#yoi olympics
yoi-olympics · 2 months
When I started this blog on a whim shortly before the Beijing Olympics I fully intended to get another event running for these next Olympics too.... LOL I DID NOT DO THAT.
Just watched the opening ceremonies and i'm going to quote @probablytoooldforthis and say that Viktor would ABSOLUTELY commentate these games and have a grand old time. "I speak French! They have to hire me!" He also would have cried about Celine Dion like we all did.
ANYWAY. My personal Summer Olys event is going to be a reblog fest of many other YOI things, so look forward to some more posts
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triptychgrip · 5 months
Several years post-canon: expanding Ice Castle into a Nishigori/Katsuki-Nikiforov skating academy
Chapter 16 of my married Viktuuri 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic is up! It was one of my favorite chapters to write, as it touches upon Yuuri and Viktor's long-term plans once Yuuri retires (after the 2022 Games): partnering with the Nishigoris to expand Ice Castle into a world-class skating academy.
If you've read/are in the process of reading my fic, you'll know that figure skating politics are a huge part of my story, specifically because of a non-doping related scandal that shakes up the 2018 Games and affects the figure skating community for years to come. This same scandal/its aftermath deeply influences Yuuri and Viktor to usher in change within the sport, emboldening them to think through how their/the Nishigoris' future academy could push an aspirational advocacy agenda forward.
Below is an excerpt from this latest chapter, which I hope piques your interest in checking this fic out, or my other Yuri!!! on Ice work.
“Yuuko and Takeshi are so invested in this vision we have, and they’re sticking their necks out for us a lot. I’m just glad that they’re also so passionate about the waves we’re hoping to make.”
Viktor nodded before taking a hefty bite of his own onigiri, evidently catching on to what he meant.
Even with the preliminary conversations they’d had with the Japan Skating Federation, the four of them knew that some of the core principles of their future skating academy might be a hard sell. However, they were ones that they refused to compromise on, given everything that had happened at the PyeongChang Games (and in the aftermath).
In witnessing the struggle that both Seung-Gil and Yura had undergone to break away from the Korea Skating Union and FFKKR, respectively, the Nishigoris and Katsuki-Nikiforovs were committed to prioritizing at least 4 slots – 2 for the Men’s division and 2 for the Women’s division – for Russian and Korean skaters that wished to skate independently of their federations. But in doing so, they were creating something of a headache for themselves: each one of these prospective skaters would need to find a way to completely self-fund their careers. As such, it would be more important than ever for them and their future staff to acquire some savvy when it came to sponsor recruitment and retention.
Along with this, in a dramatic departure from the way things are typically done, all four of them knew that they wanted their skaters to be well-versed in understanding the politics of the sport.
Though the realities were sobering, there was simply no way that he or his spouse would be able to operate in good conscience and send their Novices and Juniors off to their first ISU competitions without at least some semblance of understanding around how judging worked. Or rather…all the ways it didn’t work.
And by continuing to model the pathways to reform, they wanted their future students to feel empowered to be vocal when it came to ushering in change within figure skating.
The two other priorities he and Viktor decided on with the Nishigoris would be less difficult to garner support around, but even so, they came with their own respective bureaucratic hurdles.
In seeing the way Phichit had hustled to both make and maintain a name for himself in a sport so dominated by the big-name federations, they wanted to reserve at least two spots in their inaugural year for skaters attached to smaller name federations. Working out a fair selection “rubric” would be complicated, and they’d already begun to pick Phichit-kun’s brain as to how one might devise such a process to be the most fair.
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viva-el-belt-libre · 2 months
Different sports, but Rebeca Andrade not being able to read the scores without her glasses is so very Yuri on ice of her
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relenafanel · 2 months
A Yuri on Ice canon divergent fic where they’re both in the Olympic Village during the 2014 Winter Games and Yuuri is the guy going viral on social media due to his obsession with the chocolate muffins.
(With apologies to Norwegian swimmer Henrik Christiansen, who has been taking us all on a very amusing journey on TikTok)
Viktor, reigning champion of going viral on social media during the Olympics for (but not limited to): being an obsessive dog dad, being GORGEOUS, being friendly with everyone and showing up in the background of multiple parties, the orgy rumour (fake), the other orgy rumour (not fake but super overblown), winning two consecutive golds in 2006 and 2010, walking outside shirtless (it was 5 degrees Celsius so not even cold), and currently for being in many of the Sochi Games ads.
But then the tags are being taken over by this very cute man eating a choccy muffin and exclaiming it the best muffin ever, following that up multiple muffin videos set to popular references.
[audio: mmmm whatchu saaay. visual: Yuuri then shoving the whole muffin in his mouth]
And Viktor doesn’t know who he is but needs to find out.
(cue comedy of errors where Viktor keeps coming across this Yuuri
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instead of this Yuuri.
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Chris is less than 0 help because he keeps looking horrified every time Viktor asks and looking over at this Yuuri
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practicing like 5 feet away like ????? What the fuck Viktor.
And Viktor is spending way too much time in front of the dessert bar not to try the muffin at least once)
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yournowheregirl · 2 months
something something… olympic athletes steve and eddie testing how stable those cardboard beds really are after they both win a gold medal in their respective categories
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Things to read while Can You Hear My Heartbreak is on vacation #2
A Song of Fiery Birds and Endless Winter
“Why are you helping me?” Viktor was silent for a while. “Your skating makes everyone watching feel the love you have for this sport,” he then said quietly. “It has the power to revive a heart that has withered away. It’s what drew me to you.” What is he saying? Yuuri blinked, trying to process the words. “But I thought you love skating, Viktor.” Sochi, 2014 Figure Skating legend Viktor Nikiforov knows that these winter games will be his last, for not even the magic of the Olympics can melt the winter in his heart. Having just suffered an embarrassing defeat, anxiety-ridden Katsuki Yuuri scrapes together the pieces of his confidence for the men's individual event. Neither of them could have foreseen the sudden turn their stay in Sochi takes when Viktor watches Yuuri’s group practice. As the pair gets closer, Yuuri and Viktor realise that their encounter has brought to life more than new passion for the sport they love, and their Olympic dream is no longer the only dream they share. But what happens at the Olympics, stays at the Olympics—or so the saying goes.
Tags: canon divergence, alternate first meetings, Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, slow burn, depression, anxiety, Phichit is the most intrusive best friend, dorks in love, Vicchan lives
Words: 70,535, Chapters: 15
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Art by loadingbones. Posted with permission of the artist. Do not repost.
This story was part of the YOI Daydreamer Big Bang that, unfortunately, never banged. But I posted it anyway because me, my beta and my artist had poured so much work into the project.
If you love yourself a cute slow-burn that is a homage to the figure skaters that inspired the YOI characters and that handles mental health issues sensibly, this story is for you.
This is by the way the story that ended up on some anti-rec list because "Yuuri is a creepy fanboy". Please judge for yourself.
Reblog appreciated 💙💜
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arom-antix · 2 years
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I finally watched Yuri!!! On Ice.
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hazyletter · 3 months
where's the trophy? he just comes running over to me
There's not a lot of novels that Kei had read recently. Maybe two or three for the past two years, one introduced to him by Manager Shintani from the Sendai Museum, the second book for a series about an underground city and a Crown Princess getting thrown to the overworld because of his misgivings. The other two, surprisingly, from Tobio, but Kei thinks about it over and over, just imagining Tobio rummaging through bookshelves after Kei offhandedly mentioned about an e-book he'd been listening to for the past weeks and that familiar feeling inside of him is mystifying. Then again, when Kei thinks of Tobio, it only leaves him with a warmth that forgets itself to be removed from the thumping heart of his.
Meanwhile, their side of the story is one that isn't polished at best, but a rough diamond for the worst. And as Kei passes a streetlamp from the sidewalk he walks through, it leads him back to a memory of a barely adult Tobio, more awkward than he still is, beneath those yellow lights that could never contain the blooming roses on his cheeks, the same flowers held around his hands that shook from his nerves.
In front is a frozen Kei that forgets to exhale, forming smoke in front of his face as his chest continues to release beats aligned upwards on a monitor, and, oh, if only Kei had a camera to save a frame of Tobio covering his reddening face as he continues to stand there.
Tobio had muttered that midnight, easing himself but the flash of hurt is simply laid out from the tempo of his voice, "You don't... you don't have to accept it, just-" He sucks in a breath, before staring up, straight into the shocked Kei who kept blinking away the madness in front of him, but Tobio will be damnedㅡif madness is what it takes, then he's the craziest person this town has ever seen. "I mean it. I mean all of it. Ever since. And it's not just for today."
Kei is no better than his past, less prideful but still leaving his heart reserved for the same name over and over again just as he is reserved in another's.
It's easy from then on, after all the takeouts of a relationship Kei had ordered, filling the gaps after their fallout from graduation, but Kei has no time to dwell on such pathetic pages of the past, like a betrayal from the other side of a court's terrace, holding banners and now a too-small sweater worn away from time, just as Kei steps away from the cracking memories of the history of theirs that continues to be written.
Sliding through the crowd is no easy fit when expecting no attention, with how he is known himself even with the casual coat and turtleneck he wears from his looming figure, but the whispers flee around him nonetheless. He's familiar with gasps wrapped around his name, excitement of kids pulling on their parent's hand, but the buzzing of negativity around the defeat of his home is just on the other side of the coin, a mere transparent border separating itself from the empty air that opens from Kei's non-cancelling headphones that lets him hear all of it.
No matterㅡas the doors open for him and as Kei follows his familiarity and settles in front of a room that has important lines of calligraphy attached to it, and when his hand settles on the knob, it turns on its own and he is faced with the representative of his home.
The door is closed with a tightening hug around Kei's body.
And so the matches follow, and with every block and spike, the continuous back and forth to show that this is the real stage to play on, showcasing that only the strong and ambitious are placed in front, and there is no empty seat when Japan qualifies for finals and the next day steps in for all monitors and home TVs. No one is as breath-taken than the gaze Kei receives when Tobio kisses the ring-band around his neck.
Another page for this volume of the series turns.
The deafening screams of the whole gymnasium threatens to shake the ground that the players stand on, the echoing sound of the last whistle forming a crescendo with Tobio's quickening pants, sweat has long been visible on his skin. But with the firm grab of Tadashi in his arm that shakes him to the core, it is no match for how Kei leans forward from his seat, forgetting his surroundings.
It's easy to empty his mind, as it always does when he comes face to face with Tobio. Dinners in candlelights, morning runs that follows, surprise visits in the museum, quick deliveries to a familiar gymnasiumㅡit all connects from their first meeting with a tight grip on Kei's shirt.
It's not far fetched from how carefree of a hold Tobio has with Kei's heart.
And so it sings with Japan's red and white side of the bleachers, forthcoming the waves of lights from the high ceilings as it bounces back from Kei's rimmed glasses that threaten to fall off of his face. No one has any right to say anything when he takes a hold of the borders of the main court, not hesitating to use all the strength he gained from loving the sport he once deemed just to jump over it like the performer he is.
Now, the sky-reaching bulbs from above feels like a spotlight for his solo, but noㅡit's no solo for his partner is within arm's reach, after a figure of professionalism is lifted up but the gaze attached to it leans further to what is far away but is now reaching closer, and closer, and closer.
Kei doesn't even think about the flash of hurt in his chest when it collides with Tobio's, the warmth of his arms around his waist the only thing to remind Kei he is alive, and breathing, and this close to what is the best he can ever achieve, more than that crown of his Highness, more than what that medal and trophy is worth.
This is what victory feels like.
The genuine laugh that slips from Tobio's lips, breath tickling his neck that makes him shiver more than the conditioning of this four-walled establishment they stand on, it brings back the erupting cheers, even from the enemies' side, even from the people behind the camera's and microphones, and Kei breathes in and out, clutching the soft locks around his fingertips, just like the lips he wraps around his.
Tobio makes a sound of surprise but he didn't have a chance to react before Kei slips away and settles their foreheads besides each other, eyes closed just to feel and feel, and pay all of his attention to the chuckle that Tobio huffs from the scene in front of him.
"We won." Tobio simply says, with that familiar tone of his that doesn't sound like anything else but standoffish to others but Kei knows it all too well, remembers the days he felt like the former but those naïve days continue to pass, and now Kei lets himself chuckle beside Tobio's ear, kissing it before humming and letting him go.
As easy as breathing, and with the same effortless movement to wake up, looking at his phone to check the time and stretching out his limbs to reach for the body besides his, Kei's gaze reaches far and wide when medals get put around varsities to the very bottom of multiple souls for this one sport, until that longing is grasped, as it always has been, and will continue to be, when Kei steps down those stairs once again and gets a hold of Tobio's hand.
And so their clasped fingertips reach the skies as they raise it for everyone to see, all the same, but will once again be forevermore.
"We won."
if you'd like to support me on ao3 as well, this is the link for this fic <3 !
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rainthetrain · 2 months
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Hnnnng fuck rowers dawg
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ravenonice · 2 years
When I said said attending a grand prix event (besides just being fucking amazing and seeing some of my favorite skaters in person??) will also help me writing my YoI fanfiction I didn't mean watching my favorite skater flop at a grand prix, then continue to fuck up nationals and subsequently not get assigned to 4CC and/or Worlds?? I DIDN'T NEED THE WHOLE YUURI KATSUKI FAN EXPERIENCE THANK YOU???
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yoi-olympics · 2 months
okay in ACTUALLY Yuri!!! On Ice related-summer-olympics things, please accept this fic recommendation!!! it's one of the first ones I read back when I started reading a ton of YOI fic in like.... 2020? and I think about it SO CONSTANTLY. gymnast!Yuuri and skater!Viktor and falling in love across seasons and timezones and worlds <3
From the summary and author's note by thehandsingsweapon:
The gymnastics edition, in which Viktor is still a skater because he's too pretty on ice and I couldn't take it away from him. A story about how sometimes love comes slow and soft, and how hearts get bigger when they break. ... I also wanted to do a gymnastics story because there's more competition elements to play with; e.g. each character can have their time to shine on Vault, or Floor, or Rings *and* there's a team component, which means that over time characters like Georgi and Kenjirou also have a role to play that's important. For the purposes of the story, I’ve taken some liberties with ages, timelines, and the host cities of various events, including the Olympics themselves. Where these changes exist they are always for plotty-type purposes (or, if you prefer, because I like breaking things before I fix them, gosh). When the story starts, we're at the 2012 Summer Olympics, which are hosted in Tokyo. I've also made up SNS handles when I can't find them on the wiki because I am a lazy internet hag. Phichit and Yuuri are now the same age, and they are roommates at University of Michigan, where Cialdini is Head Coach. Leo, who is from Los Angeles, is one year younger, and an expected Michigan commit, because Cialdini’s one of his coaches via the Team USA system. The University of Oklahoma winds up playing a bit of a villainous role later on. Apologies to anyone who has strong feelings about either school or who has conflicting college loyalties; I attended neither and it's just for story purposes. Ahead of each chapter, I’ll be posting a timeline so you can see what's been happening for each character within the little YOF! world that I'm creating here.
it's SO SO GOOD y'all. literally cannot recommend this enough
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triptychgrip · 7 months
New chapter - Ch 12 - of my post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice Olympics fic uploaded
If you're a Yuri!!! on Ice fan wishing the fandom had more Olympics content, I hope you'll consider checking out my fic/series, which revolves around both the 2018 PyeongChang and 2022 Beijing Olympic Games. The fic itself takes place at the Beijing Winter Olympics, but switches back and forth between the two, in large part due to a sports politics scandal (not doping) that significantly affects Yuuri/Viktor/others in elite figure skating at the 2018 Games.
It's fluffy, rooted in lots of research, and is my attempt to delve into the world of post-canon, married Victuuri/Viktuuri, as well as Yuuri's impending retirement. The main fic "Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet" will close out at 20 chapters, but I've got other side-stories in this fic universe that flesh out Yuuri/Viktor/Yurio's lives and friendships, as well as Yuuri and Viktor's decision to leave Russia and move to Fukuoka, Japan, about 2.5 years post-canon.
Below is an excerpt from the chapter I just uploaded, which covers the Beijing 2022 Team Skate
When Kapanadze had chosen to make things personal, attacking Team France’s Alex Alouda – who he claimed was ‘stealing’ Russia’s spot – Viktor had released a very frank video via their SkateHusbands YouTube channel, utterly excoriating him. 
Yuuri still remembered the quiet, glacial fury in his husband’s azure eyes, and the trenchant, methodical manner in which he’d made the case for upholding (and even strengthening) the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) ruling. 
It had been undeniably hot.
Unfortunately, it had also made their group’s 6-minute warmup, which had finished just ten minutes ago, unbearably tense. 
Though he’d tried to give Levan a wide berth, it had seemed like the Georgian skater had been going out of his way to openly glare at Viktor and Alex, and had even begun circling close to where he had been practicing his quad lutz entries. 
The few times Yuuri had gone over to the boards to consult with his coach around something, they could each feel eyeballs laser-focused on their backs, branding them with rancor. About half-way through the warm-up, he noticed that Mickey had literally put himself in between them both, a gesture he’d been incredibly thankful for. 
As he now met Viktor’s gaze, Yuuri nodded as he saw how he was holding his phone and earbuds out to him. 
Though the IOC didn’t appear to be done with their ice inspection, it was time to start getting into the right headspace, which meant doing visualization exercises and listening to his program music. 
As the synthy, electro-pop beat of the song that had been written just for this occasion blanketed Yuuri’s eardrums, he lost himself to the enthralling melody. 
The experience of getting one of his favorite singers to co-write a song with him dedicated to Viktor, and for his exclusive use this season had been nothing short of surreal. 
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asbestieos · 2 years
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i wjll go to bed and leav rest of asks in her inbox to brew for yokororw morning / afternoon /pos poso pos pos pos pos/ SORRY i feel likethere are cooler more adult ways for me to reactother than girl squeeing and wehhinh and saying thank yous but. than iuouthsnku ou thank uou thank you thank uou i was dreading waking up tomorrow and now i wanna wake up and do my best amd be so awesome at work and endure whatever problems my ilnesses through at me an (several binebooms in a row) i habe to go to bed right now or ill never get to bed.. buy thank yoi all the kindness WEHH
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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CLAMP did a picture book about a real life person?
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plasteredwalls · 6 days
Oh cool a restored video of the Olympics in 1908. I'm sure the comments section is full of enthusiasm -
How on earth did they find a way to be homophobic?
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rmorde · 5 months
So... YOI movie got cancelled.
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