#yes the nurse jack had was morgan from the mindy project
how about jack getting chills (maybe as a vaccine side effect topical) then he gets bundled in blankets and taken to the vet i mean vet i mean vet i meanv- human doctor
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Uiscefhuaraithe- Bundled up in blankets: Jack Griffin
Fandom- AP Bio
Ship- Jack Griffin/Lynette Hofstadter
Jack gets chills after a vaccine. That's it.
Title from To Someone from a Warm Climate by Hozier
Read here or below!
Jack gets the stupid goddamn flu shot, because everyone at Whitlock gets the stupid goddamn flu shot (except for Devin, whose Mom apparently believes that they’re a manipulation tactic from the government and so will not allow him to receive any). He sits in the stupid goddamn chair in the gym, takes off his stupid goddamn cardigan and lets them stab him in his stupid goddamn arm before he thanks them for it and saunters off back to class.
He’s greeted by a whole bunch of students all rubbing their arms (Devin excluded, of course) and complaining about how rough the nurse was with them- Jack fortunately doesn’t have that issue at least. His was a strange but oddly gentle man from New York who offered him a ‘sucker’ afterwards and spent half the time Jack was sat there showing him pictures of his dogs from back home.
A few of the class are sat flicking through leaflets, their eyes growing with concern the more that they read.
“Woah, this says you can get a fever after having the shot?? That doesn’t make any sense!” Colin announces, brow crinkling with concern. “I thought the whole point of getting the vaccine was to make sure you don’t get sick?”
Sarika answers him before Jack has to. “The side effects are mild compared to the actual flu, Colin. It’s way better to maybe have the chills for a little while than to get super sick.”
“Still... I didn’t sign up for this.”
As he rests his chin against his folded arms atop his desk, Jack can’t help but agree. He hates getting shots, but it’s something that he has to do- especially after his last bout of the flu nearly took him to the hospital. If that event is anything to go by, though, then the next few days are going to be pretty unpleasant. His body does not react well to anything it perceives as a threat, apparently.
The end of the school day rolls around quickly, and soon he’s driving Lynette back to his place for the night- a tradition they’ve grown accustomed to in recent months.
“You read the leaflet?” Lynette asks him, thumbing through it as they pull up to a stoplight.
Jack glances over, shakes his head dismissively. “Nah. No point. I know I’m gonna experience all that stuff anyway, there’s no point making myself worked up about it.”
His girlfriend quirks a brow. “You’re gonna experience all the side effects?”
He nods, tapping a rhythm on the wheel. “Trust me, Lyns, I always get the vaccine side effects. It sucks but that’s life.”
“So let me get this straight- you think you’re going to experience... here, let me see: soreness,-“
“You betcha”
“Oh, definitely”
“muscle aches,-“
“and fatigue?”
Lynette snorts. “Jack, I think it’s physically impossible for somebody to have all of those symptoms after a vaccine.”
Jack shrugs. “Watch me.”
When Lynette wakes up the next morning, the first thing she does is roll over like always, expecting to find empty space on the other side of the bed where Jack departed in favour of showering early. Instead, she’s greeted with the solid warmth of her boyfriend, who is decidedly not in the shower. In fact, he isn’t even awake yet.
He’s facing her, dead asleep, cheeks unusually flushed, and a stray curl hangs over his equally reddened forehead like the curving tail of a cat. With every even breath, he shudders a little.
Lynette shuffles closer and gently presses the back of her hand to his cheek just to affirm what she already knows. He’s got a fever. Damn. His prediction was right.
“Jack... sweetheart, wake up...”
She moves her hand so her thumb strokes repetitively across his jaw in a vain attempt to rouse him, and when this is met with no more than a defiant little grumble, she leans in to press a kiss to the bridge of his nose- it twitches almost bunny-like, and at last he wearily opens his eyes with a deep sigh.
Lynette furrows her brow sympathetically. “You okay?”
He hums noncommittally and buries his nose back into the softness of the pillow, shuddering again. His eyes flutter closed just as quickly as they opened. “Mm.... cold.” 
“I don’t think you’re cold, sweetheart.” She explains. “You’re actually running quite hot, even if you feel cold.”
He’s gone again in another second, falling asleep faster than she’s ever seen him before. While he continues to shiver under the blankets, Lynette takes the opportunity to slip free of the bed and fetch some things to help. 
As it turns out, Jack is right about more than just the fever. Along with flushed cheeks and forehead, the area around the shot site is red too, and according to him, everything aches. Well, according to him when she actually manages to pry any information out of him, that is. Considering how dramatic he is about the prospect of getting sick, he’s always surprisingly closed-off when said sickness hits for real. Like a clammy clam-shell. 
His fever thankfully fades without much intervention aside from a Tylenol, but the chills? God, the chills are apparently here to stay. 
On the third day post-vaccine, they reach a new high, and no matter how many blankets she piles onto his lap, he just can’t seem to get warm. He shivers miserably underneath layer after layer, blankly staring at the TV and looking so out of it it’s almost concerning. And a little adorable, thanks to the fact that he’s cocooned himself like a sick little caterpillar. 
“Still feeling cold?” she asks uselessly. 
He nods, eyelids drooping as if the motion nearly sends him to sleep. “F-freezing.”
“Alright.” She stands up, and offers him her hand. “C’mon, Harvard. We’re going to the Doctors. Need to get you some heavy duty stuff to make you feel better, hm?”
Jack says nothing but takes her hand anyway, the clearest indication that he really isn’t himself. He follows her lead all the way out to the car. 
When she arrives back home, it’s with some tablets and an exhausted Jack that she wanders through the door. They don’t bother heading all the way upstairs- they barely make it to the couch before Jack slumps down in it and pulls all the blankets they left there over his shivering form. He’s about ready to close his eyes and conk out, but Lynette manages to keep him awake just a few minutes longer so he can take the medication. 
“Here.” She says, her own voice worn from the exhaustion of being up for what feels like days. “Take this, hon, or you won’t feel any better.”
His trembling hand retrieves the pill, and throws it haphazardly down his throat. He dry swallows it, like a goddamn weirdo, and promptly curls back into his blanket pile to sleep. 
Lynette, meanwhile, yawns, and settles herself on the other couch. There’s only one blanket draped across it but she isn’t a shivering wreck like her boyfriend so it doesn’t matter. As she slips beneath it, she raises the bottle of medication to her eyes and squints to get a look at the writing on the back. 
WARNING: Causes drowsiness. Do not operate heavy machinery while taking this medication. 
She grins, placing it back down on the coffee table and hazarding a wayward glance at Jack. Is he.... drooling? Jesus Christ. 
“Jack. Jack. Harvard. Jack.”
Nothing. Not even a twitch. 
She chuckles slightly and wriggles beneath the blanket. 
When she wakes up, he’ll definitely still be right where he is, and she is going to take so many pictures for blackmail purposes. Mary, Stef, and Michelle are going to lose their minds. 
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