#yes this is about me wanting to draw myself as a Stranger Things character but not knowing what to do about this dilemma
dollya-robinprotector · 7 months
hi!! not the same anon and i'm also not here to be rude but really what do you like about robin? are there any specific traits about them that you love a lot? be it accurate to the lore things or personal headcanons! i'm genuinely curious about it :)
I guess maybe, just maybe, I see myself in Robin.
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How people see Robin as boring, lazy, lethargic, etc... is how I see myself. That's why I created characters that are capable of literally anything financially and supernaturally to protect and provide for Robin. Remember I said I don't know how to love or be loved? I guess deep down, I just want to be protected, like how Lya and Lyah are so devoted to their Robins.
It's just a "me" thing to care for "less-interested" characters. I'm not saying Robin is not loved by many, but their contents clearly are not as attractive as Kylar's yandere trope or Whitney's tsundere trope. And somehow that is perfect for me. I tend to love characters like that, like Xinyan from Genshin, Totter from Arknight, Shouzu (Onmyoji), etc... I love them with such a motherly love it's almost embarrassing to admit. My friends often call me "mother chicken" every time I introduce my new bias to them.
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And if I remember correctly, I used to play DoL since maybe 2020 or something? I don't know, long before I stepped foot here, and I was so dumb at it my PC at that time was miserable, even more than Lya in her newbie period. I got bored and quit after, maybe, 3 days.
Time skip. 2023. I saw Gulugulu's post about the game and I suddenly remembered it. And the only thing I thought at that moment was that there was a character that was so good to PC, and they were friends, and I was so dumb I couldn't protect that character... bla bla. Ye, long story short, I started playing because of Robin, and now I'm in deep LOL.
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Me: Damn I remember that friend that I love so much is named Robin, I don't know why but I feel like his shyness and gentleness make me think of him as a brown-haired boy who often blushes and often gets injured and needs band-aids 😭 I want to protect this guy so much but I didn't know how to play before and I didn't get very far and I was always being molested by strangers.
Gulu: Robin is so cute indeed, if you romance him and max out his confidence, he's really boyfriend material =)))) But to do so you have to grind to pay for both your and his rent fjvndflvndfl
Me: I remember it, and somehow he still got kidnapped and I was so confused :))) Because money is so hard to get, and I have no hope in saving virginity for him too PC kept getting in trouble
Gulu: I don't know when you started playing, but now the game has updated quite a few things, it's hard to believe but this game has lores =)))))))))))))
So there you have it: I played the game for Robin. But now I'm pretty invested in Ivory and other lore kinds of stuff too, Robin remains a comfort zone for me. I just love drawing corny sweet lovey-dovey couple and expand my delulus to all of you <3
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Heart to Heart
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author’s note: finally got around to this writing idea <3 thank you to everyone who commented/responded, I decided to make it a short multi part, maybe 3 in total who knows!
warnings: first meeting, female reader, foreshadowing, flashbacks, angst, fluff, cursing, cute meet? both pov’s
part two
You didn’t think you could keep on pretending any longer. Why had you let it get this far? Maybe you were falling back down the rabbit hole. You had thought you were smarter than this. Wiser. You’d been through too much already. Cheaters, gaslighters, manipulators, and most of all liars. You were done with liars. You swallowed as you took one last look in the mirror.
You couldn’t help yourself. When it came to him, you just, ended up dressing to the nines. You wanted to look good. You still wanted to impress him. Even though your plan today was to draw a line in the sand.
You and Leo first met on a rainy night in the dead of summer. The rain was such a sweet reprieve from the sweltering heat that had beat down on you that entire day. You had been working that day, your shift to bus the tables at Mike Toney’s Pizzeria. The a/c could hardly keep up with the weather and you were sweating underneath your clothes. Your shift lasted until 11:00 that night and as you called out your goodbyes to the boss you realized it was pouring.
You pressed on, stepping out of the doors underneath the tiny overhead covering. “Alright!! Just make it to the bus stop and you’re home free!!” You hyped yourself up, jumping slightly and throwing your hood on that you wore underneath your uniform. Looking back on it now, wearing a hoodie all day hadn’t been such a bad idea! You took off in the rain. The sidewalk wasn’t as slippery as you were expecting so you upped it a notch. All that was missing was some music, you’d kill for your airpods right about now! Like most days you had forgotten them on your nightstand.
Rainy night music, where you were the main character running through puddles on an all important mission: don’t miss the bus. Victory was yours as you skidded to a halt and sliding onto the bus bench that was thankfully covered. No bus in sight! You were taking in full gulps, trying to restock on some oxygen. You were so in the moment that you didn’t realize you weren’t alone on that bench. Dark green eyes was the first thing you noticed. He seemed just as soaked as you, blue jersey a bit darker from the rain pelting his shoulders. “Ahem!” You coughed realizing you were staring, and he was staring, and the two of you were staring!
You quickly whipped your head the other way, giving a side eye to see he had done the same. His hand going to his neck rubbing there for a moment before he side eyed you too! Immediately your eyes darted away, shit you were lacking tonight! It must be the lack of oxygen, you took in one last big gulp of air. “Were you being chased by a mut- something??” He asked aloud, you turned to see he wasn’t looking at you. He was staring out across the street, perhaps glancing to where you had ran from. “Ah well, the rain,” you said letting your hand rise and fall.
“Right, heh, right!” He nodded, chuckling to himself because he should’ve seen that one coming. “Were you being chased? Y’know by something?” You parroted back his question. And you just had to ask! He seemed surprised that you were partaking in the conversation. Maybe like he thought that would’ve been the end. So you were completely thrown when the stranger smirked and turned to you fully, “Why yes, yes I was chased here. I’m taking a quick break before they catch up to me!” He snickered to himself and it had to be some kind of private joke. He didn’t seem too worried about his so called pursuers though, so you smiled too.
“And here I thought you were just a regular bus rider like myself!” You took in his appearance again. There was something about him that made you want to keep the conversation going. “Far from regular, I’d put myself up there with the champions,” at this he was pointing a thumb towards the name on the back of his jersey. “Ham-ato?” You sounded out, it didn’t ring any bells but then again you weren’t a basketball fan. “Don’t know him? Agh for-shame! He’s the real deal.” He clutched his chest dramatically as if not knowing the name physically hurt him. His theatrics pulled another chuckle from you, “Yeah sorry not into hoops, though—“
“But have you ever played basketball before??” He interrupted you quickly. “Yeah when I was in like middle school. I had an okay arm, but I was better at volleyball!” This was what you had been going to say earlier. “Ooohh v-ball? I’ve heard of it, don’t think I’ve had the chance to rule at it yet.” This guy! You watched his smug face for a moment with a look of really? Did you just say that? First you could tell he had never played because no one called it v-ball. “That’s a crying shame, cause volleyball is where its at.” You shrugged. “Well well, got any courts around? Teach me the ropes and I’ll dominate!” It was so random. You’d never met anyone this excited before. Or perhaps this cocky either!
You gave him an incredulous look. “Uh” then you gestured down to the work uniform you were wearing. “Oh nice you work at Mikey Toney’s! My little brother’s favorite.” He nodded, totally missing the point. “Yeah and I just got off, there’s no way I’m playing a game in this.” He looked like he wanted to say chicken, but thankfully he held back. And no sooner had you declined the offer at hanging out with some random stranger on a rainy Thursday night, the bus finally pulled up. “Guess I’ll have to get those lessons another time then!” He said standing up, so did you. Your eyebrows came together, this guy sure is forward! This was New York afterall, the chances of seeing him again were slim to none.
“Sure! Next time it’s a deal!” You laughed shaking your head as you boarded the bus. Scanning your pass and taking a window seat near the back. You pulled down your hoodie, shaking your out hair slightly. Then you looked out the window and saw he was still out there, standing by the bench, still staring. You remembered his little icebreaker, how he had been chased there. He put a hand up, and though he was just a stranger that you had exchanged a few words with, your hand rose of it’s own accord. Waving goodbye. You watched as his figure disappeared from view, you turned facing the front. You sure were tired, it had been a long day. But spontaneous things like that, somehow made you feel lighter. You closed your eyes, thinking you never got his name.
You totally missed the three shadows running past the bus.
[ Leo’s pov. ]
When she had flung herself onto the bus bench he had been daydreaming. Leo blinked and his eyes were wide as he took her in. But he couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than your face. The dark blue hood was loose over your head. Wisps of your hair were sticking out and some pressed against your skin from the rain. You were dragging in air like your life depended on it. Which yeah duh it did. He had hardly blinked, soaking in a human who willingly sat next to him. Not bothered by it in the slightest.
So when you felt his stare, and then reciprocated, he was in a full on trance. Your eyes were even more interesting to look at. You didn’t just have one color, but a range of shades. He’d never seen such a thing up so close, without seeing disgust, without fear. (That is if you don’t count April, and in Leo’s defense she wears glasses so meh!) The sound of your cough had him snapping out of it, immediately he turned away. Shit! Smooth Leon, smooth! Humans don’t ogle. Just relax, and say something to break this god awful silence!
“Were you being chased by a mut- something??” Double shit! He almost said mutants! Fucking shit Leo, you are cracking like a egg. Get it together! Does she know already?! Am I doomed!?
“Ah well, the rain,” He felt the invisible weight on his shoulders release. Of course she doesn’t know. He wasn’t a mutant after all. No he was human now and he chuckled to himself. His hand going up to remind himself that he was wearing that necklace. And yep, underneath his jersey he felt the cloaking ‘brooch’ or now called chain. Donnie sure had some great ideas, and when they weren’t straight up failures, they sure could be fun! He couldn’t wait to go out in the daytime. This test run during the night, had been just what he needed. It worked exactly like Sunita’s! Now all Leo had to do was figure out how to throw off his brothers. “Were you being chased? Y’know by something?” It drew him out of his thoughts. Really he had thought the human wasn’t going to talk. He was used to one-sided conversations, especially with New Yorker strangers. Maybe he had just needed this handy dandy necklace!
Leo smirked, deciding to go with the truth for once. It’d be fun. Your reaction was bound to be entertaining. Plus he had a few more moments to spare. “Why yes, yes I was chased here. I’m taking a quick break before they catch up to me!” It was true. His brothers were probably a block or two away. He’d sat down just a few minutes before you did. Donnie sure did want his necklace back. ‘Leo it’s not ready’ ‘Leo you can’t do that’ ‘Leo stop touching it’ ‘Bla bla bla’ Leo almost rolled his eyes then and there remembering all Dee’s nagging.
The conversation continued again much to Leo’s surprise. You were responsive and your facial expression enthralled him. As long as you continued to give him attention he’d readily spout out nonsense. And he was given just the opportunity to not only say his favorite word: champion. But also show off his jersey. Hell yeah custom made. And he about flew out of his seat as he teased you for not knowing his last name. He was pretty sure no one in the Hamato Clan had ever been a basketball player. But it was still fun to see you try and rack your brain. Then you did the unspeakable. You weren’t into b-ball?!? -“but have you ever played basketball before??” He had to hold onto his poor heart. Which again it felt so much more squishy and soft than he was used to. So you had played, he found himself liking that fact about you. And it didn’t stop there, you knew of another sport, one he’d seen in passing, heard of, but never tried himself. Basketball was his one true love when it came to sports.
But if it came down to it, he’d try anything if it entailed a competition. And Leo figured the best way to try and compete with you would be on your own turf. “Well well, got any courts around? Teach me the ropes and I’ll dominate!” He had to refrain from flexing, it was almost so natural. It was how he goaded his siblings into such competition, but he held back. He watched as you gave him a loaded stare, to which you then waved down at your clothes. Mike Toney’s Pizzeria! “Oh nice you work at Mike Toney’s! My little brother’s favorite” Leo smiled but as he thought of Mikey he remembered the whole game of chase that was still underway. You explained to him further what you meant.
Ahhh, chicken! She doesn’t want to face the almighty sport champion! How’d she know?? Is my blue ninja turtle self shining through? Leo felt for the necklace one more time. “Guess I’ll have to get those lessons another time then!” The bus had perfect timing. He had to start booking it real soon and he’d rather not run off into the night with you still around. Though Leo had been having some fun chatting with you. Truly humans were so unpredictable! It was his last ditch effort, maybe he’d run into you again. He hadn’t expected you to make it a deal. So now he was hoping for the chance to see you again. He watched you leave. His first human interaction, (besides April..) his first stranger interaction, he amended. It felt like he had just always known April.
He was trying to remember your face as he raised his hand to wave. But it froze as he watched you pull your hood down, and in what felt like slow motion you ran your fingers through the tresses that had been hidden to him before. He swallowed, you sure had pretty hair. Or maybe you were just pretty. Yeah it was probably that. But why was he just noticing now as the bright lights from inside the bus faded. He watched the light reflect off your skin, dim, and then you became a shadow. He saw the outline of your hand raised, waving a goodbye as well before the taillights of the bus was all he could see. His hand lowered and he stood there blinking for a few dazed moments. Leo moved out from under the covered area, welcoming the rain as he smiled up at the dark sky. “What are the chances huh? Supreme Pizza you watching up there??” He was met with more rain, and no parting clouds to see an awe inspiring view of a full moon.
There was no moon out tonight. “LEO!” Donnie raged, and it was the only heads up he needed. He was running again, fiddling with the necklace clasp. He’d come up with some plan. Fake losing the necklace, act like he didn’t have it. And come sneak out once more, this time with more stealth! Hopefully Donnie hadn’t put some tracking device on this already, he’d have to find out. “Man Dee! You put a tracker doohickey on this one?? How ya finding me so fast?” Leo called over his shoulder and Donnie growled.
Flanking the rooftops on either side of the street were Mikey and Raph. So Donnie really did have everyone chasing after him! Maybe this could be a new team building exercise. “No Leo, not the necklace, but on you.”
“Now give me back my cloaking brooch!! NOW!!” Missiles were firing as Leo finally undid the necklace. It was a miracle he could do so while in a full on sprint. His true form shifted back into view and Leo clenched the chain in his left fist as he pulled out an odachi with his right, slashing for a portal and shooting a wink at his enraged twin. “Buhbyeee~~” he cackled. Watching as everyone lunged for the portal. He wondered how the turtle pile felt without him as they all fell short to the pavement.
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dominimoonbeam · 3 months
Audio Script - M4A - First Tattoo
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I wrote this a while ago and would love to put it out there for audio artist to pick up if they're interested but I'm not really sure how to go about that, so we'll start here! <3
I wrote this M4A but if you want to change any of the pronouns you're of course welcome to.
Please give me credit if you decide to record this script, and a link so I can listen too! And, you know, don't put it behind a paywall. But if you want to pay me to make you your own scripts, you're welcome to contact me. <3 <3
Audio artists be warned, I seem to make a lot of background sound notes. Good luck, brave creators! I believe in your sound magic!
2 voiced characters with no interaction. Second speaker is the main character.
tags: confession of sorts, idiots in love, tattoo shop
First Tattoo
by Domini Moonbeam aka Clover Down
[fade in ambient music, muffled voices, the hum of tattoo machines]
You nervous?
Don’t be! I got this. You’re in good hands.
[paper rustle]
This is a great design. You did this yourself?
No? A friend?
Huh… You know this artwork style looks a lot like—
Yeah. You’re a friend of theirs? Roommates? They don’t usually do work like this unless they’re the one putting down the ink…
Alright. I’m just going to transfer this to tracing paper to put on you. Hang tight for a minute.
[muffled other voice] What the fuck? Who’s using my art?
[curtain thrown back]
[second voice, MC, surprised to see the listener and not some stranger stealing their art] Oh… [relief] Roomie. Shit, I thought someone stole my work… You… Wait…
What the hell are you doing here?
You were going to let that jerk tattoo you?
I’m your fucking roommate! We’ve been best friends forever and you finally want to get a tattoo and you went to them?
No, they’re not bad. That’s not the point!
No, it’s really not.
If anyone was going to tattoo you, it should have been me.
[chair sound, sitting down and scooting closer, voice lower]
You didn’t even tell me you wanted to get a tattoo.
A whim? Yeah right. You don’t do anything on a whim.
[paper sound] This isn’t a small tattoo.
What the hell were you going to say when I saw it?
What do you mean I wouldn’t see it?
Oh. I mean… yeah I guess I don’t usually see that part of you…
Wait! You were going to let that bastard work on your side and hip?
Yes, now they’re a bastard.
Because they were going to have you basically stripped down on their table with their hands all over you and my art… my…
Wait… You were getting my art tattooed on you.
[laughs] So what? Are you joking?
I remember drawing this for you…
Yes, I do. I drew this for your birthday that first year we met, right after I moved in.
I didn’t know it was your birthday until that afternoon, so I just drew you something… [awestruck] You really kept this.
That was years ago.
You were really going to get my work tattooed on you?
[listener getting up]
No, hang on. You don’t need to bolt.
[smiling] And where are you even going? We live together.
[listener sitting back down]
Don’t pout. I can’t believe you were trying to get someone else to tattoo my art on you at my own shop.
[laughs] Yeah, yeah, I did say they were the only good artists in town…
Seriously though, why didn’t you just ask me? You know I would have done it in a heartbeat, right?
Of course, I would! I’ve been dropping hints about tattooing you since we met!
[paper sound] I can draw you something new, if you want. Anything you want.
Why not?
Are you…blushing?
Okay. Obviously, I’m just seeing things then.
…Special? [paper sounds, looking at it again] It’s special to you…
Do you want me to do it then?
Yeah, of course, I mean it.
I mean, if you really don’t want me to…then I can send them back in.
[huffs a laugh] Yeah, the bastard… I would let them do my art if that’s what you really want. But I’d rather do it myself.
Because it’s mine. Because you’re… You.
Okay? [smiling] Okay. Great.
[putting on gloves] Show me where you want it.
Don’t get shy now…
[clothing rustling as listener takes off their shirt]
What? Nothing. Which side did you want it on?
[touching skin] Here? Down… Okay, stand up and push your pants down your hips.
Yeah, there. I need to clean the area first.
[spray. wiping. laughs] Yeah, it’s cold. Hang on.
[paper sounds. peeling the paper off] Okay, the stencil is on.
Take a look in the mirror real quick and make sure you like the placement.
Great. [pats the padded table] On your side, facing me.
[listener getting settled]
You’re going to be okay. Deep breaths.
[fiddling with equipment]
Okay, I’m going to start with the outline. This isn’t going to feel great, but you can take it.
That being said…if you need a break just let me know, okay? No shame in tapping out.
…Why are you blushing?
No reason… okay.
[machine hum]
Don’t move.
[starts working. background sounds and machine sounds for a bit]
Oh. No, it’s my day off. I don’t have anyone else waiting or anything.
And don’t think I failed to notice how you plotted to come in when I wasn’t here.
Yes, plotted.
Don’t try to change the subject.
I came in because I still had some boring shit to get done after I skipped out early the other night.
[laughs] Yeah, I guess you could say I cut out for a hot date. I was taking you to that movie you had to see on opening night.
Yeah, that shut you up…
Oh, you wouldn’t call that a date?
What the hell would you call it? I picked you up…
Yes, we do live together. That did make it easier.
I bought you dinner.
Popcorn counts when the bucket is bigger than your head.
[machine and background sound stretch while speaker thinks and works]
So…why this one?
This sketch. Why did you decide to get this tattooed?
[laughs a little, focused on the work] Yeah, I did say people usually get something meaningful to them.
You…wanted it to be permanent?
You know I’m permanent, right?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you want the tattoo. I’m fucking thrilled to put my art on you, and I would gladly give you a dozen more, but you know you don’t need to have something permanent from me, right?
Yeah… People leave. But I’m not going to leave you.
No. You know I don’t say things I don’t mean.
I’m not going anywhere.
[another stretch of machine sounds and background sounds]
Do you mind if I add some freehand or do you want it exactly like the image?
You know this is going to take a couple sessions, right?
[laughs] Yeah, some people could sit for the whole thing at once, but you can only sit still for so long.
No, I know you, you only sit this still when you’re scared or flirting…
[realization] And I know you’re not scared of me…
Hm? I’m not saying anything.
But you did hang on to this drawing for three years.
[getting serious] Roomie…
[surprise when listener starts to move] No, seriously, don’t move.
[another pause while the machine hums/background]
[soft spoken] You have no idea what it means to me to put this on you.
Yeah, I’ve done a lot of tattoos, but this is you.
The idea of my work on your skin? Permanently?
That you wanted me permanently with you…
That’s what you’re saying, right?
[happy sigh] Yeah. Yeah, I want that too.
You know, I’d say we need to work on your communication skills but this kind of works for me… Just, you know, don’t ask other people to do the tattooing, next time?
[laughs] No, you’re right, I’m not usually the jealous type but this is different. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do it.
Because… It’s you.
Now, hold still or I’m going to screw up your first tattoo.
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softie-rain · 4 months
I know none of you are as crazy about Coral as I am but could you do a little drabble of her and Mizzen going around Four's market place amd selling things?🥺 just silly little wholesome seablings??🥺🥺
sweetheart I'll write anything you ask me to
Also Coral is growing on me and I've always loved Mizzen my pookie. Sorry this took so long 😔🫶🏻 I sneaked in a few headcanons I have about them, hopefully these aren't too out of character (especially for Coral 🥲)
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"Mizzen, this is dumb." Coral whispered, looking around the market. She observed hers and Mizzen's market bench, looking so small and insignificant compared to the others.
"It's not! Your artworks are amazing, and everyone wants the bracelets I make with shells at school!"
Coral shook her head, unconvinced. Mizzen finished fixing the table with the small handwritten price tags and smiled proudly. He cleared his throat and moved in front of the table, while Coral stood behind uncomfortable.
She knew they needed to do this. Coral's family wasn't exactly starving, but her mother had fallen sick and was unable to provide for her and her siblings. Mizzen was the only one to know about her situation, being the only one Coral trusted with such delicate and personal information.
She didn't think he'd offer to help her like this though.
Mizzen cleared his throat, and started loudly calling for clients. "Homemade bracelets! Buy your bracelet made with freshly caught shells! Every bracelet you buy, you get a painting for free!"
Coral blushed looking at her drawings. In her eyes they weren't that good, but Mizzen had always said she underestimate herself. She looked around once more. Everyone was too busy buying food to pay attention to them, the yells of the other sellers calling for fresh fish much louder than Mizzen's. And for the first twenty minutes, no one even dared looking at them.
"Mizzen, maybe we should-"
"Homemade?" An old lady asked, getting closer to their small table.
Mizzen smiled happily, "Yes ma'am! I made them myself just this morning!"
The old lady chuckled at Mizzen's excitement, nodding. "They sure are beautiful, you are one talented young boy."
Mizzen's smile widened. "Thank you!"
"Did you make those drawings as well?"
"Oh, no," Mizzen said, moving aside, "these were made by Coral here."
Coral gulped, her cheeks getting redder as the lady smiled at her. "Did you?"
She nodded. "Uh, yeah. Just something I do after work, to relax."
The lady raised an eyebrow, confused. "Work?"
"Yes, she helps her mother cut the fish my father catches, and then we sell it together." Mizzen explained, and Coral angrily stared at him. Why was he telling the story of their life to this stranger? She didn't need anyone's pity, they were just trying to make a few more money, that didn't mean Mizzen had to go and tell a sob story to everyone.
Mizzen ignored her glare and kept looking hopeful at the lady, who frowned. "How old are you kids?"
"Thirteen and fourteen, ma'am." Mizzen replied, pointing at him and Coral. The lady nodded.
"I'll buy two, for my grandson and granddaughter. They'd love your bracelets! And your drawings too, Coral." The lady decided, winking at Coral.
Coral awkwardly smiled, while Mizzen thanked her. He took the bracelets the lady pointed at and two drawings, one representing a red, dying coral - "It's sad.", "It's art, Mizzen. It's self-descriptive." - and a yellow fish surrounded by bubbles.
The lady smiled. "You kids are doing a great job. I'm sure your parents are proud of you." She said, and then left.
Mizzen looked as she walked away and then turned to smile at Coral. "See? I told you! You need to be more confident, my friend." He said proudly. He turned around and stated yelling again, drawing attention to himself.
Coral chuckled and rolled her eyes, secretly deeply thankful for Mizzen's help. She walked up to him in front of the table as well, starting to call for clients with him. Maybe her drawings weren't perfect, but if one old lady had liked them, trying some more couldn't hurt anyone, right?
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archerygun · 5 months
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Guys I’m sorry. A single person asked me to elaborate. I’ve gotta elaborate now. I have permission from an internet stranger. Also, yes, I think I should be locked up and studied for science but exposing my insanity on the internet is the next best thing. @dye-it-rouge-et-noir this one is for you buddy.
This is a follow-up/part 2 post. If you’re seeing this post before part 1, part 1/the context is here = https://www.tumblr.com/archerygun/749484004313579520/alright-i-was-chatting-to-a-friend-about-james?source=share
(Splitting it up into sections because I want to try and contain myself from rambling nonstop for five straight minutes)
Sean Connery - A friend of mine did most of the design, I added the bottom half, the gun, the colours and a couple of motifs. I chose Thunderball as the film of focus because my friend mentioned his swimsuit was traumatising, and also because it’s the film with the jetpack in it. Generally focused on circular shapes and tear shapes because y’know… water. He’s orange because of the orange swimsuit that my friend called out lmao. And the flower on the neck bow is supposed to look like the one from the iconic white dinner suit that I tend to default to drawing Sean Connery Bond in because when he isn’t in dinner suits his dress sense is generally not as fun as I would like. The gun is based on the one from the James Bond image. You know the one.
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I put simultaneously not enough thought and too much thought into this Jesus Christ. I think he’d have some sort of jetpack power-up or something. George Lazenby - He only did one film, so that did limit sources of inspiration. Fortunately, OHMSS is my favourite Bond film because everything about it is earnest and completely insane. I had to include his bowler hat from the intro because it was amazing and not enough Bonds wear hats, so he’d at least look distinctive. It’s set in an icy location for most of it, so that’s where most of the theming came from, the colour, etc; the diamond motif might have suited Sean Connery better all things considered but too late now. I took some costuming inspiration from his kilt outfit because it was strange and iconic and I think all Bonds should be made to wear it. He only really has one promo shot with a gun so I had to give the position of tiny gun guy to George Lazenby. He wields it well.
Roger Moore - I kinda just took the fact that he was the first Bond in space and ran with it. Used stars as a motif, etc. Particular inspiration was taken from this outfit:
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And partial inspiration from his weird marine navy commander-style getup (for the shawl thing). It was legitimately way too hard to find a gun that wouldn’t accidentally cross over with a gun from another Bond so I picked the most Seventies gun I could possibly find for inspiration assuming that no other Bonds would ever use something similar. The upper body pose as usual is directly from the reference image. I felt like if I put all the Bonds in skirts, it’d get a bit repetitive and start looking bad, so I figured if any Bond was going to get trousers it would have to be the one that actually wore flares.
Basically just how I’d pitch the three Bonds I’ve done so far if they were a group dynamic instead of solo iterations. Gonna do it in bullet points so it’s more comprehensible. (I don’t have any rhyme, reason or lore for this. It’s literally just me assigning three Bonds distinct personalities).
Sean Connery:
The group leader/group elder/tired old man
He can still be a slut if that’s what you want but minus the creepiness. Mutual engagement in passive flings? No problems with that.
Seen so much shit that he’s sorta nonchalant about everything and believes he’s overqualified for just about anything he’s asked to do.
✨War trauma✨
Suaveness and charm level 100. He’s a crabby old man most of the time but he’s so charming that the group let him get away with it.
He’s desensitised to like, literally everything. He will not hesitate to kill a man in cold blood if the situation demands it.
Pretty much believes that human beings are fundamentally bad, himself included.
Ultimately the one that’s willing to make the hard calls.
George Lazenby:
Like his actor before him he is the least qualified and probably lied to get into the secret service.
Optimistic, perceived as naive, ready to try and fight the narrative to change his fate.
The group child (and the youngest).
Quit the secret service after his new wife was assassinated on their wedding day and only comes back because shit has hit the fan (plot reasons. I don’t have a plot, I’m just speaking as if I’m pitching a TV show).
Doomed By The Narrative™️
Ridiculed or forgotten by everyone except the other Bonds
Sean Connery’s Bond respects him a great deal and secretly envies his more idealistic worldview, but won’t let him make the tough calls because he sees him as too naive and too unstable (willing to risk everything)
Roger Moore’s Bond HAS adopted him.
Roger Moore:
Literally feral
Master of British understatement (“Oh. That’s a bit of a shame.” as the world is literally ending around him)
He’s besties with Sean Connery’s Bond as the other sort of group elder
Despite how manic and wired he appears, he is terrifyingly competent and capable of being very serious
Team leader when Connery’s Bond is out of action
Dad figure. Not just to the other Bonds, but as a default personality. He will go parent mode on anyone he thinks he’s capable of saving.
Although if he doesn’t think you’re saveable he will not hesitate to shoot on sight if he runs out of options.
As far as ideas for the other three, Timothy Dalton is going to look evil and edgy but he’s just an enthusiastic dork and Daniel Craig is a stone cold killer with trust issues draped in bright pink bows. I haven’t seen any Pierce Brosnan movies so far so I might just have to vibe check him based on plot synopsis.
Closing thoughts? I want my brain removed and replaced with a better one. I’m sorry for everything you have witnessed today.
Also, these are based exclusively on the movies and not the books. I’m more digging into what makes each actor and era special and distinct.
If you sat through all that, well done, thank you, please don’t report me to the asylum and enjoy this image of Sean Connery.
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miruxxunn · 6 months
HI!!! I realized i never really introduced myself here, though i probably should.
My name's Miru/Tobi and i am a 16 year old digital artist and animator. My pronouns are She/Him and I'm agender little guy.
I mainly create OC content, but don't be surprised if I ever make fanart of some type of media (like TBHK or OMORI since I've been obsessed with them for a while), or if i'll just draw something for someone lol
CW there might be some drawings that may have bodyhorror or gore!! it's not something i draw constantly but such drawings may still appear here.
I want to point out that my content may not be suitable for all ages and i would like to keep this blog at least 15+, you know, i don't want to traumatise any children on accident lol
It's important to note that English is not my first language and I may have some trouble writing what I actually want to write about here. Don't be shy and let me know if there is anything I wrote wrong or if there are any misunderstandings!!!
I should also point out that I don't usually talk with strangers online for my own safety and because i'm pretty much an introvert myself, though i don't mind asks!! if you have anything you want to say or ask or even if you want me to draw something, the ask button is more than welcome! It's probably not big of a surprise but i love talking about my characters, so even if you would say something like "[character] is taking a big poopoo" it would probably make my day :)
Yes, I create animations and I run a YouTube channel where I publish almost all of them! I'll probably show a few wips here and there since I've become so active i post literally everything I create here.
I'm still new to tumblr so I may make a few mistakes along the way, so if you have any tips or anything on how to use this app properly, please don't hesitate to let me know :)
Here's my linktree if someone wants to check my other socials!!
I want this blog to be my safe space so please don't be weird here!!!
here's a list of DNI and basically don't do this stuff thing:
DNI if you're a:
Homophobe, transphobe, sexist, mysoginist, proshipper, ableist, racist, MAP, comshipper, xenophobe, lolicon/shotacon or if you sexualize children in general, fictional or not
+or if you support any of these
Please don't make sexual remarks about me or my ocs. I feel very uncomfortable with any sexual content.
Yeah i guess that's all for now. If i'll remember something i wanted to add i'll just edit this.
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A Tale of Stolen Hearts: Chapter X - Stealing More Than One Invention
Chapter Summary: How are you going to steal the device from Fjerdans?
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Fedyor Kaminsky, Ivan, David Kostyk, Zoya Nazyalensky, Pavel, Polina
Word Count: 3740
A/N: Smut alert. If you don't like it or are underage, don't read from: "Before you can protest or ask him what's wrong, he takes your lips with his again." to: "But an hour later you're sleeping on his chest." Enjoy! Inspired by prompt: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089571735/
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
You finally cross the border and find yourself in Fjerda. You need to be more alert now. You're also more nervous, since your big job is about to start soon. You're already just outside Halmhend and watch it from a hideout.
'How are we going to do this?' Zoya asks. 'We know nothing of this settlement and where the device can be held.'
'That's why, dear Zoya, you brought me, remember?' you ask. 'Time for me to dress up and play my part.'
'"Dress up"?' David repeats, confused. Sweet, innocent, darling Durast.
'David, I'm a woman,' you say. 'And we all know that men are calling the shots in Fjerda. And would they refuse a little flirt with an unknown woman, who is admiring their… strengths?'
David's mouth forms an 'o'. You look at Kirigan and see him clenching his jaw. It puzzles you.
'Not liking my methods, General?' you ask. Kirigan exhales slowly, as if trying to calm down.
'I'm not going to tell you how to do your job,' he says.
'Much appreciated,' you say, nodding your head.
'What's your plan?' Ivan asks.
'I'm going to get into the loudest pub with the drunkest men,' you say. 'Then, I'm going to use my charm to get information about the device from them.'
'I thought you're as seductive as a cabbage,' Kirigan reminds you.
'Yes, I did say "charm" not "flirting abilities",' you say, annoyed. 'And that I'm going to the pub with the drunkest men.'
Fedyor snorts. You ignore him.
'Besides, women in Fjerda apparently don't flirt,' you say. 'I'd just pretend I'm looking for my brother who was rejected by a girl he loves and went to drink his sorrows.'
'Not a bad plan,' Polina says. 'What then?'
'That depends where the device is held,' you answer.
'What are we to do in the meantime?' Zoya asks. Oh, it feels so sweet they are ready to take orders from you now. However…
'Sit tight and wait for me,' you answer. 'When it comes to gathering information like that, it's best when I work alone.'
'What if you're in need of assistance?' Kirigan asks. You look at him. Is there worry in his eyes? Nah, you're seeing things.
'I'll give my signal,' you answer.
'Then we will be nearby,' David says. 'So we could hear it and jump into action if needed.'
Aw. Bless him.
'Even a few strangers would draw attention,' Kirigan disagrees, shaking his head. 'I'll go alone.'
'You remember they already caught you once?' you remind him. He glares at you.
'I will be fine,' he snaps. 'They won't catch me another time.'
'Well, they still may realise you're the Darkling,' you say, eyeing his black clothes. 'You're pretty characteristic.'
'I will disguise myself,' Kirigan insists stubbornly. You open your mouth to retort, but Zoya's grunt stops you.
'Oh, for all Saints!' she scoffs. 'I'll go! I can manage with a few drunk Fjerdans if needed.'
Silence falls over you. Everyone seems to be surprised by Zoya's offer. Your relationship with Zoya is not what one would call a perfect friendship. Or friendship at all.
'Okay,' you agree, surprising everyone even more. They all look at Kirigan. He sighs, defeated.
'Very well,' he agrees. 'But if you're both gone for too long, we all step in.'
'Fair enough,' you say, shrugging. 'Now, excuse me, but I have to change. I hardly imagine they would treat me friendly if I showed up dressed like that.'
You point at your shirt and tight pants. David nods, thoughtfully.
'Be quick,' Kirigan says.
'Now I'm going to take really long, just to spite you,' you say and show him your tongue. You turn around and march away.
'I really hate that girl,' Kirigan says, frustrated, after a moment of silence. Fedyor and Ivan exchange a knowing look.
You return ten minutes later. Men look at you with wide eyes. You're dressed in clothes of a typical Fjerdan girl. Your hair is braided and if they didn't know better, they would assume you're just a simple girl from Fjerda, looking for an entertainment this evening.
'Close your mouths, boys, or flies will fly into them,' you say, amused. They quickly get a hold of themselves.
'Really impressive, [Y/N],' Fedyor praises you. You grin at him.
'Thank you, kind sir,' you say, curtsying. You look at Kirigan. He looks you with that intense stare of his.
'What do you think?' you ask him. You have no idea why do you seek his approval. But for some reason it is important to you.
'That we're going to save the world,' he answers. 'Thanks to your help.'
You can't help but smile slightly at him. You see his look softening slightly. But in a second his mask is back on and he clears his throat.
'Good luck,' he says. You nod and smile at others. They wish you luck as well. You take in a deep breath… and head to Halmhend.
Zoya waits patiently in an inn opposite to the pub you have entered some time earlier. She tries to think about the fact you're close to your goal and she's going to be back in the Little Palace soon. But that leads to the thought that you're going to be gone, away from them all, especially General Kirigan. Which leads to the thoughts she was trying to avoid. You and General Kirigan and how close you seem to be.
She shakes her head and drinks her drink. That's when she sees you exiting the pub. You're a bit ruffled but not worse for the wear. Zoya quickly pays for her drink and leaves. She catches up to you.
'How did it go?' she asks.
'Very well,' you answer and wince. 'But let me tell you, they're not as pious as they pretend to be. Almost every man there tried to grope me. Disgusting.'
'Where's the invention?' Zoya asks. You stop walking. She stops as well and turns to you, annoyed.
'You really don't like me, do you?' you ask. Zoya tenses.
'Look, I don't have anything against you personally,' she says. 'Sometimes your company is even… pleasant.'
'Wow, that must be the kindest words you ever said to me,' you say, grinning. Zoya glares at you.
'Don't worry, you still make me want to strangle you most of the times,' she says. 'But. The problem here is that…'
'You're jealous,' you say when she trails off. Zoya looks at you sharply. You snort.
'Come on, Zoya,' you say. 'I see how you're killing me with your eyes every time him and I are bickering. You're afraid I'm going to take him away from you.'
'There is nothing between me and the General,' Zoya says stiffly.
'Oh, there is something,' you argue. 'But you wish there was more.'
Zoya looks away. But you still see the flash of pain in her eyes.
'Relax,' you say softly. 'We despise each other. There's no way there could be something romantic between us.'
Zoya looks at you. Her gaze causes you to shiver.
'If you really think that, then you're blind,' she says. You look at her, puzzled. She clears her throat.
'The device?' she asks, letting you know the conversation about Kirigan is over.
'It's in the basement of one of the houses,' you answer after a moment. 'I know which one. Apparently, it's very well secured but, well, they haven't seen what I can do.'
You grin at Zoya. She rolls her eyes.
'What's our next move?' she asks.
'You are going to the others and tell them I'm going to steal that thing,' you answer and hide in the shadows behind a building. Zoya's eyes go wide when you start to undress yourself. But instead of your naked body, she sees black tight clothes. You grab your braid and make a bun of it.
'You're going to get it alone?' Zoya asks, waking up from her shock.
'Yes,' you answer and point at one building. 'But if it makes you feel better, this is that building over there. Ah, yes, tell me one more thing. Would General mind if I blow something out?'
Zoya's eyes go wide. To her horror you seem to be actually serious.
'I think you should ask him about it yourself,' she finally says. You shake your head.
'Too much time,' you say. 'The men are going to realise sooner or later that I left without "my brother" and that I asked too many questions about that device. I have to go now.'
'[Y/N]-' Zoya starts. But you turn on your heal and rush off toward the building. 'Damn it!'
She runs out of the settlement, not caring if someone sees her. She gets to the place others are waiting. She's panting by the time she reaches them.
'Where's [Y/N]?' Kirigan demands, at once noticing your absence. Zoya can't help but feel pain in her heart because of it.
'Stealing the device,' she answers. Everyone looks at her, stunned. Kirigan feels anger boiling in him.
'On her own?' he growls.
'She claimed there's no time to wait for us,' Zoya says. 'She also mentioned something about making an explosion.'
Colour drains from everyone's faces. Kirigan curses and without waiting for others, rushes toward Halmhend. But his companions follow him at once. Once there, Zoya leads them to the building you pointed to her.
'What now?' Pavel asks. 'People are soon going to realise we're not from here.'
Before anyone can answer him, there's a loud explosion and the building in front of them goes up in flames. Kirigan looks at it with dread.
'No…' he whispers. At once many different scenarios cross his mind. You failed. You commended a suicide, sacrificing yourself to destroy the invention. You miscalculated and the explosion happened to soon.
He almost doesn't see people panicking and rushing to stop the fire. He almost doesn't feel hands pulling him back. He almost doesn't realise he starts to rush into the building.
But then a lonely figure comes out of the smoke and fire, coughing. Relief surges through him at once. He bolts forward and reaches you just in time to catch you in his arms. It's so sudden you both collapse on your knees.
'Kiri? What are you doing here?' you ask and cough again.
'Rescuing you, of course,' Kirigan answers.
'Not even protesting against the nickname?' you murmur, your eyelids fluttering.
'That's the least of my concerns at the moment,' he answers.
'And what is more important now?'
'You, idiot. I thought you… We need to take you to the safety.'
'Nice plan. I approve. Do so.'
'I'm glad you agree.'
Your eyes flutter close. Kirigan takes you in his arms and stands up. Her turns to others, who look at you two, anxious.
'Let's go,' he says and heads toward the exit of Halmhend. Others leave after him.
You open your eyes and see an unfamiliar ceiling. You blink a few times, trying to remember the last events. Ah. Yes. Boom. Big boom.
'How are you feeling?' you hear. You lift your head and see Kirigan sitting in a chair, staring at you.
'Much better before I collapsed right in front of you,' you say. 'I suppose I should call you my hero now?'
Kirigan says nothing to that. He stands up and picks up a glass of water. He hands it to you. You manage to sit up and take it from him. You drink it all in one gulp.
'Thanks,' you say, giving him back the glass. Kirigan nods and puts the glass away. He watches you, as you put your feet on the ground and stretch a bit.
'Where are we?' you ask, looking around.
'In a village close to border in Ravka,' Kirigan answers. 'A party of First Army is settled here. There's going to be a battle soon on the border.'
'Because of what happened?' you ask.
'It was supposed to happen anyway,' Kirigan answers. 'You just sped things up. But that brings me to a question… Why did you blow everything up?'
'Not everything. Just one house.'
'And two next to it caught fire and burnt.'
'Oh. Should I send Fjerdans an apology basket?'
'[Y/N]. Stop it. Why did you do it?'
'… So they would think the invention is destroyed.'
'And it's not?'
'Hey, you "hired" me to steal that thing, not destroy it, remember?'
You reach into the pocket of your trousers. You take a small bracelet from it. Kirigan takes it from you. He looks at it with a frown.
'That's it?' he asks dubiously.
'Yeah, you put it on your wrist, twist that little gems and Grisha gets a headache,' you say and wince. 'I do not recommend that.'
'You tried it on yourself?' Kirigan asks, his eyes snapping to yours. You feel a sudden urge to defend your actions.
'Hey, I had to make sure it's the real thing,' you say. 'Ah, the gems also control how far it works. I set it on small distance, hence why you didn't feel anything. But it could reach the whole battlefield. But it can no more, since we have it. Well, you do. Do as you please with it. Personally, I recommend destroying it.'
'It will be,' Kirigan says, putting the bracelet in his pocket. 'After David will test it, so we would know how it works and how to make sure something like that never is created again.'
You shrug, not really convinced to that idea. You would burn it if it were up to you. But he didn't tell you how to do your job, so you're not going to do the same.
'Why did you go there alone?' Kirigan asks.
'I work better on my own,' you answer. Kirigan scoff.
'That's a lie and we both know it,' he says. You glare at him.
'Oh, yeah?' you ask, annoyed, and stand up to face him. 'Then tell me, why did I go alone?'
Kirigan stares at you for a moment. He takes a step forward. You have to look up now, great.
'Because you didn't want us to see you as you as a thief,' he says, causing you to freeze.
'What's that supposed to mean?' you ask.
'You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture,' Kirigan answers and leans toward you. 'I've seen it. I know who you are.'
'And who that may be?' you ask after a moment of silence. Kirigan takes a step back. By instinct you, do the same.
'A lost girl, looking for someone who will finally understand her and see her for who she is,' he answers. You stare at him. You feel your eyes beginning to sting.
'Get out,' you say. 'Get, the hell, out of my room.'
'Truth hurts, doesn't it?' Kirigan asks, not at all bothered by the tone of your voice. 'But it's not all who you are. There's so much more. But you refuse to see it.'
'What else then am I?' you ask against your better judgement. Kirigan's hand lifts itself up, only to fall back down.
'A very powerful Grisha,' he says. 'With proper training you could achieve wonders. Miracles, even. People would respect you. And you wouldn't have to worry about getting money for food.'
'No, just about many other things,' you say and shake your head. 'I don't want people to respect me. I want… peace. Live in peace. But I'm a Grisha. A thief. I don't get that luxury.'
'Let me help you,' Kirigan says. 'I-'
'Why do you care?' you interrupt him. 'Why do you suddenly want me to have a "better" life?'
Kirigan stares at you in silence. His eyes become cold. He stiffens.
'You're right,' he says. 'I have no business in your life anymore. Our agreement is concluded. While you were asleep, we managed to find your friend and save her. She's in another room with-'
'And you're telling me this now?!' you ask, furious, and head to the door.
'- your sister,' Kirigan finishes. You stop dead in your tracks. You turn to him, shocked.
'Apparently she was tailing us all the time,' Kirigan explains and sighs. 'She was afraid we would actually kill each other.'
'If anyone's going to be killed, it's her,' you growl, furious, and sigh. 'So, maybe I should wait a bit before going to see her.'
'That may be wise,' Kirigan agrees, nodding. He passes you on his way to the door. He pauses.
'The King's nephew is leading this party,' he says. 'He's not… a person you would like to meet. I would recommend staying away from him. Until his cousin arrives, at least.'
'Thanks for the advice,' you murmur. Kirigan nods curtly and is about to leave when you grab his hand. He looks at you, his eyebrows raised.
'I'm sorry,' you say quietly.
'I'm sorry, too,' Kirigan says after a moment. You look at each other. Kirigan lifts his hand and caresses your cheek.
'You have to stop making me think you're going to die,' he says.
'You do the same thing to me,' you retort. 'Besides, since when do you care?'
'I honestly don't know,' Kirigan answers and suddenly becomes serious, as a thought occurs to him. 'The men in the pub… did they hurt you?'
'No, but they did grope me a bit,' you answer, wincing. Kirigan's look becomes dark. You shiver against your will.
'They dared to touch you?' he growls. You raise your eyebrows.
'Are you… getting territorial?' you ask. 'Because… we're not really together, so you-'
Kirigan interrupts you with a kiss. You gasp, startled, but quickly respond.
'Why is it so hard for you to accept that someone may be worried about you?' Kirigan asks.
'We're supposed to hate each other, remember?' you ask. 'Arguing during the day, sleeping with each other at night. That was the agreement.'
Once again Kirigan's eyes become distant and cold. He undresses himself.
'If that's your wish,' he says and undresses you. 'Then I shall comply.'
Before you can protest or ask him what's wrong, he takes your lips with his again. It's very passionate and aggressive. You can't help but moan. Kirigan picks you up and lays you on the bed. He starts massaging your sensitive parts, causing you to gasp and moan.
'Kirigan… please…' you groan after a few minutes of that.
'Aleksander,' he says. It seems to startle both of you. He looks at you, tensed. As if not sure why did he say it. But then he relaxes.
'Call me "Aleksander", when we…' he says. You nod in understanding. You cup his face and kiss it gently.
'Aleksander…' you whisper. Kirigan groans and kisses you like a starved man. His fingers continue to prepare you. You whine when he takes them away. But it quickly turns into a moan, when he pushes himself in one go.
'Saints! Aleksander!' you gasp, throwing your head back. Your eyes are closed, so you don't see the look of awe Kirigan gives you.
'[Y/N],' he says softly, quietly. You don't even hear it. He clenches his teeth and starts moving. His thrusts are hard, fast and deep. It feels to you as if he was angry at something and tried to vent in this way. Not that you mind. It feels heavenly.
'Aleksander… Aleksander… Aleksander…' you pant. The more you say his name, the more it seems to spur him on. At one point he grabs your leg and puts it on his shoulder. It allows him to push even deeper. You almost scream from pleasure. And a bit of pain, as no one has been this deep inside you before.
'Aleksander… please…' you moan. Kirigan clenches his jaw. His thrusts start to become erratic after a moment.
'Come for me,' he says, his voice strained. 'Come first. I want to see you when you…'
He doesn't finish the thought. In the next moment you come undone before him, moaning his name. He watches your blissed out face for a moment, before he reaches peak himself.
'[Y/N]!' he groans, throwing his head back. You gasp, feeling him filling you. You both breathe heavily. You're about to ask what was this all about, but then he starts moving again. You're not complaining. You love when you two have more than one round.
But an hour later you're sleeping on his chest. The sex and the whole they left you exhausted. As soon as your head was laid down, you were out.
Kirigan isn't, though. He stares at you with a troubled expression. He tries to understand his feelings when it comes to you. How he felt when he thought you're dead. Or when you told him the Fjerdans had been touching you… Realisation dawns on him, making him stiffen and his eyes widen.
'Fuck,' he curses under his breath. 'How did you-?'
His thought is interrupted by a soft knock. Carefully, so not to wake you, Kirigan lays you on your bed. He dresses himself quickly and walks to the door. He opens it and finds Fedyor waiting patiently for him.
'How is she?' the Heartrender asks.
'Asleep,' Kirigan answers. 'And alright.'
'I can see,' Fedyor says, raising his eyebrows meaningly at the state of Kirigan's clothes. General glares at him. Fedyor barely holds his chuckle.
'Everyone is anxious to know if she succeeded,' he says, serious again.
'Yes,' Kirigan answers and glances behind his back at you. 'Our little thief was very much successful in stealing.'
Fedyor smiles, but Kirigan doesn't see it. He looks past Kirigan at you as well.
'Are you going to tell her?' he asks. Kirigan whirls to him.
'What?' he snaps. Fedyor gives him a meaningful look. Kirigan feels as if he was splattered with cold water. He knows. He probably knew even before he realised it.
'No,' he finally says, back to his cold demeanour. 'There's no point. Our paths are to part soon.'
'And you're sure you want this, General?' Fedyor asks.
'Yes,' Kirigan answers without hesitation and leaves the room. 'That's what I've wanted from the beginning, isn't it? To get rid of her.'
He walks away, without waiting for a response. Fedyor stays put for a moment. Finally, he sighs.
'I swear, those two are such idiots,' he groans and walks away, fully intending to annoy his lover with his complains.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47256868/chapters/120170749
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jancy-central · 10 months
💙 Hello, everyone, and welcome to an exciting Spotlight Saturday! 💜
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Today we are doing something a little different… we are spotlighting an artist with amazing talent (who happens to create fantastic Jancy fanart):
@soniclion92 aka Kirsten!
After the cut is her Q&A (read it to get to know her better!) and below is some of her artwork. Run to her page to see it all because everything she does is so, so GOOD. 😍
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(Fun fact: The first one is Kirsten’s favorite! The last two are our favorites here at JFC.)
Starting January 1st, we here at Jancy Fanfic Central will be changing our name to….
✨ Jancy Central! ✨
We will still post about Jancy fanfic but we will be blogging/reblogging about anything and everything Jancy. This includes fanart, fics, analysis, spoilers, and whatever Jancy related fun you guys come up with!
(Spoilers will be under a cut and labeled as such so no worries if you want to remain spoiler free. We will not be reblogging spoilers since you can’t hide reblogs under a cut.)
Jancy Central will continue to be run by myself, @gnarly-love, and @twin-scars . If you’d like to join our team, please shoot us a message!
To celebrate our new name, we will be holding 2 events in early 2024:
1. A fanart event, tentatively titled “We Love Jancy,” will run from February 11-14. Yes, we are ending the event on Valentine’s Day… it is Jancy, after all. 🥰
(Artists: more info, including prompts, coming soon!)
2. Once our fanart event has ended, we will start our month long artist/writer collab! Meaning, we want to see all the fics inspired by the amazing fanart from our “We Love Jancy” event. We’d like to pair up writers with artists so they can create a joint masterpiece (fanart and fic). The artists can be as hands-on or as hands-off as they’d like in the process. They can say anything from “Write whatever you want!” to specifying rating guidelines, setting, etc. The only thing we ask is that the fics are Jancy centric.
We would like fics completed by March 20th as that’s the first day of Spring (new beginnings) and s5 will be bringing us new Jancy! So that gives writers a little over a month to write their fics… fics can be any length but we ask that they are at least a Drabble (100 words).
Fic writers, both new and experienced: Please be thinking about participating and sharing your talent! More info on this event will be coming soon…
Artists, as I said above, you can be as involved as you want… it’s up to you! We just ask permission to repost your art (with credit) for this event only. You can obviously also choose not to participate, ofc.
We are really excited here at Jancy Fanfic Central (soon Jancy Central!) for these two events that we hope will bringJancy shippers together to showcase all the amazing talent that lies within our community!
(If you’d like to help us run either event, please send us a message or ask. 😊)
Questions for @soniclion92:
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🎨 Kirsten’s answers to our Q&A: 🖌️
1. I first got into fanart through the Sonic The Hedgehog series, I'd look up renders and try to draw them on paper. What drew me to the fandom was seeing other peoples drawings/interpretations of the characters I liked.
2. The fandoms I’ve made fanart for are: Sonic The Hedgehog, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Undertale, Steven Universe, South Park, Attack On Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu!!, Seraph Of The End, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Yuri!!! On Ice, My Hero Academia, Hamilton, Heathers, Ben 10, The Dragon Prince, Miraculous Ladybug, The Legend Of Zelda, Ace Attorney, Stranger Things (there's probably more but these are the ones I can remember) I don’t do fanart for a lot of these fandoms anymore but sometimes I’ll do redraws of the old fanart for the sake of comparing my progress.
3. I’m not going to do ALL the fandoms but some of my favourite characters to draw overall are Chat Noir (Miraculous), Keith Kogane and Princess Allura (Voltron), Link (Zelda), Godot and Mia Fey (Ace Attorney), Rayla and Aaravos (The Dragon Prince) Armin Arlert and Mikasa Ackerman (Attack On Titan) and, of course, Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things)
4. My muse characters are pretty much the ones listed above, I always have to sneak my favourites in lmao
5. If I absolutely *have* to get a character in I always find a way to add them into the background or do a separate doodle with said character
6. I don’t think I have a preference, actually I enjoy drawing both equally.
7. Not really, my opinions are usually based on canon media.
8. I’ve made a few OC’s, they’re usually characters designed to fit in the media I like
9. Again, I’d be here all day if i listed 3 ships for every fandom so here’s a few of my favourites: Klance (Voltron), Marichat (Miraculous), Rayllum (The Dragon Prince), Miego and Klapollo (Ace Attorney), Arumika, Yumihisu and Levihan (Attack on Titan), Gwevin (Ben 10), Sidlink (Zelda), Silvamy (Sonic), Jancy and Byler (Stranger Things)
10. I tend not to draw pairings I don’t like, the closest to this Is when I used to do OC x Canon fanart requests on DeviantArt when I was like 12
11. I’d say the main genre of art I draw is ship art/fluffy art but every once in a while I love to do a horror/creepy piece
12. Not that I can remember but I’d love to do something like this in the future
13. It’s a mix of both
14. I'll draw almost anything in terms of rating but whether I'm comfortable enough to post it is another story - the only ‘nsfw’ stuff I've actually posted is gore but even then it's been pretty mild.
15. I do use warnings bc i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. I feel like it's important to tag the usual stuff like gore, nsfw in general, any sensitive topics like abuse etc. I don't think I've had to add a warning that could be considered strange before though.
16. I don't use anything like headers or previews tbh I just post the drawings with a caption and call it a day
17. I don't title my art for the simple reason that I cannot come up with names for the life of me. The filenames of my drawings are usually just a random jumble of words or letters
18. Most of my inspiration comes from browsing random poses/references, listening to music, watching tv and movies
19. I try to get the idea sketched out as soon as I can but if not I'll just make a note of it in my notes app
20. Definitely!
21. Yes, it's usually stuff like AUs where I've gotten really invested in the idea and want to create as much of that idea as I can
22. No, the closest thing to these events is a week event for ships/characters. I don't do much of these bc I often end up procrastinating and leaving it to the last minute and then I end up stressing myself out trying to finish it in time
23. The main sites I post to are Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter. Occasionally i'll post before and afters to my tiktok account and once in a blue moon i may even post to my old DeviantArt account
24. Nope, no betas here I'm afraid.
25. I love listening to music while drawing, sometimes it'll be a character/ship themed playlist and sometimes it's just any music that I'm into at that moment.
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littleweezel · 2 months
On the Other Side of this Flight
I shared this on AO3 the other day, but thought I would post it here too. It’s written as a human AU.
Summary: Crowley is on his way home from a trip away and uses his free time on the flight to tell Aziraphale just how he feels.
My Dearest Aziraphale,
Angel, I am on the plane flying home and the WiFi isn’t working, so I thought I would write you a letter. You would probably prefer fancy scented stationary instead of this Notes app monstrosity, but I regret to inform you that I don’t have any stationary on me, so you are stuck with this.
I suppose I could write you a letter on the back of the barf bag. That would make an interesting keepsake for your scrapbook, but I’d have to borrow a pen, and that involves talking to strangers. Sorry, Angel, that’s too much to ask. 
I missed you. On this trip, there was no one hovering in my periphery, waiting to tell me about the latest book they read or to read me a poem or to nag me about the hair in the bathroom sink. During meals, the spot across from me was empty, when you should have been seated there, making love to your crème brûlée in the way only you can. I didn’t have anyone’s wine glass to top off (except my own, but even that’s less fun when you’re not around), no one with whom to navigate ridiculous conversations where even we aren’t quite sure what we are talking about. In the evening, I didn’t have a soft lap in which to rest my head while watching TV, no one to mindlessly drag their fingers through my hair. No one criticized my driving or accused me of being kind when I did something that accidentally benefited someone else. 
I missed our home. After surrounding myself with you and your books and your teacups and your papers and all the other things you have collected over the years, sterile hotel rooms devoid of character seem so empty. I felt like half a person when I was away. It was a familiar feeling. I spent so much of my life feeling that way, but when I’m with you, when we are in our home, I feel complete.
I missed our garden. Yes, I said our garden . Though I may be the only one who works in it, everything that I do is with you in mind. You are my muse. I garden thinking about how your face will light up when you see our flowerbeds in full bloom, how you will look splayed on a picnic blanket, book in one hand and wine glass in another, or when I’m lucky, that hand holds mine. I daydream about the sounds you make when you enjoy the bounty of our vegetable garden. Will I be able to draw those same noises out of you later in bed?
I missed our bed. I had a hard time falling asleep without you lying next to me. It’s unnatural, and I did not care for it. How did I spend 50 years of my life not waking up to your face every morning? If I had it my way, I would never wake up apart from you ever again. Every time I wake up, I should be able to turn my head and see you there next to me. Your body should always be pressed against mine as I drift off to sleep. 
I missed your body. I ache for how our bodies slot together. I want to bury my nose in your neck and breathe in your smell. I want to taste the tea on your tongue after breakfast and your freshly brushed teeth at night. Too much time has passed since I’ve run my palm over your stubbly chin in the morning. The idea that your strong arms and soft belly are out there, existing in the world, but I can’t see them or touch them is inconceivable. I want to hear you pant as I run my hands and mouth over my favorite parts of you. I want to join our bodies together until it’s not clear where you end and I begin. I long to bring you pleasure, to draw it out until neither one of us can take it anymore, and to bring you tumbling over the edge, and maybe you will grab me and pull me over with you. 
The good news is that I am heading home now. You smile awaits me on the other side of this flight. In a few short hours, I can lace my fingers into yours, drag you up the stairs of our home and into our bed and show you all of the things I missed doing with you. It may take some time, I hope your schedule is free.
I love who I am around you (even though I am not kind). I love our partnership. I love how we take care of each other, like it’s second nature, like we have been doing it since the beginning of time. I love you, Angel.
Until the end of the world,
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cardiagf · 2 months
Makoto is Makoto
I don't really like engaging into cis or trans character debates especially when it's characters who are gnc/androgynous bc a lot of people especially in twt gets worked up ab these said characters are read as trans, which is completely harmless btw, it just rubs me the wrong way when some people are too insistent about a character being cis
and so I want to talk about makoto and how he is not cis, but is nb/transfem in more ways than just him being a femboy/crossdresser.
Disclaimer: I will be using he/she/they pronouns for makoto in this post just bc i think makoto will be cool with that
and for the record, i finished reading the main series but i have not read the middle school specials, yet.
im also someone who really likes otokonoko and onee characters so yes i am aware of the cultural nuances but this would be just me speaking a queer nb person who loves this series and how i perceive makoto as one
also spoiler warning!
first and foremost, I want to say that gender identity, gender expression and sexuality are all wholly fluid, it's a big spectrum that only you, yourself can figure out. And i think as queer people we're allowed to relate, reflect and see ourselves into the experience and struggles of a fictional character.
while i also don't mind it too much if we think ab how makoto dresses is just her gender expression and that even a cis guy should be able to be feminine and like feminine stuffs with without them being trans / or yk anyone can be gnc but i think as someone who went from being gnc to trans/nb pipeline, it is incredibly hard to not draw a line within queerness or being lgbt with makoto's OWN identity and queerness.
I mean makoto literally uses the "Atashi" 'I' pronoun for themself in which is, by the way, a jp 'I' prn most commonly used by girls when they're dressed as girl while she uses "Boku" when she's not crossdressing
(not to mention both saki and ryuji usually refers to makoto with gender neutral pronouns/referral, with saki always calling him "senpai" and ryuji just having the default gender neutral "Aitsu" pronoun for everyone)
and yeah i know it's also because he's an "otokonoko" but in retrospect, when we read further into the manga we learned that by high school, makoto had transferred to a school that lets them dress however she wants and had been living in said school for ALMOST A YEAR (until he was outed) and he clearly doesn't mind being perceived as a girl.
in fact, as shown in early chapters makoto was so happy when someone made a pass at her because that stranger thought they were a girl and he was so happy when he passed AS a girl.
him being an otokonoko or crossdressing only becomes a problem for them when other people are involved, i.e. when someone confesses to him or when she gets close enough with others, as I believe he sees it as a form of deception/don't want to disappoint them.
either way makoto is makoto, yes this is also a form of expression but i think it's also more of an identity, she doesn't have be locked down by the gender binary
not to mention how makoto hides his true identity to his mom is just something a lot of queer, and especially trans people can really relate to. she literally has to lock a huge part of herself inside a locker when they have to go home bc they cannot be themself in said home, it can clearly be read as someone who is closeted
now onto the spoilers regarding this, makoto coming out properly to his family and most specifically his mom really encapsulated the nb feeling really well
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and yes i know she states that "he's a guy who happens to like girly things" (just give him a few years /j) but the point still stands: makoto is makoto. they don't want to live neither as a boy or just a girl. it didn't have to be "one or the other," they chose to be themself and this scene really spoke to me as someone who is nonbinary and how i didn't want to perceive as just my agab...i just want to be myself and i want to be true to myself and that was makoto's answer as well.
i honestly don't want to engage in the debate regarding makoto's gender/gender expression and yes it's canon that he's cis but his own experience and the queer experience especially at her age are just very much parallel to each other.
i know a lot of other trans people will be able to see themselves in makoto and I just don't like how people fight ab androgynous/otokonoko characters being cis only when queer readings regarding these character are completely valid and came from a place that reflects on their own experiences, we can't just lock the fluidity of gender identity of someone in one place, much less for a fictional character. they're queer, they're trans in some way and that is completely okay.
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cherry-blossom-qf · 1 year
I THINK I KNOW WHO THE FUCKING SUPERCHARGER IS AND ITS EITHER GOING TO BE DDD OR PRINCE FLUFF OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD YES I ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE THIS HAPPEN! (Back when I was younger playing superchargers I always thought to myself instead of Mario being represented what if it was Kirby so this whole thing you're doing is filling up my nostalgia like crazy cuz I thought I was the only one!)
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Info: The ol' papa penguin himself shows up along with Bowser and Donkey Kong through the rifts caused by Kaos' Sky Eater (if you read the comics, you know what happens). After learning about the Sky Eater and what that thing could do to other worlds (including his home in Dreamland), King Dedede joins the Superchargers stop the Sky Eater and to clobber dat 'dere Kaos!
And to complete the new "Smash Bros trio" (cuz they all are from Smash lmao), with DK driving on the land and Bower flying through skies, King Dedede gets to traverse through the waters in his own sea vehicle! (which I haven't designed yet cuz I can't draw mfing vehicles for the life of me)
Thank you all for waiting patiently for this silly reveal! King Dedede is my number one favorite Kirby character of all time (which might be surprising to some, cuz this whole AU is about Magolor lol), so getting to make my boi into a Supercharger was one of my top priorities for this AU. I love this big penguin so much, so he deserves to have a bit of the spotlight on him for the Superchargers Arc.
And sidenote- Thank you for the kind words, stranger! I'm glad you like my AU so much!
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As cheesy as it sounds, you guys are one the things that keeps me motivated. If it wasn't for folks like you, I probably would've just thrown this AU in the trash, thinking that it was too cringey for the world to see. So thank you for proving me wrong. I hope you guys stick around for more of this crazy bullshit! ^w^
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venusenvvvy · 1 year
If you’re reading this, you either A) came across my fan-fiction on AO3 and are mildly curious about what you’ve just stumbled across, or B) you followed me a few years ago and forgot about it, and now this post is on your dashboard and you have zero idea who I am or what’s going on.
If you belong to group B and would like an inkling of context, feel free to check out Burning Houses now. It’s probably the most out there Harry Potter fanfiction concept you’ve seen in a while.
The Tragic Backstory:
In September of 2020 I was 17, and I had spent the past three years alone, in a walk in closet that had been repurposed to be by bedroom. I won’t get into the specifics of why. I spent my days and nights laying in bed and alternating between daydreaming and reading, until that’s what my life became.
Up until then I had posted a few short stories - things I had written quickly in the middle of the night and never expected to get much attention. The only thing extraordinary about me in my every day life was how utterly invisible I could become.
By the time September of 2020 rolled around I had been reading Harry Potter fan-fiction for years - this was before the explosion of the Marauders fandom, with the posting of ATYD, and then subsequently the resurgence of Harry Potter with Tiktok edits and the media attention garnered by JK Rowling - and the place was a graveyard. It was comforting, in a way. Just me, rooting through old tropes and ideas. My favourites were time travel stories that found Harry older, wiser and more powerful. Or the ones where everyone found out how the Dursleys had been treating Harry and, horrified, saved him from his barren, locked bedroom with the bars on the window, giving the Dursleys’ a piece of their mind the entire time.
Yes. I’m aware of the parallels.
The problem with dead fandoms is that you run out of content. So I started writing a story - just for me - about this daydream I had been having for the past several weeks. I wrote it in the notes app of my phone every night laying in bed until four in the morning, and then I woke up in the afternoon to start again.
Then, due to circumstances outside of my control, my phone was destroyed, and I lost 100,000 words of content and months of work. It was like losing a diary - the story was how I channeled my thoughts, how I expressed my feelings, wrestled with philosophies and debated by beliefs.
But there was one thing that survived - the first chapter. I wanted to make sure I could always read it no matter what, so I posted it publicly - stapled it to the wall of an empty room - and tried to rebuild what I’d lost.
And then people read it.
Three Years Later:
People read it, and liked it. They saw this thing that represented me and they liked it, and they wanted to know when there was going to be more. So I panicked, and I wrote another chapter and posted it. And then after months of people asking me when there was going to be more I posted >another< chapter.
But it didn’t feel right. It felt like strangers reading my diary. What had started as a (arguably unhealthy) coping mechanism for dealing with a reality I couldn’t face had become a silly little story for my readers, and I was beginning to feel embarrassed that I was taking it so seriously. That it was more for me than a story that I had made up, about these books with dull characters and a plot so tedious that I couldn’t make it through reading. This series that was beginning to draw more and more criticism as time went on, and JK Rowling continued to dig the franchises grave deeper and deeper.
Three years later has found me at 20 years old, a better writer, with a lot about my life having changed. I don’t need to read those fan-fictions plots to escape anymore, or daydream about going back in time, or being someone else - I saved myself in a very real, tangible way. I came out as trans and fought to be myself. I’m writing this essay from my own apartment with all the space I want. I attend regular therapy, and own a beautiful puppy service dog named Sirius. I go hiking and to parties, and I sleep at night then I go to work in the morning. I live in a world outside of my own head, surrounded by this beautiful life that I’ve built for myself from nothing.
So Why Start Over?
There’s a lot of reasons. I want to rewrite this story because I’ve gained more experience in life. Because I want to start again, this time without being embarrassed of how much this story means to me, or how long it’s taking me to finish, or being ashamed of taking it this seriously at all.
I want to challenge the idea of fan-fiction as being silly, or unoriginal, or illegitimate - something that needs to be hidden, or kept as a stepping stone before writing “real” novels. I want to be writing this story for the explicitly, publicly stated purpose of it being art on its own, because I have things to say that I want to express specifically through this artistic medium.
I wanted you to know more about me - the stranger behind the words, the man behind the curtain - what this story was really about for me, and where it came from. And now you do.
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freshvanillapng · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier, and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
omg this is such a good idea, thank you so much! i agree, i remember asks being HUGE on this site years ago but they definitely seem to have dropped away a little bit :( this is an incredibly kind thing to do <3
self: ask away, anything im not comfortable i will just say i guess? (so sorry thats SO vague) work: absolutely but be warned that if you ask about my degrees i will ramble at you fandoms: we have so much in common, ABSOLOUTELY. the only one of this list i no longer engage with is sherlock. ones i am actively engaging with are the hobbit, lord of the rings, tolkien (ships - bagginshield, samfrodo, gigolas, and most popular ones), dragon age (ships - i engage with most here aside from anders/hawke and solas/lavellan. i dont hate them but i dont engage with them out of personal preference. my canon playthroughs are surana/alistair fenris/hawke, lavellan/cullen so i tend to rb more of these). i do the EXACT same with the other fandoms you listed off the top of your head lmao.
only other thing here is that i post A LOT about my dnd campaigns.
ocs, art/drawing, writing: ask me about my dnd characters and i will cry tears of joy. asks about all of these are beautiful
story snippets ideas and prompts: i wouldnt class myself as a writing blog but i do try my hand in it from time to time so these are more than welcome!
pets: yes please! i have a tortoise whom i love dearly
garden and hobbies: yes please!
like being tagged in things: go ahead! any cool art or writings. also quizzes are fun hehe.
this is such a lovely system and thank you for sending! of course i might reply with an ask of my own~
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semper-legens · 2 months
62. Lovesickness, by Junji Ito
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Owned?: Yes Page count: 402 My summary: An epidemic of lovesickness has struck the town. It all began with a crossroads fortune gone awry, a child giving a rash response in the heat of the moment which led to tragedy. But there is something haunting the crossroads now. The fog is thick, and the young women are flocking to the crossroads to hear their futures. And of catching a glimpse of the mysterious boy in black… My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
You know, I think I've figured out what it is about Junji Ito that I really admire. I call myself a fan of his works, and yet so many times I find myself coming away from a collection going 'well, this didn't always work for me' or 'well, this was kind of mixed', so I wondered why I have such a pull towards him when I find him so hit and miss in practice. But I think the thing I admire about his work is that he always goes there. He hardly ever pulls his punches, delivering stories that are weird and gruesome and bizarre and grotesque seemingly because that's the sort of story he wants to tell, and he goes hard with it. I think this passion, this committment to the bit when it comes to his storytelling, is admirable and is part of the reason why I keep reading Junji Ito's work as often as I do. Even if aspects of a collection don't really work for me, I can't fault the enthusiasm and overall effort that goes into every piece. Kudos to you, Junji Ito.
Most of the story is taken up with the tale of the crossroads fortunes and the Boy in Black. I couldn't find a definitive answer as to whether a crossroads fortune is a real Japanese tradition or if it was made up for this story, but basically the idea is that you go to a crossroads, hide your face, and ask the first stranger who comes by for a fortune. You then have to follow what they say. As a child, the protagonist was approached for one but gave bad advice, which led to the death of the woman. Now, young women are killing themselves at crossroads out of devotion to the Boy in Black, a mysterious figure who appears sometimes at the crossroads who everyone instantly falls in love with as soon as they see him. Things go from bad to worse in the town, and the protagonist is forced to grapple with his role in events as well as the ongoing epidemic of young women's deaths. The story is…a lot, and in typical Ito style it doesn't always make sense, but the sheer over-the-top melodrama of it is worth a read. This one's particularly bloodsoaked, and I don't love how Ito often portrays young women as being love-mad to the point of death, but I think it works with how exaggerated everything is here. The ending is abrupt, but also somewhat bittersweet, with the protagonist becoming a benevolent Boy in White to counteract the Boy in Black and helping set people's lives right rather than ruining them. It's a rare sweet ending for a Junji Ito tale.
The end of the book contains a few short stories. One set of them, about the strange Hikizuri siblings, I was not at all fond of. Junji Ito passes the test of making the family seem strange, but the idea of a weird family is not exactly new to his writing, and I didn't really see much here that was different to some of his other characters. I also didn't like that the worse the siblings were, the stranger their physical features were - really draws a line between attractiveness/beauty and moral goodness that I very much do not like. They were just bland, unfortunately.
I did enjoy one of the shorter stories - about a boy who experiences phantom pain that literally manifests around the house where he lives, leading to a team of employees needing to massage parts of the house to alleviate his suffering for a small amount of time. The idea is creepy, that of a child who is in so much pain that it spills out of his body and into the walls of his home, like a phantom limb that's gone wandering off. Overdramatic yes, but it works for Junji Ito's style. I did think that the horror of this premise was a little underplayed, the story moving on quickly to greed on the part of the employees, but still, it was a good, creepy little story.
Next, more Junji Ito, with a spine-chilling collection.
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rabble-dabble · 1 year
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hi. i know it's been a while and i'm sorry for that.
i guess if you'd just like to know what's going on click the readmore?
if you don't wanna read that though, tldr is that i'm starting to draw hs characters for art practice, and that i'm doing this art "series" (i guess?) for myself to improve. oh, and that life is hard sometimes.
so this isn't really easy to say, and especially not to the internet with a buncha strangers following me (haha) but truthfully, i've been having a hard time both with art and with life lately.
i feel like i'm not keeping up with consistency or the expectations i set for myself with art both on this blog and off. i keep finding myself unsatisfied, disgusted, or just disappointed with how my art turns out, or the ending piece. i feel like i used to know where my art was going, and now i've somehow lost sight. i know the individual things i need improvement on (backgrounds, objects, animals, feet anatomy, colour techniques, body shapes, etc etc etc) but it all just feels like so much and if i get practice on one thing, i stop drawing for a while and i just lose the practice i learned.
so i kinda came up with a solution. draw all the hs characters again - interesting, right? (/s). but i'm not gonna do this for the blog (so, sorry followers). i'm gonna do it for me. no expectations, i don't have a set time limit so no stressing myself, and i just draw the characters as i'd like, trying to improve. this is also to just help myself with wanting to draw again - i draw IRL almost everyday, but nothing that i want or that's...well, artistic/creative. i want to create, like it's eating underneath me in my soul, but i can't find myself to do anything more than pencil sketches.
that kinda brings me to my other problem lately: real life. haha.
if you've been following me long enough, you know i don't really post about my IRL problems here, or especially not to this extent. yeah, i've had my one or two vent posts, but i try to keep it off here because a part of me knows its no benefit to have that kind of depressing, low-self esteem stuff on an art blog that i reblog minecraft and john/kat to.
but truthfully, i don't just wanna pretend it's sunshine and rainbows on here. i'm so tired, and i'm stressed, and i've been through the emotional woodchipper lately that i can barely keep my head on straight. yes, i'm trying to get help for all this (i have a doctors appointment soon, and i'm gonna try and get all my diagnosis in order and get therapy, etc) but i'm not coping well with everything that's been happening to me lately, and i can't keep trucking on the same way i have been like i'm more emotionally stable than i actually am.
i'm sorry if i've been acting more bitter, distant, or just different lately. i'm just exhausted, mentally, physically, and emotionally, and i'm starting to run out of energy to just function in my day-to-day. i actually cried at work the other day (for the first time!) for feeling so overwhelmed with everything i had to do (both in my job and outside of it, fuck retail btw it sucks). i have small support in friends and family, but they're not the type of support i genuinely need to function and keep myself healthy. and i can't rely on them in ways that aren't their responsibility, or that i truly need help with.
i'm not trying to air out ALL my dirty laundry here (hehehe) but i just felt like it was better to say i'm struggling emotionally then to just pretend i wasn't struggling at all. if i was a healthier person i probably wouldn't be venting here in the first place, but then again i probably wouldn't have all these problems hanging over me either, lol.
just...have patience with me, please. i just want life to be a little kind, or at least kind enough to get me to my first therapy appointment.
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nicostenz · 11 months
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- Hi, I'm Atlas or Nic, Mac even.. tbh anything u like :3
- I'm a minor and an amateur writer and artist! (drawing wise)
- I use He/him pronouns though any can be fine, just not she/her
- bisexual trans ftm
- Gabriel O'Hara enthusiast
-I love kpop, marvel, (some) anime, cartoons, etc. just ask
- prolly have smt wrong w me so if ur my moot and we interact here and I start showing my true self and u feel uncomfortable, sorry T T;
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You guys might recognize me for my bangchan pfp OR my Gabriel ohara drawing.. in this case my socials are :
Tumblr and cai: nicostenz
jai: macstenz
insta: nico.stenz
twt: nico_stenz
ao3: axhty_ALT
though, I'll change my insta and twt pfps to bangchan shortly after.
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- am I allowed to request?
yes! You are. as long as you keep it just PG. no 18+ shit on my page. I'm a minor and I won't show/write actual porn on my page to adults who would probably do weird stuff to it as— again— i am a minor.
- Can I request suggestive content?
yes you can. but just don't abuse this feature since again, I can't always do suggestive stuff. if it's suggestive, most likely it's on a cliffhanger.
- Hey, I'm an adult! Can I interact and follow?
Yes!! just please, don't do anything weird. I.e: Flirt with me. Pls don't :/
- can I dm you?
ofc. But just know that if you spam me about something, like a request that I'll do, please note you won't be answered.
- am I allowed to request a character from a movie or show you don't know?
This depends. If its a series and it catches my eye, I'll try making it close to canon.. and not only that I'll also try watching it if its worth.. but it's only a movie I'll actually watch if you want close to canon characters.
- can I request art?/do I need to pay for a commission?
absolutely yes! You can request art from me! just be patient because as stated, I'm a minor, so I have school. not only that I'm also in a troupe which requires me training for hours, so if you don't get even a simple sketch within a week or day, don't get mad at me! Also, no need to pay me for commissions. what I'm doing is purely for fun! that's unless I need the money, then yes. maybe I might starts but please I only accept cash (if ever) through gcash, and Filipino commissioners ONLY!!!!
- hey.. is it okay to vent?
if you're my moot then yes, it's okay, just ask before since I might not be in the mood to listen or comfort. but if you're a stranger then most likely yes...? you can dm me about it but I don't think I'd do much if you vent.
- Hey! I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community! Will you write, fem x fem, masc x masc, gn x gn etc. stories?
absolutely! people are all welcome here and as a ftm myself, I'll mostly be m reader or gn reader! though, for fem aligned followers.. i will make content, yes, but fem aligned on my mlm/male content and gender neutral stuff, can read and interact, just do not fetishise my content.
- can I request a ship?
absolutely. go ahead! I will try to write it the best I can to canon if I don't know this ship, but what I won't write is ships from shows/movies I don't know, or illegal ships. (animal x human, child x adult, sibling x sibling)
- will you write age gaps?
yea. most likely. If the age gap is 10-20 yrs I'll still write it, as long as you mean if the reader/character is an adult and its both consenting, then yes, I will.
-will you write stuff on ao3?
in the future, maybe.
character x character
character x reader
MCU (avengers, ATSV, xmen, etc)
age gaps
ftm/mtf/gn character
ftm/mtf/gn reader
Iffy about it.. :
Daddy/mommy kink
ships/x readers from shows/movies I don't watch
$elf H (though, if it brings u comfort in a way w ur comfort character idm... just don't expect me to actually do it.)
anything bdsm in general (not yet at least)
weird kinks
anything illegal (incest, step-incest, Bestiality, racist things, noncon etc.)
you won't find me in any comment section if the post is nsfw/smut or someone has mdni in their bio.
but if you do, my anon emojis are monkeys. idk if that helps but if u stumble on a requested fic with a monkey anon that's me probably 😭
(🐒🙈🙊🐵🙉 <- using those.)
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the end of my intro!!! I'll edit this shit if I missed out on anything. anyway, hope and expect to see more fanfics!! soon!! (if school's being g nice hahah)
- sincerely, bangchan lover/mac/steny/nico whatever u like.
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