citruslullabies · 5 months
Hear me out for a minute (this is not a request):
Cooper and Lucy have two very different love languages, and it's a lot to adjust to
So you'd just feel a firm hand on your hip keeping you pressed up to your cowboys side like you're some trophy, and a gentle hand holding yours with the occasional kisses from Lucy
Cooper lets you borrow his hat and actually stops and takes breaks for you (ofc with the occasional comments like "now sweetheart, we haven't got all day" or "if you keep slowing us down like this, well, I'll give you the choice to stay or be dragged by that pretty hair of yours") and Lucy is more than happy to wait, scolding Coop for his comments and just showering you in love and praise every night when you guys settle down for camp
UGH I love these two
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ghcstao3 · 9 months
ykw. the ghost comics have him telling his story to a bunch of ukrainian school kids so i would presume ghost speaks ukrainian (or russian) and im thinking. how about his family is ukrainian, or at least part of it
it’s not overly present in their home life—ghost’s english father isn’t one for the culture—but ghost’s mother makes sure he and tommy always at least have the language, so if ever afforded the opportunity, they could really experience everything she’d had to leave behind in her wonderful home country.
and language ends up being one of the few things that keeps ghost and tommy’s relationship from ever completely falling apart, even when it is only holding on by threads. it’s what helps them to find common ground when ghost wants to get his brother sober and mend what’d been left broken by their father.
years down the line, language is what keeps the new brotherly bond between them strong. it’s always fun to use to gossip—at some point ghost gets inducted into a knitting group of babushkas with all the drama, one time on leave—and it’s a piece of their mother to remember her by after she’s passed. it’s something necessary to teach joseph, tommy’s son. it’s something to be proud of.
and when ghost eventually brings soap home—language is something to speak with his brother in hushed tones about all the things he admired about johnny without the man ever being privy to it. because ghost doesn’t know if he’s ready to confess those feelings just yet. language is what tommy then uses to tease his brother about his crush and urge him to get on with it, it’s clear that soap feels the same way.
i don’t know. I don’t know. just a little thought worm
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zootzbootz · 4 months
ykw fuck it. putting my mudkip ramble here rrghhhhh
cw for murder (fictional) also spoilers for typomaniac and rare candy below the cut
starting off with his speech around the beginning of typomaniac. or inner monologue rather.
"Motivation. There's that word I've come to love so much during my existence. And a word I probably don't even understand. Look at this guy. Trying to sympathize me with his life story. What will motivate me to care? Key words, connections? I dunno. I'm not even sure why I'm here in the first place. But it'll never get a word out of me. Not to talk is not the smartest thing to do, they could jump to conclusions, and then haul me off to prison. Or send me to the chair! Whatever, I don't mind. What motivates me not to talk? I don't know, what motivates the Pokemon around me to talk? I'm not listening to him, HE even knows that. What motivates everyone here to try to get an answer?! But, what really motivates someone not to do anything at all? Is it the food they eat? The crap they watch? The job they work? The life condition they're in? Sometimes, that's not even the case, if you ask them yourself, they probably won't even know the answer! Hey, I don't even know what motivates me to do what I do. You see, I'm a scientist. I dissect Pokemon to see how their bodies work. Is it the fascination I get to see how everything is put together? Or is it the thrill killing these Pokemon, because they're usually mostly the ones I hate. It's okay, it's all for the research!
Look at this, got this guy's element of power! The power we aren't even allowed to FRICKEN use because it's against the law! What motivates one to follow the law? You can get away with it, if you're smart enough, like me. But like I said, I don't even know why I'm here. It isn't about the hundreds of Pokemon I dismembered. NOPE. What, do you think I'm lying to you? What would motivate me to lie to you?! come up with your OWN conclusions! But what would motivate you to care? You don't know me personally. Motivation is just a part of our lives. It helps us to do stuff, and it helps us to NOT to do stuff. Looking around me, I can see a lot of Pokemon lack motivation.
Except for one... Which is the reason why I bring up these sort of questions, and it's the reason why I bring up this story”
during this monologue he claims not to know what motivates him to do what he did- to kill those pokemon. but typomaniac *SHOWS* us his motivation. and rare candy further confirms it.
see, mudkip only has one friend. *one* , and he doesn't have parents either. he's around 12-13 and living completely on his own.
that one friend in question, being chespin. and it's incredibly obvious that chespin is somebody mudkip cares DEEPLY about. and possibly admires. as chespin is an incredibly positive and GENUINELY kind person. he *seems* annoying and clueless but it's shown multiple times as well as outright stated (by MUDKIP no less) that chespin is probably more intelligent and observant than most of them are.
meanwhile, mudkip himself seems to be.. rather pessimistic. he's typically quiet. doesn't tend to talk a lot outside of situations he deems necessary or when he's alone with chespin.
when fennekin comes into the picture- mudkip is INCREDIBLY jealous right off the bat. at first, I thought it was because he was afraid of his ONLY friend being taken away. finding someone better than him. but I firmly believe that's not the case. I feel like, honestly ... mudkip would have been just fine with fennekin being friends with chespin. or even being friends with fennekin himself had he managed to push past the jealousy. but that's not the reason he wanted her out of the picture. the REAL REASON was a fear he had- which was fennekin *hurting* chespin. physically, emotionally, mentally- it didn't matter. he's seen his best friend get BULLIED RELENTLESSLY by the majority of the other students at their school. save for a small select people. he's seen him get treated horribly. so of course his automatic assumption would be that he's getting used.
now.. skipping ahead a bit to rare candy. when mudkip is in prison. they're trying to make him talk- to get him to demonstrate how he's able to remove pokemon's elements while keeping them alive. dr. sylveon ends up threatening chespins life right in front of him- and keeping chespins life on the line becomes his ONLY motivation to give them the demonstration
and now.. here in lies mudkips exact motivation.
chespin was ALWAYS his motive.
he was the entire time.
even before mudkip was caught. it was always chespin. making sure he was safe, or at least alive- he was the only person mudkip feeled cared about him and the only person mudkip probably really cared about.
because even after learning mudkip was a killer. he STILL remained friends with him. he still visited him regularly in prison. he still showed him genuine kindness and compassion.
and I firmly believe him dissecting the pokemon was just something that came along with it. perhaps out of curiosity. or to give himself a more "interesting" or deeper motivation than just... trying to protect a friend.
he tried so HARD to keep chespin from getting hurt.
but it was mudkip himself who ended up hurting chespin more than anybody else did. (aside from Dr sylveon but like. tbh I'd argue what happened with chespin and mudkip would have hurt chespin MORE since they were FRIENDS.
and then after it's revealed chespin was the one who turned mudkip in. this fucking destroys him. his ONE friend. betraying him like this, especially since going to prison was his number one fear. the act in his eyes was unforgivable enough for him to outright tell dr. sylveon to make sure chespin sees him dying while being granted "freedom"
I'm normal about this series (lie)
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yamatossideboob · 18 days
ONE PIECE 1125 Spoilers!!
This week's cowerings from behind the sofa:
iirc thats the carpenter (?) who's the spit of another guy from pre-timeskip, that everyone assumed was the earlier guy which made Oda feel the need to clarify. aw man I hope he's found. Hi Yamato!!!
I feel like the Egghead Arc proper has ended as of last chapter, this to me is firmly in the inter-arc section of the OP cycle.
I'm gonna pretend that Lucci is convinced he *did* kill Stussy, he just doesn't know that this story is written by Eiichiro Oda.
So, during the Onigashima raid part of Wano, I was watching a GLR video, and he pointed out a writing device that Oda uses to subtly guide the reader's mind while they read a chapter, which is again used here: this scene where the vice-admirals are afraid of punishment from Saturn, and where he uses Haki to kill (?) Doberman, is here to get the ideas of PUNISHING FAILURE and ELDER POWER into our heads, so that the more important event that comes in a few pages isn't completely out of nowhere. It's micro-foreshadowing! It's subtle enough that your mind is primed for the next development without being alerted into expecting it. AND FUCK WAS I NOT EXPECTING IT
Also ykw that 200 YEARS AGO caption does the same thing, reminding us how not fucking human the Elders and Imu are. Putting the B in subtle, our Oda.
I hope we find out more about what happened with Emet that day. Did someone else who had the Nika Fruit activate Emet, or was it leftover juice from the Joyboy days?
a lesser appreciator would seeth and cry at York doing a stupid thing like this when she's already more or less won. I, however, benighted and worldly as I am, understand well that one can be equal parts genius and buffoon at the same time 😏
man Oda is just really laying on the fake-out deaths this chapter huh. I feel no need to revise this statement to anticipate future developments, not at all.
i've already said as much, but the fact that the Satellites are digital and robot in nature makes the fake-out easier to forgive. At least Edison & co surviving allows for this new little twist on the gameboard to occur, so now we have yet another Vegapunk causing anti-WG havoc later. And we'll see the Weatheria geezers again!
man I cannot wait for this entire wretched class to be extinguished.
goddddddddddddddd. As soon as Garling showed up I knew it would be serious business. Just HOW serious I did not yet know...
my brain was SCRAMBLING for a split second reading this, trying to remember which Elder was S&D Dept. I thought it was Mars immediately bc he's visibly shook, but then I realised NAH SATURN IS COOKED ISNT HE
Being less facetious, the quickly mounting dread I felt reading this sequence was something I hadn't felt since seeing Saturn transform for the first time earlier this year. How time flies...
This is genuinely terrifying, and fascinating for its story implications later on.
Like, what do we know now? That no one, NO ONE, is safe from Imu, that even Stars can die (heh), that the Elders' diabolical powers are far more transactional than expected, and that even this power has constraints? Much to think about!!
Plus, the vice-admirals must surely have less faith in their exalted leaders, after Doberman's maybe death, and witnessing one dying from a Faustian bargain gone fucked up. This plus Akainu's frustrations with the Celestial Dragons... I think patience with World Nobles will soon reach its limit...
and FIGARLAND FUCKING GARLING!!! This makes his late-game intro make so much more sense now, if he was going to be this big a player in due time. Even the knowledge that a character exists can lead to speculation, and this fandom can be clever indeed. Saving Garling only for when necessary made this twist hit as hard as it did... Oda fucking blindsided us babes. Kudos.
Also yeah I'm not even going to joke here, Saturn is DEAD. I'm glad Oda got those earlier fake-outs out of the way earlier, this helped this demise hit harder too lmfao. and fuck, what a way to remind us what a threat Imu really is, I was chilled by this.
ykw it makes sense that the Vegas had spare parts laying around. I hate this though bc when me and my OP bestie was discussing this chapter, she accused me of wanting to "Scrooge McDuck dive into a pile of headless robotiddy York torsos", and I was furious bc she was completely right lads.
Koala taking notes, gwan gerl use that literacy
I love that the RA are taking this new information so seriously, and considering the possibilities in such a clearheaded manner. I need these guys to make a big splash in the final war, and most of GET READY EVERYONE BECAUSE MONEY D. DRAGON IS FINALLY ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING! MAYBE!
No but fr things are going to get worse before they get better and its going to hurt, bc Oda's writing this and we're about to see old locations and past friends duke it out for whatever scraps they can muster before FLOOD 2 FLOOD HARDER hits. This won't be pretty friends 😥
But that's a problem for the next arc, as now we'll probably do a quick round robin and see how everyone else is doing before we commit to Elbaf. New chapter in 7 days! See ye all there nakama! 💪✖️
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dutyfwee · 9 months
Saw someone on tiktok say that Gale was supposed to be liked by the reader until ykw in Mockingjay.. I could be biased as I already know what happens, can already see how every move he makes and every word out of his mouth all is part of his final state of development, however I don’t think Gale was ever to be favored over Peeta, at least by me. On a level outside of subtext and the metaphorical things he and Peeta both represent, Gale was never going to be the one in either the movies or the books. I think thats especially obvious after his line saying that killing animals and humans are the same thing to try and comfort Katniss about the games; he surely meant that both are a necessary means of survival, but it perfectly reflects how he forgoes or completely lacks the empathy and nuance that makes any conflict or struggle more than just violence for the sake of it. To not feel even for a fleeting moment the soul crushing guilt and sorrow from taking a life, any life, is a mindset that fundamentally contradicts Katniss and what she needs to grow and heal throughout the entirety of the books. She doesn’t want to kill, and is haunted by every death around her, foe or ally, because shes intelligent, emotionally so, enough to see that environment is the main determining factor of worldview, and the real enemy has and always will be Snow.. not those who have been coerced or frightened into supporting the Capitol, but him alone and those who are in the positions to strip their rights to begin with. Gale had far too much rage, his soul tainted by bitterness, and in the end was ready to do anything for revenge- even killing someone he loved, the sacrificial lamb he fought for in the past, for he was blinded by the ends and not the means of achieving it.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
It’s unbelievable how much we are on the same wavelength LMAO YOUR HAIR GEL JOKES ALWAYS HIT I LOVE THEM Keep rambling on because it’s truly doing wonders blessing my feed!!
But ALSO OMG YEAH THE EPINAGI PINKIE THING HAD ME ROLLING LMAOOO Tbh I’m also not much of a reonagi shipper so I feel you! Movie def felt a bit rushed though I’m glad they added in some cool Nagi scenes!! His aura in the movie was sooo pretty I loved how they did that but YEAH MY DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN WE DIDNT GET CRUMBS OF THEIR MATCH AGAINST KARASU AND OTOYA??? I guess it was pretty recent in the epinagi chapters but I was fr hoping for more scenes with them T-T I was actually kinda just comparing it to the recent spy x family movie too and you can definitely notice some of the less refined moments in parts of the animation haha….overall I like how they explored a bit more of Nagi fs but it kinda makes me want another installment of the movie that’s less rushed and includes more of the actual epinagi content instead of only the parts that overall with the main series…I mean as a Nagi fan too I’m not really complaining much bc hey, more Nagi screen time! Considering the speed in which they got this out I won’t complain too much about the quality though I still think it was a good watch for Nagi and BLLK fans in general lolll
Ok but I think they chose Karasu’s va sooooo well like it fits him perfectly which I’m really happy about but THAT ADDITIONAL TIME CLIP I feel like the art is always a bit crunchy for those I kinda died at the close up on Karasu’s face there but ykw I’ll take it it’s Karasu so…
I LIVE FOR WEIRD LITTLE FREAK CHILD HIORI OMG that epinagi scene where he looks like that balled up watery eyed hamster meme thing (I hope you get the ref bc I’m not sure how else to explain LOL) I loved the light novel references in remember going crazy when that chapter released with the whole stalking thing LOLL
LMAOOO 1 CM TALLER YUKIMIYA IM CRYING THATS GENIUS I completely forgot about that fact you thought this out so well!! Imagine he puts in extra hair gel or styles his hair a little differently to add even more height or something
KARASU LOOKS SO GOOD IN THE EPINAGI MANGA!!!! I know exactly which panel you’re talking about and it’s permanently living in my camera roll! I think the next chapter should be coming out relatively soon?? But I’m also so happy that we get to see more action from Karasu and Otoya!!! And ofc their interactions with Chigiri and Nagi too! (Actually when I first got into BLLK nagi was my fav HAHA it’s changed around a little bit but he still holds a special place in my heart so I feel that) The Chigiri Barou dynamic lately is also something I’ve been loving lately they’re so goofy as a rival duo it’s hilarious
LMAOOO I COULD HEAR JUSTIN BIEBER SAYING THOSE WORDS AS I READ THEM but THANK YOU AGAIN!!! I’ll happily eat up whatever work you throw out even if it’s not Karasu because there’s just something about your writing style that’s just so nice to read (Ngl I kinda stalked your page and read through your other works like Cherry Tree, Peregrine, White Butterfly, Pathways, etc. and honestly your writing has been just invading my brain throughout the day your work is just amazing (I almost cried reading White Butterfly too)) but also don’t forget to take care of yourself!! No rush at all I hope you enjoy yourself while writing everything!!! You never fail to deliver and I’m glad to have given an opportunity for you to write about Karasu!
- Karasu anon :)
P. S. That Rin art you reblogged jumpscared me so bad LMAOOO almost died laughing and nearly peeing my pants LOL Also sorry these are always so long I just noticed the last reply you sent needed to have the “keep reading” button in order to respond to everything I said oops lmk if you’d prefer I be more concise HAHA
omg YAYYAY i love that we agree!! the hair gel jokes are necessary unfortunately…the one manga panel in the pxg vs bm game where we see him from above and his hair forms a ninety degree angle HAUNTS me. how long does bro spent sculpting that 😭
THE PINKY THING WAS SO FUNNY PLEASE i cannot get over it like why did they add that in LMAOAO i feel like reonagi is one of those ships that i acknowledge is probably closer to canon than most but i just do not care about it. honestly i don’t really have any ships in bllk (except kunigiri a bit??) that i’m super into just because them being weirdos abt soccer is so much funnier than anything!! i’ve also never really been a big shipper in general w any show i watch so that could also be why. like i recognize they exist and idc what other people ship but me personally you’ll never see me pressed or championing one ship or another. for me romance is more of a route to character exploration than a be-all end-all which is why on the RARE occasions i read a ship fic it’s almost always for the most random rare pair — you have to understand characters super well to convincingly write them together when they’ve met MAYBE once on screen so those types of fics always end up being more interesting to me. overall though if i like a character i’m going to write my own stories abt them and i’m not abt to write them w someone else when i could write abt them being in love with me 🙄 HAHA
i love nagi’s whole sparkly death aura i think it’s super cool!! and the little vacuum sound effect whenever he touches the ball hehe they definitely made it so pretty in the movie. i wasn’t expecting karasu and otoya to pull up just because of how recently it happened in the manga but i was still sad because they just made the second selection a montage (although when rin pulled up with his dramatic ass theme i laughed tbh) 😔 like ik we see it in the show already but LET ME SEE IT AGAINNNN!! i think w bllk the good animation is REALLY good and the bad is…well it’s certainly smth!! but i agree it was a fun movie and watch if you already like bllk…i hope they eventually do release another one or maybe an ova or smth w the rest of the second selection from nagi’s pov i would love to see it on screen.
the additional times either have majestic animation (the aryu vs rin glam battle was like. oddly well animated i feel??) or they’re super crunchy and i fear tabieitaken got the short end of the stick this time around…hoping they don’t do them dirty in season two because those are two of the most handsome boys in the manga (plus otoya) so i will be heartbroken if they aren’t given justice. karasu’s voice actor is super good though!! i actually do think bllk (at least the sub, i haven’t watched dub so can’t comment on that) has hit the mark with va’s every time. they all sound exactly how i would expect them too so far and i can’t wait for more scenes w the newer characters!!
YESS IK WHICH HAMSTER YOU MEAN that’s exactly what he looks like!! i don’t feel too bad about slandering hiori in the fwtkac series because i wrote white butterfly where he’s the main interest so obviously i don’t hate him…plus fwtkac y/n is hiori’s biggest (and probably only atm) defender so it balances out (and technically all of his nonsense is literally canon KHLFJSJD his light novel is so funny!! why does he literally stalk karasu (me fr though)!! i feel like in the manga it seems like karasu’s interest in hiori is v one-sided but then you read the ln and you’re like oh…this guy (meaning hiori) is actually a little bit Not Normal…in the words of y/n “he was definitely a freak.”) his light novel goes the most into depth about karasu’s character (it’s almost as much abt karasu as it is about hiori) so i did a reread before starting fwtkac and that’s what made me include little references to it!!
I JUST CHECKED THEIR WIKI PAGES BEFORE WRITING THAT TO MAKE SURE IT WAS TRUE i honestly forgot which one was taller between the two of them but i had a sense it was yuki AND IT WAS DSLFKJ especially the fact that it’s only by one cm you KNOW that is karasu’s roman empire…tbf i don’t think that it includes hair because according to the wiki nagi is taller than barou but w the hair included i think they end up being about the same height?? though nagi does slouch a bit so that much contribute to it…imagine the hairstyle y/n makes fun of in the series is actually a different one than we’re used to and he only pulls up w the crow hairstyle while in bllk so he can feel like he’s taller than yukimiya HAHAHA
oh that panel will forever be famous in the hearts of all karasu stans…plus the ones of him in the latest chapter AHHHH that is one pretty boyyy. chigiri and barou are so unserious together i honestly love how chigiri is characterized in epinagi!! he’s so much sillier than he is in the main manga. omg so i actually started the show because of rin and then when i first started watching i really liked kunigami?? i was pretty lukewarm on nagi during his first appearance and then i noticed myself rewatching his scenes in the team v vs team z match and i was like oh no…then he was in the second selection and it went downhill from there and now he’s my stupid dumb squishy boyfriend who i love sm 🥹 omg who are your favs now?? besides karasu ofc 😏
PEOPLE KEEP SAYING THEY ALMOST CRIED TO WHITE BUTTERFLY IS IT REALLY THAT SAD??? i had fun writing that one though it felt very whimsical and dreamy which fit hiori imo…omg peregrine i need to get back to working on it hehe i love nagi and reo in that fic!! the boys of all time fr 💖 thank you so much though you’re too kind 🫶🏻 i do enjoy writing a lot!! i’ve been pretty bored this summer so i’m glad that my milestone event could line up with me having sm free time…although honestly just by doing requests i’ve gotten so many new followers that i might have to do another event soon 😭 i actually really like having them open though!! i think i’ll probably leave them closed for a bit while i finish up the existing ones and work on some of my own ideas but i might open them up just for bllk again in the future because everyone’s ideas are sm fun and i love meeting new people through them!! plus i get to try writing for new characters…like realistically i never would’ve written for sae hiori or even isagi and kaiser without people requesting for them but some of those requests ended up becoming my fav fics i’ve written so far!! we will see though hehe no promises atm but like i said i’m always open to thoughts and if inspiration strikes then i won’t say no 🤩
PLSSSS THAT RIN FANART HAD ME DYING that’s who rin is to me!! he is an emotionally unavailable little weirdo SKLDJFLKJS i think a big reason why i don’t really like rin that much is because his fanon characterization is so different from the type of character i like that i’m just meh abt him. actual canon rin is one of my favs though he’s sooo funny and such a loser but i CANNOT engage with 90% of media abt him because i’m just sitting there like He Would Not Say That. ofc characters are open to interpretation though so i will never slander someone for writing him how they want to but i am afraid that the rin who exists to me and the rin who exists to the world are very diff characters entirely
NOOO dw i love getting long asks!! i add the ‘read more’ so that people who want to lurk on my blog don’t have to scroll through a bunch of my nonsense chattering to get to things like my writing/the majestic fan art that i reblog but long asks are like my fav thing ever so please don’t restrain yourself!! i will respond to each and every thing you say with pleasure 🤞🏻
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thinkatoryx · 2 years
If you did a sequel fic to ykw exploring Roman/Lukas/Mencken I would be super into that. I’d be especially interested in Lukas/Mencken since they’re both their for Roman not out of interest in each other. There’s so much potential there. There’s Mencken having to deal with Lukas actually being a necessary and integral part of the relationship, there’s Lukas maybe feeling insecure because he’s not the primary. There’s Roman dealing with not one but TWO partners completely devoted to him. There’s also needing to keep it all hush hush because Mencken’s the fucking president.
Yeah, there's definitely something to this idea. It wasn't necessarily nice and sewn up at the end of YKW, but it was at a balanced point, which it wouldn't always be. Things developing between Lukas and Roman would have an impact, and Lukas and Mencken's relationship as a friendship (or whatever) would have curves as well. I think if I were to, it might be a Mencken POV, which is a weird thing to think about writing. It's not like I don't know the guy, though.
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thinkatoryprocess · 3 years
Roman for the aksgame pls! Canon and YKWniverse. If someone asked for Roman already, I'll take Stewy.
Roman headcanons (canon):
1) Roman watched a shocking amount of TV as a kid, especially 90s sitcoms, and has a STUPID fucking obsession with 90s family happy endings. He pretended his entire childhood to just be channel-surfing when caught.
2) Frankly, young Roman would've been over the fucking moon to have a normal family that would do a board game night. It's a fantasy he wouldn't even let himself really register.
YKW Roman headcanons:
1) The idea of hugging Shiv is both, like, entirely necessary and completely repulsive. He'll never do it, but he just tries to exude hug energy sometimes so she'll get it.
2) After a while, Aurora basically only listens to him. Mencken has a better shot than some rando to get her to do something, but she's Roman's dog.
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defenestrata · 6 years
Kisha + ykw questions 👀
why is this a daily routine. when will the government stop your sinful hands from sending me these ksksksksksksk
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
fairly long, maybe even forty-five minutes. she’s a meditative person who can probably keep herself entertained trying to recall things like song lyrics.
How easy is it for your character to laugh?
kisha has almost never laughed out loud in a solid holler more than twice in her life. But getting a chuckle out of her isn’t that hard. surprisingly, short zingers, puns and slapstick are what truly get her.
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
reading the medical journals that she should be reading for work. But those things can knock you out so goddamn quick, it’s amazing. either that, or rambling in her journals about nothing in particular.
How easy is it to earn their trust?
difficult. kisha is a private person who absolutely hates confiding in others. moreover, because she’s so professional and detached by nature, she doesn’t speak to others much about herself. therefore, to hear her deepest thoughts and secrets is really a privilege.
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
easy. do one thing that she doesn’t expect from you and her trust in you is gone forever, and you are wiped out from her psyche. good thing is that she may entertain an explanation, but you’ll have to be ready with a good excuse.
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
hey, she wants a carefree, healthy life without getting into trouble from the police. besides, laws are absolutely necessary to keep order. if you don’t like law, good, you likely live in a democracy, and can protest in a healthy manner. otherwise, don’t break the law unless you’re fine with everyone breaking the law.
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
everything to do with family. media remotely related to siblings will make her miss her own baby sister. a lot of things make her miss the days when she didn’t have to do taxes by herself. also, shitty fast food triggers memory of home cooking. nostalgia is not a good feeling. it makes her mournful and mopey.
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
child kisha was very shy, but also vaguely a prick. she had to be told consistently to be a little more outgoing and involved in school activities. she didn’t really take to sing-alongs and clay-modelling. also, for a long time, she had a mildly snobbish attitude, and didn’t make friends easily. just had to be softened around the edges a bit, be a little more considerate and flexible and enthusiastic.
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
well, back at home, she never did. now, in london, the habit is sort of growing on her. her first swear word was probably something along the lines of shit, and it probably made her super guilty when she did say it.
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
kisha doesn’t lie. she doesn’t like to. but in her line of work, she’s also relatively inexperienced with delivering hard truths to her patients (she’s a physical therapist). the worst lie she’s ever told in that context was to an old patient of hers, who was terrified of surgery, insisting that she wouldn’t need it. the comfort slipped out of her without much meaning. the patient got better, yes, but she feels terrible about it regardless.
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
she has no pride about asking. especially given that even the slightest gap in her knowledge leads to her having immense anxiety.
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
suffer. run to the nearest bathroom as soon as she can to get at it with some kind of string of toiler paper.
What colour do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that colour?
kisha likes to keep it simple and elegant, so she wears a lot of white and beige, without getting too wild with it. it’s a shame, because she looks really good in blues and greens.
What animal do they fear most?
kisha fucking hates anything that flies. birds, bats, insects, you goddamn name it. just, doesn’t trust anything that flies.
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
you bet that she will repeat a sentence in her head three times before she actually says it because she’s that scared of looking silly or incompetent. her style of speech is usually curt, eloquent, and to the point, without a lot of metaphor.
What makes their stomach turn?
the idea that she’s going nowhere. that her career doesn’t really contribute anything meaningful to people’s lives other than the fact that she’s helping just one or two individuals. in her, there’s a selfish desire to do something remarkable, give herself some purpose. Right now, she feels a little lost, losing her life in-between each workweek.
Are they easily embarrassed?
by others? no. but if she does something herself that’s in any way even slightly a little awkward she’s going to shrivel up and die inside.
What embarrasses them?
making mistakes, mostly. making factual inaccuracies. being put on the spot and interviewed about her personal life. talking about herself in general, to be quite honest. she doesn’t have a very clear picture of the kind of person she is. she cries if she has to submit statements of purpose to anywhere.
What is their favorite number?
maybe — 12? a pleasant enough number. It’s a multiple of one, two, three and four. Very aesthetic.
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
oof, you’re not asking the best candidate to answer. kisha would state that platonic love is more or less omnipresent in all positive relationships. platonic love for blood relations is the same as familial love, and romantic love means a best friend that you’re willing to marry and kiss and do all that sort of romantic stuff with. thinking about this would give her a headache.
Why do they get up in the morning?
bills don’t pay themselves. and, you know, the chance to help people yada yada yada. but the bills first. god, rent is expensive.
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
kisha has the capacity to be remarkably cold and controlling if she needs to be. she can be immensely vitriolic. if she’s jealous, which, incidentally, isn’t a very common phenomenon, she will become hypersensitive to the actions of people around her and majorly possessive of the object of affection, and become aggressive.
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
she takes a completely different approach to envy. genuine envy just makes her upset and causes her to have 11pm existential crises with silent and soft tears streaming down her cheeks about how there’s so much that she wants and will never have, like a stable, anxiety free life.
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
she’s pretty meh about sex, to be honest. she isn’t especially prudish but also not especially liberal on the subject. if she can be said to have any opinion at all, she thinks sex is a little overhyped in media.
What are their thoughts on marriage?
marriage is cool, but would be massively inconvenient given her current financial situation. so no thanks. besides, ya girl is way too busy to even date (trust me, she’s tried) so there’s no way wedding bells are ringing anytime soon.
What is their preferred mode of transportation?
bus. there’s a bus stop right outside her apartment block, aka god is real, and it’s a convenient way of getting most places — without being too packed with people on weekday mornings. as long as she starts early, she usually gets to work on time.
What causes them to feel dread?
the idea that she’s not really getting anywhere. the poor girl is stuck in a 24/7 existential crisis please save her. just, she wants so much more meaning from her life, but she isn’t able to really implement anything to change her life. she’s been stuck in a crap apartment for almost all of her adult life with no significant opportunities coming her way.
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
absolutely not. dealing with the truth is critical to growing up. so she’d like to give it as it is in theory. in practice she may just buckle once or twice, but she dislikes lying greatly, and isn’t even a good liar.
Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
hahahahahaha. not really. kisha isn’t even sure of what her ideal is, to be honest, she just knows that she’s got a pretty long way to go to get there. this existence of bill to bill doesn’t cut it.
Who do they most regret meeting?
lowkey? her roommate, melanie. if she didn’t contribute half of the rent, kisha would’ve booted her out three years ago. she’s almost never home at night, doesn’t help in cleaning up and/or cooking, and fawns over her boyfriend all the time. of course, her leaving would cause more problems than her staying, but what do you do. good thing she leaves later in the plot :) she also lowkey regrets meeting erich because let’s be honest she could have had better things to do than ward off an organised crime unit.
Who are they the most glad to have met?
jamie. at first, she was the biggest thorn in kisha’s side, just showing up at her workplace one fine day and asking for mentorship. kisha had agreed pretty much instantly, out of general social pressures, but truly wanted her to leave in a week. soon, jamie became important to her — a massive help in warding off social anxiety and general dread.
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
she has stories about her old school because it was lowkey pretty wild with its traditions and stuff, but she never really participated in them as much. it doesn’t diminish the value of the stories in any way.
Could they be considered lazy?
never. no. if she isn’t doing something meaningful one every six hours she’d die of boredom and nervousness.
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
impossible. kisha is probably the most moral character I have, she’s really committed to doing what she believes is the right thing, and doesn’t believe that the end justifies the means. therefore, anything she does that conflicts with her moral compass will make her guilty for a super duper long time.
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
yes, if she’s genuinely excited. fake it if she’s not, which she’s good at. the trouble is that she’s also relatively quick to see problems in people’s plans and ideas — but she wouldn’t dare say them out loud; it’s just gonna fester in her head for the rest of eternity. on the surface, she’ll support them, and if it backfires later she will stay mournful and silent.
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
listen, a part of kisha is hoping so goddamn hard for a nice meet-cute on the subway or at work and everything to just fall into place and happen. then she can be happily married and in a stable job. but actually talking to cute people ?? skull emoji.
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
she just makes notes on her phone. it’s the twenty-first century, bud.
What memory do they revisit the most often?
christmas time memories, always. chelmsford would always be absolutely lit up, and there would be carollers, snow, her sister would be home, she’d be home, they’d have a great dinner, she’d get her sister all the presents she wanted from london. every year it gets better and better. she also has memories of certain patients that were really lovely.
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
difficult. she can find flaws in anything and everything. but she is level-headed enough (most of the time) to acknowledge a person as someone despite their flaws. someone valuable to her. however, when these glaring flaws come into play in interaction, she will take note of them.
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
oh, she thinks she’s super flawed. she’s not bold enough, risk-taking enough, charming enough, warm enough, fun enough, loving enough, smart enough. and she’s especially sensitive about these flaws if pointed out. her poor ass tries so hard to be unemotional but to be honest she’ll cry at the tip of a hat if you say the right thing.
How do they feel about children?
overrated germ sacks. there, she said it. dealing with kids gives her a plain old headache, and while she’d never ever hurt a child or even do anything to them that’s not an expression of care — she just doesn’t like kids that much. even her own baby sister really took a lot out of her.
How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
what is a goal. what is reaching. is anything real. i mean okay to be real she would not risk her stability and health to pursue her goals, which is probably why she hasn’t achieved very many of them at all.
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
she’d just say she’s straight. aside from the fact that she’s never had a crush in her life.
A) Why are you excited about this character?
she provides a kind of one sane man archetype to the rest of the plot, so in that way her dynamic in the larger setting is going to be fun. also, she has major chardev ahead of her. 
B) What inspired you to create them?
well, the need for a one sane man. also erich needed a therapist. no particular reason, i just wanted to write a determined, hardworking professional type of woman. 
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
nope, she fits in rather smoothly. i love her ; she’s my least problematic oc. 
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
i think she might be the only oc who’s appearance hasn’t changed much at all. she was a little shorter when she started i think, now she’s the tallest of all my ocs in this story. 
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
we’d be very good friends. in my opinion, she’s a pretty darn valid person to have on your side. smart, caring to a degree without being too emotional. just, a cutie. 
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
pride. she’s gonna do such amazing things in her life, and in the story. god bless.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
she’s so self-doubting and passive for the first half or so of the story. it’s her character so i can’t really fault her for not having a bigger role in the first bit but uggh she’s got potential she just runs away from anything risky. 
H) What trait do you admire most?
she’s the reasonable one. the person that sees through almost all of the bullshit and mind games the protags play with each other. the people on her team would be straight up be dead if not for her. also she’s just a cutie please. 
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
you know what i’m gonna say. 
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
mostly related to the roommate. her roommate sort of shapes her initial dislike for jamie in a way too. also i had to switch up a coupla timelines to make her story possible.
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