#yes the only part i rendered was his thighs what i about it
pin-k-ink · 5 months
ephemera // gojo satoru
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tw ⇢ teacher-student relationship, implied age gap, dub-con, pet names, alcohol consumption, body worship, fingering, dirty talk, mutual pining
wc ⇢ 4.6k
a/n: i still have no idea how to describe what being intoxicated feels like
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Gojo stared intently at the calendar, jaw tensing as he circled the quickly approaching date with a vibrant red pen. It was marked simply with your initials, but he knew the significance behind those two unassuming letters all too well.
Your birthday. Specifically, the one that would officially bring your transition into adulthood.
A strange feeling twisted in his gut, part anticipation and part...something darker, more fraught. For years now, he had forced himself to bury the undercurrents of forbidden attraction simmering between himself and his brilliant, beautiful student. With the power differential between you, it would have been unforgivably unethical to act on those urges, no matter how they ran molten beneath his skin when your eyes met across the training dojo.
But now, with your impending status as a legal adult, all of those previously steadfast barriers were suddenly rendered moot. You would be a woman grown in the eyes of society - fully autonomous to make your own choices about relationships and intimacies.
And Gojo would finally be free to pursue the longing that he'd ruthlessly shoved down year after year, fight after defiant fight of your ceaseless vibrant energy and fierce determination fueling his darkest fantasies.
He imagined you garbed in the finest evening dress money could buy, back baring and skirt slit high over shapely thighs as you gazed up at him with invitation in those captivating eyes. You'd be poised, every inch the elegant woman he'd watched you grow into over their time together. Except for the promise of sin smoldering in your heavy-lidded stare, all focused solely on him.
A low growl vibrated up from Gojo's sternum as he envisioned pressing you back into crisp hotel sheets, satin and lace pooling around your ankles as you arched shamelessly up into his questing hands and scorching mouth. He could almost taste the hot whiskey burst of your cum on his tongue as he spilled your name like a prayer between body-wracking tremors.
With a forcible shake of his head, Gojo dispelled the graphic fantasy. It did him no good to get carried away...at least not yet. First, there was the little matter of arranging a proper celebration for your coming of age. He had a solid six weeks to plan something suitably memorable and utterly unsuitable all at once.
The grin that split his features could only be described as wicked as the beginnings of a daring scheme crystallized in his devious mind. Oh yes, your first foray into adulthood under his tutelage was bound to be one for the books.
Little did you know just how intently Gojo had been preparing for the evening of your birthday. One month out, he'd finagled reservations at the trendiest new upscale restaurant in the city's downtown district. Only the week before, an utterly decadent hunter-green dress had been carefully wrapped and stowed away to be your celebratory gift.
From the very first moment you slipped the sumptuous material over your head, he knew it would be impossible to resist you. The plunging neckline balanced perfectly on the precipice of modest, skimming the lush upper curves of your breasts while flaring out in soft gathers over the swell of your hips. It was classically elegant, accentuating every lush, feminine angle in the most tantalizing way.
Until you turned with that bashful, pleased smile so completely unaware of the effect you had on him. Then the thin racer-back exposed the flex of shapely muscles and downy-soft skin that fueled so many of Gojo's most arduous meditations in the dojo showers. His jaw clenched hard enough to grind enamel as he simply drank in the sight before offering a low, approving hum.
"Stunning," was all he trusted himself to murmur, afraid anything more would betray the molten lust already licking at his composure like an insistent flame. "Shall we get going, birthday girl?"
The ride to the city center flew by in a blur of heated silence, the two of you existing in a strange kind of limbo as the barriers between student and teacher began their ponderous dissolution. Gojo struggled to keep his burning stare from wandering into forbidden territory, but it was a losing battle with you seated beside him, lean legs casually crossed and the musky cloud of your perfume swirling enticingly.
That dizzying, feminine scent and the hypnotic sway of your throat as you swallowed was his undoing. Before the errant thought could take root, Gojo found himself leaning infinitesimally closer, scrutinizing the delicate juncture where your jaw curved deliciously...imagining mouthing open kisses along the thundering line of your pulse and--
He cut the fantasy off with a hard shake, tamping down the visceral need with decades of practiced control. One tremulous breath, then another, and he was able to look anywhere but directly at you for fear of being drawn back into wanton temptation.
Thankfully, your arrival at the restaurant staved off any further lascivious ruminations. As you glided through the elegant double doors in your emerald splendor, the bulk of Gojo's focus narrowed to polished professionalism once more. He was the picture of urbane charm as a tuxedoed maitre d' ushered the two of you to a secluded table near the back.
It was clear the maître had been alerted to expect them, judging by the subtle glances he kept shooting Gojo and the ultra-exclusive corner booth he led you to. But you were predictably oblivious to the weight of deference as you admired the intimate nook done up in rich crimson and onyx finishings.
"This place is incredible! What a view," you exclaimed, breath catching as you leaned over to gaze out the sweeping floor-to-ceiling windows towards the twinkling city skyline. Gojo clenched his fists under the table as the motion stretched the bodice of your dress taut across your chest, the shadow of cleavage darkening enticingly.
Sweet torture, every minute aspect was calculated to eat away at the gossamer threads of his restraint. He'd chosen this place specifically for the plush seclusion and unapologetic indulgence the setting evoked. The wine you both sipped from chilled crystal stemmed from rare vineyards, the food artfully composed from organic locally-sourced fare.
He wanted you to experience the finest that decadence had to offer. To let the slow-building seduction of flavors and textures relax your carefully maintained guard so his appreciative scrutiny might go undisguised. But most of all...he yearned to watch the first exquisite foray into unabashed surrender drift across your beautiful features.
By the end of your shared five-course indulgence, the flush dusting your cheeks and the inviting sprawl of your posture indicated Gojo's private mission was well on its way to success. You toyed idly with a fresh bloom of arousal as he signaled for the check, absorbing the casual confidence you exuded now that your inhibitions had begun to erode.
The warm heaviness of your stare was nothing new to his extensively-trained sangfroid. But with the knowledge that you'd officially achieved the age of majority? Your heated looks took on an entirely different tenor - one of open invitation and smoldering promissory notes about the night yet to come.
Unfortunately, you were still very much in public. Which meant Gojo would not give into the piquant cravings sparked by your every bashful glance and tongue-swept lip. Not yet, anyway.
That, however, did not preclude him from discreetly stoking those taunting embers once the stylized leather folio containing their exorbitant bill had been whisked away. The musky timbre of his voice was pure sin when he leaned close to brush his mouth along the delicious fan of your lashes.
"You've been such a good girl for me tonight," he husked, reveling in the delicate shudder that betrayed your body's rapt response despite your prim lack of reaction. "I think it's high time you got to enjoy the...full pleasures of being an adult, don't you?"
The dark, visceral promise woven through those purring words was almost enough to shatter your ingrained sense of decorum. As it was, Gojo had to suppress a devilish grin at the lilting catch in your breathing - a crystal clear indicator that his seduction was rapidly bearing fruit.
And so the hunt continued, him guiding you from the posh award-winning restaurant towards the pulsating nightlife district with a carefully choreographed set of lingering brushes and searing glances. Your bemused acceptance of his chivalrous arm swiftly morphed into dazed gratitude for the stabilizing pressure of his palm at the small of your back. It was only a matter a time before the crescendo of temptation reached its peak.
The moment that broke Gojo's steely control finally came several drinks past when-you-should-have-stopped at one of the city's most notorious bachelorette haunts. The hollers and joyous whoops of just-this-side-of-wasted revelers created the perfect storm of chaos and low lighting, sensual bodies gyrating as far as the jealously hooded eye could see.
It was exactly the sort of strobing, no-holds-barred den of sin designed to buckle the sternest of moral foundations at the knees. And from the second he ushered you into the heart of it, every baser instinct flared up like a bonfire whipped by high winds.
Between the sleek, gender-inclusive poles erected around the main dance floor, a panoramic spectacle of undulating hips and taut torsos welcomed voyeuristic eyes. Plumes of crystalline perspiration dappled glistening expanses of skin while enthusiastic strangers hooted their lurid approval.
Gojo's jaw clenched until his temples throbbed as he absorbed the intoxicating atmosphere. He could feel the evening's steady buildup of pheromones and liquor blossoming headier and richer with each passing second as you gravitated towards the seductive pulse of music.
It was only the barest reflexes of experience that had him seizing your hand before you went stalking off into the fray alone, turning to pin him with blown eyes and a rapturous grin bleeding sin. Even inebriated, there was no mistaking that look - the confident, carnal promise that would replicate itself on thousands of willing bodies before the night was done.
You were made for sensual surrender. And Gojo felt his control slip another few tenuous notches, picturing you wreathed in honeyed light, raven tresses tossed free as you worshipped the holiest of rituals that simmered in the darkness all around them.
Gruffly, he pulled you close enough to inhale the smokey remnants of whiskey and woman's lust from between your parted lips. "Where do you think you're going, pretty girl?" he growled, fingers clenching almost painfully around the generous swell of your hip.
Your answering laugh was liquid sin, bitter and emboldened by the rich burn of alcohol unfurling through your system. "Don't tell me you've gone all...responsible on me, sensei," you taunted, eyes glittering with honeyed challenge. "You didn't strike me as the type to pass up a little adult fun."
He hissed out a rough breath at your brazen defiance, torn between lashing you to his side or stalking away before he succumbed. Cruel implication laced your every syllable, a seductress unknowingly wielding weapons that could topple the strongest warrior.
"I'm not saying no," he finally rasped, letting the reassurance sink in before his hands meandered over the lush curves of your back, thumbs digging in deeply enough to short circuit coherent thought. "In fact, I want you to go have...all the fun an adult celebration like this has to offer. Just..." He paused to claim your mouth in a predatory glide, igniting a bonfire from the rawest flint of contact. "Don't make me regret giving you that permission, baby girl."
You shuddered violently at the naked demand threaded through his tone, flesh stippling with raw longing as you instinctively swayed into his scorching proximity. And it was all the encouragement Gojo needed to breathe a final molten warning against your gasping lips.
"Show me just how wild you can be. Do everything you want to do, take whoever and whatever you desire. But at the end of the night?" His fingers curled in the thick mass of your hair, tugging just shy of painful as azure fire bored into yours. "You'll be coming home with me, pretty girl. So save a little energy, hmm? I have plans for you..."
With that provocative parting shot hanging betwixt you, Gojo forcibly released you from his bruising clutches and watched with eyes of banked hunger as you spun away into the seething crowd. The spectacles of debauchery playing out all around did little to dissipate the feverish anticipation streaking through his blood. Indeed, it only made his vigil seem that much hotter, filthier.
Because who better than the teacher to appreciate each wanton display to its fullest, he mused, dragging a burning stare over the mouthwateringly sinuous path you carved into the throngs of gyrating bodies. Every lascivious roll and flirtatious glance from you only poured more kerosene onto the infernal blaze of need within him.
At one point, you even deigned to grant a long-haired, leather-clad youth a private demonstration of exactly what sort of unholy talents you were honing all these years under Gojo's watchful gaze. Up on the raised stage, working a pole with arched spine and legs wrapped in a scorpion-lithe grip, you rolled and thrashed in ethereal beauty - an incandescent vision of feminine sin unbound.
Gojo was beyond enthralled, beyond the point of return as your eyes met and held across the churning sea of drunken catcalls. Sweat trickled in liquid platinum rivulets from your hairline, weighting those silk strands to your flushed skin as the burnished gold of stage lights played sacrilegiously across acres of exposed dewy flesh.
You moved with unconscious artistry borne from decades of training and muscle memory - from the rebellious lick your tongue swiped over those sin-bitten lips to the deliberate circle of your hips as you remounted the pole upside down to the euphoric cheers of those gathered around the impromptu stage.
Reality narrowed to the carnal exhibition you presented, flayed bare and wanton, until the moment the hollow ring of the pole clanged emptily. And then Gojo was sliding from the shadows to collect you in his arms, relishing the trembling aftershock of exertion and pure, unchained bliss thrumming through your body.
"That's enough teasing for one night, pretty girl," he growled, scattering the rings of smitten voyeurs with one scathing sweep of his gaze. You whimpered in protestation, tangling damp fingers in the silk of his shirt to anchor him closer as you pleaded for his acquiescence.
"Please..." You slurred, voice husky and lush with the unnamed wantings that oozed from your every motion. "Please, I want..."
He sealed your plea with a claiming brand of lips, summoning a maelstrom of heat and friction that consumed your senses completely. Abstractly, you registered the distant howls and jeers of those witnessing your unrestrained depravity. But none of it mattered beyond the scorching ecstasy of his hands, squeezing and kneading territorial swathes across your exposed curves.
"Soon, baby," Gojo promised when you finally broke apart, his forehead cradled against yours as you both panted harsh reclamation of oxygen to your burning lungs. "Let's go home. You've been such a good girl...opened yourself up so pretty for me tonight. Now it's my turn to give you what you've earned."
Hazily, you clung to those molten words, trusting in them utterly even as Gojo swept you up into his arms like you weighed no more than a dream. The world tilted and spun with vertigo, but his presence was the anchor keeping you tethered - safe within the haven of his strength as he carried you out into the cool respite of the night.
At some point, the comforting haven of Gojo's granite chest and sandalwood cologne lulled your overtaxed senses into a state of blissful half-consciousness. So it came as a complete shock when you resurfaced some timeless eternity later, cradled in his arms on the precipice of a painfully familiar threshold...your dorm room's doorway.
As if splashed with a bucket of ice water, all the traces of syrupy drunkenness dissipated in one sobering rush, leaving you wide-eyed and incredulous as a horrible realization began to set in.
"Wha...what's going on?" you rasped, hastily prying yourself out of Gojo's embrace with as much detached dignity as a woman still panting from bone-deep arousal could muster.
You blinked dazedly, trying to make sense of the surroundings. But the usual anchors of time and place were hopelessly scrambled in the face of this man's penetrating stare and the phantom vestiges of smoke and revelry still haunting your senses.
"Hey now, it's alright," that deep, rumbly baritone soothed as you flinched from his proximity. "You're safe, pretty girl. Just let me get you inside and I'll explain everything."
He stepped into the washed-out hallway light and your breath stuttered in your lungs as a painfully familiar detail finally slammed into focus - the distinctive gleam of a pendant you knew better than your own name glinting from the hollow of his throat.
It all came rushing back in one headspinning epiphany - the decadent restaurant, the escalating tension, your uninhibited behavior as liquid courage set your baser instincts free...and through it all, Gojo's devotion to stoking that smoldering burn between you until neither could ignore the inevitable consummation hanging so tantalizingly close.
Your mouth dropped open in a soundless exhale as the missing pieces clicked into place. This wasn't some stranger - it was your enigmatic teacher himself, the object of your most scorching fantasies brought terribly, gloriously to life as he pinned you against the door with his signature brand of wicked provocation burning in those cobalt depths.
"Satoru..." you breathed, something like awestruck reverence lacing the name even as fresh heat bloomed across your cheeks.
One dark brow arched in wordless challenge, sensual lips still curved in that maddeningly familiar half-smirk. Almost absently, his free hand lifted to brush the pad of his thumb over your lower lip in a scorching caress.
"I'm listening, pretty girl," he purred, gaze dropping pointedly to the kiss-swollen pout before skating hungrily over every bared inch. "Why don't you tell me all about those dirty little fantasies that had you grinding away on stage like a dream?"
You shuddered hard, knees going watery at the explicit reminder and the intoxicating combination of sin and power radiating off him in waves. Despite your addled state, you knew there was no mistaking the naked challenge, the molten confirmation that Gojo returned your forbidden desires with equal fervor if the brand of his cock trapped snugly against your hip was any indication.
Which meant you could finally, blissfully unleash every scrap of wanton longing you'd been forced to keep confined behind useless layers of propriety and restraint for years. Here, now, with the man himself stoking your deepest wellsprings of lust and silently giving you leave to indulge like the wanton creature you'd always ached to be for him.
"Would you believe...that I've imagined this very moment more times than I can count?" you murmured in a rapturous rush before he could rescind the depraved permission.
You swayed helplessly into his solid weight as images from your most ardent daydreams began spilling freely - fevered scenes of his commanding, chiseled figure looming over your sweat-slicked body, mouth trailing liquid heat in its wake as he whispered the filthiest supplications against your neck.
"I've imagined you finding me like this before," you confessed in a breathless tumble, hands roving shamelessly over the crisp fabric of his shirt as you bared your darkest fantasies. "Completely messed up and desperate for you to touch me, use your mouth all over my body."
One of Gojo's hands fisted in your hair, tugging your head back to allow his tongue to blaze a scorching path over the throb of your racing pulse. You bucked shamelessly against his restraint, giving voice to another shattered fragment:
"I dream about you taking me again and again once you see how filthy I really am, until I'm out of my mind from the pleasure..."
A rumbling growl against your sensitized skin had you dissolving into a full-bodied shudder, hips grinding wantonly against the delicious promise pinning you to the unforgiving surface of the door. Gojo pressed you tighter into the cradle of his hips, allowing the impressive ridge of his cock to catch torturously in the molten apex of your need.
"Fuck, baby...don't stop," he rasped hoarsely, shredded composure bleeding through every syllable. "Was this what had you so turned on for me tonight? The thought of me disgracing that pretty little body until you've been utterly ruined for anyone else's touch but mine?"
You whimpered through your nod, rendered incoherent by the liquid heat of his filthy words alone. He seemed to swell further at your reaction, one large palm trailing up your torso to cup your breast possessively as he rolled and kneaded the sumptuous weight. His thumb plucked and strummed at the pebbled peak in time with the scorching grind of his hips, every whisper of contact a blasphemous supplication to drag you higher into sin's rapture.
"Satoru, please..." you finally managed to whine, hands fisting in the crisp fabric of his collar to keep from flying apart at the seams and dissipating into the ether. "I need...I need you to--"
In a swirl of movement and shredded restraint, you found yourself engulfed in the sanctuary of his arms, weightless and adrift as he carried you towards the bedroom like you were made of fine-spun glass. The world narrowed down to his lips claiming yours in a wildfire of devastating possession while long fingers blindly worked the door open under your combined weight.
One desperate backwards stagger later and you tumbled together over the threshold of the sanctuary he'd frequented in your most explicit imaginings. Your mouths were fused, twin points of incandescence that warred with the scorching need to drink in every gasp and keen your lover wrung free from the deepest, most sacred parts of your core.
Gojo slanted the searing brand of his kiss to swallow down an especial wrecked whimper as you rolled and writhed in his unforgiving embrace, shameless in your quest to chase more blinding friction.
"Every night since I first realized my obsession with you, I've fantasized about this moment," he rumbled against the sensitive juncture of your jaw, stubble scraping with delicious friction over your overheated flesh. "I've wanted this for too long - finally getting you naked in my bed, my ruin."
On the next insistent rock of his hips aligning you like destined celestial bodies, his clever fingers finally delved beneath the scandalous drape of your skirt to trail liquid heat over your drenched pussy and the lust-soaked array of lace and satin still shielding your innermost petals. He drank in your shattered moan like a man dying of thirst.
"Tell me, baby," Gojo husked urgently, punctuating each scalding inflection with another maddening push of his fingers into your drooling cunt. "Is this as good as you always dreamed? Has it lived up to your filthiest fantasies about me?"
You were beyond intelligible speech at this point, pathetic mewls and whimpers the only coherent sounds able to punch past the miasma of ecstasy clouding your mind. Still, you nodded frantically, arching feverishly into every scorching caress of his hands and mouth as Gojo slowly divested you of the flimsy cloth barriers separating you from total rapture.
The heat in his reverent stare as he laid your trembling form bare before his searing brand of appreciation was like an animating force unto itself. You bloomed under his ravenous focus like the most exotic of orchids, petals unfurling in welcome of the summer storm about to consume you utterly in the sweetest of drownings.
All too soon, the last scrap of modesty was shredded away on a zephyr's breath, leaving you panting and laid bare in the erotic aftermath of his sinful touches. Gojo drank in every quivering arch and sumptuous hollow for a long, molten moment - pride and pure masculine satisfaction warring behind his smoldering stare as he committed every line and plane to memory, every seam and shadow.
"My sickest, filthiest desires made flesh before me at last..." he growled in sublime rapture, unbridled awe and molten reverence dripping from each seared syllable. "Been craving the chance to savor this forbidden pussy."
One of those broad, calloused palms trailed up the tender inside of your thigh, urging your limbs wider in a silent entreaty for maximum exposure. The other swept along the feminine flare of your hip and lower abdomen, mapping every flutter of anticipation as Gojo crept closer to his prize.
"Now at last I get to fuck you like I always wanted..." His fingertips glided upwards, utterly unhurried and indulgent until blessedly, he cradled your scalding pussy in the scultped cradle of his palm as your hips jerked off the sheets with a punched-out cry.
No fantasy, no fevered imagining could have prepared you for the sheer bliss of your first full-bodied contact with the man who had haunted your dreams since that first day under his tutelage. Gojo rendered you utterly insensate with just the elemental slide of skin against slick, swollen folds - one languid stroke after another swiftly calcifying into that most exquisite of tortures as he utterly mastered your pleasure centers.
"Gorgeous little slut," he purred in hushed reverence, pouring every ounce of sin into his touch as twin points of searing azure bored into your hooded stare. "Let go for me, pretty girl. Let me hear those filthy noises that have tortured me for years."
You shattered on the next lazy curl of his fingertips into your syrupy core, back arching like a bow from the mattress as a clarion call of pure rapture was punched free from that deepest most sacred wellspring of feminine bliss he'd awoken. Over and over, Gojo sent you spiraling into blessed oblivion with just the barest brush of his ardent touch and the fathomless depths of desire blazing from every line of his commanding frame.
Eventually, the shockwaves of ecstasy subsided, leaving you an overwrought tangle of boneless satisfaction amidst the erotic aftermath. Still, his grip was inextricable as Gojo anchored your trembling form to his chest, brushing lingering sweeps of reverence over your damp brow and along your sides.
"I've wanted this for so long," he rasped, voice still raw from unleashing the full depths of his passion. "To cherish and worship you as the rarest of treasures that you are, pretty girl." He pressed scorching brands of kisses along the curve of your neck and shoulder, lingering over the marks his ravenous mouth had laid down to signify your joining. "There will be no more hiding how much I want to wreck you after this. You are mine now...and I will let the whole world know. Tonight was just a teaser - now, you’re mine to fuck and lay claim to your body over and over again, whenever I want."
That molten reminder of his intent to satisfy his hunger over and over throughout the endless, intimate hours still to come sent anticipatory shivers cascading through your core. This night had merely been an appetizer, a sinfully delicious prelude to all the raptures your mysterious mentor intended to introduce you to now that the shackles of propriety had been thrown off for good.
Unable to conjure any further words of import, you simply allowed yourself to melt back into his granite embrace as the cosmos outside bled away entirely. Because in this sacred chamber of reverent sin and endless exploration of desire's profane mysteries, nothing mattered beyond giving yourself over mind, body and soul to the sensual devotions of the only man who had ever dreamed of mastering you completely.
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hyukqi · 7 months
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k.t.h. 🩵
drabble of… needy days with taehyun <3
smut, taehyun x reader, fem!reader, subby!mc >_<, meanie dom!taehyun, humiliation, spanking, name-calling, dirty talk
(been ia for a month whoopsies !! rmb when i said i daydreamed about taehyun to get through a power outage ?? ya this is it LMAO enjoy !!!)
“oh g-god… tae please~~”
"what do you need, pretty girl?" taehyun asks, slowly pulling your panties down. "need my cock in your little cunt?" his fingers slide across your soaked pussy, running against your clit. "need me to fuck you hard and deep?"
nodding with wet tears dripping down your cheeks “p-please.. i..i can’t i need it now!” traces of ruined mascara and lip gloss are smudged across your face, in contrast to his well-maintained look.
"shit, you are so fucking sexy." taehyun groans, his hands rubbing your inner thighs teasingly. “pretty pussy" he murmurs, eyes fixated on your glistening sex, his hand moving to unbuckle his belt. "you want me to fill your tight little cunt up with my seed?" his cock eventually springs free, thick and hard, rubbing against your slick folds. the sight of it makes your mouth water immediately.
after guiding you to lie on your stomach, ass hiked up, taehyun pushes in slowly, feeling your walls stretch around him. he drills his hips deep inside of you until he feels like he’s a part of you, making you his <3
“nghhh—ah!” you can feel your eyes already rolling to the back of your head just from the insertion alone.
he breathes heavily, “there you go, slut… feel me stretching you? see how good it feels having my cock inside your hole? gonna fuck you dumb, mm?” fuck, does he fill you up so good… @_@
lifting his hips, taehyun pulls almost all the way out before slamming back inside you, shoving his cock into your sensitive walls. with a sharp thrust and a wail reaching his ears he grunts out, “you love being fucked like this, don‘t you? god your greedy cunt is so tight.. fuckin’ sucking me in.”
you can only gasp for air between moans, completely consumed by the sensation of being filled by him. “o-oh~! hhah… tyun!!” you find yourself lost in the pleasure from his cock ruining your warm, wet cunt. pretty pussy’s leaking juices onto the bedsheets.. so stupidly eager, aren’t you?
noticing this, taehyun evilly smirks and picks up his pace even further, reaching for your clit with a swipe of his thumb, making you cry out in pleasure as he pumps into you. "you're so fucking wet," he growls, his voice low and rough. "i can feel you dripping all over me. missed me that much?”
“yes..y-yes!! missed you so much tyun! missed your co—mmphh!!!” at this point you were babbling incoherently into the sheets, rendered to nothing but a fucked-out mess.
“thaaat's it, baby. gonna make sure you can’t think about anything but me," taehyun moans, his fingers digging into your hips as he pounded into you harder. his other hand found its way around your body, squeezing your breast roughly.
the sensation was too much for the both of you. your soaking velvety walls dragged across his girth perfectly with each thrust to your gummy spot. you swear birds were circling around your head from just how good taehyun aggressively turned you into his personal cocksleeve.
whining as your head lolls against the mattress, big eyes swelling up with tears that stream down your pretty face. knuckles turning white from how hard you’re gripping the sheets in attempt to stabilize your position, grinding your hips in coordination with taehyun’s thrusts. you hear him hiss from behind as you’re swirling your abused pussy around him.
taehyun’s marveling at the sight before him. he’s got you all spread out completely at his mercy, biting his lip to hold back a moan from watching your pussy engulf him whole. he could tell you’re close by the way you’re creaming on his cock sticky with your juices and clenching repeatedly. a filthy smirk forms on his face as he basks in the sounds of your loud whimpers and cries echoing throughout the room. nasty moans are getting so embarassingly high-pitched. “so fucking noisy… could you be any more louder?” taehyun taunts, his voice deep and harsh.
with cheeks flushing in humiliation and eyes blinking back hot tears, your forehead tilts down. you quickly scramble to shut yourself up by efforts of muffling your moans into your arm and shoving your fingers in your tiny mouth. both attempts were futile as small weak hiccups slipped its way out, and frankly you just sounded more pathetic as ever!
“are you that stupid? did i say to be quiet?”
your body flinches, ears twitching in surprise.
taehyun suddenly grabs a fistful of your hair harshly yanking you up till your back is flushed against his chest and a strained moan creeps up his ears. he leans in closer to whisper, his dick plunged deep into your cervix, “let me hear you, pretty.”
and with that taehyun lets go of your hair, your limp body falling forward, warm walls still fluttering around him, and head n mind oh so fuzzy. almost immediately does he give you a spank to your ass, an imprint of a gorgeous crimson color plastered on your skin.
taehyun’s gaze that was raking down your spine was interrupted by the throw of his head back, a soft hiss at the feeling of a tight clench gripping around the sides of his cock. the intensity of his slap has got you shuddering and spasming, crying out in ecstasy, and toes curling in.
momentarily, taehyun just stares at you almost in a mix of disbelief and amusement, meanly laughing at your pathetic release. “did you just cum from that? hah… maybe i should spank you more often, hm?”
and his pace picks back up, hips fucking you into oblivion, relishing in your screams and legs trembling of overstimulation…
“fucking take it all like a good girl.”
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thisthatpinkvenom · 1 year
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⤏ Synopsis: A minute and 30-second clip of you getting railed by your boyfriend has skyrocketed to the top of a subreddit.
⤏ Genre(s): drabble*, smut smut smut
⤏ Content: cam couple!au, established relationship!au, non-idol!au
⤏ NSFW Warning(s): unprotected piv sex (use your rubbers and stay safe), choking, dacryphilia (I guess??), creampie, lewd comments
⤏ Note*: this content is completely fictional.
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The slew of new subscribers rolling in from the past few days was a surprise to say the least. Having started a little over two years ago after discussing carefully with your boyfriend, you both agreed that your part-time jobs were just barely enough to get you two by as college students. And as unoriginal as it was, you agreed to open an account to post adult content, grasping onto whatever hope you had left of earning extra income. Though you hadn’t really gained much traction with a mere 2,051 subscribers, and ultimately put your little stint on the backburner.
But you were tired of consuming instant ramen every night on your incredibly stiff couch, tired of getting emails from job applications telling you that they’ve decided to move on with other candidates, and tired of sinking your body into the thin mattress you shared with your boyfriend. You loathed seeing the thumbnails of girls feigning happy-shock with titles enticing viewers with how they made 200 grand, wishing it were you. And for two years, you stayed that way: dejected, sleep-deprived and with only your beloved by your side to woe in misery with you.
But that was until your phone began to jitter and buzz constantly, begging to tell you what the fuss was all about. And that’s when you picked it up and darted to the bathroom, calling out his name and receiving a jolt of mild surprise from San. He’s in all his naked glory with his fingers tangled in his sud-blanketed hair, water pelting at his skin. If you weren’t so preoccupied with the news, you would’ve spent a good, long time taking a mental picture of him.
“You startled me,” he chided, softly.
“Look!” you said with haste, panning the screen toward him.
He smoothed his palms over his face, fanning away the drops of water before squinting his eyes. With his brows furrowed, he looked at you and asked, “Where’d all this come from?”
You didn’t have an answer for him, shrugging your shoulders with an optimistic glimmer in your eyes. And what neither of you were aware of was that this surge of growth was all thanks to a short clip of you getting fucked stupid finding its place on the top of a subreddit.
u/10_TreasureChest_24 • 5d • redgifs
A good boyfriend knows how to break his girlfriend
With your phone propped clumsily against your bottle of lotion, you stayed in frame as it recorded you in 1080p, getting fucked by your boyfriend on your good-for-nothing mattress. The bed frame croaked and squeaked under the pressure of each harsh thrust of his hips and the pathetic squirms of your pliant body. You laid flat on your tummy, fingers twisting the sheets while you helplessly accepted each force his cock imposed in your cunt. Your moans were guttural and broken, and from your neck to your face, you were flushed and burning up.
One hand of his released its firm grip on your breast and made way to your neck, fingers pressing just enough to render you putty under him. If you weren’t so fucked out, you’d swipe away the drool stringing from your lips and the tears running free down your cheeks. But how could you focus on anything other than the cock relentlessly stroking your walls? For once in a while, there were no worries in your mind because the man pinning you down gave you no chance to think straight.
You felt his lips graze your cheek before he muttered, “You okay, Baby?”
A few beats were what it took for you to register his question, before answering with a keen hum.
Warning you with a sharp smack to the side of your thigh, he ordered, “I want a yes or a no.”
“A-Ah…yes—yes, yes, yes! Please"—you swallowed, kicking your feet up behind you—"please, keep g-going!”
“That’s my good girl,” he grunted. “Gonna cum? Can you do that for me, Baby?”
You couldn’t pinpoint how many yeses you spewed from your spit-pooled mouth, while your trembling thighs sandwiched together in a piss-poor attempt to regain any bit of control you had left. Your pussy fluttered around his cock as you saw black, eyes rolling to the back of your skull when you finally reached climax. Every muscle in your body froze in time, and a shiver skimmed down your spine while you waited patiently for him to cum. It felt like hours for you, the overstimulation pushing and pulling you between pleasure and pain until he had completely hunched himself on top of you.
With a lazy smile, you happily milked his load in your cunt and cherished the way his cock throbbed with each pump of his seed. No words were spoken and none needn’t to be. This was pure bliss, and you wanted to soak it in with every selfish fiber of your being. The giggles you shared together almost made it seem like you hadn’t just been choked, plowed into and used as a cum dump. When you were left empty between your legs, you flipped onto your back with your jelly-like limbs sprawled out on the mattress.
If you weren’t so fucked out, you would’ve jumped him again when he crawled and hovered over you with his lips curled into a wolfish smirk.
“I’ll be back,” he murmured, sinking his teeth playfully into the flesh of your breast before pushing himself off.
fanunesven 5d
Holy fuck he really broke her
hornypoptart17_ 5d
thisisathrowaway__21 3d
i need a man to fuck me dumb like this– and those arms 😍 she’s a lucky girl
amazingorgeouspiderman 3d
How the hell did they manage to make rough sex look so wholesome
dinoartistic 4d
Who are they? Names??
Replenish_Clever 3d
that cute little smile she makes when he cums in her tho. mmm…she likes it
interested_lucky23 5d
And that’s how she falls in love
notonmahmahway 1d
Damn, she took it like a champ
2K notes · View notes
neverchecking · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet- Twilight Edition
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Twilight is great at aftercare. He absolute showers his lover's body in absolute adoration. He's rubbing out the tense muscles, offering water, whispering nothing but sweet praises into his Darling's ears. He's lacing kisses up and down the column of their neck and leaving his touch nothing but a whisper of heat along their skin. It's enticing enough to go for another round...
Or three.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Just one? He can't. He won't... But I will. It's a toss up between thighs that just lock around his neck, keeping him right where they want him and using him as nothing more than a glorified toy and ass cheeks that are just so flush and plump, molding in between his fingers as he grips onto them, squeezing them as his hips crash against theirs and-
You know, the finer things in life.
On him? His hands. Hands the can lift his lover up by those delectable thighs and pin them against the wall. Hands that can bring his darling to absolute ecstasy. Hands that can do so much harm but are rendered useless for anything but good when it comes to his love.
Hands that can strangle the life out of someone's eyes for the simple act of thinking they could even look at what was his.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Oh, he loves, loves, loves filling his darling to the absolute brim. Just load after load, watching it leak of their pretty little hole if only to replace what was lost tenfold. Watching their stomach swell just the slightest as he lays a hand on the mound, pushing just enough for another glob of cum to bulb out and onto the sheets below. Which he would be more than happy to stuff back in, using his fingers to shove it where it belongs, lest you waste it of course.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has the biggest praise kink ever. Call him your good boy while you gently brush his hair back. Tell him how good he sits for you while you use him for all of your desires. Use your moans to sing his praises about how precious he is and how adorable he looks underneath of you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's a simple country boy. So, not experienced. At all. He was saving himself for marriage <3. But he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with his darling. And if he gets to please them along the way, he'll play the glorious student, soaking in your teachings as if they were divine scripture.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
C'mon. You know what the obvious answer is here. And while, yes, doggy is well and good, he also loves cowgirl. Watching his partner bounce on top of him, letting his hands roam from their thighs to their chest back down to ass, groping and squeezing every chance he gets.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It's a bit of both. If he can tell his partner is tense and nervous, he's gently cooing at them, maybe cracking a joke to get them to loosen up, but ultimately he's more serious. He's soaking in the intimacy and the absolute feeling surrounding the action, committing it to memory.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Y'all don't wanna hear it, but...it's a bush. He does not shave it, barely ever trims it. It's a mess. Darker than the hair on his head, but not by a lot. He washes it, yeah, but that's the extent of it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Okay, he's so in love with you. He is cradling your jaw, cooing down at you and treating you like porcelain. He makes it a point to kiss you every chance he gets because, to Twilight, a kiss is such an intimate thing to him (Am I referencing the manga and my own theories on it?...maybe). And it's one of the highest forms of affection he can give.
So, yeah, he's pretty intimate.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He very rarely did it before his adventure, he was too busy working. He very rarely did it during his adventure, he had other things to worry about. He very rarely did it after, he was fixing Hyrule and mourning the loss of Midna.
But when he met you? He never does it. Why bother? It would be a waste. Why bother when he can just pump you so full you see stars?
Why jack himself off when he can fuck you silly?
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
A-hem. Breeding Kink. All the way. He's obsessed with the idea, regardless if his partner can get pregnant or not. Bondage. The thought of giving ones control to another so willingly in such a form of trust just makes him so hot and bothered. Marking. He loves marking his partner; bites, hickeys, claw marks, bruises. Loves it. Gagging. This is super self-indulgent, but he loves making his lover gag on his cock when their insistent on sucking him off. Feeling their throat constrict against it while tears pear in their eyes? Drives him nuts. To name a few~
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Any room thats pretty private. Like I've said, he hates public sex because that's his. That view is his alone and he hates sharing. Hates, hates, hates, hates, HATES. But if there's a door and four walls? He's pinning you to one of them with a hand over your mouth as he takes you then and there.
Although, all of that being said, I can't say he's totally against having sex in the back of the barn. Let him eat you out/suck you off and he's convinced. Seems like a fair trade to me <3
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Fuuuck, anything really. Wearing a particularly tight set of tights? Boner. Bending down to pick up some laundry you dropped? Boner. Sitting at the table and filing taxes (Does Hyrule have taxes? Does now.), and nibbling on your pencil? BONER.
But seeing you on top of Epona, hips rocking as you goad her into a gait, chest following the flow of your hips? He's excusing himself for a moment.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He is one thousand percent against actually hurting you. Like that's his biggest no to ever no. He's just so much bigger and stronger than you. Who's to say the beast doesn't get the best of him? Yes, he has immaculate control over it these days, but that doesn't mean its perfect.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves, loves, loves giving. Hearing the noises his lover can make and feeling them come undone from his ministrations alone. One of his favorite things is seeing how many times he can get his partner to cum with his tongue alone. And lemme tell you, he's so good with his mouth. There's something primal about the way he goes down on his partner that's just...ethereal.
He can take or leave receiving, really. He's going to be grateful, of course, but he's going to return the favor tenfold. <3
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Oh he's all for the slow and sensual, taking apart his lover in every way he can think of. Watching as they just melt under his touch for a night of gentle touches and whispered devotions. But something about fast and rough that makes the canine part of him just howl in joy. He's all for biting along his darling's spine while pulling their hips to meet his every thrust.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Depends. In public? Hates them. Like I'll explain, he hates things in public. He possessive and protective over what's his. It's the canine in him. But when there's a room, and thirty minutes to spare? He's pulling you into the room, locking the door and taking you apart then and there. Watching you shake and quiver, before walking out like nothing ever happened. :D
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's not a huge fan of risks. He'll experiment with whatever his love wants, but when it comes to things like public sex, he's not into it. He's a humble boy who wants his private life to remain so. The view of his lover his for his eyes alone. And anyone else who dares to try even a glimpse are swiftly dealt with.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Has stamina for days. Have you seen him? Have you seen how he can wrangle goats the size the a small hut? How he's been on a farm, working for as long as he can remember?
Twilight has the stamina to go for hours, and he will. Anything to see the love of his life absolutely ruined.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Owns a collar. For sure. Whether it's used on him so you can tie him up and pull him around wherever you wish, or it's used on you to keep you right where he wants you, again depends on his mood. He also owns a lasso, which he definitely uses to hogtie his beloved however he desires. The sight of the rope burn, so pretty and just a tinge of red, makes him absolutely lose his mind.
And maybe, just maybe, he'll pull out that whip he kept around. (IYKYK)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Depends on his mood. Some days he's purposefully going without a shirt, lugging around feed for the goats directly in your line of sight and making sure the sweat drips down the line of his spine just right. Other days, he's far too impatient to even consider it and simply takes.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Oh he's the loudest. Change my mind. You can't. He's whining, whimpering, moaning at every little touch. You can't even breath on his neck before he's keening into their neck and grappling onto his darling like a lifeline.
I'm sure if you overstimulate him just enough, you can even make him howl...Just a little.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's got some of the biggest tits in the group. Hands down. Play with them, gently such his nipples, play with his pecs, squish and meld them to whatever your heart desires. Suck hickeys onto them, bite at them, do whatever you wish. He's all for it. He loves when you play with them. He is nothing but a toy for you to use.
Just don't go complaining when he returns the favor.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Twilight is packing. He's a country boy. He's got the girth and the length enough to make his lover see stars. A solid seven inches, eight when hard, with a delicious curve that's just enough to rock against all the right spots. And, it's got a truly perfect vein running right up the underside of his shift and when it's licked just right it leaves him nothing but a whimpering mess.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's high. It wasn't before his adventure, but something about having that wolf side to him just absolute makes it sky rocket. It's only thoughts are breed, breed, breed, mate, breed, mate, pups, breed, breed.
Just seeing his lover stretch or make dinner, or tend to the horse, or breath, existing in his very presence is enough to have him rearing, ready to go, pining them to the counter and tearing anything that stands between him and his goal.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Twilight falls asleep the moment his darling his safe, content and in his line of sight. He's pulling them into his chest and letting them lay there, their weight a comforting familiarity to him as sundown paints their skin a gorgeous tint of oranges and yellows.
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anatee · 2 years
Fantasy | Kylo Ren x Reader Smut
Fantasy | Kylo Ren x Reader Smut One Shot. 18+. MINORS DNI.
Word count: 4.3K
Content warning: fem!reader x Kylo; a few curse words; jealous, possessive Kylo, one tiny bit of violence (not smut-related), inappropriate use of the Force, smut: thigh riding, fingering, oral (f receiving), size difference (and kink ig lol), piv (unprotected), filth really
Author’s note: What bothers me in many Kylo smuts is that he is excessively ruthless. And while I do agree this man is no softie in bed, sometimes the degradation goes so far it’s actually a turn-off to me, so here we have this, the man’s still the leader but doesn’t make you feel like scum ig
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"Why did you invite me here?"
Y/N was still shocked she found herself in Kylo Ren's quarters. They had known each other even before she became a First Order soldier, but it was the first time she got to visit him. She didn't know why: ever since she started her military career, she saw him only a few times, and always with his mask on, either arguing with General Hux or walking aggressively maker knows where.
They didn't even talk much, busy with their own duties, however this part changed two weeks earlier. He started approaching her often, talking to her even if he didn't need to and, eventually, asked to come with him. She followed him gladly, but in utter shock at the same time, not quite understanding what he was trying to achieve.
Yet there she was, alone with him in the private quarters while almost everyone else on the ship was going to bed.
It was the first time she was even near his room. Twice the size of her quarters, it was mostly black with red accents just like every interior of the First Order. Everything was dimly lit by one source of light, and it didn't seem like he wanted it any brighter. He gestured for her to sit on a metallic, circular chair while he approached a weird piece of furniture resembling a well filled with ashes instead of water. And then, to her surprise, he took his helmet off to put it there.
He turned to face her, making her jaw drop. She had seen him before, of course, but it was a long time ago. He matured a lot.
"Wow," she breathed out before she could stop herself. "I... I almost forgot how you look like."
"You like it?" he asked with a smirk dancing on the corners of his mouth.
This question made her gulp, because she knew about the Force, she knew that Kylo could read her mind like an open book if he wanted. He even tried to show her the ways of the Force years before, but it wasn't strong with her. That's why she worried...
She worried he knew how attractive she had always found him, and now even more so. Black, thick hair, broad shoulders, the face that looked young and mature at the same time. He was much more pleasant to look at without the mask, although the act of taking it off was hot by itself.
"Is this your way of asking if you're attractive to me?" she retorted, trying to save herself as her First Order uniform suddenly became much warmer.
"You've been on my mind recently."
Her heart jumped for a moment. She threw her ponytail back, but even though she didn't have her hat on anymore, it still felt very hot... And she wanted to keep it cool.
"Is that so? Why?" She raised an eyebrow, engulfed in a weird feeling. She hadn't looked him in the eye for a long time and it made her heart race.
"I saw you have been talking to this one guy lately."
"You mean Admiral Fando?" 
Kylo's face was almost expressionless. "Whatever his name is."
"Well, yes, he approaches me often. Tries to be funny, I sup..."
"I don't like him talking to you," Kylo cut her off sharply, rendering her speechless for a moment. She thought she had long forgotten the feelings she used to have for him before joining the army, but when he was saying things like this, it was impossible to stay calm.
She cleared her throat eventually. "Why?"
At that moment, as if she weren't shocked enough by everything he was doing, he sat beside her, making her feel extremely small, both literally and metaphorically. He was huge next to her... And one could almost feel the power vibrating, whirling all around him. It must have been part of why he was so intimidating.
His face was less than ten inches from hers as he leaned towards her to say quietly:
"Because I don't like any man trying to court you."
She swallowed hard, because even if it weren't her he was threatening, he looked murderous, and she knew what he was capable of. "You think he's trying to?"
"Don't be delusional, Y/N. Why else would he do this?"
She knew this question would be very risky, but she asked nevertheless.
"And why are you doing this?" She looked down, then back up at him, trying to understand the situation they found themselves in.
There was a moment of silence, silence so tense Y/N feared they might lose oxygen from the room soon. Kylo was piercing her with his gaze, so intensely it almost made her dizzy.
"You know that I can hear your thoughts. I don't look into them at all, but once... Once they were so loud..."
He moved his face closer to speak straight to her ear. The moment she felt his hot breath tingle her skin, she was hopeless; she had a strong inkling she knew what kind of thoughts he was talking about, and waiting for the confirmation like for a sentence.
"I know your fantasy," he whispered in his deep voice. "I know about everything you want to be done to you. I heard it loud and clear."
Each word was almost like a separate touch between her legs. 
Suddenly everything made sense. The dates aligned - she remembered that night her thoughts went wild, her mind playing out every erotic scenario she wanted to experience while she pleasured herself on her bed, but didn't even get half the satisfaction she wished for. Little did she know it made him realise how much he desired her, how much he wanted to act out his own dreams with her, and he decided he would make it happen.
Y/N was surprised herself, but she was not embarrassed at all while listening to him - on the contrary, it was turning her on, and the only fear she had was that he knew her emotions.
"Well, thinking that is not an offence..." she replied breathily, not daring to think he had something else on his mind other than scolding her, even if deep down she wanted him to have.
"That's not what I'm talking about."
He was still speaking against her ear, craning his neck from time to time to watch the expression on her face. Her lips were parted, her gaze half-lidded, and he was intoxicated by that view. Eventually, he decided he wanted to see more of it.
He put his cold, gloved hand on her hot cheek, and the feeling of the leather itself sent a shiver down her spine. All of this was the last thing she expected to be doing that day - but she wished it would never end. He never acted like this, but he always had an effect on her...
He guided her head gently so she would face him, the subtle touch almost igniting a flame between them. She was sure that if he had no gloves on, it would drive her crazy.
After a moment of silence, Kylo spoke while looking right into her eyes. "You're talking to this guy... Do you think he can do it? Do you think he can make you feel as good as you want? Do you think he could fulfil your fantasy?"
His gaze alone was penetrating her, petrifying her completely as the provoking questions echoed against the walls of the spacious room.
She gave in.
"It's not him whom I'd like to fulfil it with."
That sentence alone made him heave a sigh as blood rushed through his entire body. He didn't even need to use the Force; her eyes told him everything he wanted to know.
"Who, then?" he asked even though the answer was right there, in the way she gazed at him.
They both felt that question between their legs.
The only thing stopping him from ripping clothes off of her was that he wanted to do this right, especially now that he knew she desired him just as much. Besides, he would love to catch her off guard one day...
"You could have just told me," he said, making her snort.
"You could have not entered my thoughts."
"You will thank me for doing this," he whispered against her lips, making her heart stop for a split second. She was anticipating something, anything, any touch, words, any action from him, hoping beyond hope he would let the lust from his eyes take over.
He brushed his gloved finger over her bottom lip, trying not to give into the frenzy too quickly. A smirk formed on his face as he was already planning what he'd do to her.
"Let's meet again soon."
He left her that day with arousal, disappointment and anticipation all at the same time.
The next few days were a hell to go through. Kylo Ren didn't leave her thoughts not even for a second, making focusing on her duties almost impossible. But how could she not be thinking about him when she remembered the words he had told her with the velvety voice, when the feeling of his hand still seemed to linger on her cheek? She was constantly alerted, just waiting for the moment he decides to take her back to his quarters.
To make matters worse, he realised what she was daydreaming about, and he absolutely loved it. He made sure she saw him every day so both of them would crave the other person even more, and he was just waiting for the best opportunity to show her that only he could give her the pleasure she had fantasised about.
The opportunity presented itself one calm evening, almost two weeks later, when the tension between them was so high both Kylo and Y/N wanted to throw themselves on the other at any given moment. That evening, she finished her shift and intended to go straight to her room to rest, but Admiral Fando approached her before she could even leave her console. 
"Where are you headed?"
"To my quarters, where else?" she replied in a surprised tone as she stood up from her chair.
"Well, you look and smell exceptionally well today, I thought you had some other plans." He smiled at her, and she was given yet another confirmation Kylo was right about him.
But she did look and smell better. Ever since her tense encounter with Ren, she tried to take better care of her appearance, should he decide to invite her again. She shaved herself to the root and used the most deliciously smelling lotion she could access.
"Thank you, but that is just me caring about myself," she replied, making sure everything was in place for the shift coming after her.
"But if you don't have any other plans... Then maybe you'll come and visit my quarters instead."
And Kylo Ren heard that. Every word, loud and clear, even though he was far away from where Fando was standing. It railed him up immediately; this was the moment. He couldn't wait anymore.
Y/N was flabbergasted. She suspected he might eventually ask her this, but had no idea how to react once it happened.
"That is a bit unprofessional, isn't it, Admiral?" she replied half seriously, half jokingly, trying to get out of the situation.
"Oh, come on. I'm not asking anything weird," he continued. "We can just drink tea and talk."
Y/N let out a sigh. She wanted to refuse, but it was quite complicated since he was her superior and it felt like it was against the protocol.
"It's very nice of you, but I..."
"Come on, Y/N," he cut her off, moving closer to her. "I know you're not taken. Do not act unavaila..."
He trailed off because a loud gasp escaped her lips, one that was unexpected by both parties.
"What's going on?" Fando frowned.
Y/N wished she could explain. Just a moment before, she felt something touch her, like an invisible hand, right between her legs. A shiver of pleasure went down her as she realised whose hand it must have been.
Before she even opened her mouth to respond, her heart racing, she sensed presence somewhere behind herself... And soon, a man in a mask was towering over her and Fando, wrath radiating from him.
It all happened in a split second. One move of Kylo's hand was enough; Fando was thrown against the wall, then fell to the floor with a yelp of pain. Ren didn't even give him a second glance as he spoke to Y/N again:
"Follow me."
She did not dare disobey him, did not dare to check on Fando who was whimpering on the floor... She followed Ren step by step to his quarters, and the moment the door closed behind them, he cornered her.
"I told you it would come to this," he said with disappointment, trapping her between the wall and his body, enveloping her in the feeling of smallness.
"He approached me first, I just replied." She intended to respond loudly and proudly, but her voice failed her as he inched closer.
"Then I'll show you," he grabbed the sides of his helmet and took it off aggressively, "why you shouldn't even reply to scum like him." He threw the helmet into the ashes, his eyes never leaving hers.
She suppressed a shiver as he put a gloved hand under her chin. Her eyes, wide and full of admiration, were staring back at him, and he couldn't get enough of that view.
He smirked. "I should have done this sooner."
"Then stop talking and start doing already. You left me waiting for so long," she said before she could stop herself, making him sneer.
"Cocky, aren't you?" He took his hand back. "Why don't we change that?"
For a split second, fear overtook her as he took a step back, and she had no idea what he was about to do. He threw his cape off, then put one of his hands in front of him, brows furrowed in concentration.
Two invisible hands cupped her breasts at the same time, pulling out a gasp out of her yet again. This further confirmed he was the one responsible for what she felt back at the bridge. It was such a weird sensation, but a pleasurable one, something being there and not existing at the same time, vibrating, pulsating against her body while he wasn't touching her at all. He had never done this to her before.
"I-" She sighed heavily, trying to form a sentence as the large hands massaged her breasts. "I didn't know you- you could do that."
He clearly enjoyed these words as he smirked again. "See? You've underestimated me... Not the first person who has..."
He moved closer to her, maintaining the Force touch - and it made her want to act, too.
"You underestimate me as well, Kylo."
She stood on her tiptoes to grab him by the neck and bring him to her lips. Caught by surprise, he lost focus for a split second, but then quickly seized the initiative again. His invisible hands were untying her hair and taking off her hat or gloves, while his real ones were roaming her body, looking for openings in her uniform.
Minutes passed and she was beginning to lose her breath. She had never thought he'd be kissing her, yet there she was, letting his tongue in anywhere he wanted.
He eventually grabbed her buttock with his one hand and her thigh with the other, raising it so she would wrap it around him. When she did, his arm travelled to her nape, and he held it tight to kiss her hungrily. Hell, fire was flowing through him while he was doing it. Who knew her taste would be so addictive, her lips so soft he could nibble and lick them constantly? Had he known all of this, he would have been devouring her ages ago.
His kisses were hungry and demanding, making her dizzy, but that was just what she wanted. At that moment, she was so drunk on his taste, scent and noises she would allow him to do anything to her. Each of his sharp breaths, loud grunts to keep focus on the Force, the strong, fresh scent that lingered on his body... All of these things made her notice him and him only.
"Fuck," she whimpered against his lips when his real hand slipped underneath her pants. He immediately circled her clit through the material of her panties, causing her to buckle her hips.
He let out a triumphant laugh. "Look at you, and I haven't even started yet..."
The invisible hands took off her boots, and then her pants, roughly, almost causing her to lose balance. Kylo pulled her towards the circular to sit on it, and then made her settle on his thigh.
It was huge. She felt it well as she straddled it, heat from between her legs already spreading throughout her half-dressed body. She knew what he was doing; it was a picture taken straight from her mind, one of many he must have seen...
"I don't think I have to tell you your own fantasy..." he said, planting a kiss on her neck. "Ride it," he added in a commanding voice. He meant it.
The first thrust of her hips pulled a moan out of both of them. When she noticed it was already much more pleasurable than rubbing herself against furniture, she grabbed his arms as tightly as possible to steady herself and began moving back and forth.
The friction did it for him. The invisible hands took her shirt off, while the real ones grabbed her hips strongly enough to leave marks on them. She didn't restrain herself from any noises, and they turned him on more than he thought they would; his pants becoming tighter on him was the best proof of it.
That's why he didn't let her do it for long. Without any warning, he cradled her in his arms and took her to his bed. He let her lie down on the black sheets as he stood in front of her, enjoying the view - she was already soaked, just like his thigh.
"I'm taking whatever I want now," he announced to her, looking her up and down with no shame.
She just smirked, because from her new position she could see the bulge in his pants, one she knew she caused. Who knew she could have such an effect on the Kylo Ren?
"Do it," she replied with no hesitation, craving for him.
He took his gloves off and tossed them to the floor before kneeling in front of the bed. Her heart stopped just for a moment; was he really going to do it? Was he going to fulfil her another fantasy this easily?
The answer came instantly - the Force pulled her panties down, and he used his bare hands to grab her thighs to open her legs. Flesh to flesh, the sensations were even more overwhelming.
She closed her eyes, waiting for what's to come and let out a squeal when he planted a kiss on her inner thigh, massaging them at the same time.
"Open your eyes, look what's coming for you," he demanded. "He wouldn't be able to do to you what I'm about to..."
She obeyed and saw his face for a split second before his mouth came in contact with her clit. A very long lick was followed by an absolute madness of licks and sucking, almost like he took his time to prepare for it. He wanted to make her shake, and it quickly turned out it was the right way to do it as he saw her grab at the sheets out of pleasure.
The moment she moaned out his name, Kylo became drunk on the control he had over her. He let go of one of her thighs to speed up the process of her becoming undone...
"You feel good?" he asked right before sliding two fingers inside her, earning himself the loudest moan yet.
She couldn't think straight enough to give him a cohesive answer. She grabbed him by his thick hair, burying his face in her. "Fuck, Kylo."
He snorted with satisfaction. "I'll take that as a yes."
He soon added a third finger to pump in and out of her, remembering the number from her thoughts. Even she, however, didn't expect them to be this big. The sensations were indescribable; his tongue nor his fingers didn't slow down for a second, making her think she was about to have an orgasm and a heart attack.
She came. She came for the first time in months, because she couldn't quite reach that level of pleasure herself. A powerful orgasm rocked through her, her legs shaking, her breath shallow, and at that moment she was sure no other man than Kylo Ren could make her feel like that. Maybe it was the Force, maybe it was his size, maybe it was her desire for him - either way, she hadn't even hoped it would feel this good.
He let her ride it out to the end, then stood up, his face and fingers glistening - the proof of her satisfaction.
She began sitting up slowly, trying to catch her breath. "Kylo, I-"
"Stay where you are." He pressed her back into the mattress with a wave of his arm. "I am not done. I want you to not be able to think about anything else than this."
Y/N didn't even get to cool down and she was already turned on again. She watched in awe as he removed his pants and boxers, revealing his erected cock without any shame. Her mouth fell agape; not only because it was the first time seeing him naked, but also because it meant he intended to go as far as they could.
He looked at her with authority, clasping a hand around his length - as a result, she felt even smaller than in reality. If he were to interrogate her, she would be cowering, but at that moment, she was excited and waiting.
"Now, can you give me one more?" he asked quietly, his voice working wonders on her.
"Depends on what you're about to do."
"Make you beg," he used the Force to open her legs even wider, "for more."
Before she could respond, he started slowly rubbing his cock along her cunt, letting out a grunt that made her roll her eyes back. It went on for a few seconds, the sound of the wetness echoing in the room and arousing them even more.
And then, without warning, he slid into her with just the tip, then pulled out quickly. He repeated that a few times, slowly driving her insane.
"Kylo... Please..."
That's what he wanted to hear.
"Tell me what you want and you'll get it."
She gulped. The perspective of telling him what was on her mind seemed humiliating, especially that he knew exactly what she wished for.
She tried to save herself. "I cannot give orders to you."
As she expected, he did not buy it.
"Say what you want. That is my order," he replied, moving the tip once more to stimulate her further.
She closed her eyes as if bracing for impact. Alright. She could do it. It were mere words separating from another wave of pleasure. They were nothing compared to the fact that she was lying there with her legs open for him, weren't they?
She took one last deep breath. "I want you inside me."
He smiled with satisfaction. "As I thought."
He ended her torture as promised. He slid into her, slowly, because it was a lot; after all, nothing about him was small-sized.
She thought he would stay standing, but it wasn't the case. Right after a few of the first thrusts, he put his hands on either side of her body and continued dragging his body passionately, making sure to fill her up completely each time. She felt unbelievable.
"Who is making you feel good now?" he asked after hearing a moan from her, trying to hide the grunts of pleasure which were taking over him as well. "Who is the only person who can?" he rasped, keeping his head close to her neck to kiss it.
"You." She breathed heavily, her whole body shifting on the bed with each of his movements. "Only you."
He used the Force to keep himself steady and grabbed her wrists with his hands, pinning them over her head just to feel even a bit more of control. There was no mercy in his thrusts, ones he had been waiting for for days, the sexual tension finally resolving.
She didn't know if she were to have another orgasm, but he was certainly coming to one. She could hear and feel it as the powerful thrusts became sloppier, and the loudest grunt yet escaped his lips.
"You'll take it all," he almost growled, "for me."
That was his last warning before he reached his peak, letting all of it fill her up. It was insane, the whole scene, the emotions, the sounds of their breathing in the spacious room...
He placed one last desire-filled kiss on her lips, then stood up eventually, pulling out of her, leaving her with her wrists burning. She had no energy to raise again, and he stood there, watching with triumph how his cum flowed out of her.
For a moment, there was a silence, in which they both tried to regain rational thinking... And realise what had just happened, and that there was no turning back - but neither of them regretted it, not even a second. They both got what they wanted and were already thinking about repeating it.
Kylo used the Force once more to pull her closer, then put his hand under her chin again.
"You're not going to even think about anyone else now, are you?" 
She smirked, still feeling his cum dripping down her thigh. "Is that your way of saying you want me only for yourself?"
"You're so right."
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Galletita ║ ⓞⓝⓔ๏ⓞⓕⓕⓢ
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part of a small fic exchange with random mutuals :)
This is for you, my dearest Beefro! Hope you enjoy!
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| GALLETITA | main masterlist | PAIRING(s): chubby Javi P x fem!reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  5.2k | CONTENT: big boi Javi P is hungry and a little cranky, you like to bake and Javi likes to eat, belly kink, feeding kink, probably bad Spanish, we’re playing fast and loose with timelines, canon, and everything in general, so just forget about timey wimey boo boo wah wah and enjoy the story lmao
| SYNOPSIS: Your sister and brother-in-law have enlisted your help with their small business while they await the birth of their first baby. You help with the cafe and find yourself face to face with a new customer whose appetite might have met its match in you.
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It had been a rush to open up on your own at the last minute, but your sister couldn’t exactly be blamed for going into labor in the middle of the night. You’d anticipated this eventuality, but manning the entire store on your own for the next couple of hours felt as daunting as if it’d never been considered at all. She and your brother-in-law had brought you down here almost a month ago to help out with their small cafe before the baby arrived, and you had spent most of your time helping out with anything to shoulder the more physically demanding tasks, leaving her with things like manning the register so she could rest on a stool for most of the day.
They only had two other part-time employees, and only one of them was available to come in today around noon, which left you on your own for what felt like an eternity. Thankfully the rain provided a deterrent for many customers, and you held out hope that nobody showed up until someone who actually worked here was able to come help out. You hadn’t heard any updates about your sister’s labor, but there were plenty of things to do to keep your attention until something came through.
The little bell above the shop door rang out the announcement of a customer’s arrival. You quickly smooth over your apron, pat down your wet weather frizzy hair, and walk towards the front counter.
“Good morning! What can I get for you today?” you offer up in a rushed, pleasant voice.
The smooth, deep tone that replies aligns with the gorgeous man it belongs to. Brown hair mussed every which way, a neatly trimmed mustache that frames a pair of plump lips, broad shoulders balanced out with a soft middle pouching out against a light blue button up. Thick thighs stretching the denim of his worn jeans. By the time your eyes travel back to his face, he’s looking at you expectantly with a hint of a smirk. Heat floods your face when you realize he said something you missed entirely because you were too busy ogling.
“Sorry,” you stutter out in a nervous laugh. “O-One more time?”
The handsome customer almost renders your brain into complete mush yet again when his big brown eyes soften into something patient and, hopefully, flattered instead of annoyed with your distractedness. “I asked if you had any kind of dessert type foods. Bakery down past the corner lost power. Saw your cafe sign on when I was driving back and figured I’d give it a shot,” he explains simply with an easygoing sort of confidence that made your knees feel jittery.
“Oh. Right. Yes, we have power,” you assure him. His eyebrow ticks up in amusement as you both take in the overhead lights and sound of machinery running. His lips twitch as though he’s holding back a wide smile - and probably a laugh at your expense. 
“What I mean is, uh, yes. We have a few options, but we mostly focus on coffee based drinks.” You wave broadly at the barely stocked glass case. “I, um, I didn’t quite get it all filled up. Busy morning.”
“Busy, huh? Figured the rain might keep people away,” he observes as he looks over the sparse offerings in the case.
“Yeah,” you agree in a breathy sort of hum. Why on earth could you not stop staring at this man like you’d never seen a male human before? You give yourself a little grace by insisting the hectic night and busy morning have made your brain a little fried. He stays still except for his eyes, which flick over to you with that sparkly sort of warmth you feel you could get used to very quickly.
“See anything you’d like?” you ask, trying desperately to get yourself back on track.
His grin breaks free completely and makes little crinkles around his eyes. “I’m open for whatever you recommend, sweetheart,” he shoots back, smooth and heavy like molasses.
Your face goes from slight confusion to embarrassment  when you realize your choice of wording probably sounded incredibly forward, and it goes into full-fledged mortification when you realize his reply was even more so. He only smiles back warmer, and you feel frozen to your spot, only released when he breaks eye contact to look at the case again.
He chuckles low to himself, but you only catch something that sounds like “linda.”
“My name’s not Linda,” you correct in some sort of autopilot reply. When he bites his bottom lip down in a quiet laugh, you very nearly excuse yourself to the back.
“My apologies, sweetheart. Rude of me to not make proper introductions. I’m Javier. Javi, if you like.”
Your hand floats up of its own accord to meet his, and you think you give him your name in return. You’re not really sure anymore. Maybe you were more exhausted than you thought. You manage to get through enough conversation to direct him to the cookies you’d made yesterday as well as a few pieces of banana bread. He picked a random assortment, and you began to box it up when he held a hand up. 
“Just gonna sit here for a bit and try a few if that’s alright,” he smiles. “Not in too much of a rush to get back out into all that mess.”
You say of course and stay as long as you like and try to make yourself busy with things around the shop so you don’t embarrass yourself anymore than you already have. You watch as inconspicuously as you can from the corner of your eye as Javier downs two cookies, half a slice of banana bread, and a few sips of his black coffee like it was nothing. Your chest felt light and jumpy watching him dive into your baked goods. You were far from a professional, having just heavily dabbled in cooking and baking as hobbies when you had the time or the money, but you’d taken to prepping baked goods for the food case since you arrived to help out.
Javier seemed to appreciate your efforts in full as he munched quickly on each bite. You could see the soft bugle of his tummy over his belt while he sat eating. You wanted to reach out and touch it so badly, to see if it was as soft as it looked or as sensitive as you imagined it would be. It was noticeably rounder the longer he sat and ate.
The already snug pull of his shirt buttons was more pronounced each time he bent forward slightly to sip on his coffee. His waistband sat lower than he was probably used to because he kept fidgeting with it. You wish he’d just undo his belt if it was pressing into his stomach and making him uncomfortable. Frankly, you wouldn’t mind if he undid it all and let his body bow out and breathe easy while he ate and got more of a curved, satisfied middle.
You jump at the sound of your phone going off in your back pocket, and you hastily answer when you see your brother-in-law’s picture fill up the screen. “Hello? Is everything alright? How’s she doing? Is the baby here yet?” You do a little jumpy dance when your brother-in-law shares the news of the latest member of the family making their debut. Baby and mom were both happy and healthy. You shoot Javier an apologetic look when you notice him watching you curiously. He grins and waves you off as he tucks into whatever sweet treat was lined up next.
You pace around the cafe and try to retain all the information being relayed, but between the rain and the busy hospital it was a bit difficult to hear. You were so focused on listening to your call that you hadn’t heard another customer enter the shop. In fact, you didn’t even realize anyone else had come in until a firm, annoyed tap landed on your shoulder. You jerk away in surprise and motion to the phone. “I’m so sorry, my sister just had a baby. I’m getting the update about it. I’ll be with you in just a second,” you promise in a whisper to the impatient customer. He’s tall and thin with a clean-cut suit and haircut to match. Your entreating smile has no effect whatsoever as his face remains cold and annoyed. 
“Half the block is out of power, and the only coffee place I can find in this fucking storm won’t even serve people? Fucking typical,” he bites out, gripping his hips with large, tense hands. “Hurry it up, will you?”
You’re so caught off guard by the rude interaction that you’re stunned into silence. Just as you get your thoughts together enough to tell this guy to fuck off, he rounds on you again. “My boss is going to wring my neck if I don’t bring him some fucking coffee, and some of us have real jobs that we care about. Can you get off your stupid personal call and sell me a cup of coffee?”
When you don’t answer quickly enough for his liking, he plucks your phone out of your hand and hits the button to end the call. He snaps it back into your hand and holds his arms open to his sides. “Was that so fucking hard? You got enough brain cells to rub together to ring up a few cups of coffee, sweetheart?” he sneers.
The scrape of a chair across the cafe is all the warning this harassing asshole got before Javier roughly shoves him into a table, knocking said asshole as well as a couple of chairs onto the ground.
“Get the fuck outta this shop. If you step foot in here again, I will personally see to it that you are arrested for trespassing, harassment, stalking, assault, and whatever else I can think to put on the charges. You understand me?” Javier’s back and shoulders are puffed out and ebbing with heaving pulls of angry air.
The rude customer scrambles onto his knees and feet, reddening quickly from embarrassment. “You can’t just put your hands on people, man!” he squalls. Despite the challenging demeanor, the man slowly takes several steps backwards and away from you, edging closer to the entrance. “Maybe I should have you fucking arrested for putting hands on me, huh? How about that? You think your girlfriend is gonna be impressed when you’re sitting in county? All because you wanted to impress her? You fucked with the wrong guy—”
Javier takes a measured step forward and swings an uppercut into the man’s gut. He doubles over with a groan and grabs at the entrance to hold himself up. He sputters and coughs, bug-eyed with alarm, before scurrying out of the shop.
“Jesus,” you mutter under your breath. It had been a while since you’d been in a retail environment, and you’d forgotten how awful the general public could be, especially towards service workers.
Javier turns to you once he’s sure the man has left for good and gives you a quick inspection, satisfied with your unscathed state, but still asks if you’re okay. You give a quick nod and thanks. 
“You know that guy? He ever been here before and given you trouble?” he presses.
His voice is so stern and pointed, you answer immediately that as far you knew it was the first time the asshole had ever graced the walls of the shop. He dips his head a few times in acknowledgement. “How long are you here alone?” he probes. You don’t stop to consider how he’s so confident that you’re in the shop alone. Instead, you reply quickly to his commanding voice and words. He glances at his watch and makes a sort of grimace. “That’s still some time between now and then,” he muses aloud. He puckers his lips in thought and relaxes a hand onto his hip, leaning casually to one side and somehow still maintaining that confident control of the room.
“If it’s alright with you and wouldn’t make you uncomfortable, I’d like to hang around until it’s more than just you holdin’ down the fort.” His eyes are softer now, like they’d been earlier before the belligerent customer had come and disrupted everything, but you can see the imploring weight behind them. Please just say you don’t mind that I stay for a while so you’re not left here alone.
“No, of course not. Of course I don’t mind,” you half laugh at the idea of not wanting him around. “Just don’t feel obligated or anything. I think you got the message across to that jerk loud and clear.”
You grin a little, and Javier mirrors the expression with a lopsided one of his own. “Well, alright then.
I’ll keep outta your way until cavalry arrives.”
True to his word, Javier settled back into his seat after righting the chair and table he’d knocked over during the scuffle, and you might forget anyone else was here with you in the shop if it had been someone who wasn’t so devastatingly handsome, broad, and protective. You kept stealing quick glances his way and offering up more treats “on the house” for his help if you noticed his plate was empty. After the fourth round of treats, he sighed  and rubbed his ever protruding belly. “I’m fit to pop, sweetheart,” he groans.
“Oh, come on. One more cookie,” you appeal. You shoot him a bright, encouraging smile as you extend the plate of cookies to him. He breathes out a laugh and shakes his head but still accepts one last cookie.
“Damn things taste so good. Everything tastes so good. I’m really  in for it now that I know about this place,” he laughs.
You chuckle and shrug as you absentmindedly sink down into the chair opposite him. “Well if you have anything in particular you like, I can try to find a recipe and make it. The regulars would probably like something new in the rotation,” you reason.
“Chase off one asshole and you get preferential treatment, huh? Not a bad deal,” he teases. 
You giggle and clench your hands where they lay resting in your lap. It’s part giddy nerves at the way his crinkly smile and flirtatious demeanor make your belly feel warm and tingly. It’s also partly getting flustered once you realize that you’d invited yourself to sit down at his table and started pressing him for menu ideas. He seemed like a nice guy, and that’s probably all this was: just a nice guy doing a nice thing. He hadn’t signed up for all of this when he stumbled upon your sister’s little cafe.
“You really make all the food yourself?” he asks. He looks thoughtful and maybe even a little  impressed.
You wave off his unspoken compliments and explain that you’ve taken up the task from your brother-in-law since you came to stay and help out. You admit that it wasn’t very hard to convince him as it wasn’t usually in his wheelhouse to prep any of the food. That had always been your sister, who shared an affinity for baking and cooking with you.
“So, got any ideas for me?” you ask in a hope to get the conversation away from yourself.
The line of his mouth curves until a soft, shallow dimple forms on his cheek. “You’re really gonna make somethin’ just for me?” His voice dripped in a deeper, honeyed drawl that made warmth spark and erupt between your thighs.
“Yeah,” you breathe.
He laughs to himself and rubs a thumb along his lower lip, which isn’t helping with how badly you want to throw yourself across the table and nip at it. After a moment in thought, he nods his head once and says, “Biscochitos.”
You blink a few times, completely dumbfounded at what word just left his mouth. “Biscuit Cheetos?” you repeat in confused whisper.
Javier snorts and covers part of his laugh with a cough. “I’m sure you could make a hell of a ‘Biscuit Cheeto’, but I’m talking about the cookie I grew up eating a lot of. Biscochitos.” He pronounced it slower this time, and you parrot it back correctly.  He gives an appreciative hum at your efforts. “Sound real pretty sayin’ that.”
Your face heats again at the center of attention circling back to you. You wave him off again and look away. “I’ll agree it’s a lot better than ‘Biscuit Cheetos’,” you snort. You sit in a charged silence, fidgeting and squirming under Javier’s steady, calm gaze. He leans against the wall and crosses his arms lazily. His air of confidence was warm and firm in a way that made you feel at ease and electrified all at once. He studies you for a moment and grins again.
You feel like you’re trapped in his charming web, but you’re not exactly a fly struggling to escape. You might not mind being up next on the menu. He certainly  looks like he enjoys a good meal. You excuse yourself to get back to work and pack up some cookies to go once he leaves. All too soon the other employee shows, and your quiet time together is over. Just as you resign yourself to some internal pouting that this handsome stranger turned knight in shining armor was probably never to be seen again, he slips you a piece of paper with his number scribbled on it. With a wink and a “gimme a call once those biscochitos are out in the case, mi galletita” he strolls out the door.
You immediately take your 15 minute break and start scouring the web for recipes.
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Javier didn’t know which was harder to give up: smoking, booze, or women. All of his past indulgences felt a little heavy handed now that he was mainly doing consultation work for police and government agencies. He’d settled back in Texas to be closer to his family, closer to the home he’d gone away from with dreams of making the world a better, safer place. While he doesn’t much feel that he’s made a difference, he still tries to politely skirt the heaps of praise and compliments most shower him with instead of shutting them down with the truth of just how fucked up each and every facet of the law was in its own way. 
Still, he had bills to pay. He had a spitfire mind and drive that needed quelling. The first thing he’d given up was smoking. It hadn’t been the uphill battle he’d heard about from so many others. Then again, he really only craved a smoke after he’d been in the company of a beautiful woman. That had sorted itself out as he was no longer hitting the pavement day in and day out, and the pick of female coworkers was an HR nightmare on top of slim pickings. 
He wasn’t meeting up with informants and tipsters down at random bars or restaurants or wherever else, and all his fountain of vices seemed to naturally dry up - at least in terms of what triggered his attention to them in the first place. 
However, Javier had found himself a new hobby that he didn’t have to worry about hiding, scheduling, or monitoring. Food. He could eat at his desk, little snacks tucked into his drawers. His car was good for a quick bite any time he got into it. The guys around the office went out for lunch more often than not, and there were plenty of places to eat around here. It’s how he’d found his favorite bakery. That is, until the storm had knocked their power out and led him straight into your sister’s quaint little cafe. You’d struck him in a way he hadn’t seen coming. He hadn’t found himself too concerned with women or fucking something warm and wet for a while now. Much too enamored with his latest adventures in becoming a “foodie” or whatever it was that the secretary had called it.
He hadn’t gone back to that former favorite bakery since he’d happened upon you. A comfortable, familiar smile crept onto his face when you’d called him a few days later after that fateful firth meeting. You sounded flustered and excited to let him know “his cookies” were ready. 
It’s no wonder his mouth had formed the nickname for you as he left the shop that first day. Mi galletita, my little cookie. God, you were such a sweet thing. When he went to see you first thing after work, you beamed at him and looked all the brighter when he legitimately moaned into his first bite of the biscochitos you’d made. He was almost embarrassed about it until he saw how much you took it as a compliment. He liked making you feel good about yourself. After visiting you week after week - sometimes more than once a week - he’d begun to hope that he might be able to make you feel good in other ways, too.
Your sister and brother-in-law were back into the mix now, and he was starting to worry how much longer he’d be able to just walk in and see you. You’d lit something inside him that had him coming back to see you again and again, like a magnet inching too close to another and having no choice but to be propelled together. He didn’t care too much for how you were closing a lot at night by yourself, no matter how many times you assured him it was safe.
Just like that first day you’d met, he felt a need to look after you and make sure you were taken care of. After all, you’d been doing the same thing in your own way. He’d put on more weight since you started plying him with all sorts of confectionary treats. His pants dug into his waist by lunchtime every day, but he couldn’t keep from gorging himself on all the delicious things you made with him in mind. He’d been fit and active once upon a time, but between the desk job and your baking, the seams of his clothing were hanging on by a weak thread in some places.
But, just like your delectable offerings, Javier just couldn’t get enough of you.
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The shop had been closed for almost 45 minutes now, and you hated to think of all the ways you were holding Javi up while he waited for you to finish shutting everything down and prepping for the morning shift. He’d taken to sitting with you on nights that you closed, quietly reading something to himself as he patiently waited for you to complete the tasks around the shop. It had been a hectic day that put you behind, but the sight of Javi eating cookie after cookie and rubbing his expanding belly appreciatively made it all worth it.
When you tell him you just have a little bit of paperwork left in the back, he’s slouched down into the chair to ease the bend of his waist into his tight pants. He doesn’t turn you down when you offer for him to keep you company in the back. He sighs as he settles into the couch in the back office. You eye the pouching bits of his stomach that have spilled over his jeans and lick your lips. You love that something you’d made for him - something you’d put so much time and care into - had resulted in a satisfied tummy.
The couch huffs and puffs as much as Javi does as he tries to find a comfortable position. You turn to look at him, and his expression morphs into a somewhat embarrassed face.
“Ate too many cookies, and now my fat ass can’t even sit comfortably,” he grumbles.
You fight internally over whether or not to suggest the obvious: undo your belt and pants. Instead, you opt for the softer lob of a suggestion. “Here, lie down and stretch out a bit. That should help.” You get his head propped comfortably and slide his jacket away from him. He looks more at ease, but you know what would make him feel really good. Your hands travel down his chest slowly. “And, um, I think that…. this could help, too.”
Before you can talk yourself out of it, your fingers are gently unfastening his belt and jeans, and his stomach bulges out when it’s finally free from the confines of his constricting clothing. He breathes out a heavy sigh of relief, and his entire body slackens a bit. “See? Told you it would help,” you say quietly. You trail your fingertips through the thatch of brown hairs at the top of his underwear. His eyes snap open and find yours, pinning you with a searching, fiery look.
You gently curve the palm of your hand over the taut swell of his stomach, and he groans when you rub soothing motions across it. “Poor belly is so full, Javi. Feels so tight. Does it feel good when I rub it like this?”
He whimpers and nods when you apply firmer pressure, and you continue rubbing for a few minutes. “Makes me so happy to see you eat all the cookies I make you. I bake them just for you, Javi.”
His tongue slips over his lower lip when he groans again. “Know you do. Too fucking good to me.”
“I just wanna make you feel good, Javi,” you breathe. Your hand starts to travel lower. “Can I do that? Make you feel good?”
He watches you with fixed adoration and nods. You drag his pants down to mid thigh and gasp at the sight of him. Belly rounded and protruding from stuffing himself with your cookies. Thighs thick and strong. Cock half hard and dribbling from the tip. Your head is between his legs before your nerves have a chance to distract you. The sound you draw from Javi with a few kitten licks across the underside of his cock makes your head spin. You vacuum your lips around the tip and rub his stuffed belly as you start sucking.
He lets out a pained moan and guides your head faster, bobbing up and down on as much of him as you can take. He pulls you off with a loud grunt. “Hermosa, my stomach,” he hisses. You pushed too hard against his sensitive belly while you worked him with your mouth.
“Sorry, Javi,” you apologize in a soft hush. You lean forward and press soft kisses to his belly in a show of contrition. 
His chest vibrates with a low, approving hum. ‘That’s okay, galletita. Let me have a turn, yeah?”
Despite his bloated middle, Javi moves with relative ease now that it’s not cinched beneath a waistband. He stands and bends you over the desk. He’s freed you from your lower garments in what feels like seconds. You know he’s on his knees between your legs, but your hips still jerk in surprise into the cool edge of the desk when you feel his damp breath fanning over your bare pussy. “Still hungry for you, galletita.” A gripping hitch of breath lodges in your throat when he starts licking into you.
Javi’s appetite for your confections paled in comparison to the famished frenzy happening between your thighs. Strings of warm wet something slide down your legs as your climax quickly approaches. His large hands spread you open for his devouring, and the next sharp suck on your clit has you shaking against the desk. Your lax body is pulled backward, head turned to the side to meet Javi’s mouth. He eats into you again, tongue and spit and the taste of yourself spreading.
You reach blindly behind you and around Javi’s belly to guide his cock into you. He lowers you onto the desk once more to adjust himself deeper into you. You moan when he props his belly onto the curve of your ass. It frees up the space he needs to drive himself to the hilt, and you sputter and squeak at the size of him.
“Yeah, you like my big belly, huh? Got somethin’ else that’s big I think you’ll like,” he chuckles.
Your mouth juts open in a silent yell when he grips onto your hips and fucks into you. Your hands fly backwards to clench onto his as he cleaves you in two.
“Breathe, hermosa, breathe,” he reminds you. You instantly gasp and heave out the breath you’d been holding. “You like all of your man to be nice and fat, huh? Big fat belly and a big fat cock, too, huh?”
Every stroke wiggles his belly on top of your ass, and there’s no sense in denying how much you love it. “YES, JAVI,” you cry out. “WANT YOU SO BIG. YOU FEEL SO BIG FOR ME.”
He pants with the effort of his thrusts. “Can feel you tightening up again. You gonna come again for me? You gonna come on this fat cock? Gonna come on this fat cock while your ass is trying to hold up this fat belly?”
Your eyes slide into the back of your skull as your whole body seizes up. Javi  drives himself sloppily into the pitches of your cunt, gripping and choking him with your orgasm. His frenzied question of where? lets you know he’s close. So close that he doesn’t hesitate at all when you tell him to come inside you. He groans like he’s in pain at the desperate plea for him to fill you up.
“Aahhhh–fuck— my little—aahhh fuck!–galletita wants to be a mommy just like her sister, huh? Want me to come in you and put a baby in there, hm?”
You’re too strung out on your high to coherently answer, and it’s extended by the guttural moan of Javi as he starts to spill inside of you. So often a smooth talker, the transition of Javi’s dirty talk to this vocal, unhinged symphony is a pleasant surprise. You soak in every hiss and groan and whimper. He doesn’t quiet until he’s caught his breath, although the slump of him against your back leaves very little room for him to take a deep breath.
You stumble when he pulls out of you and turns you around with your ass half hanging off the desk. He scoops his fingers through your spent pussy and gathers up the remnants of him leaking out. He brings it to your face, and you obey when he tells you to open up. He slips his cum covered fingers into your mouth and groans. He retrieves another scoop of himself from you and smears it across your waiting tongue.
“You feed me so good, galletita, I gotta make sure I feed you, too,” he grunts.
You swallow all of it down until you’re left with nothing but his bare fingers to tongue and lick and suck on. He lets his wet hand wander down to your stomach where he pauses. “Maybe I like the idea of you having a big round belly because of me, too,” he jokes. Warmth floods your face at the thought of it: Javi with a big round belly stuffed full of your cooking, and you by his side, the swell of your middle filled with the two of you.
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I tried my best for you, @beefrobeefcal 💜
Here's the "pic" of Javi in the cafe (aka the edit I made for this fic lmao):
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Merry Christmas, ���Puddles♥
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
GUYS HELP I MIGHT..BE SUPER SICK FOR AWHILE BUT IVE BEEN LEARNING GHOST LORE (i use it as background noise and i only understand 30% of it)🙏
i was at work today and i saw my friend slick back his hair and he was like "hey look i look like that guy you always talk about" but anyway
Can i request Agito sfw/nsfw..he's eating my brain as his protein i see..but can i request something about him having MAD sensitive nipples..
as always..cook well and don't overwork yourself OR ELsE..
—🪡 anon
Instead of the classic Headcanon format I go for, I'm gonna write a small fic instead hehe
Tender to the Touch
Kanoh Agito x Afab!Reader
Content: P in V (unprotected) sex, creampie, slight dirty talk, nipple play, slight overstim, dom reader
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The night had unfolded just as you expected it to. You were sat on Agito's thighs, stroking the boner in his tight-fitting boxers. He was propped up on his elbows, his head lolling from side to side as he let out a few sighs.
He was very needy tonight. He wouldn't leave you side the whole day, so it seemed as if he had been waiting for this moment.
"You want me to touch you more?" You spoke in a playful, but low voice. His boner twitched as he nodded. "Use your words"
"Yes, please" his voice faltered slightly, his cheeks painted with a light pink. You smiled and tugged at the waist band of his undergarment. His length sprung out, the tip already glistening with pre-cum.
"You've been hard all day haven't you?" You grabbed the base of his dick and scooted yourself closer. Your folds almost teasing it.
"Hm" he nodded, his fingers tugging at the sheets as he yearned for more of your touch. You began to slide your entrance up and down his length, teasing him by not putting inside yet. His leg muscles tensed as he let out a throaty grumble.
"I haven't even played with you that much, but I feel how hard you are. This must've hurt to not touch" you looked up and saw his large chest rising and falling. Good lord, you always knew how large his...breasts... were. But damn, they looked almost heavenly as the moonlight danced on them.
Stopping your movements, your hands felt up his abdomen to his chest. A grin pulled at your lips as Agito looked at you, not quite sure what you were thinking.
"Y'know" your index finger traced circles around the dip in his chest. "Your body looks very ravaging tonight" his dick twitched between your folds, pressing against your clit as you melted your torso onto his.
"Escpecially these" your hands softly cupped his man boobs. His breathing hitched as his body jolted. 'My my~'
"Tell me something, my love. Are you sensitive here?" Your fingers squeezed his pecs softly, massaging them gently as you waited for his reaction.
"Mm" Agito only hummed. The sheets were bunched up in his palms as he closed his eyes. Parting his lips a little. He was clearly holding back his reactions. You weren't gonna go easy on him for this.
"Well then" You placed your hands so that his nipples were placed between your fingers. "I wonder what happens if I just-" you squeezed them so that his nipples slightly poked out along with his skin.
"Ngh!" His back arched as he stiffled out a surprised moan. "Very tender for a fighter" you grinded yourself on his dick as you continued to play with his chest. He squirmed under you, failing to keep his composure. He felt how wet you were getting, all these sensations were driving him insane.
He moaned out your name as he lost his balance on his elbows. Grabbing your hips and looking for more friction between your pussy and his cock. "Shhh, I'll put it in now" you guided him into your entrance, lowering yourself as you felt him stretch you out.
Agito watched in desperation, trying not to buck into you. Your warm walls clenching out him was enough to render his mind useless. "Fuck. That's it" you felt him bottom out, feeling it inside completely felt wonderful.
Your hips slowly rolled, feeling his cock hitting all the right spots. Agito had one hand on your waist and the other covering his mouth. You balanced yourself by placing your palms on his chest.
"I'm gonna go faster" you leaned down and kissed his nose. "You don't need to hold back your voice. It turns me on" your hips moved up and down. The sound of your thighs hitting his resonating in the room.
Agito groaned with the rhythm of your hips bouncing on his. Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head as his cock continously hit your g-spot. Soft whines left your mouth as your hands began to squeeze his chest again. His hips jerked, catching you off guard as a cry of pleasure escaped your throat.
"Mn! You like it when I grab your chest huh? So sensitive and soft"
He huffed as he tossed his head back, his thoughts only of pure bliss. Muscles contracting every time his girth slid in and out of you. He couldn't last like this.
You could feel him throb as he neared his edge. You felt your heartbeat in your clit as your vision got hazy. Your fingers had a mind of their own, as they pinched his nipples without even realizing what you were doing.
Agito cried out a guttural sob of ecstasy as his other hand landed on your thigh. His hips driving into you as his cock ached for release. His once slicked back hair was now messy, tears almost rolled down his cheek. He wanted to cum. He wanted to cum so bad.
"Please- please- I'm gonna..."
"Cum inside me. Shit...I want it. Agito, cum in me. It's okay" you mewled, biting your lip as you pinched his nipples harder. He let his body do the talking. His back arched once again, your pace unyielding. The bed was creaking as the sounds of skin slapping against eachother echoed throughout the room. You were lucky you got a separate house instead of an apartment or a condo.
Agitos hips stopped moving, only lightly twitching as you rode him until he came. He choked out your name while you felt his seed fill your insides. You slowly grinded on it to get every last drop of him, moaning quietly as you felt the cum drip out of your pussy.
You took your time with sliding his cock out of you. Watching as his sperm spilled from your folds. Agito pushed back his hair, trying to catch his breath while staring at you. His body trembling at every inhale he took.
"Came a lot more than usual" you crossed your arms on his chest and rested your head on them. "Never took you for someone with highly sensitive nipples" you teased, smiling weakly as your own body recovered.
"Can we...try that again at a later time?" Agito pushed a few stray hairs out of your face.
"Anything for you, darling"
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foli-vora · 1 year
Congrats on 3k, lovely!!!!
Can I have “you know where to find me.” with Dave York?
Pls turn my pelvis into dust. Your Dave is AMAZING.
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My love. Thank you for your never ending support and love. I am honoured you enjoy my Dave! I apologise for the delay, and I hope you enjoy! ❤️
A sidenote: Yes, I'm slowly making my way through these requests. Yes, they are incredibly late. Yes, we're ignoring the fact I'm well over 3k now LMAO.
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your taste i crave
dave york x f!reader
word count: 1.3k warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY. semi public sex/workplace sex, rough unprotected p in v, brief talk of choking, vague descriptions of toy use, use of tie as a gag, creampie, oral sex (f), cum eating, a brief thigh nibble, dave's messy idc
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The edge of the copier is harsh where it digs into your stomach, but you can’t find it in you to care—not when he’s moving like this, not when his hands are locked on your hips, keeping you at his complete mercy as he takes what he wants.
He’s so fucking rough, and if you didn’t have the tight pull of his work tie around your mouth and making words practically impossible, you’re absolutely positive you’d be begging him for more.
You don’t think it will ever be enough.
Instead, all that falls from your parted, restrained lips are muffled whines and broken moans when he hits that spot that’s almost too far. It sends a jolt of pain through your system, rocketing up your spine and bringing your body harder against the machine in an effort to escape the intense sensation, but it’s quickly replaced with more heat, more need.
He merely drags you back against him each and every time, his neatly trimmed nails pressing indents into the fleshy skin of your waist as he moves behind you with tightly restrained grunts, the slap of his hips meeting your ass echoing in the small copy room.
Despite the time of day, with most of the office having enough and retreating home, there’s not much time left.
Beyond the dizzying, overwhelming feel of him rutting into you without abandon; cock so fucking solid, so goddamn thick; and bringing a flood of tears to your lash line, you know it can’t last—not like it usually does.
He’d still want to go back to work—most likely for the rest of the evening, the strict borderline obsession with his career rendering him unable to leave the mountains of work flooding his desk.
So there’s no room for build up here. No time for teasing. No long, blissful drawn out torture of him bringing you to the edge only to stop at its peak again and again.
This is about release. This is about working and relieving the tension that had been slowly building across his broad shoulders with every bullshit thing that had happened today and granting him a clearer head for the hours left at the office. This is about him, and you’re only too happy to oblige.
“Might—fuck… might have to–to make this a regular work thing,” he grits out, hand curling around the back of your blouse and tugging roughly at it until your back is pressing against his chest.
The silk collar of it cuts into the soft flesh of your throat, and you want to ask for more.
Maybe his hand? His long thick fingers curling around the width of it and giving it that perfect squeeze that borders on too much but is always just enough.
Maybe his belt? The worn, cared for leather smooth against your skin as it tightens and tightens, slowly pushing your lungs to the max until you’re weeping from the irresistible assault of sensations.
The gag wound tight around your mouth makes it impossible to get the words out, and his mouth latches onto the curve of your shoulder, nipping and biting at the skin until it feels raw. You stretch out for more, his lips soon running hungrily along the expanse of your throat.
He’s getting close.
You know it, you can feel it.
You can feel it in the way his already bruising grip tightens just that little more. You can feel it in the way his breath starts to catch where it ghosts your skin, sticking in his throat and coming out in shorter pants as he chases the promise of that sweet, sweet high.
You can’t speak, can’t utter a single fucking word to coax him along. You can’t beg for him to keep going, to finish right where he is and fill you to the fucking brim so you can take a part of him home.
He goes wild for your shaky home videos, the smooth finish of your vibrator glistening with the remnants of his cum sliding down the silicon as you fuck yourself with his name on your lips in the cosy comfort of your bedroom.
A mantra of his name fills your mind.
Dave, Dave, Dave.
You want him to hear it, you want him to know that it’s only him that could do this, only him that could use you like this. You love it, crave it.
That familiar tingle runs along your spine in anticipation, your body aching for just that little bit more, your clit throbbing in need of desperate attention to get you just over that line right alongside him—
The groan that falls from his throat is utter filth, hoarse and throaty, and one of your favourite fucking sounds he makes. He slams his hips upwards one more time, forcing the head of his cock right up against your soft cervix as he starts to cum, and you’re left to do nothing but whine into the now damp material of his tie, barely aware of the tear that leaks from the corner of your eye.
He takes a long moment to recover, sweat slicked face hidden in your shoulder as his chest heaves against your back. The tie loosens from around your mouth and falls to rest at the base of your throat, leaving a mess of saliva coating your lips and chin which you try to wipe away as cleanly as possible with the back of your hand.
Too soon, he starts to pull away, guiding his softening cock from your tender, weeping cunt with a low hiss of ‘fuck’ before you hear the rustle of his slacks and the smooth pull of his zipper.
You take that as your silent cue, twisting and bending as well as you could on shaky legs to retrieve the damp panties still tangled around your ankles and attempt to drag them back up into place.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asks gruffly, tugging the thin lace out from your fingers and letting them drop to your feet once more. “Who said I was finished with you?”
There’s no time to argue.
He works quickly, dropping to his knees and gripping the underside of your ass enough to spread you open before pressing forward eagerly. The thick, firm feel of his tongue swipes through the mess he had made, forcing its way along your wet folds before pushing into your throbbing cunt.
You manage to smother the yelp of surprise with a quick slap of your hand over your mouth, half wishing he had left the gag in place if he wasn’t done with you. Maybe he’s trying to test you, or maybe he just doesn’t give a shit about being quiet anymore.
God, it’s risky.
It’s so fucking risky, it’s so fucking good—
He holds you tightly, winding an arm around the front of you to pull you harder against his face as he practically devours you from behind, eagerly coaxing more of his cum and your arousal into his mouth with feral curls and flicks of his tongue.
Your knees threaten to give out when he finally moves away from your entrance and finds your clit, smoothing over the swollen nerve with alternating quick, light flutters and firm, wide rolls. He falls into his pace easily, rekindling the heat in the pit of your stomach in a way only he knows how and you’re desperate to find something to anchor yourself with.
“Y-yeah,” you breathe brokenly, hands clutching the machine for life and eyes rolling with the fresh waves of pleasure as you can’t help but start to rock back against his face, focusing on the feel of his slick tongue sliding back and forward over your previously neglected clit, “maybe we could make this a… a r-regular work thing.”
He hums into you, breaking away with an obscene wet smack of his lips before nipping at the inside of your thigh playfully.
“You know where to find me, pretty girl. Bend over, give it to me.”
tags: @maievdenoir, @javier-pena, @lv7867, @dihra-vesa, @katronautt, @radiowallet, @januarystears, @missminkylove, @beskarprincessjenny, @mswarriorbabe80, @danidrabbles, @amneris21, @eri16, @absurdthirst, @hnt-escape, @acourtofsnakes, @ezrasbirdie, @mstgsmy66, @lovesbiggerthanpride, @coaaster, @sherala007, @greeneyedblondie44, @wyn-n-tonic, @you-got-me-starry-eyed, @shirks-all-responsibilities, @withasideofmeg, @harriedandharassed, @andruxx, @buckybarneshairpullingkink, @spideysimpossiblegirl, @prostitute-robot-from-the-future, @tanzthompson, @mad-girl-without-a-box, @hope-for-the-best-98, @fangirl-316, @christina-loves, @jediknight122, @hallway5, @xoxabs88xox, @nicolethered, @churchill356, @massivecolorspygiant, @just-here-for-the-moment, @gracie7209, @pinkie289, @lavenderluna10, @goodgriefitsawildworld
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lefarte · 25 days
something tells me youd be exceptional at writing pav. Specifically pav sex. So pav sex please thank uou ❤️
Chat lock in
Tags: bath sex, handjob, facefucking, Pav is… Pav but yeah
The faucet was left running. After everything, there was such an endless supply of perma-dirt and blood on both you and him that you had to change the water constantly. The actual cleaning part of the bath was rendered difficult, what with the lieutenant slobbering all over you.
“I said hold still, dammit.” You gently rubbed the suds of shampoo behind his ears. He only closed his eyes and made a lazy, contented noise.
You had first picked up this stray in the train. He was rather… difficult to get along with. You spotted him tailing you several times on the road throughout your little journey. You had some conversations, but he never got too close. He would usually stand a safe distance, about ten to twelve feet back, and examine you intently, tilting his head curiously.
You had won over his trust by leaving offerings of food, taking a few paces back, and waiting.
You pressed your thumbs a little more into his temples, eliciting a soft sigh. Pav was reclined back in the back, with his legs half-crossed and one arm dangling out the side of the tub; the other arm, used press your head against his bare chest. He leaned his head back.
“Can’t you clean yourself?” Your hands followed him as he tilted his head back, going down to his jaw.
“No.” He looked back at you with half-lidded eyes. “This is much easier. And better.”
He moved your hands down to his shoulders and closed his eyes again, as if expecting you to readily massage his shoulders.
You shook your head. “What happened to saying ‘please’?” Or ‘thank you’?”
“You’re a stubborn little thing, you know? Maybe you should be thanking me.”
“For cleaning you?!” You balked.
“For keeping you alive this far~”
He moved his free hand over to pinch your cheek. Admittedly, you were very out of your depth. Alone in a foreign city with no friends or family. Unsure of how to wield a pistol, unsure of how to set a broken leg, unsure of how to set a snare trap for rabbits or to skin one. You really couldn’t even read the native language. Your skills were rather paltry, and he was quite an asset. Even if he was inexplicably hostile to your other teammates.
“A little gratitude wouldn’t hurt, would it?” He grinned, cuddling you against his chest.
“Fine, fine, I’ll rub your shoulders.” You grumbled.
You, with a bit of soap on your palm, ran your open hands across his clavicle and up. You began to rub little circles into his shoulders. You could feel his shoulders droop under your palms, how hard and dense and knotted the muscles were there. When you pressed your fingers into the hardest spots, his grin would falter and an uncharacteristically sweet and quiet sound came out.
“Feels… good…”
He squeezed you tighter.
He took your hand in his own, and guided you down to his chest. You could feel his heart beating against your ears in a steady, pleasant rhythm. With an even pace, you softly kneaded his chest while he pressed you up against his heart. No words were uttered, nothing but soft sighs and the trickling of warm water.
“You have wonderful hands…~”
His mouth angled down towards yours for a kiss.
You felt something prodding against your thigh.
“Of course,” You murmured. He smiled back at you with half lidded eyes.
You glanced down at it. The water was up to his thighs now, not quite covering it. His erection was pressed up against your lap. It was pink, longer than it was girthy.
“How could I not?” He purred against you. “Have some pity. I’ve been needing you for days…”
Carefully, you drew your hand closer to his cock. His eyes shot open immediately. Almost comically.
“Ohh, very good… I didn’t even need to ask… I guess you do like me… don’t you?”
“Of course I do…” You murmured. “We’re in the bath together, aren’t we? I let you see me naked.”
“Yes… it was quite a sight, seeing you undress for me~…”
You softly took it between your fingers. He gasped.
Immediately, he shoved your hand down to his base, bucking against your palm. He grinned doggedly, looking down at you with a flushed face, and pressed his lips against yours. His body was practically trembling from excitement just from humping your hand.
You hardly had time to process any of this before he was groping you, pressing his rough hands all over you. That was just how Pav was, he never gave you a second to rest. He was rough and over-exciteable and horny. You had thought he was more gentle after the festival ended, that he settled down. But all those dirty lines about how lewd your body was, how ‘fuckable’ you were and the things he wanted to do to you were never just talk. He was like a feral animal, he could barely hold himself back from touching you. His hands ran down to your ass, giving it a squeeze.
“I need you,” he moaned in between kisses. “You’re mine~”
You pumped his shaft in your fist, feeling his warm cock practically dribble over your fingers. His hands kept groping you relentlessly, not letting up until squeezing a moan out of you.
“This isn’t going to satisfy me forever, you know~?” He whispered. “I want more.”
He softly tugged you down, till your face was up against his muscular thighs. Your body reacted on its own, feeling him rub his cock against your cheek, marking you with precum.
You hesitated, before pressing your lips against it. He groaned in delight. “Your lips are soft…”
Still stroking him with one hand, you took the head of his cock into your mouth, making a lewd slurping noise. The salty taste of precum immediately hit your tongue as he rutted into your open mouth.
“I wouldn’t mind doing this more often…” he panted. “Don’t you think? You’re so…”
You moaned as you rubbed yourself against his leg. You rolled your tongue around his head, the feeling invading your senses and taking over your common sense.
“You’re so… cute!” He grinned. “I just want to see that cute face when you swallow my load.”
Water running down your back, he pressed your head forward, bobbing your head on his cock. His face was red, disheveled and needy. He took extra care to rub against your tongue, making sure you tasted every drop.
He began to grind more and more roughly, making you squeal. His leg trembled and sputtered a bit, splashing in the water.
“You will swallow, right? You’ll be good, darling, won’t you?” His voice was hoarse from moaning. “This is all for you… Ngh…”
He pressed you down, deeply, against the base of his shaft. You sputtered, feeling him push against the back of your throat, grinding inside. Tears pricked your eyes on instinct.
“Ooohhh goddd, it feels so good when you squeeze me like that…~” He gritted his teeth, beginning to breathe more laboriously.
He pressed and buried his cock inside your throat, rubbing your face into his pubes, making sweet soft noises of happiness. He couldn’t hold still at this point, squirming like an animal in heat.
“Yes, yes, yes…” He rambled, thrusting forward to fuck your mouth. “I… I…”
His thrusting had started to become more erratic, faster and deeper, seeming to love your little sounds and sputtering.
“I-I love you,” He moaned breathlessly. “Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou~!”
He suddenly pulled back, leaving you gasping, but not pulling out of your mouth. He held you by your cheeks while babbling ‘I love you’ over and over again. Then, you tasted cum on your tongue.
“YESS~! That’s it!” He whimpered. “You’re so good! You’re doing so good!”
He arched his back. A long rope of cum released onto your tongue. The taste was salty. Every time you thought the orgasm had almost ended, more of it came, filling your cheeks faster than you could gulp it down, which he watched with a euphoric expression.
“It’s a lot, right? I saved it for you~”
After the last few drops had came onto your tongue, he released your head. He leaned back, resting his head on his hands, and sighed.
“Thank you, angel.” He hummed.
You sniffed. “You’re welcome.”
He took your hand and pulled you back up to snuggle against his chest again. He kissed your forehead and nuzzled against your hair. “Good job.”
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tired-teacher-blog · 7 months
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Characters : Tattoo artist Aizawa/ Florist fem reader
Featuring : Eri/ Hizashi Yamada/ Nemuri Kayama/ Oboro Shirakumo/ Emi Fukukado
Warnings and Genre : Fluff/ Romance/ Smut and Angst in future chapters/ Multi Chaptered Story
Summary : In a desperate attempt to get closer to the tattoo artist dominating every speck of your brain, you decide to pay him a visit one evening as a client seeking his service. This encounter will prove to be the beginning of something much bigger between you two, but will this new found passion be enough to stand against the difficulties your future holds?
Notes : Loosely inspired by this/ Art below is by the wonderful @/ael-draw who gifted me this gorgeous piece.
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Masterlist|Second Masterlist|Third Masterlist
Chapter Count : Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Part 11
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Mature content ahead so please be warned : 18+
_ "You seem.. distracted," he breathlessly utters while peering up at you from between your thighs, "aren't you enjoying this?" and the smirk following suit is an indication of his teasing, and confidence in his skilled tongue.
_ "Wha.. no, no that's not it!" truth be told, his wondrous mouth has always been enough to fog up your brain and renders you a moaning mess, and this time is no different as he has you sitting comfortably in the same chair you sat on months ago when you came for your tattoo, only this time, your skirt is hiked up around your waist and your legs are resting on his shoulders while your panties are discarded somewhere. 
How scandalous.
Here you thought you'd have dinner together between his scheduled appointments, but he had something else entirely in mind.
You aren't worried about someone walking in though, since everyone else is diligently working at the moment, you are however still not over what happened a few weeks ago when he came to visit you at night, all troubled and distraught.
_ "Look at you, swallowing my fingers eagerly." his teasing words are flustering, and his long thick digits are pushing you closer to insanity. He's aware of what he's doing to you, moving them slowly in and out of your fluttering heat, and curling them right at that sweet spot he knows all too well.
His lips are peppering your shaky thighs with soft kisses as his fingers keep spreading you deliciously, and you know that you will certainly not hold out for much longer.
_ "Shouta.. yes, keep going, please." you squeeze your eyes shut and arch off the leather chair while threading your own fingers through his beautiful hair, further messing his already messy bun. 
You are grateful for the blasting music outside of the booth, because everyone would hear your sinful moans otherwise.
His fingers quicken and his mouth envelops your reddened clit, sucking it hungrily and coaxing your release.
Your legs tighten around his neck and your eyes shoot open while shockwaves of pleasure rock you to the core and leave you pulsing in the aftermath of your orgasmic release.
Your throat is dry and your whole body is tingling as you strive to regain your composure, it was wonderful as usual, and for a moment there, you were actually able to forget about what's been bothering you for weeks.
_ "That was.. so good." a dumb smile is splayed across your face as your body is finally relaxed.
_ "I'm glad gorgeous," he replies with a chuckle while lowering your legs carefully, "so, did this help you relax?"
_ "What do you mean?" you're still on cloud nine and your mind is too fuzy to comprehend the meaning behind his words.
_ "No, never mind," he runs a hand through the loose strands framing his handsome face, "I just worry sometimes when you overwhelm yourself with work or other things." and for some reason, it feels as if he regrets his original statement and is trying to make light of the situation, perhaps because he's the one who's been troubled lately, and deep down he knows that it's affecting you in the worst of ways.
He means well though, obviously he does, and you know he's truly worried about you, but somehow you find his words irritating.
How can he act oblivious when he's the reason why you've been a mess lately? If anything, he actually owes you some answers.
Your smile is suddenly replaced with a frown, and you sigh out frustratedly as you carefully stand up on shaky legs and push your way past him in order to fetch your panties, "I should be the one telling you this."
He doesn't reply, and instead keeps his attention on you as he awaits an explanation.
_ "Shouta, isn't there anything you want to tell me?" you ask him calmly, eyes full of longing and a tinge of pain. 
You didn't have to say anything more for him to understand your request, and you just stand there patiently waiting to hear his answer.
He walks up to you, hands shoved in his pockets and eyes looking everywhere but you, and it reminds you of the day he visited your shop for the first time, because that day too, he was shy and a bit awkward, just like he is right now.
_ "It's not a big deal I promise." he feigns a smile as he answers, but you can see right through him, whatever happened that day -a couple of weeks ago- must have been a huge deal and it is clearly still affecting him.
He can deny it all he wants, but he's been distressed lately and it tortures you to witness, and what hurts you even more is that despite it all, he is still the same loving and caring man you've always known, and that night he visited you -a few weeks ago- was the first and only time he allowed himself to be vulnerable around you.
He heaves in defeat and you watch with frightened eyes as his head hangs low and his voice comes out, but nothing could ever have prepared you for what he has to say.
_ "Eri, she's.."
Your heart sinks as you're expecting the worst, this is about Eri, but what can it be? Is she ill? Did something bad happen at school? It can't be, you see her all the time and talk to her on the phone almost daily, and she is as bright and cheerful as she's always been, so what is it then?
_ "What about Eri? Shouta tell me quick, please." you grip onto his arms tightly and shake him as your patience was wearing thin already.
_ "Her mom is back, and she wants her."
No really, nothing could ever have prepared you for what he had to say..
_ "How could she.. after all these years." you know all too well that it isn't your place to comment on the subject, this thing in particular does not concern you at all, it is a family matter that has existed way before you even came along, but for God's sake you're unable to contain your anguish.
You know what these two mean to each other, to him, Eri isn't just his daughter, she's his whole life and everything in his existence revolves around her, and to her, he's the only family she has ever known and loved. Nothing's fair about this.
_ "It will be okay, I'm sure it will be fine, yeah." and it's a weird smile he's showing, one you're not used to seeing from him.
who is he even trying to convince? 
_ "But Shouta what about this is fine?"
_ "I have to believe that it is! Or else I'll go insane!" his hands are shaking and his voice is cracking now, as he's barely standing on his own two feet.
He has never been this way in front of you before and it kills you to witness.
You feel useless and hate yourself for triggering him this way, this isn't what he needs..
Oh right.. this isn't what he needs right now, not a reminder of this catastrophe but rather a reassurance, a sliver of hope, a moment to forget. It's precisely why he hasn't told you about it until you've brought it up a bit earlier.
_ "The man who took care of her all by himself for years, who raised her well and gave her all his love, who was both parents, is the same man standing right in front of me," it's all clear now and you know precisely what needs be done as you gently grasp on to his trembling hands, "you know what? It will be fine, Eri belongs with you and no power can change it, and I truly believe that."
He's speechless listening to you speak, lips parted and expression finally relaxing, this is indeed what he's been looking for, just a little peace of mind.
He pulls you to his chest and engulfs you tightly, so tightly in fact that you're left breathless in his strong arms.
His shoulders shake and a stream of hot liquid falls from his face to wet your own as he finally bares his all, and you stand there like a pillar for him to lean on,  listening as he breaks down in your embrace.
To be continued..
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finniestoncrane · 11 months
Therapy Pet
Capullo!Riddler x GN!Reader, word count: 2k commission: eddie's partner is used as a little therapy pet for him when he's too stressed (changed from trans-masc reader to gn!reader) 💚 commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: pet play, sub/dom dynamics
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From outside in the hall, you could hear Edward’s frustrated grunting. It was no way to conduct a business call, and you doubted very much that things were going his way. He could get away with a lot, but even the powerful needed to schmooze. At least before they ruled the world. And Edward wasn’t quite there yet, though he was hurtling towards levels of domination that were almost comical, if they weren’t attributable to someone as threatening and deranged as you knew he could be. Give it a month or so, and you were sure his plan would be complete. And then you’d have him all to yourself again.
A loud thud signalled the end of the call, Eddie’s hands slammed down onto the desk in resignation and disappointment in whatever poor soul’s services he was attempting to render. You were quick to attention, ready to take your place by his side at the desk, but not quick enough that he wasn’t yelling for you, impatient as ever.
“And where is my precious little pet?”
Stepping through the door, shuffling, more accurately, you sheepishly made your way to him, eyes deigning to gaze up through your eyelashes at him, wide and pleading, the way he liked you. And when you were close enough to him, he reached his hand out cupping your chin, placing pressure on it with his fingers and thumb and gently shaking your head. You tilted your head back, allowing him to let his fingers drift to your chin, tilting it up and tickling under it as he cooed at you. But, true as ever to his slight distancing of you from any emotional depth, he let your head fall with a sharp slump as he withdrew his hand. Tenting his fingers in front of him, he tutted as you stood still, soft pout on your lips, confused at his sudden withdrawal of affection.
“Oh, don’t pout my sweet, little thing. You know why I did that.”
Tilting your head, you offered him a quizzical stare, opening your mouth only slightly, about to ask him to clarify before realising that he would surely enjoy the opportunity to over explain things to you in his own time. And, leaning back in his chair, he offered you a hint.
“Adorable, sure. But you’re the worst fucking therapy animal I’ve ever had. I know your job title says ‘Assistant’ but you and I both know exactly how I need your assistance.”
Suddenly very aware of his exact desires, you let yourself fall gracefully to your knees at his feet. Edward hunched over, his elbows resting on his thighs, hands clasped with his chin atop them.
“Very good! Now can you speak for me?”
“Yes, Eddie. Yes, sir.”
His smile was wide, appreciation tinged with cruel mischief as he leaned ever further forward, his face in yours, close enough that you could smell his cologne, the coffee on his breath, the product that kept his hair slicked back.
“What a good trick. Let’s see if you know any others, shall we?”
Nodding slowly, your eyes widened, a sparkle of excitement lighting them up as you waited obligingly for his command.
“Beg for me, little pet. Beg for me to reward you.”
Placing your hands on the ground, you lowered yourself to the floor, chest flush with it as you lifted your head to gaze at him.
“Please, Eddie.”
He balanced your chin on the side of his crooked finger.
“Nope. Try again. That was absolutely pathetic.”
He spat the word with such vitriol that droplets of his saliva flecked your cheeks, which blushed instantly. Raising yourself up again, you straightened your back, puffed out your chest, clasped your hands in front of you, and licked at your lips before parting them for your pleading words.
“Please, sir. I’m desperate for you. I want to show you how good I am. I want you to give me what you think I deserve.”
Eddie let his fingers spread through your hair on either side of your temples, brushing stray strands behind your ears before cupping your cheeks and pressing them tight. He smiled at the pout he had forced your mouth into, placing a soft kiss against it and resting his head gently on your forehead as he whispered his next command.
“Bend over the desk.”
As soon as you had positioned yourself, you could feel Eddie behind you. His palms gripped at your hips as he thudded into you, the bulge at the front of his pants so obvious now that it was pressed tight to your ass cheeks. He stayed there, grinding against you as he moaned, infuriated at the limitations he had placed on himself, dry humping you to drive himself crazy.
He slid his hand up your spine, lifting your shirt slightly as he went, and let it settle on your scalp, his fingers tugging at your hair, pulling you up, causing your back to arch as he slammed his abdomen into your rear. He was making himself crazy, desperate. A slight wet patch formed on the front of his trousers, the fabric turning a dark green from the precum that oozed excitedly from his thick and twitching cock. From his lips, a small pool of drool collected and dribbled from the corner as he tried to remember your taste on his tongue, how he felt when he was inside of you.
It was becoming too much. If he didn’t stop now, he’d be cumming in his pants and not in you, and what a waste that would be. So, with a rough shove, he let you fall back to the table, slowing his grinding to a halt before he turned his attention to your ass. A sharp crack rang out as his palm made contact with your cheek, still clothed, but the pain seared through anyway. A delightful sting that made you bite your lip, still whining even though you were trying to stifle the sounds.
He followed in succession with four more spanks, each one followed by his gentle cooing as he reassured you that this was part of your reward and not a punishment.
“You’re far too well-behaved to be punished, hm?”
When he realised that you were nodding still, despite your position and despite how weak you were with arousal, he grabbed your hips and pulled you to him once more, raising his hands to your chest and standing you up. Once he had turned you around to face him, he winked at you, relishing in the way you blushed at the small gesture.
“I want more. I need more.”
Eddie snapped his fingers, the digits following through the motion to point to the floor. Obedient, excited, you fell to your knees and whimpered with excitement as he joined you. Pressing a surprisingly tender kiss to your lips, you could feel his hands around your back, laying you down flat on the floor. Following the sides of your body, he brought his fingers to the front of your pants, pulling at them as you rushed to help remove them from you. Laying there, exposed in front of him, you watched as he inspected you, parting your legs slightly to get a better look at your hole, licking his lips as you throbbed in pleasure, pulsing as you waited for his touch.
Still kneeling, he unzipped the front of his chartreuse pants and freed his cock, palming at it and letting it bounce before he spat on his hand and lubed himself up. He popped two fingers into his mouth, letting his tongue swirl over them, coating them in his saliva, before he pressed them to your entrance, collecting your own slick and soaking you completely. Warm, wet and ready for him, he pushed his tip to you and entered you, his breath hissing in pleasure as you scratched for purchase on the carpet below you. After a few minutes of pumping steadily, his forehead was sweating and his hair messy as he leant over you, rutting against you and into you.
“Can you lift your legs for me? I want to get deeper.”
He grinned wide as he stared at you, doing exactly as you were told. Bent in half, spread open wide for him.
“That’s my good pet.”
You lay there, back pressed flat against the floor, as Eddie knelt on either side of your rear. His knees helped keep your thighs in place, his hands and fingers pressed into them tight enough to create small red dents. Stretched to your limits, you held your legs up and folded, your own hands under your knees to assist the position. And with his cock buried deeper inside of you than you thought possible, he began pumping once more. Each brutal shift, the pummelling your desperate cunt received, brought you closer and closer to your own orgasm, the arrival of which was only made sooner as Eddie let go of one of your thighs to run his fingers over you.
“Do you like it when I touch you? Tell me you like it.”
“I like it Eddie, I love it.”
With a finger and thumb on either side of the protruding, sensitive member, he rubbed his digits up and down, jerking you until you were shuddering under him and begging him for more through your wailing and panting.
“Good pet, not long now. Keep moaning for me.”
It was impossible not to, the way he filled you up completely, stretching you out in the position you were in, held there by his brute force, his slender but powerful body balanced almost completely atop your own.
“I’m going to… fill you up… heh… with a little litter… would you like that?”
Biting your lip, all you could do was nod. No words would come. You were being fucked to the point of stupidity. Just an object for him to use at that moment.
“Of course… urgh… you would! Because you’re… mine… Whose pet are you?”
“Y-yours… Eddie…”
“Who… who do you… belong to?”
“You, Eddie… you!”
With a final push, Eddie buried his cock within you, holding himself there as he grunted, letting out a deep growl and an animalistic screech as he came. You could feel it, hot, thick, coating your insides. Long after you had felt the last spurt of his seed being deposited, he stayed there, making sure not a drop was wasted. And when he finally pulled out with a sloppy pop, you could feel his cum dribbling out over you as your body relaxed.
Eddie collapsed onto his back, taking a moment to allow both of you to catch your breath before he rolled you onto your side and curled in behind you. Taking you in his arms, he nuzzled his face into your neck. As true to himself as ever, though, his words were less than romantic, his praise tinted with eroticism, and punctuated by soft nibbles against your skin and lewd laps of his tongue.
“Such a good little pup for me. You always take me so well.”
His fingers followed the shape of your side as he lightly dragged them up and down, the tips of them just grazing over your skin, a sweet, tickling sensation that you could feel bolstering your arousal, building it up again like only he knew how. Preparing you for round two when he’d barely just finished with you.
“You’re very impressive, not as impressive as me, obviously, but close. Enough that you might bruise my ego if you’re not careful.”
He meant it, and the vague threat that came with it. But the way his hands held you on your front, fingers stroking up and down, you were soothed and comforted, rewarded for your efforts, for your good behaviour, and confident that you were far too much of a pleasure for him to ever get rid of you. After all, you were his pet.
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c-h-e-r-r-i-e-s · 11 months
The spirit of Toji possessed me
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What the fuck is this? Me writing about Toji being mean? But girly pop don’t you have a praise kink?
Yeah and? I’m a Gemini Venus. Mind your business.
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There’s a stern knock coming from your front door. You know who it is but you’re still deciding if you want to answer.
Tentatively you unlock the door and slide into the hall of your condo.
“What do you want?”
Your hulking date from 2 nights ago is leaning against the wall, head hung low and hands in his pockets. “I just wanted to see you” he shrugs his shoulders.
“Well you could’ve seen me but you ruined that by being a royal ass hole and standing me up” you shove him lightly.
“Come on please baby don’t be like that” he catches your wrist in his hand.
“Oh I’ll be like that until you get your act together”
He pulls you in to his arms grabbing your waist as you slightly struggle away. But then you look up into his eyes and melt. Seeing the need in his eyes you stop moving and cup his cheek. Always a sucker for desperation. Ugh.
That’s how you ended up in this position isn’t it? It’s how you always end up like this. It’s not healthy or good or right. But neither are you.
Toji looks down at you as your face is being pressed deeper into the mattress. Sharp breaths leaving your lips along with a sniff holding back a sob.
One hand grips your hip and a cruel smirk graces his beautiful face. God he’s so fucking pretty it makes you want to hate him. Hate him, hate yourself, hate this whole situationship you’ve landed in.
“Stop thinking so hard you’ll hurt yourself” he thrusts into you, only moving his hips a little and pulling you back on to his cock. Somehow fucking you into oblivion and you still have to do the work.
Your hand forms a fist and you hit the pillow above your head, biting down on the fabric of the sheets covering your bed. Slamming into you again and he’s definitely fucking with your head. He KNOWS where your gspot is. He’s hitting it with practically every thrust. It hurts so good. Dick so deep inside you it’s hitting your cervix. You’re never gonna walk again is all you can think. Propped up on shaky thighs he shows you some mercy and grabs you, lifting you up so he’s holding your weight.
Your fingers curl around the edge of the pillow and a tear escapes from the corner of your eye. “S’ good” you sob out.
“Yeah? Good to hear baby” Toji replies and he grips your hips harder.
Pushing down on you he forces your body against the bed completely. Spreading your legs as he thrusts into you, pelvis slapping your ass and toji fucking giggles. Grabbing your arm he holds it behind your back rendering you incapable of moving.
“Toji- fuck please” not even sure what you’re begging for a choked whine leaves your lips. “Gonna cum inside you baby.” He announces like he’s made the decision. “Can’t pull out even if I wanted to. Nasty lil- uhh- cunt just wants me so bad.”
“Shut up-“ you start to sass but he slaps your ass leaving a red hand print on your flesh. You just wimper in response. “So wet just for me baby?” He teases in a sultry voice. “Slippery” lamenting over your cunt, he’s slowing down. Drawing out the absolute fuck he’s laying on you.
So fucked out and a bit dazed he picks you up and lays you on your back. Sliding home again you can see his face over yours. Pinched eyes and parted lips. You rest your hands on his shoulder and draw him in tighter, pressing your heels into his thighs so he’s pressing his abs against your clit. So as much as humanly possible of him is inside you. Desperate needy hands run into his hair and you let out a sob.
He repositions and picks you up, sitting on his cock. Toji literally on his knees for you. And alls forgiven for tonight, what were you mad about again? - his thrust into you breaks the thought.
“Fuck Toji- Jesus fucking Christ”
He chuckles and puts you down on the mattress again.
“Gonna cum again baby?” You’re so going to cum, so you shake your head yes. You know he’s gonna read you and sure enough his thumb goes to your clit while he fucks you into the mattress. And holy hell do you fucking cum. It’s messy and all over his cock.
Toppling him over the edge too and he’s curled his palms under and around your shoulders. Keeping you from scooting away from him while he cums inside you. So much and so deep you’re just scratching at his back, desperate for any sense of control.
You’re over sensitive walls clench around his dick and your legs are squeezing around his waist. And once he’s finally finished he’s kissing your cheek and pulling you into a sweet cuddle. Too sweet for the way he just fucked you. “Sorry baby, won’t stand you up again”
Oh right you’re mad at him? It’s okay you guess. “Forgive you love” you mumble as toji cleans you both up.
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comethead · 8 months
Devotion (part 1)
MDNI // smut // Gabriel (ULTRAKILL) x Reader
(gender neutral reader, worship, probably blasphemy, creampies, penetrative sex, cowgirl position, no use of y/n)
Ao3 Link // Part 2
Softness is what you first feel when you wake up. Pillows and a thick duvet cushion you as you stir, eyes opening to be greeted with warm sunlight. Your mind feels foggy, you can’t quite remember what you were doing before you came to be in this place. 
You nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden voice. You’re alert now, looking around for the source of the sound.
“My apologies. I did not mean to alarm you.” 
You realize the voice is coming from behind you, and when you turn, you nearly cry out in surprise. However, the angel before you has rendered you speechless instead, his grand form stunning you into an awed silence. He looms over you, cocking his head slightly as you realize he is waiting for you to answer. 
“I- uhh- hello,” you stutter, unsure of what to say. 
“I understand I have an…effect on mortals. Take your time.” You can’t be sure, but he sounds slightly amused at your wonder. You can’t help but stare at his polished silver white armor, the gold trim glinting in the sunlight. He was much taller than you, right now as you’re sitting up in the bed your head just barely reached under his chest. Your eyes trailed down onto the golden belt and- crap, you’re totally eyeing him like a piece of meat. You really hope it doesn’t come off that way as you look back up at the helmeted head of this angel, who you assume is staring at you. “Um. Hello. Where am I?” you ask, glancing nervously around, trying really hard not to look anywhere below his neck. 
“Tell me, do you know who I am?” the angel asked, completely ignoring your question. You squint up at him, taking in the cross on the helm along with the golden half-halo on his head. Shaking your head, you hope he doesn’t take offense to your ignorance. To your surprise, he leans down and grasps your chin between his thumb and index. “Why, little lamb, it is I, Gabriel, Archangel and Righteous Hand of the Father,” he says, a smile evident in his voice. “Perhaps my form isn’t quite as accurate as how I am portrayed in the mortal realm, but oh your devotion remains the same, no?” You open your mouth to speak, but once again you find yourself soundless. Oh god. He knows about your embarrassing crush and hyperfixation on him. You’re not even Christian. You just think he’s hot. Is that a sin? Are you going to get sent to hell for this? Is he here to punish you? Your mind is reeling with anxious questions and fears until he clears his throat. “Fear not, I’m only here to grant you an extension to your worship of me.” 
You blink. “S-sorry?” you stammer shifting off your legs and scooting back from Gabriel. “Don’t be, I find your admiration of me quite enamoring,” he replies, putting a knee down on the bed. What is happening? 
“Little lamb, I’ll let you worship me-,” he’s on the bed now with you, reaching out to cup your cheek in his gloved hand, “-so go ahead-,” his hand is trailing down your body, “-prove to me-”, it rests right on your thigh and you gasp when he squeezes, “-your devotion.” 
“O-oh! Oh..”you manage to say, strongly aware of the pressure near your crotch as you stare back at the archangel. This must be a dream. It feels like a dream come true. If this is a test you’re failing it with a capital F because you are fully ready to give all of yourself up to him. “Yes,” you surprise yourself with your answer, “I’ll do my best.” Gabriel hums in happy agreement, and begins to strip off his heavy armor. One by one they land soundlessly on the floor until there’s nothing but his bodysuit and the strip of fabric covering his crotch. You’re also hyper aware you’re in nothing but a loose chiton-like garment, but you feel too shy to strip in front of the angel. Staring at his body now, you take in his physique. Those arms could probably put you in a nice chokehold, the thought of that sending arousal straight down to your tummy. You decide to be brave and reach out to touch him on the biceps, running your hands down his arm as you scoot to be sitting in his lap. He lets you explore his body with your hands, feeling the hard muscles of his abs as you trail lower and lower. Your hand rests on his erect length, and you look up at him before asking, “Is this okay?”. He nods wordlessly, placing his hands on your thighs as you stroke his cock slowly. It’s quite girthy, and you feel it twitch in your hand when you rub his tip, wet with precum. Gabriel is panting now, grip on your thighs tightening as you jerk him off. Encouraged by his arousal, you pepper kisses down his neck and to his chest. He seems to really like it, you think to yourself, as he lets out a breathy moan. You find yourself getting turned on, feeling those familiar butterflies in your stomach. “Mm, c’mon little lamb, I know you want more,” he grunts, bucking his hips slightly. You flush at his words, hoping that he hasn’t been reading your mind or anything these past moments. If so, he’d probably send you straight down to hell given your sinful thoughts of him pinning you down and fucking you, one arm holding you in a chokehold while the other holds you steady as he rails you. Your fantasy has your head spinning, and you decide you need him in you before your brain turns to mush. Moving your chiton aside, you adjust yourself so you’re straddling Gabriel, his dick rubbing against your entrance as you move around. His grip is bruising now, it seems he’s eager to have you around him. He leans back on the bed, watching you spit on your hand and lube yourself up for his penetration. Straightening up, you line yourself up with his cock and press down, slowly feeling him fill you up as you clench around his length. Gabriel exhales shakily, and you swear you can almost hear a whine in it as he bucks his hips up into you. “Go on my little lamb, ngh- devote yourself to m-me,” he grunts, and the way his self-restraint is slipping has you reeling. You begin to ride him, hands resting on his stomach as you roll your hips back onto his girth. You moan, feeling his tip press that sweet spot in you that has you grasping at him. He catches your hands in his and intertwines your fingers. “Worship me, and you will be mine,” the angel breathes, squeezing your hands. You nod fervently, practically humping him as you ride him with a renewed vigor. “O-oh, Gabriel, I- I’m yours, all yours,” you moan, feeling tears prick the corner of your eye with how aroused you are. You squeak in surprise as he thrusts up into you, his self-restraint all but gone. The two of you reach a steady rhythm of him thrusting while you continue to rock back onto his length. He pounds into you as you pant and blabber nonsense, his name falling from your lips like a prayer. You cry out, feeling your impending orgasm build in your stomach, tears rolling down your cheeks from the stimulation. His pace quickens, groaning and pressing his dick as deep into you as he can when you finally cum, feeling your legs go weak as you ride out your climax. Gabriel’s hips stutter as he cums, you moaning softly as you feel the warmth inside of you.
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yeoyeos · 2 years
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Disobedience [K.Y.S./J.W.Y.] smut
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warnings: name calling[slut,cumslut,cockslut, whore,bitch],bondage[handcuffs,leashes],vibrators,f!reader,cum swallowing,squirting,dick sucking
lmk if i missed anything
a/n: 2nd longest fic ever👀
"who made this mess?!" you and wooyoung stare at each other in shock at the sudden booming voice echoing throughout the apartment, neither of you expecting yeosang to be home this early. both of you hurriedly began cleaning up the mess you made in the bathroom to, hopefully, lessen the surely awaited punishment for both of you. fingers were crossed he didn't walk in to see both of you still wet (despite coming out of the shower a while ago) with cum all over both of your faces and your body
he was mad enough when he saw the trail of clothes you left behind and the fallen down furniture throughout the apartment, but the sight of both you and wooyoung in a mess with water all over the floor had him fuming. you were scared but undoubtedly aroused being that there was always a look yeosang had when he was about to make an unpredictable move; surely he would punish both of you in some way, that much you knew, the arousing part is the uncertainty of what he's going to do
"room. now."
not needing to be told twice, you dropped the mop and briskly walked to the shared bedroom, wooyoung right behind you. both of you got on your knees side by side as yeosang usually instructs when he's about to punish either of you. “he's either picking up the clothes we left behind or getting the leashes” woo whispers, soft enough so yeosang doesn't hear you through the thin walls. "i vote for the latter" you whispered back, heartbeat ascending faster than you've ever felt as you heard footsteps working toward both of you. he walked in, collar and leash in hand (like you assumed) and a stern look that ran a shiver all over your body. fuck he’s so hot
covered in a light glisten of sweat, his gorgeous birthmark only slightly visible due to it being covered by a couple strands of hair that stuck to his forehead. his black, skin tight vest alluring to what’s underneath as his baggy sweatpants did the opposite. but no matter what he wore, he always looked enticing, like a meal ready to be devoured 
he slowly makes his way to you, pulling you up by your hair, making you whimper in both pain and pleasure as he dragged you to your shared bed. he sat you down and proceeded to tie the collar to your neck and tie the leash around a bedpost. 'this isn't going to be fun' you thought. every time yeosang ties one of you up he's about to make you yearn for his touch which is absolute torture
"you'll sit here like a good bitch and look at me punish wooyoung. you don't speak, you don't move and you don't look away understand?” the sternness of his voice and the strength he used to hold your chin, making you look into his eyes, locked your own vocal chords to the point where you didn’t realize you hadn't answered him until he raised his eyebrow in an expecting look. "yes master" you softly muttered, before he let go of the grip be had on your face and strode toward wooyoung
"you" he spoke in his deep ass voice that made your insides tremble. "you should know better, shouldn't you darling?" his voice got progressively deeper as he stooped down to drift his fingertips over wooyoung's chest and abs. yeosang made sure that when he asked questions, he'd teasingly touch our bodies since it was fun to see us all choked up for him. as his big hands and delicate fingers caressed our bodies, making us shiver in delight and rendered speechless
"i asked you a question, you should know better. shouldn't you?" his hands now drifting toward woo's thighs, making the boy visibly shiver. if he wasn't already kneeling on the ground he would've collapsed into yeosang’s arms begging for anything he could get. "yes master i-"  "y/n's a slut, she can't help but chase cock wherever she can get it." the mention of you as if you weren't even there hits your body with intoxication; wondering if you could get away with touching yourself secretly behind the two
"it's your job to keep her in line while i'm away. you know its against the rules to fuck unless i say." yeosang slaps wooyoung's left thigh earning a mewl from the black haired boy on the floor "i think you should get a worse punishment than her, wouldn’t you agree?" was yeosang's last statement as he gripped wooyoung’s cock, a full fledged moan escaped his pretty pink lips as yeosang harshly stroked his dick. he spit in his hand for lubrication and continued touching him, his movements were so much for woo that precum escaped his tip in a surprising amount, until you remember how sensitive your partner is
seeing them preoccupied led you to rubbing your legs together. as neither partner was paying attention to you, why not have some fun while they're not looking? so said so done as you slowly drifted your right hand to your untouched, throbbing clit. doing it in enough of a secretive way that if the spotlight were to be put on you, you can retract your hand and not get caught. you hoped at least
you touched your clit and observed the scene unfold in front of you. you were so busy trying to stifle a moan, you didn't hear the command yeosang gave to wooyoung but you were glad you got to witness the suddenness of wooyoung spitting on his own cock while yeosang moves his hands faster.
wooyoung throws his head back, being enveloped in the pleasure of an upcoming orgasm that's so close he can feel it taking over his body. his back slightly arching as he was on the brink of experiencing his desired orgasm, only for it to be taken away from him; which was expected but also a displeasure. despite it never having any effect on yeosang, woo looked up at the man with the best puppy eyes he could muster, he looked absolutely adorable with those big glossy eyes of his looking up at sang, pleading for his release.
the sight was enough to make you cum, but you couldn’t have chosen a worse time to pick up speed when yeosang stood up and looked at you. you swiftly moved your hand away and placed it to your side, hopefully moving fast enough to not get caught
he soon got up and walked toward the drawer in your bedside table and grabbed the handcuffs he kept in there. “since you can't seem to keep your hands to yourself-” he said mostly for your ears to hear and your eyes widened 'how the fuck did he see?' “didn't you realize your moans aren't as subtle or suppressed as you think?” 
after tying both your hands behind your back to the same post the leash was tied to, he walked away leaving you slightly ashamed at your neediness, but more aroused that you were caught. he strode over to wooyoung, clothes still on but a visible tent in his sweats, alluding to how massive and hard his cock is. he pulled wooyoung up by his hair and lightly pushed him on the bed near your feet and for the first time that night you saw yeosang's eyes soften, making sure the boy was alright. the look of confirmation from wooyoung was enough for him to go off of and continue his endeavours.
“legs open” he said looking toward you. you opened your legs wide in much joy and anticipation for what was to come, knowing you were probably about to get eaten out or fingered. “face in her cunt” yeosang said, managing to be so commanding in such few words, which always left you amazed. wooyoung lay down on his stomach in front of you, his breath heavy on your dripping cunt. “tsk, what am i going to do with two disobedient cunts like yourselves”
he once again held wooyoung by his hair and pushed his face into your cunt, sending waves upon waves of pleasure from your core throughout your body. sharp nose rubbing on your clit as his tongue licked up and down your slit before hungrily lapping up your wetness and diving his tongue into your hole. wooyoung always knew how to bring pleasure to you in seconds with that magical tongue of his. he continued with no signs of stopping no matter what, leading you to whine like a bitch in heat
yeosang didn’t seem to like this one bit and in the swiftest motion, raised wooyoung's head from your pussy to lay a light slap on it, making you moan louder in turn, and put wooyoung’s face back where he immediately continued eating you as if he were already pussy drunk. “whore’s aren’t supposed to enjoy their punishments” he spoke, but you could barely listen, not after the spike in pleasure you just received. “s-sorry master” you whispered into a moan despite it not being true in the slightest. but apologies didn’t cut it apparently, being that yeosang repeated his previous action. you had to remind yourself to stifle your moans before you get into more trouble but the slap felt so good your best decision would be to distract yourself. but how could you when yeosang forces your eyes to look into woo’s. “Look at him, pathetic. just like you”  he spat, “he wants to taste your cum so bad. are you going to give him what he wants? or are you going to cum and get punished for it?” 
continuing to moan like the true whore you are, seemed to affect wooyoung as well, seeing that he started grinding his hips against the bed for the tiniest bit of friction. which yeosang didn’t seem to pay any mind to. he truly was an enigma but you knew for a fact that putting you in a tough spot like this fed his growing erection. “if you cum you get punished too, don't forget that, slut” he directed wooyoung. the constant struggle to keep in your moans and prevent from giving yourself a mind blowing orgasm was torture, and you’re not sure how long you could hold it in. and yeosang knows this.
“look at you, about to burst just from woo’s tongue huh??” he leaned down to place light kisses on the side of your neck and trailed them up to your ear. “i know you want to, cum. see what happens when you do. i know you're dying to be punished until you break, pet” and with those words weaving their way to the knot in your abdomen, the last bit of your resolve broke. you gripped the white silk sheets beneath you and arched your back high off the large bed as you near squirted on woo’s face, just from yeosang’s words and the feeling of woo’s tongue
you didn’t think this would have such an effect on you but you weren’t complaining, and neither was woo, judging from the increased speed of his hips. you took a couple seconds to come down from your high and notice your surroundings, that being the very visible stain of both your and wooyoung’s cum on the bed, and yeosang with restraints, vibrators and gags. “since you two want to be such disobedient brats today, i’ll just have to train you to behave”
your eyes widened in anticipation. yeosang can be evil when he wants to be and this seems like one of those times. “woo, lay next to y/n” his tone harsher than ever as he directs wooyoung where to place himself which he hastily abides, not wanting to be in more trouble than he already is. “want to cum so badly? fine” he muttered, seemingly to himself but you both knew he wanted you to hear.
in no time woo was in the same state as you, hands and neck tied to the bedposts with an addition of gags in your mouth and vibrators between your legs. woo with a thick, black cockring and you with a pink clitoral vibrator strapped to your leg
yeosang took a seat on the big chair placed in front of the bed and began pulling down his pants and boxers. a tyrannical sort of smirk on his face as he takes his achingly hard cock out, along with two small remotes from his pocket. he lay one on his lap and the other stayed in his hand. stroking his member slowly, he pressed a button and a muffled groan was heard from beside you. wooyoung got the immediate sensation of vibrations from the ring, pleasure streaming through his body had him uncontrollably squirming as yeosang raised the power of the instrument higher and higher the faster he stroked himself. and you were his next target
just as wooyoung was about to cum, the pleasure ceased and you were the one being immediately tortured. out the gate, strong vibrations hit you like a truck instantly creating a knot in your abdomen once again. moans from both you and yeosang filled the room while wooyoung lay there trying to compose himself from his previously denied orgasm. you wanted to beg, scream, do anything as long as you got yeosang’s touch, but you couldn’t and it drove you mad. your impending orgasm was on the brink of making your mind turn to mush and you hoped to whatever god that existed that you got it. the odds were not stacked in your favour however, when the pleasure came to an abrupt end, and seemingly only for you.
yeosang threw his head onto the back of the chair as he moaned in ecstasy, his orgasm hitting him hard while cum shot out of his still erect cock and landed on his well sculpted chest that you wished you could clean up right now. you and wooyoung looked at yeosang in jealousy seeing him receive the pleasure you both craved for. you wanted to look away out of the pettiness in your heart, but the sight of yeosang with his eyes closed, head thrown back and dick in his fist while covered in cum was too enticing. so mesmerising that you could feel yourself dripping just from the sight. agonisingly enough, you were not able to touch yourself or your lovers
“you could’ve had this pleasure,” he started, “but you had to be cock hungry and pussy drunk sluts and fuck while i was out.” yeosang took both controls in his hand and turned them on to the highest setting, sending both you and wooyoung into a shock of pleasure. you wished you could touch them, get fucked till you were mindless. anything but being tied down and untouched with just a vibrator to please you. “you wanna cum? cum” he spoke, more focus on the last word as you broke, spilling more of your juices on the sheets. you weren't one to complain about receiving pleasure though, the release you felt was so ecstatic you didn’t want it to end
the first time you came was bliss, the second time was ecstasy. the 5th time had you less than excited; sure he took the gags out, but only because he “needed to hear you being pathetic.” you’re not sure how long yeosang left you two there for and you're pretty sure wooyoung can’t cum or even function anymore but you just couldn’t take anymore, you had to resort to the one thing you hated doing
“m-m-master please, i’m sorry for being such a c-cock whore please p-please i can’t take it anymore i’ll never disobey your rules again i’m s-sorry” none of it was true, but you needed to be fucked now or you might just explode. “i’m sorry too master, i should've known better and i’ll never do it again” even an idiot could sense that it was all a lie and you’d both do it again in a heartbeat, but yeosang had you both depraved cumsluts before obedient ones and all your brains could focus on was his cum anywhere in or on you. his predator-like stare would burn your skin if it could and his large, veiny hands stood still on his lap. you anticipated his next move to be swift but that wasn’t the case. he slowly arose from his spot, strolling toward both your shaking, crying bodies. turning the vibrators off he finally granted you release from the overstimulation he caused you. leaning over you, he whispered between your and wooyoung’s ear, “you wish you were sorry” then walked over to the other side of the bed, releasing wooyoung from his restraints. scared by his words, you hadn’t noticed he freed you as well.
“if you’re both as sorry as you say you are, then you’d obey me now, yes?” eager nods came from both parties but yeosang wasn’t having it. “yes master” “knees” and neither of you stuttered, immediately making a move to kneel in front of him on the carpeted floor. sure, you wanted to be fucked into a barely mumbling mess, but sucking yeosang’s beautiful cock was second to none. the feeling of his cock heavy on your tongue and cum sliding down your throat was a treat you relished every chance you got.
he held his cock in front of our faces wordlessly and you made first touch, stroking his length slowly. this wouldn’t be the first time you’ve sucked dick with woo, and you know he can be greedy, so you have to fight to get what you've been desiring this entire evening. as you stroked, woo kitten licked and kissed his tip, but you were at an advantage due to your position. you looked up at yeosang with your best puppy eyes, hoping to coax something out the man towering over you
you should’ve known that wouldn’t work. yeosang is like a magnifying glass, he can definitely see through your ruse to get fucked dumb. he placed a light slap across your face and stepped away slightly, “both of you, suck me” he instructed. you rushed to the tip of his cock, right next to wooyoung, to assist him in sucking your master’s dick. it felt so good to finally have something in your mouth that wasn’t a gag. you forgot woo was there for a second, marginally pushing him away to fit all of yeosang’s cock in your mouth and looking up at him again, this time with a small thank you in your eyes for letting you suck him off. 
wooyoung isn’t one to take competition lightly though, and pushes you back to replace your mouth with his. licking and sucking like his life depended on it. yeosang, cleary having enough your scrimmage, brought wooyoung up to face level, to plant a lustful kiss on his lips while you took him whole. “fuck” he breathed into the kiss he shared, totally forgetting about the punishment he was giving to the both of you.
‘yeah that’s right. make master feel good. help her suck me little toy” he spoke. wooyung hastily kneeling down and forgetting about the little dispute you two had moments ago and sucking on his balls and up his shaft, he felt so good that it was impossible to miss the jolt of his hips toward both your mouths, clearly wanting more. just the way he likes it, he put his hand in both of your hair and forced you to choke on his whole cock while forcing woo to suck his balls. he threw his head back in ecstasy, revelling in the feeling of his two cock sluts taking his dick and balls in their mouth. he pulled both of your heads back and wordlessly pushed you and woo into a kiss which you happily obliged, kissing him messily while moaning. wooyoung seemed to enjoy the taste of yeosang’s precum on your tongue and kissed you deeper making the kiss get more heated.
“look at my whores, you’ll take anything you can get huh?” he pulled you away from woo, finally allowing you the chance to share a kiss with him. the kiss was immediately hot and filled with lust, dominating the kiss as his tongue entered your mouth. exploring your cavern that was just stuffed with his cock. he got a power trip from knowing how much dominance he has over both of you, bucking his hips toward woo at just the thought, making wooyoung choke on his massive cock. you tried your best to focus on the heated kiss you shared with yeosang but you couldn't help but notice the sounds wooyung made choking on yeosang’s cock. you felt him repeat his actions which made wooyoung choke louder, looking down you noticed cum dripping out of wooyoung’s mouth and you couldn’t be more mesmerized by the way he swallowed his cum but some still managed to fall onto his chest. yeosang took your chin in his hand and made you look at him. “you want it don’t you?” he said with a soft tone and a domineering stare which still managed to render you speechless, but you knew if you didn’t answer you'll never get what you want. “yes master please” you begged and he nodded. 
getting back on your knees, you licked wooyoung up and down his chest and jaw, collecting the drips of your master’s cum on his body, which managed to make the taste even better. the mix of yeo’s cum and woo’s smell driving you insane. however, you were so enthralled with licking woo (and vice versa) that you didn’t realize yeo’s disappearance. you both spun around to see him on the bed only for him to give another command. “woo ride my cock, y/n my face” and you didn’t need to be told twice, quickly jumping on the bed to sit on his pretty face. slowly he started moving his tongue up and down your slit and giving kitten licks to your clit. your back arched enough for wooyoung to reach your nipples and squeeze them. a pang of jealousy hit you when you realized he got to have yeo’s dick inside him instead of you. but as you felt a harsh suck on your clit, it brought you out of your mind and toward the pleasure yeosang was giving you.
you looked down at his pretty face and noticed his eyes on you, zoning in on the pleasure displayed on your features, as you did the same, feeling your pleasure increase as he moved faster. you were starting to tremble, hands gripping yeosang's hair as to not fall back onto wooyoung. you wanted to continue watching your lover eat you out while the other pleased the hardened nubs on your chest but as you felt your 6th orgasm arriving for the night you couldn’t focus on anything but cumming. you let out a moan of your master’s name, already feeling the pleasure taking over your body. you pulled his hair harder and grabbed onto wooyoung’s wrist when you squirted all over yeosang’s face and the pillows behind him, you’re not sure how you held yourself up, especially as yeosang continued his ministrations, but you did
as he slowed down you got off and lay exhausted beside him while wooyoung continued. though tired, you pulled wooyoung in for one last kiss before you lay back down which he seemed to enjoy as he finally burst, covering yeosang in more cum which they were both extremely pleased about.
after he showered yeosang’s torso in his cum, he clearly grew weak. yeosang slipped him off and lay him on his right side, while you were on his left, all three of you left breathless but content (despite two of you receiving harsh punishments) and when some energy was restored yeosang got up and walked out. you’re not sure where he went but you couldn’t find it in you to care at the moment, grabbing wooyoung and cuddling him despite both of you being messy and sweaty. he’s a good cuddler. you stayed in that position for some time until yeosang came back. you heard a whispered “cute” when he entered and felt him poke you both. “water and fruits” his tone softer and more filled with care, contrary to his earlier tones of strict dominance. you love how his attitude did an entire 180 when you and woo were all fucked out. 
“didn’t go too hard on you, did i?” he asked, slight worry clear in his eyes as he wiped both of you with a damp cloth, “if i say yes would you give me kisses?” wooyoung replied, causing you to roll your eyes at his behaviour for attention, “both of you will get kisses no matter what” he said as he placed a single loving kiss on both of your foreheads and lay in the middle of the two of you as both of you drank your water and ate your fruits, laying down to cuddle him after.
“i hope you both learned your lesson” he stated in a more serious tone to address you two, a unanimous “no” meeting his ears before hiding your faces in his neck giggling like children. yeosang couldn't help but chuckle lightly at how cute both his lovers are, reminding himself to punish you more tomorrow as he cuddled with you both and drifted to sleep
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tarithenurse · 2 years
The Bathhouse - 3
Fandom: MCU AU Pairing/starring: Jotunn!Loki x Fem!Jotunn!reader Content: Hints of longing/pining, some fluff due to reunion but mostly a lot of smut. Less tender than the previous chapter? A/N: The final instalment of The Bathhouse...I hope this will be kindly received like the first part especially. Betaed by the lovely TanteFrutsel-CreativeNurse!
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You arrive at Utgarde at noon after five months on the road and you only begrudgingly take time to stop at the bathhouse before heading to the palace, leaving your friends behind to get rooms for themselves at the inn.
“His highness isn’t present at the moment, but I know he wouldn’t mind,” Loki’s personal servant, Coranzen, divulges, “please, make yourself at home, miss. Perhaps you would like a drink on the balcony until he returns?”
You smile, giddy with anticipation. “Yes, thank you, that would be lovely.”
You don’t have to wait long before you can hear Loki’s voice from within the quarters, followed by the rush of footsteps and suddenly he’s standing in the door, chest heaving as though he’s been running and his ruby gaze fixed upon you.
“[Y/N],” he gasps with a wide smile.
You stand and walk towards him, holding out your arms for him and he almost falls into the embrace. Mouths meet without coordination at first, teeth clacking at the first impact before you both force yourselves to slow down and the kiss deepens.
Inhaling deeply, Loki suddenly pulls away. “You smell different.”
“I did bathe before I came here,” you try to joke but worry starts to pool in you as you know what he means.
“No, I mean...” he studies you closely, realization dawning on him, “your heat...it’s finished.”
You bite your lip as the worry intensifies, flaring in your gut along with a whirlwind of thoughts in your mind. Maybe he won’t find me attractive any longer? You start to look away to prevent him from noticing but he hooks a finger under your chin to turn your face back and your concerns are squashed as Loki kisses you again before lifting you. Carrying you to the bedroom, he marches straight to the bed and sits you on the edge.
“This is perhaps not courteous of me...but please...” he begs and you nod with a relieved smile.
All this time, your body has been aching for him and now, finally, you can give in to the carnal longing you’ve dammed up.
At least undressing is easy as you’ve forgone re-donning the armour after the bath and soon you are both naked, clothes strewn about haphazardly on the floor as you both move frantically. Hands gliding across blue skin. Lips finding the tender spots to suckle and kiss.
“Let me show you what I’ve dreamt of doing since last I saw you,” Loki pleads, laying you down with your head on a fluffy pillow.
Giving in willingly, you allow him access to your throbbing wet core and he purrs the moment his tongue starts to work on it. Like a man starved, Loki licks and sucks and even bites, bringing you too quickly to the long needed climax. Spasming, you can’t help but squeeze his head between your thighs but he just hums as if pleased and the vibrations extend the bliss until you finally can’t take it any more and beg for a respite.
Wiping his mouth with his hand, the god looks down at his gasping lover with a pleased smile. “Oh, I’ve missed those sounds...missed hearing you call my name when you topple over the edge.” You reach for him, hoisting yourself up on an elbow so the fingertips can brush against his erection but he gently pushes your hand away. “No...you just lie back and let me, my love.”
The pet name makes your heart sing, rendering any arguments invalid if you had had the wherewithal to formulate coherent sentences. Instead, you watch with growing apprehension as Loki slots his hips between your thighs and runs the head of his cock between your weeping folds, sending new waves of excitement through your core. You know what he is about to do and trust him to be gentle...but it seems impossible that he should fit within you.
As if reading your thoughts, Loki pauses and kisses you gently. “I’ll be slow but stop me if you don’t want it.”
“I do want it,” you assure him, “it’s just...so big.” Studying the aligned member with its pattern of ridges mirroring those on his body, you ache for the fullness it will provide, though.
Slowly, gently, Loki begins to push in, drawing gasps of wonder and delight from you while you throw your head back at the foreign sensation. It’s almost overwhelming and he just keep pushing deeper. He’s got a thumb resting on your bundle of nerves, drawing lazy circles and making you long for more than the slow filling so you tip your pelvis and wrap your legs around him, urging him deeper until he’s bottomed out, breathing raggedly as he suspends himself over your form.
“Fuck,” he whimpers.
For a moment none of you move but rather just relish in the sensation of finally being joined.
Then he rolls his hips, drawing a guttural moan from you. Your hands fly to grab his shoulder, his arms, anything you can hold on to.
“Want me to stop?” Loki’s voice is strained as he holds back.
“Don’t you dare stop.”
And so he picks up the movement again. Slow rolls that withdraw his cock almost completely before he fills you up once more in a steady rhythm that have you both keening and gasping despite the controlled pace.
You’re almost at the edge again and your body wants more, wants to feel a wild abandon. “More,” you mewl, “harder...please...”
“I won’t last long,” he warns you but obliges nonetheless.
The careful roll speeds up and he drives into you, deep and perfect each time he snaps the hips. Your back arches. Your muscles tighten. Everything comes together in perfect harmony as you clench around him, making him stutter and growl as he too topples over the precipice of delight.
You make love many times throughout the evening and night until you fall asleep exhausted and intertwined.
You wake to his kisses. Warm. Dragged out to last entire heartbeats before moving on to a new patch of skin. On the shoulder, the neck, the back. Stretching in his arms, you become foggily aware of a pressure against the butt and smile because you have learned what it can do, leaving behind a sweet soreness deep in your core. Memories rise, welcome to your mind and you roll the hips to grind against the erection. It makes him moan, a breath of cool air that fans your cheekbone and ear.
“Good morning.”
You try to turn in his arms, but a hand on your hip prevents your from doing anything else than twist the upper body until Loki is in view.
“Good morning, love,” he smiles before kissing the tip of your nose.
Then your cheek.
Then your mouth, slow and deep until you forget the day beyond the room and his hand snakes between your thighs to play with your core, strumming your clit to create what he believes is the sweetest music: your moans and whispered calls for more. For him.
Lifting your leg, Loki angles himself until his cock is lined up and he can push through the already soaked folds effortlessly.
“I’ll never tire of this,” he groans into your ear before starting to rock, deep and grinding against the perfect spot.
“Me neither,” you agree, “it feels ah it feels so...so good.”
Already you’re starting to whimper, torn between the fullness thrusting into you and the insistent rubbing of his fingers against the bundle of nerves. It feels amazing but you want more and you say as much. Beg. With your eyes closed you can’t see how his eyes smoulder with desire at your words.
“Get on your hands and knees,” he suggests.
Curious, you do as asked, bracing yourself for anything with the arms against the soft mattress as Loki kneels behind and aligns himself once more with your needing entrance.
“Tell me if it’s too much.”
You nod, silently doubting it’ll be necessary because he’s been a gentle and generous lover so far. But then he rams in and pushes the air from your lungs with one powerful stroke.
“Fuck!” you cry out, automatically pushing back against him because it feels so good.
But he stops, buried balls deep, to ask with worry in his voice: “Too hard?”
“No! It’s perfect!” you force out, “More!”
He grits out an approval before picking up the pace once more.
Feral. Quick and deep. The force pushes you towards the headboard until you brace against it, fingers clawed from the intensity of what you feel: a deep, devouring sensation that pulses from you core through the limbs and blinding you, making the world disappear in a white haze.
You hear it as from afar and do your best to live up to your lover’s demand. Gasping for air, the lightheaded feeling softens which only causes to heighten every other sensation. Your core is throbbing and clenching as if to catch the thrusting, ridged member. Strong fingers are digging into your hips, holding you steady or each time Loki bottoms out, you’d topple headfirst into the pillows.
But you want more. You need more.
Repositioning precariously to support on just one arm, you reach down with the free hand to rub circles on your clit, earning praises from the male when he realizes what you’re doing.
“Yes, just like that...chase it...fuck...”
He’s out of breath but the strain in his voice is from being so close to cumming and you want to tumble over the edge with him. Rubbing furiously, you feel the control over your limbs slipping and know what it means.
“Almost...so close!” you gasp.
Spurred on by the words, Loki somehow manages to slightly change the angle, his cock now drilling against a sweet spot as he frantically pounds into you.
There’s a big chance that you screamed out the moment your world explodes in ecstasy – frankly, you’re not sure – yet you’re still aware of how Loki’s hips stutter before he rams into you one last time, deeper than before.
Holding you tightly, it takes a moment before he collapses onto your back and you fall together in a tangled mess onto the bed. Out of breath. Smiling broadly. Blue bodies slick with sweat.
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
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Chapter 10: They say love’s a chemical, now we're both starting to feel it.
Ships: Convin & HankCon
Rating: Explicit (sexual content)
Tags: Sex with plot, porn with plot, smut and angst/fEElingzz, Daddy kink, rough sex, pain play, bottom!gavin, bottom!hank, dom!connor, edging, begging, bdsm elements
Gavin doesn't remember how it started. The time between his episode and now are sort of a blur. He doesn't really care either because Connor’s lips are on his neck and his teeth are biting down, flooding Gavin’s cock with a painfully pleasing sensation. He’s naked, sprawled diagonally across his bed whereas all of Connor’s borrowed clothes are still on. It makes Gavin’s insides burn hot, and even if he doesn’t say it out loud, Connor knows. 
“Phck, come on, you can be rougher,” He begs. It's the first words Gavin’s said outloud since they started and it pulled a pleased chuckle from the android above him. 
“You do realize if I used even a percentage of my full strength I could crumple the bones in your hand like a piece of tinfoil.”
Gavin swallowed, trying with every ounce of lucidity left not to give away how that show of dominance just made him feel. He failed. Because when Connor squeezed tight around one of his wrists, Gavin’s groan was obscene and his cock twitched hard between their bodies. 
Connor laughed at his expense.  
“I want you to hurt me, not- not like break my bones but, you have no phcking idea how hard it is to find someone strong enough or willing enough to hurt me the way I like...”
“You’re talking about BDSM? Power play, pain play, those kinds of things?” Connor asked, before the fingers of his other hand began to trail over Gavin’s weeping cock. Connor never gave him more than just a teasing touch. And it was driving Gavin phcking crazy. 
“Yes, walking talking google machine, that's what I mean...” 
Connor’s hand holding Gavin’s wrist left in search for his hair. When he found it he twisted the short hairs tight, tearing a few strands from their follicles and forcing a cascading, visceral shiver down Gavin’s spine. 
Gavin’s cock spit more fluid down the shaft and a wrecked sob broke free without his permission. “Phck, yes,just like that, please.”
Connor set the phone down and lowered his lips to Hank’s chest, pressing soft kisses up the center of Hank's chest over his heart. It was pounding under his lips; anticipation evident in both his pulse and his steadily dripping cock. 
Connor ignored Hank’s dick for now, there would be plenty of time for that later. Instead his mouth found the skin just above his nipple, the one that wasn’t inked, and bit into the tender skin experimentally. 
Hank reacted beautifully under him, hissing his pleasure and rocking his hips up in search of friction. 
Connor let his hands slide up and down Hank's arms until they found his wrists. He squeezed them both gently once. But that was the last moment of gentility he was going to give tonight. In the next second, he tightened down on the Lieutenants wrists hard, causing a visceral gasp and moan to tear from the older man’s chest. 
Connor’s grin widened, predatory and exhilarated to be able to pull this type of reaction from both his humans tonight.  
“Like that, do you Daddy?” Connor asks teasingly and Hank’s hips jump up in response, begging for any touch Connor would give him. “Ah, ah, ah,” Connor tisks, moving to sit back on the tops of Hank's thighs, rendering them frozen under billion dollar biocomponents. “Not in charge tonight, are you Lieutenant? It’s my turn.”
“Fuck, me,” Hank wheezed. His dick twitched hard against his and Connor’s stomachs because that was the only part of him not held down.
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