#yk Young Justice the show
shoot-i-messed-up · 1 year
Oh my god someone please draw what a MAWS version of Jon, Kon, and Kara would like!!
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mistyechoes · 11 months
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clubforfrogs · 6 months
Also a request...!!! M so excited!!
Sirius black x reader snape
Basically snake's younger sister, is constantly bullied by the marauders, cuz of snape yk yk, especially on her make up preferable her foundation, after lots of teasing and bullying, she lashes out on sirius n removes her makeup to show a huge scar imprinted on her face. Cuz of her family issues n stuff. I leave how sirius reacts and their bonding up to you.
French love from dxb, Mon cherie
Um hello?! You’re literally the sweetest🫶🫶. I also love this request so much, so I hope I did it justice. I came up with this little blurb- I really hope you like it!
I’m currently working on a Sirius ask and a little James blurb- so keep on the look out for those.
Of All People - Sirius Black x Reader
~ 1.7k words
Now let’s be clear, you loved your brother, but some deep, shameful part of you resented him for the attention he attracted. Your parents had instilled posh pureblood ideologies into your heads from young ages. Luckily, you were able to see through their bullshit. Severus wasn’t so lucky. 
He brought that thinking into Hogwarts, and was ecstatic when both you and him were sorted into Slytherin, where he took no time at all befriending other air headed Slytherins who thought the same. This, along with the simple fact of his existence, brought the full wrath of the marauders down on your brother, which also trickled down to you. 
The marauders would endlessly bully and tease your brother. Being the dimwit he was, he always decides to try and fight back, ultimately failing every time. They would cast small hexes on you in the hallways, just constant, small annoyances. Eventually, it seemed as though Snape wasn’t enough of a challenge for the marauders, which caused them to turn fully to you. Now you were the one getting harassed. Constant jabs at the way you looked, filth about you thinking the same way as Severus, and the never ending comments about the amount of foundation you wore. What kind of guy even noticed that stuff? 
To be quite frank, it sucked. You were stuck with a shitty brother whom you loved, and a group of boys who bullied you for that very reason. It was exhausting, which meant that you valued every moment you could find yourself at peace- like right now. You were sitting underneath a tree near Black Lake. It was the first of the warmer days at Hogwarts, so you blended in with the multitudes of students soaking up the sun. You hoped this blending would be enough to allow you some quality time away from the marauders.
You leaned back your head against the bark of the tree. There was a gentle wind blowing across your face, a gentle buzz of voices coming from the other students outside, and a heavy liquid falling down your face. Wait… what? You opened your eyes quickly and rubbed at your face. It felt as though sticky black tar had been dumped on your head.
Though the substance made it hard to see, you could hear the roaring laughter of James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius. “What the hell? What is your issue? You couldn’t leave it for one day?” You questioned. You had cleared the goo enough clear your eyesight, and could see the amused faces of the boys. Sirius had the biggest grin stretching across his face, “Aw, we wouldn’t do that to you. You simply look too adorable with black sludge covering your face. Honestly, it looks better than that makeup you cake on everyday.” 
You could punch him for the look on his face. You had already been having a crappy day, as your parents had sent you a letter reminding you that the summer holiday was approaching, and they expected you to not forget your manners like you seem so inclined to do. 
Basically, if you didn’t listen to every word they said, you were going to “get straightened out” like your mother always said. The letter was fresh in your mind, and with it, a need to punch something. Luckily for you, there were four perfect targets standing right in front of you. 
You took a step towards James, the closest of them to you. He looked slightly confused, but taunted you nevertheless, “You coming in for a kiss? Sorry, I don’t French with snakes.” That was all you needed. You reared back your fist, and punched James Potter square in the gut. He doubled over in pain, and you swear you’ve never felt so much joy. Peter and Remus rushed over to him right away. Sirius looked at you in shock and took you by the shoulders. “You’re such a bitch! I knew all of the Snapes were the same. Just leave Hogwarts! We don’t need another bunch of rancid, pureblood twats spitting nonsense around here!” He was screaming in your face, and everything about what he was saying infuriated you. 
“Excuse me? Have you ever thought of asking about what I believe instead of assuming I’m just like my brother? I don’t believe in any of that shit! And what’s even worse, I have to suffer the consequences of being a half decent person all the time!” Sirius looked confused at your last sentence, so you rolled your eyes and casted a simple spell to clean the liquid off of your face, along with the thick layer of foundation you had applied that morning. Underneath, a giant scar cut along your cheek. It was relatively new, so the skin around it was red and puckered.
Sirius sucked in a quick breath. The other marauders had stopped cooing over James, and looked to you with shocked expressions. “Oh Merlin, I’m so sorry-“ you cut Sirius off. “Just stop, I thought you of all people would know what I was going through, but I guess not.” You started walking away, but when you heard the footsteps of Sirius behind you, you sped up to a run.
The footsteps behind you also increased in their pace, and a large hand grasped your wrist. You turned to look at Sirius. Tears had started forming in your eyes, but you wiped them away in futile the hope that would stop Sirius from seeing them. Sirius didn’t speak right away, instead he chose to study your face. You squirmed, under his scrutiny, you just felt ugly. Your red rimmed eyes, stuffy nose, and large scar now visible. You were heavily considering bolting away again until he spoke up, “I’m sorry. I- I never even considered that you might not be like your family. And you’re right, out of anyone, I should have been the one to give you the benefit of the doubt.” You looked back up at him, his eyes seemed genuinely apologetic, but that didn’t mean you were letting him off the hook just yet. 
“Yeah, you should be sorry. You and your cronies have been ruining my life here at Hogwarts. My one escape from my family. And you’ve been taking the absolute piss out of my brother. I know how he is, but he’s still my brother. Talk to me again when you show me you want to change.” With that, you pulled your wrist from his grip and walked back to your dorm. You really wanted to give him a second chance, partly because you had been harboring a small crush on him since first year. But before you could even let yourself consider that, he had to prove that he wanted to change. You sat in your dorm thinking about that very scenario, wishing, hoping, praying, that he would make the effort.
And in the next few weeks, he did. There were certainly the occasional taunts thrown towards your brother in the halls, but you supposed you could live with that. There were no more cruel pranks aimed towards you or Severus, and Sirius had even made James, Peter, and Remus write out apology notes and deliver them to you personally. You had probably gotten way too much enjoyment out of that one.
As you ate in the Great Hall, surrounded by a few acquaintances, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Behind you was a nervous looking Sirius. “Would you like to come over and eat with us? I swear, no bad intentions. We really want to get to know you.” His voice was much smaller than you had ever heard it. You weighed your options back and forth, but with the genuine effort he had been putting into righting his wrongs, there was no way you could deny him. “I would be delighted to.”
His face lit up at that, and you could see his confidence instantly repair itself. He led you over to where he and the other marauders sat, guiding you by placing his hand on the small of your back. The simple act caused your face to redden, but if he noticed, he didn’t say anything. Once you sat down at the table, everything was surprisingly normal. The other boys made one more quick apology each, but then the conversation quickly migrated to more light hearted topics.
“Okay, James,” it was hard to speak through your laughter, “You went up to this fifty year old dude, and insisted he was your mom?” The entire table burst out in laughter. “It was an intense game of truth or dare, I had ten galleons riding on it!” Remus smirked at him, “Yeah, but you still ended up losing,” he then looked to you, “You want to know why, Y/n?” You looked at him nodding, as you heard Peter groan, “Don’t do this mate.” Remus only spared him a glance as he launched back into his story, “So the truth or dare game was down to just Peter and James, and neither of them would back out. That’s when Sirius came out with this absolutely vile looking plate of chicken. It was cold, half raw, and definitely spoiled. We dared James and Peter to eat it for the win. James backed out immediately, but Peter ate it and puked for weeks.”
You had been drinking pumpkin juice as Remus told his story. But once he reached the part where Peter at the chicken, you lost it. Laughter spilled from your lips, and juice came up out of your nose. This only made the laughter at the table increase ten fold. You realized that you were receiving from worried glances from the students around you, but the laughter clouded your mind and you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You finally managed to calm yourself, and Sirius handed you a napkin of while wiping away a tear. You wiped away the juice, and caught sight of the watch on your wrist as you did so.
“Shit, I was supposed to be working on a Potions paper due tomorrow! I’ve gotta be off, this was lovely though!” You hugged Peter who sat right next to you, the boy looked a bit shocked, but satisfied nonetheless. You saw the pouty look emerge in Sirius’ eyes, so you leaned across the table and pecked him on the cheek. His face immediately blossomed into a lovely pink hue as the boys shouted out variations of, “You’re in!” “When’s the wedding?” and “Can I be the best man?” You smiled as you walked away from them, hoping that you’d be invited to sit with them again tomorrow.
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angelyuji · 1 year
jaime reyes bf headcanons (+yandere)
jaime reyes x gn!reader yandere headcanons under the cut warnings (under the cut): kidnapping, stealing, manipulation (from scarab), stalking when i talk abt scarab, i'm talking young justice scarab btw
jaime reyes is the type to spray all of your clothes with his cologne, so you (and everyone else) can smell him 24/7
he’s the type to carry your books or your bags if you mention in passing that you were kinda tired
if you’re out on a date with jaime and he sees your eyes linger on something, he immediately goes back to buy whatever you looked at
he knows what color matches your skin, so if he’s getting you guys matching jewelry (and he mostly def would) he would get the right color for your skin
and also going off of this, he knows if you were bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc like he knows your preferences and tastes so well bro im GONNA BE VIOLENTLY ILL
jaime would always offer to study with you, but would most def get distracted and try to make out with you
LIKE he starts off by making it so with every right answer, he gives you kiss and then things get heated ykkkkkkk ;)
his family absolutely adores you too like his mom constantly cooks for you and teaches you recipes, his grandma teaches you how to sew, his uncle and his dad are chill with you, and you’re best friends with his sister like ong you’re one of them.
scarab would most def by suspicious of you at first cuz why tf are you the only thing that jaime thinks about (it’s insufferable)
but once it realizes that you’re not a threat, he’s chill with you
if you know that jaime is blue beetle, you def mess around with scarab, but you guys team up to make fun of jaime (obviously jaime is telling you what scarab is saying until you guys team up then he refuses to talk)
jaime is such a cutie, he’s a total flirt when you guys meet, but once u guys start dating, he’s totally shy and like asks for permission to hold your hands and to kiss you until he gets more comfortable then hes literally all over you OIABGIEUWop
yall know that tiktok trend with that scene from ?100 days of summer? where one person goes “i love the smiths” and the other goes, “what?” “i love the smiths.” and then the other person like pulls you into a kiss and ot4ro;twf’gb’o its so you and jaime OPNF:OEJP if anyone wants a ref video lmk ill post it <3
yandere :)
jaime reyes was kinda totally normal abt u before the scarab
like yes, he knows ur entire schedule, where you live, and takes candid blurry pictures of you from across the hall or smth (very girl of him) (i knew a girl who did this exact thing for a guy she liked like honestly it was so insane i was really concerned abt her)
but he would never like act on it, he was very self-aware abt it like he knew he was lowkey acting insane
untillll scarab showed up, obviously he had forgotten abt his crush on you while he was in college (GOTHAM UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but now that you’re both graduated and back home. jaime gets to see you again every time he passes your workplace on his way to work. now that he gets to see you, his obsession with you is back and THREE THOUSAND times worse becuz of monsieur scarab
scarab feeds into jaime’s delusions that you’re both meant to be with each other, his sister tries to make him understand that his feelings are like super concerningly weird asf, but scarab knows that if jaime is obsessed with you to an extreme, it could make jaime easier to manipulate, so it tells jaime that his sister doesn’t understand, but you know who does? the alien attached to his back
jaime would break into your room/apartment (whether you’re staying with ur parents or nah) he would smell your clothes, your soaps and lotions, your bed cover
total underwear stealer imo like he saw the opportunity and is going for it honestly i respect it
he’d try to work up the courage to ask you out, and he’s so smooth with it and (obviously) you say yes
first things are calm yk, but as your relationship progresses (very fast), you see a lot of the red flags and try to exit stage left
but jaime’s not down for that like you’re the love of his life, however he lets you go cuz he’s got a plan
he preps the old blue beetle base and straight up kidnaps you
he’d have you tied up cuz you were putting up a fight and you’d watch as jaime fucking panics and paces back and forth yk
jaime’s not the type to hurt you, so he’s very sweet with you. even when you toss your food at his head, slap him, kick him, yell at him, it doesn’t matter. he’ll take it cuz he can’t bear the thought of hurting you
he still won’t let you go tho
scarab reassures him, now that you’re here, you can’t leave him. you won’t ever get hurt.
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femininomen0n · 3 months
honestly eloise is such an interesting character and yk what? her interactions with sophie might help give her the push to break social class barriers as well
i just really hope they do her justice. it’s such wasted potential to leave theo as a plot device. i do agree that they need time off in between bc both of them were young and needed some growth. but i really hope they do bring him back.
bc theo as a character requires some growth too. there is an interesting story there as well!
sophie is my favorite book character (one of the only ones in possession of a damn backbone!) and eloise is my favorite show character, so i would love to see them interact! i think they'd get along well.
and yes, it'd be great to get more of theo's backstory! in my personal canon, as of s2 theo is twenty with a widowed mother, two married older sisters (late twenties), and a younger sister (thirteenish), but i'm sure that'd be jossed immediately if he came back to the show 😅
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wildglitch · 8 months
Spider-man x Batfam Prompt's
Ok so lately I have seen a lot of "Spidy goes to gotham and gets adopted fics" probably cause of Dark Matter by mysterycyclone cause like, duh, that fic is a goddamn masterpiece. But I feel like a lot of them are sort of the same thing with diffrent fonts ans it feels a bit saturated. Not all of them...but most of them.
Am I saying that there needs to be less of these fics? Hell no! Keep writing them please. I just feel like there could be more variety is all.
I suggest maybe try one of these ideas out
1: Peter going straight to the Batfam or other heros (dosent always have to be Batfam) and they try to work together on how to get him home, while slowly realizing "omg, your life is terrible! We want to help you, we do, but maybe we shouldnt and try to give you a better life here. Then its just a moral delema on what to do as they get to know the spider child.
2: maybe another Spider-man is the one that goes to Hotham like Andrew or Toby. Insted of being sent home at the end of NWH, they where accidentally sent to the DCU. Or maybe one of the Spider verse characters or a cartoon version of the character. Dosent always need to be Toms Spider-man.
3: on that same note. Please give more love to What If...Zombies Peter. You guys have no Idea the amount of angst and "haha, my world ended and im fine" potental there is. And you can have the other surviving member also be there as they look for eachother (characters that "survived* (no one survived that episode) are Peter, King T'challa, Scott Lang+cape, and Ig Bruce Baner/Hulk, and Bucky Barnes since we never saw them get turned or eaten) just think about Spidey and the Batfam investigating a lab or sometbing and all of a sudden they find floating head Scott in a crate. Everyone if scared shitless while Peter is crying tires of joy as he moves to hug the floating head. Think about that and tell me Im not on to something here.
4: Have the fic start our like halfway through. Maybe skip him getting to Gotham and have him be there for a few months already or something. This will help with adding more crack fics.
5: Maybe have the fic be that Peter is there for a while, he knows everyone, they know him, they might or might not know the identitys but they trust eachother. And Peter has been looking for a way home and he finally finds it! But... he accidentally brings some of the Batfam with him. So now its the Batfams turn to learn to live in the MCU with help of Spidy and they finally understand so much about him, how he lived, and vigilanties he knows (team red!) As they learn the history and pubilc opinion or Spider-man and the world.
6: Just a react to fic. Yk, those fics where they're stuffed in a room and forced to watch something? Yeah. Have the Dark Matter cast stuffed in a room and watch some MCU clips. It dosent even have to be some magic forth wall bull shit if you dont like that. In chapter 44, Peter and co. are said to be going back to the cave, and Peter still have is suit. Canonically, Karen records everything. Maybe Peter ends up so tired he dosent even want to try to explain everything. So he just hooks up Karen to the computer and and has her show them everything from the suits recordings to security cameras and news reports, to the memes and videos spiderman fans have made.
7: have the Justice League get involed cause "Hes to bright to be one of yours Bruce!" And have him be a honorary member of the league of have them put him on Young Justice. Peter gets adopted by Batfam? Yes. Peter becomeing Bffs with the Young Justice kids and actually forming normal relationships with kids his age? Also yes.
Do I have more? Probably but Im too lazy for it rn
If you for some reason use one of my ideas, pls tag me and maybe credit me for the original idea (but I mostly want to be able to find the fic if you do make it ( o_o) )
Who knows, I might just write some of these myself if I ever get the motivation lol
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joelsfavouritegirl · 5 months
May i request some... dirty hc's 🙈
Also, there is not enough fic about pixel joel :( When did you start getting into tlou?
oh em gee yes absolutely!!! i’ve been thinking about writing some nsfw hcs but js haven’t done it yet😭😭 also i’m so happy that people are actually sending requests, please do i’ll be happy to write whatever ya’ll want
and i completely agree that pixel joel has been neglected since the show came out:(( i randomly started playing pt1 during the summer of 2022, completely fell in love with it and have been a fan ever since<33
i hope i did some justice with this, not sure how it turned out but fingers crossed yk, ty again for the request<333 ok enough rambling
here are some more pre-outbreak!joel headcanons (but this time they’re 18+)
. ladies man through and fucking through, i’ll die on this hill if need be
. let’s be honest when ya’ll started dating you most probably ended up at one of each other’s houses after the third/fourth date. joel was dropping you off, being all gentlemanly and sweet as he is and what harm could a little kiss do right? one thing leads to another and he’s got you against the wall of the entrance hallway, hands lifting up your sundress as his fingers steadily pump in and out of your cunt (along with his tongue that slides across your swollen clit) and by the end of the night you’re both sweaty and panting on your bed when he slips out of you, pressing more sweet kisses to your lips
. i’d say young joel is kinkier and probably has a higher sex drive than post-outbreak!joel. just say the word and he’s down, whether it’s a quickie or if he can take his time with you, unless he’s tired after a long day at work which is when you’ll end up in between his legs on the floor in front of the couch sucking him off until he’s coming down your throat and grunting how you look “fuckin’ gorgeous with my cock in your mouth, baby” and “atta girl, just like that”
. doesn’t understand guys who don’t like eating pussy. what the fuck do you mean you don’t like eating your girl out??? joel would die a happy fuckin man in between your legs if he could, man can go to town for as long as you need (or as long as he wants to). loves seeing how you squirm and the little sounds you make when he’s making you feel good. he’ll have made you come three times when he looks up at you as you whine about how it’s too much. “c’mon sweets, you can give me one more, i know you can, hm?” he hums against your clit, his fingers knuckles deep inside your cunt as he curls them at that spot that makes you moan and tug on his hair. he just smiles, flattening his palm against your stomach to stop you from moving too much, “that’s my girl”
. loves seeing you suck him off. y’know what gets him coming in a few minutes? seeing your pretty lips wrapped around his cock, your hands pumping the parts of him your mouth can’t reach and those goddamned doe eyes you give him as you blink through your eyelashes. it makes him lose the little self-respect he has and whimper as he’s coming down your throat
. apart from eating you out this man lives for thigh riding. loves holding your hips or waist as you rut against his jean-clad thigh, your head leaning into the crook of his neck as you whimper how you’re about to come. after you calm down he’ll usually curl one large hand around your hip and the squeeze the flesh of your thigh with the other, rocking you against his leg again and pressing sweet kisses to the side of your head. “that’s my good girl. made a fucking mess all over my pants. you wanna go again, pretty thing?”
i need to be sedated (or fucked by this man) thank u good night<33
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tootalltech · 2 months
okay no bc i’ve seen shows with some bad writing okay. but at least in those. they didn’t completely fucking massacre two characters whole personalities? like. lab rats: elite force isn’t great but yk what character is at least consistent in it even being pulled over from another show? chase. young justice is its own mess, but you know whose personalities stay real and true the whole time? like. the entire cast. in my opinion. SUCCESSION’s final season is SAD and maybe not as strong as the ones before it, but it still MAKES SENSE and the characters all make decisions that are COMPLETELY IN LINE WITH WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THEM (and not that i think succession has bad writing, i don’t, just that its finale is upsetting but there’s a way to do that well). this was just. you spend like two seasons establishing that this guy cares deeply about his family even if he’s all tough and hardened and doesn’t like to show it, he will do anything for his family, his main goal is to save from them whatever oncoming apocalypse they may have started, and then he just? oh he doesn’t care about that any more? yeah he has to live in a greenhouse with his brothers wife actually. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. THEY CAN LITERALLY JUST BE ASSASSIN FRIENDS LIKE THEY CAN GET LOST FOR SEVEN YEARS FOR ALL I CARE, THEY’VE ALWAYS HAD AN INTERESTING BOND OVER DEALING WITH THE COMMISSION AND THE HANDLER BUT THAT’S TEN TIMES MORE INTERESTING AND MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE IF IT’S NOT. SOMEHOW ROMANTIC? LIKE? EW???? AND IT RUINS LILA’S CHARACTER AS WELL WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE DO THAT???? AND THEN DIEGO’S MAD AT HIM AND THEY DIE. OKAY! GREAT, I GUESS. GREAT SHOW ENDING.
you know what would’ve actually been interesting? well, a million other things. but how about five, say, dealing with the fact that lila’s parents are alive in this timeline, and he’s killed them before, and he’s certainly never had to look someone in the eyes and shake their hand knowing that in another reality he literally killed them. how about five and lila finding some timeline with the commission and the handler alive and well and dealing with their own crises about that? how about even just five watching lila and diego happy together and being like “huh you know i sure miss delores” EVEN THAT WOULD BE BETTER. not to mention actually in character for him. like. i’ve genuinely never seen such a good example of a character in their “canon” content being so, so out of character. literally what the fuck happened to him. that’s just not even five. GOD my head hurts i’m going to bed
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arrowettexx · 5 months
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To me this was a no brainer just due to Tim’s tendency for perfection and calculated success with being one step ahead and preference of knowledge over material yk?(and yes obviously the fact that he’s smart ash) 💙
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I feel like there’s really no explanation needed for this fluff ball. Bart is the cutest most kindest boy you’ll ever find. He could genuinely never do anything wrong (intentionally) such a big heart on this boy 💛
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Y’all can fight me on wether this girl is a Slytherin or Gryffindor but tbh it’s Slytherin that makes the most sense in the long run due to her big mouth and attitude she’s got, along with the fact that she has to actually get to know someone before even considering being polite. Almost all of her first interactions with other women are negative, (just her vibe) She’s got a mind of her own that’s always already made up and is definitely not a push over giving no fucks. 💚
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My girl right here is definitely a Gryffindor all the way, she’s one of the most bravest, persevering, consistent person ever . If she want something done, she’ll honestly stop at nothing (begging) at getting it done. (like how she doesn’t leave Cissie TF alone in every minor inconvenience to join the team again )❤️
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… this one is low-key difficult only in the sense that they should make a whole new house just for super macho sexy men - woah okay anyway.. but ya . This boy was stopping at nothing to meet superman, and to be just like him which he was successful. He also would do anything to protect his friends, and gladly die for them. bros just brave persistent, and perseverant so that’s why I think Gryffindor but possibly Slytherin depending how you look at it  if your accounting his need to one up everyone and show tf off ❤️
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sillysqeakything · 9 months
My headcannon on the sevens favourite movies, shows, videos etc lol >:)
Percy- The Little Mermaid- Jk LOL I think he'd be a real big fan of superhero stuff :3 I think he'd like young justice! Yupyup! Anything cool with a hero and fun battles and evil villans is his cup o tea (gee I wonder where I've heard that before...)
Annabeth- Archaeology, Geography, Anthropology deep dives, I'm thinking like MiniMinuteman videos (excellent channel btw) she is Def more of an audiobook girl then video or movie girl.
Piper- true crime documentaries, but specifically the ones that hyper analyze peoples movements and facial expressions.
Also a fan of Psychological horror movies the real unique ones!! Like Skinamarink and The Wolf House (HEAVY TRIGGER WARNING IF YOU WANT TO SEARCH THESE UP)
Leo- Shrek. He watched it as a joke at first but ended up falling in love with it.
Ever since he watched it he always gets Calypso to get matching costumes of Donkey and Dragon for Halloween.
Other then Shrek, he loves crack comedy(idk if thats the genre but it's something like that)
Jason- wholesome found family shows that always have a happy ending.
Funny because he didn't have one-
Also those long fantasy movie/book series. Like Narnia and Lord of the rings lol
Hazel- cheesy cute romance movies and Disney princess films (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) I bet her and Frank have watched Beauty And The Beast atleast a dozen times.
Frank- calming cooking videos. The aesthetic ones? If yk yk hehe. For movies he likes musicals!! And really likes movies with good music like Ratatouille and Spirited away! (He loves kitchen nightmares, British bake off and etc but he never tells anyone 💀)
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humblefryingpan · 2 months
DC/Danganronpa crossover part 4 <3
( Part 1 , Last , Next , Masterlist )
If this is the first one you've seen - I'm making a crossover of DC comics and Danganronpa by assigning the characters a vigilante that I think suits them
Time for Young Justice! I used drv3 characters for these guys and I haven't read the comics so some of this may not be 100% accurate
Red Robin - Shuichi Sahara
Most of my YJ were picked due to their connections with him, my Tim/Shuichi Reasoning is back in part 1
Superboy - Kaito Momota
- Dumb jock energy? (the two of them have really similar vibes imo)
- Incredibly homoerotic subtext with Tim/Shuichi, people often take it as a near-canon romance
- Astronaut / Half alien (space boys)
- K names (just a coincidence but its nice)
Impulse - Kokichi Ouma
Okay I know practically nothing about Impulse. I am going off of some fanon things I've seen and one clip from the yj show
- Pretty clever but too chaotic for people to notice
- That clip of impulse running away from everyone on the team reminds me of kokichi running away in the love hotel scene
- Pretty commonly shipped with Shuichi/Tim and Kaito/Kon, seen as a trio shipping or not
Wondergirl - Maki Harukawa?
The only thing I know ab Cassie is that she's Kon's gf. So sorry ab that, I didn't know who to put for Maki so I thought this worked
- warrior race and ultimate assassin
Miss Martian - Himiko Yumeno
Is she in the comics? Idk, I might me combining the comics and show but oh well
- A bit shy, doesn't really talk to people outside of their friend group much
- Miss M's powers feel a lot like magic, plus she can go invisible and Himiko was talking about making an invisibility spell
- I kinda wanted all the drv3 survivors on this team yk
- Short ginger hair
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ectonurites · 6 months
How would you feel if Cissie came out of retirement full time?
Ah yes, a complex question I have a lot of conflicting feelings on. The last time I approached the 'Cissie & retirement' subject, it was in this post several months back.
The thing is, the part of me that is thinking about the integrity of Cissie's character and the writing strength of her retirement arc during the original Young Justice run immediately says 'FUCK NO' to her coming out of retirement in any sort of permanent way.
But the part of me that just desperately wants Cissie to be a character that actually shows up in any sort of regular capacity again also understands that with the way comics function nowadays, relatively-obscure characters like her who aren't actively hero-ing (or the love interest for a main hero) showing up on a regular basis is a bit of a pipe dream.
The circumstances that allowed civilian Cissie to be a character that still held a presence just aren't replicable in today's comics landscape—it's hard enough for freshly-launched books to go beyond being a 4 or 6 issue mini, a 12 issue maxi, or up to around 20 issues of an ongoing (if you're lucky) at this point. A book would need to have the time and space to be able to flesh out characters who aren't just part of the active fighting at the core of the book—and that's just not... happening all that much.
So, as I said in that post I linked at the top, my ideal is just that circumstances keep popping up to pull her out of retirement temporarily the way it was established she was willing to do during the 2007 Wonder Girl mini—keeping her decision to quit from YJ98 intact/not having her change her mind about that, but also keeping her present in comics at least every now and then (and I will say—today's Green Arrow issue did better on this front than I thought it would. It was made clear that she didn't even want to come out of retirement this time, but was forced to by the situation at hand).
I just think that the story from YJ98 was so well done that going back on the decision in a permanent way would feel like a really weak writing choice to me. But on the flip side, if it was decided that she would come out of retirement full time, I'd still read the story. I'd still be curious to see how it'd be done (and who knows, maybe a writer could build on the original YJ98 story in a way that could pleasantly surprise me), but it's not something I want to have happen, yk?
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the new pmmm movie trailer has brought back my Brainrot for the show so ive been re-exploring the pmmm corner of tumblr and
oh my god???? oh my fucking god???? oh holy shit???? oh my goodness gracious your art is so pretty??????? hello???????????
the way you draw sayaka is just fhfhfhfhhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhhfhf. yk? the english language does not have the words to articulate how much i love you art and the style of your art. i am going insane. i am losing my mind. every piece you've made featuring sayaka just captures her essence so well and it makes me feral.
sayaka's not my main favorite of the show (sorry sayaka, you rock but kyoko is just too cool with her Christian Guilt) she's a very close second and it makes me so happy to see an artist who just understands her character so well. she's a foolish girl blind to her own fate, desperate to do something special and be someone worthwhile but she's ultimately just a footnote in the grand plan of the universe, she wants to be just and righteous and kind so badly but she's too wrapped up in her own despair to truly be selfless, she can be selfish and callous but that's just because she's human, a human who realized her existence is ultimately an exercise in futility and that fact burns and it hurts so she does whatever she can to make the pain go away but it never does because she's just A Normal, Flawed Girl and that hurts so goddamn much-
i have so many Thoughts about sayaka. she makes me insane on a daily basis and your art just feels like it captures all the screeching in my brain and puts it in the form of some beautiful images. they're so great. you're doing great.
Ah, thank you for the kind words [♡] I appreciate the time you had taken out to write and send this long scroll of a compliment.
I have been told by others that the way I depict Sayaka is "so real" and that it captures her essence most of the time, even though I am not sure what particular elements about her that people in the audience like unless specified. I suppose, personally, whenever I am drawing her, I have to enter her shoes of not just "the frustration of a lovesick teenage girl", "my perceived sense of justice was flawed", but also to accept that resignation is a highlight of her character. A young girl who believes she is unloved despite her desire to do everything Right. A mermaid who cannot swim - futility and uselessness contribute to why Sayaka is a realistic and compelling person to a lot of people watching the show. Whenever I draw her, my brain paints a sketch of her sadness before anything else. The despair of "no matter what I do, this is the outcome" is true to the canon of Sayaka turning into a Witch in every timeline she tries to accomplish this Goodness by being a magical girl, reflecting the reality at large the helplessness girls in general experience on a daily basis.
It is why I find people who hate Sayaka to be...strange, since their prescribed reasons for dislike are mainly how "foolish" her wish and outlook in life was, and how she became irritating to those around her as though Sayaka isn't literally a paragon of not just deteriorating mental health, but to me, people with personality disorders as well, given that there is always a "sense" that the inevitable ending involves everyone actively avoiding you and you will eventually just...fade away into non-existence; a bad memory that no one wants to speak about. It makes me sad. Sayaka is sick, and everyone can smell the rot of magic off her.
Everytime I draw her, I want to capture, perhaps, this exact feeling of resigning to this disease. I don't want to always make the drawings beautiful since her struggles are ugly and difficult and tiresome, and shouldn't be trivialised as a result. She's always trying her best to regain control of her own life, thus being so unmatched in terms of how relatable she is to a lot of people.
I am glad that someone appreciates my works, even if they aren't always consistently quality. •́ ‿ ,•̀
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betterthanbatman1 · 2 years
give me all the tim drake headcanons PLEASE
I knew my list of headcannons would come in handy some day!! :)
Comfort king, he literally has more pillow than bed, squishmallows are the key to his heart. He has so many blankets, fluffy, soft and of course weighted because yk anxious boi.
He can also sleep anywhere, whether it’s an armchair, someone’s lap, at his desk/batcomputer. Anywhere. Hell, he canonically fell asleep on a roller coaster!
Loves K-pop. Loves the Korean culture, language etc etc
Follows 5 minute crafts religiously. Smudge on the wall? Put toothpaste on it! Phone fell on his face? Glue it to your hand!! Problem solved. Alfred considers consulting a therapist.
Loves sushi, it’s practically his favourite food.
Doesn’t have a good food pallet tho. Jason once walked in the pantry and found Tim eating a bread sandwich (three slices of bread stacked) Jason has still not recovered from that.
Surprisingly has a good sense of humour. (After hours of Meme searching) he can always come up with a ‘that reminds me of a joke’ in any scenario. Dick and Duke laugh at every one of them, the rest sigh and roll their eyes at this point. He also tends to use sarcasm.
Tech genius? Boring. How about won the Sims game. How do you even win that game? Nobody knows. But Tim was emailed by the ceo of the game, telling him he won and was offered a spot in games designs. He declined :/ bc WE has more benefits.
Hacked and removed himself from the FBIs wanted list
Collected sticks when he was younger and gave one to people he loves. (as mentioned in my answer to previous Ask about BatKid collections)
Memorised every word to every song on High School Musical
Once travelled to Scotland for a special perfume that only delivers to Scotland. He came back the next morning and no one noticed.
Once had a job as a professional photographer and was really good at it. Accidentally photographed the wrong person who was head of a criminal organisation. He was fired for exposing the corruption bc ✨Gotham✨. He took them down later that night as Red Robin. Now peruses photography as a hobby.
Tried to make popcorn in the oven because what? Ovens are like microwaves that don’t spin right? Almost burned the manor down and has a lifetime ban from cooking. Though you could argue making popcorn is not cooking
Is lactose intolerant
Drinks strawberry milk anyway (it’s his favourite)
Once choked on a cranberry so is now banned from eating cranberries. Alfred will cut the cranberries in half if Tim is so desperate to have some.
Face-planted in front of Wayne Enterprise CEO & ambassadors on his way to his first meeting
When he’s happy and having a good day he’ll smile constantly. Not a casual hey how you doin kind of smile, but a I’m glad I’m here with you kind of smile. (Young Justice members have seen this the most and it puts them all in a good mood)
He has a huge heart and cares so much about the well-being of others probably more than he cares about himself. He may not physically show it how Dick does, but he’ll send his family memes or pictures of baby animals or of their special interests when he feels something is off or that they are upset. They always appreciate it.
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mxescargot · 8 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
eren (she/her): micheal's classmate.
haru (they/she/it): your average edgy 14 year old.
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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rayylock · 2 years
tell me some of your dangerverse hcs!
alrighty ! i’m gonna section them off so that it’s easier to read .
henry danger ( kinda leaks into df sorry lol ) :
- ray is a trans man . captain man says trans rights fr .
- schwoz is trans too . he’s weird enough i don’t think i need to put him through more shit through future hcs ( affectionate ) .
- henry does NOT become a complete asshole in dystopia . i’ve seen one too many fics showing he does and he did not spend his entire childhood being somewhat of a moral compass to do a complete 180 . he is a dork who says he’s in a band but immediately backtracks because he knows lying is pointless and giggles when complimented , all in canon .
- charlotte , robot enhancements and all her glorious self , doesn’t become president , but becomes a prosecutor of the law instead . after her gap year in dystopia , she realized how corrupt the system is everywhere , not only in swellview . she is now studying criminal justice in harvard :}
- jasper has a major glow up . not a hc just a fact . he also learned to fight outside of sleeping so he could react faster without having to wait to be konked out by the gum .
- kris and jake hart do their own thing now , but are still married . they came to the conclusion that even though their kids are out of the house they would still eventually need a support system . by they i mean kris . they both also still love each other , but aren’t in love yk ?
- after graduating from uni and having felt success from her social media fame , piper moved back to swellview to help track down villains , and mika appreciates the extra help , because it turns out piper is actually really good at doxxing people . i will not elaborate . oh and also she scares ray so she got him to actually pay the df kids lmao .
danger force :
- mika is a bi trans girl . deal with it .
- chapa is nonbinary and still uses she / her . she’s also aromatic but is open to queer platonic relationships !
- miles is unlabeled . we love that for him , truly a king .
- bose is bi because have you seen him ??
- chapa always carries a taser to she can get away with zapping people outside of fighting crime without raising suspicion .
- when miles first started randomly teleporting everywhere , he was overwhelmed by the constant change in everything that he had to teach himself how to calm down , and now he’s excellent at teaching and helping others calm down .
- after joining df , they would all train together , and one day while training , ray threw a ball at bose and he started lightly crying . he caught it , he just was happy crying because he never got to play the whole father - son catch cliché game .
- mika used to go out into the desert to practice her super screaming , but after a while she started fainting during the day , so now she trains in one of the many rooms in the man’s nest that has been renovated by schwoz to be soundproof .
- as much as ray misses his original kids , in one of his rarest mature moments , he realizes that he shouldn’t compare them . he also decides to be more careful with them than he was with henry , causing that whole “ no powers = no crime fighting “ situation in canon . he can’t risk losing more of his kids , especially so young .
- I LIED MORE SCHWOZ . when the df kids lost their powers , schwoz didn’t sleep until he came up with an antidote he thought would work based on the gas clown’s gas . when it didn’t work he was devastated , but he wouldn’t show the full extent of it . he knew it would effect the kids and he knew he could try again . the following days he spent in his lab , running on illegal caffeine , and eventually passed out from exhaustion . mika found him and put a blanket over him that miles made , having wanted to apologize for how unfair they were being towards him , because after all , he’s only human .
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