#yk theyre rusty.
Damion Lowe's goal versus USA – CONCACAF Golf Cup Grp. A – Round 1 – June 24, 2023
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vollerey · 1 year
there are two types of people when talking abt certain listeners and i need to confess. cut bc of rant
half of the listeners get mischaracterized?? like.. dude. i understand they arent AS readable as the whole cast because they dont have a voice and you have to base ur picture offa the limited shit, i get it!! but. darlin’.. isnt just a ‘violent loner who cant stop getting into fights’. darlin from what i can understand doesnt go willy-nilly into fights left and right— they fight when they decide to, like when their sense of justice is being pushed (ex: quinn and the person @ the bar.) from the quinn shit, he attacked their friend so obviously darlin’ is going to run their shit at him for the sense of right being pushed.
saying that theyre only going to get into fights and not be chill for (ex: the summit) is just only putting the characteristic in the spotlight and ignoring how darlin can go without fighting?? they can go without fighting and violence, we’ve SEEN THIS. i get it, shits and giggles that theyd probably fight everyone I UNDERSTAND. but people believing that darlin isnt just a person that fights whenever they feel ina corner or whenever the wall is there. i wanna honestly express my mixed opinions for ‘tank’..
its just describing darlin’ as what they ‘are’ in a sense, they act like the big bad wolf to protect the people they love even if its a sacrificial journey. thats what they—in a simple.. way—are. im no analyst or whatever considering i havent listened to the playlist in abouta a few weeks and am rusty onnit. so.. yk. anywho, i mean tank is FINE like its.. whatever? its the fact that darlin’ gets so tangled into an image they roughly arent based off misunderstanding by people is funny to me, imo.
this goes out to other listeners that if anyone wants to suggest i look over & rant about just reblog or use my ask. thank you, sorry for the rant.. lol.
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
oh theres also a team of 3 scientists dead-set on getting the tiger-hybrid kid in a lab to study him. theyre not like. insane about it but yk, a job's a job. except the grandpa of the group. he's got a few screws loose and would be delighted to do a full on dissection of everything. the other 2 are just kinda staring at him and going like "dude. whatthefuck that thing is like. 6. let it go back to the woods????"
~ rusty
Well, it's a good thing no mortal can find Iriecester unless a Yonuthia teleports said mortal to Iriecester. Which no one will teleport those three to Iriecester, especially since they too would be subjected to be dissected.
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silly personal update on the dude and other heartbreaking things
so, he's back with his girlfriend and that explains a lot of things. which is fine, i like her, she's nice.
anyway, talked to my friends about the thing he told me when i graduated and everyone agrees in two things: i should let go for real now, it's clear he thinks im gonna be here forever and that im gonna forgive him for everything because i have feelings for him. but i shouldn't, i'm better than that, really, and im so done with him treating me like the side plate. one dude even said 'man, youre so dick drought and you havent even seen it' and that hurt as fuck.
then there's the "im upset bcs you didnt let me know you finished your career". everyone agrees he was so mean for throwing that out like if i owed him something, and its so unfair that im worried about what he feels when im right between graduation and my birthday, this is supposed to be my week (and i have amazing friends who've actually cared about it and even took me out to dinner and a disney concert to celebrate).
on the other hand, my friends also told me i should go out more, bcs since the pandemic and the second career i have barely even had time to breathe, and i got super rusty on my social skills, which is lame. i used to be super flirty every time i went out to party, and the truth is i havent felt desired for years now, i miss that, and im not ugly, yk?
on the other hand, yes i do want to go out and have fun, but i also miss feeling loved, and having a meaningful connection with someone. lately ive been having dreams about my ex from california, and that just makes me more sad.
last night i dreamed they came to my city and i introduced them to my friends, we were in line for some concert and we were so happy, i was teaching them spanish and we even talked about what the they/them pronouns would be in my language, that was nice.
im not saying i would like to go back to them, bcs i bet theyre better without me and also i should definitely get over that already, but those kind of dreams do keep me longing for what couldve been or what i would like to feel again.
so yeh, thats the update on the heartbreaking things, i guess.
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everyone saw my Twitter Gave Me Mfers To Draw post so i am now doing the same thing here
tumblr may you please gimme charas to draw thanky
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i’m finally reading the mahua chapters after 195 and what the HELL is all this these damned siblings are going to make me cry again. forget the fact that i’ve already consumed these scenes in different adaptations they kill me everytime.
shijie! in her wedding robes! looking absolutely gorgeous! jzx that lucky bastard oh my god. wwx’s adorable lil smiles! he’s happy for his shijie! complimenting her beauty! and jiang cheng! lovingly teasing his jie! mockingly toasting his shixiong’s goth street nickname! as every sibling should! there’s soup! there’s a wen ning! they look so happy! and then-!
and then i read chapter 205.
and then i read chapter 208.
fuck this shit i didn’t need my heart anyway
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timothystohker · 3 years
i want to hug every single follower/mutual i have on this account
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rredbirdii · 3 years
some of my winged dsmp!quackity hcs + doodles
its 1am again and i ahve 2 english assighnments that i need to do buit this is more important
[the names are all dsmp!characters, and not their actual ccs :] ]
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-the wings he has are kinda inspired by yellow warblers and yellow canaries [cus duck wise its only chicks that have "yellow" wings]
-they're tattoos that turn into actual wings, so usually he doesn't wear them and they don't show at all [so that's why not many ppl know he has wings
-the tattoo looks like something painted on, and its really pretty, with golds and yellows all blended into his skin
-super intricate and delicate looking but at the bottom of the tattoo it looked like someone had smudged the paint and made it dull and drabby
-only a few people actaully know he has wings [eg, schlatt, charlie]
-charlie accidentally walked in on quackity one night by complete accident tho lmao[5-7]
-mans just accidenatlly gooped up shit and so charlie went to quackity to ttell him and so charlie went in while quackity was loooking at his wings
-plus charlie kinda knew trhat quackity "flew" onto the restuarant that charlie was in
-quackity showed schaltt first at the start of their manburg era [when they were together?? kinda?? or at least engaged or smth??] since they were president n vice president and quackity trusted schlatt [oooouh bboy that was a mistake]
-schallt kinda grabbed them and like inspected them a bit?? he just was super rough with them which caused a few to break and [obviosuly] hurt quackity and then schlatt was like this shits disgusting
-this caused quackity to hide them away and pretend he didn't have them at all
-quackity was okay at flying but then after a long time of hiding it away and keeping it a secret he was a lil rusty [not to mention he hadn't properly waited for his feathers to regrow either]
-alos schlatt had really fucked them up so even if his primaries had regrown back they wouldn't be the same anymore
-karl and sapnap had seen his tattoo but quackity didn't tell them they were wings, so they had just assumed that it was just a cool tattoo or something [quackity was going to tell them after he had built las nevadas but then,,, y,,yk what happened,,]
-they asked about the bottom part of it and quackit just said schlatt had done something to it and then they didn't pry too much
-he doesn't hate his wings but after what schlatt had done he was super cautious and stayed on the safe side by leaving them in their tattoo form
-in addiiton the night after techno had scarred his face, he was super fucking pissed and he had stress plucked a bunch of his feathers out in rage, but then after the anger had left him, he was left with a pile of feathers and a pair of sore wings
-after that he stopped taking care of his wings and just ignored them
-he cant rlly fly anymore due to lack of practice and slightly broken wings[due to the miscare by schlatt and the ripping out done by himself] but he can kinda glide[but tbh running would be quicker than him flying thouhg]
-its a bit of a pain tho and plus he has to get clothes that have back openings and its just overall a bit of a nuisance for him
-he sometimes cradles his wings and pretends that theyre sapnap and karl [4]
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taejimin · 8 years
hey jess i was wondering if you have read or seen around any analysis of jimin's lie choreography? i'm so curious especially after i read your (gay) thoughts on lie and stigma. i really want to see someone who understands dance analysing that choreo. there's a part in the choreography where all the backup dancers put their arms on jimin until he disappears under them for a sec and then they lift him up. idk shit abt dance i'm not an artist or anything lol but that shit sure seems v. symbolic yk.
oh i havent!!! id rly love to tho if u see one send it my way! but my friend and i talked about it a bit and mostly just came to the conclusion of: gay but yeah theres alot of pieces to the choreo that are certainly symbolic of something. like the one u mentioned, and when he gets lifted up, and when he pops up with the blindfold and then yanks it off (NOW THERES SOME SYMBOLISM!!!!!!!!!!) but yeah someone who knows more about this kinda stuff really should write up one id fuckin love to see it
jk lemme try im pulling this outta my ass but
the part where he shows up in the middle with the blindfold on and then he yanks it off is rly…………….cuz ok like. to my understanding, in bst. the whole ‘covering your eyes with your hands/blindfold’ theme was something to the effect of like….being shielded from temptation/sin? like see no evil u know. and in the video when someone’s eyes were being shielded it was like the others shielding them from the temptation and stuff? so when in the first seconds of the video when yoongi covers jimin’s eyes and it transitions to him pulling his hand off its like. him embracing temptation? or something like that my thoughts on it are a little muddled. SO in the context of the choreo, pulling the blindfold off himself is like. hes choosing to embrace the temptation of sin which���……………………………….lmao theres my official gay symbolism two cents
also i think the him being carried by the men is supposed to be like…christ symbolism like. martyr symbolism u know?? i havent taken an english course in a while so im rusty as shit but i think theres something there?? which more biblical symbolism no surprise
and theres a point right before that where more backup dancers crawl onto the stage and slowly surround him and i think thats like….idk im terrible with explaining myself but like the way they move is very…demon like?? idk how to explain it like but that could be more like. succumbing to sin type stuff. 
in the scheme of all of this and how its gay tho, the concept of lie and his choreo (as well as bst and stigma hey-ooooo) have had biblical references which could be prettyyyyyyy easily connecting to queer coding. like historically references to sin/temptation/etc have had sexual connotations but with the lyrics of lie and bst and stigma it rly points to the whole ‘gay=sin and also im having trouble resisting this type of sin’. which isnt a bad thing im not calling them a bunch of homophobes but in the context theyre using (being a biblical context) naturally the whole gay=sin thing will come up. plus hey its a rly easy way to make something gay w/o explicitly saying it. just talk about temptation~~ and stuff and the str8s will believe anything they want (apparently some thought stigma was about tae sleeping w/a married woman which LMAO laugh with me pls) but anywho. theres my 2 cents. lie choreo = gay. (but also the song itself plus stigma plus bst plus all of wings and ynwa pls lmao lets be real)
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