#yes white haired rin cause he slays
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I don't care, there's not enough rin/bon as adults 🤺, where the fics at¿¿¿
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jeeperso · 3 years
a little proof of concept ficlet. Not sure if it’ll continue, but I just wanted it out there
The Holy Grail War
A centuries old ritual where seven mages each called forth one of the world's greatest heroes to be their Servant, to fight each other to the death on their behalf. only when the war has a single victor, would the Holy Grail reveal itself to the surviving Master and Servant, to grant each of their deepest wishes, no matter how impossible or miraculous.
This was the world Shirou Emiya found himself thrust into. Not just tonight, when one of these servants, Lancer, tried to kill him twice, but apparently his entire life. It was the previous Holy Grail War that caused the great Fuyuki Fire a decade ago, the same fire from which Shirou was the only survivor. To save others as he was saved that terrible night was his fondest wish, to say nothing of keeping another such tragedy from happening in the first place.
It was with this noble intent that he held out his hand in friendship to his own Servant, Saber, the tiny woman hiding under his raincoat, the one in royal blue and shining armor as her shining green eyes blinked at him in confusion.
"Saber, are we not supposed to shake hands?" he asked.
A beat, and she finally returned the action.
"That is not the case, I was merely suprised by this sudden action. I shall swear to you once more here. So long as you possess your command seals, I shall be your trusted blade."
"I don't really get the situation too well," Shirou nodded, "but yes please."
that was when a slight cough of attention reminded Shirou that he and Saber were not alone. There was the girl in the red coat, her black hair done up in elegant twin-tails, her clear blue eyesslightly twitched in irration. Rin Tohsaka, the smartest and most popular girl in their school, and as shirou'd learned earlier that night, a secret magus and master in the war herself, her servant a red-garbed man called Archer
"Well," Rin finally said, "I'm glad you two are getting along, but this is where you and I part ways as enemies, Emiya."
"But, you helped me this far?"
"Only because you were dragged into this without a clue. Back there with the fake priest was your chance to back out, and now you're a master of your own choice."
"I know, but I'm not going to be your enemy, Tohsaka."
Rin could only facepalm at Shirou's naivete.
"If a foe is easy to slay," Archer said, materializing out of thin air, casting a contemptuous glance in Shirou's direction, "then we ought to do so."
"You don't have to tell me," Rin huffed.
"then why don't you?" her servant asked, "or are you still taking pity on this boy?"
"O-Of course not!" Rin shouted, "I-it's just... I owe him, y'know."
Shirou smiled inwardly. for all her bluster, it was clear to him that Rin was indeed a good person.
but, Just as Archer was muttering something about difficulty, a new voice rang out.
"Hey! Shirou!" exclaimed another girl, a foreigner in a dark suit with dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes, looking and sounding like a happy drunk as she staggered forward.
"Hey Master," the drunk asked, nearly toppling over to look behind her, but kept her balance with a clumsy spin. "Which one's Shirou, again?"
Shirou only realized he'd raised his hand at the sound of Rin, Saber and Archer face-palming simultaneously, and a little girl's giggle from behind the drunk.
Shirou felt a chill as he recognized the drunk's master, a very young girl in purple coat and hat, with sivler-white hair and red eyes that sparkled with childish malice. this same child had taunted him in passing only two nights ago, telling him he'd not much time left.
"Onii-chan's silly, isn't he, Berserker?" the girl said. at this, both Saber and Archer tensed
"I'unno," Berserker lazily shrugged, "how's he with boats n fire?."
"I think we can find out soon enough, now hush," the girl said, turning her attention to Rin
"Forgive my servants and mine lack of manners, Tohsaka, allow me to introduce myself. I am Illysvial Von Einsbern."
Rin stiffened, realizing the danger
"Alongside the tohsaka and Makiri," she quickly tried to explain to Shirou, "the Einsbern were one of the founding families of the Holy Grail War, under the tutelage of Keischer Zeltrech."
"Those... were words," Shirou muttered as it flew over his head.
"On the subject of words," Illyasviel said, "Berserker, you know what to say."
"I do?" Brserker said, before her brain caught up and she thrust her right hand skyward, "Oh, right...
less than an instant later, a bright light erupted about Berserker, shining like the dawn, before being wreathed in arcs of crimson lightning. when it faded, Berserker's true state was revealed.
A towering, amazonian juggernaut stood before them, with flowing ash blond hair and pallid skin. clad in sleeveless dark tights and hip cape trimmed in radiant gold, while in her right hand, she held a sword of unearthly beauty and craftmanship. Unmistakeably as much a hero of legend as the other three Servants Shirou had seen that night, but at the same time wrong, her arms and sword covered in ominously glowing red veins, with just as hellish a glare coming from her scowling gaze.
"Kill them," Illyasviel said in an almost casual tone.
Berserker gave a wordless roar as she leapt forward, before a screaming rain of red bolts struck her, causing an explosion that not only knocked her off course to the nearby riverbank, but kept falling, cratering the ground under her.
Shirou only had time to realize two things in the next instant. that the sudden attack was Archers, and it had absolutely no effect on Berserker, and now only Saber duelling her invisible sword against Berserker's corrupted own was the only reason he was still alive.
taking an instinctive (and uncharacteristicly self-preserving) step back, Shirou stole a glance at Rin, mutting in awe that in addition to her obvious raw power, Berserker had skill to match Saber, implying their duel would quickly favor the giantess if nothing was done
but before Shirou could even act selflessly without thinking...
"Hey Adora," a new voice called playfully at almost normal volume, but easily cut through the clashing chorus of the duel, as Berserker whipped her head around to glare with her bloodshot eyes at the newcomer as she broke away from Saber. Masters and Servants alike followed suit at the newcomers.
perched atop a lamp-post was another woman, clad in red, smirking at Berserker with mismatched blue and yellow cats' eyes, while an equally catlike tail swayed behind her. the catgirl then dropped down to the sidewalk, drawing attention to her own master, whose purple eyes were just as wide in shock as Shirou's and Rin's.
"Sakura," Shirou could only gasp as the catgirl picked up the purplenette in a bridal carry and ran away with unnatural speed, pursued by Berserker, and she in turn pursued by Saber.
And as fast as merely mortal legs could carry himself, shirou joined the chase as well
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Impostor Syndrome: Sesskag oneshot
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Summery: Kagome is resurrected by a grief stricken husband- brought back to fill his late wife Kikyo’s shoes. While the characteristics unique to Kagome are rejected by Inuyasha, there’s a certain Daiyoukai who has a fascination with her blue eyes, sun kissed skin and curling hair.
Rated T (angst, relationship drama, romance and hurt/comfort) 7,000+ words.
AN: Inuyasha plays a more antagonistic role here but in case you’ve never read my stuff before, just know that I do like him and love me some good platonic best friends Inukag, as seen in Conversing with Emotion and Swimming in Silk. It’s just that I like to play around with the characters, so forgive me for how he’s written in this one.
No smut here but please enjoy.
Impostor Syndrome
There once was a young man who married for love. Born a half-demon, he never anticipated anyone loving him, let alone a priestess; enemy to his father’s kin.
But just as he did not fit in with demon or humankind, she did not belong within the role assigned to her either. An extraordinary woman wishing to be ordinary. To be free from the weight of expectation placed upon her shoulders.
And so they’d fled.
After marrying for love the young man experienced pure, quiet happiness with his wife. She had a calming spirit that could turn hard as flint, blinding in her cold ruthlessness. She could slay enemies efficiently and with poised control yet turn soft and loving for him alone.
They lived for a time together in the forest, keeping to their personal haven.
Because of her skill, the young man trusted her power not to fail on the night of the new moon.
He howled his grief and despair long into the early hours of morning after discovering her broken body lying in the grass of a clearing.
But that was not quite the end of the man who married for love. Instead, he attempted to play God.
She took her first breath and broke into a coughing fit. Rising up from the cold floor, a young woman shivered. Glancing down, she found herself covered in sticky sweat, completely bare.
“Kikyo,” someone breathed, barely above a whisper.
The young woman started. Her hand was caught between two larger ones that clasped her fingers tight, squeezing. Blue eyes raised to the stranger with muted confusion.
He blinked with equal confusion and mounting anger, sniffing. “You don't… smell like her,” the words came faintly. “Why doesn’t she smell like her!” He burst, causing the woman to jolt.
“Master Inuyasha, the spell you desired is a finicky one.” A slippery, hoarse voice came from behind them, dripping fake pleasantries. “Be patient. Your wife may not look or smell quite the same but her memories will return from the dead.”
Inuyasha glared over his shoulder at the witch who lingered in the entrance to his hut like an unwanted spectre. “She better. This ain’t what I agreed to,” he stood, fists trembling.
The girl at his feet stared with furrowed brows, uncertain why disappointment brimmed in the stranger’s eyes. Nonetheless, he seemed to try and correct his attitude, reaching down to grasp thin arms. Roughly tugging her to stand, he supported her around the waist when she wobbled. “I guess we’ll just take this slow,” he sighed. “I’m your husband, Inuyasha. And your name is Kikyo.”
She blinked and tried to steady herself on trembling legs, frowning.
The very first words out of her mouth were;
“I’m not Kikyo.”
Perhaps those words didn’t help endear her to Inuyasha. Nonetheless, he resolved to start from scratch.
‘Kikyo’ was given his late wife’s clothes to wear, smoothing the priestess robes over her body. However, with every opportunity, the woman slipped out of the robes in order to wear a yukata or kimono instead. Anything but the miko attire. It set his teeth on edge. At least she held the holy power of a priestess like his wife.
She understood his language and already knew the basics of reading and writing. Inuyasha took this to be a good sign since his late wife had been educated.
When it came to other things, the woman tried her best to learn the necessary herbs for healing as instructed. Yet her attention often wandered away, lost in a daydream.
“Oi,” he grunted. “Focus. Kikyo was dedicated to this stuff.”
“But we already have enough herbs from yesterday,” sighing, she straightened and rested the basket of herbs against her hip. “Can’t we do something else?” Blue eyes lingered on the treetops. “Is there a beach near here? I’d really like to see the ocean.”
White ears flicked and pressed to his skull. “Where’d you hear about beaches? I never took Kikyo to one.”
She continued to gaze longingly at the trees, as though looking through them to somewhere else, somewhere far away. Inuyasha grit his teeth, bristling. Grasping the woman’s chin and turning it slightly to better inspect the structure of her face, he tsked. “Damn it… wish your eyes were brown like they used to be,” he grumbled. “Hurry up and remember everything already. You’re not acting right.”
Blue eyes slid away, lips thinning. “I’m just acting like myself…”
“Keh, you ain’t anyone else but Kikyo,” dropping her chin, he straightened. “Things are weird right now but they’ll go back to normal as soon as you remember, I promise.”
The young woman buried her feelings anew. She’d been doing that a lot lately. When he walked away and called for Kikyo, it took her a moment to remember that she’d been assigned such a name. It didn’t sit right on her tongue.
Inuyasha lived fairly isolated within the woods with his wife. However, there were those who knew where to find him. Namely: his half brother.
“Don’t you think it’s about time you used it?”
“I have used it.”
“Experimenting with the sword on Jaken and a little girl does not count,” Inukimi hummed with amusement, watching her son with dancing eyes.
Sesshoumaru’s narrowed, head tilting back and brushing long silver hair over his shoulder. “As this one has stated numerous times; a sword of healing is a useless prop for a warlord to wield.”
His honoured mother hummed, resting her pale cheek in her palm boredly. “I do wish your Father were still with us to temper that disrespectful tongue of yours. Consider my words, pup. That sword should be used, and preferably to save a life that is precious to you. Don’t squander it, dearest. I thought you hated wasted potential.”
With a snort, Sesshoumaru took his leave. Disappointment radiated off Inukimi but he hardly cared. Whatever ‘lesson’ Father had intended for him to learn about Tenseiga was ultimately useless for a demon like him.
Returning to his own stronghold, Sesshoumaru listened to the reports from his advisers, before making his way down a hallway. Strange that his blood did not sing with the thrill of victory. Reports of his army’s success in battle were usually a favourable thing. Lately, however, there was no burning satisfaction. Perhaps he merely needed to visit the front lines again for himself. Jaken was most likely instructing Rin in her morning lessons at that time, so he made his way towards the gardens.
Whispers flitted into the air, irritating his ears. Sesshoumaru zeroed in on the hushed mutterings and paused mid-step. The Lord of the Western lands did not care much for idle gossip, yet a particularly prevalent one kept cropping up lately.
“Did ye hear? Master Inuyasha’s wife perished.”
“The priestess Kikyo?”
“Mn- and do not repeat this but I hear he revived her with the use of dark magic.”
“Yes. Though I suppose he’d need to rely on such means. It is not as though Lord Sesshoumaru would lend him Tenseiga.”
At the mention of his name, a frosty gaze swung to the servants down the hallway. They squeaked and hurried away.
Though he loathed agreeing, the validity of their statement couldn’t be denied. He and his brother were not ‘close’ by any stretch of the imagination. Still, Sesshoumaru felt mildly curious about the whelp’s situation.
This curiosity resulted in the Daiyoukai gliding through the sky that afternoon. It took a few hours, but Sesshoumaru followed his memory towards Inuyasha’s humble hut. He did not land gracefully before the house, instead keeping to the surrounding bushes. Moving near silently under the heavy shade of the trees, pointed ears twitched.
Sesshoumaru scented the air and minded some low hanging branches aside, revealing the figure of a dark-haired young woman in the clearing ahead. She drew a bowstring back and arched her spine slightly, pulling taut. Taking in a breath, she released in time with the arrow sailing free.
Sesshoumaru’s eyes widened slightly, watching it fly through the air. Blazing, rippling light flowed around it like a fireball, crashing into the target and licking at the paper with burns before fading away.
“The hell was THAT?!”
Sesshoumaru dazedly forced his attention to Inuyasha, who stomped into view. “One: ya missed the bullseye! Two: your stance was wrong, and three: Kikyo had amazing control over her powers. She never woulda let them loose like that! Ya stupid or something? Do I gotta tell you the basics over and over?”
The miko sighed and dropped her arms, making a face. “Can’t you encourage me for once and say ‘good job?’ I try my best every time!”
“I’ll tell ya 'good job’ when you do one!”
Sesshoumaru raised a brow, watching as Inuyasha fell quiet. He reached up and contemplatively curled his fingers into the woman’s thick dark hair. The woman stilled, becoming watchful.
“It’s startin’ to kink at the ends again. Go wash it,” he grunted so softly Sesshoumaru’s hearing strained a little to catch it.
Blue eyes dimmed. The woman broke from Inuyasha’s touch to flee, hurrying away from their training grounds.
Sesshoumaru pursued.
Silently moving through the trees with all the grace of a jungle cat, limbs shifted and eyes assessed, gleaming bright in the shadows. Sesshoumaru leaned against a tree, remaining hidden by the foliage. The sound of muffled sobs reached his ears, almost buried under the noise of a waterfall. Salt fanned through the air. The woman knelt in a pool beside the falls, stripped down to a white underlayer yukata. She poured a bucket over her head, shuddering. Biting back sobs, she miserably combed shaking fingers through her hair, pausing to inspect the naturally curling dark locks.
“Just flatten. Why can’t you stay straight?” She sighed.
Sesshoumaru rose a brow as the young woman raised an arm, pushing back her sleeve to glare at her skin. “And don’t even get me started on you.”
When she did not elaborate, he found himself walking through the greenery, pushing past the bushes to inquire: “What exactly has your flesh done to offend you, madwoman?”
Starting violently, she fell back to land on her ass, creating a small splash. Blue eyes flew wide, flitting over his figure. Sesshoumaru let her drink him in. He often had that effect on people.
She gathered herself a little quicker than expected, rising. “I was just annoyed about being so tanned. My uh… husband,” the word was faint and sounded almost like a question. “He said his former wife was pale but she spent all her time outdoors. How’s that possible?!”
Sesshoumaru blinked languidly, tilting his head slightly. “Hn. This one was led to believe Inuyasha had resurrected the priestess Kikyo. However, you seem more like a replacement than her double.”
Flinching, she began ringing her hair. Water droplets slid down rosy cheeks and fell from the dark, dishevelled strands of midnight black locks. The white yukata plastered to her body almost indecently.
Sesshoumaru lifted his eyes from where they’d been lingering and caught her gaze. Colour leaked into her cheeks, darkening them further as she huffed. “You know Inuyasha, then?”
“This one is his half brother, Sesshoumaru.”
“Oh,” her eyes clouded with thought. “I didn’t know he had a brother. I don’t get to talk to anyone else but he still doesn’t tell me much about himself.”
Sesshoumaru watched as the woman bowed slightly. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m-” she caught herself, lips thinning. A dark look crossed her features before the name was pushed past her teeth like mud. “Kikyo. I'm… Kikyo.”
“No, you are not.”
The woman jolted and stared, fingers curling into her sleeves tightly. “I don't… have another name,” came a fragile murmur.
“Then give yourself one,” he uttered flatly, uncertain why he lingered. He supposed it displeased him on some level. Sesshoumaru did not like unnecessary waste. What he’d witnessed earlier of her powers hinted at a deep well of untapped potential in the girl. She’d likely not unlock it if Inuyasha kept her mind on trivial details like 'straight hair.’ “This one gave himself the name Sesshoumaru, or Killing Perfection. When a demon comes of age, they may choose a new one for themselves,” he elaborated. “I have been bred for war. So that is the most fitting name.”
She blinked and rubbed at her eyes, before raising her head, lips curving. “The 'killing’ part, sure. But 'perfection?’” She teased.
“I am very good at it,” he said in a silky tone.
Bursting into a laugh, the strange woman gave the brightest smile the demon lord had yet to witness, blue eyes glimmering. “I see. Thank you for the advice. I’ll do that.”
He frowned slightly, suddenly feeling a little odd. Hyper aware of his lack of reason to be there now, Sesshoumaru turned on his heel and walked away. In his eagerness to leave, he quite forgot to check in with Inuyasha himself.
A few days went by before Sesshoumaru made the journey back to Inuyasha’s home once more. Peace reigned throughout the Lord’s lands so he allowed himself the 'entertainment’ of watching Inuyasha’s latest drama. It was most definitely not to glimpse the miko again, nor to monitor her progress.
She seemed to have improved her aim, yet the reiki remained unfiltered and untrained. What was Inuyasha doing?
Ah, it seemed he was in the middle of their latest shouting match.
Clearly yelling would not make the girl learn any faster. Golden eyes cut to the sky. Why did he have to get involved?
“Concentrate your energy into the arrow.”
“Huh?” The woman glanced over her shoulder, now left briefly unmonitored by the whelp. She shifted the bow and arrow in her hands, dressed in traditional red and white miko attire today. They made her look like a Kikyo doll. “I don’t…know how,” she confessed. “It always feels like there’s so much of it. Like I’m trying to hold onto water that’s pouring too quick. I can cup a little into my hands, but the rest overflows.”
Sesshoumaru hummed, gaze ripping itself away from the light catching in her hair, causing some strands to shine a strangely blue hue. “Practice yields results. Eventually you will manage to filter the 'water’ into the arrow and allow the excess to flow back into you.”
She nodded and faced the target, elbows drooped and feet too close together. Biting back a sigh, he approached.
A hand met her elbow, pushing to raise it. “Keep your arms in this position…” his deep baritone became clogged with a velvety rumble, finding her scent not unpleasant when it brushed over his senses. His palm met the base of her spine, prodding to arch her back. She felt warm to the touch.
He then slid a foot between her own, nudging her legs to part wider. A rapid heartbeat thundered in his ears. “This is the correct stance.”
“A-ah, thanks.”
With a palm pressing against her back, Sesshoumaru felt it when she inhaled a breath, coiling static energy into the wooden arrow and releasing it.
The arrow flew free, missing the bullseye. However, the holy powers raced over her bow in an agitated manner before settling back down instead of scotching the target.
Better, he mused.
She gave a much louder whoop of success.
From that day on, he visited the miko in secret once each week. It pleased the slumbering desire within him to witness the smile come to her lips the instant blue eyes fell upon him. Like she’d been waiting. Whenever they met and the demon’s knuckles grazed her waist- her arm, her hair- the woman scrubbed herself afterwards in a hot spring or pool, mindful of Inuyasha’s keen nose.
Sesshoumaru’s voice was crisp and clear, instruction brief and to the point in his teaching. She tried her best as his pupil, grumbling sometimes but not outright complaining. Instead, the nameless woman threw herself wholeheartedly into what was demanded of her.
Two months later, she finally hit the bullseye with perfect control. Not a hint of reiki over-spilled.
“I did it!” The woman glanced over her shoulder to look up at him, beaming from ear to ear.
Sesshoumaru stared. Her happy scent washed over him in waves. His lips parted to drink it in easier. Faintly, the sleeping want for her stirred and stretched awake like a disturbed cat.
It was while staring that the dip of her collar hinting at succulent flesh laying just beneath- that something caught his eye. Her clothing shifted downwards, revealing a glimpse of something unmistakable.
A love bite.
The situation suddenly dawned on him, the ridiculousness of what he was doing. He should not get involved with Inuyasha’s wench. Hell, he shouldn’t even be there. What was he doing? He had wars to plan, subjects to lead. And yet he’d been waiting each day for that favoured time he’d visit her anew. Mentally he took a step back.
He frowned at the familiarity with which she used his name. At his pensive silence, dark brows pulled together and she bit her lip maddeningly.
Foolish miko. This one’s teeth should be the ones to catch your lips and bite down-
“Oi, Kikyo!” Came a distant shout.
They both jolted, Sesshoumaru raising his head. He did not run nor hide, because Sesshoumaru did not flee from anyone.
From out of the forest greenery, Inuyasha burst forth, snarling. He raised a hand and flexed his fingers. “I thought I smelled ya. The hell are you doing here, Sesshoumaru? Back off. That’s my wife you’re hovering around.”
“Is that so?” He uttered, raising his chin in a lofty manner. “She is so changed in appearance and scent this one mistook her for a different human entirely.”
Out of his peripheral vision, the woman flinched. For some reason, this set his teeth on edge. She should not think it an insult. Inuyasha’s words were starting to infect her, seep into the woman’s self-image, rotting it like poison.
Not that this one cares.
Inuyasha snarled. “She’s gonna go back to normal soon, it ain’t any of your business!”
“No, it is not. In fact, it is far beneath my notice,” he uttered, claws flexing. And then because he could, Sesshoumaru blurred through the air and struck. His fist plummeted into Inuyasha’s cheek, sending the hanyou sailing away and crashing into the ground.
His half brother sputtered and snarled, sitting up and holding his cheek. “The fuck was that for?! You wanna fight?”
“I have little inclination to linger here any longer than necessary,” Sesshoumaru lied, turning on his heel and passing the miko. Sadness fanned out from her scent, irritating his senses. She didn’t look at him, which the Daiyoukai found displeasing and unacceptable. Nonetheless, he walked away.
Dark, wild hair had been tamed back into a low ponytail the next time he saw the miko. It was unfortunate that she happened to also see him. Oddly, the usual method of concealing his youki hadn’t worked, and she’d zeroed in on his presence within the trees. Perhaps she had much-untapped potential.
Gracefully dropping from the branches elicited a gasp from the woman. “Y-you’re injured!”
Sesshoumaru glanced at his shoulder wound. Blood had leaked into the red crest patterning his clothes, dying it a deeper crimson. “Hn.”
“Don’t you 'hn’ me! What happened? Why aren’t you treating it?” She fussed, approaching to grip the clean material of his white silks and try to pry them away from the wound, squinting at the slash marks.
“In a few hours this one will be healed. There is little reason to fuss, woman,” he tried to bat her hand away but surprise froze his veins when she caught his striped wrist. Her hands felt soft and smaller than his own, but firm and sure.
“I’m going to fetch my supplies. You wait here or I’ll damn track you down myself, got that?” She threatened, blue eyes sparking in such a way that they made the male twitch and wish for a different kind of touch from the miko. Sesshoumaru bit the inside of his cheek, watching her hurry away.
When she returned, Sesshoumaru had reclined against a tree, arm draped gracefully over one bent leg. The woman dropped to her knees before him and reached for his collar, gaze flicking to his wordlessly for permission.
He granted it by glancing away mutely, throat tight. For some reason, saliva pooled in his mouth the moment she began undressing him. It was foul to be affected so. She only aimed to aid him. Still, Sesshoumaru sat rigidly still while her gentle scent flitted and teased his senses.
“I think I’ve found a name for myself,” she hummed while cleaning his wound.
“It’s Kagome.”
“That is acceptable.”
She giggled, “I’m glad you like it.”
“I did not say that.”
Kagome bandaged the flesh, despite him informing her that it was not necessary. He also did not stop her. Every faint brush of her fingertips became distracting, silently invited.
“It’s a really nice day,” she hummed, wiping her brow. The humidity made her bangs puff up. He hated that he found it endearing. “Perfect beach weather day. Does Rin enjoy going there? I’d love to meet her and take her paddling,” she babbled and cooed.
“I have not taken her. Why do you wish to go to the beach so badly? You mention it often.”
“Huh? I don’t think I’ve talked about it to you before?”
Sesshoumaru fell into moody silence, inwardly kicking himself. Thankfully she carried on, thinking she had a faulty memory rather than accusing him of eavesdropping. “I don’t know why exactly. I just keep feeling like it’s where I’ll find something important. Like I can see this image in my mind of the sun setting beyond the waves. It’s peaceful, but also kind of scary at the same time. Maybe it’s the last thing I saw before I died? Who knows.”
He glanced down, feeling hot breath fan over his exposed chest. “Hn…I suppose you were brought back from the same place Inuyasha intended to pull Kikyo from.”
“Mhm, though I don’t remember anything else about my previous life.” Kagome shrugged, fixing the silks back over his bandaged shoulder and smoothing the hankimono back into place over his chest. She fixed his collar with gentle hands, fussing like a wife.
A wife…
Sesshoumaru frowned slightly, startled to find her attention on his mouth. His heart started to pick up, blood heating when those intoxicating blue eyes flitted up to drink him in.
She abruptly broke the spell between them by getting to her feet and picking up the forgotten bandages and alcohol she’d used for disinfectant. Sesshoumaru’s hand snapped out to lock on her wrist.
Kagome stilled, lips thinning. “Please let go, Sesshoumaru.”
“Do you intend to return to that whelp in such a hurry?”
“At least I’m not 'beneath his notice’.”
Golden eyes cracked a fraction wider. So, his words had truly been the ones to cause her sadness. They’d bothered her. His grip tightened slightly, causing her to flinch.
“You’re hurting me, let go.”
“A human like you should be beneath my notice,” he uttered, shifting to stand before her. Sesshoumaru took a step closer, leaning down. Pale strands fell loose from behind a pointed ear, rushing down to hide their faces from view behind a curtain of silver. “You are Inuyasha’s wench, a miko, a mortal. Many unsuitable things wrapped into one. And yet I linger…I wonder why.”
“So do I, since you clearly don’t want to be here,” she hissed lowly, cheeks blooming red.
Slit pupils grew a tad larger, dilating. Sesshoumaru inched closer, on the cusp of grasping something as their lips were but a hair’s breadth away- before she snapped her hand out, slapping him across the face.
Kagome ripped herself free, panting slightly and raising a hand to her lips. “I’m only good at archery now because you taught me, and I only wanted to be good at it because Inuyasha told me to be better. I have a name now because you told me to get one. I keep…doing things just because other people want them for me! You could’ve asked me to kiss you just then and I would’ve-” tears pricked her eyes. “Just like Inuyasha has asked me to kiss him and…”
She hugged her arms tightly to her body, shuddering and bowing in on herself, folding like crumpled paper. “I don’t know who I am. What I want. I-I don’t know if things would be any different with you, Sesshoumaru. So please, just leave me alone. You’re making me question things. I obviously do strange things to you too so let’s just drop whatever this is.”
Sesshoumaru sneered, “you are content with being his doll, then?”
“At least being a doll doesn’t hurt! He doesn’t see me, so it doesn’t feel as personal as getting rejected by someone whose opinion I care about!” Kagome snapped, light voice darkening into something raw and real. Sesshoumaru’s cheek stung despite her hand having left no mark, his skin too tough for such things.
Blue eyes filled with tears as she turned and fled, salt catching in the breeze.
Sesshoumaru marched with his troops. Remaining on the front lines of their latest battle, he raised his claws and bid the song of war to flood his veins.
The sensation did not come.
Bereft, Sesshoumaru found himself immensely sober with each life he took. The slash of his claws unhinging a jaw- his sword swinging to cleave a horse in two. All felt like a mechanism. Easy, flavourless.
After the enemy soldiers lay dead and he returned to his stronghold, Sesshoumaru listened to his men. They made merry throughout the night, demons through and through.
“Lord Sesshoumaru?”
Blinking, he glanced down at Rin from where he leaned against a pillar. She yawned and rubbed her eye with a tiny fist. “You’re covered in blood, my Lord.”
He supposed he hadn’t changed clothes. Looking at the little girl that he’d resurrected on a whim, Sesshoumaru was struck by a troubling revelation.
The Killing Perfection hadn’t enjoyed the killing.
A strange feeling permeated his being, new and foreign. Such insecurity did not belong in a being carved from confidence, but the blemish was there all the same.
He wanted the beach.
Giving a long, extinguished sigh, Sesshoumaru pinched the bridge of his nose with bloodied claws.
Sitting up from the futon, Kagome hugged the furs to her bare chest. Shivering from the chill in the air, she glanced down at Inuyasha’s sleeping face, a snore rumbling out of him.
An emptiness crawled higher within the bowels of her stomach, threatening to consume her lungs and steal her breath. Kagome pressed a hand to her mouth and hurried out of the hut. She’d given herself away. Allowed Inuyasha to indulge himself in her countless times now. And it wasn’t as though the hanyou hurt her- but every grunt and curse, every pleasured sigh of 'Kikyo’ dug deeper into her heart.
She’d told Sesshoumaru it didn’t hurt, but that had been a lie.
Squeezing stinging eyes shut, Kagome took a wobbly breath. Taking a few steadying gulps of air, she raised a tear-stained face to the crescent moon in the sky.
Setting her shoulders, something quietly shifted within the woman. She slapped her cheeks lightly and exhaled.
The next morning, while preparing breakfast, Kagome stilled when a hand reached over and lightly tugged on her wild bangs.
“Cut these,” Inuyasha said easily. “Kikyo had short, chopped bangs. I can cut em off later if ya want-”
The hanyou blinked and froze, ears twitching. He then did a double-take, frowning. “What’d ya say?”
“I said no,” she muttered, resting clenched fists on her knees. “And there’s another thing; My name isn’t Kikyo. It’s Kagome.”
Inuyasha stared for a long while. Slowly, bushy brows drew down. His lips thinned, golden eyes hazing.
Kagome held his gaze, feeling a thrill of warning rush down her spine. It didn’t matter, she told herself. She’d always been an impostor, from her very first breath.
Many moons had passed by the time Sesshoumaru lay eyes upon her.
Remaining under the shade of the trees, he watched as she gathered herbs. Kagome wore miko attire, dark hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Her skin looked paler, and he wondered if she’d either isolated herself indoors for a while or layered powder over her tanned skin. Even her frame looked thinner, from what he could tell.
The wild bangs that had fluffed up so endearingly in the humidity had been chopped into neater, more orderly bangs on her forehead. She did not chatter to herself or smile.
Rather, she worked diligently in silence. Inuyasha skinned a rabbit not too far away, his face content.
Sesshoumaru could’ve left things be then. He could have carried on with his life, never to be blemished or disrupted by confusing thoughts and desires for his brother’s miko again.
But then he happened to catch sight of her eyes.
Bursting from the treeline, Sesshoumaru’s hand snapped out. Inuyasha’s snarl was ignored as the demon lord seized the woman’s chin and lifted it.
Sombre brown eyes stared back.
His own began to shake. “You are not her,” he breathed.
Kikyo frowned, her voice tempered and steeled like matured wine rather than the bright, confident tones of the other miko. “What are you talking about, demon? Unhand me at once.”
Sesshoumaru remained frozen until a hard force collided with his side, knocking him back enough to release her. Bellowing out an enraged snarl, Sesshoumaru’s hand snapped out- locking tight around Inuyasha’s neck as they struggled.
“Where is the miko Kagome?” He demanded.
White ears flicked and pressed to his skull. “The fuck are you talking about? Whose Kagome?”
“Your wife!” Sesshoumaru snarled, flicking his fingers out towards Kikyo. “This is not the woman you had with you previously. Where is she?”
Inuyasha sank sharp claws into his striped wrist, but the Daiyoukai barely flinched. “Keh…ah I get it now,” he growled. “It wasn’t working out, so I asked the oni sorceress who first used the spell on her to reverse it. I then tried to bring back Kikyo again and it worked out,” golden eyes darkened slightly with hazy stability. “She’s back now. Kikyo’s returned to me. It just took a little time- had to remind her of all her memories, but this time it’s definitely her, not like the other one.”
The other one…
Kagome’s breathtaking smile briefly came to mind.
Sesshoumaru’s grip tightened until Inuyasha chocked and squirmed, sinking his claws deeper into the Daiyoukai’s pale flesh until they scraped bone.
“By 'reverse it’ what do you mean, whelp?” He snarled, throat so tight it strained.
“Gah!- she’s a doll again. A clay pot! Ogoranko took the clay body back!”
Sesshoumaru released him, sending the hanyou staggering to the floor. Heedless of the blood pooling to the surface, running down his tattered wrist, he turned and collected white energy around himself, bursting away from the earth within a bright, glowing orb of light. He left behind the reunited couple, Kikyo’s gaze apathetic as she watched Inuyasha struggle to catch his breath.
Flying as pure, unfiltered instinct, Sesshoumaru forgot himself. He was no longer a warlord bent on total conquest and domination of the lands. No longer an inuyoukai with superior breeding and impressive lineage. He was nothing more than the simple, consuming desire to see someone again.
The glowing orb blasted straight through the door to Ogoranko’s workshop. She shrieked and grabbed her scythe- but felt it be knocked aside seconds before a hand met her neck, grasping tight. Her head met the wall, grey hair flying around her as a harsh choke sounded out. She wriggled, trying to get free.
The light died down, causing her eyes to widen and narrow. “You are not one of my previous customers…what does the Lord of the West want with me?” She hissed.
“Where is the clay body you took from Inuyasha?” He uttered quietly, voice like the finest steel wrapped in velvet. A calm before the storm.
Her brows drew together in confusion. “I-if you wish to have a loved one returned to you, I can perform the spell-” his hand tightened.
“The body. Where is it?”
“Gah- ah! O-out the back!”
Sesshoumaru released her and sped outside in a blur of white. He moved around the back of the meagre house, heart dropping into the depths of his stomach.
A large, deep pit had been dug into the earth, opening wide and vast. Countless clay bodies had been dumped inside it like a mass grave. They were featureless, faceless, yet retained the arms, legs and the general shape of a human. Sesshoumaru stared down at their discarded forms.
A cough sounded out beside him, Ogoranko rubbing her throbbing neck. “They’re quite useless once they’ve been used one time. They can’t be reformed into clay or burned down. Only thing left to do is bury them. Urasue herself taught me the spell but my techniques aren’t quite as refined as my great master. I can fashion a new body for you though my Lord- ah…my Lord?” Red eyes widened with disbelief as he pushed off the edge of the pit, sailing down. “There is nothing down there,” she called after him.
Sesshoumaru ignored her.
Landing on a mound of bodies, he began filtering through the different scents left behind on the clay surfaces. Moving some puppets aside, he lifted a few out of the pile and discarded them, deaf to how they chipped or shattered. Pushing his sleeves up, Sesshoumaru worked with single-minded intent, skin becoming stained with dust as he dug both arms down through the piles, searching.
He began to pant. Panic erupted in his chest though he were in no danger. Sticky fear leaked into his body like tar. Where was she? Why couldn’t he…
The scent of salt caught his attention. Lifting his head, Sesshoumaru softly muttered to himself; “the beach.”
Ogoranko blinked, observing him. It wasn’t every day you witnessed a demon lord lose his mind, especially not one of his calibre. “Yes, the ocean is just south of here.”
Sesshoumaru looked at the bodies. Their heads were all facing forwards, staring up at the sky with blank, smooth faces of clay. His frayed attention slid over them, and he moved to another pile, catching sight of one head turned south just as a familiar scent caught his nose.
Reaching out, Sesshoumaru picked up the fragile body, lifting it into his arms. She looked exactly like the rest, no distinguishing features, save for her attention on the sea beyond.
“What happened when you reversed the spell on Inuyasha’s wife?” Sesshoumaru said faintly.
Ogoranko hummed, “I took her back here and then discarded her with the rest. Ah, did you favour her, my Lord?” Her voice dipped into suggestive tones. “I can resurrect her for a reasonable price. Say the word and I shall-”
“Now I see.” Sesshoumaru appeared next to her, gaze blank and removed. A thrill of warning rattled down the oni sorceresses spine at how perfectly calm and apathetic he appeared towards her existence. Like how one might view a candle they were about to extinguish. “You prey upon a creature’s grief and offer a solution. Something too good to be true,” chuckling in a deceptively gentle tone, he held the clay miko a little closer. “And if I gave her over to you, yes…you’d resurrect this body with a soul. But not hers. A random one. That is all you are capable of at your level.”
Organko quickly reached for the knife hidden in her obi, intent on striking it through his windpipe.
A hand impaled itself through her chest. Easily. So painfully easily he may as well have cleaved through butter. Choking, she cried out, staring into his merciless, wintery eyes, the likes of which she’d never seen in all her years of rifling through souls in the afterlife.
“Only a God can restore a soul to their rightful body,” Sesshoumaru uttered, rippling his hand free of her torso and shifting to hold the clay figure with both arms, walking away.
Ogoranko wailed and clutched fruitlessly at her wound, crumpling to her knees and bleeding out, never to rise again.
He took her to the beach.
Soft, pleasant oranges bathed the clay in a gentle glow. Sesshoumaru set the body down on the white sands, steeling himself. He then reached for Tenseiga with a bloodied hand.
Drawing the sword forth from its sheath, he inhaled the salty breeze, soothed when it combed silver hair back from his shoulders in a sweet caress. Tenseiga lay silent.
Frowning, Sesshoumaru gripped the hilt tighter. “You will do this thing for me and bring her back,” he uttered in a dark voice. “If my Father wielded you to resurrect life from a body that has recently been cut down, I will imbue you with my own will. Heed me well,” he fed youki into the blade, effectively mirroring Kagome’s imagery of running water. His burst forth like a geyser, forcing itself into the blade so quick the sword could barely contain it. “Find the soul of the one I seek.”
Tenseiga rattled, wishing to be free of him. Sesshoumaru held tight, threatening to break the sword in two.
Blue light burst forth from the blade, shining so bright it rivalled the setting sun. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and tried to focus on Kagome’s fleeting scent on the clay.
“Kagome. Come.”
A faint, flickering presence could be felt, drawing just out of reach from Tenseiga’s light. It hesitated, worn thin.
Blood ran down Sesshoumaru’s torn wrist, landing on the blade. “I desire you to join my side,” he admitted in a hushed tone. “However, it is your choice. If you must live, do not live for anyone’s will but your own this time,” the words came to him like a quiet revelation.
He then struck the blade down over the clay body.
Tenseiga made a noise of distress, blue sparks bursting forth before the light sputtered and died, swallowed up by the sun.
Sesshoumaru tried to force the blade to awaken once more, but it remained silent. Nothing about the clay shifted.
Sliding the sword back into its sheath with more force than necessary, thin lips peeled back to show gritted teeth. “Useless,” he chastised the blade. Easier to think Tenseiga was to blame than to accept that Kagome…bright, beautiful Kagome- should refuse to live again.
Giving one last look at the clay figure, Sesshoumaru turned on his heel and padded away. He’d allow her to be taken by the sea she so adored, rather than dig a grave. His heart sat like a heavy stone within his chest. Every nerve ending shrieked, skin-crawling like it did not belong on his bones.
Pointed ears twitched.
More cracks joined the first, spilling out like spiders webs. The clay began to split, crumbling away like sand.
A woman sat up from the overcoat, coughing. Sesshoumaru stopped dead, turning back with disbelief. Golden eyes widened.
Broken clay fell from dark hair, catching in the curling, wild mane. Her tanned, bare skin caught the light of the sun. Frightened, wide blue eyes struck an unknown part of him right into his core. Sesshoumaru blurred through the air.
Strong hands caught her elbows as she tried to stand, the two kneeling together. Kagome sobbed as she bowed into him, wrapping trembling arms around his neck. Calloused palms, rough with years of swordplay, slid around her waist and dragged up her spine, bringing her into his warmth.
“I h-heard a voice, calling my name,” she said, voice tenuous and thin as she sobbed. “It was yours.”
“Hn, Ka-go-me,” Sesshoumaru’s lips peppered her soft hair, the shell of her ear, her wet cheek.
Giving a broken noise, she clung to his solid figure, blunt nails sinking hard into his back. He did not mind the sensation.
“S-say it again.”
Sesshoumaru ran his hands over her body, moving his mouth over her jaw. “Kagome.”
She shivered and bowed in on herself, hiccuping. They remained like that for some time, Sesshoumaru unused to the burning, open display of feelings yet having no choice but to weather the storm of emotion with her, both hers and his own.
Feeling a wet and sticky sensation down her back, Kagome pulled away to touch the area above his bleeding wrist. “Silly, you’re injured.”
“It is of little consequence.”
“Of course its of consequence,” she sighed, rubbing her cheek. Silence reigned between them for a moment, only broken by the gentle crash of waves on the rocks. The ebb and flow of the tide.
“…Why did you come back for me?”
Noticing the goosebumps racing over her flesh, Sesshoumaru curled mokomoko around her middle. Golden eyes flitted away towards the sunset. “This one dislikes waste.”
“Ah,” a quiet, fragile laugh escaped her. Gratitude welled up like an inflated bubble when he flicked the secures of his armour open and lifted it away from his chest, discarding it into the sand to land with a heavy thud. Pressing close with no barrier between them, Kagome tucked her knees up, sitting on his lap. Sesshoumaru’s trailing sleeves slid over her bare form, regal nose buried in her hair. “I don’t know why I even returned,” she mumbled. “I mean look at that. We’re on a beach at sunset. My one wish is fulfilled. I don’t really know what else to live for…just that I want to.”
“I find myself dissatisfied with my own wish these days. My desire for supreme conquest,” Sesshoumaru admitted, a sin, surely, for a warlord to feel no passion for the prospect of battle.
Kagome hummed, watching the waves. “Maybe it’s possible to simply move onto a new wish. Dreams and desires can change, can’t they?”
“Hn, we may yet find new ones to pursue.” Tired golden eyes slid down to her, catching the sunlight just as the great orb slipped beneath the horizon. “Together, foolish miko.”
Kagome lifted her head. She watched him for a moment, before pressing a long, firm kiss to his jaw. “I’d like that very much, Killing Perfection.”
Bowing his head to catch her soft lips with his own, Sesshoumaru cradled the back of her neck, curling long fingers within dark hair and silently adoring the way it tumbled wildly down her back.
The Demon Lord was not supposed to be a part of the man who married for love’s tale. And yet, like a bookend, the story ends with him on a beach.
Embracing the discarded woman.
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Chapter Five: Black and White
Nocturne - Chapter Five: Black and White
Rated - M (for suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, and coarse language)
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
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Kagome's eyes widened, and she gasped, despite herself. "What do you mean?"
Shippo's blank expression shrouded his thoughts, and Kagome found herself dumbfounded. He waited for a second before narrowing his eyes.
"You may as well come clean about all this," he said, gesturing to Kagome.
"I'm afraid you lost me," she said quietly.
"First off, you can't lie to save your life. Second off, I'm yokai, and I can tell these things. And lastly, I was kidding at first, but you just gave yourself away."
Kagome stood, stupefied, "I...I…"
Shippo sighed. "Maybe we should go inside and sit down. Feed me and tell me what's going on."
Kagome numbly led the way inside the house and sat down immediately.
"Fine, don't feed me," he said when it became apparent that Kagome had no intention of serving him, "But do tell me what's going on."
"How did you know?" she asked. Her anxiety began to run rampant.
If Shippo knew, how did he know? Who else could tell?
"I can see the remnants of a spell on you. It's difficult to explain, but imagine when you walk through a cobweb, and the silk is barely visible but can dangle unseen. It's something like that."
"A spell?" she asked. "What type of spell?"
"I don't know. It could be anything. But more importantly, who was the other person, and when are you gonna tell Inuyasha?"
Kagome looked away and pulled her knees to her chest, a position she wouldn't be able to accomplish soon.
"So you know the guy," Shippo supplied.
Kagome squirmed, still looking away.
"Okay, is he from the village?" Shippo questioned.
She shook her head and put her head on her knees, hiding her face.
"Well, that rules out Miroku then," Shippo said with a little humor.
Kagome chuckled a bit at the thought but kept her head buried.
"Then, let's see," he said in a pondering voice. "I guess I should try and narrow this down a bit since you aren't very forthcoming with information."
Shippo scratched his head and continued, "Well, since you haven't told Inuyasha the truth, I can assume it's someone he loves or hates. It was a yokai, wasn't it?!"
She nodded from her knees and tried to pull them closer, wrapping her arms around her legs.
"Was it Kouga?" he asked.
Kagome raised her head in disgust, "Eww, no! I like him as a friend, but never!"
Shippo raised his hands in defense, "Okay, okay, not Kouga...Not that he has the ability to create a spell like that. But who would want to do this to you? It just doesn't make any sense."
"I think that the other person was bewitched as well," she supplied. "He...he didn't stick around after, and I haven't seen him since."
Shippo sat for a moment in silence, trying to work out what he'd just been told. At that moment, Kagome began to cry; her anxiety was finally spilling over.
"P-please, Shippo! You can't tell Inuyasha! I-I can't bear to think how he'd react. He'd leave. He'd hate me. He wouldn't care that I didn't do this! He-he-he would…" she gulped back tears.
Shippo looked a little shocked at Kagome's outburst and seemed at odds with what to do. He finally approached her and pulled her into a hug. "Shh, I won't tell him. I don't like him all that much anyway."
Kagome caught her breath and giggled, pushing Shippo back. She looked at him for a brief second, taking in his mature appearance.
"How did you get to be so wise?" she asked.
The kitsune flashed a sheepish grin. "I have always been wise. You know 15 is 300 in fox years."
Kagome wiped her eyes with a sleeve and tried to smile. "Sure...300."
"Look, Kagome. I won't push you on the issue anymore. Just know that I'm here for you. I'm sure that Sango would support you, too, if you told her." He looked into her eyes, making certain Kagome was genuinely listening. "She'd probably understand more than anyone. Not only is she a badass taijiya, mother of four, and wife to a lecher; she didn't blame Kohaku for what he did while bespelled either."
Kagome considered this, and it occurred to her, the small kitsune child that she had watched grow up was suddenly a man now. She sat back and contemplated everything he'd said. She'd never thought about telling Sango for fear that she would be instantly judged and shunned. Even if she did tell Sango, she was not sure that she could stomach Inuyasha finding out.
"True," she responded. "Thank you, Shippo."
"Anytime," he replied.
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o - o - o - o - o
After a week had passed, Shippo had to return to his schooling. He had become something of an apprentice and had to travel with a Kitsune master. Kagome was sad to see him leave, but he assured her that all would be well. Kagome had to admit that it was cathartic to get it out in the open. Finally, someone knew her secret, and it made the burden more bearable.
The next day, Kagome mustered up the courage to tell Sango her secret. The taijiya was shocked at first, baffled by the admission. Like with Shippo, Kagome could not reveal who, only the circumstances. Sango was speechless, trying to wrap her head around the new information.
"I-I had wondered why you would be so...unenthusiastic about everything," Sango finally responded.
They sat together at Sango's home while the children busied themselves with household chores. All but the youngest one who had fallen asleep upon his mother's lap.
"Do you still love Inuyasha?" Sango asked.
Kagome had been taken aback by the question and unprepared with an answer, instead, responding, "What would make you ask that? Out of nowhere?
"I don't know. I'd wager it's a fair question," she said.
She thought about it for a moment. "I think it's fair to say that, yes, I do love him. But..." Kagome narrowed her eyes at the Sango. "But it isn't black and white. It's complicated."
"You're right; love can be complicated," she said. Sango looked at her friend, earnestly. "However, if you didn't hold reservations, you would not be so overwhelmed."
Reservations. Kagome pondered on that. Did she have second thoughts about her relationship with Inuyasha?
"Things weren't what I expected when I came back," Kagome admitted.
"What did you expect?" Sango queried.
She sighed. "I think I expected to live happily ever after. That's what usually happens in the stories."
Sango adjusted her toddler from her lap, careful not to jostle him awake. She leveled a stern look at Kagome. "You should know better than anyone that we don't always get the happy ending we expect. Maybe Inuyasha was part of your journey, but not your happy ending?"
Kagome scoffed. "It doesn't make sense. I came back to him. I wished so strongly to be reunited with him. I bled for him, and I'd die for him."
"Yeah, but wouldn't you do all of those things for your other friends as well?"
Now it was Sango's turn to sigh. "Look, I'm not saying you and Inuyasha aren't meant to be together. I'm trying to tell you that sometimes things don't turn out the way we expect."
Kagome rested her chin on her hand. "Did things turn out the way you expected, Sango?"
Sango smiled and smoothed her toddler's wild, unkempt hair. "No, and I'm all the happier for it."
o - o - o - o - o
Another month passed with Inuyasha and Miroku still away, fighting another man's war. Miroku would send letters occasionally by messenger to give sporadic updates. It turns out that the battle was much more subtle than Miroku had anticipated.
Many people were throwing their support behind a shogun that promised prosperity for the people of his holdings, but those promises were as of yet, unfulfilled, causing political unrest.
Inuyasha would send letters as well, in his sloppy handwriting telling her of Miroku's idiotic ploys to end the battle, which did nothing but prolong their stay. The evil aspirations of some of the daimyo were attracting yokai to the area, plaguing the common-folk, and giving Inuyasha a never-ending job of slaying. It did not seem that this trip would be as quick as Miroku had forecasted.
To keep busy, Kagome spent much of her time helping Sango with the children, and Rin with Kaede. Much of this time was spent split with the miko duties she had taken on and her self-care. It all passed the days, keeping their minds off the obvious question between them and sating their growing unease over the absence of the men.
Who knew how long it would be before they returned from this trip. Sango felt reasonably confident that it wouldn't be much longer, judging from Miroku's letters to her, and Kagome hoped she was right.
Her belly had begun to swell more after only four months, and she was nearly certain she could feel some fluttering. It was an exciting feeling and confirmation of the life that grew within. Kagome's heart swelled as well, filled with joy and love for something that she'd never even met.
She longed for some modern amenities that would tell her what the child's gender would be, but she had to settle for Sango's methods, all of which were old wives' tales. Sango was convinced that Kagome was going to have a boy because her skin was glowing and flawless. Kagome seriously doubted that her complexion would change now. She'd gone through many hormonal changes that never resulted in blemishes, why start now. But what did she know? Not as much as she'd like to.
On this day, like any other day, Kagome continued as she had before finding out about her pregnancy. She made her way to Kaede's hut on this warm spring day.
She carried a basket full of items to tend to Kaede's hands strung over her shoulder. The older woman's arthritis had begun to twist her fingers and caused dreadful pain. Kagome had done her best to create a poultice that would work as a salve and decrease inflammation, but there was not much that could be done at this point.
Hopefully, this treatment would alleviate the older woman's pain. Kagome was not sure how much longer the old miko had with them. Kaede did not leave the hut anymore and relied entirely on others to assist her. This burden had fallen solely upon Rin now. The young girl took it in stride, though, her smile never leaving her face.
Kagome strode through the village quietly, waving to some villagers and smiling politely. She adjusted the basket on her shoulder and absently rubbed at her belly. It was starting to become itchy, and it bothered her to no end. She made a mental note to make herself a salve before using a hand to move the door curtain and step inside.
It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the semi-darkness of the room. Along with joint pain, Kaede had also recently been plagued with headaches from the light of the sun. The poor woman cantankerously demanded that the hut be shrouded, leaving Rin and those who visited in relative darkness.
Kagome set her basket down and looked over to find three figures staring at her, lit by the glow of small flames, and her heart stopped when she realized who the third was.
"Kagome!" Rin called.
She leaped up and pulled Kagome by the hands to sit next to her. "Sit and listen to Lord Sesshomaru's news! It's so exciting!" she squealed.
Stunned to silence, Kagome allowed herself to be pulled down and did her best not to stare too openly at the Daiyokai lord. She was almost sure that his nostrils flared infinitesimally, and if she could see better, she would reckon that his eyes widened a fraction. Otherwise, his features remained stoic. He did offer a small nod in her direction, acknowledging her presence, she guessed.
Kaede put a hand to her temple, "Hush child, thy overzealous tone is grating on my poor ears today. Please fetch me my cup." She covered her eyes with a hand and pointed a twisted one towards a cup just out of reach.
Rin jumped up again and poured more tea into Kaede's mug, chatting all the while. "Lord Sesshomaru has just told us that he's getting married to another Inu Yokai! She sounds quite lovely, and I really hope I get to meet her!"
Kagome looked from Rin to Sesshomaru and felt her heart pound heavily in her chest. His ever scrutinizing gaze fell upon her causing her chest to flutter.
"Congratulations," she managed to utter and forced herself to smile. Why would that news bother her at all? It wasn't as if she had feelings for him.
Kaede sighed in annoyance. "Rin, child, ye're embellishing what Lord Sesshomaru has told ye."
Rin only smiled and dropped down next to Kagome, "I know. It just doesn't sound as exciting to say that he's 'betrothed' to some woman he's never met for political reasons."
"Hnnn," Kaede made a sound of acquiescing.
Rin reached over and placed her hand on Kagome's belly. Kagome felt shocked, her hands flying up before she caught herself. She felt her cheeks burn and balled her hands into fists at her knees.
"Isn't this exciting? Both Lord Sesshomaru and Kagome will have families soon! I cannot wait for it. It makes Rin so delighted that Lord Sesshomaru will be an uncle and a husband," Rin gushed, reverting to her youthful speech mannerisms.
Kagome chuckled nervously and looked up to see Sesshomaru staring at her with those cold, golden eyes. The intensity was enough to make her want to crawl under a rock, but she could not concede anything here and now. She hadn't seen Sesshomaru since the night months ago, and now here he was in front of her, touting tales of a new woman and who knew what else. Suddenly Kagome felt incensed and stood up.
Rin looked up at her with concern, "What's wrong, Kagome?"
Kagome forced a smile at Rin, who was bright, loving, and talkative but oblivious to the tension beginning to permeate through the room. She would never admit that it emanated from her.
"Nothing is wrong, Rin. I am remiss about intruding on your time with Lord Sesshomaru. I know that it is not often he graces us with his presence, so I will leave you to catch up."
Rin's brow furrowed quizzically, and she looked over at Kaede, who only shrugged solemnly. Kagome bowed to Kaede, "I hope that salve helps you, Kaede. I will return later."
She then turned to Sesshomaru, for it would be rude not to address everyone in the room before leaving. "Congratulations again on your engagement, Lord Sesshomaru. May your union be a blessed one filled with happiness," she bowed towards him and quickly ducked from the hut.
Her mind began to run rampant. 'Who did he think he was coming here and touting his great news about a yokai mate? At least he would find someone as cold and unfeeling as he was, the bastard.'
She stomped off towards her home on the outskirts of the village far and away from everyone.
o - o - o - o - o
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Sesshomaru could smell her before she had even walked through the door. Her sweet scent was mingled with something markedly different; something that tickled the edge of his consciousness, a fact that he had seldom cause to use.
When she stepped inside, her scent emanated throughout the room and masked the sickly odor of the frail old human woman and Rin's clean one. It was in the moment that she was basked in the light pouring through the doorway while she held up the curtain that he knew.
His features were schooled into a mask of stoicism for which he was grateful. His disgust over the Miko's parturiency would have appalled young Rin, who seemed enchanted with the idea of the impending birth of an abomination, a further taint upon their father's honored memory.
The mere thought of the miko and his hanyo brother rutting together filled him with abhorrence. He was all too pleased when the woman rose to leave; until she flashed a look of defiance in his direction that caught him off guard. His hackles rose, and he sat unmoving while she spat her venomous words in his direction. When she stepped out of the small, confining house, Rin pouted openly.
Kaede grunted, "Hmph, that is odd behavior from her. Apologies, Lord Sesshomaru."
Sesshomaru waved a hand, "Think nothing of it, miko."
"Lord Sesshomaru, tell me more about your 'betrothal,'" Rin asked, pulling forward excitedly. She seemed to forget about the woman's exit instantly.
"Everything to be said has been said," he responded.
Kaede moved to find a more comfortable position, working hard to adjust herself. "Daiyokai Lord. Pray, tell thy thoughts for the young Rin. My time here is limited, and ye asked she remain here to learn of our mortal ways," she said.
"Miko, you seem to be implying that this Sesshomaru would take Rin with me upon my departure." He was growing annoyed with the questions from the older woman.
"Yes, Lord, and it has been noted that thy visits have become more infrequent as of late. Perhaps there is trouble in the west?" Kaede asked.
"That is nothing with which to trouble yourself. The affairs of the Western Lands are none of your concern," he replied tersely.
Kaede sighed acquiesced. "I see. Then can it be assumed that ye shall not be returning for some time."
Sesshomaru looked over at Rin, who sat quietly now, waiting for his judgment. "Rin must remain with her kind. There is nothing for her in the West. Once my intended arrives, any visits will cease."
"But Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin pleaded, tears instantly welling in her eyes.
Sesshomaru stood and looked down upon his former ward, now grown into a lovely young woman. His side was no place for a mortal girl. There was nothing he could afford her now that he had agreed to take the hand of a distant inu-yokai royal.
The yokai from the mainland held humans with disdain more so than even he had in the past. Any dalliance with mortals would be viewed with deep indignation and contempt, if not perceived as an outright threat. It was necessary to secure this alliance to ensure the purity of his bloodline.
"It is not my wish to upset you. There is no place for you, a human girl, within my court," he told her. "It is time you found your place among your kind." Taking a moment to consider his words, he added, "I will always value your companionship."
Rin sniffled but smiled, running over to embrace Sesshomaru. He felt taken aback by the gesture but did nothing to push her away.
"Rin understands. I understand," she corrected herself. "I am also grateful for all the time we shared, and I will always treasure it."
Sesshomaru waited until Rin removed herself and took several steps back. He had not thought she would receive the news graciously. However, her time with the old miko seemed to have had its intended effect.
Kaede replied in agreement. "It is for the best child."
Rin smiled dutifully. "Tell Jaken that I will miss him as well. Oh, and Ah-Un, too!"
Sesshomaru gave another small nod, "Jaken shall be pleased to know you harbor fondness for him." He smiled inwardly. The toad would be appalled to know that the girl thought of him at all. It would please him to share the information once he returned.
He strode towards the door and stopped without turning around to say, "Until our paths may meet again." He exited the small abode and rose up into the air.
Rin ran outside and waved as he departed the village, running underneath his shadow until she could no longer keep up. Sesshomaru felt a twinge of regret shoot through him at the sight but maintained his course due west.
The safety of Rin would be at stake had he brought her. The inu-female he was intended for had been known to be cruel towards humans. This match, brokered by his mother, ensured the bloodline remained pure. After all, his great and honorable father had already tainted the Taisho line by mixing with a mortal, resulting in his obtuse younger brother.
The wind buffeted his face and whipped his hair violently around him. Dark clouds formed on the horizon, and a low boom reverberated throughout the area. A storm was brewing, it seemed. Well enough that he was on his way, no storm could stop him, nor should he deign to worry.
As he cleared the edge of the village, he flew over the house where the human woman lived with his brother. He spared a fleeting glance at the tiny hut, noting there was no indication of occupants within. The woman was not there, and his half brother was still away on some fool's errand. He scowled internally at the thought of a male abandoning his female for folly. For it must be folly to take so long.
Sesshomaru would have eliminated the threat and returned in less than a fortnight, yet his errant brother had been away for nearly a moon's time, leaving the human woman alone and exposed.
The thought of her and the abomination that swelled within her belly made him sick. A darker part of him called out, urging him to snuff out the life before it began. But, it was beneath him to slay something defenseless. It would be best if the fetus perished within its mother's womb before drawing breath. Perhaps it would in time. In his long life, Sesshomaru had never heard of a half-demon successfully mating with a female, and that must account for something.
He passed over a clearing when he picked up the scent of her. It was strong in this area, and her usual sweet smell was now tinted with something that could only be identified as bitter. What she was doing alone in these woods was a question he did not have the time to answer, nor should he care. However, he felt compelled to see her one last time if at least to quell that defiant spark.
He glided into the trees beyond the valley and strode towards the edge of trees with a grace befitting a daiyokai. That grace did not save him from the snap of a branch underfoot. The sound brought him back to reality, and he cursed himself for this fixation, brought upon by a spell. A spell which he had still not unraveled. He was sure this compulsion was a lingering effect of the casting, and it perturbed him that he'd not found the caster, nor the objective of such an incantation.
The woman stood just inside the meadow with a bow in hand and a quiver of arrows at her feet. She had taken two arrows from the quiver and jammed them into the soft ground before her, waiting their turn for use. Nearly 60 meters away stood a large tree with several arrows already embedded into the trunk, all packed tightly in a neat circle.
Sesshomaru almost allowed himself to feel impressed at the feat, but it was difficult to be impressed with any human achievement when even a weak yokai was capable of much more.
He watched in silence as she snatched up an arrow from the ground and nocked it. He could hear, even from a distance, the breath she took in through her nose, filling her lungs. The same breath that she exhaled could be heard as the arrow loosed from her grip, propelled forward in an instant to the target. This shot also hit its mark, finding a home next to its brothers within that circle.
His presence had either been ignored or overlooked by the miko. Sesshomaru wondered which, but given the force of each movement the woman took, it was evident that she was oblivious to his presence. All the better for him to go unnoticed.
The time for him to depart and sever this irritating thread binding him to the mortal had passed. He turned on his heel to rise into the sky but was stopped by the grating and challenging voice.
"Why do you linger and watch this disdainful human from the shadows, Lord Sesshomaru?" she asked in a firm voice. The thud of another arrow could be heard hitting the tree in the distance.
'How insolent,' he thought and turned his head to see that the woman faced him, her bow lowered but not out of hand. Curbing that brazen tongue would be a sweet event, and he could think of many ways with which to achieve her silence.
When he did not answer, she supplied in a dry tone, "There is nothing here for you."
Sesshomaru whipped around in a flash and, within a fraction of a second, had a hand wrapped around the woman's throat. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she did not seem to fear him as she should.
"Do I not frighten you?" he asked. "To be watched by a predator who could extinguish the light of your life with a squeeze of his hand?"
Her eyes softened, and she looked sad. Mortals were perplexing creatures; short-lived and too full of emotion.
Those deep blue orbs met him with an intensity he did not understand and held his gaze. She responded, "I am not afraid."
A corner of his lip twitched in a contemptuous motion, and she continued, "Not because you are not frightening."
He could feel her quiver beneath his grip until she continued, "I would cower before you if I were anyone else... But, I know you won't hurt me."
Sesshomaru, not breaking her stare, drew his clawed thumb across her neck, breaking the skin and allowing blood to bead up along the line he made. He knew the woman could feel the path of his claw and the droplets of blood that fell from the wound. Her heart rate did increase, but there was no smell of fear exuding from her.
When he did not elicit any more reaction from her, Sesshomaru released his grip and let his arm fall to his side.
"You are here alone?" he asked.
She seemed to fight down the urge to smile. "You would know if I were not."
"Then you should know it is not safe in these woods," he looked down and then back up, adding, "In your condition."
The woman scoffed and turned away, snatching out another arrow from the quiver. She gracefully put the arrow to her string, pulling it tight under her chin, and released. The answering thud of the shaft hitting its target was her response to him.
Sesshomaru had no more time for this absurdity and made to leave from whence he came. But before he could take another step, she called out to him. "Wait," she said.
He stopped and regarded her cooly.
"I have something for you before you leave," she said. "Wait here."
Without waiting for a response, she set off down a path towards her home in the distance. Following her would not be wise. He'd already risked much by approaching her domicile in the past. It was only his luck that cold rains had washed his scent away before his brother returned.
The woman returned only a while later, carrying a bundle of fabric against her chest. It was immediately apparent the woman had kept his hankimono from the night of their encounter, and she held it out to him, looking away.
"Here," she said.
A strange part of him called out and urged that she should keep it: a reminder of him. That urge was swiftly quelled when he reached out to take the proffered garment.
This seemed to be as close as they would ever get to acknowledging that night. Sesshomaru had, at great pain and effort, shoved the memory deep away, ashamed of his baser instincts taking hold of him.
When he said nothing, the woman broke the silence, "Are we to pretend as if nothing happened?"
What question was this? "There is naught to say."
Her jaw clenched, and redness marred her cheeks. "There is much to say," she countered, exasperated.
"Go your own way, girl, as I shall go mine," was his terse reply.
The miko looked, now, on the edge of tears. Her fleeting emotions were enough to give any person strain.
"It's not that easy," she nearly sobbed.
Sesshomaru's brows drew in perplexion. He would never understand humans and their feeble emotions. All the same, he felt the pull from the invisible thread binding her to him. Her blue eyes watered and threatened to leak.
Not knowing what came over him, he grabbed her wrist, he pulled her towards him.
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inuyashasnook · 6 years
Then Came the Knight
So, I ended up writing the thing. Honestly, I hope it came out okay. I feel so nervous about posting this since I haven’t written anything but class notes for that past 4 years. Enjoy!
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
Warning: This story has themes and acts of rape. This story is also heavily NSFW. Please read at your own discretion.
Then Came the Knight
The day had started like any other. Well, as any other day should have started when you travel back in time 500 years in order to continue the rest of your life with the one you love.
The elegant priestess in training was accompanying her teacher in order to help the delivery of a baby in a nearby village. Her rough n’ tough lover, not too ecstatic about her leaving his line of sight, had definitely shared his thoughts on the matter with her that same morning when she announced her departure.
“What do you mean, it’s going to be fine? You’re with Kaede. That ol’ hag ain’t able to fight off a mouse,” he sputtered while his ears pinned back in annoyance.
Kagome sighed. She understood where he came from. It hadn’t even been two weeks since the young couple had been reunited with one another. Both the young priestess along with her silver-haired hanyou simply couldn’t get enough of each other. Inuyasha refused to let her out of his sight, always watching her, brushing up against her, being her shadow wherever she went. It also didn’t help that their marriage was only a week away, leaving the half-demon extremely protective of his soon-to-be wife.
“Look, Inuyasha, I don’t want to be separated from you either. Besides, you have to go exorcise a demon with Miroku today, so I figured I should at least keep myself occupied. They practically begged you to go save their village,” she answered with an exasperated tone.
He didn’t wait for a second longer. Inuyasha grabbed her wrist loosely and pulled the beautiful woman to his chest. She softly crashed against the hard muscles as she was taking in the scent of her man. Pine. Powerful arms wrapped around her tightly, squeezing her as if to fear she’d blow away in the wind and never reappear. Kagome’s head nestled in the crook of his neck, which caused the hanyou to let out a soft rumble similar to that of a dog getting pet just in the right spot. The young priestess’s heart raced and she was certain her face was several shades darker. Regardless of how many times the two had embraced since her return, the man she’d been patiently waiting to see never failed to make her heart flutter. Neither of them had a made a move beyond simple caresses and soft kisses. Both of them two nervous about upsetting the other, it was like walking on eggshells when it came to taking the relationship a step further.
“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Inuyasha whispered softly in her ear.
“Don’t worry, I promise I’ll stay safe.”
It simply astounded the black-haired woman how much more mature and open her best friend had become. She never even fathomed the day where the man would admit his own feelings in such a straightforward manner. A few years ago, he would have simply sulked and sputtered a few insults, which she knew he never really meant.
A few minutes passed until Miroku arrived at their humble abode in order to collect her fiancé to go slay some demons. Some things never changed. 
The couple said their goodbyes, Inuyasha pretending to be unaffected by the separation as he knew the lecherous monk was watching them closely. His ears told a different story, drooping ever so slightly. The miko gave him a reassuring smile in return and waved the two off.
Without wasting another minute, Kagome quickly hurried off to meet Kaede in the village after having packed a few herbs and other belongings she figured she might need for their little excursion. The village was only a few hours away by walk, meaning she would be able to return that same day if everything went well, or in a few days at the most. It had simply been so long since she was able to get back on the road again in feudal Japan.
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
The older woman in red and white robes smiled when she noticed her apprentice had entered the hut, “Bright and early this morning I see”.
“Early bird gets the worm!” Kagome replied, returning her smile.
“Kagome-sama! How are you this morning? Rin has made you breakfast with the help of Kaede-sama,” a young voice piped up from by the door as the mat that was draped across it was pushed out of the way.
“Rin! My morning has been splendid, how about yours?” the miko replied to the over-joyous girl.
The older priestess handed Rin a filled bowl of soup and gestured for the young apprentice to take a seat around the fire as she brought her over her breakfast.
“Now child, not too difficult to convince Inuyasha to let ‘ye leave this m’orning?” the older woman asked, arching an eyebrow.
“It took some convincing, but I got through to him. He’s just so worried. I mean, I am too,” she trailed as she simply stared at the bowl of hot soup resting in her lap.
Her mind flashed back to all of those terrible nights alone at home. All those nights she spent staring at her ceiling wishing it was a sky blanketed with twinkling stars, her companion at her side. Kagome had spent three entire years turning around at the sight of fast moving red objects, only to be deceived that it wasn’t the man she loved. Everything had worked out according to plan after defeating Naraku, especially for her original wish to return to a normal life. Little did she know, that was her head’s wish and not her heart’s. Then, that day had finally arrived. The day of her high school graduation. It was a day she simply knew she would never forget for the rest of her life. She was even willing to bet that it was going to be the happiest memory of her life. Kagome loved her own family enormously and was relieved that her mother understood that she simply had to leave when the Bone Eater’s well had opened back up. One thing lead to another, and she was finally able to hold those clawed hands, get lost in those amber eyes, touch the soft protruding puppy ears on top of his head once more.
“Child, ye’ know that he visited the well every three days?��� the older woman said, a tiny smile tugging at her lips.
Kagome didn’t answer as she clutched the bowl of soup tighter and a blush started to form on her cheeks.
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
As they walked towards their destination, several hours passed by and the trip to the smaller excluded village was uneventful, much to Kagome’s relief. The miko had brought her bow and arrows in order to defend herself, but she knew they didn’t compare to the Tessaiga in their level of protection.
As the pair passed through the front gates of the village, they were greeted by a gaggle of children playing about. Several dogs attached to the huts barked to greet the two unknown ladies. Needless to say, they didn’t have to wait long before being greeted by the village headman.
“Kaede-sama, thank goodness you’ve come! And this must be your priestess in training,” a man no older than 40 cheerfully exclaimed as he made his way towards them.
“Ye’, I am Kaede. This is Kagome. She is very skilled in the ways of healing and she will be helping me deliver the baby today.”
A younger man, about Kagome’s age, appeared from around the corner of one of the larger huts. He wore a dark blue kosode and towered in height in comparison to the women. Even for Kagome’s time, he was considered tall, most likely around 6’3”.
“That is wonderful! Ah, here comes my son now. This is Taisei,” the village head continued as he gestured towards the lanky figure that had just appeared.
That’s when Taisei’s eyes fell on Kagome’s. He couldn’t stop staring at the younger miko, completely enticed by her appearance. Her soft chocolate eyes, her long black hair that rested just below her shoulders, her slim waist, and fair skin. Something then just ticked in his head. The woman simply made his heart race. Even if she was a priestess, he needed her all for himself. He needed to convince her to stay.
“Y… yes, nice to meet you,” Taisei stuttered.
“Now that everyone’s met each other, right this way. My wife is waiting in the hut, ready to get this over with,” the older man chuckled slightly as he brought the two priestesses towards his large home.
The delivery had been successful and for the most part, uneventful. Due to the delivery having spanned for much longer than anticipated, Kaede and Kagome decided it was wiser if they spent the night in the village. They had been kindly accommodated by the village head, having an extra room for his guests.
Kagome shrugged off her robes and remained in her under clothes. Two futons had been rolled out and the younger girl slipped under one of them. She sighed, knowing that sleep tonight wouldn’t come easy.
“What troubling ye’ child?” Kaede asked her, concerned clearly painted across her face as she also started making her way to the adjacent empty futon.
“This is the first night. The first night since I’ve returned and he’s not with me,” tinged sadness was apparent in her words as she replied to the older woman. 
It’s not like the two had even tried anything. Both too nervous about overstepping each other’s boundaries, they simply laid in each other’s embrace, enjoying the time they spent cuddling.
Kaede didn’t reply but simply sent a pained smiled to her young companion. Those two have had a rough go at it, the older woman thought silently praying that things would eventually work out for the two of them.
The night had stilled. Both women’s breathing had eventually steadied, a clear sign that sleep had overtaken both of them. That’s when the door to their room slowly opened, allowing there to be just a crack. The man simply sat there, observing the young miko sleep. He tried to breathe in her scent from the room, not able to get enough of her. That’s when the idea came to him. The man slowly got up, closed the door and returned the same way he had arrived
The next morning, as the two of them were breaking their fast, panicked shuffling and mumbling could be heard. Soon enough, the village headman knocked at their door.
“Lady Kaede, my wife doesn’t have the strength to stay awake!”
The old woman got up as fast as her advanced age allowed her to. She turned to face Kagome, “I should have this under control. Rest a bit and I’ll come get ye’ if I need ye’. If I’m not done in a few hours, ye’ should return to the village without me to explain the situation to Inuyasha. The boy won’t let me live if I keep you away from him for too long.”
A smile danced on the younger girl’s lips. She could see Inuyasha in a few more hours. She was aware that the older priestess knew what she was doing with years of experience under her belt, so she knew that the headman’s wife was in good hands. 
A few minutes after the exchange, Kagome got up to take a stroll outside the village in order to go kill some time. She felt bad about not being able to help, but she knew that Kaede had her reasons and had asked her not to join her.
Colours and shapes slowly started to morph and become fuzzy. Had she not slept enough last night? Kagome knew that she didn’t sleep as long as she normally did, but that shouldn’t have been enough for her to start hallucinating. The strength in her legs gave way and she buckled under her own weight. Trying to grasp a nearby tree in order to hoist herself back up, she found that it was simply impossible. Her vision started to grow cloudy and her eyes shut on their own accord. “Inu…yasha,” was the last thing her lips muttered before sleep overtook her and her world went black.
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
He had arrived that same day they left. The half-demon and the monk had managed to do quick work of the demon that was pestering the village. The entirety of the time, the monk had pestered his friend about the sudden return of his soulmate. Had the two of them finally danced the lover’s dance?
Needless to say, Inuyasha was glad to have arrived back home. The idea of a home was still a concept foreign to him, but he’d welcome it with open arms.
As he arrived at his own doorway, he pushed back the mat and peeked his head through, expecting to be greeted with that warm smile he had missed for so long. The silver-haired man was quickly aware that his significant other hadn’t been home since her departure that morning. Her sweet smell that usually hung in the air was stale and there was no smell of delicious food cooking over the fire.
His ears drooped slightly as he realized that she wouldn’t be back that night. Inuyasha knew she wouldn’t be an idiot and travel at night without him as she was aware of the dangers that lurked when the moon was present. Sure, she was stupid sometimes, but he knew she knew better than that. The man let out a soft growl of displeasure as he entered their hut and set his Tessaiga against the wall that was closest to their futon.
Guess I’ll make some rice and cook the fish alone. His heart felt heavy, empty, like it had so many times before her return. He was resisting every urge not to run after her and make sure she was alright. He wanted her to know that he trusted her, that he knew she could make decisions on her own. Despite every instinct at his core screaming for him to smother her and protect her with every ounce of his body, he knew this was just another part of growing up. I’m able to protect her like this, he tried to convince himself.
After his quick dinner, he knew he wouldn’t be able to fight off his urges. He simply wanted to hold her again, to have her back pressed against his chest as they lay in bed together. Sleep wouldn’t come at all, so he figured he should go check up on her regardless of his previous resolve. I’m weak. I need you Kagome. His heart felt like it would burst into a million pieces. All these emotions were foreign to him and the boy simply didn’t know how to handle them.
I’ll be there by morning at least. I’ll surprise her by picking her up, he told himself.
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
He had arrived when the sun had arisen for a few hours. His soft canine ears perked up at the sound of the village awakening. The chickens clucked every so often, the dogs barking as they sensed his arrival, wives sending off their husbands to go work in the fields.
Inuyasha’s eyes subconsciously scanned his vicinity for his mate. He could smell her sweet aroma in the air and knew that she would be close. His ear suddenly tracked the sound of heavy footsteps approaching him.
“Inuyasha, what are ye’ doing here?” asked the older priestess.
“What does it look like I’m doing, baba?” Inuyasha retorted, annoyed that someone would even ask him such dumb a question.
“If ye’ lookin’ for Kagome, I sent her home a few hours ago. She should have arrived already,” she responded unfazed by the attitude the hanyou was giving her.
“That makes no sense baba! I would've smelled her on my way here if she went home!”
Fear gripped him suddenly. Where was his Kagome? Why had she not been on her way home like she was supposed to? Something must have happened for her not to be there. A sudden guttural growl erupted from the pit of his stomach, Inuyasha unaware himself of the sound he was producing. Several passersby cowered away from him at his sudden display of aggression. His ears perked up, trying to detect any familiar sounds of his mate. He retracted his claws, ready to attack whomever or whatever had caused her to be in potential danger.
“Calm down boy. Maybe one of the villagers asked ‘er for something,” Kaede said, knowing that the poor half-demon would easily be willing to terrorize the entirety of Japan if it meant he could be reunited with his dark-haired priestess.
Regardless of what anyone would tell him, he wouldn’t back down until his girl returned to his arms. A million thoughts were racing in his mind. If she even asks me to leave my side again, the wench can dream cause I ain’t going to let her.
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
When she awoke, panic overcame her. It was like being stuck in the jewel for three days again. He hasn’t arrived yet. There’s still darkness. I’m still stuck inside this damned jewel. It was something she tried desperately to forget, but the memories had resurfaced and clung to the forefront of her mind. Her body screamed for her to tremble and cry, but she found that she couldn’t. The only thing she seemed to be able to control and was her neck and head movements.
The priestess eased her breathing when she had been able to open her eyes and notice that there was light around her. That’s right. I’m out of the jewel.
Yet, she wasn’t in an easier situation. Her petite body was propped up against a man’s, who was touching her greedily. Kagome desperately tried to scream, but nothing would come out, her throat dry and tight. The unknown man was traveling his arms down her sides and rested upon her breast, caressing them softly. She felt the press of his erection against her lower back.
Fuck. Inuyasha’s not going to let me live this one down. Fuck. I need to get myself out of this situation or I’m about to get raped. Fuck.
It took her a few more seconds again to realize who her assailant was. Taisei. That fucker. That pervert. The miko desperately tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but none of her limbs allowed her to move. She was paralyzed. The only explanation her panicked brain could come up with was that someone had drugged her during breakfast that morning. It seemed like regardless of whether she was in feudal Japan or modern times, there would always be men like that.
“Good morning my little kitten, it seems you’ve awoken,” the sly and breathy voice resonated against the walls of the small room.
The girl still couldn’t talk, her panic overfilling her and incapacitating her from any form of speech. She whimpered a few times, trying to trash her head in hopes to hit him and make him loose her grasp of her.
He slowly moved his hands, one towards her opulent hips and another towards her mouth, “Oh now, that’s not being a good girl. I’m sorry it had to turn out that way darling. I’ve wanted you since you walked through those gates. Since you’re a miko, I knew I couldn’t get you any other way. So, I’m sorry sweetie, I hope you’ll forgive me.”
He slowly pushed one of his fingers into her mouth, prying it open as he did so. The vile creature was now moaning as he was grinding his hips against her rear, yielding pleasure from his acts. Tears started to stream down Kagome’s face as she felt utterly useless and incapable of doing anything. Why am I so weak? Do something Kagome!
She bit down on his finger and he yelped in return, slapping her cheek with violent force.
“Bitch, you’ll pay for what you’ve done!”
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
The hanyou tracked the scent of his lover within the village. The stupid place reeked of so many humans that it was hard to make out the individual smells. After a few more minutes of sniffing the ground intensely and a few too many looks from the villagers, he pounced and ran in the direction of his soon-to-be wife.
When he arrived at the front of the large hut, he smelled more than just Kagome’s regular smell. It was tinged with panic and salt. Tears. Fuck. What the hell’s going on here? He wasted no time to politely ask to gain entry to the house. He figured he’d just apologize for it later if the opportunity arose. Right now, he was focused on reuniting himself with his raven-haired, chocolate eyed maiden.
His heart reverberated in his chest when he found himself stopped in front of two large doors. Kagome’s scent was fresh, mixed with fear, salt and something else sour. There was also a male smell that was equally as present in the air. He shifted his hip to gain easy access to his sword and rested one hand on its hilt.
What he heard next had him kicking down the doors in an instant.
It was the softest whimper he’d ever heard. But he’d heard it.
The sight greeted him with was not a pleasant one. There was this fucker holding his crying girlfriend in his lap, his hands on her at places where they shouldn’t be. The vile man’s eyes had snapped up and grew three sizes larger as he realized he was no longer alone in the room. That mother fucker. He has no goddamned idea what I’m about to do to him. Wait, why isn’t Kagome running away?
A million thoughts ran through his mind at once, bombarding and clouding his judgment. Had she gone there on her own accord? Had she sought out the comfort of another man while he was away? Was she even ready for such things? Realizing that he was just being stupid and his mind was playing tricks on him, he unsheathed his sword and roared, “What in the hell is the meaning of this?”
Taisei’s hands quickly let go of his prized possession and he scrambled away, keeping his eyes on the hanyou until his back hit the wall and he couldn’t go any further.
“Who… who are you?” he asked, the previous lecherous tone turned into that of a panicked one.
“Your worst nightmare, dick,” the canine-eared man half-barked while barring his teeth.
He slowly made his way towards the two and blocked the path between the human man and his mate, “Don’t you ever fucking touch her again, do you understand me?”
The man nodded a few times and Inuyasha could smell the rancid scent of pee in the air coming from the pervert’s vicinity. Not knowing if he should physically hurt the man or if he should check up on Kagome, Inuyasha was torn between the two. He decided he’d scared the human enough, so he slowly padded towards his still girlfriend.
“Kagome, honey, are you alright?” he asked, his eyes searching her body for any sight of injury.
He mentally noted that the man had struck her cheek, still red from the blow. Other than that, he couldn’t smell any more bruising or blood. Just the stench of the lecherous fucker all over her miko garbs. Why is she not moving?
“Kagome? Why aren’t you getting up?” Inuyasha pressed, panic rising in his voice as one of his hands cupped her face delicately.
“I….. can’t…. paralyzed” she finally managed to utter, voice dry and raspy.
He gave her one of the most pained looks she had ever seen. He had let her down. Failed to protect her once again, just like he had made her wait those long three days within the jewel. His heart shattered at the thought.
“Can I pick you up Kagome?” the half-demon asked her, wondering if the woman would rather be left untouched after what she had just gone through.
Unable to utter another sound as it took too much energy out of her, she nodded. The silver-haired man wasted no time to envelop his arms around her limp body and support her head with his chest. He let out a soft rumble in his chest in hope to help her calm down. She buried her head into his chest, letting out a few more heavy tears and hiccups.
“Shh, shh, it’ll be okay. I’m here now. I’m always here for you. I’m so sorry it took me so long to get here. Shh shh,” Inuyasha attempted to reassure the fragile woman in his arms, rocking her gently against him.
“What’s the meaning of this? Why is the miko letting you defile her such, you filthy demon?” the squealing voice coming from Taisei rung and bounced off the walls of the room.
“You’re the actual demon here. Next time you touch my woman, I’ll tear your eyes out and you won’t even get a chance to say boo.” Inuyasha answered, spitting in front of the headman’s son.
The hanyou left the room while clutching and carrying his mate protectively against his chest. Nothing would touch her now. He had her. The silver-haired man had to go consult Kaede. He knew that she could fix his Kagome. She always knew how, right? What if it’s my fault and she can’t move anymore?
Having heard the commotion, the older healer stood in front of the headman’s house. She was unsure of what had happened, but she figured it wouldn’t be good as she had heard her younger companion let out a string of angry snapping and colourful insults.
What she saw next broke her heart. Inuyasha held the limp body of his soon-to-be wife in his arms and he padded towards her, ears drooping down, face wrenched in pain. The boy holding onto her, probably even too tightly she figured.
“What happened Inuyasha?”
“The lech had his hands all over her. Must ‘of drugged her or something. She’s paralyzed and I ain’t got no idea how to fix her,” The half-demon replied, the last string of words muttered almost as soft as a murmur.
“Come now Inuyasha. Let’s make it back to the village and I’ll give her a brew. She’ll also need some food in her to regain her strength. Think you can help me with that?” she asked, hoping to comfort the lost boy.
The couple had already gone through so much. Kaede figured she should try to involve the half-demon. He’d be up to no good otherwise and she genuinely cared about those two as if they were her own children. Exasperating children, yes, but her children none the less.  
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
The sun had gone down by the time she managed to open her eyes again. She lifted a hand to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes when she felt a warm and comforting arm draped against her stomach. She looked down at the dozing face holding the soft features she loved tenderly. He saved me yet again. 
Glancing at her own body, an overpowerful feeling of disgust overcame her. Disgust that such a man had tried to touch her without her consent. Disgust because she was still wearing those clothes he had nearly tried to rip off her body, or, not? After a second look, she noticed she was wearing her under-kosode and a familiar red haori. Thank you, Inuyasha.
Feeling the woman in his arms stir, Inuyasha started to wake up. He propped himself up on one of his elbows before glancing down at the beautiful form of his girlfriend laying in front of him, “Good morning sleeping beauty.”
“Good morning Inuyasha. Thank you… thank you for saving me again,” she said trying not to break down crying.
“Hush wench, you know I’ll always come for you no matter what. That’s why we’re getting married, stupid. For better or for worse, till death do us part.”
He lowered his head towards her, leaning in for a kiss. The black-haired girl hungrily replied, crashing her own lips against his. She brushed her tongue lightly against his lips in order to be allowed entry, which was quickly granted by her companion. They sat in silence, kissing and embracing for several long minutes.
She reluctantly broke apart from him and said, “He just took the liberty and touched me in a bunch of places. I feel… I feel so filthy.”
“Kagome, you’re not filthy. You didn’t do anything wrong. I... I was the one who let something happen to you,” Inuyasha replied as he rested his head against her forehead.
This was the closest they had managed to get to one another since her return. Much to her delight, the tip-toeing around what was acceptable in their relationship had simply disintegrated, just like that. Gone were the days where their young selves were too ashamed to notice or admit that they meant the world to one another. They were born for each other.
“Inuyasha, can I… can I touch you?” the young girl asked embarrassingly.
His ears perked up at the nature of her request. A deep shade of red painted itself on his cheeks, his enter body temperature feeling like it had risen several hundred degrees.
“Yeah, sure, if you want,” he clumsily replied while sitting straight up.
Her hands moved slowly but gently to his chest, where she started opening up the under-kosode. The material parted slightly and it allowed her hands to roam on the muscular flesh that peaked through the gap. This caused Inuyasha to inhale and hold his breath for a few seconds. Nervously, her hands made their way to the ties that were holding the garment in place. She fumbled with them, eventually managing to pry them loose along with the material that they were attached to. The silver-haired dog demon shrugged the piece of clothing off his shoulders. He sat there, unsure of how she’d react. Fuck he thought to himself as he felt his throbbing erection push against his hakama.
To his surprise, her hands slowly moved to his groin next. She applied a bit of pressure there and it caused him to groan slightly. Noticing what he had done, his ears drooped slightly with embarrassment as he refused to look up at the eyes of his soon-to-be-wife.
“It’s okay Inuyasha,” the girl softly replied with a contented smile tugging at her lips.
She’d be lying if she didn’t admit she was nervous as well. In order to help him fight his one-sided embarrassment, she removed the haori that was tied around her as well as her under-clothing. Following suit, Inuyasha removed his hakama. Both sat there, looking at each other’s bodies in awe and taking every inch in. It took several minutes before Kagome had the courage to extend her hand out to touch him. It was all it took before the hanyou grabbed it and pulled his mate flush against his chest, holding her tightly. Kagome let out an exhilarated sigh as the two hugged. Inuyasha’s well endowed, the raven-haired priestess thought to herself excitedly.
Feeling adventurous, she grabbed at the perky appendage that was pushing against her flat and toned stomach. This resulted in a slight gasp from her canine-eared friend who let go of her to look at her in amazement as she started to stroke his manhood. A moan escaped his lips as she slowly but tightly pumped it.
“Ka... Kagome,” was all he managed to say in between pants.
Realizing that he wasn’t doing anything for her, he gently grabbed her and pushed her down flat against their futon, his body towering above her. His hair draped around both of her shoulders. He gazed at her lovingly and all she could think of were two words – mighty and powerful. He crashed his lips against hers before slowly making his way down towards her chest. He nervously trailed his tongue to her breast and when he reached it, he licked around her areola. When his lips reached her nipple, he sucked and she let out a soft whimper. His male pride radiated off of him as he continued to please his mate, licking and nipping at the perky bundle of flesh in his mouth. She squirmed and moaned his name sensually. His left hand was preoccupied with fondling the other breast and running his thumb across her sensitive nipple. The hanyou’s erection throbbed against his stomach. She’s fucking beautiful, was the only thought the aroused half-demon could think of.
A thought popped into the half-demon’s head. Listening to Miroku all those years ago hadn’t been all that bad of an idea. Still a bit unsure about the reaction he’d received with what he was about to execute, he slowly made his way down her slim body, kissing every inch of her chest and her stomach until he reached her thighs. Kagome looked at him pleadingly, her slow release of sweet-scented fluid indicating she wanted him. Her scent of desire intoxicated him and crowded every corner of his mind. He groaned as he tried to stop himself from turning her over and simply pounding into her from behind as if he were a wild dog. Pushing the thoughts aside as he knew it was his mate’s first time, he wanted it to be a memorable experience for both of them. Not memorable in a way that made her want to shudder. He grabbed both of her thighs and nestled his head in front of her sweet folds, taking a hesitating lick. Shots of pleasure made their way up Kagome’s spine and added to the warm feeling of desire building in her stomach.
“More… please,” she pleaded as her center filled itself with more sweet-smelling liquid.
Eager to please, Inuyasha excitedly continued. He lapped furiously, running his tongue along her folds and pushing into her center even deeper. He made sure to suck on the small protruding bundle every so often as he’d get the most pleasant sounds out of his mate when he did so. The miko’s hands had instinctively reached for his hair where his small white appendages stood. She scratched behind them tenderly as he sucked and loved her.
“Inuyasha… stop,” the raven-haired girl pleaded.
Wasn’t she enjoying it? Why did she want him to stop? Had he hurt her? The canine-eared boy stopped dead in his tracks, ears pinned behind his head in defeat. Fear was evident in his eyes. He’d gone too far. Pushed her over the limit. Caused her to hate him forever.
Noticing his instant change in behaviour, the miko was perplexed. Why did he seem so upset?
“Inuyasha, if you continued what you were doing, I’d… I’d cum. That’s way too quick. You haven’t even been tended to yet,” she stammered embarrassingly.
His ears perked back up. Had he heard, right? Girls can cum?
“Girls can cum?” he asked as if it was the most natural question he could come up with.
“Of course they can, silly! I guess this is the feudal era after all. They say that women can feel even more pleasure than guys since we have more neurons in our clitoris,” she explained.
He wasn’t even going to try to understand that last part. He now knew what he had to do. Please his wench. The hanyou knew that if he tried to push himself in her, it would probably hurt. Yet another thing he had remembered from one of Miroku’s many topics of conversation involving women. Ease her into it, open her up gently, the monk’s voice rang in his head.
Being as gentle as he could, especially with how long his claws were, he gently prodded at the folds. Her body naturally opened itself up to him, engulfing his finger whole as he slipped it inside of her. What surprised him the most was when his girlfriend tilted her pelvis in order to take more of it in as she let out a small moan. Damn wench, havin’ all the fun. He tried adding a second finger into her burning and wet flesh. It went in just as easily. Feeling confident that she was open enough for him, he positioned himself at an angle that would ease his entry.
“Kagome?” he asked, wondering if she was mentally ready for him. He knew she was more than physically ready by the amount of liquid that had pooled around her.
“Just do it, please. I need you in me now,” she urged, biting her lower lip and tilting her pelvis forward.
Not having to be told twice, Inuyasha penetrated her slowly. She feels so fucking tight. A guttural growl left his lips as it took all of his willpower for him not to trust and pound himself into her. His instincts were slowly taking over and he wanted to suppress them so intensely. Stupid dog demon. He felt her walls adjust themselves to him and allowed him to enter her fully.
Inuyasha simply couldn’t believe it. After all those years of longing, mixed messages, and sexual tension, he was finally able to claim her. To show her how much she meant to him. He started easing out of her, then pushed back in, in repeated rocking motions. She moaned and begged him to increase his thrusting as she clutched the futon behind her. He noticed her back arching slightly, she looked like a begging bitch in heat. Fuck. This was going to be harder than he thought.
“Harder,” she squealed in between pants.
The heat building up at the bottom of his stomach was starting to be almost unbearable. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer, especially with all the excitement that they had built up. Three long years of yearning and desire. All those fantasies that were played out in their heads about each other during their separations now seemed possible. Both bodies edged closer and closer to ecstasy. With the screams of each other’s names, their grunts, and moans filled the air as if it was a practiced orchestral performance.
“INUYASHA,” she screamed one final time as she climaxed, her body writhing and thrashing against his. Kagome’s walls clenched down against him. Her arms shot up to hold his neck as she rode the waves of pleasure that made their way throughout every single muscle of her body.
At the same time, a large growl erupted from his throat seconds after as he spilled himself into her warm center. He thrust several times, milking his appendage until he was empty.
Both bodies crashed on the futon, Kagome underneath and Inuyasha snuggled beside her as he nuzzled her shoulder.
“Wench?”, the half-demon asked, pleasure and contentment clearly evident in his husky voice.
“Hmm?” she mumbled back, her eyes partially open as sleep was starting to overtake her.
“I love you,” he announced to her for the first time.
“I love you too, dog-boy”, she replied, turning to face him and to kiss him slightly before falling asleep in his arms.
»»———————————————- ♡ ———————————————-«« 
Author’s note: Thank you very much for reading this fic! This is, in fact, the first I’ve written in over 5 years, so I really apologize for my rustiness! Sorry about Inuyasha’s out-of-characterness, this is just how I imagined him after three full years of emotional constipation after missing Kagome so much.
I also know that this type of fanfiction has been done before, I just needed to write one with my own spin on it. I also like to imagine that those two’s first time would be something very soft and passionate.
It’s also the first time that I try writing something naughty.
Regardless, I’m open for requests but I have a few more fic ideas on the go. I’m going to get quite busy in the next little while since I have 3 midterms and 2 projects coming up, but I’ll do my best to upload before then.
Much love, 
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