deathbydarkelves · 5 months
why has no one asked about Ylrith yet??? please tell us more about Ylrith
In all fairness, I don’t post about her that much. Mostly because I’m not currently working on any stories that directly involve her so she’s not in my brain as much. I LOVE her, I’m just more focused on the characters I work with more often lol
But basically: poly lesbian mob boss with a snake obsession
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She’s the head honcho of a centuries-old crime syndicate called The Gray Order. Ylrith (il-rith) herself usually goes by “The Gray Matron”, but her enemies have given her a plethora of other, similarly sinister names. By now, the Order has connections all across Azeroth, in most any faction worth a damn. The opening up of Kalimdor to the rest of the world was one of the best things to happen to her.
The Order specializes in smuggling drugs, weapons, and other illicit items, but Ylrith will ferry war refugees to safer lands too, and other such things. All she wants is money and more people under her thumb — if you have the money, or are willing to do a favor for her, she’ll help you do what it is you want done. Her trademark phrase isn’t “A favor for a favor, darling” for nothing. Of course, she’s a master of wordcraft, and often gets people to promise more than they think. She’s also got informants everywhere — brothels in the big cities, innkeepers, compromised city guards, and so on — and thus is master of blackmail. You go to her to discuss a deal, you say something she doesn’t like, and she’ll drop a detail about your life you thought no one else knew.
She also has an EXTENSIVE snake collection of species from all over Azeroth and even beyond. If we’re being realistic a lot of the money she makes goes into caring for them lmao she just really loves snakes <3 In fact I was leaning so hard into the snake thing I decided to just say she’s (the elf equivalent of) autistic because no neurotypical person could possibly be that into snakes KSBXBJD Which makes her my second autistic night elf, the first being Cathala 💜 Yet another win for lesbians.
The third key thing about her is the upper crust of the Order are all in a sapphic polycule. They use their powers of polyamory for evil (affectionate). Ylrith is also kind of(?) a “lesbian femme fatale type”. One of her favorite activities is fucking with the royalty of patriarchal cultures like humans by seducing the wives of powerful men and then helping them kill their husbands, the end result being Ylrith now has control over that piece of land at best, and that rich woman’s loyalty at worst. It’s enrichment for her.
Now for more art. This first one is her and her spymaster/favorite assassin/girlfriend Delphine Kaltel, a.k.a. The Serpent’s Fang. Originally Delphine had actually been hired to kill Ylrith but it was an enemies-to-lovers thing <3
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This one’s her and her blue dragon girlfriend Tyalagosa, who’s sort of her “court” mage, I suppose:
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(She has more gfs/people in the Order’s upper crust, those are just the only two I’ve named, designed, and drawn. One I have yet to draw is Evelyn Torvannas, another Nightborne. She’s the head of a fairly powerful merchant family in Suramar.]
One showing off her other tattoo:
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And her voice claim :) (Morrigan from Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Plus this dumb meme that sums her up perfectly imo:
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I also like to imagine she has the stupidest most cartoonish rivalry with Shaw lmao. She doesn’t see him as a threat whatsoever and loves toying with the funny little human man, while he fucking HATES her because she’s got her tendrils all up in the Alliance but always worms her way out of repercussions. WLW and MLM hostility.
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deathbypixelz · 2 years
"Ah, Delphine, how convenient. I was just about to send for you. I'm afraid our guest has made the mistake of abusing our hospitality. Would you be a dear and... escort them out?"
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(When POV tries to infiltrate the mob but they blew their cover and now they're getting taken out back to be stabbed in the neck 🥰)
((Also hey, first appearance of Delphine Kaltel, spymaster and Ylrith's most trusted assassin. And girlfriend.))
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the-broken-spear · 1 year
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Bracket F Round 1
Poll 1
Ylrith (@deathbypixelz) vs. Damon (@midnightsnackblog)
321. Ylrith (@deathbypixelz)
Her snake collection is vast and her strap is considered a lethal weapon in nine countries.
Lesbian dominatrix mafia boss elf <3
322. Damon (@midnightsnackblog)
I doubt they would [win] since I just created them a day ago
Demon feline with many eyes
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deathbydarkelves · 2 years
Someone asked me to do 2 and 4 from that music ask game so
2: Shuffle Your Playlist And Draw Whichever OC Fits What You Get!
I shuffled my driving playlist (which has the widest range of genres) and got Lone Digger by Caravan Palace. Conveniently, that’s already on Ylrith’s playlist so that was easy hehe
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At this point I think I'm just gonna say Ylrith is autistic because there's no way in hell someone could be neurotypical and get this much pussy like snakes THIS much 💀
4: Send Me Music That YOU Think Fits My OC
They sent me Sick of the Silence by Mother Mother. Good beat btw I'll definitely be adding this to the aforementioned driving playlist :P
This is definitely a Cathala song, like no question LMAO She's such an edgelord god bless (for good reason, granted). Take for example this line: "When I shut my eyes, it's a big commotion". The reason she doesn't meditate anymore is because she's afraid to; when she tried to the first few months post-Teldrassil, as soon as she got her head empty, images from that night would come back en masse so :( And then there's just the general theme of the song that's all about feeling stuck and like you're coming to a breaking point. As I said, no question 💔
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deathbydarkelves · 1 year
Forgot this format existed
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deathbydarkelves · 2 years
How things would be if we got dance studio and reality could be whatever I wanted:
Ylrith is the picture of absolute dance perfection. Twirls and flourishes and idk other dance words. Everyone golf claps at the end.
Cedryn doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing but goddamn if he isn’t enjoying himself and really that’s all that matters.
Tarinne hip thrusts. Like a lot. Like it’s sort of uncomfortable. Are you sure she’s sober? She is? Oh boy.
Cathala dances like this:
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deathbydarkelves · 2 years
I got bored at the family's house so I did the lesbians and the bard
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deathbydarkelves · 2 years
When Ylrith enters the room:
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
Modern AU Ylrith has a youtube channel where she posts genuine educational videos about the various snakes in her care including but not limited to ecology, proper husbandry, and genetics of various morphs. Some videos are randomly interrupted by SWAT/Interpol raids though and the camera swings around to the guys at the door and maybe there’s a glimpse of her body guards leaping into action. Then there’s a jump cut and she’s right back where she was talking about the same thing but in a clearly very different location, sometimes there’s blood and viscera on her clothing and it’s never acknowledged.
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
Do you have specific songs or a playlist you associate with your warcraft ocs?
I have "theme songs" picked out for all my main guys, and below the cut I'll link some youtube playlists of music I associate with them :) (plus one for Cathala and Tarinne as a couple)
Cathala: Ghostflowers by Otep, tied with Take Me to Church by Hozier
Cedryn: Wolves of the Revolution by The Arcadian Wild
Tarinne: Elverhøy by SKÁLD
Ylrith: Playground by Bea Miller (from the Arcane OST)
Cathala's playlist:
Cedryn's playlist:
Tarinne's playlist:
Ylrith's playlist:
Black Rain playlist:
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the-broken-spear · 1 year
"Another hand touches the beacon" but it's "another snake familiar joins Ylrith's unending collection"
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
Just had a conversation in the group chat about why my (two main) night elves are pink and this whole time I just... assumed? Believed? the vast majority of nelf ocs out there were pink/purple but looking through my reblogged art........... I'm in the minority????? help?????????? obviously people can design their characters however they want but wha. I wholeheartedly thought pink/purple was the most common. I'm seeing more grays and whites (not human white, like, the color white) though, maybe some very dark or very de-saturated purples here and there.
Are Highborne just a lot more common/popular than I thought??
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
I REALLY wish studios would stop giving all the characters in their fantasy shows/movies/games the exact same Not-British accents. It's fine for some to have it but please I'm so tired of it. and I need voice claims. I respect Hades as a game but it's a perfect example, because why do the GREEK gods have British and American accents. I KNOW accents are easier named than done, especially convincingly, but if Assassin's Creed can do it...
It's a small touch but I do think it really goes a long way in improving immersion and creating more memorable, distinct characters.
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Ylrith should get all your votes forever and here's why
1.) Her theme is Playground from the Arcane OST. Can’t get any better than that.
2.) She operates a criminal empire that spans continents. Smuggling drugs is how she gets all the money to give her snake collection the best husbandry possible <3
3.) She has soooo many girlfriends and kisses each one oh so tenderly every day. Some of them are just there to vibe in utmost luxury and some of them are her personal advisors, assassins, political contacts, and other stuff like that. Here she is with Delphine (left), her spymaster and most trusted assassin:
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4.) She has this sick tat:
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5.) One of her girlfriends is actually a dragon.
6.) She’s technically not a fighter but she does know a Fantasy Martial Arts thing that means she can paralyze people with a few jabs in their pressure points. She’s got bodyguards but some of those pesky would-be assassins are Sneaky.
7.) gay sex
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deathbydarkelves · 5 months
WRT your post on Ylrith, I'm not saying that autism and lesbianism go together brilliantly in night elves...
But, uh, I might need to write out a short "There's no way Maiev's neurotypical, even by elven standards" hypothesis
You’re so fucking right
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