#yhs salex brown
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Taurtis seems really happy here!!
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homestuckfan2000 · 5 months
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i think they should have a nice family meal.
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badlydrawnyhs · 1 year
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ellen's daily chat with salex's ghost
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Jumping on the Taurtis support bandwagon, I'll give my hot take: Taurtis is the only reason why the series functions. Think about it, Taurtis causes most of the conflict in the series. First, Gareth's wife is killed because of Yuki's jelaousy, causing Gareth to commit suicide in the process. Then the school becomes haunted and Taurtis, Sam, Dom and his friends, and Salex all end up there on a dare and a warning from Ellen. This culminates with Salex dying and the yandere plot finally starting for real. And there's more after this like the gang getting sued for the Toritos buisness, getring evicted from their house, the Yakuza showing up and that plot point with Yuki getting more intense, ending the original YHS with the gang going into the witness protection program. And we all know that Sam's character fully relies on Taurtis for everything, but heck, Grian's character, as great of an actor as he is, gets his most interesting and impactful plot points in YHS because of how he interacts with Taurtis personally and how he tries to protect him from Sam (and the whole Taurtis 2 thing). In fact, Taurtis is so much the life blood of this series that he's the ONLY thing holding Sam and Grian's psyches together, and once he disappears in season 2, (since it's revealed he never died and went away on a vacation to learn more Japanese, good for him my son deserves it), ALL the characters (besides my fave son Dom), get more and more depraived, and the series in Tokyo Soul goes downhill as a whole. I even have a theory that Cthulu got rid of Taurtis because Taurtis was warning Sam about using the Necronomicon and was the only thing holding him back from destroying the universe. Cthulu also worked it so that Sam became so depraved that he did the whole Taurtis clone fiasco and then, when that failed, was so desperate to get him back that he went back in time and destroyed the universe, becoming Ruler of the Universe Boy.
TLDR: Taurtis is the conduit of all life in the series and has ascended to god levels, so when he disappears the universe collapes.
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give-grian-rights · 4 years
While they are all partying over Sam's death I can't stop think about his ghost figure just standing there like. "Alright." Or something like "Well, I'll just haunt you for the rest of your life."
god- SALEX GIVES HIM A FUCING R A N T and he’s just upset and bitter. probably haunts kids and just. god. bitter bunny boy
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tauritos · 2 years
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grian is hurling salex offscreen
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chemical-bunz · 2 years
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Yangust Day 20 - Spirits
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chaosxcrushed · 3 years
Yuki is an interesting antagonist in yhs (imo), so time to rant about her because wow
She was born into the Yakuza and her father makes her do some 'work', which explains her violence tendencies. Sure, she's also a little crazy but it doesn't look like she was raised with correct morals. She's the underboss of the Japanese Mafia, who will finish off her targets and willingly dispose of whoever's a threat to her. This applies to a lot of characters and deaths
On the early episodes of yhs, she took Taurtis' liking of Jane too seriously and killed her off. I'm assuming she decided to frame Gareth after noticing that her classmates had a suspicion of him, ultimately leading to his death.
Her reason for killing Salex is obvious, she was dating Taurtis, her crush in the early episodes. Though the thing is between Salex and her, it looks like she got her dad-Karu- to stalk her until she can finally kill her off. Salex's diary did mention that a weird man with brown hair was following her around, leading Sam and Taurtis to think he's who killed her, but in the last episode it's revealed that Yuki actually ran her over. Talk about taking matters into your own hands though, yeesh. She also framed Chan, taking advantage of how gullible the two are.
Lastly, after hearing about her dad's death, she immediately went down hunting the other 2 people that killed him, Grian and Paul. She willingly let Sam off the loose since they were "dating" at the time and used him to bring Grian to her. She was sadly able to decapitate Paul, but Grian lived after they outnumbered Yuki, leading to her own demise. Youch.
She's one of the yandere types in the series. Overly obssessive, not afraid to harm others, can and will use crude ways to get what she wants, etc (like making her dad threaten Sam to date her on the Halloween eps). But I think her being a yandere made a lot sense - again, it doesn't look like she has any remorse, felt sorry for other's losses unless it's her own, and isn't just straight up violent for no reason. Yuki has somewhat of a job to take out people who doesn't pay the Yakuza, which explains why she uses extreme methods to get what she wants.
And on the outside, she doesn't even seem that crazy, not until the later episodes. She's deemed as one of the Cool Kids and even sits at the cool kid table most times, and when she's not, she's at the back of the cafeteria on her phone. She expresses that she's into anime and social media, and spends her time with her friends, especially Sookie and Soul since they share a house. It all seems like relatively normal teenager behavior until she starts killing more people or is triggered. With Salex gone, she's actively sniffing Taurtis' hair (which no one but Sam notices, though he does that too) and was ecstatic when he asked her out to prom. Anyone would be happy if their crush did that, but Sam started hitting on her too for competition and she agreed on him 3rd wheeling or so.
When both of her prom dates dumped her, she got REAL mad and began freaking out, even going as far as to hunt them down at Sookie's after-prom-party.
In conclusion I am rambling too much, but geez her character is just so. Interesting? Makes sense? I have no idea how to piece my words. But what I do know is that Yuki's actions weren't just out of the blue like Sam, though she does develop crushes fast. Again, with how and where she was raised, it makes sense for her to be violent and have death involved, and since her father seems to approve of her doings that just encourages her further.
She doesn't seem to have remorse, nor wants to be caught red handed, which is probably why she only gets closer to Taurtis when a threat was eliminated. She isn't afraid to threaten anyone, given how she pulled a knife out on Rowan, but stopped after hearing he'd explode. Yuki's not just crazy or violent out of the blue, she has a reason to be, though that doesn't excuse her actions.
ps. she's probably one of my favorite characters. She's smart and covers up her crimes, but then again, karma reached her in the end and she died. BUT WHAT IF SHE DIDN'T???? I'm writing a fic about that hehe.
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There was this twitter battle and i definitely didnt use yhs requests to try winning
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Tautis’ experiences aren’t talked about enough, he literally saw his gf die, was a huge if not main reason they got evicted, nearly got killed by and was partially the reason Gareth died. (There’s a lot more but I’m lazy) we should talk about him more tbh
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!!!Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't finished YHS yet!!!
If Gareth and Salex's ghosts appear and were set free due to Yuki's """death""", what about Rowan and Paul's ghosts? It'd make a lot of sense if they appeared as ghosts too since Yuki killed them like she did Salex.
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if yhs fandom was bigger i just KNOW the whole salex/taurtis + grian/taurtis ship 'discourse' would be hilarious to watch
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watching salex die followed by sam selling the “salex” food required my brain i think
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chemical-bunz · 2 years
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Day 6 - First Date!
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