickly found your hip and he pulled you closer. You rested your head on his shoulder.
‘Okay, you just disappeared and I was wondering if I did something wrong,’ you admitted.
George chuckled. ‘Believe me, you did nothing wrong. I just needed a break from my family, that's all.’
You nodded understanding; you loved the Weasleys but they were a lot to take. Always around and in for a talk. It was nice, but if you wanted some time alone it was not.
‘You want me to leave?’ you asked and already got up but George put his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.
‘You're not going anywhere,’ he whispered in your ear.
 - -- -
‘Do you really have to go?’
George wrapped the sheets over you and placed a kiss on your forehead, in a way only he could. In the dark you could see the regret in his eyes. He didn't want to leave you, but he was, just as you, scared that someone would find him in your room in the morning.
‘It's only-' you looked at the clock on your nightstand ‘-five,’ you grumbled.
‘(Y/N), if I don't leave now, I'll never. I don't want them to find out like that,’ George said, referring to his family.
He got up and walked to your door. You sighed but didn't ask further; you knew this was no discussion. George made his point and the conversation was over.
‘I love you,’ you whispered in the dark.
‘Love you too,’ was the answer before the door closed.
With closed eyes you listened to the footsteps that walked back upstairs. You heard a squeak when George stepped into his bed and then everything got silent again.
But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't fall asleep anymore. You tried everything: meditation, counting sheep, just closing your eyes and thinking about happy things. Nothing worked.
The sun came up and lit up your floor. The curtains were open; you hadn't closed them last night. Usually you slept with the curtains open. At night you loved to gaze at the stars from your bed and you liked waking up with the sun shining on your face. However, not when it was this early.
‘I thought this was vacation,’ you grumbled to yourself when the rooster crowed.
When after ten minutes you really couldn't lie in bed anymore you got up. While you got dressed your eyes fell on an empty piece of parchment on the desk. Your parents must have arrived at their destination by now, maybe you should write them. Merlin knows how long it would take before your letter got to them.
Hesitantly you started to write. What should you tell? You knew your mother probably would want every juicy detail, but your father would read the letter too and you didn't want to give him a heart attack.
After you finishing your letter, the house was not so silent anymore. Mr Weasleys wouldn't go to work today. Instead he would pick up Harry at his aunt and uncle's. Hermione would arrive somewhere in the morning.
‘(Y/N), good morning!’
As you walked into the kitchen, you were greeted by Mr Weasley and George. They were both sitting at the dining table. Arthur was reading the newspaper and George was staring outside.
‘You're up early!’ Mr Weasley exclaimed when you sat down opposite of George.
‘Yeah, I couldn't sleep anymore.’
‘Is it that rooster? I have tried everything to make him stop, but he just won't,’ Mr Weasley said and looked over his shoulder outside.
‘No, it wasn't the rooster,’ you mumbled and over the table you felt two eyes on you.
Mr Weasley turned back to his newspaper and you dared to look at George. He shot you a worried look and mouthed: ‘me?’ You shook your head and averted your eyes from him.
Yes, actually it was because of him, but he didn't need to know that.
‘There is a post office in the village, right?’ you asked.
‘Yes, but you can use our owl,’ Mr Weasley said.
‘No, my father doesn't appreciate owls. Or birds in general,’ you added and thought back of that one time your friend had sent a letter with a dove that wouldn't leave your father alone. ‘I think I'll post it the muggle-way.’
‘I'm sure George will take you,’ Mr Weasley said, already turning back to his newspaper. ‘Right, George?’
‘Yes, of course,’ George quickly said when he saw his father's look.
- -- -
‘I'm sorry about this morning,’ George said and bumped your shoulder.
‘It's fine,’ you mumbled; you didn't feel like talking about it now.
George put his arm around your shoulder after looking around suspiciously.
You held the letter tight in your hand and thought about what you wrote. Even though you had written only about innocent things to save your father from any harm, you had thanked your mother for helping you pack. She would get the meaning behind it, while your father just would think it was a sweet compliment.
The village was still asleep and only a few people were awake. The baker, the postman and a few people on their way to work. On your way to the post office you stopped for coffee and muffins at the bakery.
‘Sweets for my sweet,’ George said when the baker gave him the muffins and you cringed at the cheesy words.
Around people he didn't personally know, George had no problem showing his affection. But once he was around familiar faces that attitude changed and the most affectionate thing he would do was his hand on your back, after making sure no one could see it. At first you hadn't mind it, you had thought it was cute and exciting to have a secret relationship. But as the months passed by, and George still didn't show his affection in public, you feared that maybe you were something he was ashamed of. You had never talked about it with him and just brushed it off every time the thought entered your mind. But now, with his family, it suddenly came closer than ever before and you couldn't ignore the feeling anymore.
A bell tinkled when you opened the door of the post office. It was an old building on the outside and the inside matched the exterior. With wood on the floor and the ceiling the room was dark and felt cramped. Behind the counter stood an old woman.
‘George! How are you?’ the woman crowed.
‘Good, Mrs Mavisson,’ George answered. ‘How are you?’
‘Well, my knees hurt more every day and Craig-' she gestured with her head to the door opening behind her ‘-claims we should modernise our system.’ You bowed forward a little bit and saw a mature man in the shadows. ‘Who is this beautiful lady you brought with you?’
A blush crept on your face and you stared at your hands that were wrapped around your letter.
‘This is (Y/N),’ George said and placed his hand on your shoulder. ‘She's my girlfriend.’
Your cheeks turned even more red and you looked up at George. His cheeks were pink but he looked confident.
‘Well, isn't that wonderful!’ the old woman exclaimed and she took your hand. ‘Look at you, you're gorgeous! Craig! CRAIG!’
The man from the shadow stepped in the light. He was younger than the woman. Young enough to be her son.
‘Craig, this is (Y/N). George's girlfriend!’
Craig was way less impressed than his mother. He glanced at you, conjured a forced smile on his face at George and stepped back in to the darkness.
‘Oh, don't mind him, sweetie,’ Mrs Mavisson said and she waved her hand. ‘What can I do for you?’
You gave her the letter for your parents and explained where they were. It was quickly taken care of and after a jovial goodbye, you stepped outside the office into the sun.
‘Mrs Mavisson has worked her entire life in that store. The only way she'll leave is in her coffin,’ George chuckled and he took your hand.
Maybe you were wrong, but it felt like a weight had been lifted of George's shoulders. On the way back to the Burrow he talked happily and smiled, a lot more than this morning.
However, when the Burrow came in sight he let go of your hand and his smile faded. You immediately missed the convivial boy but you understood it too. Though George would never admit it to someone, home was not his favourite place. It was the place where his mother would scold at him for not doing his best at school or for not cleaning his room. The place where he was one of the Weasleys, the other twin. He was not George, he was a son.
‘If you liked this morning, we can do it more often,’ you suggested.
‘That would be nice.’
‘It would.’
A small smile returned on George's face and this time it stayed there, even when he stepped inside the kitchen and was surrounded by the whole family.
- -- -
The fire was burning and the heat spread through the whole living room. How wonderful the weather had been the past few days, so bad was it now. Though you didn't mind, there was something cosy about the rain and thunder outside while you sat in a sweater and woollen socks in front of the fire.
Ron and Harry were playing chess, with the help from Fred and George, on the floor at your feet. Mrs Weasley was darning socks in a rocking chair in the back of the room and Mr Weasley had disappeared in his garage. Hermione, Ginny and you were sitting on the couches talking.
‘Did you know Pansy is dating that Ravenclaw with the big eyebrows?’ Ginny asked.
‘But I thought she and Malfoy were a thing!’ you said.
‘No, I thought so too, but Luna said that the boy had confirmed it the last day of school.’
‘How awful must it be to date Pansy,’ Hermione sighed and you agreed with her.
‘Speaking of dating,’ Ginny started and you felt like she had been wanting to tell this for a long time. ‘I heard our sweet George is dating someone.’
A high pitched sound escaped your mouth but you hid in behind a cough. George looked up when he heard his name, not knowing what Ginny had said. Fred however had been following your conversation and was staring at you with an expression you didn't trust.
‘What's with me?’ George asked and you tried to sign to him not to. But he didn't see you and now turned to Ginny.
‘I heard you're dating someone,’ Ginny repeated.
George's eyes widened and he turned red. ‘I'm not dating anyone,’ he muttered and stared at the ground.
‘Come on! We're family! Tell us!’
‘There is nothing to tell.’
George got up and rapidly left the room. You felt bad for him, but figured it would only add to the rumours if you went after him now.
Fred got up too and walked after his brother. When he passed you he whispered, but so soft no one else heard him: ‘Don't tell.’
Nothing in Fred's behaviour showed he had said that and you almost thought you had imagined it, but before he disappeared you made eye contact with Fred and nodded.
Maybe Fred wasn't such a joker when it came to you and George after all.
‘I don't care what he says,’ Ginny said after Fred had gone upstairs too. ‘Amy saw him with someone on the last day of school. She didn't see who, though.’
‘Maybe it was just Fred with a wig,’ you joked and hoped Ginny would drop the subject.
‘Well, he must write her,’ Ron said from his position on the floor. He had beaten Harry at chess and was now involved in the conversation. ‘What if we got one of his letters?’
‘Or one of hers?’
You smiled at their plan that was doomed to fail.
The clock stroke eleven and Mrs Weasley, who had fallen asleep, scared up. She sent everyone to bed, but not before scolding at them for letting her fall asleep.
- -- -
You wanted to lie down in your bed, but there was already someone in it.
‘George!’ you whisper-yelled and George put his hand on your mouth.
‘I thought this was easier than waiting for everyone to be asleep,’ he explained.
You lied down next to him and breathed in his scent. The rain was slamming down on the window and muted the other sounds of the house. Everyone once in a while the room lit up and five seconds later the house shook from the thunder.
In silence you lied thinking about the conversation earlier in the living room. You were tired but you wanted to talk to your boyfriend. At night was usually when you and him caught up on each other's day. You had missed talking to him. Of course you had missed the romance, but in the two weeks at home you had realised how big of a deal George was in your life. At Hogwarts he was always around and you could talk to him any moment of the day. It was at home that you realised how much those little moments meant to you.
‘We don't have to talk,’ George said like he could read your mind.
You smiled sheepishly and buried your face in his neck. There was something about doing that that was comforting. You felt like the whole world disappeared for a moment when you hid in George's neck.
His hand was caressing your hair while you dozed off. The thunderstorm was still going on but you didn't even hear it anymore.
- -- -
A loud banging on your door woke you up. You slowly opened your eyes. That hollow feeling of loneliness filled your heart when you reached for the empty space next to you.
The banging continued and you felt the sound in your chest.
‘Who's there?’ you asked and the door opened.
Ginny was standing in your room her face glowing with excitement. She ran to you and dropped herself on your bed. Hermione appeared as well and she closed the door.
‘Gin, it's seven in the morning!’ you groaned and rubbed your eyes.
‘No time to be tired!’ Ginny exclaimed and she sat up straight. Only now you noticed the letter in her hand. She was waving her arms but you could read to who is was written.
‘Oh no, Ginny!’
‘It must be her! Who else would write him?’
‘His friends?!’ you asked and lifted yourself up.
‘I already woke up Harry and Ron,’ Ginny spoke, ignoring your comment. ‘They should be here any minute.’
And not long after she said that the two boys entered your room. The room was not big and with five people there was not a lot of space left. Ron sat down at the foot end of the bed and Hermione on the edge of it. Harry kept standing.
‘Ginny, what is so important you have to wake us this early?’ Ron grumbled at his sister.
She held up the letter and waved it in front of Ron's face.
‘She wrote him! I waited for the mail this morning and this letter was addressed to George!’
Ron's expression showed exactly how you felt.
‘Ginny, it could be one of his friends. And it is definitely not worth getting up for this damn early!’ he said.
But Ginny didn't listen to him. She ripped open the letter with excitement on her face. That didn't last long though. As she read more of the letter her face turned less happy and more into a frown. After she finished it she dropped her hands and stared at it.
‘And?’ Harry asked, but Ginny didn't answered. Ron took the letter from her hand and searched for the sender.
‘Lee,’ Ron said plain. ‘It's a letter from Lee. Not his girlfriend.’
‘It could have been his girlfriend,’ Ginny said with a low voice.
‘But it's not. Nice job, Gin,’ Ron said and got up. He left the room with Harry. Hermione placed her hand on Ginny's shoulder.
‘Don't listen to him. You are right; it could have been his girlfriend. Right, (Y/N)?’
‘Yes,’ you lied and put the letter back in the envelope. With your wand you closed it and gave it back to Ginny. ‘You might want to put his back before he notices.’
Ginny nodded and left your room swiftly. Hermione stared at you and you felt like you knew what was coming.
‘It's you, isn't it?’ she asked and squeezed her eyes.
‘Yeah,’ you smiled. ‘But please don't tell anyone. George- I mean, we haven't really told anyone, so...’
Hermione just smiled back at you and left you alone. Your groaned and fell back down on your bed. Great way to start a day.
- -- -
Your mood didn't get any better as the day went on. Ron apparently decided not to communicate with Ginny in any way but shooting her angry glares and George was silent the whole day, sitting in the corner of the room with a book in his hand. However, not once did you see him turn his page. And on top of it all, it was still raining.
You wanted to talk to him, tell him that there was nothing to worry about. Ginny would get bored by it within a few days and everything would turn back to normal.
However you couldn't talk to your boyfriend until the end of the afternoon. Mrs Weasley had asked her son to go to the store because she had forgotten something and you had offered to join, under the excuse of wanting some fresh air.
So now you were walking with George under an umbrella, arms hooked as soon as the Burrow was out of sight.
‘I love the smell of rain,’ you said. ‘And how everything looks right after it has rained.’
‘Hmm,’ George hummed and you looked at him.
‘Are you alright? Please, don't feel bad or forced to do anything because of Ginny's comment. Don't worry, she'll get sick of it in a few days.’
‘I know. I just don't think I am ready to tell them,’ George confessed.
‘Can I ask why?’ you asked insecure.
‘You saw how Ginny reacted! I can't tell them anything without it being blowed up. And then it is you!’
You held still and looked at George sharply.
‘What do you mean?’ Your voice was demanding and not as soft anymore.
‘They would freak out! (Y/N), I have been hiding our relationship for seven months! If I told them now they would- they would- I don't know! They would laugh at me, at us.’
George's words hurt you. You were standing in front of him with tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. It didn't matter, it shouldn't matter what his family thought. But now it just sounded like you were not enough for his family.
‘So you are just never going to tell them?’ you snorted. ‘I don't care what they think George, you know that. I love you and that is all that matters.’
‘I love you too but-'
‘No, apparently not as much I do. Guess I am an idiot for not noticing after all this time.’
You stepped away from George into the rain. For seconds you stared at each other. The cold rain drops wet your shirt but you didn't care. You were focused on George's eyes and tried to read the expression in them. But you saw nothing. His eyes were empty.
The hot tears mixed with the cold rain on your face. The dark sky was lit up by a strike of lightening and thunder immediately followed. You turned around and started to walk away, back to the Burrow, half hoping George would run after you, the other half of you wanting to be left alone.
And he let you go.
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reyescarlos · 4 years
look after you || a buddie fic
❄️ @911giftexchange fic for @bombera      hey, tori! i'm wishing you the happiest of holidays! this year has truly been one for the books so i hope this fic will help to end 2020 on a good note for you! it kinda ran away from me but i hope you’ll enjoy! ❄️
word count: 4.7k || read on ao3
You've begun to feel like home, yeah What's mine is yours to leave or take What's mine is yours to make your own
Infamously December is known to be a hectic month but now, with just a little over two weeks until Christmas, Eddie is feeling the pressure. His work schedule leaves little to no time for him to prepare for the holiday season, time slipping through his fingers with such ease that it had come as a surprise to see just how close he and the rest of the world were getting to the big day.
His concern was bad enough but this last week his mind has been additionally preoccupied with worrying over his son who is the latest person to come down with the bug that’s running rampant. If he isn’t at work, he’s right by Chris’ side, doting over him and doing his best to insure his comfort.
Throughout it all he has had Buck, his best friend and confidant, a man he can share virtually any thought with. All, really, but one. Eddie groans internally. His unspoken feelings for Buck are the last thing he needs to dwell on now. But the thought is far easier to think than put into practice with Buck sharing this space with him. Even on his day off Buck opts to spend time at the Diaz house, an additional set of hands that Eddie is beyond grateful for at such a time. Buck has long since been a staple in his home and now, more than ever, he’s grateful for his companionship and help to keep him from going under. Buck seems to understand him in ways very few can, sensing his needs and thoughts without a single word uttered.
He can feel Buck’s eyes on him as he pops two slices of bread into the toaster but he focuses on his task, doing his best to keep his head on straight though his mind is a riot of thoughts.
Eddie massages the back of his neck to relieve some tension, stretching it a bit as he draws in a breath.
“Alright, what’s going with you?” Buck asks.
Eddie turns back to face him and shrugs. “It’s nothing. I’m just trying to figure out a game plan. I still have to finish holiday shopping but you’ve seen our schedule for the next two weeks. We’re practically going to be living at the station.”
“But we have today off and it’s only noon. That’s plenty of time for you to head out there while I stay here with little man. See? Simple solution.”
“It’s your day off. I couldn’t do that.”
“I can watch him, it’s not a problem,” Buck insists.
Eddie hesitates. It’s a great offer, one that would quickly remedy his dilemma. “I don’t know, Buck. It’s a big ask. It’s short notice and he’s sick.”
“It’s not a big ask. It’s not even an ask at all; I’m volunteering. And besides,” Buck says, puffing up his chest. “Buckleys don’t catch colds.”
Eddie’s mouth twists to one side in thought. Today really is the one true window of time he’ll have and it’ll certainly be easier to stealthily buy Chris’ presents without his observant son being able to see what he’s purchasing. Resigned, Eddie nods slowly, knowing this is the best offer he could possibly have.
“Alright, yeah, okay. I’ll try and hurry back but still, I know it’ll be a few hours until I’ll be back home.”
Buck rolls his eyes. “Would you relax? Take all the time you need, seriously. Chris and I always have a blast together. We’ll be just fine. I promise.”
“No, I know he’s good with you. I just…”
“Suck at accepting help, yes, I know,” Buck teases, patting him on the shoulder with one hand and gesturing towards the front of the house with the other.
“Go. I’m officially kicking you out. Don’t forget to get me something nice, yeah?”
Eddie returns home with a trunk full of presents after a very successful trip to the mall. He’s managed to get for everyone on his list and the relief he feels in having this task officially scratched off his to-do list is a major weight off his shoulders. He carries a few bags in with him to the house. From the moment he steps inside he can hear the raucous laughter of Christopher and Buck coming from the living room, his son breaking into a small coughing fit afterwards.
Eddie stashes his purchases into the closet, hiding the bags under his jacket in a feeble attempt to bury it for the time being. Buck and Chris carry on chatting and Eddie is certain that neither of them realizes he’s gotten back, so wrapped up they are in their conversation.
“Maybe we could go to New York like Kevin next year for Christmas? Me, you, and Dad.”
Eddie feels his body tense and he stays in place, curious as to what Buck’s response will be.
Eddie could easily picture it, the three of them taking on the city. The images that flood his mind teem with warmth and joy and sincerely, Eddie would love nothing more than to wrap himself in that. But a trip that elaborate wouldn’t be a casual thing between friends, at least not for him. It’s one thing to have Buck over at his place or for them to go on outings around LA with Chris on weekends. A Christmas getaway would carry far more weight. It’s something that families do. Something twinges a bit in Eddie’s chest at the thought. Somewhere along the way, without Eddie even fully realizing it had solidified itself, that’s precisely what Buck has become to him, and apparently Chris too.
“Now there’s an idea. I would love to go with you guys. Sure you wouldn’t mind me tagging along?”
Chris is quick to respond, casting away any trace of doubt. “Nope, the trip wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Eddie can hear Buck sigh. It’s clear just how touched his best friend is by Chris’ sentiment and Eddie would have to agree with his son. Any trip, any facet of life really, is so much better when Buck is thrown into the mix. He’s so interwoven into the fabric of their life, it’d be hard to picture any moment, big or small, without him there experiencing it with them.
“See, this is why you’re my favorite Diaz. Don’t tell your dad I said that though. It may break his old man heart,” Buck laughs, Chris joining in.
This melody is Eddie’s favorite sound, the lightheartedness of his two favorite guys sharing a private joke. It’s the little things like this that light him up, that fill him with a warmth so vibrant and strong that it takes every ounce of strength in him not to sit Buck down one day and have a serious conversation. But Eddie has never been good with words and in a case like this, for a topic this important, he knows a talk like that would be best handled with care. Whenever, or rather if ever, that day comes, Eddie hopes he’ll be prepared to handle it. Instead he’ll stick to this, to cloaking his feelings for the sake of keeping the scales balanced.
“With laughs that big I’m guessing someone is feeling better?” he says aloud, essentially announcing his presence.
He steps into the living room and sees the space has been transformed. A giant fort is set up in the center of the room and at the mouth of it is Buck and Chris stretched out side by side on pillows from the couch and Chris’ bed. It looks like the coziest of setups and Eddie isn’t at all surprised to see that Buck got creative in trying to make Chris as comfortable as possible.
Chris slaps on an innocent smile but Buck apparently has a harder time schooling his features.
“Eddie, you’re back. I didn’t even hear you come in,” he says, picking up the remote.
The end credits for Home Alone 2 flit by on screen. Buck hits pause as Chris reaches for the DVD of A Charlie Brown Christmas.
“Can we watch this one next?” he asks Buck who’s already nodding.
“Oh, definitely. This is one of my all-time favorites. How about I get you another bowl of soup and then we can fire this one up. Sound good?”
Chris gives him a two thumbs up and flops back against the pillows, plucking a tissue out of the box and wiping at his nose. Eddie frowns seeing his son so sick but the best he can do is continue supplying him with medicine and fluids to help him through it.
Buck carefully climbs out of the fort and walks over to Eddie, the two of them going into the kitchen.
“How’d your shopping go?” Buck asks as he opens the fridge and takes out a container.
“Really well. I managed to get stuff for everyone on my list, including a certain pest I know,” he jokes the second Buck opens his mouth, no doubt to check about the status of his own gift.
“Well, I’m glad you have your priorities in order then, thank you.”
A comfortable silence falls between them as Buck moves around the kitchen and Eddie is struck, not for the first time since befriending Buck, at how comfortable his friend is inside of his home. That’s all Eddie could have ever wanted. Buck moves with such assurance taking a bowl down from the cupboard, pulling a spoon out of a drawer, knowing exactly where everything is without hesitation or having to ask. It warms his heart to see this, to know that Buck must feel comfortable here, that this could somehow be home.
“Thanks again for watching Chris for me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it,” he says as Buck pops the now filled bowl into the microwave.
“Don’t mention it. I love hanging out with him and if I can help you in any way, I will. Always.”
Buck holds his gaze and for a moment, Eddie thinks he’ll say more. There’s something in his expression that looks as if he’s trying to communicate something wordlessly but far too soon, the moment passes and shortly after the microwave beeping breaks the silence between them. Buck smiles softly before turning away but Eddie keeps his eyes trained on his back, getting lost in his thoughts.
Maybe this is all in his head or perhaps an unhealthy amount of wishful thinking is at play but lately something has felt different between them, as if there’s something going unspoken.
Buck gets a tray and puts the bowl on top of it, carefully picking it up from the countertop.
“I can bring it to him,” Eddie says, gesturing to take the tray. “You can get out of here, if you want. You should enjoy what’s left of your day off.”
Buck rolls his eyes as he side steps and laughs. “That’s exactly what I’m doing now. Didn’t you hear? It’s Charlie Brown time. No way in hell am I missing him or that tree.”
Eddie smiles softly and shakes his head. He opens his mouth to say something but falls short on words. Buck seems to understand regardless as he smiles back and nods.
“I know,” he says simply. Eddie wants so desperately to ask what exactly it is that Buck knows, what he feels but he lets the matter go for now.
This right here is more than enough, he reasons. To have Buck look at him and comprehend even a fraction of his gratitude.
Eddie knows he worries too much but watching Buck throughout their busy morning and early afternoon with back to back calls, he can’t help but to feel a little troubled over Buck’s slower pace and quieter nature. Usually he could be counted on to be the most energized and talkative during calls but today he’s so much more subdued and it feels like a real cause for concern.
“You okay?” Eddie asks, searching Buck’s face as they wash their hands in the bathroom to prep for lunch.
“Yeah, I just need some food in me and I’ll be good to go.”
Buck smiles reassuringly but Eddie isn’t convinced. Nonetheless he follows Buck up to the loft where the rest of the crew is already gathered around the table. Eddie takes a seat beside Hen who sits across from Chimney, the two already engaged in conversation.
This leaves Eddie the coveted spot of sitting opposite Buck.
Buck settles in at the table beside Chimney, placing a hand against his throat as he clears it before he reaches to the center of the table to start fixing his plate. Eddie watches him curiously as he’s done all day, noting the way Buck seems to be moving a bit slower than usual, the man’s eyes trained in focus on the simple task of putting food on his plate.
Eddie wonders if he’s reading too much into Buck’s body language but given how well he knows his friend, he feels safe in his assumption that Buck is off today because he’s sick and putting forth his best efforts to disguise this fact. Out in the field it was easy to attribute Buck’s pace to the amount of work the team had to put into their calls but now, with everyone finally able to unwind and catch their breath, Buck still looks put out.
“Buck, you’re really hot,” Chimney says as Buck’s arm grazes his. Eddie purses his lips, his suspicion confirmed easily.
Buck flashes a smile and a wink. “Tell me something I don’t know. But I don’t think Maddie would take it well to know you’re hitting on her brother.”
Chim smacks his hand against his forehead and shakes his head.
“You’re no match for your sister, I can tell you that right now, but that’s not what I meant. Seriously, don’t you feel warm?”
Buck shakes his head. “No. It’s actually kind of cold in here, isn’t it?”
Hen pushes back from the table across from him, putting a hand over her mouth and nose.
“Nope, you’ve got to go. Cap, this bug is making the rounds quick. I swear half of Denny’s class is out with it.”
Bobby rises from his seat and walks over to Buck, placing a hand on his forehead. Buck looks like a grumpy child as his bottom lip pokes out slightly.
“Jeez, Buck. You’re like a furnace. I’m afraid I have to send you home.”
“But, Cap!” Buck tries to protest but Bobby shakes his head and holds up a hand to stop any more objections.
“That’s an order. And here are some more for you: drink lots of fluids, get in bed, and stay there. Be sure to get a ton of rest until this fever breaks. I know you want to stay on and help but you’re going to sideline the whole team if we don’t do this. Sorry, Buck.”
Buck sighs defeatedly and pushes back in his seat, rising to his feet. The crew murmurs their get well soon wishes to Buck as he heads toward the stairs and Eddie’s heart sinks to the pit of his stomach knowing how and why Buck is sick in the first place. He rises from his seat, quickly wiping at his mouth with a napkin before following him to the locker room.
Eddie stays quiet at the door as Buck gets his locker open and takes out his bag.
“So much for Buckleys don’t get sick, huh?” Buck says with a sigh, sitting down on the bench.
Eddie steps further into the room and sits beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. He’s surprised when Buck’s hand comes to rest over his. Buck’s hand is warm and Eddie relishes in his touch but too soon, the feeling is gone; Buck quickly lets go and clears his throat, shifting his attention to his bag. Eddie’s hand falls limply into his lap.
“This one’s on me. I’ll stop by after work and check on you, okay?” he ventures.
“You don’t have to. I’ll be alright.”
“Maybe so but I’d feel a hell of a lot better seeing that for myself. I can drop you home now, if you want. I’m sure Bobby would let me run off for a bit.”
Buck smiles softly and shakes his head. “You’re a good friend, Eddie, but I can manage the trip home. I promise I’ll follow Dr. Nash’s orders to the letter. I’ll be back on my feet in no time, just you wait and see.”
It’s been two days and Buck’s fever has been making its presence known; it’s Chris’ symptoms all over again but Eddie is ready for it, already having placed a call to his grandmother for even more of her miracle soup. Eddie’s been anxious at work, keeping his phone within reach at all times just waiting to get replies from Buck when he checks in. Some messages are more coherent than others but overall it seems as if Buck is hanging in there as much as can be expected.
Eddie’s certain that what his friend needs now is his grandmother’s home-cooking to really send Buck’s ailment packing. It’s to her house he heads straight to after his shift, his thoughts resting heavily on Buck’s recovery.
“Abuela?” Eddie calls out as he locks back the front door of her home.
“In here!”
Eddie follows her voice to the kitchen where he finds his grandmother ladling her soup into Tupperware, the remnants of vegetables and spices on the counter.
He greets her with a kiss on each cheek, taking a set back so she can continue filling the container she’s halfway done with.
“Thanks for doing this...again,” he muses. “One day I swear I’ll learn how to make this stuff.”
She gives him a doubtful look but smiles. “I don’t mind making it for you and your boys.”
Eddie eyes her for a moment, taking note of the implication of her wording. Unsure of how or even if he should call attention to it, Eddie switches gears a bit.
“I’m sure Buck is going to appreciate it. This soup was practically magic for Chris. Buck is chomping at the bit to get back to the station. This is just the thing to get him there again soon.”
His grandmother sets the ladle down and secures the lid on the container, double checking that it’s properly sealed.
“And I’m sure you’re eager for him to get back, too.”
Eddie is brought up short by this, his brows furrowing in thought. Isabel Diaz is as formidable a woman as ever and is always far too good at reading things that weren’t spoken with Eddie. In a case like this, it only makes him feel on edge rather than comforted.
“What are you getting at?”
Isabel shrugs her shoulders but despite how nonchalant the gesture is, Eddie knows there must be more to her thoughts than she’s letting on just then.
“Nothing. Nothing at all. Buck is your best friend, no? I would think it’d make sense that you’d want your partner back.”
Eddie can feel heat rising in his face and quickly turns to the pantry, opening the door to it and taking a tote bag off one of the shelves, taking advantage of the brief moment of reprieve to pull himself together.
Eddie returns to her side and begins packing away the various containers. His grandmother is nothing if not efficient and thorough. These batches will be enough to get Buck through the week.
Eddie stays quiet while he works but just as he’s putting away the last container, she places a hand on his arm, stilling him.
He turns his head slightly to look at her, not quite meeting her eye. She takes it as the invitation it is to say whatever is on her mind.
“He’s lucky to have a friend like you,” she says softly, as if in thought.
“I’m the lucky one here, believe me. Buck’s always a huge help. At work, around the house, with Chris. This is the least I could do.”
It’s only then that Eddie looks at his grandmother fully and the knowing smile on her face is so comforting that Eddie feels the tension in his body melt away.
“People like that are hard to find in life. Be sure to hold on the good ones for however long you can.”
Visits to Buck’s after work have become the norm all week and with each trip, Eddie feels more assured that Buck will be better in no time. Today’s check in brings on a sense of déjà vu. In Buck’s living room now is a replica of the fort he and Chris constructed at Eddie’s place a week and a half prior.
“What’s your obsession with forts anyway?” he asks as he climbs inside, surrounded by plush pillows and blankets.
“Maddie used to make them for me all the time when I was little,” Buck says. “Building one with Chris has me kinda nostalgic, I guess.”
Eddie smiles to himself at the mental image of Buck as a kid. It isn’t too hard to picture what he must have looked like back then as he looks at him now, a blanket draped over his head and shoulders sitting cross-legged in front of the laptop, a movie already playing.
“What are you watching?” Eddie asks, settling in.
“Love Actually.”
Eddie laughs and shakes his head. “I didn’t take you for a romcom lover but I guess that somehow makes sense now that I think about it.”
“What’s not to love about them? The build up, the will-they-won’t-they but you know they totally will, the big sweeping declaration at the end? That’s what everyone roots for. Who doesn’t like seeing people in love live happily ever after? It’s the dream,” Buck concludes.
Eddie doesn’t argue the point. How could he possibly when that’s all he’s been hoping to have himself?
“That’s really your dream?” he asks tentatively.
Buck shrugs. “I definitely wouldn’t say no if it were to happen. But in order for all of that, someone would actually have to fall head over heels for me,” he laughs wryly.
“You make it sound like such an impossibility. Like you’re somehow difficult to love.”
Buck’s head tilts to the side a bit. “You don’t think that I am?”
It’s such a loaded question, a dangerous one really but still, the words fall effortlessly from Eddie’s lips as he replies.
“I would think that falling for you is one of the easiest things a person could do.”
Eddie realizes this conversation is veering off course and Buck probably isn’t thinking very clearly given the state of things. For all Eddie knows, Buck is hopped up on cold medicine and doesn’t realize he’s asking leading questions. Eddie falls silent then, laying back and staring up the blanket overhead as the movie continues to play on screen. The seconds stretch tauntingly and Eddie knows he’s said too much, gone too far over the line they’ve been treating as a tightrope.
He hears the tap of the keyboard and the movie pauses. Eddie keeps his eyes trained above him, hoping they can avoid delving deeper into this. But he’s kicked open the gate, ushered in this line of conversation he’s been terrified to have.
“Eddie, I—,” Buck starts but Eddie isn’t so sure he wants, or is even ready, to hear what Buck has to say in response.
“You should get some sleep.”
“But I want to talk to you. I missed you today. I always miss you when you’re away.”
Eddie freezes, unsure of if this an open statement Buck would be making if he wasn’t sick or possibly feeling awkward given Eddie’s last comment but he’d be lying to himself if he said it isn’t something that makes his chest warm right in the center.
“I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere all night,” he assures.
“All night? What about Chris?”
“He’s probably on his way to a sugar coma at my grandmother’s right about now. She’s baking tonight and Chris, of course, volunteered to help. I know he’s just in for the leftover frosting and taste testing.”
This seems to be a good enough distraction. Buck laughs softly and grows quiet, pressing the laptop again and Eddie is certain he’s never been more grateful to hear a bunch of British people in conversation with each other. He opts to just listen to rather than watch the movie; his focus is completely shot.
After a few minutes, Buck sighs and burrows in against Eddie’s side. Instinctively Eddie wraps an arm around his friend. Before he can undo it or reprimand himself for getting too familiar with Buck, the man buries his face against the side of Eddie’s neck.
He’s all too aware of each breath Buck takes, his skin tickling with every exhale. There’s nothing casual or platonic about this and Eddie’s heart aches so painfully in his chest that it takes every ounce of willpower he has to keep breathing. But still, before he can allow himself to truly accept what Buck getting this close to him means, he needs to hear it from the man himself.
“You didn’t give me a chance to say anything before so I figured I’d show you where my head and heart are instead.”
Eddie sits up slowly, Buck moving with him. Eddie takes in his expression and sees a real clarity in Buck’s eyes that leaves no room for uncertainty that he’s serious. Eddie has spent so long feeling terrified of being presented with this moment but he takes comfort in realizing this isn’t one-sided like he’s feared.
“Is this the part with the big sweeping declaration?” he jokes lamely to work out his nerves.
“I sure hope so. That tends to always be the best part.”
“You’re a lot better at this than me,” he says, rubbing his palm against the front of his jeans.
“To be fair, I watch a lot of romantic comedies in my downtime.”
Eddie can’t help but to laugh at this, grateful for the levity Buck brings to this moment. He cups the man’s cheek and strokes his face lightly with his thumb as he stares into his eyes.
“I’ve never been too good with this sort of stuff but you make me want to figure out a way how to be. Maybe in time I’ll be able to get the words out but, if nothing else, just know that I feel a lot for you, Buck. With you, I feel everything.”
Eddie leans forward and kisses Buck’s forehead, his eyes drifting closed as he lingers for a moment. Buck sighs contentedly, one hand settling on Eddie’s knee. Eddie pulls away then, resting his forehead against Buck’s, his fingers carding gently through his hair at the back of his head. Buck bumps his nose softly to Eddie’s who smiles at the move.
“Crap, sorry,” Buck says, pulling away. “What if you get sick next?”
“I survived Chris’ fever. I think I’ll be fine with yours too. If not, then I’ll just have to commission Abuela to make more soup,” he laughs. “Speaking of which, I should get some for you. Or tea or—”
“No,” Buck interjects, holding on to his wrist gently, keeping him in place. “Please, just...stay here for a little while longer with me?”
Eddie looks at him, takes in that soft pleading look and nods. “Whatever you want.”
Buck smiles at this and lays down on his side. Eddie doesn’t hesitate in spooning him, his arm securing snugly across Buck’s hip. His face burrows in the crook of the man’s neck, chin propped against his shoulder.
“Now will you get some sleep?” he asks quietly.
Buck laughs, light and carefree. “I don’t see how I can be expected to now after all of this,” he replies just as quietly, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“This feels like Christmas morning as a kid. All that excitement, wondering what’s in store. No,” he continues, shaking his head. “ I couldn’t possibly sleep now. I don’t want to miss a second of what comes next.”
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petitelepus · 4 years
25 Days of MTMTE Christmas, Part 25, Christmas Sweater
It’s Christmas Eve on Lost Light and everyone is all dressed up.
Merry Christmas everyone! I understand that this has been a hectic year and there are people who can’t celebrate Christmas like they would like to because of the Coronavirus so I hope that ‘25 Days of MTMTE Christmas’ has been lightening your dark nights and made you smile even the tiniest bit.
I want to thank my beloved friend @missykitty​! She read every single chapter and edited them, gave me inspiration, corrected my spelling and choice of words because English isn’t my first language or even second. She made this story possible.
I want to also thank you all for reading and enjoying my stories. I write to bring joy to people and I have been extra diligent this year. I wish you all Merry Christmas and thank you for being so strong.
You loved the holidays! You always had. Christmas was the time of joy and celebration with loved ones. The exact things that you were missing from Earth. Here in space, in a whole other galaxy, you had found a new family. Your found family made sure that you had everything you ever needed or desired, and you loved them back with your whole heart. But none of them celebrated Christmas, so you felt lonesome and nostalgic for your Christmas traditions. You rode your hover scooter through the empty halls before arriving at the mess hall for dinner. It was a bit depressing that your Christmas dinner would be the same as any other day. You were shocked out of your thoughts when you realized that the mess hall was deserted. Where was everyone? You looked around in confusion. Usually, the hall would be filled with hungry Autobots around the clock, but now the place looked abandoned. You felt even more depressed at the thought of eating your Christmas dinner all alone. You despondently made your way to your usual spot. Your eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a handwritten note on the table. 'Come to the meeting room!' They didn’t forget about you after all! Aww, how sweet they were. You were curious about what they had planned for today. You couldn't help but smile excitedly as you picked up the note and left to go where you were instructed. You arrived at the door. You could hear voices coming from inside. Was everyone there just waiting for you? You smiled to yourself. You left your scooter at the side of the door, and pressed the buzzer. The voices inside halted instantly. You put in the code and entered. You were surprised to see that it was pitch black in the room. You clapped your hands to activate the lights. What you saw took your breath away. "Merry Christmas!" Everybody cheered. You were stunned at the sight. You were expecting to see your Cybertronian friends, but instead the room was filled with humans. Humans you didn't know. You weren't that good with people back on Earth, so just how bad you were going to be with them in space? You were about to bolt, but this short stocky man approached you. He was wearing blue shield-style sunglasses. Oh God, he had a Christmas sweater on. A bright red sweater that read 'He Sees You When You're Drinking' in white bold letters. You stared at his sweater. You absolutely adored so-called ‘Ugly Christmas Sweaters’. You didn't even know why for sure, but they were funny and quirky. You made it a tradition to check secondhand stores for rejected Christmas sweaters. When you were younger, you were teased for wearing them. Then they became popular, and even your former bullies started wearing them to ‘Ugly Christmas Sweater’ parties. You were annoyed about that, but at least now you could share your love of tacky things with others. "Hi, yes, we are happy you made it!" The man said happily in a voice you knew. You blinked. "Swerve, is that you?" "Yeah, it's me! Everyone is here also!" He said happily. He stepped closer to you. "It was mine and Rewind's idea to use our human avatars to make you feel at home. How do you like it?" Well, you were speechless and taken aback at how sweet their intentions were. You smiled and were about to answer the bartender, but then your eyes landed on him. "OhmyGod!OhmyGod! Oh! My! God!" You squealed. You quickly covered your mouth when you realized just how loud you were being. "I can't, I just can't...!" "What?? What is it?!" Swerve asked in a panic, fearing that he and others had messed up somehow and offended you. But you didn't respond. You ran straight to this tall woman wearing a beautiful purple Victorian-style dress. But it wasn't her you were squealing for. It was a toddler wearing a blue polar bear sweater with an actual crystal blue pacifier clipped to the material. The little guy even had blue sunglasses similar to Swerve’s. "E-Excuse me, Ma’am, bu-but could I hold your baby?" You asked barely keeping your composure as you looked at the little guy. The woman smiled slightly, and… Oh no, she was hot. She lifted the toddler out of the baby carrier on her chest, and offered him to you. "Hold him carefully,” she said.
You nodded as you took the toddler from her arms and pulled him close.
"Oh my God, you're so cute! Where have you been hiding all my life, you little cutie pie?"
Okay, you were totally baby-talking to the cutest child you may have ever seen. Your voice had probably raised an octave, and you weren’t worried about controlling the volume of your voice anymore. Maybe you sounded ridiculous, but your heart was mush and you had no shame.
"I'm not a baby, or whatever it is!" The child suddenly exclaimed. You blinked in surprise. You looked at the child carefully, and saw a light blue ‘T’ on the child's adorable sailor hat. And that voice...!
"Tailgate? Is that you?" You asked.
The child nodded. "Yes!"
"Oh, Tailgate..." You sighed in joyful surprise. Then you smiled even wider before hugging the mini-human. "You're so freaking cute!"
"Nooo…! I'm ferocious!" Tailgate cried.
You turned to look at the tall woman that had been holding Tailgate before. "Cyclonus?"
"That would be me,” she, no, he said. "You look amazing,” you said. "Thank you." You gave Tailgate back to Cyclonus, then turned to gaze at the rest of the holoforms mingling in the room. One by one, you recognized familiar features in these human forms. You jumped over to a tall young man, with a dark flame tattooed arm, wild auburn hair, and a handsome smile. He was wearing a short-sleeved sweater that read 'You Can Get On My Naughty List Anytime'. You grinned. "Rodimus! You look great! Very hot!" You joked, winking at him. "I know.” You giggled as Rodimus licked the tip of his digit and then pressed it to his hip, making a hissing noise. You turned to see a young lady wearing a dark blue sweater with so much text on it that you had to squint to see what was written there. 'Santa Saw Your Facebook Pictures, You're Getting Clothes And A Bible For Christmas'. Ouch. Only one mech would approve of a shirt like that. "Ultra Magnus, sir? Is that you?" You asked. The woman holoform nodded. You grinned and pointed at his sweater. "That sweater looks good on you." "Thank you. Although, I have no clue what this ‘Facebook’ is. I presume that it's a device or program that keeps records of criminals and persons of interest. That sounds like a good idea to me." You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing. Instead, you clapped. "Wonderful sweater. Truly." You moved on to the next mech and--Oh! Who was this big silver fox standing before you, tall and proud in a sweater that had 'Naughty' and 'Nice' with checkboxes in front of each… but the checkbox in front of 'I Tried' was the one that was check-marked. You barely paid any attention to the text, rather watching how the sweater was stretched across his broad chest and muscled biceps... "It's Megatron,” Rodimus butted in from behind you. You nodded mindlessly, almost in a trance as you ogled the former criminal. DAMN! IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL TO BE THAT SEXY. The old man sighed, misinterpreting your look. "I was persuaded to use my avatar, and get some kind of ugly clothing that humans wear." "Megatron...! Wow…” you said, blinking like a deer in headlights. "Like WOW." "Yeah, yeah, we get it. So he is handsome for a human! So what!" Someone yelled. You glanced over your shoulder, and saw the most badass looking teen girl you had ever seen. She had long blue hair in pigtails, and an eyepatch over the left eye... "Whirl?!" You accidentally shouted. The girl, no, Whirl stopped pushing you away from Megatron. He struck a pose to show off to you. "Yeah, it is I, fleshie. Admit it - I look badass,” he said. You took in his dark blue sweater that read: 'Dear Santa, Define Naughty'. "I had spiked knee guards also, but Magnus said they were too much,” Whirl complained. You snorted. "What a tragedy." Whirl said some colorful words to you, but you laughed it off. You turned away, and came face-to-face with two men, one tall and dark-haired, and the other short and blond. You blinked and tilted your head, wondering who they could be. Then you noticed the camera in the blond man's hands. "Rewind! And Chromedome!" You exclaimed. They smiled at you in response. "How did you figure it out?" Chromedome asked. "Rewind's camera. Also, your matching sweaters." You laughed and pointed at their sweaters. Chromedome's said 'World's Okayest Elf' and Rewind's read 'I'm Not Short I'm Just A Tall Elf'. You smiled at them before moving through the crowd again, until you saw a man with glasses and carrot-red hair. He was certainly smart looking. You knew a few smart mechs, but you were sure you knew which one this was. "Rung! You look amazing!" The distinguished-looking man before you smiled and confirmed your guess to be right. Honestly? You would tap that ass. His sweater read: 'Santa Loves A Hot Cookie'. You giggled lightly. Then you noticed two smokin’ hot ladies that you recognized as Nautica and Velocity, and two hot men talking with them, likely Brainstorm and Perceptor. Nautica's sweater was bright purple and read: 'But First Let Me Take An #elfie'. Velocity's had a cat on it and read: 'Happy Hannukkat'. Brainstorm’s read: 'Santa Is Real In At Least 370 Alternate Realities'. And Perceptor...! Oh, Percy must have lost a bet or something, because he had a sweater that read: 'I Am Your Present', and there was an arrow that happened to be pointing at Brainstorm at any given moment. Finally, the last pair. You smiled when you saw them. Drift was a handsome young man with ink black hair. Ratchet was a scruffy-bearded man whose hair and beard were red streaked with white. Drift was wearing a sweater that said: 'While You Were Decorating The House I Studied The Blade'. Ratchet's sweater had a huge picture of Grumpy Cat that simply said 'NO'. You slowly made your way through the crowded room, making sure to say hello to everybot present. Besides being polite, you just had to check out all of the ‘Ugly Christmas Sweaters’. They were all amazing! You had never seen so many ‘Ugly Christmas Sweaters’ in one place! More than that, they all had been thinking about you, and how you might be missing human company. Just seeing them all gathered together made you feel like you were back on Earth for Christmas, surrounded by family and friends. You nearly cried at the thought. "Um, can I have everyone's attention?" You said, trying to raise your voice loud enough to fill the room. Every bot in a human disguise turned to look at you. You coughed awkwardly into your fist, then smiled tremulously, trying not to cry. "I just wanted to thank you all. For the amazing surprise. I love all of your sweaters – you all look great. You all are like a family to me, and I hope you feel the same way." Everyone cheered loudly. You blushed in embarrassment, but then Swerve rushed up to you, with Rung following closely behind in a more subdued manner. You smiled at both of them. "Thank you so much, you guys. I couldn't dream of a better surprise." "Oh, but this is just the beginning," Rung said with a mysterious smile. You blinked in confusion. "What?" "We just needed to buy some time while Lug and Anode finished at my place!" Swerve said. Lug and Anode…! You hadn’t seen them here at all! How could you have forgotten them?! Then Swerve took your hand in his to lead you to the next surprise. Everyone followed behind, laughing and whispering behind your back. When you entered Swerve’s, you could barely believe what you saw. Christmas decorations everywhere, gleaming and shining! You could even smell something delicious wafting in the air. "Don't tell me you cooked?" You asked in shocked disbelief. Just as you finished speaking, Lug and Anode came from the bar's backroom with their servos holding trays heaped with different Earth foods traditional for Christmas. There were also energon treats for your Cybertronian friends. Just when you were sure the party couldn't get any better, somebody put Christmas music on to play. You turned to look at the bots standing all around you. "Is it-Is it okay to eat?" Everyone gave you a clear go-ahead, so you began to take helpings of everything so as not to disappoint any of your friends that had worked so hard. Surprisingly, they had nailed it for most of the foods. Though the cranberry sauce was accidentally made with cherries, and the chocolate mousse was too sweet, they were still delicious. When you couldn’t eat any more, you thought that the good time would end there… but you thought wrong. Somehow Swerve had gotten his servos on the Cybertronian equivalent of a karaoke machine. Brainstorm and Perceptor had its files updated with all of the top hits from Earth. There were over 1,000 songs per country, so you had an overwhelming number of options. Some Christmas songs, both classic and new, were included as well. To start, Rodimus rocked the song 'The Phoenix' by Fall Out Boy. With that magnificent show of talent, charisma, and showmanship, others were then itching to get a turn of their own. Nautica, Velocity, and Rewind sang 'Bubblegum Bitch' together. Ultra Magnus sang 'It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas'. You insisted on singing a song called 'Do It For Her/Him' from Steven Universe with Cyclonus. The purple mech thought it was silly to sing a song from a human cartoon, but when he sang, he gave Tailgate meaningful looks. And you? You might have winked Megatron's way a couple of times. You were really enjoying yourself - the party was amazing. It was everything that you could have hoped for. Nothing could top this. Or so you thought, until you were asked to close your eyes and hold your arms out. "Guys, you aren't going to prank me, or do anything to me that will end up on Youtube??" You asked nervously. You heard a snicker from Rewind. "Don't worry! We won't!" "I can hear that camera rolling, Rewind!" You snapped. You jumped when something was placed in your hands. "Open your eyes." You opened one eye at first, then the other. You couldn't believe it. It was a sweater, unbelievingly soft, knitted in your favorite colors. Even better, in the middle of the oversized sweater was a large red Autobot symbol. You stared at it, eyes wide. When you finally raised your head, you had tears in your eyes. "Y-You're giving this to me?" "We had to pull some strings, and call in some favors, but yes." Rodimus smiled as bright as the sun from back home. "You're officially an Autobot now." You couldn't hold back your tears anymore. There was no greater honor than to be admitted to the Autobot order. You started to cry, but the tears were those of pure joy. You sniffled and wiped your face before looking at your dear friends. "C-Can I put it on?" They nodded, and you wasted no time. You pulled the sweater over your head, and then smoothed down your hair. The sweater was a few sizes bigger than your usual size, but that only made it comfier. You smiled, and almost wiped your nose on the sleeve, but you stopped yourself and instead used a napkin. "It's both the ugliest pretty sweater and the prettiest ugly sweater I have ever seen. I love it,” you admitted, your voice wobbly. Your fellow Autobots all said ‘Awww!’ at your emotional display. You opened your arms wide and waiting, and the bots got the idea. They all closed in for a group hug, lifting you off of your feet. You were surrounded by those you loved dearly, and you didn’t regret leaving Earth for a second. "Merry Christmas!" You all cheered, echoing each other.
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What dating Draco is like as a Hufflepuff:
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You were actually supposed to go to ilvermorny.
But do to your parents' jobs (both of them are Archeologists, though your mother was actually a wizard) you moved to England.
You were actually quite pissed off with this arrangement too.
You complained for a good portion of the summer that you didn't know anybody in England
At least in the US you knew a few wizards in Ilvermorny. Here you knew no one.
Your parents made a deal with you, if you didn't like your first year here at all they'd see if they could move back home.
So you agreed.
You were so stubborn the whole time (it's really a wonder you weren't Slytherin because of how hilariously stubborn you were)
You wanted to do this ALLLL on your own
Did it stop your parents from following you and correcting your direction when you went the wrong way?
No. No it didn't.
You hugged them goodbye before running through the wall.
You ended up alone in a cart, bored out your mind.
You caught this glimpse of a blonde boy though that caught your eye.
His hair was slacked back and the first thought that came to your mind was literally "How big of a douche is this kid going to be"
Well that answer came quickly.
When you ended up on a boat with Neville you were very sweet to him, hearing that he lost his toad Trevor.
When you all ended up in the castle and he found him you smiled.
And then you started hearing teasing from Draco about a Ron Weasley.
And then a insult directed towards a muggleborn.
To which you stood up for them
Because your parents were muggles too and quite frankly it pissed you off.
He sneered at you and you just rolled your eyes, as he made some comment about you being a "Bloody American."
This is going to be a common theme with you.
Cedric was there for the whole thing by the way.
Instantly he knew "Oh. Oh they're a Hufflepuff."
He was right.
You ended up sitting next to him and he was excited to have you
The house was very welcoming and they all were very sweet.
You were happy to be in that one to be honest.
Though when you found out that Hufflepuff's common room was near Slytherin's you wanted to pound your head on the table.
You and Cedric became close, he was like a kind older brother to you.
You weren't bad at your studies either
You really excelled at potions
However the dark arts teacher unsettled you
You couldn't figure out why
He was such an anxious man, but something told you that was a facade.
Then came halloween.
And there was a troll in the dungeon.
Cedric told you to remain calm.
And both of you did!
Until the realization hit you that the common room was in the dungeon.
Albus ended up sticking the Hufflepuff's and Slytherin's with Ravenclaw.
Why they didn't get put with Gryffindor, you didn't know but God you hated this arrangement.
You were fine with being with Ravenclaw though
It's how you met your friend Lindsey
She noticed you looked tense and offered you a book.
You took it and the rest was history
Eventually you were able to go back and my God you were relieved.
After Halloween everyone was ready for Christmas.
Your parents ended up being to busy to bring you home for the holidays
And they felt SO guilty about that, they kept mailing you books
You were fine with it though, by that point you actually liked hogwarts
You spent most of your time reading but ended up hanging out with Ron and Harry.
All it took was one letter to Molly and she already made you a sweater.
So Christmas morning came and you were basically the only student there in Hufflepuff.
Professor Sprout made you some hot cocoa and actually gifted you stationary because she heard you mention you needed more
She made the boys hot cocoa too and Ron and Harry were grateful.
That's when you got the sweater and you were smiling wide when you got it.
You wore it any time you got cold
Which of course got some fun remarks from Draco.
You didn't care though.
At the end of the year you decided you wanted to stay.
Though your parents were acting very odd when you came home, very secretive but arguing all the time about what you didn't know
Second year started and you were glad because it was becoming too hectic at home
But a new problem arose.
Now someone was targeting muggleborns and half bloods.
Cedric was very worried about you
After all, you were in that crowd to be potentially hurt
Draco kept making remarks though and eventually it led to you snapping at him rather loudly
He gritted his teeth as both of you ended up in detention
But then Harry messed up too.
By also including some... Fun remarks to Draco
And he was squished in that classroom with you.
Draco just complained the whole time but you just kept to your book, lending Harry one so he didn't have to listen to his constant whining.
Things kept getting tense though when someone in hufflepuff was petrified
Cedric's anxiety for you went through the roof
Especially when yet again, your parents were too busy to take you home.
You assured him you'd be fine.
He was still concerned though.
Christmas morning came and you spent it again with Ron, Harry and now Hermione.
You sat in the great hall when you noticed this time that Draco was here. He was alone too.
You may have wanted to punch the boy but no one deserved to be alone on Christmas.
So you picked up your book and asked if you could sit there.
He scowled at you and told you "There are literally three other empty tables."
And you responded with "Yes. And I want to sit here. Can I?"
He reluctantly said yes.
You read in silence for a while and then said "Merry Christmas Draco."
And then he was really caught off guard.
Not very many people called him by his name.
After a long silence he finally said "Merry Christmas to you too Y/n."
After that insults became more banter to the two of you.
You even caught him smiling a few times.
Summer rolled around and Ron's family offered to have you stay with them
To which you gratefully accepted. Because things were just getting worse at home
You finally had an answer to what your parents were keeping from you.
You were related to a very very bad wizard.
Grindlewald. To be exact.
When school finally started you decided to find Draco, who was alone in a cart reading.
When you saw him your heart almost beat out of your chest.
His hair changed and he was more... Attractive.
Course you changed to him too which led to a couple of glances.
He asked you about your summer and you mentioned staying with Ron's family.
He grimaced and you frowned.
"his family isn't bad Malfoy. In fact they were really nice." You sighed.
Draco could sense that you didn't like him talking about them like that so to your surprise...
He stopped.
Though he was confused why you didn't just stay with your family.
You told him about your situation and he was confused.
"you're related to someone 'very evil'? Why does that bother you?" He asked.
You chose not to answer that.
And that bothered him.
Truth be told you were terrified of yourself.
What if one day you hurt someone like that?
What if you did something equally evil or worse?
Then came the lesson on Boggarts.
And you were laughing for a good portion of it
Until it got to you.
And that boggart sure enough turned into Grindlewald
Which led to Remus helping you
But it was too late, you were already running out of the classroom.
He of course told Draco to go after you and he did.
You were a crying mess, sitting in the astronomy tower.
He hated seeing you cry, my God it tore his heart up.
He could put two and two together and knew now that you were related to Grindelwald.
News got out rather quickly what your boggart was
But for some reason Slytherin wasn't talking.
Apparently some student snapped at them if they tried.
Draco. It was Draco.
Cedric was worried about you though, you were still very much affected by it.
Professor Remus was helpful though, always allowing you to sit and read in his classroom if you didn't want to deal with the rumors.
Hogsmeade was a very fun trip, laughing and spending time with Cedric, Fred and George.
Fred and George found you refreshing.
You somehow could tell the difference between the two.
They all knew immediately though you had a crush on Draco when you shivered in front of him and he immediately gave you his scarf.
Mint... It smelled like mint.
You couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day and Draco really enjoyed seeing you happy.
Cedric didn't necessarily like that your crush was Draco considering the speculation around his family. But if you were happy that's what mattered.
You discovered a talent for magical creatures that year after buckbeak almost attacked Draco
You warned him not to piss off buckbeak but he didn't listen.
You jumped between the two before Hagrid could intervene and you calmed it quickly.
It mesmerized people to be honest, seeing you block any view from Draco to buckbeak and then calmly put a hand on his beak.
Hagrid immediately knew you'd be a fantastic student.
You helped Draco back up, noticing the bruise on his arm from falling on a rock.
That's when all hell broke loose over buckbeak
When Lucius heard about an injury due to him he decided to kill the poor creature.
You tried to convince Draco to tell his father not to do it and believe me, he tried.
Lucius was not having that shit though.
That's also when you ended up apart of whatever the hell Harry, Hermione and Ron were doing.
Time turners and then discovering that Buckbeak was alive.
You were relieved
But then also quite frightened to learn the truth about your favorite professor not only being a werewolf but also that he was hiding Sirius.
You were shocked to learn the truth, as were all of them.
Especially when Ron's rat was actually Peter Pettigrew
You kept everything a secret and Remus grew quite fond of you as almost a daughter.
You were sad to hear he wouldn't be back at hogwarts next year.
Then came another summer
Draco sent a letter to his parents beforehand though asking for the possibility of you spending the summer with them
Lucius reluctantly agreed, telling him that you'd be staying there for only a portion of the summer though
Draco told you this and you basically said "Alright, fuck it. Why not?"
You found yourself reading the entire time there
It was so... Peaceful and quiet.
You actually did have a sense of decorum and would curtsey everytime time you saw Lucius
It shocked Draco to see you switch from a goofball to someone who was indeed elegant.
It made him fall.
After seeing you a few times walking the halls with your face in a book Lucius was curious and asked what you were reading.
You told him "Pride and Prejudice." And he was curious to know what it was.
Considering it wasn't your first time reading this, you lended it to him
And to everyone's surprise the man actually read it.
And enjoyed it
There were a few times you lended him other books too and he actually enjoyed them too.
To be frank: I think he was a little disappointed you weren't in Slytherin.
But Narcissa loved you.
You'd sit in the living room with her, again reading but it'd look straight out of a painting.
Narcissa would be writing letters or in a journal sipping tea and you'd be across from her reading.
What was supposed to be "A few weeks and nothing more" ended up being the whole summer.
Draco loved seeing you get along with his parents
And you didn't mind them.
Though you weren't stupid you recognized something was off with them.
Then came that world quidditch game.
Harry was very much alarmed to see you with the Malfoy's.
You agreed to meet up with him after the game
Draco loved seeing your face when you watched the game though, your eyes bright and a wide smile.
After it was finished you told them you agreed to see a friend and they excused you.
You found the Weasley tent and Harry was very confused, along with Ron.
"What in the hell are you doing with him?" Harry asked.
"I've been with him over the summer." You explained.
You told them everything and they reluctantly agreed to remain as civil as possible with him.
That's when you heard screaming
And Arthur telling you to run.
You all bolted seeing death eaters everywhere.
You came face to face with one that was a little too close for comfort, especially when it seemed that they were ready to attack you.
That's when Draco found you and you both BOOKED IT.
You sat in your room that night freaking out.
"Draco what the fuck was that?" You asked.
He knew exactly what that was. But he couldn't tell you. Which killed him to lie.
Eventually you all went back to school, rumors that there was a big change this year.
There was a lot of talks about a "Yule ball"
That's when the goblet of fire was introduced.
Cedric was excited to enter and you were excited for him
Then there was the other VERY noticeable change
Mad eye Moody.
He was curious.
You were there when the names came out of the goblet
Victor Krum
Fleur delacour
And Cedric!
You were happy for him!
And then another name came out and everyone was both silent and confused.
Harry Potter.
Something told you that something was wrong with this competition.
Very wrong.
Draco was trying to enjoy the competition. Really he was
But a certain hufflepuff was so distracting
And being put in constant danger
For some reason you were in this scholarship like situation with Hagrid, taking care of Magical creatures
Which included those damn dragons.
So when you had to go out onto the field yourself and soothe one, Draco nearly had a heart attack.
Again, watching you with this creature was memorizing.
It calmed down almost immediately and you returned to your place in the stands making everyone shocked.
Course Draco was going insane from the amount of safety precautions that weren't taken.
It didn't help that you were needed for some challenge for Cedric.
You ended up chained and underwater
Which Draco didn't know yet.
All he knew is that when he asked Lindsey where you were she said you were needed for this and you disappeared.
Instantly dread hit the poor boy.
When Cedric came up out of the water with you, you basically told the staff to bite your ass if they needed you for another challenge.
Lucky for you, they knew you. And they also knew that you had some colorful ways of... Expressing your feelings.
You were freezing but the second you recognized that a child was down there and Fleur was empty handed you actually went back into the water yourself.
To everyone's surprise, you came back up with Harry, Ron and Gabrielle.
According to Harry you just went for it and grabbed her.
Draco was now head over heels because of your selfless act.
It didn't help when the Yule ball was approaching you two ended up being dance partners.
Both of you were very good at it to be honest.
Mcgonagall could see the love in that boy's eyes though.
Then you and him had a meeting spot now in the astronomy tower.
Both of you had free periods and would meet up and just enjoy the other's company.
You said some joke making him laugh.
He saw you smile and he just asked you "Would you like to go to the yule with me?"
And you of course said yes
And my god you were beautiful that night.
People kept teasing Draco about being there alone
But everyone fell dead silent when Cedric helped you down the stairs
You were anxious about walking down the stairs in heels so Cedric of course said he'd help.
Cho was smiling saying you looked gorgeous and you thanked her saying she looked great too.
This post is too long and has to be separated into two parts.
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
My Girl
First part
Requests are CLOSED
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“All done, baby?” Nikki asked you.
“Yes, it was delicious.” You complimented with your perfect manners. “Thank you for cooking.”
“I’ll get your plate!” Paddy announced, hopping off his chair to collect your plate and put it in the sink.
“What a little gentleman.” You commented. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
“So, Y/n, how long will you be in Kingston?” Dom asked politely.
“Well I’m off for the week, so I was planning on spending every minute I could with Tom before our schedules got hectic again.” You answered.
“Really? Why don’t the two of you stay here instead of commuting back and forth? You can spend the holiday with us.” Nikki offered.
“I mean, I wouldn’t want to impose.” You said.
“Nonsense.” Dom smiled. “You’re a part of the family now.”
“They’re not married, daddy.” Paddy said pointedly as he reclaimed his seat next to you.
“I feel like we are.” You gushed and squeezed Toms hand. Tom, who had been busy running through every possible worst case scenario of you staying in his childhood home with his brothers for a week, snapped back to attention.
“I feel like we are, too.” Tom smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Nikki sighed happily while Paddy gagged.
“If it’s not too much trouble, I’d love to stay here.” You said graciously. “I think that’d be great.”
“Then it’s settled.” Nikki grinned. Tom gave you a fake smile before wondering what he got himself into. “Let me go get the cake.”
And so, you moved into the Holland household for the week. To Tom, it seemed like Paddy was making it his mission in life to annoy him. Every second of every day was “Y/n, look at this!” or “Y/n, come see this.” Everyone else in the house found Paddy’s obvious crush to be adorable, and Tom did too at first. But adorable turned to annoying very fast. It was like Paddy was Tinkerbell, and would die if he didn’t constantly have your attention.
It started off with small things.
“Oops.” You mumbled as you knocked your fork off the counter.
“I got it!” Paddy rushed into the room and picked up your fork. You and Tom were eating breakfast alone and hadn’t even known Paddy was around. Paddy ran to the sink and held your fork under the faucet before returning it to you.
“Here you are.” Paddy said with a smile. You took the fork and gave him a sweet smile.
“Thanks, sweetie.” You cooed, making Paddy blush and give you a gentle nod.
“What are you doing up this early?” Tom questioned his brothers suspicious behavior. “I thought you didn’t wake up until four pm.”
“I do not.” Paddy shot back. “I’m always up early to help mum with the wash.”
“That’s just not true.” Tom said.
“That’s so sweet of you!” You gushed over the little boy. “You’re such a good son.”
“I try.” Paddy said suavely. “Tom still drops his wash off for mum to do.”
“That is…partially true.” Tom admitted. He did on occasion drop his laundry off for his mother to do. He gave Paddy a tight lipped smile. “Paddy, don’t you have homework to do?”
“No.” Paddy looked his bigger dead in the eye.
“Oh really? If I asked mum, would she say the same thing?” Tom asked.
“Fine.” Paddy grumbled, then shot you a smile. “Bye, Y/n.”
“Bye Y/n.” Tom mimicked once he’d left.
“Stop.” You playfully shoved Tom and popped a blueberry in your mouth. “He’s so cute.”
“He’s a little show off is what he is.” Tom huffed.
“Oh hush.” You elbowed Tom gently. “He just wants to make a good impression.”
“By trying to make me look bad.” Tom pointed out.
“Leave him be.” You ordered. “He just wants his big brothers girlfriend to like him. It’s normal.”
“It’s not normal. I know my brother, Y/n. If you keep being nice to him, he’s gonna fall in love with you.” Tom warned.
“Oh please.” You said. “He’s not gonna fall in love with me.”
“Alright. See for yourself.” Tom shrugged.
And in the end, you did see for yourself.
“Can someone get the toaster down for me?” You called to anyone who was listening. Your fingertips were just centimeters from it, but you couldn’t reach.
“I can do it!” Paddy hopped off his stool and dragged it over to where you were.
“Paddy, you’re like 3 feet tall.” Sam said, also getting up and going over to where you were.
“I have a stool.” Paddy deadpanned, gesturing to his stool.
“And I have 5 feet and 8 inches of pure british glory.” Sam remarked as he easily got the toaster down for you. “Here you go, love.” Sam smiled kindly, and shot a devious look at Paddy. Paddy was fuming. He practically had steam coming out of his ears.
“Thanks Sam.” You said gratefully and took out the English muffins.
“No problem, Y/n. Anytime.” He gave you a wink, and then stuck his tongue out at Paddy when you weren’t looking.
The rest of your time in the house followed in a similar fashion.
“Good morning everyone!” You chirped as you entered the kitchen. You took your new designated seat next to Tom and smiled at everyone at the table.
“You look really pretty today, Y/n.” Paddy spoke up, making Sam and Harry snicker and Tom roll his eyes.
“Thanks, Paddy.” You smiled and put your hand over your heart.
“Paddy”, Sam cleared his throat, “would you like some whip cream on that?”
“I’m eating eggs.” Paddy said dully.
“Don’t be silly, Sam,” Harry continued the act, “Paddy doesn’t need whip cream. He’s already whipped himself.”
“Very funny.” Paddy rolled his eyes as Sam and Harry made whipping motions. You just smiled and looked to Tom.
“Are you ready to leave after breakfast, love?” Tom asked, desperate to change to subject.
“Yep.” You nodded and pressed your lips to his, which he happily accepted. Paddy sucked his teeth and looked up at the ceiling.
“Where is the happy couple going today?” Harry said deviously.
“To the mall.” Tom answered and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
“The mall? Can I come with you guys?” Paddy perked up.
“Nope.” Tom said, popping the p.
“Tom.” You scolded. You turned to Paddy and gave him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. We need some alone time as a couple.”
“Oh okay. I understand.” Paddy nodded and sighed dramatically. “I wouldn’t want me around either.”
Tom saw right through his act and stared at him with squinted eyes. You, on the other hand, felt guilt pang your heart. You looked at Tom, silently asking him to allow Paddy to tag along. Tom shook his head violently, and you pulled on arm. He didn’t give in, and just kept shaking his head.
“You know what?” You said through a forced smile and eyes that told Tom to behave. “Sure. You can come.”
“I can?” Paddy said happily.
“He can?” Tom asked you with a raised eyebrow.
“Why not? We can go out to dinner later, just to two of us.” You suggested. Tom reluctantly nodded his head and gave Paddy a fake smile.
“Sure. He can come.” Tom said, shooting Paddy the death stare for crashing his date.
After breakfast, you all walked to the car, Paddy running ahead.
“I’ll get that for you.” Paddy opened the passenger door for you gave you cheeky smile.
“Thanks Paddy.” You replied and climbed inside.
It was like that the entire day. You didn’t touch a single door handle all day.
“After you.” Paddy opened the door to yet another store and gestured for you to walk inside.
“Why thank you.” You smiled gratefully and ruffled his hair as you passed through the door. Tom was about to go through the door as well, but Paddy was hot on your trails and shut the door in Toms face. Tom felt jealously bubble in his tummy, no matter how dumb the situation was. He should be the one opening your doors. And he would be, if Paddy didn’t put his little raccoon hands (I’m so sorry) on your door handles before Tom ever got a chance.
You spent most of the time talking to Paddy and getting to know him. You didn’t ignore Tom on purpose, but Paddy made it impossible to have a moment alone. Normally, Tom would be thrilled by the girl he loved getting along so well with his family. But Paddy was driving him crazy. He was always around you like a pesky bug. Tom knew you were too kind to tell Paddy to go away, and he could only hope his little brother wasn’t bothering you.
“I can carry your bags.” Paddy announced as you made your way out of the final store.
“Oh you don’t have-“ you began. Paddy didn’t listen, and took all your shopping bags into his hands. They were a little too heavy for him, making Tom laugh, but Paddy refused to let it show. He carried them all the way to the car, even managing to open your door with his arms full. Tom drove you all home in silence, feeling the jealousy bubbling inside him again. It was unreasonable to be jealous of his kid brothers relationship with his girlfriend. It’s not like anything could possibly happen between you two. If it were Harry or Sam, his feelings would be justified. But Paddy was just a kid. Tom kept telling himself this as Paddy told you yet another story to impress you.
“Thanks for all your help today, sweetheart.” You smiled as you all entered the house, after Paddy the door open for you yet again. Paddy gave you a proud smile and nodded. Toms eyes shifted between the two of you, dying to roll his eyes. To Toms surprise, you bent down and kissed Paddy on his cheek. Paddy’s face burned under your lips, and you heard a gasp escape him. He touched his fingertips to where your lips had been and a grin lit up his freckled face.
Tom bit the inside of his cheek, not wanting to explode on you in front of his brothers.
He could wait. He could wait.
“What’s wrong?” Harry snorted, walking into the living room just in time to see what was going on. “Haven’t you been kissed by a girl before?”
“No.” Paddy said quickly. He hadn’t.
“You’re 15 and never kissed a girl?” Harry continued to taunt his younger brother. “I kissed a hundred girls by that age.” He also hadn’t.
“Leave him alone.” You commanded playfully. “It’s okay, Paddy. I didn’t have my first kiss until I was 17.”
“Thanks, Y/n.” Paddy said, before running away in embarrassment. Harry also left, leaving you alone with Tom.
“What just happened?” Tom asked, unable to hide his feelings.
“Relax.” You’d aid sweetly. “That was my way of telling him that I appreciate his sweet gestures, but he’s just a little brother to me. He gets it.”
“No.” Tom laughed bitterly. “He won’t get it. If anything, you just solidified his fantasy that you two are gonna end up together.”
“He doesn’t actually think that.” You dismissed, still in denial. “He knows I’m too old for him. And besides, he’d never try to take his brothers girlfriend.”
“Wanna bet?” Tom asked.
“Just wait, Tommy.” You said assuredly. “By tomorrow, he’ll be over his crush.
He wasn’t.
The next day, you were lying on the couch, being the big spoon to Tom as an episode of New Girl played. The episode had just ended, and the credits were rolling across the screen.
“Y/n, do you want to play the PS4 with me?” Paddy asked as he entered the room. He had two controllers in his hands and a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” You said, struggling to sit up since Tom was lying on top of your arm.
“But,” Tom protested with a pout, “cuddles?”
“We can cuddle later, lover.” You promised with a kiss to his cheek.
“You’re seriously leaving me to go play a video game with Paddy?” Tom asked, a little sharply.
“I want your family to like me.” You said so only Tom would hear. Tom nodded in reluctant agreement and let you get up. He sighed as he watched you follow Paddy into the other room. Paddy was making it impossible to spend any time with you. The week was falling away and Tom felt like he never saw you, and the times he did see you, Paddy was right at your heels like a puppy. He decided this was the last time his brother got in the way of his time with you.
“Why don’t we spend the day together? Just the two of us?” Tom said the next day as he wrapped his arms around your waist while you were stood in front of the kitchen counter.
“Shoot, sorry baby. I promised Paddy I’d watch him do tricks at the skatepark.” You said with an apologetic pout. Tom felt his blood boil at yet another blow off.
“Why did you promise him that? He’s not even good.” He huffed, making your eyes widen as you giggled.
“He just wants to impress me.” You turned around in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck. “It’s cute. Let him be happy.”
“Y/n, you don’t get it.” Tom sighed. “He’s genuinely in love with you. And pretty soon, he’s gonna think he actually has a chance.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. He’s 15. I’m 23. He knows he’s just a little brother to me.” You reiterated, making Tom rolled his eyes at your innocence.
“I’m telling you, Y/n. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.” Tom said.
“I think I’ll be okay.” You said with a kiss to Toms lips. He sighed. He didn’t want to spend the few moments he had with you fighting about Paddy.
“I’m sorry.” He said quietly. “I just miss you. I never get to see you without him being right there.”
“Tell you what.” Your eyes glistened in the way Tom loved. “I’ll say I’m gonna hang with Daya tomorrow, so I can’t hang out with him. You can meet me at the mall and we can spend the day together. Paddy won’t try to tag along if he thinks I’m gonna be with my friend.”
“When did you get so devious?” Tom asked with a satisfied smirk.
“Ew.” Paddy interrupted your moment with a gag. “I’m pretty sure we have a “no snogging in the kitchen” rule.” He said while glaring at Tom.
The next day, Tom kept a neutral face as he waited for your text telling him to meet you at that mall.
“Hey, wheres your girlfriend?” Harry asked casually as he bit into an apple.
“She’s at-“ Tom began.
“Not you.” Harry waved his hand dismissively. “I was talking to Paddy.”
“She’s at the mall with Zendaya, probably getting another one of those pretty sweaters she wears.” Paddy rattled off.
“And how do you know all that?” Tom asked, a little creeped out at the detail.
“She told me about the mall and Zendaya. The sweater part is just a theory.” Paddy replied.
“Paddy, you don’t actually think you have a chance with this girl, do you?” Harry asked. Tom was relived someone was finally asking.
“I don’t know.” Paddy said, looking at the floor.
“You don’t know?” Tom repeated, shocked that the answered wasn’t a straight “no.” like it should’ve been.
“Yeah. I don’t know.” Paddy said again.
“Well you should.” Tom said assertively, finally losing his cool. “Paddy, she’s my girlfriend. And one day, she’ll be my wife. This isn’t like when we were kids anymore. This is real life and she’s my real girlfriend. You said you would respect that.”
“But she might fancy me back.” Paddy protested with a red face. “She kissed my cheek the other day. And she said I was really good at skateboarding.”
“Oh, so she’s a liar?” Harry cut in.
“No. She’s not a liar.” Paddy defended you, getting genuinely angry now. “She’s perfect.”
“She is.” Tom sighed, seeing that his brother was getting upset and shifting into big brother mode. “She is perfect. But she’s also 8 years older than you and thinks of you as a little brother.”
“Did she say that?” Paddy asked quietly. Tom knelt don’t next to him. He knew Paddy’s feelings of rejection were more important than his own feelings of jealousy. It wasn’t time to fight. It was time to be a good big brother.
“Many times. She loves you, Paddy.” Tom assured him. “But as a brother. Not the way she loves me, and not the way you love her.”
“Oh.” Paddy said softly, looking at his shoes.
“Do you want to come to the mall with me? She’s gonna be there.” Tom offered an olive branch to his brother.
“I thought she was gonna be with Zendaya.” Paddy wondered.
“Zendaya couldn’t make it.” Tom lied. “Why don’t you tag along? She said she misses you.”
“Did she really?” Paddy’s eyes lit up.
“No.” Tom thought.
“Yep.” Tom said. “Go get dressed. I’ll be in the car.”
Paddy ran out of the kitchen and into his room. Tom smiled to himself, pleased with his decision to take the high road. He shot you a quick text to let you know what was going on, and to his satisfaction, you were pleased too.
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AssClass Christmas Fics: Part 1
Group 1 + gift-shopping 🎁
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In which Kataoka is tired, Isogai is stressed, Maehara is a wholesome idiot, and Okano and Kimura are the embodiment of chaos.
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Wholesomeness, Slight angst on Isogai’s part
Length: 3,133 words
In hindsight, Megu should’ve known better than to come.
It had seemed innocent at first when Maehara brought the idea up in their groupchat. He wanted all his closest friends to band together and take a trip to the mall for “some good ol’ Christmas gift-shopping.” He said it wasn’t likely they’d get to hang out all together until after winter break. Ok, fair point.
But now, as she sat exhaustedly in the dressing room of some teen store, surrounded by heaps of clothing, she realized she’d made a mistake.
“Hinano, please tell me this is the last one you’re trying on,” Megu begged as she reached for another garment. “We’ve been here for at least an hour and a half.”
“Mmm...I just have to find a matching pair of shorts,” Hinano hummed, at least looking somewhat apologetic. She gave Megu a wink. “After this, we’ll be all done!”
And with that, the smaller girl dashed off, probably in search of one of the store workers.
Megu groaned, giving a pitiful glance at the bag sitting besides her. She’d purchased one outfit, a matching belt, and a set of earrings already...while her friend was still not even close to being done.
“Might as well check what everyone else is doing.” Megu pulled out her phone and texted their groupchat. 
Kataoka: Where are you guys?
She got a reply a moment later.
Maehara: me n isogai r grabbing smth to eat rn
Maehara: but we’re gonna go to some store after
Ah...probably to get some gifts for Isogai’s siblings, Megu remembered fondly. 
“Oh, Megu, she’s still not done yet?” She snapped up to see a somewhat flustered Touka making her way into the dressing room.
The class rep sighed with a tired smile, setting her phone down. She shifted a bit to make room for the other girl. “No, not yet...did you get what you were looking for?”
Touka nodded excitedly, pulling out her gift bag. It was very small and plain-looking, nude with only a red ribbon tied around. She handed it to Megu, a shine in her eyes. “Yes. It’s perfect, exactly what we were going for.”
Megu opened up the bag and reached for the item inside. It was small yet carried weight, and was surrounded by fancy parchment paper. She delicately opened it, careful not to rip anything. “Oh,” she breathed. Touka was certainly right.
It was perfect.
Nestled within the folds of parchment paper was a lovely ornament, shaped like a rose and made of dazzling stained glass. A thousand colors reflected off of it as she gently held it up in the light of the store. 
Touka smiled softly, leaning into her seat. “I thought a rose would be fitting after, y’know, Karasuma-sensei’s love declaration in October,” she laughed. 
“True.” Megu laughed as she carefully set the gift down back into the bag. “No but really, I can’t imagine anything better than this for her. She loves roses and it’s sophisticated, but still...can remind her of our class.”
She patted Touka’s shoulder, her gaze soft. “We made such a good decision entrusting her Christmas gift to be picked out by you.”
Oddly, Touka’s face turned a bright hue of red and she glanced away, clearing her throat. “It’s no problem! I’m happy that I picked something okay.”
Before Megu could question her, their third companion came back in a flurry of more clothing. A pair of pants flew and knocked against Megu’s face, and she wiped it away tiredly. “Hina! You said one more thing!”
Hinano was already turned towards the changing stall, struggling to carry her massive load. “I know, I know, I’m sorry! But they have a sale!”
“Wait, really?” Touka shot up, her eyes bright. “I gotta go look for some stuff too!” Within seconds, she was dashing towards the racks of clothing in the store, right into the massive crowds of people already scavenging for good sales.
Oh boy. Megu mentally prepared herself for a moment before following her. Might as well take advantage of the sales too, she thought wryly. She had been looking for a new pair of boots lately...
“Yo, how about this one?” Hiroto asked, wriggling his eyebrows and holding up a video game-themed hoody jacket. It was child-sized and looked incredibly tiny against his large frame.
Yuuma looked in his direction, still combing through a rack of items himself. “Cute.” He grinned.
He reached over and touched the material thoughtfully. “Quality seems pretty good too. It’ll last him a while.”
“Yeah!” Hiroto agreed. “It’s super cozy, and will help him a lot in winter.”
“Okay, we can put this in the cart.”
Hiroto obliged and the two boys moved on from the clothing area. “Nothing else?” He questioned, giving a passing glance to aisles around them.
Yuuma hummed. “Well, we got a pajama set for both of them...a dress...two pairs of shoes, and now this hoodie. I’d like to get more but it’s Christmas, right? They’d probably like some new toys, not a ton of clothes.” He laughed.
“Ah, true.” Hiroto pushed the cart towards the toy section, following his best friend’s steady pace. This part of the store was incredibly hectic, and the sound of children’s cries and laughs filled it endlessly. Stressed parents flew around, trying to find the perfect toys. Boxes were everywhere, and it was very much a mess.
He barely caught Yuuma’s wince. As someone who also worked in a service industry, around Christmas time no less, Yuuma was probably sympathizing with the store clerks who’d be tasked to clean up.
They reached a random aisle that ended up holding all the lego sets. “I should get a couple of these,” Yuuma mused, looking around. “They love Legos, especially the bigger sets.”
“Uh huh...” Hiroto grasped his chin in thought, leaning his forearms onto the cart handle. “What about this?” He reached over and grabbed the box set. 
Yuuma leaned over to see it. “A firetruck and station,” he read. “589 pieces.” He smiled, looking up at Hiroto. “Perfect. Let’s grab it.”
“Awesome.” Hiroto was glad he was some kind of help. He knew this time of year was always incredibly stressful for his best friend, who not only had to study but work at the same time. And Yuuma would always buy his family some type of presents, so there was that added financial stress...
Not to mention...
Yuuma would never outright say it, but Hiroto knew that his father was on his mind even more than usual during the Holiday season, a time that places so much emphasis on family. 
The thought made his chest tighten. Hiroto always swore to himself that he’d help Yuuma and his family to the best of his ability, and it went tenfold during this goddamn month. 
The two looked some more before coming up with a few more toys. There was a science kit for his younger brother, and some new race cars. And a babydoll and a slime-making box for his little sister. The two kids would share the Lego set, and their older brother would help them build it.
“Now we just need to swing by over there,” Yuuma told him, gesturing to the side of the store where mainly women’s products were. Things like fancy soap, candles, etc. 
It was definitely a gift for his mom.
“Sure.” They made their way over, Hiroto still pushing the cart. “Hey, Isogai...” The name slipped uncomfortably from his tongue, leaving a taste of unfamiliarity. 
“Yeah?” Yuuma asked, looking through some house decorations. Hiroto took a short breath.
“Your family will love and appreciate whatever you get for them. It’s always the thought that counts, and that’s like...times ten with you. You’re a really good son and big brother, and that alone means so much to them probably.”
There was a pause.
“So please don’t stress yourself out, looking “for the perfect gift,” Hiroto added quickly. “They love you so much...”
Well, so much for nice encouragement. He just blurted out everything.
The sound of gentle laughter rang out, and he glanced up to see Yuuma looking back at him. His best friend’s eyes crinkled in a charming way as he spoke.
“Thanks, Hiroto...I couldn’t have gone through all this without you.” He ran a hand through his mop of dark hair. “And I don’t just mean this past month...thanks for being my best friend.”
He continued. “It’s when you say stuff like that...that brings me back down to Earth,” Yuuma admitted. “And I can actually...relax, even for just a little bit.”
Hiroto coughed lightly, before beaming at him. “Well, duh~what are best friends for?” He winked. “I’ve always got your back.”
“Same here,” Yuuma replied, his gaze soft. 
His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, brows furrowing slightly. “Ah, Yada texted.”
Yada: help megu almost fought some girl over a pair of tights on sale
Maehara: LMFAOOOOOO well did she win?
Yada: ya of course
Kataoka: - _ - she deserved it
Isogai: Haha
Kataoka: also sorry to interrupt but
Kataoka: where the hell are okano and kimura????
“I can’t believe you actually had a good idea for once,” Okano muttered, the blue light from the game reflected in her fierce gaze. “Coming to the mall arcade instead of doing some boring shopping.”
“Yeah, well, at least one of us used our brain cell today,” Kimura shot back, his thumbs moving rapidly. “If it was up to you, we’d still be circling around the penny fountain.”
Okano snorted. “Shut up.” She picked up the pace on the controllers, feeling a familiar drive to win piling up inside of her. 
Ten seconds later, “You lose!” was flashing at her on the screen while Kimura jumped up, throwing his arms up in victory. “Aw, hell yeah!”
“Fuck!” Okano hissed. “One more time!” She demanded, turning towards him.
Kimura smirked, calming down. “No thanks, I’m getting bored of this one now,” he replied nonchalantly.
Okano rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She looked around at the arcade interior, her gaze scanning around for anything that seemed interesting. 
“Oh! I love that game!” She exclaimed, gesturing to an iceball set up. “Come on!”
“Sure!” Kimura followed her towards the machine, seeing nothing else to do. “I bet I’ll win~” He sang smugly.
“You wish,” Okano scoffed, choosing the one on the left while he moved to the right. She inserted the proper number of tokens before smiling satisfied at the way the machine lit up. “I’m a beast at this game. Maehara can tell you himself how I literally destroyed everyone at this last summer.”
Kimura did the same and they both waited for the number of balls to roll down towards them. “Huh. We’ll see about that.”
“Just shut up and play already.” She had already thrown her first ball, smirking at how it fell into an 100 point slot. “Ha!”
“Lucky shot,” Kimura mumbled, tossing his first one. It fell into the Zero slot, much to his disappointment. “Shit...”
Thankfully, Okano didn’t pay attention. She was much too preoccupied with tossing her own balls, which all landed in the 100 or 250 slots. 
Kimura picked up the pace and continued his game. He groaned as all of them fell into the 10 point slots. The number of tickets coming out on his end was nothing compared to Okano’s long chain. Well...maybe my pitching is shit after all, like Sugino said. I should fix this...
“Done!” Okano shouted, throwing her last ball that fell into the 100 slot. She grinned at her list of tickets before looking over at him. “What’d I tell you, huh?” 
Kimura rolled his eyes, grabbing his final ball. Gritting his teeth, he tossed it with a carefull turn of his wrist. He watched in anticipation as the ball glided over all the slots...before falling right into the 5000 slot.
“Oh shit!”
“Woah!” Okano yelled, her eyes wide. “Oh my god, Kimura! You got the highest number!”
“I did!” He shouted back, somewhat in a daze. 
“That’s amazing!”
For a moment, it was like they weren’t rivals. Just a moment though.
Okano punched his shoulder, her lips curved. “Beginner’s luck,” she teased, but the fire never left her eyes.
Kimura laughed before his gaze fell back on his tickets. “Ah...it’s taking a while, isn’t it?”
Okano looked at it with a frown, pursing her lips. “It shouldn’t be.”
“Let’s give it another minute,” he suggested.
Five minutes later, Kimura felt like screaming. “My major accomplishment!” He sighed dramatically. “And no one was around to see it but you!”
Okano rolled her eyes, hopping off the floor where they’d been crouching. “Get up. Let’s go find a staff member.”
“Yeah...” Kimura stood up, shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket. “Uh hello? What are you staring at?” He questioned.
No answer, as Okano looked thoughtfully at the game machine. “Earth to Okano~” He sang, waving a hand in her face.
Then she did it.
Something he hadn’t expected, but really it shouldn’t have even surprised him.
Okano swung her leg out before letting it collide against the machine’s ticket base. A booming thud rang out.
And almost immediately, tickets began streaming out. 
Kimura’s jaw dropped.
“There, it’s all fixed,” Okano smiled with a shrug.
“Are you crazy?” The words escaped his mouth instantly. “You pulled out some assassin moves just to fix a ticket machine?!”
“Well yeah~You can get your tickets now!”
“How did you even know that would work?! And doesn’t your foot hurt like hell?”
Okano laughed. “Honestly, I had no idea if it would work. But it did!” She glanced at her foot. “And it doesn’t hurt. That part of the machine is pretty hollow, and my foot has hit harder things so...”
Kimura frowned at her.
“I promise it’s fine!” Okano held her hands up. “Woah...look at your tickets! I think you can get a stuffed animal with this number!”
“Yeah maybe-” Kimura was cut off by a stern voice barking at them.
“Hey! You kids!”
They both jolted up as one of the mall security guards stormed towards them, followed by as pissed-off arcade worker, who pointed at them. “Those kids broke the machine to steal extra tickets!”
Kimura felt his mouth go dry. Still he tried to shout, “Wait no! It’s a misunderstanding, I got 5000! But it got stuck-”
And then he was cut off by Okano yanking his arm away with a strength he could only imagine having. The next few seconds felt like a blur and before he knew it, the two of them were running in the lobby of the mall.
“Come on, you idiot! You’re the fastest runner in the class, act like it!” Okano yelled, purposely agitating him. Still, Kimura fell for it and his speed increased immensely in just a second. Now, Okano was trying to catch up to him. 
Kimura dashed through the numbers of people walking by, being mindful to dodge anyone, especially the elderly or some children... He shouted out a “Sorry!” and an “Excuse me!” as he moved.
It sounded odd but he could hear Okano’s footsteps behind him, even amongst the clusters of normal civilians. Probably from all the times they trained together. Her steps were light and bouncy, barely touching the floor as she kept a stable balance. He always thought to himself how Okano moved like she could walk on air.
He made a sharp turn around a mall corner, narrowly avoiding a collision with three girls just trying to walk by. “Ah, I’m so sorry!”
“What the hell- wait...Kimura?” One of the girls breathed.
Kimura’s head snapped up at the familiar tone and he realized in horror who the girls were. “Kataoka! Yada! Kurahashi!” He laughed sheepishly. “How’s your shopping going?”
“Fine~!” Kurahashi chirped, somehow balancing five huge bags on one of her arms alone.
Kimura smiled at her. “That’s good...” He laughed nervously again. “Well, I should continue on my way-”
Kataoka leveled him a sharp glare, leaning in closer. “What do you think you’re doing, running around the mall like a maniac? And where’s Hinata?!”
“There you are!” All four of them jolted, looking up to see the security guard. Standing right beside him was a very annoyed-looking Okano, crossing her arms. Ah, so she got caught...
“I’m gonna need you to come to our office,” the guard spoke sternly, looking straight at Kimura. 
He sighed, stepping forward to comply before passing a pleading glance to the girls. Kurahashi frowned, Yada sighed, and Kataoka shut her eyes irritably. Then she spoke. “Officer...we’re friends with them, so we’ll come along too, if that’s okay.”
“Alright then.”
The girls followed them warily and Kataoka leaned in to whisper to Yada. “I hope your negotiating skills will come in handy now...”
“Oh man,” Maehara wheezed, clutching his stomach. “Banned from the mall for a month?!” He burst out laughing again.
“Yeah...” Kimura’s head was dropped into his arms, which rested on the table of the cafe they were at.
“I’m glad you find this act of immaturity so funny,” Kataoka commented dryly, taking another sip of her latte. The liquid scorched her throat a bit, but she needed the caffeine at that moment. 
“Actually, I find it hilarious,” Maehara corrected. “Seriously, how did all that even happen? Why’d you run away?”
“I’d like to know too,” Isogai chimed in tiredly.
“Uh, haven’t you heard of fleeing from the scene of a crime?” Okano snapped, but it lacked its usual bite as she reached over for her hot chocolate.
“That only works if you can’t get caught,” Yada pointed out with a giggle, adjusting her scarf.
“Aw man,” Maehara chuckled, toning it down at the sight of Okano’s pout. “It’s okay guys. We’ll laugh about this in the future.”
“You’re laughing about it now,” Kataoka muttered sourly.
Maehara ignored her. “One day, we’ll look back on this as a super fond memory,” he said confidently, throwing an arm around Kimura.
“Not to mention, it was pretty cool how you used your kick, Hina!” Kurahashi chimed in, hugging her.
“Yeah, pretty badass,” Isogai agreed, flashing her a smile.
Okano’s lips curved up. “Thanks, guys...”
“I guess the whole thing was pretty ridiculous,” Kimura said. “Sorry for stressing you out, Kataoka...”
She waved him off but her gaze softened. “Just don’t let this happen ever again.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Maehara clasped his heads behind his head. “Ah, by the way, I’m gonna have to leave sooner than I thought.”
Yada squinted at him. “...Why?”
“Well, there’s this Christmas event at another store where they need a guy in a Santa costume...and you know...the elves are all pretty girls, so I gotta help them out-”
All his friends let out a collective groan. 
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