#yoonmin cardigan
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook feels like a toasted marshmallow on a lonely night, they remind me of the warmth of glowing fireplaces in cold winters. Of kisses, tasting like strawberry chapsticks. Something I can giggle to just out of the blue, in the middle of the street.
Yoonmin reminds me of a long-lost love letter that I had forgotten, I had hidden under my mattress. It rings like the sound of the sea, in the middle of my city apartment. They feel like that old, worn T-shirt, downy soft from years of washes that I still wear to sleep after a stressful day.
Sorry for being so emo in your ask box, but I just wanted to say I love both Jikook and Yoonmin (but truthfully, the latter just a lil bit extra!)
I'm sobbing?? This is beautiful and I honestly relate! Do you write poems? You should! It also gives off song vibes. Your jikook description gives me the same vibes as Sangria (don't come at me for listening to country music yall!)
And Yoonmin gives me Cardigan vibes:
If you want to come back and either describe more duos, or whatever. Feel free. 😭😭
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hazelmoonchild · 4 years
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yoonmin wearing the same cardigan 👀
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evafrechette · 3 years
Around the campfire
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↠ Yoongi x Jimin | Smut & Fluff | OmegaverseAU! | 18+ | 5.7k
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↠ Summary: "Hurry up! Bring it over here! Aiiishh." Yoongi jumped back as a flame shot out and tinged his eyebrows.
The campsite broke out into utter chaos, Jimin running around in the dark struggling to find plates, Yoongi watching in horror as their dinner went up in flames and three young pups belly laughing at their frazzled parents.
Alpha Yoongi and his Omega Jimin take their three adorable pups camping by the lake. Will it be a calming, relaxing trip for the family or absolute pandemonium?
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↠ Warnings: alpha/omega dynamics, outdoor sex, hand jobs, french kissing, top jimin, bottom yoongi, aged up characters, anal fingering, it’s not just smut (😱) a lot of sweet moments between yoonmin and their children, I really love this cute little family.
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Rocks crunched under the weight of the tires from the dark blue BMW SUV that drove slowly along the gravel path, the crisp air snuck it's way into the vehicle and the beautiful, delicate Omega in the passenger seat shivered, he drew his black and white fuzzy cardigan close against his chest then smiled, turning his head towards the back seat where three adorable pups were deep in conversation, excited for their first ever camping trip. Yoongi watched fondly from the corner of his eye as he drove his little family towards the parking lot of the camp site. It was a picturesque Autumn day, large trees that filled the grounds beautiful shades of orange, gold and red, reminiscent of the blazing campfires that would warm up eager campers later in the evening. The sun shone down from it's place high in the sky providing much needed warmth against the brisk winds that blew around them, rustling leaves slowly falling to the damp ground. "Daddy are we there yet?" A small but sharp voice asked from the back seat. "We are Minseo, is everyone excited?" Yoongi pulled the parking break and shut off the engine. The three pups broke into an joyous cheer, hands waving in the air and high fives exchanged between the siblings. Minseo and Minjun undid their seatbelts and bolted out of the vehicle, running past the car and onto the vast grassy patch next to the lake reserved for campers wanting an authentic camping experience - tents and campfires only. The twins ran under and between large Metasequoia trees as their curious exploration suddenly became a fierce game of tag. Yoongi and Jimin shared a fond look, relieved to see their pups so in tune and at peace with nature. "Alpha, they look right at home out here." Jimin chuckled as he reached into the backseat to unbuckle their youngest pup who was scandalously left behind by his older siblings who were too excited to explore to even spare a second glance at their baby brother trapped in his car seat. The pup pouted as Jimin lifted him into his arms, little hands wrapping around the Omega's neck. "Mmm yeah they do. It's in their DNA to feel free in a place like this, I'm glad Sajangnim gave me time off this weekend. I think we all needed this." Yoongi's large hands graced either side of the Omega's face as he placed a tender kiss against Jimin's chubby cheek.
He repeated the action to his pup Jiho and ruffled the toddlers hair causing the boy to whine and moan in protest against Jimin's neck. "Hey! Kids, come help me unpack yeah?" Yoongi yelled out towards his kids, his deep grumbly voice stern but affectionate at the same time. The twins raced each other back to the car, squabbling over who go there first, "Daddy, daddyyy! You saw, who was here first? Minjun or me?" Minseo asked while displaying a serious case of puppy dog eyes. She was the only girl in the family and was a text book case of a daddy's girl. Yoongi swore up and down he didn't have a favourite child, but deep down he had a massive soft spot for his little girl. She was feisty, headstrong and had him wrapped around her little finger. The Alpha sighed and turned back to the boot, "You both got here at the same time, now stop fussing and help me. Here," He pulled the sleeping bags out and placed them into the pups arms, "Go find us a spot for the tents okay?" He reached into the boot and started to pull out their camping equipment, stacking it up beside the car. "Oh! And no . .  fighting . . " He called out, sighing once more as he watched the twins argue over where to set up camp. "Kids huh?" Jimin quipped as he walked around Yoongi and towards his children who were now rough housing and rolling around in the grass, sleeping bags thrown haphazardly around the space. "Ssskkk, stop that!" The omega hissed, reaching down to pull Minjun off his sister by the scuff of his shirt. "I'll decide where to set up." He said smuggly, eyes searching the beautiful wide open space. "Alpha," He sung out over his shoulder, "Right here will do I think." Jimin crouched down and untangled the toddler from his body, leaving the twins to watch over their younger brother as Jimin helped moved their camping gear into the spot chosen. "Should we do the tents first?" Yoongi asked, wiggling his hips as he readjusted his trousers on his slender frame. "Sounds good to me." Jimin smiled back. The pair opened up the smaller tent bag and scattered the pieces all over the ground, "Oh it doesn't come with instructions?" Yoongi grumbled as he picked up a handful of pegs and shoved them in his pocket. "We don't need instructions, we have a clever Alpha here with us. You can do it Yoongi. Fighting!" Jimin's soft voice and scent reaffirming the anxious Alpha. Yoongi rolled his eyes, but reached for the inner tent and unrolled each side, taking the pegs from his pocket and pegging each corner into the ground. Once the easy work was done, he and Jimin assembled the poles and shoved them through the pole sleeves. They accidentally added two poles to one sleeve so had to pull them out and start again. Just as they arched the pole on one side Jiho ran towards the tent and flopped against the slippery, shiny nylon material, the pole coming undone and tent falling around his small body. The pup laughed as he jumped up and ran past his parents who looked like they were on the verge of a breakdown, "Wha.. What just happened?" Yoongi crouched down, his head in his hands. The Omega let out a hearty laugh and ran his small fingers through Yoongi's inky black hair, "Stop sulking Alpha, we can fix it." And that they did, slowly but surely the pair assembled the small two person orange and grey tent. Once complete the trio of pups ran inside, eyes wide and full of excitement. Yoongi passed through three sleeping mats, which Jimin set up inside the small space, sleeping bags were unrolled and pillows placed against the back wall. The siblings played a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide where to sleep, Yoongi satisfied that no arguments had flared up over the sleeping arrangements. "Uhh I really don't want to try to set up our tent it's even bigger than theirs." Yoongi glanced down at the heavy bag that sat at his feet and nudged it over with his sneaker clad foot. "Feel like camping out under the stars tonight love?" "Oh my Alpha," Jimin curled up against Yoongi's body, "Always the romantic." "Eww can you two get a room please." Minjun put a
finger into his mouth and made exaggerated gagging sounds, Jiho copying his older brother much to the delight of the twins who got louder and sillier with their taunts. "Why did we have pups again?" The Alpha groaned resting his head against Jimin's, inhaling deep the scent of his beloved Omega. "Well apparently you just can't seem to control yourself around me whenever I'm in heat so . . . " Jimin's voice was cut off as Yoongi placed a hand over his mouth, the Omega scowled at Yoongi. "Not in front of the pups Jimin, shit." Yoongi could feel plush lips tremble against his hand as Jimin chuckled that infectious laugh of his. ________
Yoongi tucked a bag under his armpit and reached down to pick up the tackle and ice boxes. The twins were buzzing with excitement, it was practically radiating off them, their fresh milky scents spiking in the air. Yoongi smiled as he motioned for the pair to follow him down to the lake. Jimin decided to stay behind with their youngest to finish setting up the camp site, assembling the camp chairs and table for Yoongi to prepare dinner that evening.
The Alpha and twins walked towards the crystal clear waters of the lake which curved around the entirety of the campsite, in the distance sat vast rolling hills of the large mountain, one that was breathtaking at this very moment, but would become even more so once the Winter snow fell and settled over it's grandness. Yoongi crouched down near the water and opened the bag that was wedged under his arm, he quickly put together the camping chair and then focused on his pups who had abandoned their fishing rods and were inching closer and closer to the cold waters. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." His deep voice startled the pair who stared sheepishly at their father. Yoongi attached a lure to each of their rods and showed them how to cast into the steady moving waters. The seven year olds studied their father hard before attempting to cast for themselves. Yoongi was proud as each pup did a pretty good job. Their smiles wide and bright as Yoongi gave them both a thumbs up. He returned to his chair and let out a loud groan as he sat. Yoongi laughed to himself as he was suddenly reminded on his own father and his over the top noises whenever he would sit or stand. He shook his head and smiled, casting his line a little awkwardly from where he sat. Yoongi had met Jimin through friends a decade ago, the Omega a bright eyed 23 year old and Yoongi a very tired and over worked 25. The Omega had light brown hair that Yoongi's inner wolf screamed at him to touch, to smell, to nuzzle his button nose into. At the end of the night and quite a few drinks later Yoongi finally found the nerve to strike up a conversation with the Omega. The moment Jimin said Yoongi's name out loud he knew the Omega was the one for him. They mated just over a year later and soon found themselves parents to two very loud and demanding twin pups. After 3 years of being a family for four, they found themselves parents again. Yoongi passing out when Jimin surprised him with the pregnancy test - something the Omega still enjoyed teasing him over. The Alpha had struggled with depression and anxiety his entire life and never saw a future with a mate or pups, but family life suited Yoongi. Being a father and husband was his greatest achievement and moments like this, with his gorgeous pups, their chubby cheeks pink from the cooling air as they yapped to each other over who would be the first to catch a trout, would stay with him forever.
"Daddy, daddy I think I caught something!" A frantic scream caught Yoongi's attention and he threw his rod to the ground, running as fast as he could over to his daughter who's small hands were struggling to reel in the taut line. "You're doing well Minseo, just keep doing what you're doing." The Alpha stood next to his daughter, chest puffed out proudly as he watched her eyebrows furrow, little button nose scrunch and mouth form into a tight straight line while she determinedly wound the line back in. A splash on the surface caused the trio to erupt into cheers, "Woah Minseo that was so cool." Minjun hollered as he stood closer to the lake bed watching the fish splash and fuss around. Yoongi grimaced as he stood ankle deep into the rushing blue waters, leaning down to grab the trout with his bare hands, bringing it onto the pebble stone river bank. With his free hand he ruffled the pups hair and planted a kiss on her forehead "Looks like we have a little angler in the family huh? Uncle Seokjin is gonna love hearing about this." The sky was a symphony of reds and yellows as the setting sun began it's daily ritual, the crisp smell of Autumn surrounded the Alpha and his pups and Yoongi's sensitive nose could pick up the scent of burning wood in the distance. He quickly wrapped their fishing trip up when a cool breeze whipped past causing Minjun to shake and shiver and the trio made their way back to the campsite. The scene that awaited them made Yoongi purr softly, Jimin was resting in a chair as Jiho was snuggled against his chest, little fist holding on tight to the Omega's hair as he twisted and twirled the strands with his fingers. Jimin's lids were heavy with drowsiness, his chest rising and falling in time with the sleeping pup. Yoongi leaned down to kiss the Omega on the top of his head, "Hey baby, having a little rest?" "Hmm, you know how this one gets, I'm more comfortable than a mattress apparently, asleep within seconds." The Omega rolled his eyes, "So how did it go?" He asked the twins who were struggling to stand still in front of him. "Appa, I caught a fish!" Minseo ran forward and reached for the ice box next to Yoongi, pulling out the large trout. She raised the fish above her head and spun on the spot.
"Wow, well done honey, that's amazing. Should we get dad to cook it for dinner tonight?" Jimin's eyes scrunched into beautiful crescent moons from smiling so hard. The pup nod her head and threw the fish towards her father, Yoongi was taken off guard and fumbled to catch the slippery wet fish before it hit the ground. He pursed his lips as he stood, the bottoms of his trousers and shoes soaking wet, holding the dead fish in his hands. It was an amusing sight for the Omega who giggled quietly as to not wake the sleeping toddler pup. Yoongi walked over to the small plastic table Jimin had set up and began preparing the fish. When he was done the Alpha made a start on the fire, wanting to complete the task before the darkness of night fell upon them. Yoongi dragged a bag of kindling and wood briquettes over to the flat, burnt out patch of grass then quickly scoured the camp grounds for dry leaves, twigs and bark. He placed these in the centre and then layered the kindling around so it resembled a teepee. He shoved a few briquettes in between the pine kindling and a firelighter right into the middle of the less than perfect campfire. Yoongi grabbed the lighter from his back pocket and pressed down on the lever, flame bursting to life. He brought it towards the firelighter and watched as fire slowly crept out from the bottom, flames licking at the thin pieces of pine as it cracked and popped while burning bright. He added more kindling and briquettes until a decent sized fire sat in front of him. Pleased with his handiwork, Yoongi found the campfire grill and placed it over the blazing fire. The Alpha got a bit of a shock when Jimin appeared silently next to him, placing the camping chairs a safe distance from the flames. The pups were busy running around trying to catch bugs, their sweet voices floating in the air and Yoongi and Jimin's hearts filled with fondness and love. The couple worked together to prepare the ingredients for dinner, sweet potatoes wrapped in tin foil, every child's favourite - sausages and vegetables for a hearty stew, which was perfect for a chilly Autumn evening. Jimin called the pups back and the family all sat around the campfire, enjoying the sounds and smells of nature. Yoongi placed the fish and sausages on the grill and carefully thew the tin foil wrapped sweet potatoes onto the wood that burnt a little less than the rest. He then placed the heavy cast iron pot on a patch of wood that had started to burn out on the outside of the campfire and adjusted the pot so it wouldn't tip as the wood burnt out more. Suddenly the fire grew larger, flames snaking high into the sky, the pups squealed as loud cracks and pops spat out of the campfire. Yoongi continued to move the sausages around on the grill and flipped the trout over, leaning as far back as possible to avoid the heat radiating from the ever growing fire. "Hey this fire is going insane." He mumbled, waving his hand over the flames to trying in vain to calm them down. "Daddy!!" Minseo and Minjun sat in their chairs laughing as their father had a mini breakdown when his attempts to fan the flames failed. "Hey, hey! Jiminah! Pass me the plates, quickly." The Alpha's voice was panicked, "Hurry, hurry! Jimin!" He yelled out over the cackling of his amused children. Jimin quickly got out of his chair and fumbled around inside bags trying to locate the paper plates. "Hurry up! Bring it over here! Aiiishh." Yoongi jumped back as a flame shot out and tinged his eyebrows. The campsite broke out into utter chaos, Jimin running around in the dark struggling to find plates, Yoongi watching in horror as their dinner went up in flames and three young pups belly laughing at their frazzled parents. "Bring the big tongs Jimin!" Yoongi looked at Jimin horrified when the Omega stumbled over with a handful of now squashed cardboard plates in his arms. Jimin ran off again, past the gaggling group of pups in search of tongs. Yoongi glared at his kids, who burst into an even louder fit of laughter. He started to fan the fire with the paper plates which
did nothing to help ease the wild blistering hot flames which were inching closer and closer to the moon that shone down upon the family. The Omega returned with fireproof gloves and yanked the grill off the campfire, carrying it away from the disaster zone. "I did it, I saved them." He boasted, placing the grill on the ground. "Uhhh Appa, they're still on fire." Minjun pointed at the chunks of meat that sure enough were surrounded by small flames. Jimin quickly blew on the meat to extinguish the flames. "We won't die from eating burnt meat right? Yoongi asked, watering his lips - a nervous habit of the Alpha's. "Of course not, it's fine." The Omega replied, running his hands down the Alpha's back to soothe and calm down his nerves, which were absolutely shot. The family dug into their slightly (okay totally) charred dinner as Minseo retold the story of how she caught the trout earlier that evening, the trout now being 4 foot long, 20kgs and so strong it slapped Yoongi in the face with it's tail. The Alpha just shook his head and laughed at his daughters embellishment of the facts.
The last rays of the golden sun had long disappeared and were replaced by a twinkling blanket of stars scattered amongst the jet black night sky. The Min family dragged their chairs closer to the now under control campfire and settled in as Yoongi held a torch under his chin, a wicked smile on his face as he quirked his eyebrow at Jimin who nod back in understanding. "Halabeoji told me this story when I was around your age, he said it happened right here at this campsite . . .  that's how I knew about this place. A family were staying here over Chuseok to celebrate, an Appa, Oemma, and 3 little pups. The family were sitting around a campfire, just like we are right now." Yoongi paused and poked a stick into the firewood, moving the pine logs around as Jimin quietly stood and crept away, ducking behind the kids tent to hide. When Yoongi could no longer see the love of his life he dropped the stick and continued. "The young boy heard a rustling from the bush," Yoongi pointed across the campsite and Jimin on cue grabbed onto the nylon material of the tent and shook, the rustling noise causing the pups faces to pale considerably.  "He decided to check it out, hoping it would be a small squirrel or baby bird he could keep as a pet. Namjoon - that was the boy's name got up quietly from the campsite and followed the direction of the noise. When his Appa and Oemma realised he was missing they sent their other children to their tent and grabbed all the adults who were camping that night to help them look for their missing pup. A freak storm rolled in over the campsite and the owner told everyone to get into their tents while he continued to search alone. All night long the family could hear him yell out "Namjoon, Namjoooonn" over the top of the thunder and heavy rain." Yoongi leaned in, voice growing quiet, his eyes darting around the campsite in (fake) fear. "When the campers woke the next morning Namjoon was fast asleep, comfortably tucked into his sleeping bag in his tent which they had searched multiple times the night before. The owner though? He disappeared, just vanished. Poof!" Yoongi's eyes widened and he clapped his hands together, startling the pups. "They say if you listen really carefully you can still hear him out in the woods calling out for Namjoon." Yoongi let his head drop and then quickly snapped it back up, mouth wide open and eyes scrunched tightly. "Shhhh, what was that?! Did you hear it?" "I didn't hear any.." Minseo was cut off mid sentence when Jimin, voice deepened a little yelled out "NAMJOOOOOOOON" All three pups screamed at the top of their lungs, shrill shrieks piercing right into Yoongi's ear drums, Jiho jumped off his chair, which went flying behind him landing with a thud on the cold grass and ran into his dad's arms, tears falling from his big round eyes. The twins had also left their chairs, arms wrapped around each other while they cowered against the opening to their tent. "Oh my gosh Yoongi, I think that may have been a bit too spooky for them." Jimin grimaced as he walked back around to the campfire and viewed the aftermath of their tag team story. Yoongi brushed his hand through Jiho's hair and pulled the pup onto his lap, holding him close as he chuckled into the silky strands of hair he had just messed up. "It's not a proper camping experience if you don't give them a good fright, babe." "Wait, you guys both tricked us? You are the worst parents ever." Minjun huffed as he wrestled his sisters arms off from around his waist and plonked himself back into his chair, arms folded across his chest, thick eyebrows furrowed. "It was a good story though, even if you made Minseo pee her pants." "WHAT! I didn't do that, Appa he's lying!" Minseo screeched, running over to playfully slap her brother on the back of his head. Yoongi watched his pups play fight, laughter once again surrounding the family. Once Jiho had calmed down a little he too joined the twins, who were now running around hollering out the name of the fictional missing child between giggles. ________
"Okay you lot, it's time for bed I think." Jimin announced after watching Jiho yawn for the fifth time in a row. The pups crawled into the tent and changed into their pyjamas, Jimin and Yoongi followed behind once a little voice let them know everyone was dressed and tucked into their sleeping bags. Jimin laid in between Minseo and Jiho, his small chubby fingers caressing over the soft skin of the toddlers face, across his cheeks and above his eyebrows - the magic spot guaranteed to make any pup feel drowsy.
His sweet, airy falsetto filled the space as the Omega sung quietly, his voice evoking a calming effect on the pups, their eyes heavy with tiredness, small yawns escaping from behind clenched fists. Soon the shallow snuffles of pups snoring drowned out the Omega, he looked down at each pup and smiled. His heart was filled with warmth and love, leaning down he planted a kiss on each of their cheeks then crawled out of the tent. Yoongi had left the tent while Jimin was singing and began to set up their cot, close to the campfire to keep them nice and warm in the crisp, cool Autumn night. He had placed a few logs onto the burnt out embers which glowed lazily and poked around with the stick to reignite the flames. "They're asleep now Alpha." Jimin's soft, loving voice whispered into his ear, the Omega wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist and rest his head against the Alpha's shoulder. Yoongi sighed, content and at peace. This break away was exactly what his inner wolf needed. He moved them towards the chair closest to the fire and sat down, Jimin resting across his lap, his nose running over the scent gland in Yoongi's neck, nuzzling against the skin, breathing in deep his tangerine and cinnamon scent, which always reminded the Omega of Christmas time. Jimin whimpered as the scent began to cloud his brain and sparks shot down to his cock which hardened with each deep breath he took. "Omega." Yoongi growled, his deep voiced straining to keep unaffected by the Omega whimpering and wiggling in his lap. Jimin dug his nose in harder, kitten licking the sensitive pale skin, "Yoongi you are so good to me and the pups, the best Alpha we could have ever asked for."
A low rumbling came from deep inside Yoongi, his hands gripped on tight to Jimin's waist and he pulled him around so the Omega was now straddling his thighs. A veiny hand reached up brush back a lock of hair that fell over Jimin's eye, gently tucking the strands behind his ear. The Omega took hold of Yoongi's hand and moved it back down towards his face, fingers hovering over his plump lips, he flicked his tongue out and seductively licked each digit, eyes locked onto Yoongi's who watched with great interest. The Alpha pushed his fingers past the perfect pink pout of the Omega and groaned when he began sucking furiously, small muffled moans escaping his lips. Jimin's hands roamed over Yoongi's broad chest and strong arms, over his thighs and underneath his shirt, he ground his ass against Yoongi as he took the Alpha's nipple between his forefinger and thumb and then twist. Yoongi hissed and bit down hard onto his lip to suppress a moan. Jimin always knew just how to treat him right, what to do and where to touch him to make the Alpha come hard. Yoongi removed his fingers slowly, salvia dripping from the digits just like the slick he could smell dripping out from between the Omega's legs. "What do you want Omega?" He hummed out a whisper. Small fingers gripped on tight to Yoongi's hair yanking it back and the Alpha didn't complain or fight. He loved when his Omega took control, when his Omega was deep inside his ass, pounding into him hard and fast and he especially loved when his Omega came all over his face, marking him with his potent scent. Letting everyone know who owns his heart and soul. "I want to make my Alpha feel good. Mmm Yoongi." Jimin bit down onto their mating mark and both men were blinded by a white hot heat which coursed through their bodies. Their pure love for each other concentrated and exploding through their shared scar. They were bound for life, through a bite mark and their children, but most importantly the love and respect for one another. Yoongi's body was still shuddering when he felt a small hand wrap around his hard cock, he looked down and saw that Jimin had snaked his hand down past the waistband of his sweats and was now leisurely pumping his length. The Omega's hand let go and moved further south, taking Yoongi's large balls into his grip and massaging gently. He brought his free hand and pulled the Alpha's sweats down as far as possible and reached below the hand still stroking Yoongi's heavy testicles and began teasing the Alpha, ghosting along the sensitive skin between his balls and tight hole. "Oohh Omega, mmm." Yoongi shifted in his chair to give Jimin easier access to his asshole. "Someone's eager are they?" He smirked. Jimin withdrew his hands which made Yoongi let out a pathetic cry, "Tsk tsk, naughty Alpha you know Omega will treat you good. Stop being so impatient." He flicked Yoongi on the tip of his nose and then pushed himself up, hovering over Yoongi's legs. Jimin undid the button on his trousers and pushed the fabric down, his small thick cock was red at the tip and Yoongi was desperate to relieve some pressure but he knew the Omega was in charge tonight, so he kept his hands to himself. Jimin ran his fingers along his thighs, sticky, sweet clear slick coating the soft flesh. He raised a finger to Yoongi's lips and the Alpha sucked on it greedily, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Jimin tasted like lemons and whipped cream and it was the most intoxicating substance on the planet. Once Jimin had his fingers well and truly covered in slick - the thick syrup like liquid strung between his fingers in clumps - he brought his hands to Yoongi's cock and began working his length, hands moving in tandem, left and right as they twist and jerked the Alpha. "Do you like that Alpha? Is Omega making you feel good, hmm?" Jimin tightened his grip and began pumping even faster, two fingers now circling Yoongi's pink rim, pressing gently against the tight hole. "Oh fuck, Omega. Please, I need you inside me." Yoongi's low voice gurgled through gritted teeth. "Anything for
my big strong Alpha." Pretty, long eyelashes fluttered innocently as the Omega pushed his digits past the tight opening of Yoongi's asshole. Jimin looked like an angel, the glow of the campfire bathing his body in a beautiful silhouette, his plump lips pouting in concentration, wisps of black hair sticking to the perspiration that was lightly coating the Omega's tanned skin from the heat of the fire and their erotic actions. He pushed until he was knuckle deep then began to pull out slowly, the hand around Yoongi's cock slowed down to match the pace. "Jimin, I love you. So fucking much." The Alpha threw his head back as Jimin began to speed up, thick fingers stretching Yoongi's hole, the burn now turning into pleasure which was spreading up into abdomen and down his thighs. "I love you too Yoongi. Forever and always. In this life and the next." The Omega squeezed tight onto the head of Yoongi's cock when he felt the tell tale throbbing of Yoongi's impending orgasm, with a few more thrusts of his fingers inside of Yoongi that was all it took for the Alpha to become a shuddering, whimping mess, blissfully high from his release. Spurts of hot white cum shot across Yoongi's belly and drizzled down the fingers that still gripped tight on his hot flesh. "Fuck! Jimin, that was . .  that was.." Yoongi found it hard to finish his sentence, body and mind feeling as though they were floating. Jimin giggled, "I know Alpha. Let me clean you up real quick." He hopped off Yoongi's legs and the Alpha watched as Jimin rustled around inside his duffle bag for a packet of wet wipes, "Sorry Yoongi this is all I have with me. Camping huh? We'll need nice wash cloth next time." Both men winced as Jimin brought the cold wet wipe to Yoongi's cock and began wiping away his mess. Jimin reached between his legs and cleaned himself as much as possible. He scampered back off his bag and shoved the used wipes deep inside a side pocket. ________
"Mmm Jimin-ah is it my turn to get you off now?" Yoongi nibbled on the Omega's earlobe as his big hands squeezed tight on the flesh of Jimin's ass. "Not tonight Yoongi, I'm pretty tired. I just wanted to remind you how loved you are." The Omega replied, bringing their lips together for a slow and passionate kiss. One that demonstrated years of practice. Yoongi held out his hand and walked Jimin to their cot, pulling the opening to Jimin's sleeping bag wide open so he could climb in. Yoongi repeated the action with his own sleeping bag and shimmed down until his feet touched the bottom, cocooning himself fully inside the sleeping bag. He popped his head back out, his straight black hair sticking up all over the place which made Jimin giggle. Yoongi took Jimin's hand and ran his thumb over the back of his hand, drawing patterns and pictures into the skin that still smelled faintly of the Omega's slick. He hummed happily as he looked over and saw Jimin smiling back at him. "I love you Jimin. Thank you for being the Appa to my children. It still blows my mind you took a chance on my awkward ass." Yoongi lowered his gaze, finding it difficult to look into the sharp dark eyes that were staring back at him. "You don't give yourself enough credit Yoongi-ah. How could I not have fallen in love with you? You're funny, quirky, incredibly talented and your balls looked huge in those skinny jeans. Oh my god, I couldn't keep my eyes off them." The Omega stared up into the night sky and laughed, puffs of misty white cloud blowing from his lips, the tempature now a lot cooler than when their hot bodies were pressed against each other. Jimin let out a yawn and rolled his head to face Yoongi. "Get some sleep baby, we've got a big day tomorrow. Those crazy pups of ours are gonna lose their shit when we take them into the woods. I can't wait to shift in front of them, it's been so long since my wolf has been able to come out and play." Yoongi grinned wide, his lips pulled back to show his gums. "Mmkay, goodnight mmmm Alpha." Jimin let his tired eyelids fall and immediately fell into a heavy slumber. Yoongi wrapped himself into an Alpha cocoon again and rolled onto his side so he faced his partner, watching the way Jimin's lips twitched and pouted in his sleep a response to the dream he was already having, "Goodnight my love."
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slt4bangtan · 7 years
To Do List
I have a lot of requests and not a lot of spare time at the moment. I am slowly working my way through them. If you can’t see yours let me know!
(Wow this list had really grown...)
BTS Reactions
To their S/O crying after sex
To seeing you breastfeed your child for the first time
To sucking on your neck after a night of overstimulation
To finding out you have your nipples and clit pierced
To their S/O’s child from a previous relationship calling them ‘Appa’ for the first time
To having a mummy kink
To trying to get your attention while you’re on the phone
To hating their little sister’s boyfriend
To going to Disney World with you for the first time
To thinking you’re about to cum but pee instead
To their S/O being a WWE diva
To their S/O wanting them to massage their breasts (non-sexual)
To S/O’s dad being Tony Stark
To being rejected because they thought it was a joke
Confronting them about lack of displayed affection
To being turned on when you’re in little space
To you waking them up for sex
To having a black GF and she suffers from prejudice because of her skin colour
To their S/O having a stress break down
To you being afraid of rain/storms?
To they helping you change your pad because you hurt your wrist and can’t move it for a week
To your hard to manage curly hair
To finding out their S/O is into pet play
To wanting to cum inside you and have kids but you don’t
To their GF wanting to try out some new toys
To coming home to a surprise planned for them by their S/O after a long tour
To having an insecure girlfriend/ boyfriend (ship version)
To their S/O liking edging
To coming home after a long tour to their S/O dressed in lingerie
To girlfriend wanting to have a threesome with a girl
To crushing on their best friend
To you having a tickle/tickling kink
To you wanting to have sex with them in a public place
The first date
To a trainee flirting with their idol GF
To their S/O knowing almost every Pokemon
Telling their S/O to wait for them in the bedroom and forgetting them
Their plus size GF being a body positivity body/body empowerment model
Their GF needs something while using the bathroom for first time since they started dating
When the neighbours are really loud and they’re horny
Their GF wanting to shave their stubble/beard
To doing their S\O’s hair
Their GF asks them to take her virginity
S/O sneaking into shower with them
Finding out their GF is pregnant
To their S/O being a comedian/youtube comedian
To thinking you cheated, and finding out too late that you didn’t
To you being Got7’s friend and seeing you for the first time
To you moaning their name in your sleep
Make out + waterproof lipstick
Their s/o finds out that they were only with them because of a bet
Dating a girl who’s into witchcraft and is a witch
To breaking their GF’s bed from rough sex
To you walking around the house in just lingerie and a sheer cardigan
To you teasing them
S/O being a performer in a freakshow
Walking in on them in the nude
To date a girl with short hair
To like a competitive S/O
To date a girl who does Karate
To be into voyeurism
To like their S/O being a professional dancer (Belly dancing + B-boying)
Little!Yoongi and Jungkook have misbehaved
Jungkook - Protective BF
Jungkook - Mute GF
Yoongi - Groupchat
Namjoon’s translating ‘mishap’ - @littleblueeyes13
Miraculous Ladybug AU (Assisted by @omgimafuckingmermaid)
Angst scenario requested by @kpopbonbon
Fake relationship for the holidays (Jungkook or Yoongi)
Eating you out in their studio
Daddy Taehyung
Domming Jimin
Taekook Fluff
Yoongi’s an ass... or not..
Yoongi Fluff
Jikook - Angsty Fluff.. kinda
Jungkook - New things (prompt)
Jimin Fluff (prompt)
Yoongi Fluff (prompt)
Yoongi extra extra fluff (prompt)
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prettyboy-jimin · 7 years
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Jung Hoseok
Word Count: 1.5k
Genre: Cheesy Fluff
Summary: Yoongi likes to stargaze, Hoseok always ends up looking for the person who warms his bed at night (In the cute way)
Note: My friend (who teases me about how she’s anti-yoonmin) [she’s not it’s just a joke] has been wanting me to write some Sope fluff for a while now (the conversation is subtle and very infrequent but i havent forgotten about it) So I did! In 1 class too! Because she lent me her laptop hahahaha but yeah, hope it’s cute enough! 
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Yoongi always loved to stargaze, finding patterns and asterisms in the night sky and wondering just how far away they burned from earth. He remembered how they don’t twinkle on their own, how their light is constant but because meteors and other space debris keep passing by, from where Yoongi lay it looked like they’ve been twinkling all his life.
The grass underneath him began to warm from his body heat, the surrounding space contradicting this because of how the cool night air started to form due on the individual blades. He let out a deep breath, hoping the Seoul lights wouldn’t hinder him from finding any shooting stars to wish on. Yoongi wasn’t very big on wishes, or any of the sort. He knew that the stars he looked up to at night had already died by then, it just takes a few years or so for the light to finally die out. He found it cute though; wishes. And he had never seen a shooting one so the search for it only intrigued him and made him more determined.
He closed his eyes, adjusting the arm he lay his head on as a makeshift pillow so as to not give himself pins and needles, his other limb resting comfortably over his stomach. The quiet rustling of the leaves tried to lull Yoongi to sleep, being the nocturnal creature that he was, failure was their only outcome.
Yoongi cracked an eye open, letting his singular gaze fall on his other half. His mint hair allowed gravity to bring them backwards, his forehead exposed to the cold. Yoongi smiled gently as Hoseok made his way to his side, lying next to him and resting his head on the junction where Yoongi’s shoulder stretched to his arm.
“What are you doing up?”  Yoongi asked, reorienting his body so he could have Hoseok nuzzle closer into his neck.
“The bed was suddenly too cold.”
Yoongi chuckled, understanding Hoseok’s double meaning.
“Sorry about that, I’m always more alive when the stars are out.” He said softly, pressing a firm kiss to Hoseok’shead, earning a light hum from the younger.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Hoseok said, kissing the underside of Yoongi’s jaw in return, “You find any shooting stars yet?”
Yoongi pouted, even though he knew Hoseok couldn’t see, it was an instinctive display of disappointment or frustration that Yoongi did often.
“As per usual the answer is a no” he said dejectedly, “I know I’m missing out because of all the light pollution here in Seoul but I don’t get what keeps making me try anyway.”
“You’re a stubborn one, hyung.” Hoseok muttered, sleepiness lacing itself into every syllable “Thought you would’ve figured that out by now.”
“I realized that when I was lying here for twenty minutes without a jacket or blanket to shield me from the cold” Yoongi chuckled.
With a warm smile on his face, Hoseok placed a chaste kiss to Yoongi’s cheek before he sat up, shedding the oversized cardigan he had thrown on before coming out of their shared home. He realigned the fabric in his grip and threw it over them, creating a makeshift blanket as he settled back into Yoongi’s side.
“I would be dead if I didn’t have you, Hoseok-ah”
“Shut up, hyung.” Hoseok said, smacking Yoongi’s chest lightly and dragging out a huffed laugh from the elder. “You can just say thank you, you know”
“I love you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I love you too.”
They laughed together, underneath an astronomical blanket of stars that lay above the own blanket of dark green cotton.
Yoongi stared up at the sky again, unconsciously wondering if the sky had increased its number of stars in the duration of time he had closed his eyes. He found Orion’s belt, and the little dipper a few inches underneath it. He wanted to show Hoseok, but they always struggled to make each other see what the other did. Yoongi looked down at the bundle of joy tucked into his side, his breathing was uneven; telling Yoongi that he was still awake, just resting his eyes. He smiled, his gaze shifting from Hoseok’s eyelashes, to his button nose down to his lips.
They had never kissed yet, properly. It’s not like neither of the have kissed another person before, but Yoongi wanted it to be special, he wanted to kiss Hoseok when he knew that Hoseok wanted him the way he wanted Hoseok. He brought up his latter hand to Hoseok’s face, cupping his cheek as his thumb began to stroke gently. Yoongi smiled when the younger did, Hoseok’s eyes opening and finding his hyung’s.
“What is it?” Hoseok asked, a blush forming on his cheeks when he noticed just how close they had gotten just from Yoongi turning his head to face him.
“I was just thinking” He raised the same hand to brush a few stray strands out of Hoseok’s face
“About how the stars we look at every night aren’t even a proper fraction to the real amount that scatter the universe.” His eyes scanned Hoseok’s face again, his smile fading until it lay as small as a star in the sky. If Hoseok didn’t know better, he would’ve thought that Yoongi was sad; but he did know better, Yoongi was just thinking. “Sometimes I think about how we’re so small compared to the other planets, I wonder if there’s another earth, another me, another you.”
Hoseok continued to stare into Yoongi’s eyes, they refused to meet him half way but Hoseok knew why, his hyung was thinking of what to say next.
“Did you know that the stars we see every night are probably already dead? But because they’re several million lightyears away, it takes a while for their light to stop shining.” Yoongi slotted Hoseok’s chin between the bend of his index finger and the pad of his thumb, the shorter of the pair reaching up slightly to brush against Hoseok’s bottom lip. It was softer than it let on, Yoongi gathered that much. If it was this soft underneath his fingers, he couldn’t help but wonder how soft they would feel against his own lips. “It makes me think about all the chances I missed, all the chances I’m going to take. It makes me think about how my future is going to be, it could go two ways.”
Hoseok didn’t notice the lump forming in his throat, having to clear it and swallow it down before asking Yoongi what those two ways were.
“One is without you,” he said solemnly, not looking at how Hoseok’s eyebrows raised slightly at the phrase “but that future’s not an option for me. So I’ve got the future that has you in it; where we’re happy, and where we grow old together.”
“I think about us staining places with memories of each other, of us together, but never really leaving a mark in the world but I don’t care. All I ever need in this world, the next, or wherever we go in the universe: is you, Hoseok-ah.”
Yoongi finally lifted his eyes to the younger’s, his thumb ceasing its movement on Hoseok’s lip and retreating back to his chin where it initially sat. Hoseok’s eyes were slightly glassy, pupils quivering from side to side as he struggled to decide which window to Yoongi’s soul he wanted to look into.
Without a word exchanged, or movement from Yoongi, Hoseok raised his head gently, stopping just shy of Yoongi’s lips, hesitation evident between them.
“You don’t have to,” Yoongi whispered, his eyes half closed “I’ll love you either way.”
“I want you to know just how much I love you in return, and I think this is the best way to show you.”
Yoongi’s hand found its way to the side of Hoseok’s neck, their lips slotting together in a soft meeting. It was chaste but firm, emotions flowing through them but the kiss stayed pure and innocent. Hundreds of unsaid words and miles of truth untold, showed Yoongi that Hoseok felt the same, that he no longer had anything to worry about because Hoseok loved him just as much as he did Hoseok. They broke apart to breathe, not opening their eyes but coming close together to kiss again, and again and again, until Hoseok lay his hand against Yoongi’s chest, forcing the elder to open his eyes and look at him.
Hoseok nuzzled into Yoongi’s neck just as he did earlier, Yoongi’s chin perched on top of his crown.
“I love you, Yoongi.” He whispered. “To whatever galaxy and back, whatever world we’re in… I’m in this for the long haul.”
Yoongi smiled, tightening his arms around Hoseok.
“Let’s go inside, and get some rest.”
“Really, hyung? I thought it would be pretty romantic to sleep out here all night.”
Yoongi laughed, stopping abruptly once he remembered the sleeping neighborhood they were in.
“If you get rashes in the morning, I’ll probably never hear the end of it.”
“Point taken.”
Hoseok stood first, bringing the makeshift blanket with him and engulfing his body in its warmth once again. Yoongi followed, brushing off whatever dirt that had clung to his jeans and finally held his hand out for Hoseok to take.
“Yes, hyung?”
“So does this mean I can kiss you all I want now?”
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byungsol · 8 years
Get to know me tag!
tagged by @taeyongsmiles and @satansonyeondan~ thank you♡♡
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname: i don’t have any T-T
Gender: female
Star Sign: aries
Height: 164,5cm
Time right now: 10:55pm
Last thing I googled: my brother’s girlfriend was going through my old edits and she saw a pic of daeil from 24k and asked how old he is so i googled his birthday
Favorite Bands: although i LOVE a lot of bands/groups i’m only gonna put bangtan here bc i can’t decide what others to put here and they’re my favorite group
Favorite Solo Artists: i don’t know orz no one comes to mind right now T-T
Song stuck in your head: i’ve had ‘dirty laundry’ by all time low stuck in my head for a couple of days
Last movie I watched: i was watching toy story 3 with my friend last night bc there was nothing good on tv
Last TV Show I watched: shadowhunters? i think..? i haven’t really watched any tv shows in the last few days
When did you create your blog: may 2013
What kind of stuff do you post: mostly kpop but sometimes i just reblog whatever i happen to see on my dash
When did your blog reach its peak: idk?
Do you have any other blogs: yes, my bangtan blog
Do you get asks regularly: no T-T
Why you chose your URL: both of my urls come from my some of my biases. byungsol comes from topp dogg’s hansol and bjoo and yoongkie comes from yoongi and kookie
Following: 337
Posts: on my main blog 50 378 and my bangtan blog 6 667
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff
Pokémon Team: instinct?
Favorite colors: at the moment my fave colors are black, red, lime green and purple
Average hours of sleep: it’s always different bc i usually have trouble sleeping but maybe somewhere between 3-8 hours?
Lucky Numbers: i don’t think i have any lucky numbers
Favorite Characters: why is this such a hard question orz umm... right now i think i’ll choose magnus bane or alec lightwood or both from shadowhunters
What are you wearing right now: some sweatpants, a top and a cardigan
How many blankets do you sleep with: right now i sleep with 3 bc my room is really cold at night
Dream job: any job where i get to work with kids i’ve been working at a school for the past couple of months and i’ve liked it a lot
Dream trip: i don’t really know. i’d love to travel all around the world but i’d also be happy just going on a road trip with friends
i’ll tag @jonghyunnie, @1marguerite, @yoonsicle, @unofficialyugyeom, @cheolsgirl, @babyz, @heecuhls, @jieqiongies, @yo-scoups, @leoskitty, @kainks, @hopeatuuli, @holdmehoseok, @princebyunghun, @syublove, @yoonmin, @yobosaegyo, @softsnuper, @petityeols and @pen1ag0n~  you guys don’t have to do this if you don’t want to
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elfonda4 · 6 years
How and when did you get into BTS? I first got into them at the age of 16, because I was performing a dance with my dance class and another group used boy in luv and I liked it. I got embarrassed though and stopped listening to them, but I have recently got back to listening to them.
Did you make new friends thanks to BTS? Yes!!! Loads..
Has Bangtan influenced your life in any other way? They have. They actually are one of the only things that actually makes me happy. They saved my life...
Top 10 Songs? 1.fire 2. The untold truth 3. Dna 4. Give it to me 5. Do you 6. Daydream 7. Stigma 8. Lie 9. Begin 10. Awake
Favorite album? Love yourself tear
Favorite lyrics? Wishing on the sky, wishing on the scar daydream
School trilogy, HYYH era or WINGS? School trilogy
Which Cypher part do you like best? 4
Your favorite AGUST D and RM track? AGUST D
Your favorite cover of BTS? (Doesn’t matter if it’s one of Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin, etc.) Fools by jungkook and RM
Is there any BTS song that has a special meaning for you? Save Me
Your favorite live performance? 21st century girls comeback
Your bias? YOONGI 😍❤😍❤
Your favorite ships/interactions? Yoonmin
Favorite fansite(s)? A.R.M.Y amino app
What is your favorite hair color for each member? RM- light brown, Jin- pink, Jhope- red, Suga- mont green, V- blonde or light grey, Jimin- brown, and Jungkook- red.
Whose fashion style do you like the most? Yoongi 👅
Who do you think would be your best friend in BTS? yoongi
Which member caught your attention first? Yoongi
Name the feature you like the most about each member! Jungkook- eyes, Suga- button nise, Jin- world wide handsome, RM- dimples, V, Jimin and Jhope- their smiles
Your favorite photo of each member? Suga- he is shirtless and has his hand tied up at the top of the pic. RM- anything that shows his dimples. Jungkook- one were he is yawning and has his hand on his nose. Jhope- one were he standing and looking at the camera from a side view and he is just starting... Jimin- one where is pushing his hair back behind some fire. V- the one that he accidentally posted and then deleted. He is wearing red glasses. Jin- one were he is sitting on a chair side ways and smiling.
What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Jin? WorldWide Handsome
What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Yoongi? Ummmmm..... Daddy 👅💦👉👌
What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Namjoon? DIMPLES!!!
What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Hoseok? I'm you hope, I'm your angel, I'm jhope...
What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Jimin? His eye smile
What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Taehyung? Alien...... Box smile
What immediately comes to your mind when you think of Jungkook? BUNNY smile
Who’d win in a dance battle? Jin or Namjoon? Namjoon
Jungkook’s thighs, abs, arms or veins? thighs
Holly, Soonshim, Micky or Rapmon? Holly
American Hustle Life, Rookie King, Bangtan Gayo or RUN BTS? Bangtan Gayo
What variety show do you want BTS to be featured in? Weeky idol
What accessory would you bring for a fansign and for which member? Jungkook- red and black cardigan, Suga- Infinity cude, RM- stone necklace, V- elephant plushie, Jin- pink crown, Jimin- flat billed hat, Jhope- homemade bracelet
Have you ever been to a fansign or concert of BTS? No. :'(
Have you ever sent a fan letter? Nope..
Did you ever join a fansite’s birthday project? Nope...
Are you a member of the fancafe? No...
Do you talk openly about BTS in front of friends and family? Yes..
If you were given the chance to say one sentence to all of them, what would you tell them? Thank you for making my depression go away and saving my life
If money, distance and the like weren’t a problem, what kind of gift would you give them to their birthday? RM- something that is really hard to brake. Jungkook- I would get him any video game he wanted. V- I would take him on a shopping spree at a Gucci store. Jin- I would buy any kitchen stuff he needed. Suga- the comfiest neck pillow ever. Jimin-not sure and for Jhope- I would just take him to visit him parents and sister.... For a gift for all of them i would see about paying for their time like a couple of days or a week to let them rest
Do you prefer Hip-Hop BTS or the more Pop-ish BTS? Pop-ish
Do you watch their appearances on shows live or do you wait for subs? Depends if I'm in shit mood or not. If I'm in a really poopy mode then ill just watch it bcuz I get to see them, but I'm not I'll wait for subs.
What kind of concept would you like to see in the future? Anything as long as they are happy..
Your thoughts on BigHit? From what I see and know they are a good company.
0 notes
kpopperreaction · 7 years
Omegaverse Chapter 4: Couple Backstories Part 1- the meeting of YoonMin and HoHae
WARNING: tiny dirty things happening
sorry it took me so long to do this chapter! I was so busy with things and I had serve writer's block, but the next chapters for a bit will be all about the couple's backstories. hope you guys enjoy~!
It was a cool night in Seoul when 19 year old Yoongi walked into that faithful club for the first time and he had no idea that tonight was the night that his life was going to change forever. The young man scoffed seeing people grinding against one another and he went over to a seat in the corner of the room. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on a beautiful man sitting at the bar with his legs crossed. The man was wearing a pair of tight jeans that hugged his thighs well to Yoongi, a baby pink t-shirt with a white cardigan on top of it and a pair of black and pink high top converse. The man looked over in the 19 year old’s direction and gave a small smile before he got up from his seat then make his way over to the young man.
“Hi there, sweetpea~. Aren’t you a bit young to be in this place~?” the beautiful man asked while he sat next to the boy with his drink in his hands. Yoongi blushed lightly at the nickname and at the fact that someone absolutely gorgeous would even give him the time of day.
“I am of age to drink,” the 19 year old said and he saw the other giggle to himself.
“Alright then Mr. Man, how’s about you buy us a couple of drinks seeing as I am almost finished with my own~?” the man said and got even closer, “the name is Sungmin~”
Yoongi blushed and waved his hand to get the waitress’ attention to them then blushed even more as he feels the beautiful man’s hand on his thigh moving up and down.
“What can I get you two?” the young girl asked and smiled at them.
“the usual for me Minah and he’ll have whatever the house special is tonight~” Sungmin said and cuddled as close as he could to the blushing 19 year old, “also, tell Junya to cancel my clients tonight~”
The girl nodded and walked to the bar to give the orders as a certain male’s hand got higher and higher on a young man’s leg.
“W-What are you d-doing?” Yoongi questioned with a stutter and he looked over at the beautiful man who was smirking while drawing circles in the other’s hipbone.
“Nothing you don’t want sweetpea~. Just let it happen~” Sungmin replied and gently kissed the other’s neck while he rubbed the boy’s slowly building hard on. The waitress brought them their drinks then left them alone to do whatever they want and the 19 year old moaned lightly feeling the hand squeeze him through his pants and underwear. He watched through half lidded, lustful eyes as the other male unzipped his pants and stuck his hand inside the material to feel the bulge. Yoongi blushed as his pants and underwear were pulled off and he watched the other stare at it in awe while licking his lips.
“Well, aren’t we a big boy~?” Sungmin said and licks the tip experimentally which caused the 19 year old moans loudly which no one heard do to the loud music playing in the background, “do you wanna go to a private room sweetpea~?”
The younger, unable to speak at the moment, nodded shyly and pulled his pants up while he followed the male to the private rooms area of the club. As soon as they get inside, the 19 year old is pushed against the wall and kissed roughly by the taller male who squeezed him through his boxers again.
“Do you wanna touch me Alpha~?” the man purred in his ear and grinded against him.
“H-How did you know t-that I was an A-Alpha?” Yoongi questions with a stutter as the grinding got more intense and he growled as he pushed the other male to the bed.
“Sweetpea, I could smell your pheromones from across the bar~. You are lucky I was the first one to get to you before your heat hit you~” Sungmin said with a giggle and placed a kiss on the younger’s jaw. The 19 year old put his face into the other’s neck and took a deep breath of the other’s scent while his eyes turned a darker color.
“You’re a damn beta,” Yoongi growled and gripped the other’s hair roughly, “you are gonna regret teasing me.”
A young man walked around the campus nervously and he gripped his bag close to him as people passed by him giving him looks. He wasn’t paying attention as he looked around for the building his classroom is in and he ran into someone while he dropped his books on the ground.
“I-I am so sorry! I-I wasn’t looking!” the young man stuttered and bent down to pick them up. He is shocked as the other person bent down as well to help him and he looked up through his bangs to see a handsome young man.
“Hey, no trouble~! I wasn’t exactly looking as well~!” the other male said while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly then looked at a certain book, “Hey, you’re taking advanced Shakespeare~? I’m in that class too~!”
The shy young man looked up in shock again and a blush came upon his face while he stood up and he saw a hand extended toward him.
“I’m Jung Hoseok, what’s your name~?” the man, Hoseok, said with a huge smile on his face and the nervous male blushed even more.
“I-I’m Song J-Jihae,” the shy male, Jihae, stuttered and he grabbed the other’s hand. As soon as their hands connected, a spark was felt between the two males and they looked at one another before they pulled away.
“So…um…do you need help getting to class? I-I know the way and plus i-it’d be nice to have someone t-to talk to,” the other male stuttered and rubbed his arm shyly. The nervous male smiled lightly and nodded his head as they began to head to class, not realizing that their lives would be changed forever by meeting one another.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Taekook tastes like the burn on my tongue when I can't wait, but devour my just-out-of-the-oven-still-bubbling blueberry pie. They make me feel like the beautiful stranger, I meet on the street, but the moment our eyes lock, I glance away. They smell like an arriving storm, dark, deep, and earthy carrying winds of chaos, that makes my blood thrum again in my veins.
I don't "ship" Taekook but their dynamic enthralls me. I can visualize them as everything, except nothing. Sometimes I see them as best friends, best colleagues, and best brothers. At times I get the vibe, that they are star-crossed lovers, sharing a secret only they know. And then I feel like, they could also be the greatest rivals, trying to outdo each other at every turn, sworn enemies bent to conquer one another. They feel like such different people and yet, not so different after all...
Thank you for replying last time and I really do adore all of BTS duos!
PS: I totally love Sangria (country music is superior, no shame!) and Cardigan for Yoonmin was perfection.
I don't "ship" Taekook but their dynamic enthralls me. I can visualize them as everything except nothing. Sometimes I see them as best friends, best colleagues, and best brothers. At times I get the vibe, that they are star-crossed lovers, sharing a secret only they know. They could be rivals too, trying every turn to outdo each other, enemies bent to conquer each other.
Taekook fascinates me, not in a shipping kinda way, but different...
Oh my beautiful poet anon! You are back! 🥰 Anon this could turn into a really fun game if you let it. Keep coming back 🥰 I had pause because this description gave me MULTIPLE ideas for songs and I had a hard time trying to decide which one I liked for it *best* Ultimately your description gives me similar vibes to Trouble (Stripped) by Halsey
Although when someone says star crossed Lovers, my mind automatically thinks Rewrite the Stars too. Won't lie
Both could fit so well!
Come back anon! Let's keep going!! 🥰 Who will you send me next please! 😍
(Before anyone gets confused, I'm giving songs off anons descriptions, nothing else. I picked Sangria for Jikook and Cardigan for Yoonmin yesterday from their little poems)
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