#yes you can see how short i am from the door height
dixxiemaegraphics · 7 months
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I liked my outfit yesterday so you also have to look at it.
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asilentsongbird · 1 year
For you, I think I would learn how to love
For my lovely anon who asked for husband Neuvillette, I bring you a whole fic. This man has me in a chokehold and I need everyone to know how much I love him.
Pairing: Neuvillette x fem! Reader Word Count: ~7k
Summary: Tired of waiting for you to find a husband, your parents find one for you. One who happens to be the Chief Justice of Fontaine. A new city, a new life, a new husband. So much new, and you could only hope, deep in your heart, that you would find happiness and love in Fontaine.
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The first time you meet him, it's rather formal.
It's not as though you have much of an option. Though you certainly couldn't say you expected when you woke up to be told that your parents had found a husband for you, and that you'd be married in a week.
They had been pushing marriage lately, saying you were the right age, but the thought had been far from your mind. You thought you still had time, and the next thing you knew, you were being brought to Fontaine.
It's certainly different from Liyue. The hills and mountains are different from the Stone Forrest. The air feels different, there's water heavy in it.
You wait, in an ornate room that feels much too fancy. You've been left alone for a brief moment, the most your parents have allowed since you were told the news.
Part of you wonders if you could escape if you jumped out the window. A quick glance told you that it was much too high to entertain that idea. You'd end up breaking a leg before you got out of this marriage.
The door opens. A man appears, with long white hair with blue streaks in it. Simply from his appearance, you can tell that this is someone important. Your spine straightens as sharp eyes land on you, zeroing in on you.
You felt small, for a moment. As though he was judging you for simply existing in a space you'd rather not be in. Though your parents didn't care if you had plans or wished to find a husband on your own.
The man doesn't say anything. He closes the door behind him with a click, and makes his way over to you. Despite the desire to shrink back, you stand your ground, until he finally stands before you.
Up close you can see more details. He towers over you in height, but you suppose most people would feel short compared to him. His eyes capture your attention the most, the pupils such a strange shape, but gorgeous nevertheless.
"I apologize for leaving you waiting," he starts, almost looking as lost as you on how to start.
You wave your hands frantically in front of you. "It's fine! I didn't expect anyone to come in. I was told I would be meeting-"
Saying future husband felt much too strange. The man in front of you notices your pause, and arches a single silver brow. You frantically try to remember the name of the man who is meant to be your fiance.
"Ah, sorry, I was meant to meet a Mister Neuvillette?" your voice stumbles awkwardly over the new word, still struggling with the accent.
On the trip to Fontaine, your parents had tried to give you lessons on the language, as though you would become fluent in the few hours it took to travel.
The man blinks. And then he blinks again, as though he's trying to figure out what you just said.
Apparently the lessons hadn't worked.
"Sorry, my accent needs work," you apologize. "I hear he's the Chief Justice?"
The man nods, slowly. "That is correct."
You hum, non-committal, waiting to see if your company decides to keep the conversation going. When he doesn't, you find yourself unable to think of words.
Well, this felt awkward. And from the way the man still seemed at a loss for words, he also felt the same.
The tension could almost cut a knife.
He clears his throat after a moment, the sound almost makes you jump.
"Yes, well..." he pauses, gesturing towards the couch. "I am sure monsieur Neuvillette will be here soon."
You take a seat near him. Not close enough to be inappropriate, but close enough that it would be clear that you were talking.  Maybe "monsieur Neuvillette" will see the two of you and decide that this marriage wasn't something he wanted a part of.
"Congratulations on your engagement," your new friend tells you after a moment. You give him a tight lipped smile.
Once again, silence descends over you two. You fidget with your skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles from travel. Hopefully, it wasn't something your new husband would be upset about.
At least the silence didn't feel as oppressive this time. You let yourself relax, taking a deep, steadying breath.
"Can I ask you something?"
The man beside you nods. You still haven't gotten his name yet, you realize. You'd have to ask later, after some other questions. Who knows when your parents and future husband will be coming.
"Um...how is Neuvillette?" you tentatively ask, to which you only receive a rather blank, if not curious look.
You suppose you'll have to be more direct. Though it almost pains you.
But at least, if he's not kind, you would like a warning. Some way to prepare yourself for what the rest of your life is going to be like. Some women, they don't even get that. They were woken up on the day of their wedding, and the rest of their lives was at the whims of their husbands.
You steel yourself, and fully turn your attention to your friend.
"Is he kind?"
Something in him softens at that. He looks at you with an emotion that you can't recognize in that moment. Pity, maybe?
He opens his mouth, but before you can get your answer, the door opens.
Your parents lean in for a moment, see you sitting on the couch, talking to a stranger, but strangely have nothing bad to say about that. In fact, they look delighted.
"Are you two getting along well?" your mother asks you, somewhat reminding you of a cat just having caught a bird.
The satisfaction on her face made you uneasy, like there was a secret you were missing.
"Fine, thank you," your friend replied for you when you couldn't manage words. "Your daughter is very polite."
Your parents beam at that. The uneasy feeling in your stomach gets worse.
"Thank you, monsieur Neuvillette."
Somehow, it hadn't dawned on you. Your stomach feels like it falls into the floor, but Neuvillette doesn't seem to have any other reaction, looking at your parents. They don't even wither under his stare.
You never wanted to shrink into the floor more. You had just asked your future husband about himself. And more than that, you asked him if he was kind.
Your parents talk with Neuvillette, allowing you a moment to feel invisible and wallow in your self-pity and embarrassment.
At least, until you feel a small tug on the sleeve of your blouse.
It's one of the melusines, you had found them to be very cute upon first seeing them. Your parents hadn't explained much about them, so you found yourself blinking down at the small melusine.
"He is," she says to you, nodding.
You tilt your head to the side. Briefly, you feel eyes on you, but when you look at your parents, they're still talking to Neuvillette, and taking his attention.
"He's what?"
She hands you a long ribbon. It's a deep, ocean blue, the same color that Neuvillette is wearing.
"He is kind," she explains, patiently, as though you were a child. "I heard you ask."
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire, especially as she climbed up next to you, weaving the ribbon through your hair, and both your parents and Neuvillette turned to stare.
"Y/N, that is very rude to ask," your mother scolds, because that is the lot of women in life, only to worry about when men think of you and what might make you undesirable. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Nonsense, it is a very reasonable question to ask. Why wouldn't someone want to know who they're marrying?" Neuvillette cuts in, before your mother can scold you any more.
Your parents fall silent, nodding their heads in agreement as though they hadn't been about to lecture you like a child. You would have laughed if it wasn't for the Melusine finishing with your hair.
"There," she says, with her self imposed job done. "Will you be having a wedding?"
You weren't sure your heart could take any more surprises today. Your cheeks hadn't even lost their blush from the first moment, at this point you didn't think they'd ever go back to their normal color.
"We'll have to see," you murmur, because you weren't completely sure yourself.
She nods, taking in your word and opinion as though it was law. Neuvillette didn't contradict you either, but did finally turn back to your parents.
You don't get too much of a chance to participate in most of the conversation. The Melusine, Sedene, as you learned the name of, asks you more questions that keep you occupied.
It's a welcome distraction. It's better than awkwardly listening to a conversation about your future where at least two of the three people here wouldn't even care for your input.
The jury was still out on Neuvillette.
Eventually though, it grew late, late enough that Sedene was sleeping with her head on your lap. It seemed that finally the other three were tired of negotiating over your life.
Before you knew it, you looked up from your lap just in time to see Neuvillette leave without even a goodbye, the door clicking behind him. Your parents look much too pleased with themselves, which you somehow didn't think was possible.
"I told you, the match would be a good one," your mother tells your father, pride seeping into her voice.
You're not so sure. You can't be sure. At least not yet.
"Yes," your father agrees, with the same fond voice he always had when he didn't want to argue with your mother, and it's easier just to agree.
It seems, just like the foundation of Liyue, that your future is set in stone.
You hope Fontaine will be kind to you.
You do not have a wedding.
It's actually fine with you. More than fine, really. Apparently as Chief Justice of Fontaine, Neuvillette is well liked and popular. The amount of people you'd have to invite to the wedding would be too many for you.
So you simply don't. You sign a document and in the eyes of the law, and of Neuvillette, that is enough.
Though a part of you aches that you will never have the traditional Liyuen wedding you dreamed of as a child. But you suppose that dreams of childhood should stay there.
You move into Neuvillette's home. Fontaine comes as a culture shock, almost.
The amount of times you get absolutely lost in this fish-bowl of a city manages to astound even you.
It's not your fault, really. Liyue Harbor is easy to navigate, warm and welcoming. In Fontaine, the streets all somehow manage to look the same, though the shops sell things you never even thought of. At some point, you're pretty sure you even see a woman standing outside of a building with a mechanical bird.
You end up seeing other Melusines more than your new husband. You don't really blame him for this, his job is important and needed, so each day he bids you a single "good morning" along with a look you couldn't decipher, as he heads to the Opera House.
That's a whole other thing about Fontaine that you still haven't investigated.
It's not as though you're upset that you don't see Neuvillette often. But he is one of the few people that you know here, and it doesn't take long for you to be lonely in the new city, without any of your friends.
Though you find the Meluine's to be kind. They help you when you get lost, and press small gifts into your palms as they take your hands to lead you around.
They tell you to tell Neuvillette to take some time off work. To spend some time with you. You nod and agree that you'll tell him the next time you see him.
But when the man quickly leaves in the morning and doesn't return until late, you never really get a chance to.
If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he'd been avoiding you.
It's like that for almost a month. He says good morning, disappears, and you wander the city to familiarize yourself with it. He never comes home until the sun has almost set, and night is almost there, while you wander until the rain finally starts for the day.
You asked the Melusine's about it once, commenting that there wasn't so much rain in Liyue. They tell you of the hydro dragon and the tears it cries. You hope that someday you will get to meet this dragon and see what makes them so sad.
At least, it stays like that until it doesn't, as most things tend to do.
You were lost, which wasn't too much of a surprise, but unlike the times before, there were no Melusine's to bring you back home or to a place you knew. The rain had started earlier today, earlier than anyone seemed to expect, and before you knew it, you were huddled in an alley, your clothing absolutely soaked and shivers running down your spine from the wet and the cold.
You missed Liyue. You missed your friends, your parents, you missed the smells and sounds of the harbor. Tears burned in your eyes and mixed with the rain on your cheeks.
Standing there simply isn't going to fix things though, so you eventually left your small, but dry, protection, and decided to finally figure out this city.
Your confidence fades the longer you walk around.
It takes almost two hours of wandering around in the rain until you finally recognize something. Not the path home, but to the first place you ever meet Neuvillette, despite not knowing at the time.
You push open the door. It's late, though that doesn't seem to mean the place is devoid of life. Wrapping shaking arms around yourself, you spot a sliver of light coming from Neuvillette's office.
It felt much too late to be working, but perhaps it was Sedene, fixing up things. Tentatively, you knock on the door, and the faint scratching of a pen against paper suddenly stopped.
Suddenly, this felt like a mistake. You took a single step back, but before you could change your mind and leave, the door swung open and Neuvillette stood there, a look of mild concern on his face.
Neither of you spoke. Neuvillette looks you up and down, brows furrowing, and you realize all at once that you must look like a sight, absolutely soaked and dripping water on the floor. If you weren't so cold, your cheeks would be flushed.
"Why are you here?" he asks, glancing around as though that would provide him with the answer.
Your shoulders slump. You can't really explain why. Maybe it's the disappointment  at the sight of you, or the lack of a warm welcome. Not 'what happened to you' or 'why are you soaking wet' but instead a question that felt almost like he questioning your presence in general.
"I-um," you stutter through chattering teeth, "I got lost and didn't know where to go."
That felt like an understatement of what happened, but you weren't sure how else to answer the question.
Neuvillette didn't seem to know either.
When he didn't say anything more, you shifted from foot to foot, wincing at the cold and the squish of wetness. You'd be lucky if you didn't get sick, after this.
"You got lost?" he finally asks, as though the concept was foreign to him.
You don't know what to say, so you shrug, peering around him. It seemed Sedene had already left for today, and there went your hope for an escort home.
"The streets all look the same to me," you manage, shivering again. "Uh-you can just tell me which way to go, and I'll get out of your hair. I didn't mean to be a bother."
"And why didn't you ask anyone for help? Anyone could have told you where I live."
The question almost comes out cold, for how logical it is. You huff, a small noise of frustration. All you wanted at the moment was to get out of these wet clothes and to be warm again. But it seems that isn't going to happen any time soon.
"Never mind," you murmur, suddenly so tired. Of course he wouldn't understand why you wouldn't want to ask for help. Your Fontainian was still in it's learning stage, and while you could ask a couple of questions with a thick accent, you had no idea how to ask someone to lead you home.
Plus, wouldn't it reflect badly on him, to have a wife who didn't even know how to return home? But you supposed, if it didn't matter to him, then it shouldn't matter to you.
"I'll see you at home, then," you murmur, turning on your heel to leave.
It was the last thing you wanted to do at the moment. The rain seemed to be coming down even harder, you could hear the thunderous roar of rain against the roof as you went to the main door.
A little more rain wouldn't hurt, and you were pretty sure you knew the way home from here.
You step out into the rain, but surprisingly, you don't get any wetter than before. The rain hits something above you, and you glance up to see an umbrella.
Neuvillette stands slightly behind you, umbrella extended over you. You still hadn't stopped shivering, teeth clattering together. Neuvillette almost looks pained as he looks down at you.
"You'll catch your death out here," he says, as though that explains everything.
And then, in true Fontaine fashion, he extends his arm out to you to link your own through, a true and proper escort.
You take it, if only for the stability. And maybe the warmth. And also the umbrella is hardly big enough for two, if you don't stand close, then Neuvillette would get wet as well.
That's the only reason.
He makes quick work of the walk home, and you were almost dismayed by how close you had been the entire time. By the time you walk up the steps, still shivering from  the cold, the rain had finally stopped, the sky clearing to reveal the stars.
"I shall make you something to eat while you dry off," he says, as though it is the law of the land.
You wonder if that is how he sounds in court, when he's trying the cases. You almost want to argue just for the sake of it.
But being dry and having a warm meal sounds much too good to ignore, so you only nod, and go to change your clothes. You debate on taking a bath, the call of the warm water ends up being much too tempting for you.
You emerge feeling like a new person. The water washes away the feelings of the day, and the coldness in your bones. You emerge feeling like a new person, if not a bit more tired and ready for bed than before.
Neuvillette is true to his words. Your hair drips with water as you peek into the kitchen, only to find him sitting at the table, waiting, with two bowls of soup in front of him.
"Come," he says when you don't move forward. You do as asked, sitting beside him and inhaling the rich aroma of the soup.
You had found here that the food varied greatly from what you were used to in Liyue. It certainly wasn't bad, but it was an adjustment. Even the soup was a bit creamier than you were used to, but you ate it eagerly, allowing it to chase away whatever lingering chills the bath hadn't rid you of.
"I'd like to apologize," Neuvillette starts, his own food barely touched, like it's an afterthought for him.
You tilt your head, exhaustion falling over you from the soup and warmth. "For what?"
He looks embarrassed. It's a rather cute look on the normally stoic man. Neuvillette struggles for words, almost seeming to give the words spoken to you the same value that he gives to the court.
"I was not aware that you were struggling to adjust here, I should have foreseen such an event occurring."
He almost looks upset, suddenly. You understand, at least you think you understand. It must be hard having a wife who couldn't even navigate the city of your home.
"It's okay, I'll do better in the future," you reassure, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder as you stand.
It's the first bit of contact you've had since you were married and he placed a kiss upon your cheek at your parents badgering. He looks a bit annoyed though, so you retract your hand to not make him more uncomfortable.
"That's not what I meant. I meant that I should have been here to help you adjust."
"Oh," you say, honestly confused. "it's alright. You're very important here, I don't want to be a bother when you're so busy."
Your words seem to have the opposite of your intended desire. If anything, he looks more upset, leaving you with a rather sour taste in your mouth.
You seemed to be more of an inconvenience than you had even considered.
You hoped this wouldn't turn into an argument. You were tired from wandering and walking for hours, from being caught out in the rain. You rested your head on your hand, trying to think of something to say.
Before your tired mind could think of anything, Neuvillette sighed, a long suffering thing that sounded much older than he must be.
"You should go to bed."
You don't need to be told twice. You take your dish to the sink, leaving it there to be washed by you in the morning. Neuvillette rises, though it seems more to see you off than to actually leave.
"Good night, y/n," he says quietly, still as upset as before.
"Good night, monsieur Neuvillette."
You fall asleep as soon as you're tucked underneath the covers of your bed. You wonder if it's the bed that you're meant to share with your husband, but he never joins you.
And that's fine with you.
He's still there, in the morning.
It's a sight that makes you freeze coming out of your bedroom, just able enough to peek down the hall and see him in the same place as last night, at the kitchen table. He holds the paper in his hands, the same one that you've seen just about everyone in Fontaine obsessed with.
Did you wake up early? A quick glance at the time told you no, that in fact you had woken up later than normal. Neuvillette was meant to be long gone by now, off to court.
As though sensing your stare, the paper falls, and startling purple eyes lock onto you.
"Ah, you're awake."
You nod, because what else are you going to do? Neuvillette folds the paper back into its  original shape.
"Let me know when you are ready to leave."
Well, you couldn't say you expected that to happen. You nod after a second, before disappearing to get yourself ready.
While you don't look your best, at least you aren't soaked and shaking. Really, the amount of time that you've spent with Neuvillette could be counted on one hand, and you did not like the thought of one of those times being when you were in such a sorry state.
A little bit later, you were back by Neuvillette, looking at him with nothing short of confusion as he prepares to leave.
Oh, the disappointment aches for a moment. Like a child being promised a treat only to have it taken away.
"Well? Come along then."
His voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You take a few, tentative steps forward, until he offers you his hand.
You take it, after a moment, brows furrowed with confusion.
"Don't you have court to attend to?" you ask, as he leads you outside.
"I have sent notice that I will be taking today off. I have recently become aware that my wife needs a tour of Fontaine, and I consider that a much more pressing item on my agenda."
Your cheeks color. You can't tell if it's at being called Neuvillette's wife, or from how he doesn't let go of your hand even when you walk outside.
Before you can ask him if he's sure, if he can really take time off, Neuvillette gestures down the street, and begins what has to be one of the most in depth tours of Fontaine to exist.
This time, getting lost in the sights and sounds is fun. Neuvillette explains every building you pass, the history behind it, and what is happening there now. He lets you pull him in random directions when something catches your eye, and answers every question that you can even think of.
It's fun. Neuvillette is well liked by the people, and suddenly that seems to mean you're well liked as well. The food vendors give you free samples, pressing them into your palm and insisting that you take it despite your protests.
Even the Melusine's stop, chatting with you more than Neuvilllette, much to his surprise. He even comments that you know their names, and seems very ashamed when you point out that you've spent more  time with them instead of him.
You feel like you can actually navigate the city, by the time the sun is setting. Your bones ache from the exhaustion that the excitement has left you with. When Neuvillette notices, he starts herding you home, despite your protests.
The last thing you want is for the day to end. Going back to how it was before seems unbearable now that you know how it could be. If Neuvillette knows of your plight, he says nothing of it.
He simply wishes you a good night, and lets you head to bed.
If it's a dream, you hope that you will remember every detail of it.
Things don't change after that, much to your relief.
Neuvillette stays in the morning, talking with you sometimes. Most of the time he reads, while you make coffee for yourself, and subsequently him. He likes it with two sugars, no milk.
The information feels nice to have. Especially when, on the very, very rare occasions you wake up before him, you can have a hot cup of coffee waiting for him.
The little things before you grow before anything else. Conversations in the morning. Coffee. Neuvillette bringing you home treats that you love, especially the conch madeleines.
There are other things, as well. When you mention missing a certain dish from Liyue, Neuvillette goes out of his way to procure it for you. You're not sure how he manages to do it, but if it means you can get slow cooked bamboo shoot soup whenever you like, then you're happy not to know.
He comes home earlier, as well. As soon as the case is done for the day, it feels like he's on his way to find you. You're happy to do just that, telling him of everything you managed to do during the day, or whatever else is going on in your head that you want to share.
Neuvillette always listens. And he remembers. You mention once, in an off handed comment, about how beautiful you thought the rainbow roses of Fontaine were.
The next day, you woke up to a bouquet of them at your bedside.
You do your best to return the favor, going to collect him at the Opera house when his day is finished.
When you were younger, you read stories of people falling in love instantly, with a single look and it was easy from there.
You think now, as a married woman, that the stories are wrong. Love comes in the small gestures, in the moments spent together.
It's pouring rain outside. A heavy downpour that has been going on for the last hour.
It's also the time Neuvillette normally comes home, but it doesn't seem that way today. The change in routine throws you off more than you'd like to admit.
You wait another half hour before you grab your cloak, a heavy thing that Neuvillette insisted on buying you so you wouldn't get soaked in the rain any longer, and head out to the Opera House.
You're not too fond of the aquabuses here. They're faster than walking, but something about them feels so awkwardly slow. But with a bit of tension in your shoulders, you bite down the complaints and make small talk with the Melusine piloting the aquabus as you arrive.
Neuvillette only took you over here once, to show you the Fountain of Lucine. You suppose, on another level, it was also to make sure that you knew where the Opera House was in case you needed him and didn't want to get lost.
You're thankful for his planning.
Everyone else has already left, except for a very dedicated couple by the fountain, praying for blessings upon their child. You wonder if someday that will be you, but dismiss the thought with a blush.
It takes you much too long to find Neuvillette. For a man who cuts such an imposing figure, you wander around in the rain looking for him for much longer than needed. Eventually though, you find him at the back of the Opera House, standing in the rain as though he doesn't notice it.
"Neuvillette?" you call, quiet, as to not startle him. It seems you do so anyways, from how he jumps. "Are you alright?"
He nods, but doesn't speak. You reach out to take a gloved hand, everything about him feels cold.
You lead him back home, and he follows you as though he has no mind for anything else. It takes too long to get home but also not enough time. You hold his hand the entire way.
"Was court today rough?" you finally ask, when you're in the security of your shared home. Neuvillette lets out a hum, not agreeing but not disagreeing either.
You usher him to the bathroom to clean himself up, and go to make something warm, when the irony of the situation hits you all at once, because it must have only been a few months ago that Neuvillette did the same thing for you.
It felt nice to have the roles  switched.
 Neuvillette doesn't seem hungry, so you usher him into your own bed, since truthfully you've been suspicious that he's been sleeping on the couch or at his desk in his office to prevent you from feeling uncomfortable.
You sit down, and urge him to lay his head in your lap. You brush your fingers through his slightly damp hair, and you hum a Liyuen lullaby your mother used to sing to you.
Neuvillette never talks about court. You asked him once and only once about it, curious since everyone in Fontaine seemed to think that the cases were some kind of show. But Neuvillette had simply said that it was very usual, and not worth discussing.
At the time, you took him at his word. Now though, you wonder if it's something more.
"I believe an innocent man was sentenced today," Neuvillette says, after a moment. His voice is so soft, you almost can't hear it under the pouring rain outside.
"Is that so?" you ask, a silent prompt. Does he want to continue? Or leave it there?
He sighs after only a second, pressing further against your hand in his hair. Like a cat seeing attention.
"I'm sure it will be resolved soon, I simply need to investigate things more."
You nod, remaining silent. Neuvillette doesn't explain more, but eventually, as his breathing evens out, the rain comes to a stop outside.
You can't bring yourself to move. It would no doubt wake up Neuvillette, and that seemed like the last thing anyone needed. So you settled amongst the pillows, and close your eyes.
If you wake up tomorrow, still close to another and sleepy limbs tangled together, you said nothing of it. Neither does Neuvillette.
After that though, your bed becomes just the bed, and you're not opposed to that at all.
The Fountain of Lucine ends up being one of your favorite places in Fontaine. Not for any particular reason, you tell yourself, it's simply pretty to look at.
And that's not a lie. It is pretty to look at, and it's fun to visit and listen to expecting parents wish for good things for their children. It was nice to see the sights and sounds without the hustle and bustle of the city.
The first time you end up going out though, you can't say you had the most pleasant experience.
You had gotten the idea in your head, perhaps you were too bored lately, that you should visit Neuvillette at work and bring him lunch. So you packed a small bag, and made the journey.
Only to be stopped at the entrance of the Opera House by one of the gardes.
"Court is in session, no one is allowed in, miss, without a ticket."
Your head tilts to the side, truly puzzled. A ticket? People bought tickets to court, as though it was a show?
"I'm not going to see the court, I came to drop something off for Neuvillette," you explain to the man, holding up the small box.
The man eyes it with a bit of suspicion, and part of you almost wants to ask if he really thinks you've poisoned it. Another part of you is sure that if you ask, you will absolutely get accused of that.
"That's nice, miss, but you still can't go in. I'm sure you know monsieur Neuvillette has many admirers, and we can't stop court simply because you wish to give him a gift."
Wow. You weren't even sure how to unpack that. You crossed your arms over your chest, not budging.
"I am his wife, here to bring him lunch. Do you want to explain to Neuvillette tomorrow about how you banned his wife from visiting him.?"
The man, you still haven't even gotten his name yet, isn't looking at you any more. He's looking behind you, a look of mild panic on his face.
Oh, this was going to be just like one of those soap operas back in Liyue, wasn't it? You knew without looking who was going to be there.
"Monsieur Neuvillette!" he said, giving the salute of Fontaine. "I was just telling this young woman that we do not allow visitors during court."
"That is true," Neuvillette says, you can almost hear a bit of smile in his voice. "However, I think I can make an exception for my wife. Thank you though, I will handle it from here."
The man scurries away before you can say anything. If he had a tail, it would have been between his legs.
"I think you scared him," you said, turning to your husband.
You ignore your racing heart at hearing Neuvillette call you his wife for the first time. You couldn't stop the smile from spreading on your face though.
"I think if anyone scared him between the two of us, my dear, it was you," he muses, and yes, it is amusement you can hear in his voice.
You two stand there, smiling at each other for a moment before you remember just why you made the journey out here.
"Oh, I brought you lunch." You place the small package in his hand. "I'm sure you're busy here and I wanted to make sure you were eating. I didn't know I needed a ticket to get inside. How did you know I was here?"
"Ah, Aeife told me you had arrive, and I suspected that you would encounter a problem."
He gestures to the side, and sure enough, the small Melusine is there. She gives you a wave before going back to skipping and offering help to those who need it
"She's sweet."
"She is," Neuvillette agrees. "I think most of them like you more than me."
"Who wouldn't like me?"
The smile Neuvillette gives you almost makes you blush, but you barely manage to get a hold of yourself.
"Yes, they'd be fools not to like you."
And now you were blushing. You gently swatted Neuvillette's arm, and only received a chuckle for your antics.
"Thank you," Neuvillette says, genuinely. "I must return now, but I appreciate the thought."
A tiny sliver of disappointment ran through you, but you pushed it down, nodding your head. "Of course, of course. Don't let me keep you. Off you go now."
You made a little shooing motion, the smile on your face letting him know you were simply teasing. But he didn't leave.
"Any time you wish to come and see me, there will always be a ticket waiting for you at the booth." He gestures to the sales booth, which very much looked closed, but you didn't say that. "I'll be sure to tell you the next time Lyney and Lynette do their show."
You visibly perked up, which gained you a small chuckle. You hadn't been shy about saying you wanted to see the show, though apparently it was impossible to find tickets to it.
"Thank you, I'll be sure to take you up on that."
You stood up on your tip toes, pressing a brief kiss to his cheek. He seems surprised at the touch, but after a moment manages to compose himself, saying a quick goodbye before returning to work.
Aefie tugged at your skirt, a gentle motion almost as soft as a breeze. You knelt down to her level, allowing her to whisper in your ear.
"Thank you for making Neuvillette so happy."
You fell a lot, as a child, as all children do.
Scraped knees and bruised elbows. What is childhood without a few injuries? Without those precious moments that make them realize oh, sometimes life has pain.
The first time you heard of the concept of "falling in love" you had thought it was like that. Falling on the ground and bruising your knees.
Now though, you think it is something else. Like the feeling of falling into a warm bed at the end of a long day.
Neuvillette is already in bed tonight, laying on his side facing where you normally lay. You tip toe over to the bed, just in case he's already fallen asleep.
He hasn't though, and your eyes meet his vivid purple ones as you lay down, facing him as well.
"I thought you were asleep," you murmur. Tentatively, you reached for him, only to have him meet you halfway. Your fingers laced together with his.
"I was waiting for you."
Such a simple declaration is enough to make you blush. A year of marriage and he still managed to make you blush.
"I'm here now."
Something changes in his eyes, and he looks at you, so, so, fond. "You are here."
You both lay there, either unwilling or unable to fall asleep, feeling so close but somehow still so far away. It's one of the nights when the rain isn't falling. When you first came to Fontaine, it felt as though the rain never stopped, but now it's only occasionally.
"You never answered my question, you know."
Neuvillette frowns for a moment, thinking. You take pity on him before he can worry if he made you upset.
"I asked if you were kind," you murmur, gentle.
It felt like ages ago, talking to a stranger without knowing who they were. Neuvillette looks at you, waiting, knowing you weren't finished.
You had been so worried about everything. And though Sedene had told you, you didn't know if you could believe it or not.
"And what have you found?" Neuvillette asks. His voice is small, as though he's actually afraid of how you might answer.
You don't hesitate.
"You are," you whisper. You inch closer, knees brushing against his own. "You are so, so kind."
He kisses you. Lips sliding against your own, slotting there as though they were meant to be there. And desperately, with almost a full year of longing in you, you kiss back.
You're breathless by the time that he pulls back. He looks the same, and for the first time you see a small blush on his cheeks.
"I love you," he whispers, a reverent noise just for you.
You smile, leaning in to kiss him again.
"I love you too."
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lovebvni · 3 months
The Star — An introduction to my Group Waiting Room
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Finally, after months ( maybe even a YEAR ) of promising to make this blog, I am beginning it. I really wanted to make this blog a while ago to introduce this wr to so many people, but I haven't (OBVIOUSLY) but now, its here!
Let me start off with this, this waiting room is a waiting room anyone and everything who is a reality shifter has access to. Yes, there are personal invitations, but everyone has access. All you have to say is "I am going to shift to The Star." and you'll be there. The universe knows what you mean, and they wont wrong you and shift u to a literal star (unless that is what you want, obviously). But now lets get into what you will see when you get there
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When first entering The Star for the very first time, you will be in a waiting room with "Welcome! Everything is fine." written in green paint on the wall. This is a reference to one of my favorite shows, The Good Place. Yes, I realize how ominous this may look or sound, but if you know me, I love being a bit creepy sometimes. The door to the left will lead you farther into the waiting room, the door to the right will lead you to a personal makeup/dress up room.
When going right, you will have the ability to change your appearance just like a video game character. You can change your height, weight, skin tone, whatever you want! Your desired body is yours to choose. This room is also fully customizable. For example, mine looks like the glitterizer from Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse (iykyk). I would always suggest going to your personal dress up room before anything else. But if you decide not to, there will be plenty more opportunities for you to change how you look and what you are wearing.
The next place you will enter is a long hallway, and ther will be almost a 'check in' when you get there. At the check in, there will be two dogs -- a yorkie and a chiwawa mix. These are my cr dogs that I love very much. They will give you a ticket and a pamphlet on where to go/the layout of the waiting room. In that card, there will also be a personal message to you from your spirit guides! Everyone has at least one, and they may be long, they may be short, but they will be for YOU and YOU only (unless you want to share with others, of course.)
After this, you have the ability to walk into the common area, which is just full of chairs and places to chat. There are many other things you can do here, but I will list the other rooms below.
a power testing arena -- simply a place you can test a power you want to have/do have and see how powerful it is. you can also train with other people/npcs :p
Deity worship/work area -- there is a hallway where every deity (from a to z) have a room that is just there's. you have the ability to go in and worship or speak with them there. they are not always active there, as they probs have other shit to do, but you can always leave a message and they can request your presence :D
Wild Shift/Teleport -- you will be sent to a random place in the universe that will entertain you. It may not be a dr you made, but it is always open to you to be there. You have the right to shift out any time if you do not like it (obviously)
A POOL ROOM -- ok i love pools, so obviously i scripted multiple pool rooms there. they are so pretty, and i have just been told some mermaids hang out there in their free time
multiple cafes/places to eat -- self explanatory. any food in the universe is accessible to you. these cafes/restaurants are run by helpers, lumas from Mario cart and Chaos from Sonic. They are so cute and sweet, they can also duplicate when needed.
MALLS !! -- idk man i love shopping and trying on clothes w my friends, stfu
Media areas -- there are two main media areas, a library and a theatre (both traditional and digital, also can be for multiple people or one person)
Therapy/talk with your guides/ a multidimensional therapist-- to do this, we connected with a reality where reality shifting is normalized, and there are therapist who work interdimensional. they are always willing to help. all meetings are confidential and will not be spoke about with any being
two 18+ areas -- i only call them 18+ because thats whats socially acceptable here. there is a topic area and an actual... yk.. LMFAOO
Those are all the like, public spaces! Now onto the ports.
A port is similar to an airport, which is why you got a ticket when entering. The ticket will have your port number and how to get there inscribed on it. I personally get to mine via an elevator. When entering your port, will be greeted with a personal waiting room -- one you can only access on your own unless you open it to other people. Just like with everything in this wr, you can change everything with intention and/or visualization.
The ports are usually two floors, these floors have secret hidden doors on the walls to your waiting room. On either side of the door, there will be a script to that dr that you have made -- either physically in a reality you came from or from your intention/imagination. On top of the doors, the place you will be shifting too will be written.
For example, if I am shifting to Alice in Wonderland, my script will be on the right (which you can grab and hold or just scroll through) and Alice in Wonderland will be written on top. The door will open when I step close, and I will be shown the exact moment I am shifting to.
In your DR port, anything is possible. You can manifest, enter the void, script, change the port appearance, whatever you want! Lumas and Chaos will also be at your service here :)
And, that's pretty much all I have for these wrs! I guess another thing I would say is you can shift to group drs/wrs from here but that is kinda self explanatory if you ask me.
I hope you all like this, and I am really excited to meet you guys there!!
Love and excitement
the abyss
(if u saw this already no u didn’t. tumblr was being weird LMFAO)
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punksdoll · 9 months
can you please do an pt 3 of "always loved" where rhea confronts readers "BF" and says to him like ,,she's my girl now you will never lay your filthy fingers on her again,,
~~~𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅~~~
pt. 1 of always loved
pt. 2 of always loved
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gif not mine like, comments, & reblogs appreciated
𝑹𝒉𝒆𝒂 𝑹𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝑹𝒉𝒆𝒂 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒙’𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇.
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒐. 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓:). 𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈<𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒑, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌, 𝒆𝒙 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕, 𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒔𝒉𝒆’𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 (𝒚𝒌?), 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒄 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒄🙄, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
translations: Que Que: What?! Donde Ta: Where is it?
not proofread
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She kept her promise.
After that night and after they confessed everything again with y/n sober, they had went to the police station and reported everything. Y/n had shown them the bruises, shown them videos, and shown them the messages that were filled with death threats. They had made an arrest only for them to release him and force y/n to get a restraining order.
“QUE QUE?!” Y/n shouts as she stands up from Rhea’s couch and looks at Rhea who rushes over, frowning. “It’s because i’m Puerto Rican isn’t in? Those mother fuckers.”
Rhea raises an eyebrow as she watches y/n start cursing up a storm in spanish before hanging the phone up as she looks at Rhea.
“They let him out. Now I need to go get a restraining order.”
Rhea’s jaw drops, “they can’t just do that? you had so much proof.”
“That’s what I said,” y/n huffs with a roll of her eyes.
They got the restraining order and everything was all rainbows and sunshine.
Until now
“Donde ta, donde ta…”
Rhea walks into her room and raises an eyebrow as she watches y/n in their shared closet and throwing out clothes left and right.
“What the hell are you doing, love?” Rhea asks.
Her voice makes y/n jump and turn towards Rhea. “I think I left my favorite shoes at…his house.”
The short time that her ex was in jail, her and Rhea had went to her old home and had gathered up all her belongings. Unfortunately for y/n, she had forgotten a pair of shoes that rarely wears but it is important to her.
“I can buy you new ones.” Rhea frowns.
Y/n shakes her head, “Limited edition Dem, limiteddd…” she frowns.
Rhea raises an eyebrow, “Would you like it if I went instead to get them?”
Y/n’s eyes widened as she stares at Rhea, “Would you?”
“I’ll do anything,” she nods with a smile.
Y/n gives her a smile and nods, “ok…yes please”
Rhea looks at the house in front of her, recognizing it to be Y/n’s old home. She then looks back at the message that y/n had send.
It’s under the bed in the guest room
“Under the bed in the guest room.” Rhea repeats as she gets out and walks up towards the door. She stops in front of it and debates what she wants to do and how she wants to do it.
Knock on the door like a regular person and tell him who I am? Or be dramatic and let it be known just by a look?
Rhea looks at the key in her hand, “the latter.”
Rhea puts the key in the keyhole and enters the home without shame. She looks around and see boxes that are packed and it’s clear that her ex was moving.
“Who the hell…” the man in thought strolls over and pauses when he sees Rhea. His eyebrows furrow as he looks her up and down, “are you?”
Rhea takes a look at him up and down before she starts taking long strides towards him. As she gets closer to him, she realizes that he is way shorter than the last time she saw him. The ex notices the height difference and starts backing up slowly.
“Where’s the shoes.” Rhea demands. Seeing the boxes gave her the impression that it could be in one of them.
“What shoes…” he trails.
Rhea ignores him and starts walking upstairs and to the guest room that y/n had told her
the one that’s two doors away from the bathroom
She finds it almost immediately and walks in. She goes to the side of the bed and gets down, looking under and finding the shoes almost immediately.
“Get the hell out of my dam house.” The ex rushes in, “i’ll call the police on you damit.”
Rhea rolls her eyes and stands up with the shoes in her clutch. “This was never your house. This was y/n’s house.”
The ex finally realizes who Rhea is and chuckles shaking his head, “is she to pussy to face me or something? Afraid ima hit her? Hm?”
Rhea narrows her eyes, “Do not call her that.” She warns.
“Or what?” The ex raises an eyebrow, “whatever I did with her, i’ll do to you then turn right back to her and do 10x worse of what I did before.”
Rhea takes in a deep breath before walking towards him with a glare. “Say that again…”
The ex is smug as he watches her, “I said wha-,”
Rhea throws a punch at his face and watches him tumble back and on the ground with a grunt, holding his jaw. She grabs a handful of his shirt and pulls him closer to her, “She’s my girl now, got it? And if I ever see you around her and lay your filthy greasy fuck hands on her? I will come for you.” She gives him a deadly stare as he looks at her with wide eyes.
She shoves him away and walks away, the shoes dangling on her fingers as it never was set down even after the altercation.
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starhvney · 6 months
my first time w this but can I rq zenix x short fem reader? one shot or hc or anything atp i can survive off crumbs alone
(mystreet and maybe they have a playful banter dynamic? (dying i am so shy)(if no then thats okay u can delet this :3))
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: zenix x short!fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: he won’t let you exist without giving you the daily reminder that you’re short
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slice of life, zenix and reader playfully argue and banter, zenix doesn't know how to admit his feelings ever
𝐂𝐖: none? 
𝐀/𝐍: yes, i can! this is so cute, anon! i went ahead and added headcanons and a small drabble to this. it’s not super long, but i hope i was able to write what you wanted. you’re my first request so thank you, i hope you enjoy! (i might make a one shot going more in depth on this dynamic but i wanted to get this out asap for you :))
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☆ it doesn’t matter what age you two met, he’s always going to tease you for your height
☆ in high school, before he could ever admit his feelings for you (because that would be so lame and not hardcore), he would use teasing as a way to talk and flirt with you while still keeping his composure and pride.
it was so close, yet so far out of reach. you strained your calves as your fingers barely brushed the top shelf.
“c’mon!” you quietly groan to yourself, hopping and once again missing the book above you.
a quiet snort can be heard from behind you, causing you to narrow your eyes and turn to the noise. zenix leans on the bookshelf, his hand covering his nose and mouth as looks up through dark lashes at you with a poorly concealed grin. his eyes crinkled and lifted up, and the tenseness in his shoulders gave away that he was really trying not to laugh.
“what? aren’t you gonna help me?” you accuse, pointing a finger in his direction.
he drops his hand, the amused smirk on his lips annoyingly prominent as he crosses his arms and lifts his chin up, another annoying laugh leaving his lips.
“no, i think i’ll just watch from here.”
your eyebrows pinch together and your nose scrunches up in annoyance. with narrowed eyes you look him up and down. what was he even doing in the library?
“whatever, you probably can’t read the title anyways.”
“…what?!” his voice raised in confusion. his little smirk is gone as his jaw drops and his eyebrows furrow.
“besides, i may be short, but that doesn’t make you tall. you’re probably also too short to reach this book.” you continue to taunt, satisfied at the annoyed red hue growing on his cheeks.
“WHAT?!” he exclaims, this time much too loud for the library.
“you two, out of my library now! you’re being way too loud. you’re old enough to know basic manners in a library.” the librarian appears from the end of the aisle, an annoyed look on her tense face as one hand rests sternly on her hip and the other points at the door.
“but, i wasn’t-“
you two silently walk out of the library doors, before you turn to zenix with narrowed eyes.
“that’s your fault.”
“huh? no it’s not, you started it!”
“no, you did!”
“no-“ he cuts himself off with an annoyed groan, shoving something in your face rather abruptly.
grabbing on to it, you move it away to see what it was. it was the book you were trying to reach. you look back up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“what?! you said i couldn’t reach it, but i could, easily!”
“but it’s still not checked out, so you stole it.”
“borrowed without asking.”
“well, you still did what i asked you. for someone so much taller and cooler than me you’re pretty gullible, huh?”
his face turns red again, mouth stuttering open before snapping back shut. he narrows his eyes at you before quickly snatching the book up and taking off down the hallway.
“hey! zenix, what the hell!” you take off after him.
“see if your short legs can keep up!”
he landed you two in more trouble soon after for running and yelling in the halls.
☆ sometimes he’d slip up, showing how he really felt about you… in his own, zenix way. 
“your hands are tiny.” he suddenly notes. burnt, red-brown eyes narrow down at your hands.
“huh?” you stretch your hand out in the air. 
zenix’s larger, warmer hand meets yours, palm to palm as he compares the difference. it’s enough for the tips of his fingers to curl a bit over yours, you glance back at him with raised eyebrows. his messy brown hair hangs in his face, but doesn’t hide his softened expression as he concentrated on your hands touching.
he makes eye contact with you, cheeks bursting into flames as he fumbles for an excuse.
“it must be because you’re so short.” he blurts out.
“feeling bold today, zenix?” gene’s voice startles the both of you, your hands both shooting back down to your laps.
“what- i don’t know what you’re talking about!”
☆ as you two get older, it eventually evolves into much more playful banter, and everybody is used to this just being your dynamic.
☆ you don’t get as irritated about it, but zenix still loves making use out of your height difference. 
you two stand in line in the coffee shop, eyes squinting as you read the menu, when you feel the weight of zenix’s arm on top of your head. rolling your eyes, you glance up at zenix with a half-assed glare as he leans on you.
he barely spares you a glance from the menu, raising an eyebrow as if he was confused what your problem was.
you roll your eyes before looking back up at the menu.
"you're not even that tall."
"i'm taller than you, pipsqueak."
a huff leaves your lips. you stiffen your hand straight, before ramming it quickly into his side. he grunts as he hunches over, his arm leaving your head to clutch his side. he finally shoots a half-assed glare back to you, before moving his arm back up to rest on your shoulder instead. this time you don't complain.
“what are you getting?”
“…caramel macchiato.”
“…yeah, same.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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Baby Legolas gets scared of his dad's new crown and goes to mommy (reader).
Warning: none. Fluffy fluff. And like this is so short so sorry..
Possible bad grammar cuz English's not my first language,
like & Comments are very much appreciated
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There were still three weeks remaining from the midwinter festival and the king has already planned everything and ordered the mantles mainly designed for this event.
He wanted everything to be perfect, stricktly in place and in one word, faboulous. And you as the queen tried your best to keep things in high standards as he wished for and by that here you were standing in front of the full length mirror on a stool that has added a few inches to your height for obvious reasons which you still haven't figured out, you weren't unfamiliar with this ceremonies nor the way anyone in charge of even the smallest task in this event must be and the best of themselves, even your poor handmaid has walked the stairs to your chambers several times just this morning.
It has been hours, you could swear by that, hours spent of you standing still for the tailors to measure you, head to toe, and not to mention the fact that if you move there is always a needle somewhere waiting patiently to poke your skin.
"These are the two colours the king has picked out my queen, both are in rhyme and sort of match with his own."  Ingálvur said, Thranduil's personal tailor and a very respected elf among others. He was truly a blessing both him and his work.
He looked up holding two pieces of cloth one in indigo and one in deep maroon, both equally stunnishing on their own, you felt it difficult to decide the 'right' one, taking a deep breath you compared your fair skin with them to just have a vision on how each would look on you but that did not help, biting the skin on your lip Ingálvur caught your wandering eyes on the maroon piece making him smile in satisfaction, "maroon it is then" you smiled back nodding in agreement.
Right choice, you thought.
After couple of minutes your mind started to wonder how there's no sign of your child, he was too clingy to be away from you for this long, the suddon weight of guilt and gloom felt massive on your heart when the heavy doors of your chamber cracked open and a bawling silver hair ran inside visibly looking for you, hands brushing hard against his face as a poor attempt to wipe off his never ending tears, "nana.." your maiden quickly took your hand to help you down the stool when she saw the way you almost jumped to reach your crying son,
"Nana's here... come on, oh gods!" Your eyes soften when you saw his small face now wet with all the tears and the tip of his nose was red making him the most adorable thing you have laid eyes on, with all the crying and whimpering he barely could see which direction he was heading to, "what is it my little leaf?" you kneeled before him as you held both his tiny hands in yours preventing him from squishing and rubbing his swollen eyes more and he was quick to throw himself in your arms not caring how many strangers were in your room present right now.
He was holding a strand of your long hair in his hand like his life depend on it and if he let go he may get lost forever an old habit from as long as you can remember, catching his breath you brushed away the silver hair from his face and forehead for him to look at you more, "Ada.." you wiped off another tear with your thumb before standing up and rocking him in your arms, "you want ada?" He nodded yes, then no making you chuckle, "ada's scary nana, i- i want ada, my ada" you frowned a bit not understanding a single thing from this boy's mewling when one of the girls came into the room, looking absolutely relieved when he found the prince in your arms,
"Heavens," she let out a breath after bowing down to you, "my queen i am terribly sorry but the prince is incredibly fast!" You laughed making others in the room to let out a giggle, "what's the matter?" You said kissing your son's head as you kept caressing his back,
"The price walked into the king's chamber and i imagine he got scared of the kings new crown my queen."
The boy sniffed and look up at your face, "is that true? You're not really fond of ada's formalities are you?"
He shook his head as you walked slowly towards the doors, wanting to clear the air for both yourself and the little one in your arms, "nana no!"
"My son is not scared is he? The elven prince? Who's protecting nana then?" He nibbled at his fingers that were holding your hair.
"Let us go and find ada shall we?" At last he gave in, holding on to you so tightly you made your way to the hall wondering how gigantic of a crown or cloak it might be to scare him off like that, Thranduil probably didn't even notice the young boy running.
With a lazy knock on the door they opened it for you to walk in, the intense light made you shut your eyes for a few seconds after stepping in and let them adjust then to open it changing the arm you were holding you boy with you placed the free one on top of his head to avoid the sunlight reaching him, Thranduil on the other hand was surprised by your presents turned around to see you and finding Legolas curled up in your arms, he smiled softly somehow unable to take his eyes off of you, light shining on your hair and face make it ten times more heavenly making him fall once again, even more.
"See, it's ada, your very own." You mumbled to the little kid before kissing the palm he placed on your lips for more comfort, your husband looked at you confused before stepping forward, "he got scared of your crown, you had to see him then, face red and wet of tears!" You said smiling before pointing to his crown, mouthing and asking him to take it off, and so he did without a second thought.
"He's all fussy and grumpy now, gods may have mercy on us."
He stood next to you, taking his time to watch you talk as he brushed your hair away from your shoulder to leave a tiny kiss on your skin, Legolas on the other hand was still seeking for more attention holding the colar of your dress.
"My my, what was it little leaf? A monster?!"
He whispered the last part, walking to your back where Legolas's head was resting, or hiding.
Moving and making a little space between your hair with his finger, he finally found the scared boy, eyes still shut. "Or maybe a spider was it?" He ran his two fingers gently on your boy's back making him finally giggle from the tickling.
"Then where was your bow and arrow? Didn't my prince wants to save his ada?"
Pulling back from your hair he faced Thranduil and check him carefully, his blue orbits were moving so fast scanning his dad's face, not missing a spot. After making sure the man in front of his eyes is in fact his father he proceed to reach for his face and touched the man's nose with his index finger,
"Ada-" "yes! That's correct my green leaf! It's ada!"
He rested his free hand around your waist after carefully taking the boy out of your arms into his,
"Wanna show ada your new bow?" He nodded excitedly clapping his hands, "yes yes!" crawling out of his dad's arms to managed to run even faster towards the doors and stumble one or two times since his small feet reached the ground.
"Do you really believe the head piece is scary, my love?"
He looked at you while pulling you closer to himself, you formed a tiny space with your fingers and looked at him through the hole "maybe a tiny bit?" You laughed pressing your lips together before feeling his soft and warm ones on your temple, "i need another"
"Another what- Thranduil!!"
He smirked before cupping your face with his hand
"This one's yours but i want another to have equal share."
You laughed loud covering his eyes with your hand as you went on your tip toe to kiss his lips.
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sgntr · 7 months
Adventure 12 - Deliver more than just a gift
When I came back from my overseas trip, I bought some gifts for my friends. I went to deliver it to one of my friend's house. Turns out, he was not home but his wife (Nat) as home.
I sort of know the wife too as we were all friends before they got together. When I showed up at the door, Nat was slightly surprised. She invited me into her house to have a seat.
I remember always fantasising about banging her way before they got together. Her tight slim body being used as my fuck toy. My dick slapping her B cup tits (yes i went to sneakily see it cuz im a creep). My cum dripping down her face after I am done with her. Almost everything you can imagine.
So her being in fbt and tank top not wearing a bra got me hard instantly. Even thought she was married to my friend, I could not help but think about it. And this being the first time we were alone together did not make it easier.
We were at the dining table just chatting. Tbh I was not really paying attention. All I was doing was trying to not get caught looking at her cleavage.
Nat then kindly passed me some food and accidentally dropped it on the floor. I quickly got some tissue to help clean the floor under the table.
When I got under the table, her legs were open with her hand pulling her pants aside showing she was not wearing any panties.
"How much hints do I need to give you?"
I was slightly confused, though I know where this is going.
"I have been dropping hints for so long! I dont wanna sound desperate but can we just fuck"
"You're married! If [redacted] finds out, he will kill me!!"
"He won't find out! and you can do it with that milf at work, why not me? We know each other way longer"
"errr..." I was lost for words.
"Besides, [redacted] always works late. when he comes home he always say he is tired. I haven't had dick in so long!!"
She walked over to my side of the table and held my hand and placed it on her pussy. I could feel it already slightly damp. Her other hand was on my cock which was getting even harder by the second. She leaned in and whispered "He won't find out".
With that, I was sold.
I stood up and walked over to the sofa area. She stood at the dining table, a little confused.
"Well, if you really want it, crawl over and get it"
She grinned, got on her knees and crawled over. Once she was under me, she pulled down my shorts and my dick sprang out.
"Damnnn, you weren't lying about your length huh"
She pulled back the foreskin and started sucking on my dick. Her hands fondled my balls as her saliva started leaking down my shaft. She was like a pro, scooping up the saliva to coat my dick and not wasting a single drop.
Her head looked up as she continued to stroke my dick. She looked me in the eye and saliva still dripping out of her mouth onto my dick as she strokes.
She then got up, turned around and bent over. She then pulled her shorts aside to reveal her dripping wet pussy. Using her fingers, she split her pussy lips open with her other hand playing with her clit.
"I want you in me daddy. fill me with your shaft."
I did as told. I stood up, her pussy was at the perfect height for me, took aim and thrusted in. She let out a muffled scream as it was late at night. Her pussy was so tight I may have stretched it. My hands grasp on her ass and pulled her pussy in and out, using her as a fuck toy just how I imagined years back. Her hand went between her legs and fondled my balls as I continued fucking her.
I pulled up one side of her shorts and started spanking her ass as I continued fucking her raw. Soon, her ass was bright red with my hand print on it.
"Hope he doesn't come back now. because i am not gonna stop even if that door opens"
"Fk it... just.. keep.. going.. thats what.. he gets.. for... ughhh"
I reached over to pull her head up by her hair and continued thrusting into her. My other hand reached around and squeezed her tits. Boobs that Ive been wanting to squeeze for so long. Her tight pussy made it harder to hold my cum in. A few moments later, I knew I was about to cum but did not want to cum inside her so I pulled out.
I sat back down on the sofa and Nat was back on her knees.
"Use your tits and make me cum"
"Yes master"
She pulled her tank top up slightly and slid my dick in from the bottom and my dick head emerged in between her cleavage. Using her tight tank top to hold her boobs together, she bounced up and down with one hand fondling my balls and the other playing with her pussy.
All this was happening while her eyes were locked on mine. Saliva was still slowly dripping down on my dick to lubricate it.
"Shoot your cum on me daddy. I know you want it. I want your whole load on dripping down my face. You want to punish this naughty nat for cheating on her husband. Mark me with your cum and make me the slut I truly am."
I could not hold it in any longer. Those words were just pressing all the right buttons and without warning, I shot my load up to her face as she looked down with her mouth open trying to catch my load in her mouth.
I sat there completely exhausted. And when I looked up, there it was, the final piece of the puzzle. Nat's face was dripping with my cum. My dick was still between her tits. It was a sight to behold. I wanted to take a pic so bad but my phone was too far away.
She stood up and went to get some tissues to clean her face. I pulled up my pants and sat there to rest. We chilled for awhile after that and the stains all over her clothes got me hard again.
The door sounded and I panicked.
"Go inside and change!!!"
"Don't worry.. he wont even notice. watch"
Nat cheerfully went to the door and greet him as he walked in. They hugged and he immediately went "I am so tired today, gonna go shower and sleep".
As he walked past me he then said "oh hey bro, let's catch up soon ya. thanks for the gift!" and went straight to his room.
"Its late, time for me to get going!"
Nat sent me off at the door and I went home.
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For context she wore the cum stained clothes to sleep beside her husband.
If you like to hear the next part, follow to stay up to date. do give this post a like and reblog. I will do my best to post but adventures take time. This happened a days back hahaha
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Hi! its me again.do u write for the side characters too?if yes can u do a hc of how they would react if a really short MC can pick them up?if u don't write them can u do it for the bros btw can I be ✨anon?thx in advance!
YES! hiii ✨️ anon!
Obey me! x short! Reader
How do they react to short! MC picking them up?
Damn, you're hella strong.
[Part 1]
Part 2 (side characters)
Sorry in advance, some of the pictures idk who they came from.
Characters: obey me, brothers.
Bold is reader. (Reader is like dominant)
Warning; long, slight begging(light), good boy mentions, VERY VERY SLIGHT sussy, ¡!cringe!¡ (I need help with my life)
Note; the picture is an example/how they look like. You'll understand when you read one of them.
~Oldest to youngest~
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Twitter artist: kuso_gk666
Lucifer was in his office as usual, doing work. Although today would be his last day of his pride.
"Luci! You promised me you would sleep!"
"Ah, sorry dear. Just few more papers, I'll go to sleep."
You knew he wouldn't only do a few papers.
"Luci, you don't want me to do this."
"Pfft, what are you gonna do? Pick me up?"
As he said smirking, looking down to you. 'Your just too short' He thought.
He flinched when he didn't feel his feet on the ground. He looked at you baffled. His face was red as his eyes. He didn't expect that!
"P– put me down now!"
"Awww, did someone's pride been broken into pieces by short little me~?"
You gave him a smirk, snarking at him. His face was so easy to read. He really thought you could do nothing because of your height? Oh he was so wrong. You went on the bed but did not let go.
"[Name], were already on the bed. Put me down already!"
You wouldn't let go that easily now would you?
"Say the special word then."
He was confused. 'What special word?' He thought.
"Hah...I guess I just have to tell you. Beg."
He was bewildered by your response. He tried covering his face but you grap his wrists so he couldn't cover his face.
"I guess I'm not letting you go now."
He doesn't want you to let go He looked away, hesitantly....
Augh- that hit you right in the heart. You let go of him, slowly putting him on the bed. Putting the blankets over him.
"Good boy. Now that wasn't so hard is it?—"
He felt the smirk on his hand that was covering your mouth.
"Sh- shut. Let's just go to sleep."
Now you do it every time he does this. He always expects this. His face shows annoyance but you knew...He loves it
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Twitter artist: kurekachan
Note; well I didn't originally found this on Twitter, I was on Reddit and I saw the art and in the comments, the person who posted it linked the artist and told me it was in Twitter and the account. I didn't press the link so if I was wrong I am so sorry
"Pfft, wow. Never thought I would see the great Mammon get tied hanging upside-down."
"H– hey!.....augh, lets not talk about this, let me down!"
You didn't budge and just looked straight in the eyes. He knew what you wanted, you wanted him to beg for it.
".....please, pretty please [name]!"
You quickly untied him but he still didn't feel his feet touch the ground. You were carrying him! Just how??? You were so short!
"Let's go shopping, yeah?"
His eyes brighten up, although the tip of his ears is still bright red.
"Are you gonna let me down now?"
You didn't awnser and just ran out of the door.
Rumor was that there was a speedy midget carrying someone to the mall with the avatar of greed
He wonders why you bought some bunny ears.
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Twitter artist obm_kuki
You guys wanted to go home, play some video games and watch anime. But Levi got a twisted ankle from running too fast and tripping, and this is how you got here.
"I can still walk!"
"With what workable leg."
"My right one!"
"...you damn know that you cannot walk unless you drag yourself right?"
"Hahh....I guess I gotta—"
You made a mental reminder to buy some earplugs. Damn you almost needed a docter-
"P- put me down!"
"No. You have a twisted ankle AND no one is literally Here beside us so no one is gonna see us. Jeez."
"PFFT AHAHAHAHAHAHA, I CANT— BREA- BREATHE!" Asmodeus was laying down, gasping for air. While the other brothers were trying to not laugh. Attempt failed Apparently, your other friend (me 🤭) posted you two on media, and Asmodeus saw it.
Now Levi is in his room, not even budging when hearing a conversation about ruri - Chan or his beloved video games. Although he did want to just bust down the door when he heard you talking about a new game. He is the one who is supposed to do that with you! My, my! So jealous
Perhaps he would come outside if you come in his room and convince him?
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Damn....Satan may have mistaken your alcohol as water.
Welp! It's your responsibility, not mine! Cya—
"Hgnh....[name] don't go!~"
Great. He can't correctly walk anymore, and if I leave him alone he'll destroy everything if something goes wrong! What did you do shortie? You picked him up.
"Ah— oh! Pfft, why are you picking me up? What? Am I a cat or something? Haha!"
You can smell the awful smell of alcohol from him.
*later that day*
"Why is Satan screaming and running around? And why is he red?" Beel asked, concerned also because he could destroy everything. And the kitchen!
"Well apparently [name] picked him up but he kept bothering them. So [name] decided to prank them when he gets sober up. [Name] put him in a maid dress with cat ears and tail, then they made a video. And Satan remembers when [name] picked him up." Lucifer told beel, as he glared at the laughing Asmodeus.
Yeah, Asmodeus didn't go unharmed well he did since he can't get his precious skin get damaged! but the area around him didn't.
"You like the outfit hm?"
Yeah! I- its like a cat!"
His word slurred but you still understood.
"Can you say that you won't ever drink anything that's mine without permission?"
"AhEm, I won't ever drink anything that's yours without permission!"
"Good boy—"
Satan turned it off quickly. Embarrassed, he still remembers so vividly of the warmth of your hand on his face. How he felt when you said 'good boy.'
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Obey me
It's his birthday! You wanted to take a picture of him. After you took the picture you noticed he didn't move.
"Hey, let's go. We don't wanna miss your party now do we?"
"Of course darling! It's just....I think my leg gave out on me—
oh– oh my!"
"This fits you as a pReTtY LiTtLe PriNcEsS."
"H- hey!...well that was pretty funny"
You smirked at his confession. You could never get tired of his beautiful smile.
"But I didn't expect you were so strong but yet so short!"
'Damn....he was right though' you thought.
You both went in the party, it was truly a good day. Soon to be a good night. He surely would have a beautiful lustful smile.
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Twitter artist: SnailTato
You saw him in strength many times. Now you wonder how strong you were! And thats how you and Beel got here.
"[Name], I don't think this is a good idea though. Are you sure?"
"Yup! I am NOT gonna go back to my words. Heh."
You had to do some convincing that you wouldn't be squished by him. He shut his eyes then he jumped, he felt arms carrying him. He opened his eyes and saw you....how??? You were so short though! And He was huge!
"See! I'm strong enough!"
Beel was piggy-back riding on you, Diavolo was impressed by your strength! Luci was very, very concerned. He was ready to put a safety magic spell just for in case. You also gifted Beel pocky sticks. But he was still hungry, for your warmth. Maybe you could hold his hands/body in a different way hm?
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Deviantart artist: il-lumee
You were so tired of waking up and seeing belphie sleeping on the floor beside you with a pillow and a blanket. Like seriously! If you wanted to sleep near our wonderful, darling [name] then just sleep on the bed not the floor and if there's no space just wake them up.
As much it was rather cute, but still no.
The next day, you stayed awake but pretended to sleep. You heard the door creaking and a loud
He fell didn't he....you stood up and walked to him. He woke up but still half asleep. Until he saw your face and didn't feel the ground.
He jolted
"Stop moving around, where did this sudden burst of energy from the avatar of sloth, you sleepy head."
Well how do you feel when you see a shortie picking you up!
You set him on the bed, you spoon him.
(He probably likes being the big and small spoon)
He sighs. Well, at least he doesn't have to sleep on the hard floor just to be next to you. He falls asleep as he snuggles closer to you.
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dr3am5scape · 11 months
I’ve waited for you (Sevika x Female reader)
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Hello guys! Finally time to continue back on writing Sevika’s fics. I remember writing a bit of her back in 2022. Guess I didn't had motivation to work on more, BUT HERE I AM! So here you go my fellow lesbians who needed something.
I do miss Sev it's not funny :(
My bad y’all I had to reread cuz I type so fast and had to go back for correction, forgive me😭😭😭
Anyways, please enjoy.💜💜💜
Lovely night in Zaun, the green lights dim throughout the streets. It was pretty silence on the road. You stayed in your wife’s bed, waiting impatiently to see her adorable face again. The room was very quiet and felt so empty as you thought about it. All you could hear only is the air conditioner cooling down the heat from all day and some of the noises from downstairs. That's the only thing you could hear but not the road outside. Could tell it was some people having a good time... but not for you it is. You didn’t want to think about other things, but your wife only and only her. It was now 1am, as you check on the clock on top of the wall above the headboard where your laying at. Suddenly, your heart skip when the keys jingles close to the front door as you heard it opened. Could it be her? “Sevika, love?” You ask yourself. Finally, you waited for hours to see her. You heard the sound of your wife mumbles as she walks in the bedroom quietly and takes off her jacket, hanging it up on her chair not noticing you were up. “Oh! Love, I didn't know you was awake." She jumps a bit. She saw how dark was the room and never knew you was up, til she saw your shadow from the dim light of the window. Sevika turn the light to finally see you look extremely tired. "Why you still up, sweetheart? You’ve been waited for me all night?” Sevika says in concern. She didn't want to be mean to you for staying up too long, so she pulls herself together, coming towards you. She bends down to kiss your forehead, meeting the same height. You were pretty short comparing to hers lol (like me XD) She holds you tightly enjoying the embrace she’s giving to you. “Well, I’m here now.” Then, you reply back. “Sev, I was so worried.” You caress her soft cheek, trailing your finger on her blue scar trying to not start crying. “I’ve waited the whole entire night. I couldn’t sleep. I just kept thinking about you for so long.” You said while leaning on her chest as a tear came down on your cheek. “Oh, my love.” Sevika caress the side of your beloved face, pressing you more. She then places your chin back up to meet her eye. “No need to worried, dear. I was thinking about you too. Now that I’m here, it’s over, love.” You had your anxiety moments thinking something would happened to Sevika if she wasn’t home. All those negative thoughts in your head had to be erased. Luckily, your wife had came to save you. “I was just nervous how long you was out there. I wanted you to come home early-“ Sevika shushes you. “Shhh, love don't worried so much. I’m fine. Everything went well. Were both safe.” She looks down at your beautiful eyes sparkle like diamonds. “You know how much I love you, right?” You sniff your tears and lifts a small smile. “Yeah, I know.” You calmed down for a bit and sighs. “Just wanted to make sure you was safe. That’s all. I can't keep thinking what would ever happened to you if-” Sevika cupped your both cheeks together, admiring how adorable your face were like a baby. “Love, do I have to say it all over again? Y/N, look at me.” She ordered you softly to do what she says and you did. “I was fine at work, I promise. And I came home safely didn't I? Yes I came home safe and sound. Nothing's ever gonna happened towards me...or you. I’m still here and we’ll continue to move on.” Your wife does her best to comfort you. She continues looking at you, which was such an awe moment. She couldn’t bear to look away from that puppy eyes of yours. “Now, can we finally get sleep? I’m exhausted…” Sevika says letting out a yawn. You nod. “Yes, same here.” Sevika lifts you up into her arms and without wasting enough time, she carries you to bed. She let you lay down first before she gets on top and turns her whole body to have her head lied on your upper chest. “Goodnight, love,” says Sevika droozing off to sleep with her work outfit on still. You caress her simple bun, while watching her. You finally felt relief from all the anxiety had in you. Eventually, you closed your eyes and gently fall asleep, not wanting to let her go.
The end.
(Yay! What a cute and heartwarming short story. I hope you enjoyed this a lot with Sevika. If your more into my fanfics, please follow me and I’ll be back writing more cute, romantically stories of our favorite milfs and others hehe). (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
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kairiscorner · 1 year
peter b. parker x short grumpy reader please and thank you 🤍
anon ily platonically YES I WILL MAKE THIS, THANK YOU <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
also for this, i like to think this'd maybe be an alternate earth where everything is the same but peter b is not with mj (or you can think it's a diff mj, spider mj? whatever, it's just you) and he's not married.
so imagine,
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summary: peter b was the only person at the spider society who didn't see you as just this grumpy mess of a person, he knew you were going through a lot of things, who wasn't? he was willing to hear you out for whatever it is you were facing, but maybe without you effortlessly carrying a big table as he hears you out and tries to help you.
word count: 1,265
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saying peter b loved you a whole lot was an understatement, he was practically at your beck and call whenever you needed him. there were times were it was as though he could read your mind, he'd prepare things for you if you needed them, especially without you having to ask. he did whatever you told him to without question, because he knew he'd make you happy if he did it. if it pleased you or made you happy, he'd do it, no questions asked.
but the thing about you was that you kind of, sort of had an attitude problem. you'd snap at anyone who'd get in your way, literally and figuratively. this is why everyone at the spider society flocked to peter b when you'd be around, hoping he'd act like a human (or spider) shield for them, just like that afternoon.
peter was enjoying his round of afternoon coffee by the cafeteria when a bunch of spider people rushed in and hid behind him. peter sighed and smiled as he looked at the spider people behind him. "ya did it again? when i specifically told you guys not to? ah, well, don't say i didn't warn ya." he said with a chuckle as he leaned against his chair, being held up by the frightened bodies of the spider people behind his chair.
he could hear the clangs against the walls outside and the storm of angry footprints as they drew nearer and nearer, signaling these poor spider people's imminent doom. peter laughed aloud. "aren't they just the cutest when they stomp their feet? i tell you, they're so squishable." peter beamed as he gazed at the cafeteria door, counting down the seconds in his head as he waited for you to storm in a 3... 2... 1...
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a loud bang reverberated throughout the whole spider society's cafeteria, with a bunch of bystander spider people looking your way as you fumed. your eyebrows knitted together as you huffed and puffed angrily, your nostrils flared up as you gnashed your teeth together, looking for the spider people who provoked you earlier.
"where. are. they." you seethed, to which all the spider people pointed to the small crowd behind peter b, the lot of which were saying their prayers and hoping they'd get out of this one alive.
peter smiled at you and waved with a small blush across his face. "hey love!" he exclaimed, raising his mug at you. "coffee?" he offered, to which you ignored and rushed straight for the spider people behind peter. "you assholes." you muttered through gritted teeth as you practically became a wild beast that ravaged through the forests of unrelenting anger. "you wanna say that shit to me again? huh? what was that about me being a harmless, pretty little pipsqueak brat?" you seethed as you took a table and pulled it up from its bolts that fixed it in place.
you carried the table with ease and threatened to slam it over their heads. "go on, tell me how vulnerable i am again, i dare you, i dare you!" you shouted, and as you did, your voice rang throughout the whole room, causing everyone to shudder as you let your aggression get the best of you.
the spider people apologized to you, saying how they didn't mean it, but when you caught them making fun of your height, complain how easy it was to rile you up--you knew they meant it. every single word of it.
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peter got up from the chair and stretched a little. "love..." he said as he extended his hands towards you. "we can talk about this before you cut their heads off." he said, half jokingly because he knew you were capable of it.
you grunted at that because you really, really wanted these guys to have a piece of your mind. you were breathing heavily, you wanted to scream, to get angry, anything! but you couldn't do it in front of peter, never him. it could be anyone else in the world, but you hated showing him this side of yourself, no matter how used to it he was.
"you don't have to get violent anymore, okay? i've got you. i've got you..." he said as he slowly approached you and placed his hands on your shoulders, smiling at you, gradually wrapping you in his embrace. his embrace was always sweet, you never felt like he forced it upon you or was forcing it upon him, you felt genuine, warm love from him every time he touched you. it was, to you, the most cathatic feeling in the world.
you set the table back down, it fell to its side since you kind of threw it rather than placed it down. you felt hot tears stinging the corners of your eyes, you tried blinking them away, but they just kept coming.
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you sighed as you eased into his touch. "dammit," you said as you leaned into the crook of his neck. "i'm sorry, it's just... i felt like shit today. my mission went horrible, my teammates talked bad about me--i can barely look at myself right in the mirror without thinking about all the bad things i've been hearing about me." you whispered in a regretful voice into peter's ear as the onlookers of spider people glanced at the two of you and slowly left the cafeteria one by one, the band of spider people gathered behind peter running away quickly so as not to be in the cross hairs of your anger.
"pete, i'm... sorry you had to deal with me. they were just teasing, i shouldn't have given in to their..." you choked out as tears welled up in your eyes. "i just... i've had enough of people thinking they can say whatever they want about me because i'm... because i don't look like much." you said with a slightly irritated tone, more so towards yourself.
"hey, now... you're okay." peter said as he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back. "i know you're trying to be better, i can see that. i know... i know that comments like that can still hurt you. but you don't need to do that anymore, not while i'm here." peter said as he pulled away to look at you, with such softness and care in his eyes.
you may be grumpy, aggressive, and insecure about yourself and your height, but your hot-headedness cools down significantly when peter's with you.
"you're good enough already. and i'm happy you're working on your issues... i'm right here for you if you need me, i'll teach them a thing or two for you. i promise. and no, you are not vulnerable, weak, or a brat. you're better than that, you're strong, independent, and... so much more." he said as he kissed your forehead again.
"i love you, i always will. you're doing great already." he whispered as he held you close. "thank you..." you choked out as you clung on to peter, as he rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head, letting you let out all your frustrations about the day and about everyone else onto him.
you may have been an angry little gremlin, but you were his angry little gremlin, and he'd prove to you time and time again that no matter how bad your grumpiness and anger would get, no matter how insecure you were of your height, he saw you as just right for him and would defend you to the very end.
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tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04
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five-rivers · 3 months
Last pollfic chapter! The previous one is here. There is a poll at the end to choose the next one. :3
“Fine,” said Danny, “whatever.  But can we get on with this?  The sooner I’m a teenager again, the better.”
“Yes, yes,” said the librarian.  She slid the card into a slot on the desk.  How many of those did she have?  “One moment.”
Danny waited.  He waited some more.  Then he cringed as his body started shifting. Slowly.  Very slowly.  His aura flared out, then stabilized at a more comfortable level.  His spine and legs stretched.  His wings pulled in, just a little.  
Then it stopped.  
Danny checked his ears - closer to catlike than batlike, but still overly long and pointed.  His tail - again shorter, but still there.  Wings - the same.  As for his overall height…  Well, he could see all the way over the counter, now.  But he was pretty sure he was closer to ten than fourteen.  
“Is that it?” he asked, disappointed.  
“It would appear as if whatever was done to you, without the means with which it was applied, will have to fade on its own.  Which is how it is with our badges.  Can I assume that you will also want to take possession of your belongings at this time?”
“Yep,” said Danny.  “I would like that.”
The librarian opened the door to the coatroom and unloaded the equipment bit by bit.  As she did, Danny put it back on, piece by piece, until he reached the backup microphone.  Yeah.  Yeah, if his parents were watching, this was going to suck.  If they weren’t watching, well.  It would also suck.  But in a different way, and later.  When they wrecked whatever building he was in trying to get to him.  
Yeah.  They’d do that in the Ghost Zone, too, he was sure.  
He plugged the earpiece into his ear.  “Hi,” he said.  
He took the earpiece out of his ear.  He counted to ten, then put it back in.  His parents were still being loud and incomprehensible.
“Sorry about leaving the video stuff at the bottom of a hole.”
“You lost something in the library?” asked the librarian.  
“Yeah,” said Danny.  “Like I said, Mom, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get kidnapped.”
The librarian sighed.  “I will make a note to send it on to the Library of Tongues if any of our members find it.  A hole, you said?”
“Near where the quiet ones hang out.  They call it the Well of Voices.  There’s like a lake down there.”
“Danny, are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” said Danny, putting a hand on his ear.  “I’m going to spend a few days–”
“A week, at least,” interjected the librarian at the desk.  
“--maybe a week,” corrected Danny, “at the Library of Tongues.  I’m kind of a bit– Since they messed with the transformation, it won’t come off right.”
“Why can’t you just come home, instead of going there?”
“Because I can get someone from the library to pick me up.”
“We can pick you up!”
“No, Dad, no, don’t come here.  You can’t come here.”
“We’ve got the Speeder!  We can get there in no time!”
That was not an accurate assessment of how long it would take.  Danny was much faster than the Speeder.  But that wasn’t really the point, either.  “There’s a reason you send me to investigate, rather than coming out here yourselves.”  There were, in fact, many reasons, ranging from the safety of Mom and Dad to the safety and sanity of everyone else in the Ghost Zone.  
“But you’re in trouble now,” said Maddie.  “And we have been prepping for launch, so it really will be short.  Just a jump.”
“You’ll get lost and then I’ll have to find you.  I’m not in trouble.  I’m out of trouble.  I am no longer in trouble.  Someone from the Library of Tongues will come pick me up.  I go to the Library of Tongues all the time.  I know how to be safe there.”
“Like you know how to be safe here.”
“I’m not sure how I could have predicted the secret people living in the basement that no one knew about,” said Danny, trying to keep the way that shot had landed out of his voice.  “The Library of Tongues isn’t a new place.  It’s a place I know.  I’ve never had trouble there.”  Unless he counted Ghost Writer glaring at him across the room.  
“No way no how, not after this library tried to eat you, Danno!”
“That’s– That’s not what happened.  I wasn’t eaten.  No one tried to eat me, here.”  Danny knew what that was like, and it wasn’t what had happened.  “And no one has ever tried to eat me at the Library of Tongues.  Having ‘tongues’ in the name does not mean that that’s what’s there.  You know that.”
“This library has ‘lost’ in its name, and you got lost in it.”
“It’s ‘tongues’ as in ‘languages.’”
“We’re coming to get you.”
“By the time you get here, I’ll be gone.”
There was a brief not-quiet-silence, as if one of his parents had put their hand down over their microphone.  Then, “We’ll pick you up from the Library of Tongues.  That’s closer, anyway, isn’t it?” asked Mom.  
This was the best deal Danny was likely to get.  He sighed.  “Fine.”
The attendant came back.  “They say they will send someone,” they said, bowing slightly.  “They’re taking the methodical route, so they will be here soon.”
“How long is soon?” asked Danny.  “An hour, half an hour?”
The attendant shrugged.  
“About an hour,” said the librarian at the desk.  “You can sit anywhere here in the lobby.”
“Thank you,” said Danny.  He looked around at the collection of what would normally be very comfortable chairs, and considered his wings.  “Hm.”
“The ones that are better for people with wings are over there,” said the librarian, pointing.  She directed her attention to the attendant.  “And you should return to your duties.”
Danny grimaced at the chairs with the narrow, hard looking backs, but it wasn’t as if he had a lot of choices.  He sat down and squirmed to get comfortable.  It didn’t help much.  
At least he was unlikely to fall asleep like this.  
He spent his wait fiddling with one of the less reliable gadgets (it had broken while sitting in the coat room) and filling his parents in on what, exactly, had happened.  There was a lot of backtracking and scientific speculation, most of which was probably wrong, but which was, at least, enthusiastic.  
The front doors of the library opened, and Danny perked up, eager to see if it was someone he recognized.  
Sadly, it was.  
“I have been told,” announced Ghost Writer, “that a certain boy has been too bold.”
“Right, because it’s my fault if someone decided to indulge in a bit of kidnapping,” said Danny, already annoyed.  
Ghost Writer sniffed, sticking his nose in the air.  “Sorry, do you hear something small yapping?”
“Did they really send you to get me?”
“Evidently, I was the only one free.”
“Danny?  Is he one of your enemies?  Should we come get you now?”
“No, we’ve just got history.”
“If you say it like that, people will think it’s a mystery.  Are you ready to leave?”
“As I live and breathe.”  Danny scowled.  “Stop that.”
“You’re lucky I’m accepting half rhymes, not just rhymes that are pat.”
“That’s atrocious.”
“What a long word, so precocious.”
Danny rolled his eyes.  “Let’s just go, before you attract some kind of foe.”  He pushed past Ghost Writer, and opened the doors.  
As eager as he’d been to come at the beginning, he was glad to put this particular destination behind him.  He was definitely crossing it off his list of places to visit in the future.  
The End
(For Now)
Thank you for reading this far! I will be adding the whole thing to AO3 shortly.
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male-body-swap-lover · 11 months
Smoking Ages You
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Kappa Delta Pi was the it place on campus, and I was the king. Michael Webber, Mikey as my friends called me. There I am in the center of our group photo. We were an inseparable group of bros. Porter, Kent, Oliver, Damian, and me. Kings of the campus is what people called us. Could you blame us. We were hot, ripped, and rich, and boy did we love our cigars. Lungs be damned. There was nothing like the deep, rich scent of a perfectly aged cigar.
If there was one thing the girls on campus did not like, it was our unique love of cigars. Many girls actively avoided us. Yes, we never suffered for women, but we never got the cream of the crop. Until one night we managed to score dates with five of the hottest girls from Alpha Salem Theta. After dinner, we were sitting in the senior smoking room of our frat. Five boys with their cigars, whisky, and girls.
“Boys, could you please stop smoking. It’s disgusting,” said Porter’s date, Amber.
“Don’t you know how bad it is for you,” said Damian’s date, Chelsea.
“Boys will be boys. Stupid and idiotic till it’s too late,” said my date, the head of Alpha Salem Theta, Samantha.
“Oh, come on babe. Smoking is sexy. We are hot and you know you love it,” I said.
“I’m not your babe. Come on girls. Let’s leave these little boys,” said Samantha.
The five girls got up to leave and started walking towards the door.
My brothers and I pleaded with them to stay, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Fine! Be that way you stupid bitches. We can have any girls we want,” I said.
Samantha slowly turned around. “What did you just call us?” She was furious.
I started to stammer and then Samantha said “Girls, I thought we would let them go tonight, but since they want to be cruel, it’s time they get what’s coming their way. Boys, SIT!” she commanded.
Suddenly five chairs made their way to the center of the room and we were forced to sit down. We couldn’t move. We just kept puffing away at our cigars.
“What’s going on! Why can’t we move?” said Kent.
“Boys, we at Alpha Salem Theta practice the witchcraft of our sisters of yore that used to reside in Salem. We hate to see people throw away their lives on ridiculous things, such as cigars. You are all hot. You are smart, at least I presume you are, but you are all addicted to cigars. It is embarrassing. You act like a bunch of middle-aged men who have let themselves go. So, if that is how you want to act, why don’t you become just that.”
The girls started chanting some weird incantations. We were unable to decipher what they were saying. The wind started whipping and the room turned a vibrant red color. As it crescendo’d, it suddenly stopped.
“Ha, it didn’t work” I said.
“Just wait,” said Samantha.
Suddenly Porter started moaning. A rumbling came from his stomach and it started pushing out. His hair turned white and his hairline receded. A bushy beard grew on his face. Everywhere on his body, he gained fat. Wrinkles appeared everywhere and he aged right before his eyes. He looked like he could be 60. He had to weigh at least 300 pounds. His clothes burst at the seams and then they reformed. His blue button down resized to fit his body, his ripped jeans turned into khaki shorts and a belt wove through the loops as his shirt tucked in. All the while he puffed away on his cigar, attempting to scream, but unable to.
We all started panicking, but we couldn’t move and we continued to puff away at our cigars.
Kent was next. His stomach pushed out even faster, but didn’t grow as large as Porter’s. It almost seemed like he shrunk in height. All of his hair turned white as he aged up and a trimmed beard appeared. His white button down turned into a blue polo and his jeans expanded along with his waistline as a belt appeared. He was the mirror image of his dad.
Oliver aged the worst. He looked horrible. His hair was a mess and his beard looked like something George Lucas would sport, but way worse. His jeans turned into dad jean shorts that barely fit his much-expanded waistline. He looked like an old fart that was most comfortable in his recliner. A pair of old man glasses appeared on his face. Tears were streaming down his face, but all he could do was puff.
Damian was so proud of his hair. No more. His hair receded the most, leaving him with just a ring of hair. His face hardened with age as his beard grew in. His button down turned into a white tank top tucked into his jeans as his beer belly hung over his belt. He looked like trailer trash. He went from modeling for A&F to modeling for Medicare. His flabby arms were revolting.
“And finally, for the finale, the great Mikey Webber gets taken down a peg, or five, Samantha said.
It felt like I was going to throw up. My stomach rumbled so badly. Then it started growing, and growing, and growing. All the buttons popped off my shirt. My pant seams ripped. All of my hair fell off my head. I could see it on the floor around me. I was crying. I felt myself gain a second and a third chin. I had to be fatter then all my brothers. A blue button down formed over my body, and the ugliest pair of khaki shorts appeared on my body. I looked like Tony Soprano, but 10 times worse. Finally, it stopped, but it was too late. I was a man far past his prime. A tub of lard.
All of the girls laughed. “Good luck boys, with your new lives. Too bad no one is going to know who you are. Bye!” All of the girls left. We all slowly stood up and felt our new ages. Back pain and arthritis.
“My hair. It’s gone. I’m old. We are all old. How are we going to get girls now,” said Damian.
“That’s not our biggest problem. We need to find a way to switch back,” said Oliver.
Suddenly, Henry, the Junior class president walked in and started yelling. “Who the hell are you. Get the fuck out of here before I call the police. Creepy old men.”
We tried explaining who we were, but to no avail. Eventually we gave up and trudged downstairs and out of the frat without any of our belongings. We walked till we found an empty front porch. I sat down, trying to come to terms with what happened. We looked at our ID’s and it still showed our old lives, meaning that no one would ever believe us when we explained who we were.
“What the fuck are we going to do. We look like people’s dads. No one is going to believe who we are,” said Porter.
“Shut up. Just let me think. We will just have to convince the girls to change us back. Just let me finish my cigar,” I said. We all stayed on that porch, smoking our cigars, trying to figure out how we were going to get out of this mess. Little did we know, we were stuck like this forever, and our problems had only just begun.
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
ᴘᴜsʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴏɴs
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Here's A Link To My Master-List
Synopsis: Stark Distrubution’s Literary Department houses Anna, and her very (rational) fear of tight spaces and heights. It is until she finds herself stuck in an elevator with the one person she hoped to avoid.
Word Count: 2.4k
!Trigger Warnings!
-tony stark X afab! reader 
-cannon? Never heard of her. 
-Office/Corp. AU
-Claustrophobia (Fear Of Tight Spaces)
-Acrophobia (Fear Of Heights)
-Oral, fem(receiving) 
-Insta love, (at the end, sorta?
-specific oc
*Even though it has nothing to do with the fic topic, I was very keen on listening to “You Give Love A Bad Name” *
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 
You Give Love A Bad Name- Bon Jovi 
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
My jet-black heels click against the polished floor of Stark Distribution. Currently, I find myself hurrying to Mile’s office to grab a stack of papers that need to be printed. I’m not an assistant, and I sure as hell am not a paper boy. 
I’m going to tell him off, but that’s beside the point. Mile's is my boss, the manager of Stark’s literary department. To put it simplistically, we print books, newspapers, ad’s you tired of seeing around Malibu. Our department specializes in paper and ink. 
If it gets the bills paid, who cares. 
I smooth out my black dress, it’s cute, easy and simple, cutting off right at the knees. The door to Mile’s office is just around the corner, I squeeze through a few people, noting most of the men walking are wearing suits, not a single one in grey sweatpants. 
That only means one thing. 
I let out a breathy sigh as I walk through the door, my eyes falling onto the huge stack of papers waiting to be copied and re-printed. Oh, I’m going to give him hell-
“Ah, my assistant, Mr.Stark.” Miles begins, pointing at me. My back suddenly straightens, and I’m acutely aware of just how short this dress is. 
Assistant? Really? 
Mr. Stark smiles his bright smile, his hair perfectly combed over, and extends a hand my way.  “Hello,” Stark adds as I enclose my palm in his, watching as my flesh slides against his own. His eyes are on me, almost too intensely. 
I clear my throat and pull away, suddenly feeling as if bubbles have been popped. “Evening, Sir.” I gruff, nodding my head. He’s the reason all of the employees are acting civilized. 
But what could the CEO want with the literary department? And Mile’s specifically. 
“Anna, What can I help you with?” Mile asks, smiling his stupid fucking smile. I would want nothing more than to shove it up his ass. 
My fingers ball into fists at my sides, inhaling and exhaling with frustration. “You requested me for the printing process?” I would like to burn the papers, preferably with Mile’s watching, but Mr.Starks' eyes won't leave my face. 
I’ll have to swallow it for now. 
“Yes, There waiting on the desk for you.” His ugly brown eyes lead me to the papers I’ve already located. I smile, adding a polite nod towards Stark, and grab the papers from his desk. 
I cover my bare chest with the stack, acutely aware of Stark’s eyes. Not that he’s looking, and not that I would be uncomfortable if he did look, it’s just- 
I don’t want to be fired.
I exit his office, letting the door close with a slam. Sure it’s immature, but Mile’s is a dick. The printers are up on floor 6 meaning I would have to take the elevator. 
A rush of bone-chilling cold runs throws my bones, and my feet almost refuse to move. I don’t do elevators. I don’t do heights. I don’t do tight spaces. I however do work, and I do need to sleep tonight, so elevator it is. I clutch the papers and make my way to the elevator. 
Men and women alike hurry to their jobs, some checking in with the receptionist, others going straight to their desks. The evening sun shines bright against the glass panes of the corp building. I press the button on the elevator and wait until a ding fills my ears. 
I’m panicking, fidgeting with my dress, hopping back and forth almost unnoticeable. I’ve had a fear of tight spaces since I was a child, and the heights pare with it. An elevator is hell on earth for someone like me. 
“The shit I do for Miles,” I mutter as the elevator's shiny doors start to open. I nod to John, Mary, and Cora who are all excited. They work in Tech but are frequent visitors of Floors 1 and 2. 
I enter the reflecting box, putting my back against the wall, feeling the coolness of the steel bite into my flesh. I reach to press number 4, watching as the doors start to close. 
Until there stopped by a hand and a very expensive-looking watch. 
Please. No. 
The hand turns into shoulders, and then a head, who happens to be prying the doors open, stepping inside the elevator. 
Tony Stark. 
“Anna, Long time no see.” He laughs, I wait for Miles to follow him, but I can’t see another person behind him. This is the worst possible situation I could ever be in. He pushes six, and the elevator door closes. Sealing us inside. 
It’s starting to feel very hot in here. My breath is beginning to weaken, and my mind is starting to spin. Stark being here is adding to my panic. The normal proximity to what it feels like to freak out when confronted by your greatest fear is already high. 
We start to move, and I stay against the wall, Mr. Stark’s eyes on his phone. Ok, He won’t see me freak out. 
Not yet, at least. 
My heart beats faster as the elevator music draws on, and the floor begins to shake. My fingers wrap around the metal bar, holding myself up as I close my eyes. 
Don’t panic, Anna. Dont panic. 
The words mean nothing when the elevator shifts, and stops. 
The steel framework stops moving, and I swear I can feel my eyes dilating. 
“Did you push the wrong button?” I manage to ask, my eyes still closed, trying to course myself through the shit show that is about to occur. 
“No?” The stark answers, barely noticing the elevator stops. “Must be a block, I told Tech to fix it.” 
I can’t see him, but I can hear his voice. His is crystal clear, while mine is shaky, full of panic. The music has stopped altogether, and the lights that circle the control panel have gone out. 
I feel dizzy, and my breathing has begun to feel erratic. I inhale, I exhale, but nothing is stopping the rise of panic in my stomach, aiming straight for my chest. Before I know it, I’m gone, I feel myself slipping. 
“Anna?” I hear his voice, but my eyes are still closed.
“Anna, what the hell is going on?”
“I think I need-” I’m falling, I try to catch myself, my grip tightening onto the metal railing, but I slip. 
I brace myself to meet the hard floor of the elevator but It never comes. I fall into some arms, landing against a broad chest. 
God. No. Please, Please.  I plead with myself eternally, but I already know whose arms I’ve fallen into. 
It’s Tony. 
“Anna? What’s wrong?” I feel my back being placed against the cool steel again as Stark plants his hands on either side of me, keeping my body in place. My head is spinning, and I can’t find the energy to focus. 
I try my hardest to form words, but the feeling of this elevator, the closed space, and the heat Tony is giving me. I can’t. “I’m-” 
“Please, Speak.” It sounds like he’s pleading, and Tony sounds worried. 
“I’m Claus-” My lips catch as I feel his thumb graze my cheek, whipping away tears I hadn’t known formed. 
I nod aggressively, the ache in my chest only growing. I feel myself losing it, my cheeks becoming more sticky. 
“Hey, Hey.” Tony rubs at my flesh, capturing the droplets before they can fall. He grabs my chin gently, forcing my eyes open. “Look at me.” 
I do, “Breath, In and Out.” He does them for me, displaying the way to breathe. I watch as his chest rises and falls, his eyes sewn to my own. I feel myself calming, but then I realize where I am and who I’m with. 
It’s embarrassing. 
 Stark’s voice is soft, something I never thought I would be able to hear. He whispers things in my ear, things that shouldn’t be comforting. 
“Good girl, keep breathing. Just like that.” I feel mortified, but I can’t deny the way my body listens to him. I breathe in and out, In through my nose and out through my mouth. 
My whole body is shaking as I hear voices that are not Tony’s or my own through the elevator. 
He holds me up as he mutters into the speaker right at my head. 
“We have people working on it, Mr.Stark.” Jean, the receptionist tells him. I see his face contort with anger,
“Hurry the hell up, dammit!” Stark yells I feel horrible for him. He probably has better things to do than comfort his manager's assistant. 
“Breath, Anna.” Stark’s fingers fall to my hips, keeping me stable as my own hands clutch onto the handles. I breathe, feeling the ache in my chest start to die down. 
“What do you usually do when you panic?” 
I look at him, my mind trying to stabilize. “A distraction. I need you to distract me.” I don’t know what he’ll do with that information, but I can’t talk anymore. My throat feels like it’s closing up. 
“You won’t like my distraction.” 
“Just do it!” I don’t mean to yell, but right now there's no time to be picky. Except, when I see him drop down to his knees, my breath is taken away. 
“What are you-” 
“A distraction.” Stark seems deadly serious, his fingers stay on my hips, but he’s s eye level with my legs, and the buzz of heat that shoots through me is not because of my panic. 
His lips start at my knees, brushing smooth kisses on my bare flesh. What is happening? And why do I not want it to stop?
“Keep breathing,” Tony whispers while placing kisses up my shaking legs, one hand slips away from my hips, the other's grip growing tight. Holding me up. His rough hands start at my shins, his feather-light touch makes me shiver as my head hits the back of the elevator, my eyes closing with pleasure. 
Starks palm brushes against my inner thigh, sending waves through me.
He must look up and see my closed eyes, “Is this okay? I’m not hurting you am I?” I shake my head, urging him to keep going. The ache in my chest is dying down, it’s one hell of a distraction. 
“Focus on my fingers,” Tony mutters, his voice soft. It’s hard not to, his digits graze my panties, surely feeling the wetness growing. I can’t see his face, I’m lost in my void, but it sounds like he approves of the feeling. 
It’s something we have in common. 
“I’m gonna lift this pretty little dress, alright?” Stark does it with one hand, the other still positioned on my hip. The fabric folds, exposing my black lace to his eyes, and I swear I hear him groan. 
“Your stunning, sweetheart.” my heart flutters at his compliment, feeling the way my chest is no longer heaving. My breaths slowed down. 
Stark hooks a finger through the strap, pulling it down my thighs and letting it pool at my feet. I lift a heel, waiting for him to pull it from the floor. 
He does, except he does not discard it on the elevator floor, the sound of his suit pocket ruffling tells me all I need to know. 
And somehow, I’ve grown more wet at the action alone. 
“Open up your legs, inhale, and exhale before you do.” I do as he asks, I inhale and exhale before opening my left leg, repeating the process, two more breaths until I’m spread bare before him. 
A wave of pleasure shoots through me as his lips meet my pussy, heat is traveling through my body, righting the coldness of panic. My clit throbs for his attention, and Tony gives it to me, licking up my slit. 
“Focus on my tongue, focus on how I make you feel.” I moan, my eyes open to look down. Tony Stark, on his knees, eating me out. 
Suddenly, I’m glad he pushed the wrong button.
He grabs my ass, pulling me forward so his nose is at my clit, and his tongue licks up my folds. Pleasure makes me cry out as I buck my hips, wanting more. 
Needing more. 
“How do I make you feel, Anna?” Tony’s tongue is everywhere now, not just my cunt. I feel him everywhere, smell him everywhere. The noises he and my cunt are emitting are enough to tell me were both enjoying this. 
“Good-” I manage to mutter, bucking again as his tongue slides into my pussy, making me flutter around him. The intrusion is new, but it doesn’t hurt. Far from it, actually. 
My orgasm is cresting as his mouth works at me, his tongue delving in and out, his nose hitting my clit every time he licks a stripe up my slit. 
“Are you going to come, sweetheart?” 
“Yes.” I groan the metal handles of the elevator slick with my sweat. I move them from the metal to intertwine in Tony’s hair, feeling his dark strands around my fingers, pushing him deeper into my pussy. 
“A greedy girl, are you?” 
His words, his mouth, his very being is enough to make me come. I shout out in ecstasy, with my waves of pleasure receding my panic, my body is all warm, and the bitter cold in my chest has disintegrated. 
Tony looks at me as my hole flutters around his tongue, coating the appendage with my release. He pulls away from me, locking my eyes with my gaze as he licks his lips. Stark rises from his knees, kissing his way up my legs before pulling my dress down. 
He’s keeping the panties. 
Not complaining. 
“Are you okay? Has it gone away?” His words ring through my ears, and my heart warms hearing his genuine concern. Though, my actions are starting the settle in, the realization of what just occurred in this elevator wracking my mind. 
“I should be fine, I’m so sorry-” 
“You have nothing to apologize for, I’m happy I was here, Anna.” Tony smiles at me and straightens out his suit, my eyes flicker as I feel the elevator shift. I can’t help the whimper that falls out of my mouth, I’m comparable to a scared child. 
But Tony just presses me to his chest, holding me there as we move, Jean's voice ringing throughout the metal box. 
“We're getting you out, sir.” Tony doesn’t pay attention, his lips are at my ear, coating the shell of it.
“Date with me, 3:00?” 
I find myself nodding, as I try to conceal my smile. 
One hell of a distraction.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Jaune FMK Weiss winter willow
Jaune: FMK Schnee’s
Jaune: Okay… This is actually a rather simple choice, choices for once…
Weiss: Simple?! You’re choosing between me, my sister, and my mother, and the choices is rather simple?!
Winter: Now now, Weiss. First, lets see what his choices are, then we can complain about them.
Willow: And, what every they are are better than the hell I have dealt with at the expense of him…
Weiss: Fine… But you better watch it, Jaune, or else!
Jaune: Okay…? Well to start off: Marry, Winter.
Weiss: What?!
Winter: Oh really~?
Weiss: Why are you marrying her?!
Jaune: Well… She has height, beauty, and curves. Men, such as myself are attracted to those things.
Winter: I do poses all of those, and more dear sister~!
Weiss: And, because of that you chose my sister over me?! And, what do you mean men are attracted to those kind of things?!
Jaune: Genetics.
Weiss: Genetics?
Jaune: Yeah, woman with, Winter’s, ‘hour glass figure’ tend to have high…high fertility rates…
Weiss: What?! You want to breed my sister?!
Winter: You what?! Why ypu…?!
Willow: No no, lets see where he’s going with this.
Jaune: What! I want to have a family! People look for such things when they want to have a relationship. In fact, Winter, do you want to have a family of your own some day?
Winter: W-Well yes I would… A-And, after getting to know you… I-I wouldn’t mind having a family w-with you…
Jaune: See! Even, Winter wants a family! That’s why I marry, Winter. She beautiful, smart, elegant, and like me wants to have a family too! So I could see us having a family together, a big family. Not as big as my family, but a family nonetheless.
Winter: How big is, Jaune’s family?
Weiss: Seven sisters, and himself. Only one pair of twins.
Winter: That poor woman!
Willow: Or, damn lucky~!
Winter: Mother?!
Willow: What? To have that many kids means they did it a lot. Even we, your father, and I unfortunately did it multiple times. So just imagine how viral of a man your husband is~!
Winter: But, mom, it’s just a game, we’re not actually getting married!
Willow: Yet~!
Winter: Y-Yet…?!
Weiss: So, I guess you’re gonna fuck me, and kill my mom then?
Jaune: Actually I was going to fuck your mother, and kill you.
Willow: Yes!
Weiss: WHAT?! How could you say that?!
Jaune: I am a hormonal teenager, and your mother is a thic milf, who has lived the definable of a loveless marriage! This is the bases of so many cheap quality porn films, so of course I want to fuck your mom!
Weiss: But, my mom?!
Jaune: Hey! You stuck it to your father by throwing him in jail! I’m gonna stick to him by sticking it up your mothers ass!
Willow: Mmmmh~! I can already imagine it; My fingers running through his short golden locks as he uses his body as he pleases. Him ravishing my body, molding my body to his shape. Him claiming me as his, and his alone. Ohhh~! Just what this lonely old woman needs~!
Winter: Mom, you can’t be serious…
Willow: You father was a ‘pump, and dump’ man… who left me thoroughly unsatisfied. Mr. Arc definitely doesn’t appear to be such a man. So just imagine, what it could be, what it will be~!
Winter: B-But, are you sure it would be like that?
Willow: Well… word from the grapevines says it is like that…
Winter: What grape vines?
Willow: So, how about I have the first run with him. After that, and I know how good he is. We can both take him together for your first time.
Winter: T-Together?!
Willow: Just think about it dear. There’s no rush.l for you to make your decision. That is, until you need it~!
Winter: I-I-It…?!
Weiss: So why am I getting the ax?! What did I do?!
Jaune: You said no… Months ago… In fact you slammed a door on my face to make your point clear to me.
Weiss: Eh?
Jaune: So, I’m going to pick the two that I have a chance with, than the one who said no to me.
Weiss: B-But, What if you do have a chance with me… N-Now?
Jaune: Eh?
Weiss: You’ve grown up, I’ve grown up, were both different people then we were back then. So, don’t you think there is a chance we might be able… to become something more that what we currently are…?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Outside of the game, I think there is a chance for all of us to be more than just friends…
Weiss: R-Really?!
Jaune: But, this is MFK; You’re dead little lady.
Weiss: Shit!
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come-away-with-me87 · 4 months
It Takes Two Chapter 13
Chapter 12 here
Note: Chapter based on the song "Change is Everything" by Son Lux.
It was settled; you decided you were going to pay Shouta a visit tonight at the Heights Alliance campus.  You decided to stay in the outfit you were already in; there was no point in changing, it was only going to be a discussion.  You then got up from your couch, grabbed your purse and keys, headed out of the apartment building, and made your way to your car...until you froze in that spot.  Yes, you were planning on talking to Shouta, yes, but what exactly were you going to say?  "Oooo Shouta, I moaned out your name tonight while having my tits fondled by another guy."  No, that would not do.
You got into your car, and just sat there for a few moments thinking about what you were going to say.  Even though it would probably come out as word vomit by the time you arrived there, you finally decided on what you were going to say to Shouta.  You put your key in the ignition, and started on your short journey to the Heights Alliance campus.  Traffic was surprisingly slow that night, and you made it there in record time.  Damnit, part of you was dreading this.  Even though Shouta expressed his feelings to you, what if he still rejected you?  Because you also liked Kenzo?  You thought about your first date with Kenzo, and while the date and kiss were both incredible, you remembered how you felt that there was something missing.  Could that missing piece somehow involve Shouta?
You parked your car in your usual spot,and got of your car, where you noticed a bunch of students outside, including Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Urusaka, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Tenya Iida, Eijiro Kirishima, Tsuyu Asui, as well as a few other students.  It was a nice evening outside, so you weren't surprised to see a bunch of students hanging out outside.  "Hi, all!" you exclaimed.  "Miss L/N!" Midoriya replied, "what brings you here on a weekend?"  Well, you obviously weren't going to tell them the real reason you were there...soooooo, you lied.
"Aha, Midoriya.  I agreed to meet up with Mr. Aizawa this evening to go over next week's lesson plans."  All of the students there groaned in protest, where you instinctively went into teacher mode.  "Hey now, this is for the good of your education in becoming pro-heroes!"  They all replied in unison, "yes, Miss L/N."  With that, you waved goodbye to all of them, and made your way over to the teachers' campus.  You eventually made your way there, stood in front of Shouta's door for what felt like hours, and finally knocked.
"This moment changes everything The course of blood within your veins A stranger's form, your skeleton See the bones glow as they break free This moment changes everything This moment, change is everything"
You heard footsteps approaching the door, when suddenly, you were face to face with Shouta.  He opened the door with a slight grin on his face, when suddenly, it turned into a frown when he saw you.  "Y/N, I wasn't expecting you..." he said suddenly.  The way that grin turned into a frown real quick...was he expecting someone else?  "Shouta, I'm very sorry to intrude so suddenly...may I talk to you for a moment?" you replied.  He suddenly looked like he was becoming very aware of his surroundings, looking around everywhere but at you.  You coughed to get his attention, "if this is a bad time, I can come back."
He finally looked at you, "Y/N...this actually isn't a good time," he said while putting his hand on the back of his head, "I'm expecting company."  Oh, maybe family was coming to visit!  "Oh gosh, Shouta, I'm so sorry to show up so suddenly.  You have a life outside of school, too, it didn't even occur to me that you could have family or someone visiting..." you trailed off as you saw the look on his face.  "Actually..I..I am waiting for a friend.  I have a date tonight..." he finally said.  Oh.  "I see," was all you could muster.  You continued, trying to put on a brave and unbothered face, "I'm sorry to interrupt your evening.  We can talk some other time, I guess.  Enjoy your date."  You swiftly turned around and walked away, hearing Shouta say, "Y/N, wait!"  But you ignored him, and made your way to your car.
To be continued...
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dipplinduo · 8 months
I'm so sorry this isn't pokemon related at all but I gotta know which t swift albums are your faves lmao 👀 (I'm forever stuck in the folklore/evermore days 🤎)
Okay. I am pretty rigid on keeping the blog pokemon-related, but you, dear anon, have asked me about something that I love more than anything else.
So I'm gonna just go wild with this and give you more than you asked for because frankly I am one of the biggest swifities on this Earth and honestly squeal any time I get the opportunity to talk about Taylor's music because of how much of a massive impact it has had on me. I get nervous with each drop but, without fail? Each and every album, in order, tends to follow themes in my life and somehow encapsulates a lot of what I'm going through in some way. I love each of these albums in their own way, and it's a bit hard to give them rankings. Less favorites are still very much favorites though!
1 - reputation
Holy trinity: I Did Something Bad; Don't Blame Me; New Year's Day Honorable mentions: literally every other song
This album was a torniquet for me, and even when I'm not fully relating to it emotionally as much it may just be permanently cemented in my heart and soul as the top dog because of how monumental it was to me. It dropped at a time in my life when I was reallllyyy going through it, and a lot of the overarching narrative of "I will survive this tooth and nail for better days, even if my dignity is lost" resonated hard. I think the presentation and marketing of this album was utterly genius (reclaiming the narratives, sound production/lyrical risks and imagery that were executed JUST right, the MERCH REFERENCES, the "bombastic, external persona" that transitions to "this is the real me behind closed doors; I found and cherish what's truly important and that's all that really matters", etc.) was just perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect. IDSM AMA 2018 performance is also the best live performance ever, forever obsessed. Overall, this album is the one I turn to whenever life is hard and I want to fan the flames of resilience.
2 - evermore
Holy trinity: coney island; tolerate It; 'tis the damn
Honorable mentions: champagne problems; gold rush; long story short; Willow
God, I love evermore. Didn't even realize how much I did until the past year or so. I have a lot of deep cuts on this album, and like folklore, it was just SO awesome to have albums where the general public could see more of Taylor's quill pen songwriting on full display (although glitter gel pen songs are EQUALLY cool). I love the maturity behind this album and it actually taught me how to fall in love with the colder seasons and weather. Coney Island specifically lowers my blood pressure like no other song has ever done and I can't even tell you fully why; it's so surreal and serene to listen to on planes. And tolerate it? CHRIST. When I revisited it as I went through some of it in real time, OOOF. DIFFERENT LEVEL OF RESPECT. It is def in my top 5 songs. 3 - folklore
Holy trinity: caridgan; the 1; hoax
Honorable mentions: my tears richochet; mad woman; the lakes; peace; invisible string; august
CARDIGAN. CARDIGAN. Rep is my favorite album, but cardigan is my favorite song ohmygooood. Never have I ever felt something epitomize my life experiences and personhood - it quite literally feels like an encapsulation of my soul. I feel very spoiled that it got to be a single and mv - just absolutely stunning. Personally, I connect this song to a return to lost childhood innocence. And I am proud to say I own one of the original original cardigans and the only way you can separate it from me is by prying it from my cold, dead hands. BUT YES, FOLKLORE IS ELITE. The storytelling on this album is next level and the surprise drop of such intricate thought during the height of the pandemic was very needed. Hoax is an oddly specific lullaby for me because it was a specific comfort to me at one night. The 1 is just ooOOOOF also.
4 - Lover
Holy trinity: All Of The Girls You Loved Before; Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince; Cornelia Street
Honorable Mentions: False God; Cruel Summer; I Think He Knows; Daylight
I honestly don't give this album enough credit because I resonate a lot with its visuals and messages. It is def a bit more slapped together than others, but I do like the symbolism in that. Lover is about all forms of love (romantic, familial, platonic, self-based) and I often times get told by irl peeps that this alongside the folkmore albums are the kinds of energies I tend to emit lol. Daylight in particular has one of the most fire TS quotes at her adlib at the end with the whole "You are what you love" thing, and GOD. Any time I think of it or hear it I re-evaluate a lot to make sure I can live by it. Fun fact: revisiting the song is how I ended 2023, and it was the trigger that made me decide to write fanfiction & start this blog, because it's important to follow all sorts of things that make you happy! <3
5 - 1989 (TV)
Holy trinity: New Romantics; Say Don't Go; I Know Places
Honorable Mentions: Bad Blood (both versions; fight me); YOU ARE IN LOVE UGH; Is It Over Now?; Style; Clean
This album is pop perfection and I think every Swiftie can agree on that universally even if you're not a big fan of 1989. But ooohhh my gosh, this album set me free when it came out. There are so many positive messages about expressing yourself, leaning into the messes of life, and also, just letting yourself loosen up a bit. I was in a bit of an angsty emo phase when the og came out (lol) and Taylor's bubbliness challenged me in a great way and helped me get a bit of my sunshine back. It was my second most anticipated TV re-release, and the vault tracks DID not disappoint. Now that I'm more in the range of what Taylor was reflecting on at the time, too? OOF. DO I FEEL MORE CONNECTED THAN BEFORE.
6 - Fearless (TV)
Holy trinity: Mr. Perfectly Fine; The Way I Loved You; Forever & Always (Piano Version) Honorable Mentions: Change; You're Not Sorry; White Horse; Fifteen; The Best Day; You Belong With Me
Gosh. Fearless. FEARLESS. This album just stands out to me as such an homage to my childhood in a lot of different ways - but more so of the braver side of me in it. I absolutely love the imagery and dramatics of this album and feel like its just a bucket of sunshine and golden stars and warmth. It takes me back to simpler days, and I love love love how Mr. Perfectly Fine leans straight into some of the bangers I really loved on the og. This is more of a sunshiny fire album to me.
7- Midnights
Holy trinity: You're Losing Me; Dear Reader; Bejeweled (new! lmao)
Honorable Mentions: You're On Your Own, Kid; Would've Could've Should've; Lavender Haze; Anti-Hero; Midnight Rain; Mastermind; Snow On The Beach (feat. More Lana Del Ray)
This album is very dreary in a lot of ways, and jeez, I needed it when it first came out. Happy to say I went from more of a "Dear Reader" vibe to a "Bejeweled" vibe from release to now. I love the concept behind it so much and it's interesting to be able to relate to the "coming out of the dread" side thats sprinkled in here and there. It speaks to the more "stormy" parts of me that I tend to hide from others, and I really relate to TS's portrayal of it given her own general outward disposition.
8 - Red (TV)
Holy trinity: All Too Well 10 Minute Version; I Knew You Were Trouble; Begin Again
Honorable Mentions: Better Man; Girl At Home (fight me); Nothing New; Sad Beautiful Tragic; Treacherous
Okaayyy, THIS is the fall album. And we're getting to the point where these beautiful albums LOOK like they're ranked low, but the favoritism is still very much high regardless. God, ATWTMV took ATW and added a whole MAGNITUTE of maturity and retrospect that really speaks to a personal experience that I've had. I am beyond grateful that we finally got it and younger me would be screaming in disbelief!! LOL. But yeah, this album is what I turn to for heartbreak at times (more so of messy, fast and quick kind of feelings), and Begin Again is very relegable as a spiritual palette cleanser. The red scarf is one of my other favorite merch items I own.
9 - Speak Now (TV)
Holy trinity: Castles Crumbling; Mean; Haunted
Honorable mentions: Foolish One; Back to December; Enchanted; Better Than Revenge (lol og lowkey); Ours (MH ruined this one for me temporarily); I Can See You
This album is another childhood reminder type of album because of how whimsical and fairytale-esque it is, but I'll admit that Fearless (TV) is a little closer to my heart. Castles Crumbling though???? OH. MY. GOD. That had my jaw to the ground and is def in the top 10. What a tragedy to add to SPEAK NOW of all albums, and what nightmarish foresight Taylor must've had to compose it way back when. Haunted also speaks to my soul but more in a familial kind of way, and Mean? Mean is the spiteful little child in me LOL.
10 - Taylor Swift
Holy Trinity: Should've Said No; Tied Together With a Smile; Cold As You
Honorable Mentions: The Outside; A Place in This World; Picture To Burn
I'm ngl! This album I'm probably much more disconnected with compared to others despite me being a big Swiftie. Most of this is because I wasn't fully a fan when this came out, and country music isn't really my kind of jam. I'm very curious about how the TV is going to be handled and I think it's going to grow on me a bit more. Nonetheless, the holy trinity is elite and Should've Said No/Bad Blood mashup during the rep tour changed me as a person. One day I shall yee the haw here.
This was a lot of fun to share (and I know you didn't fully ask for this but HERE YA GO LOL), TS is my kryptonite and my everything and I hope you enjoyed. :) <3
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