#yes this is about supermartian
i-dont-r3member · 1 year
DC are such cowards im actually screaming wtf
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bludsfinest · 1 year
we are going back in time to stop young justice (TV series) from being created
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gritsandbrits · 4 years
I just spent a good chunk of time trying to figure out how a relationship between Kal-El and J'onn J'onzz could possibly be hetero, before I realized u were referring to Connor and M'gann in ur saltpost
That kinda happens a lot in this fandom XD tbh clark/j'onn is a way better ship than connerxm'gann like they completely warped her character in s2 to be a mental abuser and i don't like that. The breakup should have been a wake up call but now they're back together in s3??? Seems she didn't learn her lesson >:\
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Sooo what did you think of the final of young justice (personally I loved it but well you know)
i liked it! for the most part
things i liked:
everything about the supermartian wedding <3 we've been waiting so long for this i'm so glad it finally happened
and can we talk about m'gann's dress??? it's so pretty??? the bridesmaid outfits too???? everyone was so gorgeous this episode
the fight scenes were pretty cool
"you're a ball of sunshine hiding a terrifying demi-goddess" yeah she is <3
m'gann was just phenomenal this episode okay, everything she did was *chef's kiss* perfection i love her
bart :) just bart
introducing supergirl was neat
i'm happy the legionnaires went back to their own time at the end because we have too many characters as it is lmao. also brainiac!
and m'gann letting m'comm fall into the phantom was SO perfect and vengeful, i'm so proud of you sweetie
the west maneuver :')
things i either disliked or just didn't care about:
explaining dick and m'gann's fake deaths in the first five seconds of the episode was very...weird? i don't know what adjective to use to describe my feelings on this but they "killed" m'gann TWICE for shock value and raquel's fake death too was very underwhelming for me. i really don't know what the point was other than to have some cliffhangers, except most of us knew they'd all be fine anyway
the scene when clark and lois explained to jon that conner was back was SO awkward. poor kid's gonna think death isn't real now
danny chase. i'm sorry, i just could not care less about that kid
the end of the battle was very. yeah okay. just narrate everything that's going on i guess. idk the whole episode was kinda weird with all the explanations and stuff? none of it sounded smooth or natural at all and yes i understand it's a cartoon and there's screentime to worry about, but still
whyyyyyyy would they do a heroes in crisis arc!!! please say sike, please just let it stay a passing mention and don't actually spend a whole other season preaching to us about mental health. i get that mental health is important but GOD i'm so tired of hearing about it, this is a superhero cartoon not a stack of pamphlets in a counselor's office
i would have liked just...something between conner and the og team?? aka his best friends and his family?? they spent this whole season mourning him and then saving him, and we didn't even get a hug or anything?? really?? i'm so disappointed
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
the "Do they?" about Bart/Ed makes me INSANE but i do believe it's just Greg being Greg and the answer could be yes as easily as no. he's always as vague as possible and "no spoilers" is actually LESS vague in this case (the question was WHY they work, not WHETHER, so "no spoilers" would still give something away). but if we get a s5 and Bart's allowed to be explicitly gay only for zetaflash to BREAK UP i will lose it. the most i will accept is a supermartian parallel aka a TEMPORARY break-up
PLS i swear i went thru the exact same process as u anon, like i flipped my lid but then was like hold on this is just Greg being Greg lol
like that was kinda so evil?! but i also think he does that on purpose too both for vagueness but also to mess with us 😭
that S5 scenario is so foul omg
but like ngl it immediately made me think of scenarios that would lead to greg saying that and omg ngl the angst hurts i wouldn’t want to see that anytime soon let our boys be happy greg, let the gays have this pls
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yjwhatif · 2 years
the lack of outsiders is mostly likely because of everyone bitches that they wanted to see the orginal team. well bitches, i want to tell you something; the show is called YOUNG justice. one of the orginal team mates now has a god damn baby! They are grown ass adults! some of my fave characters, tye, asami, ed, and vilote, only exsits in this world and we barley see them. Oh and then there are thoose fucks that say the show is more about romance than it is about superheroing. the show focous on romance most at it's 1 fucking season! maybe you all were just blind to it because it involed only m/f. One of the couples there not even allowed to show. HOW IS THIS SEASON FOCOUS TOO MUCH ON ROMANCE? Sorry, yjwhat if, I freaked out for a second. But I think you agree with me for the most part.
(Hey anon, so I thought I’d already sent this response out but it apparently got lost amongst my drafts instead - so I apologise for how delayed this is!)
Honestly, while I probably wouldn’t phrase things quite as strongly against the opinions and wants of others, I do agree with a lot of your points Anon… ever since it was announced that there would be more of a focus on the OGs, I was kinda bummed because I had gotten really invested in the outsiders and really wanted to continue with them - but I get that others have that same connection and same wants with the OGs and grandon do like to change things up every season… which is one of the things I find most interesting about this show. Whilst I worried I may not enjoy the season as much without outsiders content - I can genuinely say I have very much enjoyed it - it has been nice seeing the people/heroes the OGs have become, whilst still finding struggles they must work through and though they’ve gotten older they are still growing with each experience they encounter. Of course, while my overall opinion on this season is positive, I will definitely admit the lack of outsiders content has rather sucked and actually felt a little off… though I’m hoping that may be rectified within the upcoming comic storyline - which certainly looks to be more outsiders oriented… but I guess we’ll have to see.
Also, as someone who’s favourite characters is Eduardo, I absolutely feel the pain of having no other place to go to get my (insert lesser seen character here) fix… it tends to be when there’s less canon content - there’s less fandom content - so it gets seriously hard to find any kind of content for those characters unique to the show when they’re not seen… which makes me really sad! I just want all the Eduardo content in my life!! My hope is, with all the OGs being more central in phantoms, the rule of changing things up every season will allow for the S2/3 characters to get their focus next season — it’s only fair… though again, we’ll have to see what happens.
In terms of romance - the show has it, yes - but it definitely doesn’t outfocus the superheroing - even in s1 when there was a bit more focus on it. To me it’s mostly, if not, always there as a means to develop the characters - people can learn and grow a lot through their relationships — as was said by both Conner and M’gann in their wedding vows to each other. If you have that kind of emotional investment in someone, you’re gonna care about what they think about you - enough to open your mind to understanding another’s perspective and evolving to think beyond yourself. The same goes for non-romantic relationship as well - people learn from people - and that’s what I personally take away from how the show uses all of its relationships. Though something I actually like quite a bit about how the show uses its romantic relationships is that they’re not there just to create drama and conflict between the characters. Unless they pertain to the main plot - like supermartian stuff, they kinda tend to just exist and work without much issue. A lot of the time it emphasises that a relationship isn’t a hindrance - that the characters can date each other without falling out every five minutes and can still perform their hero duties without major consequences relating back to the relationship in some way… in so much of the stuff I watch, relationships are ultimately characterised as something that hinders instead of strengthens and I honestly can be arsed with it at this point…
Okay, at this point I am officially rambling and don’t think I’m making actual sense - so I’m calling quits on whatever it is I’m trying to say… basically everything can be solved by giving me more Ed… preferably in an officially unrestricted relationship with Bart!! That’s all I want!!
These of course are just my personal opinions!
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Supermartian in YJ comics
This is between season 2 and 3. Most directly after season 2 and deals with the Supermartian relationship even more after the mind rape. Spoilers under cut.
It's the two part story, Torch Songs, that YJ released on DC Universe before Outsiders premiered and as said above deals more directly with the mind rape incident.
Connor tells, I believe, for the first time what M'Gann did to him since until then everyone believed they broke up for unspecified reasons.
He tells Garfield (yes, he's a frog. Basically Psimon trapped them in M'Gann safe space in her mind which happens to be a Hello Megan episode) and Garfield says what we've all been thinking. That is so wrong!
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And when Connor says that M'Gann could have done worse and backed off immediately, Garfield still stands by the fact that even though M'Gann didn't do worse, she still violated him and he doesn't have an obligation to forgive her just because she feels bad. It should only come if Connor feels genuine about it. It all should be on his terms.
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Best yet, even M'Gann acknowledges that what she did was unforgivable and doesn't try to guilt him to forgiving her. Rather she just wishes for it in her head, not expecting Connor to see.
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I think the best part of it, is that Connor forgives her, not because he still loves her (which he does in his heart) but because for right now he loves her as a best friend and teammate. Important because they got back together after being friends and being able to build up that trust again.
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Honestly the comics made me feel a bit better about the circumstances of Supermartian reuniting and made it a bit less iffy. For me at least.
So YJ comics, go read for more behind the missions YJ content.
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eyrieofsynapses · 4 years
First Thoughts on YJ S4 Panel
WARNING: SPOILERS for the DC Fandome YJ S4 panel!
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Okay, before I start chattering away, can I just saw how much I love this title poster? Because I love it. LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT HOW BADASS IT IS. 
Warning: this first bit is a teeny bit ranty, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t genuinely love the panel. It was really fun, but I have a few gripes with the amount of information we got. If you wanna cut straight to the cheery bits, check under the cut.
So... uh. I’m not gonna say I’m disappointed? Because I’m not, this was good, we got info, it was nice to see the voice actors. But I’m... underwhelmed. I definitely wasn’t expecting a lot but this was still, mm, not as much as I thought we’d get. No poster, no previews of character designs, not a peep as to when we’re getting the new season, nothing on where it’ll be streaming, nothing as to new characters, nothing as to who’s going to be the villain, and the Q&A session was maaaayyybe 3 minutes long. Oof, guys. Thought you said you’d leave us with something that’d leave us “more than just ‘whelmed.’” 
Essentially all we got was the title, and a few snippets of information regarding what the current status of the Team and its characters is. They didn’t really get the chance to talk to us at all about the actual season, either- I think Brandon spoke maaaybe three or four times? He got the title reveal, but, well, we knew that already, not that it’s their fault, but still. I love hearing the voice actors chat about their experiences and we got none of that, so that was disappointing. I’m wondering if there wasn’t some material cut, actually, because I distinctly recall seeing a clip on Twitter with Phil Lamarr talking about what it was like returning to the show, and it wasn’t in this. So what’s the deal, DC? Short-changing us on YJ again? When are we gonna get some actual news? 
There is the little problem that their big reveal of the title was spoiled, oh, maybe three or four months ago, and that isn’t their fault, but it does make that revelation more of an “okay, well, glad that’s confirmed” rather than an “OH MY GODS IT’S PHANTOMS WHAAAAAAAT” like I think they were hoping. Still, that’s definitely exciting to hear, and the new title poster looks cool. 
I got a “WHAT!!!” moment maaayybe three times, which is significantly less than I thought I would. There just wasn’t that much new info. But I think that’s less of a Grandon/production team problem and more of a world state and DC problem. I’m not annoyed at them, I’m annoyed at DC and at the pandemic, because I’m willing to bet their snippet was cut short by DC and what information they could’ve revealed just isn’t ready yet because of current events. Probably we would’ve gotten character designs if it weren’t for that.
As for the audio play, it was pretty good. They were definitely struggling what with having a distinct lack of people to pull from for a voice cast, but made some tongue-in-cheek references to it to take off the edge. I don’t think I realized just how many people voice for YJ until now... or how many characters each actor does. It’s a bit janky, and weird what with the arguing over who’s narrating the story (why, are they telling us the story, or are they telling it to someone else? Are you breaking the fourth wall, are you not? Make yourselves clear) but I’m blaming that on the fact that they’re more used to scripts than they are audio plays. These are different mediums, so there’s an inherent gap there; this probably would’ve gone better as an actual episode. 
So, FIRST watch-through, here’s my HAPPY cheery thoughts and reactions, in no particular order! I might do a second one later, we’ll see. (Under the cut, because it’s long.)
Return of Bowhunter Security! 
Clipboard makes a comeback!
The Supermartian marriage has taken place and they’re making reference to taking a long journey with Conner, M’gann, Bioship, Gar and J’onn. So... Mars? Do we finally get to see Mars?  
Forager gets to be sassy! And a hilarious narrator! Which, c’mon, it’s Jason Spisak, honestly, I don’t know what I expected.
Ahahah, Jason makes the most delightful faces when he’s voicing Forager. (And a few flubs, but he’s good at covering them.) We all miss Wally, but man, he does a good job with this character. Also, hey, that’s how he does the clicks!
Rocket! Even though she had a relatively minimal presence, sigh. I’m hoping they build her character more this time, she always get short-changed. 
And she also makes a reference at some point to being in this fight for ten years, which, HMM, do I hear a reference point for our time jump? They started back in 2010, so this implies that the season’s caught up to 2020. So... season one was 2010, season two was 2016, season three was... 2018, I think? So does this make the next time jump two years too, or am I off? It also takes place on February 23rd. Eh, either way, it’s absolutely not as long as a lot of people were fearing- heck, I’m thinking this might be the shortest jump yet. Yay!
I’m not sure if the Snapper Carr dialogue is cringy or hilarious. I’m going with hilarious because I’m betting this would’ve been great if it were animated. It definitely loses something without the animation. 
Is... is Crispin Freeman playing four characters? Five? Will, Roy, Jim, Captain Boomerang... I think I’m missing someone, I’m gonna have to go back and rewatch this later, but wow. He switches between them so fluidly, too, that’s impressive.
Forget Freeman for a hot second, Nolan North, what are you doing, dude? Conner, Clayface, Mallah, at least one or two others, with a LOT of animal noises included... wow, okay. I definitely didn’t realize how many of these guys do two or three characters. 
Phil Lamarr doing Brick, Black Manta and Kaldur all at once is definitely impressive. I’m gonna take a guess and say he likes doing Brick best. He seems to get a little grin sometimes when he’s playing the character.
Ahhh, Danica McKellar definitely likes playing Terrence Terror. Don’t ask me why, I’m just getting that feeling watching her. Villains are fun to play.
...Wolf? Where’s Wolf? Uhh, guys? Where’s our fluffy doggo? Don’t tell anyone but I’m scared. 
Oooookay, that was unexpectedly gruesome. Dehydrating a man into sand? I mean, okay, it’s Clayface, but we didn’t know that till later. Eeeewww. Y’all, ik you’re going more dark, but that wasn’t an image anyone needed.
Jokes about Dadbod!Will are... hhh, cringy or funny, cringy or funny... I’m going sorta funny for now. Not enough to make me laugh, but enough to make me smile. 
Okay, Will’s definitely still hilarious. Literally that entire scenario with Captain Boomerang was amazing, and only made better by the fact that it was entirely Crispin Freeman. The “are you the Green Arrow fanclub president or something?” “...you have no idea” moment, the “boomerangs are better and Batman said so!” “...okay, FINE,” FLINGING CLIPBOARD, Boomerang teasing Will for his dadbod and Will answering with a wicked uppercut... ah, man. This is 100% Roy/Will Harper and I am here for it. 
I can see some people disliking this humor, but personally, I’m gonna just sit back and enjoy it. YJ has some quirky humor, but honestly, if you’re part of the fandom and you don’t like it, why are you even here?
Huh, Raquel’s a vegan and nobody’s making jokes about vegan burgers? Nice!
Oh, my gods, Forager deciding that Lian and Amistad playing with the food is an educational activity is AMAZING, 100% in character, and something I really, really want to see. 
(Fanartists? Fanartists, pleeeeaaasse?)
Will and Artemis ribbing each other will never get old.
...wait. Hang on. Is Will the comedic relief character now along with Forager? Is this a thing? I guess it is. If you’d asked me who out of the original Team would replace Wally as the comedic relief back when I had finished the second season, I would not have thought of him first, but I think I’m good with this. It’s definitely in character to his comic version. 
Ahh, Conner and M’gann’s relationship is still... interesting. Still not sure how to feel on this one. But hey, they’re married (?) now? Uh... nice? 
Nightwing’s off on some mysterious mission, hmm? I’m assuming that’s because of Jesse McCartney not being there, but I think I’m gonna headcanon that there are Other reasons for this. 
Yay, Clayface getting redemption! I love this in the Rebirth Batman: Detective Comics, so I’m 100% down for seeing it here. 
Tim did that for Clayface! Sweet! Not a plot thread I expected to go anywhere from that one season three episode, but one I am very happy to see used. 
...more secrets. Uhh, M’gann keeping secrets from Conner is... icky... again... but granted, keeping them because of confidentiality agreements is, well, a better excuse than she’s had in the past. Still, this is getting old.
Huh, so Waller will let out the Team’s secrets if they tell anyone about Belle Reve. I think this was already covered in the third season, but maybe not so explicitly. The reactions... hmm. Of course Conner’s okay with letting out all their secrets (and M’gann’s willing to... go along with that? ...okay...?), but the others, maybe not so much? Hmm. I wonder what Dick would have to say about that one. He definitely has something to lose. Not sure about Kaldur or Artemis, though. 
Jason did NOT get to make any Wally references. That makes me even sadder than if he did make one that made all of us cry. C’mon, guys. Let him have his references. 
I’m always a little meh on M’gann, but hey, M’gann gets to be a 100% certified badass! Saving Clayface AND taking down a ton of baddies with telekinesis, yay!
Oh, my gods. LOOPHOLES. WHAT IS WITH THIS TEAM AND LOOPHOLES. I love them so much.
The Team signing on as Bowhunter Security- oh my gods, all of the Team in fucking Bowhunter Security uniforms- oh my gods, so very in-character, so very true to YJ, so absolutely goddamn hilarious, I wanna hug whoever came up with that. That is the BEST mental image and it is a CRIME that they didn’t animate that. 
And, of course, Kaldur just immediately goes along with it. The Team’s corrupted him fully now. I mean, we knew that, but he’s done now. 
Black Manta attempting to roast Kaldur for his security uniform and Kaldur roasting him back 100 times worse is wonderful. “I wear my dignity on the inside, Father. Where do you wear yours?” KALLIE I LOVE YOU 
Ooooo, Artemis is inviting Roy to the Team? This should be interesting. He’s definitely not totally stable, but it seems to me that Artemis should be able to more or less keep him in check. Hopefully. She had to deal with Wally for five years, surely she can keep Roy in check?
...hmm. We’re all thinking there’s gonna be a Red Hood arc... Roy’s joining the team... Roy and Jason did have that run as the Outlaws in the comics with Kory... and this version of Roy has the sort of temper and attitude that I can just see Jason possibly getting along well with... hmmmmmmmm... 
Hah, villain shenanigans. Having Task Force X argue all the time is in character and admittedly sort of funny, especially as Black Manta’s sort of pulling a Kaldur and playing the absolutely exasperated denmother. I dislike BM thanks to him being a Baddie and all, but watching (listening to?) him struggle to contain them is enjoyable if only because I like watching him suffer. 
Ahh, watching the VAs is fun. It’s definitely nice to see that little view behind the camera. There’s the little smiles, the tiny grimaces at the icky bits, the responses to various bits, the way their demeanor changes with each character, everyone egging Nolan on when he’s yelling for Clayface being disintegrated... I’m sad we didn’t get to see them chat, but watching them interact while they work is fun. Pity Jason and Stephanie didn’t really have any interactions, though, I bet watching them work together would’ve been fun. Ah well. Still fun overall.
There’s a lot of variation in where they are/what setups they have. Some of them seem to have proper studios, some of them don’t but they have mics, Danica’s on the lower bunk of her son’s room with what I’m betting are several sheets hung behind her, and then... well, then there’s poor Stephanie with earbuds and what I’m betting is her phone at her friend’s house XD Also, Greg’s library is really awesome, can I steal it please?
Green title card... I know people have been positing this for a while, but Lazarus Pit? Also, the thing people haven’t talked about: Mars?! Is this a nod to the Martians, since M’gann, Conner, Gar and J’onn seem to be going there? 
Lots of speculation regarding Phantoms, but that’s been going around for a while, so *shrug* I’m not gonna spend any time on that for now.
Someone’s gonna have to write this out, methinks, for further examination. We’ll see if I get around to doing that or not before Fandome ends. I’m betting someone will record it and post it on YouTube, but a written-out version of the script would be useful. If I do, I’ll probably post it, so keep an eye out. 
So... season 3.9, episode 1? Hmm. Does this come directly prior to the fourth season? I kinda wanna say it does.
I have more thoughts, but I think I need to do a rewatch first, maybe in a little bit. Anyway... not what I was expecting, I sincerely miss Dick and Wally, but lots of funny jokes all the same, and lots of interesting information on the fourth season even if it’s nowhere near the amount we wanted. I might be underwhelmed but I’m certainly not disappointed. 
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
31, Supermartian
I haven’t done a Young Justice fic in a hot minute! I’m assuming you were talking about the Hogwarts AU thing but if you wanted a song fic I am sorry just request again. Also FYI I haven’t seen season 3.
Also I’m sorry that it sucks. I have a bad case of writer’s block.
“You want me to... what?”
M’gann was... confused, to say the least.
Kaldur, her fellow Ravenclaw, sighed, “I want you to come to the Slug Club Christmas Party with Connor Kent. Look, M’gann, I know it’s not the most gentlemanly way to ask, but he’s the only one without a date and there are some assholes who have been giving him a hard time about it.”
M’gann honestly had a hard time believing anyone would mess with Connor Kent. He was known for being a tough piece of work, especially for a Hufflepuff.
“Is this you asking me to go with your friend to stop him from getting bullied,” she asked, “Or him asking me but being too shy to ask me himself?”
“Kind of both,” Kaldur admitted, “He asked me if I knew any girls who might be willing to go with him.”
“He’s a Chaser and Hufflepuff has barely lost a game since he joined the team. I’m sure there are plenty of girls.”
Kaldur grimaced, “Not really. Connor can be... difficult.”
That much, M’gann knew. She’d always wondered why Connor wasn’t a Gryffindor or a Slytherin. He didn’t seem very much like a Hufflepuff at all.
“Anyway, I told him that you were single, but he brushed me off because he thought you’d say no. Trust me, he wants to ask you, but he’s too scared.”
“How do you know I’ll say yes?” M’gann asked.
Kaldur gave her a look.
Okay, so... maybe she’d had a crush on Connor since first year.
But he’d never shown any signs of being interested in her, too.
M’gann wasn’t totally convinced this wasn’t a prank. Kaldur wouldn’t do that to her, but maybe someone had gotten their hands on some polyjuice potion and made him think he was talking to Connor.
“I guess the answer really is both,” he summed up, “I’m asking you to go with Connor so the mean kids will leave him alone, but I’m also asking you because he wants to go with you, but he’s too insecure to ask you himself.”
Well... M’gann didn’t have anything better to do during this party.
Connor had barely even looked at her since they got to the party. They hadn’t danced, hadn’t played any games, hadn’t even talked, and M’gann was bored out of her mind.
She wondered what Connor was thinking. If he wanted to go to this with her, why was he so silent and blank-faced?
Even having a gift for legilimency, M’gann had always had trouble reading his mind, specifically.
Which was why it was weird that she could read Connor’s discomfort and anxiety clear as day.
The poor boy would rather be literally anywhere else right now.
“Do you want to go get some air?” M’gann asked, startiling him a bit, “I’m not having much fun here. Do you know anywhere else we could go?”
Connor looked surprised, but he nodded, “I know a place.”
M’gann wasn’t expecting him to take her to the Forbidden Forest.
“Um... Conner, are you sure we should be—“
“It’ll be fine,” he said simply, “I come here all the time.”
M’gann decided to trust him as he led her deeper into the forest.
“Here’s good.”
They stopped, and Connor cupped his hands around his mouth, howling loudly like a wolf.
“What was that?” M’gann asked.
“You’ll see.”
She backed up as a very large white wolf came out of the woods.
“It’s okay,” he assured her, beckoning the wolf closer and petting its head, “This is Wolf.”
“I can see that.”
“He’s a magic wolf. He can call the weather.”
Wolf whined softly, and a breeze stirred through the woods.
“I don’t know what his species is called, technically,” Conner admitted, “But I think they’re from Japan or something. And Wolf, here... he’s all alone. I don’t know what happened to his pack, but...”
He shrugged, seeming sad.
“That’s okay,” M’gann said quickly, “He can be a part of our pack.”
Wolf walked over to sniff her, licking her hand. M’gann giggled.
Connor was smiling.
It was different than his smirk on the Quidditch pitch and... M’gann had never seen a real smile like this from him before.
Maybe now she could see the Hufflepuff in him.
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timidrose3791 · 5 years
Okay, I’m salty.
M’gann and Connor almost, ALMOST, called it quits at the end of Season 3 and I was like YES, boy, realize that she’s bad for you, get out of there (go straight to Tim), etc., etc. And then they wound up staying together.
My reaction?
Look, I’ve seen some SuperMartian shippers protesting anti SuperMartians, saying that M’gann isn’t manipulating Connor into a relationship, and I agree, she isn’t. Connor is in the relationship of his own free will. That’s not the problem.
The problem is that she manipulated the relationship in the first place.
I’ve now watched Young Justice three times—all three seasons. I’ve observed the SuperMartian relationship dynamics firsthand. I haven’t read the comics—I’ll get to that—but I know enough about the whole Psimon situation post Season 2 to conclude that SuperMartian is not a healthy ship.
So here’s my two cents.
M’gann has consistently not respected Connor’s boundaries, even from the beginning. She spoke to him telepathically without checking to see if it was okay first. That may have been a thing on Mars, but on Earth things are different, and it was up to her to distinguish the differences. In Belle Reve, she talked about something that Connor wasn’t ready to face without his okay—and to Hugo fucking Strange, no less! I know I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my friends talking about my problems in front of me without my prior consent. Does M’gann understand his problems? Sure, from an outsider’s point of view. The telepathy probably helps too. But let’s be real, friends can take you to get help but you have to be the one to work things out on your own. YOU decide when to reveal your problems. I know I didn’t trust my therapist at first when I first started going, or my psychiatrist for that matter. They were strangers. It took me time to open up about my problems. That isn’t something to be pushed into. People can help you realize that, but it’s a step you have to take on your own. And then there’s the big one—she tried to break into Connor’s mind and make him forget he was mad at her. That is absolutely unacceptable. That is the equivalent of a lobotomy—and, in my opinion, the mental equivalent of rape. It is an absolute violation, one that cannot and should not be forgiven.
I can’t believe Connor willingly went back to M’gann, or willingly forgave her. And I absolutely hate the fact that they got back together. It was not right, and I can only hope that someone comes to their senses and ends this relationship before they actually get married.
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missmartian369 · 5 years
Episode 23: Terminus Reaction
- So basically the space Justice League team got Anti-Life Equationed……..what the fuck?
- Honestly Gretchen Goodness can suck my left nut.
- Artemis!!!!!
- “Uh I thought you were confined to bed Mr. Low-Grade Fever.” I love Arty’s snark.
- Barbara loves Dick so much that she was smothering him lol.
- “Can’t we just talk?” (Can’t we just talk? In my sing song voice lol)
- This Supermartian scene......….ouchie.
- YO SAVAGE PULLED A KALDUR! He just walked to the front door of the hotel and asked to come up to the penthouse lol.
- Honestly Vandal Savage doesn’t give a fuck lol.
- My girl Thirteen was at the Tower of Fate training with Zatanna...…..I would have loved to see that. Missed opportunity.
- “I am traught, whelmed, and feeling the aster. I’m going.” I love Dick lol.
- “But you already are a leader. So maybe the real question is, what kind of leader do you want to be?” Damn Conner you’re just going to put me all in my feels just like that?
- Oop! The OG Team is back at it again!!!!!
- Yo the Alpha Beta squads are back! Yes!!!!
- Awwww that Jeff/Virgil fist bump was so cute!
- This Mantis motherfucker...……...
- “We cannot always save people from themselves.” Tara are you talking about yourself?
- Miss Martian said “Bitch please” to that Apokoliptan company lol.
- So......so so this fever dream of the OG team fighting this Apokoliptan company. Excuse me while I go fucking cry in the corner. Seriously I legitimately almost started crying. 
- “Wally’s always fighting at our side. And always will be.” Yep I’m crying. 
- I hate Granny so much!!!!
- Tara was looking around like she was about to be outed lol.
- So the League is mind controlled again?!?! Auld Acquaintance anyone?
- Yo Aquaman is telling Miss Martian to brain blast everyone...….this is serious.
- “I’m prepared to sacrifice my soul....to save theirs.” YO WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
- “Are you prepared to stop me?” WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! THIS IS WHAT WE’RE DOING TO MY HEART RIGHT NOW?!?!
- The space Justice League team look like rag dolls right now.
- Granny annoys the HELL out of me!
- Oh and there where more scenes with Jeff in it, too.
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gtgrandom · 5 years
Where Young Justice: Outsiders went wrong
(And before you tell me to just stop watching if I don’t like it - I’ve been supporting the show since 2011 by creating a significant amount of content and giving back monetarily. I have every right to critique the writing, thank you).
Honestly, I think they pulled their act together in the finale, and this season left me much more satisfied than I anticipated. That being said, there are some issues I want to address.
Major flaws:
Overabundance of characters
Undeveloped Relationships
Lack of Continuity
Problematic Representation (getting better)
Weak Dialogue 
Lower Quality Animation
The Message
Overabundance of characters
I think we can all agree on this one. There were far too many characters in season 2, but season 3 is laughable. It’s hardly a story anymore. Instead it’s an episodic series featuring new heroes each episode to appease niche comic fans.
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There’s a formula for a superhero show (and any group-oriented tale in general), and that’s having a central team of five or less. Then you can introduce one or two new characters max per episode as side characters or villains. But you always circle back to your main team. YJ did a nice job of this in season one. So did most CW superhero shows before they made the same mistake of expanding their cast to make their writing task easier. (Yes, easier - new characters means you can stop developing old ones, especially with time jumps).  YJ started to narrow down the team by the end of the season, but it still left many mains as side characters / aesthetics. 
It’s great seeing these characters brought to life - I won’t deny it. But you can’t delve deep if you have this many. You can’t focus on character development or meaningful relationship development (hence why nearly every ship was established off screen). Furthermore, you frustrate fans when you focus on one group more than another. With a smaller cast you can always count on appealing to your audience because their "fave” is always present in some way. In many ways, fans feel like they’re being dragged along simply waiting for their character to pop up because of a one time cameo. It’s not fair to the audience.
The relationships
I think the only romantic relationships we’ve seen develop on screen are:
sort of Roy/Jade
- and all but one were introduced in season 1. 
The others were simply introduced as a couple with little to no previous interaction. Like:
That is not how you write romance. You don’t stick it in there for the sake of it. You have to show us why they work, how they got there, and why we should care.  I’m not saying there HAS to be romance, but if there is, it still has to be written well. 
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This begins to overlap into the next issue, which is continuity.  I understand that Outsiders is not necessarily a new chapter to Young Justice, but if you are going to call it Young Justice Season 3, then I expect story lines to bleed over beyond just villainous deeds.  
Let’s look at Dick Grayson, for instance.  He’s one of the only mains who has had a very consistent, though shallow, character arc throughout the series.  First he wants to lead, then fears it because of the sacrifices he would have to make - because he didn’t want to be Batman.  In season 2 though, he becomes his worst nightmare.  He risks the lives of his friends, lies to his team, and ends up losing his best friend anyway.  And in season 3, we actually get a little bit of continuity here with Dick mourning Wally and being afraid to take on another team after season 2.  It could have been expanded upon, but it was still present, and I applaud the writers for that.  Especially for driving home his leadership qualities at the end there.
Now, what about the other characters, specifically those introduced in season 2?  This season is called “Outsiders,” and yet, it seems to only focus on the original team and Violet’s new group.   
What about Bart’s entire arc of coming back, stopping the apocalypse, and then losing Wally, his mentor?  What about Jaime’s home life and the lasting effects of being turned into a villain who nearly killed all his friends?  What about TIM and his role as the new leader??  Where did that plotline go?? Why is the unfamiliar Beast Boy now the leader of this Outsiders group?  How did Ed overcome his anger issues and repair his relationship with his dad?  How did Jade go from being a supportive wife and mother into the opposite?   
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The writers tried to avoid all these problems by giving us a time jump.  But that’s just lazy writing if you don’t take the time to answer how things have changed!    
Also, I’ve said this before, but continuity isn’t simply having characters mourn a dead character.  You can’t keep using that plot device to give heart to the narrative.  If that’s your only source of true pathos...and that character is dead...then you’ve got a problem. 
The representation
Okay, I’ll admit they saved their asses with Kaldur. I love my wholesome pansexual rep. Would I have preferred to see his relationship occur with a character we’d already been introduced to outside the comics? Yes. But I’ll take it.
Disappointed with Ed/Bart and Bluepulse. They could have shown us more, but they didn’t. They could have given us a story, but they didn’t.  And don’t hit me with “this is a children’s show - we’re lucky to get what we get” BS.  Because it’s not anymore.  This show is literally written by adults for adults.
I really don’t want to talk about the whole Halo/Harper kiss because it was just so wrong in so many ways, but it needs to be addressed. So, first of all, if you excuse cheating in any capacity, shame on you. I don’t care what the characters are going through or how old they are. You don’t both recognize that you have significant others and then proceed to make out!! Second, what the hell?? You’re going to have the first lgbt content be a bisexual stereotype of two girls cheating on their boyfriends (and two characters who have only interacted in one episode before??) Not to mention, underage drinking and gun use? That sends the wrong message to the audience, even if the teens were reprimanded.  
Also, Halo is supposedly non-binary, and yet they explained it away by technology, so idk, I’m hesitant to count it as legitimate rep. I still think it was a good discussion to have. But yeah...
Finally, Halo is not Muslim rep after all.  She’s a hijab wearing character, but she does not identify with her faith or her culture. She outright rejects it in her scene with Harper. So...what? Is she diversity points that you can continue to violently kill off over and over?  Not a fantastic way to treat POC. I don’t think the creators meant any harm by it, but it’s something they need to consider going forward.
(I do appreciate the number of POC characters that have been introduced however. Especially the Latinx and black characters. This show has improved its diversity. But without proper characterization, they’re sort of just...there).
I can’t be the only one who cringed through entire episodes this season?  Some episodes had stellar writing. But the bad ones were very, very bad.   Obviously, not every joke is going to stick the landing, but if you’re going to kill off your beloved comic relief character, you have to have a better backup plan.   
Like, do you guys remember how witty some of the lines from the pilot were?  The whole “Speedy” vs. “Kid Flash” debate in the opening sequence?  You can tell how much effort went into those scenes.  How much love was given to those characters. Because they knew that was their only chance to hook the audience, to get a green light for a full season.  So they put everything into character development and plot - and now they’ve lost so much of what made the show precious in the first place.  (It’s still precious, but it’s tainted in many ways for me now).
It’s gone downhill. That’s really all I can say without being mean.  Some episodes seem slightly better than others, but if you compare the animation from 3x01 to an episode like Failsafe...there’s just no comparison.  I could hardly watch Wally’s scene without frowning at the frame rate.
I don’t understand what the show is telling us anymore (or I didn’t, before Black Lightning gave a very “on the nose” speech about what it is that we were supposed to take away from this season).
I mean this has always been an issue with the show, but at least it was a little clearer in season 1.  Then, we had several themes:
Found family (+ Actions speak louder than heritage)
Don’t call us sidekicks (AKA the kids can make a difference)
Secrets are poison (They can tear a team apart. Trust in friends)
Season 2 was a little convoluted...and sort of just recycled material. 
Secrets are poison (dammit, Dick)
You are in charge of your own destiny (Jaime/Connor)
Sacrifice (Kaldur, Artemis, Wally, Bart...they all gave something up for the greater good).
But what is the message of season 3?
Secrets are still poison (Tara, Violet, Batman v. Wonder Woman team)
I suppose it’s about healing and letting others in?  Like how  Brion and Victor have both worked through their anger?  Artemis and Jefferson and Dick and Gar sorting through their grief...somehow...off-screen...(except for the episode devoted to Artemis saying goodbye to Wally.)
Perhaps...accepting yourself?  (Victor, Violet, Brion, Connor?)
Do you see my issue here?  How much harder it is to see what I’m supposed to take away from the show now?  I’m not saying there aren’t any good messages being told, but they’re difficult to interpret.  Sometimes that can be good.  But this time I’m on the fence.
I love many of the characters from this show, but the fandom acts as if the writing is impeccable, and that’s just not true.  Not everything is bad.  Some of it is still miles beyond other animated television (looking at you vld).  And I genuinely enjoyed about half of the episodes this season. But I think it’s important to recognize the flaws in media, as a writer myself, and as a consumer of these shows.  
Plz be civil in the comments, and understand that this is only my opinion. 
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bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
If they took such a decision, I suppose that putting an unilateral LGBT love on the screen is a bit risky. I don't think the public likes it. Unless there is another person involved (Jaime?) Although I see it difficult, Jaime is with Traci and I have not seen Bart jealous or uncomfortable about it, not a hint. In fact the time goes by with them.
That would be realistic (I think everyone had to turn someone feelings down or was in the other end) but it would be indeed risky as LGBT characters and LGBT relationships are pretty rare among piece of media, even more on screens (films and shows). 
I hope we won’t have a love drama with a love triangle/square (depending if Blue13 is still a thing or not in season 4). Not for the first same sex couple with a long run (if Goldenflash happens). Of course we have Kaldur x Wyynde and I’m glad of it, but I also wish for a couple where we see the evolution until the first kiss/love declaration and after. For Spitfire we saw the evolution until first kiss but never them as a couple (barely in season 2 because Artemis was on a secret mission and then Wally died). The only couple we saw with all the steps were Supermartian. So maybe YJ isn’t confortable with love stories? 
For Bart/Traci/Jaime, we didn’t see Bart’s reaction when Jaime and Traci started dating. We don’t even know if they began before season 3 or between the two parts of the season. But yes, Bart seems fine with them, but even there, Jaime and Traci didn’t interact much this season as a couple (only in episode 16 if I remember correctly and in episode 5 we have no clue they’re a couple already) and the only time we saw the three of them was in Jaime’s house and during Thanksgiving where Bart didn’t interact with them (or it was off screen or without dialogue). So I cannot be 100% sure. Moreover Bart is a person hiding his feelings and his true self, so not helping either xD 
So I hope you’re right, that there won’t be love drama between the 4 of them and that goldenflash happens next season :)
Edit: After rewatching Away mission, I remembered Traci and Bart have a good and cute dynamic, maybe they share a lot of common hobbies (like Space Trek) and Jaime follow them (maybe more like a babysitter than a friend xD ) so they seem to be good friends :)
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roxygeeks95 · 5 years
Literally trying my HARDEST not to be done with this fandom...
Not the show, because Lord knows how freaking happy I am that it’s back, but THE FANDOM!!!
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*Crying because you miss the show so much?
Them: Brings it back
Fandom: Complains that it doesn’t live up to the first 2 seasons! Wishes that they didn’t!
* Crying that there are none of your other favorite DC characters?
Them: Gives them to us
Fandom: PISSED because there’re too many characters!
*Crying because we don’t see our s.1 & s.2 characters anymore?
Fandom: Yeah, but why can’t we see them hang out like regular people?
* Crying because there’s no LGBTQ+ representation?
Them: Gives it to us in multiple forms
Fandom: Nooo, but she cheated though! We need more gay!
*Crying because there is no multi-cultural representation?
Them: Gives up refugee liberation, a beautiful Muslim girl, Static on the team permanently (he literally said in the last episode “Y’all needed more color” & Jaime chimed in and agreed—which means that the writers are pretty fuckin aware), Hispanic team members, characters from other worlds, etc.
Fandom: But it’s not enough though! They’re not represented correctly! How dare they have a Muslim woman hold a gun!
Every time I watch an episode, I want to come to Tumblr and vent and talk about my FAVORITE SHOW EVER, LIKE WE USED TO! The show that made me fall in love with DC, the show that I cried for months—hell years— when it got cancelled, the show that because it was so damn good, WE helped get back after 6 years of being gone!!
But then I come to the tag & it’s nothing put criticism, people bitching and complaining, “I want this”, “I want that”, “THEY PROMISED US THIS”, “THEY PROMISED US THAT”!
Is this season as good as the others? NOT YET. NO.
Is this season flawed? YES.
Are there things that could have been done differently/better? DEFINITELY.
But as Brion likes to say, “MOTHER OF GOD”! If you hate it so much, PLEASE stop watching it! It’s like people watch it JUST to be critical about it. They don’t watch it to enjoy anymore! It’s so damn sad and I hate to say that I am drifting away from this so called “fandom” and I know for a FACT that I am not the only one!
What happened to y’all during the 6 year hiatus!?!?
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youngjusticeslut · 6 years
Love, Actually
Fandom: Young Justice Links: FF.net // AO3 Characters:  Roy Will Harper, Kaldur’ahm, Artemis Crock, Lian Harper, Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, M’gann M’orzz, Conner Kent, Virgil Hawking, Traci Thurston, Violet Harper, Brion Markov, Forager Ships: Wonderbird, Karen/Mal, Dick/Barbara, Bluepulse, Supermartian, Briolet Summary: Everyone spends Valentine's day differently. A quick glimpse into the lives of many different couples, and some singles. Rating: T Word Count: 4793 Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone <3
“I trust that the shipment of military goods has reached its destination without alarm?” Kaldur asked, looking over his notes. He’d reached the bottom of his list, now it was just the smaller matters that needed addressing.
“More or less,” Captain Marvel answered. “There were a few distractions.”
“But the end result remains the same,” Martian Manhunter assured. “The shipment is settled and on route to those who need it.”
“Excellent,” Wonder Woman announced. “Is there anything else, Aquaman?”
Kaldur glanced down his list again. In his pocket, his phone continued to vibrate. It had been going off without pause since the start of the meeting. He knew it wasn’t urgent, for if it was, an alert would have sounded off at the Watchtower. Curiosity was starting to get the better of him, however.
The remainder of the list could wait for another time.
“No, we have covered everything. Meeting adjourned,” he declared, nodding to Wonder Woman’s hologram. She nodded back, then vanished. He stayed behind, taking the time to say goodbye to each and every leaguer. Kaldur always made sure that he was the last person in the room after these meetings. It gave him a sense of peace, knowing everyone was headed off to other things. Only once the room had cleared did he bother to fish out his phone.
Sixteen new messages lit up Kaldur’s screen. The vast majority of them were the same, wishing him a happy Valentine’s Day. He hummed to himself, reading each one. Some even contained pictures. His favorite was of Lian and Will, faces pressed close to the camera, both covered in frosting. Kaldur smiled, almost wanting to call Will and find out the whole story, but a quick glance at the time told him that Will would be at Bowhunter for the next few hours; the conversation would have to wait.
In all truth, Kaldur had forgotten that it was Valentine’s day. Between managing the League and continuing to maintain his secrets, he did not have much time to devote to personal matters. Twirling his phone in his hands, his mind began to wander to someone who did. Someone who had far too much time on her hands, especially today. He unlocked his phone for the second time and found her number, dialing and pressing the speaker to his ear.
“ Hello? ”
“Tell me you are not where I think you are.”
A sigh. “ No such luck. ”
Kaldur frowned. “Is this going to become a yearly occurrence?”
“ Did you call to check in, or lecture me? ”
“The former, admittedly. Are you alright?”
“ Never better .” Her voice said otherwise. Kaldur gripped the phone tight in his hand, debating on whether or not to say something. On one hand, it wasn’t his place. It was absolutely none of his business what she did with her time. On the other hand, she was his friend, and she was hurting.
“Do you wish for company?”
“ You don’t have to. ”
Kaldur almost smiled. If she had said no, it would have meant she wanted to be alone. But she hadn’t said no. “Two minutes, Tigress.”
Artemis said goodbye and hung up the call, putting the phone back in her pocket. Letting out a deep breath, she stared back up at Wally’s hologram.
“Will and I were up half the night baking cupcakes for Lian’s Valentine’s day party. A bunch of toddlers hyped up on sugar sounds like a terrible idea to me, but I’m not the one dealing with the repercussions,” she said, setting a cupcake down at the foot of the hologram. “Double chocolate with heart-shaped sprinkles. You can tell that I made this one, because it looks like shit.”
Artemis hadn’t meant to make coming to the Grotto a yearly thing. Her first Valentine’s day without Wally, she’d been lonely and needed to see his face. She hadn’t wanted anyone to see her pore over pictures or videos, so she sought the private intimacy of the Grotto. Admittedly, she’d felt better after talking to his hologram. Artemis had promised herself that she didn’t need to do it this year, that she had plenty going on in her life and she didn’t need to come.
Yet here she was.
It was increasingly pathetic, but the moment Lian was at daycare, Will was at work and Halo was at school, she’d felt the loneliness tugging at her heart. Ten minutes hadn’t passed before Artemis had put on her shoes and headed for the nearest Zeta. Pathetic, but it helped. Nobody would have known if she’d just kept her big mouth shut the previous year and hadn’t admitted the truth to Kaldur. But now he knew, and now he was on his way.
Artemis felt his presence before she saw him. It was amazing how connected they both were after working so closely undercover. She turned, cocking her head to the side in a hello. “You rang?”
Kaldur nodded, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Do I get a cupcake?”
“No, I just brought one. But we have more at home.”
“I know,” Kaldur said, lifting his eyes to stare at the hologram of his fallen friend. He wasn’t able to look for more than a couple seconds before he had to glance away. “Will told me I could come over.”
Artemis nodded and then crossed her arms. “I’m fine, Kal. Really.”
“I know.”
“And I should get going. I’m going to be late for work,” Artemis groaned, gently shrugging away from Kaldur’s hand and fixing her ponytail. “Some Valentine’s Day, huh?”
“Indeed. If you need me-”
“I know,” Artemis finished for him, shooting him a grin. “I promise I’m okay. Walk me out?”
“I think I will take a few more minutes.” Kaldur’s feet moved of their own accord until he found himself in front of Tula’s hologram.
Artemis watched him and thought it best not to get into it; if she did, she really would be late to work. She left the Grotto, pulling out her phone again. Speaking of Valentine’s day, there was a certain bat she needed to check on.
If ur late 2 training again and leave me w/the lovebirds, you’ll be missing ur namesake by nightfall
Dick couldn’t help but laugh as he read Artemis’ text. “Think I should take that challenge?” he asked his girlfriend, showing her the text. Barbara’s eyes glanced across the screen before she shook her head.
“Too risky. Your namesake is far too useful,” she growled, pulling him closer. Dick smirked, leaning down to kiss his girlfriend. Their first Valentine’s day together was off to an excellent start. He had snuck into her apartment late the previous night, but Barbara was happy to have him. From the moment his eyes had opened she was all over him, and for once Dick had nowhere to be, so he was more than happy to oblige.
Dick pulled back from the kiss, leaning against Barbara’s chest. “Happy Valentine’s day.”
“So the Boy Wonder remembered this year.”
“Hey, technically we weren’t together last year,” Dick reminded, pushing his bangs away from his face.
Barbara pushed herself up against her pillows, raising her brow. “Didn’t stop you from coming over.”
“I love it when you banter with me,” he mused, tucking some hair behind his girlfriend’s ear. “It’s the best kind of foreplay.”
“Round two already? You’ve got a lot of energy this morning,” Barbara teased, pulling him down for another kiss.
Dick kissed her back, nipping at her bottom lip. “Well, what can I say? It’s not the holiday of love every morning.” He backed up, cracking his neck with a satisfying pop. Barbara watched as he clambered off the bed, looking for his discarded jeans.
“If you pull out a jewelry box from your pants pocket, I may actually kill you.”
“Not even ten am and my life has been threatened twice. Business as usual,” Dick sighed as he indeed slid a black rectangle out of his jeans pocket. “Just let me be a good boyfriend.”
“A cliche boyfriend,” Barbara groaned, trying to get comfortable against the pillows. But even she couldn’t hide the interest in her voice. Try as she might to deny it, she wanted the present.
Just as Dick was about to hand it over, he held it out of reach. “I mean if you don’t want it.”
“You already bought it.”
“I could return it.”
“Grayson, give me the box,” Barbara demanded. “Is it ugly?”
“Yes, Bruce picked it out.” Barbara rolled her eyes and snatched the box from him. Dick got dressed as she opened the clasp; he tried not to smirk when her face lit up. “Did I do good?”
“Oh Grayson, you did good ,” Barbara said, snapping the sapphire bracelet closed on her wrist. “I’m not a jewelry girl, but this… this I can do.”
“Good,” Dick grinned, pecking her lips before he put his shirt on. “I have to get going, but how do you feel about dinner tonight? We can hit the town, somewhere nice.”
Barbara nodded, picking up her phone. She smiled as she engaged with the plethora of Valentine’s day messages, her heart melting when she saw a picture of Karen and Mal’s infant daughter dressed up in a onesie covered with hearts. “Eight PM?”
“It’s a date.” Dick waved before he darted out of the room. “Say hi to Karen for me!” he called back.
Karen and Mal had been awake since four that morning, but nobody would have been able to guess. Little Lydia had woken them up for her breakfast, and since then they’d been constantly on the move. Karen did her research while her daughter ate, and Mal started on the laundry. Laundry tumbled into the dishes, which tumbled into vacuuming the living room and cleaning up the cat’s litter box, so it was easy to see why they were still awake.
After Lydia’s second feeding, Karen had the brilliant idea to do a little bit of a photoshoot with their new daughter. Mal had been all for it and immediately got out his camera, and that’s when the real fun began.
“Oh, she is so going to hate us for this when she’s older,” Karen said as she looked through the photos they’d taken. “I can’t believe you talked me into dressing her up like Cupid.”
“She looks adorable, though.” Mal looked to Lydia, who sucked contently on her pacifier in Karen’s arms. “We’re her parents, we’re allowed to embarrass her like this.”
“I’ll agree to that,” Karen agreed, standing up. “I’m getting hungry, you want something?”
“I could eat. Let me take the baby, I’ll make pancakes.”
Karen raised a brow but then smiled in relief. “I would appreciate it. Dr. Fischer really needs this report by six tomorrow and I’ve fallen behind.” Mal took Lydia in his arms and gave her soft head a kiss before placed her in the baby carrier on his chest. Will had given it to him as a present, and admittedly Mal thought he would never use it. Now he wore the thing pretty much all day.
“Let’s make your Mama some breakfast so she can work. Sound good?” Mal cooed to their daughter as he walked into the kitchen. Pancakes sounded like the perfect easy breakfast to make for the both of them. It was Valentine’s day, he could make them heart-shaped. Between baby and work, he hadn’t had much time to prepare anything special for Karen, so letting her work and making her breakfast was the least he could do.
Lydia fell asleep somewhere between mixing the batter and pouring hearts out on the griddle. Mal was glad for that, because these rare moments of peace and quiet were ones to be savored. Their daughter had a pair of lungs on her, and more often than not, their house was a place of natural chaos. “Pancakes will be ready in a minute. You want blueberries or chocolate chips?”
“Be crazy, do both,” Karen called back.
Mal laughed before doing as she asked. Their ideas of crazy had certainly changed since becoming parents, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. When Karen could smell the pancakes, she left her work and started to set the table for breakfast.
“I have a question,” Mal announced.
“Should we be getting married?”
Karen snorted, pouring herself and Mal some coffee. “Do you want to get married?”
“I’m not in a rush,” Mal admitted, flipping the last pancake on a plate before turning off the stove. “I just thought it might be weird, both of us parents and not married.”
“It’s 2019, Mal. We don’t need to be married to have a baby. Besides, our lives are so busy right now, why get married?”
“You’re right,” Mal admitted. “You always are.”
Karen pecked his cheek as he joined her at the table. “And don’t you forget it. Leave the wedding stuff to Conner and M’gann.”
“Sounds good to me. Oh, and Karen?”
Mal pulled her in for a deeper kiss. “Happy Valentine’s day.”
“You know, when you said you had a fun idea for Valentine’s day, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” Conner admitted over their mind link. In front of him were a plethora of different wedding pamphlets and brochures, detailing everything from tablecloths to DJs. Figures that on the one day they both had free, they had to spend it planning the wedding. M’gann shot him a sympathetic look, taking his hand.
“I know, but if you want to get married this summer, then we have to do the boring stuff.” She pecked him quickly on the cheek. “We have to pick a venue, that’s most important. .”
“What’s wrong with here?”
“We live here.”
Conner chuckled before shrugging. “So? It’s beautiful here. Picture it, we could get married among the apple trees.” M’gann did picture it, and it was beautiful. It wasn’t what she’d originally imagined, but it would definitely save them money on a venue. And they didn’t have to worry about secrecy or a cap on wedding guests.
“I like it.” M’gann crossed off an item from her very long to-do list. “We’ll have the wedding here, great idea, Conner.”
“I have those from time to time,” he tried to joke, picking up another pamphlet. “Do tablecloth colors really matter?”
“In theory they don’t,” M’gann said, feeling a little mind-boggled herself. They’d been at this for the better part of the morning, and it was edging closer and closer to lunch. “Hey, I think I’m starting to have a good idea too.”
“What’s that?”
“Let’s stop and go out for lunch. We can go to that Chinese place you like,” M’gann suggested. “It’s Valentine’s day, let’s go out and have some fun.”
Conner smiled but gestured to the table. “What about all this?”
“It’ll still be here when we come back,” M’gann said, standing up and tugging on his hand. “It’ll be the perfect excuse to skip out on training the Outsiders,” she added with a bit of a wicked glint in her eyes. “Dick can’t say anything if we have to make decisions today.”
“You’re amazing. Let me get my jacket and we can go.”
“I’ll be by the door,” M’gann said, sliding into her boots before grabbing her phone. If she remembered correctly, the team had gone out last night. Argentina, or something. Bart and Jaime had managed to convince everyone to go salsa dancing for a ‘pre-Valentine’s day bash’. M’gann loved her team, and she was willing to turn a blind eye at some of the pictures they’d accidentally sent to the group chat she was a part of. Back in the good old days, her team had gotten up to some trouble, and she wasn’t about to start acting pious now.
In the interest of worrying for your well-beings, I’m going to suggest plenty of Advil and orange juice today. Oh, and fried foods. That helps too. Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day <3
“Oh God,” Virgil groaned, rubbing his temple as he tossed his phone to the side. “Which one of you idiots sent the pictures to the wrong group chat?”
“That might of been me,” Traci admitted, chugging back some Cola. “I had way too much to drink last night.”
“Whose idea was it to go salsa dancing in a country where we’re legal to drink?” Cassie asked, laying on the couch. “Because whoever's idea it was, I have a bone to pick with them.”
Bart raised his hand from the floor. “That would be me. And Jaime.”
“Right. Well, fuck you guys.”
“Second that,” Virgil muttered.
Jaime rolled his eyes, shooting a look to his boyfriend. A very annoyed look that read ‘can you believe this?’. “No one made you guys drink. That is all on you all.”
“Fair point,” Traci muttered. “But being that it was your idea, I suggest y’all be the ones to get us food and Advil.”
Bart rolled his eyes but pushed himself up the floor, extending a hand to Jaime. “Fine. I think there’s some make-at-home Chicken Whizzees in the freezer,” he said.
“Gross,” Cassie sneered. “Nothing vegetarian?”
“Great,” she sighed before standing up herself. “I’ll head home then.”
“Suit yourself,” Jaime called before following Bart into his kitchen. No sooner were the Chicken Whizzees in the oven was Bart pressed against the wall. He grinned, throwing his head back.
“So, fun Valentine’s day?”
“The best,” Jaime said, nibbling at his neck. “I think everyone else is just bitter because they’re single.”
“Would you consider Cassie single?”
Jaime shrugged. “Tim didn’t send her anything today, so I think the message is kinda clear,” he admitted.
“Ouch. Well, I’m not bitter.”
“Neither am I.” Jaime bent forward, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend’s mouth. Bart responded eagerly, wrapping his arms around his neck. After a few minutes of slow, supple kissing, Bart pulled away, cheeks flushed. They’d only started dating recently, and this was still new to him. They hadn’t even come out as a couple to the team yet. Though, given how close they were dancing last night, it was safe to assume that they probably knew.
“I had fun last night,” Bart admitted. “Even though I don’t remember half of it.”
“It’s okay, I remember enough. You’re cute when you’re drunk, Cariño,” Jaime purred, nuzzling against Bart’s nose. “It’s a Valentine’s day I’ll never forget.”
Bart kissed him again before a cough came from the doorway. They immediately broke apart, turning red as Traci watched with utter amusement. “Y’all are such dorks,” she muttered. “Food ready yet? It’s past lunchtime and I’m starving.”
Jaime and Bart had gotten one thing right, though; Cassie was indeed bitter. Who could blame her, though? Tim and her were still on the rocks, and to make matters worse, he hadn’t even wished her a happy Valentine’s day.
By the time she got home, it was late in the afternoon and she was in no mood for conversation. She was hungry, exhausted, hungover and just wanting a nap. More than anything, she was hurt. Cassie loved her boyfriend, and before he’d left the team they’d been incredibly close. They had gone out on a handful of dates since then, but every time they ended in some kind of argument.
She finally reached her room and flopped on her bed, covering her face. Maybe it was time to finally call it quits. What was the point in even dragging it on any longer? Cassie pulled her hands away from her face and checked her phone, but nothing was there. Frowning, she let out a loud huff and flopped over to her stomach. She’d sleep on it and then decide what to do when she was a bit less grumpy.
Something caught her gaze in her peripheral vision. Cassie turned her head, only for her jaw to drop open. A card sat on her nightstand. On top of a very large box of chocolates and leaning on a hot pink teddy bear. She immediately sat up, regretting it when her head throbbed angrily in protest. Massaging her temple, she opened the card and felt all her annoyance just melt away. A picture of her and Tim, grinning at the camera, sat inside the card. Cassie peeled the picture away to observe what he wrote.
I know you’re still mad at me, and you have every right to be. Right now, I can’t explain. I wish I could. And I understand if you never want to talk to me again, or if you want to end this. But I love you, and even though we’re fighting, you still deserve the world for Valentine’s day. I promise everything will make sense soon.
Love, Tim
Tim watched Cassie read the card from the opposite rooftop, keeping in the shadows so she wouldn’t see him. It was better to leave it silent and undetected; if she saw him, it would leave room for another argument. When he saw her smile, he took that as his cue to depart, feeling like he finally did something right. He pulled out his phone, finding Dick’s number and ringing it with a satisfied little grin.
“ So? ”
“I think she liked it.”
Tim could almost feel Dick smirking over the line. “ Told you that it would. She’s definitely going to feel the aster now .”
The younger bat rolled his eyes. “Can you not use your unwords with me? They make no sense.”
“Stay whelmed, Timothy. One day, my skills will rub onto you.”
“ Fat chance. ”
Dick was about to respond, but he looked at the time and grimaced. Six thirty and he was still in uniform; Barbara was going to kill him. “Good luck with that. Right now, I have a team training to finish up,” he said before hanging up the call. He looked to Brion, Forager and Halo who were finishing up one of their drills. “Good work, team!”
Brion was panting hard as he walked up to Dick. “How would you know? You were just on your phone.”
“The power of multitasking is one of my secret abilities, Hot Lava,” Dick said, igniting a snort from Artemis.
“I was watching,” the blonde said, crossing her arms. “You guys did good. And I think it’s about time we called it a night.”
“I’ll second that. I’m running late to my dinner with Barbara.”
“Then you should have ended training thirty minutes ago,” Artemis pointed out. “Go, I’ll wrap up here,” she said, waving him off. Dick gave her a salute and didn’t so much as utter a goodbye before leaving his team behind. Artemis rolled her eyes, watching him go before turning her attention back at the team. “You guys are dismissed. Good work today.”
“But... it is early,” Violet said, landing on the ground and stopping to glow. Usually their practices didn’t end until eight, or nine if Dick was in a particular mood.“What will we do?”
“Lucas Carr has promised Forager a thrilling nature documentary,” the bug said, clicking happily. “Violet Harper and Brion Markov are more than welcome to join.”
“Actually,” Brion said, cutting in. “I was hoping that you might wish to do something together,” he directed to Violet. “Just us.”
“That could be fun. Did you have something in mind?”
“I could pick you up from your house. We could… go to dinner. Like, a date. For Valentine’s day,” he explained.
Violet hummed, looking to Artemis for confirmation. When she nodded, the younger girl grinned. “I do not know what a date or a Valentine’s day is, but I accept.”
“Excellent. I will make sure it is a date you will never forget,” Brion said, clearing his throat when he realized how eager he sounded.
Violet giggled. “I will go home and change. Will you meet me in half an hour?”
“Yes, it is a date.”
True to his word, Brion picked up Violet at seven on the dot. Violet met him outside, where she was presented with a bouquet of expensive flowers. Will and Artemis watched from the window, both wary but unable to do anything to stop it; the two teens were dating after all.
“It’s weird though, right? I feel like she’s my kid,” Will muttered, crossing his arms.
“Super weird. But it’s out of our hands,” Artemis sighed, turning away when Brion leaned down to kiss Violet. The blonde threw herself on the couch, looking up at Will. “So, got any plans tonight?”
“As a matter of fact, I do,” Will said, heading to the kitchen so he could put the last of the dishes away.
Artemis perked at his answer; she definitely would have thought that her brother-in-law would be joining her for a lazy night of Netflix and pizza. “Does Will Harper have a hot date tonight?”
“Something like that.”
“Um, spill,” Artemis demanded. “Is it a cute mom from Lian’s daycare? Someone from the league? Jade calling for a quick hookup?”
Will sighed. “No, no, and unfortunately, no. What makes you think I’d say yes to Jade, anyway?” he asked, turning to glance at his roommate. Artemis shot him a deadpan look, and he faltered. They both knew him better than that. “Right. But no, you’re wrong on all those counts.”
“Then who is it?”
The former archer put the last bowl in the cupboard before grabbing his keys. “Someone special. That’s all I’ll say.”
Artemis sighed in annoyance; sometimes he could be such a pain. “Fine. Do you need me to pick up Lian from Lynn’s and watch her?”
“No, she’s covered.” Will slid into his jacket and gave her a wink. “See you later, Sis.”
“Do not call me that!”
Will paid her no mind as he got into his car and drove to the nearest Zeta. It was a short trip to Metropolis, and before much time had passed he was on Lynn Jefferson’s doorstep, hands in his pockets as he waited for the woman to answer.
“Will!” she greeted when she opened the door. “You’re early. I wasn’t expecting you for another half hour, at least.”
“Didn’t want to keep her waiting long,” he admitted. “Is she ready to go?”
“Just about. Lian, your Daddy is here!” Lynn called back. “Do you want to come inside?”
Will shook his head. “Thanks for the offer, but we should get going. I have some plans tonight.”
“Oh?” Lynn asked, waggling her eyebrows. “Hot date?”
Will grinned. “Something to that extent.” No sooner had he said the words did an auburn blur come flying at him. He didn’t have but a second to react, but he knew his daughter well enough to instantly scoop her up. “And hello, little squeaker!” he greeted, kissing her cheeks. “Did you have a good day?”
“Yeah!” Lian chirped, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Will bid goodbye to Lynn before carrying Lian off. She continued to prattle on about her day, and he listened as if his life depended on it. She gushed about the party, the cupcakes, and all about the new computer games Anissa and Jennifer had shown her. By the end of her story, she was nearly out of breath.
“Hey Princess, I had an idea,” Will said when he was sure she was finished.
“An idea?” Lian asked, still holding tight to his neck.
“I thought we could go see a movie. Just you and me,” he suggested. “Popcorn, nachos, ice cream. Anything you want.”
Lian’s face instantly lit up at her father’s suggestion. “Any movie?”
“Any movie.”
“Yay!” she cheered, bouncing up and down. Will watched her, unable to help but laugh at her determined expression. He’d never really given much thought to Valentine’s day before. Jade certainly hadn’t made a big deal about it. Not that they were ever a normal couple, but they definitely hadn’t done much when Valentine’s day was concerned. All that had changed three years prior. On February 14th, he’d finally met his little girl, and his life had been changed forever. For that, he’d celebrate Valentine’s day as long as he lived.
“Yes, Baby girl?” Will asked, looking down at her.
Lian grinned mischievously before peppering his face with kisses. “I love you lots and lots!”
Will’s face hurt from how hard he was smiling, and he had to stop walking lest Lian distract him enough to walk into a pole. He tickled her to stop, and in the end they both wound up laughing so hard their sides hurt. When they finally calmed, Will pressed a soft kiss to her hair, knowing that she’d be asleep before the movie was out but wanting to do it anyway. “Daddy loves you too. More than anything. Happy Valentine’s day, Lian.”
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littlechinesedoll · 5 years
The Idea of You
by littlechinesedoll 
Category: F/M Fandom: Young Justice (Cartoon), Superboy (Comics), DCU (Comics) Relationship: Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Kon-El | Conner Kent/Original Female Character(s) Character: Kon-El | Conner Kent, M'gann M'orzz, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Breakups, Conner ending his and m'gann's engagement, i'm a salty ass bitch
notes: my opinion on Conner and M’gann’s relationship.
“What are you doing here?” Conner hisses, pulling M’gann by the arm away from the kitchen, and into the living area, so his guest won’t have to deal with an intruder. “The fuck you think you’re doing phasing into my house like this?”
“Look, I just want to talk,” M’gann tries to reason.
“Well, I don’t,” says Conner. “You can go the way you went in,”
“Conner, please,” she reaches out to touch his arm, but Conner pulls back. “What can I do to fix it?”
“Fix what!” Conner demands, voice low so only M’gann can hear it. “What the fuck about this can you fix, M’gann? Are you going to get in my head and erase my memories again?”
She’s never seen him so angry before and it terrifies her. “No, I just want to try again, do things right,”
“This is what, the third time? And you’re thinking of doing things right now?” Conner is resisting the urge to just shove her out the door. “What kind of stupid do you take me for?”
“I just, I don’t want all of our effort and engagement go to waste and—”
“Well, you should have thought of that at the start,” Conner notices she’s still wearing the engagement ring. “You can do whatever you want with everything—I don’t care,” he’s going to continue working his ass off for the credit card he used to get the wring, to get everything ready, just to spite her. To pay for the ring on the finger of the woman he isn’t going to marry, to pay for his own wedding that he won’t attend.
Everything had been prepared for. Conner doesn’t know if it’s a good thing that they hadn’t sent out invitations yet. They’ve been separated for about half a year now, and the wedding date would have been about another six months from now, but the venue and caterer had been booked, his tux needed just a few more alterations, and the groomsmen and bridesmaids had already been measured for their clothes. M’gann wanted a dress even though she didn’t need it, so Conner bought it. Now there’s no use for it. Though he might keep the tux, he’ll never know when he’s gonna be invited to a black-tie event.
They hear rustle in the kitchen, of plates and cutlery clinking together, and the fridge opening and closing, and it seems like lunch is ready.
M’gann feels like she wants to hurt him back. And she knows he’ll have a good answer, but she can’t keep her mouth shut and asks anyway. “What is it about her anyway?” she asks petulantly. “Is she a better fu—”
That makes something in Conner snap, because he’s just starting to get to know her. He looked out for her because he destroyed her apartment and she injured her hand because of him, but he didn’t expect to become good friends with her, to look forward to any time she offered to hang out with him or cook for him for all the times he ‘helped’ her with whatever it is that needed lifting while her hand healed. Sex will never be on the table unless they express romantic interest in each other and when they both consent to it.
“Don’t you dare bring sex into this!”
“So it’s better to date a civilian and keep secrets that can push them away too?”
“Conner, lunch is ready,” they hear her say. “Don’t let your food get cold,”
“I’ll be there in a sec,” Conner calls out, then turns back to M’gann. “I’d rather date a civilian and keep secrets or get dumped and get hurt like a normal human being than have my memories altered and my entire existence manipulated into some TV fantasy,” he says with such venom that it seems like he’s only saying it to crush M’gann further into pieces.
He’s not saying it just so he can hurt her, but because he wants her to face the truth of what she’d done to him. He wants her to see him as a whole, as a product of her obsession with the culture of Earth, of being in love with the idea of being in love. He wants her to see that she’s not in love with him as a and because he’s a person—she’s in love with the idea of the person she shaped Conner into. She was in love with Conner Manley, not Conner Kent.
“I like her because she’s not you. I like her because she doesn’t see me as some blank slate she can mold into her dream boy toy. Do you get me, M’gann?”
“Oh! You didn’t say you’re inviting more friends over,” She’s at the threshold, almost nervous, but smiling, like she can feel the tension between them. “I’m Anna. I’m Conner’s neighbor,”
M’gann takes a good look at her. Memorizing everything about the woman Conner replaced her with. She’s short. While M’gann is almost Conner’s height, this one is about a head and a half shorter. She’s…common. Messy, dark hair pulled up into a haphazard bun, brown eyes, wearing the apron she used to wear when she cooked for Conner, over a shirt a size too large, loose, cotton capris, and a pair of flipflops that have seen better days.
“Anna,” Conner breathes in as much patience as he can. “This is Megan. We work together,”
“It’s very nice to meet you,” she offers a handshake and M’gann accepts it with reluctance. “We were just about to have lunch. It’s not much but would you like to join us?”
“No, she was just leaving,” Conner gestures toward the door. “Weren’t you?” he presses and gives her an almost glare.
“No, it’s fine,” M’gann tells Anna. “Goodbye, Conner. It’s nice to meet you, Anna,” but she doesn’t mean it.
She doesn’t phase through the door this time and shuts it quietly.
“So, uh…” says Anna with some caution. “Do you still want lunch or…?”
“No, no,” Conner quickly says, “I mean, yes, we should eat. Let’s eat,”
Lunch is quiet, even though the food is great. M’gann gets Conner thinking. He does have secrets to keep, secrets that will hurt whomever he dates outside of the team. But it’s also difficult to date within the team. There isn’t any privacy, and nothing is left, and it’s too awkward when breakups happen.
But he wants to get to know her and if he can keep this up and find her someone worth marrying, he’ll have to keep secrets that can lead to something he wouldn’t dare think of. Or if he’s lucky, she’ll be understanding enough to let him bare to her secrets she’ll have to keep for the rest of her life.
more notes:
I was telling a friend how much I like the new actor for Superboy in Titans. He told me to write myself into meeting him. I didn't do it. So here's just a random girl with a totally common name, meeting Conner.
I dislike SuperMartian a whole freaking lot. I used to just let it be, until I found out through the episodes what M'gann is doing. So, here's me projecting my anger on her shit, through Conner. Don't get me wrong. I think she's an asset to The Team. I just hate what she did to Conner.
Also; please don't spoil YJS3 for me. I have not seen it yet; I only know that Conner is getting married to her. If not and I get it wrong, don't throw me flack. Just let me know.
This series will be rearranged in the future should I get more ideas for Anna and Conner.
For my friend, Lex, who puts up with all my shit. Thank you.
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