#yes you know we don’t carry the size box you need.
indecisivekitty · 8 months
Lads and Pads
TF141 x fem!reader
wc: i ain’t gotta clue pal (tumblr lemme copy n paste all the words plz on mobile)
genre: fluff, does comedy count if it’s kind of funny
warnings: men
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“I dinnae understand.”
Gaz shakes his head and sighed. “She’s on her period and needs pads, what is there not to understand, Soap?”
Exasperated and confused, Soap picked up two random boxes of pads. “Aye! But I don’t ken what any of this fucking shite means. What’s the difference between a regular one and one tha’ isn’t?” Soap looked back to the shelf. “And why do those ones say 1 or 3??”
Gaz opened his mouth before closing it again. “That’s actually a good question—I don’t understand the numbers either.”
Pushing the shopping cart into the isle Gaz and Soap were in, Price made his way towards them with Ghost following behind. Price frowned when he saw Gaz and Soap with as many boxes as they could hold in their arms. “Surely our lady doesn’t need that many? All from different brands too?”
“Cap, do ye ken the difference between a pad tha’ is 1 and a pad tha’s 3?” Soap asks.
Price blinked. “Fuck you just say?”
Gaz nodded. “Then we’ll be buying everything for our lass.”
Ghost tilted his head at the load of pads that Gaz and Soap dropped into the cart beside all the food and snacks they were buying for you. “Maybe it’s a size thing? How big the pad is? ‘Cause this one has pictures of different sizes shown on its box.”
Soap had his hands on his hips while he glanced at the cart then to Simon. “Sizes for wha’ though? The size of someone’s cun-”
Gaz smacked Soap on the back of his head before he could finish. Simon narrowed his eyes at Soap, questioning the Scot’s thought process while Price shook his head and sighed.
“Kay, lads, let’s pay and get back to our woman.” Price said, pushing the cart out the aisle with the rest of the men following in suit—though Gaz and Ghost annoyed Soap endlessly about his stupid question.
Ghost eyed Soap judgmentally. “Why the fuck would there be sizes for someone’s cunt labeled on the box? A pussy is not a clothing item.”
Soap glared at Gaz who was laughing. “How am I s’pose to ken what the numbers are fer? Everyone’s different, aye? Maybe there’s sizes?? I dinnae fucking know!”
Price stopped walking abruptly and pinched his nose. “Fucking muppets.”
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Lying comfortably on your bed with a heating pad resting on your abdomen, your head turns towards the door of your room opening.
“Alright, love?” Price asked with an affectionate smile on his face, carrying grocery bags with the rest of your boys behind him.
Eyes softening, you beckoned them closer. “Yes, though I didn’t hear you guys come in.”
“We bought you some pads. Thought maybe you might need some more.” Gaz said.
Simon sat on the edge closest to you to stroke your face but raised a brow at Gaz’s words. “Not even just ‘some’—Soap and Gaz damn near bought the whole fucking isle of pads. There’s a shit more bags still in the boot.”
“Aye but ain’t it better to be prepared?” Soap crossed his arms.
“Yeah, but prepared for what? Menstruation ain’t a war.” Simon drawled.
Soap shook his head grimly. “But the bloodshed.”
Looking back and forth at Soap and Simon bickering, you laughed quietly at their antics before yawning. Gaz, who lied beside you, reached for your hand to kiss it lovingly as Price on the other hand interrogated Soap about his knowledge.
Closing your eyes, you start to fall asleep to the sounds of bickering and the occasional touches from Simon and Gaz.
“Ye think our bonnie needs backup?”
“Shut it.”
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a/n: VWRY NOT EDIFED! heuheuehehueh
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adidastain · 9 months
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love to hate you [2]
90s matt stone x fem reader (named Sadie)
warnings: arguing, suggestive themes, Matt being a bully
notes: first person perspective (I, me, my, etc.)
word count: 2311
part one here
Matt was standing outside my front door, wearing his heavy black corduroy jacket and picking at his fingernails. I rested my head against the door, whining and moaning. “Why?” I fake cried. “Why are you doing this to me?”
I sighed, opening the door. My hair was still on the more soaking side of damp, unruly and dripping. Matt’s eyes skimmed up and down my body, taking a moment or two longer to study my legs and my chest. I guessed he could see my nipples poking through the fabric from the cold air I was in once I left the steamy bathroom. 
“What do you want?” I asked calmly, though I wanted him to know that he was not welcome here. 
“I wanna talk to you,” he said just as calmly in response. 
Of course. “About what?” I asked him. 
“What happened earlier,” he answered. 
I narrowed my eyes and leaned against the doorframe. “And what happened earlier?” I asked, wanting to push his buttons. 
Matt sighed, kneading the back of his neck. “Can you stop being difficult for just one second?” he asked me. I could hear how tired he was from the heavy exhales he carried with each sentence. I myself could barely speak let alone think properly. 
I laughed, moving to the side to let him in. It was still dark in my apartment, so I switched on the ugly fluorescent box light above my kitchen while Matt took a seat at the tiny circular table off to the side. He looked around, analyzing all of the miscellaneous knickknacks and decor I’d placed all around my kitchen, specifically all of the magnets on my refrigerator and the things I placed on top of my cupboards that were collecting dust. Toy dinosaurs, cheap plastic volleyball trophies from when I was 13, souvenir magnets from my travels, old pictures of me in high school, and embarrassingly enough, my South Park magnet, which I’d been meaning to get rid of for reasons unrelated to my current situation. 
“Didn’t know you liked South Park,” Matt said, making himself quite comfortable by taking his jacket off. 
“Don’t play innocent, I know you’re the ‘mastermind’ behind that piece of crap,” I said, mocking him with air quotations. “One of them, anyway.”
I sat across from him, pulling my legs up close to my chest. I was quite cold. I suddenly missed the warmth of my shower. “What are you here for again?” 
Matt sighed heavily, sitting back in his chair and spreading his legs. He took his glasses off, wiping the lenses on his snug gray T-shirt, which looked to be maybe one size too small. I could see the definition of his chest and shoulder muscles, the fabric clinging to his arms and body. I swallowed, looking at his chest just a little longer. 
“I talked to Trey and we agreed to invite you back on set,” he exhaled, as if he’d been holding it in. 
“‘We’? As in Trey and you?” I repeated. 
“Yes,” he breathed. 
I rested my cheek in my palm, staring at his face until he looked away. “You want me back on set,” I repeated. 
“I agreed to invite you to come back,” he corrected me. “I want to make that very clear.”
I tsked. He was so naive. “You’re crystal, Matt,” I grinned. 
“Great. Then… I will see you tomorrow,” he huffed, standing up.
“Well, hold on a minute,” I protested, standing in front of him and briefly placing my hand on his chest. “I didn’t say whether I’m coming back or not. I need to think about it. Especially considering how I’ve been treated the past 2 months.”
“I’ll give you five minutes,” Matt sighed. “I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me to be.” 
“Can’t I take the day tomorrow to think about it?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows and crossing my arms.
Matt glared down at me. “No. I need to know before I leave tonight. There are call sheets to be made,” he said, flashing a fake smile. 
“Hmm… ‘kay,” I shrugged, sitting back down. 
Matt stood by the door, staring at me with his hands in his pockets. I just stared back, biting my nails with my legs pulled up to my chest. He could probably see my underwear from the way I was sitting. I swore I saw his eyes dart downward towards my ass for a brief moment.
“Don’t look at my ass, pervert,” I hissed. I put my legs down, resting my hands in my lap. 
“I wasn’t,” he spat back. “Are you gonna come back or what?” 
Matt sighed, leaning against my refrigerator and closing his eyes for a moment. He had to be exhausted. I felt slightly bad for the guy. Then I remembered how much of a dick he was. The guilt was quickly long gone. 
“I might if you leave me alone and let me do my job,” I said, raising my eyebrows. I gave him doe eyes, smiling innocently and trying to be as passive-aggressive as possible. He deserved the attitude. 
“I will, okay?” Matt huffed. “Just hurry up and decide so I can go home.” 
“Are you sure? You’ve been pretty awful to me this entire time,” I stated, standing up. “Do you think you can go one whole month without abusing me on set?” 
“I was not abusing you,” he laughed, rolling his eyes. 
“What would you call it, then?” I countered, taking a step closer to him. 
Matt glared at me. He slid his fingers under his glasses to rub his eyes, exhaling heavily. He wiped his nose on the side of his hand, scratching his scruffy upper lip in the process. He said nothing. 
“That’s what I thought,” I muttered. “Give me a reason for why I should come back to work on your stupid film.” 
“Trey needs you,” He said nonchalantly. He lowered his voice, looking down at his feet. “For some reason.”
“Sorry, what was that?” I asked, leaning closer to him. I heard him just fine. I really just wanted to piss him off. Maybe if I got him worked up enough now, he could get it all out of his system, and he could leave me alone for the next couple of weeks. 
“We can’t get this fucking project done in time without you!” he said, nearly yelling at me, just like he did when he fired me. I flinched, taking a step back. “Trey got mad at me for firing you so he told me to get you to come back.” 
I swallowed harshly, clenching my fists. Pissing him off was fun, until he fucking yelled at me. I guess I had it coming. 
“You’re an asshole,” I said calmly, crossing my arms. 
“And you’re a brat. Call it even,” he scoffed, crossing his own arms as if he were challenging me. Matt looked down at me, practically towering over me. I hated that. I hated how small he made me feel, especially now. His arms and chest looked especially muscular when he crossed them. It was like he was flexing at the same time to make himself look and feel bigger than he actually was. 
“I’ll come back,” I said quietly. 
“Great. I’ll-“
“If,” I continued. “If you admit that you were wrong for firing me and treating me like shit all the time when I was only doing the job I was hired to do.” 
“You have ten seconds to decide what you’re gonna do before I leave and take this opportunity elsewhere,” Matt muttered, raising his eyebrows. 
“I already decided. Now it’s your decision. All you have to do is say three magic words. ‘I… was… wro-‘“ 
“I was wrong,” he sighed, rolling his eyes. 
I smiled, hardly able to contain my grin. I reached up to caress his face, pinching his cheek in the process. It was almost adorable to see such a stone-cold asshole of a man turn so pathetic. I swear I could see his cheeks turn pink out of humiliation as I drew the confession out of him. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” I beamed, lightly patting his cheek so it wouldn’t hurt, but just hard enough for it to agitate him. 
“Don’t fucking touch me,” he spat, pushing my hand away. Matt took one last look down at my bare legs, before looking into my eyes again. He swallowed, subtly taking a small step away from me. 
“Here, take this with you,” I said, reaching behind me to grab the South Park magnet off my refrigerator. I placed it in his hand, dramatically folding his fingers over it like it was some kind of precious, sacred heirloom. His hands were very warm and felt soft. “I’ve been meaning to get rid of it.” 
“I don’t want it,” he said, seemingly offended. 
“Just take it,” I groaned. 
“You’re so annoying,” Matt huffed, pocketing the magnet and turning his back to me. “See you tomorrow.” 
“See ya,” I said, giving him a harsh slap on the shoulder as he exited my house. 
Matt gave me one last forced smile as he slammed the door shut behind him. I watched him get back in his car through my peephole. He sat in his car in my driveway for about three minutes, before finally pulling out of my driveway and driving away. I scoffed, running my fingers through my hair. I turned the kitchen light off and locked my doors back up, before going down the hallway and into my bedroom. 
Once I was in bed, my mind was already back on Matt. I smiled to myself, thinking about how I managed to get him to admit that he was in the wrong. He seemed like the kind of guy that would be especially stubborn about that kind of stuff. 
I thought about how silly he looked when he was angry. Sure, he was intimidating in the moment, but looking back, he looked kinda stupid. His nostrils would flare out and a vein would stick out of his neck, but he already looked like so much of a dork that it was honestly hilarious. 
Then he’d cross his arms and puff out his chest. He’d flex every muscle in his body to tower over you and make you feel small and minuscule. I couldn’t believe I actually let myself get bullied by a man who continually acted like a pelican having a temper tantrum. 
I thought about him crossing his arms. Specifically how it made him look so much more jacked than he actually was. Especially in the shirt he’d been wearing that night. It was definitely too small for him, but it had a school logo in it, so I guess he kept it for sentimental value. Still, it clung to his body like latex, and I swear if his waist wasn’t so small, the shirt would constantly be riding up his body every time he moved. Luckily, he was just skinny enough that the hem of the shirt was slightly baggy around where his stomach was. 
My tired mind wandered to wondering what he looked like without a shirt on. I’d seen his stomach before; when we first started shooting in late August, it was still agonizingly hot outside most of the time and he often lifted the hem of his shirt up to wipe the sweat from his face. He had a curvy waist with strong hips, and didn’t have a whole lot of hair on his body; just a little bit below his belly button that trailed down into his pants…
Fuck it. I remember seeing how shiny his skin would get from his sweat. His hair was quite a bit shorter then and he didn’t have a mustache, so his curls would occasionally stick to his forehead as sweat beaded from his temples. It was gross, I know, but I remember being so enthralled by how he looked when he glistened in the Sun. My stomach would flip whenever he risked exposing his stomach just to clear his face of sweat. 
That was all before he started treating me like garbage, of course. 
God damn it. That was a month ago. 
I wondered how he would react now if he found out that the thought of him turned me on. I pictured his face vividly; eyebrows furrowed, eyes idly fixed somewhere on my neck as he processed it. Maybe his whole posture would change. His whole demeanor. 
He’d probably reject me. But, if he didn’t… maybe he would push me up against the wall and kiss me until my lips turned purple. Or maybe he’d be more gentle. That was unlikely, given how I’d found enjoyment in pissing him off lately. 
The more I thought about it, the harder I clenched my legs together. Of course I got horny thinking about the guy that treated me like shit all the time. Not any of the other guys who were perfectly kind to me and would probably be happy to share a night with me, no. I wanted the guy who picked on me for basically no reason other than to cope with his own insecurities about his professional career. 
Nope. I turned over, pulling my fat pile of blankets over my shoulder and closing my eyes, forcing myself to think about something else. I wasn’t going to let myself get sexually involved with someone who didn’t give a shit about me. That was a mistake I definitely wasn’t going to make twice. 
Instead, I focused on how comfortable I was. That was enough to put me asleep, especially paired with how exhausted I was from the day in general. I dozed off, peacefully sinking into a deep sleep. One that would put me in a lot of trouble the next morning.
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betterbooktitles · 4 months
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Because I was taller than everyone else on my fifth-grade baseball team, my strike zone was slightly larger than most. That fact alone must have led to a few more pitches going unanswered when I was at bat. It also didn’t help that I was deathly afraid of the ball.
My dad, not the biggest sports enthusiast, took the time in the evenings after work both during and after baseball season to toss small plastic whiffle balls (about a 6th of the size of a regular baseball) at me that I would then swat a sad few feet from where we stood in the front yard. He was always in his dress clothes, and as the sun set behind him, it felt like everyone in our neighborhood was hiding inside during our 10-minute drill.
“Keep your eye on the ball.” he’d say before underhand tossing the practice pitch, having no idea the reason I had watched the last 9 strikes in one game pass the plate in front of me wasn’t an inability to see the ball coming, but the exact opposite: I saw it flying right at me and was frozen by fear.
Recently, I found the baseball cards they’d made for our rec teams. There I am smiling, bat in hand, not an inkling of fear on my face since I was staring down a camera and not a pitcher. The back of the cards featured my weight, height, and various stats, including 0 RBIs. The more impressive numbers reported: I had jumped from 5’1” to 5’11” over three summers.
Being tall at 12, and remaining relatively tall until most kids caught up with me in high school, had its advantages. I played center in basketball and rarely had to jump for a rebound, I was a decent first baseman because I wasn’t afraid of a ball when I had a mitt to catch it in, and adults, simply by virtue of my being the same size as them, mistakenly talked to me as if I were a peer. 
“The problem with this fucking place…” the new head of my community theater confided in me as I sat in the box office and handed a parent her change, “is there are too many chefs!” My new boss kept her flat black hair short and wore fat earrings. She was in her mid-50s and had been given the job after the board fired her friend and colleague of 15 years from the same position. Our new leader had spent much of her career teaching children how to sing in harmony, not fundraising and attending advertising meetings, and she was adjusting. I was 11 or 12, hearing an adult woman vent for the first time about what I had assumed was a nice promotion.
“It’s like that pasta fundraiser we did,” she continued, “Everyone brought in a sauce from home, but imagine if we had mixed them all together? You bring your grandma’s famous recipe in and dump it in with a bunch of Ragu, what does it taste like? It all tastes like Ragu, you know?”
I nodded as if I knew. “I get you.” I said, speaking slowly so my voice didn’t crack. I had recently visited New Orleans and had tried to yell something funny at my family while crossing the street, and out came a high-pitched whistle instead. A man in a suit walking past us mirthfully smiled to himself, knowing exactly what had happened. Since then, I remained cognizant of how deep I needed to keep my voice to not slip. Plus I wanted this woman to keep speaking to me like a coworker. “You don’t want to be watered down.”
“Yes. It’s like that. Imagine that for every person who brought in Ragu, someone else brought in a bottle of piss to mix in. That’s what the board meetings are like. Their ideas are like piss mixed into a pasta sauce.”
I giggled and quickly cleared my throat before saying in a deep voice: “Tell me about it.”
The disadvantage of tallness was that from 3rd to 6th grade, it was assumed that I could do everything myself. They started asking for tall guy favors. Tiny teachers asked me to retrieve supplies from high shelves and old ladies I didn’t know stopped me on the street and asked me to help carry their groceries from their cars. No one was worried about a boy who looked 18 at age 11, but that also meant I had to desperately seek out the right friends if I wanted to talk about Pokémon and anime instead of someone asking if I could buy them porn or cigarettes or firecrackers. Still, like many kids, I wanted to be older than I was and I relished my tall kid privilege. I walked to the mall alone, I walked into R-rated movies without anyone on staff stopping me, and I stood outside the back entrance of my community theater where the director and crew members smoked cigarettes and talked to them about their love lives. Never in my life did older people cover their mouths after they swore or steer conversations away from sex at the sight of me. 
This early independence may have been what my parents wanted.
“We treated you like little adults even though we knew we weren’t supposed to.” My mom revealed to me on a recent trip to see my family in North Carolina. In the open-concept house down the street from where my brother settled after college, we reminisced about Cleveland from afar, my brother chiming in periodically to say how our old neighborhood had changed for the better, what buildings had been demolished and rebuilt because they were a lost cause. Schools had been turned into suburban developments, dilapidated gyms became giant complexes for rec soccer leagues, and a bunch of fuck-up alcoholics we’d known in school had become successful lawyers (who still drank too much).
“We let you decide where we ate and what sports you played,” my Mom continued, “you weren’t supposed to let kids decide all that, even in the 90s.” 
My dad, half-awake in a recliner, said that when he told a friend how he used to leave his 11-year-old alone to make sure his 8-year-old son got the school bus on time every morning, and the friend said that practice was tantamount to child abuse. Whatever trauma I experienced from having time alone with my brother (?) fails to compare to how I feel about adults who spoke to me from age 10-15. 
By the time I was a teenager, I’d fully accepted my early adulthood. When I wasn’t playing a sport or acting in a play, my number one hobby was taking a John Updike book (sorry) to a coffee shop. I frequented a place within walking distance of my house in Cleveland called Talkies. I sat at the front bar with my book and ate a second lunch at 3 PM. I talked to random people sipping coffee and smoking cigarettes inside. One was a researcher at Case Western who studied molecular biology. He seemed to know no one in Cleveland except me and the baristas. Another guy was a white dude with dreadlocks, a gifted actor who bussed tables at the fancy restaurant next door. Every barista was a 20-something woman who told me about their various trysts in graphic detail. Multiple times the men offered me cigarettes or to split a joint outside. No wonder it took me years to finish one of the Rabbit novels. I was soaking up more than enough adult content in my real life than any book could offer.
The oddest encounter occurred at a hotel in Annapolis, Maryland when I was 15...
Read the rest here.
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eddiesgorlie · 2 years
If Everyday Was Like Christmas
Austin Butler x Reader
Summary: Austin and Y/n enjoy a nice day of Christmas shopping and decorating
Warnings: None except for an overwhelming amount of fluff!
Word count: 1,622
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I woke up to soft kisses being placed on my neck. “Stop it, your beard is scratchy.” I said with a laugh. “Just one more.” He said kissing my cheek, God his morning voice was addictive. I turned towards him and snuggled into his chest with a happy sigh. “How do you feel about decorating for Christmas today?” He asked. He of course, knew my love of Christmas so he knew what the answer would be. “Of course!” I said as I met his blue eyes. He placed a kiss on my lips and then got out of bed, lifting my body into his arms. I was always insecure about my short height but Austin always made me feel better by saying I’m “Fun Sized” and perfect for carrying.
He carried me into the kitchen before setting me down on one of the barstools at the kitchen island. “Now how would you like your coffee this morning?” He asked. “Mocha.” I said with a smile. He walked over the coffee maker and made us each a coffee, he sat mine down in front of me before sitting on the stool next to me. “So today we need to get a tree, is that all?” He asked. “I know we need more firewood for the fireplace and maybe some new lights for outside, I think theres a bunch of bulbs burnt out.” I said. “Okay, perfect.” He said with a smile.
After we finished our coffee and breakfast, we got dressed. He wore black jeans, a blue flannel, his favorite boots he thrifted and his brown carhart coat. I wore bell bottom jeans, a white chunky sweater and tall white snow boots. “You ready?” I asked as I grabbed my long coat. “Yep.” He said as he grabbed his keys. We walked out to the car and headed to the hardware store to get lights and wood. “5 bundles?” He asked. “I think that should be enough.” I said as he put wood bundles into the shopping cart. “Where are the Christmas lights….” He mumbled to himself as he wiped his hands off on his jeans. “Christmas lights….. Christmas lights…… Christmas lights!” He pointed towards the aisle once he found them. He sped walked to the aisle like an excited little boy. “These are pretty.” I said as I grabbed a box of lights. “I like ‘em.” He said as he grabbed a couple of the same box.
We bought our items and then headed out to the car. “Get in the car and I’ll load everything up. Its freezing and I don’t need you getting sick.” He said. I nodded and got in the car, immediately turning on my seat warmer. When he got into the car his hair was completely covered in fluffy snow and his nose was bright red. “Oh, come ‘ere.” I said, grabbing his hands, I held them in mine and blew hot air into them. “We should have gotten you gloves while we were in there.” I said with a giggle as he started warming up. “You’re probably right.” He said with a smile. I kissed his nose before he started backing out of the parking lot. “Do you have the directions to the Christmas tree farm?” He asked. “Let me see here.” I said as I pulled up my GPS and typed in the address. “And here you go!” I said as it started saying directions. I tuned the radio to the Christmas channel and we made our way to the farm.
After the short drive, we got out of the car and walked into the farm. The snow wasn’t coming down as hard as it was before but it was definitely present. “How tall can the tree be?” I asked. “10 feet.” He said. “This is a pretty one.” I said as I stroked the pine needles between my fingers. “It really is. Lets see, I didn’t bring my tape measure.” He said as he checked his pockets. He looked around for a moment before he saw a man that looked like an employee. “Sir, do you work here?” Austin asked. “Yes I do.” He said. “Wonderful. My wife and I are looking for a 10 foot Christmas tree and I completely forgot my tape measure at home. Would you be able to tell us how tall this one is?” Austin asked. “That one looks to be a 10 footer but let me make sure.” He said as he took a tape measure from his tool belt. “Yup, 10’ 3”.” He said. “Perfect, we’ll take it.” Austin said. We paid for the tree and the man helped us carry it to our car. “Thank you sir.” Austin said shaking his hand. “You’re welcome and merry Christmas.” He said. Austin and I lifted the tree onto the roof of the car and he secured it down with ropes.
We jumped in the car and blasted the heat. “Cold, cold, cold.” I said as I rubbed my hands together. “Aw, your nose is all red.” He said as he kissed the tip of my nose. We drove home to the sound of Christmas music. Once we made it home, I took the bags inside and Austin followed behind with the tree. He set it in the tree stand and stepped back to make sure it looked right. “I love it.” I said as he cuddled into his side. “Me too.” He said. I started walking to get the ornament boxes when Austin stopped me. “Baby, wait.” He said. I turned around to face him. “Here, an early Christmas present.” He said as he handed me a box. “Really?” I asked with a smile. He nodded as I ripped the paper off of the box, I opened it and inside I saw Christmas patterned fabric, once I completely took them out of the box, it finally registered what they were. Matching Christmas pajamas. “A-are these?” I asked tearfully. As a child I always wanted my family to have matching Christmas pajamas but there was always too many arguments and too many “They’re to expensive’s” from my dad that it never happened. Austin was aware of this and it seemed he wanted to help child me, heal. “Do you like ‘em? We can switch them for a different pattern if you like.” He said with a smile. “They’re perfect.” I said as I completely broke down. “Oh baby, come here, don’t cry.” He said as he held me to his chest. “Happy tears.” I said.
Once I calmed down, we put the jammies on and started decorating. This was my childhood dream, decorating a huge tree, wearing matching pajamas with Christmas music playing and drinking hot coco with the man I’m so deeply in love with. I was currently up on a ladder, hanging garland around the house and Austin was hanging wreaths and changing out decorative items for Christmas items. “Baby!” I heard Austin call from another room. “Yeah?” I yelled back. “Can you come here?” He asked. “I have one more strip of garland to hang!” I yelled back. “Okay!” I hung the last piece and climbed down the ladder. “Whatcha need, honey?” I asked. “How about we get started on the tree?” He asked. “Yes!” I said excitedly. We each took a side of the tree to decorate and of course it turned into a competition of who could finish the fastest. We put lights on the tree and then started hanging ornaments. “I love this one.” I said, showing him the small cat ornament. “Thats a pretty one.” He said with a smile. “We should get a cat.” I said. “Oh we should?” He said with a laugh. “Yes, a black cat.” I said. “Lets think about it.” He said. I won the decorating race, but both sides looked beautiful, there was a perfect mix between traditional solid color ornaments and fun hallmark type ornaments. “Drum roll please.” Austin said as he went to plug the lights in. I smacked my hands against my lap and cheered when the lights filled the room. Our home looked so beautiful. “Oh, Austin.” I sighed happily. “Its perfect.” He said smiling.
“Before we get into our 2022 Christmas movie marathon, how do you feel about cookies?” He asked with a smirk. I smirked back and started off towards the kitchen, I opened the fridge and pulled out the store bought sugar cookie dough. “Can you get the cookie sheet, babe?” I asked. “Sure.” He said as he reached up to a high cabinet and grabbed the sheet. I cut open the packaging and started laying them on the sheet. Just as I was about to grab the last piece, Austin grabbed it and popped the raw dough in his mouth. “You’re disgusting!” I said with a laugh. “Aw, but you love meee.” He said, puckering his lips. “Nope, I am not trying to get salmonella today, mister!” I said, putting the cookies in the oven. Just as I was about to turn around, he pulled me into his arms and started swaying. “I’ll have a blue Christmas without youuu, I’ll be so blue just thinking about youu.” Austin sang. “Dork.” I said with a laugh as I leaned my head against his chest. “Decorations of red, on a green Christmas tree won’t be the same, dear if you aren’t here with me.” He sang.
After pulling the warm cookies out of the oven and pouring two glasses of milk, we settled on the couch and started our movie marathon with ‘A Christmas Story’ my favorite. “I love you.” I said as I leaned into his side. “I love you more.” He said, wrapping his arm tightly around me.
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Anything for You, Darlin’
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader (can be Austin!Elvis if you prefer)
Word Count: 1,236 words
Warnings: Fluff, Puking, Pregnancy, Language (let me know if I miss anything)
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for all the love you gave chapter one!! I hope you continue to love this because this is gonna be a long one!
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Chapter 2
March 1967
It was almost a year since you and Elvis became one. You two had become the it couple of Hollywood, Memphis and across the entire country. Everyone loved you two together. Of course, you two were still trying on and off for a baby, but decided that if it was meant it be, it would happen sooner rather than later. Elvis was still filming three movies a year in Hollywood, something he was becoming bored of.
After filming for “Easy Come, Easy Go” ended, it was back to Graceland. For you, Graceland was so much more than a mansion. It was home, your safe place and the turning of a new chapter of your life.
This time when your feet hit the pavement of Graceland, something felt different. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but you had the feeling that big changes were coming your way. Maybe he felt that way too because Elvis looked at you with his blue eyes and said, “Baby doll, I gotta a feeling that we weren’t gonna be alone for much longer.” You look at him and say, “Elvis. Jerry and them won’t be here at least for another day or so since we left early.” But quickly, you knew that wasn’t what he meant.
“(Y/N), I don’t mean them,” Elvis said with a certain tone in his voice, “I’ve noticed you’ve been getting sick here lately and that’s not like you doll.” He was right. You never got sick, you were one of the healthiest people he knew on this earth. At first, you both assumed it was the travels making you sick since you never been more than two hours from home before you met Elvis.
Hours went by after that conversation. You saw Elvis fast asleep in your king sized bed, snoring lightly so you decided to do something you knew needed to be done while he was deep in slumber. You knew you needed to take a pregnancy test to rule that out before he dragged you to the doctor. You found the unopened box in the bathroom and took it. Quietly pacing, you waited for those results to come, which seemed to take an eternity to you, but was actually only minutes. “Come on, (Y/N),” you muttered to yourself, “you can do this.” You finally muster the courage to look at the test. What you saw shocked you.
Two baby pink lines.
It hit you all at once like a ton of bricks. You didn’t know how to feel. You clung to the test with you left hand as you slid down the bathroom wall. You were too focused on your feelings to realized that Elvis had woken up from his slumber to make his way to the bathroom.
“(Y/N), why the hell aren’t you in bed yet?It’s past midnight, doll,” he muttered still half asleep, “you need to get your sleep princess.” When he saw what was in your hand, he woke up and got on the floor next to you. “Is that what I think it is? You.. you’re pregnant?” Elvis said in the most concerned and shocked way possible. You thought for a second he was mad so you began crying.
“Yes, I guess I am. I know it’s not the best timing I’m sorry Elvis,” you said to him with tears in your eyes.
“Baby doll this is nothing to be sorry about,” Elvis said almost shocked, “our dreams are coming true.” He held you there in his arms while you both cried tears of happiness. After a few minutes, he carried you to bed and you both fell asleep in each other’s arms knowing that your gut feelings were right. Life was about to change forever in the best way possible.
June 1967
You and Elvis waited for what seemed like forever to tell your closest friends and family the news: a little Presley was on the way. The Memphis Mafia was happy for you both. Vernon was excited to have his first grandchild. The damn Colonel seemed hesitant at first, but eventually came around. Then, the news got out to the whole world that the king was finally getting a heir. Life was about to get chaotic, but it would be worth it.
September 1967
The nursery was all set up for baby Presley even though you weren’t due for another three months. Elvis was in overprotective mode of you as if he wasn’t already before. He didn’t want you bending over, lifting anything, etc.
Every time you tried to, he would look at you and say, “Now (Y/N), how many have I told you not to do that?! Neither you or little munchkin here need to be getting hurt.” Munchkin was one of the few names he had given to the baby. You would almost death glare him for trying to tame your stubbornness, but at the end of the day, how the fuck could you stay mad at him? “Elvis I know baby, but we don’t get much time left,” you would always say to him. Hell it was already September and it seemed like yesterday you just found out you were pregnant.
Neither one of you wanted to find out what baby Presley was until the time that he or she was born. Of course, it seemed that almost everyone thought it was gonna be a boy. Deep down however, you wanted it to be a little baby girl. You had always wanted to have a girl as your first child since you were thirteen. You told Elvis that you would be happy no matter what, and he believed you. He also heard your reasons why you wanted a baby girl first.
You wanted to prove to your “blood family” and yourself that you could raise a daughter better than they raised you. Treat her with love and respect. Elvis knew your life story and he knew and promised you that there was no way in hell that history would repeat itself with your kids.
October/November 1967
Once again, you found yourself in Hollywood while Elvis was filming another movie. Only this time, you were heavily pregnant. You felt like you had all eyes on you waiting for your next move. Elvis always came and checked on you in between scenes and breaks.
He saw in your eyes that you wanted to go home to Memphis. He knew before long it would be time for baby Presley to arrive. He also knew that the movies were becoming tedious and redundant. He wanted more out of his career and life. He just didn’t know where to start. He wanted his career to be something that his child could look back on with pride and say, “my dad did all of that.”
“(Y/N),” he said while looking at you with his blue eyes, “I gotta do something soon. Munchkin needs to be proud of his or her daddy when they grow up. Right now my career….. it’s a laughing stock.”
“Now Elvis, I am proud of you no matter what you do and I’m sure munchkin here will be too,” you said reassuringly while kissing him on his cheek. After filming of “Clambake” was over, he took you home to Memphis. Little did you two know, it would be the last time you two would travel alone.
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itty-bitty-mess · 11 months
TW: bitty melting alive
”Muh-Mummah? Is ow new home scawwy?” The young little Cherry asked, as he rested on his new Mummah’s palm. He was the youngest of his litter, and hadn’t even reached full bitty adulthood yet. He had just been adopted and was more than excited to get to his new home.
“Of course not, sweatheart. You’re gonna love your new home! I’m actually a baker, you know? And Im sure you’ll love all the yummy little pastries I'll make for you. In fact, I decided to adopt you because I thought I could use a little extra sweetness in my life!” She said with a soothing, gentle voice, as she gently booped the thumb-sized skeleton on his nose cavity with the thumb of her other hand.
Cherry giggled like a little kid and, for the first time on his short life, he felt safe and loved. Little red tears of joy formed on his eyes as he held on to his Mummah’s thumb, wrapping both his arms around it. He closed his eyes, feeling sleepy and content, excited to get home and recieve all that love that Mummah promised. He finally drifted off to sleep, thinking about all the wonderful things his new Mummah had in store for him.
When they arrived home, Mummah gently placed Cherry on the counter and began unpacking the little bag with all bitty necessity items. A tiny portable potty, an extra pair of clothes, a matchbox-sized box of diapers, and a small packet of bitty kibble that would last for a week at least.
“Mummah? Upsie pwease?” Little Cherry asked enthusiatically as he spread out his arms. However, she didn’t respond as she listed off the items she had just unpacked, she seemed to be thinking to herself about something. Cherry could only make out the words "oven" and "quick", unable to figure out what she was talking about specifically.
“Mummah?” Cherry repeated as he extended his arms hoping she would pick him up again, tears formed in his little eyes at her silence. He didn’t like being ignored “Mummah!!! Upsie!!! PWEASE?”
“In a moment sweetie, I'm deciding which things I’ll actually need from here.” After a minute of whining and crying from Cherry, she finally decided she’d throw everything away aside from the diapers. “There we go, I don’t think you’ll need a potty just yet. You seem pretty young after all, not even a full adult just yet, your bones are still soft and squishy. Just the perfect thing I need for my-“ she stopped herself in her tracks. "Oh I mean, so soft and squishy, how adorable!".
Cherry felt a bit offended by that, and a little hurt. His face turned a little red as he stared at Mummah, hoping she’d maybe take it back or at least pick him up again. He wasn’t a baby! He was just young but he was about to turn into an adult in a few months! However, it seemed like Cherry had only payed attention to the last bit, as he panicked and demanded Mummah to stop once he saw her throwing his stuff on the trash.
“Oh sweetie, you wont need those. I’ll get you even better clothes and feed you super yummy food! Much better and yummier than that dry bitty kibble”
“Yes! In fact, how about we get you all nice and clean and then you can feast in as many treats as you want!” Cherry beamed at that, a nice warm bath and yummy treats sounded really nice right now. Compared to the cold showers and dry kibble from the adoption center, this sounded like pure luxury. He jumped up and down as he cheered with joy, hoping Mummah would carry him to the promised warm bath, and she did.
He saw as she filled a plastic bucket with water and grabbed a frog shaped sponge. He giggled when she made a little voice for the frog and he greeted it back, playing along. Once she placed the sponge down, Mummah sweetly instructed him to take his tiny clothes off. Cherry was unsure about that, he had never been “nakey” in front of anyone other than other bitties. It’s not like he had anything to hide, but he was still pretty ashamed. She insisted, promising that the water in the little pot was nice and that he would recieve a yummy treat after this. After a lot of convincing, he finally relented. He carefully slipped out of his tiny red sweater and little pants and carefully placed them on the side of the sink.
Mummah politely thanked him and carefully grabbed him to place him inside the bucket. Cherry was expecting her to gently place him inside the water, after all this was his very first bath at home. He didn’t expect her to drop him so suddenly in the water, neither did he expect the water to be so, so hot…
“AAAAAAAA MUMMAH MUMMAH HURTS HURTS IT HURTS IT HOT PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT HOT TOO HOT” he screeched in a panic. Everything was great and perfect a second ago, why was it so hot? Why did she drop him like that?? Why did it hurt?
”Oh sorry sweetie, you need this bath. You smell terrible, like straight up dog waste, and I cannot let that putrid smell inside my house. I also don’t want you spreading any more of those germs you brought from the adoption center. But dont worry sweetie this will just hurt a bit, then we can cuddle and you’ll get those sweet yummy treats I promised!” She giggled, she didn’t seemed phased by his screeching and begging.
Cherry seemed close to a panic attack, like was usual for his breed. The water was scalding hot, it burnt his bones and even caused certain bit of his bones to flake off. It burnt like an absolute nightmare. He cried, he screeched, he pissed himself out of panic and fear. It hurt, it burnt, please make it stop. He tried climbing out of the bucket but she simply pushed him back down, it was too tall for him anyways so its not like he could actually escape.
Cherry thought that she would finally take him out of the boiling water once he saw her hand reaching out to him. But instead, she grabbed him in place with one hand, while the other had the frog-shaped sponge on hand. The sponge had two sides, a soft one and a raspy one made of metal. She decided it would be best to use the raspy metal side.
The seemingly innocent sponge began scrubbing all of Cherry’s tiny body. It hurt, it scratched and even caused bits of his bones to flake off even more. It was too much stress and pain for a little bitty of his age and size. Bitties were delicate things, they needed special sponges and scrubbers that were gentle on their bones. This one clearly was made for dishes, yet it seemed like the scrubber side was completely intact, almost as if it was new.
Once that was done, Cherry could only breathe for a bit until she grabbed the soap bottle, shoving the opening on his mouth and squeezing. In seconds, Cherry felt a yucky, sticky substance entering his mouth. He coughed and cried. Then it began filling his eye sockets, his ribcage and his nose cavity. He couldnt breathe. It burnt his insides and irritated his internal magic, all he could do was scream and cry. Begging for this nightmare to end. All he wanted right now was to eat those yummy treats she had promised and take another nap. He could barely breathe and choked as he kept being forced to swallow soap. He felt he was about to dust out of sheer panic.
Finally, she roughly grabbed him again, squeezing his ribcage, and began dunking him in and out of the water bucket nonstop. Cherry couldn’t breathe. He choked on the water and even almost threw up a bit. The constant dunking was too much, and the soap was still inside his skull and mouth. It seemed it wouldnt wash off. The dunking got faster and Cherry could feel like his skull was about to pop off due to the sheer ammount of force being used. He began getting dizzy.
Finally, Mummah decided he was clean enough and took him out of the water. She gently dried him up with an extra fluffy towel and gave him a little kiss on the forehead, calling him a good boy. Cherry was still crying, sobbing out loud like a newborn baby, but it slowly began subsiding into tiny little sobs. This was way too scary for him and he would need some time to get over it.
She gently placed him on the bed, still wrapped in the towel like a burrito, a whispered sweet little words on his ear. She shushed his crying and told him she loved him a lot. This seemed to ease the little bitty. As his crying and sobbing finally stopped and he went back to giggling like a baby once Mummah began tickling his little ecto belly. Cherry could feel his little stomach rumbling, he was beginning to get hungry.
“Um, Mummah? Cam I hav a tweat now pwease?” Cherry asked as he fiddled with his tiny thumbs. His bones were still sore but he felt better now. Everything was better now that Mummah loved him again. She giggled at his nervousness.
“Of course, sweetie. But before I make you a treat, how about we play for a bit and then you take a nap. Im sure that bath shook you a bit, hm?” She suggested, and Cherry couldn’t say no to such a suggestion. He loved to play! And naps! Those were like his second and third favorite things after yummy treats! He excitedly agreed and jumped up and down, still wrapped in the towel.
“UM, Muh-Mummah? Cam I hav mak cloths back pwease?” Cherry asked, feeling a bit self conscious.
“Oh sweetie, it looks like your tiny little clothes fell into the bathroom's garbage can, I'm really sorry about that." "W-WHAT?? MY- MY CWOTES AWE GONE??" Cherry was about to go back to crying like he was a minute ago. His clothes!! His favorite clothes were gone!! "Oh but dont you worry, we’re gonna play a very fun yet messy game! Im sure you wouldn't have want ed your clothes to get dirty, right?”
Cherry sniffled a little, trying to keep it together for Mummah, he didn't want to make her angry and get another awful bath. He tried to be positive about it, and part of him was excited at the prospect of not being limited by his tiny clothes while playing, so he cleaned the few tears that formed on his eyes and nodded, agreeing to whatever game Mummah wanted to play.
Mummah gently picked Cherry up, finally unwrapping him and letting him go free. Cherry was a bit nervous but also excited by being allowed to play without his clothes on, it felt freeing and new! Back in the adoption center, everyone would always yell at him and call him “a disgusting piece of shit” whenever he tried taking his clothes off. He would cry himself to sleep at that.
Once they arrived at the kitchen, Mummah placed him on the counter. She took out a huge plate and a huge container with a funny looking substance.
“Alright, sweetie. This is baking dough, now this isn’t for eating ok? This dough is only for playing. You can make any shapes and figures you want and once we’re done you can take a little nap!” She gleefully showed him how to shape dough and how to play with it. Oh, it was mushy and soft! Cherry had never felt anything like this before!
He spent at least three and a half hours shaping and making little dough figures alongside Mummah. He made tiny snowmen, stars and little cats his size. He made little flowers and gave them to Mummah, who was flattered, and even made a biiig dough heart with the writing “i <3 Mummah” on it. It was so much fun!! So much better than the horrible bath he had just experienced. Cherry was having so much fun, but he also felt a bit hungry and tired.
Mummah seemed to notice and offered to shape him a little comfy bed made of dough. At first, Cherry giggled at the idea, but he was pretty tired and the dough was so soft and squishy! Maybe a nap wasn’t such a bad idea…
Cherry laid down on the little square, and Mummah made sure to tuck him in with a thick sheet of dough on top of his body to keep him warm. He rested in the soft substance and felt comforted as Mummah made sure he was nicely tucked in place. She even offered him an actual cherry as a treat before naptime! Yummy!
Cherry ate the whole thing and finally drifted off to sleep with a full tummy and a soft bed made of dough. He slept, dreaming of wonderful things, of all the amazing adventures he and Mummah could go on together on the future, and he dreamt of getting lots of kissies and cuddles from her whenever he needed it. However, as his wonderful dreams progressed, Cherry began noticing that things began looking weirder and weirder everytime. The birght blue sky on his dream seemed to redden and his Mummah was nowhere to be found. The air felt hotter too, strange...
Suddenly, Cherry awoke in a panic as he realized the air began getting a little too hot in real life too. He realized he was in some sort of tiny room where a bright light was blinding him completely, so he had to squint his eyes. He began to sweat and panicked even more. Cherry tried getting off his doughy little bed but soon realized that he was immobile, it seemed like the dough had began hardening and even some bits had stuck to his bones a little too well. He was basically immobile from the neck down, and his skull has held in place by the once comfortable dough pillow he rested his head in.
"MUMMAH?? MUH-MUMMAH? WERE AWE YOU!!!! MUMMAH!!! MUMMAH HAWP PWEASE???" He couldn't move, all he could do was cry in a panic and try to free himself from the hardening dough. Surely Mummah would hear him and go to his rescue, right? She probably left him in this tiny room so he could rest better without nay disturbances, but now he was awake and needed help getting out of his doughy prison.
"MUMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!" He tried increasing his volume as best as he could but all he did was damage his throat. It hurt, but oh no, the temperature was seemingly getting higher. He was sweating magic now. His ecto body seemed to begin stinging due to how hot things were getting inside.
Cherry began panicking even more and his screaming increased once he felt his skull flaking off again. Oh god, it burns, its too hot in here, please make it stop pelase, it hurts so bad, please. He tried screaming, screeching. Calling out to Mummah, but it seemed like she couldn't hear him. Surely she was near, right? She would NEVER leave little baby Cherry all alone in such a hot room, right????
"MUMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! PWEASE HWEP PWEASE HEWP PWEASE IT BURNS IT BURNS IT HURFS PWEASE MUMMAAAAH" he screeched. His bones began cracking, little red magic leaking out of every single crack. His ecto body seemed to be boiling and the magic flesh began ripping and cracking at the surface, mixing with the burning dough.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MUMMAH HELP MUMMAH MOM HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE IT HURTS OH GOD IM BURNING MOM IM BURNING PLEASE HELP ME PLEEEASEE HELP HELP HELP ME SOMEONE HELP PLEASE" Cherry could feel his bones begin melting under the dough, losing their skeletical shape and becoming one with the soon-to-be bread. He could feel the top of his skull melting and sinking into itself. It seemed like bitty magic wasn't made to withstand high temperatures like those.
His skull kept melting, until his eye sockets were sealed shut by the process itself. His mouth melted shut as well. Anything under his neck was now a simple, shapeless mass that flawlessly seemed to mix with the dough. The dusting process seemed to have been halted by the melting itself, as if the dust began liquefying instead of crumbling down.
Cherry was still conscious, feeling everything. Feeling as his body turned into goo. Unable to scream, breathe or see anymore. His skull's face was now featureless and barely even looked like a skull anymore. He could only think to himself, as his consciousness slipped away and his entire being simply began fading from existence itself. It wasn't even a definitive sudden death like any other bitty would get once dusted. It was slow, so incredibly slow.
He wasn't even completely gone just yet. But he could barely feel anything at all. He could feel himself blending with the dough, becoming one with the pastry. Becoming yet another ingredient on the list. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he was gone. No one would remember him, and he didn't even get to reach full adulthood like the rest of his litter did.
Mummah entered the kitchen and excitedly peeked through the oven window. Giggling as she saw the dough rise and take shape.
"Oh! Looks like my cherry pie is ready!~"
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Chapter 39 : Night Two ( Matt part 3 )
 So your master plan, Matt addressed Alex, is for us to get all the way to the other side of the mall and out to your car in the parking lot while completely naked. Matt emphasized the naked part of his statement by thrusting his arms out to his sides and presenting his lithe young body in all its glory.
 Yes, Alex agreed, now shut up and get over here, Alex indicated a stack of pallets and boxes that would make a good hiding place.
 After having spent most of the day either completely naked or tied up in some way shape or form, or both, Matt was considerably more at ease with his current lack of clothing than Alex appeared to be. Alex had resumed attempting to cover his genitals but was having difficulty due to the fact that he was, as they say, well hung.
 Quit trying to hide that thing man, Matt told Alex, you only manage to look like you’re playing with yourself. Just deal with it, Matt continued, we’re naked, whipty shit, get over it. I’ve been this way almost all day now, Matt admitted, you get used to it.
 What do you mean you’ve been naked all day, Alex asked as he relaxed his attempts at concealment, no, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. If that batshit crazy Lisa was involved I do not want to know anything else, Alex admonished, I just want to get out of here and be done with this shit.
 Yeah, it’s a long story, Matt confessed, and yes, all because of Lisa. How long do you think we need to wait here, Matt asked Alex trying to hide in the cramped space while trying to avoid too much physical contact with Alex’s naked body at the same time.
 Meanwhile, Alex too was trying to keep his larger body out of sight while not rubbing up against Matt at the same time. The confined space prevented either of them from being successful and the proximity of their naked bodies did not go unnoticed by Matt’s youthful libido.
 What the f*ck, Alex exclaimed in a hushed tone as he couldn’t help but feel Matt’s dick against his leg, are you boning up ?
 Sorry, Matt answered unabashedly, what can I say, I’m a teenager.
 F*ckin’ A, Alex responded, just keep it under control and oh my god do not start jacking off. So help me, Alex continued, you jizz on me man and you’re on your own.
 Yeah yeah, Matt chided, mister tough guy, I’ll bet all of you sit around the frat house and circle jerk all the time. I’ll bet you guys even, Matt continued but was abruptly cut off.
 Don’t, Alex interjected, do not go there, yes, Brad is gay but don’t you dare think you know what does or doesn’t go on or what any of us do or don’t do.
 Okay, Matt said with hesitation, I’m sorry, I got carried away. I didn’t realize it was a touchy subject, Matt said more quietly realizing he had best not upset his only means of getting out of his current predicament.
 It’s fine, Alex said reassuringly having realized he may have overreacted, I just don’t want to have a naked conversation with a little kid about guy stuff.
 I am not a little kid, Matt said harshly taking offense to Alex’s comment on his size, so what I’m small for my age. I may not be huge like you, Matt continued cynically, but we’re not that far apart in age.
 Alright, Alex apologized, you’re right, I’m sorry dude, I know what you mean. I didn’t mean to be harsh, I know what it’s like to be teased about size, Alex said trying to comfort Matt, don’t sweat it man, if it makes you feel any better, I’m actually jealous of just how well you’re taking in the whole fact that we’re running around the mall together butt-ass naked. You may be a little dude, but you’re a bigger man than me.
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eadanga · 10 months
Royal Birthday
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Ana woke up to the other half of the bed empty she turned and looked around I wonder where Liam went
The door opens and Liam walks in holding a tray “Oh you’re awake? I was hope to wake you up with kisses”
Ana blushed as she giggles “You’re cuter what’s all this Liam”
“It’s for my beautiful queen” He sets the tray on her lap and kisses her softly “Happy birthday love”
“Thanks Liam this is amazing you did all this for me”
“Only the best for my love”
Ana begins eating “So you’re spoiling today?”
Liam raises an eyebrow “Don’t I spoil you everyday?”
Ana giggles “Of course you do”
“Today I’m gonna spoil you even more than I usually do” He kisses her cheek
“So what’s the plan today?”
“You’ll see soon love now enjoy your breakfast”
Ana throws on her robe and hops in the shower as she washes her hair she freezes as she feels a pair of arms wrap around her then relaxes when she feels a familiar warmth
“Care for some company?”
Ana turns in his arms “You could have said something I was about to knee you in the groin”
Liam chuckles “Sorry my queen didn’t mean to startle you”
“It’s fine Liam and I love it when we shower together does it only take it to be my birthday before we do that often?”
Liam smiles “We’ll do it everyday if you want”
“I love that”
He kisses her deeply “I love you so much Ana”
“I love you too Liam”
After their shower Ana quickly gets dressed and walks into their living room where Liam waits he smiles when he sees her “You look beautiful my queen” He kisses her hand “Come love” He guides her over to the table filled with gifts
Liam smirks “Yes love?”
“This is amazing”
“I’m glad you love it”
“Where do I start”
Liam smiles as he grabs a rectangular box off the table “I want you to open this one first”
Ana grins as she quickly unwraps the gift and she gasps at the sight of the necklace earrings bracelet and tiara
“Liam this is…”
Liam smiles “A queen needs her own crown jewels” His expression changes when he sees her crying “What’s wrong love?”
“Just so happy thank you Liam that’s amazing” she throws her arms around him
Liam smiles as he tightens his grip around her waist “I’m glad you love them when I saw them I knew it’ll fit you now open the rest of the gifts and don’t cry that’s the opposite of what I want you to do”
Ana giggles “I don’t know anything can top that gift”
“You’ll be surprised my queen” Liam snaps his fingers and servants carry in a large size painting of them
Ana’s eyes go wide “Liam that’s huge!”
Liam laughs “It has to be huge when you live in a huge palace”
Ana looks it over “It’s so life like whoever did this did an amazing job”
“I know even I was amazed at how he painted this but a huge one can’t fit in our bedroom” He snaps his fingers again and servants bring in a smaller painting
Ana grins “I love this Liam”
“I’m glad” Liam kisses her softly then hands her a card “Now open this letter”
Ana opens the letter and reads it
My love,
On this special day of yours I wish you all the best I know it was a battle for us to get where we are today, But it was all worth it in the end because now I have you my love as my wife my queen my everything. You’re the most amazing woman I know from the moment we met I knew you were the one for me and I can’t wait to celebrate every birthday and holiday with you. Happy birthday my queen I love you so much
Ana wipes away her tears “I love you Liam”
“I love you too Ana with all my heart happy birthday my queen” He kisses her deeply
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @gkittylove99 @iaminlovewithtrr @twinkleallnight @princess-geek
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mattydemise · 1 year
I've never been a weekend person but recently I'm finding the most purpose on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. When the bar is alive and it’s just me and a near endless list of drink orders, I feel vital. Talking to patrons, flirting, and being engaged in good conversation. I push my body before work. The workouts are gruelling and I either start or end a workout with close to an hour of boxing. My back and shoulders in particular are transforming, getting thicker and tighter. The muscle is hard earned. It still feels as though I need to do more though, find new limits to push for. Generally, putting size on a tall frame isn’t easy and anyone tall that lifts will tell you the same thing. I have fitness goals in mind though, I have a certain physique that appeals to me above all else, and most importantly, my strength and conditioning must be functional. There’s no point being absolutely fucking massive if you have terrible cardio and can’t run around your block without facing death itself. I think back to the centuries upon centuries of warriors that trained and honed their bodies even without optimal nutrition and “poor living conditions”. In reality were their living conditions that bad though or is it simply the fact that these cultures lived so differently to the modern Western man that it’s difficult for us to imagine living that way? I know it’s the latter. Society has softened and weakened us. I know this. I think back to that old anarcho adage, “You want to improve society and yet you still participate in it?” It’s easy to critique that mindset, after all are we expected to drop out of society and govern ourselves? I say yes. I say fuck the hierarchies of institutionalised power. I say fuck those that seek out power like moths to the flame. I don’t seek power, I seek total freedom. I wish to live as I please and be only accountable to myself and my own sense of honour and integrity. I’m tired of living according to the wills and whims of gelatinous, overbearing, weak men. Men in cheap ill-fitting suits that lounge around and treat other human beings like pawns on the global chessboard. I’m not just some figure on a spreadsheet or a statistic to be brought out and used to illustrate a point. I’m flesh and blood and I’ve more drive and will, than in the entirety of Parliament. I’m clearheaded and completely lucid. I’m not beholden to anyone and I’m not rendered useless and docile by some disgusting fucking habit. Moreover, I don’t need a fucking gun to prove how much of a threat I am to these established ideals. I’m charismatic and intelligent, capable and strong, in other words, I represent the converse of virtually every elected official in this country. You should fear the amount of burden I can carry, the weight I can hold on my ever strengthening shoulders. I’m no politician nor am I a boy, I’m a man. Fear the men that have the will to seize the world within their hands and cradle it like a newborn. Let’s lay siege to the institutions that wreak havoc on this planet, let’s become the sworn enemies of the human blobs in power, and hold a vendetta against the foundations and fundamentals, that’ve corrupted our cultures and societies. The time for change is now, and change doesn’t come when men and women wearing symbols of peace join hands and sing about revolution, change comes when threat is imminent, violence is swift, blood is shed, and the weak men that hijacked this world are brought to their knees and forced to submit. The age of weakness is over, and the age of strength is here once again.
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moonlight-sonata99 · 2 years
Life day prep with tech
Tech x reader
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A/n: went on a otp prompt generator and got  Person A and Person B as the scene from The Owl House where Amity kisses Luz on the cheek and freaks out after it.  and i thought of tech for some reason,enjoy!!
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"Tech,you're smart, what do you know about life?" Your voice interrupts tech as he works on repairing a part of the ship that had been slightly broken,
“Life day? Well it is a day rooted in Wookie tradition in which the wookies celebrate family and peace. As well, decorate their houses and use a young Wroshyr tree as adult sized trees are tall in size.” Tech explains as he drills in a screw and glances over and you nodded in thought.
“And what do they decorate with?the tree i mean” you ask as hand tech a tool, seeing that he was about to reach for it.
“The wookies used orbs in various colors,but before that they used crystalline orbs which were also the same orb that jedi used for their lightsabers.”
“Really??so…where to get this tree?” excited you placed your hands on gonky who entered the room making itself known with its signature sound.
“You want to go get a wroshyr tree?” He’s caught off guard as he turns towards you. 
“Why not?We can set up a little tree here. We don't need a big one” you chuckle looking back at tech.
“I suppose..” Tech turns back as he continues
“There is also a hologram edition.if its space you're worried about.” 
“Hologram tree?hmm” you trailed off in thought “Can we decorate it?” you ask as Tech pushes up his glasses
“That I am unsure of.” he states finishing up he wipes his gloves and puts away the tools.
“Well..i feel like we should go for the real version just in case.” you state “So omega put up some of the orbs!I think she’ll like that.”
“I suppose she will” tech says crouching and closing the tool box.
“So….let's go!’ you exclaim nudging techs shoulder as he stood back up 
“Both of us?” tech mumbles out looking directly at you
“Why not? the gangs hanging out at cids. Plus i want it to be a surprise” You say smiling sheepishly “W-well you don't have to..i just thought you cause…you're smart.” chuckling you brush the back of your neck 
Feeling his cheeks turn warm tech coughs and picks up the tool box
“Alright then, when you are ready.” tech brushes pass you as you pump your fist besides him 
“yes!!let me go tell hunter before he hangs us for taking the marauder..” walking to the exit of the ship you wave at tech who has his back towards you.
“So..where exactly do we find this wroshyr tree?” you trail off looking out the glass to watch the planet filled with trees larger than life,admiring them.“Considering it is a popular celebration,we should be able to find it in the markets in the nearby villages.” Tech replied, steering the ship.”Get ready,we are landing”
“Woah…it's so pretty here” you breathe out while admiring the large trees that seemed to go on for miles.
“Yes,just as you saw the planet of kashyyk is full of these large trees.” Looking at his device tech looks up and looks at the view (Reader wut anyways) 
“Do you think the wookies will be okay with us getting a tree from them…?” you trail off a bit worried.
“I'm quite sure,”
“If i may,when i said small for space i didn't not mean this small” tech stared at the small tree he cut and you stared at it thinking.
“M-maybe…but it gets the job done no?” crossing your arms you look at tech, “its fine,plus most of the trees here will be to big for us to carry on our own.” you chuckle
“We just need the life orbs…” looking at your list as you check off the tree,”So we head into civilization!” 
After running into wookies and tech using his amazing language skills you and tech managed to buy a few life orbs. “There so…pretty” you breathe out clearly mesmerized. Tech coughed and rubbed his throat.
“O-oh right..i heard shyriiwook was hard on the throat..” looking around you stand up “Hold on, i’ll get something for your throat” coming off a bit worried you hurry out of the cockpit
“There's no need,I'll be fine.” tech says as he starts up the marauder.
“You sure..?” you ask trailing off at the end
“Yes,what matters now is that we go back to the others.” Tech states as you nod
“Oh yea..” you mumble,a bit disappointed
“Was there anything else you wished to do?” tech asked, looking at you as you shook your head and looked down at your hands as you sat down the seat next to him.
“No no! It's just…”
I liked it here,with you.”
“Oh.” eyes widened tech looks back at the wheel as you look away silently cursing at yourself.
“If i am to be honest,this trip was beneficial.”tech states staring directly outside the glass lifting up the ship. 
You turned to look at him surprised, as your heart started racing and you smiled.
As the ship landed you stood up and began to prepare placing the life orbs down next to the tree gently as you stood and tech walked to the entrance looking at his device (Mans rlly skedaddled out there smh) 
“Wait tech!!” you call while running after him.
“Yes?” he turns around and looks at you
“just-Thank you. I never really got to celebrate life day with my family,I'm glad I got to spend it with you guys.” you smile 
“Your welcome,” tech says looking away
“Now then,i'll head back to cid’s and notify the rest to come here.”
“Oh!right thanks again” you let out an airy chuckle and you fiddle with your hair.and tech turns back around ready to walk away.
“Wait one more thing!!” you exclaim 
“What is it?” tech asks as you stand there seeming nervous
“Uhm,here” putting a hand on his shoulder and tech flinches a bit and you placed your hand on his cheek which was warm and soft and techs breathe hitched as you closed your eyes and placed your lips on his cheek,
 To techs disappointment you pulled away fast as you looked at him, “y-yeah,uhm anyways i'm gonna go finish doing-that,see ya” you nervously fast and scurry away and tech is left there as his device is left midway from how he usually has it.His heart beating fast and his mind still on the kiss.
“Tech,are you two back with the ship already?”the voice form the communication device disrupts the aura and tech shakes his head lightly and he coughs 
“Yes,im uh headed back to cids...”
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A/n: No ya’ll dont understand....im ObsESSED with these borders there so cute omfl i think ill make some for the rest of the gang TTplus idk how to write kiss scenes dont atk me plsss
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loveisnotovertae · 9 months
Love Is Not Over
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✏️Taehyung x OFC ✏️Friends to Lover AU 🛑 Rated 18+ 📖WC: 1774 ⚠️Mentally abusive and controlling ex, stalking, mention of anxiety cheating, COVID, drinking, drunk hookup, masturbation, oral, accidental marriage, accidental pregnancy⚠️
Mae always wanted to go to South Korea and visit all the places her Aunt and Uncle used to tell her stories about. So after catching her fiancè cheating, she did just that. Her two month trip turned into a permanent stay thanks to covid lockdown. A friendly neighbor turned best friend, who just so happened to be part of the biggest music group in the world. A drunken night that changed her life forever.
Chapter 11
“Is everything ok?” Taehyung asked as soon as Mae picked up the phone.
“Oh, everything is wonderful, Taehyung,” Mae answered. “How was your day?”
“It’s good,” he said apprehensively. “We just got back from rehearsal. Why do you sound mad?”
“Let me show you,” she said, turning on her camera. “You see these boxes?”
“Yes, why do you have so many?” he asked, as his face appeared on the screen.
“That’s not important right now.” Mae grabbed the smallest of the boxes that were next to her. “As I was opening the packages and sorting them this one caught my eye. I couldn’t figure out what I ordered that would come in a box this size. Do you know what I found when I opened it, Taehyung?”
“No, no I don’t.” Mae sent him a death glare when she saw the corner of his lip twitch as he tried to fight a smile.
“You’re such a liar, Kim Taehyung! You know damn well what’s in that box!”
“What makes you think that I know?”
Mae sighed and flipped her camera to face her. “You didn’t need to buy me a new laptop, Tae. I could’ve bought my own.”
“I just thought it would be nice if I bought my wife a wedding gift.”
“Such a pain in my ass.”
“I’m well aware of that,” he laughed. “So what’s in the other boxes?”
“You’re so nosey.” Mae rolled her eyes and sat her phone on the table using the laptop box to hold it up. “It’s mainly stuff for me to make kimchi. The rest are just things I needed.”
The two of them video chatted while Mae unpacked and sorted her packages.
For the past week they’d chat on the phone at least once a day. It was usually Taehyung making sure she was doing ok. The day after he left, someone published surveillance videos of them leaving the Jazz Club and the chapel. Mae’s name was also leaked a few days after that.
“I heard from my lawyer today.”
“What did he say?” Mae asked, putting her phone on the counter while she carried stuff into the kitchen.
“You’re stuck being my wife until I’m back in Korea.”
“A whole month?”
“Look at the bright side. At least we are in two different countries. I won’t be able to bug you so often.”
“Judging by the brand new laptop in my living room, I doubt that you’d let a giant ocean stop you.”
The two of them grew silent when the buzzer for Mae’s door went off.
“Are you expecting anyone?” a worried Taehyung asked. The building did have security but he knew that people could easily sneak past them.
“No,” Mae picked up her phone.
“Don’t open it or say anything unless you know who it is.”
“I’m not an idiot, Tae.” She rolled her eyes as she walked to the door.
“I know you’re not. I’m just worried. Your name is everywhere right now.”
“It’s Jimin’s mom,” Mae whispered, stepping away from the door.
“Jimin did say she’s been worried about you. Maybe she came by to check on you.”
“Eomeoni,” the older woman smiled when Mae opened her door, “I wish you would’ve told me you were coming. My house is a disaster right now. I was just opening a bunch of packages and was getting ready to make some kimchi.” Mae said, hugging her.
“It’s ok, my daughter.” Mae’s smile grew wider. The first time they met two years ago, she started calling Mae her daughter. “We can help you clean up and make kimchi.”
“We?” Both Mae and Taehyung asked at the same time.
“Yes, I brought your mother-in-law with me.” She gestured to the woman standing a few feet away that Mae hadn't noticed.
“Tae, I’m going to have to call you back later,” Mae said, staring wide eyed at the woman.
“Wait, Mae…” she ended the call before he could finish.
“Hello,” Mae said shyly and bowed.
“So, you’re Mae,” she said with a kind smile, “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“We should go inside so that the two of you can talk,” Jimin’s mom said.
“Oh, yes. Please come in,” Mae stepped out of the way so that the two older women could enter her home.
Mae followed nervously behind them. Jimin’s mom had visited a few times over the years. But this was the first time she’d brought anyone other than her family with her. She wasn’t sure what to expect, especially since the other woman was the mother of the man she’d drunkenly married.
“Your home is beautiful, Mae,” Taehyung’s mother said, looking around.
“Thank you.”
“This is the same place you rented out when you came to visit, right?”
“Yes, yes it is. I fell in love with it and the neighborhood so I stayed,” Mae answered.
All three women’s eyes landed on Mae’s phone in her hand when it went off.
“That must be Taehyung since you hung up on him,” Jimin’s mother said.
Mae’s phone went off again as she was unlocking it. The first message was from Taehyung. But the second one is what drew her attention.
“He’s ruining my fun and letting you know that he told me everything, isn't he?” his mother asked.
Mae quickly exited the other message and looked at her, “He what?”
“Was it not him?”
“It was,” Mae said, finally opening his message. “Sorry I read it wrong.”
“My son will not let me have any fun,” Taehyung’s mother laughed.
“How much did he tell you?” Mae asked, turning off her ringer before placing it in her back pocket.
“I know that the two of you went to a Jazz Club in Jeju and got married.”
“I am so sorry,” Mae whispered ashamed of herself.
“There’s no need to be sorry,” the older woman put her hands on Mae’s shoulders. “Things happen for a reason. I’m not sure what it is yet. But you are now my daughter whether you two decide to end the marriage or not.”
A weight lifted off of Mae’s chest when she looked at the woman’s kind eyes and smile.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes. Now let’s go make some kimchi while you tell me more about yourself. My son has told me a few things but I want to know more.”
The three women spent the remainder of the day in the kitchen while they chatted and made kimchi. Mae answered every question she was asked. Even the ones about Tyler.
Her face turned red with embarrassment when Taehyung’s mother mentioned that he’d told her about Mae’s modeling. The moment she mentioned Wander, both women pulled out their phones to look it up.
She patiently waited for the women to say something about the pictures, especially the ones of her in lingerie. But neither of them seemed to be bothered by the photos as they looked through the different options on the site and quickly filled up their carts.
Mae sat in her dimly lit bedroom and stared at the text messages and missed calls on her phone. She’d been so busy the whole day making kimchi and dinner with the two older women, who were currently sleeping in her guest room, she hadn’t checked it.
It was storming outside. It started as the three of them were eating dinner. Due to the bad driving conditions she insisted they stay overnight.
When another text message came, her anxiety spiked. Her phone number was leaked and for the past two days she’d been getting random calls and messages. She hadn’t told anyone because she didn’t want to worry them. But today, the spamming got worse. They’d started out all being Korean numbers, but now international ones were showing up.
The blood in her veins ran cold when she looked at one that came through almost two hours ago;
Unknown Number: My sweet angel, Mae. I hear congratulations are in order. I’m not sure if I am more surprised about your marriage or how easy it was to get your phone number. It seems marrying an idol has made you quite the hot topic. I’m honestly shocked you would do something so carelessly and publicly, considering you’ve been hiding from me for the past three years. But, then again, you were never the best at thinking things through.
Unknown Number: I bet your phone is going crazy with notifications from random strangers. Judging by what I’ve seen online I bet a good majority of them aren’t very nice. How long do you think it will take before they, or your new husband, finds out about me, the fiance you up and left, so that you could run away to another country? How long do you think it will take before they find all those pictures of you wearing barely anything? I do hope this doesn’t affect Wander too badly. I’d hate to see it suffer because of your selfishness.
Mae used the back of her hand to wipe her tears. She’d been so caught up in everything that was happening, Tyler never crossed her mind. Not only did he know about her marriage, he now had her phone number. A new fear set in when she realized that it was only a matter of time until he was able to get her address. She’d once again be living in fear.
“Are you alright?”
Mae turned her head to see Taehyung’s mother standing in her doorway.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“No, I was on my way to get a drink. I heard you crying. What’s wrong, daughter?”
Mae broke out in a sob when Tae’s mother called her ‘daughter’ once again. Hearing her say it brought her a mixture of joy and sadness. Mae felt more love and kindness from these two women than she’d ever felt from her own parents.
“Don’t cry,” the older woman said, rushing to Mae’s side. “Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be ok.” She sat on the bed and took Mae in her arms, stroking her hair and comforting her until she was ready to talk.
Mae opened up and explained what was happening through tears and sniffles. She told her what Tyler said. She told her how scared she was that he’d find out where she lived.
Mae repeatedly apologized to Taehyung’s mother for being the cause of chaos in their lives; not only bringing trouble to Taehyung and his career, but also possible disgrace to his whole family. In her gut, she felt nothing but shame and fear with no way out of the foreseeable embarrassment.
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kkglinka · 1 year
The dojo devolved into entertaining chaos this week. On tuesday, we did the usual basics stuff in the first half, then the very first baby steps of randori for the beginners. It's possible I cackled and shouted the word randori, but you didn't actually hear me, so it doesn't count.
We broke into two groups of four, in which three partners took turns attacking the designated victim. (Well, ours switched into two simultaneous attackers partway through). Uke's new to this learned that it's actually kinda hard for more than one person to attack simultaneously without prior coordination, and nage learns to not panic; not target fixate; not worry about doing some perfect technique.
I was, yes, cheerfully shoving uke's in each others way, but I need to pause and explain. Sensei was in our group. I'm like, smol. He's like, 6'6" and 200lbs, but both of us know hard forms well suited to our respective size (tkd for him, escrima for me). But he's also figured out by now that my belt and my functional rank don't match at all. Specifically, I know both single and double bokken katas, and all the jo strikes, and the open handed jo counters. This is relevant because it means I know how to deal with tkd's high kicks (pretty much like jo strikes). Being lightweight and escrima footwork means I can lift my feet off the ground and allow a kick to carry me, if it does land. (Boo! Hiss! Cheating!)
So for three rounds in a row, sensei irimi'd on the wrong side, because he's unaccustomed to a martial art that has both forward and rear guard positions and mistook a covering jab for the main attack. Which left him with this springloaded boxer very much inside his guard, which meant both of us cackled as he slid back out of flurry attack range. The third time, I could see him doing a weight shift in preparation for a forward kick but he must have also seen the gleeful look in my eyes because he abruptly laughed and backed up again.
I really don't have any fear response. It's terrible. Gonna get me killed someday. *knocks on wood*
Thursday, he had the senior dan from my previous dojo teach a class and honestly, I've forgotten too much of the japanese. Shomen uchi, where you row back during the slip so uke overextends a bit, and then you snake up with the palm strike to the face. Except. not really, because you arc your palm to the outside to get control of the neck instead. Sometimes I forget that I'm not doing hapkido and someone shrieks at me until I remember my manners.
Then we started the basics of a simple hip throw and oh my goodness, allo's get so squeamish about this one lmao. Because the dan knew that I would also know it, he pulled me up as uke. Which was fine. He kinda forgot to modulate force though and I went airborne, spinning like a top before going splat into a breakfall. Almost off the mat entirely. Mere feet from one of the wall high windows. When I held up an arm to jeer, "Bad dancing! That's not how you spin a lady!", the dan scrunched up in consternation, and a fellow student commiserated, "you're not getting a second date after that."
Then I overheard that the jujutsu class after ours was doing boxing strikes that evening, so I stayed to watch. This practically required sitting on my hands, which reflexively went into fists, and ignoring that sensei's repeated requests I join practice. Especially after I trotted around the mat to show one pair of students the slip for a gut punch. But no punching for me without at least tkd gloves because I value my skin and fibro doesn't value my nervous system when it comes to repeat impacts.
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harrywhite78 · 7 months
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mamunborsha · 1 year
Man With a Van Dublin: Professional and Affordable Moving Solutions
Are you looking for an easy, cost-effective way to move your belongings from one place to another? Look no further than Van Removal – Man With A Van Dublin. Our company offers convenient transportation services throughout Greater Dublin Area (GDA) at an unbeatable rate. And with over 20 years of experience in successful relocations, our team of professional movers always strives for excellence in customer service.
What Is a “Man With A Van”?
The phrase “man with a van” refers to the practice of hiring someone who owns and operates a van to help you transport bulky items from one place to another. It is perfect for those who need some extra assistance moving furniture or other heavy items that can’t be transported by car or bus. Professional movers also provide peace of mind knowing that all your belongings are handled with care and expertly loaded into the van so nothing gets damaged during transit.
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Whether you're just relocating down the street or across the country, there are several advantages that come with hiring our man with van services such as * Faster completion times – instead of packing up all your boxes yourself or making multiple trips between destinations, our team will get it done quickly; * Stress-free – manual laboring such as carrying heavy furniture up flights of stairs is unnecessary; * Professionalism – experienced teams know how properly package fragile items so they won't get damaged during transit;    * Affordability – depending on the size of your move and distance traveled, we offer competitive rates that make moving easier on your wallet.
At Van Removal - Man With A Van Dublin, we understand that every relocation is unique and different, which is why we offer tailored solutions according to individual needs and budget requirements. We strive to make moving quicker, smoother, and stress-free than ever before!
Our Services
Our team at Van Removal offers a range of services including full house removals and end-of-tenancy cleaning at competitive prices. We don’t just load/unload trucks - but also handle all aspects associated with domestic/commercial relocations such as packing/unpacking boxes, securing items for transportation, etc. Here are some other features that set us apart from the competition:  * Fully insured service - guaranteeing maximum protection against any possible damages; * Open seven days a week - book weekend slots or same day/next day delivery based on availability;    * Affordable prices - catering to both budget-conscious customers and those after luxury removal services; * Items tracked via tracking device - giving customers peace of mind knowing exactly where their valuables are located;  * Free estimates – helping customers keep track of expenses without surprise charges at the end of the job, etc.
FAQs About Our Services
Q: Can I reserve time slots?    A: Yes! Let us know when you would like us to arrive and we'll do our best to accommodate your schedule accordingly - so contact us today for more information about availability!  Q: How far in advance should I book?    A: As soon as possible! To guarantee fast turnaround times it's recommended you book at least 3 days in advance but if something urgent arises then please don't hesitate to give us a call!    Q: Do I need special insurance coverage? A: No - all vehicles used by our company are fully insured meaning you don't have to worry about any additional fees come billing time!
Van Removal's Man With A Van Dublin service provides reliable transportation solutions throughout Ireland at unbeatable prices perfect for any budget. So if you're looking for professional movers who know how to take care of business quickly while delivering guaranteed results - look no further than Van Removal! Contact us today for more information on how we can make your next move effortless and hassle-free!
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KMB App Apk freeload For Android Finally, a few words Also, Try:įlash Film HD Apk freeload For Android is a great site for sharing apps with colleagues, friends, and family. Que: What is the best place to download Geforce Now Apk?Īnswer: We believe it is “too simple”. You can choose from a variety of options with the free software. Que: What is the cost of Geforce Now Apk?Īnswer: This app is totally free. FAQ:-Ĭan you tell me if the file has any viruses?Īnswer: The Apk file does not contain any virus, so there is no problem.Īnswer: This app is one of the best for Android devices and fulfills all of your needs. You only need to tap Allow.ĩ: You will now see the APK interface on your device. File sizes and internet speeds may affect how long it takes.Ĥ: Your downloads folder should contain the download file.ĥ:Once the file has been successfully downloaded, it must be installed.Ħ:You must immediately tap the “yes” button after downloading the new APK file.ħ: Click open after successful installation.Ĩ: It is now time to allow media, photos, and files once you have opened it. How can one download and install Geforce Now Apk ?ġ:Click on the download button below to download the file.Ģ:By clicking on the link, you will be able to download the file.ģ: As soon as you click this button, the download will begin automatically. Windows PCs and Shield TVs will get the service later this year.
The Shield and Mac versions of GeForce Now are in beta.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and The Division 2 is free to play. GRID, but without the physical connection.
Nvidia unveiled GeForce Now at CES 2018.
In December 2017, the service was launched as a successor to GRID.
Play games on PCs, Macs, and Shield devices with GeForce Now.
Nvidia’s cloud-gaming supercomputers power the service, which launched in 2014.
Your Shield or Mac desktop will give you instant access to GeForce Now.
GeForce Now lets you stream games up to 4K at 60 FPS from the cloud.
#Download geforce now download link Pc#
You can play your favorite PC games anywhere, anytime with Shield.
Get your friends together and play GeForce Now.
Play your favorite PC games from your couch or shield on the go.
No laptop needed, stream PC games to your Shield.
NVIDIA GeForce Now for Shield gives you smooth, low-latency gaming.
Get access to new and classic PC games, including Fortnite and Resident Evil 2.
The service will be available at a start price of $25 a month for 20 hours of gaming on PC, Mac, and Shield TV. Like PlayStation Now, Sony’s cloud gaming service. Nvidia just launched GeForce Now, a streaming service that lets you play games from the cloud without any hardware. So you don’t have to carry around a laptop or desktop to play games. You can stream games from NVIDIA’s cloud datacenters instead of from your own hardware with GeForce Now. It’s separate from GeForce’s graphics card business.
#Download geforce now download link tv#
Initially available only on the Shield TV set-top box, the service will later support a wide range of devices. (Credit to austink76016 and WoopityScoop on nvidia geforce forums)ĮDIT1: Some school/library/work computers may restrict accessing the appdata folder, if this is true, I'm afraid you're out of options for the time being.GeForce Now, NVIDIA’s game streaming service, will launch in March. Copy the WHOLE installation folder from the flash drive into the directory you just opened. Type %AppData% into the file directory pathĨ.
#Download geforce now download link install#
Plug the flash drive into the computer you are trying to install GFN on (no admin privileges)Ħ. Copy the WHOLE installation folder to a flash driveĤ. After installing, find the installation folder (look up NVIDIA Corporation in file explorer)ģ. Install geforce now on a computer that you have admin permissions on (at home?)Ģ. Not sure (atm) if this method still works, but I'll post a "for dummies" step-by-step:ġ. You can basically ignore my former message. When I uploaded the installer, it didn't, but I'm assuming that it checks for required updates when installing, and they finally pushed a forced update. It seems like they're pushing updates now.
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#kayla tag rants#feel free to ignore#just the perils of working retail with major anxiety and depression and whatever else is going on in my head#why do people have to be the way that they are. why do some people have to go out of their way to be horrible.#with all the friendly customers I had today and things that went well.. I should be having a good night#but it’s 1:00am and I’m crying stressing over two people who went off just to go off#one of which I’ll probably have to handle when they pick up their order on Monday#who went off on me that I didn’t immediately jump in when my coworker who’s training had an issue I guess#but I was with my own customers so I genuinely didn’t realize there was an issue but they were complaining that they ‘knew’ I did#and my coworker went to ask my manager for help who w#would be much better help than I’d be for what they wanted and I’d have probably called her up too anyway#but they immediately bitched more as soon as I said she’s training (while I was already working with another customer)#and didn’t listen when I apologized for not realizing there was an issue and tried to tell them she was getting a manager who’s better at it#and the other comes in every so often and throws the same fit every time#yes you know we don’t carry the size box you need.#so yes you have to purchase a bigger box and packing supplies if you want to ship from our store.#that is how a store works. I don’t know what to tell you.#go somewhere else for a box and then drop it off. go to an actual ups store and see if they have boxes. idk.#even if we had the right size box that would not be free either. I do not control our product line. I am but a humble underpaid part-timer.#I wish I could provide you with a rectangular box. but alas.#please don’t call corporate and get us in trouble for something we do not control at our store level.#I’m freaking out now over both of these situations not knowing what will come of them
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