#yonghoon pack
toldbygifs · 1 month
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› # gif pack  › JIN YONGHOON
You will find 57 gifs in medium size from various YouTube videos from the years 2022 to 2024. Please cast appropriately and make sure to read all rules. All gifs have been made from scratch by me and are free to use for roleplay. They are accessible in my Discord Server.
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hamstergiukie · 2 months
Rescue J.YH
synopsis: rescuing a german shepherd hybrid from a fight ring turns out to be the best thing you’ve ever done.
this is a repost from my old account!
characters: german shepherd hybrid!yonghoon x reader
genre: angst, fluff, hybrid!au
warnings: dog fights, animal cruelty (i hated writing all of this pls;-;), blood
song rec: fighter by monsta x, beauty and the beast by the rose
notes: this is sort of a part one? i dunno if people like it i’ll make it a series but this was a one-shot idea i had. i’m also always willing to hear head cannons on hybrid!onewe, i would love to write some more in this au so:’)
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it was a gloomy day for you, your roommate had moved out the week before and you were lonely, you were thinking about adopting a hybrid, although you had yet to find a hybrid that liked you. a close friend of yours had invited you to a ‘hybrid party,’ you highly doubted that it was actually a party. or that it was legal, this friend had a tendency to like illegal things.
but at this point what choice did you have? you had gone to the shelter every week for the past month, not once had you found a hybrid that worked with you yet. you weren’t hopeful that the perfect hybrid would be waiting for you tonight. getting ready was slow and quiet, hope was slim. you had already decided that there would be no hybrid for you, no friend to keep you company.
your friend drove you to the ‘party’ but didn’t stay with you, they had somewhere else to be tonight. the warehouse you found yourself in front of was run down and unassuming. inside however hundreds of people were packed together, music thumped and people chattered excitedly in small groups. you pushed through the crowd to stand right at the front.
in the centre of the room, a large ring with floor to ceiling chains were secured to the blocks that made the ring. you weren’t sure if the chains were meant to keep onlookers out, or something in. a moment later two cages were pulled into the middle of the ring. your heart dropped. this definitely was not a party, it was a hybrid fight ring.
there was a reason hybrid fight rings are illegal, they’re vicious and violent. hybrids are treated horribly, and are forced to fight. you felt sick to your stomach, you wanted to leave immediately but something about the eyes of the hybrid staring at you from one of the cages rooted you to your spot. the doors of the cages opened and both hybrids shot out, one a mangy looking dog hybrid and the other a beautiful, glossy german shepherd hybrid.
the shepherd hybrid was the one that was staring at you, he was beautiful. he was running from the other hybrid, it was like he didn’t want to fight. they ran in circles around the ring for a few minutes before the other dog lunged and caught the german shepherd’s leg. he yelped and fell. after that you could barely watch.
the mangy dog hybrid won, and the german shepherd was left whimpering in the ring. you couldn’t leave him there, you navigated through the crowd once again to the security guards by the gate into the ring. “how much to buy the german shepherd hybrid?” you asked, the guard raised his eyebrows “you can have him, he has no use to us now.” he opened the gate and gestured to some men to bring the whimpering hybrid out. you sighed at the state of the poor pup, his body was shuddering every time he took a breath in and blood oozed from his wounds.
you brought the hybrid to an emergency specialist who patched him up, and kept him over night. the next day you went to visit him there. he looked at you, his eyes deeper than the ocean. “hello, my name is y/n, i brought you here. you don’t need to feel comfortable with me or anything i don’t expect you to want to come home with me-“ before your eyes he transformed into a tall man, a gentle smile on his face. “my name is Yonghoon, i would much rather stay with you then go to a shelter. i liked you from the moment i first saw you last night. please can i stay with you?” his big puppy dog eyes drew you in, and you found yourself nodding, “nice to meet you Yonghoon. of course you can stay with me!” you smiled at him, and he smiled back. 
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hyubcore · 2 years
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part four .
They would go together to Gwangju.
It wasn’t worth sitting around, waiting for someone to save them. There was new life on its way. There was no reason not to go.
Giwook healed rather fast, considering the circumstances. He slept through his pains for the most part, sweating out the more intense waves as Yonghoon would hold a wet cloth to his forehead. Jaehyun had led the group towards their motor home, which they had parked in a field on the other side of the woods. Whenever Dongmin would try and walk towards the wounded boy, Dongsung would hurriedly pick up his son and scoop him away, but each time it brought a smile to Giwook’s face.
“He’s cute,” Giwook managed to muster out. The group exchanged looks at the sound of Giwook’s deep and hoarse voice. Dongsung smiled towards him before sitting down in front of one of the tents. Dongmin sucked his thumb as he nuzzled his head in his father’s neck. 
“So you’ve just been waiting here?” Harin asked that night as him and Rin worked to build the fire. Haejoo was inside their motorhome, feeding Dongmin, while Dongsung and Jaehee worked to tidy things up before their departure. 
“Pretty much. It’s felt rather safe anyway, only came across a handful of chompers,” Rin explained as they threw a couple branches into the fire pit. Flecks of burning ash flew above the flame, then fell peacefully onto the ground. Yonghoon reached for a canteen as he looked down at Giwook. The younger boy was fast asleep, chest slowly rising and falling with the rhythm of his breaths. Yonghoon softly pressed his hand to the boy’s forehead. He wasn’t burning up anymore.
Harin slowly paced around the area, the crunching of the leaves and branches under his feet adding to the crackling from the fire. Yonghoon unscrewed the cap to the canteen and took a small sip. He felt Rin’s eyes following his small movements.
“What did you guys do?” she asked, her piercing eyes digging through their very souls like daggers. “Before everything…you know.”
Yonghoon let out a small chuckle at the question. Harin looked over at him, then at Rin, then back at his feet. Everyone stayed quiet. Hyungu looked at Yonghoon from across the firepit, eyes somber in the orange light. Yonghoon felt a pang in his chest for a moment as he reminisced on what things used to be like. Before.
“I was in vocational school. Fun times,” Harin chuckled as he kicked at the dirt. 
“Does it matter anymore?” Hyungu interjects after a small moment of stillness. Coming from anyone else, Yonghoon would have maybe laughed, but Hyungu sounded serious. “We’re here now. What was past…is irrelevant now.” He threw a stray branch into the fire. Rin sat down next to him, looked at him like they were examining him. He just stared back. 
Jaehyun kneeled in front of the flame and held out his hands for warmth. 
“He’s right,” Jaehyun added. “We’re here now.”
Yonghoon looked down at Giwook, who had been stirring around in his spot. He tucked the blanket covering him into the boy’s sides. He thought what Hyungu said was true—being here now, though, he had something to care about. Someone. He didn’t care if the rest of them made it to Gwangju or not, at least not yet, but he just wanted Giwook to feel comfortable. There was a weird, foreign urge to keep the boy safe, even though they barely knew each other.
Jaehyun then went inside the motorhome, shortly returning with a bucket of water. He grabbed a makeshift table made from sticks and rope, set the bucket on top, then carefully placed it over the fire. He then brushed off his hands, wiping them on his jeans, and disappeared into his respective tent. Yonghoon then realized they didn’t have another tent for his group. 
“Um, where are we sleeping?” Yonghoon asked at the thought, looking around their little campsite. There was Jaehyun’s tent, and they had already packed the other one into the motorhome. 
“Who said you were sleeping?” Rin joked, but nobody laughed except for Yonghoon, who was fake laughing. As if on cue, Dongsung walked out the side of the RV with a blanket in his hand.
“There’s a little booth inside the van,” Dongsung spoke as he looked over the pale sitting above the fire. “Two of you can sleep there. Won’t be able to lie down, but it’s better than sitting out here. Jaehee and Rin will stay in the tent, I’ll sit out here and keep watch.”
Although the idea of closing his eyes and drifting off into a place very far away from earth sounded like pure bliss, Yonghoon knew deep down that he wouldn’t even be able to sleep, given Giwook’s condition and the fact that he didn’t really know these people. He almost found it suspicious how welcoming they all were. Didn’t even question his group—maybe because the profuse bleeding of Giwook’s leg made them desperate enough, but besides—maybe, Yonghoon was so devoid of humanity, it didn’t make sense. People still being kind after everything.
Harin and Hyungu slept inside the motorhome. As much as he wanted to, Yonghoon didn’t make much small talk with Dongsung. Yonghoon kept nodding off, but whenever he felt his head start to drop, he awakened right away, then would look down at Giwook. The younger boy didn’t wake up at all during the night. 
They packed up at sunrise. Dongsung woke up Jaehyun and Jaehee and Rin as soon as he saw the slightest peak of the sun. Jaehyun demolished the tent, packed up their things, then started pouring the purified water from the bucket and into their canteens. Eventually, Harin walked out of the RV, letting out a big yawn. As Dongsung and Jaehyun worked to load things up, Yonghoon watched Giwook. He was still asleep.
Yonghoon placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder, kept it there for a moment, then started to shake him awake. 
“Giwook,” he almost-whispered. “Giwook.”
The younger boy shifted as he awoke. He winced as he tried to move his leg, forgetting the gaping wound that was still healing. Yonghoon put a hand on Giwook’s forehead, feeling his body temperature. It had gone down since the night before, which was a good sign, and they needed a good omen that morning. 
“We’re gonna start moving, okay? Can you get up for me?” Yonghoon asked with a softness in his voice he seemed to reserve for only Giwook. Hyungu walked over to the two, squatting on the opposite side of Giwook. Hyungu helped him sit up, and Giwook groaned. Yonghoon rubbed his back as he tried to comfort him. He rubbed his eyes, then looked down at his leg, sighing deeply. 
“How’s it feeling?” Yonghoon asked. Giwook leaned back on his hands. 
“Better, but it still hurts,” he answered. “How long will we be on the road?”
Yonghoon smiled to himself as he noticed how much more talkative Giwook had been. Dongsung had walked by to grab the last of their things to load into the motorhome, and when he heard Giwook talking as well, he smiled over at Yonghoon. He reached down into his duffel, pulling out a pill bottle.
“I’ve been saving these for emergencies, but I think he’s been through enough. We’ll give him one for now, see if it works,” Dongsung said as he crouched down next to Hyungu. He grabbed a single tablet from the bottle, handing it to Giwook. Yonghoon scoured for his water bottle, then brought it to Giwook’s mouth after he placed the pill on his tongue. As soon as Giwook swallowed, Yonghoon and Hyungu helped him stand. 
“He’ll ride with me and Haejoo, just so I can keep an eye on him,” Dongsung said, voice louder as he walked over to the camper. He opened the door for Hyungu and Yonghoon to help Giwook inside, and after they struggled up the steps, they laid Giwook down on the long bench, making sure his leg was elevated. 
Giwook looked up at the ceiling, trying to keep his focus. He had been going in and out all night. He had trouble discerning what was real and what wasn’t—at one point he heard someone singing, but when he looked up, no one was moving their lips at any point. He also heard a walker sneak up behind him, but that obviously wasn’t real, for he was still alive, pondering on what was reality and what wasn’t. 
But the sound of Haejoo’s groans were real as ever as she winced on the opposite side of the RV hunched over the table of the booth. He looked over at her, then over at Dongsung as he entered the vehicle again. 
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked as he tended to her immediately. Rin and Jaehee quickly followed.
“It hurts,” she moaned. “I think I’m having contractions. I don’t know.”
Dongsung’s eyes widened, and he grabbed the same pill bottle he used for Giwook. “Just one for now, love. Try to close your eyes—we’re leaving now, okay? It’ll be a couple hours.”
Haejoo nodded as she leaned her head back. Rin went to the sink, grabbing a towel from the cabinet above, wetting it and wringing it out. They quickly returned to Haejoo and placed the towel on her forehead.
“I’ll watch her, Jaehee will watch Giwook. We should probably leave now,” Rin suggested. Dongsung nodded and walked toward the front of the vehicle, sitting down behind the wheel. 
The drive to Gwangju was long, but calm for that matter. Haejoo slept well, and so did Giwook, despite the bumpy roads and occasionally driving over Walkers. Thankfully, Giwook didn’t have any more weird nightmares or hallucinations—he managed to actually sleep. He thought maybe the soft music Dongsung played had helped with the fact. Yonghoon, Hyungu, and Harin followed closely behind Yonghoon, Jaehyun and Hyungu in the Honda, Harin on his motorcycle. At one point, Harin zoomed ahead of them like the impatient guy he was. Yonghoon and Hyungu made small talk, and at one point, started talking about their lives before it all broke out, until the sound of Haejoo’s screams interrupted them.
They could hear it from the inside of the RV. The shrill sound of her yelping made Yonghoon’s heart sink into his chest, especially considering the fact that there were stray Walkers all around, and they immediately took note of the sound. More began to emerge from the surrounding areas, getting closer and closer to the group. Harin was out of sight by then—fortunately for him.
Haejoo started throwing up. The pain continued to grow as time passed. Her screams grew louder as well, up to the point where Giwook sacrificed his comfortable position laying down for her. He wanted to help, but felt useless. Haejoo gripped Rin’s hand tight as Jaehee kept petting her hair, trying to grant her some relief.
“Just hang on, dear, a little longer to go,” Dongsung shouted from the front of the vehicle. Dongmin was sitting in the passenger’s seat at the time, covering his ears from the commotion going on in the back.
Yonghoon slowed down as he struggled to maneuver through the pile of Walkers surrounding them. He plowed through the herd as he accelerated. Hyungu kept looking behind them at the crowd, half of which were dismantled from Yonghoon’s car running them over. 
“Looks like they’re slowing down, just keep going. Pass them if you need to,” Hyungu instructed, referencing the other vehicle. Yonghoon felt guilty leaving them behind, but God, were they going slow as ever. Yonghoon sped past them, up to where the road stretched into an overpass, high enough to be unable to see the other side. Hyungu looked behind them, and the RV was free of any lingering Walkers, and they sped up to reach their distance on the overpass. 
Yonghoon let out a deep breath as he looked behind through the rearview mirror. “Haejoo’s definitely going into labor in there,” he commented, imagining the chaos that was probably going on inside. He quickly ignored the thought as they crossed the overpass, onto a road just next to a big building that looked like something of a prison. They looked and noticed a giant line of people outside. 
“That’s it,” Jaehyun commented. Yonghoon slowed down as he looked over to the building. There were no signs, no indicators of what it was—just the bricks and barbed wire fences that made up the place, along with a small group of people working outside.
They made the exit off the highway, onto a dirt road that led up to the building. Yonghoon slowed down as they neared. The RV sped ahead of them and parked on the side of the open space in front of the building. Dongsung quickly emerged, motioning for the others in the car to help them. 
“She’s having contractions. Is this the place? Are you sure of it?” Dongsung panicked. Jaehyun nodded.
“I think I saw first-aid tents behind the building. There’s all these people. This has to be it,” he explained. Yonghoon walked past the two and into the RV, where Haejoo was lying on her back, Rin, Jaehee, Dongmin and Giwook watching closely. Giwook and Yonghoon stood behind as Hyungu and Dongsung tried to help her stand. Rin and Jaehee stood behind closely as Haejoo walked off the vehicle, into Jaehyun’s arms as she collapsed.
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koomodel · 5 years
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﹫yonghoon 𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖘 ⋆ 🦌
𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 or r𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 if you save, please. ⌕
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miesesropy · 3 years
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🦖 like or reblog if you save
💭 i hope you like it
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vvyooo · 3 years
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~Yonghoon Layouts!
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onewedata · 3 years
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© Struc2107 ♡ do not edit or crop logo.
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springwe · 3 years
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﹫ onewe special pack ⋆ yongpuppy | foxrin & hamsgiuk | hamsgiuk
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 and 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞. ⌕
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idonth4tey0uanymore · 4 years
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DO NOT RESPOST!!!!!! like or reblog if you save/use <3
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k4rd · 4 years
yonghoon icons
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wadasea · 4 years
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ONEWE Cya; soft pack🌸
Please don’t repost.
Like/reblog if you save/use.
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ifellforix · 4 years
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“End Of Spring”
• requested by: anonymous
• onewe lockscreens
• (hope you like them ♡ )
< like/reblog if you save or use them >
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koomodel · 4 years
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﹫kanghyun 𝖈𝖚𝖙𝖊 things ⋆ 🐧
𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 or r𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 if you save, please. ⌕
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miesesropy · 3 years
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★☆/ ꔛ ۫ ✿  (๑`^´๑) !! 🦖🪴🥝. . .
dongmyeong layouts
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vvyooo · 3 years
~Yonghoon Layouts!🦑
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onewedata · 3 years
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© Struc2107 ♡ do not edit or crop logo.
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