jisooxsgn · 4 years
Posted here and here
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
Most unpopular opinion?
“thanos kinda cute.”
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sgnchanyeol · 4 years
Will we ever be okay?
‘  is there a reason we shouldn’t be?  ’ is what he wants to respond. so she has to acknowledge what happened, the way she led him on, the rejection, the betrayal. because she seems just fine, doesn’t she? still with jongin despite the rumors flying around and perhaps it’s still an open wound that she is; that instead of dating him years ago, she’s still with someone who treats her in such an unappealing way. 
“ if that’s what you want. ” now, that is a question he never got to ask her anyway. is this what she wants? is that what she wants in a guy? in a relationship? what is okay anyway? 
what should their relationship be called when he thought he could see a future with her and the vision shattered the moment she saw him kissing jongin? in the moment that she left without a word in the same manner? she’s with jongin, so why does he matter? 
“ tell me though. you okay? you good? ” because it sure doesn’t seem like it. he didn’t believe the girl he liked back then could be the type and he doesn’t fully believe it now. maybe he never knew the real yoori after all. 
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sgnlara · 4 years
Favorite french word??
“ are you asking me for mine or what i think should be yours? ” because, if lara had her choice, she’d probably teach yoori how to break up with someone in french. the way her fiance speaks of her, the phrases and sentences lara is asked to translate for her beautiful friend, doesn’t match what lara thinks the other deserves. 
“ french is the language of love. so amour is a natural choice, isn’t it? the terms of endearment we have are so cute too. the korean ones are cute too but something about french . . . ” as one of her first languages, lara is quite fond of it. “ there’s that trend in untranslatable words. some of the french ones are my favorites like retrouvailles, a long overdue reunion and that feeling of finally seeing each other again. doesn’t it remind you of the odyssey? ”
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sgnsian · 4 years
Loving, Happy, Reveal
send ‘LOVE’ to receive loving texts from my muse.
⟨  ˟💌  6 ▸ SENT  ⁝  umma 🤩✨  ⟩     ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   i tried to google ‘how to become song yoori’ but nothing came up     ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤  😭😭😭😭😭😭     ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   i just think! you’re so super super cool! and smart! and pretty! a whole package! 😍😍😍     ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   not even a snack, a whole meal! everything i’m not  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ     ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   teach me how to be cool and not dumb too 😭😭     ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   also idk what’s going on w/ you and my cousin but pls don’t fall for him ur better than that    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   ( don’t tell him i said that ok u didn’t hear that from me i’m ghost ) ���‍♀️🤐🙅‍♀️🤐🙅‍♀️
send ‘HAPPY’ to receive happy/excited texts from my muse.
⟨  ˟💌  4 ▸ SENT  ⁝  umma 🤩✨  ⟩      ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   i passed by the dance practice halls today and i thought i was going crazy when i heard my voice 😲😵😵    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   turns out there’s a group in dance covering my former group’s songs    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   tell them i said thank you!! i always liked the dedication behind dance covers 🥰🥰    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   also make sure the one who is doing my part does a better job that i did ㅋ shouldn’t be hard  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
send ‘REVEAL’ to receive revealing texts from my muse.
⟨  ˟💌  8 ▸ SENT  ⁝  umma 🤩✨  ⟩     ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   i'm so drqunk rn holy svhit    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   UMMMA 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   wlhy do ri even like guys    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   the ones who i liwke don’t even like me back    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   the maisn one ttah i want doesn’t give a slhit about me    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   ur man isn’t ..u..... gdood .............    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   but at lejast there’s something mutual there??????? maybe????????    ‧ ‧ ‧  ➤   mzust be nice HAHAHoHAHA
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sgnxwoojin · 4 years
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@yoori-sgn requested a 👮 moodboard: about kang woojin’s desired occupation
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sgntaejoo · 4 years
happy, sad, busy
( texting meme ⇥ accepting ! )
( send happy to receive happy / excited texts from my muse ! )
* sms _ 유리 ⇢ have i got a story for u * sms _ 유리 ⇢ i FINALLY got out of my writer’s block that i was telling u about * sms _ 유리 ⇢ jesus it was really hard to get out of that funk but guess what??? i think i just wrote one of the BEST things i’ve written for the tribune * sms _ 유리 ⇢ ugh i’m so excited!!!
( send sad to receive sad / down texts from my muse ! )
* sms _ 유리 ⇢ i’m so fucking stupid * sms _ 유리 ⇢ why do i always do this to myself?? why do i always ruin friendships just for a fucking scoop * sms _ 유리 ⇢ it just sucks you know? to have this big ambition for a career but to be so... alone all the time because of it * sms _ 유리 ⇢ i know i have friends still but fuck i always do this always * sms _ 유리 ⇢ i mean well... that isn’t enough though ( send busy to receive slow / rushed texts from my muse ! )
* sms _ 유리 ⇢ oh really? no way * sms _ 유리 ⇢ sorry i’m uh a little busy right now * sms _ 유리 ⇢ can i call u back in like an hour?? i gotta finish this stupid assignment
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sgnyeeun · 4 years
mad,drafts text meme
send ‘MAD’ to receive mad/angry texts from my muse.
. . . sending message to y**ri (seongnam) 
    ↳ thx for thinking of me and my clothes babe 😘      ↳ guess you don’t have anything better to do...      ↳ must be fun studying such an easy major! having so much free time      ↳ ugh you're living such a great life xx 
send ‘DRAFTS’ to to receive texts to your muse that wasn’t sent from my muse.
. . . messages to y**ri (seongnam)
  ↳ (draft) i honestly dont know why you think you’re better than me like i truly cannot understand what goes through your mind    ↳ (draft) can u please stop hanging out with hyunjoo when im around im so done seeing your face everywhere!!!!!   ↳ (draft) who even watches plays these days???? who pays for broadway??  ↳ (draft) why do u affect me so much? 
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sgntaeho · 4 years
mad, drafts, reveal
text meme // accepting !
📤 sent to ❱❭❭ song yoori
➥ class today was such fucking bullshit ➥ like yes, it’s always bs. but today was on another level AKLSJASLK ➥ js if i ever end up body slamming that dickhead in the first row... ➥ DO NOT STOP ME
📤 sent to ❱❭❭ song yoori
➥ [drafted] hey. for real though, i hope you aren’t too offended by what i said today ➥ [drafted] well actually, i don’t really care if you’re offended, and i still think i’m closer to right. BUT i prob should’ve thought it over before i started running my mouth on your personal life. i have no clue what you may or may not be going through ➥ [drafted] anyways i’ll let you free roast me some other time to make up for it. but judging from today, you probably don’t need my permission or assistance for that 😅
📤 sent to ❱❭❭ song yoori
➥ hey, about your roommate  ➥ will you lmk me if you ever thinks she hates me or anything of the sort? ➥ i mean, not that there would ever be a particular reason to hate ME of all people but...  ➥ i won’t ever single you out in class this semester if you accept the conditions 😉😉😉 ➥ k thx
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sgnjuwon · 4 years
* i see the light, 
“all those days watching from the windows. all those years outside looking in..” he isn’t much of a romantic comedy kind of guy although he does play his favorites every now and then. and while animated disney flicks Isn’t on his daily to go movies whenever he’s bored, he does occasionally check them out. and when he spotted a few of his buddies watching the movie tangled, he didn’t pass out the opportunity to sit down and munch on the caramel chocolate popcorn they offered. who says no to sweets and a good movie, right? but by now it’s pretty obvious that the songs are stuck in his head and this one in particular is the current one playing. 
what is it that they called this— last song syndrome, right? 
fingers trace the underside of the log he’s sitting on, eyes watching the bonfire as he continues to hum beneath his breath, unaware of the other sitting by; too distracted by the flames perhaps, with head empty of thoughts. “all that time never even knowing just how blind i’ve been.”
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sgndaeryong · 4 years
thoughts on student/teacher relationships?
Graduate students, maybe. Undergrads? You guys can barely deal with each other let alone actual adults -- but it’s none of my business. I’ll be there when your freshly graduated high school asses end up in court with a restraining order because you’re young and stupid and think it’s love to show risque-photos and text messages of the professor that broke up with you to everyone on social media and putting their job in jeopardy. ( ‘ snort, getting sent off to sit at the table to clear him from the bar ) 
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
— piece by piece.
it’s unlike junhyung to forgo the adrenaline pumping activities outside to sit in a class, a jewelry making one at that. if not for her, he side eyes the girl next to him with a sulk, he would be out wakeboarding at the lake and not making bracelets. junhyung sighs, hoping to catch her attention, though he figures it might be in vain with how absorbed she is in the tutorial. he fiddles with the pliers on his table, muttering complains under his breath at how she should at least give him some attention after dragging him to a class like this. he won’t deny that he wasn’t entirely unwilling to attend this class — after all, it’s unlike junhyung to oblige and do something he doesn’t want to. a tiny part of him actually wanted to be here. yoori’s purpose in dragging him there was for him to offer some insights on the friendship bracelet she was making for his older sister — yes, neither of them knew about this mutual connection which sent them, well, her, in a shock when they found out. she was the one who ended up kissing her friend’s brother, junhyung just scored a kiss with a pretty girl. no loss there. if he had to be honest, he’s pretty sure yoori would know what his sister likes more than he does so he’s not quite sure if he’ll be of any help.
what really sealed the deal for him was when yoori also suggested he make a bracelet for danbi and while this isn’t usually his kind of thing, he’s here now with strings and beads scattered all over his table, a couple of tiffany blue beads singled out from the rest of the lot, hand-picked and chosen by junhyung himself. tiffany blue specifically, because it’s danbi’s favourite colour. it’s the first time he’s ever made a bracelet for anyone and it’s almost embarrassing, to think of him huddled over a table full of beads and sequins, trying to put together a bracelet that doesn’t look half bad. why was he putting himself through this? because the only thing more painful than a jewelry making class would be to have danbi not talk to him for the rest of the day and they’ve already gone the whole afternoon not talking, no thanks to their little fight earlier. junhyung was already starting to miss his best friend and he figured, yoori too, being danbi’s roommate, could offer him some insights on how he could make the perfect bracelet for her. he wasn’t sure if making her a bracelet would be enough for an apology but it was worth a shot. “just so you know, I’m not listening to whatever she’s saying so, you’ll have to guide me when this is over.” he whispers, nudging yoori in her side. 
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sgnwooyoung · 4 years
I know we are never gonna sing together but let's say we do, what duet do you think would suit us?
“who said we’d never sing together, huh? we could be the next danny and sandy.
speaking of which, a low tempo version of ‘you’re the one that i want’ could be pretty good for us, i think? kind of slow and sensual? i say we go for it. drag me into your little world.”
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sgnxgikwang · 5 years
&& words brought us together
if there was one thing gikwang could lose himself in, then it was dancing. he liked the freedom that came with dancing, loved the passion that would flow through his veins. dancing made him feel light, made him forget about his surroundings. and that was problem one reason of where this rumor was stemming from. whenever he was engaging in dance, he focused completely on the dance itself or on his partner, yoori. the two of them had danced together for a while now, and had come to trust each other blindly. there was a good vibe floating between one another, touches were casual and gentle, though they weren't intended to be romantic at all. dancing was simply sports with body contact and depending on which kind of dance a heated up mood would spark even more whispering.
so while they were practicing together one afternoon and gikwang got a glimpse at the smirk on his lips, when they held hands or when he got to embrace her from behind, he remembered the rumor wandering around. they finished the dance routine and gikwang slid down to take a big sip of water from his bottle. when both had wet their lips, the male looked over to the female. "hey yoori..." his cheek turned a pale pink. it was embarrassing to talk about that kind of thing to someone who was just a friend. "did you hear the rumors... about us, i mean?"
it was a hilarious idea that people had kind of randomly came up with, though he wasn't too sure how to feel about it, since there was someone else on his mind and he didn't know how to face them if they would ever hear about it. but for now it was simply entertaining to be a topic on campus.
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sgnserena · 4 years
Worst part about Korean Culture or just most Koreans mindset?
“i wouldn’t say this is the worst but god, it’s something that irritates the ever loving shit outta me. fucking -- aegyo? you have grown ass people literally imitating fucking babies and you’re jacking off to that shit? someone saying goo goo ga ga and speaking like a five year old gets you excited? what the fucking hell. someone explain this shit to me, but i can’t understand it.”
“when i was looking for a new sugar daddy i had some old fart who looked normal originally, but after a couple of dates he told me he was into ddlg and wanted me to show him some aegyo.” and her hands flit upwards to her face, covering her nose and mouth as she tries to maintain her composure, “i’m not kinkshaming or whatever, do you. but i almost walked out on his ass, huge stacks or not. i can pretend to be someone nice and do some things, but aegyo? me? miss me with that shit.”
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sgnxwoojin · 4 years
&& like a ghost from the past
there aren’t many people on campus woojin actually trusted, but if there was someone he would most likely call a friend, then it was jongin. the two of them were more similiar he would have expected at first, and that was probably the reason why he come to grow a more close to the other than he initially planned to. so it had surprised him a bit to see a familiar looking woman coming to his side, after the two of them just parted ways. frowning, he stood close, mustering the couple for a moment, as he tried to remember the face.
when jongin left, the female walked in his direction and woojin recognized her at once. jetblack orbs shoke for a moment, as memories of a long lost past flashed by. yoori was someone one would call a childhood friend, though he would barely accept her as one anymore, since he was kang woojin, not koo haneul any longer.
he stood there for a moment, wondering if she still remembered him, if she still knew who he was. this felt far more tense then he liked to accept. “you are acquaintanced with jongin?”
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