#yoruichi is just there to make fun of all of them
acediaedeus · 5 months
I like the thought of Ichigo’s uncertainty about where he and Grimmjow now stand after TYBW.
he’s just wallowing in confusion, bc “what did it all mean??”. he doesn’t understand whether they’re allies now, or was it just temporary? could they become friends? are they going to have all those fights he promised Grimmjow? and Grimmjow is anything BUT confused, at least about the relationship he has with Kurosaki.
so in true asshole cat nature he hisses and scratches, he shouts and growls, but at the same time he follows Ichigo around whenever and wherever he sees him, he inches closer when they sit in Urahara’s shop, he’s even more tactile inside a fight and right after one, sometimes even with no fight at all. but, because he’s, as was previously mentioned, an asshole cat, an especially prideful one at that, he does it all while spitting venom left and right, what seems like seconds away from scratching Kurosaki’s eyes out.
Grimmjow finds his own behaviour embarrassing, bc “oh my god, I’m so obvious I might as well roll over in his lap and show my belly”. all the while Ichigo is a big orange question mark going “why does he hate me still?? :((“
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everyone is exasperated, Urahara is on the brink of caving and meddling, but Yoruichi forbids him from doing so, because it’s hilarious to her.
one time Grimmjow was so uncharacteristically (in Ichigo’s opinion) peaceful and nice, nice to HIM(!!!!), that Ichigo pulls Urahara aside to ask if the arrancar has split personalities. Urahara just kind of stands there at first, then turns around without words and goes for a bottle of his strongest sake.
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greyskyflowers · 8 months
Ichigo has horrible nightmares, because I refuse to believe that he doesn't, and insomnia.
Most of the time he just gets up for the rest of the night, goes to train or on runs to try to burn off the anxious energy.
If they're bad enough, or he's at the point where if he doesn't sleep then he going to pass out, he develops a habit of goes finding certain people.
The nightmares leave him a little frazzled, mind messy from lack of sleep and fear. They leave him a little more vulnerable, a little less self conscious of getting comfort because he may shake out of his skin if he doesn't settle down. Sometimes he does things without realizing it, fight or flight kicking in along side unsettled hollow instincts, and he's off to find somewhere he feels safe and can sleep.
In the human world, he'll sneak in to find Kisuke. Right, sneak, like anyone in that building doesn't know he's there.
Sometimes Kisuke's in his labs so Ichigo just sits down outside the door, just enough out of the way to not trip anyone, back to the wall and arms crossed over them to rest his head on.
It soothes the vulnerable feeling, the sharp edge of terror in his chest. He trusts Kisuke to sense a threat and respond to it. He also likes the feeling of his reiatsu, cool like river stones and soothing like summer rain.
If Kisuke is busy or out, then he'll find a spot where he feels close enough to Tessai or Yoruichi to grasp at them for comfort.
They're all great about it.
Yoruichi will come and curl up next to him, her reiatsu brushing against his skin like fur, soft and warm. She purrs until the panic doesn't itch under his skin so badly. He's woken up to blankets pulled over him and sometimes a pillow between him and the wall.
The true problems arise whenever he stays in soul society.
No one says anything but he knows they can all tell when he has a nightmare, his reiatsu reacting to his fear and discomfort. Between the nightmares and the fear of waking everyone up, he's too anxious to sleep.
It's the 4th night with no sleep and he's restless, eyes burning and head reeling. It's familiarity that has him walking mindlessly until he finds Shinji's office. He slips in and ignores the sharp gaze immediately on him. This isn't new, he did this a few times while training with them.
He sits down in the far corner, back to the wall and facing the door. He draws his legs and rests his head on them. He already feels better, sleep creeping up on him fast.
All the visored have a eerie quality to their reiatsu but Ichigo likes it, especially like this. The sun warmed and soft sandy feeling of Shinji's reiatsu covering him is enough for him to sleep.
Shinji might be the only one beside Kisuke that Ichigo breaks his distance rule for. It's easier for everyone if they keep acknowledgement to a minimum when Ichigo seeks them out in the night. They've had years, centuries some of them, to make their peace with what they've seen and done. Ichigo has not. It's a topic they all avoid, pretending that not talking about it makes it go away.
He's a little touch starved, he'll admit it. He doesn't get much contact that isn't fighting, or that isn't meant to hurt or teach.
The clawing urge to be safe eats at him, especially at night. It won't let him rest, keeps him awake with anxious thoughts or wakes him up with fear.
Very, very few things would willing take on Kisuke Urahara or Shinji Hirako, even if the prize was Ichigo.
So getting a little more personal is common with them. He sits a little closer, holds on a little tighter, visits them a little more. The pressure of their reiatsu feels like a weighted blanket.
He also find others he trusts for those nights.
He's goes to Kensei and ignores Shuhei's questioning and semi concerned look.
Kensei complains about having too many people in his office, Mashiro sticks her tongue out at him and Shuhei looks genuinely ruffled at the comment, but he doesn't turn Ichigo away.
He won't, wouldn't.
Kensei's reiatsu reminds him of swaying bamboo leaves and splotches of sunlight through tree branches, Mashiro's is tall grass and wildflowers, and Shuhei's is heavy but comforting.
Ichigo wakes up to Mashiro snoring on one shoulder, the side between him and the door, Shuhei is asleep on the other.
He also goes to Rose, who doesn't seem surprised to see him either.
Kira usually sits in the office too, a familiar restlessness and unease to him that Ichigo recognized in himself. They sit next to each other and it's nice to have the warmth of someone next to him.
He relaxes and can almost hear Rose's reiatsu humming, Kira's a gentle rain storm at his side.
There's a simmering fury that burns hot in the Visored everytime Ichigo comes to them, exhausted and anxious, and joins lieutenants already there for the same reasons.
Aizen left a mark on the younger ones, dark circles under their eyes and nightmares a constant battle.
Ichigo does well with them though. He sits quietly with Kira, sometimes they talk in low voice until they end up slumped against each other. He usually ends up between Mashiro and Shuhei, all of them falling asleep in a mess of limbs. He's unsure with Momo, a lot of people are, but she's growing to like him and it won't be long before they start talking. It doesn't hurt that Tōshirō thinks highly of Ichigo.
Tōshirō just waves him to the corner, in the middle of arguing with Rangiku and eventually kicking her out for the night. He's quiet as he goes back to work and the room is almost chilly, but it feels good against Ichigo's flushed skin. Tōshirō pauses a few times like he wants to say something, the words almost spilling out of his mouth, but he doesn't. He resumes working and Ichigo falls asleep to a snowstorm. Rangiku wakes him up in the morning with a smile and the smell of smoke and embers.
The 11th is... unexpected. It's the worst nightmare he's had in a while and stumbling out in a panic had brought him here. Maybe because nothing was stupid enough to come looking for a fight with Kenpachi and his men. That longing for safe eventually made the decision for him and he sat on the far edges of the division, hidden by the shadows. He knows that anyone awake would know he was there and sure enough, Yumichika comes around the corner and raises an eyebrow at him while Ikkaku looks over his shoulder. Ichigo just curls in a little tighter and watches them, waiting for them to kick him out or laugh. They don't do either. Yumichika just sighs and says something to Ikkaku and they sit down further down the walkway. They don't look at him, looking away or even closing their eyes. The tension slowly leaves, and it's hard to stay awake as he relaxes. The reiatsu that rolls over him smells like iron and he can vaguely tell where Kenpachi is, his reiatsu twisting and cracking like lightning.
He wakes up with just enough time to sneak out, hovering in front of Yumichika and Ikkaku hesitantly, only taking off when Kenpachi start howling about a fight.
They're laughing as he runs off.
Byakuya almost doesn't allow it, but Ichigo must look as bad as he feels because he only gets observed for a minute before he's ignored again. It's the only sign he gets that he won't get kicked out and it makes him hesitant at the door before slinking into the far corner and getting comfortable. He falls asleep to flowers and the cool warmth of spring cautiously grazing his skin. He wakes up to the smell of cold steel and the feel of scale and furs. Renji and Rukia sit beside him, waiting for him to wake up.
Do I go back and forth between Ichigo being everyone's secret crush or their collectively adopted, traumatized human? Yes, and everything/anything in between.
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master-muffinn · 4 months
Bleach: sitting on their lap in public headcanons
With Ichigo, Renji, Grimmjow and Yoruichi. x reader
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 🍓 I feel like Ichigo would be more fine with you sitting on his lap in a semi-public place, like at the park, library, waiting for the bus/train outside the city or if you are out in the evening together.
 🍓 If it’s too many people around it would be too much and he doesn't like the stares and the whispering!
 🍓 Of course he wouldn't accept it until you have been together for a couple of months at the very least. And you will most likely be the one starting it. Ichigo will be blushing quite a lot in the beginning but be more comfortable after every time. 
 🍓 He would prefer to not do it infront of his friends either, because they probably would make fun of him and that would make him even more embarrassed, but as we know, Ichigo wouldn't exactly let it slide either. 
“Renji, you are just jealous because you are still single!” 
“HUH?! I’M NOT!!” 
 🍓 However Ichigo prefers to be home alone with you and cuddle together without staring, judging eyes. 
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 🍍 This boy has been watching way too many series and movies by now. Taking inspiration from different romance shows and adding it to your relationship so that he can be more romantic and be the best boyfriend there is! 
 🍍 I can see him being the one who straight out asks you about it when you two are watching movies together and then regret it because it sounded so stupid! 
 🍍 If you accept it, Renji will be so nervous and awkward and be blushing the whole time. He’ll be wondering if you can hear his fast going heartbeat through his chest. ‘Why does it look so easy in the movies???’ If you start talking about the movie later he will have no idea what youre are talking about.
 🍍 Renji would also be more fine with semi-public places while being awkward and blushing most of the time even after doing it for months. He would rather have you on his lap in privacy and cuddle. Then you can have all his attention and no one would disturb you. ;) 
 🍍 If you were sitting on Renji's lap in a semi-public place and his friends would see you two like that, teasing would have a great effect on Renji at that moment.
“Geez Renji, y/n will go deaf if you scream like that”
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 😾 This boy is a little complicated. You sitting on his lap is both prideful and embarrassing. He wants you to sit on his lap in the public and show off his amazing s/o and that they are obviously taken. But at the same time he’ll want you all by himself ALONE with no prying eyes. 
 😾 It’s the same with Grimmjow, you’ll have to be the one to start sitting down on his lap first, after that he’ll be the one who will grab you the most. He’ll find your physical affection very comfortable and calming. 
😾 Romance and relationship in general is something he is lacking, which is something he gets to experience and learn more and more with you. In the beginning he probably wouldn't be too fine to be lovey dovey in public, then it would be embarrassing. But the longer you are together the more pride and love he takes in you and your relationship so later on you can basically sit on his lap whenever you want and wherever you want, unless he’s out and fighting or training. Grimmjow will be happy either way and he won't take peoples crap either!
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🐾 Yoruichi is literally a cat. She has been sitting on your lap in her cat form long before you have been in a relationship. So of course it’s no big deal! 
🐾 It doesn't really matter when or where, as long as she gets your attention and affection, but don’t forget to let her sit in your arms too! Yoruichi loves both and people who staring doesn't affect her. 
“Y/n what we do is none of other people’s business, just ignore them okay?”
🐾 Yoruichi wouldn't mind sitting with you in front of her friends either. Kiskue and the others wouldn't judge. Everyone in that shop is so used to your relationship by now. 
🐾 But don’t forget that Yoruichi also has a lot of energy and likes to mess with people and prank them, so watch out! Like that time when she was sitting in Byakuya's garden with you in her lap and was making out with you in front of him just to get a reaction. Byakuya was not happy.
“You are a disgrace…Leave immediately!”
“What? Are you uncomfortable? Or just jealous, hmm?” 
“...Bankai, senbonzakura..”
Thank you for reading! If liked, please reblog! 💖 Have a good day!
Post made by @master-muffinn
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gallusrostromegalus · 5 months
How does each of the main aeiwam cast react to spiders?
Ichigo: "...Why's my leg itchyyYEAUGH! DAMMIT!" *scoops spider up in piece of paper, opens window and throws it out* "OUTSIDE! SHOO! I hate it when they sneak up and on me...
Orihime: Had an intense close personal friendship with a Joro Spider that had made it's web on her apartment balcony when she was six. It's death at the end of summer was her first real experience with mortal loss, and she mourned it for weeks. She still recalls "Joro-San" fondly.
Uryuu: Secretly dreams of Spiders large enough to spin actual ropes of silk- the stuff is a marvel of chemical engineering, and would be incredibly useful to him as a Doctor or Fashion Designer. He feels like the difficulty of harvesting Spidersilk is the main thing holding back a Golden age of Humanity, and is disturbed to find out he shares ANY opinion with Mayuri Kurotsuichi.
Tatsuki: Paralyticly Phobic of spiders. Understands and appreciates their importance in the ecosystem, knows they can't hurt her and that the phobia is an irrational reflex, and even thinks some of them 'look cool as hell'. The second there's a live one in her presence, she locks up and can't move until someone removes it. (Usually Ichigo, because Orihime will just stare at it, fascinated).
Chad: Has a Pet Kitchen Spider. thought about shooing flies in it's direction, then felt bad for the flies.
Kon: Is a cat, hunts them, and will have nuanced discussions about how different spiders taste with Yuzu, the one person who will tolerate that analysis.
Keigo: Screams theatrically and jumps away and into someone's arms if they're there, but that's just how he reacts to anything that startles him.
Mizuiro: Fascinated by them, will stare at them with Orihime and tell her fun facts about Joro-Gumo Yokai and other lore, which delights her to no end.
Yoruichi: Like Kon, enjoys toying with them before eating them.
Urahara: Curled into the farthest corner, screaming, crying, throwing up, and begging Yoruichi to STOP FUCKING AROUND AND GET RID OF IT!
Rukia: *entirely genuine, with a huge spider crawling on top of her hair* "...what Spider?"
(Seireitei Squad Under The Cut)
Yamamoto: Utterly fails to notice or care. There are so many things he's seen that are so much worse, and honestly? Even when he was a young man he didn't give a shit. He slept rough delivering messages, waking up in the dirt with half a dozen bugs on him was normal.
Sasakibe: Thinks they're delightful. So many elegant designs! Such perfect sense of when to strike! Such patience! He finds out about Diving Spiders and goes Ape Shit. THEY MAKE THEIR ON SCUBA TANKS!!
Soi Fon: Spiders are cool but not as cool as wasps and hornets :)
Omaeda: Also has a Pet Kitchen Spider, but does not feel bad about shooing flies into it's web at all.
Gin: Isn't actually sure what spiders are, or if they're even real. He's seeing sixteen dimensions at once, something that minuscule gets lost in the noise. Still thinks that someone Screaming "SPIDER!" and everyone flailing around in fear or suddenly attacking the walls and furniture is a social game like "The Floor Is Lava"
Rose: Thinks they're cool right up until they're in his personal space and then they are VERY SCARY.
Izuru: Was the designated spider-wrangler for the third from the first day he transferred in, because everyone else is a huge bitch about them. he plays it cool, but he's actually creeped out by the really big ones.
Unohana: Spiders are garden Friends :) often heard verbally encouraging them to destroy her garden pests with calls of "GET HIS ASS!" coming from the Hydrangeas.
Isane: Everyone is sort of surprised how chill Isane is about dealing with spiders- even Yamada's Actually Dangerous Specimens- and she shrugs and tells them that she deals with more dangerous things every day, especially over in Pharmacology. It keeps the focus off the Bug she's actually terrified of: Butterflies.
Hanataro: Do Not Ask The Head Of Toxicology And 11th Division Pocket Medic About Spiders Unless You Are Prepared For A Seven-Hour Lecture With A Pop Quiz At The End.
Aizen: HUGE fan of Spiders. What splendid creatures- look at how carefully the spider selects the anchor points of it's web, the skillfulness with which it weaves. Such incredible patience, waiting for the lines of tension it's woven to snare it's game- though I suppose such patience is easier when the fly's capture is inevitable >:)
Shinji and Hiyori: *Screaming and flailing, hitting things at random (mostly each other) in a blind panic, because they share a braincell and that cell is TERRIFIED of spiders* "It's so fast!" "It was huge! It had to be a tarantula!" "We should burn the division down, just to be sure."
Momo: Escorted the little garden spider outside in a cup like ten minutes ago, and forgot about it because that's such a routine chore, and she was having a more important phone call at the time.
Byakuya: Rarely notices spiders, but sometimes one will scuttle across his desk and he'll stop to watch it for the seven minutes it takes to actually cross his desk with a neutral expression, before resuming whatever he was doing. It's a pleasant diversion for him, not unlike watching the koi fish swim around in the compound pond, and he resumes his duties feeling spiritually refreshed by that chance encounter with nature.
Renji: Not bothered by Spiders. VERY Bothered by his Boss's fucking peculiar-ass reaction to a spider wandering across his desk because to Renji, it looked like Byakuya had never actually seen a spider before and was staring at it with an expression that indicated his higher brain functions had ceased entirely. Is currently making plans to study "The Captain Kuchiki Spider Brain Glitch" by catching a bunch of spiders in a jar and releasing them into his office to see what happens.
Komamura: He's particularly fond of Jumping spiders, because they sing little songs while hunting that he can hear if it's really quiet. They're very cute. Gets very upset when people kill spiders or talk about killing them.
Iba: Not afraid of spiders but doesn't know what to do when they're in his way. Killed one in front of Komamura once when he was a little kid and Komamura was still his babysitter, Sajin gave him a huge and very upset lecture about respecting life in all it's forms... but did not actually teach Iba how to remove them. So every time he sees one he sorta stands there for a minute and hopes it will move, before yelling "BOSS!"
Shunsui: Does not want to admit how much Spiders freak him out. It's not fear, precisely- more of a disgust reaction. All bugs make his skin crawl and he understands how important they are, but can they do all that ecology stuff Far Away From Him, Please And Thank You?
Nanao: Like Unohana, reveres spiders as pest control. She takes it a step further, and actively collects Jumping Spider egg sacs as she finds them in the archives and tends to them over winter so when early spring comes, she can release several hundred thousand spiderlings into the archives to destroy the mites, bookworms, moth larvae and other archive pests before they can get a foothold. She usually does this while dumping out the entire terrarium and cackling manically.
Lisa: Immediately joins in on Nanao's Spider Propagation Project, much to Shunsui's horror.
Tousen: If there is a sudden shriek and burst of profanities and hexes in the ninth division, 90% chance it's because Kaname walked into a spider web again, his LEAST favorite texture in the Universe. Yes, including the curse nails. He'd keep them in his spine if it meant he'd never walk into another spiderweb.
Kensei: Often cracked open a beer while watching the evening news during his exile in the living world. Sometimes it was several beers, or something stronger if he'd had a rough day. One night, it was a bottle of Fireball as he watched the news, and felt too intoxicated to change the channel from the newshour, so he kept watching when PBS Nature came on, and damn near pissed himself laughing when he saw the Peacock Spider's Mating Dance. Full on Howling, tears streaming down his face, barely able to breathe, Pterodactyl-noises laughing. Nothing has been funnier before or since to him, so now whenever he sees a spider he starts guffawing and stop to explain WHY.
Shuuhei: Deeply confused by the fact spiders keep coming indoors. "Why are you all here?" he asks, doing a cobweb patrol with the broom before his boss gets back from the inter-division meeting. "What are you eating? Crumbs? Lint? Is it Lint you eat?"
Mashiro: Has a grasshopper-type Zanpakuto who is not a fan, so she attempts to destroy any spider she sees in solidarity. Usually misses and destroys something else.
Matsumoto: Spiders are cool, but not as cool as snakes :)
Hitsugaya: Grew up on a farm, and shares Momo's total non-reactivity to them. It's even deeper, because his constant ambient chill means spiders never climb on him if they can't help it.
Zaraki: Used to agitate Yumichika and Ikkaku by eating them. Now he agitates them by wandering off the trail during 11th Division Boot Camp or other deployments and coming back with extremely dangerous ones and handing them to Hanataro "fer yer collection". The 11th Division's Pocket Medic has explained toxicology at length to him, and now Zaraki thinks of various medicines as "Spider Pills" and "Scorpion Juice".
Yachiru: Still eats spiders. She's the sole exception to the Wrath of Komamura, because there is no malice or fear in her actions- it's perfectly natural and morally upstanding Carnivory. The rest of you are being irrational and jerks.
Ikkaku: Sometimes regrets his life choices when he sees the freak he's sworn loyalty to walk out of the trees with something venomous enough to kill half the gotei-13 with a single bite crawling over his face, then realizes that's FUCKING BADASS and is assured that he made the right choices.
Yumichika: *currently sneaking up behind Ikkaku with a fake spider on a string to affectionately terrorize him*
Mayuri: Unlike Uuryu, Mayuri isn't a Weenie, and he's making his dreams of Milkable Spiders the Size of Cattle a reality.
Nemu: Helping with that. This one is hers. She named it #47, after it's designation, Specimen Number 47.
Ukitake, *entirely genuine, with a huge spider crawling across his forehead* "...There's a spider in here?"
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brittscafe · 1 year
hiii, a while ago I saw that you did scenarios of the Bleach guys playing the spin the bottle game, could you do a second part but including tensa zangetsu and ichigo? take your time ♡ ^^
Yes of course! I also included Uryu, Kisuke, and Isshin! <3
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Ichigo: His face becomes bright red, just like a tomato. He swallows a large gulp and gazes up at your face. His eyes glance down at your plump lips and he inches closer.
He's wanted to kiss you for awhile, but he's been very busy as a substitute soul reaper.
"Hey," Ichigo calls out with a gentle tone. You glance up at him and exhale shakily. "If you're not comfortable with this...then we won't kiss," Ichigo speaks softly and you nod your head.
"No, I want you to kiss you, Ichigo," you couldn't believe the words that just came out of your mouth. Ichigo's jaw slightly drops open and he lets out a tiny chuckle.
His soft hands brush over your cheeks and he cups them. Ichigo steps closer, closing the distance between you two and you squeeze your eyes shut.
His lips connect with yours and you slightly open your lips, deepening the kiss. Your hands cling to his torso and you steady yourself.
Ichigo slowly pulls away from you and lets out a deep, warm breath.
"Wow..." Orihime speaks up as her eyes glisten, earning laughter from everyone in the circle.
Uryu: "What?!" Uryu screams out as the bottle lands on him and you.
"You know the rules, Uryu. You have to," Ichigo points out, a smug smirk across his face. Uryu growls lowly and shoots Ichigo a harsh glare.
"Shut up," Uryu retorts harshly, walking over to you. You blink at him through your eyelashes and Uryu can't help his heart rapidly beating as you gaze at him.
He kneels down to you and grabs onto your shoulders firmly. Your eyes widen and your lips slightly part open. Uryu's eyes flicker down to your lips and he starts to lean in.
You inhale the sharp smell of his cologne and he stops halfway to your lips. You cock an eyebrow and twist your fingers into his jacket.
Uryu opens his mouth, to complain surely, but he can't. He groans, loudly, as you press your lips against his. Uryu runs his hands up and down your shoulders as the kiss starts out soft, slowly gaining passion.
Uryu returns the kiss eagerly, his glasses smashing up against both of your faces. You giggle against his lips and Uryu snaps away from you.
Tensa Zangestu: Warmth blossoms in your chest, sparks igniting as Zangestu leans in close. Your lips brush together, tentatively, for the first time. The smell of your perfume is dizzying, butterflies dancing in his stomach.
His lips impossibly soft against yours. Zangestu could feel the soft tickle of your breath beneath his nose, fingers carding through your hair as you breathed each other in.
You grip onto his shirt, stabling yourself as your mind starts to spiral. He pushes your hair back and nibbles on your bottom lip. A shiver runs down your spine and you pull away from him, needing a breath.
Zangestu's eyes glisten and he wears a comfortable, relaxed expression across his face.
"So, that's what the humans do for fun," Zangestu comments and you smile warmly.
"Sometimes," you nod your head and Zangestu dips his head down to your neck. His hot breath on your skin makes your whole body jolt.
"Then...I suggest we do it all the time," Zangestu whispers into your ear.
Kisuke: Yoruichi suggested the game as a way to pass time. God, how you wish she chose any other game to play. A wide smile forms along Kisuke's face as your heart rams against your chest.
"I win!" Kisuke cheers out, standing up and walking over to you. He grabs onto your hand and helps you onto your feet. Your stomach twists into uneasy knots and Yoruichi knits her eyebrows together.
"Win?" Yoruichi asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Of course I win, Yoruichi" Kisuke cheers out with excitement.
"How's that?" she asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"I get to kiss, y/n," Kisuke chimes out with a charming voice, focusing back on you. His hand gently grabs onto your jaw and pulls your face towards him.
Your eyes widen as he presses his soft lips against yours. Your whole body relaxes at his touch and you close your eyes. Kisuke's blonde hair tickles your forehead. His free hand glides across your body and butterflies form in your stomach.
Kisuke's tongue slides over your bottom lip and you moan against his lips. Kisuske chuckles slightly and pulls away from you. His nose rests against yours and you gaze up at him, without any words.
Isshin: You were both pretty sure this game was for teenagers, but it was too late to go back now. You were both sitting across each other on the couch, not daring to look at one another.
You were conflicted with your feelings and Isshin's. You couldn't kiss him, right? Misaka may be gone, but she still holds a deep part of Isshin's heart.
Little did you know that you also hold a part of Isshin's heart. Isshin glances over at you and every inch of his body feels like its on fire.
"Listen, we don't-" you start to speak, but Isshin's hand slaps down on your wrist and his lips are already on yours. His lips are warm and soft.
They slightly parted open, giving you the chance to slip your tongue inside. Your bodies press together, breathing heavily as your tongues go back and forth.
You could all eyes burning a hole into your soul, so you clear your throat and pull away from the toe curling kiss.
"It said kiss, not makeout," one of your friends speaks up and you lower your head, chewing on your bottom lip. Isshin lets out a tiny chuckle and rubs the back of his head.
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
Job Headcannons for the Karakura Gang
I hate most of the jobs everyone in bleach was stuck with or their occupation wasn't mentioned or I didn't notice it because I've only really brushed over the chapter so I've taken the liberties to think about different ones for them
Orihime: I've already mentioned what I would've loved to see her become in another post but I think a creative path really suits her. One of her defining traits was how creative her mind is, regardless of the fact that the things she comes up with are rather absurd and it would've been great to see her become a writer, a mangaka, a conspiracy theorist, just anything down a creative path. She's stated to be intelligent-- the third in her district and she's emotionally intelligent as well which means that she could go down whatever path she wished but I think something creative would be what makes her happy. Plus, she was in the crafts club with Ishida, creativity suits her
Ichigo: I'm sorry I have nothing to say about his job, I absolutely love it. Him being a translater because he wants to bridge the gap between two worlds and his little ass being Shakespeare nerd is one of my favourite things about him so I have no complaints. Him being a translater is also perfect for my Orihime job hc because he could be her translater if she writes a fantasy book or creates a mangaka and I think that's absolutely adorable given the fact that they end up together. Just imagine the two of them together in their early twenties before they got married with her writing/drawing her story and him editing/proofreading/translating it for her-- it's so cute *sobs*
(God, I am the most inconsistent shipper in the universe like one day I love a ship because it has me kicking my feet and giggling but then the next I'm like '.... meh.' like what??? make up your mind brain, do I like them or not???)
Chad: ANIMALS. I said this in another post but it got like no attention so I'm saying it again. Chad + animals = my happiness. But anyways Chad becoming a boxer at the end of the manga… idk, it never sat right with me. I mean, he likes cute things and animals given his reaction to yoruichi in cat form and the fact that he kept yuichi’s parrot even after konso he could’ve been like a vet or a zoologist or an animal trainer of some kind. Imagine we got a pic of him hanging out with a bunch of parrots and yuichi's parrot in another country like the amazon rain forest or something. It would've been amazing. Also the idea of him being in a band as like a side thing just struck me and I absolutely love it, I would've loved to see him and Ichigo being in a band as like a thing they did on the side for fun and Uryuu would join them occassionally (this is totally not influenced by Uryuu and Ichigo both holding guitars in the new opening, what are you talking about)
Uryu: Honestly. Honestly, I'm a little offended for him. The groundwork for him to be a fashion designer was all there, it would've been amazing. Him and Orihime could have a beautiful friendship in which he makes her beautiful outfits when she goes out for like book signing or something for her and she occasionally moonlights as one of his models in the fashion shows he enters, dragging Ichigo along with her sometimes because you cannot look me in the eye and tell me every single person in that show is not model-worthy, I dare you. I hate that he became a doctor, following in his father's footsteps and I hate that he's shown to be alone at the end of the manga. I get that he's the loner character but his connection to Ichigo and Orihime are so important to me, I hate that even after all this time he's still alone.
Keigo: Once again, I'm not truly upset with his career, he feels like the type of person that wants a comfy life and while he's fully willing to throw hands for his friends and deeply cares about them, his ramen shop suits him. I like to hc that it gets really popular after Ishida and Orihime are seen visiting it. I also love the idea of him joining chad and Ichigo in their little band sometimes
Mizuiro: He strikes me as the entrepreneur/lawyer type but also... imagine him as an actor. My mind is just really stuck on that idea, it's so fun. Idk it just feels like the sort of thing that his shitty rich (I think?? Mizuiro feels like the rich neglected type ngl) mom would hate so I love it. He's so unhinged just look at this clip omg: Mizuiro vs Aizen. He threw a molotov cocktail at Aizen with the most calm expression on his face like who does that?? Love him to pieces. I also love the idea of him and Urahara becoming friends and Ichigo and Keigo just not vibing with that fact at all XD
Tatsuki: My favourite girly achieved her goal of becoming a vale tudo champion and then proceeded to open a dojo of her own. She was a big help for Orihime when learning how to draw fight scenes (as a mangaka) and would often serve as her model for doing so. Uryuu designed the uniform for her dojo because I love the idea of the two of them becoming friends while agonizing over Ichigo's stupidity
Karin: This might sound weird but- but I think being a detective really suits her. Don't ask me why or how, she just does. She specializes in murder cases-- specifically those of children because she wants to help them move on, inspired by how upset she was about yuichi's situation and how much she wanted to right that specific wrong. She solves those murders with help from the ghosts she can see and evidence she finds to prove her 'hunches'. I know it's been stated that she doesn't want to be involved with the spiritual world however, it seems like she's moved on from that, especially after Ichigo got his powers back. She has a really good reputation despite being so young. She also activated a form of her powers, not really enough to be called a fullbring or anything but she can manipulate the reishi around her and in her body (quincy-like ik I just feel like she leans more into her quincy heritage than her shinigami one like Ichigo) to augment her natural strength, especially in her legs. I like the idea of her still playing/coaching soccer when she's older
Yuzu: honestly, she is not expanded on the same way Karin, Ichigo, and Isshin are, which I find a little sad but I love her nonetheless. From what we've observed, she enjoys or feels a duty to take care of the ppl around her so I do think her becoming a doctor or a nurse is a really suitable occupation for her and I especially think that her attachment to her family would lead her to taking over the Kurosaki clinic or working with Isshin until she has to do so.
So that's the end of my headcannon rant, what do you think?
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merbear25 · 9 months
Closet Musician - General Headcanons (SFW)
Synopsis: They think you're too shy to play for them, but it was partly due to you working on a little song, specially for them.
CW: None! Just fluffy goodness. No specific gender for the reader and fictional characters I headcanon. These can be romantic or platonic (whichever you'd prefer!)
fandoms included: Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, and One Piece
A/n: I've recently started relearning how to play the piano, and although my shyness is nowhere near as bad as when I played the guitar, I still get embarrassed knowing someone's listening. I thought it might be cute to imagine how they'd feel and react.
the teaser
It's endearing to think how much you worked yourself up over it, although that doesn't stop them from lightly teasing you. The teasing wouldn't be towards your song or your abilities, since they'd be able to understand how hard you've been working on them. It'd mostly pertain to your reaction while playing for them. It would all be done light-heartedly, of course. They may make a slight joke about if you continue practicing like you have, there will be nothing left to tease you about. And where's the fun in that? ;P
satoru, zoro, renji, yoruichi
the encourager
They watch you fondly with a small smile. To see you come this far and to push yourself to perform in front of them brings them a lot of joy. Sitting patiently as you finish playing, they express their graditude with applause and praise. Even if you still look a bit unsure about how things went, they encourage you to keep at it and reassure you of any doubts that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential.
robin, choso, sanji, usopp, kento, nami, uryu, nobara
the fine tuner
Over coming stage fright isn't easy. They can respect the courage it took to push past it. Although they aren't particularly gifted when it comes to music, they couldn't help but notice a few slip ups here and there. Gentle tips are given to get past your fears and there might be a few others to help with keeping the pacing of the song.
suguru, megumi, ichigo, rukia, byakuya
the clueless supporter
They know nothing about learning an instrument or about which parts are off or on key. That would never stop them from being amazed at your talent. You only started learning how long ago?? Incredible! This is the first time you've performed in front of anyone?? They're in awe! You've likely inspired them to go out of their comfort zones. They feel so special.
luffy, yuiji, orihime, kasumi
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sonderonpluto · 2 years
could we get nsfw/kink hcs for rangiku and yoruichi with a male! dom! s/o? please and thank you!!!
Hellooo, I wasn’t rlly sure how to write Yoruichi with a dom male reader, but I did do Rangiku, and I’ll probably post another one with her that’s kind of a oneshot & headcanon mixed together. Sorry for not being able to do your full request! I just wanted to go ahead and post what I had rather than taking years trying to figure out what to do for Yoruichi. I’ll probably attempt to write her with a male dom again later on. Thanks for the request!
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PAIRING: Rangiku Matsumoto x Male!Dom!Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: Smut, Vaginal sex, whatever else you want to call it, Degradation, Dub-Con, Edging, Face-fucking, male!dom!reader, sub rangiku, brat rangiku, Kinda possessive reader, Dumbification?, maybe other stuff i’m missing (please tell me if there is in the comments)
A/N: fun fact for some reason i thought you were talking about rengoku from demon slayer & in preparation of beginning to write i finally figured out that I COMPLETELY mixed up there names😭Also, this is my first time righting nsfw/smut so please have mercy on me 🙏🏽🙏🏽anyways enjoyyy
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Rangiku is an attractive woman, and she knows that, so of course she’ll use it to her advantage to get something she wants. (Wether that’s you or new clothes from the world of the living.)
She finds that the best way to get you riled up is either by teasing you or making you jealous. Sometimes she likes to do both.
When you’re in captain meetings she finds it fun to mess with the other lieutenants: she’ll push up her boobs by crossing her arms or simply move a little too close to them.
They never entertain her because they know why she’s doing it and getting on your bad side just wasn’t something they wanted to do.
Whenever the meetings end you always quietly grab her and take her to your room.
“Fuck!” she moaned
You hit just the right spots to have her clawing at the sheets and running. You push her head into the pillows and thrust into her cunt from behind.
“You’re such a little attention seeking whore, touching over Abarai right in front of me.”
You fuck her hard and rough, just to get your point across. But she’s so dumb for your cock she probably doesn’t understand a word you’re saying.
When you’re really angry, you don’t let her cum.
As soon as you feel her pussy getting just a little too tight, you pull out. Maybe even cum on her back, to let her know you don’t give a fuck how much she cries and begs.
She likes when you do whatever you want with her, though she’ll never admit it. She foams at the mouth hoping you’ll make her suck your dick.
Use her throat like a flesh light and shove her head on your length. It’ll have her dripping in minutes.
Her favorite thing is for you to give her pussy a couple of spanks. Cmon, she’s been a bad girl and she deserves it. Slap her ass too, and make sure she counts each one until she’s reached a certain number. As soon as she loses track she’s gotta start all over.
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Base Yandere Yoruichi Headcanons: She Was Your Pet, You Are Hers (+Scenario)
#Yandere #YandereYoruichi #YandereBleach #YandereHeadcanons #YandereScenarios #Scenarios #Headcanons #Bleach #BleachYoruichi #Yoruichi #Yoruichixreader #GenderNeutralReader #Reader 
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another chapter, Bleach theme! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here muffins!]
(Disclaimer: Yoruichi is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it. Also, remember to separate headcanons from canon and fiction from reality! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.)
-Base Yandere Headcanons with Yandere Yoruichi X Gender Neutral Reader-
.She is playful and laid back most of the time.
.She had been born a noble and was captain of squad 2.
.Though she does not act like the other nobles in the soul society.
.She also can be very flirty.
.When she met you, she was stunned.
.She watched you in her cat form, taking advantage of you not knowing she is a cat.
.Being able to give biscuits to your boobs and to lay on your chest and lap.
.When she does reveal herself to you, she loves to make you fluster always showing you her naked form and making you freak out in embarrassment.
.She also does not like to wear clothes and will longue in your home in little to none or completely naked.
.She can be serious when it is needed.
.She is also protective of you.
.Keeping you safe and sound is her goal.
.Though she as a yandere is very playful and teases you happily.
.She is also the dom in the relationship most of the time.
.She does not mind courting you and being the one to take the lead.
.She can be firm and seductive with you.
.She also will do what it takes to keep you safe.
.If that means locking you away to keep you safe she will.
.Your safety is very important to her.
.She adores you and knows she has to be hard on you when it is needed.
.She is the yandere that can go from playful and sweet to firm and in control.
.It is a harsh contrast sometimes.
.She would deal with rivals firmly, taking care of them very seriously.
.She would confess to you, in a very serious way.
.Shocking you, but you know she means it.
.If you say yes, life will be very good, you will be a sweet couple and she will keep you forever.
.If you say no she is going to still watch you in your cat form keeping you safe and seducing you until you love her.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS now onto the Scenario, I am going to do it with Yoruichi revealing herself to you!]
(No One's POV)
You get back from a long day at work. You just wanted to take a hot bath, and pet your cat while you ate dinner, and watch TV. You walk in and look at him. He is looking at you with that same serious look.
"Hey sweetie, I know I am late, and let me get you some milk, then I will make us a bath." You tell him, and he watches you as you get the milk.
You pet him as he laps up the milk. Then go to the bath running the water. Not letting it get too hot so it does not burn him. You never checked if he was a boy or girl, but you swear you heard him meow in an almost human male voice. You hear him come in and start to remove your clothes. Suddenly there is smoke, and you feel someone wrap their arms around you! You scream and then hear a woman.
"Oh, come now, I thought you be used to me by now." You hear her say and turn around.
Your cat is gone, but there stands a beautiful woman. Wearing the collar you got for your cat. "Who are you?" You ask, blushing and realizing she is naked.
"I am Yoruichi, your "pet" Cat." She says, leaning down.
"But my cat is a boy!" You exclaim! "And how can a cat be a person!?"
"Your cat was always female, and you never checked."
She blushes more at that. "O-Oh..."
Your face goes even more red, and she smirks. "Also, there is a lot you are going to learn about me. Just Know I am yours, and I am going to make you mine (Name)~ You belong to me~" She tells you and pulls you into a kiss.
You squeak in the kiss, and she smirks, hands on your hips. You were now hers, and she was never letting you go~
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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please do orihime ones you told me ask on tumblr so i did stop calling me a coward now pls
Okay so we both kinda pitched in for this one, and it was fun to think of these!
-Rangiku, Yachiru, Kenpachi and Tatsuki are the only ones who can handle her cooking. Ichigo pukes at the smell and Riruka only eats it if Orihime begs her to.
-Orihime likes the Michael Bay Transformers movies and finds Bumblebee to be adorable
-Yoruichi tried helping her cook but they nearly burnt Orihime's home down and had to call the fire department. Soi Fon scolded both for like an hour.
-Riruka bought Orihime a giant donut plushie that she sleeps with every night. Sometimes Orihime chews on it in her sleep and once Tatsuki found she somehow got through the hole during her sleep.
-Rukia and Orihime do a lot of things together. They're both extremely good at DDR and love drawing together
-Orihime finds cool rocks she found on the ground and gives them to everyone, regardless of if they want them or not. Tatsuki has tons of rocks, Ichigo also got a ton but lost them all, Riruka has a few but only doesn't get rid of them because she'll feel guilty, Rukia has one and treats it like an emerald, and Uryu pretends her rock collecting is stupid but secretly likes it when she gives him rocks.
-Orihime came out to Uryu but he already knew so he just pretended to be shocked
That's about it, again this was fun to think about. Hope you enjoyed it and make sure to always come back for more :D
Also, never. Coward
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anishake · 1 year
Bleach character’s and their planet placements
Yes, it’s what you're thinking - this is a post about what planet placements different characters might have, here we go (The sun signs are from offical databook):
Ichigo - Cancer Sun with 
Moon in Scorpio:  Mom related angst? Ichigo is a poster child of Moon in Scorpio placement, these people often come with a big emotional baggage when it comes to their moms and let’s not start with the complicated inner world he had
Mercury in Leo - Honestly, the reason I gave this placement to him is that Ichigo loves Shakespear, these people are fan of poetry and are more inclined to do well in humanitarian subjects. As it is revealed Ichigo became a translator, so I think the Leo Mercury makes perfect sense for him.
Venus in Cancer - he is a family man, need to say more?
Mars in Aries - Ichigo is very hotheaded, goes straight into action without thinking much and it’s always insticts  driving him, rather then logic, also he has big and endless energy, just like Mars in Aries.
Rukia - Capricorn with 
Moon in Aries: Rukia is a true definition of independent woman who knows how to give others motivation. She steadily rises to any challenges and is an honorable warrior. Besides she is very explosive and never shies away from anger - a true Moon in Aries Queen
Mercury in Aquarius - she is a very progressive and individualistic thinker and her weird chappy drawings are definitely the product of this placement.
Venus in Sagittarius - Rukia is in no way a romantic, but when she loves, she loves deeply and always places huge ideals on people she deems close. 
Mars in Virgo - She is very practical, hard working and a bit self-sacrificial. Think this placement makes sense for her.
Orihime -  Virgo with
Moon in Cancer - a perfect bundle of empathetic, caring and emotional. She even has that round face that many Cancer Moon gives.
Mercury in Libra - Orihime was the hopeless daydreamer and romantic. Never brisk or rude when it came to communication.
Venus in Libra - Again, we come to romance and love. She professed her undying love and wished that she had 5 lives  but one love interest in all of them. Yeah this Venus natives are that romantic and pretty much in love with the idea of being in love. 
Mars in Virgo - Orihime was always good with house chores and she is a healer, she might not be the best of warriors but never backs down from doing work. 
Aizen - Gemini with
Moon in Leo - this man had a HUGE ego. Not to mention, Aizen did all the work just because he didn’t want to be under anyone else’s rule, this moon has the narcissist jumping out and the hair game is on point always, when it comes to Leo.
Mercury in Gemini - This placements are clever as hell, big multitaskers and sharp minds. 
Venus in Taurus - Aizen was a man of Luxury, what can I say. 
Mars in Scorpio - Scheming for years and making sure everything is under your control? Leave it to this placement to execute everything perfectly and without anyone knowing. 
Byakuya - Aquarius with 
Moon in Leo - one thing Byakuya is is a prideful man with a hint of ego lurking on the surface. Besides he was quite a hothead and is a secret one still to this day. No one better to do that with than good ol’ fire moon. Not to forget, he has a fabulous hair.
Mercury in Capricorn - A true conservative. He knows how to carry on the legacy and is a very reserved talker, unless provoked. 
Venus in Aquarius - this placement is a rule-breaker and nonconventional when it comes to love affairs. We all know who he married and how he defied rules to have Hisana as his wife.
Mars in Capricorn - cold, disciplined and unapproachable, that’s our Byakuya so I went with this Mars placement.
Yoruichi - Capricorn with
Moon in Gemini - this placement is chill, playful and doesn’t tend to dwell on things much like Yoruichi. It’s all fun, flirting and games for this Moon
Mercury in Sagittarius - she is a free spirit, doesn’t care much about formalities and often says things as it is
Venus in Capricorn - I’m really not sure about this Venus placement for Yoruichi, but taking all the signs, this might be the perfect choice for her, considering her noble lineage. (Another option: Scorpio Venus, goes with her character as well)
Mars in Sagittarius - Legs and tighs! yup, no one has it better than this Mars sign just like Yoruichi. 
Ulqiorra -  Sagittarius with 
Moon in Capricorn - to say it lightly, this Moon doesn’t do emotions well and one thing Ulquiorra struggled were his and other’s feelings, having problems with nihilism. 
Mercury in Scorpio - he isn’t man of many words, but when he speaks he doesn’t play around goes straight to the point. Also he is very observing. 
Venus in Scorpio - Ulquirra had the theme of Lust going on, what other Venus to give him than Scorpio, with his depth and obsessive nature. 
Mars in Virgo - he was a dutiful and responsible man, always doing what he was given orders. This Mars knows how to do exactly that
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agnessmadness · 1 year
Askin character analysis post because @naturesbeat actually wanted it
askin is genuinely a really complex character. being made out of everything yet nothing at once. being the definition of CONDRAICTION itself. wanting to die but also wanting to live. wanting the fun but also avoiding the risk. acting weak but also acting cocky.
but we arent completely in it yet. have u notice the way he acts weak but also having that cocky and underestimating tone within his voice and his words? well that is one of his acts, wanting his enemy to get angry and go all out just for him to be completely weak in the end and makes them put their guard completely down just so he could take onto that and get the advantage out of it.
he done that over and over again to trick and trick and trick the enemy further and further.
hes also somewhat a really polite person despite being cocky and underestimating everyone he have fought with proven by two screenshots of him calling Gerard 'Gerard-san' Lillie 'Lillie-san' and pernida 'Pernida-san'
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he also seems to have interacted with bambi and claiming that she creeped him out with her saying the same exact thing of choking out the enemies while they were down and not knowing the thing he called 'delicacy'
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he also seems to never really use a hand-to-hand combat and moreso using the feet and leg to attack back and counter once close distance. if it's far he still going to use a bow, which moreso more than likely that he don't want to get his hands dirty so he have to resort to ANYTHING but using his hands to fight
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he also have mentioned that he likes to kill people purely off of lethal doses despite admitting himself that he hated his power
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this leads to me feels like he THINKS that despite hating his power there was still something good abt the power so he have to use it somehow someway just so he could make himself and the power itself useful. it isnt good to have a power and not use it right? it'll be kinda dumb in fact
he also seems like hes always caught off guard by EVERY attack he ever receive despite him having the off guard attack happened to him TWICE by now. why isn't he learning from him underestimating oetsu and then he pulls out a different thing?
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well because is a part of his act to get the enemy to think he was the weak one
now lets talk abt his facial expressions shall we? first. in this panel he both looks like hes pitying her yet he seems somewhat bored out of his mind like this have happened so many times before
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and into the next panel you see a closer look and how his eyes and facial expression changed into a softer tone but also full on pitying yushiro
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in this panel he quickly calm himself down after yoruichi fucking flew up like she wasnt suffering from his ability before and immediately tries and analyze everything within or under a second just so he could get all of this and avoid the worst possible situation
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also him taking yoruichi more serious. just kidding he just being a piece of shit here is all, but do you see how his eyes follow yoruichi's movements? because he wanted to analyze more onto what is going on and what just happened to yoruichi
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also his favorite breed of dog might be Pomeranian but im not sure, im just not sure y tf did he have to mention a pompom here
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back onto the more serious topic of askin facial expression. in this panel he seems rlly rlly crazed like he was actually going to have fun within the battle of him and kisuke
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looking completely lost out of his mind right?
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well in the next panel he straight up look bored. is almost like the moments hits and he already guessed that this it just going to be another fucking boring ass fight that he going to only use one trick and one trick, act weak and arrogant and then caught them off guard so he could kill them fast and quick
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just for kisuke to knew and counter the attack of his. he never find anybody like kisuke before.
in this panel now he seems he wanted to try and keep up the calm composure despite being in pure panic, obviously he would act scared shitless and run like how he did with grimm. but kisuke was different. he knew there was no chance in running from him anyways, for grimm is bc he knew the kitty was weaker than him and there ws no chance that one could take on him. but why the calm act then? well it's a way for him to analyze the power that he never saw before. he needs a way to counter them because he doesn't know what the fuck is that thing
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now check onto his expression will ya? it goes from shock, to an angered one, then confused just for it to end with fearful one
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but hen within seconds and onto the next panel he was back to his arrogant cocky self because he feels like he have put up Kisuke's guard down enough same with the power and then says that he hates power vs power battle
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but then in the next scene he was back to the crazed smile because he never met an enemy like kisuke who knows him more than himself and predicting in everything he was going to do and then counter it all like it was nothing to him. in the panel you can see that his smile was crazed like he was having fun, but then you look at his eyebrows and he looks like he's also pissed. hes having a really mix up feelings about this, because he LOVES that KNOWS what he's going to do next making this fight more fun, but also hates that he KNOWS what he's going to do next making this fight becoming a slower death
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in this panel you can't see his eyes but his mouth tells everything, he was completely lost out of his mind because he was fighting one of a kind. one of the man that actually compete with him in intelligence, he never met one such as this
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but now in this panel..he have completely stop with the cockiness and the underestimating and instead it becomes a respected and 'overestimating' him which is the first he ever did that
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now in this panel you can see that he seems he's struggling, wanting to die in peace but also wanting to see of how kisuke is going to get out of his gift bereich so he tried and stay alive as much as he could just so he could see what is kisuke going to do
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he also seems to really like playing with his words using 'gift' in german for 'poison'
he also seems to really be a highly focused person because of how he have gotten surprise by another party joining onto the fight TWICE. first was with oetsu and tenjirou and second being kisuke and grimmjow, because he wanted to focus on one and one enemy alone. he needed to focus and analyze onto every single little thing about the one single enemy he have in front of him just so he could analyze them and counter them better, but even if there was multiple from the beginning it still isnt much of a problem because he's going to try and do both somehow..he just get a bit surprise when someone new join in and that someone new is someone he have no knowledge of
you can say he prefer one on one battle
now onto his quotes that have hidden things being hidden within all the words
"The way I speak, the way I act, I seem like a worthless underling, even I know it. But you know, I don't think I really mind. It used to bug me something awful, but lately, I've come around to thinking that it's actually one of my good points. That's what I tell myself, anyway. Think I'm gloomy, do ya? Well, that's just what's so fatal about me." ah yes, the main quote of them all
'It used to bug me something awful, but lately, I've come around to thinking that it's actually one of my good points. That's what I tell myself, anyway' is a line that hidden behind a confident looks and words with his action acting like he was all high and mighty while in fact if you focus and look into it more further you can see that there is some insecurity hidden within his words
"The reason His Majesty took me in was quite simple. It’s because I just wouldn’t die. A bit of a pathetic ability, right...? I hate it, myself. Just thinking about this ability of mine makes me feel so fatally irritated." ah yes more insecurity
'A bit of a pathetic ability, right...? I hate it, myself. Just thinking about this ability of mine makes me feel so fatally irritated' calling his ability pathetic and also admitting that he also hated his power, must mean something right?
passive-suicidal Passive suicidal ideation is the desire to die without a plan to reach that result. It can come in many forms
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(theres many more than this just read im lazy to go find more)
wanting to die but also not wanting to die.
OVERALL. askin is a really interesting and really really deep character that at first, i only love him because of how he looks. but the more i look into him everything just..i start to love him more and more because of his complex and almost incomprehensible personalities. he's made out of everything yet nothing at once. we know for a fact that one character at least had to have one thing that are contradicting each other because it just a natural thing for humans to be contradictioning. but askin on the other hand is made out of every contradictions, being the definition of
thank you for listening, there's probably gonna be more because I'm insane about his character in general
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gojoest · 1 year
ai 💞💞💞 i love you so much and i’m off anon because i stand by my questions!!! <3
1. who is your favorite character aside from go** and shanks?
2. what is your ultimate comfort food/meal?
3. if you could live anywhere in the world (pretend you have the financial means to live wherever you want), where would you live and why?
kae you are literally my dearest and i love you so SO very much <3
1. i’m going to completely leave jjk out of this btw and list some characters i don’t talk about much or not at all (at least here) but love so dearly, so here we go !
one piece: i have so many fave op characters but my tops (aside from shanks that is) are : ace, zoro, doflamingo, luffy, law & robin
haikyuu: i love them all but my heart belongs to iwaizumi hajime forever and always
hunter x hunter: killua (my child), hisoka, chrollo, illumi, feitan, meruem, pakunoda, palm
bleach: AIZEN, UNOHANA, ichigo, zaraki, urahara, byakuya, grimmjow, shunsui, yoruichi, ulquiorra
vagabond: sasaki kojiro!!!!!!!!!!!! (i am obsessed with him)
k project: suoh mikoto
kuroko no basket: akashi, aomine, kise, kiyoshi
aria: alice, alicia, akari
samurai champloo: mugen
puella magi madoka magica: homura
i can keep going but i’ll stop here or else
2. pizza! pasta! sushi! rice! anything with rice I LOVE RICE SO MUCH! my favorite rice dish is sarma (rice stuffed in grape leaves) and i can eat my weight in it :3
3. hmmm this is a tough one but i’d choose barcelona! i was there years ago but think i left part of myself there. idk i was just so impressed like it’s truly one of the most beautiful cities i’ve ever been to, not only architecture wise but like the ppl there, too — they were all so warm and welcoming, it all made me fall in love so deeply with the place. during my whole stay there i felt like i was at home and was pretty homesick when i left :( missing it so so much i want to go back again one day. also fun fact, growing up i was a huge football fan (not anymore tho) and maybe it has something to do with my dad being a retired football player lmao but yea, my favorite team has always been barca which maybe makes me a bit biased about the city itself and why it’s my dream place to live in. i remember how i was in literal tears when i first entered camp nou (it’s fc barcelona’s stadium/home). i literally cried LIKE ACTUAL TEARS and had goosebumps that just wouldn’t go away even after returning to my hotel room like i thought there was something wrong with my skin but it was just me being overwhelmed by emotions. it was such an experience.. like football to me back then was what jjk is to me rn and barca was like gojo to me… do you understand how obsessed i was kajshdsskala
ANYWAY sry i rambled so much sob T—T and thank you for dropping by with such lovely questions <3
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
If you're still doing these~! For the Fanfic Writer meme:
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
30. Is there a Bleach character that you haven’t had occasion to write for yet (or who’s cameo’d but not featured), but that you’d really like to it the opportunity presented itself?
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
This is really silly because my first instinct was to say "If it's not too selfish--" but this is a purely theoretical exercise in an Ask Meme, if you can't be selfish here, where can you?? Anyway, I would pick one of my longer chapters of Heart is a Muscle, probably Call Me Back When the War is Over, but What We Do with Our Hearts would also be extremely acceptable, and I would like to see it animated in the style of the late OG Bleach anime (think Reigei Arc).
In these stories in particular, I feel like I am always trying to capture the Full Range of Bleach, from the fight scenes to the reaction faces to the dramatic dialogue, and it would be really super cool to see that somewhere outside my own head. ngl, I mostly just want to see the fight scenes, particularly the ones where Rukia fights Ikkaku and the one where Rukia and Renji fight Yoruichi, with sick Bleach fight music. I would also cry a million tears to hear Orikasa Fumiko and Itou Kentarou banter with my dialogue. I want to see Kira make a series of really horrible faces when Rukia and Renji make him go to the Squad 11 bar with them. I want to see how many split screen reaction shots they could possibly fit into the scene where Renji has to go have Fancy Dinner at Kuchiki Manor.
I also have to say that being adapted into comic format would also be extremely cool, I would not say no to any of this.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Ahhhhh, this is hard because I feel like you know all my Fun Facts! (you probably know this one, too, but I still think it's neat)
Here's one I learned when I was studying travel in the Edo era enabled by the Five Routes. Traveling medicine sellers had a system called okigusuri, where they would just leave their big box of medicine at your home. They would come back on some semi-regular schedule and you would pay them for what you used, and they would re-stock your box. The medicine sellers kept really detailed ledgers that let them figure out which medicines were used in which areas, the rates at which they were used, families' medical histories, etc. These ledgers became so valuable that they could be sold when a medicine seller wanted to retire. The medicine sellers also brought little souvenirs with them, which reminds me of the pens that drug companies give doctors. I thought that was a surprisingly sophisticated business model, except that it's all paper ledgers and people walking around with giant boxes on their backs, and I love that combination of modern and period elements. Here's an article for further reading!
30. Is there a Bleach character that you haven’t had occasion to write for yet (or who’s cameo’d but not featured), but that you’d really like to it the opportunity presented itself?
I don't usually hold back from Writing What I Want and also from shoehorning every character I can think of into a fanfic, so I think my bingo card is pretty well checked off. That being said, I think the answer is actually, believe it or not, Grimmjow. He very much Does Not Appear in my usual circles, and I don't love him to the degree that I want to write an actual Grimmjow fanfic. On the other hand, he is very much an Important Bleach Personality and he's got really fun energy. He also has such huge popularity within the fan community that it just feels kinda weird that I never get to get my hands on him. The most I've ever written him was in one chapter of my Tattoo Artist AU. I think it was short and unimportant enough to be safely classified as a cameo but I had an awful lot of fun writing it. If I could come up with a story that he could reasonably take a supporting character role in, I'd love to have a chance at him.
(full question list here)
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"Headcanons i have of Saitama"
"He loves the sistas/poc!"
((Ok so i made this with bias. And i've decided im going to have fun with explaining this one! It is a headcanon, after all.))
He's that one guy that is obsessed with Halibel and Yoruichi from Bleach. He just finds them (whether in comic books or irl) very attractive.
Not too many people know and he doesnt let it be known. His very first crush was a girl who was a foreign exchange student from america who was a poc.
She ended up moving back to the US and she had been gone ever since. Since then he hasnt had much attraction to anyone else.
His "type" is rarely seen where he lives, but he's pretty calm and pokerface when a beautiful black woman strikes his fancy. He doesnt worry if their hair is real or fake either.
He knows a bit about the culture and music but he's not weird about it. Plus hes aware that 'blerds' exists. When he meets a woc and develops a crush he tries his best to make them feel included.
He learns about all the type of hairstyles, hair types, and methods woc use to upkeep their hair. He loves woc who are cosplayers too and goes for the most modest ones. He doesnt stereotype them either or only like them for s** or fetishize them.
He sees them as human as anybody else and he doesnt dwell on them being a poc too much. But boy, he does and will spoil you if he was yours ♡
Yes this is self indulgent. Do I care what anybody thinks? No. Let me enjoy this headcanon, ok? Please like & reblog if you liked it, though ✩
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tatakaeeren · 5 months
1,11,12 and 21 for the Bleach ask!
Hi Jess! how have you been? thank you very much for participating!! loved the questions! 🥰
1.- Top 3 Favorite Characters and Why?
Belach has so many incredible characters, that it is hard to choose just 3 but here they are:
Byakuya Kuchiki: Fun fact my first-ever Anime crush 💕 (childhood crushes don't count...this was my very first conscious crush and the one that made me go into the fandom and begin reading fanfics for the first time) I just love my kuuderes . Everything about him makes me go crazy, I love his personality, his design, his sword ( specially since I am obsessed with cherry blossoms) but more importantly I love his character development and growth.
Yoruichi Shihouin: MY QUEEN, MY GODDESS, MY UNIVERSEEE!!! another of my powerful, independent, badass, sexy girls that made me question many things about myself 🌈. + She is also a cat and I loveee cats!!! Love everything about her, her playfulness, strength, and reliability.
Urahara Kisuke: Gotta love a shady questionable mentor with ulterior but noble motives. the brownest flag I've ever met (the perfect mixture between being a red flag and a green one 😂) So goofy, so childish yet such a genius and a reliable key player in the entire story.
11.- Favorite Opening theme?
Eassssyyyyyy!!! Op. 13 I've been obsessed ever since that December day in 2010 :') so this song has been on my top ten Anime op and songs in general for 14 years!!!
12.- Favorite ending theme?
This one I had to think for a few minutes but after listening to all of them again, I must say "Haruka Kanata" by Unlimits ending 28.
21.- If you could be in the bleach universe would you be a soul reaper, visored, human, Quincy, Espada, or Arrancar?
Ooooohhhh PLEASEEEEEEE let me be a soul reaper and put me in squad 6 just so I can serve and see my beloved Byakuya all day, every day, bake him Wakame Ambassador cookies, do or deliver paperwork, work extra hours, so he can see how committed I am to the squad to him you can bet I will try my hardest to rise in the ranks and be as close to him and Renji as possible 🥰
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